Sequencers are words that organize your writing and speaking, words like first, next, then, after that, and finally. We often use sequencers in English when we give instructions, describe a process, or tell stories. Using sequencers is a simple trick that improves your writing and speaking because it organizes your ideas into sections and gives them an order. Watch the video and you will see how sequencers can help others understand you more clearly.
Thank you very mach Emma, It’s a good lesson form my.
I guess you meant “It’s a good lesson FOR ME”
just remember it is for beginner
Thank you very much Emma, you teach very clear to understand.
Jensy S.
First the quality that luzy looking for, than you should go to sport club. Next, you fine the man who have the quality that your request at sport club after that you start to educate, finally you get married.
Thanks Emma, that’s a good refresh:)
Thanks Emma. It was very useful.
Thanks Emma!!
i got 9 correct out of 10
thanks emma
otmane abdane
This lesson was very helpful to me, thank you…!!
Jakub Alvarez
Thanks Emma!!
thank you so much!!
Thanks Emma
First, I go to, next I search for Emma videos, after that I watch the classes and finally I click in like ;-)
hahaha… very nice you comment. I just think you could use … click ON like… instead of IN… Keep it going….
Evandro Diniz
Thank you for your feedback my friend
First awwww you did the biggest comment . I’m talking you. thx Emma
Mamadou yaya
Thanks Emma. This is my first lesson here and I liked it very much.
Jussara Pinheiro Barbosa
thanks emma i got 10/10
Thanks Emma I understand the class
Paola noble
Thanks Emma.
Thanks Emma!
Vania Alcer
Very good!Thanks Emma!
Vania Alcer
Emma, first she woke up a lot confused, next she goes to the bathroom to have a shower, then she brushed your teeth, after that she goes cookie something and finally run for her job.
It was a very interesting video class. Thanks a lot teacher Emma.
Lucy wants a boyfriend
First you must meeting him
Then you must be sure he is a single
Next introduce yourself and invite him to conversation
After that you’ll know if you have liked or not him
Finally if you think it’ll be nice, get a second meet!
Thank you Emma.
My advices for Lucy.
First, think about qualities you don’t want to see in your boyfriend.
Next, go to some Internet resource for finding boyfriends. Place there your latest best foto and short description. Please, fear inadequate persons.
After that, you can chat with fine people.
Then, date with some most suitable. Don’t forget to do make-up and hairstyle in your best way
Finally, listen to your heart!
Hello, I am chawan I have a question about the abbreviations of TS after the words. What does it stand for?
Chawan osman
Tq Emma. You the best
Thanks Emma
I got 10 correct out of 10
Thanks a lot
Thank you so much, Emma!!!
10 out of 10!!!
Thanks Emma. you are an excellent teacher
Excelent Emma.. Thanks!!!
Thanks.I got 10/10.
Nika Zheng
Your style is sophisticated and sophisticated ، Thanks a lot Emma.
Excellent lesson thanks
Thenk you
Thank you very much Emma
Emma your are best teacher for me
Thank you Emma.
Thank´s!! I loved this class!!!!
Jorge Cristiano
Let me give my advice:
First, she should go out with her friends more often or look for the man of her dreams on Tinder.
Then, when she finds a datable guy ,try to make a special dinner for both of you.
After that, make sure he’s having fun with you and feeling comfortable as well.
Finally forget all these steps above and date ME Lucy , I love you!
julian menegon
Thank you Emma.
Thank you
Thanks Emma. I like your class.
Thank you
I just understand now. It’s very clear! Thanks for your teaching Emma. I’ve got 100.
jackie kieng
Thank you Emma
Thank you so much <3
Tran Loc
Thanks Emma! ^^
first think why do you want a boyfriend
then think what do you expect about him
next enjoy in a place where yo believe he can be
after that if you knew him enjoy your time.
finally wait for next time for the last step to be your boyfriend.
First Emma needs to lower her expectations .Then she needs ask herself what her purpose.After that she should tell her friends she is looking for a boyfriend.Finally wait until find one .
Thank you very much “Emma”
Hello Emma… first of all it’s always a pleasure to watch your videos. You seem to be a very nice person so, watching your videos make people lives much better… congratulations….
Evandro Diniz
Thank you. I Am very happy.
Thanx you Emma
It’s really good lesson :)
Thank you very much Ema!
First,she should believe that,it is not impossible.
Next,she meet new people.
Then,she must categorize them.
After that,she should like to pick from the others.
(Is it true sentence?)
Finally,she can trust own feelings.
Hollow everyone!
How have you been doing lately?
I just want to say greeting to all members.
keep up the good work everyone!
I got it all correct second time attempt.
Bye for now :D
Thanks for the class
thank you
thank you
thankyou very mach
First, let her decide whether she wants a boyfriend or best friend
After that, she has to work hard to get a guy.
Finally, she should live with that guy foreever
thank you
Mangal magar
Thank u
Thank you Emma. I really love the way you teach. It’s really clear and easy to understand.
nang mo
First Lucy should lthink about what kind of guy she like
Next lucy have to be patient Then she got a right person After that she should open mind and learning about relationships finally she have a happy family.
Thank a lot Emma
Hector Leonardo
Homework answer:
First, you should enjoy you life by doing normal activities after that, don’t think too much about who and how you will find a boyfriend. Just keep everything goes normal way and it will happen without any effort from you.
Thanks Emma,i understood the lesson.You are wonderful a teacher
Thank you very much Emma you are so helpful ❤️
thank you!
First, she introduced herself as Emma??,then she wrote sequencers for today’s studies, after that, she began talking on how to use them, finally, she told us to subscribe to her channel fo many more english lessons. Thank you mom for such a superb lesson on how to use sequencers
Thank you. It is a good lesson :D
great lesson, thanks emma have a nice day
Joel Alves
wow this lesson it’s nice,, thank you very much
[90] Thanks Emma
thanks Emma
Nice one
thanks a lot.
Great lesson, thank you
Hi Emma, thanks for this lesson.
Tiago Maia
It’s fun in learning.
i´m beginning now, wish me luck
Jose Erivan Diniz Dias
First Lucy needs to think what kind a man she wants. Then if they will like the same things she does. After that she needs to find places that these men frequent. Next she has to make some friends in this places. Finally, she will find someone who is interting to her.
