Are you confused about if you should use ‘will’ or ‘going to’ to talk about the future? Watch this English grammar lesson to find out when and how to use them!
Ronnie you looklike crazy when you do a crazy sound while teaching…sorry,just saying the annoying..
You look like little girl!
But ronnie, it IS funny sound, distructing from the teaching.
hi Ronnie.. i like your freak personal style.. :´) bye.. kisses from Brazil..
don’t listen to them Ronnie,,,you teach so good and I’m always empress.
Really ur teaching very impressive,I regularly stydy english through ur vedio,
Yadav India
hey guy .you don’t deserve to give your bad remarks about the personality of people who have dedicated their life to teaching us english language . i just read it now or i would have said it to you very early . sha just tries to teach us in a new method to catch our attention and also make dome fun so please you do think about what you write and do not be haughty if you have something special
abbas khan
typed properly bro ;)
From your spelling and grammar, it seems like you are a guy who really needs a good teacher like Ronnie
you make me think that you believe that you are “muy fregon” stupid boy
let me tell you that she is a very good teacher,she is funy and cool great job Ms.
just to tell you something Teacher Ronnie is not annoying!if you finds her annoying then DONT watch her video!that crazy sound is what we love about HER!i am a filipino but i dont think you are!for me i am so thankful that there are people like Ronnie! it’s FREE…She’s teaching us for FREE!you dont have the right to dislike her or call her crazy/annoying etc..!Just be thankful.
Hey, boy, respect those who have studied a lot and tried to make learning easier and funnier! Go ahead, Ronnie, don’t pay attention to such sillies!
that is very insulting.its not easy, If your in her situation to do like that. i am sure u can’t, can you? but me im tried to understand more english and im very thankful of them.
You are a disgrace to our country. Filipinos are very humble people and very respectful. Take that flag down, you don’t deserve it.
I´m pretty sure only you think this way.
I love Ronnie just the way she is U_U
Wilfred Vargas
If you don’t have something good to say, you shouldn’t say it…you can choose other teachers if you don’t like the way she teach…
I really like her very much..she’s very cool…
hoy rain kung mag comment ka rin lng nmn ayusin mo na..moron! marami akong natutunan sa kanya kaya idepensa ko sya sa kabadingan mo!!!
Well,we have different personality and i think Ronnie has a good sense of humor and i like it. But if you are getting annoyed on ronnie dont watch her video,thats it.
Well,we have different personality and i think Ronnie has a good sense of humor and i like it. But if you are getting annoyed on ronnie dont watch her video,thats it. – from PH
we use “Going to” to describe about the plan or we have arranged the plan for along time.
EX: I am going to visit London when i graduate university.That’s right?
Don’t hear this guy, you are an amazing teacher.
It was foolish of you. We have the most wonderful teacher, Ronnie is very funny and smart. Ronnie thank you for that)))
Hahaha.. you’ve got nothing to say dude!
i really like it ‘-‘ don’t complain, she wanna distract us… if you wanna sleep watching the lessons, good luck
It is reason why I like her most from all teachers. She is funny and I am not feel like in school.
Joe MJ
Hey, let’s all take a moment to step back and relax. ?
engVid Moderator
Come on rain man, she’s good
And that makes the lesson very enjoyable !
i like this crazy
thank you for the lesson ^^… I’ll never confuse ’bout them anymore ^^
Great Lessons and a real nice teacher!!!
Itz really wonderfull lessons.and helpful me a lot.and all dificulties are clear in my mind now…wow feeling so relax..thank you once again..
Hi, I have a teacher who says.
“Use will when you aren’t sure about something”
Example: I will travel on my vacation if everything happens all right.
“Use going to when you are sure abou something”
Example: I am going to travel on my vacation”
Is this way right too, as the way you taught?
Hello! Good question!
You can say “I will travel” or “I am going to travel” – it does not matter. What DOES matter is that in your sentence with will, you used the conditional “if”. The “if” part makes it different. I can say I am going to travel if everything happens all right.
