In many countries, this is the time when schools and universities start their new years. In this English vocabulary lesson I teach some simple slang you might hear in the classroom. You’ll learn about the following terms: pop quiz, straight A's, cram, killed, bombing.
Hi Alex,
Thanks for your slangs lecture. they are very good and intresting indeed. you see, after watching your video, i killed the quiz..Thanks again!
Have a nice day!
Shing Mang Tun
good job!!!!
Thanks, you too! Keep practicing and using the expressions you learn in real life.
Hi Alex
could you help me how to know uses of phrasal Verb, especially intransitive, transitive phrasal Verb
Hi there, may God bless and reward u …with love from Hope School.
I got 4 out of 4 so i think i got straight A’s and killed the quiz. thank u Alex for this usefull lesson
Hi alex, it is the first time i hear these slangs, that is so useful for me, i often bomb on my exam, so your lesson is a pop quiz today, i will kill my next text, thanks.
The first time I read Vietnamese’s comment. I also like this lesson and I feel happy to know you are Vietnamese…Nice to meet you!
very interesting classes thank you.
joseph xavier
The very first,tnx in advance.
A ? i have:When we use the expression
“indeed i do”?!
If you want to emphasize a short answer to a yes/no present simple question.
“Do you like your new place?”
“Indeed, I do!”
“Does he own a dog?”
“Indeed, he does.”
It’s a bit formal, but can be used in a slightly joking manner as well.
“Are you tired?”
“Indeed, I am.”
Excellent! I’ve learnt a lot today!
norma lara
Well I believe you doing a wonderfull job so I appreciated the time you spend on us thanks
Thank You! That was super!
with your help inshAllah i’ll kill all English tests :)
inshallah :))
Faig Kerimov
understood lesson Alex, thanks 4 the free lesson buddy. cut your hair LOL.
I’m cutting my hair this weekend! I agree that it looks a little crazy right now.
I like it….
thanks alex
I like your frank response.
Abbas Khan
But i like this haircut :)
I thought it was: I am having a haircut this weekend. Is it also correct?
Alex, nice lesson, and please cut your hair, you look much better with short hair, immensly better :)
I agree. I just haven’t had time to go to the stylist lately. I plan on cutting my hair this weekend.
i got 4 out 4, heyey thanks alex,
i love the way you teach so much .realy thanks for your effort
wafaa hany really helps me a lot on improving my english. This lesson is useful. Thank you so much Alex
Wonderfull I think get me more better every day I fill that thanks for all teacher and see ya.
Gray Wolf
Alex…. thanks so much for u’r lesson. it’s wonderful…..
I m 3 out of 4
I think, I killed the test.
i got 3 out 4 , but its ok . thanks for the . its very wondelful , and thanks also for free lesson .
april desire
Alex i have a question for you
that is when the person do not want any test even he has to give the test what we call them ?
Hmm, I’m not sure if I fully understand your question, taimoor. A lazy student? :)
Dear Alex, thank you so much.
This quiz was so easy. So I killed it
Got 5 of 5
thanks alot
I killed the quiz and got straight A`s
I didnt need to I wasnt to afraid of bombing my quiz….
(I know that there are very wrong in please correct that for me)thank you so much
Actually, your grammar is perfect here, aside from using “straight A’s,” since it’s just a test mark, and not a full term mark.
I really love your lessons, Alex. It’s very helpful because every time you make hand gestures that help us very much… [forgive my worst writinng.. ¬¬’ .. kkkk ]
Thanks Alex i love the way you teach,it helps allot,it makes learning English to be easier.
uau nice one. could you give us more lesson like that? thanks
Thank u sir…very nice class…
thanks for this beneficial lecture.I have some wish for you.I hope you’ll have a peaceful and healty life.
Thank you for your kind wishes!
Nice :)
many thanks Alex, you are a great teacher.
kindest regards – Gerry from Indonesia
Gerry Hendarin
thank you very much,Alex
Good lesson
I need more lesson about slang
thank you it was very good for me
saeed from iran
Hi, Alex! I send a big thank-you from Korea. Your lecture is very clear and smooth and well-understood. I also share them with my students in class. Thanks a lot!!!
nice lots of things to learn from this site.. i feel i have improve
Its easy
It is very helpful to me,thank you for helping to society. This is the correct way of man kind
gogineni thomson
thank you brother help so many people in the world
gogineni thomson
thank u alex
my srord is 4 out of 4 youuuuupi !! :D
Thanks Mr Alex you are really good teacher and i understood your lesson very nicely and i think this lesson gave me full attention of my learning English Language.
Greeting from South Africa
Hi Alex! Tank U.
God bles you!
Neemias Nery
i like you teaching…..
thank you
Hello teacher. It was pop quiz you give me, I thought that I’ll bombing on it, but I didn’t, I just killed it. Thank you teacher. :D
thnkz Alex but the video is not working where i’m .I mean am in Sudan
Youtube might still be blocked in Sudan. Can you see any other videos? Make sure your browser is the latest version — if you still can’t see videos on Youtube, you might have to use a proxy.
engVid Moderator
Hi, Alex! I’ve wathed at your lessons every day for last two weeks, and I’ve enjoyed them a lot! I suspect that you have received from God the gift of a teacher.
Thanks ! Mr Alex . I killed the test.
Alex, i love your lessons especially this one, so could you upload more about the school slang? i am so into it.
thank you
good lesson alex! we need to know all about theese expressions
Alex, now I’ll give you a wonderful idea what to do, so we’ll be able to learn it as well. Could you make the list of compound adjectives? For example well-known, well-to-do, so-called etc. Please, do it for us, we want to learn as much as we can. Thank you in advance
alex laughed a lot with yours examples, I am just do not agree with the last one, when you tell the reason why the named bombing. Here in Brazil we use the same slang.But the reason it’s because we have to know how to disarm the bomb, if we can’t do that, the bomb will explode.
