Finally learn how to pronounce R and L in English with confidence! This lesson is especially for my Asian students, who have difficulty with these letters!!
Hello Ronnie! I’m a big fan of you:D amm I love your way teaching you’re the best! it makes everything quite easy, hmm I didn’t watch this lesson but I’ll, I’ve a good exuse for that, Don’t piss off! Certainly it’s an amazing one!
Ronnie, would you mind sendin’ me some information about your skype lessons and I got a question: How often do you put a lesson? is it every two weeks?
Thanks a million, it’s a pleasure to have had you as a teacher!
Fatima from Saudi Arabia
Sorry, I don’t offer skype lessons anymore.
My lessons are put up every 5th teacher!!!
Keep on watching for more lessons from all the teachers!!
Fatima show your facial smile. LOL
Victor Adamenja
Although I’m asian I don’t have this problem. hmm I’ve just finished waching this interesting lesson, I was waiting anxiously to see it!
oh how I love ur lessons..
Wow it’s very cool.
The way you teach is very amazing.
hello Ronnie,
I have problems with the sound /d/ I pronounce it as in spanish, do you have any exercise to correct it?
best regards
I will try to make a lesson for you!
In Spanish: Plosiva, como la primera ‘d’ en ‘dado’, produced with the tongue touching the upper teeth.
regards. ;)
Hello there…….thanks for teaching n thanks for all videos. U All teachers are great n very helpful.i just want to ask u i have good command over english grammer but i m still cant speak properly i want to speak fluent english. can u give me some suggestions or tips for speaking fluent english. i’ll be very thankfull to u.
caps from India
All i can say is JUST TALK!!!
Never worry about if you make a mistake — mistakes are funny and can help you in conversation as it “breaks the ice”.
To become more fluent, talk more and don’t be shy!
thank you so much for advice…..
waheedullah rahmani
Hello, Caps…
I’m not a teacher but I think the best way of learning a language is listening to it.
If you wanna be fluent, listen… listen… and listen… That’s the secret man.
i agree. when i learned chinse an thai, i turned on TV an listened even though i did not understand. an yeah with lessons with in a few months i could understand pretty well, compared to my other friends who did not listen to TV
khalil from Turkey.
Hi I was in same situation as you, but I always wanted to work on my grammar and now I can speak english very very well.
hello ronnie,
I like your way in teaching you are really amazing n i hope to get more information about your private lessons please mail me with all the info n dont be late :P thank you.
Best Regards.
hhhhhhhhhh you are wonderful teachers i and i love ur way of teaching
it is good
I don’t have problems with these sounds, bur I like this lesson, because it was funny and very artistic! Good job!!!
I’m from VietNam, I like the way you teach.
Please add my skype nick: trangptm2204
Hoping for speaking English to you.
really you very very good teacher i understand you god because you fun teacher really i love your teaching
richard nale
i love you reley iwent mareg you
Hi teacher my name is asma. I really enjoyed your beautiful lessons on online. I would really appreciate if you add me as a contact on skype.So i can benefit your teaching. my email is name asmafiqi. thank you.
thinks and we want more
hi ronnie…first of all i really lilke you very much.especially ur way of eaching .its really interesting..Actually i m from india.anyway i give u abig thanx………………………
Hello, my name is Palm..
i really like the way you teach grammar. I’d like you to give me some advices on how to motivate my Students when it comes to teaching grammar, as grammar is really difficult for me to get it across to them.
wow – it is difficult to motivate grammar students – the only advice I have is to relate the specific grammar point to their own personal lives… get them to connect with the point and use their lives as examples.
Hey Ronnie,
I really enjoy your class. You are a wonderful teacher. I am a native Mandarin speaker and the most difficult pronunciation is ” Zero” . I felt that I was going to bite my tongue every time when I try to say this word. :)
Also people sometimes can’t tell when I said ” pain ” and “pen”.
I think it’s very common issue for most of Mandarin speakers.
This site is the most interesting I’ve found to learn English. Thanks for all of you specially to Valen.
A Happy New Year
carlos parada
Hello Ronnie¡¡ My name is Sergio and just I wanna say thanks to you for the all lessons that you explain us. 1 year ago I arrived to Canada for to learn more English, but sincerely sometimes I feel a little shy when I speak, because when I see some Canadians speaking, they speak very very fast and I think that my chat can be very bored. Please can you give me some advices for to have a good conversation with them . I’ll appreciate it. Regards from Alberta, Canada. PD. I’m your great admirer. Thanks again.
First of all, YOU ARE probably not boring, so don’t ever think that.
Secondly, as far as conversation advice goes, it is an art… just find something you and the person you are talking to are interested in and ALWAYS ask the six magic follow-up questions to keep the conversation going… Who What When Where Why and How… that’s what I do!!