Like I said in the video, grammar books and teachers all have different opinions about if you should use “will” or “going to”. And they are all correct!
What I’m saying is it really doesn’t matter which one you use – I can say “I will travel on my vacation” and it is equal to saying “I’m going to travel on my vacation”.
This is an example of how grammar books are not REAL LIFE. As soon as we step out into the “real world”, or you have a conversation with a native speaker, a lot of the grammar rules don’t exist. AS LONG AS YOU ARE UNDERSTOOD — that’s what matters!
Will can used when you don’t have a plan.
Ex: I will go to the beach. (maybe you won’t, you don’t have any arrangement)
Going to can be used when you DO have plans.
Ex: I am going to the beach. (In this case the speaker has a plan, maybe he has invited his/her friend, or something else.)
>I hope this will help
No, mate… we usually use “will” when we HAVE made plans. “Going to” we use when we have casual plans. HOWEVER, the entire point of the lesson is that IT DOESN’T REALLY MATTER which one we use.
I think thou r right about the real life. Rules were made for books in most cases. Very Good
the grammar rule will make my conversation limited..thanks with this lesson..
ronnie you mean that most grammar rules is not useful in real life or with natives and can you tell me the important parts of grammar that natives use it can you recommend a book or website concentrate on this points please
I do not see instructions on how to start the lessons. I’m not very computer literate but I clicked on everything and subscribed but can not get the video on this computer for my student.
Ann Smith
Ann — You don’t need to subscribe or sign up to see the lessons. You should see a large video at the top of this page, with a “play” arrow button in the middle of it. Just click play to watch the lesson. If you don’t see it, you may be using an old browser, or might not have Flash installed.
OK, it’s not easy and not hard, I going to read it again ! thanks
Dear Rani,
Hope you are fine! This is Azam from Japan preparing for IELTS, can you guide me how to improve my speaking to get maximum band… i have listened to your videos and found these very helpful… awaiting your response!
I like the kind of teachings. She is funny and I got very much in this way. I hope to continue in this page and learn a lot.
Thanks a lot.
good teaching…. making them active throughout class….
Dear Rani,
With Best Wishes, this is venkat from India. Please help me in developing my English, i mean how to improve my speaking. Kindly help he in this regard. Thanking you
Very nice lesson!!!
Thank you!
So helpful im never got it that Different When i read gm books also confused =/ i would like to say BIG THXXXX =]
its too confusing ….. she is mixing present contin, future contin , and future tense…..
Hey Lara-
Present continuous = be + verb + ing: “I am eating.”
Future continuous = will + be + verb+ing: “I will be eating.”
Simple future= will + base verborgoing to + base verb: “I will eat.” or “I’m going to eat.”
thanks your lesson
and asking questions with going to
I had some poblem with this issue.
I would like to know some examples
with going to
Thanks Ms Ronnie for providing something to think. At 6:08 you talked about future tense and gave example “We are going to the park.” Does we consider it future tense without a base verb. I mean to say is that isn’t it proper that “We are going to go to the park.” is future tense. I have expressed my confusion in your video lesson of “future and Present Continuous tense”.
Shoukat Yaseen Khan
what else can we use Will ,could we say for discribe about spontanious activity,making promise,speculating,predicting and what else.please give me your hand.thank you
I like you Rony!
that good, thanks your lesson
I really loved it! It’s amuzing!!!
Diet de Light
ok !
it’s fun,but i don’t know about “will” & “going to”?
i thingk “going to is stronger than will! for certainly aspect!
that all just folow the my experience!
thanks for the lessons it was fun and so cool.
thanks Ronnie!
