The pronunciation of “can” and “can’t” in English is difficult to both hear and speak. In this ESL lesson, I’ll show you the simple trick to mastering this! You CAN do it!
First, we can write how to pronounce “I can’t” like that: “I kint”, can’t we?
Second, how to pronounce “can” and “can’t” when they followe the other subject. For example, She can and she can’t. We can say “Si:kin” and “Si: kint” (sorry, I don’t have symbol of a long S), can’t we?
I think that your website is very helpful.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you very much.
“She can”… “Chicken”
hatcat, to answer your first question, the answer is no. We can say “ikin” /aɪ.kɪn/ or /aɪ.kn/, but we CAN’T say “ikint”; we must say /aɪ.kænt/ or /aɪ.kæ̃ʔ/(nasal æ followed by glottal stop).
And to your second question, yes, but only with “can”, not “can’t”. So you can say /, /ʃ, /, /, /ð, /ɪ, /ðɪ, etc. but only with “can”, not “can’t”.
I hope this helped xD
very good lesson
i’m a me for learn english.
kouadio olivier
I am interested learning more English, can you help me please?
can you explan mor about model
thank you
A model is a three-dimensional representation of a person or thing or of a proposed structure, typically on a smaller scale than the original.
a system or thing used as an example to follow or imitate.
fashion or shape (a three-dimensional figure or object) in a malleable material such as clay or wax.
I love your english accent. Can you say “I cun’t” in your next video for me?
I cunt! LOL
She has actually a video is this subject :)
I love the simplicity used in your explanations. you´re really great. even though I´ve speaking english for years. these tips taste like exquisite intelectual food for me.
Thanks a lot.
lovely accent.
thank teacher,I´m really need that advice,thank you very much.
Hi, i am really impressed by your teaching method! it’s great! but i want more & more lession, how can i get it? i want more video about pronouciation because actually we don’t know how to pronounce corretly, i do hope your team gonna help us, bye
thank you very much Ma’am…It can help me a lot from this site….I LOVE YOU ALL…
its very good that you love to
hamza darbar
Very good lesson. Finally I understood the right pronuciation. thanks
It is a useful lesson
nice lecture………………
Thanks to you,every day I can learn a little bit of english!
Thank you!
That was a good lesson. Thanks a lot
thats great
thank you. it was really good
Thank you, now I can speak better!!
Thanks alot
Is “I” not a pronoun? you are asking the part of speech. Is subject a part of speech? Just want to know if I have a point…thanks….=)
Hello, Ronnie. We, in Slovak, are learnt that the pronuncation of “can’t” is always “ka:nt” and not “kaent”. “Kaent”-variant is believed not to be correct by Slovak teachers. Are they right? I guess not because they also think the “be going + to be + present participle” is incorrect, too. I’ve got to say thank you for the video. I’m waiting for the answer. Jakub.
It is very nice and useful lesson. do you mind if you tell us about question tags?
Thank you so much!!
Now I know how to express “can’t” and “can” .
I had a big fun when you say “can’t” shaking your head. :-)
i like you Ronnie when you say englishshshshsh
It was very very helpful for me.
Thank you!
Thanks alot
what about the other pronouns like they , we , you ?
Can we pronuncate thier like “Ikin” or not? for example “theykin”
and “wekin”
I hope you understand my question .
Thanks again.
NO YOU CAN’T SAY THAT, they can or you should pronounce that with a break between the they and can
i really lik it ur class dear ,,pplease can u cantuct me i need to ask some private quetion about i can learn from u english thanks hun
amina mohamed
i like you teaching style
i take suggest how i get reading well. pls help and how i want batter english you
Thanks :D
Was very good presentation! Me gusto!
For almost over 10 years, I can’t distinguish the pronunciation from can’t and can.
From your skillful teaching, i realized the differences between them
Thank you so much… from Daegu Korea…
hi teacher .your teaching style very good.please advise for me.
Your way of teaching is really nice.
This is Selva. I feels like iam in the class when you teach. It’s so good. Thanks.
ican do every thing
woowwwwssss berbaaat !:)
I would to know how to download the video on this website
Please show me to do it.
thanks i use all this tips to use them with my students
please tell me how are diffirent betweent
past perfact continue and present perfact continue tenses
You guys are really great. God bless you all
Arshad Mehmood
i like it. Thanks
It’s Great=) I Can study English Here=)) Thanks=))
I’m Happy, This Web side, Thanks…..
thanks! i can improve my English here and how to pronounce……………..GOD BLESS YOU
sometime i can do that enything.i can’t like this food.
i can study english grammer everyday.good english lesson
i can do it. thanks a lot…….
Hello Ronnie
Thank you
I can do now everiting.
well I can´t fly ¨¨º+º¨¨
i recommended this clip to some students of mine because of this trick, thanks a lot and congrats!!
hello Ronnie your fonetic class are amazing thank you
Hi Teacher
I am from Bangladesh. My daughter, only five years old. She like your teaching like anything. I am confussed her leason plan. I will be realy greatfull if you advise me.
Thanks a lot
this is very easy lesson thank u
Finally i learn the diferences between can y can not (I mean the pronunciation).
Thank you
that was great lesson thank you
i will lern english
I agree with you, it’s really complicated to know when someones is telling you he/she CAN OR CAN’T. Also it’s difficult for me to pronunce them, I just exagerate the T in CAN’T but it doesn’t sounds too natural. Thanks a bunch for this video.
I’ve seen your video twice! I’ve been taught it could also be pronunced: CAN /ken/ CAN’T /kont/ (The sound of O in CAN’T is between o and u). Does the pronuntiation of CAN change if it is American or British english? Thank you.
It sure does… all countries and even different parts of the same country will say the exact same word differently!!
but teacher in India I have never seen any body can’t or don’t they always say cannot or do not why it is like that and it is same in Saudi Arabia????
[if I have written something wrong please correct it I request you]
Thank you!
Thank you so much for all that..
Thank you so much Ronnie , I really appreciate what you do to help us , thank you again maam .
I read one a time that the negative form of modals is always stressed in the sentence, whereas the positive form is never stressed. Is it right ?
I think knowing that “can’t” is stressed while “can” isn’t stressed is helpful.
