Finish and end are two words in English that have almost the same meaning, but are used in different situations. Watch this quick lesson to learn what context to use each in.
Great Lesson, but I think that if you observe the way that natives speak and write you can learn it. Because no one who has english as your first language took a book to learn how to speak english, they just observe .
Do whatever you know, use any method, everything is allowed! And if you discover something new, tell us :) And yes, I warmly recommend to watch the best Manga ever, and that is Dragon Ball series (DB, Z, GT). Trust me, they speak clear, fluently and correctly. You’ll learn a lot from it, it is better than any movie. . .
I think you make a great point.
Master, i’m from Vietnam, are you still living in Vietnam now?
your lessons are very excellent, and your teaching way is very effective, so i need to find a teacher like you. :D wish you in Vietnam now.
I always think that by doing we learn, because it’s really important to make mistakes.
I’ve just finished this Quiz
good tips….
use free online dictionaries
“Build up” is a phrasal verb and means the same as bare word “build”! When you want to intensify the meaning, then you use phrasal verbs. . .
It vos wery good lesson… Thenk you!!!
Hi, nice lesson!!!
I have one question: Has the phrasal verb “end up” the same meaning as “end” in all these sentences??
Hi jon, thanks for the lesson.
So, can you show me an example using “finishing” please?
Thank you in advance.
We’re finishing our homework. . .
I would like to know when can I use end or finish in a question..would it be possible says ” when are you going to end that?” or when are you going to finish that? please helpe me.
thank you >> it was interesting
thank you Jon for the lesson
My compliment!
Teacher Jon,
Tks to the lesson. It’s very useful. Lily from Brazil
thanks for this lesson. but i have one question can you explain what is the exact tense of your examle “i have finished studing” is it gramatically correct?
Present Perfect
Yes it is correct!
It’s useful lesson
Thank you for the lesson. Usually I hear the Police Alarm when you teach. Are you near the police’s office :)
No, but there does seem to be quite a few ambulances and police cars that go by. Good ears!
its nice lesson
would u offer us more reading test please, thank u for such an amazing website
You mean you would like a reading comprehension lesson?
helllo jon
please can you help me in Q 4
why When does you finish class
isn’t correct answer cuz
(does ) goes with he she it and singular and class its singular
and why When do you finish class
is it correct answer
thank you jon i wish you the best
Ikiller, you must be kidding. Your question is “funny”! Find the lesson on Present Simple Tense, and look at the structure. First of all you have to learn this verb tense, and Present Continuous which is very similar. . .
dear ikiller listen you are absolutely right that when we use HE,SHE,IT or SINGULAR.. we must uSE “S or Es” with first f0rm of verb..but listen dear when there is D0ES then keep in mind that THE extra S or ES is als0 attached with “D0” …i think you will get it,its very easy point to understand …
xulfi syed
You corresponds to “do”. You never say you does.
Yes it is..when do you finish class?
I didn’t understand this freaking lesson but I got 4 out of 4. holycows, thanks Jon.
Jon, can you show me an example using ‘finishing’? please :)Thank you
I think it is used mostly as a noun( I mean word “finishing”)
Thanks a lot.
it could be better i think
Such ___ things is hard ___ to remember
Nice and easy lesson.I have finished the quise with 4 out of regards
thanks jon you are a good teacher
Thanks for the compliment.
Hello Teacher Jon thank you so much for this Vid. I always having trouble using these two words but now I know..
I got 4/4 : D
thank you , i got 4/4 :) it’s really easy , please give more & harder questions :)
good lesson
i want to learning english best than before
my answer was 2\2 ist good
tank you so much
ismail alnaji
ismail alnaji
Mr. Merlin (or Mrs!!!)
Are you teacher too?
