thank you so much for your precious lessons , your magnificient way of assigning and the way you convey the message to hearer .
this lesson is wonderful lesson . Thanks alot .
Note : I hope you teach us the different between t / d in specifiec lesson .
Thank you again ,
Regard ,
Great Ronnie!hope to see soon more stuff like this even paid for Toefl and Canadian English.A+++++
it is agreat job i wish you always be the best anf i wanna your advice to pass my ipt , thanks
thank you so much teacher i feel like i m in my old classroom (2001 )front my bessssssst teacher aicha i like you and i like the way you explain students driss hafed _ morocco
driss hafed morocco
thanks for lesson, i like it
Thanks a lot.
What is emphasis on consonants? Does that really exist?
I can’t watch the video. how can do I do? help me.
Thanks alot teacher Ronnie 4 all of this succeeded methods.
you offer private English lessons on Skype.
I wana ask If I can get that just for my poor pronunciation ?
i really like they way you teach but i need some help on how to improve my writing beacuse when i write something it didn’t make sences. thank you
Hi everybody,
This is going to sound strange ‘cos as you can see I am Mexican but I started studing English some years ago under a British school programme , so my accent is very british and I like it a lot, even I prefer it much more than the American because I think it is more polite. However, I have family in USA and everery year I travel to visit them and when have got the chance of talking with someone from this country, they have told me my pronunciation is very different and besides there are some words that are totally diferent.
Omar Ventura
wow.. it’s useful to me ..
Wow, I found this website, It’s very useful for me,
Thanks all of you :-*
goood lesson
Good Good Good Good
Muhammad Ali
thank you for the lesson.
I like to have some information about the private lesson.
Thanks a lot.
Could you please explain how to pronounce the words MILK and E-MAIL
Some students have difficulties on that.
Also they ask what is the difference in pronunciation between MAN and MEN.
Hi ronnie!
All of your vids are very helpful and entertained as well which is awsome because it doesn’t make learning boring.
I have some troubles with the pronunciation of the words “man” and “men”
To me, they sound the same, so I’d like you to tell me how to difference between them both
Thanks a lot
Keep up the great work
Woops, sorry, I meant “entertaining”
Now, bye! (:
Hello Mario!
man is a long draw out aaaaaah so like maaaaaah-N, and men is much shorter… is like pen, ben, hen ken. If you can rhyme it, that would help!
ALSO… for a complete alternative, if you really struggle with it, just use different words like “guy” and “guys” (these mean the same as man / men)!!!
bonjour ! merci beaucoup pour la leçon de prononciation !
this is really goooood lesson.
continu as it !
thank you so much
you are goog teaching thanks teacher i love english i want learn english please help me they you are
thanks a lot
have a nice day
“MAN” and “MEN”, I had a problems with that too. But now when I want to say word men I imagine that I’m saying word like “MN” I guess it can be right.
lazy student
Ladiiieez and Gentleguys!
thanks teacher .
Ronnie, u are the excellent teacher.
,i have very problem to pronunciation.pls help me.
what can i do. i would like to take on line classes too .
pls let me know in my mail address.
bishnu khanal
It’s a really good lesson. Thank you so much.
wow so beautifull teaching thanks teacher i love english i want learn english plz help me this is my email adderss
kh************** plz send me all teacher vedio link if you don’t mind
thanks a lot
Thanx sooooooooooo much . i hope that form this site i am able to improve my English.
thank you.
i learned alot♡
i like the t/d part its helpful,i really appreciate you teacher
i like u way u r good teacher
thanks alot
thanks so much
Thank you sooo much. It was very useful and wonderful. Thank you again. From Mongolia, Oyunaa
thank you teacher…the lessons are useful and wonderful too.
Of course, It’s really amazing.
I would like to thank you for your informative Videos . You are very slow for preparing Video lecture(After a long duration). I like your teaching.
We will wait for your next video.
The best teachers(Ronnie!) teach from the heart, not from the book.
Hello. I am in the beginner
I have recorded at the site and went through 24 hours of registration. So far I can not watch the lesson. What is the reason
(786) hello dear teacher .i love to your english lesson .your english lesson help me in every place thnks alot
farid ullah
Thank you!
This lesson is wonderful and very useful.
Thanks for lesson, the page is wow. Thanks. I want to learn english.
Thank so much,hi! i am umesh Ramanna from india ,bangalore , i want to sare some thing for you, i stady only in kannada medium, up to my graduation. I want lorn good english but my problem is how to learn good english can you please healp me, i am waiting for you are replay?,
Hi, Can you gime more information about yours private English lessons on Skype ?
Thanks Ronni… (I love yours lessons!)
Thanks alot it is really intresting lesson.
good lesson
This is awesome!!!
Thank you very much !!!!
This is really useful
lesons are very useful and effective.
thank you very much!
Thanks, the video has been very useful.
Very nice
hello, the video is goo, thank you
Thanks for this wonderful website for learning English and thank you very much for the teacher Ronnie for this lesson useful. I’am not good in english but I wanna be the best. I love english I have problem with pronunciation. What can i do? thank you
Wow! very good,rsrsrs
I am enjoying my first day here in this site. really cool to learn who really knows how to teach, if possible I wanted to know how is the correct pronunciation of Girl, girls, and restaurant .. bye, bye kisses
I’m from Brasilia Brazil, my name is Ricardinho..
Ricardinho Britto
it’s wonderfull what you are doing guys. love that website
thank you so mush
salah alnahdi
wonderful lesson,thank you.
hi, ronnie
this lesson really worked, i wud like to have more lessons on pronounciation. please try to explain the difference in pronounciation between measure and major.
Hi teacher,
Wonderful and very useful lesson. You did it very well. Thanks alot.
deeply thank’s you make different clear between samilar words
thanks Mrs. Rebecca…, you good teacher…..i ‘m understand your presentation…….( From : Indonesia)
thanks :)! <3
hi teacher thanks for the lessons
I like so much your method.thank u
hey ronnie,you great .
i wish you can break down the diference between (well)and (will)(bet)and (bit)if there is any way we can get the diference in the pronounciation.
thank you
moe adwan
Wondeful lesson. I really enjoyed and learned.
Ronnie is as beautiful as a flower
Hi, Ronnie, My name is Miga,I am a Mongolian,thanks for your interesting lessons.Bayarlalaa is mongolian word”Thanks”.Bayarlalaa
When i read english i understant mor than i heard.
Hello teacher I love your lesson in inglish, I studied everyday , I live here in Key West Florida , I know only spanish . Tankyou very much.
Rene Tellez
really i tell thx too much
As for me there is very interesting informatoin concerning “t/d” in different english-speaking countries.
hey! u were a great help…thank you and god bless
Thanks for lesson,it`s very useful
thanx lovely teacher
great teacher,,,,,,,,, its really fun thank you.
very nice, thanks a lot..
Hany Nasr
thanks so much taecher,and I want to tell you this is frist time to me in this site and i hope you add me in your list pls ,I like english language and before long time I’m try to get it but!! I Can’t so pls tell Where I shold start on this site??? I’ll wait your answer
thanks a lot….
could you teach us the prasel verbes and focus of it please
Thank a lot :)
your very verry good teacher of my i like you too much your only one in wrold and your outstanding
this lesson is wonderful lesson . Thanks alot .
I hope you teach us the different between c/s and c/k in specifiec lesson .
Thank you again
thank you ronnie!
you teach very well, it’s very usefull for us thank you so much I love you…
Sami (Pakistan)
hi teacher
thanks alot for your hard work.
i want to ask you about the word ” talk ”
is it like ” walk ” in its pronounciation??
you teach very well. teching clear differences between pronounciation.
so easy that i can pronunciate all of them! thanks a lot!!
Its really helpful.I would like to know where and how to use do not,didn’t,don’t.Please do the needful
… I really like the way you teaches… very nice… i want to impart what i have learned from you to my students.. it’s really a great help..!!! thank you so much.. take care and more power,, :)
Mam, thanks.
How to pronounce ‘father’,?
(f’aaa’ther or father)
Muchas gracias por su lección.
Thank you for lesson.
Iam interest to learn english, this is best for me.
thanks a lot i really appreciate these lessons and i now i feel easier to prounciate the th i always found it hard to me to spell it like an english educated man,hopefuly one day i wont feel shame to spell it loudly lol :) and correctly thanks again
hello everybody I’m barnie happy day end I want what everybody talled good
Thank you so much!!! You are really great teacher Ronnie.Your teaching style is very good and all lessons are very helpful for us…… once again thank you very much!!!
or would u like to teach me on skype because i really want to better my english i know english language but there are many confusions which are making me confuse
I appreciate these lessons and I’ve learned so much. Thank you so much!!!
thanks alot teacher ronnie. I hope you teach us martial,partial,patient,fasten listen.
pronounce and details for this spellings.
thank you.
jeyaranjan nagamuthu
thx for all ur lessons. its help me a lot .
thank you teacher you make it easy .can I have your email to talk to you ?
Hello , Could you consider me less than beginner , so would you like to tell me some tips about learning English ? thank you
hi teacher Ronnie frist of all i would like to introduce my self my name is fadhel and i’m working in the hospital as platic surgeon altho i’m a surgeon but i need to study english for my work and i’m living in the middile east in coutry called Bahrain it is small coutry and i had seen all your lessons it amazed me the way you are teaching i have seen many teachers in my life but you are marvellous and fantastic teacher ,i’m so glad that finaly got your source of you beautiful lovely lessons of english so i would like or i request from you to add more lessons for you in list . By the way i had recorded all your lessons i needed more from you especially on irregular verbs i need your lovely trick on those things lessons , finaly i hope that i can speak to you or i get your email or any things that i can contact you in case if i need your hlep in my english study . in the end i’m looking forwards hearing from you ….. my email is waiting for your answer
Could you prepare a lesson on vowel sounds, like pen and pan, or lid and lead?
You are soooooooo good! I love Engvid
Thank you very much! Great Lessons! Great Teachers! Great Help!
beautiful, but it’s difficult for me yet. farther-further…but thank you a lot….
thanks a lot
thank u teacher Ronnie
I always enjoy your lessons :)
I have a little question if you don’t mind
does “T” in the middle of a word always spoken “t-d” (in american english of course)
Thank you alot you’r helpful
hi tahnks a lot
About words “MAN” and “MEN”, I had a problems with that too. But now when I want say word men I imagine that I’m saying word “MN” I guess it it can be right.
