There are a lot of idioms and expressions in English that involve food. But most of their meanings don’t actually have anything to do with food! In this lesson, I’ll teach you five food expressions: couch potato, out to lunch, piece of cake, bottoms up, and sweet tooth!
hi there, jajaja it took u half day to did it. anyway nice pictures {bottle,cake,couch,mouth n’door} this quiz was a really piece of cake. I’m a couch potato, I am watching tv all day long. I don’t want to be an asshole jaja lol. take care sweet tooth teacher.
Thank you very much!
Have a nice day!
shing mang tun
ur lesson’s so useful. Thank u so much, jon. I hope u’ll make more lessons about idioms like this. Have a nice day!
and i think it would be more clearly if u write the examples about the idioms on board
You’re right, but you can see the idioms written out in the lesson description above the video.
Jon thanx a lot
I like English by Idioms
the exam was a piece of cake.
horay!. bottom up!
gr8 way of teaching. u too gud sir
It is interesting to learn english idioms. Thanks.
Md Hilmi Abdullah
I enjoy very much engvid. The teachers are wonderful. their lessons are easy to understand and useful. Their accents are perfect so now I need some training about strong accents: Scotich, Australian, American. I hope they can help me ! Thank you very much
I agree with you, vilainpetitcrapaud. Strong accents are very common and all around the World. All my life studyig English for not understanding sentences like ‘Hallo! D’u ‘nst wa’sng? -but spoken by mobile- Sure! They speak quite good RP English.
this is a great lesson well explained thanks a lot!
i likes to learn english more…
Thank you, so much Jon.
Jon please I have a question: a couch potato is a person that in general is lazy or only is a person who sits in front the tv and do anything?
Again, thank you.
I think..
a couch potato = someone who just watch and sit in front of TV and doing nothing but only eating (potato chips and other snacks) until he becomes fat and round like potato.. :P
You can not say it for other kind of laziness.
Maybe we can also consider “Al Bundy” as a correct answer…!!! :)
I added that one :)
I didn’t doubt that at all!! :)
hold on..
AL Bundy? what is it?
is it the answer of comment above?
-couch potato, can be applied to any lazy behavior- or specifically to ‘watching TV’ behavior?
sorry, i was kinda lost here..
pls kindly specify..
Hi gimmehunny! The correct answer is “cough potato”. “Al Bundy” was a joke! Al Bundy is a character from an american serie “Married with children”. This character loves watching TV, he’s a cough potato! If you want to know more about it, go and see on Wikipedia at:
omg.. no wonder I got confused here.. we don’t get that series here that’s why.. thxs milly..
btw milly, do you get notified in your e-mail when anybody responds to your comment? coz I’ve been waiting for any notification, but haven’t got any.. :(
Mr. engVid, could you please look through it? or I just don’t deserve any? :((
No problem! There are so many series! To get notifications by email when someone respond to your comments, you need to go in your profile (“edit your profile” near your photo in the top of the page). Then go at “COMMENT ALERTS” and tick the box “email: to get notified by email when someone replies to your comments”. And after don’t forget to click on “SAVE YOUR CHANGES” (at the bottom). After that, it should work! (if it doesn’t, you’d have to ask to Mr EngVid! HI MR ENGVID!;)
Hi Milly ;) Always good to see you! I didn’t forget about you… just been really, really busy!
gimmehunny — I will check your account to see if there is some problem with the email settings. You *do* deserve engVid comment reply notifications!
Piece of cake!
Excellent, clearer not even the water
What an amazing way it is to learn English here. Thank you very much.
this quiz is just like a piece of cake.
I scored 5 out of 5. I killed my test. It was a piece of cake …
thanx Jon
as easy as abc
I also have a sweet tooth!
thanks for the lesson, Jon!
good jon
mahmoud gaber
thanks, i always can’t remember vocabulary,but now it’s piece of cake for me to remember.
nice lesson sir Jon,,, but may i ask some thing…? Do you have a lesson between conjunction “as” and “because”…? How to used them properly?
thanks I like this lesson than; you again
bottoms up for engvid
Come to Manchester and you won’t understand anything :) their accent is so difficult to understand. Sounds like vowels only. Sometimes i think that my eng is terrible when i listen to them cause i can’t really understand what ppl say here. Even sitting on a bus and listening to chicks behind me and i can’t understand them. Fuxing hell, it’s not a peace of cake. In states it is but not here. And there is another one: Peace of piss. The same meaning :) just you wouldn’t say it to your boss.
