Hi James!! I’m your fan from Brazil!
Actually, I’m fan of EngVid, and your classes are full of didactically!!! Thanks for you and for all other teachers too!!!! These are words from me and from my friends.
Particularly, I disagreed the only answer of that question that asked the best way to keep warm: I think stay at home and have a good hot chocolate is a confortably way to enjoy the cold, ehehehe. But, of course, I understood the proposite of the question.
Thanks again!!!!
A small correction: “thanks to you and to other teachers too”
thank you for the lessons. they help me to understand english better as i do not have native english speakers. and lessons are really great!
james y r the best teacher in the world.the way of teaching are exceient.lubna
how u know that if u dont have proof
its like trick if u said sth u dont have remarks ,basem
Thanks James!You are best us usul)It will be better if you’ll make business lesson,i mean with business expressions)Good Luck!!
Emil Ibrahimov
Interesting to watch and learn something, even new words. But i want more grammar lessons. If i know the words I’ll be happy. But if i don’t know grammar i’ll be poor at english.
Thank u so much for ur lessons but i have notice for u sometimes u make a little mistakes in spell it words in some lessons and i spend much time to look them up in dictionary till i find out the correct words and u speak quick and i dont know what u mean cos u tell us for new words i dont learn it b4 .all people there are nt native speakers to know it
anyway thank u for ur work i hope i dont annoy u for my notice
ur stedent “basem”
Tnx, James. I’m from Mongolia. Mongolian winter is colder than Canadian. The most cold day is about -40 celsius at night.
Sorry, my english
Hi James,can you please give a lesson on small talks?how one can start it,develop it,how to answer…
Sir your all lessons are tremendous and very beneficial. Your way of educating is sophisticated. Sir I have a problem in differentiating between ‘passive voice’ and ‘third form of verb’. Plz explain how to use these two things or if you could make a video example then it would be most appropriate.
i like my toque
Can You please post a video helping Students like me with the Accuplacer Reading Practice Test?
my name is gharib iam from marocco iam seventeen years old iam student thank you on lesson
funny but it’s always sunny in egypt
I like your videos, they are so nice and very beneficial, i appropriate your thanks for all of teachers.
hi James I can use your videos.would you pleas tell me which software do I need to install?
it helps me a lot but i want you to teach me a vocab word and how to use that…
really fantastic
ummm I watch youtube then in here.
but where is quize ??
anyway, ” hear” and “hear ” what’s different??
I don’t know ,, tell me..
thanks for every one who worked hard to enhance my english especially mr.James but I am begging to u mr.J (don’t speak quikly)I wish who passed this quiz have to grant a degree ….thanks for caring have a good time
in deed u.r the best
hey!! man it was nice to find this webside i think your are doing a great job I’m trying to follow you examle. I’m also a teacher ( well i’m trying) thanks for the muse
Hi , really intersting i can easily understand …thanks for all teachers.
it’s very wonderfull man i like the word taque
Haitham Desoki
Good lesson.
Hi James,
You lessons are amazing… I am your fan & also the fan of EngVid. I am bit confused about “SO & VERY”. Could you please some help on where & when to use so & very.
Thank you for reading
Hi James,
your lessons are very funny.
You have a little mistake. “mit” is wrong, “mitt” is right.
Best regards
Hi James.
Please, could you talk more slow in your lessons. This will help me a lot.
Thanks a lot. I hope that you understand me. :/
Hi James.
hi sir,,,
I would like to tell you something !!
when I was in my countray befor 3 months and Iwas looking forward to go to America,,, I choose your lessons to improve my english ,and Ididn’t complate because I was preoccupied with things travel.
and now Iam in America and I have tutot to teach me everyday but I feel you beter: because I still learn from your lessons evry night.***
Question from quiz: What is the best way to stay warm in the winter?
I would fly to Florida for the winter))))
Thanks James! I really enjoy watching you! Big hug from Russia!)))
You’re a good teacher. Thank you
Although we don’t have winter season here I’m still interested with the lesson. Thanks Teacher James! :)
thanks man!!!
Hi James!
I looked and the other teachers on this site, but you’re the best, I mean you’re the nicest, the charisma, draw very easy to learn, I want to learn from you. After one to view all your lessons, I will go to other teachers on this site.
Your lessons are very very funny, but I have a question: when you use the word “scarf”, in the “Winter clothing”, would not have been more appropriate “muffler”???
thanks ms. and we love you
can you explain for me what is a layering? and what is a long john? i did not get it. thanks
Thanks, James.
