This English pronunciation lesson will be very useful for all learners of English — especially Spanish speakers, who tend to have more trouble with these sounds! I go through the pronunciation of several words starting with the letter ‘B’ — and all of which are difficult to master!
O good Roonnie. I was wanting for new teacher on this web site. I like the test.. is good idea, but you shoud put more explanation in your lesson. I hope you make many 1000’s lesson for me hear. I am from India.
Kinda various
thank you very much mum
I agree with yoiu guy
i like your lesson!!!!
i feel like a was in toronto again!!!
miss you!!!
and Good Luck!!
greatings… from mexico0….
lucia jijiji
omg…this is such a suprise…it´s was very
fun to see your class again…a lots of memories
come back to me…when I was in Toronto.
take care…I hope u are okay.
have fun teaching english hehehehe
hi ronnie . how are you? can you tell me plz how you teach through skype? I am interested .
Hey Tanmay!
Thanks for watching.
I have emailed you the details about my Skype lessons!
Take care!
for me also because i likes your all lessons…
ta ta
Waheedullah Rahmani
hai dear frend i am abdul ilike to speaking english but i don’t knowhow to talk english well you please help me ,i will be thanks full to you have a nice day good night
coul you please sent it to me also
Hi Ronnie . how are you? can you tell me plz how you teach through skype? I am interested .
Hy Ronnie, I love your lesson and I admire you,can I have the details for your Skype lesson too.
Thank you!!
a big hug for my favorite teacher
can you teach english via skype?
Hey Ronnie.
İ want to take your skype lessons, if it possible???
Can you tell me plz how you teach through skype?. i want to follow you there…
thaks Ronnie.
will there be new lessons
carlos alfredo
Hey Carlos!
Thanks for watching! Yes, there will be more lessons!
Hi Ronnie,
I love your class, you look like a very nice person and you are a very good teacher.
Now i find the website and I will watch the other class.
Thanks for the class .and Congratulation again.
thanks Gladis!
I am glad you enjoyed the lesson! Keep on watching for more!
Good luck!
Hello Ronnie,
I’am really interesting in your skype classes, could you give me more informaton about that. I really appreciate you.
Best regards,
Hello Lita!
I have emailed you the information about the skype lessons!
Good luck!
h miss ronnie please send me an email also about your skype lessons…thanks i love the way you teach.
Dear Ms. Ronnie
Is it possible to attend Skype Classes?
Sorry, I do not offer Skype classes at the moment!
I watched you Lession. It was very good. I liked It. It’s my first 15 min. on this site. It’s very good experience.
Thanks for this lession.
Rahul Bansal for India.
Hi Ronnie,
Very nice lesson. I found more than I was looking for. I would like to know if I can participate in the skype lessons. I am very interested. I live in Montreal, but I need to learn more English. I really need your lessons. Thanks, Isaac oh!! I forget I am from Cuba, but I live in Montreal now.
hello! EnglishLessons4u
Fisrt I really want say thank you to you . You are a good teacher and nice person. I love your skype class .Could you give me more information about class. Iam very interested . I’m from Vietnam but I live in California. I alway want learn more you English
thank you
Ronnie how are you thank you because you are a teacher great
and your videos help me enough take care bye.
Bruce John
thanks for the lesson ma’am ronnie i really love to learn this ….well im from PHILIPPINES…
Hello Ronnie
thank you for your helpful english video. I like it i do want to your skype lesson also, can you tell me a little about it and how can i use it.
Thanks for hlep
Hi, Can you give me information about skype lessons?
This lesson is what I am looking for…very well understood and amazing.
Could you please send me information about your Skype lesson class?
Many thanks
We examine students on the British English pronunciation and now I find some difficulty in the follow-up to Fezk to some of the words
Dear Ronnie, thanks you a lot for yo lessons, its really helpfull, i enjoy now while im studing language, im also interested in your skype lessons could you please provide me info with it?
Hi Ronnie,
Very good class !
I would like to attend your classes by skype, I appreciate it.
Congratulations and thank you.
Marco from Chile
I really need to take some information about your classes on skype.
my e-mail is
Hi,Ronnie thank you for your classes,these classes are very necessary for understand some pronunciation.
Thank you!
im nuha from jordan
im so interested in pronounciation so i want to learn more about the difefernce between p and b
thx alot.
mm nuha
hi teacher, can you give me your skype, i really want to study english with you.if you want of course.
Hello. What does a skype lesson mean? Can you explain Ronnie?
Hi Ronnie,
I ask you the last may 31st (a message in this class) about I would like to attend your classes by skype.
You told me, “PLEASE email me in September/October and i should have a space for you!”, Do you have space now?
I wonder if your classes by skype must be paid…
Thank you and congratulatios, I like your teaching style.
Marco from Chile
Im serhat from turkey
really I liked your lesson ,its perfect
and you are good teacher :)
Hi, Can you give me information about skype lessons?
Hi Ronnie! What!? Where is the skype lesson? Why are you not tell me about skype lesson? I want skype lesson too :) Thank you!
Hi Ronnie,
Thanks for the lesson.
I’m in Toronto and I’m working as a salesman that my middle eastern accest hurts me a lot. I like to join your pronunciation class as soon as possible.
Please send me some info about classes.
Hi Ronnie!
I really appreciate your classes, I watched all of them.
I think, you’re very fine and a good teacher.
Please, Could you give me more information about your classes by skype?
skype lessons???? Please tell me more about it.
You’re very attractive woman baby!!! I want you be my teacher.
your lessons are great!
I like them very much.
ello Ronnie,
I’am really interesting in your skype classes, could you give me more informaton about that. I really appreciate you.
My email
Best regards,
Hi plaese teacher us moer question tag
Hi valen teach me how to ues neither and weither so did I. because im study Esol in UK thank you so much
Hi plaese teacher us mor question tag i have problme with sentences
ronnie thank you. it was really helpful. i love u.
I’m really intersted in your classes.
I;m looking to heard from you more classes about pronounceation,,
thank you KSA
Conglatulations Ronnie, the coparative sounds between words, is a effective help to our memory.
thanks a lot!
Very nice. Me also want your Skype lessons, please.
Hi Ronnie
I’m from Brazil
REally like your videos,
you explain very well
I’m beginner in english
pleas give me your skype.i want to study english with you.i want learn english.
gilbert ramilo
you’r the best ever!!! liking your lessons more than wich took it in the school… thx
plz skype information
Ronnie no longer gives Skype lessons, Anice. Sorry!
h r u
i wanna Voicechat with you,so give me a mail on my Idd…tell me one of the best time ,we will talk voice chat…
Sorry, this is not going to happen.
hiiiiii……..mam i was so much excited to watch ur vids…..dey were quite intrstng…am dying to learn effective englsih…thanx fr ur lessons..bye.
You are agood teacher,Thanks.
Thaare Joseph
hi ronnei thanks for leason i’m ferst time follow thanks for everything
Hi, Ronnie
i moizuddin ansari.saw you are english viedo lession. i am very happy and it very useful for those who learning english. please make some inportant topics of grammer,and encrise teaching time.
thanking you,
moizuddin ansari.
HI,Ronnie..i am Jassi your new listener i would like to join your skype classes also??this is my email(!your every lesson is very useful for me like others thanks&GOD BLESS YOU
hello Ronnie how are u could u explain please what is differences between the tomorrow i will go to school and tomorrow i will be going to school
Hi teacher Ronnie, i am very like your lesson. you are very funny. i am a new comer.
Nguyen Ngoc Vu Nam
HI RONNIE my name is jovens
i m realy appreciat your help
for all those leson.BUT i got the big
problem to write the words correcly
just i nend some ideas from you thank you
Thank You…. Mam, (terima kasih..)
hello ronnie;
im just starting to watch your videos and i want to now if do i can learn to speak englist fluently in just a couple of days…?
thanks a lot i enjoy your videos….
thank you for lessons Ronnie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi ROnnie!!!
I love your lessons and I would like to take your Skype lessons too.
Can you tell me how i can do that? I’m very interesd
I’m sorry I do not teach Skype lessons.
Thank you very mutch, you have easy way to learn as eglish
Awad abdalla mohamed
Hi Ronnie!!!
I’m from Panama but I’m living in Pennsylvania USA and I love EngVid. i Would love to take your skype lessons too. Can you tell me how I can do or send me the information. thanks
u r so beautiful in red
Oh Yeah It’s Amazing lesson, You Did it In A most convenient way. waiting for more confusing words like those.I like the way you use your body language it help us a lot. thanks Ronnie:D
I like your way of teching Ronnie
hellow!i am sara from karachi and love to ur style of teaching plz continu it thanx
dear ronnie your good teacher i like very , im planning to study on line thank you.
florenda anana
you’re the best teach of the Engvid… All lesson yours isn’t diffuculet to comprise, is then easier for we’re trying to speak english. Nicer see you!!