Hello! Im from Russia. Thanks for youre time and the right method of approach
good lessons
Hi Ronnie,,good lesson ! But you said at first that Simple future is ; to be+going to+base verb. I think thats okay ! Thank you for all !
miss ronnie i love u very by self is astudent 22 years old and ur teaching method made me to keep u in my heart thank u miss ronnie i need ur personal email adress i want to tell u somthing special ,okay???????
thanks for good lesson
Thank you for this lesson
i like your style in teaching
you’re a great teacher
Thank you
Thanks for this lesson
By the way, Congratulation for the website.
tks (gracias son buenas tu claces
tks ( gracias son buenas tus clases
thx your classes are pretty good
good work
lesson is great .. but !! when i write sentce – where i can use ‘ will ‘ or ‘ going to ‘ !!?
plz help me .. I can’t understand what diffrent !!
horny bitch
i can easy to learn , your lesson
thank you
varuna sanjaya
Hey teacher,I am going to ask a quastion.When I was answering the quiz,I got mistake on number five. What I am going to do? I answered “He’s going to school tomorrow.”But I got”x”. Why I want to know? And also you said ” I going to the fool game.Is that make sense with out verb to be? Thank you Ronnie, I appritaite your help. Have a good one.
A good male. Thanks.
Sorry. I mean: A good meal.
Very useful lesson.
Thank you very much!
Thanks for this site, you are best teacher… I m from Croatia(that is little place in Europe), and may English is very bad, but sun I have one examine from English, some test for study teleology… And I hope so I m going to pass that test! And I will be a Chatolik priest! Thanks a lot!
Hello you are the best and your all of video teaching is good and useful.
Your kind
Please add my email add and to learn English I hope you will help me.
Hello, you are a great teacher. your lesson is helpful. I like how you teach.
Thank you very mach for you help.
thank you teacher ..
you are cute .. :)
Thank you!
Hehehehhehehe ¡ I like the way you say HAMBURGUERS ¡¡ love you ronnie, will you marry me? (just kidding) you make me laugh with your classes, that’s the way I LEARN ¡ thank you so much ;)
Hamburgers*** sorry I made a mistake
i liked you teaching teacher
Realy I like you so much teacher , thank you for all
wow! I like the way you deliver your lessons, I hope you will continue the style of teaching because in that way you were able to get the attention of those who are really good in terms of listening ability.. (: thanks Ronnie..
I am a teacher of English and I like watching your videos.You are great.Thank you for you time
very simple lesson thank u very much Ronny
can use show us the different uses of the present continuous, will and going to
Hello Ronnie,
What do you think about these sentences?
“I’m going to GO to the party.”
“I’m going to COME home.”
In the grammar books these are incorrect examples.
Hi bynorty,
Unfortunately nobody could answare your question. It’s a secret.
Would you guys help me on (future continuous,future perfect, and future perfect continuous)please a really appreciate for your help.. Thank you.
Antonio Lazaro
Okay… future perfect = will have + past participle. We use it when there is a time limit, such as “by 2015”, or “Within 10 years…”
Future continuous = will be + verb+ing. We use this usually with the verbs work, learn, study, teach, and live. Eg. “I will be working in Mexico.” These actions take a long time to complete (years usually).
Future Perfect Continuous = will have been + verb+ing. We use this for actions that we began in the past and we are still doing now. Eg. “When I was 8, I started playing the piano.” So I can say “By the time I’m 18, I will have been playing the piano for 10 years.”
Hope that helps!
Hello Mam Ronnie
ma’am i have a question why you did not discuss the shall in future tense..
thank you.. ^_^
Hello Ryan!
I did not discuss “shall” in this lesson because we (in Canada) hardly ever use “shall”. It is more British English or old people who would use this. Simply, “shall” is outdated!
ronnie can u explain/comment on the difference b/w canadian english and british english.there is any major diff. because in this video u use “will” with “I” but in u.k english
I,WE = shall
please answer because this confusing a lot.
thank you very much…
_________________such a inteligent woman…^_^
thank you very much all teachers help me a lot
nadia sorial
thank you very much for help
nadia sorial
You´re the best than other teacher ^^! I´ll study that.. thank u.