I learned two new words: layering & touque.
Saak Sen
I don’t understand you,speak more slowly please.
hello teachers… please load a video explaining the meanings with examples- of the words like-charactristics,features,nature of something,
so as to, as to, although, though,in terms of,off and the like…..please do this as soon as possible..
hii James i appreciate that u r very good in conveying ”your own ideas” to root topics in students mind, like the that they will never forget those topics. I have one request could you speak little slowly ????
Nice your learn very useful every glopel person
bad microphone :(
Bad, engVid. Bad, bad, bad! What were you thinking? I am going to kill you, you stupid engVid!
hi teatchers .. i am really happy to get this great site .. it is so helpful and intersting , i hope be better in english and whith ur lessom i am sure iwill can
thamks a lot
nice jemes i didn’t know that in canada there winter goes to -20 it’s very danger to survive
Thank you James. i hope I will perfect my english by using your lessons. i like the way you explain lessons to us. Keep it up.
thanks alot..lovely
from iraq
Thank you very much.
That is very useful.
Hello, I don’t mean to be a pain in the neck, but aside of the fun and informative quality of the video, James made two spelling mistakes.
He writes ‘mit’ and it has to be “mitt’; the other one is ‘touque’ instead of ‘toque’ (or tuque). If this video is meant for ESL students, it’s kind of embarrassing, don’t you think? Thank you and keep up the good work!
Svetlana Guineva
Hello James. Your Leson was rely nice.I have a question.Is there any ways to say mit
Vlad (Russia)
I liked the lessons, but in my opinion is necessary explain exactly what mean layering your clothes because sometimes for other countries is a little hard for catching what its mean. This is for the fact that layering is used in others terms I think.
I want to do a question…
why you always use snakes ???
long johns….long bobs… haha.. bro :D
I don’t get long johns
Hi James,
after your recommend I use oxford advanced learner’s dictionary and I have read there, that “mit” should be written mitt or mitten.
Sorry for my English James. I have many problems of using the proper tenses in English, particularly with following (successive) sentences. I know the main gramma but in reality it’s only chaos in my head.
hi again.my name is Aqil.your created english Quiz is more attractive than others.That is why I visit to this site regularly.It seems to me your organized site is surrounded everything on english.From beginner to advance.Thank you very much.
Aqil Azeri
that’s pretty good video about cold weather and clothes but i hope you James to talk slowly sometimes you confuse me so i can’t catch up more and thanks.
Hi James,
thanks for your lesson.
It was funny as usual and got me new words in my vocabulary
take care
James!you can be a teacher or comedian. I enjoy listening to you. You are very funny.
Ver y interesting . In the next winter I will wear layering Style.
Hi James.
Thanks for your free lessons.
i really enjoy it.
Sometimes you type words wrong.
For example in this video you have typed touque instead of toque / or mit instead of mitt !
Mohsen Barati
Thank you so much.
Thanks you so much.
Marta Lopez
thank you
“Long Jhonns” are underwear clothes, it was the right answer but I failed because I had a conceptual mistake with the words. Now it’s winter here in Spain and on the overall Northern Hemisphere is very cold, chill and freeze, we have to wear winter clothes to walk and stroll around the streets of our cities. We have to avoid the evil flu which is threatening us by this days. Thanks a lot, teacher James Greer from EngVid, an interesting lesson.
hey bra u were doing a jamaican accent? cool! I’ve been always wondering if is there in this world a single esl efl wtv podcast spoken in a lovely jamaican accent, does anyone know one? ??
Thank you James
tanks it was fun
Excelent Class!!!!
James, I don’t understand one thing. In Canada Will I use “toque” or “touque” to say hat? Because you wrote touque in the board and in the exercise is toque.
Can you explain?
Thanks for the lessons and sorry for my English, I am learning yet
Oops! Looks like James made a mistake. “Toque” is the right spelling. (“Tuque” is less common but also correct.)
engVid Moderator
Thanks James what a good lesson! 5/5. Always like your minds of teaching. At first I didn’t know about long Jons. Thanks again.
-20 It’s not so cold)
Its much more colder in Russia (-35 is normal temperature for winter)
Thanks Mr. James. You are a wonderful storyteller!
