engVid quiz

Test your understanding of this English lesson

Test your understanding of the English lesson by answering these questions. You will get the answers and your score at the end of the quiz.



Dear Rebecca

Could you please enlighten us if there are teachers who offer the service of practicing English speaking online with them , and what would be the cost for each hour of online practice, also are there any interactive online classes for more than one candidate at the same time (similar to online conferences) so that we benefit from brainstorming and different ideas and inquiries raised by others?



    Dear Sir/ Madam
    Thanks so much, I will find these lesson very useful, I am really appreciated fro your hard work. I wish every day change the subject we must learn new things. Please pass my thanks to Alex his prounciation is very clear.

    Yours sincerely

    A. Shah


      Using a mind map to talk about money was just great Rebecca. This is the way I love learning vocabulary, through associations.

      I like your teaching style Rebecca. You explain things with great ease.

      All the best to you.


    Yes, Ashraf, there are certainly many teachers who offer online English lessons, privately and in groups. The rates vary from place to place so it’s difficult to generalize. I am sure if you google “online English lessons” , you will be able to find many such possibilities.

    Good luck with your English.


      think u rebecca im new in amirica i like u videos i see just yours.i don’t know how to think u.god bless u rebecca


    Thx 4 ur help


Dear rebecca,

Once I am glad to send you my message I want to give you thanks for your help ,your website is very useful i think that I’m going to improve English with it because i’m a biginer in Esl.can you help me about my comprehension I have dificuty to listen someone.

God bless you

stanley Jean

    Glad the website helps you.

    The only way to improve your listening skills is to do more listening!

    You could look for special ESL books which focus on listening exercises. This is better in the beginning so you can train your ear gradually.

    All the best.


good effort , many thanks for you all about.

m hamdoun

    Thanks! My best to you.


    Thanks! My best wishes to you.


Thank you very much!
This lesson is very helpful for me.


    So glad it helped you. All the best to you.


good luck…*_-

Ahmed Jumaa

    Same to you – thanks.


Thank you very much!
Have a nice day, Rebecca.


    You’re welcome. Enjoy each day – they are all special.


As always, very interesting lesson

Have a nice day Rebecca


    You too, Raul. Thank you.


my bigger decouvrte in inglish!


    I wish you all the best with your English.


excellent lesson


    Thanks, eleuterio. Always nice to get some feedback. My best to you.


thank u so much


    You’re very welcome. All the best with your English.


    Yes, we all need to talk about money don’t we? Glad I could help.


hi madam rebecca i would like to thank u alot 4 these priceless things u r doing,what puzzles me in english is that sometimes i dont understand the american accent and they often speak in the way which really excruciates me alot because i’m mad about english and i have a myriad of vocabulary in which i guess no learner has,because vocabulary has always been my favorite thing in english,the other thing is that english has got uncountable words and synonyms as well,my question is(do i have to know it all)because u know it takes lots of time to be all known and i have been reading in dictionaries 4 such along time,for example(fascinate,mesmerize,bewitch,smite,enthrall,captivate,enchant,charm,entrance,infatuate,thrill,spellbind,enamor),u definitely know that there is a slight difference between these various words but the meaning is roughly the same,can u please help if u dont mind,thanks a bundle

ahmed mwaffaq

    Hi Ahmed,

    I think it’s pretty amazing that you’ve devoted so much time to studying English vocabulary. It shows that you’re very determined to do whatever you do very well and that’s a great characteristic.

    To communicate successfully, you don’t have to know every single word. English has so many words that no-one knows them all. So if you enjoy learning the vocabulary, then please go ahead.

    If you’re getting tired, then slow down and think about the context in which you need to use English. Then practice the vocabulary you need for that purpose. It will be more useful to you.

    The other words you have mentioned are useful if you wish to read fiction or literature. You may or may not need to differentiate so specifically when actually speaking in English.

    In any case, I wish you the very best and respect your desire to learn more. My best to you, Ahmed.


I enjoyed your class about money. It was very didactic. I like your accent, too. Thanks a lot.


    You’re welcome, Maria. Thanks for your input. It helps all teachers to know what their students think. My best wishes to you.


You don’t respond to anyone sweety?

Ashraf Adel

    Sorry, Ashraf, sometimes it takes a while. I will try and respond more frequently!


      Thank you so much Rebecca, truly you are a very nice person , I have noticed that you gave here so many responses (as much as you could) which reflects that you are a person who cares for others. I am very sad because a month ago I got 6.5 in my IELTS exam (1st time) and I asked the British Council for a re-mark and paid the requested fees . Best regards and our appreciation.

      Ashraf Adel

        Hi Ashraf

        Please don’t feel bad about your IELTS score. The IELTS is a difficult exam in the sense that some of the questions are confusing, even if you have prepared for it. Actually, to get 6.5 the first time is pretty good.

        If you need a higher score for university admission or some other purpose, you can try the exam again. Of course it costs money, but take note of what your individual scores were on the different sections and focus on improving those skills.