Good lesson :)
the new one for me was out to lunch.
but bottoms up was no so clear for me
i scored 5 on 5. bottoms up!!
thanks , nice lesoon sir jon
it’s very useful lesson :) thank you for it
Rowida Taweel
thank u that really easy
thank you Mr Jon. I understand very well. I’m in Egypt and most of the teachers have arabic accent. From this website, I can learn more and more.
Have a good life!
This was awesome!! Nice idioms.
Great lesson. I have a question though. Can the idiom “sweet tooth” be extended to food that is not sweet? For instance, can I say “I have a salt tooth.” ??
thanks alot
have a nice day
mohmmed saad zaki
there are really useful it possible to add some conversation lesson please? thank you so much.
Az you said Jon it’s SO LITTLE PIECE OF CAAAKE!
Thank you very much ^.^
Have a gd dayyy.
It was an excellent way of teaching and for us a good way for learning. Thanx EngVid
Hi! Can U explain how to use expression “even though”. Does it have similar meaning with “despite of”. Thank U!
I really like it , thank u , God bless u
This lesson is quite interesting and useful. Thanks Jon~
This lesson is quite useful and interesting.
Thanks, Jon.
Interesting lesson, sir. Thanks =)
Thanks a lot Mr. Jon.
as always the Quiz was a piece of cake
I like how you wrote “an asshole” as an answer, I want to choose it everytime I see it, it’s good trick
thinks soo mach
You’ve done an amazing job guys … congrats
WOW WOW thanks a lot!
the lesson was wonderful and interesting I enjoyed too much, but I had a problem with “out to lunch” sentence.
I didn’t understand it that much, can someone explain “out to lunch” to me more, because I tryed to put it in a sentence but I couldn’t. How and when can I call someone crazy “you’re out to lunch”.
Thank you,
Mariam – Dubai
when somebody make bad decision or stupid behavior (behave without mind) ex.(you must been out to lunch when you bought that old car )
tamam alshibe
thanks a lot for your explaining =D
nice effort Jon .i like the way you teach.
Thank you, i like learn more about idioms and slang because Americans use them a lot
it’s funny lesson
sweet angel
let’s all together
buttoms up….
thanks a lot it’s very intristing
driss 2000
thanks a lot…it’s very useful, as in.
I thank you very much for a wonderful program that you have set for the world to test themselves.
u are very very good teacher.thank u
this was a good lesson. thanks =)
That was awsome
very nice
tour guide
thanks so much! I love you
cheer! bottom’s up !
Excellent!The lesson was wonderful and interesting!!!
it is have made it a piece of cake..BUTTOMS UP
very nice,i like all the lesson
it is vary interesting
thank you so much T.
the exam was piece of cake :)
best wishes!
Thank you alot I enjoyed the lesson
thank u alot teacher jon
u make me hungry haha XD
That’s great ! Thank you very much!
Very nice and helpful exercise! Congratulations.
ضكرا جزيلا
شكرا جزيلا
Woo hoo! I scored 5 out of 5.
thank you
ghahaha…my score is 5….thanks alot Sir. And i have a sweet tooth tooX)
jon is the best
thanks mr.jon
very fun:D
A ? Ive got:”fair’s fair” means what plz?!
so fun
this lesson was piece of cake
Great! Thank you for this lesson :)
hi john..
i was wondering how long did it take for you to make such a drawing? they’re very cute.. ;)
as for me, whenever i try to draw something on the board, it always ended up as skeletons or fossils.. :P
btw, merry christmas n happy new year to all.. thumbs up for engvid.. ;)
p.s. could you please make a video on ‘ish’- i think i’ve heard it somewhere in american kids movie, but sorry i can’t remember any example for this. may be it’s a slang or expression..
hope u can help me out..
thanks it will be a piece of cake
Thank you for the lesson. Jon, you are such a good teacher. Keep it up!
Bottom’s up friend! These videos make English learning a piece of cake. I don’t feel I am a couch potato watching this video in my PC.
Very good my friend … you really are doing a good job … 1 voluntary … you are the guy
I beg to disagree about the Al bundy reference, he’s actually a shoe sales person, hes wife in the other hand only care about spending the money he brings home. She’s the couch potato.
Hey Jon.
Great Lesson!
Thank you.