Hi Ronnie, I enjoy your lessons very much you make it fun and you give really good tips to improve pronunciation. Thank you
HI Ronnie!I enjoy ur lessons but i want to ask u one thing i m from PAKISTAN and my English is not well.can u suggest me some lesson plz………..
This is my email address…. ask me your questions here!
i can’t see ur email rewrite it again plz
You are emailing me right now…..What is your question?
i have a problem in listening to sentences
i will give u an example to my problem
((drink beer with the guys))
they say it ((drinbeer wida guys))
i can understand this sentence coz i listened to it many times but i can’t understand all of that in english so what should i do?? plz help
You just have to listen to English more and more….that is how you can learn it!
^_^ we need invisible email reader :)
here we can see the question which maybe important for us
thanks’ Ronnie
hello Ronnie
Thank you teacher.
Hello there, nice blonde woman. the lesson was wonderful. what kind of beers are there in Canada
I am Dania,I want to thank you about your helpful lessons,I want to tell you that I send to all my friend & to my brother because he is studing in Canada as you know such lessons will help him in the English course .
Hi Ronnie,
How are you hopefully fine.I’am really interesting in your skype classes, could you give me more informaton about that. I really appreciate you.
here is my mailing adress
Sorry, I do not do Skype lessons at this time.
so useful Ronny. Love you :)
thanks so much teacher for this teaching me
thank you my teachet
Abdi kani
Hey Ronnie, I love you nutter way to teach english, it makes more easy to learn and i would like to do a request for you.
Could you teach us the pronunciation of theses words
Thought, though, through, throughout, thorough
Thanks you
see you in the next video! :D
i like your usful lessons.
thankyou for your lesson
bety/from ethiopia
Thank you very much for your lesson.
The lessons are great.
I watched yours lessons last week an I will continue do that, I found them very execellent. Your are a great teacher.
Boubacar MAIGA
I’ am very cear for you taking
hi ronnie
i really thank u for ur good teaching
thanks for your lesson.
but i feel the excercise is difficult for me!!!
hi ronnie…ur classes r so intrested and i learn english in funny way…u r a good teacher..could u pls tell me abt skype classes..pls mail me….luv u…
Sorry I do not offer skype lessons right now.
Hi Ronnie You’re awesome I just stared yesterday and I love the way that you teaching!!!
Have a Great Weekend!!!
hi ronnie. I really like the way you teach. You are not boring, learning english language with you is fun :)
hi teacher good morning to you. Can you say me a one word that start with B
hi teacher can you say me one word that start with B letter.
hi teacher thank you for quick reply
Thx maam Ronnie………
Zafar Ali Soomr
thanks a lot from all the group of system which made like this organization.
Hi Ronnie, thanks a lot for your lessons,” you’ve got a heart of gold” but i have a problem i’m at the intermediate level in reading and writing but i’m not in the listening i’m not familiar with words that i already know because i learnt english by sight i can pronounce words correctly from a dictionary[…], i try to learn idioms too.Are idioms for an advanced level, must i focus on the vocabulary, please can you give me some advice. thank you .
Dear Ronnie,
I like your lessons very much but also I enjoy with the sense of humor you have. I am recommending to watch your videos to others and they all are agree with me – you are a very talented person and a really good teacher. I would like to know more about your skype lessons So pls send me details about them. Your support will be highly appreciated by me. Hugs to you!!!
i like your lesson!!!!
i feel like a was in toronto again!!!
miss you!!!
and Good Luck!!
greatings… from pakistan
ubaid rehman
You are so very cool, roonie nice to meet you, I like so much about your lessons, I´m from Brazil and my name is Reinaldo, thank you very much, many hugs and see you next time…
hi Ronnie
How are you ?
i think you’re the funniest teacher..
thanks alot for the lessons
thanks a lot for yours lessons
I would like to have a lesson comparing between B and P.
you are a very good teacher i loved your lessons alot cuase it is very useful and with you i hope to be very good at conversation i’m good at grammer and vocab but i still not practise convesation skills
hi ronnie . how are you? can you tell me plz how you teach through skype? I am interested
Sorry, I don’t offer Skype lessons now.
Thank you, Gianni.
Teacher you are class is excellent. Please can you teach the short vowels.
Thank you
i am very satisfied your video. Thank you!!!
Hi Ronnie,
thanks you, i liked ur lesson, u are amazing
MAM rannie
really you awesome your teaching and well explanation i like your English class special pronounce, if I have question how can i contact mam
i’m from thailand.thanks for the teaching
Hi Roni,
I am a new here.I think you are a great teacher.Congratulations
Hi Roni,
I am new here.I think you are a great teacher.Congratulations
hi ronnie
Is there a translation to Arabic??
For to explain the lesson
This is my first day. I liked it..
Thanks for the lesson. ^^ I’m Vietnamese and my English is not good but i always want to improve it. Would you mind giving me some information about your lesson on Skype. Thank you very much
ronnie! h r u …..i want to improve my english , how can i improved it , my grammer i also too weak , plz help me ….tel me the way how can i improved it …..
I <3 Ronnie you are the best !!!!
to :- Ronnie
thanks a lot
I’ve 2 big problems my teacher:
1)pronunciation all of my word is not clear but when I read and listen I catch the meaning but when talk no one can understand me very well.
2)all my words booking in first class in first flight going way from my head and that me very sad because I can’t speak and writ good
what I can do to solve the problems.
and thanks for your method in teaching
good nwes
1) Listen and repeat! Listen to English videos and repeat what the people say! You can also try to record your voice so YOU can hear how you sound!
2)Review! Everyday after class, review what you have learned – you can do this by doing homework!
that is true ma ronnie, i have much pratice as this way u said
Hi Ronnie,
I am new on your site. I am very gald that I found engvid. I love the way you teach. If you don’t mind may I request you a lesson for the “ng” shound.
Love all of your videos.
Hi Ronnie!! I like the test.It is good idea to improve my English.Thank you.
Carrie moses
hi,i really appreciat your class,but i wanna know pronunciate the word & meanings.(indulgence,kiwi) thanks
Hi Ronnie,
This lesson is what I am looking for…very well understood and amazing.
Could you please send me information about your Skype lesson class?
i am sudanes
Sorry, I do not have Skype lessons!
Ronnie you are the best teacher i have ever seen
this sentence right??
i like your ;esson miss, i want to be able to speak english well, but i don’t know how to speak english well?????
Thank you Ronnie for the lesson
that’s may help me to improve my pronunciation !!!!
Hello Ronnie,
I like your pronunciation course. But I wanna know how to pronounce the verbs completed by ED?
Thank you for your help.
Rebecca has done a lesson on ED endings! Search the site for “ED ENDINGs”!
Hi Ronnie!
Could you explain how you use the word “bird” meaning “cold”?
It’s bird. (sounds like “it’s chicken”)
I’m bird. (it sounds much worse)!!!
I think you mean “burrrr” not bird!
I want to do the quiz but it i don’t know how to open it.Would you help me?
me too.
don’t worry buddy. look at me I dont need it. Cheer bear lol
Hello Ronnie, you are my favorite teacher,I like all your lessons,I am from Mexico.
This video is simple:(
thanks teacher :)
why is this answer wrong?
A Blue bird is a Canadian:
baseball team
please explain why if its possible
Blue jays.
hallo ronnie
i have got a question.could you please do a video about the rules that we need ,to write a letter?if yes,write me how you have namend that video with your answer.
thanks:) apinaya30
nice lesson,but i am still your video(look under your answer)
i hope you reade this soon.
Hi Ronnie,
do you offre more Lesson through Skype?
If yes! I would like have the Information about it please.
Send it to my email:
Sorry, I don’t.
Hello teacher Ronnie my best teacher English ,I hope my skill English is better
Hi Ronnie, I really enjoy your classes, in my process of learning English was very useful your classes and advice, I want that you know…. now you have a friend in Colombia and if you want to learn Spanish … here I am …
Hi there… great lessons. Could you do a lesson about pronunciation such as: words, world, was, were, has, have, Thank you so much and have a great day
Ronny I if you have more lessons in other site please send me a email or tell about it.
thank you
ronnie you are cool teacher)))
Thank youuuuuu :DDD
hi ronnie
i want ask you about word i herd it alot
which is ( been) or somthink like
i don’t know how to spill that !!
and i want the different between (now) and (know ) and where cam i use it
Hi! Ronnie!
