You need to know some simple vocabulary and phrases in order to shop in an English-speaking country. In this lesson, I teach you some of this important vocabulary.
Useful lesson. . . Jon, your clone didn’t pay you, go and smash him :D
it’s a nice lesson , i usually go shopping and face some troubles with my vocabularies for shopping , but i have gotten useful of this lesson .
yemen's girl
thanks juan for you lesen 1 not my english is not good but 1 practise every tame 1 have time
Good and simple. Keep it up
nice thank u
thanks alot teacher
thanks john for such a nice and useful lesson
I do not know how to thank you
You just did, thanks
Thank you very much
Best regards …
thans teachers
sometimes u look like drunk, U drank a lot of beers in the past right, nice lesson.keep teaching not drinking please.
Actually I was totally sober. However, it was hot that day, so perhaps that is what made it appear as though I were intoxicated. Take care, Jon
Efrain, relax and have a beer!
Yeah! and have one for me—
this lesson was very helpful. Thanks :D
thanks you lesson was very helpful.
interesting lesson! your accent is very clear to me.:)
thank you so much!
I’m mistake for the last quiz because I don’t live in Canada.(The price of an item in my country include taxes)
Most people, including myself do not like it when the price does not include taxes. I wish that Canada did the same thing as in your country. Jon
If I had to add taxes to prices, I wouldn’t be able to calculate the correct prices!!
How is it in CA Jon? Because in Europe they put not only the price of the object but also the taxes that you will pay. Then when you look at the price ticket you are able to see both.
In Brazil it’s included already, and I don’t really like that because we can’t really see how many taxes we are paying.
Best regards. Rodrigo.
nice thank you
hi jon,its Amir thanks for your good lessons and best skills at teaching.could you do me a favour?if you agree,could you make a lesson for special** phrasal verbs** which are used in car such as **fasten the seatbelt** besides I will be grateful to your help. Thank you very much.
I will. Actually, ‘fasten your seatbelt’ is not a phrasal verb. Phrasal verbs are sometimes called 2 part verbs. For example: sit down, stand up, buckle up (which incidentally means the same thing as fasten your seatbelt).
acting is what reacting , you loose there
thanks you are a good teacher
thankyou teacher . i like this leeson and i got many useful word .
First, i would thank all you as teacher that have great program to teach people by internet.
very good! He is a good teacher! tnks!
nice and good
Hi Mr Jon
Thank u so much
it was a good lesson.I enjoyed it , it helped me in increasing my vocabulary a little bit. so i feel good.
chand singh
very good lession man, I got many vocabularies from this lession, thank a lot
You’re welcome.
Thank you so much ^__^
very good lesson
Thank you ,,
hi JON thanks for this lesson .i want ask u if u can talk with me in skype to improve my skill .
thanks alot
hi JON .THANKS FOR THIS LESSON I WANT ask if u has skype coz i want talk with u to improve my skills .
thank you so much. your teaching way is very interesting with me
I think we should bargin when we going shopping for discount.
Duy Quy
good lesson
Thank you
ur funny! thanx!
thanks jon
Hey Jon,
Thank u for such a great lesson. wanna ask u:
1-how to ask the salesperson if i can buy something else for wt ive already bought? i mean if there a possibilty to change?
2- how to ask about the deadline of that change?
why teacher john don’t answer mmmmmmmmm
Jon, nice video but I think that the title of your lesson is uncorrect… Sorry but to buy a pair of shoes in 30 secondes, is not what I call shopping!! To do shopping you need at least 2 hours and a shopping mall…
That’s funny.
It was indeed a good lesson, you kept it simple and clear…
very good for cmprehension
thnx byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Thank you !
I have wonderful teacher here in engvid! Thank you for your good work!!!
Sally S
Well done job man, thank you.
hello to you.
I really enjoy your lessons, Jon.
Thanks so much. You´re a nive teacher.
thank you so much you’re the best teacher (*_^)
thanks again
thank you teacher
thanx )
thsi is very cool to learn english this way…..
Thank you very much Jon
u’r good, Jon!
take care!
That’s my teacher! Really amazing job :) Someday I will be an amazing teacher like you Jon,I hope so. Thanks for the lesson.
thank you, Jon is the best teacher.
Your teaching are very apparent. Thanks a lot, I wish to speak English fluently in the end of this year LOL.
thank you jon you realy amesing and i hope in end of year i can speak engligh very well
i love shopping :D but i dun have money :( ahahah :D
Very usefful for listen, I like it. Thank you.
