I love food. English loves food, too. There are so many expressions and idioms in English that involve food, and in this lesson, I’ll explain some of them to you!
Hey James! Watching your videos I improved a lot. Especially on the verb tenses. Thanks for your work.
Best wishes from Europe!
This is a good website that is packed with useful videos. These videos are
excellent. But there is a problem. When we watch these videos, we can’t hear some words. The reason why it is so is because we are non-native speakers. We find it difficult to understand some sentences you use. Would you mind giving us the scripts of the videos. It will help us improve our listening ability.
Sujith Malavisuriya
You are wright! These videos are planned for non-native speakers but spoken to native ones. I would suggest to listen to them many times until you get used.
Germán Martínez
Nice “food” and listening too… thanks
Hi James thanks for this video.
I have a question: gravy and sauce are synonymous?
Hi there. that was awesome James. Your way to explain those idioms just make me understand much better when natives speakers talk with me in my job because I work in a kitchen and now I will use this expressions to have a good time with them. Well I will be watching more videos to improve my speaking. thanks GodBless. Edmonton Canada.
Nice lesson, I am a teacher and all these lessons are very helpful. Nice job James. I would like to know if there´s any chance that we could talk by skype or msn. I´d love to do it!!!
Virginia V
Hi James. I am from Edmonton .you really an amazing teacher you use an easy and logic way to explain your lesson .l wish i had teacher like you. Please can you help me i can make different between the proposition to and for?
Good with amazing funny explain .
it s a usefull video
Hi engVid , I cannot watch your videos . They are not starting . I have downloaded a lot of codecs but i could not . Can you help me for this problem ? Thanks a lot . Again Hello from Turkey :)
hi paxoN — these are standard YouTube videos? Can you watch YouTube videos on other sites?
Yes , I can. I can watch videos on other websites but there is not a play button or video page in videos of engVid, only there is a turquoise screen on above video.Finally , i tried to open other browsers ( i.e. firefox .. ) but it hasn’t opened.Thanks for your answer , can you give me another recommend ?
Sorry, paxoN, I’m not sure why you are having trouble. The site gets a lot of hits every day, and only once in a while someone reports a problem like this. What country are you from?
from Istanbul ,Turkey
Thanks , engVid . I solved the problem , again thanks for your help.
Hi paxoN
I have the same problem. Could you please tell me what did you do to watch the videos?
hi james , the way you teaching us is amazing , it improves my english a lot
hi james,
really your classes are fantastic.
the way you explain is more interesting and i love to watch your videos again and again.
the meaningful pictures you draw makes your class an unique one.
make sure you draw more.
Hi James! I gotta tell you, YOU ROCK!!! I´m an English Teacher here in Mexico, so as a non-native speaker, I’ve known so many teachers, and although everybody is different, you are totally unique.
I really had a fantastic time watching your video,so please keep on!
Best wishes!
myrna enriquez
Hey, my teacher! I just wanted to ask you about ” used to”, “be used to”, “used” and “be used for”.
Can you give me some help?
@ Sujith Malavisuriya : I agree with you
thanks for all videos.. They are great!
Hello James, I like the way you teach it’s fantastic Thank You Adios…
Robert Estrada
i just saw a few video on your website and i have to say i find
it very interesting. I want to improve my english, no matter how many hours it takes, but would you please tell me, what is the most important thing to learn speak english – speaking, listening, writing?
thank you a lot for your reply
can anyone spell that word which is in the video (husdand and wife togather)
husband or wife = spouse ;)
it’s “Spouse” ;)
Hi my teacher
I am very happy to find this site so i know you all. This all lessons are very helpfull and i liked all. Thanks a lot.
hi there, i just have a small question,once i read in my dictionary that there is an idiom (hank for hank),i looked for it over the enternet but there was nothing about it as if it were no idiom like this at all,can u just help in finding out it’s meaning if this idiom is true
ahmed younus
hi !!!!!!!!teacher
how are you ?
i hope so
i saw when you teach it make me need to learn english more>_<
i want to pactice with your original sound so sometime when i have free time i would like come in your web site.
teacher +_+ my live in small county and it have many problem to learn english so please to introduce me how to learn english
(i really like your video it very very very good for who looking for how to learn english)
thank you very muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
hi,my name is shahlar d i am from azerbaijan.your lessons help me to improve my english,thank u for everything.i’ll wait your next lessons
very good lesson,I enjoyed it very much.Thanks James.
please inform the meaning of subjective reaction
Hellooooo James, I love the way you teach.You are excellent.