I like your opening!^^
Thanks for your teaching!
Hi Ronnie
How do we pronounce these words,reality,award etc?
hi Ronnie
could you tell me why are you reply sellectd comments and how you select it ? accordinge to what?
Hi Ronnie, greetings from Finland :-). This may be a bit off topic but I was wondering the pronunciation of words starting with letter “A”. When I see an unfamiliar word beginning with “a” I’m always having a hard time deciding whether it should be pronounced starting with “ae” (as in athlete) or with “schwa” (as in around). Is there any rule of thumb or is it just something one has to learn word-by-word and memorize.
hi ronnie,,,thank you so much fo help,I really enjoy your classes,,,
i wanna to say (Ronnie you are the best teacher )
i’m burning
Hi Ronnie,
really enjoyed ur lesson ,please share
I have some query ,how to share with you .
hey ronnie i am come from india i have a problem that i can uderstand english but i can’t taik english properly plz help me thanks
hi dear ronnie!
I’m come from kurdistan.
thank you very much for your teaching.
wow great a teacher thank u a lot
Hi Ronni, you are a good teacher. Very clear your explanations.
Hi Ronni!
You are really talanted teacher and actress.
Hi its so interesting vaideos u have on youtube
i just found u yesterday when i was serching about Homophones.
Thanks alot u are doing real goooooood job
your lessons are short and easy to be understod.
I am from IRAQ and in second year of college in ENGLISH DEP. last year i get execllent mark on final examination and the first on the class.
I really want want to go for MASTER DGREE so please if u can give help or advices i will preciate it thanks alot u are such nice woman.
HI how are u my dear teacher i hope u be fine always. it just yesterday when i had found u r lessons on youtube when i was searching about homophones.
It was really helpful and useful lesson as short it is, its gave me many many help.
I am student in the second year on college and in ENGLISH DEPT. i had got the first on my class on the last year and i intend to keep it that way and really thought about getting MASTER DGREE so if u could help me any way i would really APPRECIATE IT.
thanks Rennie for the lesson I learned from it
Hello Ronnie one more time. I finished today watching your video. I will miss your classes. I wanna be fluent in English, because I love this language. I’m thankful for all those lessons from your. Hug there.
Thyago Perera
i would like to say that i am studying now in auc in egypt but with your lesson i feel it’s very great and i enjoyed when i see it and i need to know more about improving listining
thanks alot
I like all your classes because they are helping me a lot of thank your i LOVE THIS
rene francisco
hello , i would love to have skype lessons with you , if you please .. i want to improve my english language , thank you very much , i wil wait for your reply
Hi Ronnie
I’m from Germany and I love to see your lessons which keep me up to date with my English. Because I don’t speak English here very often and I’m afraid it will get rusty.
Some years ago I stayed in Toronto for a business trip and watching you makes me remember that great in Toronto.
Best regards from Germany
god bless you teacher , thanks so much …. i told many friends about
objection on that question…
Blue jay is a kind of bird but not Canadian bird.
birds are birds. wherever they are.
hi ronnie . how are you? can you tell me plz how you teach through skype? I am interested .
José Frazao
Sao Paulo
Jose Frazao
me gusta mucho como tu esplicas thks
I liked this Lesson of yours..
your the best teacher among the rest Mam Ronnie!
I like your teaching way very most………
hi Ronnie
how are you i am watching your lessens very nice now i am able to speak little bed English but let me know how i can improve my spelling mistake i hope you will be help me
khalid from KSA
Excellent pronunciation lesson…very helpful…thanks a lot
hi ronnie i love to watch your english lesson…i want to learn more from your video..your a great teacher…
hi ronnie i want to say :
thanks,Your lesson wonderful”-“
Hi Ronie..
Can you post lessons about my, your, his, her, its… and mine, yours, him etc please I have a lot of doubts about this.
hi! Ronnie, how are you? I really interested your lesson, could you pls shear it to me your skype lesson, Thank you so much & God Bless you, your so great teacher hope to see you their.
I love u RONIE ![Im a girl]
Im not les
Hi, Ronnie! I’m brazilian, I live in São Paulo. I always tried to study english, but I always give up. Your classes are so different, they’re encouraging, they make it look easy and possible. Thank you!!! And, when you can take skype classes, remember me!
great u Ronnie.. greetings from syria ..
too interesting! thx!
i love you teacher you are amazing teacher i am asma from suadi Arabia
It’s difficult for me the pronuctiation in english,:(
hello Ronnie,how do you do?
what does peer mean?
I have problem with this word,I need to more clarify
greetings younes
hello ronnie,
i am a new viewer of your lessons.I live in gujarat,india where speaking english is quite challenge for me.My problem is i didn’t pay attention to grammer in my schooling so i am regreting ?
Nowadays i am reading my high school grammer but its getting really difficult to remember grammer…after i watched your lessons i find my grammer book really useless…i have public speaking fear. I write well in english but speak very less.I want to overcome this and want to speak fluently….pls help.
my biggest resolution for this year is to speak english fluently…i love your lessons really..i love your teaching…its easy to remember difficult things through your ya ronnie
Thank you Ronnie .
ronnie is the best/add me on skyp kareem.wazir11
i like ur teaching very very much
Hi everyone This the first time in this website i like it Thank you my teacher for this lesson
Hi how can i get your e-mail ??
my e-mail
and thank you alot :)
Hi ronnie,
I wanted to ask that how to use “i have had””i had had”.When can we use these in sentences and what does it mean ?.I request you to give a lesson on this. I get very confused and want to learn it..plz help
I am really greatful with you ronnie. you are very useful for us!
hi teacher thank you for the lesson but it was difficult
but I am try
Thanks once againe Ronnie I’m waiting for My question My sister ronnie !
Dear Ronnie,
Thank you for your great lessons. I enjoy them a lot. Could you please recommend a website similar to EngVid to learn and improve Spanish.
thank you very much
I have a problem here ):
hai Ronnie…i love your style when you teach. I think, easy to understand…but sorry if my english not well…
thank’s for your video
can i download this video?how?
Hi! Do you have Skype lessons?
ronie i wana watch ur lesson plz tell me procedure
thank you very much
mam you are really a good eng teacher , mam can i get your mail address plz.
Sorry, you can’t get teachers’ personal email addresses.
engVid Moderator
mmm hi ronnie my name is madonna um not good at english but i love it if u plz help me tell me what to do to speak and write english thanks ronnie
Thank you teacher Ronnie
Abo Jousef
Hi Ronnie,
Your great and it not at all boring.
Pleas continue the same .
All the best.
hello there ! how ya doing ? by the way , i wanna ask u if there are testes? because i wanna
know what is my level in English ??
Hi Ronnie,
You are simply great, and the best online teacher by far. You make learning fun and enjoyable. I am from Toronto as well, and I was wondering if you teach anywhere or is it possible to get some classes on writing (Past simple).
I would really appreciate your reply.
Have a great one :)
ronnie, i’m from brazil and you really are helping so much! thank you ronnie thank you and sorry my mistakes
Anderson Clayton
I’ve heard Canada’s coldness. I respect you and people living in severe coldness areas. Of course people in severe humidity areas, too. I can’t drink beer. I like toy bear. So cute toy bear wearing an EngVid T-shirt appeared. Thank you for your sharing about your country and your fun lesson :D
hi ronnie. i’m jessica from indonesia. i really enjoy your lessons. i’d like to know more about your skype class. could you tell me that, please?
Hello Ronnie,
I’am really interesting in your skype classes, could you give me more informaton about that? My english is terrible!!!! thanks!!!!
hey ronnie, i don’t know if its there or not but i request you to prepare a lesson on the usage of could , would, could have been , would have been , could have , would have.i would be glad if you give attention to my request
varun puri
i am new comer from India in Kerala state . i am very much interested in your English class many thanks Ronnie
Hi, Ronnie,
What’s a wonderful lesson ! Is it possible to get more lessons for free download to practice regularly?
I really would like to pay a beer for you…
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my gosh ilose [[sad]]
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my gosh ilose [[sad]] 25 score
hey ronnie [i love you]
Thank you!
Hi Ronnie,
thanks for your lesson.
take care
hi ronnie
how are u?
thanks for your good class
I need the “coherent period of eng class”
can you help me?plz suggestion me what use this site for this scop
thanks ronnie
Hi ronnie
how ar u? I like u ar class
ronnie can u give me u ar email plz i want u help
Hello Ronnie
thank you for your lesson i really love and interesting .
i just want ask you about Skype .
i wish that we can be friends atleast on facebook
thank you :)
thank you Ronnie
you,re so amazing
Hy Ronnie, I love your lesson and I admire you,can I have the details for your Skype lesson too.
