In this English lesson, I teach you how to talk about CRIME. You’ll need to know these words and idioms to understand a lot of TV shows and movies, but they might be very important to you in real life too.
Thanks James, it was the funniest lesson I have ever listened!
Greetings from Serbia!
That’s was amazing!
You’re great Mr.James
Keep it out!
It was amazing!
You’re great Mr.James
Keep it out!
Thanks James u r a very good teacher and funny too, i liked very much the plea 5th part.
Hi James,
I really enjoy your videos!I already know the english languege clearly and I am able to full comprehend it. I am in grade 9 and I am just wondering If there are any videos relating to grade 9 english. I think your essay video was very exceptionally done and was straignt to the point. If their are any study tools that i can use from you site to improve my english to a straight A+… i already have a 93 but I was wondering if you have any great study guidesor study tools!
Thanks :)
Hey James,I found your lessons very-very useful and entertainment.Great job.Keep doing it.more and more lessons please.Tom from Hungary
intersting to listen to your lessons since the time when i found the web site
Great lesson! I really loved it!
Thank you so much!
Hope to see more.
It’s so funny and easy to understand! You like an actor,Jack! ^^
Thank you so much! :D
Oh, I’m so sorry! James, no Jack! ^^ (from Vietnam)
jejeje “Jack” :D
ur fit
Ooooops! Karen you are a 10!
Hi you can contact me on skype we can talk in english.My skype id is alam.btech you can send me the request.i will add you and then we will talk.
N Alam
thanx .. dearest teacher for this lesson ,, I am your new student in Kurdistan \ Iraq .. and I am really proud that I have an opportunity to get great information from you thanx alot ..
Hey I love the way you teach, You are an amazing teacher.. If my teacher were like you I would definitely love the scholl but no they are just writing on the board and then going away…
Thank you for this beautiful lesson :)
I wanted to say school but I wrote that wrong :)
Such an exciting lesson that i’ve ever watched!
thank James very much!
Merry christmas! :))
i really like your posts… i am learning a lot and you’re right, it’s very important that the way in explaining it should be interesting…
how about explaining the difference in pronouncing “blessed” ( blest ) and ( bless-ed )? i’d really appreciate if you could reply asap. thank you.
” in explaining it ” the lessons, i mean.
hey! James, you rocks again!
I was wondering if you could make a lesson about difference between “which” and “that”. It confuses me all the time.
Thanks in advance
really it is nice lesson
it is useful
Thank you For this important lesson and im want to practique more english ,and i think this web site will be help me so much
It’s only you, who can talk about crime with such fun! I love it! Thank you and God bless you!
Hello James!
Special thanks for uploading one more nice video, i love the way that you teach. There are many teachers but you have God gifted teaching skills. James i did not find and video about “Punctuations”. Even though some videos about writing skills i found, but no one about ‘punctuations” as you know it is also an important part of writing and plays important role in Ielts and tofel exame. So being a regular viewer of engvid, i would like to request to you and management please make a lecture on punctuations. I hope you will consider my request.
Tausef imdad
it is nice lessone
thanks alot
i lyk it !
ty very much
I have stumbled upon this site just a couple days ago, but i must say that these lessons seems like incredibly useful and interesting. And you are absolutely awesome teacher, probably one of the best english teachers i ever known…
Now I’m going to watch lots of videos to catch up with other users and I’m looking forward for more lessons!
I realy like in post
This is Khalid from Oman…
Thanks MR E
gracias (spanish)thanks for the lesson¡¡¡
someone has skype you can find me DSAGUILAR (guatemala)please
Hello I’d like to know how to find out the new lesson realizes?
I want to improve my essay writing , what is the best way to achieve my goal.Please reply
Hey man.. keep your spirit up.. you are good. I wold be glad have a conversation with u if possible. thanx for all you do for us.
Hi James,
Happy new year.
It is very difficult for me to understand you.
I get the whole idea, but not the details.
I mean there are some words or expressions that i can not recognize them in your speech.
for example in this video, I tried times and times to understand what you say in 00:48 to 00:52 minutes. I cant get even a word!!!!!!!!!