Thanks for your lesson can you make a lesson about I&E how we can write it in word. Thanks for your help
YOU Do Well
Thank you was a funny lessom Ronnie.
thank you!
I love your voice.
Hello Ronnie, was very clear ! thanks
Hi, Ronnie!!! I always thank you for your skillful teaching.
Next time please tell us “R” and “L” sound when they are located in the final of a words.
For example (file, fire) (wall, war) ….
Thanks again from Daegu Korea…
thank you so much!
you teach very clearly
Thanks. I’m Danish and struggle with the “r” sound as well. It comes out as a “w”. “Th”, and “W” is problematic too.
Hello Ronnie,
I’m Tou from Laos. All the outset, thank you so much for a useful lesson. I learned a lot from watching your video. However, I’d like you to come out with more variety of lessons regarding L & R. It would be nice if the R & L are put in a conversation, hence we can hear as well as practice at the same time.
Thanking you,
meow teacher
do you married for me iam verey beutefull oha
hi this is program butful and very usful and i want to continue with this poregram .
thank you and pleas keep going .
hamza alobaidi
first,i would like to thank all teachers for their great work. I was so lucky to be a student of them
thank you for all your efforts I want just ask you if you can provide us with a lesson about the connectors: alghough,though, despite.
i lick your teaching
how does one spell “exspecially”, or “ekspecially”?
give me strength!!
–> especially
I allways enjoy your teaching, I can’t wait for the next class.
Thanks a lot, you are the best.
Mirta Vasquez
I really enjoy and learn from this funny video.You are great
Hello Ronnie,
dear teacher i have a question you taught us in “E” and “I” pronunciation class that “e” sounds eee so “ea” is also ee for example “beat” = beet and heat = heet but in ‘R’ & “L” lesson you are pronouncing “Lead = laaid why not LEED?
kashif from Pakistan
Hi! Very Good Teaching Style.
i do love this website. . and I’m a big fan of teacher Ronnie. . thanks you so much
Thank you very much. God Bless you
Kamel Samy
hi,thank you teacher
Hi Ronnie, I was really having problems with pronuncing words that began with the letter r sound. after watching you, my pronunication with words that began with r is better. You are the best
Hi Ronnie,In the first you are an excellent teacher,The second i’m trying to learn english to be fluent , but i don’t know where the start .if you can help me for appoints like(1,2,3)to do it ,i’ll be so grateful
hi Ronnie .thank you very much for your way to teach is fantastic .To day is my second day to see your videos and like it .I think that they can help me to have a good English pronunciation,that i need it very well in my job
Hi! Very Good Teaching Style
hi, i need your video. but i can not find the download link. please help me!
You watch it online, right at the top of this page. You don’t need to download it.
thanks a lot. I am glad that I have met this web site.
Hi Ronnie.plez,what is the difference between the ‘R’sound when it comes at the beginnig of the word and, when it is preceded by a vowel sound.In the’R.P.’ pronunciation i know speakers do not pronouce the’R’ when it is followed by a vowel sound,but in american and canadian acceent i dicovered that speakers of that variety of english pronounced the ‘R’even when it comes after a vowel question: is the ‘R’sound when it comes at the beginning of the word and, when it is preceded by a vowel sound in the american and canadian pronunciationis the same or different? i’m an arabic native speaker.we do have the ‘R’ sound in arabic but it is quite different from that of english because the tongoue touches the alveolar ridge and makes friction with it when we produce the arabic’R’
thank u so much for ur help
Hey! When we say the R in English before or after a vowel, it is the same sound! Thanks for the comment!
teacher,i’m from viet nam. I really likes your lesson. you should show more about the other words as: sh, ch,th, ….thank you so much!
That was really fun learning with joy…
very entertaining…
thank you very much for this video..
thank you
thank you .. that’s help :)
Thank you very much! I like the way u teach. It’s easier for me to pronounce.
I expect the lesson about /ʤ/ and /tʃ/, like “joke” and “chore”. I pronounce them exactly in same way :(
thanks for ur useful lessons.
but I still have a problem with R letter if it was twice in the same word as: regular, rular or radar, especially the 2nd R.
I need to ur advice.
The r in regular sounds like reg-u-ler (ler), ruler = rule-er (er) radar id like ray-dar
i need to say something . i cant thank you both enough forever you’re great teacher
firt i want to think u alot
iam arabian man and i have two request
first , i studied english for 10 yrs grammer writting reading all of this but when i watch amovie as example i cannot understand the words when they talk fast > so how can i over come of this ?
second > i cannot talk the word ( ruler , plural …….and like this
can you make lesson about this ?
and thanks alot,
hi ronne,iam Sana osman from Sudan , kindly ifound some diffecult to wrote this massage please can help me to make sentence &speak english i wont to be contacte with you to improve my langage my email []
sana osman
Hello dear ronnie this is ahmad siyar from afghanistan you soo perfect teacher plz tell me about your IELTS test did u toke IELTS tell me about your Score?