Marcia1000, no, I’m not teacher, I’m student like you, but by answering these questions I strive to improve my english as much as possible. Everything I know, I am gonna share with you, but I’m wondering where Alex is, he should do it instead of me. And yes, if you have anything to ask me about english, I’ll be glad to teach you. Besides, if you have facebook account, you can add me as a friend, if not, ask me here. . .
dear merlin plz add me on faceb00k i have alot of questions related to english..actually i am g0ing to appear for my ACADEMIC IELTS so thats why i am n0t feeling good about achieving my goal..i need 5.5 overall and no less than 5 in each skill so plz help me..
let me contact insides the plate form ..plzz
xulfi syed
how may i add you on facebook ????
plz help me visitors if you are a good teacher or you can tell me guideline about achieving my plz let me contact plzz
xulfi syed
dear merlin plz add me on faceb00k i have alot of questions related to english..actually i am g0ing to appear for my ACADEMIC IELTS so thats why i am n0t feeling good about achieving my goal..i need 5.5 overall and no less than 5 in each skill so plz help me..
let me contact insides the plate form ..plzz
xulfi syed
Thanks a lot for lesson))
It’s really help me,I had problems using these two verbs,now I have good results. 4/4)))
Thanks you! you are a excellent teacher!
Thanks you! you are a excellent teacher!
I thought “end” and “finish” were the same. Now I know what is the different. ;)
That’s great that you know the difference now.
I’m learning with you.Thank you very much.God bless all you !!!!!
That’s great!
i did it correct thanks !!!!!
leo lizard
thanks i enjoyed watching….convinced learning can be so much fun eh ;)
I am very pleased to hear that.
thank you so much DEAR RESPECTABLE did good j0b ..
xulfi syed
I really appreciate all your efforts. God bless all you
It is very good lesson!
Thank you for the important tips……..
You’re very welcome!
Thanks a lot for lesson
thank you
it is usefull information
dear sir,
let me know that if finish comes with (ing) form of the word then why you used this lesson is finished, in this sentence we don’t have ing. when i shoud have the answer?
I am not sure I understand your question.
It’s very useful lesson for me. Thanks a lot!
Thank you Jon!
what about done.. when can I use this word ?
thank you again
Done can express the same as finished. So, you could say, I have done or finished the dishes.
Thanks a lot for this lesson. Now, I know when to use end and finish.
Thank´s Jon for the lesson, It was usefull for me. Tks a lot. Mak from Brazil
I’m glad you found the lesson useful!
Hi Jon,
I think you and your colleagues are doing a great job on this site. I have one little question for you regarding the answer that you gave to a user a day or two ago.
When you are saying: “I’m glad you found the lesson useful!”
shouldn’t it be more like: “I’m glad you have found the lesson useful!” ?
Thanks, and best regards. :-)
thanks for your lesson
Thanks a lot, your explanation of the differences between these two words is really clear.
good job!
Thanks a lot for your lessons, it was really good so,what i want from you is to give us an explanation of analysing sentences especially verb and noun phrases.
nice lesson thank u
Thanks sir, I really appreciate.
i think “end” is kinda reflexive verb as compared to “finish”.
amazing!! now i can discriminate between end from finish thank you so much
Hi Sir,
thank you so much. i personally used to use these words interchangebly,but now and after watching this video im no longer used them as i was. please , if you would not mind , i want to know where we can use the modals ‘can’ and could and may and might , because i always use them as interchangeable words.
thanks for the lesson a helped me a lot.But i have a question to you Jon.could you tell me the difference between afraid to do sth.and afraid of doing st.h
Karin Sargisyan
Excelent, you are very good!
Tsvetko Yovev
It is good for same one who want to learn english.I hope you give us more listens.good luck.
thank you very very much our teacher
mohmmd ali
excellant video
thanks sir Jon. It is a very interesting videos.I need to improve my communication in speaking and writing. Pls. help me.
thanks sir Jon. It is a very interesting video. I need to improve my communication in speaking and writing. Thanks a lot.
Thank you :)
Timi from Hungary :)
useful lesson
I think you are great!!!
Greetings from Spain.
hi jon,
this lesson was very good. i cleared confusion that when which word should be spoken.thanks
jon can you tell me about the use of word “back” in english for instance give back, at the back , back off etc. these many other expression are quiet confusing
Very good lesson, Jon.
thank you sear , It is an incredible lesson
I have a hint :my friend If you want to remember the last point in the lesson about the (ing) form , remember that ( finish ) & (ing) both contain the letter (i) , so wont be confused …
I hope that my hiny is useful . godbye
Bu Na7YaN
it’s good lesson, sir Jon. you make my mind works.