And it was very intresting to know about t/d, I didn’t know it before. thank you for your work.
lazy student
good lesson i like this way
it was agood lessons but I also ask for lessons for toefl
Ahmed s
thank u !!
nice!!! thanks
Hello Ronnie ,
my name is Marie Anne and I am new in Canada I live in Barrie Ontario and I give you my addresse email is Zakarisoa@hot mail .com or you can give me your adresse email because i relly want to learn English pronunciation because when I talk to people some people laugth of me so please send me email back thank you very much . BYE
Thank u for all this stuff!!
I appriciate that!!
appreciate that
sorry spelling mistake;;
thanks ma’am ronnie for teaching pronounces. your teaching is alive and brings fun which makes me learn lively. i do ask for more.
Thank for your lesson :D
Shalom my name is Eric Calix and i have problems with the pronounciation of words ” would, could and should. could you make a video of that issue?
Thank you
Eric Calix
Would is like “wood”
Should is like “shood”
and Could is like “kood”
thanks you really good teacher
Thank you!
Great,thank you!
Thanks a lot
You are a great teacher.
Ronnie, you are the best.
Ronnie,I just can not find the words to thnk you ! Really…
Kindly, i have problem in my accent between B & P, , I need your help,
Thank You Ronnie
Where are you from?
“P” you push the air out more. You should make your mouth tight and closed then push the air out like you are kissing!
“B” your lips are not as tight at the start and your mouth ends in a smile!
I hope that helps you!
really you are fantastic teacher,
keep going and thank you too much
You are fantastic teacher !!! :))) thank you very much for your help!!!
Your lessons are awesome. This is really useful! Thank you very much!! :D
Thank you Ms. Ronnie I realy learned a lot with all your lessons and I will love to continue learning
thanxx madam…………but mam plz tell me what is the right prounciation of ‘think,thought’..or plz give us a lesson on the words started with ‘TH’
There is already a lesson on “th” sound!
Thank you Ms.Ronnie, you are fantastic teacher, the way you teching is excellent….
Hello dear Madam!
i have a problem in S and W, Can you please tell about the sounds.
Thank you very much Ronnie
you are the best teacher becuse you Can deliver information to the recipient easily.
i like your teaching.
thanks million time
wonderfulll ronnie l am luis and lam here suhsuhsuhsush me say more in ingles in thanks very colll wondfulll roniee
luis (pi)
thank you very much ronnie
l need of more video post here in ..
luis (pi)
thank You, I like this
thanks a lot Ms. Ronnie
It can be difficult sometimes to
differentiate between the words ..
Now it will be easy for all because
of your explanation
Hi Ronnie How are you ?
please tell me what is the different between
what did you do for Ronnie?
What did you do with my pen?
thanks a lotof
it’s very helpful where ican find more website for english vocabulary
i love english….thankxxxxxxx its very helpful
Aneesa rao
thanks alot and you were very well
I really want learn English and I need it ,,, but I can’t I have a problem in my accent can you help me I’m really need to you
Hi, Mr Mubarak
I’m from same home , i’m Sudanese,too.
send me on Facebook website , my E-mail is
” ” .
that is really nice. very helpful.
Teacher’s way of explanation is excellent. THANK YOU SO MUCH
not in Canada and in America too “T” is “D”
I have a question to ask you. Can you teach me how to pronounce the words that add s at the end likes tests, asks, months,mouths, seeds,sets etc ? I have learn that they have different ways to pronounce s at the end. and I will appreciate if you will make video about this. Thanks very much.
I will try to make a video for you!
Thanks for watching and good luck!
Yea….even I think it would be great if u can make a video for that…..also please explain them by using them in sentences like “he asks questions”
My pronunciation is bad, so I like pronunciation lessons. Your lessons are so useful. I like them. Hope more pronunciation from you. Thanks! ^^
these lessons are very useful. i love it
Hi Ronnie.
My name is Linh Le. Well i’m just 17 and I have been in America for 9 months. I am getting in trouble with my accent about pronunciation. Can you make a video to show me how to say ” bad, bag, bed, word, worse, worst, change, chance, wall, world, war”.
Thank you so much!
Hi,Ronnie, you do a very good job,everything you teach is very clear, I love it! Thanka a lot!
HI Ronnie
Can you explain me if I go in south of england (Manchester, Derby, Nottingham, London) I understand almost everything (beautiful british accent)and when do I try to understand my collegue who come from Texas I don’t understand anything? It seems to listen to a scratchy radio. He looses on his sentence: auxiliary, adverb, “T” “D” “p” and every kind of letter. So he seems to speak with a cigar in his mouth. Is there any solution in order to communicate with these people? Maybe the language of the deaf?
Thanks, Bye from Venice
ahahhahah your post is hilarious!!! I understand what you mean — I love the “scratchy radio” comment!
The only way to understand ANY accent is to listen and listen and listen to it… I suggest with subtitles at first! Try to find a song or TV show from Texas and look at the words as you listen — this is the way to learn any accent!
Oh and Manchester, Derby, and Nottingham are NOT in the South of England… Manchester is in the North West, and Derby and Nottingham are the East Midlands.
ok,ok I meant to the south of Britain (UK), you are very precise. However thanks a lot for your advices and I hope, one day, I will be able to visit your beautiful country. Bye
Oh, Ronnie thanks a lot for the lesson!!! I found it very usefull. I’m trying to get rid of my accent so your lessons are just great.I’ve got a trouble with saying “W” sound. I remember once in the restaurant i asked waitress for the water and she thought that i’m asking for quater, and it took me for a while to explain her what i need. I felt so embarrassed about it))) So I would really appreciate if you explain me how i supposed to say that(maybe specific mouth position). Thanks in advance!
First of all I think the waitress is quite stupid – why would you go into a restaurant and order a quarter? You have to remember that many people are just clueless and it is not always your “accent”!
As far as the “W” sound, you should out your lips as if you were going to kiss… and blow air out… then quickly put your lips back to say the vowel sound!
I will try to make a video for you on “W” as a lot of students have trouble with it!!!!!
That would be great) Thank you for responding!
Ronnie… your way of teaching is awesome…:)
Hi Ronnie, you are enthusiastic and funny and I recommend your site to my students for your young, current and topical point of view. You are doing a great job but please, you have to stop saying “proNOUNciation” it is said “proNUNciation”.
Barbara ESL teacher
I agree!! :|
hi ronnie
would you teach me,what’s the difference between farther and further?
Farther refers to physical distance: “My house is farther away then yours.” Further means more or in addition to: “I hope to have further meetings with him.”
not ‘farther then yours’ … but it should be ‘than yours’ ???
right ?
i got a question for u . what is the diferent sound between ,( WORD & WARD ) it sound same 4 me , i’m spanish .
and u can draw , how we would put our tounge .
rule the engvid Ronnie .thanks
I will try to do a lesson on this for you!!!!
I love your way of teaching dear teacher Ronnie. May you live long. u r gr8.
Asif Qulander
Teacher Ronnie,
I can understand the lessons the news telecasted on BBC, CNN etc on tv. But I can’t understand the language of Eng. movies on star movies, HBO etc.
What should I do to understand these easily?
Asif Qulander
You can watch the movies with English subtitles, this will help your listening. However, in movies they use a lot of slang and idioms…..they are more difficult then the news! Good luck!
Every bit of Lessons deliverd by you!
Asif Qulander
Thank you, Ronnie!
Could you, please, explain to me the difference of pronunciation “woman” end “women”? Is it the same as “man” and “men”? Many times I heard it like [wimen], and I guess it’s for the plural one. Thank you and I’m sorry for the bother.
I have a problem pronouncing the word forty and the ph words
Forty = “4 T”
Ph words always sound like “F”. eg…..Physics = “Fizz-iks”
Thanks a lot. I really appreciate the job you teachers are doing. it is difficult to find teachers patient enough to teach pronunciation in the way you do it.
I really like the class thank you so much
mam i like ur way of teaching and i have solved lot of problem which i face in english .but i cannt understand the difference b/w WARD and WORD plz rply me
muhammad farooq
I am very happy to found this web-side, because I have learned a lot.
but now I need or want that you help me on : the correct methodos when I saw the word on the news papers, I kept with the mouse shut off, because I don,t know the general rule to pronunce the word.(en general give me it).give me the general rule for almost all of them.
thank you…
Sorry, I don’t understand your question!
Thank you very much it was very helpful !!!
Thank you Ronnie, this lesson was funny :D
very nice.
Hi mom really your teaching nice useful me thanks
Spasibo Ronnie! I’ve seen some of your pronunciation lessons and I have to say that your way of explanation is the best for me. It would be great if you could produce some kind of guide to American English pronunciation someday. Something that would focus on words and phrases, not just on individual sounds.
With many many thanks!
hi! ronnie do have any idea how to pronouncew melodious?
thanks! :)
rea ann
mel – odd – dee- ous
rea ann
thank you!
rea ann
a few doubts keep teaching us lovely redhead woman.I begging u.
can you please tell me that some people pronounce whats up as it sound like wazzz up .. so how should we pronounce it ?
and also little bit confussion in pronouncing touch … some people pronounce it like toooouuuch
Wazzzz up is slang – it was from a commercial.
touch is ta – ahch. but it depends on where in the world the speakers are from!!!
Thank you so much Ronnie
This lesson very useful to me.
thank you so much teacher.
thanks ronnie for lvly lession
hii ronnie…i like the way u teach
would you plz tell me the exact diff between would, could and should and has been, have been and had been with examples…
i lyk d way u teach..
Ms.Ronnie, Thank you so much. Pronunciation is very important when i study English, some words are the same pronunciation and very difficult to distinguish between American and English accent.
Hey… Ms. Ronnie, I love your classes so much. And … I don’t know if you will see my comment one day, but … anyway. I really want your help with some words or expression … (I don’t really know what they are)They are WHATABOUT, HOWABOUT, WHENEVER, HOWEVER, WHATEVER, …
I know that at first it’s seems easy, but always these words come in my mind to say but I don’t know how to use exactly.
Please Ronnie, help me. I need you so much, D; … From Brasil, õ/ [One video lesson about it would not be a bad idea]
WHATABOUT and HOWABOUT are asking someones opinion.
WHENEVER= at any time
Hi Ronnie,
Thank you for your educational lessons. When I searched about “connected speech” in the internet I encountered this :
Sounds change: When a word ends in a consonant sound and the following word begins with a consonant sound, depending on the particular sounds, the last sound of the first word or both the last sound and the first sound of the next word can change.
Could you help me understand it ?
It was excellent session for someone like me, whoc is actually not the native english speaker. The way it was presented with help of lot of examples, was fantastic. My sincere thanks to the trainer and this website for offering such oppertunity to learn something.