Hi, I am an ESL teacher and found this website REALLY interesting and take my hat off to you guys. I would like to state my difference between the use of Will and going to. Here it goes:
1-When you are making predictions about the future that are based on general beliefs, opinions, or attitudes, you use `will’.
The weather tomorrow will be warm and sunny.
I’m sure you will enjoy your visit to the zoo.
BUT When you are using facts or events in the present situation as evidence for a prediction, you can use `going to’.
It’s going to rain . (I can see black clouds)
I’m going to be late. (I have missed my train)
2- When you are saying what someone has decided to do, you use `going to’.
They’re going to have a party.
I’m going to stay at home today.
When you are announcing a decision you have just made or are about to make, you use `will’.
I’m tired. I think I’ll go to bed.
3- In promises and offers relating to the future, you often use `will’ with the meaning `be willing to’.
I’ll do what I can.
I’ll help with the washing-up.
That is all for now, It has been just an additional explanation.
Thanks again Ronnnie.
Hi, where are you from?I agree with you, it is written in all grammars i have gone through.
I am from Ontario, Canada!
Thanks for watching!
thanks a ton.
nice to see you in action while teaching. i learnt a lot from ur jovial actions. Nice way to teach with fun
fan of urs
Wow!!! Excellent. Thanks
Commando 27/53
Thank you
Hi, Ronnie you are a good and lovely teacher…. Thanks for lesson… :-)
Thank you
thank you it is greet laseon
thank you for a good lessen …
I want to be speak English very well but I have problem with grammar it’s make me like that > :(
I need some advice from you >>> sorry maybe I have mistakes *_*
thanks for your lesson ….
Ronie your lessons are good but you should avoid noise with your
nasty mouth(CHASQUIDOS) you are a teacher, and place more emphasis on the wii because they are used or not goint to and pronouns
Everything is wonderful! Lessons should not be boring. Thank you Ronnie! ;;))
Hi ma’am Ronnie,Thanks to your topic,it’s really great.But there is something bothering on my mind…Could you explain to us about the difference of yours,your,and you’re.And how could we use in a sentence?
YOURS (pronoun)the possessive form of you
1. The larger boots are yours.
2. If I can’t find my book, I’ll take yours.
YOUR (adjective) The possessive form of you.
Used as a modifier before a noun
1.I will take your ballpen.
2.Your accomplishments.
YOU’RE-CONTRACTION OF “YOU ARE”. 1.You’re (You are) so sweet.
2.You’re (you are) so strong.
I am YOUR friend.
YOU’RE (You are) my friend.
YOU can take my things and I’ll take YOURS.
Please correct me if Im wrong. I just want to help you guys.
joneru- I hope this will help you. I am also from Philippines.
YOURS (pronoun)the possessive form of you
1. The larger boots are yours.
2. If I can’t find my book, I’ll take yours.
YOUR (adjective) The possessive form of you.
Used as a modifier before a noun
1.I will take your ballpen.
2.Your accomplishments.
YOU’RE-CONTRACTION OF “YOU ARE”. 1.You’re (You are) so sweet.
2.You’re (you are) so strong.
I am YOUR friend.
YOU’RE (You are) my friend.
YOU can take my things and I’ll take YOURS.
Please correct me if Im wrong. I just want to help you guys.
joneru- I hope this will help you. I am also from Philippines.
Thank You EngVid and Ronnie.
My examples are very simple, sorry for that.
ı want to practice english. could tell me please how to do it
how to use have been and have being
thank ronie and james and rebecca for this ideas but i’ve probleme with writing how to improve my writhing ansenr me quickly
Write a diary everyday.
1000 thank you
excelent class and test too
good job guys I really apreciate the help of those who really wants to help others
Hi Ronnie how r u ur this lesson is very helpful for me in my exam……….I got that where i have to use WILL and GOING TO.thanks
I am Gul_zaib thanks for lesson
thanks for lesson!