Dear teacher, useful lesson… but I think it’s still missing something to me… I made the 3 and 4 questions wrong:
3: I’ve chosen “I’ll never finish this book” (the correct onee is end)
4: I’ve chosen “When do you end class?” (the correct answer is finish)
During the lesson you are talking about usage of finish to complete something that I’m doing (Q3).
And what’s the meaning of “finish class”?
Wonderful lesson!
I was afraid of that you will manacled by police :)
Polices sirens was very close so I wait a police man will come and shout “lay down, it’s a unlawfull education”. :))
I want to thank you very much your lessons are very usefull and enjoyable…
I finish the Lesson . thXxxxx Mr.Jon.
I hope to Learn English language
it’s great lesson!!
i like the way of teaching.
imran khan
Could you please clarify or differantiate the word according to & as per. thank you, realy you are doing great job.
I like your way of teaching
nice lesson
hala fn
thanks a lot………….
Thanks teacher.
Can u explain about the difference between the phrases “at the end” and “in the end”?
Hi teacher it was a great lesson and it looks like a wonderful site but what about if i’m in an exam and i finished it i can say i’ve finished the exam or i’m done and thanx a lot
John Ezat
I like your lessons because They are short and clear.
Thank you for the lesson you give good lessons. I’m learning from you, and all great team of
Hi, Jon this is a good lesson for me I understand it clearly. this is a great way for your teaching.
Thank you so much.
Hello Sir, thank you very much from this excellent lesson…
GREAT 100!!!!!!!!!
A really gifted teacher) Thanks so much for your lesson
Great .
I enjoyed the lesson!
Me too , i’ve enjoyed it very much
Thank you Jon.. would you please tell me the difference between “start” & “begin” ??
Thank you for good lesson!
thank a lot, it’s good lesson..:d
Thank you very much for all the efforts ..
Grateful to you .
José Rafael? The guy from Babeque Secundaria that always got bullied? You’re teaching english… wow.
I get little confused for End, Finish. so, anyway, thank you veru much
Abdiwali Mohamed
Thanks for the lesson, but i still have some doubts about the difference. how can we finish these sentences ..
1- He ….. his life by a knife.
(can we use both?)
2-Her life ……….. in 1977.
3-How much will he get to …….. this job?
4- At the end of a movie , they write (The End) what’s the important change here?
sir, i wanna know about the difference between other words like —-effect and affect,advice and advise etc types …..plz arrange a video for these words….
thank you
wow! i got 100% Thank you John. you are good teaching
Hi! very good.
I got 75 %. Thanks…
I’m learning with you.Thank you very much
Good lecture! Thanks!
Thanks .it is a very useful lesson
rawan 1996
Thanks for the lesson. It’s really helpful
I’ve got 100..happyyy
that’s very important, from now on i will pay attention
i finished :) thanks jon.
thanks for your lesson. but I still don’t know when we use ‘finish’,and when we use ‘end’. Can you explain this for me?
thanks very much
Great lesson. Thanks a lot
Thanks got 75%.
Abdul Qayum
Hi, I’m sorry but…
Is it possible that you wanted to say:
– Only ‘finish’ can be followed by another verb using -ing form. ???
The way you wrote it… I mean, it looks to me like saying ‘finishing’…
Thank U
Ivan David
thanks for your lesson, I got 100%
Hussein Ali Baqir
You are great! Thanks for the explanation and
examples, but would it be too much to ask for
more examples?
I know you have a lot of things to do, but I’d
appreciate if you could give us more examples.
Thank you Jon for another good lesson on these two very confusing words,now i got them very clear.Keep up the good work!
Clear and useful. Thanks!
I have a question, it’s about when people say “that is over”. I don’t know when I could use it, Because that mean like finish. Thanks
Hi, Jon! I finished the quiz and I got 100. Thank you for this interesting lesson. Júlio César from Brazil.
Júlio César L Sousa
Can you please explain the differences between done and finished?
mang thang
Very helpful! Thank you!
Thanx Jon.