Naime Rossi
Bi Emma, how I knou do I am, startig…. Mídia…. Oravanced
HI Emma, do you are here? You need teache Portuguese.
you are wondefull woman in teaching and do very well in ENGLISH.
Thanks you.
Tuan teu
i get it, thank you a lot
Thank you Emma, You are wonderfull, take care.
First, you have to build your personal issues about values. Next, you have to know that the guy that you are looking for not always depends on a request list. After that, be prepared because opportunity = preparation + coincidence. Finally, increase your chances of coincidence happens going to social events like theatres, cinemas, concerts, etc. Good luck!
Thanks Emma! very usefull for me
thank you
Maximiano Boavida Pereira
Thank is good
You are excellent teacher
it was amazing
Thank you Emma for this leasson!
Michel Campos
Thanks so much
M.Gojali Harahap
thank you
Thank u emma?
Thank you
Thanks ?
My name is Fathima. i am thirty tow year old.I can’t read or write you tell me what you can do to me.I know little English.Please help me.
I need to pass essay with and 8, but keep getting a 6!!! These videos hads been a good resource to see where I’m having difficulties. Thanks your videos are very easy and clear to understand.
First lucy should go to music class or gym. Then you can meet different type people. Next you identify who are single men in that class or gym. After that try to mingle with them. Finally, call for any of them for date who feels comfortable for you.
Nidhish Moncy
Panama Republic,May 8th, year 2019.
Good morning Teacher or Proffesor Emma ( Culture in the U.S.A and Canada is no correct use a title or profession with a first name.) Following instructions of the Lessons : How to use sequencers in english ( language).
Homework (true history ) Question : How Lucy Find the man of her dreams ?
FIRST ask to Lucy, If she is looking for a real boyfriend or the man of her dreams ?because dream can be a nightmare.If she express, that she is looking for a boyfriend, THEN, if she will be in this country ( my country) is very important to know the age, because if the person have 18 years old is considered Adult. Is important To know about the law. Because I understand that in the U.S.A and Canada is different. NEXT your friend Lucy should talk about: Personal Identification Card. Because there is many people from others countries with illegal identification or not status legal. AFTER THAT, If she likes the conversation and that man ( person) is HONEST with Her and share more about Him. I will say FINALLY Lucy, you can be secure, safe.
I hope you take in consideration my advice! if you will be, coming to visit or somebody invited you to this country. (This advice is also for men.)
Thank you Teacher Emma for this Lessons. And your welcome for the advice.
Thank you if you are reading my Homework.
Best Regards.
ibrahim Mekkawy
1. At first, show me a Lucy )))
Max, it’s a funny comment ))
and THEN I’m looking for how much me drink… ))
Aleksandr Levchenko
First I want to say thank you, because the lesson was clear. After that, i hope following to learn English, and finally I wish a good score in the IELTS
teacher, I am learning so much with your class! thanks very much!!!
First I woke up of my alarm.
Then I set down in my bed and relax for 10 minutes.
After that I boiled water on my water heater.
Next I got warm water and mix with a hot water.
Finally I drink warm/hot water before I took a bath.
thank you ;you are best :)
Thanks, Emma
Yunita Stemicima Iba
first I try find beautiful eyes, after that I go to the person I want, next I convince she to drink something finally I talk about my dreams…
thank you so much
first i took the meat from the fridge then i put some oil on it next i put it on the grill after that put some salt on it finally i put it on a plate and ate
thank it was a very good lesson you are the best
thanks for the class
Thank you Emma you are great ?
thank u, Emma for that… I’m learning so much with you… I like the way you explain it
9 out of 10
Jullio Pacheco
You want a man of your dream, right?
All right.
First, you should understand why you need a man.
After that, you should be a good observer, observe the single men in neighborhood or church.
Next, see if you can find in the single men qualities you need in the man of your dream; then be nice and never forget to smile as you get acquainted with the one in whom you see the qualities you cherish.
Finally, you should not forget to pray for yourself and the man after your heart.
Thank you!
thank you Emma ;)
thank you Emma Mem for an informative lecture.
In my opinion for your friend Luci these are the suggestion to find her boyfriend:
first, she has to note down what kind of man she looking for. then she has to start visiting places where possibly she can find out her dream man. then start mingling with the people whom she feels attracted and after that, she can invite some of them to date to get to with whom she can make for. finally she ends up with dream one.
hope she will find her loved ones!!! my all good wishes with her.
thank you Emma
Hi Emma. Excellent class.
Jorge anticona
thank you Emma
darsi abderrazzak
I enjoyed the lesson
Thank you
Thank you. I like your teaching.
Rujirek Pukpan
thanks EMMA *_*
I got 90?
first , she needs to write what does she need ..? , then she needs to see that and focus on these , next she should classify that in two ways ” what doesn’t she need enough and what does she can’t rid of .? , after that she focus on the final criteria ,and finally try to find him in her community and environment .
Hanan Mostafa
Thank you, teacher! ;)
Thank you Emaa you are so helpful
Thanks :)
I answered by all question without any mistake. It is a great result for me, thank you!
Hello. Emma. It is useful lesson.
I like heard Engilsh lesson with Emma teacher.
Thanks a lot.
Byeong jin Jo
thanks for providing
Sandar Linn
Thank you Emma your lessons are so wonderful
Cisse npaly
First I turned on my computer. Then I searched Engvid on internet. After that I chose the teacher “Emma” sensei. Finally I started learning English again.
Hiroaki O.
First, if i were a friend of Lucy, i would like to ask her what kind of man could make her laugh the most.
Next, think about her hobbies, it is very important to have someone who enjoys outdoor actives like her.
Then, Asks that cute boy out. Don’t be afraid of the rejections.
After that, if things going well, then you could have a sec date.
Finally, after a long period of dating, you’ll find out if he will be the guy who you want to spend the rest of life with.
Yumi Yu
Really loves your comment and it is very smart. Good luck..
Thank you very much for this lesson.
Thanks Emma, I got 8 out of 10
Thanks Emma. It was very useful
abdelwahab mohamed
thank you teacher
You’re good teacher Emma and this is good lesson.
Thank you!
Emma thanks very much for given as usufull lesson
i also to thank all the teachers of engvid.
Thank’s for this lesson my the best teacher. Now i can get 10/10. Thank you very much.
Very helpful.thanks a lot.
Arbelo Khushk
Tnx Emma
I took this lesson some time ago.But it was really hard for me to keep it in my mind. Therefor I would love to thank you Emma for the lesson and I will never forget the usage. Wish you all the best..