        My best wishes to you, my friend.


          Hi Rebecca,
          Thank you so much for your kind reply. Thanks God, my speaking score became 7.0 instead of 6.5 and my writing became 6.0 instead of 5.5 , the overall score remained 6.5. I don’t have any doubt regarding the fairness of London IELTS Senior Examiners , but I am not pleased that I scored 6.0 only in the Writing exam. I performed badly in it although I could achieve a higher score. Being a Financial Manager I am writing business reports (in English) to the E.O. and the Board of Directors on regular basis and I read the UK. Independent , Daily Telegraph, and the Economist , I don’t have any problem to express myself in English talking about several issues. My suggestion to all IELTS candidates is to read a lot of newspapers and magazines in English and to watch the BBC Channel to be familiar with the correct pronouncation of the English Language. I like to watch the ” Hard Talk” program on BBC Inter. :) My best regards.

          Ashraf Adel

thank you so much


    Welcome! Best of luck with your English.


thanks for teaching me

Habib Ullah

    Thanks for writing to me! My best wishes to you, Habib.



Please what about OWE ?
Can I use it instead of borrow ? . AS

I borrowed some money from the bank. OR,
I owed the bank some money.

Thank you,


    Well, the two words are related but quite different.

    After you borrow money from the bank, then you will owe the bank some money.

    To borrow means to take from someone or somewhere temporarily.

    To owe means to have an obligation to return something, such as money or a favour.

    Hope I was able to clarify the point for you. All the best with your English, Shaker.


Dear Rebecca
thank u so much


    You’re very welcome. Ortiga. My best to you.


Hi Rebecca, I read on your profile something about study in Toronto where you are teaching, I’ve been saving money to go to Canada I’ve been planning go to Vancouver but after watched your video lessons I changed my mind, what should I do to get more informations about school and rules to apply myself to an interchange course during my next vacation in July 2010.

All the best to you.

Hugo, São Paulo, Brazil


    I will contact you from our school email. Thanks so much for your feedback. My best wishes to you, Hugo.


Dear. teacher, Rebecca.
your video was very useful . thanks for teaching me.

I have a question about your quiz sentence.

“I shouldn’t have gone to the casino ! I just _____________ $200 in half an hour!”

I wonder
“in half an hour” ‘s “in” mean.
I thought preposition “in” present “future mean” before saw the sentence.
for example,
“He will be back in a few days.” mean
“he will not back until 2~3 days later.”

but ,
I just _____________ $200 in half an hour!”

What is “in” mean in this sentence?

Now I’m confused.
Please, help me. tell me grammar point.
I wanna know “in” preposition secret.

From Korea.


    Hi Yoo

    Thanks for your question. I know that prepositions can be very tricky, but you seem to have understood a lot already.

    In the example you have given, “in” means “within” or ‘within that time”.

    It’s like when you say,

    I’ll be back in 5 minutes.

    There too, it means within 5 minutes.

    I hope this helps. Of course, the preposition “in” is used in many ways, and that may be what’s making you wonder. You’ll get it, I;m sure, you seem to be a serious and determined student.

    My best wishes to you.


Do you mind if i ask something from you,can you tell me how to use
“whom”,i got too confuse of it,thanks,I AM FROM MALAYSIAN.


    I could explain, but an easier message would be to tell you that in North American English, you could just use “who” and that would be fine, too.

    My best to you.


      Dear Rebeca,
      would you intruduce a new book for teaching as second language.


Dear Rebeca,

Your class is excellent. My best wishes four you in this christmas,

Kind regards



    I wish you a happy holiday season too.

    Thanks for your wishes and all the best with your English.


Dear Teacher, Rebecca ! Thank You so much for lessons.
It’s always interesting for me. Please, explain me what is meaning for word “Charge” in finance.
Thank You so much for answer .


    Hi Michael

    To charge has various meanings. Let’s look at some possibilities.

    a) It can mean to require payment. For example, ‘ How much do you charge for a one-hour private lesson?”

    2) It can mean to defer or delay payment. For example, ” He bought a shirt and charged it on his credit card.”

    3) It can mean to debit an account. For example, ‘The bank charged me $10 to buy a money order.”

    So as you can see, the word has several meanings. Hope this helps you. Thanks for your feedback and my best wishes to you.


My great thinkful to you mom Rebecca, i’m so pride to you, because thanks to you i benefit many things in your language because you’re not selfish you share your intelligent for who need learning.., there is nine months ago i’m learning english, and then my need or target is to speak english like you, secondly i enjoy english so much.


    Thanks and all the best with your English.


I’m so gratiful to you, because thanks to you I know many things in english, let me God bless you for your kindness you share your intelligence for every body who wants learning english. My best wish to you for this new year.


    My best wishes to you too in your English studies and in life.

    I am sure you will achieve your goal because you have already learned to express yourself so well.

    Have a wonderful 2010.


after this lesson, i knowed how to use this words appropriately! thank so much!!i`m from vietnam.^^


    My pleasure. All the best to you.


