Pronouncing numbers in English can be difficult. Watch the video and learn the trick! You will be able to talk about and understand numbers with confidence!
Thank you,very helpful! Could you please do more videos obout idioms or may be slang? Very interesting topic!))thanks!
cristiano ronaldo
Thank you,very helpful
thank u very much about teach the saying numbers……………………..
What is the meaning of “#’s”?
It means Numbers. # means number. as written.
That ‘s a great teaching.
that’s a great for us to joint this group cause
we can speak.
paula riana
Hey, If you can give me a job I will come to Oman!!!
,Turkey is so pretty country for you you can find jobs good nature and etc.Off course if you come.My name is semih I know you needn’t any job but for the others come
ronnie and ronnie agood teacher i hope to leasen evrry time
no you r a good teacher u have to teach us through this website
hii ronnie,
i like your teaching,but u can give me some advises to practise learning and speaking in the context at the same time when i talk with a foreigner or inteview for the job?thks a lot
Thanh Nông
Thanks a lot!
Thank-you very much.
thanks a lot
Whats the name of the teacher that explaed about numbers, please. She like me the way in that give your course.
Awesome. I have never seen an instructor teaching with this much ease and as much clarity as well.
Thanks A Lot!!!
I am new on this site and I like english reply mam that you got Please you ….me
good morning mam, Ronnie!
is easy no ! tanks
to all the teachers. You are great! Please keep on doing it. I love the passion of your teaching. Have fun.
Kind regards
A. Aziz
Ahmed Aziz
what are the differetiate roman numbers and english numbers
hafiz ubaid
Roman numerals look like this: I II III IV V VI etc. English numbers look like this: 1 2 3 4 5 6.
Hi Ronny,
I understand what you mean. But there are no “English” numbers. The numbers that you think are referred as “Arabic”. What is wrong, because they came to Europe from India via Arabica years ago.
Hi Ronny
When you say 3 – three I hear: ~ tri. But when you say 30 – I hear: ~ firtee. Is the pronounciation of 3 and 30 always different? Or can I say: ~ “free”, “firtee”?
but how to pronounce twenty?
but ronnie is it ok to pronounce twenty is tweny ?
Yeah, of course. You can pronounce both twen-T, and tweny. It depends on which accent you want to use Canadian, or American. . .
I’m a brazilian, and I need to speak,understand, read and write english!!! tank you!!!…keep on doing it!!!
dri vip
thanks a lot
It’S looK sImPLe…BuT pEoPLe AlWAYs mAke MiStAkE..
hi i really impressed by your way of teaching you are great and i want to make shure if we could say tweny instead of twenty because i heard a lot of american and canadian people say this is it true or not?.
You can pronounce both ways! You won’t make any mistake. . .
no response ?
Yeah, you can pronounce it like that. I say it like that all the time.
very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very good lesseions….
you are so cute
hey mam…ur lessons r so helpful…thank u vry much..plz do some more vids on pronunciation..bye.
Hey, I’m brazilian and your classes are helping me a lot. thank you! xoxo
Hey , Im from Algeria ) you have nice eyes ). brief we writ Fourty or Forty ?
Hollo, i’m from Lao very good you teaching i just found this web i love you taching
kham are really a very good teacher…congratulations
When we speak [i], the tongue tip can hang in the air.
When we speak[t], the tongue tip touches the alveolar ridge.
Does the tongue tip move from touching the alveolar ridge to hanging in the air when we pronounce “tea[ti]” ?
Wang Yi-Chau
I remember when I couldn’t spell 15 and 50 in the right way, instead to say fifteen and fifty i was say fiveteen and fivety
Where is quiz ?
It is pretty difficult to make quizzes for pronunciation, so some of these lessons don’t have quizzes. Sorry!
Here is a suggestion. You can provide sound effect, so on that way we can choose the right answer. For example, we hear some voice pronouncing specific word, and then decide if the pronouncing is right or false.
hello i`m from morocco do you like visited it wellcome.
This lesson is really good for me. Thank you.
But how can I say the year-number???
for example: 1138??? I’ll say one thousand one hundred and thirty eight or eleven thirty eight???
You can simply say eleven thirty-eight!
and the year 1023? I’ll say one thousand twenty three or one thousand AND twenty tree???