Thank you very Much Emma for this lesson
Thank you Emma. I understood very well from your lesson
Garika Chandu
Thank you, Emma!
first i open youtube app,next i search in youtube,then i type in youtube the words. english teacher’s,after that so many youtube channel that (pop up) when i click the search button,and finally i found teacher emma channel.thanks teacher emma:)
“it really helps to me as a beginner:)
It was very clear to understand. Thank you!
First, Lucy needs to lover herself.
Next, Lucy needs to find something she wants to do, like going to the gym or attending cooking classes.
Then, get strong and healthy.
After that, Lucy has improved her quality of life.
Finally, Lucy is ready to face the world. Feeling beautiful and confident is the best feeling.
Thank you so much! Your the best…..
First, Lucy should create her profile on different dating sites. Next, she should define the qualities of her dream man.Then search through the recommended men. After that she should chat with them to prove that they are really what their profile says and finally physically meet those who suite her criteria till she picks the best one.
To find the right man, you friend Lucy needs to follow the steps below:
First, she has to stay fit and healthy by exercing and maitaining her beauty. Next she can partipate in social gathering giving people advices about how she si fit, after that she will gain popularity and then men will get attracted by her beauty and finally she can pick the best one of them according to her measurements.
Thank you… I got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank you Emma. This lesson was very important to me.
Emma, you are the best english teacher for me
First,I asked Lucy about the quality of a boyfriend whom she wanted to be,what she like most interns of hobbies and then I told her to go out with friend to the venue
that was a great lesson
10/10 thank you very much
thank you Emma
First ,the alarm wakes me up. Next, I take a shower. After that, I eat my breakfast .Then I brush my teeth.Finally, go to school.
Vipaporn Boonchong
Thank you Emma’s teacher.
Great lesson, everyday i am improvementing my english, thank’s Emma to do part of my learning, let’s go my friends, day after day!
Think you Emma
Ahmed wahlim
thanks so much
First of All I would like to thank you that the insight help me a lot to use as a component of procedural text. And I’d like to do the assignment for helping Lucy that she is looking for a boyfriend. First, I suggest Lucy to choose the kind boy that make her so interested in becoming her couple. Then, try to analyze it by doing a research. For example ask to his friend about his behavior. After that, making a comparison which his friend say yes he is kind and which his friend say no. And choose the best reason of his friends. Next, try to talk with him so that you can know his attitude as proper as his friends’ response about him. Finally you can decide whether is he suit for you being your couple or not. You can decide it by some reason that you do a research already. Thats all I think
Surya Adi Kusumah
May peace be on you,
To find a good husband: FIRST you have to pray to God for that. Next, be sure to look for a man that fears God, if he likes you then he’ll honor you and if he doeasn’t he’ll still honor you for the sake of God the almighty. AFTER THAT, get to know women and girlfriends, maybe they have a young man that they want to get him married. THEN you guys could talk through e-mail or on the phone (with your mom on the other side of course)! or family gatherings is a traditional idea to know each others too. Finally, turn to God again to ask him if the person was the right man for you or not. I wish you the best!
thank you Emma
Bouaoukaz Karim
Thank you very much Emma.
It’s very useful, Emma!
thanks Emma
Radhia Akmoume
thanks a lot to you with your video , this way , we are learning more each day
Thank you Emma for a good lesson; it helped me realize that I can use sequencer to teach my kids how to do breakfast .
Hamza Altarshan
Thank you Mrs Emma
thank u . finally did 10/10
Thank you!!
Maurizio Forte
Thanks Emma.
I suggest Lucy first to switch on her device, then to enter on google, next to open facebook, after that to search my name and finally to add me.
Excellent.I got 10 of 10,So i’ll sent my homework here. Topic:Advice to Lucy how to looking for some boyfriend.
First : Use application to help you such as Facebook,line,tinder etc.
Then : Find someone that you like and talk with him every day if you think he’s like a man that you dream,go for it.Important thing that guy must be a single.
Finally : I hope you meet him coming soon, i wish both of you loving forever and is a cutest couple.
First, are your sure?. Then, look for qualities you like. Next, look for hobbies you like. After that, go somewhere you like and finally believe in your potential to find a dream man.
Thank you Emma!
I am here!!))
This is was a good lesson, thank you teacher Emma.
Davidson Coutinho
thank you
Thanks Emma.
Thank you! I got 90 hehe yay
First: connect 2-3 single men on Facebook/tinder
next have a regular chat with all the men’s after that invite for a date any of the men whom you like most and finally decide whether he is the right boyfriend for you.
First, I connect to the site web of google. then, I write the following link After that, I listen to the sequencing lesson. Finally, I do my Quiz.
Thank Emma , I got 100 from 100
Engineer Ahmad haitham
My advice for Lucy:
First, Lucy has to make a standard about what type of man that she wants
Next, Lucy has to join the organization, club or other activities to find new friends
Then, please don’t forget to pray because God always give the best for us
After that, Lucy has to open communication with a man who wants to date with her
Finally, keep fighting and don’t give up
Selpiana Sembiring
Thanks Emma.
my advice to Lucy is :
First, you have to be as social as possible . try to join any activity that interest you to increase the Probability to meet someone. After that,You should have your own life and achievements so e successful and work always on your self. Finally, smile always because a beautiful smile can always attract people .
Thanks Emma.I got 100/100
bunkeo Reth
Thank you Emma. I got 100.
My advice to Lucy is:
First, name your favorite type of person.
Then, figure out where to meet one.
Next, make your move to start a conversation.
After that, exchange contact information.
Finally, hang out with each other.
Thank you so much Emma :D
How to learn English with engVID?
First, access a certain URL to watch videos.
After that, click something you want to study with enough level.
Next, watch a lesson writing content on your notebook.
Then, solve some quiz to check your comprehension.
Finally, use some words, phrases or grammar, and so on.
Well, here is a guide for Lisa:
First, go for an adventure and get some friends, I mean, go and adventure yourself to know more people.
Next, once you know them, make friends, you’ll get the ones with qualities in common.
after that, you can share time with those friends, and maybe catch some feelings.
then, be confident and ask for hanging out particularly, then you can form an intimacy with the one you like.
Finally, once you know that person is the indicate for you, and knowing he is single, you can go and take a shot!.