Thank you Rebecca.
I like the way you teach. This is really so helpful. I am very happy that i get the change to learn from you. Happy a nice day!. and keep it up.

Best wishes,


hey this is liza again,

Ohh sorry i forget to tell you that i work in a BANK. so i surely need to know the terms of Money use in BANK. So this tutorial is very helpful for me. :) Thank you very much once again.


    So glad the lesson helped you. Yes, in a bank you’ll have a chance to hear and use these words a lot!

    Of course, there are many more words so I will plan to do a second lesson for you and everyone else who needs to speak about money.

    My best wishes to you, Liza.


Dear Rebecca.
I enjoyed your class about money.
Thanks for teaching me.


    You’re so welcome. All the best, Jason.


thank you dear rebacca for teaching, you are the best :)


    Thank you, Alex. Good luck with your English. My best wishes to you.


i’m very enjoy for your lessons ,it’s very useful and very clair , i want to thank you for your help , you’re very helpfull , could you give me some advices to improve my speaking , and my listinenig , and how long do you think it would be take to improve my english thanks a lot , if you remarque somes mistakes please correct me


    Thanks for your feedback.

    It would be great if you could join a conversational English class to help you improve your listening and speaking skills. You could also benefit from working with a private teacher.

    If you join a series of courses, or make a plan to improve your English, you can make steady progress.

    Can’t say how long it will take. It depends on so many different factors, but most of all on how much time you can spend learning and reviewing.

    My best wishes to you, dahmani.


RebeccaESL great way of teaching really i impressed with this way.
take care

Muhammad Yasir

    Glad the lessons help you, Muhammad. My best wishes to you.


dear Rebecca

thanks for such an interesting and informative lecture. it really helped me to clear certain misperceptions. Thankyou


    So glad I could help. My best to you.


hi madam rebecca i just wanna ask u about sth. once i saw an interview on youtube with an english actor called Hugh Laurie and it was on slang words and expressions,this actor asked the interviewer about some expression which is(chuffed to bits)which means to be pleased or delighted etc,and the interviewer didn’t know its meaning.and here is the link of that interview if u r interested in it.once again i saw an interview with the canadian singer shania twain,the interviewer said to shania at the very start of that interview”i’m really chuffed to see u again” ,what puzzles me is that canadian accent and american are too much similar to each other and that american interviewer in the 1st. interview i saw didnt know the meaning of chuffed or chuffed to bits as it was in the 1st.while shania twain who is a canadian singer knows the meaning and it wasn’t expected to be known by shania as she is canadian or semi-american i can say,and here is the link
in my dictionary the word chuffed is available while in others it is not.

ahmed mwaffaq

    Slang varies according to regions, and that’s why not everyone who speaks English knows all of the expressions.

    It’s good that you are interested in the details of the language. This way you will learn even more.

    My best to you.


her is the link of the 1st. interview that i forgot to post in the above comment

thanx soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much

ahmed mwaffaq

thank you so much~ i really appreciate it
may i ask you a question?
what’s difference between “deposit” and “save”?
thank you for your reply in advance :)


    Thanks for your feedback.

    When you deposit money in a bank, it just means that you place it in your account. If you keep it there, it may mean the same thing as saving it.

    However, you may not leave the money in your account for long! Theoretically, you could withdraw it and spend it all the next minute, and then you wouldn’t have saved any money at all.

    When you save it, you actually keep it aside and you don’t spend it. Maybe you are saving small amounts to buy something expensive, or for your retirement, or for an emergency.

    I hope this helps. My best wishes to you.


hey rebecca,

thanks for your lesson .. i found your style of teaching is much more easier than all of other teacher here .. i am not that good in this language .. but i want your guidence to learn correctly


    All the teachers have interesting lessons that can help you improve in different ways. So glad I could help you. My best to you.


thanks alot wish u all happiness


    Thanks, and the same to you. My best wishes to you, nemo


      Dear Rebecca.

      Today, i was access the website http://www.engvid.com. I liked it. But my english is very bad. I can’t remember grammar for write email ( i am woking for everday need english), i can’t listen about all… Can you help me for instruction the way to improve my english.

      Looking forward to receivin your reply.
      Thank you very much for all your help!



Thanks to all for your kind feedback and questions. Will try my best to answer all soon.

May you have a radiant year in 2010.


    Hi rebecca

    Thanks a lot your reply.
    Can you give me a advice for improve as soon as possible?


thank you so mache


    So much, you mean.

    You’re very welcome, my friend.


Thank you kindly Miss. Rebecca,

i learn a lot and i hope that i will learn more from your next lessons.

Your new student from UAE,



    Welcome to engvid, Mariam.


I would like to thank you a lot for all good you do for people.I realy like very well your class and your accent.I wish you God bless you have a long life and year 2010 be for you a best year of prosperity and health.
Warm regards.


    Thank you for your kind comments and blessings. My best wishes to you and your family as well, Sene.


thank u i watch your lesson on topic of money and i get a lot of knowledge to this lesson.