Rogério David
Hi,Jon. thank you,very amazing phrases hope I will memory all of them.
Thanks Jon for this lovely video.I scored 5 out of 5 because of your way of teaching so easy….. just like a piece of cake:)
You are a great Pedagogue………The lessions taught by you were really helpfull…..and i hope i will learn a lot from you in future too…………..
Thanks, Jon!
Thanks for a useful video!
great lesson Jon!
Hey pal, the text was like a piece of cake =) thank you.. ^^
Thanks jon
i am a Chinese.ur teaching is amazing!
Another meaning of “Couch potato” is “addicted television”?
Thank you so much Mr. jon
GREAT.I just know “PIECE OF CAKE”.Thanks
thanksssssss jon
i’m from vietnam. please,you can speak engligh more slow
thanks for your time that you spent on making these illustraions, they are really helpful.
The quiz was so funny. In the answers I saw some funny expressions such as lalalal or amg wtf :D Thank you. I really understand your speaking very well. I am waiting for the next one.
Varser Zakaryan
Jon….you are so great…thanks for your help..!!!!
very good, tanks john
sorry, Jon
thnk u so much jone
I think this lesson is useful in conversation every day. You could more give similar lesson in other occasion.
i got 5/5 coz the quiz was like piece of cake to me . thanks indeed. i liked the lesson
Your video lessons are piece of cake to understand. Thanks
that was funny I like it too much thanks a lot
thanks a bundle
great lesson…
i like jon n ronnie…
areeba jawaid
I like you teach most, Jon :x Linh from Việt Nam.
Linh PS
5/5 great lesson,thanks
The answers hahahaha So Funny :D
can we use “out to lunch”to describe a drunk person???
nour zakaria
It’s not really used for that. It’s an expression we use to describe someone who is a little bit crazy.
Love you guys!! You’re the best! Thank you all for this site! Every lesson with you is a piece of cake!
Aw, you’re a peach!
engVid Moderator
Thanks a lot Jon!
on question 2 or 3, my husband doesn’t do anyth…. and watchES TV.(my husband is still the subject and the verb takes an ‘S’ at the 3rd pers. sing. I think)
if the teacher starts to make mistakes, it is not good.
it’s really a piece of cake.. i like it .
thanks alot,the lesson was a piece of cake
Jon, correct me if I am wrong, but someone told me that the meaning of “bottoms up” was bottom por “ass”, in spanish would be “culos para arriba”. Not bottoms of the things, would be bottons of the people. The best wishes
Despite I’m a little couch potato this lesson was a piece of cake.
The quiz was a piece of cake :D
yeahhh 100%. Thanks a lot Jon.
Thank you Jon !
Yeah I got 5out of 5 . U r amazing thanks
Hi Jon, I’m from Brazil, and for me was a great pleasure to find you came here in the past to teach English. I’l love to know in which city you lived here? Perdoe meus erros, pra mim é terrivel escrever em ingles, eu posso ler e compreender o que leio mas falar e escrever é muito dificil. I hope improve my English with engvid. Grande abraço.
i’m not a couch potato, i spend almost my free time to learn English, hihi..
very nice. teacher Jon
Janvier Pierre Roody
bottoms up
Janvier Pierre Roody
I was confused about the last question. But I got 5 correct out of 5. Perfect! Ya~y! BTW I have a sweet tooth :) Thank you, Jon!
Thanks, I got 100%. It is a piece of cake.
Abdul Qayum
Hi dear Jon
I was wondering why you are so sweet and you actually answered this question by stating that you’re a guy with a sweet tooth;)Jon I don’t know if you read this comment or not but in case that you do would you please explain the meaning of this gesture something you did after the word boob tube I’ve always wanted to ask a native about the meaning behind it, it’s very common among you,isn’t it? when I watch the lovely TED talks,by the way can I use this gesture before this phrase “lovely TED talks”!,I notice that the speakers use it several times, SORRY FOR SUCH A LONG COMMENT:(
Actually before the word boob tube!
Thank you for helping me.
thank you! but I didn’t understand what is the meaning of bottoms up.. :D
Woooh it was a awesome tips learning to idioms words . i never forget it ,.. Catch yaaa
Hello, I’d like to talk with someone, to improve my english skills.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
it is really good)
you make my Englis piece of cake
the quiz is very funny =)
thank you.