I thinks Quiz English for lesson have more questions. It is better!
Thank you so much , Teacher
really nice lesson, I loved the quiz as well but can you make more questions 4 the quiz??
Thanks a lot for your lesson.It’s very useful.
thanks a lot ronnie.. i love engvid.. godbless
You are good teacher
hi i have one question about tense can you tell me that which tense will be shown and condition..
i am going to eat a meal..
once time my friend said me that this is an immediate future tense, is it correct
I am going to….. is future tense. There is no such thing in English grammar as “immediate future tense”.
Hope that helps, thanks for watching and good luck!
thank you
Sorry I don’t have any notes. I do everything on the spot!
thanks. i was perfect
your not a perfect person. heehe
i appreciate all your help Ronnie
keep going
thanks a lot,
Dear Ronnie, when it happens to give students a test concerning(will,be going to or present continuous as future), I remind them the moment of planning with (going to). What do you think about multiple choice tests?
I think multiple choice tests are good if you are a student who doesn’t study! As far as from a teaching P.O.V multiple guess tests are useless as they do not test the students ability to use the learned grammar in a real life situation.
I think these lessons were so easy…and practicals. I learned quickly
Andrea Miranda.
thanks ronny for the lesson i can’t comeent a lot bicouse i have problem with write englis i can speak bat i can’t write can u half me pleas
Writing English just takes practice! I suggest you write a diary each day – write down what you did or how you felt or where you went.
thank you techare see you son
jwany paez
Misleading and not clear at all. Just a tip but “will” is used to express decisions (often called spontaneous decisions) and “be going to” is generally used for intentions. This doesn’t mean that they aren’t used for other things too. The relevance of the comparison in itself between “will” and “going to” is questionable.
You are very welcome.
Deep Ster
very interesting; thanks a lot
Tanks teacher ronnie (:
Hi Ronnie,
Thanks so much. Your lesson it’s was good for me.
When I lived in USA, I never understood this verbs in the future, but now I understood.Tks
hi Ronnie
i related from a deprived area of after ten years i have learned ABC in english languages. but i still try to my best because i want to be appear in IELTS for education. my speaking pronunciation is not strong as well as writing. so plz advise me. because i have learned , 05 languages English, Urdu , Sindhi , balochi and other local languages.
i appreciate you and your team who has been served in international language free of cost.
The best way to improve your writing is to write a diary every day or write about something you are interested in!
The more you write the better you become!
As far as pronunciation goes, the best way to improve is to listen to native speakers and repeat. If you can find some kind of recorder — tape or digital (I know there are some free websites you use also) and record your voice. Listen to it and try to improve by actually listening to yourself!
How can you often use Future Continuous,Future Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous. Because it’s hard to me.Can I use only verbs will or be going? Thank you for all.It’s interesting to listen you!
Hi Ronnie you are the best thank
its very good teaching roonie
Can I contact you by skype, msn or e-mail??
Can I talk to you on skype ou msn??
No, sorry, I do not have enough time!
I’m brazilian and I love you teacher. Thanks and take care.
Simply easy to learn with you!!
Thank you for you explaination :)
Thank you! Your explanetions are realy good! I’ve been learning many things! I like how you show entusiastic!
thank you a lot ms
I really want to know about how to use shall..some people said that shall still use it with I and We. He asked me ” do you think that we can use shall with He/she/it?” I told him that I think we can’t. He replied me that no you can use “shall” with he she it when you really want to do or have planed to do it already. It makes me confused a lot, please answer to make me understand clearly.
Thank you
Hi ronnie
Can you post a video on how and where to use all punctuation marks
Hi~ Ronnie.
Thank you for lessons.
I Like this .it’s can make me improve my skill in English TQ….
hi teacher Ronnie,could you help me this common problem a wrong grammar??…i understand English when somebody is talking to me but i can’t deliver my English very well…thank you & more power
please reply..