Juan David Roa Camargo
emma lesson videos are not opening ,may you help me out please.
my advices for Lucy
first open your heart and expand your association.
next you can go out and meet new friends or new man.
then you can make friend, if you feel fit.
finally you can get to know more deeply about himself. and ask him to meet again.
First, have her list the things she would like in a man. Then, ask your girlfriends if they know of any single men she would be compatible with. Next, ask your friend to set you up with a coffee date. After that, talk about things you like, hoping he likes them too. Finally, decide if he is a compatible partner for you.
Janice Bobbitt
It is a good video, thank you so much! <3
It is a good video, thank you so much. Emma
Thanks Emma!
Alen Emesce
First, pray to God. Then think what kind of man she wants to be with. Next, join a community/club that she is interested. After that, talk to some guys and finally, choose whoever she likes.
Fist, Lucy must to go to a club, next she would look for a good looking boy with many qualities, then she would make a nice conversation with him, after that maybe they could go to the movies or maybe to the park and finally they could get married after a time together.
Maripaz Maldonado
Thank you!
Thanks, This is a excellent class for me
First, I wish all the best to Lucy.
Then, Thanks a lot Emma.
Finally, I got 100/100.
Hasan Soledad
I think first she has to note down what kind of man she want.
Then she start visiting which places she like and noticed who are single.if she like someone she can invite him for coffee or movie just to known each other how they are ,what they like etc.after that if she understood he is the man whom she was looking for.then she will propose him and he accepte her proposal. finally she find a boyfriend
Thank you so much teacher Emma!!!
A lot of thanks for the lesson, here’s my advice for your friend. First, she has to know what she is really looking for, then, go to some places where that type of person frequently go, after that she has to quit her shy and try to talk with some of them, next, ask them for their phone number so she can communicate later, and finally ask for the next date or meeting. Or ask them out for your first date. I hope this advice help you. Thanks again for the class
I just started folowing you.Then I will not try to look for another teacher.Your lessons are sooooo helpful EMMA.Bles me please I have to take Ielts band 9////
Thnk you Emma for giving 8 out of 10
Mohammed Olat
First you should realise why do you want to have a boyfriend at all.
Next imagine which type of men would you like to find, i.e intelligent, hardworking, handsome, honest, athlete ect.
Then go to the places where you can visit many men.
After that you will notice, that many men have been interested to you.
Finally pick one from them…
Wow,,I got 10 out of 10.Nice lesson. Thanks Emma
Jahid sarwardi
First, I woke up.
After that, I put on my contact lenses and had a cup of water.
Then, I prepared myself before starting my workout routine.
Finally, I had a shower and went to work at 7:30 am.
First:write want to do you want in a boy
next: talk different man to know about hobbies and other things in a bar, park or party
then: select the correct man to ask the number for this man
finally :invited this man to a date
First-it was usefull. Than – it was intresting. And finally – it was funny!! ))) Thank you!!
First think what it is you see in men. Next make a list of the qualities you want to find in man. Then let him begin to observe the men. After that, you must select three men. Finally, choose the one that suits you best.
Magali Miranda
Thank you Emma….your lessons are quite helpful to me.
Jayant chandapu
Thank you!
first you have to do a list next write down the things you like about the man finally follow the list and search hard (good luck)
thank you Emma
ZOUSSI Raymond Franck Lionel
Klaus Atipo
Thanks Emma. I got 10 out of 10.
Janak Raj Joshi
Lucy, with your busy schedule first, you should find the best dating platform online. Next, join and write an outstanding profile for yourself. After that, setting your account with a beautiful headshot of yourself. Finally, you are ready to explore it,
thanks Miss Emma
I watched the video twice on April 9, 2021 and took the quiz after watching it once. I got 9 correct out of 10.
Thank you
Hai, First, I really appreciate you and you are really a great person that could be found in your hard work and your effective teaching. Then, I think this is a need of hours to learn a language from you. After that, I have come to a conclusion about learning the English language with you. Finally, I am searching for a truthful teacher like you to improve my speaking skills. Thank you.
Thank you.
First, I watch this video.
Next, I do some exercises by writing
After that, I finished this quiz online.
Finally, As a result, I got a full score.
I watched this video one more time on June 15, 2021.
thank you Emma
Sanjib sashankar
Thank you.
Asmaa Hossam
Thank you, Emma. I perfect the quiz.
Thank you
First, thank you for all, and finally please do not stop teaching so many good things.
Thank you teacher Emma , First, these lesson very good , After that Answers Quiz , finally i got 9 of 10
Farhan Alanzi
Thank you very much .
I really enjoyed with you .
if you want a boyfriend first you have to think about what kind of boyfriend do you want? you want him to be like tall smart gentle good looking or bad boy lazy etc. then you have to look at your salfe that you are good enought for him if it not next you should up level your selfe after that bring your selef to the place that you think your boyfriend gona showe up Finally when you see him Flirt him make him falling in love with you. good luck lucy :)
First, she takes care of herself.
Next, she has not looking for.
Then, she learns to live alone
After that she enjoys her single life
Finally, when she won’t expect anything or anyone, the light come in her life and she’ll find out the good person.
It’s a long and hard way Lucy but a very good happy end ?
My advices for Lucy:
First, she needs to go a restaurants and bars. It’s important for she meets new people.
Then, she can check a date with somebody
And Finally she continues having date with somebody
Abdellah ihid
frist she must to thing good man how to get it.
then, she try’s to join team clubs ,next she searching some kindly and knows about the love.
after that she makes a friendship that man and finally she will marry at that man.
This is very useful section as well as your explanation is well.
Sivasothy Tharsi
Amazing lesson this one, Emma. You are amazing too. (Azores islands, 14Dec2021);
thank you very much.
It was my first quiz.
thank you
I didn’t find the correct answer to question 7 among the options shown to me. Nevertheless,am pleased with the quiz.
Thanks a lot sweet Emma fot this remarkable lesson, tell me when you will make the lesson about Canadian cities’names……. greetings from Surco
marc anthony
I took a nap this afternoon. I woke up and realized I need to learn a new thing this day. First I visited Engvid then I chose beginner writing sections.
After that, I watched Emma’s teaching about sequencers, so I finally can use them better in my next writing projects. Thanks!
Thank you! The sequencer lesson was extremely helpful, and I plan on using the sequencers (first, next, then, after that, and, finally) as often as possible in my writing. By the way, I scored a 100% on the quiz.
