Nice classes.
Can you teacher us about infinitive ?
or How do use “ING”, i got stuck all time.
I will do a lesson about infinitive for you and ING the next time!
Thanks for watching! Rey!
Useful lesson to talk about your current marital status.
The quiz helps us to put into practice right away what we learned in this lesson today.
Thanks Ronnie, bye for now.
Thank you
this is for the first time for me to learn English online, but i’m very pround of you ” the teacher” so much to teaching me very clearly, so, make me remember it without memorize, thaks you.
i would like say some thing to u ronnie really really really u r so so so so so so good teacher and i got all your lesson your style in explanition is so so so great finally plz forgive me because i do alot of mistakes in my speech and i hope become same u in english with my best wishes
Hi,does well done to write seperated? or separated?
You wrote both words.
Please,can you explain that?
Thank you teacher.
The correct spelling of the word is sepArated.
Sometimes it is common for native speakers to mispell the words because they tend to write how they hear them.
You have a nice style in teaching. I need your advice. I think that I’m good in grammer and I have a lot of vocabulary, but I’m not good in speaking. How could I improve my speaking.
you have very best away to teach but i need more example for all your
lesson .
and i learn english by self study and i want away how the brest method to learen english (speaking+reading+writting)
plasse give me hand
Would you like to marry with me???
i’m very proud of you You are the best!!
Daniel Flores
your teaching method is verry effective to me i love it.
i need another grammar lesson.could we talk about
a has,have,had. thanks a lot
A correction:
seperated (WRONG)
separated (CORRECT)
i go through your lectures they were quite easy and understandable, but i think in your lessons you must have to introduce some new words
and their usage it will be helpfull in increasing our vocabulary as well as please include lessons regarding pronouncition they will be helpfull for us.i will see that when will you come your new lecture for pronounciation.
hi congratulation your class is very very good.!
thanks , sorry do you have IM or mail. because i am study english .
bye bye ,,.
thanks a lot
Thanks a lot, Ronnie!
oh how I love these lessons! By the way I’m single:D
Dear Ronnie, your lessons and methods are interesting for me. Fact is that understandable too. Please, I would want ask you what i have to do for your lessons through skype. thx for your answer
Is it wrong to write “I will marry tomorrow”?
I love all your lesson Ronnie.
I think “seperated” is spelled separated ? Any way, I like your lessons very much. Thank you!
you are great! Really wonderful to watch you
I got some advic you Thank you very much.
I like your style and your teaching.
I will learn from you again or every day
thank you teacher
Thanks. Your teching style is good.
thanks teacher style is good
Amir Aslam
Muito obrigado, Ronie Por todas as aulas!
( Thank you,Ronie for all your lessons!)
it’s awesome. thanks for the lesson teacher.
I’m so glad learning your lessons.
Mário from Brazil – Vitória / ES
thank you engvid to learn us so much think in one roof
gopal krishan
Thank you all teachers.
But, I have a question about the word divorced.
Who uses this word the male or the female?
I am looking forward to hearing from you
Men and women both use ‘divorced’.
hi; ronnie thank u so much ;u are a good teacher .i want to improve my english to be a great speaker ; your lessons are useful .
nice mam…thank you…..and god bless you
I really like your classes. They’re always so funny!But I have a question. How do you congugate the verb “to marry”? It seems confuse for me.
Thanks for your help!
frazalez name is najme.Im Iranian.My language is Farsi.I’m singing I’m new language.engilish).Your classes very good.but I do not know the first step in what I want You can help me please.Thank you
nice, interesting lesson
thanks mam
hi Teacher Ronnie
i been followed your course, you are great, especially the way you teach,
i would like to add also that ur accent is quite very good,you remind me of the way that Mrs. Hillary clinton pronounce English.
thanks ronnie
hi all teachers.I want to congratulate you about your priceless classes.I am an english teacher so i need some information about TOEFL test as you are in the Canada. I live in Saudi ArABIA and i want to pass ielt tesr.plz help me and thank the way u said that u like this word that is WTF what the f**k .do you loke to f**k?.I think being an english teacher u shoild not teaches us like all these word.
sufian ksa
Since you have a brain and can decide what words you want to use, there is no problem. You’re not a child or a robot — don’t forget that!
i hope to marry agirl looks like u
Is i will marry agirl right or i wiil get married to agirl or both are true????????
yes both are true but I will get married is more natural!
Hey Ronnie I’m a little confused can I say I will get married or I get married. Thank you
I will get married.
thanks!!!! it was a very useful lesson!!!