Thank’s a lot….u gave me the important information bout number’s….
if i can i will iou
thanks alot for made sure it.
It’s so clear for me. My pronunciation was wrong as I began study. Thanks so much.
I like it very very much :-).I hope to improve my English with your lessons.Thank you…)
hi ronnie i like the way u deliver how to teach tnx godbless
Respected Ms Ronnie,
thanks for your best lectures to help me to improve my English, i have a little confusion that is about the spelling of Forty and Four and fourteen why in english there is difference in spelling of Forty (40), even it is pronounced same?
thanks and regards
Muhammad Iqbal Baloch
awesome,good job thanks alot Ronnie.
You are talented and born teacher like my wife. Thank you for this lessen
Thank you very much
omg,you hate math an i hate it more than anyone but i loved this lesson
and your way…
..thanks a lot
Thank you for this lessen
I’m learning each time I watch your lecture. thanks Ronnie and engVid
Hello Ronnie!!!How are you? I like every teacher that is working over there.Everyone describes everything very well.Notwithstanding I want to tell you face to face the following .If I had my own school I would invite you to teach there.Maybe you can be invited by me to come to my school.Maybe I have an English Language School soon.If you were invited you wold accept to come?I hope so.I am looking forward to hearing from you .Good bye…CARLOS SIMÕES
How do you pronunciation good!
good nice one
Thank you very much. You have got a wonderfull style of teaching and conveying information. Thanks once again.
Ahmed Ibrahim
when ever u speak beer in ur video on that time u have such a good smile on ur face…..
I would like to hear beer again….
I hope u will……??
Ur r best teacher on the internet. I like the way u make funny voice between the lession.
Keep smile :-)
thank you useful lesson .
Very well done for you.
you really are very good and excelent teacher.
you are the best teacher ever!!!
Keep up ronnie, u were very good at pronunciation. I want to be the same as you .
jenel sanon
hello Ronnie, can you help how to say following nummers. I’m a german speaker working in a call center. Last weak I spoke to an english speaker and I’m not sure whether he has understood me.
I was giving him a e-mail address for exmple and I did not know how to say it. I said ACC and he asked AC or ACC and then I said IBDD and he asked ABD, you know? When I’m gonna say ACC how explains to him these are only 2 or 3 letters? Thank you
You can say “double c”.
Dear Mam,
40 is “FOURTY” a cardinal number which is equavalent to the product of four and ten;
40 is not prounounced as ‘FOURTY’ as you teach in this lesson.
Reference Oxford Dictionary.
Nurul Haque.
Nurul Haque
So how do you pronounce it?
may be “foudy”?
Hi! In american pronunciation i heard what 20 as “twony”. Is is correct?
Good lesson C=
could u plz tel me few words how do v pronounce them but they r not related to this video.. here they r –
1) envelope
2) schedule
plz tell me how do we pronounce these words – envelope and schedule…
there are few more words which i have to ask from you how do we pronounce them so on which website shall i ask you ???? do you have any other website???????????? please tell me
envelope= n-va-lowp
schedule = sked-jewel
please tell me which is the correct pronunciation –
‘ske-dule’ or ‘sked-jewel’
They’re both right! You can pronounce it “shedjewel” as well.
engVid Moderator
thank’s for lesson
hi! Ronnie i want speak english like you,can you help me?thank you
hi Ronnie
can i chat with you in any comunity comunication account to improve my english language.
is fantastic,thanks very much.
thank you very much the way you taech is very helpful .can you help me about when you make c sound k and when it sound s thanks for your help
Hi, I’m newcomer on this site from Indonesia.I’ interested in the way you teach english. Thanks a lot for the lesson…
Hi, Ronnie!I’m from Russia. I’m a teacher. Thanks a lot for your lessons!I use them while teaching my students. Very interesting and helpful not difficult!
Awesome work Ms Ronnie
please tell me how to pronounce RUIN :p
Roo-in Like kangaROO -in
y don’t u come to India our people will luv u maam
I love it very much!!!I hope to improve my bad English with your lessons.Thank a lot you…)
30 Thur T
13 Thir Teen
Teacher Ronnie,
can you please explain differences and usage of “affect” and “effect”
Hi Ronnie
I love your teaching techniques.As i learned that tweny thirdy, fordy,fifty, sixty, sevendy,eighdy and ninedy…?
Are they right?
