Use a current version of a modern browser (Chrome/Firefox/Safari/Opera). If that doesn’t work, YouTube videos are blocked in your location.
u’re right :(
Thank you alex! ‘I was….” Is this correct sentence. ‘was’ is supposed to follow he, she & it. isn’t?
I’am just a beginner and not sure that this question is deserved to ask you.
I will get better if i keep studying
There is no quiz
Mr. Alex, what is the difference between “get angry” and ” angry “? Please explain that.
Diman sahata
I couldn’t see the quiz, either.
I love your teaching style and thankful to you but where is the quiz, Alex?
Is this correct,” who is got a pencil”?
hi, I think “who dis get a pencil?”
sorry, “who did get a pencil?”
hi,i think u dungtm and Smitha both r wrong,this sentence can be… “Who have get a pencil “
Who has got a pencil
Who had a pencil
huseyin çeri
no .sorrry
I think it this is right
‘who got pencil’
binh nguyen
who got a pencil sorry!
binh nguyen
Well, It ‘s not like that.
When you want to ask with WH-Questions,you have to use “Helping Verb” such as to-BE , to- Do .
In this case ,it is “Who DID get that pencil? ” (it means “who did receive that pencil” (I use “that” because it ‘s more specific than “a”)
I think this would help you.
Dear Sir Alex,
Thank you very much for your lesson.
Could you put test understanding of this English lesson?
Could you give an example with verbs : get across, get about, get along, get out of, get at?
I look forward to answering from you.
Your sincerely, Ramil.
Good video. My students often use “become” when get or have is the correct verb – “She will become a baby in September.” The videos are so valuable! I use them with students every class period!
Walking is good for your health. (Subject)
Some people say that walking is a good form of exercise. (Object)
thanks alot teacher.
Hi teacher Alex
Thanks a lot for this good lesson. Actually I wanted to do the quiz but there was nothing.Could you please post the quiz of this lesson. Thanks again and have a nice time.
Thanks very much my best teacher I really understand your lessons always I like your way and I which to be a good teacher in the future just like you. any way if it possible could you explain this topic”basic sentence pattern especially pattern 3 and 4 …..and I have question is it right to say “I am he” or I am him” . and thank you again
thanks very much I have question for you could explain about the other,others another
hello sir how are you? i hope you will be fine? thanks for your lessons but where is the quiz. your quiz help me so much to memorize your lessons have nice time
Thanks Alex! Great lesson!
I have one question: what is the most commom phrasal verbs used with GET?
thank you for give us good lesson an my question where is the exam relat lesson thank you mr alex see you later
Thank you for the useful lesson, Alex. I have a question for you. Can verb “GET” substitute verb “arrive”? For example: I arrived (got) in France in 2010.
Look forward for your comment.
You can say “I got there in 2010.” If you want to specify an actual place, you would say “I got into France in 2010.” Another example is “I got into school at 8:30am.”
Thanks for your help!!!!
Can you teach us how to use the word ‘just’?
Sujith Malavisooriya
I wanted to learn spoken english
all inglish gremers with example
Thank you very much Alix for this useful lesson.
I loved that class and I love your explanations. You speak so clearly, that I think anybody has doubts after it. Thank you so much!!
Pascoa Miriam
thanks :)
As far as I know verb “GET” has many different meanings. Alex, could you teach us other meanings of this “magic” :-) word, please? Thanks an advance. Natalie.
thanks for all
salahuddin babri
there is no quiz?
Dear Alex! If you have the text of your lesson, could you send it on my e-mail – vadimchan[ a t ] mail [ d o t ] ru, if you want and please.
Thank you so much!
Dear Alex, I get really confused with some stuff (deals with numerals) so I’d like to ask a couple of questions… is it possible to contact you directly via e-mail?? if not, please let me know where to mail my posting… Thanx in advance!!