Thank you!!
Hsu Chien-Hua
Could you create a lesson about words that when you make them plural or 3rd person they change the pronunciation?
Like place and places
or taste and tastes
Thanks a lot
Hello Ronnie,
thanks a lot for your wonderful lesson.
This kind of lesson is very simple and very good for me and my husband.
I and my husbad needed learn English on-line because we don’t have anyone who can help with pronunciation.
Greetings from Italy!
Hi every body. does any of u know how can i download all of the videos together ? thanks
Hi Ronnie. Do you hava a classroom be skype? I want to learn english on your group. Tnx.. I love your classes
Thank you my teacher
Thank you Ronnie very much :)
Hi Ronnie, I am very happy with you!!!
Roonie please help me I need to know the difference -in pronunciation –
six – sex eight-ate and all of those confusing words, and you can add more and more :)
sorry I have few words but it’s confusing me when I hear it in movies
Thanks dear,
please i want to know how to pronunce the phonetic letters can you make lesson about it? i am abdullah from saudi arabia
Abdullah yousuf seman
thanks Ronnie
Thanks for giving hundred marks.
Could you add english subtitles to your old youtube videos, please? :/ Thank you.
Thank you so much i got better all you teach is so fun i like listening you.
Thank you again!!
I like your class. Everyday I watch the video. It is very helpful for my English. Thanks a lot.
Thanks , you’re good teacher , but I am very weak in English ..
Thank you Ronnie for this lesson, even though I fail the test I notice that I need to improve my knowledge in English. I keep going study English with your videos.
I found your english lessons on youtube.
It will help me a lot.
Thank you teacher.
thanks ronny! you’re such a good teacher ;)
Hay my teacher I am very excited because in arabic language we use the sound of the word BIRD برد in the same mening which is very cold!!!.
it’s not easy, but we’ll keep practice :)
thanks’ Ronnie
Hi Ronnie
thank u so much for all your useful lessons.
I watched all of them.
please put number for every lesson to arrange them.
hi,I’m so happy when I watch your videos but I have a question
can I get english cours online?
because I want to improve my pronunciation.
If you have reponse please send to me EMAIL on( thank you
hey, Ronnie, you have such AMAZING hair~~~
can’t take my eyes off of it. awesome!
thank ya for lesson.
Hi Ronnie
I am interesting with listing your videos
sorry about my English I promise you next lesson i will be better :)
U r agood teacher i have ever seen plz roonie help me to improve my English
thank u ronnie
ann ann
What a babe! (2 years ago and now?)! I loved you in your first issue.
I ride my bike all year and I have 100% muscles.
Hi Ronnie, this is Dina from Egypt. I like your class. Really you’re my favourite tastcher. You are transfer the informations easly way. Thank you.. may I take your skybe email please ?
Dina fekry123
thank you,you doing well.
farar abdi
thanks you !
hello ronnie
i want to talk to skype
thank you
Hi ronnie I am interested in Skype lessons . Can you send me details .cheers
Thanks very much Ronnie, see you on the next lesson because a finished all this lesson, god bless you.
cesar leal
Thank you Ronnie. It really help me to improve my communication skills in English. I’m from Philippines.
Dexon Sigiding
Is there a site where we can tchat together in english please?
thank you roonie
Thank you so much. You are wonderful.
Marta Lopez
Thanks so much, Ronnie!
cleonir gomes
Hi Ms. Ronnie, could you please email me the details about the skype lessons?
Dear Ms. Ronnie
i want to ask questin . which one is correct (are you still there )or (do you still there) ??!yu are amazing teacher ,,
Yusuf .A . K
Hello Ronnie! I have a lot of mistake…
thanks Ronnie
thank you :)
hamody alamery
ilike your teach its nice
Thank You very much.
teekam Dass
Douglas Lagos
thanks Ronnie
saleh jaheen
Hello Ronnie . how are you? can you tell me plz how you teach through skype? I am interested. I need your helpe.
I love this teacher and lessons so much , thank you.
Wanderson Sena
hey Roonnie ıt has been 2 years thatı am watching you ı could not forget that you have taught me how to pronounce in English and I do it really good now. :* kisses
very good! the best teacher!
thnx a lot
Hi Ronnie,
i really love your lesson, can you tell me plz how you teach through skype? I am interested.
Im sorry i didnt pass the tests…..
Amy Lyles
Hi Ronnie I am from Bulgaria I admire you for your good teaching I want to know whether these words bird,beard,bear,bare are also pronounced with (r) sound at the end
Total 11417 words created by multiple letters combination with “B” as prefix, below there are all the words listed starting with “B”
Example: Blessing, Blusters, Babysit, Baffled, Barking etc.
I teacher I have a question, in the quiz how can I mark two options thank you so much keep doing it.
Hello Ronnie .I am Urs new student from India. Teach me English. I can speak write. vocabulary and grammar verb and is my problem. I want to crack ilets. .in next 2 months. I hope u and Urs lesson will help me out. And v do brunch together.
Honey 787
Hi Ronnie
I want to know that what’s more useful for studying English , spelling new vocabulary or listening to lessons and watching films!
And many people want you to make a commen conversation on Skype to master speaking, could you help us ?
You became my new fav english Teacher! GREAT LESSONS! Love you xxx
Joe MJ
Thak you for your class. How cute you are !!!
Hi Ronnie!I have so many problems with know I don’t know exactly from which part of my mouth I can say them.would you plz help me.thanks in advance.
I found about you this week, I watched one of your youtubes Ronnie,
I liked it a lot,
and then I found about the website,
I will start watching all of it.
Thank you very much guys.
Hi Ronnie my name is farhan living in Toronto Canada.i will like to know if you teach in school if yes please let me know the school name that you teach thank you
I had forgotten that “Blue jay” was also a bird
Good lesson, actually this words always i confused their sounds. This is very helpful for me. Thanks!
Thank you, Ronnie!!!
Thanks my teacher i am from saudi arabia please
leen queen
Thank you Emma :)
You’re awesome Ronnie xxxx
hello ronie
my favorite teacher
Lutf Ali Bakirov
thank you
essa azawi
thank’s so much teacher ronnie great leason i love you teacher ronnie <3
I like ur way of teaching Mrs ronnie ..
thnx for being exciting :)) ..
Hi ronnie. I am new here. Everyday i watch your lesson. It interesting.
Maika tom2410
Thank you Ronnie.
Thank Ronnie, I love you
Thank Ronnie
Hi Ronnie
You,re my best virtual teacher ever. I realy want to pay for your virtual classes , but I cant right now . I promiss do it as soon as I can.
good but not enough :)
hello my favorite teacher
thank you for helping us to learn english , you are the best
Bushra 21
So good class teacher… Thanks
Cassio Bernardo da Silva
Thank you ?
Hi, Ronnie! Very nice class! You’re very funny! So, I can learn English and have fun with you at the same time! Thanks! See ya!
Marcos Paulo Ventura
Dear Ronde.
I want you to teach me English. I’m starting. Can you teach me?
I want to become a public speaker and for that, I will have to improvise my soft skills. Can you please help me. English is not my native language but I am managing somehow. I really do my best on it to become an excellent speaker.
Thank you Ms. Ronnie.
innovative teaching methodology.
zeeshan hayat
you are the best!
Thank you so much .
Thanke you Ronnie.
Hi hope you are well,
I started to fallow your lessons.
I’m beginner. I get confused, because I don’t know which one is the first lesson.
Which video is the first video?
Have I choose any lessons I want ??
Yes, you can watch the lessons in any order! Use the English Lessons Finder to find lessons by level, teacher, and topic.
There are some short lesson series, but there are always links to the other videos in the series so you can find them easily.
engVid Moderator
Thank you Ronnie.
Radwan S.
Thank you. I am new here and i am started with this video.
Thanks Ronnie!
Marize Mori
I love it!!! Thanks for share
Hi Ronnie! I really like your videos,
you explain very well, you are fantastic Teacher!
I’m beginner in english. Tanks for all.
thanks Ronni i learnt a lot from you
chaanya alwis
Thank Ronnie ?
Hi, I am new here, I hope to learn a lot with you. Thank you so much.
from Spain.
Thank you so much for these lessons. You are so great.
Thank you ,you are great teacher
Awad abdalla mohamed
Thanks Ronnie
Radwan Salah
Thanks Ronnie
Radwan Salah
Thank you
Very nice
zekrullah Shinwari
I got 4/4.
Great tips😜and an interesting lesson!!!