Ok Jon, I saw your exemple with tips that we should use when we want to buy something.
I loved so much, all of you always have a good tips and class to improve our english.
Its good
thank you, you are goot teacher.
Thank you!
hmm good teacher
very helpful
nice teaching
Hi!I don’t understand why we say reasonable as a good price for shopping? It’s not connected with price as cheap or expensive…Thanks :P
Thanks John !
Lession like this are very meaningful. I look forward to your another lession. Thanh very much
It was a first time to watch your video. Your lesson was fun and clear. I could hear you well. Especially I haven’t known what prepositions to use before the payment. Now I see. thanks.
kyoung mi
thank you so much t.jon……Best wishes!bye
The best part was a drama. You could do more often.
Teatcher, sincerely, The theme this lesson was make expecially for girls.
Thank you!
it’s interedting
thank you
ismail alnaji
syed m mohsin
When i was watching this video .I concentrate on your body language more and that help me lot to go in the same situation (shopping).
hi john i love ur lessen insane nd iwanna speak like an american native speaker i know i can relay on u .thank u soooooooooo much
i is wonderful listening lessons i love it too much i love it i love it i love it
jon it is nice but i want learn more vocabulary about general used in life not just 12 word mean try increase yourwords in lesson even it has the same meaning
nice lesson
Great John … This lesson is very applicable in my life … help me so much … thank you again … and please, provide us more lessons.
I coccentrate you told in the lesson, I can understand but not too much. I hope I will be practice more and can understand all of your lesson
thank you so much Mr.Jon
I want ask you about present perfect simple and when we use it and why ? Iam sure you can help me?
It very good, i like it more than the first
it is very good. i knew more how to pay.
Who live in Viet Nam ?
Very helpful lesson, thx….
I really enjoy this lessons, he’s very funny
Hi Mr.Jon.That is really great lesson each lesson of you better then others,Dear respectful teacher can you help me and tell me how can i downloaded the videos.Because iam working in the office and dont have much time to study in the office.i would like to download it then study at home during night time.Thanks alot for your cooperation and assitance.
thanks for all, I would like to ask about practice with some friends on net (chat) or reading and writing
thank you
Mam.a ton thanks for your lessons..could you be kind enough to teach me about the pronunciation of letters ‘c’ and ‘j’?
like,they are pronounced very differently.
As in,for example:1)Nachos(pronounced as -ch)
2)Camera/Arctic(pronounced as -k)
3)Jos (pronounced as -Joy )
4)Jose (pronounced as -Osay)
jon,you are very good teacher and iam learning much with yours lesons
thank s very very much
hi there,
I have a question regarding paying IN cash? In the video you said BY cash? Are these two forms correct?
thanks a lot teachers jon, i am learning much with your leasson.
Thanks Jon for the great lesson!
Hi Jon,
You are the best teacher that i have ever head.
Can i Please Ask you A Question That How did you create your clone.
Please Answer
your teaching way is very interesting with me
go on good luck
Hi!!! I didn’t know about the taxes!!! In Greece they are included in the price.
Thanks for the lesson Jon:)
i want to my improvement english please give me your skype ID i needing your help.sir
Anil kumar
Good İdea :)
Nihal TÜRK
Teacher Jon, thank you for this lesson. I have a little comment:
You CAN’T say/write “by cash”, it should be “in cash”, I’m sure about it; you can look it up in a dictionary.
oh jon you are nice teacher thanks jon
your lesson was good,
you continue making lessons for learn more English :)
piece of cake
thanx :)
Nice to meet you. I have seen a lot of yours English lessons. Thank you, Sir. In this lesson I can not to understand the last words. Something: “Hey,they are the paper lose!” Am I right?
Thank you teacher. In Greece all the taxes included in the price.
Nice simple and funny.Thank you!!
Thank you my teacher!
I did the quiz, but in the last question I’ve committed some mistake so the answer was wrong! more attention on next one.
Thank you for your funny lesson :) I laughed :D
Great Jon, I love your lessons.
Thank you for your lesson.
Hi Jon,
thanks for your funny lesson
take care
Jon,you are the master.
Thank you.
Great !!
chababi hakim
great, but I didn’t get what the Debit is ?!
Very useful lesson! Thank you John!