But your explain was funny ! ty bro
Thank you for your best videos.
plese post answer
Hi Alex.I like your leesons and i need your advice.How i can find you at skype or at can find me by my name “tea shotashvili”?I have questions but tolking is easy for me,because my writening is terible:)My name is thea and i will wait your answer.sorry for my mistakes.
thnx alex ,great lesson,learned alot,and now i m going to use it in my daily life!dear will u please make a lessson on direct and indirect speech,and what is reported verb?
hey Simran… as a grade 10th student and looking ur interest in learning english seem u want to b fluent as well as good english reader at all. I appreciate u n wanna to recommend you to that catch the bbc or cnn news once in a day on your tv programs and listen almost english songs with lyrics and keep your grammar update…. I m sure that you will b perfect in english at all… thank you
Hi everybody, i’m bombing everything in my life except that quiz i killed it. Thank you Alex, see ya.
Alex, thanks a lot for your time. I’m an English learner and I’ve got a question for you: When do we use AIN’T??? I’m confused about it.
norma lara
Hello teacher,very good,but teacher I want to ask you can I use these expresions in high school or only in the university?see you soon.
Hi, Mr.Alex. It is really helpful lesson.
I wish you have an chance in Vietnam. Your lessons help me too much. Wish you healthy, happy and always sucessful.
omg i like ur class soo much
hi alex. thak’s for the Lesson. i understand, and i killed the quiz :D
Hi Alex.. I like your lessons very much! Could you please make a video(if it’s not a disturb) about the use of the pronoun “that” and when it can be omitted in phrase?Thanks in advance :)
Really is an amazing website thank you so much, I learn a lot whit
This is bombastic
Hello teacher,very good,but teacher I want to ask you can I use these expresions in high school or only in the university?see you soon.
terika kasih (indonesian languages, meaning is thank you)
thanks alot alex
Haii alex !! thanks for the slang lecture.. that was very interesting..
Hello,Alex. Thanks for this lesson,I killed quiz after it. This is my first comment and perhaps I doing mistakes. I like your lessons, thanks for its.
I got straight A’s in my test. That proved you’re talented english teacher. Tqvm teacher.
Md Hilmi Abdullah
Thank you mr.Alex you are a great teacher 8) .
Thank you, Alex! It’s a very nice and useful class!!
Regards from México
Thanks Alex! You are a great teacher
thanks alex
Hey great work you did there really helped me. Thanks !! :-D
Thanks so much
Thank you alex and back your hair!;-)
thank you itwas very useful for me
it will be great if you u upload video on conditionals
hi everybody . i enjoy this lesson . you’re a good teacher . and the lesson was too much important !!!☺☻☺☻♫♪
wow wow wow, thanks a lot i learned a slang vocab. i enjoyed the class =D.
Hi Alex. I like your lessons, because your English is very clear and I can understand everything. Thank you for being so good teacher! It was a very useful lesson!
Sally S
Thanks a lot! Great lessons! Best wishes from Russia!
I’m JUMP and I’m new here, Alex but I wanna say thank you to you.. I really enjoy learning English with you, and nice to meet you here too..
Thank you Alex. You are good. Thanks a lot.
sir you are a very good teacher i like you very much and please help me to improve my english specially because i am very weak in it. if you can do this i can pray for you whole life. yours sincerly arif
arif hussain
I have just found out your website and I really liked it. I am sure this website will help me to improve my English, especially my vocabulary. I want to learn a lot more vocabulary that native speakers use in their everyday life. I want to sound like a native speaker. Thank you for your free lessons.
Hi Alex!
Your test was awesome!I earned plenty of school slang and I killed your quiz…
Alice Jean Febrada
Hi! my dear teacher can you please explain how to say something to friends about the lessons at college level?
Fari Khan
thanks Alix; but the quiz didn’t open :(
Thanks a looooooooot :)
Dr. joy
Many thanks Alex
Thank you mr Alex really you are very good teacher and we will never forget your helping
Rebwar khurshid agha
thank you about your amazing licture i wish learn more from you
Hi Teacher Alex,:) Thanks you so much. Have a nice day.
I love the way you teach! =)
It’s the most usefull site I’ve ever seen =)
thank you:)
Hi Alex , Thanks so much for these invaluable lessons . really you are a great teacher and I like the way you use in teaching ^__^
What a useful lesson!!!
I’ll be very glad to kill somebody….oops…..someone….oops….some tests :-D Is that right??
Ohhh I have a problem. I won’t have many tests anymore. I got a BA 8 months ago, so I need to get a job and I’m trying to learn english in a very advanced way….so I won’t say: mmm….hmmm…yeah…well….and other hesitation words :P Thanks to all of you, your lessons are very useful.
I send you a hug!!!!! <3 <3 <3
Alex, thank you so much))
you really help me on this lesson )
wooooooooooooow thank you so much….I’m really enjoying
thank you Alex, I killed the exam and i got straight A’s because you are great teacher.
this is really great.i got 4 out of 4..:) thanx Mr Alex…i killed my test..
I have question Mr alex..what does BA grades mean,whan somebody says i got BA?
Dear Cidra. BA stands for Bachelor in Arts.
Abbas Khan
Thank you very much for this lesson.if you don’t mind could you arrange more lesson about school slang?Take care bye.
Thanks Mr. Alex for such a nice teaching. PLZ have a look at my passage, Thanks again.
