What is the meaning of the word worth? How do you use it in a sentence? What does it mean if something “isn’t worth it”? Click on this lesson to find out!
it’s defenetely worth it to see this vid. thanks so much Alex!
Alex excellent Job! when you have some available time I would like you to review the following expression ( due to due to the fact because of)
Hi Rafael,
These are all cause and effect expressions. They basically means “as a result of.” Examples:
Due to the fact that you came late, you can’t enter the classroom.
Due to coming late, you can’t enter the classroom.
Because of coming late, you can’t enter the classroom.
As you can see, there are some verb changes, but the meanings remain similar.
So teacher, ive got a little question, sometimes when im talking to people from california they say ‘still’ at the end of the sentence, and i realize that they are just trying to say the same thing, What can you tell me bout that? i just would like to know, thank you and greetings from Mx
oh well, this was not the lesson, im sorry it was ‘Now and Still’ hehe
Hahaha, don’t worry! About “still” at the end of sentences, there are all kinds of quirks like that that vary from region to region. People in Minnesota say “ya”, people in Canada say “eh”…it might not make sense but that’s just the way it is :)
engVid Moderator
Thank you Mr Alex for highlighting the issue !
I’m really sorry to say that we can use your videos because of destruction on youtube links here in paskistan so kindly If you can guide us though another way?
Thanks an Afghan from Pakistan
this video worth it like lounis88lao says.
Now I think I’ll pass my final test in the institute.
Thanks and congratulations you are good teachers.
***value / benefit of something***
– His suit is worth $400
– This phone isn’t worth $200
– It’s worth it
– It’s not worth it.
– He’s /she’s not worth it
Thank u very much for thin lesson. It is worth seeing it.
You got it!
thanks a lot
thank you sir, alex
jeanila comenguez
Thank you my teacher
your quiz cover good notes too….
thanks alot mr alex
thank you very much alex I have one question for this word [WORTH]
is it a same mean cost? [WORTH]COST]
Hi Alex, I appreciate the way you manage this lesson, it’s clear, simple and very useful. Of course it’s worth it pay attention to you.
Are these sentences corrects? … Are there somebody there? :)
Please correct them if it’s necessary.
Thank to Alex and Envid¡
“It’s worth it to pay attention to you.”
“Is there anybody there?”
Good luck!
Thanks Alex!
Nice 1.
The quiz was well,
It did really worked 4 me. :)
I really know that this site worth my time.
this was worth nmy time. thanks
hi Alex.is this sentence correct??:
then i come to school my friend sad i should have to see director.
i strongly believe … this is world no 1 site for home study English. god may bless this site or all teacher or member of this site …. thanks a lot
I got 10/10, but I have two questions concerning the quiz:
1.”I paid too much for this thing. It __________.”
If we are talking about present benefits, can we use either “isn’t worth it” or “wasn’t worth it”, or we have to watch for the tense used in the previous sentence?
2. “It is worth seeing” — Can we use “of” (or any other preposition) after worth? — “It is worth of seeing.”
3. I have also a question about “had to”. — Can we say “I had to did this?”, or if we use “had to”, we have to put a verb in the simple form, in this case “do”?
4. Is there any difference between “my friend” and “friend of mine”? Can I use them interchangeably?
5. And the last one concerns “go home”. I know that people say “go home” not “go to home”, but with all other locations they use “to”. Can I use “to” with “home”, and can I drop it with other locations? For example “go restaurant” instead of “go to restaurant”?
Thanks for the vid, but I didn’t find the answer there, but it gave me some ideas where to look, and I found this:
— “It’s because “home” as in “go home” is an adverb, and adverbs don’t take any prepositions.”
The lesson surely worth it!:)
But i’ve got a question: What is the part of the speech?Is it an adjective or a noun?
Hi Alex …..
can we use DESERVE Instead of WORTH?
Thank u for your lessons
You can say: “You deserve it.”
Hi moawia,
“Deserve” and “Worth” are two different words and don’t share the same meaning.