Narendra Shukla
hi ronnie i always watch your eng vid hope that you will make more videos. i would like to request about the usage and difference of “can, could, will, would”. hope you grant my request and more learnings from you.
Hello Ronnie! Thank you!
Thank you for your educational lessons.It was excellent session for someone like me, who is actually not the native english speaker. It’s really helpful for me.
Hello Raonnie
Hi, Ronnie, you seem to be not feeling well in this lesson. Anyway, you still did convey you message quite clearly, Thanks for the lesson. I gained a lot in this video clip.
Jason Lee
Hey hi Ronnie thanks for ur valuable lesson.
I have a problem while i pronounce words. The problem is i eat them up. My friends tease me as “lazy lips” for that. So can u please help me out with it. Thanks in advance.
Sorry I cannot help you with the WAY you talk – you will need to see a speech doctor! The only suggestion I can give you is open your mouth more when you talk!
Very good
I was interested during this lesson
Hey, Ronnie.
I’m here just to know why you are not replying my comments.
It’s not the first time I comment and you don’t reply me. =/
What did you ask me?
I`m so happy to find this website today, amazingly helpful.
hi im imane iwould to think you and iwant toask you aquestion about how ican made a good and coherence writing because im very lazy in writing especialy ponctuation plz help me im waiting your answer..
Hi, thank you Ronnie for your lessons they are very helpful , i would like if you give a lesson about the pronunciation of regular verbs past,like watched and added,i mean how we accent “ed”,thank you .
There is already a lesson on past tense “ed verbs”. Search on Engvid for it!
Thank you so much!
You are amazing. I love this website.
hai ronnie madam i like ur teaching style of english
thank you miss Ronnie…i’ve learnt a lot from here…
How to differentiate between weather and water when listening to someone speak !!!
thanks .
Thank you you are the best english teacher on the web :)
Thanks a lot Ronnie. I’m from Bangladesh and Bengali language has got almost all the pronunciation except ‘zha’. I’ll be very glad if you post a lecture video on ‘zha pronunciation’.
thanks alot for your efforts,but we need alot of this video esecially about conversation between people.end Iwould to tell you Iam egyption young,you know in egypt we like english language but it’s difficult to speak it very well.
Hi Ronnie, glad to meet you here. Can you please help me how to pronounce mouths and mouse. I mean what is the different pronounce. Some people say mouths, sounds like mouse then I’m so confusing. Pls help me
When you say the “th” sound in English, you have to stick out your tongue. So, mouth = maow-th – sick your tongue out at the end to say the \”th”.
Mouse = maow-sssssss.
all teacher very nice
thank you very are a fantastic teacher
I love the way You teach. Would you explain me what is the difference between : farther and further ?
you are a great teacher ronnie… but i do have a question. can you please tell me that where should i use farther.. plz give me few examples? omer shami.
Farther is the comparative form of far. I live farther away form school than you do.
We use is when we are comparing (measuring) 2 things. The dog is farther away from the bowl than the cat!
Ronnie, I met people from Maine USA, and I think they have a english accent similar to yours; Am I correct? Or my poor english can’t show me differences on the way you talk???
Sorry I don’t know the Maine USA accent!
Ronnie I’m from Brasil and I speak portuguese.
hi .. thanks 4 the lesson .. but i have a little confused of the pronunciation of ” th ” .. i know that we pronounce it like the word ” the ” .. is that right ??
Thank you very much for your lesson Ronnie that is make me get better…
hey! its really helpfull
thank you teacher Ronnie I get it
Thank you, interesing lesson Ronnie.
your are really great,thanks a lot.
ok it’s little difficult but let’s try. thanks
don’t worry
thaaaaaaanks <3
i am from pakistan
can u explain the use of could and would???
There is already a lesson on that – search engvid for could/would!
thanks. RONNIE.i relly love the way you teach english. GOD bless you.
thanks. RONNIE i really love the way you teach english . it’s makes me happy . it’s easy to learn english with you, because you are a little funny. thanks
Mam, you were simply toooooooo good
Hello,i am from Pakistan your relly great and helpful thanks a lot…
I am confused about love and move.Why love is ‘luv’ and why move is moooove.Where as only first letter is the different.
Mr Ilyas
“Move” is an exception to the rule (along with “prove”). Usually the o in -ove sounds like “uh” or “oh”.
engVid Moderator
I have no idea why = English pronunciation is very difficult and the rules change so much!
Thanks very much! I have been studying English for many years and this is the first time that i find a lesson really really helpful…GOOD BLESS YOU
I love this lesson thanks for keep up the good work & May God bless you all.
Ronnie, i want to speak more like American/Canadian but i can’t pronunciate “t” like “d”. Is there a easy way or practise for me?
What are you talking about? I can’t believe it. “This is no exception?” “Every time you see /th/ in English, stick your tongue…?” Are you crazy? Farther and further pronounced as in thick, thin, thief, thorn, thing,etc., and not as in this, then, they, than, etc.? Have you ever tried to pronounce “they” with the /th/ sound as in thick? Since when the /th/ has only one single sound? Besides, to more indignation for myself, except in that moment (from 7’16” till 8’28”), you pronounce both words correctly (logically), as they are, this is with the /th/ sound as in “this”. Did the LSD get to your head during that minute, or what? I really can’t understand it. Congratulations for your kind of teachings Ronny.
Yes, I am crazy! Yes, every time you say the “th” sound you need to stick out your tongue. You are correct, there are 2 different “th” sounds – but you need to stick out your tongue for both! As far as the LSD getting to my head – I am not a dirty hippie! Keep it real buddy!
Hi Ronnie, lovely work … but Carlos is right. (maybe he’s a little rude too…) that farther/further pronunciation sounded weird to mee so I went to check it. farTHer is not like THursday, it sounds like THis. I think you should correct this video ;) Bye
Thank you Roonie, u r one of d best, pls, could u kindly give me more information about distance lessons like(Skype), sincerely Zahid Baku, Azerbaijan
Sorry, I do not teach online!
You didn’t reply my comment. I’m going to cry! :'( I’m just kidding but is there a video about “Pronunciation of t like a Canadian”? If there isn’t how can i do that?
Sorry, there is no video and I cannot teach you how to speak like a Canadian! However, I have made a video on Canadian vocabulary that will be up soon!
Justo to start, you’re brilliant!
I love the way you teach^^!
I must tell you, although, that this d sounds like a “r” (exactaly like the ‘r’ from a’r’ise), at least for us, brazilians. But I’m not a doctor in phonetic transcription to tell you so, but I’ve been thinking you could add this new idea to your lessons, just to be more than brilliant^^!
Thanks – I like your clown nose!
This is ‘very deadly’^^! Nice you liked^^!
Hi,Ronnie! I didn’t quite understand: how should I pronounce the words further and farther?(s or z?)
Further = FUR-ther
Farther = FAR – ther.
Very interesting about the pronounciation. When I went to USA I heard american people pronounced “D” instead “T”
thank you so much. you’re excellent
hey, ronnie
how are you ? :) you’re wicked awsome :) i love to watch you the way you teach us , your accent, expressions and blah blah you’re the one who i watched please i have a request :( i want to improve my english there is a problem of vocabulary/speaking and grammar HELP ME RONNIE :( i’m expecting a positive reply from you :)
if any one intrested you can add me in facebook name :> (saad zaki)
hey, ronnie
how are you ? :) you’re wicked awsome :) i love to watch you the way you teach us , your accent, expressions and blah blah you’re the one who i watched please i have a request :( i want to improve my english there is a problem of vocabulary/speaking and grammar HELP ME RONNIE :( i’m expecting a positive reply from you :)
if any one intrested you can add me in facebook name :> (saad zaki) or add me in msn :
skype: (saadxaki)
only for those who can help to improve my lang :p
Ronnie I saw you saying the pronunciations of canada, I was wondering if the Irish have the same pronunciation of canada. I’m here in ireland has it been 9 months and people have told me pronucias q are similar to the Irish and canada.
NO! Irish and Canadian are totally different – even the accents in the different parts of Ireland are different!
ok thanks for your reply ronnie
jose claudio
When speaking about farther and further we can’t miss father, but there is also “fader”…
+ feather
Can anyone tell me the accent use here is it American or British??
Can anyone tell me the accent use here is it Britsh or American acccenet??
Can anyone tell me the accent use here is it Britsh or American accent??
This website is very good for English learners and to make perfect pronunciation but i wanna learn with british accent=(!!
hey how are you ?? i hope you are fine . i really love you very much i hope you keep on doing such these wonderful lessons but is there a difference between the american english and the canadian one???
thanks alot and good bye love you :)
Thanks a lot, Ronnie.
Speaking of pronunciation, Ronnie, im confused what the pronunciation /d / in the special cases like the word ‘ used’, ‘ loved’ and so on. I knew the pronunciation / d/, but im no sure the pronunciation /use-d/ same as /used/. Is it correct?
Second question is IS it we should use pronunciation /t/ in all of the words which have ‘t’ like the words ‘yogurt’,’commitment’ and etc?. Am i right?
I need your help. Your apply is appreciated. Thanks again, Ronnie.
With regards,
great .. the method of teaching ..waooo .. I really learnt from the lesson ..Ronnie ..waoo
Babu Azeem
hello this is a very good lesson especially the one for t/d. I hope to have it more often. thanks a lot. Christy
christy gabriel
I love your lesson.
Can you tell me the difference between
/li:v/ and /li:və/ and something like this? I try to find but I can’t
i love ronnie. thank you. you are amazing and funny
Hi Ronnie. I love your teaching. It is without ambguilty. In addition, you have the power to reach out & make your student learn fast. My problems is with the “H factor” for example; eat / hit. Happy / apple. “Up, help, hell, air, hair, actor, actress, ark” and so and so. I will be grateful if you can help with teachings to permanently eradicate this problem that has plagued my speaking English. My email adress is ( I will expect to hear from you. Thank you.
i really find this useful,but it will be great full if they you can still help me with other words
ibrahim shaba
i really need more help so i can have confident when speaking and bold as well
ibrahim shaba
can i get a lesson from you,if you can really help me change my accent it will be good, i always thought it can never change
ibrahim shaba
u r nuts, but u do an amazing Job!!
thank you very much teacher
I liked your lessons
you’re funny
I’m from algeria I say to you
may allah reward U well
Excellent website.
Wonderful teacher!!
้Hi! Could you please make a video how to pronounce the word that have -R and -L at the end of the word? Thank you very much.