Andriy AKA Jay Jr. at aklsn [at] 3g [dot] ua
Jay Jr.
hello, i am taking all the lectures, bt i dont know how can i take lectures sequence wise, means is there any playlist or section? like i want to take all the lectures redarding grammer, bt there is a mixture of all the sections. plz help me out. thanks.
All the grammar videos are here: (And you can use the English Lesson Finder to find more lessons by level, subject, or teacher.) Hope this helps!
hey u’re a good teacher. i want to learn some vocabulary, idioms and conversation related to restaurants, sports and casinos. hope u help me.
You are really a very good teacher, and you have a very good and clear method for explanation. thank you very much
thnx tacher ! your teaching style is outstanding! can you plesae give me a lesson about “have got to”
good vid. thanks
thank you so much
Thank you very much
thanks ! Im mexican and I´m trying to learn English ! this web page is woNDERFUL !
lupis !
thank you
love your teaching style and thankful to you
Where are the quiz I did not get it …
It’s OK, there’s no quiz for this lesson!
tnQ Alex . but i need practice plz explain the meaning of got used 2
be used 2
I wanna do quiz
tnx teacher
please i want to do the quiz or i will get angry
…. it’s a joke and i hope you got aa right sentence
Hi, the lesson was great but, where is the quiz
Thanks Teacher Alex! :)
Hi dear alex and thank you very much for your good video lessons i have a question about just can you please tell me about this using of this word at everyday speaking and its deferent meanings ? sometimes i think there is no need using this word at a sentence
Hi, teacher.
I have a doubt about how to use the words “all” and “whole”. Could you explain that, please?
Thank you, teacher. It is a great lesson and a great website to learn English.
thank you man
Thank you so much Mr Alex . Now I finally got the right meaning by the perfect teacher .
Thank you very much!!!!
where is the quiz?
I would like to do the exercises. where’re they? help me!
Hi Alex
I am from Lima,Peru
Are you have more example with get in present and past?
thank you
Hi there dear Teachers, where the quiz? there is no quiz.
Not all the lessons have quizzes.
Thank you for lesson , Alex!
I would like to ask you :
Can we use “get” in formal meeting, correspondence?
It was a good lesson, tanks u very much. I like how u teach.
joel nunez
thanks u very much alex that was a really good lesson
teacher i am not understand this lesson excusme pz pardan
thanks alot
Can anybody tell me where the quiz is ?
There is no quiz tab for this lesson
Get is very useful,COULD you teach us more about this word,thank you.
i have a question for u that i have already taken a class about used to but i m confused in get used to, u said that it was comfortable? if i feel comfortable for doing any work so when i will use this?
Thanks alot but where is the quiz?
I really appreciate you for your nice teaching. It was a good experience to visit your lessons and I am really like your style in teaching English.
is that true( i got learning english into engvid)
Hi sir sir Alex i really like your teaching but my problem is when i lestning english i’m understand repply to word hrad to me. what do
abrar khan
I get a good teacher like Alex
Thanks a lot Alex because I often get a good lesson from you.
hi everbody,i’am new on this website…it’s the best!
welcome! Yes, it´s the best!
Sally S
Hi, Alex. I like your lessons! Your pronunciation is so clear! I´m happy because I can understand everything that you say! Thank you!!!
Sally S
Thank your and Alex,you are a good teacher ^^
Thank you so much ^_^
alex sir
thank you alex
What about to create a lesson about using phrases with “get”? For example, get away, get on, get off etc. Sometimes I forget the meaning of these expressions and have troubles with them understanding.
As I know in English exists many meanings of words with “get”, “go” and so on. Maybe you can help us to better learn them?
And I also have one more question: can you create a lesson with explanation of most using decreasing words like “gotta”, “gonna”, “kinda” and so on? Thank you in advance!
P.S.: I’m sorry if these lessons already exist at this site and I didn’t find them.
