In English, we have three words to talk about sight, where most languages just use one! Learn which word to use when in this free lesson. Take the free quiz to test your understanding.
I went lean English language on Skype , my skype I.D, abdul.hafeez466
my mobilno:923062105665
abdul hafeez
Bless you, Ronnie.
You are the best teacher in the world. Thanks a lot.
Look is to find something- look around
See is for when your eyes detect an existing object.
Watch when you are looking something in a motion state.
Juan Perez
It’s very good for to learn english! Thanks teacher Ronnie!
hi ronnie u r a very good teacher.
we see engvid
Thanks for the lesson. It’s very helpful.
The lesson I saw today was very useful for me. Thanks a lot!
Thank you, it was interesting lesson!
Thank you , for lesson
star light
Thank You! It is very useful.
Thanks , now I see …….:)
Thanks a lot.
Your explanation is so clear. I’ll use thise verbs correctly.
Thank you, this exercise is pretty helpful and next time i won’t miss any.
Look at me! Are you see me ? I am watching free english video lessonc in
Thanks alot
Lessons not Lessonc
let him. his pleasure……………..
u know? u cute haha
Thanks a lot 2 all the teacher they’re doing their job very well and they are providing us very good information about the English i really appreciate 2 all of u i,m gaining my knowledge about just because of u guys .
iam from pakistan, pakistani students is very intelligent in the world…. iam from sindh lovely sindh beautiful sindh
are you crazy
i agree with you because i am also pakistani from sindh we proud to be sindhi have a nice time
hey,,,guys there is no sindhi,no phatan,no punjabi,no baloch out of our country we all are the same Pakistani…i am proud to be Pakistani…i think you are kids..take care next time..and thank you to teacher,she is teaching very well…God bless her
thanks alot
It was amazing! I don’t know how to thank you!
Thank you so much!
I will use the verbs look, see and watch correctly. I stand corrected.
hi thanks too much for the best lessons that ihave found it in net .thanks again for the good presentations.that because its seen easiest for the second tonque of the english language to understand ihope the most english speaker been like that.
GREAT !!! Thank you , Thank you Thank you !
thanks for the lesson.. you are a very good teacher ;)
Greetings from Chile
Hi Theacher, I am interented in the private leesson for skype , give information please ,thanks
Could you give as a lesson like this one you gave as about :
many Thanks!
Hi teacher ronnie, can i request a lesson? bout the connectors? like the, of..etc..
Please make a video about “high”, “hight” and “tall”,
thank you.
Could you say please? when we talk about past event about T.V
what we can say I saw T.V or I watched T.v?
Sher Bahader Khan Mashreqi
Sher Bahader Khan
I watched TV!
Hi ronnnie on what channel you see
ann ann
I watched your video and it was helpful, tnx
Thank you,
The way you teach is so nice and good,i can understand each and every sentence,I Appreciate that.
happy berday
my happy
good job
hello Ronnie. Thanks for teaching.))))))))))))))))))))))
I want to improve my English skills.
Could you help me to do that?
Please contact me with skype: aggrodietrich
thx alot ..
Thank you first for your teaching way
hihihi,i am from pakistan.your teaching method is friendly.thank you for your all help.god bless you.
noureen khurshedi
Thanks a lot Ronnie
you’re great and lovely ^^
hye all, and ronnie?? can i enjoy with you all?
thank you so much..this lesson will help me a lot!! Can you give us some points of teaching demo for junior high school. Thank you in advance.
thank you
you’re really amazing
salah alnahdi
hye all, and ronnie?? can i enjoy with you all?
hye all, and ronnie?? can i enjoy with you all?
and how are you?
thanks for the lesson… simply great
thanks for teh lesson, u are a great teacher:) keep it up thanks again
hye hossein..
thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank you
thank you bouchra
i am much happy to improve my English critical thinking.
Special Thanks for Teachers to make this video.
Attiq ur Rehman
Islamabad, PAKISTAN.
cool!! Thanks!
thanks for the lesson. It’s very helful
thanks for the lesson. It’s very helpful
thank u for givn lesons really this leson useful for me i aprritiate all teachers to gave their chances
You are a good teacher, thanks
Thanx! for the nice lecture!
hye pakistudent??
Thank you very much!
thanx a lot
Thanks for the useful vid.
I really appreciate it :)
your way teaching is amazing, realy interesting and so informative.
thanks a lot.
thank you!
Hi, I’m Ken from Thailand.
Thank you for ur vid. I appreciate u and ur team so much.
At first, I saw engVid from YOUTUBE.
Every vid is advantageous. Love u all…
By the way, could I ask sth for sure?
About ‘SEE’, I have heard using it in some situations like these.
1) See!!! u r so obstinate!
What is SEE in this sentence supposed to mean? Is it used to emphasize the behavior of the guy she mentioned?
2) To see a doctor.
Does it mean to visit a doctor?
According to two sentences above, ‘SEE’ isn’t relevant to vision, right?
So, shouldn’t count the word SEEs in these sentences as “a glance”? Because I think it seems to take a longer time.
Or what I’m talking about is out of the point u explained.
Help me pls, I’m quite confused.
Thanks in advance, Take care and God bless u. Bye-bye
Hi Ken,
Your English is good.
In my opinion both of you r right.
Just only look at other point.
Thanks for the lesson.
Best regards
education is very help me.. >_< thanks!!
she’s funny=]
Very useful lesson and very helpful site.
Thanks for sharing for free all these videos! :)
It is an excellent video. This topic was useful to me.
thanks for explaining this words.i was really interesting when i watch this video.
thanks for you and all teachers in this website .
I am really happy with your lessons. Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t agree with the explanation. Watch is only used with movement
many thanks maam!!!
thanks for mr and mrs
Thank you ;)
very goog lesson
first of all thanks to my teacher i found this lesson very interesting and i will never forget it
bava g
endless thanks are sent to this great teacher, I admire her movements and actting. you are a wonderful instructor.
abdulmalik alnoaman
now, very clear!!!!! watching your videos I feel so good and glad improving my knowledge . .
I had 100 points but couldnt watch lesssons.
I see you are from Turkey. Unfortunately the Turkish government blocks all YouTube videos, including engVid’s videos. You will need to find out how to watch YouTube using a proxy, and then you will be able to see our lessons.
I advised a Chinese girl to watch these videos.
She can open links like I sent before (there are many others), but these links do not work properly. She COULD open facebook (in China) using these links, yet the speed was too slow and she could not log in there. She could not open Youtube either.
Use software Like platinum IP Hide or whatever Software that can Hide our IP.Hope This will help.(just Google it)
thanks alot
essam ahmed
thank you very much
that was a good lesson, I love Ronnie
i am impressed!!! two thumbs up!! i want to download all the courses what should i do?
aayat khan....pakistan
This lesson was very helpful thank you, but I can’t find the quiz on the words live why? Is there one?…..
very helpful, thank you so much
elyas afghanistan
Dear Rickey, yes there is a quiz just below the movie screen, please try it as good as the lesson
elyas afghanistan
awesome ………. i like it
its really interesting… thanks my teacher..
Good!!! Hey, friends, why don’t you watch this lesson?
Thanks a lot, it is very interesting and enjoyable.
Useful Videos, Thanks a lot.
look at me now..1`m watching tv with my can see the tv on the table..
thanks..a lot for your helped..
what a nice lesson thanks alot
Thank you very much, for this valuable lesson. I really changed my understanding about how to use theses words ; look,see,and watch. After I sow your profitable video . wish from you to teach us more confusing words .
hey its is very good your are best in teaching
I have been seen your videos quite every day. It is very good and wonderful. It’s help me so much.
Congratulations and God bless you very much !
Mário Vieira de Oliveira
Look at me teacher, you are very good!
I saw and continues watch your videos every day !
Thank you, so much !
Mário Vieira de Oliveira
Thnaks a lot for updating me
thank you for these lessons and i learnt more practices
mr ahmed fahmy
Thank for the lesson.
Ronnie thanks for your valuable lessons which really have helped a lot of people around the world.i can’t describe here how grateful Iam to you,you know this is a good opportunity which you gave as,on top of that you are a wonderful teacher,undestandable,outgoing,and so on.please if it possible i woul like you to help me improving my english which is really not that bad and not also that good,it my sound really funny.but english is my second language and it is really quite difficult so please help me iam expecting your help i wish you the best.keep going
all my support
Hi Ronnie
thanks for your lesson. It is very easy to understand.ALL THE BEST.keep rocking.
Than you for teaching us, my question is What is different b/w Thanks & Thank you very much…. please give me answer quickly i am waiting for you answer
Thanks all lessons are very intresting.I first time see these kind of lessons.Really it,s amazing.
hey i have only one problem when i’m talking about something that happened in the past i don’t know when to say the verb without have Or the verb with have. for example i studied.
i have studied. i really want to know. please help me out please please please i’m really tired of trying to figure it out P.L.E.A.S.E
thanks a lot. The movie very good.
hoang v
Thank u a lot beloved sister
Thanks a lot. Very useful lesson.
sky smith
Thanks a lot for best detail. I hope to use them in the real time. I love ENGVID so much.
Ur site is really really good and very helpful..i watch everyday at least ten lessons… thank u so very much for helping people to learn and improve their english knowledge..
Thank you very much. It’s really helpful
Thank a lot for the great lession
very nice!!! thanks a lot
Hi my beautiful Runney you are the best of the best your lessons are excelent but i love you baby more then your lessons.Do you know why? because you very-very beautiful,just gorgeous,I love you baby write me please!!!!
Good Illustration….
I have never heard this earlier, even in my class. This is detailed lesson. One cannot forget the difference in these three words.
Please email me, whether I write correct english.
Regards and thanks for beautiful lessons.
Thanks for this kind of lessing
Ali joya
I love english..
English is fun :D
Thanks for this lesson,
i like this video
the website is benefit for me as im arabic man so the web will be teach me many lessons thank you alot you are awesome.
thank you very much your very nice
Thank you
thanks a lot …. you are very good teacher.
kosova- peja
very good.
ur too good in teaching, i like ur style
it is too good
thanks this lessons.
this side is very imported.i’m read this lesson daily and improve the english.
uo so gud teacher and ur teaching well.
hai ronnie i liked u r teaching style,its really funny.thank u.
I love the explanation of this lesson.
Hi Ronnie!
Thank you so much for the lesson. You are a very good teacher. God bless you and I wish you more success in the future.
Hi Ronnie! Great lesson! it helped a lot. I’d like to ask you if yu could do a video lesson about glare and stare cos i can’t use’em properly.
Thank you in advance
Superb!!!!!!Its very helpful….great teaching:)
Am so happy you are very good teacher
thank you
thanks alot
thx i like this
Great Job!
it was such nice lesson , i learned a lot . thanks for every thing.
Really nice niveo!Thanks
Really, you are a good teacher.