    I’m glad you were able to learn a lot from the lesson, Furqan. Money is a central topic in our lives, isn’t it?

    My best to you.


hi thank you ,,
actually i dont know how to say thank you,,maam rebecca.
try to use the lessons you taught us.
love you teacher.


    Thanks for your warm comments and for implementing what you’ve learned right away. Good for you. All the best.


Hi Rebecca,
All your tutorials are awesome.
Keep up the good work.

Deepti Kumaresh

    Thanks, Deepti. My best to you in the future.


im very happy,that because ifind some good teacher like u on the websiteand that ifind myhobby of learnning english on the easiest .okay


    Glad I could help out, Ashabi. Best of luck!


Thanks a lot! Now I’ve to deposit these 10 words and withdraw’em when I’ll need!


    That’s really cute!

    You’re right. You need to deposit them in your memory bank!

    My best to you, Nick.


Hi Rebecca its a very very Kind of you that teaching to peoples that they con’t go collage or … i just wanted to say that im very happy bing a student to you


i don’t know to thank you thank’s so much


Hi Rebecca,
That’ really an interresting way you use to make us undestand your lessons.
I think your simplicity is the key of this smoothly explanation.
Thanks a lot.


you are good teacher.
thanks you.


thank you Madam, i enjoyed your lessons and you are a great teacher.
thank you.


tDear Sir/Medum

i am very thankful to you therefore i find useful vocabulary to you.
please upload or send this type video from that we can get benifet.

very thankful,

Pir mohammmad khan safi

Tank you for this wonderful site and excellent, thank you so much to everyone working on it. Thank you kindely to you teacher Rebecca your style of teaching is simple and useful. I have benefited greatly


dear teacher Rebecca! ur video is very useful . thanx a lot!

noor ul elmah hasan

its not good. its not very good. it is really really very excellent.

noor ul elmah hasan

    Thank you kindly. It means a lot.

    My best wishes to you, Noor.


thank you very much
i need your advise to help me to become translator in a company ,now i am reading a lot and translate also but it’s not prevent there are a lot of words which i don’t what it means until what i still use the dictionary , when every day i face a lot of new words (please tell me what can i do?)


    From what I understand, one should translate into the language you are most familiar with.

    To be a translator is not an easy job. You will need to be patient and kind to yourself and move forward step by step.

    All the best to you, Magdy.


very good


Thanks you very much for your help. I am very grateful to you that you have made a such a nice useful sites for those who do mistake in grammer. Thanks And also let me know is there any mistake in this paragraph that i am writing you at the moment


    Thank you very much for your help. I am very grateful that you have made such a nice useful site for those who make mistake in grammar. Thanks, and also let me know if there are any mistakes in this paragraph that I am writing you at the moment.

    I have made the corrections above for you!

    All the best, Sharon.


Thanks a lot Rebacca. I am very glad that I learned how we can talk about money in 10 different ways.


Thank you so much. You are brilliant.
It is really a creative method to teaching us this money issues.


It’s easy to remember. When I watch your lesson, I do learn easily. Especially the preposition following with the verbs.


hi i am luke i live in korea. and i am 12years old thank you so much because of you i learned many things thank you


    Wow, Luke, it is really wonderful that at your age you are making the effort to improve your English in such a creative way. I am sure you will know English very well with such determination. My very best to you, Luke. Let me know how it goes…I predict you will be an excellent English speaker.


hello its so beautiful lesson thank you. you halp my alot. iam from iraq .iam ayoung gril with big drem .one of my drem is to speak english well so i feel so greatfull to you thank you verry much


    Keep dreaming big! That is what gives us the energy to live fully. So I will help you by correcting your comments for you, though I do appreciate them as they are:

    Hello! It’s such a beautiful lesson. Thank you. You helped me a lot. I am from Iraq. I am a young girl with big dreams. One of my dreams is to speak English well so I feel so grateful to you. Thank you very much.

    My best wishes to you, Maram.


Thank Rebeca
Is lesson very good.
Money is money on the other hand, Paper money and nikel money..


My thanks to all for your feedback, ideas and suggestions.


rebecca and ronnie thanks because speak very clear,like me the way you teach us.learn english is not easy but i’ll do my best learning wiht you. thaks so much


u teach so well dear rebecca,thanx alot!!!


hi Rebbecca your lessons everything better than others i really enjoy your lessons ..pls continue your work more and pls make new lessons for public


i am an indian i dont speak english fluently so that ..i want speak you or other native spekers


thank you thank you thank you .


It was my firs meting with you lesson.So,I’ll continue with your studies.My english is poor but you way of explain is very clearly.Thank you


It is very much helpful for to build my vocabulary though my English is very poor thanks a lot. Are u provide any solution regarding grammar ? plz help me……


i cannont read fluently, i get stuck in between. what should i do?


Hi teacher Rebecca I have got question but this is not about money.I want to give IELTS exam but my level is pre-intermediate.How many months I can progress it to pass the IELTS.thanks. good luck


Hi Rebecca you’re the best teacher ,Thanks ,God bless you.