Nath P
For fist test,i got 7 istead 10 it’s amazing for me.
thank you.
Nath P
Hi Madam. Your lesson on sequencers is so nice, rare and important. I am very happy to learn.
Thank you Madam.
Raju from Tamil Nadu, India.
wow thank you mam love from india
Thank you very much Emma, you teach very clear to understand.
First she need to go to dating apps and register
Next is find someone who is single
Then look for good looking guy with the same interest
After that introduce herself and chat him
Finally she can go and ask him out for dinner to get to know each other.
Thank you so much Ma’am Rebecca for this great opportunity to learn English for free. You are ended a “great blessings for all of us! May God bless you always! P.S. Please try to correct me if I am wrong with my grammar.
thank you
Hello Emma thaks for all .
Sary Valverde-Torres
Thanks a Bunch Emma!I’ve appreciate a lot.
…I’ve appreciated …
Thanks sweet Emma for this lesson as always you re the best instructor. Greetings from Surco Lima
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
thank you
Thank you very mach Emma, It’s a good lesson form my.
I guess you meant “It’s a good lesson FOR ME”
just remember it is for beginner
Thank you very much Emma, you teach very clear to understand.
First the quality that luzy looking for, than you should go to sport club. Next, you fine the man who have the quality that your request at sport club after that you start to educate, finally you get married.
Thanks Emma, that’s a good refresh:)
Thanks Emma. It was very useful.
Thanks Emma!!
i got 9 correct out of 10
thanks emma
This lesson was very helpful to me, thank you…!!
Thanks Emma!!
thank you so much!!
Thanks Emma
First, I go to, next I search for Emma videos, after that I watch the classes and finally I click in like ;-)
hahaha… very nice you comment. I just think you could use … click ON like… instead of IN… Keep it going….
Thank you for your feedback my friend
First awwww you did the biggest comment . I’m talking you. thx Emma
Thanks Emma. This is my first lesson here and I liked it very much.
thanks emma i got 10/10
Thanks Emma I understand the class
Thanks Emma.
Thanks Emma!
Very good!Thanks Emma!
Emma, first she woke up a lot confused, next she goes to the bathroom to have a shower, then she brushed your teeth, after that she goes cookie something and finally run for her job.
It was a very interesting video class. Thanks a lot teacher Emma.
Lucy wants a boyfriend
First you must meeting him
Then you must be sure he is a single
Next introduce yourself and invite him to conversation
After that you’ll know if you have liked or not him
Finally if you think it’ll be nice, get a second meet!
Thank you Emma.
My advices for Lucy.
First, think about qualities you don’t want to see in your boyfriend.
Next, go to some Internet resource for finding boyfriends. Place there your latest best foto and short description. Please, fear inadequate persons.
After that, you can chat with fine people.
Then, date with some most suitable. Don’t forget to do make-up and hairstyle in your best way
Finally, listen to your heart!
Hello, I am chawan I have a question about the abbreviations of TS after the words. What does it stand for?
Tq Emma. You the best
Thanks Emma
I got 10 correct out of 10
Thanks a lot
Thank you so much, Emma!!!
10 out of 10!!!
Thanks Emma. you are an excellent teacher
Excelent Emma.. Thanks!!!
Thanks.I got 10/10.
Your style is sophisticated and sophisticated ، Thanks a lot Emma.
Excellent lesson thanks
Thenk you
Thank you very much Emma
Emma your are best teacher for me
Thank you Emma.
Thank´s!! I loved this class!!!!
Let me give my advice:
First, she should go out with her friends more often or look for the man of her dreams on Tinder.
Then, when she finds a datable guy ,try to make a special dinner for both of you.
After that, make sure he’s having fun with you and feeling comfortable as well.
Finally forget all these steps above and date ME Lucy , I love you!
Thank you Emma.
Thank you
Thanks Emma. I like your class.
Thank you
I just understand now. It’s very clear! Thanks for your teaching Emma. I’ve got 100.
Thank you Emma
Thank you so much <3
Thanks Emma! ^^
first think why do you want a boyfriend
then think what do you expect about him
next enjoy in a place where yo believe he can be
after that if you knew him enjoy your time.
finally wait for next time for the last step to be your boyfriend.
First Emma needs to lower her expectations .Then she needs ask herself what her purpose.After that she should tell her friends she is looking for a boyfriend.Finally wait until find one .
Thank you very much “Emma”
Hello Emma… first of all it’s always a pleasure to watch your videos. You seem to be a very nice person so, watching your videos make people lives much better… congratulations….
Thank you. I Am very happy.
Thanx you Emma
It’s really good lesson :)
Thank you very much Ema!
First,she should believe that,it is not impossible.
Next,she meet new people.
Then,she must categorize them.
After that,she should like to pick from the others.
(Is it true sentence?)
Finally,she can trust own feelings.
Hollow everyone!
How have you been doing lately?
I just want to say greeting to all members.
keep up the good work everyone!
I got it all correct second time attempt.
Bye for now :D
Thanks for the class
thank you
thank you
thankyou very mach
First, let her decide whether she wants a boyfriend or best friend
After that, she has to work hard to get a guy.
Finally, she should live with that guy foreever
thank you
Thank u
Thank you Emma. I really love the way you teach. It’s really clear and easy to understand.
First Lucy should lthink about what kind of guy she like
Next lucy have to be patient Then she got a right person After that she should open mind and learning about relationships finally she have a happy family.
Thank a lot Emma
Homework answer:
First, you should enjoy you life by doing normal activities after that, don’t think too much about who and how you will find a boyfriend. Just keep everything goes normal way and it will happen without any effort from you.
Thanks Emma,i understood the lesson.You are wonderful a teacher
Thank you very much Emma you are so helpful ❤️
thank you!
First, she introduced herself as Emma??,then she wrote sequencers for today’s studies, after that, she began talking on how to use them, finally, she told us to subscribe to her channel fo many more english lessons. Thank you mom for such a superb lesson on how to use sequencers
Thank you. It is a good lesson :D
great lesson, thanks emma have a nice day
wow this lesson it’s nice,, thank you very much
[90] Thanks Emma
thanks Emma
Nice one
thanks a lot.
Great lesson, thank you
Hi Emma, thanks for this lesson.