“when I was in School, my friends always used to killed the pop quiz and I bombed. But when I went to university, I was also among the killing students who always killed the pop quiz and got a straight A’s in every semester. Because of regular study, I didn’t need to cram. And as for me, cramming gives just a temporary success and I am forward looking to a permanent success”
Abbas Khan
Abbas Khan
iwant to ask mr james aquestion
on articles
… hotels are … wgich welcome …..parents nd ……children (use article)
Hi this is my first comment, I appreciate the simple way you help people to understand the lessons thank you for all teachers
Thank you very much Mr. Alex I’m really enjoy your video. It was more useful for me.
really good I killed the quiz 4 out of 4
thank you
keep going
Hi Alex
How r u today? I really enjoyed ur school slnag vedio and I killed ur quiz properly.
thank for teaching us
Fond of it,so thanks.
hi guys we ll kill all english tests by following thoses tips inchallah
thank you Alex. I have a question: I asked my friend: “how were your tests? you killed them or they killed you?” and he answered me: “I think it was a draw.” what does “draw” mean? I don’t understand. could you explain me?
Hi Alex! It’s my first time on and I liked it a lot. Your classes realy help us. I’m pleased to meet you. Thanks so much! By the way I killed the quiz too. (from Brazil)
this is first time i see this `site . it,s really amazing lectures . thanks alot for helping us to improve our languge .
great slang words.. :) i love the way you teach..
A very useful lesson thank you very much
I really think you are a good teacher.Best regards from Mexico
Good job. I love this site. It’s very helpfull. I want to know people from all world. Came on, guys! Send me a e-mail:
Alex, thanks a lot for this video. It was very good:)
thank you alex for doing the great job. more power and God bless. Hope to see more lessons from you.
Dear Jon, Ronnie, Valen, Alex, James, and Rebecca. You helped me a lot. Never stop making videos to help people(including me)!Merry Chirstmas and have a Happy New Year!
Your 9 year old friend,
4 out of 4. Thank you so much.
Thank you so much!
Excellent tips Alex, thank you and i wish you a happy new year
Thank you for the lesson. Are we not supposed to say “Joanna said she had killed her test?
is it correct to say.. i killed my exam! ” i did vey well” !! ??
very .sorry!
hi there! Alex, here in Brazil it’s pretty normal to use a similar expression to “kill a test” when we get successful in it. The point is, we use it when we get 100% of it. We say “eu fechei a prova de inglês”, what would literally be translated as “I closed the English test”.
As you mentioned, you use “kill” when you get 90 or 100%, on average.
So, my question is: is there a special expression when I get 100%?
Thank you!
I go to the class and Pop quiz to my student
Tomorrow I have a test , and I have to cram any thing in my mind now
I got straight a and I pass
It is not difficult, I kill all of them
THIS morning, I Had a pop quiz,the test killed me.last night I did not review for the test.unfortunately,I did not cram anything in my brain,so I bombed my exam.Actually,I hope I can get a straight a’z.But it will become a dream!
I like this lesson.
Thank you so much and I have a question: If I have many B or C Grades for my tests, I will get “straight B’s (C’s) on my report card. Is it right or wrong ?
Could you help me ?
My regard!
thank you so much sir alex for all your good work !! i descovered you this day ;so ..i’m so happy for that cause im lost a bit and now it’s like i found a light in darck .thank you alot again sir !! god pless you !
abdou zeen
Thank you Alex. wiht your advice I´ll kill my next exam.
Hi ALEX!!!!!!
The lecture is nice one,I Found good explanation!!
Alex is it will be good to use new vocabulary words in composition???
Plz Reply….
hi Alex got me .This me JB popular all over the world know for various things popsinging , rehearsal , song writing and acting one of my best
. i am here to discuss with ya my views ideas about slangs . is slang ok for non native speakers to use in their daily life . what are the benefits one could get from using slangs in his english . Type me advantages and disadvantages . Hope for a better response from u to come . Thanks regards . Bye
Yeah!!! love this, and your way in tutorial is nice. Thank you
thanks Alex i killed the test hhhhh thanks
You’re a great teacher, I love your lessons!! I have already learned a lot thanks to you!
You’re Polish, right? :) greetings!
lessons are great
i like all classes thank you
Thank you alex. I undertand you everything you teach……
I have just found out your website and I really liked it. I am sure this website will help me to improve my English, especially my vocabulary. I want to learn a lot more vocabulary that native speakers use in their everyday life. I want to sound like a native speaker. Thank you for your free lessons.
I think I aced my test by the way is there any slang for nerds?
thank you so much you are very excellent teacher you are Easy omission
I’ve found,what I was looking for.thanks a lot for such useful lessons.I think slang are very important words,I can’t find them in the books easily.I’ll use them in daily conversation.You are a great teacher like others.thanks a lot.I am a new student.God bless you, all of you.
rally I’m glad by your lesson. 10qs very much
Was very clear, thanks a lot. :)
I’m so happy for your pop quiz slang, it was amasing, nd love it thank you so!
Pierre Saint-Jean
Thanks for very good and clearly explaining of the lecture
very good Alex
Abdul Qayum
Thanks for this lesson!
My students always ask me how to say this kind of slangs!
Thank you for excellent lesson.And I thinking what with a hair style on this video you are looks great.:)
i really learned more slang expressiones by following your videoes
thanks alot
Thanks,you’re avery good teacher,i killed the quiz. x)
4/4 thanks a lot alex
hi alex what’s the difference betwen pop quiz and pop test i dont know
great alex
great lesson thanks
i like this class
Thank you. I would like make a question. I understand everything you speak. However you speak slowly and too clearly. What I want to know is am I fluent if I understand you speaking this way or for saying “I am fluent in English” I should also understand any person speaking anyway?
João Paulo
thx alo Alex..