Excuse me Mom can you do a basic english lesson, Im fourteen, and I want to learn more english, can we have a bunch of basic english words and you explain them to us, please
Hello Ronnie, I wanna ask you about “Fiance” and “Engaged”. What a different of them. I am little bit confuse with this word.
Fiance is a person (noun). You can say he or she is my fiance.
Engaged is an adjective. You can say I am engaged.
nice lesson.But i want u to teach us types of marriage. thank u for your hard work.
Bye bye!!!!!
thanks for all lessons you are the best of the best thacther l never see
zamime omar
Hello,every body.please talk to me at chimchim_girl [ a t ] hotmail [ d o t ] com. Help me for English stronger than now.thank a lot.
i am pass
thans sooooooo much ronnie
Thanks for your lesson!!!
Please could you explain me when I must use “GET MARRIED” and “MARRY”
When I have to use GET and when not…thanks
Marry is usually an adjective, so we need to use a verb. I am married (adj = married). I will marry (will + base verb)
Hi, Ronnie. I like this lesson and understand clearly. Thanks
I very love my girl friend and I did pop the question …
is it true sentence or not
please help me to say it right
thanks ms Ronnie
I love my girlfriend very much, and I popped the question!
can we have a lesson in stative verbs? want,love,hate,like and taste…..etc its kind of confusion..i hope i’m n’t bothering you.
have a lovely day!
looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you1
I will try to do that for you!
can u describe the word mehndi,walima and barat in english…???
Emm… are those even English words? Sorry I have no clue what those words mean — what language are they in?
Fozi, how can Ms. Ronnie describe these words…. :-))
very nice good work i like this site
This site is brilliant
I like it
Hello Ronnie!
could you please tell me if the words “marriage” and “wedding” are the same? you never spoke about it during the video…
Wedding is a marriage ceremony. Or think of it as a party! So, marriage and wedding are different. “I went to a wedding”
Is it sepErated or sepArated ? :)
no no no… Check it out in any dictionary. guys, ok? It’s SEPARATED!!!!! Ronnie, plz, make it clear! :)
Hello everybody
you are right,It is seperated
sepArated it is.
Ur right.
B sure.
i want membership in your lessons
Hello Ronnie I love u r lessen very much!!!!!!!
Mis:Ronnie what are the word for when someone leap it to his/her hand and that takes red color and the Asian use that much at wedding.
Sorry I don’t know the answer because I don’t really understand your question!
If u ask me,as I know it’s ” Henna “.
Actually it’s a proper name.
Hope I could help.
hi Ronnie
it is a good course but i want to ask about any chat room in English to improve my pronouncation
finally thank you
hi ronnoe what is another name for wedding in english
We can say marriage or matrimony.
Hi Ronnie, how are you? This is William from China. I have been in Toronto in 3 years. I was studying in YorkU. I like Toronto so much, coz lots of people are really nice. However, the bad thing was I have few english friend in Toronto yet(I know i was shy, i was shying to talk to people sometimes), so i cannt improve my english speaking always.Now, I am back to China already, hopefully, we could be able to become a friend. Anyhow, I love your listening, it’s really easy to understand.
By the way, wish to meet you in Toronto, maybe next time, lol…
Hi Ronie,
You said that MARRIED (I am married), DIVORCED (I am divorced), ENGAGED (I am engaged)…are Verbs. I think they are adjectives. They are not in passive form, are they?
Thanks for your lesson!
hi. Because we are from vietnam, I have a question for you. ‘ Do you like HÀNH TÂY ‘
chung nguyen
the quiz i get 5 out of 5
woooooooooooow that is good for me
the lesson about married
thank you ronnie
ibrahim magale
U made english easy, marry me
I think you spelling for separate is wrong!
Hi,ronni! would you please tell me what is the difference between married and wadded
Good ^^
I have watched most of your video,so it’s so helpful.
thank you ronnie .;;;im happy
mohamed khalil
I like you small lesson,Ronnie!You are perfect as usually))But I need more grammar lessons from you)
Thanks a lot)
from Russia with love))CU
Hi Ms. Ronnie,
Thank you for your lesson.
As a question to someone, how can we ask whether he/she get married or not?
Eg: Which is right?
Are you married? or
Did you get married?
Let me know which one is convenient to ask though
Are you married
Hi Virgoadnan,
How’re you and where do u live in India ? I’m just a learner of Enlish like you.Bye
Yes, I’m married.
Hi Ronni, Just one question. If I have to say that I have a responsibility of my daughter’s marriage,,,,, can I say like… I have to do my daughter’s marriage…….pl reply
I’m not sure what you mean by “I have the responsibility of my daughters marriage”, but I THINK you mean you have to pay for the wedding….”I have to pay for my daughters wedding”.