I got 5/5. Buttom´s up
I liked it! Very useful, thank you.
hi there, jajaja it took u half day to did it. anyway nice pictures {bottle,cake,couch,mouth n’door} this quiz was a really piece of cake. I’m a couch potato, I am watching tv all day long. I don’t want to be an asshole jaja lol. take care sweet tooth teacher.
Thank you very much!
Have a nice day!
ur lesson’s so useful. Thank u so much, jon. I hope u’ll make more lessons about idioms like this. Have a nice day!
and i think it would be more clearly if u write the examples about the idioms on board
You’re right, but you can see the idioms written out in the lesson description above the video.
Jon thanx a lot
I like English by Idioms
the exam was a piece of cake.
horay!. bottom up!
gr8 way of teaching. u too gud sir
It is interesting to learn english idioms. Thanks.
I enjoy very much engvid. The teachers are wonderful. their lessons are easy to understand and useful. Their accents are perfect so now I need some training about strong accents: Scotich, Australian, American. I hope they can help me ! Thank you very much
I agree with you, vilainpetitcrapaud. Strong accents are very common and all around the World. All my life studyig English for not understanding sentences like ‘Hallo! D’u ‘nst wa’sng? -but spoken by mobile- Sure! They speak quite good RP English.
this is a great lesson well explained thanks a lot!
i likes to learn english more…
Thank you, so much Jon.
Jon please I have a question: a couch potato is a person that in general is lazy or only is a person who sits in front the tv and do anything?
Again, thank you.
I think..
a couch potato = someone who just watch and sit in front of TV and doing nothing but only eating (potato chips and other snacks) until he becomes fat and round like potato.. :P
You can not say it for other kind of laziness.
Maybe we can also consider “Al Bundy” as a correct answer…!!! :)
I added that one :)
I didn’t doubt that at all!! :)
hold on..
AL Bundy? what is it?
is it the answer of comment above?
-couch potato, can be applied to any lazy behavior- or specifically to ‘watching TV’ behavior?
sorry, i was kinda lost here..
pls kindly specify..
Hi gimmehunny! The correct answer is “cough potato”. “Al Bundy” was a joke! Al Bundy is a character from an american serie “Married with children”. This character loves watching TV, he’s a cough potato! If you want to know more about it, go and see on Wikipedia at:
omg.. no wonder I got confused here.. we don’t get that series here that’s why.. thxs milly..
btw milly, do you get notified in your e-mail when anybody responds to your comment? coz I’ve been waiting for any notification, but haven’t got any.. :(
Mr. engVid, could you please look through it? or I just don’t deserve any? :((
No problem! There are so many series! To get notifications by email when someone respond to your comments, you need to go in your profile (“edit your profile” near your photo in the top of the page). Then go at “COMMENT ALERTS” and tick the box “email: to get notified by email when someone replies to your comments”. And after don’t forget to click on “SAVE YOUR CHANGES” (at the bottom). After that, it should work! (if it doesn’t, you’d have to ask to Mr EngVid! HI MR ENGVID!;)
Hi Milly ;) Always good to see you! I didn’t forget about you… just been really, really busy!
gimmehunny — I will check your account to see if there is some problem with the email settings. You *do* deserve engVid comment reply notifications!
Piece of cake!
Excellent, clearer not even the water
What an amazing way it is to learn English here. Thank you very much.
this quiz is just like a piece of cake.
I scored 5 out of 5. I killed my test. It was a piece of cake …
thanx Jon
as easy as abc
I also have a sweet tooth!
thanks for the lesson, Jon!
good jon
thanks, i always can’t remember vocabulary,but now it’s piece of cake for me to remember.
nice lesson sir Jon,,, but may i ask some thing…? Do you have a lesson between conjunction “as” and “because”…? How to used them properly?
thanks I like this lesson than; you again
bottoms up for engvid
Come to Manchester and you won’t understand anything :) their accent is so difficult to understand. Sounds like vowels only. Sometimes i think that my eng is terrible when i listen to them cause i can’t really understand what ppl say here. Even sitting on a bus and listening to chicks behind me and i can’t understand them. Fuxing hell, it’s not a peace of cake. In states it is but not here. And there is another one: Peace of piss. The same meaning :) just you wouldn’t say it to your boss.