Hey, Alex! I can’t listen a word. You said that thanks for quicken or something. What do you say exactly? Thanks for quickening. Is it correct?
I wanna say a thousand that word “thank you” to you. thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you so so so much. best wishes to you!
bean sprout
I’m a bad-ass,I killed the test!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First and foremost I wish to thank you a lot! You are the best, really.
If I may ask a question, I can’t get “the subjunctive”, you told about. Why it’s called so? I thought I knew what subjunctive is but this is something new for me. Thanks again, Alla
Alex! First and foremost I wish to express my gratitude to you for the lectures. You’re the best: interesting, clear and efficient.
If I may ask a question, I can’t get ” the subjunctive” you told about. Why do they call it so? I thought I new what Subj. is but this is smth new for me. Thanks again, Alla
It rights me: error
mr.alex thanks . i killed your test
mohammad alfares
Are you in 8th grade ?
Hi Alex keep up with a good lesson thank you.
Thank you veeeeeeeeeeeeery veeeeeeeery much Alex ;) It was so helpful ;)
thanks for the lesson)i have to cram for my engineering exam,i want to kill it…without casualties.
Hi Alex.
Thanks a lot
what a good teacher everyday i watch engvid because i was a student and engvid is helpin to me
hi teachers thanks for each teacher teaching eng her ireally appreceiat you about each lesson vid i have watched
mohammed emaad
Thanks a lot Mr.Alex that for your brilliant lessons, you’re the best teacher in engVid ever. ^^
the final question I can’t answer
but don’t worry in the next time I will
please correct me
the final question I can’t answer
but don’t worry in the next time I will
please correct me
Thanks Alex, this lesson is very funny.
Well, I*ve just killed this quiz)Thanks Alex!
Well, I*ve just killed this quiz)Thanks Alex!
wooow thanks alex i got perfect for the short quiz
thanks Alex it’s really helpful for me
Thank u! It was amazing
i’m totally psyched about watching this easy and funny lesson..i killed the quiz
hussein syd
hi alex i am from mongolia. i like your lesson. but i don’t understand meaning of bomb and pop quiz so write to me explanations of words above! thank you good luck!
thank you Alex, this is useful for me. I like your way to teach.
Thanks a lot for your interesting video. It helped me a lot. I killed the pop quiz and got full marks. I didn’t need to cram my mind so I wasn’t afraid of bombing the test. Is there any grammatical mistakes in this sentence ? Also I have one more question, is there any problem for using shortcut terms for eg. The number 4 for the word ‘for’ ? Please reply me as soon as possible.
thanx Alex that was so beneficial!:)
Thanks,I couldn’t kill my exam yesterday.
i killed my test
Thanks Alex.I killed my exam.
Thanks Alex.
I killed the pop quiz 4 out of 4. So I can probably say I got straight A from the pop quiz. I din’t have to be worried of bombing the test, because your teaching was always awesome. Also, I don’t need to cram for this kind of thing I believe.
hi Alex. everything was clear. but I why you put (‘) in A’s? Could you please explain it?
you are awesome teacher
mahmoud fathy
Thanks …
Alex,I killed the quiz right now!
i killed too:)
me too. Thank teacher! u’re really great at explaining.
soth sophary
Certainly, knowing School Slangs is necessary mainly if you are a English teacher.
thanx teacher
Thanks alex.. I killed this test !
It was really easy.
Hi Alex,
even though I’m not a student, your lesson is
really interesting for me
Thank you for helping me to study English.
Because of the lesson, this wasn’t a pop quiz, so I killed it getting 4 of 4, like a straight A’s.
I killed it! ;)
Hi tara. Thanks for your nice flag. It’s an iteresting choice !
I got straight A’s boss thanks for your lecture
Thanks!!! :)
Josie Nguyen
i have de murder all english lessons
thx Alex
Thank You Alex, I killed the quise
Thanks! 10/10 :)
I wrote all these tips on my English expressions/slangs book! Thank u!
Hi Alex,
Thank you for sharing your knowledge, well explained. I got c’s in my short quiz….lol
Thanks again and God bless!
Hi Alex,
Thank you for sharing your knowledge, i like your explanation.
i wish you good luck all the time.
Hi Alex,
Thank you for sharing your knowledge, i like your explanation.
i wish you good luck all the time. i am new subscriber.
Hello, I am writing a course paper about School slang. So, I need eamples. Thank you for this lesson, I will include these examples, but I need more…can you please help me, Alex?
Thank you for the lesson! I didn’ know how to use “cram”, “kill” and “bombing”.
Hello Alex
Tanks for your slangs lecture
It’s very helpful for me. :D
Nyein Su
Great lesson teacher, success for you from Ecuador and continue teaching
For me everything was okay but my question is 1st question is in it Teacher gave pop quiz to students but had pupil gotten surprise test or shock test I didn’t Greek on 1st but I got 4 to 4..
Could you explain that with some more examples please Alex sir.?.
i’m waiting for your reply on it..
I want reply from your side sir my question is Teacher gave pop quiz to pupil but had pupil had it surprise test or shock test?..
I need some more example for this question could you give me Alex sir?
Thank you sir. You helped me to killed the quiz!
thank you
Alex sir, i want to learn English from this website.
but i am really confused regarding the sequence of watching these videos.
could you please give me an advise
sravani segireddy
I’m very interested in knowing about Slangs. It was good. Thank you very much .
Thank you for your good explain,
It’s easy for understanding.
Thank you.
I got 10.
Thanks you so much.
Marta Lopez
Impeccable comme d’habitude. Merci Alex.
thx a lot teacher alex
Is this correct? Why can’t be more like your friend Nog. Should not it be “Why can´t you be?