Are these words equal? mit,mits and mitten, mittens
I didn’t mean the difference between singular or plural forms. I meant the difference after the third letter.
well done,James
greetings from Kazakhstan 13 Dec2o21:)
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
nice and helpful
Hi James!! I’m your fan from Brazil!
Actually, I’m fan of EngVid, and your classes are full of didactically!!! Thanks for you and for all other teachers too!!!! These are words from me and from my friends.
Particularly, I disagreed the only answer of that question that asked the best way to keep warm: I think stay at home and have a good hot chocolate is a confortably way to enjoy the cold, ehehehe. But, of course, I understood the proposite of the question.
Thanks again!!!!
A small correction: “thanks to you and to other teachers too”
thank you for the lessons. they help me to understand english better as i do not have native english speakers. and lessons are really great!
james y r the best teacher in the world.the way of teaching are exceient.lubna
how u know that if u dont have proof
its like trick if u said sth u dont have remarks ,basem
Thanks James!You are best us usul)It will be better if you’ll make business lesson,i mean with business expressions)Good Luck!!
Interesting to watch and learn something, even new words. But i want more grammar lessons. If i know the words I’ll be happy. But if i don’t know grammar i’ll be poor at english.
Thank u so much for ur lessons but i have notice for u sometimes u make a little mistakes in spell it words in some lessons and i spend much time to look them up in dictionary till i find out the correct words and u speak quick and i dont know what u mean cos u tell us for new words i dont learn it b4 .all people there are nt native speakers to know it
anyway thank u for ur work i hope i dont annoy u for my notice
ur stedent “basem”
Tnx, James. I’m from Mongolia. Mongolian winter is colder than Canadian. The most cold day is about -40 celsius at night.
Sorry, my english
Hi James,can you please give a lesson on small talks?how one can start it,develop it,how to answer…
Sir your all lessons are tremendous and very beneficial. Your way of educating is sophisticated. Sir I have a problem in differentiating between ‘passive voice’ and ‘third form of verb’. Plz explain how to use these two things or if you could make a video example then it would be most appropriate.
i like my toque
Can You please post a video helping Students like me with the Accuplacer Reading Practice Test?
my name is gharib iam from marocco iam seventeen years old iam student thank you on lesson
funny but it’s always sunny in egypt
I like your videos, they are so nice and very beneficial, i appropriate your thanks for all of teachers.
hi James I can use your videos.would you pleas tell me which software do I need to install?
it helps me a lot but i want you to teach me a vocab word and how to use that…
really fantastic
ummm I watch youtube then in here.
but where is quize ??
anyway, ” hear” and “hear ” what’s different??
I don’t know ,, tell me..
thanks for every one who worked hard to enhance my english especially mr.James but I am begging to u mr.J (don’t speak quikly)I wish who passed this quiz have to grant a degree ….thanks for caring have a good time
in deed u.r the best
hey!! man it was nice to find this webside i think your are doing a great job I’m trying to follow you examle. I’m also a teacher ( well i’m trying) thanks for the muse
Hi , really intersting i can easily understand …thanks for all teachers.
it’s very wonderfull man i like the word taque
Good lesson.
Hi James,
You lessons are amazing… I am your fan & also the fan of EngVid. I am bit confused about “SO & VERY”. Could you please some help on where & when to use so & very.
Thank you for reading
Hi James,
your lessons are very funny.
You have a little mistake. “mit” is wrong, “mitt” is right.
Best regards
Hi James.
Please, could you talk more slow in your lessons. This will help me a lot.
Thanks a lot. I hope that you understand me. :/
Hi James.
hi sir,,,
I would like to tell you something !!
when I was in my countray befor 3 months and Iwas looking forward to go to America,,, I choose your lessons to improve my english ,and Ididn’t complate because I was preoccupied with things travel.
and now Iam in America and I have tutot to teach me everyday but I feel you beter: because I still learn from your lessons evry night.***
Question from quiz: What is the best way to stay warm in the winter?
I would fly to Florida for the winter))))
Thanks James! I really enjoy watching you! Big hug from Russia!)))
You’re a good teacher. Thank you
Although we don’t have winter season here I’m still interested with the lesson. Thanks Teacher James! :)
thanks man!!!
Hi James!
I looked and the other teachers on this site, but you’re the best, I mean you’re the nicest, the charisma, draw very easy to learn, I want to learn from you. After one to view all your lessons, I will go to other teachers on this site.