What can I do?
Do you have the text of your lessons?
Is it possible to have them on the website?
Thanks a lot.
These videos are excellent. :-)
sorry 00:48 – 00:52 seconds!
“But, if you want to enjoy, and, enjoy our entertainment…”
James! Thank you for your lessons! Happy New Year! Good luck!
Diana Mykolaivna
haha,you’re so funny.I like your lesson,good job !!
Hi James!!!!
I would like to take classes with you through Skype, is it possible ?
Please, send me a email!
wooow !!
nice lesson as usual :)
thanks Mr. James
Hey James, Thanks a lot for the excellent classes!Congratulations for the valuable work and go ahead with it!!!
Hi James. I can’t even pick up an appropriate words to express my pleasure to everything you’ve done here, by giving this lesson. As for me, you’re an outstanding actor and teacher.
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
great teacher i like your method in teaching thanx so much keep on
i love you james you win our heart :)
jom bom bye
Hi James!!You are cool!!I like your lesson very very much!!Thank you!!!
you are so funny Mr.James.your way of teaching so good,,
Thank you so much for your nice method of teaching and I feel like I am in the class…
Best of luck
Thank you James you are so funny and fast :)
thank for this lesson:)
Thanks James for your lesson with a lot of fun
that is an amazing lesson thank you alot .and as you have said no one dare to teach a lasson like this
James you are amazing keep up the good work
thanks…nice lessson :D
thank you jamz n you made this lesson for us it’s very help full for us thank you n lv you man you’r awesome :)
Thanks a lot for all the lessons. they’re exactley what I was looking for!
I love you.You so amazing
Thanks to share your knowledge James! You are great!
Greetings from Brussels
You`ve blown my mind James!!! :-))) That was awesome!!! I am so impresses!!! I regret about only one thing – I did not find out this website before. )))
Your style is nice as my tutors have here in UK .. I hope be continue on your style and evolve it … Thanks
You are an amazing teacher, Thankyo i am a begginer in this, but you help me a lot
it was amazing… it really help me. thanks sir! God bless you.
james you are really gorgeous! your lessons are so interesting and quite easy to follow ! I’m impressed by your sense of humour that’s fantastic! many thanks !
awesome :x love the way u teach, it’s really easy to understand. :x
Thank you for this lesson. PLEASE do more video on slang and idioms…! Maybe like that one day I’d be able to understand all the cues of an american film!!!
any slang you didnt understand, here is the
hi james i don’t know how tel you with my poor english .how much i like the way you teach .its grait also al the jok’s you make. i see you dont reply all the time .
but can you please tell me how can I start with your first leason I need to learn frome the beginig ..Iam sorry my ritting is very bad and I just dont know how to make it beter ,maybe you have a way for me .thanks alot for your grait job.your make me feel you are my place and geving thoes grait leesons. thanks agen
can you speak more cleaely. thanks
can you speak more clearly. thanks
hiiiii mr.james your lessons are very uesful but i want speak english good and i want understand the people who speak english with me
I always love your way of explaining. It’s appealing and has sense of humor!
Thanks for this incredible video! 10++++
Cheers everybody!
i love engvid
Thank you james forthe lessons they really works
That’s was amazing!
You’re realllllllly great Mr.James
i liked the way you teach :D keep it up
plz plz plz i need more lessons from you :D
thanks >> from Saudi Arabia
it was great but hunger is more ..atleast 10 more words on crime used in films..
jeet from india
i love engvid too:-)
hi james i like your lesson but u speak very fast and sometime i confuse..plz try to explain clearly.
aina princess
aina princess
hi sir
you said that if we want to improve our lang we should talk to someone native but i can not find one
actually I really like it, you are so great teacher and my English become better with engvid “school”
man keep up .
no need to go to school,nor to see comedy films
quite fabulous watching your lessons since found this website…
adnan hey buddy i’m arabic too….and where are u from?!it’s an honour to be in touch with u.. ;) i’ll be blown away by your fellowship
Nice lesson!!!