Sorry! I mixed the words “not” and “it”
I don’t speak english
can you help me please Alex
I got 4/4! Thanks!!
thx this is easy to understand
I have killed this exam which under the video, I got straight a’s in it.
Bashar Sabatin
All correct. Thank you.
ann ann
Thanks for this content Alex!
Jonathas Wilhem
Congratulations for your work !
I had to cram for almost all of my exams in university because too much time spent on singing practice with Voca Erudita choir.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Hi Alex,
Thanks for your slangs lecture. they are very good and intresting indeed. you see, after watching your video, i killed the quiz..Thanks again!
Have a nice day!
good job!!!!
Thanks, you too! Keep practicing and using the expressions you learn in real life.
Hi Alex
could you help me how to know uses of phrasal Verb, especially intransitive, transitive phrasal Verb
Hi there, may God bless and reward u …with love from Hope School.
I got 4 out of 4 so i think i got straight A’s and killed the quiz. thank u Alex for this usefull lesson
Hi alex, it is the first time i hear these slangs, that is so useful for me, i often bomb on my exam, so your lesson is a pop quiz today, i will kill my next text, thanks.
The first time I read Vietnamese’s comment. I also like this lesson and I feel happy to know you are Vietnamese…Nice to meet you!
very interesting classes thank you.
The very first,tnx in advance.
A ? i have:When we use the expression
“indeed i do”?!
If you want to emphasize a short answer to a yes/no present simple question.
“Do you like your new place?”
“Indeed, I do!”
“Does he own a dog?”
“Indeed, he does.”
It’s a bit formal, but can be used in a slightly joking manner as well.
“Are you tired?”
“Indeed, I am.”
Excellent! I’ve learnt a lot today!
Well I believe you doing a wonderfull job so I appreciated the time you spend on us thanks
Thank You! That was super!
with your help inshAllah i’ll kill all English tests :)
inshallah :))
understood lesson Alex, thanks 4 the free lesson buddy. cut your hair LOL.
I’m cutting my hair this weekend! I agree that it looks a little crazy right now.
I like it….
thanks alex
I like your frank response.
But i like this haircut :)
I thought it was: I am having a haircut this weekend. Is it also correct?
Alex, nice lesson, and please cut your hair, you look much better with short hair, immensly better :)
I agree. I just haven’t had time to go to the stylist lately. I plan on cutting my hair this weekend.
i got 4 out 4, heyey thanks alex,
i love the way you teach so much .realy thanks for your effort really helps me a lot on improving my english. This lesson is useful. Thank you so much Alex
Wonderfull I think get me more better every day I fill that thanks for all teacher and see ya.
Alex…. thanks so much for u’r lesson. it’s wonderful…..
I m 3 out of 4
I think, I killed the test.
i got 3 out 4 , but its ok . thanks for the . its very wondelful , and thanks also for free lesson .
Alex i have a question for you
that is when the person do not want any test even he has to give the test what we call them ?
Hmm, I’m not sure if I fully understand your question, taimoor. A lazy student? :)
Dear Alex, thank you so much.
This quiz was so easy. So I killed it
Got 5 of 5
thanks alot
I killed the quiz and got straight A`s
I didnt need to I wasnt to afraid of bombing my quiz….
(I know that there are very wrong in please correct that for me)thank you so much
Actually, your grammar is perfect here, aside from using “straight A’s,” since it’s just a test mark, and not a full term mark.
I really love your lessons, Alex. It’s very helpful because every time you make hand gestures that help us very much… [forgive my worst writinng.. ¬¬’ .. kkkk ]
Thanks Alex i love the way you teach,it helps allot,it makes learning English to be easier.
uau nice one. could you give us more lesson like that? thanks
Thank u sir…very nice class…
thanks for this beneficial lecture.I have some wish for you.I hope you’ll have a peaceful and healty life.
Thank you for your kind wishes!
Nice :)
many thanks Alex, you are a great teacher.
kindest regards – Gerry from Indonesia
thank you very much,Alex
Good lesson
I need more lesson about slang
thank you it was very good for me
Hi, Alex! I send a big thank-you from Korea. Your lecture is very clear and smooth and well-understood. I also share them with my students in class. Thanks a lot!!!
nice lots of things to learn from this site.. i feel i have improve
Its easy
It is very helpful to me,thank you for helping to society. This is the correct way of man kind
thank you brother help so many people in the world
thank u alex
my srord is 4 out of 4 youuuuupi !! :D
Thanks Mr Alex you are really good teacher and i understood your lesson very nicely and i think this lesson gave me full attention of my learning English Language.
Greeting from South Africa
Hi Alex! Tank U.
God bles you!
i like you teaching…..
thank you
Hello teacher. It was pop quiz you give me, I thought that I’ll bombing on it, but I didn’t, I just killed it. Thank you teacher. :D
thnkz Alex but the video is not working where i’m .I mean am in Sudan
Youtube might still be blocked in Sudan. Can you see any other videos? Make sure your browser is the latest version — if you still can’t see videos on Youtube, you might have to use a proxy.
Hi, Alex! I’ve wathed at your lessons every day for last two weeks, and I’ve enjoyed them a lot! I suspect that you have received from God the gift of a teacher.
Thanks ! Mr Alex . I killed the test.
Alex, i love your lessons especially this one, so could you upload more about the school slang? i am so into it.
thank you
good lesson alex! we need to know all about theese expressions
Alex, now I’ll give you a wonderful idea what to do, so we’ll be able to learn it as well. Could you make the list of compound adjectives? For example well-known, well-to-do, so-called etc. Please, do it for us, we want to learn as much as we can. Thank you in advance
alex laughed a lot with yours examples, I am just do not agree with the last one, when you tell the reason why the named bombing. Here in Brazil we use the same slang.But the reason it’s because we have to know how to disarm the bomb, if we can’t do that, the bomb will explode.