Thanks teacher i got 100%
Abdishakur Abdi
Thanks for the lesson Jon
Sunny Muffin
This comment is about JOODY from YEMEN. I’ve read finished all comments regarding to the short lesson ” End and Finish”. I would like to say that Joody is one of the brightest Engvid- students concerning this lesson.
Aryan Ahmady
mines date 26/10/21 from Kazakhstan
thank you a lot, Jon
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Great Lesson, but I think that if you observe the way that natives speak and write you can learn it. Because no one who has english as your first language took a book to learn how to speak english, they just observe .
Do whatever you know, use any method, everything is allowed! And if you discover something new, tell us :) And yes, I warmly recommend to watch the best Manga ever, and that is Dragon Ball series (DB, Z, GT). Trust me, they speak clear, fluently and correctly. You’ll learn a lot from it, it is better than any movie. . .
I think you make a great point.
Master, i’m from Vietnam, are you still living in Vietnam now?
your lessons are very excellent, and your teaching way is very effective, so i need to find a teacher like you. :D wish you in Vietnam now.
I always think that by doing we learn, because it’s really important to make mistakes.
I’ve just finished this Quiz
good tips….
use free online dictionaries
“Build up” is a phrasal verb and means the same as bare word “build”! When you want to intensify the meaning, then you use phrasal verbs. . .
It vos wery good lesson… Thenk you!!!
Hi, nice lesson!!!
I have one question: Has the phrasal verb “end up” the same meaning as “end” in all these sentences??
Hi jon, thanks for the lesson.
So, can you show me an example using “finishing” please?
Thank you in advance.
We’re finishing our homework. . .
I would like to know when can I use end or finish in a question..would it be possible says ” when are you going to end that?” or when are you going to finish that? please helpe me.
thank you >> it was interesting
thank you Jon for the lesson
My compliment!
Teacher Jon,
Tks to the lesson. It’s very useful. Lily from Brazil
thanks for this lesson. but i have one question can you explain what is the exact tense of your examle “i have finished studing” is it gramatically correct?
Present Perfect
Yes it is correct!
It’s useful lesson
Thank you for the lesson. Usually I hear the Police Alarm when you teach. Are you near the police’s office :)
No, but there does seem to be quite a few ambulances and police cars that go by. Good ears!
its nice lesson
would u offer us more reading test please, thank u for such an amazing website
You mean you would like a reading comprehension lesson?
helllo jon
please can you help me in Q 4
why When does you finish class
isn’t correct answer cuz
(does ) goes with he she it and singular and class its singular
and why When do you finish class
is it correct answer
thank you jon i wish you the best
Ikiller, you must be kidding. Your question is “funny”! Find the lesson on Present Simple Tense, and look at the structure. First of all you have to learn this verb tense, and Present Continuous which is very similar. . .
dear ikiller listen you are absolutely right that when we use HE,SHE,IT or SINGULAR.. we must uSE “S or Es” with first f0rm of verb..but listen dear when there is D0ES then keep in mind that THE extra S or ES is als0 attached with “D0” …i think you will get it,its very easy point to understand …
You corresponds to “do”. You never say you does.
Yes it is..when do you finish class?
I didn’t understand this freaking lesson but I got 4 out of 4. holycows, thanks Jon.
Jon, can you show me an example using ‘finishing’? please :)Thank you
I think it is used mostly as a noun( I mean word “finishing”)
Thanks a lot.
it could be better i think
Such ___ things is hard ___ to remember
Nice and easy lesson.I have finished the quise with 4 out of regards
thanks jon you are a good teacher
Thanks for the compliment.
Hello Teacher Jon thank you so much for this Vid. I always having trouble using these two words but now I know..
I got 4/4 : D
thank you , i got 4/4 :) it’s really easy , please give more & harder questions :)
good lesson
i want to learning english best than before
my answer was 2\2 ist good
tank you so much
Mr. Merlin (or Mrs!!!)
Are you teacher too?
