so perfect teacher
i am really was missing this lossion
so perfect teacher
i am really was missing this lossion
i was really missing this lesson !
mohammad qayyum
Nice way to explain facial hair vocabulary Ronnie; you’re really good at drawing.
Your good sense of humour always makes a big difference in your videos.
All the best to you.
Thank her
3 of 5 :\
it’s soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad score
so perfect teacher
i am really was miss this
zyzy sultan
Thanks teacher,
your teaching is perfect and easy to understand.
Thanks for helping us !
You do a great job, Teacher. It’s clear as a bell. Hope to see more videos from you next visit. Good health and good luck!!
thanks alot
I like it so much .i would like to download all the videos so as to see them in my spare time
life long learning ;)
Noha Orabi
Thanks a lot teacher for your lessons. They are music to my ears .
This is wonderful. As my friend commented above, I was really missing something. I really like the teacher. She explains so well and so good.. Keep it.
i love you ansar me peles
Thanks teacher ronnie
what about cheek :Pp
Kept going dear
safola max
I´ve been watching your lessons and the way you teach is excellent for any level, please keep doing it the same way, I hope taking advantage of the next lessons, think that someone in other countries will get the benefit of your Knowledge. I´appreciate very much your lessons, please keep it that way.
José Alfaro
Que lindo!
Essas aulas realmente estão me ajudando muito!!
OBrigada ^^
how beautiful it is!
these lessons are really helping me a lot.
i just made a translation from Portuguese to english.
desculp m por eu copiar o ke escrevest mas, eh que achei as suas palavras lindas.
Sorry, but doesn’t look like!LOL It’s a joke!
thanks so much for the very nice lesson. keep that way ….you really help many people around the world understanding english..
all good things
needed here
needed here
I’m interested to be in your private class on Skype, So I was wondering if you send me some information about it.
Sorry I don’t offer skype lessons anymore! Just keep watching the site!
hi,enhlish is the second language but ienjoy to much.and also ikhnow new words my help me.ineed alot inorder to contnued pls send ur email
Thank you very much, and I would like to see more you teaching
Hi guys. My language too bad. im learn in english 2 month. its very good lesson. Thank you Ronnie :)
A good teacher and this web
i was a fantastic video and i learn lot of from he video,,,,,thank you teacher,,,
Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!
It was ineresting and funny lesson!
haha! they are sideburns! “Bum” = your “backside” or “ass”! hahaha
Hi, Ronnie, I guess the reason why they call it sideburn is because it looks like it has got burnt at there of like the flames. Could that be?
yeah…anything is possible! I like your reasoning!
So, what do you call a hairy bum?
u r really great!!!!
Thank you so much for free lessons and teaching
Arif Saeed
my english language is very bad.
your online training is excellant. I would like to take lesson through Skype.can i have your user id for skype?
My user id is smilepar. I hope you will add me.
Hi teacher,
always time i forget the words moustache and beard. and i didn’t know the proper words for the parts of face in english. but with the help of yr online class abt the parts of face i culd understand. so u r doing a good job for us. so may god bless u. in adn. i want to talk to u in english. so if u don’t mind plz. add me in yr skype list. mine id is uselma2
and i wuld like to get online class with diffrent phrasal verbs. for eg. turn down.turn up, turned off…..etc.
tThank you for watching learning english. I want to learn english very much, but I don’t know how to improve it. May you help me, please?
Thank you very much for great lesson!
no comments, for the moment,
and also she is so cute lol :)
i ‘v loved all these videos ,excellent
thank you
oh. thank u so much. My teacher ! i see a progress in my Speaking and listening. very excellent !
Huy Hiep_ BKHN
my english language is very bad.
thank you
Thanks a lot >> you are great teacher .
we are going to improve our language because you doing will with as>
thanks again ..
thanks teacher for that
I like it very much. It’s very interesting. I wish to see you one day.
Hi teacher! I am a new commer and I am here to learn english. As I’m a beginner, I think that this lesson is very good for me because I learn many new word. God bless you!
hmm nice lesson i like it…now i know! thank u teacher ur the best!
thank you teacher ronnie!!!,..i got 100% score!,.hehehehehe
all the teachers here in EngVid are very nice,.i can understand it easily
What a wonderful surprice! There is a site that brings me all to learn how to speak English. I want to speak English like an american. What I’m saying? NO! Like an England! I will be visiting you every day. My English it’s going to be better. Thanks for help us!
thankz 4 our help!
hi everyonei am new here and i realy need your help :)
very best lessons but plz show your lessons by contents like by numbering which one i start first. The teacher style i like .