But your explain was funny ! ty bro
Thank you for your best videos.
plese post answer
Hi Alex.I like your leesons and i need your advice.How i can find you at skype or at can find me by my name “tea shotashvili”?I have questions but tolking is easy for me,because my writening is terible:)My name is thea and i will wait your answer.sorry for my mistakes.
thnx alex ,great lesson,learned alot,and now i m going to use it in my daily life!dear will u please make a lessson on direct and indirect speech,and what is reported verb?
hey Simran… as a grade 10th student and looking ur interest in learning english seem u want to b fluent as well as good english reader at all. I appreciate u n wanna to recommend you to that catch the bbc or cnn news once in a day on your tv programs and listen almost english songs with lyrics and keep your grammar update…. I m sure that you will b perfect in english at all… thank you
Hi everybody, i’m bombing everything in my life except that quiz i killed it. Thank you Alex, see ya.
Alex, thanks a lot for your time. I’m an English learner and I’ve got a question for you: When do we use AIN’T??? I’m confused about it.
Hello teacher,very good,but teacher I want to ask you can I use these expresions in high school or only in the university?see you soon.
Hi, Mr.Alex. It is really helpful lesson.
I wish you have an chance in Vietnam. Your lessons help me too much. Wish you healthy, happy and always sucessful.
omg i like ur class soo much
hi alex. thak’s for the Lesson. i understand, and i killed the quiz :D
Hi Alex.. I like your lessons very much! Could you please make a video(if it’s not a disturb) about the use of the pronoun “that” and when it can be omitted in phrase?Thanks in advance :)
Really is an amazing website thank you so much, I learn a lot whit
This is bombastic
Hello teacher,very good,but teacher I want to ask you can I use these expresions in high school or only in the university?see you soon.
terika kasih (indonesian languages, meaning is thank you)
thanks alot alex
Haii alex !! thanks for the slang lecture.. that was very interesting..
Hello,Alex. Thanks for this lesson,I killed quiz after it. This is my first comment and perhaps I doing mistakes. I like your lessons, thanks for its.
I got straight A’s in my test. That proved you’re talented english teacher. Tqvm teacher.
Thank you mr.Alex you are a great teacher 8) .
Thank you, Alex! It’s a very nice and useful class!!
Regards from México
Thanks Alex! You are a great teacher
thanks alex
Hey great work you did there really helped me. Thanks !! :-D
Thanks so much
Thank you alex and back your hair!;-)
thank you itwas very useful for me
it will be great if you u upload video on conditionals
hi everybody . i enjoy this lesson . you’re a good teacher . and the lesson was too much important !!!☺☻☺☻♫♪
wow wow wow, thanks a lot i learned a slang vocab. i enjoyed the class =D.
Hi Alex. I like your lessons, because your English is very clear and I can understand everything. Thank you for being so good teacher! It was a very useful lesson!
Thanks a lot! Great lessons! Best wishes from Russia!
I’m JUMP and I’m new here, Alex but I wanna say thank you to you.. I really enjoy learning English with you, and nice to meet you here too..
Thank you Alex. You are good. Thanks a lot.
sir you are a very good teacher i like you very much and please help me to improve my english specially because i am very weak in it. if you can do this i can pray for you whole life. yours sincerly arif
I have just found out your website and I really liked it. I am sure this website will help me to improve my English, especially my vocabulary. I want to learn a lot more vocabulary that native speakers use in their everyday life. I want to sound like a native speaker. Thank you for your free lessons.
Hi Alex!
Your test was awesome!I earned plenty of school slang and I killed your quiz…
Hi! my dear teacher can you please explain how to say something to friends about the lessons at college level?
thanks Alix; but the quiz didn’t open :(
Thanks a looooooooot :)
Many thanks Alex
Thank you mr Alex really you are very good teacher and we will never forget your helping
thank you about your amazing licture i wish learn more from you
Hi Teacher Alex,:) Thanks you so much. Have a nice day.
I love the way you teach! =)
It’s the most usefull site I’ve ever seen =)
thank you:)
Hi Alex , Thanks so much for these invaluable lessons . really you are a great teacher and I like the way you use in teaching ^__^
What a useful lesson!!!
I’ll be very glad to kill somebody….oops…..someone….oops….some tests :-D Is that right??
Ohhh I have a problem. I won’t have many tests anymore. I got a BA 8 months ago, so I need to get a job and I’m trying to learn english in a very advanced way….so I won’t say: mmm….hmmm…yeah…well….and other hesitation words :P Thanks to all of you, your lessons are very useful.
I send you a hug!!!!! <3 <3 <3
Alex, thank you so much))
you really help me on this lesson )
wooooooooooooow thank you so much….I’m really enjoying
thank you Alex, I killed the exam and i got straight A’s because you are great teacher.
this is really great.i got 4 out of 4..:) thanx Mr Alex…i killed my test..
I have question Mr alex..what does BA grades mean,whan somebody says i got BA?
Dear Cidra. BA stands for Bachelor in Arts.
Thank you very much for this lesson.if you don’t mind could you arrange more lesson about school slang?Take care bye.
Thanks Mr. Alex for such a nice teaching. PLZ have a look at my passage, Thanks again.