Thanks A Lot
thans from SLOVENIA you are great.
plz more information about that lesson thank u
Great!,I like this site.
now, i understand 3 words clearly. thanks
very nice ….thanq
no, english is not strange. but it needs some effort, that’s it.
wow ma’am you give me a great information about look,watch and see…..thannnnnnnnnnks
fantastic lesson…really you are great Ms.Rooney bcoz ur lesson was very simple and clear…
thank you teacher,with your well aproching you make us to be interesting to follow the lessons.
_____So interesting…
____________________I am learning with you!!!
it is so good and you are so nice thank you so much look at me how im so happy because i understood verrry good myyyyy teacher Ronnie
MOrad rezzoum
morad rezzoum
Ronnie is a very good helped me a lot.I liked so much. Great tips.
Take care of yourself
Agnaldo Novais
I love her teaching style. The way that she teaches, helps me to learn English better and easier. She is one of the best teachers in Canada. Best regards
Thank you
I love this teacher lessons.
MohammadSalem Rastagar
Thank you ……..
Since i found this site, i saw a great improvement in my english. however i belongs to persian speaking. Thanks engvid and all the staffs.
Thank you Ronnie, you are good teaching english.I like to see your english lessons a lot.
thank you ronnie ,
i love you !!
I’d like to thank you for this video. Today I have learnt new things that I was confusing for a long time about it.
thank you
thank you for lesson
very vivid lesson thank you Ronnie
thank you
I wish speak english easy until write very good for you.
Iwish good new year.
see you soon
aziz alshamari
The topic was great
Thank you! Your lessons are very-very good.
i thanful of u people
thanx dear for copration
Thanks a lot for the lesson . I love this teacher >
you did it well,Thanks a lot,love you
Thanks because the lesson is clear I really understood the differences between those words
Thnals teacher
Perfect! it´s a good test!!
I have interest in ” English essays ” competition. and i am sure that these good lessons will help me.
thank you, cool
hello. look perfectly I live in Odesa Ukraine.with the utmost pleasure I look your many as possible to know about your employments
I am not to sure what you mean about my employments! Do you mean do I have a job?…or are you offering me a job?
hello .as possible to systematize your lessons since beginning?
Ronnie, thank you very much for this useful informations! Each of your lessons are very interesting and informative!
thank you for this lesson it’s very very help God bless you.
thanks alot roonie you really giving your lessons professionally and i like your teaching way .please tell me how can i see your videos on net.
ohh really english is strange and this is the first time that iknow the differences between them ……. it’s a great lesson
The lesson I saw today was very helpful for me. Thanks a lot!
Its a good lesson
Thank you
thank you for teaching me
Thanks for this nice lesson. How can I be a good English speaker like you?
laila Al Haimd
Ronnie, you are best!!!
good :)
you are also good
Muhammad Sadiq
Hi, would you like to share msn or skype, for practice English?
Thank you so much :)
thank you Ronnie.
thanks for the best quiz ever Ronnie !
Thank you teacher
Sorry for being picky Ronnie, but why didn’t you use a question mark in the sentence did you see that car instead of exclamation points?
Thank you teacher
thank you so much for your lesson rennie..
I really enjoy the way you teach!!! Thanks a lot!
U are Amazing teacher :D..I really understand u …..thaaaaaaaaaaaanX miss Ronnie…
Thank you teacher for this lesson.
I am your fan, you´re fantastic teacher!! I luv it!
Luiz Fernando Pereira
very helpfull
Muhammad Sadiq
I like the way you teach, thanks
relly its usful site
you excellent teacher… thanks
thanks at all
I like to write with you I want to know you maybe we can be partner in future
I am an English teacher. Do you agree to be my friend?
Hadi@ 333
thank you Ronnie.
when I was watchig this video, I forgot to look at my watch, and I said my son hey !look at! this video it’s very intersting
thank you.
It was great lesson really I am not sure those 3words meaning when i spoke the people but know i feel comfortble. thanks Ronnie and see you again.
your a good teacher,keep up the good work…
hi!thank you…..
Thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!
hey! ronnie could you please teach us the difference of p and f sounds? I really appreciate it if will..
I will try to make a video for you!
Thank you Ronnie.
You’re an excellent teacher, in fact, one of the best I’ve ever seen.
Your teaching metod is brilliant.
Congratulations!!!! Thank you again!!!
thank you very much for the lesson, I have watched many of your videos, they are really helpful !
Im from Perú …You are a good teacher ¡¡¡¡ :) Im improving my english ¡¡¡ Yeah ¡¡¡ GOD BLESS YOU …ThankSss
Hello Ronnie….. This is me, Regina, from Philippines. You know, we learned a lot from you because of your excellent teaching and also, you’re entertaining. hehe.. tnx a lot and god bless you always….. and i also love this website.. =D
Thank you very much for good lesson,Ronnie.
You are excellent teacher.
thank you for a lesson
it’s really confusing
I score 100% that was a good lesson, good job Ronnie!
Hello dear teacher, Ronie.
I’m from Latvia. Your lessons were very useful for me. I would like to say to you very much a good words about your lessons, but I can not to express my thought very well yet. Thanks. Marie.
Thanks for watching!
Good luck!
Thanks a lot. she is good teacher.
thank you Ms ples if you can help me to studies english becuse i need to learn english and coming good
nasser al-fadi sultanat of oman
hello ms Ronnie are you?
which one is true???/
did you see that movie? or did you watch that movie???
thank alot
Both are great!
but ronnie,u say we use watch when we r conecentrating,so usually when we watch movie,we pay attention,then how we can use see?
See is only making eye contact for a short time – I see the bird. I see your mom at the park.
Thanks 4 lesson
Hi Ronnie, how are you? I’m not good in listening, but I’m happy because I could understand all what your said.
We need a video about “Look forward to verb/verb+ing”, I’m not able to understand how we can use to+ing!! Thank you very much.
You can never use to + verbing! You can only use to + base verb ( I go to ski) OR verb+ing (I go skiing)!
Hope that helps!
OK, I got it, but my doubt is about Look forward to __, and in this case I saw many examples using to+ing, I’m not saying that it is right, although we can find it, like in this example from The Washington Post: “I look forward to entering into a vote to gauge my colleagues”. Thank you
perfect question!
I would like her to explain this issue that seems to be used by only native speakers and “patterned” writers :)
In the case you are asking, to look forward to, this verb is like only a word, and that’s because the next verb is -ing. That exists some verbs followed by a preposition (as a main idea) and those can be followed by a -ing form, but only some of them. There is a list (I don’t know where you can find it), I have in my grammar book.
Ronnie it’s correct?
I’m used to getting into trouble.
I can’t get used driving on the left.
Dear Mam,
some time i have problem of helping verb. plz can u explain me about the help verb…..
thanks a lot for teaching me.
Thanks for your lesson. I am a beginner. You are a great teacher.
Thanks. Good luck!
I’m from Morocco and i’d like to thank you for this lesson, it’s very useful
you’re a very good teacher
i’m very glad to be your student
Hi There :) I hope I can shed a little light into why we use “see” (instead of “watch”) when it comes to movies we’d seen . Well, the reason mainly lies in the fact that when WATCHING a movie we pay attention to all the unnecessary details until we reach the final idea of the movie . Therefore after WATCHING the movie, we are fully acquainted with the point of the movie which then leaves us to narrate the movie in a shorter ,much more summarized way . Hence, ” I have seen the movie”
you are very good teacher. I want to know diffrence between can and could
Ronnie,you a very clever English teacher.I enjoy your videos very much.I hope you make many many more videos.
my best wishes
Thanks wonderful teacher….only 1 mistake in my test :((
thnxx u r the best tescher ^^
Hello,Ronnie!Thanks you for your lessons!I’m from Russia,and your’ lessons help me to study English very much…You are a good teacher…Sorry for the mistakes…
Really good stuff…
Muhammad Kareem Nakemel
Hi,Ronnie.Thankyou for teaching us English!!!
I want to ask that ”watch out” is just a short action, but why we use WATCH??? Thanks~
Watch out is a idiom. It means be careful!
One question about your comment:
You wrote “ a idiom”. Is it correct? I think, here we have to write an “an” article..
// I’m beginner, and I would appreciate if you correct possibly mistakes in my comment.
Thank you very much for your lessons.
Hello Ronnie that was a interesting class but tell me something about watch your head ???? or watch your step????? thanks …
Watch your head/step means be careful! Watch your head means don’t hit your head. Watch your step means don’t fall/trip.
Thanks for the Lesson.
Your Explanation is very clear.
I”ll use thise verbs correctly.
these not thise t’s the plural of this
Is this question correct?
I watched a movie yesterday?
So many thanks
Is this incorrect?
I watched a film yesterday?
It is strange to ask yourself a question – but yes you can say I watched a film/movie yesterday?
Can I use informal English in exams?
for example, when writing a paragraph:
I went to the beach and saw a guy.He was beefy.
hahaha If I was your teacher, I would give you top marks…..but unfortunately, I am not your teacher and most teachers do accept informal English in exams. Best to ask your teacher!
hello ronie
I’m pleusure your teach so thank you very much. Iwant to imrove my english. how take privatee lesson from you. please give to me details. wishes best all you
mahmut kırmızıçiçek
The only private lessons I have are if you live in Toronto!!
Hi, I am getting confused when I had read this reply.
you are saying. if I was you… but. Is that correct? or it would be: If I were you….
thanks for your help Ms.
We SAY “If I were you”. Grammatically, it should be if I was you….but we usually ignore grammar rules when we speak!
Thanks so much, for this class. Yes, English is so strange.
Thanks,I have a question and its not related to the subject of this lesson,Which of The Following Answers is correct:
i didnt Watched that Movie yet
I haven’t Watched that Movie Yet
Aspecial thanks to group teachers,here i could like to thank Ronnie or this great lesson that have been always so much confused to me, and i never coulf figure out how to distinguish between these there words,Look,See,and watch. now,i can tell that i learn it the easiest way. thanks again.
very good teacher, good method for explaination
Tks. Ronnie
Thanks alots
Henry Wilson
Hi Theacher, I am interented in the private leesson for skype , give information please ,thanks
Gabriel Ramos
hello, i am salah could you do me a favour please I want you to make a video for us about the uses of tenses. i will appreciate that .
Thank you teacher for the lesson.
thank you .you have a good way for teaching and your sound hs pure.
lateef kadhim
Many thanks for your lesson.I didn’t know where I should use “see” and “look”.
I appriciate you.
Maryam Neza
I like these lessons with Ronnie. I am studying english with a particular teacher and I want to improve my english as fast possible. This is to find a job, because I don´t work right now.
Rodolfo Panduro
hye ronnie,I am simran,AND i learnt alot from ur videos,hey dear which sentence is more suitable,I M WATCHING U,OR I M SEEING U!