Excellent, it’s very good video which u clearly explain the difference between t and d, i am so much fan of you now
Hi, My name is Aman
how are you
now i dont know you gonna talk to me or not
but i do want to.
this is the only way
“abdulrahmannnn” my Skype
Thank you so much for your profitable lessons. I have a problem ,I don’t know what prefix to add on verb or on an adjective to complete the opposite et cetera. would you please give us some lessons about these prefixes and suffixes?
thanks in advance
evangelia ammari
hello Ronnie …………really appreciate the way u have been giving a free english teaching to some1 who are in need so nicely, i just want to ask you is it good to improve my english pronunciation by listening to songs n latsly could u kindly help me out to pronounce ask n asks in a written bit confuse!!
Hi Ronnie!! first , you’re amazing!!!
so, I don’t know why but I always listen for example: bottle like boron with the letter “R” and not
with the letter “D”.
Hi Ronnie!! first , you’re amazing!!!
so, I don’t know why but I always listen for example: bottle like boron with the letter “R” and not
with the letter “D”.
difference b/w cross and crash
hyee,,ronnie ,,,,u r mind blowing teacher ,,,can you tell me please how to improve my accent and my pronunciation PLEASE help my ronnie plzz
Hi Ronnie I have a little theory about this lesson that doesn’t match your explanation, so I wanted to share with you so that you can examine and determine if it’s right or not. That would start with the words ‘farther’ and ‘further’. I think that there’s a ‘d’ sound that is made while putting the tongue between our teeth rather than a ‘c’ sound as I heard you making. I think that there’s a difference between the ‘th’ sound when pronouncing ‘thoughts’ and ‘mother’. Secondly in the ‘t/d’ sound section I would say that the ‘t’ sound remembers me more a ‘r’ sound than a ‘d’ sound even when it’s you who pronounces the words. So for me when you pronounces ‘water’ it sounds more like ‘worer’ and the word ‘little’ would become ‘lirel’. And finally, but it should have been put at the beginning of my explanation, the ‘ain’ in the first words could be explained as simply the pronunciation of the long a sound ‘ey’ followed by the ‘n’ sound. So that’s all ^^. As I am a “Portuguese, Spanish and French” speaker (…phone) maybe that would be the reason I hear those sounds the way I just explained. So cheers and thanks for you lessons. Carlos77.
Thanks for the lesson.
Very very good. Thank you. I was confused with differences between father and farther for a long time and from this moment it is clear for me and (very important thing) hardly to forget. :)
I would be really grateful if you could do more similar lectures with written pronunciation.
When I wrote a comment, I realized that there were differences between farther and further, but not between farther and father. Could you say the differences in pronunciation between the last pair of words, please.
Ms. Ronnie,I love it. It’s like school again and the teacher can explain well the difference. Thanks alot for making this video lessons.
i have nothings to say:thank you very much;i m proud of you Ms Roonie:i love your manner of teaching english
hi dear.i wana improve my english accent but i dont know how can i?plz help me
Thanks Ronnie!!!
Ronnie!!! you are so fanny
je vous remercis Ronnie ,pour les leçons de prononciation comme celui la est ce qu’il a des régles précises ou c’est l’habitude a entendre les mots qui nous aide
hi Ronnie,
thanks a lot for this video you are really a wonderful teacher.I’m also a teacher of English in Egypt.
thank u ronnie for the lesson
Hi Ronnie
you r one the best teacher in the world
Hi Ronnie,
Thank you very much this is really useful.
I would like to know about phonetics and where will i find in your site ? kindly assist..thanks and Regards…Girish.
hello Ronnie,
could you suggest me vedios to improve my pronunciation :), Thx for this vedio, BTW i like your action
Could you tell me the difference lack, lock, look, luck in pronunciation
Hello there
I just want to send massage for teacher Ronnie
thank you for her time and I like the way she tough its very clear to thanks again.
good teacher, thank you.
Thanks, Ronnie.. I clear my doubt of s and sh sound from your video.
Thank you so much Ronnie, i really bless to found you, its help me to learn to speak English and understand. God Bless You..
i'm Nida, from PI
Hi Ronney i need your help please could you tel me the secret of this language so as to perform and to speak like my mother tongue?
Hi! first thnx a ton for this useful video :)
and can please give a lecture about the difference between /a/ sound in “father,car,etc” and “got,office,etc”?!
thnx a lot
I appreciate your lesson
thank you very much for all your lessones
i want to practice and improve my conversation skills can you add me in a skype to chat with me if you can please kindlly help me
thank you
Hi Ronnie, what’s the IPA symbol for the vowel “wAlk” ? Is it “ɑ” or “ɒ” ?
hi ronnie and very thanks u to teach us lessons in simple and we can speak in simple way after listening these lessons
Hi Ronnie,
I’d like to know what is dangling phrase …I appreciate you help.
Wael Ahmed Seleem
hi Ms Ronnie how are you doing.
why do you not repeat my words
i want jest elation with you ? but how ?
superb ronnie.x-plained in simple,lucid language.thank U
i think it was difficult lesson for me but i try to do the best. thank a lot ms. ronnie :)
*****wonderfull***** thank you soooooooooo much . . .!!!
Thanks mam…
Thank you very much by lesson,
take care
Ronnie, you are an amazing teacher. How can I do to take online lessons with you on Skype? I will pay for that. But I really need an excellent teacher as you guys. I am from Nicaragua.
Your video helps me so much. After watching most of your pronunciation lessons in the videos, I turn to conquer my old accent. But my big problem is still intonation. I have no idea to study intonation myself. I’m sure most of non-native speakers will prefer watching lessons about intonation which can not be studied alone. I hope You will help us with more next intonation lessons in movies, won’t you?
Your problem is the same to mine. Unfortunately, I think our comments are too late to be read by our teacher, Ronnie. Let’s share ourselves here. To make my class warning up, I realize that my students need my help, don’t worry to make mistakes( teach up freely), have humor sense. How about you??
Thank you so much.
Wow, I’ve been up until almost 4 am watching your videos. You have such an awesome way of teaching that I can tell you really enjoy doing it.
1. Thanks!!!
2. Get some sleep :)
engVid Moderator
Hello Ronnie!
I am krit. I am a monk in Chiang Mai city of Thailand. I really like the way your teaching English on here. you are very awesome teach. Can i have your on my skype?
many thanks to you and engvid.
*teacher :) I made mistake again. :D
Hello Ronnie! I have a doubt! Is the TH sound (in farther and further) voiced or unvoiced? According to the phonetic transcription in my dictionary, it is voiced. I’m confused…It seems to me you pronounce it unvoiced.
Thanks for your answer.
Hello Ronnie!
I think the pronunciation of ther isn’t like
Thursday but it’s like the (according to my dictionary)
pleas answer me!
Hi! Ronnie.
I want to know the different between CH, SH. and other thing else, the different between: Ship, Cheap and Sheep. For me is really hard to find the different between those words. Thanks a lot!!
Thank you, Ronnie. Your lessons are great!.Martin
I want to thank you Mrs. Ronnie, your valuable lessons are so interesting and benefit, my English pronunciation became better because of you :)
قصدي سيرش الفيس بوك
ahmed tohami gouda
Lessons in this site is not arranged …Is it possible to arrange for us lessons?? … Because I do not know how to start????? From any lesson to begin and to any lesson ended .. Thank you very much … Ahmed from Egypt
ahmed tohami gouda
this lesson is wonderful lesson . Thanks alot .
Ronnie you said that in canada the speak “T” like “D”, well it’s not what I hear, I hear like those words like “R”. Im confused.
izabela sales
Thanke you so much
The King
lots of boring guys around here ¬¬
Btw, You rock, Ronnie :)
U R an excellent Teacher!!!
Thank u Teacher Ronnie :)
God Bless U!!
thank you so much
Can you please do a few lessons on the English Intonation. I know that for questions intonation goes up and for regular sentences it goes down. It would be great if you can teach us some advance intonation rules/techniques.
Hi Ronnie,
thanks a lot. It’s a helpful lesson
take care
I´ll say again, and again, and again, you are amazing Ronnie.
Ronnie, Thank u so much ,U r absolutely amazing :)
AsMaa M.
How are you, Ronnie? Did you catch a cold? In this video you were not so active as in others. Greetings to you.
maybe she was in her first days of teaching
I need more lessns n td pronunciation
Letter better …. quite difficult for me but I need to leran this style of pronunciation
Hello Ronnie,
I am start learning english and I thank you so much for this website. I have some doubts. Your accent is canadian, correct?
The canadian accent is much different compared with the american accent?
All teacher from engvid has the same accent that you have ?
Thank you very much!!
Thank you Ronnie , Come egypt you will make alot of money ;)
Very useful, thanks a lot Ronnie.
Hi Ronnie !! You are Amazing !!! :)
Khalida H
wonderful, Handy and easy,
Thanks Ronnie, And I like stud’s with you.
Qtr Net
how can i save english lessons
none xolov
great class ronnie
love it
ann ann
thanks alot
Thank you Ronnie for this lesson
Ronnie I have Tegal accent in my English because
I was bornt in central Java. the accent called Ngapak because I used to speak javanese
chakim hamzah
thank you!
you are great! I LOVE YOUR LESSONS! THEY ARE PRETTY USEFUL! looking for new lessons from you. thank you Ronnie
Thanks a lot Rony. Can you give us a lesson about the pronnociation of the countries? It would be great
Ventura Mancilla
Thanks a lot Rony. Can you give us a lesson about the pronnociation of the countries? It would be great
Bektas Canbolat
Hi Teacher, Thank you
You are good teacher. I liked style your teaching.Good Job.
thanks a lot
Hello! I am Anand. I want to improve my English.
I hope we learn together. Please find me on Skype – anand.andy10
Thanks in advance. :)
Thank you very much, teacher Ronie
Hi Ronnie,
I like the part of t/d the most. I have a question on p/b. Will some p sound like b? For example Apple, Happy will sound like [‘abl] and [‘habi]?
Steven P
Steven Peng
I wanna know why someone native speaker(the same person) sometimes use D sounds and sometimes they also use T sounds??(
Good lesson!
You are awesome!! really helpful lession.
Thanks a lot.
ahmed gadelrap
Thanks Ronnie.
cesar leal
Thanks a lot for that lesson, Ronnie!! I liked very much…
cleonir gomes
intresting lesson i like it
Thanks a lot f
Ronnie you are simply the BEST! a very positive relaxed:) person with great sense of humour, cool personality. Thank you!!!
Ronnie you re an inspiring teacher! You guys are doing a great job! I was on the cloud nine when I first watched your video. It is such a luxury to learn English this way. I highly appreciate it.
Hi, Ronnie
I’m a new student. My pronunciation is bad.I think your lesson is useful for me. I try to correct my wrong accent.
Thank you Ronnie !