Ah Sseyar
I have never taken IELTS.
Thank u
send me ur email please
What happens when we eat rice . I am waitind for your answer
What happens when we eat cat
How to use R and L
Now u are my pen friend
Can u explain me in another way how to spell R and l please !
Can u explain me in another way how to spell R and l please ! Thanks
hi ronnie
Thanks a lot. wadee is my daughter, she is only five and half years old. please advise me what will be her lesson program. ohhh…. we are from Bangladesh.
I’ve been watching your lessons since two days and i found it very helpful in learning english.i’ve a problem that I suddenly stops while talking and try to recollect the word to be use.
That is normal…what you should do is say “um…or ah…” these are what I call “I am thinking words”, they let the speaker know that you are thinking of what to say next! We (native speakers) use these ALL THE TIME! I will try to make a video to help you out!
hi ronnie, could you please make a video about the difference between “m” and “n” in pronunciation? thanks a lot!
I will try to make that video for you!
that’s great! i’ll wait for that video :) thank you.
Hi, Ronnie. You are a really kind person, and a great teacher! I am grateful to you!!!
hey Teacher Ronnie…thx for t videos.I have some problem with some pronunciation which end with Word, Harm, Form (when i m trying to say Form it sounds like Fom or Forrrrm),worse,work, Hart, Lord, please let me know how i can make it correct.
Thank You.
Just try to repeat the words and record them to listen to yourself to help you improve!
really thank u so much,Teachers
God bless U all :)
We appreciate ur efforts and I ask u for a lesson about Linking Words plss if u can ….
and thanks again.
I will try to make a lesson on linking words for you!
why “lead” is not pronounced like “beat or meet”
Thank you for you kind care
I have no idea! English is just really confusing and difficult!
Hi Ronnie
your way is very very easy.
in the past Grammar makes me crazy,but your simplest way make grammar funny.
any way thanks to you a lot.
Thanks Ronnie , this video help me a lot, because i always have problem to pronounced R,L and V as well. I like the way you teach also , good job Ronnie. :-)
I am a Spanish speaking person… and my tongue keeps going up every time I try to pronounce “R”… and keeps rolling like crazy lol… I try the pirate suggestion but I think I would make a great Spanish pirate… because the “R” sounds sooo Spanish… :(
one of those maria
ilove learn englesh four you Ronnie thanks
As far as I know you have used the word “lead” ,but you meant “lid”as a cover of a pen for instance. Am I right or wrong ?
No, I mean lead.
Hi Ronnie, you’re very good, amazing, I love yours videos, keep it that way. Bye.
Cleilson Brazil
this lesson is good, thinks Ms Ronnie
Thanks very much for all what you’ve done.
May I ask you to teach us how to pronounce the letter(T) in the middle of the words.
e.g. letter , lettle , ..etc
OK I will try to make a video for you!
tinks and happy new year
Hi Ronnie,
Your teaching style is very unique. Now days I am follwing all your classes over web. It is really very useful. Thanks a lot
Thanks & Regards,
Thanks to you Ronnie,
Stay happy
Zakaria Hussain
thanks alot u r great
Thank you very much it’s really useful to learn pronunciation L&R many Thanks Heman
Ronnie, you are the best teacher…
you are help me very much, with a pronous of languange
Excuse me I´m only begging English
thank you very much
Thank you for your fun and easy way in the commentary
I am now the best in the English language
., … I hope my writing to be valid
Thanks for all teachers
Hello Ronnie
can you tell me what the deference between letter J and G in pronuciation
is there rule for that letters
i spilling wrong sometime in word like stenGy , reGret
To the Honorable Madam
Hello, Madam Ronnie Whatever You taught us is right and necessary. And you gave nice illustrations about R. But Do you think that when we pronounce R, the tip of tongue that should be touched to the roof of the mouth, Including hard and soft palate?
Thanking you.
Your dear brother.
Gajendra Andrew
No! When we say R the back of your tongue should touch the back of your mouth!
Your mouth doesn’t move much when you speak. How can you teach pronunciation?
Also you make an “ah” sound (a vowel) when you teach “r”. That is not correct. Ah-rr sound is not R sound. Your Pirate example is fun but not good.
Hey, Ronnie,, you were teaching English in Obihiro ( Hokkaido in Japan ) ? Sure ? I came from Sapporo originally ( Hokkaido in Japan ). Now I have been working in Europe Germany. you know maybe how difficult to pronounce ” R ” and ” L ” for Japanese.. especially ” R ” sound…more Diffiuclt is R + L together. like ” Girl ” or ” World “..cos we have to pronouce R and L together.. please tell us one more ” R + L ” together sounds. Thank a lot.. from Masa ( Germany )
Cool! I loved Sapporo! There is a great technique to help you with the r sound. Before each R, say the う sound! This will help you to get your tongue in the right position.