Marcia1000, no, I’m not teacher, I’m student like you, but by answering these questions I strive to improve my english as much as possible. Everything I know, I am gonna share with you, but I’m wondering where Alex is, he should do it instead of me. And yes, if you have anything to ask me about english, I’ll be glad to teach you. Besides, if you have facebook account, you can add me as a friend, if not, ask me here. . .
dear merlin plz add me on faceb00k i have alot of questions related to english..actually i am g0ing to appear for my ACADEMIC IELTS so thats why i am n0t feeling good about achieving my goal..i need 5.5 overall and no less than 5 in each skill so plz help me..
let me contact insides the plate form ..plzz
how may i add you on facebook ????
plz help me visitors if you are a good teacher or you can tell me guideline about achieving my plz let me contact plzz
dear merlin plz add me on faceb00k i have alot of questions related to english..actually i am g0ing to appear for my ACADEMIC IELTS so thats why i am n0t feeling good about achieving my goal..i need 5.5 overall and no less than 5 in each skill so plz help me..
let me contact insides the plate form ..plzz
Thanks a lot for lesson))
It’s really help me,I had problems using these two verbs,now I have good results. 4/4)))
Thanks you! you are a excellent teacher!
Thanks you! you are a excellent teacher!
I thought “end” and “finish” were the same. Now I know what is the different. ;)
That’s great that you know the difference now.
I’m learning with you.Thank you very much.God bless all you !!!!!
That’s great!
i did it correct thanks !!!!!
thanks i enjoyed watching….convinced learning can be so much fun eh ;)
I am very pleased to hear that.
thank you so much DEAR RESPECTABLE did good j0b ..
I really appreciate all your efforts. God bless all you
It is very good lesson!
Thank you for the important tips……..
You’re very welcome!
Thanks a lot for lesson
thank you
it is usefull information
dear sir,
let me know that if finish comes with (ing) form of the word then why you used this lesson is finished, in this sentence we don’t have ing. when i shoud have the answer?
I am not sure I understand your question.
It’s very useful lesson for me. Thanks a lot!
Thank you Jon!
what about done.. when can I use this word ?
thank you again
Done can express the same as finished. So, you could say, I have done or finished the dishes.
Thanks a lot for this lesson. Now, I know when to use end and finish.
Thank´s Jon for the lesson, It was usefull for me. Tks a lot. Mak from Brazil
I’m glad you found the lesson useful!
Hi Jon,
I think you and your colleagues are doing a great job on this site. I have one little question for you regarding the answer that you gave to a user a day or two ago.
When you are saying: “I’m glad you found the lesson useful!”
shouldn’t it be more like: “I’m glad you have found the lesson useful!” ?
Thanks, and best regards. :-)
thanks for your lesson
Thanks a lot, your explanation of the differences between these two words is really clear.
good job!
Thanks a lot for your lessons, it was really good so,what i want from you is to give us an explanation of analysing sentences especially verb and noun phrases.
nice lesson thank u
Thanks sir, I really appreciate.
i think “end” is kinda reflexive verb as compared to “finish”.
amazing!! now i can discriminate between end from finish thank you so much
Hi Sir,
thank you so much. i personally used to use these words interchangebly,but now and after watching this video im no longer used them as i was. please , if you would not mind , i want to know where we can use the modals ‘can’ and could and may and might , because i always use them as interchangeable words.
thanks for the lesson a helped me a lot.But i have a question to you Jon.could you tell me the difference between afraid to do sth.and afraid of doing st.h
Excelent, you are very good!
It is good for same one who want to learn english.I hope you give us more listens.good luck.
thank you very very much our teacher
excellant video
thanks sir Jon. It is a very interesting videos.I need to improve my communication in speaking and writing. Pls. help me.
thanks sir Jon. It is a very interesting video. I need to improve my communication in speaking and writing. Thanks a lot.
Thank you :)
Timi from Hungary :)
useful lesson
I think you are great!!!
Greetings from Spain.
hi jon,
this lesson was very good. i cleared confusion that when which word should be spoken.thanks
jon can you tell me about the use of word “back” in english for instance give back, at the back , back off etc. these many other expression are quiet confusing
Very good lesson, Jon.
thank you sear , It is an incredible lesson
I have a hint :my friend If you want to remember the last point in the lesson about the (ing) form , remember that ( finish ) & (ing) both contain the letter (i) , so wont be confused …
I hope that my hiny is useful . godbye
it’s good lesson, sir Jon. you make my mind works.