“when I was in School, my friends always used to killed the pop quiz and I bombed. But when I went to university, I was also among the killing students who always killed the pop quiz and got a straight A’s in every semester. Because of regular study, I didn’t need to cram. And as for me, cramming gives just a temporary success and I am forward looking to a permanent success”
Abbas Khan
iwant to ask mr james aquestion
on articles
… hotels are … wgich welcome …..parents nd ……children (use article)
Hi this is my first comment, I appreciate the simple way you help people to understand the lessons thank you for all teachers
Thank you very much Mr. Alex I’m really enjoy your video. It was more useful for me.
really good I killed the quiz 4 out of 4
thank you
keep going
Hi Alex
How r u today? I really enjoyed ur school slnag vedio and I killed ur quiz properly.
thank for teaching us
Fond of it,so thanks.
hi guys we ll kill all english tests by following thoses tips inchallah
thank you Alex. I have a question: I asked my friend: “how were your tests? you killed them or they killed you?” and he answered me: “I think it was a draw.” what does “draw” mean? I don’t understand. could you explain me?
Hi Alex! It’s my first time on and I liked it a lot. Your classes realy help us. I’m pleased to meet you. Thanks so much! By the way I killed the quiz too. (from Brazil)
this is first time i see this `site . it,s really amazing lectures . thanks alot for helping us to improve our languge .
great slang words.. :) i love the way you teach..
A very useful lesson thank you very much
I really think you are a good teacher.Best regards from Mexico
Good job. I love this site. It’s very helpfull. I want to know people from all world. Came on, guys! Send me a e-mail:
Alex, thanks a lot for this video. It was very good:)
thank you alex for doing the great job. more power and God bless. Hope to see more lessons from you.
Dear Jon, Ronnie, Valen, Alex, James, and Rebecca. You helped me a lot. Never stop making videos to help people(including me)!Merry Chirstmas and have a Happy New Year!
Your 9 year old friend,
4 out of 4. Thank you so much.
Thank you so much!
Excellent tips Alex, thank you and i wish you a happy new year
Thank you for the lesson. Are we not supposed to say “Joanna said she had killed her test?
is it correct to say.. i killed my exam! ” i did vey well” !! ??
very .sorry!
hi there! Alex, here in Brazil it’s pretty normal to use a similar expression to “kill a test” when we get successful in it. The point is, we use it when we get 100% of it. We say “eu fechei a prova de inglês”, what would literally be translated as “I closed the English test”.
As you mentioned, you use “kill” when you get 90 or 100%, on average.
So, my question is: is there a special expression when I get 100%?
Thank you!
I go to the class and Pop quiz to my student
Tomorrow I have a test , and I have to cram any thing in my mind now
I got straight a and I pass
It is not difficult, I kill all of them
THIS morning, I Had a pop quiz,the test killed me.last night I did not review for the test.unfortunately,I did not cram anything in my brain,so I bombed my exam.Actually,I hope I can get a straight a’z.But it will become a dream!
I like this lesson.
Thank you so much and I have a question: If I have many B or C Grades for my tests, I will get “straight B’s (C’s) on my report card. Is it right or wrong ?
Could you help me ?
My regard!
thank you so much sir alex for all your good work !! i descovered you this day ;so ..i’m so happy for that cause im lost a bit and now it’s like i found a light in darck .thank you alot again sir !! god pless you !
Thank you Alex. wiht your advice I´ll kill my next exam.
Hi ALEX!!!!!!
The lecture is nice one,I Found good explanation!!
Alex is it will be good to use new vocabulary words in composition???
Plz Reply….
hi Alex got me .This me JB popular all over the world know for various things popsinging , rehearsal , song writing and acting one of my best
. i am here to discuss with ya my views ideas about slangs . is slang ok for non native speakers to use in their daily life . what are the benefits one could get from using slangs in his english . Type me advantages and disadvantages . Hope for a better response from u to come . Thanks regards . Bye
Yeah!!! love this, and your way in tutorial is nice. Thank you
thanks Alex i killed the test hhhhh thanks
You’re a great teacher, I love your lessons!! I have already learned a lot thanks to you!
You’re Polish, right? :) greetings!
lessons are great
i like all classes thank you
Thank you alex. I undertand you everything you teach……
I have just found out your website and I really liked it. I am sure this website will help me to improve my English, especially my vocabulary. I want to learn a lot more vocabulary that native speakers use in their everyday life. I want to sound like a native speaker. Thank you for your free lessons.
I think I aced my test by the way is there any slang for nerds?
thank you so much you are very excellent teacher you are Easy omission
I’ve found,what I was looking for.thanks a lot for such useful lessons.I think slang are very important words,I can’t find them in the books easily.I’ll use them in daily conversation.You are a great teacher like others.thanks a lot.I am a new student.God bless you, all of you.
rally I’m glad by your lesson. 10qs very much
Was very clear, thanks a lot. :)
I’m so happy for your pop quiz slang, it was amasing, nd love it thank you so!
Thanks for very good and clearly explaining of the lecture
very good Alex
Thanks for this lesson!
My students always ask me how to say this kind of slangs!
Thank you for excellent lesson.And I thinking what with a hair style on this video you are looks great.:)
i really learned more slang expressiones by following your videoes
thanks alot
Thanks,you’re avery good teacher,i killed the quiz. x)
4/4 thanks a lot alex
hi alex what’s the difference betwen pop quiz and pop test i dont know
great alex
great lesson thanks
i like this class
Thank you. I would like make a question. I understand everything you speak. However you speak slowly and too clearly. What I want to know is am I fluent if I understand you speaking this way or for saying “I am fluent in English” I should also understand any person speaking anyway?
thx alo Alex..
Hey, Alex! I can’t listen a word. You said that thanks for quicken or something. What do you say exactly? Thanks for quickening. Is it correct?
I wanna say a thousand that word “thank you” to you. thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you so so so much. best wishes to you!
I’m a bad-ass,I killed the test!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First and foremost I wish to thank you a lot! You are the best, really.