Thank you very much .It was so good and useful
Tamara Skhirtladze
Thank you very much Ronnie teacher.kindlty teach how to use prepositions in sentence.
thanks Ronnie.
ann ann
Thank you Ronnie.
Ronnie-my favorite teacher there. Thanks for your help and amazing process of studying!
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
thank you so much for your precious lessons , your magnificient way of assigning and the way you convey the message to hearer .
this lesson is wonderful lesson . Thanks alot .
Note : I hope you teach us the different between t / d in specifiec lesson .
Thank you again ,
Regard ,
Great Ronnie!hope to see soon more stuff like this even paid for Toefl and Canadian English.A+++++
it is agreat job i wish you always be the best anf i wanna your advice to pass my ipt , thanks
thank you so much teacher i feel like i m in my old classroom (2001 )front my bessssssst teacher aicha i like you and i like the way you explain students driss hafed _ morocco
thanks for lesson, i like it
Thanks a lot.
What is emphasis on consonants? Does that really exist?
I can’t watch the video. how can do I do? help me.
Thanks alot teacher Ronnie 4 all of this succeeded methods.
you offer private English lessons on Skype.
I wana ask If I can get that just for my poor pronunciation ?
i really like they way you teach but i need some help on how to improve my writing beacuse when i write something it didn’t make sences. thank you
Hi everybody,
This is going to sound strange ‘cos as you can see I am Mexican but I started studing English some years ago under a British school programme , so my accent is very british and I like it a lot, even I prefer it much more than the American because I think it is more polite. However, I have family in USA and everery year I travel to visit them and when have got the chance of talking with someone from this country, they have told me my pronunciation is very different and besides there are some words that are totally diferent.
wow.. it’s useful to me ..
Wow, I found this website, It’s very useful for me,
Thanks all of you :-*
goood lesson
Good Good Good Good
thank you for the lesson.
I like to have some information about the private lesson.
Thanks a lot.
Could you please explain how to pronounce the words MILK and E-MAIL
Some students have difficulties on that.
Also they ask what is the difference in pronunciation between MAN and MEN.
Hi ronnie!
All of your vids are very helpful and entertained as well which is awsome because it doesn’t make learning boring.
I have some troubles with the pronunciation of the words “man” and “men”
To me, they sound the same, so I’d like you to tell me how to difference between them both
Thanks a lot
Keep up the great work
Woops, sorry, I meant “entertaining”
Now, bye! (:
Hello Mario!
man is a long draw out aaaaaah so like maaaaaah-N, and men is much shorter… is like pen, ben, hen ken. If you can rhyme it, that would help!
ALSO… for a complete alternative, if you really struggle with it, just use different words like “guy” and “guys” (these mean the same as man / men)!!!
bonjour ! merci beaucoup pour la leçon de prononciation !
this is really goooood lesson.
continu as it !
thank you so much
you are goog teaching thanks teacher i love english i want learn english please help me they you are
thanks a lot
have a nice day
“MAN” and “MEN”, I had a problems with that too. But now when I want to say word men I imagine that I’m saying word like “MN” I guess it can be right.
Ladiiieez and Gentleguys!
thanks teacher .
Ronnie, u are the excellent teacher.
,i have very problem to pronunciation.pls help me.
what can i do. i would like to take on line classes too .
pls let me know in my mail address.
It’s a really good lesson. Thank you so much.
wow so beautifull teaching thanks teacher i love english i want learn english plz help me this is my email adderss
kh************** plz send me all teacher vedio link if you don’t mind
thanks a lot
Thanx sooooooooooo much . i hope that form this site i am able to improve my English.
thank you.
i learned alot♡
i like the t/d part its helpful,i really appreciate you teacher
i like u way u r good teacher
thanks alot
thanks so much
Thank you sooo much. It was very useful and wonderful. Thank you again. From Mongolia, Oyunaa
thank you teacher…the lessons are useful and wonderful too.
Of course, It’s really amazing.
I would like to thank you for your informative Videos . You are very slow for preparing Video lecture(After a long duration). I like your teaching.
We will wait for your next video.
The best teachers(Ronnie!) teach from the heart, not from the book.
Hello. I am in the beginner
I have recorded at the site and went through 24 hours of registration. So far I can not watch the lesson. What is the reason
(786) hello dear teacher .i love to your english lesson .your english lesson help me in every place thnks alot
Thank you!
This lesson is wonderful and very useful.
Thanks for lesson, the page is wow. Thanks. I want to learn english.
Thank so much,hi! i am umesh Ramanna from india ,bangalore , i want to sare some thing for you, i stady only in kannada medium, up to my graduation. I want lorn good english but my problem is how to learn good english can you please healp me, i am waiting for you are replay?,
my mail id is
daily i watching you lesson………thanks lot
Hello teacher.
Did you remember me?
I ‘d love to continue learn english with you.
hello teacher
i’m from iraq i wann to learn American Accent ok
Hi Ronnie,
Thank you very much for this Lesson…my english is not good but i can understand you very good.
How to learn with you on the skype?
Thank you very much
thanks Ronnie.!!!
Hi, Can you gime more information about yours private English lessons on Skype ?
Thanks Ronni… (I love yours lessons!)
Thanks alot it is really intresting lesson.
good lesson
This is awesome!!!
Thank you very much !!!!
This is really useful
lesons are very useful and effective.
thank you very much!
Thanks, the video has been very useful.
Very nice
hello, the video is goo, thank you
Thanks for this wonderful website for learning English and thank you very much for the teacher Ronnie for this lesson useful. I’am not good in english but I wanna be the best. I love english I have problem with pronunciation. What can i do? thank you
Wow! very good,rsrsrs
I am enjoying my first day here in this site. really cool to learn who really knows how to teach, if possible I wanted to know how is the correct pronunciation of Girl, girls, and restaurant .. bye, bye kisses
I’m from Brasilia Brazil, my name is Ricardinho..
it’s wonderfull what you are doing guys. love that website
thank you so mush
wonderful lesson,thank you.
hi, ronnie
this lesson really worked, i wud like to have more lessons on pronounciation. please try to explain the difference in pronounciation between measure and major.
Hi teacher,
Wonderful and very useful lesson. You did it very well. Thanks alot.
deeply thank’s you make different clear between samilar words
thanks Mrs. Rebecca…, you good teacher…..i ‘m understand your presentation…….( From : Indonesia)
thanks :)! <3
hi teacher thanks for the lessons
I like so much your method.thank u
hey ronnie,you great .
i wish you can break down the diference between (well)and (will)(bet)and (bit)if there is any way we can get the diference in the pronounciation.
thank you
Wondeful lesson. I really enjoyed and learned.
Ronnie is as beautiful as a flower
Hi, Ronnie, My name is Miga,I am a Mongolian,thanks for your interesting lessons.Bayarlalaa is mongolian word”Thanks”.Bayarlalaa
When i read english i understant mor than i heard.
Hello teacher I love your lesson in inglish, I studied everyday , I live here in Key West Florida , I know only spanish . Tankyou very much.
really i tell thx too much
As for me there is very interesting informatoin concerning “t/d” in different english-speaking countries.
hey! u were a great help…thank you and god bless
Thanks for lesson,it`s very useful
thanx lovely teacher
great teacher,,,,,,,,, its really fun thank you.
very nice, thanks a lot..
thanks so much taecher,and I want to tell you this is frist time to me in this site and i hope you add me in your list pls ,I like english language and before long time I’m try to get it but!! I Can’t so pls tell Where I shold start on this site??? I’ll wait your answer
thanks a lot….
could you teach us the prasel verbes and focus of it please
Thank a lot :)
your very verry good teacher of my i like you too much your only one in wrold and your outstanding
this lesson is wonderful lesson . Thanks alot .
I hope you teach us the different between c/s and c/k in specifiec lesson .
Thank you again
thank you ronnie!
you teach very well, it’s very usefull for us thank you so much I love you…
hi teacher
thanks alot for your hard work.
i want to ask you about the word ” talk ”
is it like ” walk ” in its pronounciation??
you teach very well. teching clear differences between pronounciation.
so easy that i can pronunciate all of them! thanks a lot!!
Its really helpful.I would like to know where and how to use do not,didn’t,don’t.Please do the needful
… I really like the way you teaches… very nice… i want to impart what i have learned from you to my students.. it’s really a great help..!!! thank you so much.. take care and more power,, :)
Mam, thanks.
How to pronounce ‘father’,?
(f’aaa’ther or father)
Muchas gracias por su lección.
Thank you for lesson.
Iam interest to learn english, this is best for me.
thanks a lot i really appreciate these lessons and i now i feel easier to prounciate the th i always found it hard to me to spell it like an english educated man,hopefuly one day i wont feel shame to spell it loudly lol :) and correctly thanks again
hello everybody I’m barnie happy day end I want what everybody talled good
Thank you so much!!! You are really great teacher Ronnie.Your teaching style is very good and all lessons are very helpful for us…… once again thank you very much!!!
or would u like to teach me on skype because i really want to better my english i know english language but there are many confusions which are making me confuse
I appreciate these lessons and I’ve learned so much. Thank you so much!!!
thanks alot teacher ronnie. I hope you teach us martial,partial,patient,fasten listen.
pronounce and details for this spellings.
thank you.
thx for all ur lessons. its help me a lot .
thank you teacher you make it easy .can I have your email to talk to you ?
Hello , Could you consider me less than beginner , so would you like to tell me some tips about learning English ? thank you
hi teacher Ronnie frist of all i would like to introduce my self my name is fadhel and i’m working in the hospital as platic surgeon altho i’m a surgeon but i need to study english for my work and i’m living in the middile east in coutry called Bahrain it is small coutry and i had seen all your lessons it amazed me the way you are teaching i have seen many teachers in my life but you are marvellous and fantastic teacher ,i’m so glad that finaly got your source of you beautiful lovely lessons of english so i would like or i request from you to add more lessons for you in list . By the way i had recorded all your lessons i needed more from you especially on irregular verbs i need your lovely trick on those things lessons , finaly i hope that i can speak to you or i get your email or any things that i can contact you in case if i need your hlep in my english study . in the end i’m looking forwards hearing from you ….. my email is waiting for your answer
Could you prepare a lesson on vowel sounds, like pen and pan, or lid and lead?
You are soooooooo good! I love Engvid
Thank you very much! Great Lessons! Great Teachers! Great Help!
beautiful, but it’s difficult for me yet. farther-further…but thank you a lot….
thanks a lot
thank u teacher Ronnie
I always enjoy your lessons :)
I have a little question if you don’t mind
does “T” in the middle of a word always spoken “t-d” (in american english of course)
Thank you alot you’r helpful
hi tahnks a lot
About words “MAN” and “MEN”, I had a problems with that too. But now when I want say word men I imagine that I’m saying word “MN” I guess it it can be right.