Abshar are you afghan? if yes let me know where you live cos i want to be in touch with you.byee
Hello dear James…thanks so much for the lesson :))
hi james .I like this programme
I am not understand what you say. because my vocabulary is little. I am sorry . can u help me how to increase vocabulay?? thanks
awesome lesson i have ever learnt. thanks James.
hHi my dear james i am proud of yout hanks thanks
blown away…
You guys are great, really helped me a lot. Thanks to Games and your all team
I did a mistake, sorry James correct it.
Thank you so much Mr. James for your great lessons. I gathered so much informations and I appreciate your great effort :)
hi jems u r right by saying un less u be unconscious or active or understandable or uesfull u won’t learn any more specailly English language or any other language
hi,Jame,this lesson is so.. good
hi jame, you are a great teacher,
I really like ur approach of teaching:)) thanks
Thank you so much. i really like it.
Woowww so cool!! Many thanks for your lesson, James! :D. Speaking of crime, I’m a little bit confused about three words “robber”, “burglar” and “thief”. Could you pls show me the difference of them? If can, I am so so grateful :) :)
Woowww so cool!! Many thanks for your lesson, James! :D. Speaking of crime, I’m a little bit confused about three words “robber”, “burglar” and “thief”. Could you pls show me the difference of them? If can, I am so so grateful :) :)
Thank you so much Mr. James for your great lessons. ,,,, lub u so much
hey james can i have your email address please ?????
The way you teach is simple amazing – and instructive !!! Thanks a lot, James !!!
good job you are great.but in fact i don’t understand the meaning of (hold up)and(plea 5th)please can you help me?
Hello James,
Thank you very much for this lesson, I enjoyed it.
hello James,
thank you very much!
Thanks, again and again…I get it all clear but i’ve got a question…In films,mostly american films, they say ‘bank robbery’,isn’t it strange as the criminals are known.
Thanks very much for such a funny lesson. Your videos are realy helpful and site is fantastic. I was so lucky my teacher adviced me it!
Does anybody know french site like that? I really need one to improve my french…
Thanks very much for such a funny lesson. Your videos are realy helpful and site is fantastic. I was so lucky my teacher advised me it!
Does anybody know french site like that? I really need one to improve my french…
Great lesson! I am going to use it with my students. Hope it comes out as good as yours!
Thank you
Thank u JAMES.The way u teach was superb .So intresting.
James, thank for ur lesson. i find crime topic no longer dull and tired
quyen ngoc
At the end of video: If you see that worm … educated … what?
Where’s the quiz?
These is no quiz
hi thanks for all of the techers
Hi james I just wanna thank you for this lesson it really helped me Im watching your lessins from here mexico
Juan rivera
jesus GOD!! what a spectacular teacher i swear that i’ll be an english fluent by watching jame’s lessons..indeed thank u engvid and particulary james…simply there’s no words which can express my happienes..
you always teach us useful and helpful lessons that we benfit from
-thanks dear james-
anouar/ morocco
you are the best my james , it s so fanny to learning with you. you make me happy. kisssssssssssssssss to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi james I just wanna thank you for this lesson it is cool really helped me Im watching your lessins from here mexico
you are the best always teach us useful and helpful lessons that we benfit from
-thanks dear james-
At the end of video: If you see that worm … educated … what?
صدقة الربك
from iraq
its was very difficult & nice lesson,thanks
nice lesson,thanks
I didn’t know Mr. E is a BAD guy! How bad? How sad? How angry? But he has many characters created by Mr. James! Mr. James is a very creative teacher and very funny teacher. I laughed every time when I watch his videos. My brother would always said, ‘How crazy you are!’Of course this is a joke and I am just kidding! Just making you all laugh. :)
You are great!
Gohar from Armenia
thanks teacher James..
can i get your email to ask you questions?
or just in the website
hussein syd
for example is this sentence correct?
(can i blow them all)
is it mean can i shoot them all?
hussein syd
wow nice james
Hi James!
if i understand,<> means that you know about the thing but you don’t want to say nothing by avoiding be guilty.