Tks Ronnie.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
O good Roonnie. I was wanting for new teacher on this web site. I like the test.. is good idea, but you shoud put more explanation in your lesson. I hope you make many 1000’s lesson for me hear. I am from India.
Kinda various
thank you very much mum
I agree with yoiu guy
i like your lesson!!!!
i feel like a was in toronto again!!!
miss you!!!
and Good Luck!!
greatings… from mexico0….
omg…this is such a suprise…it´s was very
fun to see your class again…a lots of memories
come back to me…when I was in Toronto.
take care…I hope u are okay.
have fun teaching english hehehehe
hi ronnie . how are you? can you tell me plz how you teach through skype? I am interested .
Hey Tanmay!
Thanks for watching.
I have emailed you the details about my Skype lessons!
Take care!
Could you please e-mail to me also?
Thank you
for me also because i likes your all lessons…
ta ta
hai dear frend i am abdul ilike to speaking english but i don’t knowhow to talk english well you please help me ,i will be thanks full to you have a nice day good night
coul you please sent it to me also
Hi Ronnie . how are you? can you tell me plz how you teach through skype? I am interested .
Hy Ronnie, I love your lesson and I admire you,can I have the details for your Skype lesson too.
Thank you!!
a big hug for my favorite teacher
can you teach english via skype?
Hey Ronnie.
İ want to take your skype lessons, if it possible???
can you please email me too?
Hello teacher!!
My e-mail is
Thanks a lot!
Can you tell me plz how you teach through skype?. i want to follow you there…
thaks Ronnie.
will there be new lessons
Hey Carlos!
Thanks for watching! Yes, there will be more lessons!
Hi Ronnie,
I love your class, you look like a very nice person and you are a very good teacher.
Now i find the website and I will watch the other class.
Thanks for the class .and Congratulation again.
thanks Gladis!
I am glad you enjoyed the lesson! Keep on watching for more!
Good luck!
Hello Ronnie,
I’am really interesting in your skype classes, could you give me more informaton about that. I really appreciate you.
Best regards,
Hello Lita!
I have emailed you the information about the skype lessons!
Good luck!
h miss ronnie please send me an email also about your skype lessons…thanks i love the way you teach.
Dear Ms. Ronnie
Is it possible to attend Skype Classes?
Sorry, I do not offer Skype classes at the moment!
I watched you Lession. It was very good. I liked It. It’s my first 15 min. on this site. It’s very good experience.
Thanks for this lession.
Rahul Bansal for India.
Hi Ronnie,
Very nice lesson. I found more than I was looking for. I would like to know if I can participate in the skype lessons. I am very interested. I live in Montreal, but I need to learn more English. I really need your lessons. Thanks, Isaac oh!! I forget I am from Cuba, but I live in Montreal now.
hello! EnglishLessons4u
Fisrt I really want say thank you to you . You are a good teacher and nice person. I love your skype class .Could you give me more information about class. Iam very interested . I’m from Vietnam but I live in California. I alway want learn more you English
thank you
Ronnie how are you thank you because you are a teacher great
and your videos help me enough take care bye.
thanks for the lesson ma’am ronnie i really love to learn this ….well im from PHILIPPINES…
Hello Ronnie
thank you for your helpful english video. I like it i do want to your skype lesson also, can you tell me a little about it and how can i use it.
Thanks for hlep
Hi, Can you give me information about skype lessons?
my e-mail :
it ‘s so interting.
Hi Ronnie,
This lesson is what I am looking for…very well understood and amazing.
Could you please send me information about your Skype lesson class?
Many thanks
We examine students on the British English pronunciation and now I find some difficulty in the follow-up to Fezk to some of the words
Dear Ronnie, thanks you a lot for yo lessons, its really helpfull, i enjoy now while im studing language, im also interested in your skype lessons could you please provide me info with it?
Hi Ronnie,
Very good class !
I would like to attend your classes by skype, I appreciate it.
Congratulations and thank you.
Marco from Chile
I really need to take some information about your classes on skype.
my e-mail is
Hi,Ronnie thank you for your classes,these classes are very necessary for understand some pronunciation.
Thank you!
im nuha from jordan
im so interested in pronounciation so i want to learn more about the difefernce between p and b
thx alot.
hi teacher, can you give me your skype, i really want to study english with you.if you want of course.
Hello. What does a skype lesson mean? Can you explain Ronnie?
Hi Ronnie,
I ask you the last may 31st (a message in this class) about I would like to attend your classes by skype.
You told me, “PLEASE email me in September/October and i should have a space for you!”, Do you have space now?
I wonder if your classes by skype must be paid…
Thank you and congratulatios, I like your teaching style.
Marco from Chile
Im serhat from turkey
really I liked your lesson ,its perfect
and you are good teacher :)
Hi, Can you give me information about skype lessons?
E mail:
Doha – Qatar
Hi Ronnie! What!? Where is the skype lesson? Why are you not tell me about skype lesson? I want skype lesson too :) Thank you!
Hi Ronnie,
Thanks for the lesson.
I’m in Toronto and I’m working as a salesman that my middle eastern accest hurts me a lot. I like to join your pronunciation class as soon as possible.
Please send me some info about classes.
Hi Ronnie!
I really appreciate your classes, I watched all of them.
I think, you’re very fine and a good teacher.
Please, Could you give me more information about your classes by skype?
skype lessons???? Please tell me more about it.
You’re very attractive woman baby!!! I want you be my teacher.
your lessons are great!
I like them very much.
ello Ronnie,
I’am really interesting in your skype classes, could you give me more informaton about that. I really appreciate you.
My email
Best regards,
Hi plaese teacher us moer question tag
Hi valen teach me how to ues neither and weither so did I. because im study Esol in UK thank you so much
Hi plaese teacher us mor question tag i have problme with sentences
ronnie thank you. it was really helpful. i love u.
I’m really intersted in your classes.
I;m looking to heard from you more classes about pronounceation,,
thank you KSA
Conglatulations Ronnie, the coparative sounds between words, is a effective help to our memory.
thanks a lot!
Very nice. Me also want your Skype lessons, please.
Hi Ronnie
I’m from Brazil
REally like your videos,
you explain very well
I’m beginner in english
pleas give me your skype.i want to study english with you.i want learn english.
you’r the best ever!!! liking your lessons more than wich took it in the school… thx
plz skype information
Ronnie no longer gives Skype lessons, Anice. Sorry!
h r u
i wanna Voicechat with you,so give me a mail on my Idd…tell me one of the best time ,we will talk voice chat…
Sorry, this is not going to happen.
hiiiiii……..mam i was so much excited to watch ur vids…..dey were quite intrstng…am dying to learn effective englsih…thanx fr ur lessons..bye.
You are agood teacher,Thanks.
hi ronnei thanks for leason i’m ferst time follow thanks for everything
Hi, Ronnie
i moizuddin ansari.saw you are english viedo lession. i am very happy and it very useful for those who learning english. please make some inportant topics of grammer,and encrise teaching time.
thanking you,
HI,Ronnie..i am Jassi your new listener i would like to join your skype classes also??this is my email(!your every lesson is very useful for me like others thanks&GOD BLESS YOU
hello Ronnie how are u could u explain please what is differences between the tomorrow i will go to school and tomorrow i will be going to school
Hi teacher Ronnie, i am very like your lesson. you are very funny. i am a new comer.
Hola estoy intentando aprender inglés, muchas gracias.
HI RONNIE my name is jovens
i m realy appreciat your help
for all those leson.BUT i got the big
problem to write the words correcly
just i nend some ideas from you thank you
Thank You…. Mam, (terima kasih..)
hello ronnie;
im just starting to watch your videos and i want to now if do i can learn to speak englist fluently in just a couple of days…?
thanks a lot i enjoy your videos….
thank you for lessons Ronnie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi ROnnie!!!
I love your lessons and I would like to take your Skype lessons too.
Can you tell me how i can do that? I’m very interesd
I’m sorry I do not teach Skype lessons.
Thank you very mutch, you have easy way to learn as eglish
Hi Ronnie!!!
I’m from Panama but I’m living in Pennsylvania USA and I love EngVid. i Would love to take your skype lessons too. Can you tell me how I can do or send me the information. thanks
u r so beautiful in red
Oh Yeah It’s Amazing lesson, You Did it In A most convenient way. waiting for more confusing words like those.I like the way you use your body language it help us a lot. thanks Ronnie:D
I like your way of teching Ronnie
hellow!i am sara from karachi and love to ur style of teaching plz continu it thanx
dear ronnie your good teacher i like very , im planning to study on line thank you.
you’re the best teach of the Engvid… All lesson yours isn’t diffuculet to comprise, is then easier for we’re trying to speak english. Nicer see you!!