GREAT LESSON TOO. Funny about side burns…..How about this. My friend he has a hair all over his neck down to his all back. Is it back hair or spine hair??? Funny isn’t?
evgeny Rivera
thank you teacher for this lesson. i have learned some new words today which i can use on daily bases….
it will be very helpful for me if u can give me some classes on skype… thank you….
a nice teacher teaching nice lesson
i like this lesson it’s easy .. i have 80 marks this’ s my result quiz ;)
i don’t know how i can thank you .. notice : you are so funny i like ur way alot :)
thanks for this lecture i understand much things on my face
Thank you so much
Thank you for this lesson.
thanks and great tutorial…i love this side
Hi Mam,
It is very funny to learn your lesson.. Thanks
thank you for your lesson
Khem Raj (India)
thank u my baby english language want to be keeping touch my own english is over bad and i had many attempts but the failure is mine
i can’t speak ,i can’t write ,i can’t read where is the problem idon’t have more vocabularies take my hand please i don’t know the road
l like your teaching. very lively and easy to follow. hope to learn more.
Congradulation! Your way to teach us is very kind
Thanks alot
Mubarak Alabad
that,s really good…i’m foreign languages student and your videos help me tooo much!!!!!…keep going!!!! can u send me some videos????!!!! thanks!
Dear Ronie
Thank you for your explanation about hair.
Would do
nice lesson, but please stop ‘popping’ out from the bottom. It’s annoying.
HI Ronnie, thanks for your time!
Thank miss i sri lankan girl i like to know how to speak English in correct manner
very easy to learn english with you.
Asif ( pakistan )
Thank you for lesson, Ronnie!
But i have a little question :)
If hair on the man’s face is shot (not beard) how to call it correctly? I used some dictionaries and got the following variants:
1. bristle
2. stubble
3. hair
4. seta
Thanks for help!
I can’t Thank you enough,
your lessons are clear as a bell
thanxs thats anice lesson
thank you for your lesson!
Hi Ronnie, I watch your lessons very rarely due time constraints but whenever I watch really learned a lot and enjoyed. I wish to contact you either through email or phone to get more help which I needed.
Thanks a lot.
Fazal Anwer
thanls about of all your lessons !
thankyou very very match
Mohamed Ahmed
hi every body when i listen this lessons i am very understand so than all the teachers and students thanks all by by
thank you, it’s helps for me
HI RONNIE my is jovens and i feel very happy writing some lines.i want to to thank you for your couse.Is very helpping i got one question for you.i want to know how people calle hair in our neck?thank you
Thanks Jovens!
Generally, we call it neck hair!!!
Thank you for your time RONNIE
relly i am very intersted with ur lessons
Interesting Lesson.
Hi! thank you very match for your lessons. I discovered this site occasionally, but it is becoming very important to my abecedarianism.
Congratulations for everyone teachers, especially for Teacher Ronnie by your excellent pronunciation.
Rosalino Rita
I am not happy with options which you have given in one of the quiz questions. The question is
The hair on a man’s chin is called…
a goatee
chin hair
a moustache
a sheep
an ugly, brown dog
We Muslims consider hairs on our chin as very sacred. In options, you have given options like an ugly, brown dog and many other like this. This has hurt feelings of Muslims. I watch your lectures and learn a lot. I am not going to watch your lectures again.
If you are offended, then don’t watch.
“This has hurt feelings of Muslims”. No…this has hurt YOUR feelings…
The question was OBVIOUSLY not ment to offend ANYONE.
well ronnie iam a mmuslim myself and i agree with u.there is nothing wrong with that question.i dont know why people get offended vry quickly…and why they try to create their own meanings, misconstrue words and exploit others’ emotion. BTW i just lov the way u teach….keep it going.
I’m also Muslim I agree with Mahnoor because there was nothing like that. Ronnie you r best teacher.
Thank you Mrs. Ronnie so much, you make learning interesting and fun. By the way I’m Muslim too, and I didn’t get offended at all! This is not offensive, he got it wrong I guess.
Muzamil! shave you and grow up
very nice, i like the way of teaching engvid and Ronnie made English learning easy.
that’s great mam, i like it
thanks a lot, i will introduce to my friends.
I feel very clearly when i hear.
Thanks again!
I have done a lesson on those words! Go to the search and type in bird/beard!
Thanks for watching and good luck!
Quite interesting!
Thank you, Ronnie
Thanks.I love you.Ronnie I watch and happy.I think you help me very much
thank you so mucho xD
It was a very nice lesson.The teacher explained very well.Congratulations…CARLOS
Mam how “would have been” is used in sentence?
Would have been is used to give advice for a mistake someone made in the past.
Eg… I missed my bus stop because I was talking to my friend.
If I were you, I would have been very angry.
You can use any past participle (p.p) verb….. I + would + have + p.p. Ex. I would have told the bus driver to stop and let me off.