Girl = gうrrrrrl!!!
It is so Cool. Thank you so much . getting understand it. by the way, Right and Wright are same sound ?
Right is Ri ,,ght.. ?? and
Wright is maybe うう right ??
I am doing Gambarimasu.. Masa
Ronnie, você é ótima e very fanny teacher, parabéns e continue assim com esse astral fantástico, bjs
Jean Frossard
i respect your tired for us thank you
Hello Ronnie…just a question…is there an allophonic variant of the [l] sound in canadian english as in british english (clear or dark)…or is it mainly dark as in american english?
Sorry, I do not know.
He wanted to say “L” has two connotations “L beep” and “L deaf”
Iliescu Cornel
For example the words “live” or “lily” before the vowel “i” sound “L” is pronounced “highly beep.” But in the situation when the sound “L” is in final position or before “an unvoiced consonants” for example “p, k, t” it is pronounced “veiled” meaning that does not sound
Iliescu Cornel
Is the tongue tip position in producing the vowel ” i ” in “lead[lid] ” similar to the tongue tip position in producing the only isolated vowel ” i ” ?
hi…Teacher Ronnie could you please tell me some lesson, how to use adjective,adverb and would rather?
Hi.. Ronnie thank you so much for good lesson.
Ronnie You are multydexter in languages hell you are?))))))
Victor Adamenja
Dear Roonie, I adore you as a teacher…keep up the good work!
Hello! Ronnie you know all your videos make me to understand about speaking English. and i just wanna say thank….. and i hope you go on your ways. sorry if i type wrong bye……
It is not very difficult for vietnamese people to differentiate between r and l
Thank you Ronnie.
Now, I have known the R and L.
Dear Ronnie,you are so so so sweet!
Thank you very much for the lesson!
best regards
Hi Ronnie, I thank you very much for this class.
Can you please help me with “Time” How to make a sound??
Thank you
hi rani i have problems with writing can you
make a lesoon plaess.
thank you very much
Hi Ronnie,
closing the nose,are the R sound influence .thanks
I appreciate your answer.
Thank you very much Ronnie,
one question what’s de deference between canadien english and others countries english language like american and british?
When “R” “sound” is between two vowel is pronounced?
In that instances(case) “R” should not pronounce it self? When I take this decision?
Thank you very nice!
Iliescu Cornel
Thanks a lot.
I always had problems to pronounce words with the letter R, because in portuguese (I am from Brazil) the sound of the letter R is very different, it sounds a little bit like the letter H in english. But this lesson helped me to understand how to pronounce it correctly.
Hi Ronnie,
thanks a lot, great lesson :)
take care
hey Ronnie, could you make a video on how to pronounce these words:
World, Girl, Months, and generally when we have rl and ths
Hey, I have a doubt about how to pronounce the syllables ple and ble.. could you explain it to me?
Excellent,it’s very useful…….Thank you
Oh, I can’t believe that you like liver!!! o.0
Love you Ronnie, you have helped me.
Thank you.
lalalalalice, thank you.
Hello Ronnie,
Does the pronunciation of the letter R or L is different when they are placed in the beginning, middle, and in the end of the word?.
How is the pronunciation when the word get double R o double L?
Douglas Lagos
Douglas Lagos
I apologize for my mistake in my second question to you. I think, that I should have written the following:
How is the he pronunciation when the word has a double or double L?
Douglas Lagos
Douglas Lagos
please teach me how to use ‘being ‘
ann ann
This is great! I’ve problem pronouncing war, wall and var =(
Hello miss Ronnie
I like all your videos and i’m a great fan of all your awesome and funny lessons… But i have a great problem now… How to understand a native american speaker… I have this problem because they love linking theirs words and that makes me confused because at that time i don’t know they talk about( they speak weirdly )… I NEED HELP PLEASE
Thanks Ronnie
It’s a great lessen, I have problem with pronounce L,N,R, if they together in one world can be more difficult to pronounce.
thanks ronnie. Your lessons are always interesting. sometimes i get mistake when i pronoun r and l. I don’t do anything with my tongue. how can i practice to improve my skill?.
My name is Marin.I really like your video snd learned a lot from it.
I would like you to teach me how to say “seriously” well.
Thanks for this lesson!!!! I really enjoyed the lesson, specially, the “R” sound. It is very difficult to me to pronounce it because I’m a native Spanish speaker, and we roll our tongue to pronounce the letter “R”..
Lorena Guzman
thanks ronnie.
thanks Ronnie.
Thank you Ronnie
Thanks for the lesson Ronnie
Leon Snow
thanks madam ronnie. :)
Thank you Ronnie.
Thank You . I hope you make video lesson to explain relation between ( R) and other alphabet
Islam Awad2050
How to pronounce rice and rise
Hi Ronnie, have you offer a pronunciation course ONLINE?