Unless you are the person who marries people – like a priest/minister or rabbi, then you can say “I have to do (or perform) my daughters wedding.”
Hi Ronnie,
I’m doing better than b4 but i’ve one big problem in English is my pronunciation is bad but i want it to make better so plz give/send me the advice in this regard.
Thanks | Samuelsam
hello, teacher Ron! Hope you can help me this, is it correct, “This coming December i will get engaged”. I would love to hear you to help me..:D
That is correct! Congratulations!!!!
Hi my besssssst teacher,well i have taken my BA in linguistics,i had of course many lessons in Phonetics,Syntax,Morphology,Phonology,Semantics and psycholinguistics,really i have never seen such good,nice and cheerful teacher like you before.You’re perfect and i’m proud of being one of your students online !
By the way Ronnie,i have been all time wondering about some question,that i asked my teacher when i used to go to faculty,but he didn’t want to give me clear answer,may be he had no answer at all hhh,and i hope you will have an answer that makes me relaxed lol.My question is,can we say “i am finished” like i’m tired,or we can only use the perfect tense” i’ve finished”??
You can use both.
Thank you so much for the explanation miss Ronnie.
How are you Madam ?
i want to ask you is this sentence correct ?
I will marry .
I will get married .
but why we are using Married instead of Marry in this sentence .
Daud Mohisn
Married is a noun and an adjective!
Hello Dear Ronnie, I just want to ask sty about Canada, I wonder if you could guide me? how I can live in Canada for ever, my nationality is Iranian and at the moment I live in India for study but I graduated I want to go to Canada for living but I don’t know how, please help me, by the way my major is Pharm-D(Doctor of Pharmacy)
thank you very much indeed
HAHAHAHAA – good question! Basically, if you give the government LOTS of money, you can stay here. Check with Canada Immigration to see what you need to get in!
thanks for your replying, but I’d expected you to helping me more, but no problem, again thanks
Ronnie,I like you explanation.Three months before my father died after a brief illness and so many people called me with their condolences but still i don’t know how to reply to somebody when they say “my hearty condolence”.
If I say “thank you”,would it be correct.
Yeah – I never know what to say at funerals. “Thank you” is the best thing! Short and sweet!
you’re a good teacher .pls add alesson about negative forms
i love your lessons very much but i have counfused!
you said that i will get married
is it also true = i will get marry ?
beacuse marry is a noun isnt it? i am waiting to hear your ganna go to watch your other lessons:D
You cannot say I will get marry. Marry is a verb.
Hello Ronnie!
I like all of your lessons. They are really useful for me to practice myself to have more confidence to explain something in English language in the English class.
Kasem Phumphong
i really like your teaching technique and the way you explain the topic, it makes me clear about the topic , thank you so much for da lesson.
thank you Very Much And Im useful for
ur perfect teacher
in when time i can say the letter G
like (Good)
or like ( stingy )
any body could tell me ?
i realy can’t have enough of your lessons about slang can you make some more pleas !!! thanks alot !
my engagement party was in 1985 and after couple of years we got married .it was a wonderful marriage party ..after some years there were problems that leaded us to separate but till now we have not get a divorce …… is it true or no ????
Alaa Magdy
My engagement party was in 1985 and after couple of years we got married. It was a wonderful marriage party. Some years after, there were problems that lead us to separate. But we haven’t gotten a divorce yet.
This is now correct but I have no idea if it is true!
your very good teacher thank you very mach ……………… Ronnie
He proposed me to marriage. Fiance a couple who is engaged.
SHe stands outside the balcony and he sings a serenade for
Her in the street so he will win her heart . They will make up.
Am I being clear?
I Like your lessons and I’m learning easily, you are funny and I have a good time with your class.
Thanks Ronnie
You are my favorite teacher.
I realy,I like your lessons very well.thank you very much .you are great.i love you ronnie
pauses is not required. I can pause video if i need.
Hi Ronnie, thanks for your lesson, but as I know separated is written with an “a” after a “p” and not seperated, isn’t it?
seperated or separated?
You’re so good dear teacher
Hi my name is Maks I am learning english forth Worth TCU. How I can teach speaking please help me?
5to5 ihaqve the score 5to5!
Thanks a lot my teacher
Hi, Ronnie!! I heard a lot about bridal…shower.Can you explain what it is?Must say,it’s kind of messy.Sorry if my question sounds stupid.Thank you.
hi ronnie, could you please explain the use of ‘let’ in a sentence.