Hope that helps you! Good luck!
mam not getting exactly ..
mam it’s like something can happen in past but not happened?
like in Quiz Show TV achor says ” your answer would have been wrong?”
“I would have told the bus driver to stop and let me off.”mam who is giving advice in this sentence.
mam pls if it is possible deliver a lecture on it.
Hi Ronnie, I enjoy every lesson that you teach us.Thank you.
Also one part of the nose is the nostril.isn’t it?
Yes, the holes in your nose are nostrils!
You are not just a good teacher but a nice actress too.
Dear Ronnie
Firstly, thanks for teaching english pronounce. I and my family like to teaching your method. by the way greeting from Turkey.
you are a perfect teacher.
mohamed montrea
plz i want grammer complete lesson and vocabulary translate into arabic thank u roro
egyption girl
thanks a lot Ronnie
thanks so much :)
I like the face “LoooL”
hello ..I’m so sorry for that man he said that your question is bad for Muslims…
no…I’m Fortunately Muslim ..and I want say mohammad told to Muslims you must be clean always …if Christ and Mohammad didn’t cut their Beards beacuse there was no shave that time ….you are on the wrong way sir,,,you don’t understand Islam
bye my best teacher .
thanks Mss. Ronnie your way and style of teaching is really attractive.
thats good teacher..
i loved your explanation
thank U so much for this great engvid lesson,before,i have no confidence in talking with someone especially to those native speakers whom i meet everyday at work,but when i started watching this lesson i’ve learned a lot,i have improved my speaking skills i have self confidence to speak to anyone,N above all i really benefited greatly, again tnx U so much..Zalia
Great class, You are Fantastic.
I love your class.
hello Ronnie
thank you so much it’s interesting the lesson talking about facial Hair
i took quiz i get 4 out of 5 that is good haaa
ibrahim magale
I want improve speaking English what shall i do ?
emad Caesar
Thank’s teacher…., iI was very intersting to this lesson..,
i got perfect! 5/5. thanks Ronnie!
4 out of 5)) if somebody speaks English good enough and want to improve communication skills, Skype me!My user name is tojemodel)Together we will achieve the best level)))
Any Russia
Thank you so much for the lesson, Ronnie. Please also do a video on omission of articles.
Gurvinder Madan
Great lession!!!!!!!!!!!
Ngo Van
Oh!, my fault!! Great lesson!!!!!!
Ngo Van
hi ,Ronnie how are you ,i want to know how to use tenses to gether, like if you want to use past with present ,i fall in dilamma when i used . please teacher help me
Thanks for the lesson Ronnie, who is Santa Claus in the quizz please? i’m sorry i’m a beginer and i’m new on this site. you are a good teacher.
Santa is an imaginary man who delivers toys to children on Christmas!
ok, i see now thank you for the answer teacher.
Hi Ronnie, this is suresh from india. U r lessons sre superb.i m understanding very very easily.i m prefering it to my friends too. i want some lessons on phrasal verbs.could u please suggest me something.
Search the website for “phrasal verbs”! There are lots of lessons on Engvid!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Ronnie, I’m not sure about the word moustache. Two questions:
1. singular or plural? moustache or moustaches?
2. What about “mustache”? Different regionalisms?
Thanks :)
its really work,
shahid aziz bajwa
it is very useful lesson…..thank you so much
Thank you for the way you tech me English.I didn’t know that you were there.Beautiful Idea to Teach English on Line.It will be very useful for me.Thank you.
Armando Chavez
Ronnie you’re a GREAT english teacher,but, as a drawer………… keep going and you’l get there! I hope you have a good sense of humor! I LOVE YOUR LESSONS
Mama Ronnie thanks your good explanation really got lot of things i was made a mistake for the sentences. Mama how can I correct my accents, ….
thanks you
Thanks for helping us !
omg some people r so sensitive , u need to grow up, she was trying to help u, to improve ur english.
ms pinay
Think you Ronnie can you tall me how can I saw the word it Side bums I dony know
I think so
NO = side BURNS. Bums= rear end!!!!
think you Ronny receive my latter
Hi, Ronnie, this class was over the top as always, let me ask you something, could you please give to us more examples about (IN,ON,AT) talking about places ?.I mean, does it have rules ?
Search the site for “prepositions”, there are already a few lessons made for you!
thank you
Very nice thank you Ronnie
Hello Ronnie
I am from India and right now i am in UK with my family, i was not good in english when i came her but after watching your lessons on youtube helped me a lot. I have seen you lesson named english conversation part II and it made me confident but i am still feel shy to talk to people and afraid to make mistkes. Kindly help me how can i improve myself and what i have to do to overcome it.
You are really a wonderful teacher.