Hello Mr.Alex
please i want you to explain for us the diffirence between ‘will’ and ‘going to’ and when we have to use each one
thanks so much in advance
one of the most important lessons in English formal and informal … but there is a lot of phrasal verbs for GET .. mentioned some thing teensy … but Great Good Work and good Explanation
thank you
hi alex you are the best teacher that i never have, from spain thank you so much
maria paz alvarez
Thanks Alex,…..mmm so we need the test!!!!
i love the way you teach
when i ask someone a question and i think they may not understand. Should I ask them .. You get it?? or You got it??
Where is the test?..It’s very powerful for me to check my knowledge after every lesson…
Anyway thank you,Alex, for great material!
Any Russia
thank you alex
Hello Alex! Thank you very much for such a useful lesson!
I’ve only one question, it’s not related to the topic. Why wasn’t there any article before the word “college”? And could you prepare a lesson “how to use articles”, please? Thank you
Thank you alex.
where is the quiz?
thank you teacher I like you listen I hope get mor information like high levle
thanks alex i’m ganna be better.
Where’s quiz?
I always get confuse when I’m writing the word forget and forgot I really don’t know when it’s correct or when it’s not. Help please.
Hi Cynthiajb4
The word “Forget” is the Ist form of the verb while “Forgot” is the 2nd form.
So whenever you are talking about present time use “Forget” rather than “Forgot”
In present time.
1) I Cannot forget my college sweet memories.
2) I often forget new learnt words
In past time:-
1) I forgot all my sorrows of last year.
2) I forgot my school friend’s name.
Note:- Forget can also be used in past time either interrogative or negative sentence.
1) Did I forget my school friend’s name?
2) I didn’t forget my childhood friends.
Hope this well help you. Please Sir. Alex through some lights on it or make correction if something wrong.
Abbas Khan
Sorry guys I used wrong word “through” consider it “Throw” instead.
Abbas Khan
Abbas Khan
yes I get fine when i lesten your lesson .
now,english be easy for my
As for me, “get” becomes more clear not so much while i try to learn these cases but more when i study english generally
thank you
Very good
Hi Alex.. i have a question
what’s the diffirent between (get use to) and(put up with)?
thank you,,
Can I say–I’ve got some experiences
to Alex
where is the lesson quiz?
This lesson doesn’t have a quiz!
engVid Moderator
Hi Alex, where is the test?
I loved your article.Much thanks again.
Pablo Sias
Many Thanks Alex. I confused about that so much. Now it got easy after i watch your lesson.
Thank you Alex!!
please incolede the direct and inditect in your lesson.
salahuddin babri
Great lesson Alex.
I didnt know that we could say “I wasn’t used to driving on the left”.
Thanks for it once again! Congratulations!!
Isaias Costa from Brazil
Isaias Costa
thanks alex your lesson is very good
Very good explaining, helps me much
Thank you Alex !!!!
…and have you got some advices how to improve sentence structure in general?
I have to translate economic sentences German – English is not easy for me
best regards Bianca
Alex is there any meaning differences in these sentences,
– I got to know and I know
– She has got to be sleeping and she has to be sleeping
Thank you for your expanation
Irwan Hananto
Thank you very much Sir. You’re explaining these lessons in a manner that is pleasant to the learner. Your method of teaching is excellent.
-I’m Gamini from Sri Lanka
Gamini C. Kumara
Where is the quiz ..! And thank you
thank you.
I like this lesson
I think Alex are best teacher for me ^_^
your teaching is exelent thanks
very nice thank u sir
Thank teacher
Na Na
Thank you!! Very good!
But, where I can to get the quiz?
Thanks , it was a good lesson
Hi Alex! Thanks for lesson! I like your teaching, cause your speaking more clear than other teachers’! I have a question,this summer I am going to go to USA to work and travel. I have only 5 months to improve my english!What topics should I study more in this site to survive there? grammar,speaking,slang……? And how do you think? Will I survive with my terrible english? Thank you! Buy
I can’t find the quiz, but anyway Alex you did a good job! It’s funny when I tried talking to my husband in English I had to stop and thinking what’s the next word I have to use to make a sentence. hahaha..geez so hard! lol
I can’t find the quiz
why i don’t see any quiz here? i can’t find it!