Thank you so much for sharing us your knowledge, we’re very glad that you shared with us this site. I’m hoping that I will improve my english speaking and my accent, coz I believe that there’s so many opportunities will open for those very well in english. God bless & more power to all of you.!!!


Hi madam Rebecca, I want to ask you bout these couple sentences:

1. What do we use to greet people at 12:00 a.m. – 06.00 a.m?

2. Do these sentences differentiate from eatch other? a. for your better life.
b. for your better living.
(if there is any difference, what is that?)

THANKS. I hope God bless your and other EngVid crews’ goodness :)


thanks mam to teach these common problems . again thanks


Hi`there. I been in Canada two years, and I learned good english so I need improve my english as native speak .What I can do can you help my or you have school I can came to Toronto for study of there. Know I live in Sudbury.


HI Rebecca ,
first of all Thank you for this wonderful and excellent site.i wud like to thank u for giving a wonderful lectures on different topics so that evryone will have an idea and learn so many things through u r lessons. u voice is so clear iam able to listen and understand clearly .actually iam in intial stage in learning english.my problem is with vocabularyy.iam not able to speak incessently.can u give some suggestion about hw to improve my communicationskills ,
i hope u reply me.thank u , (( u r diciple.))


hi Mam thanks alot for ur lesson its realy helped me

Pashu pati rai

Thank You. It was useful to me. I like the way You teach.


Hi, Rebecca,
I’ve got 100 points and I want to tell you “thanks”. You are a really good teacher!


Dear Rebbica,
Thank you very much for your intresting easy way to learn english.in most times i answer the quiz before i watch the lesson and got a full mark in most cases but i still fell not good in English,what is very useful for me is listening to your pronunciation for the words and its meanings, pls. advice me ,is the way that i follow is right or not? and what should i concentrate in to communicate easly.
Thn you in advanced for your help.


nice lessons

naceri red

ronnie thank you I understand your Explanation very well thank you you are my best teacher that I see for my ever


hi ma’am i love your talking style,your pronounciation is very clear, your lectures are very informative … but ma’am i cannot speak english easily my conversation is not good , what i do? i’m really upset… i need your help


i am new student and i want to learn speaking english
could you tell me what i sould do?


Hi Dear Rebecca
Thanks a lot for you and all your colleges Hard works,
could you please help me, my writing is very bad, what can I do to improve it a bit ?



thanx so mutch

m . rashik

I believe this to be a complete vocabulary related to money. Thank you Rebecca.


thanks for the good literature’s u teach about money. i really appreciate your class.


Thank you very much,I’m from Libya, really it was very interesting for me, and your courses helped me a lot, because I have many English vocabularies, but I didn’t know how to order and use them. I found your web site by chance, while I was browsing some English lessons on YouTube.com
Thank you so much,Hassansaper.


tank you verry much you are so nice..plz i won’t you to help me about the reported speach i am so bad in english
i kiss you

meryem inerhmi

hi…Iam very happy, to learn english with you, i try with anthor teacher but i found you are the best…i wish to you the best thank you iam from Iraq


thank you so much
iam from ..iraq


hi mam. i finished M.PHIL Economics in india. i want became teacher in canada.(primary class)what i will do mam? what they are expectng from me..after 6 month i will be there. but im not speak fluently english.ur class is very useful to me.


Thnk you very much
I need more lessons like this to be bettre in English

Syrian man

Hello to All
This website is very helpful.


Thanks a lot our teacher Rebecca, really I’m learning with you many tips and courses, and what I like in your teaching method is your perfect summarizing and your short and rich lessons; so I could follow you and keep them in mind.


excellent class

juan sebastian

hi, i agree with everyone here thanks for everything Mrs.Rabecca and if anyone want to practise her english like me let’s do it by skype my login is vasif007 i will wait…



Many thanks It was very useful. Thanks


Your way of teaching was very understandable and Excellent…Give more Lessons like this way


HI I am so happy & much understanding from your lossens. But i need to understand writing Letters & Applications. Therefore please give the few lessons on the writing letters & Applications.


Thank you Rebecca for your perfect methodology and teaching skills which help me to improve my English and motivate my students.


It is great today for me because I discovered new English class of Rebecca.I like your teching skills and methology that lead me to be bright my Eng knowledge., I agree with everyone here to say ‘thanks’ for everything Mrs.Rabecca I believe this to be a complete vocabulary related to money.Havea nice day.


Rebeca , could you explain me about the uses of the word as in the sentences. Thank you.


i understood the lesson very well thins lot

khawla tunisia

Hi. I would like to tell you I love this website and your lessons as well. I like Rebeca’s clear and understandable speech, Ronnie’s crazy way of teaching but my favourite is James. I wish I had teachers like you folks:). Keep it going. Greetings from Poland.