Dinesh Kumar
Hey, Ronie!I am an English teacher in Brazil and your videos have been a great help. I love the way you teach and the topics you choose are just so useful and funny.
would you like to deliver us a lesson on basic english tenses.
like present past and future tenses
There are already lessons on the site for you! Just search “tenses” and you can see lots of videos to help you!
Thanks Ronnie, u r a great teacher.
I’m an Egyptian and I think that no one or a little number of people watch these videos, but from today I will advise everyone wants to learn English easily must start watching u :)
Thanks so much!
If you don’t mind, can you also make a lesson about your body part, like arms, legs, back, ankle, knees, etc?
The Amazing Ybin
I’ve added it to the request list!
engVid Moderator
Thank you Ronnie,you are the who,who teaches whith full hartly.I want to learn pedicative adjective and attributive adjective.So pls teach me.
I am in B.A secound year and yeterday I was failed in my interview.
Eventhought I did not take it hartly because that job was not competent for me,Untill I passed.
thanx ronni . you have a nice hair and a nice eyes . that’s really
this very important for our English learning. i like it too much and it is useful for who start to learn English language.
ronnie you are good and pretty teacher
You are a great teacher. One can note your kindness of helping.
Thanks for helping us.
hi miss Ronnie
Thanks for the explanation I have a question about the names of baldness as you know there is a partial and full baldness?
hi smart ronnie
i am from pakistan you are a very good teacher.i learn a lot from your would be better if you deliver some lectures on ielts.
Mam, you are awesome and funny………….i like your every lesson.
ryan why u call her “mam” ?? is it way to pick up teacher? it looks so funny
You are the best.Thanks a lot beacause you are teaching us.a big hug.
Very interesting, especially the pronunciation of BEARD (BEER-D)!!!
Thanks regards,
Thank you very much professor
Hi ronnie you are a doyen in the field of spoken English techniques. Your phenomenal norms and teaching techniques are outstanding. your elegant way of teaching has given a revamp to my English learning’s. Really you are a bizarre and I like you a lot for for your cozy style of teaching…bbye miss u so much
hai ronnie you are the best teacher
Thanku you mam
umendra singh
thanks for everthing
İsmail Hakkı Belgin
Need more
Thanks Ronnie, God Bless You. I just wanted to ask, is ‘hair’ a verb, I’m asking as you said it’s a non-countable verb. Thanks.
Thanks Ronnie, God Bless You. I just wanted to ask, is ‘hair’ a verb, I’m asking as you said it’s a non-countable verb.
Thank you Ronnie.
Thank you Ronnie. That reminds me I have to shave
Thanks a lot, Ronnie!
thanks ronnie
a 10 of 10
thank very much ronnie
thanks ronnie
a have a good time
and felicitation ronnie
a 6 of 10 and 6 of 10 and 8 of 10
Thanks, Ronnie. Can you teach the kinds of hair or eye or face? Please.
Thanks Ronnie you’re very good teacher
Marwa sayed abd ELMonem
Hi Ronnie,
thanks a lot for your lesson
take care
Thank you.
brajbhan thakur
I found this interesting fact about “sideburns” in a Wikipedia page./ Sideburns, sideboards,or side whiskers are patches of facial hair grown on the sides of the face, extending from the hairline to below the ears and worn with an unbearded chin. The term sideburns is a 19th-century corruption of the original burnsides, named after American Civil War general Ambrose Burnside, a man known for his unusual facial hairstyle that connected thick sideburns by way of a moustache, but left the chin clean-shaven. “Burnsides” became “sideburns” probably because of their location on the side of the face.//
Thank you it was so enjoy .
Hii maa’m
IF a Doctor saves my life ,how can i say thank eventhough i’ve no words to say
plz suggest me good sentence for that situation
thanks teacher
fatima issa
thanks Ronnie
ann ann
Hafsa sama
Thank you.
Thank you
Thank you very much. you are a good teacher.
Hi Ronnie.. Thanks for the lesson, I love the way you teach.
Thank you Ronnie! You are an excellent teacher, you can make anything interesting to learn. I am very grateful for your help.
thank you Ronnie your lesson is great
Hello Ronnie, I got your video when I found YouTube. But it was amazing, I learnt a lot. Then I follow your website and watch a lot of your lessons. It’s very easy to learn and I learn many new words from your lessons, they haven’t in dictionary.
I’m really wanna say thank you a lot for giving your lesson without paying…
Heartly Thank you a lot Ronnie….
shareef P
Hello ! I need to know what is correct :
” eyebrows” or ” eye brows ”
” eyelash ” or ” eye lash ”
I see many English words like that and I can’t understand the reason .
Andrew Plus
Hello Ronnie,
Thank you Ronnie
Thank you for your lessons ?❤️
Dana J
Where is lessons? i can not find anything!