MyDear Teacher,
I hope to see you I send my twitter mesaj.
See You
Nihal TÜRK
hi RONNIE Is it correct? I Would like to get marry you
I would like to marry you OR I would like to get married to you.
Hi Ronnie, does the state CIVIL UNION exist in CANADA?
u r too young in this video compared to the previous one. thanks a lot. is that sentence construction correct
Very nice teacher,thx.
Hello Ronnie…!
Please be honest and tell me did you made a mistake in spelling.
Instead of saying SEPARATED you put SEPERATED.
Am i right or not…?
Please answer my question…!!! Thank you…!
Ragip kadric
Hello Roomie your class is very good…
Hey Ronnie .
Can you help me with one issue, like i am quite puzzled,
how to tell someone about the story of a movie.. ??any tips !!
You got 5 correct out of 5 .. :D
Thank you very much !!!
hey teacher ronnie how do say the plural of brother or sister in law its confusing me. Its seems that brothers in law is right but brother in law sounds good.
Mrs. Ronnie, could you tell me what type of relationship called before being engaged?
Thanx for your humility
thanks very much Mrs.Ronnie.
Very good class!
thank you for your effortless english..
I’d like to say thanks Ronnie) I’ve got so much fun to wach your videos! You’re da bomb !
Can you make a video with second and third conditions ? plz)
Have a nice and awesome day.
Hi, Rani. Its Laxmi Here. I am indeed impressed with your course and the interesting teaching style. I love to watch you.
I am Master level student. I have completed all my study in English Language, and currently I am doing Master degree in Wellness and Spa service design management in English language. I have been learning English since high school. However still I have problem in spelling and formal writing. I have really hard time to write in chronological order and I made often spelling mistake, though I am familiar with those words. can you please suggest me some of the techniques or ideas, so that I can improve myself.
I am looking for your helpful prompt response
Warm Regards
I get 100% . I get married in 1980 . thank you Ronnie.
Ali alhachamy
i get 100 in the quesuions you know im 11 years old yea
i am a married
hamy alferjany
It is my first class online but i’ve watched your videos on youtube. I try to learning english for a long time.
Thank you!
Ricardo Masini
Thanks a lot
Ronnie Teacher, The way that you teach student its really amazing. I always look at your wonderfull video’s and i really enjoying “Dank u wel” it means thanks in dutch :D
Good lesson!
thanks Ronnie but i would like to talk more about this topic with more vocabularies
hii Ronnie!! i love ur teaching.. I want to improve my spoken English…Do u have any teaching class on skype or on any other site?? my problem is that i cant speak English, I felt very hestitated.. pls help me out..
thanks so much miss
I got 100 thanks dear
And you are awesome teacher
Really I love you as a teacher rather than all your staff bcoz your style of teaching is a such awesome and easy to understanding .,,
Thank you Ronnie, very nice class again.
Is very good because sometimes I dont understand and I can repeatthe class. Very good. Big hug Ronnie
Hi there,
Ur website has made my classes more interesting.
Good job
Hi Ronnie, I like you teaching so much because it help improve my grammar and understand clearly how to use it.
Very good lesson thank you very much Ronnie!
If I said (I have got married since 2001 or I have married since 2001 )
which one is correct?
Thank for your lesson and test!
Yihok Chea
Hi Ronnie, i’m confuse about how you spell the word “separate” :-)
ann ann
thanks. I am not engaged. I’m very happy to pal with you. please contact me on address ‘ 229, The earth ‘. Hahahaha
chung nguyen
Thanks Ronnie!
nice lesson >> thnx teacher
good class
thanks teacher
i am single :)
ann ann
Hi ronnie, can I say I got separated?
Tarik rahmouni
Thanks a lot, Ronnie!
cleonir gomes
Hey, Ronnie. Your fashion of teaching is awesome. Thank you.
But I noticed that you used “seperated” though in a quiz there is “separated”.
Perfect 100 thanks
thanks very much
youcef ouddane
Hellow Ronnie!
I’m a little bit confused by difinition of ‘separate’ and ‘divide’… I cann’t completely understand the difference between these two words. Can you help me and others by your video? Thanks!
Best regards, Yevhen)
Yevhen Rekhtin
Hey Ronnie i dont know but understand you even am not prefect, i just want to know which trick you used ?
Good job thank you for your free lessons :)
Dana J
Great, Ronnie!
Reda Zaghloul
question 4 why we select ‘separated than divorce?’