Funny explaination.
Thank you!!!
thank you alot u are so kind man thanks agian…
Hi, James:
To laught when I am studying its allmost imposible, but washing your engvid videos -that it’s so easy to understand, because the way that you explained it. it’s in a funny way, but in the mean time, ours brain is abstracting all the lecture given by the instructor(James). I can laugth, but I’m learning too.
Hello James!
Greetings from Russia!
I am very happy that I have found this website. The way you teaching is amazing! Thanks a lot!
I like the way you teach :) keep up the good work!
he is really interesting…….
Sir James ! how r you doing. You are the best. watching your lessons really helps me to improve my English . Good job bro !
very good lesson thanks send me a tip how to teach numbers to high school students on an easy way please.
Hello James!
thank u.I enjoyed the video.
But about the quiz,the link is not available.
would you advise?
hey my favorite teacher thanks a lot sugar dady
hi, i am not very good at listening of English. Your’ speaking speedily. please speak slowly so that i could avail myself to your fruitful lectures thoroughly. Thank you!
Greate lesson.
Nigaz Hater
James,these lessons in this website are great, Thank you, and thanks to all the teachers working here…I really appreciate your teaching.. have a wonderful day,,,,
Charlie Stud
hi james should be you alway put some grevy in
the food thank. Mr Jamas I enjoy your vidios
I`m Esl student fourth grate. Thank very much.
OMG! You are amazing, funny and knows a lot!! congrats
Gabby from Brazil
Hello James!
How are you doing? I really enjoy the lessons with you most!!! Your a simply the BEST of all teachers here. I am very, very grateful for EngVid.com.
hi james your are doing great job that help in these pepole they are not familer with english keep it up.
my dear respected sir.*you are really awesome.*i’m delight write some words abou ur teaching.*it was supurb.* i heartly say you did a great job in all over the word.keep it up.*when i free i would like watch ur video .*it gives me immense pleasure.may god gives you health,wealth happiness from karnam india karnatak state bellary distic msw student
karnam gangadhara
waw! amazing website. im gonna improve my speaking english from that web. best regards from Albania (Europe);)
thank you mr james , that’s really good lesson , from north africa
thank you
hello there would you like to practicing english with each other
Very nice and interesting lesson. I was really interested and laughing .I like your mothed in teaching Thank you
I lOVE ur lessons ,but you are talk too fast .so i don’t understand many things
from u .can you talk slower than this.and i’m
soooooooooooooooo sorry about that. ^_^
Shayma EL.
Hi Jame,those are useful lessons.but I dont understan when I talk with an english man,this is why, I think that is different sound in producing sentences ex/I want to meet him=I wanna meet him,so else. thank you for your teaching.
Hi James you are so cool….nice to meet you…very smart presentation…..
hi, well you have such a method to make people learn things, much humour and spontaneity.. i did enjoy it much
thank u
you are de best teaching english thank.
Hey James thanks, in my city(Cartagena-Colombia) we said “Tangerine” to the sugar daddy … because usually the young ladies peeled them easy(take their money) exactly like a tangerine is easy to peel so then the sugar daddies stew in their own juices hahahah I’m out to lunch, love james you do a awesome job.
that ‘s really helpful.thanks
I love you guy, James. But you should write http://WWW.E a little bit smaller plz.. ^^
Because they just look like 4 asses.. :D
Hi James I like your language i learn from you a lot about food expression and i need that in my class and i dont know that before and how americans use this kind of speaking in their language again thank you Im from Iraq
Sup…Man you are so funny xD hehe… and I’ve learned lots of expressions and vocabulary… :D thanks man
you always have bad, stupid, confusing examples.!