You got 5 correct out of 5.
M kartal
Hi Ronnie!
I’m student from Kosovo, and I have a opportunity to go in America this year…can you tell me about what your first videos are for beginners because I want to watch the sequence.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
so perfect teacher
i am really was missing this lossion
so perfect teacher
i am really was missing this lossion
i was really missing this lesson !
Nice way to explain facial hair vocabulary Ronnie; you’re really good at drawing.
Your good sense of humour always makes a big difference in your videos.
All the best to you.
Thank her
3 of 5 :\
it’s soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad score
so perfect teacher
i am really was miss this
Thanks teacher,
your teaching is perfect and easy to understand.
Thanks for helping us !
You do a great job, Teacher. It’s clear as a bell. Hope to see more videos from you next visit. Good health and good luck!!
thanks alot
I like it so much .i would like to download all the videos so as to see them in my spare time
life long learning ;)
Thanks a lot teacher for your lessons. They are music to my ears .
This is wonderful. As my friend commented above, I was really missing something. I really like the teacher. She explains so well and so good.. Keep it.
i love you ansar me peles
Thanks teacher ronnie
what about cheek :Pp
Kept going dear
I´ve been watching your lessons and the way you teach is excellent for any level, please keep doing it the same way, I hope taking advantage of the next lessons, think that someone in other countries will get the benefit of your Knowledge. I´appreciate very much your lessons, please keep it that way.
Que lindo!
Essas aulas realmente estão me ajudando muito!!
OBrigada ^^
how beautiful it is!
these lessons are really helping me a lot.
i just made a translation from Portuguese to english.
desculp m por eu copiar o ke escrevest mas, eh que achei as suas palavras lindas.
Sorry, but doesn’t look like!LOL It’s a joke!
thanks so much for the very nice lesson. keep that way ….you really help many people around the world understanding english..
all good things
needed here
needed here
I’m interested to be in your private class on Skype, So I was wondering if you send me some information about it.
Sorry I don’t offer skype lessons anymore! Just keep watching the site!
hi,enhlish is the second language but ienjoy to much.and also ikhnow new words my help me.ineed alot inorder to contnued pls send ur email
Thank you very much, and I would like to see more you teaching
Hi guys. My language too bad. im learn in english 2 month. its very good lesson. Thank you Ronnie :)
A good teacher and this web
i was a fantastic video and i learn lot of from he video,,,,,thank you teacher,,,
Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!
It was ineresting and funny lesson!
haha! they are sideburns! “Bum” = your “backside” or “ass”! hahaha
Hi, Ronnie, I guess the reason why they call it sideburn is because it looks like it has got burnt at there of like the flames. Could that be?
yeah…anything is possible! I like your reasoning!
So, what do you call a hairy bum?
u r really great!!!!
Thank you so much for free lessons and teaching
my english language is very bad.
your online training is excellant. I would like to take lesson through Skype.can i have your user id for skype?
My user id is smilepar. I hope you will add me.
Hi teacher,
always time i forget the words moustache and beard. and i didn’t know the proper words for the parts of face in english. but with the help of yr online class abt the parts of face i culd understand. so u r doing a good job for us. so may god bless u. in adn. i want to talk to u in english. so if u don’t mind plz. add me in yr skype list. mine id is uselma2
and i wuld like to get online class with diffrent phrasal verbs. for eg. turn down.turn up, turned off…..etc.
tThank you for watching learning english. I want to learn english very much, but I don’t know how to improve it. May you help me, please?
Thank you very much for great lesson!
no comments, for the moment,
and also she is so cute lol :)
i ‘v loved all these videos ,excellent
thank you
oh. thank u so much. My teacher ! i see a progress in my Speaking and listening. very excellent !
Huy Hiep_ BKHN
my english language is very bad.
thank you
Thanks a lot >> you are great teacher .
we are going to improve our language because you doing will with as>
thanks again ..
thanks teacher for that
I like it very much. It’s very interesting. I wish to see you one day.
Hi teacher! I am a new commer and I am here to learn english. As I’m a beginner, I think that this lesson is very good for me because I learn many new word. God bless you!
hmm nice lesson i like it…now i know! thank u teacher ur the best!
thank you teacher ronnie!!!,..i got 100% score!,.hehehehehe
all the teachers here in EngVid are very nice,.i can understand it easily
What a wonderful surprice! There is a site that brings me all to learn how to speak English. I want to speak English like an american. What I’m saying? NO! Like an England! I will be visiting you every day. My English it’s going to be better. Thanks for help us!
thankz 4 our help!
hi everyonei am new here and i realy need your help :)
very best lessons but plz show your lessons by contents like by numbering which one i start first. The teacher style i like .