Thanks for the lesson
Where is the quiz? I can’t find it
Thanks a lot dear Alex I get to used get now in the right way
i found it very useful ,but there’s one problem: where’s the quiz? i don’t see it! please alex respond us!
can I use “get to” instead of “reach”?
Thank you Alex…vert useful lesson
Hello Mr. Alex,
I met “get into the bus” and “get onto the bus” in the internet pages.
Which is correct ?
It should be “get onto the bus”. Or “get on to” if you’re extra picky :)
engVid Moderator
Thanks Alex!
There is no quiz…:( why??
Thx mr Alex you are very good teacher God bless you!
Hi, Alex thanks for the good lesson you taught us.
how can I check? where is quiz?
Thank you so much.
“I used to drive on the left”. Is it correct?
ohhhhhh,where is quiz?
I get on with this video.thank you
Hi Alex,
thank you for lesson.
take care
Hi Alex
Thx a lot :)
but where is th quiz ?
Thanks a lot sir.. i have one doubt..
Why isn’t there a quiz, I love the quiz
monica rayel moreira
Amazing job, Alex. Thank you for teaching us. But what a pity. There’s no quiz… I’d like to practice.
“I got used to write with the left side.”
Is it right, teacher?
very helpful. Could I say “I used to get late …? If I get that job,I`d get a lot of money”
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
there is no quiz….:(
please i can’t see the video(( why?(
Use a current version of a modern browser (Chrome/Firefox/Safari/Opera). If that doesn’t work, YouTube videos are blocked in your location.
u’re right :(
Thank you alex! ‘I was….” Is this correct sentence. ‘was’ is supposed to follow he, she & it. isn’t?
I’am just a beginner and not sure that this question is deserved to ask you.
I will get better if i keep studying
There is no quiz
Mr. Alex, what is the difference between “get angry” and ” angry “? Please explain that.
I couldn’t see the quiz, either.
I love your teaching style and thankful to you but where is the quiz, Alex?
Is this correct,” who is got a pencil”?
hi, I think “who dis get a pencil?”
sorry, “who did get a pencil?”
hi,i think u dungtm and Smitha both r wrong,this sentence can be… “Who have get a pencil “
Who has got a pencil
Who had a pencil
no .sorrry
I think it this is right
‘who got pencil’
who got a pencil sorry!
Well, It ‘s not like that.
When you want to ask with WH-Questions,you have to use “Helping Verb” such as to-BE , to- Do .
In this case ,it is “Who DID get that pencil? ” (it means “who did receive that pencil” (I use “that” because it ‘s more specific than “a”)
I think this would help you.
Dear Sir Alex,
Thank you very much for your lesson.
Could you put test understanding of this English lesson?
Could you give an example with verbs : get across, get about, get along, get out of, get at?
I look forward to answering from you.
Your sincerely, Ramil.
Good video. My students often use “become” when get or have is the correct verb – “She will become a baby in September.” The videos are so valuable! I use them with students every class period!
Walking is good for your health. (Subject)
Some people say that walking is a good form of exercise. (Object)
thanks alot teacher.
Hi teacher Alex
Thanks a lot for this good lesson. Actually I wanted to do the quiz but there was nothing.Could you please post the quiz of this lesson. Thanks again and have a nice time.
Thanks very much my best teacher I really understand your lessons always I like your way and I which to be a good teacher in the future just like you. any way if it possible could you explain this topic”basic sentence pattern especially pattern 3 and 4 …..and I have question is it right to say “I am he” or I am him” . and thank you again
thanks very much I have question for you could explain about the other,others another
hello sir how are you? i hope you will be fine? thanks for your lessons but where is the quiz. your quiz help me so much to memorize your lessons have nice time
Thanks Alex! Great lesson!