“She deserves to get the job!”
“It was worth it for her to take the job because now she’s making a lot of money.”
Thank you Alex
Very useful lesson Alex, thank you!
I’d like to know if “worth” must always be used with “be” or constructions like “this suit could worth $400” with a modal is right too.
Dear sir ,
i am from Jordan ( Middle East ) , my mother tongue language is Arabic , can you help me to enhance my English .
Thanks alor
Akram z
What do you do to improve your English?
thanks Alex i don’t know why people in canada and USA they are interestned in watching movies in theatre you can watch any movies HD and 3D in HDbits or CHDBITS for classic movies cinematik and KG without paid any money you said 50 dollars for 3D movie that’s too much
Thanks Alex! It’s worth it!!
Hi Alex!
I think that for the third question more right answer is the third one:
“She makes a lot of money, but she has no time for her family. It is worth it.”
Really, money is worth very much nowadays for every family!
Thank you for the lesson!!!!!
wild boar
wow! i liked it! thank you very much! such a useful video!
Alex I have a doubt about it.
If I say : It worths 10 dollars , Is it correct?
leandro prates
That is incorrect. You have to say “It’s worth 10 dollars.” You can’t say “worths.”
Dear Alex, could you explain more about the 2nd and the 9th quiz for me?
This is very helpful lesson. It’s worth is lifetime.
Anowarul Alam
Thanks teacher!!!
Thank you so much
Nice teaching!
Thanks Sir.
Cuong - Vietnam
I am seeking a partner for conversation to improve our english language at skype , my skype id ( sqsiddiqui )
Online Teaching
We teach onlion Quran Pak , Turjuma, Tefseer, Hadees and English language.
Qari Wasif Awan Skype id. ( wasif.awan4 )
cell: +92-3429522971
Shah Qasim Siddiqui : skype id : ( sqsiddiqui )
Shah Qasim Siddiqui
I liked very much! Thanks!!!
got 10 correct out of 10, this is a worth watching lesson, so thank you Alex
god job :D
İt’s an usefull video, thank you…
thanks teacher..as usual, your lessons are worth watching :)
Thank you so much!
superb lesson thank a lot Alex
One Question ^^worth^^ Can it be used as verb ??
many thanks
Thank you sir for sending me the link of proxy which is worth but unfortunately It’s worth of it still not working! :(
Short lessons are amazing! I see in all my lanch’s time.
daniel pizetta
Great. Thank you.
Thanks Alex, I’ve got many things from you, this lesson is worth watching! :)
Võ Mai Điền Hải
thanks Alex
I liked you classes,are worth it!
Jose a garcia
ur reallyyyyyyyy worth it SIR:)THXXXX ALOT
Thank you teacher alex
Hi … Alex ! All of your lessors are worth to study English for me . Tnx.
Su wah htun
That´s a nice lesson
wow this is great!!!
thank you egnVid
Thanks Alex :)
this video is worth seeing it really :)
bakhtiyar ali
it’s same as deserve isn’t it ?
great lesson, you are a good teacher,
It was very worth have Watched that lesson.
This lessons worth following up with. becuase i am improving daily and getting familiar with words daily. Thank you all for all your collective efforts to make English language easy.
Thanks a lot.
Thank you eng. vid and thank you teacher. Really it worth watching.To you my best wishes. Nasser—Egypt
this lesson is worth it haahahahh ^_^
Thanks ,and warm greeting from Saudi Arabia
Thanks a lot for this quiz!
Thanks! Alex, could you give me more example,please? I think I need to practice more.
Basically, if something is “worth it,” it either has a good price, value, or benefit. If it isn’t “worth it,” it’s the opposite.
“I can’t believe I paid $15 to see The Clash of the Titans in 3D. It totaly wasn’t worth it.”
“You want me to work for 10 dollars an hour in a factory? No way. That’s not worth it.”