This is the second video that I watched . You are an amazing teacher, I like your style of teaching, spirit and dedication. I will continue to watch this website.This is the best on the internet.
I’m from Chile.
Hi James. I have watched you several times on youtube. you have a way with teaching and i like you because you’re funny.
Hi guys,
anyone who is interested in speaking English can contact me at skype. my ID is mahmoud-dahman.
I’m and English teach and currently doing MA in Linguistics.
Great lesson! Thx James! :)
Another good lesson :) I have been watching these lessons for three months, good job :) Many interesting people are here
I’m not sure if I’ve heard correctly – is James saying ‘plead the 5th’ or just like it is written on the board – ‘plea…’?
thanks for you video! It was interesting for me)
oh that’s great!
thanks for you video!!!
first off all thank you very much for the great lesson. I’d like to ask you to make a complete lesson about court of law, I mean the expressions which are used in such cases like file lawsuit, prosecutor and etc if is it possible.
thank you very much.
Nice lesson thanks
woooooow. I really enjoy this video.
uve done such an awsome job james,tnx alot
It was helpful sir , thank you
hi.why I cant see lessons?
soman alam
My skipe contact: Daniele.english1
Hi James!Good and funny lesson!
PS: The sound is not good! I think would be better!
I love u!
you rocked, you are the funniest teacher
DUDE… U ARE TOTALLY DA BEST… SUPER FUNNY :)))))))))) I he soon many mouths XD
JKJK guys
Nicholas Low
Da typo is really making me mad….
Nicholas Low
To hold up, car jack, to blow away, to mug, and plea the 5th, they are 5 expressions to involve the word “crime”, now we are learning what are their meanings, it’s curious and terrible to live one of these situations. Thanks a lot, teacher James from Engvid, as always a good explanation and performance.
great, thank you james
michael from morocco
Tazouti Yassine
Great teacher
thanks a lot. you’re an excellent professor.
Great lesson, thank you, it looks like this video was uploaded a while ago, I find it very useful though.
Thank you James. another great lesson as always.
Alem GC
This is the funniest lesson I´ve ever watched!! Memorable! Thank You!!
Letty Balsa
Hi everyone!
I am looking for a partner to speak with me .
Is anyone there to help me?
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thanks James, it was the funniest lesson I have ever listened!
Greetings from Serbia!
That’s was amazing!
You’re great Mr.James
Keep it out!
It was amazing!
You’re great Mr.James
Keep it out!
Thanks James u r a very good teacher and funny too, i liked very much the plea 5th part.
Hi James,
I really enjoy your videos!I already know the english languege clearly and I am able to full comprehend it. I am in grade 9 and I am just wondering If there are any videos relating to grade 9 english. I think your essay video was very exceptionally done and was straignt to the point. If their are any study tools that i can use from you site to improve my english to a straight A+… i already have a 93 but I was wondering if you have any great study guidesor study tools!
Thanks :)
Hey James,I found your lessons very-very useful and entertainment.Great job.Keep doing it.more and more lessons please.Tom from Hungary
intersting to listen to your lessons since the time when i found the web site
Great lesson! I really loved it!
Thank you so much!
Hope to see more.
It’s so funny and easy to understand! You like an actor,Jack! ^^
Thank you so much! :D
Oh, I’m so sorry! James, no Jack! ^^ (from Vietnam)
jejeje “Jack” :D
ur fit
Ooooops! Karen you are a 10!
Hi you can contact me on skype we can talk in english.My skype id is alam.btech you can send me the request.i will add you and then we will talk.
thanx .. dearest teacher for this lesson ,, I am your new student in Kurdistan \ Iraq .. and I am really proud that I have an opportunity to get great information from you thanx alot ..
Hey I love the way you teach, You are an amazing teacher.. If my teacher were like you I would definitely love the scholl but no they are just writing on the board and then going away…
Thank you for this beautiful lesson :)
I wanted to say school but I wrote that wrong :)
Such an exciting lesson that i’ve ever watched!
thank James very much!