I’m sorry, “can” isn’t a modal, it’s a verb. But I think I read this about verbs and not modals, so replace “verb” instead of “modal” in my previous comment ;)
can IS a modal!!!
yes you are correct
nice website….. very useful… thanks a lot…
Hello teacher
What’s a different for same and some, i want with excemple please.
thank you
fadda cherif
Same means equal to……….. I have the same colour hair as my brother. We look the same. I like the same music as you.
Some is a quantity we can use for countable and uncountable nouns. It is not a lot and more then a few or a little! I’d like some coffee please. “Give me some loving”! I’ll have some pizza please!
Hope that helps! Thanks for watching!
Thank you very much! Your lesson is understandably and helpful. Большое спасибо! :))
you are agood teacher.
Randa Awad
Dear Madam,
I would like to ask 2 questions:
First, plz tel the ues of cannot.
Second, The ueses of donnot in english grammar.
I think that your website is very helpful.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you very much.
Asghar Ali
Cannot is the longer (proper) version of can’t. We use cannot to emphasize when we use can + not!
Do not is a command or order. Do not go in there!Do not eat that pizza!
i love all the teachers’s explanation…………..
khurram siddiqui
I’m new visitor, in my ESL class I was recommended this site. I love your lessiones because you explain in a fun and simple.
Tkank you. You is the excellent teacher.
I love the wAY of your teaching.
Ps. Ronnie You can’t dance.
(^-^ But I love to see u dance again)
learning English is fun with you Ronnie :)
thanks alot ronnie you are so kind .God bless you for your labour of love
you’re funny too much… you’re a exllent teacher
I think that your website is very helpful.
Thank you very much.
hello miss ronnie please email me on how to use “if i were or if i am” in the sentence..thank u so much God bless u more………..
I pronounce “can’t” so badly that it seems I say cu*t :'(. It’s very Embarrasing.
Ahahahahah that is so funny!!!
To help – just say can not!!!!!!
that’s great lecture ,,,,thank you ms Ronnie
i wanna know how to use dare
i like your lessons and i hope i w’ll be your best student in this world so here is a question says wht s th dffrnc btwn can’n and cannot the dffrnc is the way there writing or the meaning w’ll be changed ? iam your student goog day teacher
Can`t is what we use the most. Cannot we only use to emphasize or make the message stronger!
I’ve just done the test (just 4 fun) and in the 4th question I didin’t manage to find the right answer. if i’m not mistaken, “subject” is not a part of speech. “I” is a pronoun as far as I know.
but the lesson is pretty funny. i smiled a lot)
your lessons are very good.More over your teaching faculty is very good and more active.They are looks like models.
What part of speech is “I”?
why in quiz its subject? I thought its noun
I is a pronoun!
I like the way you do your classes. thank you very much
thanks l learned more new things
if any one want learn english that websie will really help (learn american english on line ) is very helful
thank you Ronnie I,m having a great time with it
you are really good!
mario c wisent
this lesson is very exciting especially the way to speake ” i kin ”
thanks so much!
Hi, Ronnie,
I come from Czech republic, EU. Have you ever been in Prague? Come! It’s the amazing town.
I have one question, about the pronunciation “can´t” in British English. Is it different, isn´t it? Can you add it? Thank you very much and have a nice day… P.S. I loooove Ronnie’s lessons :o)
Lenka CZE
Yes, I’ve been to Prague – I loved it. My favorite restaurant was called “the witch” but in Czech!!!!
England has so many different accents, it is impossible to tell you how to say it! But one way sounds like a very bad word in English!!!!
u can look but u can’t touch,my babe tells me all the time. see ya.
Hi Ronnie
I’ve got a question which has nothing to do with the pronunciation of CAN and CAN’T. It’s about modals, though.
I teach English in Italy and I’ve always got lots of doubts about this wonderful and most useful language, ever and ever changing.
My question is:
as far as school rules are concerned, do you think it is better or more correct to use MUST or HAVE TO?
And so on, and so on.
What do you think about it?
I’m sure you’ll help me.
Good luck.
Ernesto Franzoso
When the rules are written, we would use “must”. When we speak casually, we usually say “have to’ (we actually say “haveta”).
Since you are emphasizing the rules, it is better to use “must”!
Hi , Ronnie.
Thank you very much .
very good. my congratulations
Could you explain the differences between ”strange”, ”weird”, ”odd” and ”bizarre”. The second one is always confuses me…
Thank you!
They all means the same!
Dear, My Teacher.
How are You doing? :)
Well, I want to discuss a simple thing. You said “They all means the same!” I think that the verb should’ve been in a base form(mean) because you used “They” as the subject. What do you think?
Yes, they all mean the same is correct!
Dear Ronnie,
your quick answers to my questions about the English language are really most useful. I teach English but since my mother tongue is actually Italian, heavy doubts are always there.
I want my students to speak English in class (no matter how well they can speak it; what matters most is speaking and speaking and speaking). However, they often ask me for permission to use their mother tongue and say:
Can we speak Italian?
Well, I feel there’s something wrong in that question, something that doesn’t work. Isn’t it more correct to say: Can we speak IN Italian?
My doubt is: they aren’t actually asking themselves if they are able to use English, they’re simply asking for permission to use Italian. So they may be correct.
I’m a bit confused. Could you please help me again? Believe me: it’s beautiful to have an expert you can trust and count on.
Old Walt Whitman (one of my favourite poets) is very grateful to you for all your help.
P.S. If all my doubts annoy you, please tell me. No problem at all.
Both questions are correct but we would naturally say “Can we speak Italian”? If you say “Can we speak in Italian”, that is fine too!
I think it’s better to say “may we” more formal….
really good lesson, i’ve learnt a lot, i didnt really know how to distinguish can and cant in a sentence and ppl usually confuse my meaning, thx a lot to Ronnie and i know i have to say i can together, maybe next time, they wont confuse my meaning.
thank you so’s really helpful
when do we use ‘has been’ and ‘have been’
He/she/it + has been
I/they/we/you + have been
Thank, Teacher her examples are very interesting. Nice
OMG! I love this website these tips are simple but very , very helpful.
God bless you teacher. :)
I like your lessons. Do you teach conjugation of verbs please?
Yes, look at my other videos and you can see ones on verbs!