Thank you all , i appreciate all effort you made for this
Th£ L£G£ND
Good lesson :)
Now I understend :)
Thank you Alex :)
Thanks Alex!The lesson is worth for learning English with you and on the engvid.com! :)
Thanks Alex
I got it entirely
Actually it was completely worth seeing You’re video :-)
Thanks Alex
I got it entirely
It was completely worth seeing you’re video
Thanks Alex, your lesson’s worth it :)
quizzes are very tricky!!! good job!!!
Mr. Alex you are an amazing teacher.keep on like this. God will fulfil promesses in your life.
Tony Espanto
thanks .
It give my time .It’s worth it. I thing this sentences is correct but dot is necessary to put or not Pleas tell me right thanks allot for that
Nice learning that!!!
Sally S
Thanks, Sir! Got 8/10.
HI ALEX THANKYOU for helping us
it’s really worth it
thank you very much for all of you in this side
I think I got everything about ”worth” thank you
this is may grad (You got 8 correct out of 10.) it is worth it thanks for Mr Alex well done it is worth it i understand all about it
Ari Qader
Hi Alex,
I got an office job. And i really have tough time sending emails when using IN & ON.
I know the general rules about in (inside) on(on top of something)
But when i use email, is so confusing for me to refer something with in or on.
For example.
you can find that message in the RPC programm
or you can find that message on the RPC programm??
in the file?
on the file?
i wish i could see some videos dealing with business terminologies.
Big hug from Canada.
Thx for the lesson Alex. I have one question to the first quiz task. Can I also say “I paid to much for this thing, it isn’t worth it.” instead of “it wasn’t worth it”. Maybe I bought it 2 years ago but now I recognize that I paid to much.
Great!! I learnt something. It’s worth.
Hello Alex.Thank you for that lesson .Have a quesiton for u.
Is it possible to say ” she did not deserve it ” instead of saying ” she wasnt worht it ” ?
i hope u get the idea .
and Alex i have just seen that u answered someone the same question. thank you. i am now understant it.
it was worth to watch that video to get some idea about ”worth”.
Thank you teacher for interesting and useful lesson!
Keep it up!
Have a ball!
Fellows need your help!
I have to improve my low English-speaking skeels.
If you have desire to communicate with me, I will be glad.
Here is my Skype ID – jevgeniikyrychyk.
thanks Alex
Thank you very much Alex, Excellent lesson
Thank you very much Alex!!!
thanks a lot.i spend a lot of time to study with you.it is worth it
Your explanations are very clear. Thank you!
thanx Alex ,, it’s worth it seeing this video
I have a question. How could you explain the difference between the structures: it is worth seeihg the film/the film is worth seeng and it is worth leaning to swim?
this was my weak point thanks for your help
This lesson is worth watching!
Thank you Alex
Thank you Alex, this is the second video that I saw of you and it´s worth it!
Great job!
It’s worth it to see engvid!
you’re so good alex and you explain so clear everything…
The lecture on ENGVID is worth it.
especially,I want to say it is worth taking your lesson. Thanks.^^
Thank Alex.
Clearly understand
Thanks Alex. It’s a really worth lesson.
Ual! This lesson was so nice!! It’s worth it!
See you!
in the Spiderman example you answered using is instead of was, would you mind explaining me why?, thanks Adam
I got 5 correct out of 10. OMG! But I understand the wrong answer. Perhaps I was just confused. I hope to try
the quiz someday :) Thank you Alex!
is it correct “the film was very good and it was worth watching every moment of it” thanks Alex
Thank you very much for the way you explained. Watching the lessons is really worth it. Is that correct? I am not quite sure if I got it.
Thanks I got 80%.
Abdul Qayum
Thanks a lot Alex, you are an excellent teacher :). Following your English lesson is worth it! (I hope it’s correct)
Alex, I have a question. Do you know how often US people worth related to you taught us use? These sentences are used in Canada only? I mean how much often it is used in the world?