Ghost of Grandpa

Hi Rebecca I’m writing from Venice, Italy. Now I’m studying english because of needs of my work- I’m a technician in an electrical plant and by now I have to speak in english almost every days. I re-started to study english four years ago (I’m 46, and I study it every days for two hours (including on weekend or in vacation). Now I read easily and I understand enought when an english colleague speaks with me but I don’t understand anything when an American collegue (from Texas) speaks with me. In my native language (italian)there is the need to explain well the sentence pronouncing the words properly. This my american colleague jump the auxiliary, he links the words in such a way the they seem other words.For me don’t understand is terrible, I go home with headache. When I listen him, the convertation seems like to listen a scratchy radio. You can understand, my frustration, I try to listen and listen everything I can f.e. podcast, movi, radio, broadcast naturally in english but it is very difficult. When I speak I have to traslate from my language so I don’t speak fluenty and not in property english way. I know, I should go to U.S.A. for a few time in order to make more fluenty my english but this is impossible for me now,. The only thing that now I can do is study a lot…. can you suggest me something else??
Ciao, and sorry for my english.


    hey my brother it’s yehia …
    you can continue what you have started and follow the instructions here .
    if you need to make a conversation with me just add me and this is my number : 00201065661387


Hi Rebeca,I´m from Brazil and I liked so much of your class. Thanks! Keep work.


hai rebica madam.i am from india,i cumpltd my b.tech degree.now i am searching for the job.but i am week in communucation and english .what can i do now ?


Hi teacher Rebecca!
First of all, congratulations!
I am following your lessons and they have been very useful for me.
My great problem is listening.
I would like to suggest a lesson about the use of TO and FOR.
My best wishes to you, and sorry for my mistakes in english.


Great to teach english from your excelent website


Hi rebecca
thanks for this leson about money
but i propose to give us more deeply lessons about finance, example : accounting, stock market, investing money in projects


Sorry Madam when I use the keyboard, I often make mistakes
Hi Rebecca,
The lesson you presented was clear and concise. Many of my colleagues have enjoyed it. However, our problem here, in Tunisia, is that we lack teaching materials. We often surf the net so as to find some that we can download,but in vain.
By the way, I am a 56-year-old Tunisian teacher of English at a faculty of economics and management. I really need reading materials in business English.
Thank you so much


Hi madam,
These videos are commendable and many people across the globe are benefitting through these online lessons as it is observed from the comments by many many people. I have a query given below:
A scholarship is to be announced in Curtin University of Australia to get registered in PhD. I am preparing for IELTS in order to get this scholarship as having a score of 6.5 in IELTS is mandatory. IELTS exam costs around AUD215 which is a big amount for a person like me belonging to middle class family. Kindly lend me a hand with some suggestions in order to score well in the exam so that I may not appear for it again. I am fervent to learn English but my reading and writing skills are not as strong as they should be. Could you please suggest me something through which I may enhance my these two skills.

Looking forward for your kind reply.

Sania Qureshi

Hi Rebecca could you tell me how can I improve my speaking?


Dear Rebeca, where’s the quiz?


You are best teacher on this site. Tnks


great job i am very impressed with this program


rebecca ,it is too amazing


Dear Mrs Rebecca,
Thank you for your helpful web site. There are a lot of useful lessons that can help everybody who wants to learn English in here. Also, I am pleasure to announce that your teachers always update your lessons.
Yours Sincerely,


Dear Mrs Rebecca,
Thank you for your lesson.


hixhixhi I corrected 5 sentences :(
I’ll try next lesson.
Thanks Rebecca.



Excellent lesson.
I like very much.


I did like this lesson, Rebecca, it’s very useful and clear!


Thank you very much for your precious lessons.


This lesson is very importants.


Vrey good lesson, now I am underway or on righ way.
great lesson…..


Dear My great theacher,
I’m thankful for all of you to spend the time to teach me how to learn english all these lesson.I try very hard to study english before but i’m still not yet speak well,so i do hope that i will get fluent english in the future after i follow your structure.
May god bless all of you.
Best Regards,
Bunthann Cambodian


again full marks, thank you madam


thank you very much .god bless you


Dear Rebacca,
Sorry, I saw wrong of spilling “woste”. I think is “waste”.

Yours sincerely


Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for your lesson, i find it very intresting and very useful at the same time!
Best wishes to you!
Sincerely yours,

Matthew Shing Mang Tun

Shing Mang Tun

Thinks for such a comprehensive lesson. Here i have have an question pertain to this. Can i say? send money.


i am bad on deposit word


I need some money does anybody borrow money


hi my name elham iam from somalia i wanna to speak english so how i can to do that pleas help me


could any body tell me how could i start step by step


im a financial student so that it is very impotant and yseful lesson for me . im greatful for u, Mrs. Rebecca.)


Thanks Rebecca tell us about 10 point of Money




Thanks Rebecca, it’s very important to talk about money, it boosts us to look for more money, but before doing all this action you gave us we must first ear, money and count it.I wish I didn’t make a lot of mistake.thank you so much.