Hey dear Ronnie,,
Your lessons are really helpful..And I am learning alot from this website..,,I m fond of learning englsih and just because of this engvid I am learning alot ..Dear i wanna ask a little question ,,I usually get confuse while where to use Donot and where should i use cannot?In short i want you to explain the difference between them,,Thanks
Do not we use with a command — “Do not open the door!” “Do not watch that movie!” Cannot (or can't) we use to talk about 1) our abilities — “I can’t do math.” 2) Time schedule – “I can’t meet you today.” 3) “I can’t open that door for you!”
Hey ronnie mam…i like all Your lessons..And i wanna do Something great in englsih..Just wanna learn englsih ,,,Dear i like to read poems Of english,,,but usually there are some words iN the poem whose meanings I cant find in dictioanries,,like A word”A Gallant Child”,,what does it means?And another word is “Lone post of death”..Plz explain me the meaning of these two words..And I think We can only improve our englsih By learning vocabulary words,,so That we can converse easily:)..♥♥♥ (^_^) ♥♥♥ …..!!!! :* :*
Gallant means brave or heroic! Use an online dictionary – just type in the words you don’t know in google and you can find the meanings!!!!!!!!!!
very good q
hamza darbar
There is an easy solution: pronounce it the BRITISH way as “carnt” and you always hear the difference! American English is not English! :-)
thank you useful lessen
Thank you
thank you a lottttttttt
Hai Madam Ronnie! Is it the meaning of CAN is 100% sure? Could i use the sentence ” I’m positive!” instead of “I can !”. By the way, what’s the difference between CAN and BE ABLE TO?
I am waiting to hearing from you soon. Thanks a million Ronnie!
Thanks you explained that very well, but it’s very hard to understand the different between “can and can’t” when a mother tounge speaks… they sound so close :(
thank you a lottttttttt
thank you so much!! i’ve always wondered what were the differences between those two lol. could you explain when to use, may and might!?
They are EXACTLY the same!
хороший урок
thank you so much.
hi, I’m a new student ^^
hi there thanks for teaching english. to day i know how can use “can and can’t” ronnie nice teacher really i like u and God bless ronnie
i loved your way in lessons
thanks a lot
Thanks Ronnie
Thanks Ronnie
Well done Ronnie it’s an easy way to understand the pronuntiation of Can and Can’t. By the way, as a noun Can and Can opener is used in American English but is used as Tin and Tin opener in British English.
Well done Ronnie it’s an easy way to understand the pronuntiation of Can and Can’t. By the way, as a noun Can and Can opener is used in American English but is used as Tin and Tin opener in British English
Thank you very much.
hello miss !
my question is how can I get big vocabilary ? for discussing with the others because I have to pronounce it very well to do my final project in the univercity . I need your opinion
Thnx :)
thanks dear it was a small tinny easy and tricky thing but o get confused sometimes we are as a foreigner I mean not English speaking we really in need to have
it thanks again
Teacher,You’re so great teaching English, I mean it! My best (kisses) for You
thanks for your efforts.
I love this webside, it is so helpful for me. Thank you very much you all teachers, you are great.
I can to learn english language with site. tanks
What is meant when speak – “That’s not the point”
PS Thanks
hi i am a new student i want to learn English
you must score at least 75%:D k..
and welcome…
Ronnie, Thank you very much! interesting lessons!
I like your lessons & your teaching style.
Hi teacher. Have u ever been to Malaysia? Do come here. We are like a summer throughout the year.
My question is:
How to tell between CAN and CAN’T in songs? Every time I listen to songs, sometimes I can’t tell the line was. My ears hear ” I can love you forever”… But when I look the lyric, it is “I can’t love you forever”. So, do you have any tips to tell this? TQ teacher :)
Even native English speakers have problems understanding lyrics in songs! Looking up the lyrics, like you did, is probably the best way.
engVid Moderator
I want to say thanks you to all teachers in Engvid, thank you
Hello from Russia!
Thank you for your lessons, you are great teacher!=))
Can I ask you a question?
In negative sentences (for example, ‘I can not do it’) ‘NOT’ is connected with ‘CAN’. But I want to connect it with ‘DO’. For example, all people must do smth, but I have some privileges and I have chance not to do it. So I want to say ‘I CAN [not do] it’. But it’s not correct. How to build sentence in this situation?
You can say “I do not do it”.
I’m begginer thank for teaching me
if ı have your my english teacher. I’ıı lissen carefuly all the time..
hi i’m Riadh from Tunisia please a lesson about the difference between want and would and when to use them
excellent explanation, thank you very much
Dear Ms. Ronnie.
I’ve confused with “cannot” and “can not”. Which one is the best form in writing? Thanks
hi Ronnie
thank you vey much.
In formal writing which one is better touse cannot or can not
thank you ronnie
Ronnie teacher I want to ask you that my friends always say teacher[abcd] but I say [abcd]teacher so which one is correct? and can you give me a easy example of complex sentence and can you explain it please!!!!!
3 out of 4
4 out of 4 the mam i’m say to lot of thanks to you….
it is useful lesson
better lesson
Thank you look so young and pretty…
sometimes I cannot differentiate between these two expressions when i hear them in English movies : (I don’t know) and (I know). hahhhh !!!!
how can I?
Ronnie,forgive me,I love You.Greetings from Serbia.Excelent lesson.
Thank for your lesson Ronnie. Love you very much.
related to “can’t”, there is an idiom that I hardly to understand, it is “can’t help”. Some time I have confuse about their expression when they said “I can’t help …”
i’m a me for learn english.
hend sedky
I love this teacher…………..I´m your brazilian fan
I like this teacher… Really I understand what she said.
Ronnie, at 6:32 you said `I wish I was a bird…`. In Adam`s lesson on verb `wish` he says it is correct to use `were` ( I wish I were). Could you clarify, please?
that username already exists
Teacher Ronnie thanks a lot, you did a great job about your teaching lessons.I hope you will continue teaching..:)
I can learn English very well :)
Thanx a lot!! Ronnie
I believe I can learn english here!
I want to learn sports in American and British.