This lesson is WORTH noting :)
Thanks Alex !
good lesson, in my point of view, but i have 60% i must to remind myself
Great Alexx.You are such an excellent explainer!!!i got your every word so easily..it’s certainly worth a visit to your engvid channel and youtube as well… keep on going !!! (Y)
Finally, you just cleared a giant doubt that I had with this verb, because in Spanish it’s completely different. Thanks so much!
it is worth it to answer your questions over here mr. alex.. i got 7 out of 10 :) .. i would love to do a test with grammar. is it possible to do over here sir alex? :) thanks
what a shame
thanks alex!
An excellent lesson. Thank you so much Alex. :)
Thank you, it is a very good lesson!
I got 90 except for the third question, I choose IT’S WORTH IT, i think in my point of view this is also correct, it’s only my criteria :D however, thanks!
There is an expression you could have mentioned, which is “It worth my while” and its variations. Is that right? See you (:
Guilherme Cota
This was a good lesson for me because I had never understood the use and meaning of “worth”.
And obviously it was worth it to dedicate just five minutes of my time to watch this video.
Thanks and congratulations Alex
Keep up the good work.
thanks alex
Thanks Alex for that new word that I learn from you. I am so excited to see more and learn quickly english.
Thanks Alex its worth seeing.
Thanks lesson. Extremely helpful lesson.
Thanks a lot!
Useful lesson!
Thanks a lot!
Jonathas Wilhem
Suppose I posted a post in a fb group and it was really a good content. But got no like or comment. So if I say “This post is worth nothing here” or “This isn’t worth it here” then which one would be perfect to say? or the both would be correct? Asking for help!
I’ve got a 100 after two attempts. (It was worth it!)
Thankyou Alex, have a good one!
Thank you Mr. Alex. It’s worth it!
I really enjoyed your video about how to use the word “worth”. Some students struggle in using it. Another word that is also confusing is “value”. It’ll be nice if you can touch on that in a video. Thanks. It was worth watching it.
Thanks these kind of videos always are very usefull…
This classroom is worth it
1)This book is worth reading = It (this book) is worth it (reading)
2) It is worth paying attention to you = It is worth it to pay attention to you = It is worth it paying attention to you
Are (1) & (2) above correct?
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
it’s defenetely worth it to see this vid. thanks so much Alex!
Alex excellent Job! when you have some available time I would like you to review the following expression ( due to due to the fact because of)
Hi Rafael,
These are all cause and effect expressions. They basically means “as a result of.” Examples:
Due to the fact that you came late, you can’t enter the classroom.
Due to coming late, you can’t enter the classroom.
Because of coming late, you can’t enter the classroom.
As you can see, there are some verb changes, but the meanings remain similar.
So teacher, ive got a little question, sometimes when im talking to people from california they say ‘still’ at the end of the sentence, and i realize that they are just trying to say the same thing, What can you tell me bout that? i just would like to know, thank you and greetings from Mx
oh well, this was not the lesson, im sorry it was ‘Now and Still’ hehe
Hahaha, don’t worry! About “still” at the end of sentences, there are all kinds of quirks like that that vary from region to region. People in Minnesota say “ya”, people in Canada say “eh”…it might not make sense but that’s just the way it is :)
Thank you Mr Alex for highlighting the issue !
I’m really sorry to say that we can use your videos because of destruction on youtube links here in paskistan so kindly If you can guide us though another way?
Thanks an Afghan from Pakistan
You’ll have to use a web proxy to access Youtube.
Thank you Alex! Good lesson, as always!
It’s worth it. Thank you.
this video worth it like lounis88lao says.
Now I think I’ll pass my final test in the institute.
Thanks and congratulations you are good teachers.
***value / benefit of something***
– His suit is worth $400
– This phone isn’t worth $200
– It’s worth it
– It’s not worth it.
– He’s /she’s not worth it
Thank u very much for thin lesson. It is worth seeing it.
You got it!
thanks a lot
thank you sir, alex
Thank you my teacher
your quiz cover good notes too….
thanks alot mr alex
thank you very much alex I have one question for this word [WORTH]
is it a same mean cost? [WORTH]COST]
Hi Alex, I appreciate the way you manage this lesson, it’s clear, simple and very useful. Of course it’s worth it pay attention to you.