Hello teacher Rebecca!! I would like to thank you so much for your cleaaaaar pronunciation,really i could understand each single word you said in the video.Once again,thank you for the lesson,it was so helpful and i wish i can earn money in my life to use all the 10 verbs you said except “waste” loool, take care my teacher!


My name is Rashid Minhas
I m 17 years
if any body wanna do friendship.


i wannt to learn english


you are the best teacher!!!


It is always good to talk about money! Guys I’m from Brazil and I want to meet people from other countries. Please, if you want to talk in English send me an e-mail: tiago_queiroz18@hotmail.com


thanks very much for your lesson! you speak very clearly. so, it’s very easy for me-a beginer to listen. i listen and speak very and very bad. however, i’m studying english at university. i don’t know how to improve it although i listen and speak very much. can you give me some advice? thanks very much, lady!
Your student
Trinh Phan


Hi Rebecca, thanks for your classes, and I´d like to solve a doubt ! in the quizz about money, the first expression is “I forgot my wallet at home.” It´s writen “forgot” but in that case, you know where the object is, so do we have to use forgot or left ? So many thanks in advance to clarify my doubt !


    You use “forgot” because, even though you know where your wallet is, you meant to bring it with you but didn’t remember. If you purposely didn’t bring it with you, you say “I left it at home”.

    engVid Moderator

Thanks a lot! I love engvid.com!:)


Thank you mam for this video.


Thank’s a lot rebecca, you make learning very easy and you have a very good method of comprehensoin…if only we had teachers like you…by the way, you have a beautiful smile :)


hello, dear Rebecca.
I’m studing those english lessons in Mongolia. lesson is really liked and helped me. Your lesson is very interesting and clear. I have 1 question, what i should to study in intermediate level?


Hello Rebecca
What does “woste” mean? (when I spend a lot of money)
I can’t find it in the dictionary.
I think it is not correct.
Thank you.


    You should be looking for “waste”!

    engVid Moderator

Hello Dear Rebecca,
I realy liked your lesson. It was so usefull for me…

Ilyas Ahmad Amin

I’m from Sri Lanka. And I’m a student. I really love your lessons. thank you. god bless you.

Chamil Sarajith

Thanks for the video.Your presentation style is very good.


Dear Ms.Rebecca ,

Firstly thank you for your lessons its so useful , secondly I’m looking for A business diploma by internet ..so If you have a good institute can provide this service . I ‘ll appreciate that favor If you send me all the information which can help me to enrol .

ٌRegards ,

mody Samir

Dear Ms Recbeca.
Thanks for your useful lesson.Now I know how I use to talk about money everyday.Maybe I know them but I can’t use them much. Thanks once.


I am extremely lucky that I found this scoohl. If I hadn’t join this scoohl, my English wouldn’t have been this good! Teachers are very supportive and keep encouraging me to carry on my studying. I have got so many compliments on my use Of natural English phrase which were all from my teachers.I have built up so much confidence since I joined this scoohl. You will definitely see the progress!Sunghyo Kim


Thanks for the lesson It is very helpful!

ghazala zafar



HI,Teacher Dear Ms.Rebecca, I understand all your lessons very well, and also the other teachers, But i have aproblem obout my english studing. That problem is i understand the speaker very well, But i can’t speak fluently, i kow alot of vaccabulary but i don’t use it, idon’t know why?!, so teacher Ms.Rebecca please give me advise. thanks alot.


thanks rebeka !very klear und userful!


thanks rebecca your class is very useful and now I can understand and have a better vocabulary..God bless you


It look easy at the first, however, there is still mistake when doing test. Thank Rebecca a lot




Thank u so much.I;m in beginner .I like your teaching and accent.


awesome this class consists conectivity the easy method to remember…..really apriciate …………keep up teacher awesome work


Thank you so much. I highly appriciate the way which you receive, answer and feedback all of questions and information from us. You are the best teacher. I am a Buddhist. So I can say Buddha bless you…


I don’t want to talk about money.I have to more learn.You may say I’m say a dreamer,but I’m not the only one.Thanks very much for your lesson.I realy enjoyed if I can to be.God bless you.


Hi Rebecca, I would like to make a request regarding these two words ALTHOUGH & HOWEVER I have been many video on this but still I am not so confident to use them in my conversation. Please help me out.


Thanks :)


Excellent class, thank you so much Mrs Rebecca.
From Colombia

Leonardo Vergara

hi, my name is labiad I’m from western sahara, my full appreciation for rebecca as professor so this lesson was wonderful kind for me, as student master management in atlantic international university. I saw that your system teaching was very attractive and would stay on touth with your next lessons.

labiad sidi bachir

you are amazing you are the best !!


Dear Robecca your the best :)


i don’t confident in conversation,what I should do? thanks Rebecca


Thanks, I’m so happy with the results.


Thanks a lot.


Thank you kindly Miss. Rebecca,

i learn a lot and i hope that i will learn more from your next lessons.
I am new student from Yemen .
Dreams can come true !!


Thank your for teaching us the vocabulary linked to money.