Hi Ronnie, I enjoy your lessons very much you make it fun and you give really good tips to improve pronunciation. Thank you
HI Ronnie!I enjoy ur lessons but i want to ask u one thing i m from PAKISTAN and my English is not well.can u suggest me some lesson plz………..
This is my email address…. ask me your questions here!
i can’t see ur email rewrite it again plz
You are emailing me right now…..What is your question?
i have a problem in listening to sentences
i will give u an example to my problem
((drink beer with the guys))
they say it ((drinbeer wida guys))
i can understand this sentence coz i listened to it many times but i can’t understand all of that in english so what should i do?? plz help
You just have to listen to English more and more….that is how you can learn it!
^_^ we need invisible email reader :)
here we can see the question which maybe important for us
thanks’ Ronnie
hello Ronnie
Thank you teacher.
Hello there, nice blonde woman. the lesson was wonderful. what kind of beers are there in Canada
I am Dania,I want to thank you about your helpful lessons,I want to tell you that I send to all my friend & to my brother because he is studing in Canada as you know such lessons will help him in the English course .
Hi Ronnie,
How are you hopefully fine.I’am really interesting in your skype classes, could you give me more informaton about that. I really appreciate you.
here is my mailing adress
Sorry, I do not do Skype lessons at this time.
so useful Ronny. Love you :)
thanks so much teacher for this teaching me
thank you my teachet
Hey Ronnie, I love you nutter way to teach english, it makes more easy to learn and i would like to do a request for you.
Could you teach us the pronunciation of theses words
Thought, though, through, throughout, thorough
Thanks you
see you in the next video! :D
i like your usful lessons.
thankyou for your lesson
Thank you very much for your lesson.
The lessons are great.
I watched yours lessons last week an I will continue do that, I found them very execellent. Your are a great teacher.
I’ am very cear for you taking
hi ronnie
i really thank u for ur good teaching
thanks for your lesson.
but i feel the excercise is difficult for me!!!
hi ronnie…ur classes r so intrested and i learn english in funny way…u r a good teacher..could u pls tell me abt skype classes..pls mail me….luv u…
Sorry I do not offer skype lessons right now.
Hi Ronnie You’re awesome I just stared yesterday and I love the way that you teaching!!!
Have a Great Weekend!!!
hi ronnie. I really like the way you teach. You are not boring, learning english language with you is fun :)
hi teacher good morning to you. Can you say me a one word that start with B
hi teacher can you say me one word that start with B letter.
hi teacher thank you for quick reply
Thx maam Ronnie………
thanks a lot from all the group of system which made like this organization.
Hi Ronnie, thanks a lot for your lessons,” you’ve got a heart of gold” but i have a problem i’m at the intermediate level in reading and writing but i’m not in the listening i’m not familiar with words that i already know because i learnt english by sight i can pronounce words correctly from a dictionary[…], i try to learn idioms too.Are idioms for an advanced level, must i focus on the vocabulary, please can you give me some advice. thank you .
Dear Ronnie,
I like your lessons very much but also I enjoy with the sense of humor you have. I am recommending to watch your videos to others and they all are agree with me – you are a very talented person and a really good teacher. I would like to know more about your skype lessons So pls send me details about them. Your support will be highly appreciated by me. Hugs to you!!!
i like your lesson!!!!
i feel like a was in toronto again!!!
miss you!!!
and Good Luck!!
greatings… from pakistan
You are so very cool, roonie nice to meet you, I like so much about your lessons, I´m from Brazil and my name is Reinaldo, thank you very much, many hugs and see you next time…
hi Ronnie
How are you ?
i think you’re the funniest teacher..
thanks alot for the lessons
thanks a lot for yours lessons
I would like to have a lesson comparing between B and P.
you are a very good teacher i loved your lessons alot cuase it is very useful and with you i hope to be very good at conversation i’m good at grammer and vocab but i still not practise convesation skills
hi ronnie . how are you? can you tell me plz how you teach through skype? I am interested
Sorry, I don’t offer Skype lessons now.
Thank you, Gianni.
Teacher you are class is excellent. Please can you teach the short vowels.
Thank you
i am very satisfied your video. Thank you!!!
Hi Ronnie,
thanks you, i liked ur lesson, u are amazing
MAM rannie
really you awesome your teaching and well explanation i like your English class special pronounce, if I have question how can i contact mam
i’m from thailand.thanks for the teaching
Hi Roni,
I am a new here.I think you are a great teacher.Congratulations
Hi Roni,
I am new here.I think you are a great teacher.Congratulations
hi ronnie
Is there a translation to Arabic??
For to explain the lesson
This is my first day. I liked it..
Thanks for the lesson. ^^ I’m Vietnamese and my English is not good but i always want to improve it. Would you mind giving me some information about your lesson on Skype. Thank you very much
I like your lesson alot . Thanks
thank u ;)
Thanks Ronnie, honesty you´re the best!
ma’am ,
can you please send your video lectures to this mail d :
ronnie! h r u …..i want to improve my english , how can i improved it , my grammer i also too weak , plz help me ….tel me the way how can i improved it …..
I <3 Ronnie you are the best !!!!
to :- Ronnie
thanks a lot
I’ve 2 big problems my teacher:
1)pronunciation all of my word is not clear but when I read and listen I catch the meaning but when talk no one can understand me very well.
2)all my words booking in first class in first flight going way from my head and that me very sad because I can’t speak and writ good
what I can do to solve the problems.
and thanks for your method in teaching
1) Listen and repeat! Listen to English videos and repeat what the people say! You can also try to record your voice so YOU can hear how you sound!
2)Review! Everyday after class, review what you have learned – you can do this by doing homework!
that is true ma ronnie, i have much pratice as this way u said
Hi Ronnie,
I am new on your site. I am very gald that I found engvid. I love the way you teach. If you don’t mind may I request you a lesson for the “ng” shound.
Love all of your videos.
Hi Ronnie!! I like the test.It is good idea to improve my English.Thank you.
hi,i really appreciat your class,but i wanna know pronunciate the word & meanings.(indulgence,kiwi) thanks
Hi Ronnie,
This lesson is what I am looking for…very well understood and amazing.
Could you please send me information about your Skype lesson class?
i am sudanes
Sorry, I do not have Skype lessons!
Ronnie you are the best teacher i have ever seen
this sentence right??
i like your ;esson miss, i want to be able to speak english well, but i don’t know how to speak english well?????
Thank you Ronnie for the lesson
that’s may help me to improve my pronunciation !!!!
Hello Ronnie,
I like your pronunciation course. But I wanna know how to pronounce the verbs completed by ED?
Thank you for your help.
Rebecca has done a lesson on ED endings! Search the site for “ED ENDINGs”!
Hi Ronnie!
Could you explain how you use the word “bird” meaning “cold”?
It’s bird. (sounds like “it’s chicken”)
I’m bird. (it sounds much worse)!!!
I think you mean “burrrr” not bird!
I want to do the quiz but it i don’t know how to open it.Would you help me?
me too.
don’t worry buddy. look at me I dont need it. Cheer bear lol
Hello Ronnie, you are my favorite teacher,I like all your lessons,I am from Mexico.
This video is simple:(
thanks teacher :)
why is this answer wrong?
A Blue bird is a Canadian:
baseball team
please explain why if its possible
Blue jays.
hallo ronnie
i have got a question.could you please do a video about the rules that we need ,to write a letter?if yes,write me how you have namend that video with your answer.
thanks:) apinaya30
nice lesson,but i am still your video(look under your answer)
i hope you reade this soon.
Hi Ronnie,
do you offre more Lesson through Skype?
If yes! I would like have the Information about it please.
Send it to my email:
Sorry, I don’t.
Hello teacher Ronnie my best teacher English ,I hope my skill English is better
Hi Ronnie, I really enjoy your classes, in my process of learning English was very useful your classes and advice, I want that you know…. now you have a friend in Colombia and if you want to learn Spanish … here I am …
Hi there… great lessons. Could you do a lesson about pronunciation such as: words, world, was, were, has, have, Thank you so much and have a great day
Ronny I if you have more lessons in other site please send me a email or tell about it.
thank you
ronnie you are cool teacher)))
Thank youuuuuu :DDD
hi ronnie
i want ask you about word i herd it alot
which is ( been) or somthink like
i don’t know how to spill that !!
and i want the different between (now) and (know ) and where cam i use it
Hi! Ronnie!
I like your opening!^^
Thanks for your teaching!
Hi Ronnie
How do we pronounce these words,reality,award etc?
hi Ronnie
could you tell me why are you reply sellectd comments and how you select it ? accordinge to what?