Are these sentences corrects? … Are there somebody there? :)
Please correct them if it’s necessary.
Thank to Alex and Envid¡
“It’s worth it to pay attention to you.”
“Is there anybody there?”
Good luck!
Thanks Alex!
Nice 1.
The quiz was well,
It did really worked 4 me. :)
I really know that this site worth my time.
this was worth nmy time. thanks
hi Alex.is this sentence correct??:
then i come to school my friend sad i should have to see director.
i strongly believe … this is world no 1 site for home study English. god may bless this site or all teacher or member of this site …. thanks a lot
I got 10/10, but I have two questions concerning the quiz:
1.”I paid too much for this thing. It __________.”
If we are talking about present benefits, can we use either “isn’t worth it” or “wasn’t worth it”, or we have to watch for the tense used in the previous sentence?
2. “It is worth seeing” — Can we use “of” (or any other preposition) after worth? — “It is worth of seeing.”
3. I have also a question about “had to”. — Can we say “I had to did this?”, or if we use “had to”, we have to put a verb in the simple form, in this case “do”?
4. Is there any difference between “my friend” and “friend of mine”? Can I use them interchangeably?
5. And the last one concerns “go home”. I know that people say “go home” not “go to home”, but with all other locations they use “to”. Can I use “to” with “home”, and can I drop it with other locations? For example “go restaurant” instead of “go to restaurant”?
the answer to your fifth question is in this video: https://www.engvid.com/6-ways-to-use-go/
Rebecca explains everything about using the verb “go”.
Thanks for the vid, but I didn’t find the answer there, but it gave me some ideas where to look, and I found this:
— “It’s because “home” as in “go home” is an adverb, and adverbs don’t take any prepositions.”
The lesson surely worth it!:)
But i’ve got a question: What is the part of the speech?Is it an adjective or a noun?
Hi Alex …..
can we use DESERVE Instead of WORTH?
Thank u for your lessons
You can say: “You deserve it.”
Hi moawia,
“Deserve” and “Worth” are two different words and don’t share the same meaning.
“She deserves to get the job!”
“It was worth it for her to take the job because now she’s making a lot of money.”
Thank you Alex
Very useful lesson Alex, thank you!
I’d like to know if “worth” must always be used with “be” or constructions like “this suit could worth $400” with a modal is right too.
Dear sir ,
i am from Jordan ( Middle East ) , my mother tongue language is Arabic , can you help me to enhance my English .
Thanks alor
What do you do to improve your English?
thanks Alex i don’t know why people in canada and USA they are interestned in watching movies in theatre you can watch any movies HD and 3D in HDbits or CHDBITS for classic movies cinematik and KG without paid any money you said 50 dollars for 3D movie that’s too much
Thanks Alex! It’s worth it!!
Hi Alex!
I think that for the third question more right answer is the third one:
“She makes a lot of money, but she has no time for her family. It is worth it.”
Really, money is worth very much nowadays for every family!
Thank you for the lesson!!!!!
wow! i liked it! thank you very much! such a useful video!
Alex I have a doubt about it.
If I say : It worths 10 dollars , Is it correct?
That is incorrect. You have to say “It’s worth 10 dollars.” You can’t say “worths.”
Dear Alex, could you explain more about the 2nd and the 9th quiz for me?
This is very helpful lesson. It’s worth is lifetime.
Thanks teacher!!!
Thank you so much
Nice teaching!
Thanks Sir.
I am seeking a partner for conversation to improve our english language at skype , my skype id ( sqsiddiqui )
Online Teaching
We teach onlion Quran Pak , Turjuma, Tefseer, Hadees and English language.