Your lessons are very very funny, but I have a question: when you use the word “scarf”, in the “Winter clothing”, would not have been more appropriate “muffler”???
thanks ms. and we love you
can you explain for me what is a layering? and what is a long john? i did not get it. thanks
Thanks, James.
I learned two new words: layering & touque.
I don’t understand you,speak more slowly please.
hello teachers… please load a video explaining the meanings with examples- of the words like-charactristics,features,nature of something,
so as to, as to, although, though,in terms of,off and the like…..please do this as soon as possible..
hii James i appreciate that u r very good in conveying ”your own ideas” to root topics in students mind, like the that they will never forget those topics. I have one request could you speak little slowly ????
Nice your learn very useful every glopel person
bad microphone :(
Bad, engVid. Bad, bad, bad! What were you thinking? I am going to kill you, you stupid engVid!
hi teatchers .. i am really happy to get this great site .. it is so helpful and intersting , i hope be better in english and whith ur lessom i am sure iwill can
thamks a lot
nice jemes i didn’t know that in canada there winter goes to -20 it’s very danger to survive
Thank you James. i hope I will perfect my english by using your lessons. i like the way you explain lessons to us. Keep it up.
thanks alot..lovely
from iraq
Thank you very much.
That is very useful.
Hello, I don’t mean to be a pain in the neck, but aside of the fun and informative quality of the video, James made two spelling mistakes.
He writes ‘mit’ and it has to be “mitt’; the other one is ‘touque’ instead of ‘toque’ (or tuque). If this video is meant for ESL students, it’s kind of embarrassing, don’t you think? Thank you and keep up the good work!
Hello James. Your Leson was rely nice.I have a question.Is there any ways to say mit
I liked the lessons, but in my opinion is necessary explain exactly what mean layering your clothes because sometimes for other countries is a little hard for catching what its mean. This is for the fact that layering is used in others terms I think.
I want to do a question…
why you always use snakes ???
long johns….long bobs… haha.. bro :D
I don’t get long johns
Hi James,
after your recommend I use oxford advanced learner’s dictionary and I have read there, that “mit” should be written mitt or mitten.
Sorry for my English James. I have many problems of using the proper tenses in English, particularly with following (successive) sentences. I know the main gramma but in reality it’s only chaos in my head.
hi again.my name is Aqil.your created english Quiz is more attractive than others.That is why I visit to this site regularly.It seems to me your organized site is surrounded everything on english.From beginner to advance.Thank you very much.
that’s pretty good video about cold weather and clothes but i hope you James to talk slowly sometimes you confuse me so i can’t catch up more and thanks.
Hi James,
thanks for your lesson.
It was funny as usual and got me new words in my vocabulary
take care
James!you can be a teacher or comedian. I enjoy listening to you. You are very funny.
Ver y interesting . In the next winter I will wear layering Style.
Hi James.
Thanks for your free lessons.
i really enjoy it.
Sometimes you type words wrong.
For example in this video you have typed touque instead of toque / or mit instead of mitt !
Thank you so much.
Thanks you so much.
thank you
“Long Jhonns” are underwear clothes, it was the right answer but I failed because I had a conceptual mistake with the words. Now it’s winter here in Spain and on the overall Northern Hemisphere is very cold, chill and freeze, we have to wear winter clothes to walk and stroll around the streets of our cities. We have to avoid the evil flu which is threatening us by this days. Thanks a lot, teacher James Greer from EngVid, an interesting lesson.
hey bra u were doing a jamaican accent? cool! I’ve been always wondering if is there in this world a single esl efl wtv podcast spoken in a lovely jamaican accent, does anyone know one? ??
Thank you James
tanks it was fun
Excelent Class!!!!
James, I don’t understand one thing. In Canada Will I use “toque” or “touque” to say hat? Because you wrote touque in the board and in the exercise is toque.
Can you explain?
Thanks for the lessons and sorry for my English, I am learning yet
Oops! Looks like James made a mistake. “Toque” is the right spelling. (“Tuque” is less common but also correct.)
Thanks James what a good lesson! 5/5. Always like your minds of teaching. At first I didn’t know about long Jons. Thanks again.
-20 It’s not so cold)
Its much more colder in Russia (-35 is normal temperature for winter)
Thanks Mr. James. You are a wonderful storyteller!
Are these words equal? mit,mits and mitten, mittens
I didn’t mean the difference between singular or plural forms. I meant the difference after the third letter.
well done,James
greetings from Kazakhstan 13 Dec2o21:)