I have a bit problem in understanding deposit check ?
I deposited $1000 into my bank.
I have to deposit check into my bank.
I can pay people with check, and people can pay me with check. So I am a sort of confused about this action : I save money with this check or I have to deposit money to cover my check ? Sorry , I am so stupid.


I went to a company to get the details of a product,
The service person there asked me,
“How do you fund your project?”
What does he mean?


i got 100 thanks Rebecca……… your greet….


thanks ms. Rebecca


Thanxxzzz Rebecca… for ur good training.
Generally we are all using these words. But your class about these words help us to use this in appropriate time…Thanxzz.
Here one suggestion.. can you provide any voice chatting page in your website. It will help all your students. they can chat and talk with each other and let them improve their language.
Kindly put your reply on this..


Thanks Rebecca, ‘lend’ and ‘borrow’ was sometimes mixed up before this lesson.Now I got it!


a good lesson, thanks


Thanks Rebecca!


thanks rabecca! all your videos help me alot. It’s very useful for me while i’m prepare for TOEFL exam next year.


Thank you.


tks so much Rebecca


Rebecca , thank you so much for your efforts , if that possible to get me your advise to able remember vocabularies .

Amer 2

Thank you Rebecca.I like your lessons.


thank you very much Rebecca I like your lessons thank you

Sana Nada

thanks for your help,everyday i learn more


u r the best


maam:I Love your lessons because it is easy and simple to understand i love it


I like your lesson. Thank you


i like your lesson so much
it is wenderful explanation thnks


I got 8 correct out of 8
It is a good explanation from my respected teacher Rebecca
I want more lessons cencern with the important topica in our life

sameh galal

Thank you.


Hello, Rebecca. Haw do you do? I hope you are fine. I wonder if it is any possibility to say: “I have to withdraw these cheques in the bank” in meaning “I have to transfer (to convert to cash, to change to cash) these cheques in the bank”? Thanks.


Sergiy D

thanks a lot it really helpful for me

kanza jaffree

Hi Rebecca. I got 8 correct out of 8, again and again without watching the video. I believe I am really good)))))))))


Hi Rebeca, I am interested in take a TEOFL preparation course, I will be glad to get the info about your school.


Dear Rebecca,
Thank you for this subject, every word is important when we speak money.
Best regards.


Very useful lesson! I think you forgot the most important: earn :)


perfect score

ann ann

Thanks so much Rebecca. I had some doubts about this topic before I had reviewed this video, the explanation is excellent. Again thanks! greetings from Mexico.


Thank you very much for all you help

Irina Bondareva

Thanks so much!

Rodrigo Ribeiro

Millions of thanks Rebecca for these wonderful lessons and excellent presentation. I have really enjoyed all the lessons.


Hi, Rebecca, you are really the best teacher, i like your teaching style.


I like you Rebecca, I learn alone is.t difficult but your lessons are amazing thanks




You got 8 correct out of 8.

thank you so much.

M kartal

I got 100 .thank you


I got 8 out of 8

Thank you


i got 6 right from 8 .
i will try to up again


Great lesson!
Thank you


I got 7 correct out of 8 and that’s not bad at all.
Hellow everyone. how was your days go by? Keep up the good work everybody.


i got 10 correct answers do you have any more that’s amazing


Thank you Ms. Rebecca!


thank you my teacher


Thank you, Rebecca!

Abdullah Alshamiri

Thanks Rebeca!!! You are amazing!!! I like your class!!

edi wilson

thanks a lot Rebecca


Thank you!


It’s a great session Rebecca…it’s really helpful…


Hi Rebbeca,

Today is my first day in this web page, I took 2 tests, it was good, thank you so much for all your help.
I stared to watching you on you tube channel, but I like the idea to take a test.
Blessing! And thanks again.


Thankful Rebbeca for this lesson!!!

Antonio Daniel

thanks Rebbeca mam

itishree shoo

Hello dear teacher!
Thank you very much, This lesson was very helpful for me.
I have got 7 correct out of 8.

Abdul Salam Qaderi

I was fully of joy after seeing the results of this quiz. Thank you engVid


thank you so much for all your help.

gaber fawzy

Thanks a lot Rebecca,hugs. (Kazakhstan, 23Sept2021)
You are the best?


I got 100 marks

Muhammad Faizan

Thanks for such a great video.

I have to save more money this year.
You have to deposit the money before we start loading the containers.
Our company borrowed $300000 from the central national bank.
He owes me $200 and I have told him that I need that this week.
I can lend you only $20 sorry you can ask Jim if he could give you the rest.
Last year I invested $1000 in an online marketing project and now I have $3000.
I will drive to the bank to withdraw the money you need.
My son wasted too much money during the Black Friday night.
She transferred the money last night it should show up in your account by today.
Before you spend your money think about it if you really need that.

Can somebody please correct my examples?


Great class Rebeca!

I learned a lot of the differences between this vocabulary.

For you What is the meaning about stock market? in my country es like a walmart jaja


Rebeca, you are the best!!!

Lucica Belibov
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