Qari Wasif Awan Skype id. ( wasif.awan4 )
cell: +92-3429522971
Shah Qasim Siddiqui : skype id : ( sqsiddiqui )
I liked very much! Thanks!!!
got 10 correct out of 10, this is a worth watching lesson, so thank you Alex
god job :D
İt’s an usefull video, thank you…
thanks teacher..as usual, your lessons are worth watching :)
Thank you so much!
superb lesson thank a lot Alex
One Question ^^worth^^ Can it be used as verb ??
many thanks
Thank you sir for sending me the link of proxy which is worth but unfortunately It’s worth of it still not working! :(
Try downloading the Tor browser. If you still can’t see Youtube videos, change the settings as described here so you can install Flash.
Short lessons are amazing! I see in all my lanch’s time.
Great. Thank you.
Thanks Alex, I’ve got many things from you, this lesson is worth watching! :)
thanks Alex
I liked you classes,are worth it!
ur reallyyyyyyyy worth it SIR:)THXXXX ALOT
Thank you teacher alex
Hi … Alex ! All of your lessors are worth to study English for me . Tnx.
That´s a nice lesson
wow this is great!!!
thank you egnVid
Thanks Alex :)
this video is worth seeing it really :)
it’s same as deserve isn’t it ?
great lesson, you are a good teacher,
It was very worth have Watched that lesson.
This lessons worth following up with. becuase i am improving daily and getting familiar with words daily. Thank you all for all your collective efforts to make English language easy.
Thanks a lot.
Thank you eng. vid and thank you teacher. Really it worth watching.To you my best wishes. Nasser—Egypt
this lesson is worth it haahahahh ^_^
Thanks ,and warm greeting from Saudi Arabia
Thanks a lot for this quiz!
Thanks! Alex, could you give me more example,please? I think I need to practice more.
Basically, if something is “worth it,” it either has a good price, value, or benefit. If it isn’t “worth it,” it’s the opposite.
“I can’t believe I paid $15 to see The Clash of the Titans in 3D. It totaly wasn’t worth it.”
“You want me to work for 10 dollars an hour in a factory? No way. That’s not worth it.”
Thank you all , i appreciate all effort you made for this
Good lesson :)
Now I understend :)
Thank you Alex :)
Thanks Alex!The lesson is worth for learning English with you and on the engvid.com! :)
Thanks Alex
I got it entirely
Actually it was completely worth seeing You’re video :-)
Thanks Alex
I got it entirely
It was completely worth seeing you’re video
Thanks Alex, your lesson’s worth it :)
quizzes are very tricky!!! good job!!!
Mr. Alex you are an amazing teacher.keep on like this. God will fulfil promesses in your life.
thanks .
It give my time .It’s worth it. I thing this sentences is correct but dot is necessary to put or not Pleas tell me right thanks allot for that
Nice learning that!!!
Thanks, Sir! Got 8/10.
HI ALEX THANKYOU for helping us
it’s really worth it
thank you very much for all of you in this side
I think I got everything about ”worth” thank you
this is may grad (You got 8 correct out of 10.) it is worth it thanks for Mr Alex well done it is worth it i understand all about it
Hi Alex,
I got an office job. And i really have tough time sending emails when using IN & ON.
I know the general rules about in (inside) on(on top of something)
But when i use email, is so confusing for me to refer something with in or on.
For example.
you can find that message in the RPC programm
or you can find that message on the RPC programm??
in the file?
on the file?
i wish i could see some videos dealing with business terminologies.
Big hug from Canada.
Thx for the lesson Alex. I have one question to the first quiz task. Can I also say “I paid to much for this thing, it isn’t worth it.” instead of “it wasn’t worth it”. Maybe I bought it 2 years ago but now I recognize that I paid to much.
Great!! I learnt something. It’s worth.
Hello Alex.Thank you for that lesson .Have a quesiton for u.
Is it possible to say ” she did not deserve it ” instead of saying ” she wasnt worht it ” ?
i hope u get the idea .
and Alex i have just seen that u answered someone the same question. thank you. i am now understant it.
it was worth to watch that video to get some idea about ”worth”.
Thank you teacher for interesting and useful lesson!
Keep it up!
Have a ball!
Fellows need your help!