I’m watching you!!
Thnku so much,is this is right to say,he is looking at me
I really enjoy your English class. thanks a million times for your excellent teaching.
Thanks for the lessons, the teachers are wonderful!
Bye for now!
watch out roni!!!
Thanks are a great teacher! You see, i took the quiz after watching you. my score is five out of five..Wow..amazing, i can’t beleive myself..Thanks million..
Shing Mang Tun
thank you
Thank you very much
it’s very helpfull.
very nice lesson. your way to convey the english is very easy. I learn alot
Did you see that car? OR have you seen that car?
could you please tell me Which one is correct and why?
Great lesson!!!!!!
The lesson that I saw so very helpful for me.Thank you verymuch !
Hari Widodo
my favorite teacher!!!!
Hi Ronnie
The world needs more teachers like that. It’s very helpfull.
thanks for this lesson.she is agood teacher
Right,English is so strange language!So many exceptions here!I guess, we need 100 years to learn it…)
Thanks, useful course
Hi.Ms Ronnie, thank you for your lessons, they are very powerful, i would like if you could make us a video concerning the use and some examples of these words: whether, if, either, neither, nor, ever, even, too, never, already, rather than, also, so, as well, such. Thank you again.
if see is used for something that is not going to stay in front of you for a long time why do we say: “I saw a movie, yesterday” it´s for the tense?
waiting for your answer please! thanks :)
Yes, you can say I saw a movie/I watched a movie!!!!
I like the way you teach, Ronnie. Thanks!
Thanks for the lesson……………..
Great work by a Great Teacher, Thanks
Thanks 4 the lesson
Really nice and great Teacher Ronnie. Thanks a lot. Do you ever been visited the Philippine?
No, I’ve never visited the Philippines, but I’d love to!!!!!
thanks alot for this benefit lesson.can I know where are you from? because your accent is really wanderful!
I am from Canada.
hi ronnie,how are you?i want to know that if we pass from someone ,we say watch it .what is that mean
“Watch it” when we pass someone means “be careful”.
Could you speak at your lessons about the words “wood ,forest,smell and taste
it was very good for me , your teaching method is excelent and brilliant also you are very lovely.
Thank you
Thank you for sharing your knowledge about see,look and watch.It’s really helpful.
good Lessons……….thanks to all teachers
Thank so much for your English lessons
Hi Ronnie, congratulations for another great lesson, you are a very good and funny teacher. I would like you to explain the difference that the word “SPOT” has from those three.
Look and See could be used interchangeably when we say: Look! you broke it/ see! you broke it.
Am I right?
fawad hasan
Thank you very much.It was intresting and very useful for mee,becouse I learn english very давно and everysing forget)
hi my tetchier how are you to day ?
i wish you have good day
i saw your lesson it is very simply explain i love your method . please help me i love English but i need someone like you help me (ronnie) i want be ( the best among the rest ) when i cant speck English i feeling so sad . please reply . i wait your answer on my personal email . thanks
our love to my tetchier . you are very funny . i like your charisma .
If you can talk to native speakers do so! This will help your English ability! Good luck!!!
Hello my besssssssst teacher Ronnie! I hope you’re doing well.I just want to tell you that i was WATCHING this movie carefuly,SEING your amazing movements and LOOKING AT your wonderful smile.
Thank you so much for this lesson,i’m improving my english due to your important explanations!
Thank you very much because today I learned a lot.
Eddy Auguste
Hi Ronnie, thanks for these useful lessons.
I am in doubt about words (aim, goal and target)
Do they have same meaning?
Yes, they all can mean something you wish to achieve!. But….goal we can also use in football/sports. Target we can also use in shooting. Aim is a verb and a noun!
thanks ronnie
Thank you for the lesson.It will help me a lot.I need your help to improve my English grammar.
sweta patnaik
thanhs alot
it is very help full
What a nice style of teaching. I never forget your lecture.
Thank you
Hi Ronnie! Thanks for the lesson. Would you explain to us the difference between “moment”, “instant” and “twinkling”. Take care!
Ok, I will try.
thank you very much
Thanks a lot Ms.Ronnie
Thanks Ronnie! Best regards!
thanks ronnie could you tell me how can we differentiate word SEE and LOOK? as you mention both are for short time. for example:- look him… or see him…?
Look AT him. When we use look + sub we need to use at!!!
Do you see him? When we use see + sub you don`t need a preposition!
very good.
Simple and clear!!! Thanks Ronnie!
hey, we have the same thing in Arabic
أشاهد== Watch
أرى == see
أنظر == look
Thanks for taking this English quiz! Your score: 100.00 You got 5 correct out of 5.
Thanks to Ronnie and all teacher here….mu English is improving.
Thanks a lot.You are very dear teacher!!!
I realy love u Ronnie.
:) :) :)
Have nice day.
And thanks for your excelents and funny clases.
Hugs & kises
Thanks Ronnie. I got problem with those verbs how I use them but I can use them now.
Thanks Ronnie,it has been very confusing before I WATCHED this video.
Ronnie, Thank you very much for this wonderful tips. could you help me solve my this Wh-question-‘What’ and ‘Which’ I am bit confused on them-
1.What class do you read in? or
2.In what class do you read? or
3.Which class do you read in? or
4.In which class do you read?
Please tell me which of these is the correct question. I am looking forward to your precious reply.
All of these are correcT!
Hi Ronnie, is this correct to ask?
What class do you read in?
Hello :)
I saw a new film on TV last night.
Was it correctly ?????
Yes, that is correct.
thank you. Very nice. Easy to understand but most important clear.
could u please explain me how to use the words in spite of , hence and thus..
i’m enjoying your classes
Thanks a lot
In spite of = even though. We use it to show that something is surprising, based on another fact! She did not lose weight in spite of exercising for 2 hours everyday.
Hence and thus are used interchangeably, however according to the rules of grammar they are different. Hence should indicate future use – such as “Hence we will proceed as described.”
Thus should indicate the past in its usage, or to indicate a conclusion, such as, “The British and American troops fought to a standstill, thus no winner was declared.”
i can now look , see and wath correctly ;) thank’s Ronnie
You are very good Teacher! What a pitty you live in Toronto and not in São Paulo.
Hey Ronnie, please don’t be so sweet while teaching, it make your students Love You. lol
Take Care,
thanks a lot miss ……..i really improve my English through your lessons miss ….miss could you like to tell me about ….is this sentence is correct …….. i saw his hat but i did not see her gloves . please tell me miss.?
I saw his hat, but I did not see her gloves. Yes, that is correct!
it was amazing !! thank you so much teacher Ronne.
mustafa moussa
What can I say if I stare my watch for a long time?
(I’m watching my watch)
(I’m looking at my watch)
Thank you so much Ronnie, You’re the Best!
I’m looking at my watch. Watching we use for people or things that move.
Thank you a lot!!!
Thank you…………
ahmad K.S.A.
Hello ,Ronnie.great job. I have a question, which is correct,I am seeing Ann tomorrow,or I’ll see Ann tomorrow.I’ve heard that see (this verb) doesn’t use in continuous tense, but I came across at once sentence(I am seeing her) and I was confused. which is correct.Please answer me. Also I wonder ” always” this word, can I use it in continuous tense as well? ex. I am always losing things?
Thanks alot. i saw your benefit video .and i will watch another video for you
Abu Obada
Ronnie is great – I will be sharing her videos to my Spanish friend! :D Thank you. Keep making your videos both interesting and funny ;)
thank you very much.may God bless you
Thanks ronnie
your lesson is very good, it help me so much. and I can hear you very clearly. thank you!
I got 5 correct out of 5.
Good Start !!!
thank u..very informative
I love her
she is very good and funny teacher
I understand easier and it is not boring !!!
also I understand her accent because she speaks slowly.
she writes very thing on the whiteboard and gives goods exemple
for me she is PERFECT !!!!!
Hi Ronnie. Your lessons are great. I have a doubt: when you go to the theater, or to a concert, is it correct to say: I saw a play or a concert yestarday or I watched a play or a concert yesterday? Thank you so much in advance.
I would naturally say I saw a concert/play!
Hi Ronnie, For me you are very friendly. I like you. But you know, my listening is bad. Anyway, I know you explain clearly, thank a lot. Reaqlly I like every teacher of engVid, but you are friendly, also your voice is impressed.
Samrid Komkhum
Ronnie: hi, thanks so very much for your quick or fast (which is the difference, by the way) answer. Greetings from Chile (a beuatiful country, like yours)
beautiful, sorry
niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice roonie
wow thanks for the lesson, its was very clear!!
now i know how to use WATCH, SEE, LOOK. Thanks Ronnie
thanks for your good support and i promise to you that i will be the better speaker with your help
thanks a lot
Amit Indian
Can u plz explain me y we say tht
“Go and see the doctor”?? If ‘”see” is a quick glance then most of the time when we r talking abt doctors we used ‘see’
Or we should say “go and visit the doctor”??
See we use as visit in this case, it is slang!
thank you for the lesson.It helped me a lot.
Ronnie ur the best teacher on EngVid
Thank you for the lesson.I’m very clearly now how to use the verb.
what a hell is bitchy
Look in a dictionary!
Bitch= whore, slut, she-dog as noun;
Bitchy is just the adjctive of the noun, i.e who has the quality of a bitch. I hope I have helped. hugs
jorge luiz
your lessons are so good and they are so clear
good morning Ms. I would like to know how to pronounce “d” in regulars verbs. e.g. liked, worked, danced…
thank you ever so much. You’re a great teacher and keep up the good work
There are already lessons on the site for that….search “regular ed verbs”.
regular*** so sorry
Ronnie, my name’s Sidnei, I’m from Brazil. I love your lessons.
Literally , that’s a great lecture.
Akram Malik
Ronnie, I understand your lesson without to do a lot of effort. Very nice. congratulation.
Hi! I’m brazilian and I’m learning English. I just love English and you’re funny and good teaching it. But, I have to say, this lesson was a little confusing. I already know the meaning of this words and the way you did it was not didatic.
But you’re great anyway and I’ll keep watching you! Thanks.
I just saw a lot of mistakes in my text kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
I’m sorry.
it’s ok but in the quize i’ve made a mistake
GREAT !!! Thank you
great!!! Ronnie
I love so much, you are very good teacher.
That really helps a lot. Thanks Ronnie!
Another amazing lesson by you Ronnie :) Ronnie could you please explain me what do common expressions such as ~ here we go, here you go, there you are mean ? Could you do up a video for such expressions ?
Thanks xx
Sending you immense love and light :)
Here we go = We are starting.
Here you go = I am giving you something and you will take it.
There you are= I was looking for you and I found you OR I gave you something and I am saying “here – have this”.
thank you ronnie.your lessons are understandable
Thank you ronnie , u simply superv u teach english so easily,& understandable . I like you .