Hey! Keep it constructive, please…
engVid Moderator
hello . i want to say thanks for someone like you . thanhks for help us .
you are funny and excelent teacher . i stdy in this website a lot with you and the others teachers , kiss .
many thanks and i hope to see more usful videos from
thx again from algeria
so helpful thanks
very impressive expression to make me understand “sugar coated”, “sugar daddy” and “sugar mom”.
thanks a lot and continue the stylish teaching and preaching befitting the English learners.
los videos son muy buenos. Felicidades!!!
You are realy teaching talent.
WOW teacher very clearly that impress me. great teacher.
great teacher
You are awesome and funny jaja… I´ve just found this page and I love it already.. thanks for your lessons…. they are so helpful.
You are awesome. I´ve just found this web page and I love it already. your lessons are so helpful. Thanks a lot
i don’t known what you speak :'(
great job and thanks a lot for helping us to build little by little new vocabulary james.Now I wonder why there is no a quiz in this lesson like most videos
I are a great teacher James, your lessons are so funny!
Thanks for great lessons. I like the way you teach ’cause it’s funny and useful. Hope you make more interesting videos.
p.s. could you please make a video on the differences between school, pack, flock and herd?
Very interesting lesson. Thank you.
thank you!!!) really useful lessons)
HI Friends
i am very much weak in english
i wanted to improve my speacking skill as well as grammar.
if any body interest please connect with skype
my Skype is npkirankumarkoneru
kiran kumar
Thanks James
Five expressions about food or English idioms like these: “to stow in one’s own juice”, “sandwhiched”, “to sugar coat something”, “sugar daddy” and “gravy train”. It’s difficult to remember all of them but we can note and review the meanings so they would be easier to identify. Thanks a lot teacher James from EngVid.
stew in my own juices “to suffer the consequences of bad something ” sugarcoat “to tell bad news in a good way ” sugar daddy ” an elder man who spends his time & money to make younger women happy ” on a gravytrain ” doing well ” sandwiched ” between two big people “”
ahmed hendo
Hi James, this is a great lesson as usual! I enjoy it every time.. thanks for your wonderful job!
hEY jAMES, your lessons is cool
A funny and curious lesson.
Thank Teacher James.
You have a wee special way to explain and make English so easy to understand and learn!!!
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Hey James! Watching your videos I improved a lot! Thanks for your work!
Best wishes from Europe!
HI james,. thanks for you leason you teaching free good and free clear I HAVE one qusetino .whats difrens between by. and bi .and bye .and buy.
Free English lesson on the difference between by, bi, bye, buy
Hey James! Watching your videos I improved a lot. Especially on the verb tenses. Thanks for your work.
Best wishes from Europe!
This is a good website that is packed with useful videos. These videos are
excellent. But there is a problem. When we watch these videos, we can’t hear some words. The reason why it is so is because we are non-native speakers. We find it difficult to understand some sentences you use. Would you mind giving us the scripts of the videos. It will help us improve our listening ability.
You are wright! These videos are planned for non-native speakers but spoken to native ones. I would suggest to listen to them many times until you get used.
Nice “food” and listening too… thanks
Hi James thanks for this video.
I have a question: gravy and sauce are synonymous?
Hi there. that was awesome James. Your way to explain those idioms just make me understand much better when natives speakers talk with me in my job because I work in a kitchen and now I will use this expressions to have a good time with them. Well I will be watching more videos to improve my speaking. thanks GodBless. Edmonton Canada.
Nice lesson, I am a teacher and all these lessons are very helpful. Nice job James. I would like to know if there´s any chance that we could talk by skype or msn. I´d love to do it!!!
Hi James. I am from Edmonton .you really an amazing teacher you use an easy and logic way to explain your lesson .l wish i had teacher like you. Please can you help me i can make different between the proposition to and for?
Good with amazing funny explain .
it s a usefull video
Hi engVid , I cannot watch your videos . They are not starting . I have downloaded a lot of codecs but i could not . Can you help me for this problem ? Thanks a lot . Again Hello from Turkey :)
hi paxoN — these are standard YouTube videos? Can you watch YouTube videos on other sites?
Yes , I can. I can watch videos on other websites but there is not a play button or video page in videos of engVid, only there is a turquoise screen on above video.Finally , i tried to open other browsers ( i.e. firefox .. ) but it hasn’t opened.Thanks for your answer , can you give me another recommend ?