Yes! Great work!
Hi Ronnie
I would love to learn how to pronounce all the english Diphthongs.
Biwsa , toronto
hello Ronnie!!!!
you are the best.
eduardo andrade
Hi, My name is pisa, i´m from cambodia,
thank for your teaching, you are the best and so funny, i love you. Bye
Thanks for pronunciation lessons. That help me improve mine.
I´m loving your clases, thank you!!! Hello from Barcelona ;)
Thanks for your teaching, you are nice.
great work !
I like you are teach, I like this . do you know i speak mistake always..I don’t know in sound.when spoke..Thank you .. i will keep it and try to make correct
I really enjoy learning with you. You’re helping me to speak with confidence :P
hey Ronnie could you help me how to speak in american accent
The best way is to watch American tv shows and repeat. However, there about 42 different American accents!
is very cool, ronny i like me
hahaha…very nice teacher..very funny…nd good teacher..:)
you are the best Ronni
some times I feel I wanna take all people you taught them and come for you and make a great wonderful celebration in the street you live in.
please my queen
I’v a problem with number 20
sometimes I hear it ” tweny ” and others I hear it ” twenty ”
thanks in advance my queen, be blessed
YOu can say it TWEN -T or twenn -y! Both are correct!
thank you teacher you are sporting
thank you so much lesson values and lessons of other wonderful fact benefit you much
i like the way how you teach us Roonie,, thank a lot for all of your lesson i really enjoy it, and its very helpful for me.. there is nothing i cant say but wish you the best luck.
hi iam an Indian , iam troubling to understood english moivies because they are very fast like train , is there is any sollution to fallow that train……………This is not only my problem almost lot of Indians face this problem…………..
Thank you so much, you are very good teacher and I liked you.
I guess you are very strong teacher.
be successful
Ghasem Shams
I liked this class!
Thanks, Teacher!
Thank you! I really like you as teacher.
Could you give me the hint when hearing 14 and 40? I cannot differentiate them sometimes.
Listen for the “n” at the end of “fourteen”! And the “eeeee” sound is longer in “fourteen”. But if you aren’t sure, just ask — lots of native English speakers have a hard time telling them apart, too!
engVid Moderator
thanks for the lesson rony :)
I Have a big problem with using the tenses
could u advice me.
Thank u
I live in Singapore since last year and the funny thing about the numbers pronunciation here is, that they say one three or three zero. They are just fed up with trying to understand it in a normal way :)) Btw, which sentence sounds better: 1. I live in Singapore or 2. I am living in Singapore. I know the grammar rules for both tenses and I guess both are correct but whenever I say this, I am a little bit confused. Thx!!!
Hello Ronnie,
I visited some american accent training websites to know how to pronounce the numbers.
As they said in the video that “teen” in 13 to 19 are pronounced as you taught. But for 30, it is “thirdy” in pronunciation instead of pronouncing ‘thirty” , the ” t” becomes flap T or fast D. Is it wrong? Can you Please guide me ?
Thanks, you are best teacher.
many many thanks Ronnie
Ronnie u r the best Teacher
you are a good teacher thanks
you are a good teacher thanks
Thank you Ronnie
Hi Ronnnie,
Thanks, you’re a great teacher
take care
Hello Ronnie, thank you very much for your great effort.I am confused a little which is right to say for example 11 month or 11 months, simply when to add s and make it plural ?
Thanks in advance
One day without Ronnie is like a day without the sun ;-)
Thank you Ronnie. I like your lesson. :)
Thank you Ronnie, you are great (and my favorite) teacher =)
Vuk ff
nice topic
ann ann
Thank you teacher Ronnie I really enjoyed listening to you
you are the best teacher.
shukallan rahim
Hi! Thank you for your teaching. It’s my pleasure to study English with you and your site. I have one personal asking you. Please, can you write me on Thank you.
Thank you
you are the best teacher.
13, 14,15,16,17,18, 19 are teen-agers :-)
Thank you Ronnie
Good evening Teacher
I’d like to study english online, would you like to tell me the way to join it and the fee?, thanks a lot.
Thank you.
you re perfect
tahnk s a bunch
its very good lesson
there is a question i have no answer about why pronounce as /wan /
Thanks Ronnie it’s all very clear!
marina conti
Thanks ronnie it’s very eazy to understand
Thank you so much Ronnie
It really easy now it was very hard before this video
Thank you.