Hey Ronnie, Thanks for your lesson. But I’ve a question for a long time about the words “See” and “Show”. Suppose I’m a patient and I’ve to meet with a doctor. So, what would be the correct sentence using “see” or “show” as below- 1) I have to show a doctor. 2) I have to see a doctor.
2 is correct. I have to see a doctor. Show means to display something. See = meet.
You can say “I have to show a doctor my leg”.
Thanks Ronnie for your reply.
Thanks Ronnie for your reply.
thanks a lot!!! ^^ like u so much
Thank you Miss Rone I like your teaching and the way you are use to understanding people
Now I knew it, how to look, see and watch. Thank you for this lesson.
Another excellent video.
it is awesome.
thank you very much. Ronnie
when you said ” after seeinghis video ” i was like what!! but then u showed up agian :P
sulav khadka
thanks miss ronnie i enjoyed this video are cute…
Look = you can’t to say ” I lookd tv ” because word “look” mean “to bring to your attention” and of course if you pay attention to the human visual object is then the person should see his eyes
Ronnie is in the example can be seen clearly: Look at me (bring to your attention on me,I’m looking for nice clothes, I sharpen my attention. )
see = means your ability to not only see physically, but also to notice that two people can look at one and the same thing, such as a picture of holography, but one of the people see the other does not.
Respectively If I ask you : do you see that car ? I mean, do you have noticed this car? (What a beautiful , or faster car, that something special that is not visible at first glance)
watch= to send their views on what attracts the eye for a long time and requires visual concentration also mental findings, the study, the counting, logical conclusion,
in the present time I watch TV, (and make logical conclusions, study)
When I finished I said: I saw this movie (I’ve already made the logical conclusion and emphasize the visual effect of a fact, I saw)
hi dear roonie, thans very much for the lessons, it is very helpful, id like to ask u to arrange a special lesson that speaks about the different types of expression technics,that would be great.
thnx our teacher
Thanks teacher. You’re wonderful.
thanks teacher,Ronnie
Hi Ronni, I cann’t find lesson on rain/ How to say when:
It starts rain, it is raining, it stoped rain.For examle^ Yesteday it started rain at 5 pm and it stoped rain at 19 pm. It was heavy rain.
All expressions with rain???
Thanks Ronnie. and funny postscript.
thanks Ronnie nice lesson ……
thank you very much teacher Ronn. you are a big help to us.
lorrien segarra
hi Ronnie,
do you have any video such as (any,some,much)
Teacher, Thanks very much. God bless you. Expecting more helps in future.
By one of your student from India
if i say ” ohh you saw that car!
can i say ?
thanks for your lesson. It’s helpful. I love it.
Hi. I’m looking for some information about pronouns. Of course we use he/she/it for man/woman/thing. However what if I don’t know sex (eg newborn) or if I say generally (eg everyone) ? It’s very confusing for me.
Mr Mistake
The short answer: use “they”, with the plural form of the verb.
If anyone has questions, they can ask me after class.
A customer wrote to me. They don't know how to work the machine.
how can i say about seeing a friend or someone ?
1. i saw her yesterday.
2. i met her yesterday.
or any better word ? please explain
thank you
it was really helpfull for me!!!!i really enjoy how you teach!!!!
Teacher, Can i ask this question: Did you look that car?
thanks a lot…this is great…
Thank you very much for the lesson <3
Thank you.
Which is correct?
to warn some body
Look out
watch out
Either is correct! However, if it is an emergency, you should probably just push them out of the way.
engVid Moderator
all your lessons are really fruitfull
Hi teacher Ronnie, i’ve just watched the video about SEE, LOOK and WATCH and i got 5 correct out of 5. what do you think of my learning?
Tony Espanto
Really ; you’re very very very Amazing and cute you’re My grand sister for me I like U ..
Hi Ronnie, I’m from India and would like to ask you a question that when should we use “seeing” and “having”? :)
Waiting for your Reply!!!!!!!!!!!
Have = to possess.
See = to look.
Hello Ronnie,
Thanks for your reply but i’m confused because you didn’t elaborate the uses of “ing” form with “see” and “have” and where we have to use these “ing” form. So kindly do the needful for me.
thanks for this lesson ronnie!
you’re very nice and happy!
i’ve a question
i’m don’t understand ,for look , “command” what does this word mean?
Command = order. You tell someone to do something.
ok thanks very well :)
Hi, It seems that you are too busy with your rest of students so thanks for your ignorance. :))
Thank you ronnie, i learn more from this video
very nice teacher!
thank you very much for this lesson
Ajantha Handagama
I enjoy to watch your videos.
Hi Ronnie! while i was watchig the vid lesson i realized that u looked so pretty also i saw u did not mention anythig about how come people say watch out that expretion doesn’t mean that someone have to becareful for a long time am i right, dear Ronnie? correct me plz if i am wrong. Take care gurl
Watch out is only for a short moment! You are correct!
Hi! how r u ronnie! mam..miss u lot..
thanks my teacher you are the best
thanks , :) is very helpfuls yours vidieos, my english is so bad :S
Thank a teacher *_*
thanx for the lesson :)
Have you seen the movie?
Have you watched the movie?
thank Ronnie you that was so helpful! :D
I think I got it!!! 100% just because you gave the point of “short time”… trying to understand the difference for years and you did it in just 5 minutes. Brilliant Ronnie. Thanks
great after lot effort I got what I deserved yes 10 of 10 thanks roonie. however im exciting to watch more fantastic lesson.
I have a doubt ma’am,can u help me? I’m (seeing a newspaper) or (watching a newspaper)
Reading a newspaper!
engVid Moderator
Very good. I had doubts about it.
Thank you!
i got 10 outta 10…you are doin’ good job.keep it up mam Ronnie.Best of luck!
Thank you a lot for teaching ;) I am started being hooked on this website
thank you
I always confused between these words
The lesson about the way to use them was very clear for me. Thanks
i think i still don’t really understand about see and look at. i got 2 wrongs from the quiz :(
you are awesome , I like to watch your videos
Thanks ….
I usualy surprised by your way to teach ; you are a very good teacher thanks
Really I appreciate what you did Ronnie. Thanks a lot
she is a very good teacher ….. thanks
Ronnie I like the manner that you teach…For me It’s easy understand. Thanks.
teacher ronnie! thank u so much , u’r my fav. teacher ever =)) i want to learn print past future tense , ( eat ate eaten ) like that pls plsss
Thank you
i’am about to do my upcoming toeic i have some questions that confuse me. could you give me some tips to practice my E for the exam ;
Thanks Ronnie.
Dear Ronnie I want You to explain me what are the difference between SHOULD,HAVE TO and MUST,please!!!
Raulo Chavez
My cute teacher, could you tell me about the difference between *looks like and seems like* My regards at you, thanks
Thanks, for the lesson
Thanks a lot Ronnie, you are a wonderful teacher.
Thank u!could u help me with this.please
1)I saw professor ENTER the lab.(why not entered)
2)I saw Mary CROSSING the street.(why not crossed)
“I watch a TV and I am looking at TV’s watch” Is that correct?
I got 5/5! thanks Ronnie
Thanks Ronnie
Many thanks for this video, it was very useful for me.
How can I understand If I go to the supermarket, and I just want to compare the prices . How could I say:
I watch the price…
I look the price..
I see the price…
Please answer to me, normally if you can.
By the way, thanks for this great lesson…
Ronnie I like your classes very much. You are a great teacher.
thanks a lot it is very helpful
Hany Fathy Tohamy
I have greatly enjoyed this site. Thanks Ronnie …
That is wonderful.
Very useful lesson, I was don’t know which the different between these word. But now I understanding, So Thank you a lot Ronnie. And I wish study with you at skype, If you have chance.
Qtr Net
Thank u a lot
Thanks a lot for the lesson .
Thanks a lot ronnie
i have a problem with the bonus question,i answered “see” because logically the wath is on move,secondes,minutes.. are in move like car….
thank you for all :)
thank you Ronnie, is very interesting this lesson.
Hi!! Ronnie, I don’t know how to use these verbs ( VI , VT , LV )they are verbs but what is the difference , So i want you to teach about these verbs ( VI , VT ,LV )plese…..
Thank You Ronni.
You are best teacher ever.
thanks Ronnie, Good job, I like learn English with you. (Maybe is no correct in english but I gonna to say “from you”).
Hi! teacher I like your way of explaining
thank you
How about ‘Peek’?
thanks ronnie
but i still want a new lesson
what the difference between for,to, of
You are nice teacher
thank you
the best teacher
i like ronni
Good job.. so clearly.
Very good Ronnie!!
RONNIE; I LOVE YOUR WAY OF TEACHING ENGLISH! … I got 5 out of 5: I’m happy, because this topic is a bit easy, at the same time it confuses me sometimes!…
I have more problems, using these verbs in real contexts and when I notice there are other options: To . . . : See, Watch, Look at … And together with To . . . : Look through, Glance at, Glimpse at, Observe, Eye, View, Gaze, Stare, etc. Thanks in advance ! …. My best wishes for you from the Caribbean coast of Colombia, South America!
Great! Thanks so much
Thanks for the lesson.
Thanks so much,
The difference between look-see-watch …. very very interesting … now it’s simple! Thanks teacher!
Hello dear teacher great lesson . I am a new in this site plz help me how I use this site and learn something from this site I want drop my email address tell me also my this site friends thanks this is my email address . thanks
Khyber shaheed
Thank you kindly! You are really professional with a great capability for helping to master English. And this lesson also was certainly useful.
Yours sincerely
when i look at my girlfriend i watching her smile at me
thank a lot.. your lesson is easy for understanding
Hi Ronnie!
You are a very funny teacher and I love happy peopl like you. And also I love your way to teaching.
Thanks a lot for this useful lesson!
See you next video/lesson! ;)
Iremar Gomes dos Santos
hlo mam
i got 5/5 but i need more practices.make some more lesson for us.
Thank you dear teacher
Ok, thank you a lot Ronnie. That lesson was very useful. I’m so grateful!
cleonir gomes
Did you see her?
She’s good looking…
I love to watch her videos!
I want more exercise.
Thank you Ronnie. After listening to your lesson
I feel confident in using those three verbs correctly, at least I think.
Chetta Rella
Ronnie Helo…are you busy? Please, why you said .. if seeing this video .. now I am confused.
The quiz is wrong. The last question. I chose See, but this put Look in my results :(
Thank you, Ronnie
Sunny Muffin
i got the quiz 60% not bad thank you my teacher Ronnie
Farah Mohamud
Thank you so much Ma’m,I love the way you teach.
Sarita Thakur
YOU are a great teacher
Thank you :)
Ronnie is really a good teacher. In my opinion is the best of Engvid. Congratulation for the god job, Ronnie!
You got 4 correct out of 5.