Thanks Ronie For The Lessons
Hi Ronnie! My name is Ronaldo and just I wanna say thanks to you for the all lessons that you explain for us.
I’m your great admirer.
Hi Ronny.Just say you that your way of teaching is very good and i hope i will better pronunce the R sound with your lesson.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Hello Ronnie! I’m a big fan of you:D amm I love your way teaching you’re the best! it makes everything quite easy, hmm I didn’t watch this lesson but I’ll, I’ve a good exuse for that, Don’t piss off! Certainly it’s an amazing one!
Ronnie, would you mind sendin’ me some information about your skype lessons and I got a question: How often do you put a lesson? is it every two weeks?
Thanks a million, it’s a pleasure to have had you as a teacher!
Fatima from Saudi Arabia
Sorry, I don’t offer skype lessons anymore.
My lessons are put up every 5th teacher!!!
Keep on watching for more lessons from all the teachers!!
Fatima show your facial smile. LOL
Although I’m asian I don’t have this problem. hmm I’ve just finished waching this interesting lesson, I was waiting anxiously to see it!
oh how I love ur lessons..
Wow it’s very cool.
The way you teach is very amazing.
hello Ronnie,
I have problems with the sound /d/ I pronounce it as in spanish, do you have any exercise to correct it?
best regards
I will try to make a lesson for you!
In Spanish: Plosiva, como la primera ‘d’ en ‘dado’, produced with the tongue touching the upper teeth.
regards. ;)
Hello there…….thanks for teaching n thanks for all videos. U All teachers are great n very helpful.i just want to ask u i have good command over english grammer but i m still cant speak properly i want to speak fluent english. can u give me some suggestions or tips for speaking fluent english. i’ll be very thankfull to u.
caps from India
All i can say is JUST TALK!!!
Never worry about if you make a mistake — mistakes are funny and can help you in conversation as it “breaks the ice”.
To become more fluent, talk more and don’t be shy!
thank you so much for advice…..
Hello, Caps…
I’m not a teacher but I think the best way of learning a language is listening to it.
If you wanna be fluent, listen… listen… and listen… That’s the secret man.
i agree. when i learned chinse an thai, i turned on TV an listened even though i did not understand. an yeah with lessons with in a few months i could understand pretty well, compared to my other friends who did not listen to TV
khalil from Turkey.
hello ronnie,
I like your way in teaching you are really amazing n i hope to get more information about your private lessons please mail me with all the info n dont be late :P thank you.
Best Regards.
hhhhhhhhhh you are wonderful teachers i and i love ur way of teaching
it is good
I don’t have problems with these sounds, bur I like this lesson, because it was funny and very artistic! Good job!!!
I’m from VietNam, I like the way you teach.
Please add my skype nick: trangptm2204
Hoping for speaking English to you.
really you very very good teacher i understand you god because you fun teacher really i love your teaching
i love you reley iwent mareg you
Hi teacher my name is asma. I really enjoyed your beautiful lessons on online. I would really appreciate if you add me as a contact on skype.So i can benefit your teaching. my email is name asmafiqi. thank you.
thinks and we want more
hi ronnie…first of all i really lilke you very much.especially ur way of eaching .its really interesting..Actually i m from india.anyway i give u abig thanx………………………
Hello, my name is Palm..
i really like the way you teach grammar. I’d like you to give me some advices on how to motivate my Students when it comes to teaching grammar, as grammar is really difficult for me to get it across to them.
wow – it is difficult to motivate grammar students – the only advice I have is to relate the specific grammar point to their own personal lives… get them to connect with the point and use their lives as examples.
Hey Ronnie,
I really enjoy your class. You are a wonderful teacher. I am a native Mandarin speaker and the most difficult pronunciation is ” Zero” . I felt that I was going to bite my tongue every time when I try to say this word. :)
Also people sometimes can’t tell when I said ” pain ” and “pen”.
I think it’s very common issue for most of Mandarin speakers.
This site is the most interesting I’ve found to learn English. Thanks for all of you specially to Valen.
A Happy New Year
Hello Ronnie¡¡ My name is Sergio and just I wanna say thanks to you for the all lessons that you explain us. 1 year ago I arrived to Canada for to learn more English, but sincerely sometimes I feel a little shy when I speak, because when I see some Canadians speaking, they speak very very fast and I think that my chat can be very bored. Please can you give me some advices for to have a good conversation with them . I’ll appreciate it. Regards from Alberta, Canada. PD. I’m your great admirer. Thanks again.
First of all, YOU ARE probably not boring, so don’t ever think that.
Secondly, as far as conversation advice goes, it is an art… just find something you and the person you are talking to are interested in and ALWAYS ask the six magic follow-up questions to keep the conversation going… Who What When Where Why and How… that’s what I do!!