I have one question: what is the most commom phrasal verbs used with GET?
thank you for give us good lesson an my question where is the exam relat lesson thank you mr alex see you later
Thank you for the useful lesson, Alex. I have a question for you. Can verb “GET” substitute verb “arrive”? For example: I arrived (got) in France in 2010.
Look forward for your comment.
You can say “I got there in 2010.” If you want to specify an actual place, you would say “I got into France in 2010.” Another example is “I got into school at 8:30am.”
Thanks for your help!!!!
Can you teach us how to use the word ‘just’?
I wanted to learn spoken english
all inglish gremers with example
Thank you very much Alix for this useful lesson.
I loved that class and I love your explanations. You speak so clearly, that I think anybody has doubts after it. Thank you so much!!
thanks :)
As far as I know verb “GET” has many different meanings. Alex, could you teach us other meanings of this “magic” :-) word, please? Thanks an advance. Natalie.
thanks for all
there is no quiz?
Dear Alex! If you have the text of your lesson, could you send it on my e-mail – vadimchan[ a t ] mail [ d o t ] ru, if you want and please.
Thank you so much!
Dear Alex, I get really confused with some stuff (deals with numerals) so I’d like to ask a couple of questions… is it possible to contact you directly via e-mail?? if not, please let me know where to mail my posting… Thanx in advance!!
Andriy AKA Jay Jr. at aklsn [at] 3g [dot] ua
hello, i am taking all the lectures, bt i dont know how can i take lectures sequence wise, means is there any playlist or section? like i want to take all the lectures redarding grammer, bt there is a mixture of all the sections. plz help me out. thanks.
All the grammar videos are here: (And you can use the English Lesson Finder to find more lessons by level, subject, or teacher.) Hope this helps!
hey u’re a good teacher. i want to learn some vocabulary, idioms and conversation related to restaurants, sports and casinos. hope u help me.
You are really a very good teacher, and you have a very good and clear method for explanation. thank you very much
thnx tacher ! your teaching style is outstanding! can you plesae give me a lesson about “have got to”
good vid. thanks
thank you so much
Thank you very much
thanks ! Im mexican and I´m trying to learn English ! this web page is woNDERFUL !
thank you
love your teaching style and thankful to you
Where are the quiz I did not get it …
It’s OK, there’s no quiz for this lesson!
tnQ Alex . but i need practice plz explain the meaning of got used 2
be used 2
I wanna do quiz
tnx teacher
please i want to do the quiz or i will get angry
…. it’s a joke and i hope you got aa right sentence
Hi, the lesson was great but, where is the quiz
Thanks Teacher Alex! :)
Hi dear alex and thank you very much for your good video lessons i have a question about just can you please tell me about this using of this word at everyday speaking and its deferent meanings ? sometimes i think there is no need using this word at a sentence
Hi, teacher.
I have a doubt about how to use the words “all” and “whole”. Could you explain that, please?
Thank you, teacher. It is a great lesson and a great website to learn English.
thank you man
Thank you so much Mr Alex . Now I finally got the right meaning by the perfect teacher .
Thank you very much!!!!
where is the quiz?
I would like to do the exercises. where’re they? help me!
Hi Alex
I am from Lima,Peru
Are you have more example with get in present and past?
thank you
Hi there dear Teachers, where the quiz? there is no quiz.
Not all the lessons have quizzes.
Thank you for lesson , Alex!
I would like to ask you :
Can we use “get” in formal meeting, correspondence?
It was a good lesson, tanks u very much. I like how u teach.
thanks u very much alex that was a really good lesson
I have to ask you: Why don’t you use “the college”. Hmm, I am really annoyed when I say it without “the”. The topic of this site says:
Maybe I don’t get it:) Would you know the answer?
you are excellent schoolteacher
I’m complaining…Where is the quiz…How to check…
Thanks for teaching. I like the lesson.
teacher i am not understand this lesson excusme pz pardan
thanks alot
Can anybody tell me where the quiz is ?