GREAT LESSON TOO. Funny about side burns…..How about this. My friend he has a hair all over his neck down to his all back. Is it back hair or spine hair??? Funny isn’t?
thank you teacher for this lesson. i have learned some new words today which i can use on daily bases….
it will be very helpful for me if u can give me some classes on skype… thank you….
a nice teacher teaching nice lesson
i like this lesson it’s easy .. i have 80 marks this’ s my result quiz ;)
i don’t know how i can thank you .. notice : you are so funny i like ur way alot :)
thanks for this lecture i understand much things on my face
Thank you so much
Thank you for this lesson.
thanks and great tutorial…i love this side
Hi Mam,
It is very funny to learn your lesson.. Thanks
thank you for your lesson
thank u my baby english language want to be keeping touch my own english is over bad and i had many attempts but the failure is mine
i can’t speak ,i can’t write ,i can’t read where is the problem idon’t have more vocabularies take my hand please i don’t know the road
l like your teaching. very lively and easy to follow. hope to learn more.
Congradulation! Your way to teach us is very kind
Thanks alot
that,s really good…i’m foreign languages student and your videos help me tooo much!!!!!…keep going!!!! can u send me some videos????!!!! thanks!
Dear Ronie
Thank you for your explanation about hair.
nice lesson, but please stop ‘popping’ out from the bottom. It’s annoying.
HI Ronnie, thanks for your time!
Thank miss i sri lankan girl i like to know how to speak English in correct manner
very easy to learn english with you.
Thank you for lesson, Ronnie!
But i have a little question :)
If hair on the man’s face is shot (not beard) how to call it correctly? I used some dictionaries and got the following variants:
1. bristle
2. stubble
3. hair
4. seta
Thanks for help!
I can’t Thank you enough,
your lessons are clear as a bell
thanxs thats anice lesson
thank you for your lesson!
Hi Ronnie, I watch your lessons very rarely due time constraints but whenever I watch really learned a lot and enjoyed. I wish to contact you either through email or phone to get more help which I needed.
Thanks a lot.
thanls about of all your lessons !
thankyou very very match
hi every body when i listen this lessons i am very understand so than all the teachers and students thanks all by by
thank you, it’s helps for me
HI RONNIE my is jovens and i feel very happy writing some lines.i want to to thank you for your couse.Is very helpping i got one question for you.i want to know how people calle hair in our neck?thank you
Thanks Jovens!
Generally, we call it neck hair!!!
Thank you for your time RONNIE
relly i am very intersted with ur lessons
Interesting Lesson.
Hi! thank you very match for your lessons. I discovered this site occasionally, but it is becoming very important to my abecedarianism.
Congratulations for everyone teachers, especially for Teacher Ronnie by your excellent pronunciation.
I am not happy with options which you have given in one of the quiz questions. The question is
The hair on a man’s chin is called…
a goatee
chin hair
a moustache
a sheep
an ugly, brown dog
We Muslims consider hairs on our chin as very sacred. In options, you have given options like an ugly, brown dog and many other like this. This has hurt feelings of Muslims. I watch your lectures and learn a lot. I am not going to watch your lectures again.
If you are offended, then don’t watch.
“This has hurt feelings of Muslims”. No…this has hurt YOUR feelings…
The question was OBVIOUSLY not ment to offend ANYONE.
well ronnie iam a mmuslim myself and i agree with u.there is nothing wrong with that question.i dont know why people get offended vry quickly…and why they try to create their own meanings, misconstrue words and exploit others’ emotion. BTW i just lov the way u teach….keep it going.
I’m also Muslim I agree with Mahnoor because there was nothing like that. Ronnie you r best teacher.
Thank you Mrs. Ronnie so much, you make learning interesting and fun. By the way I’m Muslim too, and I didn’t get offended at all! This is not offensive, he got it wrong I guess.
Muzamil! shave you and grow up
very nice, i like the way of teaching engvid and Ronnie made English learning easy.
that’s great mam, i like it
thanks a lot, i will introduce to my friends.
I feel very clearly when i hear.
Thanks again!
I have done a lesson on those words! Go to the search and type in bird/beard!
Thanks for watching and good luck!
Quite interesting!
Thank you, Ronnie
Thanks.I love you.Ronnie I watch and happy.I think you help me very much
thank you so mucho xD
It was a very nice lesson.The teacher explained very well.Congratulations…CARLOS
Mam how “would have been” is used in sentence?
Would have been is used to give advice for a mistake someone made in the past.
Eg… I missed my bus stop because I was talking to my friend.
If I were you, I would have been very angry.
You can use any past participle (p.p) verb….. I + would + have + p.p. Ex. I would have told the bus driver to stop and let me off.