It’s fun in learning.
i´m beginning now, wish me luck
First Lucy needs to think what kind a man she wants. Then if they will like the same things she does. After that she needs to find places that these men frequent. Next she has to make some friends in this places. Finally, she will find someone who is interting to her.
Bi Emma, how I knou do I am, startig…. Mídia…. Oravanced
HI Emma, do you are here? You need teache Portuguese.
you are wondefull woman in teaching and do very well in ENGLISH.
Thanks you.
i get it, thank you a lot
Thank you Emma, You are wonderfull, take care.
First, you have to build your personal issues about values. Next, you have to know that the guy that you are looking for not always depends on a request list. After that, be prepared because opportunity = preparation + coincidence. Finally, increase your chances of coincidence happens going to social events like theatres, cinemas, concerts, etc. Good luck!
Thanks Emma! very usefull for me
thank you
Thank is good
You are excellent teacher
it was amazing
Thank you Emma for this leasson!
Thanks so much
thank you
Thank u emma?
Thank you
Thanks ?
My name is Fathima. i am thirty tow year old.I can’t read or write you tell me what you can do to me.I know little English.Please help me.
I need to pass essay with and 8, but keep getting a 6!!! These videos hads been a good resource to see where I’m having difficulties. Thanks your videos are very easy and clear to understand.
First lucy should go to music class or gym. Then you can meet different type people. Next you identify who are single men in that class or gym. After that try to mingle with them. Finally, call for any of them for date who feels comfortable for you.
Panama Republic,May 8th, year 2019.
Good morning Teacher or Proffesor Emma ( Culture in the U.S.A and Canada is no correct use a title or profession with a first name.) Following instructions of the Lessons : How to use sequencers in english ( language).
Homework (true history ) Question : How Lucy Find the man of her dreams ?
FIRST ask to Lucy, If she is looking for a real boyfriend or the man of her dreams ?because dream can be a nightmare.If she express, that she is looking for a boyfriend, THEN, if she will be in this country ( my country) is very important to know the age, because if the person have 18 years old is considered Adult. Is important To know about the law. Because I understand that in the U.S.A and Canada is different. NEXT your friend Lucy should talk about: Personal Identification Card. Because there is many people from others countries with illegal identification or not status legal. AFTER THAT, If she likes the conversation and that man ( person) is HONEST with Her and share more about Him. I will say FINALLY Lucy, you can be secure, safe.
I hope you take in consideration my advice! if you will be, coming to visit or somebody invited you to this country. (This advice is also for men.)
Thank you Teacher Emma for this Lessons. And your welcome for the advice.
Thank you if you are reading my Homework.
Best Regards.
1. At first, show me a Lucy )))
Max, it’s a funny comment ))
and THEN I’m looking for how much me drink… ))
First I want to say thank you, because the lesson was clear. After that, i hope following to learn English, and finally I wish a good score in the IELTS
teacher, I am learning so much with your class! thanks very much!!!
First I woke up of my alarm.
Then I set down in my bed and relax for 10 minutes.
After that I boiled water on my water heater.
Next I got warm water and mix with a hot water.
Finally I drink warm/hot water before I took a bath.
thank you ;you are best :)
Thanks, Emma
first I try find beautiful eyes, after that I go to the person I want, next I convince she to drink something finally I talk about my dreams…
thank you so much
first i took the meat from the fridge then i put some oil on it next i put it on the grill after that put some salt on it finally i put it on a plate and ate
thank it was a very good lesson you are the best
thanks for the class
Thank you Emma you are great ?
thank u, Emma for that… I’m learning so much with you… I like the way you explain it
9 out of 10
You want a man of your dream, right?
All right.
First, you should understand why you need a man.
After that, you should be a good observer, observe the single men in neighborhood or church.
Next, see if you can find in the single men qualities you need in the man of your dream; then be nice and never forget to smile as you get acquainted with the one in whom you see the qualities you cherish.
Finally, you should not forget to pray for yourself and the man after your heart.
Thank you!
thank you Emma ;)
thank you Emma Mem for an informative lecture.
In my opinion for your friend Luci these are the suggestion to find her boyfriend:
first, she has to note down what kind of man she looking for. then she has to start visiting places where possibly she can find out her dream man. then start mingling with the people whom she feels attracted and after that, she can invite some of them to date to get to with whom she can make for. finally she ends up with dream one.
hope she will find her loved ones!!! my all good wishes with her.
thank you Emma
Hi Emma. Excellent class.
thank you Emma
I enjoyed the lesson
Thank you
Thank you. I like your teaching.
thanks EMMA *_*
I got 90?
first , she needs to write what does she need ..? , then she needs to see that and focus on these , next she should classify that in two ways ” what doesn’t she need enough and what does she can’t rid of .? , after that she focus on the final criteria ,and finally try to find him in her community and environment .
Thank you, teacher! ;)
Thank you Emaa you are so helpful
Thanks :)
I answered by all question without any mistake. It is a great result for me, thank you!
Hello. Emma. It is useful lesson.
I like heard Engilsh lesson with Emma teacher.
Thanks a lot.
thanks for providing
Thank you Emma your lessons are so wonderful
First I turned on my computer. Then I searched Engvid on internet. After that I chose the teacher “Emma” sensei. Finally I started learning English again.
First, if i were a friend of Lucy, i would like to ask her what kind of man could make her laugh the most.
Next, think about her hobbies, it is very important to have someone who enjoys outdoor actives like her.
Then, Asks that cute boy out. Don’t be afraid of the rejections.
After that, if things going well, then you could have a sec date.
Finally, after a long period of dating, you’ll find out if he will be the guy who you want to spend the rest of life with.
Really loves your comment and it is very smart. Good luck..
Thank you very much for this lesson.
Thanks Emma, I got 8 out of 10
Thanks Emma. It was very useful
thank you teacher
You’re good teacher Emma and this is good lesson.
Thank you!
Emma thanks very much for given as usufull lesson
i also to thank all the teachers of engvid.
Thank’s for this lesson my the best teacher. Now i can get 10/10. Thank you very much.
Very helpful.thanks a lot.
Tnx Emma
I took this lesson some time ago.But it was really hard for me to keep it in my mind. Therefor I would love to thank you Emma for the lesson and I will never forget the usage. Wish you all the best..