There is no quiz tab for this lesson
Get is very useful,COULD you teach us more about this word,thank you.
i have a question for u that i have already taken a class about used to but i m confused in get used to, u said that it was comfortable? if i feel comfortable for doing any work so when i will use this?
Thanks alot but where is the quiz?
I really appreciate you for your nice teaching. It was a good experience to visit your lessons and I am really like your style in teaching English.
is that true( i got learning english into engvid)
Hi sir sir Alex i really like your teaching but my problem is when i lestning english i’m understand repply to word hrad to me. what do
I get a good teacher like Alex
Thanks a lot Alex because I often get a good lesson from you.
hi everbody,i’am new on this website…it’s the best!
welcome! Yes, it´s the best!
Hi, Alex. I like your lessons! Your pronunciation is so clear! I´m happy because I can understand everything that you say! Thank you!!!
Thank your and Alex,you are a good teacher ^^
Thank you so much ^_^
alex sir
thank you alex
What about to create a lesson about using phrases with “get”? For example, get away, get on, get off etc. Sometimes I forget the meaning of these expressions and have troubles with them understanding.
As I know in English exists many meanings of words with “get”, “go” and so on. Maybe you can help us to better learn them?
And I also have one more question: can you create a lesson with explanation of most using decreasing words like “gotta”, “gonna”, “kinda” and so on? Thank you in advance!
P.S.: I’m sorry if these lessons already exist at this site and I didn’t find them.
Hello Mr.Alex
please i want you to explain for us the diffirence between ‘will’ and ‘going to’ and when we have to use each one
thanks so much in advance
one of the most important lessons in English formal and informal … but there is a lot of phrasal verbs for GET .. mentioned some thing teensy … but Great Good Work and good Explanation
thank you
hi alex you are the best teacher that i never have, from spain thank you so much
Thanks Alex,…..mmm so we need the test!!!!
i love the way you teach
when i ask someone a question and i think they may not understand. Should I ask them .. You get it?? or You got it??
Where is the test?..It’s very powerful for me to check my knowledge after every lesson…
Anyway thank you,Alex, for great material!
thank you alex
Hello Alex! Thank you very much for such a useful lesson!
I’ve only one question, it’s not related to the topic. Why wasn’t there any article before the word “college”? And could you prepare a lesson “how to use articles”, please? Thank you
Thank you alex.
where is the quiz?
thank you teacher I like you listen I hope get mor information like high levle
thanks alex i’m ganna be better.
Where’s quiz?
I always get confuse when I’m writing the word forget and forgot I really don’t know when it’s correct or when it’s not. Help please.
Hi Cynthiajb4
The word “Forget” is the Ist form of the verb while “Forgot” is the 2nd form.
So whenever you are talking about present time use “Forget” rather than “Forgot”
In present time.
1) I Cannot forget my college sweet memories.
2) I often forget new learnt words
In past time:-
1) I forgot all my sorrows of last year.
2) I forgot my school friend’s name.
Note:- Forget can also be used in past time either interrogative or negative sentence.
1) Did I forget my school friend’s name?
2) I didn’t forget my childhood friends.
Hope this well help you. Please Sir. Alex through some lights on it or make correction if something wrong.
Sorry guys I used wrong word “through” consider it “Throw” instead.
Abbas Khan
yes I get fine when i lesten your lesson .
now,english be easy for my
As for me, “get” becomes more clear not so much while i try to learn these cases but more when i study english generally
thank you
Very good
Hi Alex.. i have a question
what’s the diffirent between (get use to) and(put up with)?
thank you,,
Can I say–I’ve got some experiences
to Alex
where is the lesson quiz?
This lesson doesn’t have a quiz!
Hi Alex, where is the test?
I loved your article.Much thanks again.
Many Thanks Alex. I confused about that so much. Now it got easy after i watch your lesson.