Sorry, paxoN, I’m not sure why you are having trouble. The site gets a lot of hits every day, and only once in a while someone reports a problem like this. What country are you from?
from Istanbul ,Turkey
Thanks , engVid . I solved the problem , again thanks for your help.
Hi paxoN
I have the same problem. Could you please tell me what did you do to watch the videos?
hi james , the way you teaching us is amazing , it improves my english a lot
hi james,
really your classes are fantastic.
the way you explain is more interesting and i love to watch your videos again and again.
the meaningful pictures you draw makes your class an unique one.
make sure you draw more.
Hi James! I gotta tell you, YOU ROCK!!! I´m an English Teacher here in Mexico, so as a non-native speaker, I’ve known so many teachers, and although everybody is different, you are totally unique.
I really had a fantastic time watching your video,so please keep on!
Best wishes!
Hey, my teacher! I just wanted to ask you about ” used to”, “be used to”, “used” and “be used for”.
Can you give me some help?
@ Sujith Malavisuriya : I agree with you
thanks for all videos.. They are great!
Hello James, I like the way you teach it’s fantastic Thank You Adios…
i just saw a few video on your website and i have to say i find
it very interesting. I want to improve my english, no matter how many hours it takes, but would you please tell me, what is the most important thing to learn speak english – speaking, listening, writing?
thank you a lot for your reply
can anyone spell that word which is in the video (husdand and wife togather)
husband or wife = spouse ;)
it’s “Spouse” ;)
Hi my teacher
I am very happy to find this site so i know you all. This all lessons are very helpfull and i liked all. Thanks a lot.
hi there, i just have a small question,once i read in my dictionary that there is an idiom (hank for hank),i looked for it over the enternet but there was nothing about it as if it were no idiom like this at all,can u just help in finding out it’s meaning if this idiom is true
hi !!!!!!!!teacher
how are you ?
i hope so
i saw when you teach it make me need to learn english more>_<
i want to pactice with your original sound so sometime when i have free time i would like come in your web site.
teacher +_+ my live in small county and it have many problem to learn english so please to introduce me how to learn english
(i really like your video it very very very good for who looking for how to learn english)
thank you very muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
hi,my name is shahlar d i am from azerbaijan.your lessons help me to improve my english,thank u for everything.i’ll wait your next lessons
very good lesson,I enjoyed it very much.Thanks James.
please inform the meaning of subjective reaction
Hellooooo James, I love the way you teach.You are excellent.
Funny explaination.
Thank you!!!
thank you alot u are so kind man thanks agian…
Hi, James:
To laught when I am studying its allmost imposible, but washing your engvid videos -that it’s so easy to understand, because the way that you explained it. it’s in a funny way, but in the mean time, ours brain is abstracting all the lecture given by the instructor(James). I can laugth, but I’m learning too.
Hello James!
Greetings from Russia!
I am very happy that I have found this website. The way you teaching is amazing! Thanks a lot!
I like the way you teach :) keep up the good work!
he is really interesting…….
Sir James ! how r you doing. You are the best. watching your lessons really helps me to improve my English . Good job bro !
very good lesson thanks send me a tip how to teach numbers to high school students on an easy way please.
Hello James!
thank u.I enjoyed the video.
But about the quiz,the link is not available.
would you advise?
hey my favorite teacher thanks a lot sugar dady
hi, i am not very good at listening of English. Your’ speaking speedily. please speak slowly so that i could avail myself to your fruitful lectures thoroughly. Thank you!
Greate lesson.
James,these lessons in this website are great, Thank you, and thanks to all the teachers working here…I really appreciate your teaching.. have a wonderful day,,,,
hi james should be you alway put some grevy in
the food thank. Mr Jamas I enjoy your vidios
I`m Esl student fourth grate. Thank very much.
OMG! You are amazing, funny and knows a lot!! congrats
Hello James!