Thank you Ms. Ronnie.
you are a rock-star!
thank u Ronnie
al willis
thank u Mrs Ronnie
al willis
thank you Mrs Ronnie that was a nice lesson)))
4/5! I made a little mistake. Live without someone is separated.
Jerry Gu
Hi, Ronnie, It seems a wrong word ‘seperated’, it’s separated, right?
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Nice classes.
Can you teacher us about infinitive ?
or How do use “ING”, i got stuck all time.
I will do a lesson about infinitive for you and ING the next time!
Thanks for watching! Rey!
Useful lesson to talk about your current marital status.
The quiz helps us to put into practice right away what we learned in this lesson today.
Thanks Ronnie, bye for now.
Thank you
this is for the first time for me to learn English online, but i’m very pround of you ” the teacher” so much to teaching me very clearly, so, make me remember it without memorize, thaks you.
i would like say some thing to u ronnie really really really u r so so so so so so good teacher and i got all your lesson your style in explanition is so so so great finally plz forgive me because i do alot of mistakes in my speech and i hope become same u in english with my best wishes
Hi,does well done to write seperated? or separated?
You wrote both words.
Please,can you explain that?
Thank you teacher.
The correct spelling of the word is sepArated.
Sometimes it is common for native speakers to mispell the words because they tend to write how they hear them.
You have a nice style in teaching. I need your advice. I think that I’m good in grammer and I have a lot of vocabulary, but I’m not good in speaking. How could I improve my speaking.
you have very best away to teach but i need more example for all your
lesson .
and i learn english by self study and i want away how the brest method to learen english (speaking+reading+writting)
plasse give me hand
Would you like to marry with me???
i’m very proud of you You are the best!!
your teaching method is verry effective to me i love it.
i need another grammar lesson.could we talk about
a has,have,had. thanks a lot
A correction:
seperated (WRONG)
separated (CORRECT)
i go through your lectures they were quite easy and understandable, but i think in your lessons you must have to introduce some new words
and their usage it will be helpfull in increasing our vocabulary as well as please include lessons regarding pronouncition they will be helpfull for us.i will see that when will you come your new lecture for pronounciation.
hi congratulation your class is very very good.!
thanks , sorry do you have IM or mail. because i am study english .
bye bye ,,.
thanks a lot
Thanks a lot, Ronnie!
oh how I love these lessons! By the way I’m single:D
Dear Ronnie, your lessons and methods are interesting for me. Fact is that understandable too. Please, I would want ask you what i have to do for your lessons through skype. thx for your answer
Is it wrong to write “I will marry tomorrow”?
I love all your lesson Ronnie.
I think “seperated” is spelled separated ? Any way, I like your lessons very much. Thank you!
you are great! Really wonderful to watch you
I got some advic you Thank you very much.
I like your style and your teaching.
I will learn from you again or every day
thank you teacher
Thanks. Your teching style is good.
thanks teacher style is good
Muito obrigado, Ronie Por todas as aulas!
( Thank you,Ronie for all your lessons!)
it’s awesome. thanks for the lesson teacher.
I’m so glad learning your lessons.
Mário from Brazil – Vitória / ES
thank you engvid to learn us so much think in one roof
Thank you all teachers.
But, I have a question about the word divorced.
Who uses this word the male or the female?
I am looking forward to hearing from you
Men and women both use ‘divorced’.
hi; ronnie thank u so much ;u are a good teacher .i want to improve my english to be a great speaker ; your lessons are useful .
nice mam…thank you…..and god bless you
I really like your classes. They’re always so funny!But I have a question. How do you congugate the verb “to marry”? It seems confuse for me.
Thanks for your help! name is najme.Im Iranian.My language is Farsi.I’m singing I’m new language.engilish).Your classes very good.but I do not know the first step in what I want You can help me please.Thank you
nice, interesting lesson
thanks mam
hi Teacher Ronnie
i been followed your course, you are great, especially the way you teach,
i would like to add also that ur accent is quite very good,you remind me of the way that Mrs. Hillary clinton pronounce English.
thanks ronnie
hi all teachers.I want to congratulate you about your priceless classes.I am an english teacher so i need some information about TOEFL test as you are in the Canada. I live in Saudi ArABIA and i want to pass ielt tesr.plz help me and thank the way u said that u like this word that is WTF what the f**k .do you loke to f**k?.I think being an english teacher u shoild not teaches us like all these word.
Since you have a brain and can decide what words you want to use, there is no problem. You’re not a child or a robot — don’t forget that!
i hope to marry agirl looks like u
Is i will marry agirl right or i wiil get married to agirl or both are true????????
yes both are true but I will get married is more natural!