And it was very intresting to know about t/d, I didn’t know it before. thank you for your work.
good lesson i like this way
it was agood lessons but I also ask for lessons for toefl
thank u !!
nice!!! thanks
Hello Ronnie ,
my name is Marie Anne and I am new in Canada I live in Barrie Ontario and I give you my addresse email is Zakarisoa@hot mail .com or you can give me your adresse email because i relly want to learn English pronunciation because when I talk to people some people laugth of me so please send me email back thank you very much . BYE
Thank u for all this stuff!!
I appriciate that!!
appreciate that
sorry spelling mistake;;
thanks ma’am ronnie for teaching pronounces. your teaching is alive and brings fun which makes me learn lively. i do ask for more.
Thank for your lesson :D
Shalom my name is Eric Calix and i have problems with the pronounciation of words ” would, could and should. could you make a video of that issue?
Thank you
Would is like “wood”
Should is like “shood”
and Could is like “kood”
thanks you really good teacher
Thank you!
Great,thank you!
Thanks a lot
You are a great teacher.
Ronnie, you are the best.
Ronnie,I just can not find the words to thnk you ! Really…
Kindly, i have problem in my accent between B & P, , I need your help,
Thank You Ronnie
Where are you from?
“P” you push the air out more. You should make your mouth tight and closed then push the air out like you are kissing!
“B” your lips are not as tight at the start and your mouth ends in a smile!
I hope that helps you!
really you are fantastic teacher,
keep going and thank you too much
You are fantastic teacher !!! :))) thank you very much for your help!!!
Your lessons are awesome. This is really useful! Thank you very much!! :D
Thank you Ms. Ronnie I realy learned a lot with all your lessons and I will love to continue learning
thanxx madam…………but mam plz tell me what is the right prounciation of ‘think,thought’..or plz give us a lesson on the words started with ‘TH’
There is already a lesson on “th” sound!
Thank you Ms.Ronnie, you are fantastic teacher, the way you teching is excellent….
Hello dear Madam!
i have a problem in S and W, Can you please tell about the sounds.
Thank you very much Ronnie
you are the best teacher becuse you Can deliver information to the recipient easily.
i like your teaching.
thanks million time
wonderfulll ronnie l am luis and lam here suhsuhsuhsush me say more in ingles in thanks very colll wondfulll roniee
thank you very much ronnie
l need of more video post here in ..
thank You, I like this
thanks a lot Ms. Ronnie
It can be difficult sometimes to
differentiate between the words ..
Now it will be easy for all because
of your explanation
Hi Ronnie How are you ?
please tell me what is the different between
what did you do for Ronnie?
What did you do with my pen?
thanks a lotof
it’s very helpful where ican find more website for english vocabulary
i love english….thankxxxxxxx its very helpful
thanks alot and you were very well
I really want learn English and I need it ,,, but I can’t I have a problem in my accent can you help me I’m really need to you
Hi, Mr Mubarak
I’m from same home , i’m Sudanese,too.
send me on Facebook website , my E-mail is
” ” .
that is really nice. very helpful.
Teacher’s way of explanation is excellent. THANK YOU SO MUCH
not in Canada and in America too “T” is “D”
I have a question to ask you. Can you teach me how to pronounce the words that add s at the end likes tests, asks, months,mouths, seeds,sets etc ? I have learn that they have different ways to pronounce s at the end. and I will appreciate if you will make video about this. Thanks very much.
I will try to make a video for you!
Thanks for watching and good luck!
Yea….even I think it would be great if u can make a video for that…..also please explain them by using them in sentences like “he asks questions”
My pronunciation is bad, so I like pronunciation lessons. Your lessons are so useful. I like them. Hope more pronunciation from you. Thanks! ^^
these lessons are very useful. i love it
Hi Ronnie.
My name is Linh Le. Well i’m just 17 and I have been in America for 9 months. I am getting in trouble with my accent about pronunciation. Can you make a video to show me how to say ” bad, bag, bed, word, worse, worst, change, chance, wall, world, war”.
Thank you so much!
Hi,Ronnie, you do a very good job,everything you teach is very clear, I love it! Thanka a lot!
HI Ronnie
Can you explain me if I go in south of england (Manchester, Derby, Nottingham, London) I understand almost everything (beautiful british accent)and when do I try to understand my collegue who come from Texas I don’t understand anything? It seems to listen to a scratchy radio. He looses on his sentence: auxiliary, adverb, “T” “D” “p” and every kind of letter. So he seems to speak with a cigar in his mouth. Is there any solution in order to communicate with these people? Maybe the language of the deaf?
Thanks, Bye from Venice
ahahhahah your post is hilarious!!! I understand what you mean — I love the “scratchy radio” comment!
The only way to understand ANY accent is to listen and listen and listen to it… I suggest with subtitles at first! Try to find a song or TV show from Texas and look at the words as you listen — this is the way to learn any accent!
Oh and Manchester, Derby, and Nottingham are NOT in the South of England… Manchester is in the North West, and Derby and Nottingham are the East Midlands.
ok,ok I meant to the south of Britain (UK), you are very precise. However thanks a lot for your advices and I hope, one day, I will be able to visit your beautiful country. Bye
Oh, Ronnie thanks a lot for the lesson!!! I found it very usefull. I’m trying to get rid of my accent so your lessons are just great.I’ve got a trouble with saying “W” sound. I remember once in the restaurant i asked waitress for the water and she thought that i’m asking for quater, and it took me for a while to explain her what i need. I felt so embarrassed about it))) So I would really appreciate if you explain me how i supposed to say that(maybe specific mouth position). Thanks in advance!
First of all I think the waitress is quite stupid – why would you go into a restaurant and order a quarter? You have to remember that many people are just clueless and it is not always your “accent”!
As far as the “W” sound, you should out your lips as if you were going to kiss… and blow air out… then quickly put your lips back to say the vowel sound!
I will try to make a video for you on “W” as a lot of students have trouble with it!!!!!
That would be great) Thank you for responding!
Ronnie… your way of teaching is awesome…:)
Hi Ronnie, you are enthusiastic and funny and I recommend your site to my students for your young, current and topical point of view. You are doing a great job but please, you have to stop saying “proNOUNciation” it is said “proNUNciation”.
I agree!! :|
hi ronnie
would you teach me,what’s the difference between farther and further?
Farther refers to physical distance: “My house is farther away then yours.”
Further means more or in addition to: “I hope to have further meetings with him.”
not ‘farther then yours’ … but it should be ‘than yours’ ???
right ?
i got a question for u . what is the diferent sound between ,( WORD & WARD ) it sound same 4 me , i’m spanish .
and u can draw , how we would put our tounge .
rule the engvid Ronnie .thanks
I will try to do a lesson on this for you!!!!
I love your way of teaching dear teacher Ronnie. May you live long. u r gr8.
Teacher Ronnie,
I can understand the lessons the news telecasted on BBC, CNN etc on tv. But I can’t understand the language of Eng. movies on star movies, HBO etc.
What should I do to understand these easily?
You can watch the movies with English subtitles, this will help your listening. However, in movies they use a lot of slang and idioms…..they are more difficult then the news! Good luck!
Every bit of Lessons deliverd by you!
Thank you, Ronnie!
Could you, please, explain to me the difference of pronunciation “woman” end “women”? Is it the same as “man” and “men”? Many times I heard it like [wimen], and I guess it’s for the plural one. Thank you and I’m sorry for the bother.
I have a problem pronouncing the word forty and the ph words
Forty = “4 T”
Ph words always sound like “F”. eg…..Physics = “Fizz-iks”
Thanks a lot. I really appreciate the job you teachers are doing. it is difficult to find teachers patient enough to teach pronunciation in the way you do it.
I really like the class thank you so much
mam i like ur way of teaching and i have solved lot of problem which i face in english .but i cannt understand the difference b/w WARD and WORD plz rply me
I am very happy to found this web-side, because I have learned a lot.
but now I need or want that you help me on : the correct methodos when I saw the word on the news papers, I kept with the mouse shut off, because I don,t know the general rule to pronunce the word.(en general give me it).give me the general rule for almost all of them.
thank you…
Sorry, I don’t understand your question!
Thank you very much it was very helpful !!!
Thank you Ronnie, this lesson was funny :D
very nice.
Hi mom really your teaching nice useful me thanks
Spasibo Ronnie! I’ve seen some of your pronunciation lessons and I have to say that your way of explanation is the best for me. It would be great if you could produce some kind of guide to American English pronunciation someday. Something that would focus on words and phrases, not just on individual sounds.
With many many thanks!
hi! ronnie do have any idea how to pronouncew melodious?
thanks! :)
mel – odd – dee- ous
thank you!
a few doubts keep teaching us lovely redhead woman.I begging u.
can you please tell me that some people pronounce whats up as it sound like wazzz up .. so how should we pronounce it ?
and also little bit confussion in pronouncing touch … some people pronounce it like toooouuuch
Wazzzz up is slang – it was from a commercial.
touch is ta – ahch. but it depends on where in the world the speakers are from!!!
Thank you so much Ronnie
This lesson very useful to me.
thank you so much teacher.
thanks ronnie for lvly lession
hii ronnie…i like the way u teach
would you plz tell me the exact diff between would, could and should and has been, have been and had been with examples…
i lyk d way u teach..
Ms.Ronnie, Thank you so much. Pronunciation is very important when i study English, some words are the same pronunciation and very difficult to distinguish between American and English accent.
Hey… Ms. Ronnie, I love your classes so much. And … I don’t know if you will see my comment one day, but … anyway. I really want your help with some words or expression … (I don’t really know what they are)They are WHATABOUT, HOWABOUT, WHENEVER, HOWEVER, WHATEVER, …
I know that at first it’s seems easy, but always these words come in my mind to say but I don’t know how to use exactly.
Please Ronnie, help me. I need you so much, D; … From Brasil, õ/ [One video lesson about it would not be a bad idea]
WHATABOUT and HOWABOUT are asking someones opinion.
WHENEVER= at any time
Hi Ronnie,
Thank you for your educational lessons. When I searched about “connected speech” in the internet I encountered this :
Sounds change: When a word ends in a consonant sound and the following word begins with a consonant sound, depending on the particular sounds, the last sound of the first word or both the last sound and the first sound of the next word can change.
Could you help me understand it ?