Hi Ronnie,
thanks a lot for your useful lesson.
take care
:D thank you so much , it’s really helpful
Dinh Quoc Lap
Ican understant Ronnie classes ^^ I really love her lessons
My name is Dali and
I can go to the school,I can speak in English and I can play the guitar
I can’t cook,I can’t swim and I can’t dance
dali greg
My name is Dayana
these are 3 things:
I can dance
I can write a poem
I can estudy
these are 3 things:
I can’t swim
I can’t singer
I can’t cook
Dayana Sandoval
My name is Alexia are 3 things
I can run
I can dance
I can paint
I can’t swim
I can’t singer
I can’t shout
Alexia Aquino
Hi!! I’m Ixchetl and well i want to say that I can understand your lesson, I cant use this lesson on my English class and I can begin to put in practice all it but I can’t still understand somethings like some dialogs in the movies, I can’t answer quickly some questions and I can’t sing in English :( jajajaja
HI I am Fernando and I can do cook, I can do sing, but I can’t dance and I can’t play the guitar
my name is Ana i can do a love the lesson is very good
i can’t do English is not my style almost
ana escobedo trejo
thank you. i like the way you teach <3
xanh cam
Thank you, I’m liking very much your lessons Ronnie. Take care!
Marcelo Matos
Hi every body I’m new may I be your friend
ali basim
I got 100% thankss!
3. What is the best way to pronounce “I can”?
Dear Ronnie,
I have a question for you: in this test I choise this answer and this is correct, but during your lesson you are writed only: IKIN…. and never IKEN.
This is only a mistake of writing or existe also this other form?
I hope who answer to my question.
I thank you a lot.
Greeting from Italy.
Excellent class! thanks Ronnie
Thanks. I better understand the difference between can ant can’t.
Finally, i understand how to pronounce this words. Before this lesson i pronounced ->can’t like this “CANT” and my english teacher told me that is a coarseness. Thank very much Ronnie!
hard :)
i really enjoy learning english with the best teacher thanks a lot Ronnie!
hussein sarwar
I love ur way of teaching ,
Ur videos help me a lot.
But I have a problem with pronouncing words ended with ” ge” and “te” …
Anabel ong
Hi Ronnie, thanks for an awesome lesson. Quick question : can you pronounce “can’t” as “ken” or do you have to pronounce it as ” can + ‘ t ‘ sound” ?
Could you do a lesson on how to pronounce words start with “FR” such as fruit friend free… Etc? I have trouble pronounce it correctly :(
Thank you :)
Thanks :-)
Tchin Shi
thanks ronnie
In my esl class. Dr.Nic said:” you should speak letter T after can to make a negative can :can t””.
great lesson thanks rony
Lolo 86
ann ann
Thank you Ronnie, nice lesson.
Hi Ronnie! “I can” understend you perfectly!! When I am listening your instructions, always I stay very happy because you talk easly…and I as a begginer can understand you pronunciation and directions!
Thank you so much…you are awesome….
See you here!!!
(Sorry for my mistakes…I’m trying….)
Excellent Ronnie!
Douglas Lagos
thank you ronnie
thank you for this lesson.
I have some problems by this for a long time and now i dont
thank you so much teacher Ronnie.. i have learned a lot from you
Turay Steven
Hi Ronnie! You re really best teacher I have ever seen))I wanna ask sth I discovered this website and i loved it very much i wanna learn english perfectly i dont know exactly how can i start to learn from this site cuz there re so many classes i need ur guidance
…Best wishes from Turkey)))
hello Ronnie thank you so much ! i heard that sometimes people use “can” to say “can’t” but they don’t pronounce the “‘t”. How can we know if they want really say “can” or “can’t” ?
Hi Ronnie! You re really best teacher
but my english teacher say,that we must pronounce “K’ANT” not KINT
thankfor the qiuz igot 3 out of 4
It was very easy…
I loved the lesson!
thanks a lot.
mam thanks for this lesson. i want to learn English.
Thank you mam Ronnie I’m perfect score
4/4 got it all
ann ann
thanks 4 u Ronni
that is fine too
thank ///////*
ismail ou
Thank you for explain that, i love your videos
I’m from India. Thank you very much Ronnie ma’am for your video.
Deus lhe Pague….”God bless You”…
Thank you so much, like always very useful.
I think I will use my head while I get the sound in my mouth. It was so funny
Marta Lopez
I love the class again, I will keep on my English learning. Thanks!
cleonir gomes
cleonir gomes
Very difficult
Sonia Proenca
What about the prounciation of they , he , she , it with can ?
i like it ;)
hamody alamery
Good lesson Ronnie!!!!
Aline Matos
Thank you
I´m learning a lot with your lessons.
Thank you, Ronnie!
You are awesome ;)
Glaucia Ferreira
Hi! its so great lesson 4 me. i loved it and i wanna say thanks!!!
Dear Ronnie!
In some quiz books there are such an answers in a multiple a/b/c/ answering list to choose from as a)can b)cannot c) can not.
What’s that: cannot vs. can not? From your lesson: cannot = can’t, but “can not” – what about this one?! Is it wrong, not usable or… I’ve seen it’ written somewhere.
Thanks a bunch!
Alex Corte
I think the cannot similar the can bot the absolute difference is space between of both
Thank you mrs Ronnie for all about of that..
We are so lucky.. Because your way of the teaching is too exciting..
TKS, nice class!
Hello madam,
I mostly like your teaching style. I love to learn english and love to watch your english teaching video. Thank you so much for your kindly service.
Acharya Rajan
Thank you Teacher Ronnie for this Lesson :)
Thank you
I can get all answer correct !
Thank you
i can understand this lesson.
ronnie really you cannot dance.
thank you teacher!!
Thanks ?
Mesfer alhajri
Thank you Ronnie!
Thank you very much!
Thanks Ronnie . Your lessons are really very helpful to improve my English.
Novak Dean
Ronnie I realy love your classes. Congrat’s You are amazing.
Thank you Ronnie ❤❤
You ae great
It’s lesson very useful.Thank you.
Now I know the difference betwen can and can’t. Thanks again…
Cassio Bernardo da Silva
Thank you!