I was confused by the number pronunciation of “teen” and “ty” when I studied in junior middle school.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank you,very helpful! Could you please do more videos obout idioms or may be slang? Very interesting topic!))thanks!
Thank you,very helpful
thank u very much about teach the saying numbers……………………..
What is the meaning of “#’s”?
It means Numbers. # means number. as written.
That ‘s a great teaching.
that’s a great for us to joint this group cause
we can speak.
Hey, If you can give me a job I will come to Oman!!!
,Turkey is so pretty country for you you can find jobs good nature and etc.Off course if you come.My name is semih I know you needn’t any job but for the others come
ronnie and ronnie agood teacher i hope to leasen evrry time
no you r a good teacher u have to teach us through this website
hii ronnie,
i like your teaching,but u can give me some advises to practise learning and speaking in the context at the same time when i talk with a foreigner or inteview for the job?thks a lot
Thanks a lot!
Thank-you very much.
thanks a lot
Whats the name of the teacher that explaed about numbers, please. She like me the way in that give your course.
Awesome. I have never seen an instructor teaching with this much ease and as much clarity as well.
Thanks A Lot!!!
I am new on this site and I like english reply mam that you got Please you ….me
is easy no ! tanks
to all the teachers. You are great! Please keep on doing it. I love the passion of your teaching. Have fun.
Kind regards
A. Aziz
what are the differetiate roman numbers and english numbers
Roman numerals look like this: I II III IV V VI etc. English numbers look like this: 1 2 3 4 5 6.
Hi Ronny,
I understand what you mean. But there are no “English” numbers. The numbers that you think are referred as “Arabic”. What is wrong, because they came to Europe from India via Arabica years ago.
Hi Ronny
When you say 3 – three I hear: ~ tri. But when you say 30 – I hear: ~ firtee. Is the pronounciation of 3 and 30 always different? Or can I say: ~ “free”, “firtee”?
but how to pronounce twenty?
but ronnie is it ok to pronounce twenty is tweny ?
Yeah, of course. You can pronounce both twen-T, and tweny. It depends on which accent you want to use Canadian, or American. . .
I’m a brazilian, and I need to speak,understand, read and write english!!! tank you!!!…keep on doing it!!!
thanks a lot
It’S looK sImPLe…BuT pEoPLe AlWAYs mAke MiStAkE..
hi i really impressed by your way of teaching you are great and i want to make shure if we could say tweny instead of twenty because i heard a lot of american and canadian people say this is it true or not?.
You can pronounce both ways! You won’t make any mistake. . .
no response ?
Yeah, you can pronounce it like that. I say it like that all the time.
very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very good lesseions….
you are so cute
hey mam…ur lessons r so helpful…thank u vry much..plz do some more vids on pronunciation..bye.
Hey, I’m brazilian and your classes are helping me a lot. thank you! xoxo
Hey , Im from Algeria ) you have nice eyes ). brief we writ Fourty or Forty ?
Hollo, i’m from Lao very good you teaching i just found this web i love you taching are really a very good teacher…congratulations
When we speak [i], the tongue tip can hang in the air.
When we speak[t], the tongue tip touches the alveolar ridge.
Does the tongue tip move from touching the alveolar ridge to hanging in the air when we pronounce “tea[ti]” ?
Wang Yi-Chau
I remember when I couldn’t spell 15 and 50 in the right way, instead to say fifteen and fifty i was say fiveteen and fivety
Where is quiz ?
It is pretty difficult to make quizzes for pronunciation, so some of these lessons don’t have quizzes. Sorry!
Here is a suggestion. You can provide sound effect, so on that way we can choose the right answer. For example, we hear some voice pronouncing specific word, and then decide if the pronouncing is right or false.
hello i`m from morocco do you like visited it wellcome.
I love you
this is best web site in my life
i love it
thanks engvid
thank u
My E-mail is
can you tell me about learnig English well
how to study?
I love you very much
This lesson is really good for me. Thank you.
But how can I say the year-number???
for example: 1138??? I’ll say one thousand one hundred and thirty eight or eleven thirty eight???
You can simply say eleven thirty-eight!
and the year 1023? I’ll say one thousand twenty three or one thousand AND twenty tree???