I have to improve my low English-speaking skeels.
If you have desire to communicate with me, I will be glad.
Here is my Skype ID – jevgeniikyrychyk.
thanks Alex
Thank you very much Alex, Excellent lesson
Thank you very much Alex!!!
thanks a lot.i spend a lot of time to study with you.it is worth it
Your explanations are very clear. Thank you!
thanx Alex ,, it’s worth it seeing this video
I have a question. How could you explain the difference between the structures: it is worth seeihg the film/the film is worth seeng and it is worth leaning to swim?
this was my weak point thanks for your help
This lesson is worth watching!
Thank you Alex
Thank you Alex, this is the second video that I saw of you and it´s worth it!
Great job!
It’s worth it to see engvid!
you’re so good alex and you explain so clear everything…
The lecture on ENGVID is worth it.
especially,I want to say it is worth taking your lesson. Thanks.^^
Thank Alex.
Clearly understand
Thanks Alex. It’s a really worth lesson.
Ual! This lesson was so nice!! It’s worth it!
See you!
in the Spiderman example you answered using is instead of was, would you mind explaining me why?, thanks Adam
I got 5 correct out of 10. OMG! But I understand the wrong answer. Perhaps I was just confused. I hope to try
the quiz someday :) Thank you Alex!
is it correct “the film was very good and it was worth watching every moment of it” thanks Alex
Thank you very much for the way you explained. Watching the lessons is really worth it. Is that correct? I am not quite sure if I got it.
Thanks I got 80%.
Thanks a lot Alex, you are an excellent teacher :). Following your English lesson is worth it! (I hope it’s correct)
Alex, I have a question. Do you know how often US people worth related to you taught us use? These sentences are used in Canada only? I mean how much often it is used in the world?
This lesson is WORTH noting :)
Thanks Alex !
good lesson, in my point of view, but i have 60% i must to remind myself
Great Alexx.You are such an excellent explainer!!!i got your every word so easily..it’s certainly worth a visit to your engvid channel and youtube as well… keep on going !!! (Y)
Finally, you just cleared a giant doubt that I had with this verb, because in Spanish it’s completely different. Thanks so much!
it is worth it to answer your questions over here mr. alex.. i got 7 out of 10 :) .. i would love to do a test with grammar. is it possible to do over here sir alex? :) thanks
what a shame
thanks alex!
An excellent lesson. Thank you so much Alex. :)
Thank you, it is a very good lesson!
I got 90 except for the third question, I choose IT’S WORTH IT, i think in my point of view this is also correct, it’s only my criteria :D however, thanks!
There is an expression you could have mentioned, which is “It worth my while” and its variations. Is that right? See you (:
This was a good lesson for me because I had never understood the use and meaning of “worth”.
And obviously it was worth it to dedicate just five minutes of my time to watch this video.
Thanks and congratulations Alex
Keep up the good work.
thanks alex
Thanks Alex for that new word that I learn from you. I am so excited to see more and learn quickly english.
Thanks Alex its worth seeing.
Thanks lesson. Extremely helpful lesson.
Thanks a lot!
Useful lesson!
Thanks a lot!
Suppose I posted a post in a fb group and it was really a good content. But got no like or comment. So if I say “This post is worth nothing here” or “This isn’t worth it here” then which one would be perfect to say? or the both would be correct? Asking for help!
I’ve got a 100 after two attempts. (It was worth it!)
Thankyou Alex, have a good one!
Thank you Mr. Alex. It’s worth it!
I really enjoyed your video about how to use the word “worth”. Some students struggle in using it. Another word that is also confusing is “value”. It’ll be nice if you can touch on that in a video. Thanks. It was worth watching it.
Thanks these kind of videos always are very usefull…
This classroom is worth it
1)This book is worth reading = It (this book) is worth it (reading)
2) It is worth paying attention to you = It is worth it to pay attention to you = It is worth it paying attention to you
Are (1) & (2) above correct?
It’s worth watching this lesson!
Engvid is really WORTH visiting!