Hope that helps you! Good luck!
mam not getting exactly ..
mam it’s like something can happen in past but not happened?
like in Quiz Show TV achor says ” your answer would have been wrong?”
“I would have told the bus driver to stop and let me off.”mam who is giving advice in this sentence.
mam pls if it is possible deliver a lecture on it.
Hi Ronnie, I enjoy every lesson that you teach us.Thank you.
Also one part of the nose is the nostril.isn’t it?
Yes, the holes in your nose are nostrils!
You are not just a good teacher but a nice actress too.
Dear Ronnie
Firstly, thanks for teaching english pronounce. I and my family like to teaching your method. by the way greeting from Turkey.
you are a perfect teacher.
plz i want grammer complete lesson and vocabulary translate into arabic thank u roro
thanks a lot Ronnie
thanks so much :)
I like the face “LoooL”
hello ..I’m so sorry for that man he said that your question is bad for Muslims…
no…I’m Fortunately Muslim ..and I want say mohammad told to Muslims you must be clean always …if Christ and Mohammad didn’t cut their Beards beacuse there was no shave that time ….you are on the wrong way sir,,,you don’t understand Islam
bye my best teacher .
thanks Mss. Ronnie your way and style of teaching is really attractive.
thats good teacher..
i loved your explanation
thank U so much for this great engvid lesson,before,i have no confidence in talking with someone especially to those native speakers whom i meet everyday at work,but when i started watching this lesson i’ve learned a lot,i have improved my speaking skills i have self confidence to speak to anyone,N above all i really benefited greatly, again tnx U so much..Zalia
Great class, You are Fantastic.
I love your class.
hello Ronnie
thank you so much it’s interesting the lesson talking about facial Hair
i took quiz i get 4 out of 5 that is good haaa
I want improve speaking English what shall i do ?
Thank’s teacher…., iI was very intersting to this lesson..,
i got perfect! 5/5. thanks Ronnie!
4 out of 5)) if somebody speaks English good enough and want to improve communication skills, Skype me!My user name is tojemodel)Together we will achieve the best level)))
Thank you so much for the lesson, Ronnie. Please also do a video on omission of articles.
Great lession!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh!, my fault!! Great lesson!!!!!!
hi ,Ronnie how are you ,i want to know how to use tenses to gether, like if you want to use past with present ,i fall in dilamma when i used . please teacher help me
Thanks for the lesson Ronnie, who is Santa Claus in the quizz please? i’m sorry i’m a beginer and i’m new on this site. you are a good teacher.
Santa is an imaginary man who delivers toys to children on Christmas!
ok, i see now thank you for the answer teacher.
Hi Ronnie, this is suresh from india. U r lessons sre superb.i m understanding very very easily.i m prefering it to my friends too. i want some lessons on phrasal verbs.could u please suggest me something.
Search the website for “phrasal verbs”! There are lots of lessons on Engvid!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Ronnie, I’m not sure about the word moustache. Two questions:
1. singular or plural? moustache or moustaches?
2. What about “mustache”? Different regionalisms?
Thanks :)
its really work,
it is very useful lesson…..thank you so much
Thank you for the way you tech me English.I didn’t know that you were there.Beautiful Idea to Teach English on Line.It will be very useful for me.Thank you.
Ronnie you’re a GREAT english teacher,but, as a drawer………… keep going and you’l get there! I hope you have a good sense of humor! I LOVE YOUR LESSONS
Mama Ronnie thanks your good explanation really got lot of things i was made a mistake for the sentences. Mama how can I correct my accents, ….
thanks you
Thanks for helping us !
omg some people r so sensitive , u need to grow up, she was trying to help u, to improve ur english.
Think you Ronnie can you tall me how can I saw the word it Side bums I dony know
I think so
NO = side BURNS. Bums= rear end!!!!
think you Ronny receive my latter
Hi, Ronnie, this class was over the top as always, let me ask you something, could you please give to us more examples about (IN,ON,AT) talking about places ?.I mean, does it have rules ?
Search the site for “prepositions”, there are already a few lessons made for you!
thank you
Very nice thank you Ronnie
Hello Ronnie
I am from India and right now i am in UK with my family, i was not good in english when i came her but after watching your lessons on youtube helped me a lot. I have seen you lesson named english conversation part II and it made me confident but i am still feel shy to talk to people and afraid to make mistkes. Kindly help me how can i improve myself and what i have to do to overcome it.
You are really a wonderful teacher.
Hey, Ronie!I am an English teacher in Brazil and your videos have been a great help. I love the way you teach and the topics you choose are just so useful and funny.
would you like to deliver us a lesson on basic english tenses.
like present past and future tenses
There are already lessons on the site for you! Just search “tenses” and you can see lots of videos to help you!