M kartal
She is active teacher
Hi Ronnie thanks for your are great teacher.
Thaung tan
Thanks a lot.
Thank you Ms. Ronnie.
al willis
Great explanation, before your explanation these verbs meant the same for me. Thanks a lot Ronnie.
Thank you Ronnie, I completely understood the lesson
A very thankful for your outstanding lesson mam!It’s very useful,more explain every lesson with great fluency and great have explained with a great joy and more fun.I really love your lesson as always.I watch every lesson what you taught.I wonder about that the way of you teach.
Thank you so much, Ronnie.
3/5! I made two mistakes! Look at the clothes, I can’t understand. The second false is Look at the watch.
Learn English for free with 2158 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thanks for the lesson.
yes she is good teacher
I went lean English language on Skype , my skype I.D, abdul.hafeez466
my mobilno:923062105665
Bless you, Ronnie.
You are the best teacher in the world. Thanks a lot.
Look is to find something- look around
See is for when your eyes detect an existing object.
Watch when you are looking something in a motion state.
It’s very good for to learn english! Thanks teacher Ronnie!
hi ronnie u r a very good teacher.
we see engvid
Thanks for the lesson. It’s very helpful.
The lesson I saw today was very useful for me. Thanks a lot!
Thank you, it was interesting lesson!
Thank you , for lesson
Thank You! It is very useful.
Thanks , now I see …….:)
Thanks a lot.
Your explanation is so clear. I’ll use thise verbs correctly.
Thank you, this exercise is pretty helpful and next time i won’t miss any.
Look at me! Are you see me ? I am watching free english video lessonc in
Thanks alot
Lessons not Lessonc
let him. his pleasure……………..
u know? u cute haha
Thanks a lot 2 all the teacher they’re doing their job very well and they are providing us very good information about the English i really appreciate 2 all of u i,m gaining my knowledge about just because of u guys .
iam from pakistan, pakistani students is very intelligent in the world…. iam from sindh lovely sindh beautiful sindh
are you crazy
i agree with you because i am also pakistani from sindh we proud to be sindhi have a nice time
hey,,,guys there is no sindhi,no phatan,no punjabi,no baloch out of our country we all are the same Pakistani…i am proud to be Pakistani…i think you are kids..take care next time..and thank you to teacher,she is teaching very well…God bless her
thanks alot
It was amazing! I don’t know how to thank you!
Thank you so much!
I will use the verbs look, see and watch correctly. I stand corrected.
hi thanks too much for the best lessons that ihave found it in net .thanks again for the good presentations.that because its seen easiest for the second tonque of the english language to understand ihope the most english speaker been like that.
GREAT !!! Thank you , Thank you Thank you !
thanks for the lesson.. you are a very good teacher ;)
Greetings from Chile
Hi Theacher, I am interented in the private leesson for skype , give information please ,thanks
Could you give as a lesson like this one you gave as about :
many Thanks!
Hi teacher ronnie, can i request a lesson? bout the connectors? like the, of..etc..
Please make a video about “high”, “hight” and “tall”,
thank you.
Could you say please? when we talk about past event about T.V
what we can say I saw T.V or I watched T.v?
Sher Bahader Khan Mashreqi
I watched TV!
Hi ronnnie on what channel you see
I watched your video and it was helpful, tnx
Thank you,
The way you teach is so nice and good,i can understand each and every sentence,I Appreciate that.
happy berday
my happy
good job
hello Ronnie. Thanks for teaching.))))))))))))))))))))))
I want to improve my English skills.
Could you help me to do that?
Please contact me with skype: aggrodietrich
thx alot ..
Thank you first for your teaching way
hihihi,i am from pakistan.your teaching method is friendly.thank you for your all help.god bless you.
Thanks a lot Ronnie
you’re great and lovely ^^
hye all, and ronnie?? can i enjoy with you all?
thank you so much..this lesson will help me a lot!! Can you give us some points of teaching demo for junior high school. Thank you in advance.
thank you
you’re really amazing
hye all, and ronnie?? can i enjoy with you all?
hye all, and ronnie?? can i enjoy with you all?
and how are you?
thanks for the lesson… simply great
thanks for teh lesson, u are a great teacher:) keep it up thanks again
hye hossein..
thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank you
thank you bouchra
i am much happy to improve my English critical thinking.
Special Thanks for Teachers to make this video.
Attiq ur Rehman
Islamabad, PAKISTAN.
cool!! Thanks!
thanks for the lesson. It’s very helful
thanks for the lesson. It’s very helpful
thank u for givn lesons really this leson useful for me i aprritiate all teachers to gave their chances
You are a good teacher, thanks
Thanx! for the nice lecture!
hye pakistudent??
Thank you very much!
thanx a lot
Thanks for the useful vid.
I really appreciate it :)
your way teaching is amazing, realy interesting and so informative.
thanks a lot.
thank you!
Hi, I’m Ken from Thailand.
Thank you for ur vid. I appreciate u and ur team so much.
At first, I saw engVid from YOUTUBE.
Every vid is advantageous. Love u all…
By the way, could I ask sth for sure?
About ‘SEE’, I have heard using it in some situations like these.
1) See!!! u r so obstinate!
What is SEE in this sentence supposed to mean? Is it used to emphasize the behavior of the guy she mentioned?
2) To see a doctor.
Does it mean to visit a doctor?
According to two sentences above, ‘SEE’ isn’t relevant to vision, right?
So, shouldn’t count the word SEEs in these sentences as “a glance”? Because I think it seems to take a longer time.
Or what I’m talking about is out of the point u explained.
Help me pls, I’m quite confused.
Thanks in advance, Take care and God bless u. Bye-bye
Hi Ken,
Your English is good.
In my opinion both of you r right.
Just only look at other point.
Thanks for the lesson.
Best regards
education is very help me.. >_< thanks!!
she’s funny=]
Very useful lesson and very helpful site.
Thanks for sharing for free all these videos! :)
It is an excellent video. This topic was useful to me.
thanks for explaining this words.i was really interesting when i watch this video.
thanks for you and all teachers in this website .
I am really happy with your lessons. Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t agree with the explanation. Watch is only used with movement
many thanks maam!!!
thanks for mr and mrs
Thank you ;)
very goog lesson
first of all thanks to my teacher i found this lesson very interesting and i will never forget it
endless thanks are sent to this great teacher, I admire her movements and actting. you are a wonderful instructor.
now, very clear!!!!! watching your videos I feel so good and glad improving my knowledge . .
I had 100 points but couldnt watch lesssons.
I see you are from Turkey. Unfortunately the Turkish government blocks all YouTube videos, including engVid’s videos. You will need to find out how to watch YouTube using a proxy, and then you will be able to see our lessons.
Thanks for the recommendation!
There is a problem.
I advised a Chinese girl to watch these videos.
She can open links like I sent before (there are many others), but these links do not work properly. She COULD open facebook (in China) using these links, yet the speed was too slow and she could not log in there. She could not open Youtube either.
Use software Like platinum IP Hide or whatever Software that can Hide our IP.Hope This will help.(just Google it)
thanks alot
thank you very much
that was a good lesson, I love Ronnie
i am impressed!!! two thumbs up!! i want to download all the courses what should i do?
This lesson was very helpful thank you, but I can’t find the quiz on the words live why? Is there one?…..
very helpful, thank you so much
Dear Rickey, yes there is a quiz just below the movie screen, please try it as good as the lesson
awesome ………. i like it
its really interesting… thanks my teacher..
Good!!! Hey, friends, why don’t you watch this lesson?
Thanks a lot, it is very interesting and enjoyable.
Useful Videos, Thanks a lot.
look at me now..1`m watching tv with my can see the tv on the table..
thanks..a lot for your helped..
what a nice lesson thanks alot
Thank you very much, for this valuable lesson. I really changed my understanding about how to use theses words ; look,see,and watch. After I sow your profitable video . wish from you to teach us more confusing words .
hey its is very good your are best in teaching
I have been seen your videos quite every day. It is very good and wonderful. It’s help me so much.
Congratulations and God bless you very much !
Look at me teacher, you are very good!
I saw and continues watch your videos every day !
Thank you, so much !
Thnaks a lot for updating me
thank you for these lessons and i learnt more practices
Thank for the lesson.
Ronnie thanks for your valuable lessons which really have helped a lot of people around the world.i can’t describe here how grateful Iam to you,you know this is a good opportunity which you gave as,on top of that you are a wonderful teacher,undestandable,outgoing,and so on.please if it possible i woul like you to help me improving my english which is really not that bad and not also that good,it my sound really funny.but english is my second language and it is really quite difficult so please help me iam expecting your help i wish you the best.keep going
all my support
Hi Ronnie
thanks for your lesson. It is very easy to understand.ALL THE BEST.keep rocking.
Than you for teaching us, my question is What is different b/w Thanks & Thank you very much…. please give me answer quickly i am waiting for you answer
Thanks all lessons are very intresting.I first time see these kind of lessons.Really it,s amazing.
hey i have only one problem when i’m talking about something that happened in the past i don’t know when to say the verb without have Or the verb with have. for example i studied.
i have studied. i really want to know. please help me out please please please i’m really tired of trying to figure it out P.L.E.A.S.E
thanks a lot. The movie very good.
Thank u a lot beloved sister
Thanks a lot. Very useful lesson.
Thanks a lot for best detail. I hope to use them in the real time. I love ENGVID so much.
Ur site is really really good and very helpful..i watch everyday at least ten lessons… thank u so very much for helping people to learn and improve their english knowledge..
Thank you very much. It’s really helpful
Thank a lot for the great lession
very nice!!! thanks a lot
Hi my beautiful Runney you are the best of the best your lessons are excelent but i love you baby more then your lessons.Do you know why? because you very-very beautiful,just gorgeous,I love you baby write me please!!!!
Good Illustration….
I have never heard this earlier, even in my class. This is detailed lesson. One cannot forget the difference in these three words.
Please email me, whether I write correct english.
Regards and thanks for beautiful lessons.
Thanks for this kind of lessing
I love english..
English is fun :D
Thanks for this lesson,
i like this video
the website is benefit for me as im arabic man so the web will be teach me many lessons thank you alot you are awesome.
thank you very much your very nice
Thank you
thanks a lot …. you are very good teacher.
very good.
ur too good in teaching, i like ur style
it is too good
thanks this lessons.
this side is very imported.i’m read this lesson daily and improve the english.
uo so gud teacher and ur teaching well.
hai ronnie i liked u r teaching style,its really funny.thank u.
I love the explanation of this lesson.
Hi Ronnie!
Thank you so much for the lesson. You are a very good teacher. God bless you and I wish you more success in the future.
Hi Ronnie! Great lesson! it helped a lot. I’d like to ask you if yu could do a video lesson about glare and stare cos i can’t use’em properly.