How are you doing? I really enjoy the lessons with you most!!! Your a simply the BEST of all teachers here. I am very, very grateful for EngVid.com.
hi james your are doing great job that help in these pepole they are not familer with english keep it up.
my dear respected sir.*you are really awesome.*i’m delight write some words abou ur teaching.*it was supurb.* i heartly say you did a great job in all over the word.keep it up.*when i free i would like watch ur video .*it gives me immense pleasure.may god gives you health,wealth happiness from karnam india karnatak state bellary distic msw student
waw! amazing website. im gonna improve my speaking english from that web. best regards from Albania (Europe);)
thank you mr james , that’s really good lesson , from north africa
hello there would you like to practicing english with each other
Very nice and interesting lesson. I was really interested and laughing .I like your mothed in teaching Thank you
I lOVE ur lessons ,but you are talk too fast .so i don’t understand many things
from u .can you talk slower than this.and i’m
soooooooooooooooo sorry about that. ^_^
Hi Jame,those are useful lessons.but I dont understan when I talk with an english man,this is why, I think that is different sound in producing sentences ex/I want to meet him=I wanna meet him,so else. thank you for your teaching.
Hi James you are so cool….nice to meet you…very smart presentation…..
hi, well you have such a method to make people learn things, much humour and spontaneity.. i did enjoy it much
thank u
you are de best teaching english thank.
Hey James thanks, in my city(Cartagena-Colombia) we said “Tangerine” to the sugar daddy … because usually the young ladies peeled them easy(take their money) exactly like a tangerine is easy to peel so then the sugar daddies stew in their own juices hahahah I’m out to lunch, love james you do a awesome job.
that ‘s really helpful.thanks
I love you guy, James. But you should write http://WWW.E a little bit smaller plz.. ^^
Because they just look like 4 asses.. :D
Hi James I like your language i learn from you a lot about food expression and i need that in my class and i dont know that before and how americans use this kind of speaking in their language again thank you Im from Iraq
Sup…Man you are so funny xD hehe… and I’ve learned lots of expressions and vocabulary… :D thanks man
you always have bad, stupid, confusing examples.!
Hey! Keep it constructive, please…
hello . i want to say thanks for someone like you . thanhks for help us .
you are funny and excelent teacher . i stdy in this website a lot with you and the others teachers , kiss .
many thanks and i hope to see more usful videos from
thx again from algeria
so helpful thanks
very impressive expression to make me understand “sugar coated”, “sugar daddy” and “sugar mom”.
thanks a lot and continue the stylish teaching and preaching befitting the English learners.
los videos son muy buenos. Felicidades!!!
You are realy teaching talent.
WOW teacher very clearly that impress me. great teacher.
great teacher
You are awesome and funny jaja… I´ve just found this page and I love it already.. thanks for your lessons…. they are so helpful.
You are awesome. I´ve just found this web page and I love it already. your lessons are so helpful. Thanks a lot
i don’t known what you speak :'(
great job and thanks a lot for helping us to build little by little new vocabulary james.Now I wonder why there is no a quiz in this lesson like most videos
I are a great teacher James, your lessons are so funny!
Thanks for great lessons. I like the way you teach ’cause it’s funny and useful. Hope you make more interesting videos.
p.s. could you please make a video on the differences between school, pack, flock and herd?
Very interesting lesson. Thank you.
thank you!!!) really useful lessons)
HI Friends
i am very much weak in english
i wanted to improve my speacking skill as well as grammar.
if any body interest please connect with skype
my Skype is npkirankumarkoneru
Thanks James
Five expressions about food or English idioms like these: “to stow in one’s own juice”, “sandwhiched”, “to sugar coat something”, “sugar daddy” and “gravy train”. It’s difficult to remember all of them but we can note and review the meanings so they would be easier to identify. Thanks a lot teacher James from EngVid.
stew in my own juices “to suffer the consequences of bad something ” sugarcoat “to tell bad news in a good way ” sugar daddy ” an elder man who spends his time & money to make younger women happy ” on a gravytrain ” doing well ” sandwiched ” between two big people “”
Hi James, this is a great lesson as usual! I enjoy it every time.. thanks for your wonderful job!
hEY jAMES, your lessons is cool
A funny and curious lesson.
Thank Teacher James.
You have a wee special way to explain and make English so easy to understand and learn!!!