Hey Ronnie I’m a little confused can I say I will get married or I get married. Thank you
I will get married.
thanks!!!! it was a very useful lesson!!!
Excuse me Mom can you do a basic english lesson, Im fourteen, and I want to learn more english, can we have a bunch of basic english words and you explain them to us, please
Hello Ronnie, I wanna ask you about “Fiance” and “Engaged”. What a different of them. I am little bit confuse with this word.
Fiance is a person (noun). You can say he or she is my fiance.
Engaged is an adjective. You can say I am engaged.
nice lesson.But i want u to teach us types of marriage. thank u for your hard work.
Bye bye!!!!!
thanks for all lessons you are the best of the best thacther l never see
Hello,every body.please talk to me at chimchim_girl [ a t ] hotmail [ d o t ] com. Help me for English stronger than now.thank a lot.
i am pass
thans sooooooo much ronnie
Thanks for your lesson!!!
Please could you explain me when I must use “GET MARRIED” and “MARRY”
When I have to use GET and when not…thanks
Marry is usually an adjective, so we need to use a verb. I am married (adj = married). I will marry (will + base verb)
Hi, Ronnie. I like this lesson and understand clearly. Thanks
I very love my girl friend and I did pop the question …
is it true sentence or not
please help me to say it right
thanks ms Ronnie
I love my girlfriend very much, and I popped the question!
can we have a lesson in stative verbs? want,love,hate,like and taste…..etc its kind of confusion..i hope i’m n’t bothering you.
have a lovely day!
looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you1
I will try to do that for you!
can u describe the word mehndi,walima and barat in english…???
Emm… are those even English words? Sorry I have no clue what those words mean — what language are they in?
Fozi, how can Ms. Ronnie describe these words…. :-))
very nice good work i like this site
This site is brilliant
I like it
Hello Ronnie!
could you please tell me if the words “marriage” and “wedding” are the same? you never spoke about it during the video…
Wedding is a marriage ceremony. Or think of it as a party! So, marriage and wedding are different. “I went to a wedding”
Is it sepErated or sepArated ? :)
no no no… Check it out in any dictionary. guys, ok? It’s SEPARATED!!!!! Ronnie, plz, make it clear! :)
Hello everybody
you are right,It is seperated
sepArated it is.
Ur right.
B sure.
i want membership in your lessons
Hello Ronnie I love u r lessen very much!!!!!!!
Mis:Ronnie what are the word for when someone leap it to his/her hand and that takes red color and the Asian use that much at wedding.
Sorry I don’t know the answer because I don’t really understand your question!
If u ask me,as I know it’s ” Henna “.
Actually it’s a proper name.
Hope I could help.
hi Ronnie
it is a good course but i want to ask about any chat room in English to improve my pronouncation
finally thank you
hi ronnoe what is another name for wedding in english
We can say marriage or matrimony.
Hi Ronnie, how are you? This is William from China. I have been in Toronto in 3 years. I was studying in YorkU. I like Toronto so much, coz lots of people are really nice. However, the bad thing was I have few english friend in Toronto yet(I know i was shy, i was shying to talk to people sometimes), so i cannt improve my english speaking always.Now, I am back to China already, hopefully, we could be able to become a friend. Anyhow, I love your listening, it’s really easy to understand.
By the way, wish to meet you in Toronto, maybe next time, lol…
Hi Ronie,
You said that MARRIED (I am married), DIVORCED (I am divorced), ENGAGED (I am engaged)…are Verbs. I think they are adjectives. They are not in passive form, are they?
Thanks for your lesson!
hi. Because we are from vietnam, I have a question for you. ‘ Do you like HÀNH TÂY ‘
the quiz i get 5 out of 5
woooooooooooow that is good for me
the lesson about married
thank you ronnie
U made english easy, marry me
I think you spelling for separate is wrong!
Hi,ronni! would you please tell me what is the difference between married and wadded
Good ^^
I have watched most of your video,so it’s so helpful.
thank you ronnie .;;;im happy
I like you small lesson,Ronnie!You are perfect as usually))But I need more grammar lessons from you)
Thanks a lot)
from Russia with love))CU
Hi Ms. Ronnie,
Thank you for your lesson.
As a question to someone, how can we ask whether he/she get married or not?
Eg: Which is right?
Are you married? or
Did you get married?
Let me know which one is convenient to ask though
Are you married
Hi Virgoadnan,
How’re you and where do u live in India ? I’m just a learner of Enlish like you.Bye
Yes, I’m married.