Hi Ronnie, greetings from Finland :-). This may be a bit off topic but I was wondering the pronunciation of words starting with letter “A”. When I see an unfamiliar word beginning with “a” I’m always having a hard time deciding whether it should be pronounced starting with “ae” (as in athlete) or with “schwa” (as in around). Is there any rule of thumb or is it just something one has to learn word-by-word and memorize.
hi ronnie,,,thank you so much fo help,I really enjoy your classes,,,
i wanna to say (Ronnie you are the best teacher )
i’m burning
Hi Ronnie,
really enjoyed ur lesson ,please share
I have some query ,how to share with you .
hey ronnie i am come from india i have a problem that i can uderstand english but i can’t taik english properly plz help me thanks
hi dear ronnie!
I’m come from kurdistan.
thank you very much for your teaching.
wow great a teacher thank u a lot
Hi Ronni, you are a good teacher. Very clear your explanations.
Hi Ronni!
You are really talanted teacher and actress.
Hi its so interesting vaideos u have on youtube
i just found u yesterday when i was serching about Homophones.
Thanks alot u are doing real goooooood job
your lessons are short and easy to be understod.
I am from IRAQ and in second year of college in ENGLISH DEP. last year i get execllent mark on final examination and the first on the class.
I really want want to go for MASTER DGREE so please if u can give help or advices i will preciate it thanks alot u are such nice woman.
HI how are u my dear teacher i hope u be fine always. it just yesterday when i had found u r lessons on youtube when i was searching about homophones.
It was really helpful and useful lesson as short it is, its gave me many many help.
I am student in the second year on college and in ENGLISH DEPT. i had got the first on my class on the last year and i intend to keep it that way and really thought about getting MASTER DGREE so if u could help me any way i would really APPRECIATE IT.
thanks Rennie for the lesson I learned from it
Hello Ronnie one more time. I finished today watching your video. I will miss your classes. I wanna be fluent in English, because I love this language. I’m thankful for all those lessons from your. Hug there.
i would like to say that i am studying now in auc in egypt but with your lesson i feel it’s very great and i enjoyed when i see it and i need to know more about improving listining
thanks alot
I like all your classes because they are helping me a lot of thank your i LOVE THIS
hello , i would love to have skype lessons with you , if you please .. i want to improve my english language , thank you very much , i wil wait for your reply
Hi Ronnie
I’m from Germany and I love to see your lessons which keep me up to date with my English. Because I don’t speak English here very often and I’m afraid it will get rusty.
Some years ago I stayed in Toronto for a business trip and watching you makes me remember that great in Toronto.
Best regards from Germany
god bless you teacher , thanks so much …. i told many friends about
objection on that question…
Blue jay is a kind of bird but not Canadian bird.
birds are birds. wherever they are.
hi ronnie . how are you? can you tell me plz how you teach through skype? I am interested .
José Frazao
Sao Paulo
me gusta mucho como tu esplicas thks
I liked this Lesson of yours..
your the best teacher among the rest Mam Ronnie!
I like your teaching way very most………
hi Ronnie
how are you i am watching your lessens very nice now i am able to speak little bed English but let me know how i can improve my spelling mistake i hope you will be help me
khalid from KSA
Excellent pronunciation lesson…very helpful…thanks a lot
hi ronnie i love to watch your english lesson…i want to learn more from your video..your a great teacher…
hi ronnie i want to say :
thanks,Your lesson wonderful”-“
Hi Ronie..
Can you post lessons about my, your, his, her, its… and mine, yours, him etc please I have a lot of doubts about this.
hi! Ronnie, how are you? I really interested your lesson, could you pls shear it to me your skype lesson, Thank you so much & God Bless you, your so great teacher hope to see you their.
I love u RONIE ![Im a girl]
Im not les
Hi, Ronnie! I’m brazilian, I live in São Paulo. I always tried to study english, but I always give up. Your classes are so different, they’re encouraging, they make it look easy and possible. Thank you!!! And, when you can take skype classes, remember me!
great u Ronnie.. greetings from syria ..
too interesting! thx!
i love you teacher you are amazing teacher i am asma from suadi Arabia
It’s difficult for me the pronuctiation in english,:(
hello Ronnie,how do you do?
what does peer mean?
I have problem with this word,I need to more clarify
greetings younes
hello ronnie,
i am a new viewer of your lessons.I live in gujarat,india where speaking english is quite challenge for me.My problem is i didn’t pay attention to grammer in my schooling so i am regreting ?
Nowadays i am reading my high school grammer but its getting really difficult to remember grammer…after i watched your lessons i find my grammer book really useless…i have public speaking fear. I write well in english but speak very less.I want to overcome this and want to speak fluently….pls help.
my biggest resolution for this year is to speak english fluently…i love your lessons really..i love your teaching…its easy to remember difficult things through your ya ronnie
Thank you Ronnie .
ronnie is the best/add me on skyp kareem.wazir11
i like ur teaching very very much
Hi everyone This the first time in this website i like it Thank you my teacher for this lesson
Hi how can i get your e-mail ??
my e-mail
and thank you alot :)
Hi ronnie,
I wanted to ask that how to use “i have had””i had had”.When can we use these in sentences and what does it mean ?.I request you to give a lesson on this. I get very confused and want to learn it..plz help
I am really greatful with you ronnie. you are very useful for us!
hi teacher thank you for the lesson but it was difficult
but I am try
Thanks once againe Ronnie I’m waiting for My question My sister ronnie !
Dear Ronnie,
Thank you for your great lessons. I enjoy them a lot. Could you please recommend a website similar to EngVid to learn and improve Spanish.
thank you very much
I have a problem here ):
hai Ronnie…i love your style when you teach. I think, easy to understand…but sorry if my english not well…
thank’s for your video
can i download this video?how?
Hi! Do you have Skype lessons?
ronie i wana watch ur lesson plz tell me procedure
thank you very much
mam you are really a good eng teacher , mam can i get your mail address plz.
Sorry, you can’t get teachers’ personal email addresses.
mmm hi ronnie my name is madonna um not good at english but i love it if u plz help me tell me what to do to speak and write english thanks ronnie
Thank you teacher Ronnie
Hi Ronnie,
Your great and it not at all boring.
Pleas continue the same .
All the best.
hello there ! how ya doing ? by the way , i wanna ask u if there are testes? because i wanna
know what is my level in English ??
Hi Ronnie,
You are simply great, and the best online teacher by far. You make learning fun and enjoyable. I am from Toronto as well, and I was wondering if you teach anywhere or is it possible to get some classes on writing (Past simple).
I would really appreciate your reply.
Have a great one :)
ronnie, i’m from brazil and you really are helping so much! thank you ronnie thank you and sorry my mistakes
I’ve heard Canada’s coldness. I respect you and people living in severe coldness areas. Of course people in severe humidity areas, too. I can’t drink beer. I like toy bear. So cute toy bear wearing an EngVid T-shirt appeared. Thank you for your sharing about your country and your fun lesson :D
hi ronnie. i’m jessica from indonesia. i really enjoy your lessons. i’d like to know more about your skype class. could you tell me that, please?
Hello Ronnie,
I’am really interesting in your skype classes, could you give me more informaton about that? My english is terrible!!!! thanks!!!!
hey ronnie, i don’t know if its there or not but i request you to prepare a lesson on the usage of could , would, could have been , would have been , could have , would have.i would be glad if you give attention to my request
i am new comer from India in Kerala state . i am very much interested in your English class many thanks Ronnie
Hi, Ronnie,
What’s a wonderful lesson ! Is it possible to get more lessons for free download to practice regularly?
I really would like to pay a beer for you…
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my gosh ilose [[sad]]
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my gosh ilose [[sad]] 25 score
hey ronnie [i love you]
Thank you!
Hi Ronnie,
thanks for your lesson.
take care
hi ronnie
how are u?
thanks for your good class
I need the “coherent period of eng class”
can you help me?plz suggestion me what use this site for this scop
thanks ronnie
Hi ronnie
how ar u? I like u ar class
ronnie can u give me u ar email plz i want u help
Hello Ronnie
thank you for your lesson i really love and interesting .
i just want ask you about Skype .
i wish that we can be friends atleast on facebook
thank you :)
thank you Ronnie
you,re so amazing
Hy Ronnie, I love your lesson and I admire you,can I have the details for your Skype lesson too.
Thank you!!
Could you create a lesson about words that when you make them plural or 3rd person they change the pronunciation?
Like place and places
or taste and tastes
Thanks a lot
Hello Ronnie,
thanks a lot for your wonderful lesson.
This kind of lesson is very simple and very good for me and my husband.