It was excellent session for someone like me, whoc is actually not the native english speaker. The way it was presented with help of lot of examples, was fantastic. My sincere thanks to the trainer and this website for offering such oppertunity to learn something.
hi ronnie i always watch your eng vid hope that you will make more videos. i would like to request about the usage and difference of “can, could, will, would”. hope you grant my request and more learnings from you.
Hello Ronnie! Thank you!
Thank you for your educational lessons.It was excellent session for someone like me, who is actually not the native english speaker. It’s really helpful for me.
Hi, Ronnie, you seem to be not feeling well in this lesson. Anyway, you still did convey you message quite clearly, Thanks for the lesson. I gained a lot in this video clip.
Hey hi Ronnie thanks for ur valuable lesson.
I have a problem while i pronounce words. The problem is i eat them up. My friends tease me as “lazy lips” for that. So can u please help me out with it. Thanks in advance.
Sorry I cannot help you with the WAY you talk – you will need to see a speech doctor! The only suggestion I can give you is open your mouth more when you talk!
Very good
I was interested during this lesson
Hey, Ronnie.
I’m here just to know why you are not replying my comments.
It’s not the first time I comment and you don’t reply me. =/
What did you ask me?
I`m so happy to find this website today, amazingly helpful.
hi im imane iwould to think you and iwant toask you aquestion about how ican made a good and coherence writing because im very lazy in writing especialy ponctuation plz help me im waiting your answer..
Hi, thank you Ronnie for your lessons they are very helpful , i would like if you give a lesson about the pronunciation of regular verbs past,like watched and added,i mean how we accent “ed”,thank you .
There is already a lesson on past tense “ed verbs”. Search on Engvid for it!
Thank you so much!
You are amazing. I love this website.
hai ronnie madam i like ur teaching style of english
thank you miss Ronnie…i’ve learnt a lot from here…
How to differentiate between weather and water when listening to someone speak !!!
thanks .
Thank you you are the best english teacher on the web :)
Thanks a lot Ronnie. I’m from Bangladesh and Bengali language has got almost all the pronunciation except ‘zha’. I’ll be very glad if you post a lecture video on ‘zha pronunciation’.
thanks alot for your efforts,but we need alot of this video esecially about conversation between people.end Iwould to tell you Iam egyption young,you know in egypt we like english language but it’s difficult to speak it very well.
Hi Ronnie, glad to meet you here. Can you please help me how to pronounce mouths and mouse. I mean what is the different pronounce. Some people say mouths, sounds like mouse then I’m so confusing. Pls help me
When you say the “th” sound in English, you have to stick out your tongue. So, mouth = maow-th – sick your tongue out at the end to say the \”th”.
Mouse = maow-sssssss.
all teacher very nice
thank you very are a fantastic teacher
I love the way You teach. Would you explain me what is the difference between : farther and further ?
you are a great teacher ronnie… but i do have a question. can you please tell me that where should i use farther.. plz give me few examples? omer shami.
Farther is the comparative form of far. I live farther away form school than you do.
We use is when we are comparing (measuring) 2 things. The dog is farther away from the bowl than the cat!
Ronnie, I met people from Maine USA, and I think they have a english accent similar to yours; Am I correct? Or my poor english can’t show me differences on the way you talk???
Sorry I don’t know the Maine USA accent!
Ronnie I’m from Brasil and I speak portuguese.
hi .. thanks 4 the lesson .. but i have a little confused of the pronunciation of ” th ” .. i know that we pronounce it like the word ” the ” .. is that right ??
Thank you very much for your lesson Ronnie that is make me get better…
hey! its really helpfull
thank you teacher Ronnie I get it
Thank you, interesing lesson Ronnie.
your are really great,thanks a lot.
ok it’s little difficult but let’s try. thanks
don’t worry
thaaaaaaanks <3
i am from pakistan
can u explain the use of could and would???
There is already a lesson on that – search engvid for could/would!
thanks. RONNIE.i relly love the way you teach english. GOD bless you.
thanks. RONNIE i really love the way you teach english . it’s makes me happy . it’s easy to learn english with you, because you are a little funny. thanks
Mam, you were simply toooooooo good
Hello,i am from Pakistan your relly great and helpful thanks a lot…
I am confused about love and move.Why love is ‘luv’ and why move is moooove.Where as only first letter is the different.
“Move” is an exception to the rule (along with “prove”). Usually the
in -ove sounds like “uh” or “oh”.I have no idea why = English pronunciation is very difficult and the rules change so much!
Thanks very much! I have been studying English for many years and this is the first time that i find a lesson really really helpful…GOOD BLESS YOU
I love this lesson thanks for keep up the good work & May God bless you all.
Ronnie, i want to speak more like American/Canadian but i can’t pronunciate “t” like “d”. Is there a easy way or practise for me?
What are you talking about? I can’t believe it. “This is no exception?” “Every time you see /th/ in English, stick your tongue…?” Are you crazy? Farther and further pronounced as in thick, thin, thief, thorn, thing,etc., and not as in this, then, they, than, etc.? Have you ever tried to pronounce “they” with the /th/ sound as in thick? Since when the /th/ has only one single sound? Besides, to more indignation for myself, except in that moment (from 7’16” till 8’28”), you pronounce both words correctly (logically), as they are, this is with the /th/ sound as in “this”. Did the LSD get to your head during that minute, or what? I really can’t understand it. Congratulations for your kind of teachings Ronny.
Yes, I am crazy! Yes, every time you say the “th” sound you need to stick out your tongue. You are correct, there are 2 different “th” sounds – but you need to stick out your tongue for both! As far as the LSD getting to my head – I am not a dirty hippie! Keep it real buddy!
Hi Ronnie, lovely work … but Carlos is right. (maybe he’s a little rude too…) that farther/further pronunciation sounded weird to mee so I went to check it. farTHer is not like THursday, it sounds like THis. I think you should correct this video ;) Bye
Thank you Roonie, u r one of d best, pls, could u kindly give me more information about distance lessons like(Skype), sincerely Zahid Baku, Azerbaijan
Sorry, I do not teach online!
You didn’t reply my comment. I’m going to cry! :'( I’m just kidding but is there a video about “Pronunciation of t like a Canadian”? If there isn’t how can i do that?
Sorry, there is no video and I cannot teach you how to speak like a Canadian! However, I have made a video on Canadian vocabulary that will be up soon!
Justo to start, you’re brilliant!
I love the way you teach^^!
I must tell you, although, that this d sounds like a “r” (exactaly like the ‘r’ from a’r’ise), at least for us, brazilians. But I’m not a doctor in phonetic transcription to tell you so, but I’ve been thinking you could add this new idea to your lessons, just to be more than brilliant^^!
Thanks – I like your clown nose!
This is ‘very deadly’^^! Nice you liked^^!
Hi,Ronnie! I didn’t quite understand: how should I pronounce the words further and farther?(s or z?)
Further = FUR-ther
Farther = FAR – ther.
Very interesting about the pronounciation. When I went to USA I heard american people pronounced “D” instead “T”
thank you so much. you’re excellent
hey, ronnie
how are you ? :) you’re wicked awsome :) i love to watch you the way you teach us , your accent, expressions and blah blah you’re the one who i watched please i have a request :( i want to improve my english there is a problem of vocabulary/speaking and grammar HELP ME RONNIE :( i’m expecting a positive reply from you :)
if any one intrested you can add me in facebook name :> (saad zaki)
hey, ronnie
how are you ? :) you’re wicked awsome :) i love to watch you the way you teach us , your accent, expressions and blah blah you’re the one who i watched please i have a request :( i want to improve my english there is a problem of vocabulary/speaking and grammar HELP ME RONNIE :( i’m expecting a positive reply from you :)
if any one intrested you can add me in facebook name :> (saad zaki) or add me in msn :
skype: (saadxaki)
only for those who can help to improve my lang :p
Ronnie I saw you saying the pronunciations of canada, I was wondering if the Irish have the same pronunciation of canada. I’m here in ireland has it been 9 months and people have told me pronucias q are similar to the Irish and canada.
NO! Irish and Canadian are totally different – even the accents in the different parts of Ireland are different!
ok thanks for your reply ronnie
When speaking about farther and further we can’t miss father, but there is also “fader”…
+ feather
Can anyone tell me the accent use here is it American or British??
Can anyone tell me the accent use here is it Britsh or American acccenet??
Can anyone tell me the accent use here is it Britsh or American accent??
This website is very good for English learners and to make perfect pronunciation but i wanna learn with british accent=(!!
hey how are you ?? i hope you are fine . i really love you very much i hope you keep on doing such these wonderful lessons but is there a difference between the american english and the canadian one???
thanks alot and good bye love you :)
Thanks a lot, Ronnie.
Speaking of pronunciation, Ronnie, im confused what the pronunciation /d / in the special cases like the word ‘ used’, ‘ loved’ and so on. I knew the pronunciation / d/, but im no sure the pronunciation /use-d/ same as /used/. Is it correct?
Second question is IS it we should use pronunciation /t/ in all of the words which have ‘t’ like the words ‘yogurt’,’commitment’ and etc?. Am i right?
I need your help. Your apply is appreciated. Thanks again, Ronnie.
With regards,
great .. the method of teaching ..waooo .. I really learnt from the lesson ..Ronnie ..waoo
hello this is a very good lesson especially the one for t/d. I hope to have it more often. thanks a lot. Christy
I love your lesson.
Can you tell me the difference between
/li:v/ and /li:və/ and something like this? I try to find but I can’t
Watch this video!
Amazing! Great teacher!!!
i love ronnie. thank you. you are amazing and funny
Hi Ronnie. I love your teaching. It is without ambguilty. In addition, you have the power to reach out & make your student learn fast. My problems is with the “H factor” for example; eat / hit. Happy / apple. “Up, help, hell, air, hair, actor, actress, ark” and so and so. I will be grateful if you can help with teachings to permanently eradicate this problem that has plagued my speaking English. My email adress is ( I will expect to hear from you. Thank you.
i really find this useful,but it will be great full if they you can still help me with other words
i really need more help so i can have confident when speaking and bold as well
can i get a lesson from you,if you can really help me change my accent it will be good, i always thought it can never change
u r nuts, but u do an amazing Job!!
thank you very much teacher
I liked your lessons
you’re funny
I’m from algeria I say to you
may allah reward U well
Excellent website.
Wonderful teacher!!
้Hi! Could you please make a video how to pronounce the word that have -R and -L at the end of the word? Thank you very much.