Good lesson :)
the new one for me was out to lunch.
but bottoms up was no so clear for me
i scored 5 on 5. bottoms up!!
thanks , nice lesoon sir jon
it’s very useful lesson :) thank you for it
thank u that really easy
thank you Mr Jon. I understand very well. I’m in Egypt and most of the teachers have arabic accent. From this website, I can learn more and more.
Have a good life!
This was awesome!! Nice idioms.
Great lesson. I have a question though. Can the idiom “sweet tooth” be extended to food that is not sweet? For instance, can I say “I have a salt tooth.” ??
thanks alot
have a nice day
there are really useful it possible to add some conversation lesson please? thank you so much.
Az you said Jon it’s SO LITTLE PIECE OF CAAAKE!
Thank you very much ^.^
Have a gd dayyy.
It was an excellent way of teaching and for us a good way for learning. Thanx EngVid
Hi! Can U explain how to use expression “even though”. Does it have similar meaning with “despite of”. Thank U!
I really like it , thank u , God bless u
This lesson is quite interesting and useful. Thanks Jon~
This lesson is quite useful and interesting.
Thanks, Jon.
Interesting lesson, sir. Thanks =)
Thanks a lot Mr. Jon.
as always the Quiz was a piece of cake
I like how you wrote “an asshole” as an answer, I want to choose it everytime I see it, it’s good trick
thinks soo mach
You’ve done an amazing job guys … congrats
WOW WOW thanks a lot!
the lesson was wonderful and interesting I enjoyed too much, but I had a problem with “out to lunch” sentence.
I didn’t understand it that much, can someone explain “out to lunch” to me more, because I tryed to put it in a sentence but I couldn’t. How and when can I call someone crazy “you’re out to lunch”.
Thank you,
Mariam – Dubai
when somebody make bad decision or stupid behavior (behave without mind) ex.(you must been out to lunch when you bought that old car )
thanks a lot for your explaining =D
nice effort Jon .i like the way you teach.
Thank you, i like learn more about idioms and slang because Americans use them a lot
it’s funny lesson
let’s all together
buttoms up….
thanks a lot it’s very intristing
thanks a lot…it’s very useful, as in.
I thank you very much for a wonderful program that you have set for the world to test themselves.
u are very very good teacher.thank u
this was a good lesson. thanks =)
That was awsome
very nice
thanks so much! I love you
cheer! bottom’s up !
Excellent!The lesson was wonderful and interesting!!!
it is have made it a piece of cake..BUTTOMS UP
very nice,i like all the lesson
it is vary interesting
thank you so much T.
the exam was piece of cake :)
best wishes!
Thank you alot I enjoyed the lesson
thank u alot teacher jon
u make me hungry haha XD
That’s great ! Thank you very much!
Very nice and helpful exercise! Congratulations.
ضكرا جزيلا
شكرا جزيلا
Woo hoo! I scored 5 out of 5.
thank you
ghahaha…my score is 5….thanks alot Sir. And i have a sweet tooth tooX)
jon is the best
thanks mr.jon
very fun:D
A ? Ive got:”fair’s fair” means what plz?!
so fun
this lesson was piece of cake
Great! Thank you for this lesson :)
hi john..
i was wondering how long did it take for you to make such a drawing? they’re very cute.. ;)
as for me, whenever i try to draw something on the board, it always ended up as skeletons or fossils.. :P
btw, merry christmas n happy new year to all.. thumbs up for engvid.. ;)
p.s. could you please make a video on ‘ish’- i think i’ve heard it somewhere in american kids movie, but sorry i can’t remember any example for this. may be it’s a slang or expression..
hope u can help me out..
thanks it will be a piece of cake
Thank you for the lesson. Jon, you are such a good teacher. Keep it up!
Bottom’s up friend! These videos make English learning a piece of cake. I don’t feel I am a couch potato watching this video in my PC.
Very good my friend … you really are doing a good job … 1 voluntary … you are the guy
I beg to disagree about the Al bundy reference, he’s actually a shoe sales person, hes wife in the other hand only care about spending the money he brings home. She’s the couch potato.
Hey Jon.
Great Lesson!
Thank you.
Hi,Jon. thank you,very amazing phrases hope I will memory all of them.
Thanks Jon for this lovely video.I scored 5 out of 5 because of your way of teaching so easy….. just like a piece of cake:)
You are a great Pedagogue………The lessions taught by you were really helpfull…..and i hope i will learn a lot from you in future too…………..
Thanks, Jon!
Thanks for a useful video!
great lesson Jon!