Thank you very Much Emma for this lesson
Thank you Emma. I understood very well from your lesson
Thank you, Emma!
first i open youtube app,next i search in youtube,then i type in youtube the words. english teacher’s,after that so many youtube channel that (pop up) when i click the search button,and finally i found teacher emma channel.thanks teacher emma:)
“it really helps to me as a beginner:)
It was very clear to understand. Thank you!
First, Lucy needs to lover herself.
Next, Lucy needs to find something she wants to do, like going to the gym or attending cooking classes.
Then, get strong and healthy.
After that, Lucy has improved her quality of life.
Finally, Lucy is ready to face the world. Feeling beautiful and confident is the best feeling.
Thank you so much! Your the best…..
First, Lucy should create her profile on different dating sites. Next, she should define the qualities of her dream man.Then search through the recommended men. After that she should chat with them to prove that they are really what their profile says and finally physically meet those who suite her criteria till she picks the best one.
To find the right man, you friend Lucy needs to follow the steps below:
First, she has to stay fit and healthy by exercing and maitaining her beauty. Next she can partipate in social gathering giving people advices about how she si fit, after that she will gain popularity and then men will get attracted by her beauty and finally she can pick the best one of them according to her measurements.
Thank you… I got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank you Emma. This lesson was very important to me.
Emma, you are the best english teacher for me
First,I asked Lucy about the quality of a boyfriend whom she wanted to be,what she like most interns of hobbies and then I told her to go out with friend to the venue
that was a great lesson
10/10 thank you very much
thank you Emma
First ,the alarm wakes me up. Next, I take a shower. After that, I eat my breakfast .Then I brush my teeth.Finally, go to school.
Thank you Emma’s teacher.
Great lesson, everyday i am improvementing my english, thank’s Emma to do part of my learning, let’s go my friends, day after day!
Think you Emma
thanks so much
First of All I would like to thank you that the insight help me a lot to use as a component of procedural text. And I’d like to do the assignment for helping Lucy that she is looking for a boyfriend. First, I suggest Lucy to choose the kind boy that make her so interested in becoming her couple. Then, try to analyze it by doing a research. For example ask to his friend about his behavior. After that, making a comparison which his friend say yes he is kind and which his friend say no. And choose the best reason of his friends. Next, try to talk with him so that you can know his attitude as proper as his friends’ response about him. Finally you can decide whether is he suit for you being your couple or not. You can decide it by some reason that you do a research already. Thats all I think
May peace be on you,
To find a good husband: FIRST you have to pray to God for that. Next, be sure to look for a man that fears God, if he likes you then he’ll honor you and if he doeasn’t he’ll still honor you for the sake of God the almighty. AFTER THAT, get to know women and girlfriends, maybe they have a young man that they want to get him married. THEN you guys could talk through e-mail or on the phone (with your mom on the other side of course)! or family gatherings is a traditional idea to know each others too. Finally, turn to God again to ask him if the person was the right man for you or not. I wish you the best!
thank you Emma
Thank you very much Emma.
It’s very useful, Emma!
thanks Emma
thanks a lot to you with your video , this way , we are learning more each day
Thank you Emma for a good lesson; it helped me realize that I can use sequencer to teach my kids how to do breakfast .
Thank you Mrs Emma
thank u . finally did 10/10
Thank you!!
Thanks Emma.
I suggest Lucy first to switch on her device, then to enter on google, next to open facebook, after that to search my name and finally to add me.
Excellent.I got 10 of 10,So i’ll sent my homework here. Topic:Advice to Lucy how to looking for some boyfriend.
First : Use application to help you such as Facebook,line,tinder etc.
Then : Find someone that you like and talk with him every day if you think he’s like a man that you dream,go for it.Important thing that guy must be a single.
Finally : I hope you meet him coming soon, i wish both of you loving forever and is a cutest couple.
First, are your sure?. Then, look for qualities you like. Next, look for hobbies you like. After that, go somewhere you like and finally believe in your potential to find a dream man.
Thank you Emma!
I am here!!))
This is was a good lesson, thank you teacher Emma.
thank you
Thanks Emma.
Thank you! I got 90 hehe yay
First: connect 2-3 single men on Facebook/tinder
next have a regular chat with all the men’s after that invite for a date any of the men whom you like most and finally decide whether he is the right boyfriend for you.
First, I connect to the site web of google. then, I write the following link After that, I listen to the sequencing lesson. Finally, I do my Quiz.
Thank Emma , I got 100 from 100
My advice for Lucy:
First, Lucy has to make a standard about what type of man that she wants
Next, Lucy has to join the organization, club or other activities to find new friends
Then, please don’t forget to pray because God always give the best for us
After that, Lucy has to open communication with a man who wants to date with her
Finally, keep fighting and don’t give up
Thanks Emma.
my advice to Lucy is :
First, you have to be as social as possible . try to join any activity that interest you to increase the Probability to meet someone. After that,You should have your own life and achievements so e successful and work always on your self. Finally, smile always because a beautiful smile can always attract people .
Thanks Emma.I got 100/100
Thank you Emma. I got 100.
My advice to Lucy is:
First, name your favorite type of person.
Then, figure out where to meet one.
Next, make your move to start a conversation.
After that, exchange contact information.
Finally, hang out with each other.
Thank you so much Emma :D
How to learn English with engVID?
First, access a certain URL to watch videos.
After that, click something you want to study with enough level.
Next, watch a lesson writing content on your notebook.
Then, solve some quiz to check your comprehension.
Finally, use some words, phrases or grammar, and so on.
Well, here is a guide for Lisa:
First, go for an adventure and get some friends, I mean, go and adventure yourself to know more people.
Next, once you know them, make friends, you’ll get the ones with qualities in common.
after that, you can share time with those friends, and maybe catch some feelings.
then, be confident and ask for hanging out particularly, then you can form an intimacy with the one you like.
Finally, once you know that person is the indicate for you, and knowing he is single, you can go and take a shot!.
emma lesson videos are not opening ,may you help me out please.
my advices for Lucy
first open your heart and expand your association.
next you can go out and meet new friends or new man.
then you can make friend, if you feel fit.
finally you can get to know more deeply about himself. and ask him to meet again.
First, have her list the things she would like in a man. Then, ask your girlfriends if they know of any single men she would be compatible with. Next, ask your friend to set you up with a coffee date. After that, talk about things you like, hoping he likes them too. Finally, decide if he is a compatible partner for you.
It is a good video, thank you so much! <3
It is a good video, thank you so much. Emma
Thanks Emma!