Do we write cannot or it’s can not?
you are the best thank you so much
Thank Ronnie ;)
Hi ronnie
Could you please explain a bit about could?
pronounce can is both Kin and ken?
superb! thanks
My favorite teacher
excellent lesson. It isn´t easy to hear the difference between can and can´t. I need to practice, but with this lesson ronnie gave an amazing tip. Thank s Ronnie
thanks RONNIE
321 arturo
I’m bothered with the 4th question in the quiz. I answered “I” as a noun because it’s asking for a part of a speech, though the answer that I thought was pronoun. But the answer is subject which is basically a part of a sentence. Could someone enlighten me? Thanks.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Dear Madam,
I would like to ask 2 questions:
First, we can write how to pronounce “I can’t” like that: “I kint”, can’t we?
Second, how to pronounce “can” and “can’t” when they followe the other subject. For example, She can and she can’t. We can say “Si:kin” and “Si: kint” (sorry, I don’t have symbol of a long S), can’t we?
I think that your website is very helpful.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you very much.
“She can”… “Chicken”
hatcat, to answer your first question, the answer is no. We can say “ikin” /aɪ.kɪn/ or /aɪ.kn/, but we CAN’T say “ikint”; we must say /aɪ.kænt/ or /aɪ.kæ̃ʔ/(nasal æ followed by glottal stop).
And to your second question, yes, but only with “can”, not “can’t”. So you can say /, /ʃ, /, /, /ð, /ɪ, /ðɪ, etc. but only with “can”, not “can’t”.
I hope this helped xD
very good lesson
i’m a me for learn english.
I am interested learning more English, can you help me please?
can you explan mor about model
thank you
A model is a three-dimensional representation of a person or thing or of a proposed structure, typically on a smaller scale than the original.
a system or thing used as an example to follow or imitate.
fashion or shape (a three-dimensional figure or object) in a malleable material such as clay or wax.
I love your english accent. Can you say “I cun’t” in your next video for me?
I cunt! LOL
She has actually a video is this subject :)
I love the simplicity used in your explanations. you´re really great. even though I´ve speaking english for years. these tips taste like exquisite intelectual food for me.
Thanks a lot.
lovely accent.
thank teacher,I´m really need that advice,thank you very much.
Hi, i am really impressed by your teaching method! it’s great! but i want more & more lession, how can i get it? i want more video about pronouciation because actually we don’t know how to pronounce corretly, i do hope your team gonna help us, bye
thank you very much Ma’am…It can help me a lot from this site….I LOVE YOU ALL…
its very good that you love to
Very good lesson. Finally I understood the right pronuciation. thanks
It is a useful lesson
nice lecture………………
Thanks to you,every day I can learn a little bit of english!
Thank you!
That was a good lesson. Thanks a lot
thats great
thank you. it was really good
Thank you, now I can speak better!!
Thanks alot
Is “I” not a pronoun? you are asking the part of speech. Is subject a part of speech? Just want to know if I have a point…thanks….=)
Hello, Ronnie. We, in Slovak, are learnt that the pronuncation of “can’t” is always “ka:nt” and not “kaent”. “Kaent”-variant is believed not to be correct by Slovak teachers. Are they right? I guess not because they also think the “be going + to be + present participle” is incorrect, too. I’ve got to say thank you for the video. I’m waiting for the answer. Jakub.
It is very nice and useful lesson. do you mind if you tell us about question tags?
Thank you so much!!
Now I know how to express “can’t” and “can” .
I had a big fun when you say “can’t” shaking your head. :-)
i like you Ronnie when you say englishshshshsh
It was very very helpful for me.
Thank you!
Thanks alot
what about the other pronouns like they , we , you ?
Can we pronuncate thier like “Ikin” or not? for example “theykin”
and “wekin”
I hope you understand my question .
Thanks again.
NO YOU CAN’T SAY THAT, they can or you should pronounce that with a break between the they and can
i really lik it ur class dear ,,pplease can u cantuct me i need to ask some private quetion about i can learn from u english thanks hun
i like you teaching style
i take suggest how i get reading well. pls help and how i want batter english you
Thanks :D
Was very good presentation! Me gusto!
For almost over 10 years, I can’t distinguish the pronunciation from can’t and can.
From your skillful teaching, i realized the differences between them
Thank you so much… from Daegu Korea…
hi teacher .your teaching style very good.please advise for me.
Your way of teaching is really nice.
This is Selva. I feels like iam in the class when you teach. It’s so good. Thanks.
ican do every thing
woowwwwssss berbaaat !:)
I would to know how to download the video on this website
Please show me to do it.
thanks i use all this tips to use them with my students
please tell me how are diffirent betweent
past perfact continue and present perfact continue tenses
You guys are really great. God bless you all
i like it. Thanks
It’s Great=) I Can study English Here=)) Thanks=))
I’m Happy, This Web side, Thanks…..
thanks! i can improve my English here and how to pronounce……………..GOD BLESS YOU
sometime i can do that enything.i can’t like this food.
i can study english grammer everyday.good english lesson
i can do it. thanks a lot…….
Hello Ronnie
Thank you
I can do now everiting.
well I can´t fly ¨¨º+º¨¨
i recommended this clip to some students of mine because of this trick, thanks a lot and congrats!!
hello Ronnie your fonetic class are amazing thank you
Hi Teacher
I am from Bangladesh. My daughter, only five years old. She like your teaching like anything. I am confussed her leason plan. I will be realy greatfull if you advise me.
Thanks a lot
this is very easy lesson thank u
Finally i learn the diferences between can y can not (I mean the pronunciation).
Thank you
that was great lesson thank you
i will lern english
I agree with you, it’s really complicated to know when someones is telling you he/she CAN OR CAN’T. Also it’s difficult for me to pronunce them, I just exagerate the T in CAN’T but it doesn’t sounds too natural. Thanks a bunch for this video.
I’ve seen your video twice! I’ve been taught it could also be pronunced: CAN /ken/ CAN’T /kont/ (The sound of O in CAN’T is between o and u). Does the pronuntiation of CAN change if it is American or British english? Thank you.
It sure does… all countries and even different parts of the same country will say the exact same word differently!!
but teacher in India I have never seen any body can’t or don’t they always say cannot or do not why it is like that and it is same in Saudi Arabia????
[if I have written something wrong please correct it I request you]
Thank you!
Thank you so much for all that..
Thank you so much Ronnie , I really appreciate what you do to help us , thank you again maam .