Thanks for your lesson can you make a lesson about I&E how we can write it in word. Thanks for your help
YOU Do Well
Thank you was a funny lessom Ronnie.
thank you!
I love your voice.
Hello Ronnie, was very clear ! thanks
Hi, Ronnie!!! I always thank you for your skillful teaching.
Next time please tell us “R” and “L” sound when they are located in the final of a words.
For example (file, fire) (wall, war) ….
Thanks again from Daegu Korea…
thank you so much!
you teach very clearly
Thanks. I’m Danish and struggle with the “r” sound as well. It comes out as a “w”. “Th”, and “W” is problematic too.
Hello Ronnie,
I’m Tou from Laos. All the outset, thank you so much for a useful lesson. I learned a lot from watching your video. However, I’d like you to come out with more variety of lessons regarding L & R. It would be nice if the R & L are put in a conversation, hence we can hear as well as practice at the same time.
Thanking you,
meow teacher
do you married for me iam verey beutefull oha
hi this is program butful and very usful and i want to continue with this poregram .
thank you and pleas keep going .
first,i would like to thank all teachers for their great work. I was so lucky to be a student of them
thank you for all your efforts I want just ask you if you can provide us with a lesson about the connectors: alghough,though, despite.
i lick your teaching
how does one spell “exspecially”, or “ekspecially”?
give me strength!!
–> especially
I allways enjoy your teaching, I can’t wait for the next class.
Thanks a lot, you are the best.
I really enjoy and learn from this funny video.You are great
Hello Ronnie,
dear teacher i have a question you taught us in “E” and “I” pronunciation class that “e” sounds eee so “ea” is also ee for example “beat” = beet and heat = heet but in ‘R’ & “L” lesson you are pronouncing “Lead = laaid why not LEED?
Hi! Very Good Teaching Style.
i do love this website. . and I’m a big fan of teacher Ronnie. . thanks you so much
Thank you very much. God Bless you
hi,thank you teacher
Hi Ronnie, I was really having problems with pronuncing words that began with the letter r sound. after watching you, my pronunication with words that began with r is better. You are the best
Hi Ronnie,In the first you are an excellent teacher,The second i’m trying to learn english to be fluent , but i don’t know where the start .if you can help me for appoints like(1,2,3)to do it ,i’ll be so grateful
hi Ronnie .thank you very much for your way to teach is fantastic .To day is my second day to see your videos and like it .I think that they can help me to have a good English pronunciation,that i need it very well in my job
Hi! Very Good Teaching Style
hi, i need your video. but i can not find the download link. please help me!
You watch it online, right at the top of this page. You don’t need to download it.
thanks a lot. I am glad that I have met this web site.
Hi Ronnie.plez,what is the difference between the ‘R’sound when it comes at the beginnig of the word and, when it is preceded by a vowel sound.In the’R.P.’ pronunciation i know speakers do not pronouce the’R’ when it is followed by a vowel sound,but in american and canadian acceent i dicovered that speakers of that variety of english pronounced the ‘R’even when it comes after a vowel question: is the ‘R’sound when it comes at the beginning of the word and, when it is preceded by a vowel sound in the american and canadian pronunciationis the same or different? i’m an arabic native speaker.we do have the ‘R’ sound in arabic but it is quite different from that of english because the tongoue touches the alveolar ridge and makes friction with it when we produce the arabic’R’
thank u so much for ur help
Hey! When we say the R in English before or after a vowel, it is the same sound! Thanks for the comment!
teacher,i’m from viet nam. I really likes your lesson. you should show more about the other words as: sh, ch,th, ….thank you so much!
That was really fun learning with joy…
very entertaining…
thank you very much for this video..
thank you
thank you .. that’s help :)
Thank you very much! I like the way u teach. It’s easier for me to pronounce.
I expect the lesson about /ʤ/ and /tʃ/, like “joke” and “chore”. I pronounce them exactly in same way :(
thanks for ur useful lessons.
but I still have a problem with R letter if it was twice in the same word as: regular, rular or radar, especially the 2nd R.
I need to ur advice.
The r in regular sounds like reg-u-ler (ler), ruler = rule-er (er) radar id like ray-dar
i need to say something . i cant thank you both enough forever you’re great teacher
firt i want to think u alot
iam arabian man and i have two request
first , i studied english for 10 yrs grammer writting reading all of this but when i watch amovie as example i cannot understand the words when they talk fast > so how can i over come of this ?
second > i cannot talk the word ( ruler , plural …….and like this
can you make lesson about this ?
and thanks alot,
hi ronne,iam Sana osman from Sudan , kindly ifound some diffecult to wrote this massage please can help me to make sentence &speak english i wont to be contacte with you to improve my langage my email []
Hello dear ronnie this is ahmad siyar from afghanistan you soo perfect teacher plz tell me about your IELTS test did u toke IELTS tell me about your Score?