Dear teacher, useful lesson… but I think it’s still missing something to me… I made the 3 and 4 questions wrong:
3: I’ve chosen “I’ll never finish this book” (the correct onee is end)
4: I’ve chosen “When do you end class?” (the correct answer is finish)
During the lesson you are talking about usage of finish to complete something that I’m doing (Q3).
And what’s the meaning of “finish class”?
Wonderful lesson!
I was afraid of that you will manacled by police :)
Polices sirens was very close so I wait a police man will come and shout “lay down, it’s a unlawfull education”. :))
I want to thank you very much your lessons are very usefull and enjoyable…
I finish the Lesson . thXxxxx Mr.Jon.
I hope to Learn English language
it’s great lesson!!
i like the way of teaching.
Could you please clarify or differantiate the word according to & as per. thank you, realy you are doing great job.
I like your way of teaching
nice lesson
thanks a lot………….
Thanks teacher.
Can u explain about the difference between the phrases “at the end” and “in the end”?
Hi teacher it was a great lesson and it looks like a wonderful site but what about if i’m in an exam and i finished it i can say i’ve finished the exam or i’m done and thanx a lot
I like your lessons because They are short and clear.
Thank you for the lesson you give good lessons. I’m learning from you, and all great team of
Hi, Jon this is a good lesson for me I understand it clearly. this is a great way for your teaching.
Thank you so much.
Hello Sir, thank you very much from this excellent lesson…
GREAT 100!!!!!!!!!
A really gifted teacher) Thanks so much for your lesson
Great .
I enjoyed the lesson!
Me too , i’ve enjoyed it very much
Thank you Jon.. would you please tell me the difference between “start” & “begin” ??
Thank you for good lesson!
thank a lot, it’s good lesson..:d
Thank you very much for all the efforts ..
Grateful to you .
José Rafael? The guy from Babeque Secundaria that always got bullied? You’re teaching english… wow.
I get little confused for End, Finish. so, anyway, thank you veru much
Thanks for the lesson, but i still have some doubts about the difference. how can we finish these sentences ..
1- He ….. his life by a knife.
(can we use both?)
2-Her life ……….. in 1977.
3-How much will he get to …….. this job?
4- At the end of a movie , they write (The End) what’s the important change here?
sir, i wanna know about the difference between other words like —-effect and affect,advice and advise etc types …..plz arrange a video for these words….
thank you
Rebecca has done lessons on those! Here you go: effect/affect and advice/advise.
wow! i got 100% Thank you John. you are good teaching
Hi! very good.
I got 75 %. Thanks…
I’m learning with you.Thank you very much
Good lecture! Thanks!
Thanks .it is a very useful lesson
Thanks for the lesson. It’s really helpful
I’ve got 100..happyyy
that’s very important, from now on i will pay attention
i finished :) thanks jon.
thanks for your lesson. but I still don’t know when we use ‘finish’,and when we use ‘end’. Can you explain this for me?
thanks very much
Great lesson. Thanks a lot
Thanks got 75%.
Hi, I’m sorry but…
Is it possible that you wanted to say:
– Only ‘finish’ can be followed by another verb using -ing form. ???
The way you wrote it… I mean, it looks to me like saying ‘finishing’…
Thank U
thanks for your lesson, I got 100%
You are great! Thanks for the explanation and
examples, but would it be too much to ask for
more examples?
I know you have a lot of things to do, but I’d
appreciate if you could give us more examples.
Thank you Jon for another good lesson on these two very confusing words,now i got them very clear.Keep up the good work!
Clear and useful. Thanks!
I have a question, it’s about when people say “that is over”. I don’t know when I could use it, Because that mean like finish. Thanks
Hi, Jon! I finished the quiz and I got 100. Thank you for this interesting lesson. Júlio César from Brazil.
Can you please explain the differences between done and finished?
Very helpful! Thank you!
Thanx Jon.
Thanks teacher i got 100%
Thanks for the lesson Jon
This comment is about JOODY from YEMEN. I’ve read finished all comments regarding to the short lesson ” End and Finish”. I would like to say that Joody is one of the brightest Engvid- students concerning this lesson.
mines date 26/10/21 from Kazakhstan
thank you a lot, Jon