Thank you in advance
Superb!!!!!!Its very helpful….great teaching:)
Am so happy you are very good teacher
thank you
thanks alot
thx i like this
Great Job!
it was such nice lesson , i learned a lot . thanks for every thing.
Really nice niveo!Thanks
Really, you are a good teacher.
Thanks A Lot
thans from SLOVENIA you are great.
plz more information about that lesson thank u
Great!,I like this site.
now, i understand 3 words clearly. thanks
very nice ….thanq
no, english is not strange. but it needs some effort, that’s it.
wow ma’am you give me a great information about look,watch and see…..thannnnnnnnnnks
fantastic lesson…really you are great Ms.Rooney bcoz ur lesson was very simple and clear…
thank you teacher,with your well aproching you make us to be interesting to follow the lessons.
_____So interesting…
____________________I am learning with you!!!
it is so good and you are so nice thank you so much look at me how im so happy because i understood verrry good myyyyy teacher Ronnie
MOrad rezzoum
Ronnie is a very good helped me a lot.I liked so much. Great tips.
Take care of yourself
I love her teaching style. The way that she teaches, helps me to learn English better and easier. She is one of the best teachers in Canada. Best regards
Thank you
I love this teacher lessons.
Thank you ……..
Since i found this site, i saw a great improvement in my english. however i belongs to persian speaking. Thanks engvid and all the staffs.
Thank you Ronnie, you are good teaching english.I like to see your english lessons a lot.
thank you ronnie ,
i love you !!
I’d like to thank you for this video. Today I have learnt new things that I was confusing for a long time about it.
thank you
thank you for lesson
very vivid lesson thank you Ronnie
thank you
I wish speak english easy until write very good for you.
Iwish good new year.
see you soon
The topic was great
Thank you! Your lessons are very-very good.
i thanful of u people
thanx dear for copration
Thanks a lot for the lesson . I love this teacher >
you did it well,Thanks a lot,love you
Thanks because the lesson is clear I really understood the differences between those words
Thnals teacher
Perfect! it´s a good test!!
I have interest in ” English essays ” competition. and i am sure that these good lessons will help me.
thank you, cool
hello. look perfectly I live in Odesa Ukraine.with the utmost pleasure I look your many as possible to know about your employments
I am not to sure what you mean about my employments! Do you mean do I have a job?…or are you offering me a job?
hello .as possible to systematize your lessons since beginning?
Ronnie, thank you very much for this useful informations! Each of your lessons are very interesting and informative!
thank you for this lesson it’s very very help God bless you.
thanks alot roonie you really giving your lessons professionally and i like your teaching way .please tell me how can i see your videos on net.
ohh really english is strange and this is the first time that iknow the differences between them ……. it’s a great lesson
The lesson I saw today was very helpful for me. Thanks a lot!
Its a good lesson
Thank you
thank you for teaching me
Thanks for this nice lesson. How can I be a good English speaker like you?
Ronnie, you are best!!!
good :)
you are also good
Hi, would you like to share msn or skype, for practice English?
Thank you so much :)
thank you Ronnie.
thanks for the best quiz ever Ronnie !
Thank you teacher
Sorry for being picky Ronnie, but why didn’t you use a question mark in the sentence did you see that car instead of exclamation points?
Thank you teacher
thank you so much for your lesson rennie..
I really enjoy the way you teach!!! Thanks a lot!
U are Amazing teacher :D..I really understand u …..thaaaaaaaaaaaanX miss Ronnie…
Thank you teacher for this lesson.
I am your fan, you´re fantastic teacher!! I luv it!
very helpfull
I like the way you teach, thanks
relly its usful site
you excellent teacher… thanks
thanks at all
I like to write with you I want to know you maybe we can be partner in future
I am an English teacher. Do you agree to be my friend?
thank you Ronnie.
when I was watchig this video, I forgot to look at my watch, and I said my son hey !look at! this video it’s very intersting
thank you.
It was great lesson really I am not sure those 3words meaning when i spoke the people but know i feel comfortble. thanks Ronnie and see you again.
your a good teacher,keep up the good work…
hi!thank you…..
Thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!
hey! ronnie could you please teach us the difference of p and f sounds? I really appreciate it if will..
I will try to make a video for you!
Thank you Ronnie.
You’re an excellent teacher, in fact, one of the best I’ve ever seen.
Your teaching metod is brilliant.
Congratulations!!!! Thank you again!!!
thank you very much for the lesson, I have watched many of your videos, they are really helpful !
Im from Perú …You are a good teacher ¡¡¡¡ :) Im improving my english ¡¡¡ Yeah ¡¡¡ GOD BLESS YOU …ThankSss
Hello Ronnie….. This is me, Regina, from Philippines. You know, we learned a lot from you because of your excellent teaching and also, you’re entertaining. hehe.. tnx a lot and god bless you always….. and i also love this website.. =D
Thank you very much for good lesson,Ronnie.
You are excellent teacher.
thank you for a lesson
it’s really confusing
I score 100% that was a good lesson, good job Ronnie!
Hello dear teacher, Ronie.
I’m from Latvia. Your lessons were very useful for me. I would like to say to you very much a good words about your lessons, but I can not to express my thought very well yet. Thanks. Marie.
Thanks for watching!
Good luck!
Thanks a lot. she is good teacher.
thank you Ms ples if you can help me to studies english becuse i need to learn english and coming good
nasser al-fadi sultanat of oman
hello ms Ronnie are you?
which one is true???/
did you see that movie? or did you watch that movie???
thank alot
Both are great!
but ronnie,u say we use watch when we r conecentrating,so usually when we watch movie,we pay attention,then how we can use see?
See is only making eye contact for a short time – I see the bird. I see your mom at the park.
Thanks 4 lesson
Hi Ronnie, how are you? I’m not good in listening, but I’m happy because I could understand all what your said.
We need a video about “Look forward to verb/verb+ing”, I’m not able to understand how we can use to+ing!! Thank you very much.
You can never use to + verbing! You can only use to + base verb ( I go to ski) OR verb+ing (I go skiing)!
Hope that helps!
OK, I got it, but my doubt is about Look forward to __, and in this case I saw many examples using to+ing, I’m not saying that it is right, although we can find it, like in this example from The Washington Post: “I look forward to entering into a vote to gauge my colleagues”. Thank you
perfect question!
I would like her to explain this issue that seems to be used by only native speakers and “patterned” writers :)
In the case you are asking, to look forward to, this verb is like only a word, and that’s because the next verb is -ing. That exists some verbs followed by a preposition (as a main idea) and those can be followed by a -ing form, but only some of them. There is a list (I don’t know where you can find it), I have in my grammar book.
Ronnie it’s correct?
I’m used to getting into trouble.
I can’t get used driving on the left.
Dear Mam,
some time i have problem of helping verb. plz can u explain me about the help verb…..
thanks a lot for teaching me.
Thanks for your lesson. I am a beginner. You are a great teacher.
Thanks. Good luck!
I’m from Morocco and i’d like to thank you for this lesson, it’s very useful
you’re a very good teacher
i’m very glad to be your student
Hi There :) I hope I can shed a little light into why we use “see” (instead of “watch”) when it comes to movies we’d seen . Well, the reason mainly lies in the fact that when WATCHING a movie we pay attention to all the unnecessary details until we reach the final idea of the movie . Therefore after WATCHING the movie, we are fully acquainted with the point of the movie which then leaves us to narrate the movie in a shorter ,much more summarized way . Hence, ” I have seen the movie”
you are very good teacher. I want to know diffrence between can and could
Ronnie,you a very clever English teacher.I enjoy your videos very much.I hope you make many many more videos.
my best wishes
Thanks wonderful teacher….only 1 mistake in my test :((
thnxx u r the best tescher ^^
Hello,Ronnie!Thanks you for your lessons!I’m from Russia,and your’ lessons help me to study English very much…You are a good teacher…Sorry for the mistakes…
Really good stuff…
Hi,Ronnie.Thankyou for teaching us English!!!
I want to ask that ”watch out” is just a short action, but why we use WATCH??? Thanks~
Watch out is a idiom. It means be careful!
One question about your comment:
You wrote “ a idiom”. Is it correct? I think, here we have to write an “an” article..
// I’m beginner, and I would appreciate if you correct possibly mistakes in my comment.
Thank you very much for your lessons.
Hello Ronnie that was a interesting class but tell me something about watch your head ???? or watch your step????? thanks …
Watch your head/step means be careful! Watch your head means don’t hit your head. Watch your step means don’t fall/trip.
Thanks for the Lesson.
Your Explanation is very clear.
I”ll use thise verbs correctly.
these not thise t’s the plural of this
Is this question correct?
I watched a movie yesterday?
So many thanks
Is this incorrect?
I watched a film yesterday?
It is strange to ask yourself a question – but yes you can say I watched a film/movie yesterday?
Can I use informal English in exams?
for example, when writing a paragraph:
I went to the beach and saw a guy.He was beefy.
hahaha If I was your teacher, I would give you top marks…..but unfortunately, I am not your teacher and most teachers do accept informal English in exams. Best to ask your teacher!
hello ronie
I’m pleusure your teach so thank you very much. Iwant to imrove my english. how take privatee lesson from you. please give to me details. wishes best all you
The only private lessons I have are if you live in Toronto!!
Hi, I am getting confused when I had read this reply.
you are saying. if I was you… but. Is that correct? or it would be: If I were you….
thanks for your help Ms.
We SAY “If I were you”. Grammatically, it should be if I was you….but we usually ignore grammar rules when we speak!
Thanks so much, for this class. Yes, English is so strange.
Thanks,I have a question and its not related to the subject of this lesson,Which of The Following Answers is correct:
i didnt Watched that Movie yet
I haven’t Watched that Movie Yet
Aspecial thanks to group teachers,here i could like to thank Ronnie or this great lesson that have been always so much confused to me, and i never coulf figure out how to distinguish between these there words,Look,See,and watch. now,i can tell that i learn it the easiest way. thanks again.
very good teacher, good method for explaination
Tks. Ronnie
Thanks alots
Hi Theacher, I am interented in the private leesson for skype , give information please ,thanks
hello, i am salah could you do me a favour please I want you to make a video for us about the uses of tenses. i will appreciate that .
Thank you teacher for the lesson.
thank you .you have a good way for teaching and your sound hs pure.
Many thanks for your lesson.I didn’t know where I should use “see” and “look”.
I appriciate you.
I like these lessons with Ronnie. I am studying english with a particular teacher and I want to improve my english as fast possible. This is to find a job, because I don´t work right now.
hye ronnie,I am simran,AND i learnt alot from ur videos,hey dear which sentence is more suitable,I M WATCHING U,OR I M SEEING U!
I’m watching you!!
Thnku so much,is this is right to say,he is looking at me
I really enjoy your English class. thanks a million times for your excellent teaching.