I have never taken IELTS.
Thank u
send me ur email please
What happens when we eat rice . I am waitind for your answer
What happens when we eat cat
How to use R and L
Now u are my pen friend
Can u explain me in another way how to spell R and l please !
Can u explain me in another way how to spell R and l please ! Thanks
hi ronnie
Thanks a lot. wadee is my daughter, she is only five and half years old. please advise me what will be her lesson program. ohhh…. we are from Bangladesh.
I’ve been watching your lessons since two days and i found it very helpful in learning english.i’ve a problem that I suddenly stops while talking and try to recollect the word to be use.
That is normal…what you should do is say “um…or ah…” these are what I call “I am thinking words”, they let the speaker know that you are thinking of what to say next! We (native speakers) use these ALL THE TIME! I will try to make a video to help you out!
hi ronnie, could you please make a video about the difference between “m” and “n” in pronunciation? thanks a lot!
I will try to make that video for you!
that’s great! i’ll wait for that video :) thank you.
Hi, Ronnie. You are a really kind person, and a great teacher! I am grateful to you!!!
hey Teacher Ronnie…thx for t videos.I have some problem with some pronunciation which end with Word, Harm, Form (when i m trying to say Form it sounds like Fom or Forrrrm),worse,work, Hart, Lord, please let me know how i can make it correct.
Thank You.
Just try to repeat the words and record them to listen to yourself to help you improve!
really thank u so much,Teachers
God bless U all :)
We appreciate ur efforts and I ask u for a lesson about Linking Words plss if u can ….
and thanks again.
I will try to make a lesson on linking words for you!
why “lead” is not pronounced like “beat or meet”
Thank you for you kind care
I have no idea! English is just really confusing and difficult!
Hi Ronnie
your way is very very easy.
in the past Grammar makes me crazy,but your simplest way make grammar funny.
any way thanks to you a lot.
Thanks Ronnie , this video help me a lot, because i always have problem to pronounced R,L and V as well. I like the way you teach also , good job Ronnie. :-)
I am a Spanish speaking person… and my tongue keeps going up every time I try to pronounce “R”… and keeps rolling like crazy lol… I try the pirate suggestion but I think I would make a great Spanish pirate… because the “R” sounds sooo Spanish… :(
ilove learn englesh four you Ronnie thanks
As far as I know you have used the word “lead” ,but you meant “lid”as a cover of a pen for instance. Am I right or wrong ?
No, I mean lead.
Hi Ronnie, you’re very good, amazing, I love yours videos, keep it that way. Bye.
this lesson is good, thinks Ms Ronnie
Thanks very much for all what you’ve done.
May I ask you to teach us how to pronounce the letter(T) in the middle of the words.
e.g. letter , lettle , ..etc
OK I will try to make a video for you!
tinks and happy new year
Hi Ronnie,
Your teaching style is very unique. Now days I am follwing all your classes over web. It is really very useful. Thanks a lot
Thanks & Regards,
Thanks to you Ronnie,
Stay happy
thanks alot u r great
Thank you very much it’s really useful to learn pronunciation L&R many Thanks Heman
Ronnie, you are the best teacher…
you are help me very much, with a pronous of languange
Excuse me I´m only begging English
thank you very much
Thank you for your fun and easy way in the commentary
I am now the best in the English language
., … I hope my writing to be valid
Thanks for all teachers
Hello Ronnie
can you tell me what the deference between letter J and G in pronuciation
is there rule for that letters
i spilling wrong sometime in word like stenGy , reGret
To the Honorable Madam
Hello, Madam Ronnie Whatever You taught us is right and necessary. And you gave nice illustrations about R. But Do you think that when we pronounce R, the tip of tongue that should be touched to the roof of the mouth, Including hard and soft palate?
Thanking you.
Your dear brother.
No! When we say R the back of your tongue should touch the back of your mouth!
Your mouth doesn’t move much when you speak. How can you teach pronunciation?
Also you make an “ah” sound (a vowel) when you teach “r”. That is not correct. Ah-rr sound is not R sound. Your Pirate example is fun but not good.
Hey, Ronnie,, you were teaching English in Obihiro ( Hokkaido in Japan ) ? Sure ? I came from Sapporo originally ( Hokkaido in Japan ). Now I have been working in Europe Germany. you know maybe how difficult to pronounce ” R ” and ” L ” for Japanese.. especially ” R ” sound…more Diffiuclt is R + L together. like ” Girl ” or ” World “..cos we have to pronouce R and L together.. please tell us one more ” R + L ” together sounds. Thank a lot.. from Masa ( Germany )
Cool! I loved Sapporo! There is a great technique to help you with the r sound. Before each R, say the う sound! This will help you to get your tongue in the right position.
Girl = gうrrrrrl!!!
It is so Cool. Thank you so much . getting understand it. by the way, Right and Wright are same sound ?