Merry christmas! :))
i really like your posts… i am learning a lot and you’re right, it’s very important that the way in explaining it should be interesting…
how about explaining the difference in pronouncing “blessed” ( blest ) and ( bless-ed )? i’d really appreciate if you could reply asap. thank you.
” in explaining it ” the lessons, i mean.
hey! James, you rocks again!
I was wondering if you could make a lesson about difference between “which” and “that”. It confuses me all the time.
Thanks in advance
really it is nice lesson
it is useful
Thank you For this important lesson and im want to practique more english ,and i think this web site will be help me so much
It’s only you, who can talk about crime with such fun! I love it! Thank you and God bless you!
Hello James!
Special thanks for uploading one more nice video, i love the way that you teach. There are many teachers but you have God gifted teaching skills. James i did not find and video about “Punctuations”. Even though some videos about writing skills i found, but no one about ‘punctuations” as you know it is also an important part of writing and plays important role in Ielts and tofel exame. So being a regular viewer of engvid, i would like to request to you and management please make a lecture on punctuations. I hope you will consider my request.
Tausef imdad
it is nice lessone
thanks alot
i lyk it !
ty very much
I have stumbled upon this site just a couple days ago, but i must say that these lessons seems like incredibly useful and interesting. And you are absolutely awesome teacher, probably one of the best english teachers i ever known…
Now I’m going to watch lots of videos to catch up with other users and I’m looking forward for more lessons!
I realy like in post
This is Khalid from Oman…
Thanks MR E
gracias (spanish)thanks for the lesson¡¡¡
someone has skype you can find me DSAGUILAR (guatemala)please
Hello I’d like to know how to find out the new lesson realizes?
I want to improve my essay writing , what is the best way to achieve my goal.Please reply
Hey man.. keep your spirit up.. you are good. I wold be glad have a conversation with u if possible. thanx for all you do for us.
Hi James,
Happy new year.
It is very difficult for me to understand you.
I get the whole idea, but not the details.
I mean there are some words or expressions that i can not recognize them in your speech.
for example in this video, I tried times and times to understand what you say in 00:48 to 00:52 minutes. I cant get even a word!!!!!!!!!
What can I do?
Do you have the text of your lessons?
Is it possible to have them on the website?
Thanks a lot.
These videos are excellent. :-)
sorry 00:48 – 00:52 seconds!
“But, if you want to enjoy, and, enjoy our entertainment…”
James! Thank you for your lessons! Happy New Year! Good luck!
haha,you’re so funny.I like your lesson,good job !!
Hi James!!!!
I would like to take classes with you through Skype, is it possible ?
Please, send me a email!
wooow !!
nice lesson as usual :)
thanks Mr. James
Hey James, Thanks a lot for the excellent classes!Congratulations for the valuable work and go ahead with it!!!
Hi James. I can’t even pick up an appropriate words to express my pleasure to everything you’ve done here, by giving this lesson. As for me, you’re an outstanding actor and teacher.
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
great teacher i like your method in teaching thanx so much keep on
i love you james you win our heart :)
Hi James!!You are cool!!I like your lesson very very much!!Thank you!!!
you are so funny Mr.James.your way of teaching so good,,
Thank you so much for your nice method of teaching and I feel like I am in the class…
Best of luck
Thank you James you are so funny and fast :)
thank for this lesson:)
Thanks James for your lesson with a lot of fun
that is an amazing lesson thank you alot .and as you have said no one dare to teach a lasson like this
James you are amazing keep up the good work
thanks…nice lessson :D
thank you jamz n you made this lesson for us it’s very help full for us thank you n lv you man you’r awesome :)
Thanks a lot for all the lessons. they’re exactley what I was looking for!
I love you.You so amazing
Thanks to share your knowledge James! You are great!