Thank’s a lot….u gave me the important information bout number’s….
if i can i will iou
thanks alot for made sure it.
It’s so clear for me. My pronunciation was wrong as I began study. Thanks so much.
I like it very very much :-).I hope to improve my English with your lessons.Thank you…)
hi ronnie i like the way u deliver how to teach tnx godbless
Respected Ms Ronnie,
thanks for your best lectures to help me to improve my English, i have a little confusion that is about the spelling of Forty and Four and fourteen why in english there is difference in spelling of Forty (40), even it is pronounced same?
thanks and regards
awesome,good job thanks alot Ronnie.
You are talented and born teacher like my wife. Thank you for this lessen
Thank you very much
omg,you hate math an i hate it more than anyone but i loved this lesson
and your way…
..thanks a lot
Thank you for this lessen
I’m learning each time I watch your lecture. thanks Ronnie and engVid
Hello Ronnie!!!How are you? I like every teacher that is working over there.Everyone describes everything very well.Notwithstanding I want to tell you face to face the following .If I had my own school I would invite you to teach there.Maybe you can be invited by me to come to my school.Maybe I have an English Language School soon.If you were invited you wold accept to come?I hope so.I am looking forward to hearing from you .Good bye…CARLOS SIMÕES
How do you pronunciation good!
good nice one
Thank you very much. You have got a wonderfull style of teaching and conveying information. Thanks once again.
when ever u speak beer in ur video on that time u have such a good smile on ur face…..
I would like to hear beer again….
I hope u will……??
Ur r best teacher on the internet. I like the way u make funny voice between the lession.
Keep smile :-)
thank you useful lesson .
Very well done for you.
you really are very good and excelent teacher.
you are the best teacher ever!!!
Keep up ronnie, u were very good at pronunciation. I want to be the same as you .
hello Ronnie, can you help how to say following nummers. I’m a german speaker working in a call center. Last weak I spoke to an english speaker and I’m not sure whether he has understood me.
I was giving him a e-mail address for exmple and I did not know how to say it. I said ACC and he asked AC or ACC and then I said IBDD and he asked ABD, you know? When I’m gonna say ACC how explains to him these are only 2 or 3 letters? Thank you
You can say “double c”.
Dear Mam,
40 is “FOURTY” a cardinal number which is equavalent to the product of four and ten;
40 is not prounounced as ‘FOURTY’ as you teach in this lesson.
Reference Oxford Dictionary.
Nurul Haque.
So how do you pronounce it?
may be “foudy”?
Hi! In american pronunciation i heard what 20 as “twony”. Is is correct?
Good lesson C=
could u plz tel me few words how do v pronounce them but they r not related to this video.. here they r –
1) envelope
2) schedule
plz tell me how do we pronounce these words – envelope and schedule…
there are few more words which i have to ask from you how do we pronounce them so on which website shall i ask you ???? do you have any other website???????????? please tell me
envelope= n-va-lowp
schedule = sked-jewel
please tell me which is the correct pronunciation –
‘ske-dule’ or ‘sked-jewel’
They’re both right! You can pronounce it “shedjewel” as well.
thank’s for lesson
hi! Ronnie i want speak english like you,can you help me?thank you
hi Ronnie
can i chat with you in any comunity comunication account to improve my english language.
is fantastic,thanks very much.
thank you very much the way you taech is very helpful .can you help me about when you make c sound k and when it sound s thanks for your help
Hi, I’m newcomer on this site from Indonesia.I’ interested in the way you teach english. Thanks a lot for the lesson…
Hi, Ronnie!I’m from Russia. I’m a teacher. Thanks a lot for your lessons!I use them while teaching my students. Very interesting and helpful not difficult!
Awesome work Ms Ronnie
please tell me how to pronounce RUIN :p
Roo-in Like kangaROO -in
y don’t u come to India our people will luv u maam
I love it very much!!!I hope to improve my bad English with your lessons.Thank a lot you…)
30 Thur T
13 Thir Teen
Teacher Ronnie,
can you please explain differences and usage of “affect” and “effect”
Hi Ronnie
I love your teaching techniques.As i learned that tweny thirdy, fordy,fifty, sixty, sevendy,eighdy and ninedy…?
Are they right?
Yes! Great work!
Hi Ronnie
I would love to learn how to pronounce all the english Diphthongs.