I read one a time that the negative form of modals is always stressed in the sentence, whereas the positive form is never stressed. Is it right ?
I think knowing that “can’t” is stressed while “can” isn’t stressed is helpful.
I’m sorry, “can” isn’t a modal, it’s a verb. But I think I read this about verbs and not modals, so replace “verb” instead of “modal” in my previous comment ;)
can IS a modal!!!
yes you are correct
nice website….. very useful… thanks a lot…
Hello teacher
What’s a different for same and some, i want with excemple please.
thank you
Same means equal to……….. I have the same colour hair as my brother. We look the same. I like the same music as you.
Some is a quantity we can use for countable and uncountable nouns. It is not a lot and more then a few or a little! I’d like some coffee please. “Give me some loving”! I’ll have some pizza please!
Hope that helps! Thanks for watching!
Thank you very much! Your lesson is understandably and helpful. Большое спасибо! :))
you are agood teacher.
Dear Madam,
I would like to ask 2 questions:
First, plz tel the ues of cannot.
Second, The ueses of donnot in english grammar.
I think that your website is very helpful.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you very much.
Cannot is the longer (proper) version of can’t. We use cannot to emphasize when we use can + not!
Do not is a command or order. Do not go in there! Do not eat that pizza!
i love all the teachers’s explanation…………..
I’m new visitor, in my ESL class I was recommended this site. I love your lessiones because you explain in a fun and simple.
Tkank you. You is the excellent teacher.
I love the wAY of your teaching.
Ps. Ronnie You can’t dance.
(^-^ But I love to see u dance again)
learning English is fun with you Ronnie :)
thanks alot ronnie you are so kind .God bless you for your labour of love
you’re funny too much… you’re a exllent teacher
I think that your website is very helpful.
Thank you very much.
hello miss ronnie please email me on how to use “if i were or if i am” in the sentence..thank u so much God bless u more………..
I pronounce “can’t” so badly that it seems I say cu*t :'(. It’s very Embarrasing.
Ahahahahah that is so funny!!!
To help – just say can not!!!!!!
that’s great lecture ,,,,thank you ms Ronnie
i wanna know how to use dare
i like your lessons and i hope i w’ll be your best student in this world so here is a question says wht s th dffrnc btwn can’n and cannot the dffrnc is the way there writing or the meaning w’ll be changed ? iam your student goog day teacher
Can`t is what we use the most. Cannot we only use to emphasize or make the message stronger!
I’ve just done the test (just 4 fun) and in the 4th question I didin’t manage to find the right answer. if i’m not mistaken, “subject” is not a part of speech. “I” is a pronoun as far as I know.
but the lesson is pretty funny. i smiled a lot)
your lessons are very good.More over your teaching faculty is very good and more active.They are looks like models.
What part of speech is “I”?
why in quiz its subject? I thought its noun
I is a pronoun!
I like the way you do your classes. thank you very much
thanks l learned more new things
if any one want learn english that websie will really help (learn american english on line ) is very helful
thank you Ronnie I,m having a great time with it
you are really good!
this lesson is very exciting especially the way to speake ” i kin ”
thanks so much!
Hi, Ronnie,
I come from Czech republic, EU. Have you ever been in Prague? Come! It’s the amazing town.
I have one question, about the pronunciation “can´t” in British English. Is it different, isn´t it? Can you add it? Thank you very much and have a nice day… P.S. I loooove Ronnie’s lessons :o)
Yes, I’ve been to Prague – I loved it. My favorite restaurant was called “the witch” but in Czech!!!!
England has so many different accents, it is impossible to tell you how to say it! But one way sounds like a very bad word in English!!!!
u can look but u can’t touch,my babe tells me all the time. see ya.
Hi Ronnie
I’ve got a question which has nothing to do with the pronunciation of CAN and CAN’T. It’s about modals, though.
I teach English in Italy and I’ve always got lots of doubts about this wonderful and most useful language, ever and ever changing.
My question is:
as far as school rules are concerned, do you think it is better or more correct to use MUST or HAVE TO?
And so on, and so on.
What do you think about it?
I’m sure you’ll help me.
Good luck.
When the rules are written, we would use “must”. When we speak casually, we usually say “have to’ (we actually say “haveta”).
Since you are emphasizing the rules, it is better to use “must”!
Hi , Ronnie.
Thank you very much .
very good. my congratulations
Could you explain the differences between ”strange”, ”weird”, ”odd” and ”bizarre”. The second one is always confuses me…
Thank you!
They all means the same!
Dear, My Teacher.
How are You doing? :)
Well, I want to discuss a simple thing. You said “They all means the same!” I think that the verb should’ve been in a base form(mean) because you used “They” as the subject. What do you think?
Yes, they all mean the same is correct!
Dear Ronnie,
your quick answers to my questions about the English language are really most useful. I teach English but since my mother tongue is actually Italian, heavy doubts are always there.
I want my students to speak English in class (no matter how well they can speak it; what matters most is speaking and speaking and speaking). However, they often ask me for permission to use their mother tongue and say:
Can we speak Italian?
Well, I feel there’s something wrong in that question, something that doesn’t work. Isn’t it more correct to say: Can we speak IN Italian?
My doubt is: they aren’t actually asking themselves if they are able to use English, they’re simply asking for permission to use Italian. So they may be correct.
I’m a bit confused. Could you please help me again? Believe me: it’s beautiful to have an expert you can trust and count on.
Old Walt Whitman (one of my favourite poets) is very grateful to you for all your help.
P.S. If all my doubts annoy you, please tell me. No problem at all.
Both questions are correct but we would naturally say “Can we speak Italian”? If you say “Can we speak in Italian”, that is fine too!
I think it’s better to say “may we” more formal….
really good lesson, i’ve learnt a lot, i didnt really know how to distinguish can and cant in a sentence and ppl usually confuse my meaning, thx a lot to Ronnie and i know i have to say i can together, maybe next time, they wont confuse my meaning.
thank you so’s really helpful
when do we use ‘has been’ and ‘have been’
He/she/it + has been
I/they/we/you + have been
Thank, Teacher her examples are very interesting. Nice
OMG! I love this website these tips are simple but very , very helpful.