Greetings from Brussels
You`ve blown my mind James!!! :-))) That was awesome!!! I am so impresses!!! I regret about only one thing – I did not find out this website before. )))
Your style is nice as my tutors have here in UK .. I hope be continue on your style and evolve it … Thanks
You are an amazing teacher, Thankyo i am a begginer in this, but you help me a lot
it was amazing… it really help me. thanks sir! God bless you.
james you are really gorgeous! your lessons are so interesting and quite easy to follow ! I’m impressed by your sense of humour that’s fantastic! many thanks !
awesome :x love the way u teach, it’s really easy to understand. :x
Thank you for this lesson. PLEASE do more video on slang and idioms…! Maybe like that one day I’d be able to understand all the cues of an american film!!!
any slang you didnt understand, here is the
hi james i don’t know how tel you with my poor english .how much i like the way you teach .its grait also al the jok’s you make. i see you dont reply all the time .
but can you please tell me how can I start with your first leason I need to learn frome the beginig ..Iam sorry my ritting is very bad and I just dont know how to make it beter ,maybe you have a way for me .thanks alot for your grait job.your make me feel you are my place and geving thoes grait leesons. thanks agen
can you speak more cleaely. thanks
can you speak more clearly. thanks
hiiiii mr.james your lessons are very uesful but i want speak english good and i want understand the people who speak english with me
I always love your way of explaining. It’s appealing and has sense of humor!
Thanks for this incredible video! 10++++
Cheers everybody!
i love engvid
Thank you james forthe lessons they really works
That’s was amazing!
You’re realllllllly great Mr.James
i liked the way you teach :D keep it up
plz plz plz i need more lessons from you :D
thanks >> from Saudi Arabia
it was great but hunger is more ..atleast 10 more words on crime used in films..
i love engvid too:-)
hi james i like your lesson but u speak very fast and sometime i confuse..plz try to explain clearly.
hi sir
you said that if we want to improve our lang we should talk to someone native but i can not find one
actually I really like it, you are so great teacher and my English become better with engvid “school”
man keep up .
no need to go to school,nor to see comedy films
quite fabulous watching your lessons since found this website…
adnan hey buddy i’m arabic too….and where are u from?!it’s an honour to be in touch with u.. ;) i’ll be blown away by your fellowship
Nice lesson!!!
Abshar are you afghan? if yes let me know where you live cos i want to be in touch with you.byee
Hello dear James…thanks so much for the lesson :))
hi james .I like this programme
I am not understand what you say. because my vocabulary is little. I am sorry . can u help me how to increase vocabulay?? thanks
awesome lesson i have ever learnt. thanks James.
hHi my dear james i am proud of yout hanks thanks
blown away…
You guys are great, really helped me a lot. Thanks to Games and your all team
I did a mistake, sorry James correct it.
Thank you so much Mr. James for your great lessons. I gathered so much informations and I appreciate your great effort :)
hi jems u r right by saying un less u be unconscious or active or understandable or uesfull u won’t learn any more specailly English language or any other language
hi,Jame,this lesson is so.. good
hi jame, you are a great teacher,
I really like ur approach of teaching:)) thanks
Thank you so much. i really like it.
Woowww so cool!! Many thanks for your lesson, James! :D. Speaking of crime, I’m a little bit confused about three words “robber”, “burglar” and “thief”. Could you pls show me the difference of them? If can, I am so so grateful :) :)
Woowww so cool!! Many thanks for your lesson, James! :D. Speaking of crime, I’m a little bit confused about three words “robber”, “burglar” and “thief”. Could you pls show me the difference of them? If can, I am so so grateful :) :)
Thank you so much Mr. James for your great lessons. ,,,, lub u so much
hey james can i have your email address please ?????
The way you teach is simple amazing – and instructive !!! Thanks a lot, James !!!
good job you are great.but in fact i don’t understand the meaning of (hold up)and(plea 5th)please can you help me?
Hello James,
Thank you very much for this lesson, I enjoyed it.
hello James,
thank you very much!
Thanks, again and again…I get it all clear but i’ve got a question…In films,mostly american films, they say ‘bank robbery’,isn’t it strange as the criminals are known.
Thanks very much for such a funny lesson. Your videos are realy helpful and site is fantastic. I was so lucky my teacher adviced me it!