Biwsa , toronto
hello Ronnie!!!!
you are the best.
Hi, My name is pisa, i´m from cambodia,
thank for your teaching, you are the best and so funny, i love you. Bye
Thanks for pronunciation lessons. That help me improve mine.
I´m loving your clases, thank you!!! Hello from Barcelona ;)
Thanks for your teaching, you are nice.
great work !
I like you are teach, I like this . do you know i speak mistake always..I don’t know in sound.when spoke..Thank you .. i will keep it and try to make correct
I really enjoy learning with you. You’re helping me to speak with confidence :P
hey Ronnie could you help me how to speak in american accent
The best way is to watch American tv shows and repeat. However, there about 42 different American accents!
is very cool, ronny i like me
hahaha…very nice teacher..very funny…nd good teacher..:)
you are the best Ronni
some times I feel I wanna take all people you taught them and come for you and make a great wonderful celebration in the street you live in.
please my queen
I’v a problem with number 20
sometimes I hear it ” tweny ” and others I hear it ” twenty ”
thanks in advance my queen, be blessed
YOu can say it TWEN -T or twenn -y! Both are correct!
thank you teacher you are sporting
thank you so much lesson values and lessons of other wonderful fact benefit you much
i like the way how you teach us Roonie,, thank a lot for all of your lesson i really enjoy it, and its very helpful for me.. there is nothing i cant say but wish you the best luck.
hi iam an Indian , iam troubling to understood english moivies because they are very fast like train , is there is any sollution to fallow that train……………This is not only my problem almost lot of Indians face this problem…………..
Thank you so much, you are very good teacher and I liked you.
I guess you are very strong teacher.
be successful
I liked this class!
Thanks, Teacher!
Thank you! I really like you as teacher.
Could you give me the hint when hearing 14 and 40? I cannot differentiate them sometimes.
Listen for the “n” at the end of “fourteen”! And the “eeeee” sound is longer in “fourteen”. But if you aren’t sure, just ask — lots of native English speakers have a hard time telling them apart, too!
thanks for the lesson rony :)
I Have a big problem with using the tenses
could u advice me.
Thank u
I live in Singapore since last year and the funny thing about the numbers pronunciation here is, that they say one three or three zero. They are just fed up with trying to understand it in a normal way :)) Btw, which sentence sounds better: 1. I live in Singapore or 2. I am living in Singapore. I know the grammar rules for both tenses and I guess both are correct but whenever I say this, I am a little bit confused. Thx!!!
Hello Ronnie,
I visited some american accent training websites to know how to pronounce the numbers.
As they said in the video that “teen” in 13 to 19 are pronounced as you taught. But for 30, it is “thirdy” in pronunciation instead of pronouncing ‘thirty” , the ” t” becomes flap T or fast D. Is it wrong? Can you Please guide me ?
Thanks, you are best teacher.
many many thanks Ronnie
Ronnie u r the best Teacher
you are a good teacher thanks
you are a good teacher thanks
Thank you Ronnie
Hi Ronnnie,
Thanks, you’re a great teacher
take care
Hello Ronnie, thank you very much for your great effort.I am confused a little which is right to say for example 11 month or 11 months, simply when to add s and make it plural ?
Thanks in advance
One day without Ronnie is like a day without the sun ;-)
Thank you Ronnie. I like your lesson. :)
Thank you Ronnie, you are great (and my favorite) teacher =)
nice topic
Thank you teacher Ronnie I really enjoyed listening to you
you are the best teacher.
Hi! Thank you for your teaching. It’s my pleasure to study English with you and your site. I have one personal asking you. Please, can you write me on Thank you.
Thank you
you are the best teacher.
13, 14,15,16,17,18, 19 are teen-agers :-)
Thank you Ronnie
Good evening Teacher
I’d like to study english online, would you like to tell me the way to join it and the fee?, thanks a lot.
Thank you.
you re perfect
tahnk s a bunch
its very good lesson
there is a question i have no answer about why pronounce as /wan /
Thanks Ronnie it’s all very clear!
Thanks ronnie it’s very eazy to understand
Thank you so much Ronnie
It really easy now it was very hard before this video
Thank you.
I was confused by the number pronunciation of “teen” and “ty” when I studied in junior middle school.
Oh nice.
Thanks a lot!
good lesson…tanks Ronny