Right is Ri ,,ght.. ?? and
Wright is maybe うう right ??
I am doing Gambarimasu.. Masa
Ronnie, você é ótima e very fanny teacher, parabéns e continue assim com esse astral fantástico, bjs
i respect your tired for us thank you
Hello Ronnie…just a question…is there an allophonic variant of the [l] sound in canadian english as in british english (clear or dark)…or is it mainly dark as in american english?
Sorry, I do not know.
He wanted to say “L” has two connotations “L beep” and “L deaf”
For example the words “live” or “lily” before the vowel “i” sound “L” is pronounced “highly beep.” But in the situation when the sound “L” is in final position or before “an unvoiced consonants” for example “p, k, t” it is pronounced “veiled” meaning that does not sound
Is the tongue tip position in producing the vowel ” i ” in “lead[lid] ” similar to the tongue tip position in producing the only isolated vowel ” i ” ?
hi…Teacher Ronnie could you please tell me some lesson, how to use adjective,adverb and would rather?
Hi.. Ronnie thank you so much for good lesson.
Ronnie You are multydexter in languages hell you are?))))))
Dear Roonie, I adore you as a teacher…keep up the good work!
Hello! Ronnie you know all your videos make me to understand about speaking English. and i just wanna say thank….. and i hope you go on your ways. sorry if i type wrong bye……
It is not very difficult for vietnamese people to differentiate between r and l
Thank you Ronnie.
Now, I have known the R and L.
Dear Ronnie,you are so so so sweet!
Thank you very much for the lesson!
best regards
Hi Ronnie, I thank you very much for this class.
Can you please help me with “Time” How to make a sound??
Thank you
hi rani i have problems with writing can you
make a lesoon plaess.
thank you very much
Hi Ronnie,
closing the nose,are the R sound influence .thanks
I appreciate your answer.
Thank you very much Ronnie,
one question what’s de deference between canadien english and others countries english language like american and british?
When “R” “sound” is between two vowel is pronounced?
In that instances(case) “R” should not pronounce it self? When I take this decision?
Thank you very nice!
Thanks a lot.
I always had problems to pronounce words with the letter R, because in portuguese (I am from Brazil) the sound of the letter R is very different, it sounds a little bit like the letter H in english. But this lesson helped me to understand how to pronounce it correctly.
Hi Ronnie,
thanks a lot, great lesson :)
take care
hey Ronnie, could you make a video on how to pronounce these words:
World, Girl, Months, and generally when we have rl and ths
Hey, I have a doubt about how to pronounce the syllables ple and ble.. could you explain it to me?
Excellent,it’s very useful…….Thank you
Oh, I can’t believe that you like liver!!! o.0
Love you Ronnie, you have helped me.
Thank you.
lalalalalice, thank you.
Hello Ronnie,
Does the pronunciation of the letter R or L is different when they are placed in the beginning, middle, and in the end of the word?.
How is the pronunciation when the word get double R o double L?
Douglas Lagos
I apologize for my mistake in my second question to you. I think, that I should have written the following:
How is the he pronunciation when the word has a double or double L?
Douglas Lagos
please teach me how to use ‘being ‘
This is great! I’ve problem pronouncing war, wall and var =(
Hello miss Ronnie
I like all your videos and i’m a great fan of all your awesome and funny lessons… But i have a great problem now… How to understand a native american speaker… I have this problem because they love linking theirs words and that makes me confused because at that time i don’t know they talk about( they speak weirdly )… I NEED HELP PLEASE
Thanks Ronnie
It’s a great lessen, I have problem with pronounce L,N,R, if they together in one world can be more difficult to pronounce.
thanks ronnie. Your lessons are always interesting. sometimes i get mistake when i pronoun r and l. I don’t do anything with my tongue. how can i practice to improve my skill?.
My name is Marin.I really like your video snd learned a lot from it.
I would like you to teach me how to say “seriously” well.
Thanks for this lesson!!!! I really enjoyed the lesson, specially, the “R” sound. It is very difficult to me to pronounce it because I’m a native Spanish speaker, and we roll our tongue to pronounce the letter “R”..
thanks ronnie.
thanks Ronnie.
Thank you Ronnie
Thanks for the lesson Ronnie
thanks madam ronnie. :)
Thank you Ronnie.
Thank You . I hope you make video lesson to explain relation between ( R) and other alphabet
How to pronounce rice and rise
Hi Ronnie, have you offer a pronunciation course ONLINE?
Thanks Ronie For The Lessons
Hi Ronnie! My name is Ronaldo and just I wanna say thanks to you for the all lessons that you explain for us.
I’m your great admirer.
Hi Ronny.Just say you that your way of teaching is very good and i hope i will better pronunce the R sound with your lesson.
Thankyou so much , November 1st 2019
Very good job Ronnie Thank You :*
One more great lesson. Thank you.