Hey pal, the text was like a piece of cake =) thank you.. ^^
Thanks jon
i am a Chinese.ur teaching is amazing!
Another meaning of “Couch potato” is “addicted television”?
Thank you so much Mr. jon
GREAT.I just know “PIECE OF CAKE”.Thanks
thanksssssss jon
i’m from vietnam. please,you can speak engligh more slow
thanks for your time that you spent on making these illustraions, they are really helpful.
The quiz was so funny. In the answers I saw some funny expressions such as lalalal or amg wtf :D Thank you. I really understand your speaking very well. I am waiting for the next one.
Jon….you are so great…thanks for your help..!!!!
very good, tanks john
sorry, Jon
thnk u so much jone
I think this lesson is useful in conversation every day. You could more give similar lesson in other occasion.
i got 5/5 coz the quiz was like piece of cake to me . thanks indeed. i liked the lesson
Your video lessons are piece of cake to understand. Thanks
that was funny I like it too much thanks a lot
thanks a bundle
great lesson…
i like jon n ronnie…
I like you teach most, Jon :x Linh from Việt Nam.
5/5 great lesson,thanks
The answers hahahaha So Funny :D
can we use “out to lunch”to describe a drunk person???
It’s not really used for that. It’s an expression we use to describe someone who is a little bit crazy.
Love you guys!! You’re the best! Thank you all for this site! Every lesson with you is a piece of cake!
Aw, you’re a peach!
Thanks a lot Jon!
on question 2 or 3, my husband doesn’t do anyth…. and watchES TV.(my husband is still the subject and the verb takes an ‘S’ at the 3rd pers. sing. I think)
if the teacher starts to make mistakes, it is not good.
it’s really a piece of cake.. i like it .
thanks alot,the lesson was a piece of cake
Jon, correct me if I am wrong, but someone told me that the meaning of “bottoms up” was bottom por “ass”, in spanish would be “culos para arriba”. Not bottoms of the things, would be bottons of the people. The best wishes
Despite I’m a little couch potato this lesson was a piece of cake.
The quiz was a piece of cake :D
yeahhh 100%. Thanks a lot Jon.
Thank you Jon !
Yeah I got 5out of 5 . U r amazing thanks
Hi Jon, I’m from Brazil, and for me was a great pleasure to find you came here in the past to teach English. I’l love to know in which city you lived here? Perdoe meus erros, pra mim é terrivel escrever em ingles, eu posso ler e compreender o que leio mas falar e escrever é muito dificil. I hope improve my English with engvid. Grande abraço.
i’m not a couch potato, i spend almost my free time to learn English, hihi..
very nice. teacher Jon
bottoms up
I was confused about the last question. But I got 5 correct out of 5. Perfect! Ya~y! BTW I have a sweet tooth :) Thank you, Jon!
Thanks, I got 100%. It is a piece of cake.
Hi dear Jon
I was wondering why you are so sweet and you actually answered this question by stating that you’re a guy with a sweet tooth;)Jon I don’t know if you read this comment or not but in case that you do would you please explain the meaning of this gesture something you did after the word boob tube I’ve always wanted to ask a native about the meaning behind it, it’s very common among you,isn’t it? when I watch the lovely TED talks,by the way can I use this gesture before this phrase “lovely TED talks”!,I notice that the speakers use it several times, SORRY FOR SUCH A LONG COMMENT:(
Actually before the word boob tube!
Thank you for helping me.
thank you! but I didn’t understand what is the meaning of bottoms up.. :D
Woooh it was a awesome tips learning to idioms words . i never forget it ,.. Catch yaaa
Hello, I’d like to talk with someone, to improve my english skills.
I loved the ” You’re out to lunch!”
Thanks again, Jon
Nice lesson… thanks Jon,
ᑭᒪᘔ ᗪO ᗰOᖇE IᗪIOᗰᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ I GOT ᗩ 100% ᑭᒪEᗩᔕE ᗰOᖇE IᗪIOᗰᔕ
Very important lesson! Thanks John!
I really enjoy the way you teach us Jon.Thanks!
Cool! interesting lesson. Very clear to understand.
it’s a superb lesson by john…really interesting i am dying for another lesson jhon
Thank you! It was very helpful !
thanks jon is a good lesson
Thanks, Jon
best regards, Jon (Kazakhstan 27 Nov 2021:)
5/5 That quiz was a piece of cake