Isaias Menezes Silva
It’s a good lesson but I don’t understand always whatis a debit card
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Useful lesson. . . Jon, your clone didn’t pay you, go and smash him :D
it’s a nice lesson , i usually go shopping and face some troubles with my vocabularies for shopping , but i have gotten useful of this lesson .
thanks juan for you lesen 1 not my english is not good but 1 practise every tame 1 have time
Good and simple. Keep it up
nice thank u
thanks alot teacher
thanks john for such a nice and useful lesson
I do not know how to thank you
You just did, thanks
Thank you very much
Best regards …
thans teachers
sometimes u look like drunk, U drank a lot of beers in the past right, nice lesson.keep teaching not drinking please.
Actually I was totally sober. However, it was hot that day, so perhaps that is what made it appear as though I were intoxicated. Take care, Jon
Efrain, relax and have a beer!
Yeah! and have one for me—
this lesson was very helpful. Thanks :D
thanks you lesson was very helpful.
interesting lesson! your accent is very clear to me.:)
thank you so much!
I’m mistake for the last quiz because I don’t live in Canada.(The price of an item in my country include taxes)
Most people, including myself do not like it when the price does not include taxes. I wish that Canada did the same thing as in your country. Jon
If I had to add taxes to prices, I wouldn’t be able to calculate the correct prices!!
How is it in CA Jon? Because in Europe they put not only the price of the object but also the taxes that you will pay. Then when you look at the price ticket you are able to see both.
In Brazil it’s included already, and I don’t really like that because we can’t really see how many taxes we are paying.
Best regards. Rodrigo.
nice thank you
hi jon,its Amir thanks for your good lessons and best skills at teaching.could you do me a favour?if you agree,could you make a lesson for special** phrasal verbs** which are used in car such as **fasten the seatbelt** besides I will be grateful to your help. Thank you very much.
I will. Actually, ‘fasten your seatbelt’ is not a phrasal verb. Phrasal verbs are sometimes called 2 part verbs. For example: sit down, stand up, buckle up (which incidentally means the same thing as fasten your seatbelt).
acting is what reacting , you loose there
thanks you are a good teacher
thankyou teacher . i like this leeson and i got many useful word .
First, i would thank all you as teacher that have great program to teach people by internet.
very good! He is a good teacher! tnks!
nice and good
Hi Mr Jon
Thank u so much
it was a good lesson.I enjoyed it , it helped me in increasing my vocabulary a little bit. so i feel good.
very good lession man, I got many vocabularies from this lession, thank a lot
You’re welcome.
Thank you so much ^__^
very good lesson
Thank you ,,
hi JON thanks for this lesson .i want ask u if u can talk with me in skype to improve my skill .
thanks alot
hi JON .THANKS FOR THIS LESSON I WANT ask if u has skype coz i want talk with u to improve my skills .
thank you so much. your teaching way is very interesting with me
I think we should bargin when we going shopping for discount.
good lesson
Thank you
ur funny! thanx!
thanks jon
Hey Jon,
Thank u for such a great lesson. wanna ask u:
1-how to ask the salesperson if i can buy something else for wt ive already bought? i mean if there a possibilty to change?
2- how to ask about the deadline of that change?
why teacher john don’t answer mmmmmmmmm
Jon, nice video but I think that the title of your lesson is uncorrect… Sorry but to buy a pair of shoes in 30 secondes, is not what I call shopping!! To do shopping you need at least 2 hours and a shopping mall…
That’s funny.
It was indeed a good lesson, you kept it simple and clear…
very good for cmprehension
thnx byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Thank you !
I have wonderful teacher here in engvid! Thank you for your good work!!!
Well done job man, thank you.
hello to you.
I really enjoy your lessons, Jon.
Thanks so much. You´re a nive teacher.
thank you so much you’re the best teacher (*_^)
thanks again
thank you teacher
thanx )
thsi is very cool to learn english this way…..
Thank you very much Jon
u’r good, Jon!
take care!
That’s my teacher! Really amazing job :) Someday I will be an amazing teacher like you Jon,I hope so. Thanks for the lesson.
thank you, Jon is the best teacher.
Your teaching are very apparent. Thanks a lot, I wish to speak English fluently in the end of this year LOL.
thank you jon you realy amesing and i hope in end of year i can speak engligh very well
i love shopping :D but i dun have money :( ahahah :D
Very usefful for listen, I like it. Thank you.