If I may ask a question, I can’t get “the subjunctive”, you told about. Why it’s called so? I thought I knew what subjunctive is but this is something new for me. Thanks again, Alla
Alex! First and foremost I wish to express my gratitude to you for the lectures. You’re the best: interesting, clear and efficient.
If I may ask a question, I can’t get ” the subjunctive” you told about. Why do they call it so? I thought I new what Subj. is but this is smth new for me. Thanks again, Alla
It rights me: error
mr.alex thanks . i killed your test
Are you in 8th grade ?
Hi Alex keep up with a good lesson thank you.
Thank you veeeeeeeeeeeeery veeeeeeeery much Alex ;) It was so helpful ;)
thanks for the lesson)i have to cram for my engineering exam,i want to kill it…without casualties.
Hi Alex.
Thanks a lot
what a good teacher everyday i watch engvid because i was a student and engvid is helpin to me
hi teachers thanks for each teacher teaching eng her ireally appreceiat you about each lesson vid i have watched
Thanks a lot Mr.Alex that for your brilliant lessons, you’re the best teacher in engVid ever. ^^
the final question I can’t answer
but don’t worry in the next time I will
please correct me
the final question I can’t answer
but don’t worry in the next time I will
please correct me
Thanks Alex, this lesson is very funny.
Well, I*ve just killed this quiz)Thanks Alex!
Well, I*ve just killed this quiz)Thanks Alex!
wooow thanks alex i got perfect for the short quiz
thanks Alex it’s really helpful for me
Thank u! It was amazing
i’m totally psyched about watching this easy and funny lesson..i killed the quiz
hi alex i am from mongolia. i like your lesson. but i don’t understand meaning of bomb and pop quiz so write to me explanations of words above! thank you good luck!
thank you Alex, this is useful for me. I like your way to teach.
Thanks a lot for your interesting video. It helped me a lot. I killed the pop quiz and got full marks. I didn’t need to cram my mind so I wasn’t afraid of bombing the test. Is there any grammatical mistakes in this sentence ? Also I have one more question, is there any problem for using shortcut terms for eg. The number 4 for the word ‘for’ ? Please reply me as soon as possible.
thanx Alex that was so beneficial!:)
Thanks,I couldn’t kill my exam yesterday.
i killed my test
Thanks Alex.I killed my exam.
Thanks Alex.
I killed the pop quiz 4 out of 4. So I can probably say I got straight A from the pop quiz. I din’t have to be worried of bombing the test, because your teaching was always awesome. Also, I don’t need to cram for this kind of thing I believe.
hi Alex. everything was clear. but I why you put (‘) in A’s? Could you please explain it?
you are awesome teacher
Thanks …
Alex,I killed the quiz right now!
i killed too:)
me too. Thank teacher! u’re really great at explaining.
Certainly, knowing School Slangs is necessary mainly if you are a English teacher.
thanx teacher
Thanks alex.. I killed this test !
It was really easy.
Hi Alex,
even though I’m not a student, your lesson is
really interesting for me
Thank you for helping me to study English.
Because of the lesson, this wasn’t a pop quiz, so I killed it getting 4 of 4, like a straight A’s.
I killed it! ;)
Hi tara. Thanks for your nice flag. It’s an iteresting choice !
I got straight A’s boss thanks for your lecture
Thanks!!! :)
i have de murder all english lessons
thx Alex
Thank You Alex, I killed the quise
Thanks! 10/10 :)
I wrote all these tips on my English expressions/slangs book! Thank u!
Hi Alex,
Thank you for sharing your knowledge, well explained. I got c’s in my short quiz….lol
Thanks again and God bless!
Hi Alex,
Thank you for sharing your knowledge, i like your explanation.
i wish you good luck all the time.
Hi Alex,
Thank you for sharing your knowledge, i like your explanation.
i wish you good luck all the time. i am new subscriber.
Hello, I am writing a course paper about School slang. So, I need eamples. Thank you for this lesson, I will include these examples, but I need more…can you please help me, Alex?
Thank you for the lesson! I didn’ know how to use “cram”, “kill” and “bombing”.
Hello Alex
Tanks for your slangs lecture
It’s very helpful for me. :D
Great lesson teacher, success for you from Ecuador and continue teaching
For me everything was okay but my question is 1st question is in it Teacher gave pop quiz to students but had pupil gotten surprise test or shock test I didn’t Greek on 1st but I got 4 to 4..
Could you explain that with some more examples please Alex sir.?.
i’m waiting for your reply on it..
I want reply from your side sir my question is Teacher gave pop quiz to pupil but had pupil had it surprise test or shock test?..
I need some more example for this question could you give me Alex sir?
Thank you sir. You helped me to killed the quiz!
thank you
Alex sir, i want to learn English from this website.
but i am really confused regarding the sequence of watching these videos.
could you please give me an advise
I’m very interested in knowing about Slangs. It was good. Thank you very much .
Thank you for your good explain,
It’s easy for understanding.
Thank you.
I got 10.
Thanks you so much.
Impeccable comme d’habitude. Merci Alex.
thx a lot teacher alex
Is this correct? Why can’t be more like your friend Nog. Should not it be “Why can´t you be?
Sorry! I mixed the words “not” and “it”
I don’t speak english
can you help me please Alex
I got 4/4! Thanks!!
thx this is easy to understand
I have killed this exam which under the video, I got straight a’s in it.
All correct. Thank you.
Thanks for this content Alex!
Congratulations for your work !
I had to cram for almost all of my exams in university because too much time spent on singing practice with Voca Erudita choir.
Thanks for your lesson~ It is so interesting!
4/4 Thanks Alex :)
Thanks a lot my teacher. You’re great.
Thanks I am Ahmed from Egypt
Thanks a lot
3/4 thx