Hi Ronni, Just one question. If I have to say that I have a responsibility of my daughter’s marriage,,,,, can I say like… I have to do my daughter’s marriage…….pl reply
I’m not sure what you mean by “I have the responsibility of my daughters marriage”, but I THINK you mean you have to pay for the wedding….”I have to pay for my daughters wedding”.
Unless you are the person who marries people – like a priest/minister or rabbi, then you can say “I have to do (or perform) my daughters wedding.”
Hi Ronnie,
I’m doing better than b4 but i’ve one big problem in English is my pronunciation is bad but i want it to make better so plz give/send me the advice in this regard.
Thanks | Samuelsam
hello, teacher Ron! Hope you can help me this, is it correct, “This coming December i will get engaged”. I would love to hear you to help me..:D
That is correct! Congratulations!!!!
Hi my besssssst teacher,well i have taken my BA in linguistics,i had of course many lessons in Phonetics,Syntax,Morphology,Phonology,Semantics and psycholinguistics,really i have never seen such good,nice and cheerful teacher like you before.You’re perfect and i’m proud of being one of your students online !
By the way Ronnie,i have been all time wondering about some question,that i asked my teacher when i used to go to faculty,but he didn’t want to give me clear answer,may be he had no answer at all hhh,and i hope you will have an answer that makes me relaxed lol.My question is,can we say “i am finished” like i’m tired,or we can only use the perfect tense” i’ve finished”??
You can use both.
Thank you so much for the explanation miss Ronnie.
How are you Madam ?
i want to ask you is this sentence correct ?
I will marry .
I will get married .
but why we are using Married instead of Marry in this sentence .
Married is a noun and an adjective!
Hello Dear Ronnie, I just want to ask sty about Canada, I wonder if you could guide me? how I can live in Canada for ever, my nationality is Iranian and at the moment I live in India for study but I graduated I want to go to Canada for living but I don’t know how, please help me, by the way my major is Pharm-D(Doctor of Pharmacy)
thank you very much indeed
HAHAHAHAA – good question! Basically, if you give the government LOTS of money, you can stay here. Check with Canada Immigration to see what you need to get in!
thanks for your replying, but I’d expected you to helping me more, but no problem, again thanks
Ronnie,I like you explanation.Three months before my father died after a brief illness and so many people called me with their condolences but still i don’t know how to reply to somebody when they say “my hearty condolence”.
If I say “thank you”,would it be correct.
Yeah – I never know what to say at funerals. “Thank you” is the best thing! Short and sweet!
you’re a good teacher .pls add alesson about negative forms
i love your lessons very much but i have counfused!
you said that i will get married
is it also true = i will get marry ?
beacuse marry is a noun isnt it? i am waiting to hear your ganna go to watch your other lessons:D
You cannot say I will get marry. Marry is a verb.
Hello Ronnie!
I like all of your lessons. They are really useful for me to practice myself to have more confidence to explain something in English language in the English class.
i really like your teaching technique and the way you explain the topic, it makes me clear about the topic , thank you so much for da lesson.
thank you Very Much And Im useful for
ur perfect teacher
in when time i can say the letter G
like (Good)
or like ( stingy )
any body could tell me ?
i realy can’t have enough of your lessons about slang can you make some more pleas !!! thanks alot !
my engagement party was in 1985 and after couple of years we got married .it was a wonderful marriage party ..after some years there were problems that leaded us to separate but till now we have not get a divorce …… is it true or no ????
My engagement party was in 1985 and after couple of years we got married. It was a wonderful marriage party. Some years after, there were problems that lead us to separate. But we haven’t gotten a divorce yet.
This is now correct but I have no idea if it is true!
your very good teacher thank you very mach ……………… Ronnie
He proposed me to marriage. Fiance a couple who is engaged.
SHe stands outside the balcony and he sings a serenade for
Her in the street so he will win her heart . They will make up.
Am I being clear?
I Like your lessons and I’m learning easily, you are funny and I have a good time with your class.
Thanks Ronnie
You are my favorite teacher.
I realy,I like your lessons very well.thank you very much .you are great.i love you ronnie
pauses is not required. I can pause video if i need.
Hi Ronnie, thanks for your lesson, but as I know separated is written with an “a” after a “p” and not seperated, isn’t it?
seperated or separated?
You’re so good dear teacher
Hi my name is Maks I am learning english forth Worth TCU. How I can teach speaking please help me?
5to5 ihaqve the score 5to5!
Thanks a lot my teacher
Hi, Ronnie!! I heard a lot about bridal…shower.Can you explain what it is?Must say,it’s kind of messy.Sorry if my question sounds stupid.Thank you.