Thank you Alex!!
please incolede the direct and inditect in your lesson.
Great lesson Alex.
I didnt know that we could say “I wasn’t used to driving on the left”.
Thanks for it once again! Congratulations!!
Isaias Costa from Brazil
thanks alex your lesson is very good
Very good explaining, helps me much
Thank you Alex !!!!
…and have you got some advices how to improve sentence structure in general?
I have to translate economic sentences German – English is not easy for me
best regards Bianca
Alex is there any meaning differences in these sentences,
– I got to know and I know
– She has got to be sleeping and she has to be sleeping
Thank you for your expanation
Thank you very much Sir. You’re explaining these lessons in a manner that is pleasant to the learner. Your method of teaching is excellent.
-I’m Gamini from Sri Lanka
Where is the quiz ..! And thank you
thank you.
I like this lesson
I think Alex are best teacher for me ^_^
your teaching is exelent thanks
very nice thank u sir
Thank teacher
Thank you!! Very good!
But, where I can to get the quiz?
Thanks , it was a good lesson
Hi Alex! Thanks for lesson! I like your teaching, cause your speaking more clear than other teachers’! I have a question,this summer I am going to go to USA to work and travel. I have only 5 months to improve my english!What topics should I study more in this site to survive there? grammar,speaking,slang……? And how do you think? Will I survive with my terrible english? Thank you! Buy
I can’t find the quiz, but anyway Alex you did a good job! It’s funny when I tried talking to my husband in English I had to stop and thinking what’s the next word I have to use to make a sentence. hahaha..geez so hard! lol
I can’t find the quiz
why i don’t see any quiz here? i can’t find it!
Thanks for the lesson
Where is the quiz? I can’t find it
Thanks a lot dear Alex I get to used get now in the right way
i found it very useful ,but there’s one problem: where’s the quiz? i don’t see it! please alex respond us!
can I use “get to” instead of “reach”?
Thank you Alex…vert useful lesson
Hello Mr. Alex,
I met “get into the bus” and “get onto the bus” in the internet pages.
Which is correct ?
It should be “get onto the bus”. Or “get on to” if you’re extra picky :)
Thanks Alex!
There is no quiz…:( why??
Thx mr Alex you are very good teacher God bless you!
Hi, Alex thanks for the good lesson you taught us.
how can I check? where is quiz?
Thank you so much.
“I used to drive on the left”. Is it correct?
ohhhhhh,where is quiz?
I get on with this video.thank you
Hi Alex,
thank you for lesson.
take care
Hi Alex
Thx a lot :)
but where is th quiz ?
Thanks a lot sir.. i have one doubt..
Why isn’t there a quiz, I love the quiz
Amazing job, Alex. Thank you for teaching us. But what a pity. There’s no quiz… I’d like to practice.
“I got used to write with the left side.”
Is it right, teacher?
very helpful. Could I say “I used to get late …? If I get that job,I`d get a lot of money”
hi guys,
get a few lessons on using GET here I hope that will be helful resourсе
where are the quizzes? :(
hello Guys,
what does mean ‘ get into ‘ .. its a phrasal verb i think … can anyone give me the meaning ?? …
Thank you!
I’m not used to commenting here but this helpful lesson impose me to thank you lots.
Where is the quiz???
where is quiz? I refresh my web page but did find quiz. can you bring the quiz about this topic
there is no quiz
idk . why on the test / not in the test ? i saw Rebecas’s video about in/on Paper- in / Tchlogy-on
thanks a lot
thank you Alex
are there any videos about phrasal verb get?
As always, I wanna thank you Alex! Great lesson!
OMG someone took the quiz.
Thanks , i just wanna ask
Is there meanings other than these ?
Thanks , i just wanna ask
Is there meanings other than these ?
there is no quiz
I watched this video twice on May 20, 2021. I did not take the quiz since there is no quiz.
thank you teacher Alex for this lesson
thank you