Ok Jon, I saw your exemple with tips that we should use when we want to buy something.
I loved so much, all of you always have a good tips and class to improve our english.
Its good
thank you, you are goot teacher.
Thank you!
hmm good teacher
very helpful
nice teaching
Hi!I don’t understand why we say reasonable as a good price for shopping? It’s not connected with price as cheap or expensive…Thanks :P
Thanks John !
Lession like this are very meaningful. I look forward to your another lession. Thanh very much
It was a first time to watch your video. Your lesson was fun and clear. I could hear you well. Especially I haven’t known what prepositions to use before the payment. Now I see. thanks.
thank you so much t.jon……Best wishes!bye
The best part was a drama. You could do more often.
Teatcher, sincerely, The theme this lesson was make expecially for girls.
Thank you!
it’s interedting
thank you
When i was watching this video .I concentrate on your body language more and that help me lot to go in the same situation (shopping).
hi john i love ur lessen insane nd iwanna speak like an american native speaker i know i can relay on u .thank u soooooooooo much
i is wonderful listening lessons i love it too much i love it i love it i love it
jon it is nice but i want learn more vocabulary about general used in life not just 12 word mean try increase yourwords in lesson even it has the same meaning
nice lesson
Great John … This lesson is very applicable in my life … help me so much … thank you again … and please, provide us more lessons.
I coccentrate you told in the lesson, I can understand but not too much. I hope I will be practice more and can understand all of your lesson
thank you so much Mr.Jon
I want ask you about present perfect simple and when we use it and why ? Iam sure you can help me?
It very good, i like it more than the first
it is very good. i knew more how to pay.
Who live in Viet Nam ?
Very helpful lesson, thx….
I really enjoy this lessons, he’s very funny
Hi Mr.Jon.That is really great lesson each lesson of you better then others,Dear respectful teacher can you help me and tell me how can i downloaded the videos.Because iam working in the office and dont have much time to study in the office.i would like to download it then study at home during night time.Thanks alot for your cooperation and assitance.
thanks for all, I would like to ask about practice with some friends on net (chat) or reading and writing
thank you
Mam.a ton thanks for your lessons..could you be kind enough to teach me about the pronunciation of letters ‘c’ and ‘j’?
like,they are pronounced very differently.
As in,for example:1)Nachos(pronounced as -ch)
2)Camera/Arctic(pronounced as -k)
3)Jos (pronounced as -Joy )
4)Jose (pronounced as -Osay)
jon,you are very good teacher and iam learning much with yours lesons
thank s very very much
hi there,
I have a question regarding paying IN cash? In the video you said BY cash? Are these two forms correct?
thanks a lot teachers jon, i am learning much with your leasson.
Thanks Jon for the great lesson!
Hi Jon,
You are the best teacher that i have ever head.
Can i Please Ask you A Question That How did you create your clone.
Please Answer
your teaching way is very interesting with me
go on good luck
Hi!!! I didn’t know about the taxes!!! In Greece they are included in the price.
Thanks for the lesson Jon:)
i want to my improvement english please give me your skype ID i needing your help.sir
Good İdea :)
Teacher Jon, thank you for this lesson. I have a little comment:
You CAN’T say/write “by cash”, it should be “in cash”, I’m sure about it; you can look it up in a dictionary.
oh jon you are nice teacher thanks jon
your lesson was good,
you continue making lessons for learn more English :)
piece of cake
thanx :)
Nice to meet you. I have seen a lot of yours English lessons. Thank you, Sir. In this lesson I can not to understand the last words. Something: “Hey,they are the paper lose!” Am I right?
Thank you teacher. In Greece all the taxes included in the price.
Nice simple and funny.Thank you!!
Thank you my teacher!
I did the quiz, but in the last question I’ve committed some mistake so the answer was wrong! more attention on next one.
Thank you for your funny lesson :) I laughed :D
Great Jon, I love your lessons.
Thank you for your lesson.
Hi Jon,
thanks for your funny lesson
take care
Jon,you are the master.
Thank you.
Great !!
great, but I didn’t get what the Debit is ?!
Very useful lesson! Thank you John!
It’s a good lesson but I don’t understand always whatis a debit card
Thank you.
Thanks you so much.
Thank you Jon
Thanks you ever so much Mr.Jon.
4/4 correct. Thanks a lot Jon :)
best regards, Jon (Kazakhstan 18 oct2021)
wow, it was so useful, thanks a lot.