I want to improve mine yahoo id is
hi ronnie, could you please explain the use of ‘let’ in a sentence.
MyDear Teacher,
I hope to see you I send my twitter mesaj.
See You
hi RONNIE Is it correct? I Would like to get marry you
I would like to marry you OR I would like to get married to you.
Hi Ronnie, does the state CIVIL UNION exist in CANADA?
u r too young in this video compared to the previous one. thanks a lot. is that sentence construction correct
Very nice teacher,thx.
Hello Ronnie…!
Please be honest and tell me did you made a mistake in spelling.
Instead of saying SEPARATED you put SEPERATED.
Am i right or not…?
Please answer my question…!!! Thank you…!
Hello Roomie your class is very good…
Hey Ronnie .
Can you help me with one issue, like i am quite puzzled,
how to tell someone about the story of a movie.. ??any tips !!
You got 5 correct out of 5 .. :D
Thank you very much !!!
hey teacher ronnie how do say the plural of brother or sister in law its confusing me. Its seems that brothers in law is right but brother in law sounds good.
Mrs. Ronnie, could you tell me what type of relationship called before being engaged?
Thanx for your humility
thanks very much Mrs.Ronnie.
Very good class!
thank you for your effortless english..
I’d like to say thanks Ronnie) I’ve got so much fun to wach your videos! You’re da bomb !
Can you make a video with second and third conditions ? plz)
Have a nice and awesome day.
Hi, Rani. Its Laxmi Here. I am indeed impressed with your course and the interesting teaching style. I love to watch you.
I am Master level student. I have completed all my study in English Language, and currently I am doing Master degree in Wellness and Spa service design management in English language. I have been learning English since high school. However still I have problem in spelling and formal writing. I have really hard time to write in chronological order and I made often spelling mistake, though I am familiar with those words. can you please suggest me some of the techniques or ideas, so that I can improve myself.
I am looking for your helpful prompt response
Warm Regards
I get 100% . I get married in 1980 . thank you Ronnie.
i get 100 in the quesuions you know im 11 years old yea
i am a married
It is my first class online but i’ve watched your videos on youtube. I try to learning english for a long time.
Thank you!
Thanks a lot
Ronnie Teacher, The way that you teach student its really amazing. I always look at your wonderfull video’s and i really enjoying “Dank u wel” it means thanks in dutch :D
Good lesson!
thanks Ronnie but i would like to talk more about this topic with more vocabularies
hii Ronnie!! i love ur teaching.. I want to improve my spoken English…Do u have any teaching class on skype or on any other site?? my problem is that i cant speak English, I felt very hestitated.. pls help me out..
thanks so much miss
I got 100 thanks dear
And you are awesome teacher
Really I love you as a teacher rather than all your staff bcoz your style of teaching is a such awesome and easy to understanding .,,
Thank you Ronnie, very nice class again.
Is very good because sometimes I dont understand and I can repeatthe class. Very good. Big hug Ronnie
Hi there,
Ur website has made my classes more interesting.
Good job
Hi Ronnie, I like you teaching so much because it help improve my grammar and understand clearly how to use it.
Very good lesson thank you very much Ronnie!
If I said (I have got married since 2001 or I have married since 2001 )
which one is correct?
Thank for your lesson and test!
Hi Ronnie, i’m confuse about how you spell the word “separate” :-)
thanks. I am not engaged. I’m very happy to pal with you. please contact me on address ‘ 229, The earth ‘. Hahahaha
Thanks Ronnie!
nice lesson >> thnx teacher
good class
thanks teacher
i am single :)
Hi ronnie, can I say I got separated?
Thanks a lot, Ronnie!
Hey, Ronnie. Your fashion of teaching is awesome. Thank you.
But I noticed that you used “seperated” though in a quiz there is “separated”.
Perfect 100 thanks
thanks very much
Hellow Ronnie!
I’m a little bit confused by difinition of ‘separate’ and ‘divide’… I cann’t completely understand the difference between these two words. Can you help me and others by your video? Thanks!
Best regards, Yevhen)
Hey Ronnie i dont know but understand you even am not prefect, i just want to know which trick you used ?
Good job thank you for your free lessons :)
Great, Ronnie!
question 4 why we select ‘separated than divorce?’
Thank you Ms. Ronnie.
you are a rock-star!
thank u Ronnie
thank u Mrs Ronnie
thank you Mrs Ronnie that was a nice lesson)))
4/5! I made a little mistake. Live without someone is separated.
Hi, Ronnie, It seems a wrong word ‘seperated’, it’s separated, right?