Thanks for the lessons, the teachers are wonderful!
Bye for now!
watch out roni!!!
Thanks are a great teacher! You see, i took the quiz after watching you. my score is five out of five..Wow..amazing, i can’t beleive myself..Thanks million..
thank you
Thank you very much
it’s very helpfull.
very nice lesson. your way to convey the english is very easy. I learn alot
Did you see that car? OR have you seen that car?
could you please tell me Which one is correct and why?
Great lesson!!!!!!
The lesson that I saw so very helpful for me.Thank you verymuch !
my favorite teacher!!!!
Hi Ronnie
The world needs more teachers like that. It’s very helpfull.
thanks for this lesson.she is agood teacher
Right,English is so strange language!So many exceptions here!I guess, we need 100 years to learn it…)
Thanks, useful course
Hi.Ms Ronnie, thank you for your lessons, they are very powerful, i would like if you could make us a video concerning the use and some examples of these words: whether, if, either, neither, nor, ever, even, too, never, already, rather than, also, so, as well, such. Thank you again.
if see is used for something that is not going to stay in front of you for a long time why do we say: “I saw a movie, yesterday” it´s for the tense?
waiting for your answer please! thanks :)
Yes, you can say I saw a movie/I watched a movie!!!!
I like the way you teach, Ronnie. Thanks!
Thanks for the lesson……………..
Great work by a Great Teacher, Thanks
Thanks 4 the lesson
Really nice and great Teacher Ronnie. Thanks a lot. Do you ever been visited the Philippine?
No, I’ve never visited the Philippines, but I’d love to!!!!!
thanks alot for this benefit lesson.can I know where are you from? because your accent is really wanderful!
I am from Canada.
hi ronnie,how are you?i want to know that if we pass from someone ,we say watch it .what is that mean
“Watch it” when we pass someone means “be careful”.
Could you speak at your lessons about the words “wood ,forest,smell and taste
it was very good for me , your teaching method is excelent and brilliant also you are very lovely.
Thank you
Thank you for sharing your knowledge about see,look and watch.It’s really helpful.
good Lessons……….thanks to all teachers
Thank so much for your English lessons
Hi Ronnie, congratulations for another great lesson, you are a very good and funny teacher. I would like you to explain the difference that the word “SPOT” has from those three.
Look and See could be used interchangeably when we say: Look! you broke it/ see! you broke it.
Am I right?
Thank you very much.It was intresting and very useful for mee,becouse I learn english very давно and everysing forget)
hi my tetchier how are you to day ?
i wish you have good day
i saw your lesson it is very simply explain i love your method . please help me i love English but i need someone like you help me (ronnie) i want be ( the best among the rest ) when i cant speck English i feeling so sad . please reply . i wait your answer on my personal email . thanks
our love to my tetchier . you are very funny . i like your charisma .
If you can talk to native speakers do so! This will help your English ability! Good luck!!!
Hello my besssssssst teacher Ronnie! I hope you’re doing well.I just want to tell you that i was WATCHING this movie carefuly,SEING your amazing movements and LOOKING AT your wonderful smile.
Thank you so much for this lesson,i’m improving my english due to your important explanations!
Thank you very much because today I learned a lot.
Hi Ronnie, thanks for these useful lessons.
I am in doubt about words (aim, goal and target)
Do they have same meaning?
Yes, they all can mean something you wish to achieve!. But….goal we can also use in football/sports. Target we can also use in shooting. Aim is a verb and a noun!
thanks ronnie
Thank you for the lesson.It will help me a lot.I need your help to improve my English grammar.
thanhs alot
it is very help full
What a nice style of teaching. I never forget your lecture.
Thank you
Hi Ronnie! Thanks for the lesson. Would you explain to us the difference between “moment”, “instant” and “twinkling”. Take care!
Ok, I will try.
thank you very much
Thanks a lot Ms.Ronnie
Thanks Ronnie! Best regards!
thanks ronnie could you tell me how can we differentiate word SEE and LOOK? as you mention both are for short time. for example:- look him… or see him…?
Look AT him. When we use look + sub we need to use at!!!
Do you see him? When we use see + sub you don`t need a preposition!
very good.
Simple and clear!!! Thanks Ronnie!
hey, we have the same thing in Arabic
أشاهد== Watch
أرى == see
أنظر == look
Thanks for taking this English quiz! Your score: 100.00 You got 5 correct out of 5.
Thanks to Ronnie and all teacher here….mu English is improving.
Thanks a lot.You are very dear teacher!!!
I realy love u Ronnie.
:) :) :)
Have nice day.
And thanks for your excelents and funny clases.
Hugs & kises
Thanks Ronnie. I got problem with those verbs how I use them but I can use them now.
Thanks Ronnie,it has been very confusing before I WATCHED this video.
Ronnie, Thank you very much for this wonderful tips. could you help me solve my this Wh-question-‘What’ and ‘Which’ I am bit confused on them-
1.What class do you read in? or
2.In what class do you read? or
3.Which class do you read in? or
4.In which class do you read?
Please tell me which of these is the correct question. I am looking forward to your precious reply.
All of these are correcT!
Hi Ronnie, is this correct to ask?
What class do you read in?
Hello :)
I saw a new film on TV last night.
Was it correctly ?????
Yes, that is correct.
thank you. Very nice. Easy to understand but most important clear.
could u please explain me how to use the words in spite of , hence and thus..
i’m enjoying your classes
Thanks a lot
In spite of = even though. We use it to show that something is surprising, based on another fact!
She did not lose weight in spite of exercising for 2 hours everyday.
Hence and thus are used interchangeably, however according to the rules of grammar they are different. Hence should indicate future use – such as “Hence we will proceed as described.”
Thus should indicate the past in its usage, or to indicate a conclusion, such as, “The British and American troops fought to a standstill, thus no winner was declared.”
i can now look , see and wath correctly ;) thank’s Ronnie
You are very good Teacher! What a pitty you live in Toronto and not in São Paulo.
Hey Ronnie, please don’t be so sweet while teaching, it make your students Love You. lol
Take Care,
thanks a lot miss ……..i really improve my English through your lessons miss ….miss could you like to tell me about ….is this sentence is correct …….. i saw his hat but i did not see her gloves . please tell me miss.?
I saw his hat, but I did not see her gloves. Yes, that is correct!
it was amazing !! thank you so much teacher Ronne.
What can I say if I stare my watch for a long time?
(I’m watching my watch)
(I’m looking at my watch)
Thank you so much Ronnie, You’re the Best!
I’m looking at my watch. Watching we use for people or things that move.
Thank you a lot!!!
Thank you…………
Hello ,Ronnie.great job. I have a question, which is correct,I am seeing Ann tomorrow,or I’ll see Ann tomorrow.I’ve heard that see (this verb) doesn’t use in continuous tense, but I came across at once sentence(I am seeing her) and I was confused. which is correct.Please answer me. Also I wonder ” always” this word, can I use it in continuous tense as well? ex. I am always losing things?
See is both a stative and dynamic verb! You can say seeing!
Here is a list to help you understand!!
Thanks alot. i saw your benefit video .and i will watch another video for you
Ronnie is great – I will be sharing her videos to my Spanish friend! :D Thank you. Keep making your videos both interesting and funny ;)
thank you very much.may God bless you
Thanks ronnie
your lesson is very good, it help me so much. and I can hear you very clearly. thank you!
I got 5 correct out of 5.
Good Start !!!
thank u..very informative
I love her
she is very good and funny teacher
I understand easier and it is not boring !!!
also I understand her accent because she speaks slowly.
she writes very thing on the whiteboard and gives goods exemple
for me she is PERFECT !!!!!
Hi Ronnie. Your lessons are great. I have a doubt: when you go to the theater, or to a concert, is it correct to say: I saw a play or a concert yestarday or I watched a play or a concert yesterday? Thank you so much in advance.
I would naturally say I saw a concert/play!
Hi Ronnie, For me you are very friendly. I like you. But you know, my listening is bad. Anyway, I know you explain clearly, thank a lot. Reaqlly I like every teacher of engVid, but you are friendly, also your voice is impressed.
Ronnie: hi, thanks so very much for your quick or fast (which is the difference, by the way) answer. Greetings from Chile (a beuatiful country, like yours)
beautiful, sorry
niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice roonie
wow thanks for the lesson, its was very clear!!
now i know how to use WATCH, SEE, LOOK. Thanks Ronnie
thanks for your good support and i promise to you that i will be the better speaker with your help
thanks a lot
Can u plz explain me y we say tht
“Go and see the doctor”?? If ‘”see” is a quick glance then most of the time when we r talking abt doctors we used ‘see’
Or we should say “go and visit the doctor”??
See we use as visit in this case, it is slang!
thank you for the lesson.It helped me a lot.
Ronnie ur the best teacher on EngVid
Thank you for the lesson.I’m very clearly now how to use the verb.
what a hell is bitchy
Look in a dictionary!
Bitch= whore, slut, she-dog as noun;
Bitchy is just the adjctive of the noun, i.e who has the quality of a bitch. I hope I have helped. hugs
your lessons are so good and they are so clear
good morning Ms. I would like to know how to pronounce “d” in regulars verbs. e.g. liked, worked, danced…
thank you ever so much. You’re a great teacher and keep up the good work
There are already lessons on the site for that….search “regular ed verbs”.
regular*** so sorry
Ronnie, my name’s Sidnei, I’m from Brazil. I love your lessons.
Literally , that’s a great lecture.
Ronnie, I understand your lesson without to do a lot of effort. Very nice. congratulation.
Hi! I’m brazilian and I’m learning English. I just love English and you’re funny and good teaching it. But, I have to say, this lesson was a little confusing. I already know the meaning of this words and the way you did it was not didatic.
But you’re great anyway and I’ll keep watching you! Thanks.
I just saw a lot of mistakes in my text kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
I’m sorry.
it’s ok but in the quize i’ve made a mistake
GREAT !!! Thank you
great!!! Ronnie
I love so much, you are very good teacher.
That really helps a lot. Thanks Ronnie!
Another amazing lesson by you Ronnie :) Ronnie could you please explain me what do common expressions such as ~ here we go, here you go, there you are mean ? Could you do up a video for such expressions ?
Thanks xx
Sending you immense love and light :)
Here we go = We are starting.
Here you go = I am giving you something and you will take it.
There you are= I was looking for you and I found you OR I gave you something and I am saying “here – have this”.
thank you ronnie.your lessons are understandable
Thank you ronnie , u simply superv u teach english so easily,& understandable . I like you .
Hey Ronnie, Thanks for your lesson. But I’ve a question for a long time about the words “See” and “Show”. Suppose I’m a patient and I’ve to meet with a doctor. So, what would be the correct sentence using “see” or “show” as below- 1) I have to show a doctor. 2) I have to see a doctor.