God bless you teacher. :)
I like your lessons. Do you teach conjugation of verbs please?
Yes, look at my other videos and you can see ones on verbs!
Hey dear Ronnie,,
Your lessons are really helpful..And I am learning alot from this website..,,I m fond of learning englsih and just because of this engvid I am learning alot ..Dear i wanna ask a little question ,,I usually get confuse while where to use Donot and where should i use cannot?In short i want you to explain the difference between them,,Thanks
Do not
we use with a command — “Do not open the door!” “Do not watch that movie!”Cannot
) we use to talk about 1) our abilities — “I can’t do math.” 2) Time schedule – “I can’t meet you today.” 3) “I can’t open that door for you!”Hey ronnie mam…i like all Your lessons..And i wanna do Something great in englsih..Just wanna learn englsih ,,,Dear i like to read poems Of english,,,but usually there are some words iN the poem whose meanings I cant find in dictioanries,,like A word”A Gallant Child”,,what does it means?And another word is “Lone post of death”..Plz explain me the meaning of these two words..And I think We can only improve our englsih By learning vocabulary words,,so That we can converse easily:)..♥♥♥ (^_^) ♥♥♥ …..!!!! :* :*
Gallant means brave or heroic! Use an online dictionary – just type in the words you don’t know in google and you can find the meanings!!!!!!!!!!
very good q
There is an easy solution: pronounce it the BRITISH way as “carnt” and you always hear the difference! American English is not English! :-)
thank you useful lessen
Thank you
thank you a lottttttttt
Hai Madam Ronnie! Is it the meaning of CAN is 100% sure? Could i use the sentence ” I’m positive!” instead of “I can !”. By the way, what’s the difference between CAN and BE ABLE TO?
I am waiting to hearing from you soon. Thanks a million Ronnie!
Thanks you explained that very well, but it’s very hard to understand the different between “can and can’t” when a mother tounge speaks… they sound so close :(
thank you a lottttttttt
thank you so much!! i’ve always wondered what were the differences between those two lol. could you explain when to use, may and might!?
They are EXACTLY the same!
хороший урок
thank you so much.
hi, I’m a new student ^^
hi there thanks for teaching english. to day i know how can use “can and can’t” ronnie nice teacher really i like u and God bless ronnie
i loved your way in lessons
thanks a lot
Thanks Ronnie
Thanks Ronnie
Well done Ronnie it’s an easy way to understand the pronuntiation of Can and Can’t. By the way, as a noun Can and Can opener is used in American English but is used as Tin and Tin opener in British English.
Well done Ronnie it’s an easy way to understand the pronuntiation of Can and Can’t. By the way, as a noun Can and Can opener is used in American English but is used as Tin and Tin opener in British English
Thank you very much.
hello miss !
my question is how can I get big vocabilary ? for discussing with the others because I have to pronounce it very well to do my final project in the univercity . I need your opinion
Thnx :)
thanks dear it was a small tinny easy and tricky thing but o get confused sometimes we are as a foreigner I mean not English speaking we really in need to have
it thanks again
Teacher,You’re so great teaching English, I mean it! My best (kisses) for You
thanks for your efforts.
I love this webside, it is so helpful for me. Thank you very much you all teachers, you are great.
I can to learn english language with site. tanks
What is meant when speak – “That’s not the point”
PS Thanks
hi i am a new student i want to learn English
you must score at least 75%:D k..
and welcome…
Ronnie, Thank you very much! interesting lessons!
I like your lessons & your teaching style.
Hi teacher. Have u ever been to Malaysia? Do come here. We are like a summer throughout the year.
My question is:
How to tell between CAN and CAN’T in songs? Every time I listen to songs, sometimes I can’t tell the line was. My ears hear ” I can love you forever”… But when I look the lyric, it is “I can’t love you forever”. So, do you have any tips to tell this? TQ teacher :)
Even native English speakers have problems understanding lyrics in songs! Looking up the lyrics, like you did, is probably the best way.
I want to say thanks you to all teachers in Engvid, thank you
Hello from Russia!
Thank you for your lessons, you are great teacher!=))
Can I ask you a question?
In negative sentences (for example, ‘I can not do it’) ‘NOT’ is connected with ‘CAN’. But I want to connect it with ‘DO’. For example, all people must do smth, but I have some privileges and I have chance not to do it. So I want to say ‘I CAN [not do] it’. But it’s not correct. How to build sentence in this situation?
You can say “I do not do it”.
I’m begginer thank for teaching me
if ı have your my english teacher. I’ıı lissen carefuly all the time..
hi i’m Riadh from Tunisia please a lesson about the difference between want and would and when to use them
excellent explanation, thank you very much
Dear Ms. Ronnie.
I’ve confused with “cannot” and “can not”. Which one is the best form in writing? Thanks
hi Ronnie
thank you vey much.
In formal writing which one is better touse cannot or can not
thank you ronnie
Ronnie teacher I want to ask you that my friends always say teacher[abcd] but I say [abcd]teacher so which one is correct? and can you give me a easy example of complex sentence and can you explain it please!!!!!
3 out of 4
4 out of 4 the mam i’m say to lot of thanks to you….
it is useful lesson
better lesson
Thank you look so young and pretty…
sometimes I cannot differentiate between these two expressions when i hear them in English movies : (I don’t know) and (I know). hahhhh !!!!
how can I?
Ronnie,forgive me,I love You.Greetings from Serbia.Excelent lesson.
Thank for your lesson Ronnie. Love you very much.
related to “can’t”, there is an idiom that I hardly to understand, it is “can’t help”. Some time I have confuse about their expression when they said “I can’t help …”
i’m a me for learn english.
I love this teacher…………..I´m your brazilian fan
I like this teacher… Really I understand what she said.
Ronnie, at 6:32 you said `I wish I was a bird…`. In Adam`s lesson on verb `wish` he says it is correct to use `were` ( I wish I were). Could you clarify, please?
Teacher Ronnie thanks a lot, you did a great job about your teaching lessons.I hope you will continue teaching..:)
I can learn English very well :)
Thanx a lot!! Ronnie
I believe I can learn english here!
I want to learn sports in American and British.