Thanks Ronnie, u r a great teacher.
I’m an Egyptian and I think that no one or a little number of people watch these videos, but from today I will advise everyone wants to learn English easily must start watching u :)
Thanks so much!
If you don’t mind, can you also make a lesson about your body part, like arms, legs, back, ankle, knees, etc?
I’ve added it to the request list!
Thank you Ronnie,you are the who,who teaches whith full hartly.I want to learn pedicative adjective and attributive adjective.So pls teach me.
I am in B.A secound year and yeterday I was failed in my interview.
Eventhought I did not take it hartly because that job was not competent for me,Untill I passed.
thanx ronni . you have a nice hair and a nice eyes . that’s really
this very important for our English learning. i like it too much and it is useful for who start to learn English language.
ronnie you are good and pretty teacher
You are a great teacher. One can note your kindness of helping.
Thanks for helping us.
hi miss Ronnie
Thanks for the explanation I have a question about the names of baldness as you know there is a partial and full baldness?
hi smart ronnie
i am from pakistan you are a very good teacher.i learn a lot from your would be better if you deliver some lectures on ielts.
Mam, you are awesome and funny………….i like your every lesson.
ryan why u call her “mam” ?? is it way to pick up teacher? it looks so funny
You are the best.Thanks a lot beacause you are teaching us.a big hug.
Very interesting, especially the pronunciation of BEARD (BEER-D)!!!
Thanks regards,
Thank you very much professor
Hi ronnie you are a doyen in the field of spoken English techniques. Your phenomenal norms and teaching techniques are outstanding. your elegant way of teaching has given a revamp to my English learning’s. Really you are a bizarre and I like you a lot for for your cozy style of teaching…bbye miss u so much
hai ronnie you are the best teacher
Thanku you mam
thanks for everthing
Need more
Thanks Ronnie, God Bless You. I just wanted to ask, is ‘hair’ a verb, I’m asking as you said it’s a non-countable verb. Thanks.
Thanks Ronnie, God Bless You. I just wanted to ask, is ‘hair’ a verb, I’m asking as you said it’s a non-countable verb.
Thank you Ronnie.
Thank you Ronnie. That reminds me I have to shave
Thanks a lot, Ronnie!
thanks ronnie
a 10 of 10
thank very much ronnie
thanks ronnie
a have a good time
and felicitation ronnie
a 6 of 10 and 6 of 10 and 8 of 10
Thanks, Ronnie. Can you teach the kinds of hair or eye or face? Please.
Thanks Ronnie you’re very good teacher
Hi Ronnie,
thanks a lot for your lesson
take care
Thank you.
I found this interesting fact about “sideburns” in a Wikipedia page./ Sideburns, sideboards,or side whiskers are patches of facial hair grown on the sides of the face, extending from the hairline to below the ears and worn with an unbearded chin. The term sideburns is a 19th-century corruption of the original burnsides, named after American Civil War general Ambrose Burnside, a man known for his unusual facial hairstyle that connected thick sideburns by way of a moustache, but left the chin clean-shaven. “Burnsides” became “sideburns” probably because of their location on the side of the face.//
Thank you it was so enjoy .
Hii maa’m
IF a Doctor saves my life ,how can i say thank eventhough i’ve no words to say
plz suggest me good sentence for that situation
thanks teacher
thanks Ronnie
Thank you.
Thank you
Thank you very much. you are a good teacher.
Hi Ronnie.. Thanks for the lesson, I love the way you teach.
Thank you Ronnie! You are an excellent teacher, you can make anything interesting to learn. I am very grateful for your help.
thank you Ronnie your lesson is great
Hello Ronnie, I got your video when I found YouTube. But it was amazing, I learnt a lot. Then I follow your website and watch a lot of your lessons. It’s very easy to learn and I learn many new words from your lessons, they haven’t in dictionary.
I’m really wanna say thank you a lot for giving your lesson without paying…
Heartly Thank you a lot Ronnie….
Hello ! I need to know what is correct :
” eyebrows” or ” eye brows ”
” eyelash ” or ” eye lash ”
I see many English words like that and I can’t understand the reason .
Hello Ronnie,
Thank you Ronnie
Thank you for your lessons ?❤️
Where is lessons? i can not find anything!
You got 5 correct out of 5.
Hi Ronnie!
I’m student from Kosovo, and I have a opportunity to go in America this year…can you tell me about what your first videos are for beginners because I want to watch the sequence.
forgive me if I did not write it as it should
Hi, dritonnuha1! If you go to our lesson finder and check the “beginner” box, it will show you all the beginner-level lessons. You can also filter by teacher or topic!
5/5! Great! I have a beard, so I need to shave every morning.
Thanks ma’am