2 is correct. I have to see a doctor. Show means to display something. See = meet.
You can say “I have to show a doctor my leg”.
Thanks Ronnie for your reply.
Thanks Ronnie for your reply.
thanks a lot!!! ^^ like u so much
Thank you Miss Rone I like your teaching and the way you are use to understanding people
Now I knew it, how to look, see and watch. Thank you for this lesson.
Another excellent video.
it is awesome.
thank you very much. Ronnie
when you said ” after seeinghis video ” i was like what!! but then u showed up agian :P
thanks miss ronnie i enjoyed this video are cute…
Look = you can’t to say ” I lookd tv ” because word “look” mean “to bring to your attention” and of course if you pay attention to the human visual object is then the person should see his eyes
Ronnie is in the example can be seen clearly: Look at me (bring to your attention on me,I’m looking for nice clothes, I sharpen my attention. )
see = means your ability to not only see physically, but also to notice that two people can look at one and the same thing, such as a picture of holography, but one of the people see the other does not.
Respectively If I ask you : do you see that car ? I mean, do you have noticed this car? (What a beautiful , or faster car, that something special that is not visible at first glance)
watch= to send their views on what attracts the eye for a long time and requires visual concentration also mental findings, the study, the counting, logical conclusion,
in the present time I watch TV, (and make logical conclusions, study)
When I finished I said: I saw this movie (I’ve already made the logical conclusion and emphasize the visual effect of a fact, I saw)
hi dear roonie, thans very much for the lessons, it is very helpful, id like to ask u to arrange a special lesson that speaks about the different types of expression technics,that would be great.
thnx our teacher
Thanks teacher. You’re wonderful.
thanks teacher,Ronnie
Hi Ronni, I cann’t find lesson on rain/ How to say when:
It starts rain, it is raining, it stoped rain.For examle^ Yesteday it started rain at 5 pm and it stoped rain at 19 pm. It was heavy rain.
All expressions with rain???
Thanks Ronnie. and funny postscript.
thanks Ronnie nice lesson ……
thank you very much teacher Ronn. you are a big help to us.
hi Ronnie,
do you have any video such as (any,some,much)
Teacher, Thanks very much. God bless you. Expecting more helps in future.
By one of your student from India
if i say ” ohh you saw that car!
can i say ?
thanks for your lesson. It’s helpful. I love it.
Hi. I’m looking for some information about pronouns. Of course we use he/she/it for man/woman/thing. However what if I don’t know sex (eg newborn) or if I say generally (eg everyone) ? It’s very confusing for me.
The short answer: use “they”, with the plural form of the verb.
can ask me after class.They don't
know how to work the machine.The long answer: see Emma’s lesson on gender-neutral language.
how can i say about seeing a friend or someone ?
1. i saw her yesterday.
2. i met her yesterday.
or any better word ? please explain
thank you
it was really helpfull for me!!!!i really enjoy how you teach!!!!
Teacher, Can i ask this question: Did you look that car?
thanks a lot…this is great…
Thank you very much for the lesson <3
Thank you.
Which is correct?
to warn some body
Look out
watch out
Either is correct! However, if it is an emergency, you should probably just push them out of the way.
all your lessons are really fruitfull
Hi teacher Ronnie, i’ve just watched the video about SEE, LOOK and WATCH and i got 5 correct out of 5. what do you think of my learning?
Really ; you’re very very very Amazing and cute you’re My grand sister for me I like U ..
Hi Ronnie, I’m from India and would like to ask you a question that when should we use “seeing” and “having”? :)
Waiting for your Reply!!!!!!!!!!!
Have = to possess.
See = to look.
Hello Ronnie,
Thanks for your reply but i’m confused because you didn’t elaborate the uses of “ing” form with “see” and “have” and where we have to use these “ing” form. So kindly do the needful for me.
thanks for this lesson ronnie!
you’re very nice and happy!
i’ve a question
i’m don’t understand ,for look , “command” what does this word mean?
Command = order. You tell someone to do something.
ok thanks very well :)
Hi, It seems that you are too busy with your rest of students so thanks for your ignorance. :))
Thank you ronnie, i learn more from this video
very nice teacher!
thank you very much for this lesson
I enjoy to watch your videos.
Hi Ronnie! while i was watchig the vid lesson i realized that u looked so pretty also i saw u did not mention anythig about how come people say watch out that expretion doesn’t mean that someone have to becareful for a long time am i right, dear Ronnie? correct me plz if i am wrong. Take care gurl
Watch out is only for a short moment! You are correct!
Hi! how r u ronnie! mam..miss u lot..
thanks my teacher you are the best
thanks , :) is very helpfuls yours vidieos, my english is so bad :S
Thank a teacher *_*
thanx for the lesson :)
Have you seen the movie?
Have you watched the movie?
thank Ronnie you that was so helpful! :D
I think I got it!!! 100% just because you gave the point of “short time”… trying to understand the difference for years and you did it in just 5 minutes. Brilliant Ronnie. Thanks
great after lot effort I got what I deserved yes 10 of 10 thanks roonie. however im exciting to watch more fantastic lesson.
I have a doubt ma’am,can u help me? I’m (seeing a newspaper) or (watching a newspaper)
Reading a newspaper!
Very good. I had doubts about it.
Thank you!
i got 10 outta 10…you are doin’ good job.keep it up mam Ronnie.Best of luck!
Thank you a lot for teaching ;) I am started being hooked on this website
thank you
I always confused between these words
The lesson about the way to use them was very clear for me. Thanks
i think i still don’t really understand about see and look at. i got 2 wrongs from the quiz :(
you are awesome , I like to watch your videos
Thanks ….
I usualy surprised by your way to teach ; you are a very good teacher thanks
Really I appreciate what you did Ronnie. Thanks a lot
she is a very good teacher ….. thanks
Ronnie I like the manner that you teach…For me It’s easy understand. Thanks.
teacher ronnie! thank u so much , u’r my fav. teacher ever =)) i want to learn print past future tense , ( eat ate eaten ) like that pls plsss
Thank you
i’am about to do my upcoming toeic i have some questions that confuse me. could you give me some tips to practice my E for the exam ;
Thanks Ronnie.
Dear Ronnie I want You to explain me what are the difference between SHOULD,HAVE TO and MUST,please!!!
My cute teacher, could you tell me about the difference between *looks like and seems like* My regards at you, thanks
Thanks, for the lesson
Thanks a lot Ronnie, you are a wonderful teacher.
Thank u!could u help me with this.please
1)I saw professor ENTER the lab.(why not entered)
2)I saw Mary CROSSING the street.(why not crossed)
“I watch a TV and I am looking at TV’s watch” Is that correct?
I got 5/5! thanks Ronnie
Thanks Ronnie
Many thanks for this video, it was very useful for me.
How can I understand If I go to the supermarket, and I just want to compare the prices . How could I say:
I watch the price…
I look the price..
I see the price…
Please answer to me, normally if you can.
By the way, thanks for this great lesson…
Ronnie I like your classes very much. You are a great teacher.
thanks a lot it is very helpful
I have greatly enjoyed this site. Thanks Ronnie …
That is wonderful.
Very useful lesson, I was don’t know which the different between these word. But now I understanding, So Thank you a lot Ronnie. And I wish study with you at skype, If you have chance.
Thank u a lot
Thanks a lot for the lesson .
Thanks a lot ronnie
i have a problem with the bonus question,i answered “see” because logically the wath is on move,secondes,minutes.. are in move like car….
thank you for all :)
thank you Ronnie, is very interesting this lesson.
Hi!! Ronnie, I don’t know how to use these verbs ( VI , VT , LV )they are verbs but what is the difference , So i want you to teach about these verbs ( VI , VT ,LV )plese…..
Thank You Ronni.
You are best teacher ever.
thanks Ronnie, Good job, I like learn English with you. (Maybe is no correct in english but I gonna to say “from you”).
Hi! teacher I like your way of explaining
thank you
How about ‘Peek’?
thanks ronnie
but i still want a new lesson
what the difference between for,to, of
You are nice teacher
thank you
the best teacher
i like ronni
Good job.. so clearly.
Very good Ronnie!!
RONNIE; I LOVE YOUR WAY OF TEACHING ENGLISH! … I got 5 out of 5: I’m happy, because this topic is a bit easy, at the same time it confuses me sometimes!…
I have more problems, using these verbs in real contexts and when I notice there are other options: To . . . : See, Watch, Look at … And together with To . . . : Look through, Glance at, Glimpse at, Observe, Eye, View, Gaze, Stare, etc. Thanks in advance ! …. My best wishes for you from the Caribbean coast of Colombia, South America!
Great! Thanks so much
Thanks for the lesson.
Thanks so much,
The difference between look-see-watch …. very very interesting … now it’s simple! Thanks teacher!
Hello dear teacher great lesson . I am a new in this site plz help me how I use this site and learn something from this site I want drop my email address tell me also my this site friends thanks this is my email address . thanks
Thank you kindly! You are really professional with a great capability for helping to master English. And this lesson also was certainly useful.
Yours sincerely
when i look at my girlfriend i watching her smile at me
thank a lot.. your lesson is easy for understanding
Hi Ronnie!
You are a very funny teacher and I love happy peopl like you. And also I love your way to teaching.
Thanks a lot for this useful lesson!
See you next video/lesson! ;)
hlo mam
i got 5/5 but i need more practices.make some more lesson for us.
Thank you dear teacher
Ok, thank you a lot Ronnie. That lesson was very useful. I’m so grateful!
Did you see her?
She’s good looking…
I love to watch her videos!
I want more exercise.
Thank you Ronnie. After listening to your lesson
I feel confident in using those three verbs correctly, at least I think.
Ronnie Helo…are you busy? Please, why you said .. if seeing this video .. now I am confused.
The quiz is wrong. The last question. I chose See, but this put Look in my results :(
Thank you, Ronnie
i got the quiz 60% not bad thank you my teacher Ronnie
Thank you so much Ma’m,I love the way you teach.
YOU are a great teacher
Thank you :)
Ronnie is really a good teacher. In my opinion is the best of Engvid. Congratulation for the god job, Ronnie!
You got 4 correct out of 5.
She is active teacher
Hi Ronnie thanks for your are great teacher.
Thanks a lot.
Thank you Ms. Ronnie.
Great explanation, before your explanation these verbs meant the same for me. Thanks a lot Ronnie.
Thank you Ronnie, I completely understood the lesson
A very thankful for your outstanding lesson mam!It’s very useful,more explain every lesson with great fluency and great have explained with a great joy and more fun.I really love your lesson as always.I watch every lesson what you taught.I wonder about that the way of you teach.
Thank you so much, Ronnie.
3/5! I made two mistakes! Look at the clothes, I can’t understand. The second false is Look at the watch.
The quiz was hard today.
thank you ronnie
Oh gosh!!! I’ve got 4/5