Excellent, it’s very good video which u clearly explain the difference between t and d, i am so much fan of you now
Hi, My name is Aman
how are you
now i dont know you gonna talk to me or not
but i do want to.
this is the only way
“abdulrahmannnn” my Skype
Thank you so much for your profitable lessons. I have a problem ,I don’t know what prefix to add on verb or on an adjective to complete the opposite et cetera. would you please give us some lessons about these prefixes and suffixes?
thanks in advance
hello Ronnie …………really appreciate the way u have been giving a free english teaching to some1 who are in need so nicely, i just want to ask you is it good to improve my english pronunciation by listening to songs n latsly could u kindly help me out to pronounce ask n asks in a written bit confuse!!
Hi Ronnie!! first , you’re amazing!!!
so, I don’t know why but I always listen for example: bottle like boron with the letter “R” and not
with the letter “D”.
Hi Ronnie!! first , you’re amazing!!!
so, I don’t know why but I always listen for example: bottle like boron with the letter “R” and not
with the letter “D”.
difference b/w cross and crash
hyee,,ronnie ,,,,u r mind blowing teacher ,,,can you tell me please how to improve my accent and my pronunciation PLEASE help my ronnie plzz
Hi Ronnie I have a little theory about this lesson that doesn’t match your explanation, so I wanted to share with you so that you can examine and determine if it’s right or not. That would start with the words ‘farther’ and ‘further’. I think that there’s a ‘d’ sound that is made while putting the tongue between our teeth rather than a ‘c’ sound as I heard you making. I think that there’s a difference between the ‘th’ sound when pronouncing ‘thoughts’ and ‘mother’. Secondly in the ‘t/d’ sound section I would say that the ‘t’ sound remembers me more a ‘r’ sound than a ‘d’ sound even when it’s you who pronounces the words. So for me when you pronounces ‘water’ it sounds more like ‘worer’ and the word ‘little’ would become ‘lirel’. And finally, but it should have been put at the beginning of my explanation, the ‘ain’ in the first words could be explained as simply the pronunciation of the long a sound ‘ey’ followed by the ‘n’ sound. So that’s all ^^. As I am a “Portuguese, Spanish and French” speaker (…phone) maybe that would be the reason I hear those sounds the way I just explained. So cheers and thanks for you lessons. Carlos77.
Thanks for the lesson.
Very very good. Thank you. I was confused with differences between father and farther for a long time and from this moment it is clear for me and (very important thing) hardly to forget. :)
I would be really grateful if you could do more similar lectures with written pronunciation.
When I wrote a comment, I realized that there were differences between farther and further, but not between farther and father. Could you say the differences in pronunciation between the last pair of words, please.
Ms. Ronnie,I love it. It’s like school again and the teacher can explain well the difference. Thanks alot for making this video lessons.
i have nothings to say:thank you very much;i m proud of you Ms Roonie:i love your manner of teaching english
hi dear.i wana improve my english accent but i dont know how can i?plz help me
Thanks Ronnie!!!
Ronnie!!! you are so fanny
je vous remercis Ronnie ,pour les leçons de prononciation comme celui la est ce qu’il a des régles précises ou c’est l’habitude a entendre les mots qui nous aide
hi Ronnie,
thanks a lot for this video you are really a wonderful teacher.I’m also a teacher of English in Egypt.
thank u ronnie for the lesson
Hi Ronnie
you r one the best teacher in the world
Hi Ronnie,
Thank you very much this is really useful.
I would like to know about phonetics and where will i find in your site ? kindly assist..thanks and Regards…Girish.
hello Ronnie,
could you suggest me vedios to improve my pronunciation :), Thx for this vedio, BTW i like your action
Could you tell me the difference lack, lock, look, luck in pronunciation
Hello there
I just want to send massage for teacher Ronnie
thank you for her time and I like the way she tough its very clear to thanks again.
good teacher, thank you.
Thanks, Ronnie.. I clear my doubt of s and sh sound from your video.
Thank you so much Ronnie, i really bless to found you, its help me to learn to speak English and understand. God Bless You..
Hi Ronney i need your help please could you tel me the secret of this language so as to perform and to speak like my mother tongue?
Hi! first thnx a ton for this useful video :)
and can please give a lecture about the difference between /a/ sound in “father,car,etc” and “got,office,etc”?!
thnx a lot
I appreciate your lesson
thank you very much for all your lessones
i want to practice and improve my conversation skills can you add me in a skype to chat with me if you can please kindlly help me
thank you
Hi Ronnie, what’s the IPA symbol for the vowel “wAlk” ? Is it “ɑ” or “ɒ” ?
hi ronnie and very thanks u to teach us lessons in simple and we can speak in simple way after listening these lessons
Hi Ronnie,
I’d like to know what is dangling phrase …I appreciate you help.
Wael Ahmed Seleem
hi Ms Ronnie how are you doing.
why do you not repeat my words
i want jest elation with you ? but how ?
superb ronnie.x-plained in simple,lucid language.thank U
i think it was difficult lesson for me but i try to do the best. thank a lot ms. ronnie :)
*****wonderfull***** thank you soooooooooo much . . .!!!
Thanks mam…
Thank you very much by lesson,
take care
Ronnie, you are an amazing teacher. How can I do to take online lessons with you on Skype? I will pay for that. But I really need an excellent teacher as you guys. I am from Nicaragua.
Your video helps me so much. After watching most of your pronunciation lessons in the videos, I turn to conquer my old accent. But my big problem is still intonation. I have no idea to study intonation myself. I’m sure most of non-native speakers will prefer watching lessons about intonation which can not be studied alone. I hope You will help us with more next intonation lessons in movies, won’t you?
Your problem is the same to mine. Unfortunately, I think our comments are too late to be read by our teacher, Ronnie. Let’s share ourselves here. To make my class warning up, I realize that my students need my help, don’t worry to make mistakes( teach up freely), have humor sense. How about you??
Thank you so much.
Wow, I’ve been up until almost 4 am watching your videos. You have such an awesome way of teaching that I can tell you really enjoy doing it.
1. Thanks!!!
2. Get some sleep :)
Hello Ronnie!
I am krit. I am a monk in Chiang Mai city of Thailand. I really like the way your teaching English on here. you are very awesome teach. Can i have your on my skype?
many thanks to you and engvid.
*teacher :) I made mistake again. :D
Hello Ronnie! I have a doubt! Is the TH sound (in farther and further) voiced or unvoiced? According to the phonetic transcription in my dictionary, it is voiced. I’m confused…It seems to me you pronounce it unvoiced.
Thanks for your answer.
Hello Ronnie!
I think the pronunciation of ther isn’t like
Thursday but it’s like the (according to my dictionary)
pleas answer me!
Hi! Ronnie.
I want to know the different between CH, SH. and other thing else, the different between: Ship, Cheap and Sheep. For me is really hard to find the different between those words. Thanks a lot!!
Thank you, Ronnie. Your lessons are great!.Martin
I want to thank you Mrs. Ronnie, your valuable lessons are so interesting and benefit, my English pronunciation became better because of you :)
قصدي سيرش الفيس بوك
Lessons in this site is not arranged …Is it possible to arrange for us lessons?? … Because I do not know how to start????? From any lesson to begin and to any lesson ended .. Thank you very much … Ahmed from Egypt
this lesson is wonderful lesson . Thanks alot .
Ronnie you said that in canada the speak “T” like “D”, well it’s not what I hear, I hear like those words like “R”. Im confused.
Thanke you so much
lots of boring guys around here ¬¬
Btw, You rock, Ronnie :)
U R an excellent Teacher!!!
Thank u Teacher Ronnie :)
God Bless U!!
thank you so much
Can you please do a few lessons on the English Intonation. I know that for questions intonation goes up and for regular sentences it goes down. It would be great if you can teach us some advance intonation rules/techniques.
Hi Ronnie,
thanks a lot. It’s a helpful lesson
take care
I´ll say again, and again, and again, you are amazing Ronnie.
Ronnie, Thank u so much ,U r absolutely amazing :)
How are you, Ronnie? Did you catch a cold? In this video you were not so active as in others. Greetings to you.
maybe she was in her first days of teaching
I need more lessns n td pronunciation
Letter better …. quite difficult for me but I need to leran this style of pronunciation
Hello Ronnie,
I am start learning english and I thank you so much for this website. I have some doubts. Your accent is canadian, correct?
The canadian accent is much different compared with the american accent?
All teacher from engvid has the same accent that you have ?
Thank you very much!!
Thank you Ronnie , Come egypt you will make alot of money ;)
Very useful, thanks a lot Ronnie.
Hi Ronnie !! You are Amazing !!! :)
wonderful, Handy and easy,
Thanks Ronnie, And I like stud’s with you.
how can i save english lessons
great class ronnie
love it
thanks alot
Thank you Ronnie for this lesson
Ronnie I have Tegal accent in my English because
I was bornt in central Java. the accent called Ngapak because I used to speak javanese
thank you!
you are great! I LOVE YOUR LESSONS! THEY ARE PRETTY USEFUL! looking for new lessons from you. thank you Ronnie
Thanks a lot Rony. Can you give us a lesson about the pronnociation of the countries? It would be great
Thanks a lot Rony. Can you give us a lesson about the pronnociation of the countries? It would be great
Hi Teacher, Thank you
You are good teacher. I liked style your teaching.Good Job.
thanks a lot
Hello! I am Anand. I want to improve my English.
I hope we learn together. Please find me on Skype – anand.andy10
Thanks in advance. :)
Thank you very much, teacher Ronie
Hi Ronnie,
I like the part of t/d the most. I have a question on p/b. Will some p sound like b? For example Apple, Happy will sound like [‘abl] and [‘habi]?
Steven P
I wanna know why someone native speaker(the same person) sometimes use D sounds and sometimes they also use T sounds??(
Good lesson!
You are awesome!! really helpful lession.
Thanks a lot.
Thanks Ronnie.
Thanks a lot for that lesson, Ronnie!! I liked very much…
intresting lesson i like it
Thanks a lot f
Ronnie you are simply the BEST! a very positive relaxed:) person with great sense of humour, cool personality. Thank you!!!
Ronnie you re an inspiring teacher! You guys are doing a great job! I was on the cloud nine when I first watched your video. It is such a luxury to learn English this way. I highly appreciate it.
Hi, Ronnie
I’m a new student. My pronunciation is bad.I think your lesson is useful for me. I try to correct my wrong accent.
Thank you Ronnie !
Thank you very much .It was so good and useful
Thank you very much Ronnie teacher.kindlty teach how to use prepositions in sentence.
thanks Ronnie.
Thank you Ronnie.
Ronnie-my favorite teacher there. Thanks for your help and amazing process of studying!
Thank you very much.
thanks you so much my teacher
thanks my teacher
Thank you Ronnie, i’m your student from Indonesia
Thank you, Ronnie.