Hi Ronnie,
thanks a lot for your useful lesson.
take care
:D thank you so much , it’s really helpful
Ican understant Ronnie classes ^^ I really love her lessons
My name is Dali and
I can go to the school,I can speak in English and I can play the guitar
I can’t cook,I can’t swim and I can’t dance
My name is Dayana
these are 3 things:
I can dance
I can write a poem
I can estudy
these are 3 things:
I can’t swim
I can’t singer
I can’t cook
My name is Alexia are 3 things
I can run
I can dance
I can paint
I can’t swim
I can’t singer
I can’t shout
Hi!! I’m Ixchetl and well i want to say that I can understand your lesson, I cant use this lesson on my English class and I can begin to put in practice all it but I can’t still understand somethings like some dialogs in the movies, I can’t answer quickly some questions and I can’t sing in English :( jajajaja
HI I am Fernando and I can do cook, I can do sing, but I can’t dance and I can’t play the guitar
my name is Ana i can do a love the lesson is very good
i can’t do English is not my style almost
thank you. i like the way you teach <3
Thank you, I’m liking very much your lessons Ronnie. Take care!
Hi every body I’m new may I be your friend
I got 100% thankss!
3. What is the best way to pronounce “I can”?
Dear Ronnie,
I have a question for you: in this test I choise this answer and this is correct, but during your lesson you are writed only: IKIN…. and never IKEN.
This is only a mistake of writing or existe also this other form?
I hope who answer to my question.
I thank you a lot.
Greeting from Italy.
Excellent class! thanks Ronnie
Thanks. I better understand the difference between can ant can’t.
Finally, i understand how to pronounce this words. Before this lesson i pronounced ->can’t like this “CANT” and my english teacher told me that is a coarseness. Thank very much Ronnie!
hard :)
i really enjoy learning english with the best teacher thanks a lot Ronnie!
I love ur way of teaching ,
Ur videos help me a lot.
But I have a problem with pronouncing words ended with ” ge” and “te” …
Hi Ronnie, thanks for an awesome lesson. Quick question : can you pronounce “can’t” as “ken” or do you have to pronounce it as ” can + ‘ t ‘ sound” ?
Could you do a lesson on how to pronounce words start with “FR” such as fruit friend free… Etc? I have trouble pronounce it correctly :(
Thank you :)
Thanks :-)
thanks ronnie
In my esl class. Dr.Nic said:” you should speak letter T after can to make a negative can :can t””.
great lesson thanks rony
Thank you Ronnie, nice lesson.
Hi Ronnie! “I can” understend you perfectly!! When I am listening your instructions, always I stay very happy because you talk easly…and I as a begginer can understand you pronunciation and directions!
Thank you so much…you are awesome….
See you here!!!
(Sorry for my mistakes…I’m trying….)
Excellent Ronnie!
thank you ronnie
thank you for this lesson.
I have some problems by this for a long time and now i dont
thank you so much teacher Ronnie.. i have learned a lot from you
Hi Ronnie! You re really best teacher I have ever seen))I wanna ask sth I discovered this website and i loved it very much i wanna learn english perfectly i dont know exactly how can i start to learn from this site cuz there re so many classes i need ur guidance
…Best wishes from Turkey)))
hello Ronnie thank you so much ! i heard that sometimes people use “can” to say “can’t” but they don’t pronounce the “‘t”. How can we know if they want really say “can” or “can’t” ?
Hi Ronnie! You re really best teacher
but my english teacher say,that we must pronounce “K’ANT” not KINT
thankfor the qiuz igot 3 out of 4
It was very easy…
I loved the lesson!
thanks a lot.
mam thanks for this lesson. i want to learn English.
Thank you mam Ronnie I’m perfect score
4/4 got it all
thanks 4 u Ronni
that is fine too
thank ///////*
Thank you for explain that, i love your videos
I’m from India. Thank you very much Ronnie ma’am for your video.
Deus lhe Pague….”God bless You”…
Thank you so much, like always very useful.
I think I will use my head while I get the sound in my mouth. It was so funny
I love the class again, I will keep on my English learning. Thanks!
Very difficult
What about the prounciation of they , he , she , it with can ?
i like it ;)
Good lesson Ronnie!!!!
Thank you
I´m learning a lot with your lessons.
Thank you, Ronnie!
You are awesome ;)
Hi! its so great lesson 4 me. i loved it and i wanna say thanks!!!
Dear Ronnie!
In some quiz books there are such an answers in a multiple a/b/c/ answering list to choose from as a)can b)cannot c) can not.
What’s that: cannot vs. can not? From your lesson: cannot = can’t, but “can not” – what about this one?! Is it wrong, not usable or… I’ve seen it’ written somewhere.
Thanks a bunch!
I think the cannot similar the can bot the absolute difference is space between of both
Thank you mrs Ronnie for all about of that..
We are so lucky.. Because your way of the teaching is too exciting..
TKS, nice class!
Hello madam,
I mostly like your teaching style. I love to learn english and love to watch your english teaching video. Thank you so much for your kindly service.
Thank you Teacher Ronnie for this Lesson :)
Thank you
I can get all answer correct !
Thank you
i can understand this lesson.
ronnie really you cannot dance.
thank you teacher!!
Thanks ?
Thank you Ronnie!
Thank you very much!
Thanks Ronnie . Your lessons are really very helpful to improve my English.
Ronnie I realy love your classes. Congrat’s You are amazing.
Thank you Ronnie ❤❤
You ae great
It’s lesson very useful.Thank you.
Now I know the difference betwen can and can’t. Thanks again…
Thank you!
Do we write cannot or it’s can not?
you are the best thank you so much
Thank Ronnie ;)
Hi ronnie
Could you please explain a bit about could?
pronounce can is both Kin and ken?
superb! thanks
My favorite teacher
excellent lesson. It isn´t easy to hear the difference between can and can´t. I need to practice, but with this lesson ronnie gave an amazing tip. Thank s Ronnie
thanks RONNIE
I’m bothered with the 4th question in the quiz. I answered “I” as a noun because it’s asking for a part of a speech, though the answer that I thought was pronoun. But the answer is subject which is basically a part of a sentence. Could someone enlighten me? Thanks.
Anyway, thanks Ronnie.
Thanks Ronnie. My favorite Teacher!!!
Hello, teacher Ronnie. I’m Thai.