First, pray to God. Then think what kind of man she wants to be with. Next, join a community/club that she is interested. After that, talk to some guys and finally, choose whoever she likes.
Fist, Lucy must to go to a club, next she would look for a good looking boy with many qualities, then she would make a nice conversation with him, after that maybe they could go to the movies or maybe to the park and finally they could get married after a time together.
Thank you!
Thanks, This is a excellent class for me
First, I wish all the best to Lucy.
Then, Thanks a lot Emma.
Finally, I got 100/100.
I think first she has to note down what kind of man she want.
Then she start visiting which places she like and noticed who are single.if she like someone she can invite him for coffee or movie just to known each other how they are ,what they like etc.after that if she understood he is the man whom she was looking for.then she will propose him and he accepte her proposal. finally she find a boyfriend
Thank you so much teacher Emma!!!
A lot of thanks for the lesson, here’s my advice for your friend. First, she has to know what she is really looking for, then, go to some places where that type of person frequently go, after that she has to quit her shy and try to talk with some of them, next, ask them for their phone number so she can communicate later, and finally ask for the next date or meeting. Or ask them out for your first date. I hope this advice help you. Thanks again for the class
I just started folowing you.Then I will not try to look for another teacher.Your lessons are sooooo helpful EMMA.Bles me please I have to take Ielts band 9////
Thnk you Emma for giving 8 out of 10
First you should realise why do you want to have a boyfriend at all.
Next imagine which type of men would you like to find, i.e intelligent, hardworking, handsome, honest, athlete ect.
Then go to the places where you can visit many men.
After that you will notice, that many men have been interested to you.
Finally pick one from them…
Wow,,I got 10 out of 10.Nice lesson. Thanks Emma
First, I woke up.
After that, I put on my contact lenses and had a cup of water.
Then, I prepared myself before starting my workout routine.
Finally, I had a shower and went to work at 7:30 am.
First:write want to do you want in a boy
next: talk different man to know about hobbies and other things in a bar, park or party
then: select the correct man to ask the number for this man
finally :invited this man to a date
First-it was usefull. Than – it was intresting. And finally – it was funny!! ))) Thank you!!
First think what it is you see in men. Next make a list of the qualities you want to find in man. Then let him begin to observe the men. After that, you must select three men. Finally, choose the one that suits you best.
Thank you Emma….your lessons are quite helpful to me.
Thank you!
first you have to do a list next write down the things you like about the man finally follow the list and search hard (good luck)
thank you Emma
Thanks Emma. I got 10 out of 10.
Lucy, with your busy schedule first, you should find the best dating platform online. Next, join and write an outstanding profile for yourself. After that, setting your account with a beautiful headshot of yourself. Finally, you are ready to explore it,
thanks Miss Emma
I watched the video twice on April 9, 2021 and took the quiz after watching it once. I got 9 correct out of 10.
Thank you
Hai, First, I really appreciate you and you are really a great person that could be found in your hard work and your effective teaching. Then, I think this is a need of hours to learn a language from you. After that, I have come to a conclusion about learning the English language with you. Finally, I am searching for a truthful teacher like you to improve my speaking skills. Thank you.
Thank you.
First, I watch this video.
Next, I do some exercises by writing
After that, I finished this quiz online.
Finally, As a result, I got a full score.
I watched this video one more time on June 15, 2021.
thank you Emma
Thank you.
Thank you, Emma. I perfect the quiz.
Thank you
First, thank you for all, and finally please do not stop teaching so many good things.
Thank you teacher Emma , First, these lesson very good , After that Answers Quiz , finally i got 9 of 10
Thank you very much .
I really enjoyed with you .
if you want a boyfriend first you have to think about what kind of boyfriend do you want? you want him to be like tall smart gentle good looking or bad boy lazy etc. then you have to look at your salfe that you are good enought for him if it not next you should up level your selfe after that bring your selef to the place that you think your boyfriend gona showe up Finally when you see him Flirt him make him falling in love with you. good luck lucy :)
First, she takes care of herself.
Next, she has not looking for.
Then, she learns to live alone
After that she enjoys her single life
Finally, when she won’t expect anything or anyone, the light come in her life and she’ll find out the good person.
It’s a long and hard way Lucy but a very good happy end ?
My advices for Lucy:
First, she needs to go a restaurants and bars. It’s important for she meets new people.
Then, she can check a date with somebody
And Finally she continues having date with somebody
frist she must to thing good man how to get it.
then, she try’s to join team clubs ,next she searching some kindly and knows about the love.
after that she makes a friendship that man and finally she will marry at that man.
This is very useful section as well as your explanation is well.
Amazing lesson this one, Emma. You are amazing too. (Azores islands, 14Dec2021);
thank you very much.
It was my first quiz.
thank you
I didn’t find the correct answer to question 7 among the options shown to me. Nevertheless,am pleased with the quiz.
Thanks a lot sweet Emma fot this remarkable lesson, tell me when you will make the lesson about Canadian cities’names……. greetings from Surco
I took a nap this afternoon. I woke up and realized I need to learn a new thing this day. First I visited Engvid then I chose beginner writing sections.
After that, I watched Emma’s teaching about sequencers, so I finally can use them better in my next writing projects. Thanks!
Thank you! The sequencer lesson was extremely helpful, and I plan on using the sequencers (first, next, then, after that, and, finally) as often as possible in my writing. By the way, I scored a 100% on the quiz.
For fist test,i got 7 istead 10 it’s amazing for me.
thank you.
Hi Madam. Your lesson on sequencers is so nice, rare and important. I am very happy to learn.
Thank you Madam.
Raju from Tamil Nadu, India.
wow thank you mam love from india
Thank you very much Emma, you teach very clear to understand.
First she need to go to dating apps and register
Next is find someone who is single
Then look for good looking guy with the same interest
After that introduce herself and chat him
Finally she can go and ask him out for dinner to get to know each other.
Thank you so much Ma’am Rebecca for this great opportunity to learn English for free. You are ended a “great blessings for all of us! May God bless you always! P.S. Please try to correct me if I am wrong with my grammar.
thank you
Hello Emma thaks for all .
Thanks a Bunch Emma!I’ve appreciate a lot.
…I’ve appreciated …
Thanks sweet Emma for this lesson as always you re the best instructor. Greetings from Surco Lima
think you very much emme