Does anybody know french site like that? I really need one to improve my french…
Thanks very much for such a funny lesson. Your videos are realy helpful and site is fantastic. I was so lucky my teacher advised me it!
Does anybody know french site like that? I really need one to improve my french…
Great lesson! I am going to use it with my students. Hope it comes out as good as yours!
Thank you
Thank u JAMES.The way u teach was superb .So intresting.
James, thank for ur lesson. i find crime topic no longer dull and tired
At the end of video: If you see that worm … educated … what?
Where’s the quiz?
These is no quiz
hi thanks for all of the techers
Hi james I just wanna thank you for this lesson it really helped me Im watching your lessins from here mexico
jesus GOD!! what a spectacular teacher i swear that i’ll be an english fluent by watching jame’s lessons..indeed thank u engvid and particulary james…simply there’s no words which can express my happienes..
you always teach us useful and helpful lessons that we benfit from
-thanks dear james-
you are the best my james , it s so fanny to learning with you. you make me happy. kisssssssssssssssss to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi james I just wanna thank you for this lesson it is cool really helped me Im watching your lessins from here mexico
you are the best always teach us useful and helpful lessons that we benfit from
-thanks dear james-
At the end of video: If you see that worm … educated … what?
صدقة الربك
from iraq
its was very difficult & nice lesson,thanks
nice lesson,thanks
I didn’t know Mr. E is a BAD guy! How bad? How sad? How angry? But he has many characters created by Mr. James! Mr. James is a very creative teacher and very funny teacher. I laughed every time when I watch his videos. My brother would always said, ‘How crazy you are!’Of course this is a joke and I am just kidding! Just making you all laugh. :)
You are great!
thanks teacher James..
can i get your email to ask you questions?
or just in the website
for example is this sentence correct?
(can i blow them all)
is it mean can i shoot them all?
wow nice james
Hi James!
if i understand,<> means that you know about the thing but you don’t want to say nothing by avoiding be guilty.
This is the second video that I watched . You are an amazing teacher, I like your style of teaching, spirit and dedication. I will continue to watch this website.This is the best on the internet.
I’m from Chile.
Hi James. I have watched you several times on youtube. you have a way with teaching and i like you because you’re funny.
Hi guys,
anyone who is interested in speaking English can contact me at skype. my ID is mahmoud-dahman.
I’m and English teach and currently doing MA in Linguistics.
Great lesson! Thx James! :)
Another good lesson :) I have been watching these lessons for three months, good job :) Many interesting people are here
I’m not sure if I’ve heard correctly – is James saying ‘plead the 5th’ or just like it is written on the board – ‘plea…’?
thanks for you video! It was interesting for me)
oh that’s great!
thanks for you video!!!
first off all thank you very much for the great lesson. I’d like to ask you to make a complete lesson about court of law, I mean the expressions which are used in such cases like file lawsuit, prosecutor and etc if is it possible.
thank you very much.
Nice lesson thanks
woooooow. I really enjoy this video.
uve done such an awsome job james,tnx alot
It was helpful sir , thank you
hi.why I cant see lessons?
My skipe contact: Daniele.english1
Hi James!Good and funny lesson!
PS: The sound is not good! I think would be better!
I love u!
you rocked, you are the funniest teacher
DUDE… U ARE TOTALLY DA BEST… SUPER FUNNY :)))))))))) I he soon many mouths XD
JKJK guys
Da typo is really making me mad….
To hold up, car jack, to blow away, to mug, and plea the 5th, they are 5 expressions to involve the word “crime”, now we are learning what are their meanings, it’s curious and terrible to live one of these situations. Thanks a lot, teacher James from Engvid, as always a good explanation and performance.
great, thank you james
michael from morocco
Great teacher
thanks a lot. you’re an excellent professor.
Great lesson, thank you, it looks like this video was uploaded a while ago, I find it very useful though.
Thank you James. another great lesson as always.
This is the funniest lesson I´ve ever watched!! Memorable! Thank You!!
Hi everyone!
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