I and my husbad needed learn English on-line because we don’t have anyone who can help with pronunciation.
Greetings from Italy!
Hi every body. does any of u know how can i download all of the videos together ? thanks
Hi Ronnie. Do you hava a classroom be skype? I want to learn english on your group. Tnx.. I love your classes
Thank you my teacher
Thank you Ronnie very much :)
Hi Ronnie, I am very happy with you!!!
Roonie please help me I need to know the difference -in pronunciation –
six – sex eight-ate and all of those confusing words, and you can add more and more :)
sorry I have few words but it’s confusing me when I hear it in movies
Thanks dear,
please i want to know how to pronunce the phonetic letters can you make lesson about it? i am abdullah from saudi arabia
thanks Ronnie
Thanks for giving hundred marks.
Could you add english subtitles to your old youtube videos, please? :/ Thank you.
Hello Ronnie can u send me ur skype id plz mail me .
My mail id is
It’s wonderfull!) I’ll can not sleep this night
Thanks got 50% without watching the lesson.
Thank you so much i got better all you teach is so fun i like listening you.
Thank you again!!
I like your class. Everyday I watch the video. It is very helpful for my English. Thanks a lot.
Thanks , you’re good teacher , but I am very weak in English ..
Thank you Ronnie for this lesson, even though I fail the test I notice that I need to improve my knowledge in English. I keep going study English with your videos.
thanks a lot Ronnie
Thanks Ronnie
Hello, students, everyone wants to speak to me, may contact, or
i have problem in using ‘being ‘ please help me out mam
finaly,I have done all Ronnie lesson (135 lesson)
I spend about 5 days for them.
give me the tedy bear Ronnie as reward
wuwwu~~~~~I just got 1 correct .- -|| Oh my goodness. keep going…..
Thank you Ronnie!
Thanks Ronnie
Thank you so much, teacher!
Happy women’s day !!!
I had two corrects answers
but thank you Ronnie
ur hv many student frm diffrnd counries ma ronnie
sorry..i got 25 point!!
don’t worry, keep practice ^_^
I learn and enjoy. I love all your lessons
I hope you good luck and success
You are wonderful
ilearn and enjoy
i love all your lessons.
You are wonderful
tank’s for you
Hi, thankyou dear teacher ,Can you give me information about skype lessons?
my e-mail :
thank you again
I found your english lessons on youtube.
It will help me a lot.
Thank you teacher.
thanks ronny! you’re such a good teacher ;)
Hay my teacher I am very excited because in arabic language we use the sound of the word BIRD برد in the same mening which is very cold!!!.
it’s not easy, but we’ll keep practice :)
thanks’ Ronnie
Hi Ronnie
thank u so much for all your useful lessons.
I watched all of them.
please put number for every lesson to arrange them.
hi,I’m so happy when I watch your videos but I have a question
can I get english cours online?
because I want to improve my pronunciation.
If you have reponse please send to me EMAIL on( thank you
hey, Ronnie, you have such AMAZING hair~~~
can’t take my eyes off of it. awesome!
thank ya for lesson.
Hi Ronnie
I am interesting with listing your videos
sorry about my English I promise you next lesson i will be better :)
U r agood teacher i have ever seen plz roonie help me to improve my English
thank u ronnie
What a babe! (2 years ago and now?)! I loved you in your first issue.
I ride my bike all year and I have 100% muscles.
Hi Ronnie, this is Dina from Egypt. I like your class. Really you’re my favourite tastcher. You are transfer the informations easly way. Thank you.. may I take your skybe email please ?
thank you,you doing well.
thanks you !
hello ronnie
i want to talk to skype
thank you
Hi ronnie I am interested in Skype lessons . Can you send me details .cheers
Thanks very much Ronnie, see you on the next lesson because a finished all this lesson, god bless you.
Thank you Ronnie. It really help me to improve my communication skills in English. I’m from Philippines.
Is there a site where we can tchat together in english please?
thank you roonie
Thank you so much. You are wonderful.
Thanks so much, Ronnie!
Hi Ms. Ronnie, could you please email me the details about the skype lessons?
Dear Ms. Ronnie
i want to ask questin . which one is correct (are you still there )or (do you still there) ??!yu are amazing teacher ,,
Hello Ronnie! I have a lot of mistake…
thanks Ronnie
thank you :)
ilike your teach its nice
Thank You very much.
thanks Ronnie
Hello Ronnie . how are you? can you tell me plz how you teach through skype? I am interested. I need your helpe.
I love this teacher and lessons so much , thank you.
hey Roonnie ıt has been 2 years thatı am watching you ı could not forget that you have taught me how to pronounce in English and I do it really good now. :* kisses
very good! the best teacher!
thnx a lot
Hi Ronnie,
i really love your lesson, can you tell me plz how you teach through skype? I am interested.
Im sorry i didnt pass the tests…..
Hi Ronnie I am from Bulgaria I admire you for your good teaching I want to know whether these words bird,beard,bear,bare are also pronounced with (r) sound at the end
Total 11417 words created by multiple letters combination with “B” as prefix, below there are all the words listed starting with “B”
Example: Blessing, Blusters, Babysit, Baffled, Barking etc.
75 new student thanks
I teacher I have a question, in the quiz how can I mark two options thank you so much keep doing it.
Hello Ronnie .I am Urs new student from India. Teach me English. I can speak write. vocabulary and grammar verb and is my problem. I want to crack ilets. .in next 2 months. I hope u and Urs lesson will help me out. And v do brunch together.
Hi Ronnie
I want to know that what’s more useful for studying English , spelling new vocabulary or listening to lessons and watching films!
And many people want you to make a commen conversation on Skype to master speaking, could you help us ?
You became my new fav english Teacher! GREAT LESSONS! Love you xxx
Thak you for your class. How cute you are !!!
Hi Ronnie!I have so many problems with know I don’t know exactly from which part of my mouth I can say them.would you plz help me.thanks in advance.
I found about you this week, I watched one of your youtubes Ronnie,
I liked it a lot,
and then I found about the website,
I will start watching all of it.
Thank you very much guys.
Hi Ronnie my name is farhan living in Toronto Canada.i will like to know if you teach in school if yes please let me know the school name that you teach thank you
I had forgotten that “Blue jay” was also a bird
Good lesson, actually this words always i confused their sounds. This is very helpful for me. Thanks!
Thank you, Ronnie!!!
Thanks my teacher i am from saudi arabia please
Thank you Emma :)
You’re awesome Ronnie xxxx
hello ronie
my favorite teacher
thank you
thank’s so much teacher ronnie great leason i love you teacher ronnie <3
I like ur way of teaching Mrs ronnie ..
thnx for being exciting :)) ..
Hi ronnie. I am new here. Everyday i watch your lesson. It interesting.
Thank you Ronnie.
Thank Ronnie, I love you
Thank Ronnie
Hi Ronnie
You,re my best virtual teacher ever. I realy want to pay for your virtual classes , but I cant right now . I promiss do it as soon as I can.
good but not enough :)
hello my favorite teacher
thank you for helping us to learn english , you are the best
So good class teacher… Thanks
Thank you ?
Hi, Ronnie! Very nice class! You’re very funny! So, I can learn English and have fun with you at the same time! Thanks! See ya!
Dear Ronde.
I want you to teach me English. I’m starting. Can you teach me?
I want to become a public speaker and for that, I will have to improvise my soft skills. Can you please help me. English is not my native language but I am managing somehow. I really do my best on it to become an excellent speaker.
Thank you Ms. Ronnie.
innovative teaching methodology.
you are the best!
Thank you so much .
Thanke you Ronnie.
Hi hope you are well,
I started to fallow your lessons.
I’m beginner. I get confused, because I don’t know which one is the first lesson.
Which video is the first video?
Have I choose any lessons I want ??
Yes, you can watch the lessons in any order! Use the English Lessons Finder to find lessons by level, teacher, and topic.
There are some short lesson series, but there are always links to the other videos in the series so you can find them easily.
Thank you Ronnie.
Thank you. I am new here and i am started with this video.
Thanks Ronnie!
I love it!!! Thanks for share
Hi Ronnie! I really like your videos,
you explain very well, you are fantastic Teacher!
I’m beginner in english. Tanks for all.
thanks Ronni i learnt a lot from you
Thank Ronnie ?
Hi, I am new here, I hope to learn a lot with you. Thank you so much.
from Spain.
Thank you so much for these lessons. You are so great.
Thank you ,you are great teacher
Thanks Ronnie
Thanks Ronnie
Thank you
Very nice
I got 4/4.
Great tips😜and an interesting lesson!!!
Tks Ronnie.
Thank you
thank you