The best thing to do is just TRY and talk – I know it is difficult but don’t be afraid to make a mistake and just talk!!! You need to practice speaking to improve!
hi ronnie thanks for your interesting lessons i am algerian and biginning in english language I have a big problem with the pronounciation what can I do????
There are many videos on the site to help with pronunciation! Try them and repeat into a voice recorder to practice!
thank you very much you are sweet teacher I have another question concerning will and be going to
my teacher said that the going to express the near future we use it when we have this morning , this night ..etc but when we have next month ,next year .. we use will
is this right ??
NO, you can use both for anytime – it does not matter!
thank you very very much you’re the best teacher i’ve seen in my life and i hope i’ll meet you oneday I have another question about the form negative of the auxilary to have
we say I do not have ,I did not have or i have not , i had not ????
We write I do not have…..but we say I don’t have!
we can’t write I have not and say I haven’t ???
hi ronnie,
your the best teacher and your teaching is very different from other it help me allot .
could you answer my question please???????
I think you are a great teacher.
thank you
nice and very informative lesson.
hai! good lesson thank u very much
and can u pls replay what it differs with “supposed to and expected to”
‘Supposed to’ and ‘expected to’ are very similar… the ONLY difference is that ‘expected to’ is something that you should instinctively know to do (and not be told to do). Supposed to is more like a written rule.
hi ronny
what’s the diffrence between have and have got
Your clever ronnie I like all your videos thank you so much .
I appreciate you thank you too much. Shimaa from Egypt.
Thanks for your class, I undestand all better with your excellent explanation.
iara garcia
I’m really having a great time watching your videos,i like your way of teaching:)
thanks teacher Ronnie.
certanlly you are awesome one and thank you very much for enthusiasm
Thanks a lot. You are a good and funny teacher.
i like Ronnie teacher,her lessons are too good.
I love your teaching style.And nice expressions, these may help us to remember things you taught.
fan of urs
hy ronnie, that is another great demonstration of ur excellency.
dear tell me about the uses of BEEN ,because i am very confuse to use it. thanx
Been is the past participle(p.p) of `be“, So if you use an adjective in a sentence that needs a p.p, you have to use been.
EG I have been sad. Sad is an adjective. YOu cannot say I have sadded.
Im abdlilah I live in moroco thanks for oll teacher i need to lerant eng
I need to lerant eng in you scooll but im not livig in your contr
Cool girl and cool lesson :)
Hello Ronnie, what is wrong, can you please correct me What do you going to do on the weekend or what are you going to do on the weekend?
YOu have to say “What are you going to do this weekend”. or on the weekend
or “What are you doing this weekend” or on the weekend!
Hey dear,In pakistan we have tought THt we should always use SHALLL WITH word I,but if for something we r sure to do,then we will use will with I!IS IT CORRECT DEAR
WE USULLLAY SAY i shall be thankful to u,,y can”t we say i will be thankful to you?plz explain me dear
Thank you Ronnie, I hope to get a good grade tomorrow!!!
Fernando Silveira
Hi Ronnie, you make learning fun and interesting. Your personality shows it. Thank you for all your hard work. You are great!!
you are the best teacher.
yes i’m whit you awsloyal she’s the best yeah
Hai Ronnie,
You are doing a good job…It helping me a lot…Thank You So Much Ronnie..You are a good Teacher
thank you very much for this nice lesson..
Thanks teacher Ronnie…….
Hi Ronnie teacher.
thank you very much i m enjoying you lesson thank you so much. by bye.
Hi Ronnie,I’m a good student,I think so, because,I learn a lot of English from your lesson.Thanks Ronnie so much
Hi how are you my name is ted iam a teacher too but for children and i’ve been teaching english for 1 month
orang makasar
chakim hamzah
Very good lesson !!!
really good explanation! =)
Gabriela Jaque
why you are wink?
How to use a verb? you always use the verb 1!
Good teaching mistress! Bon mestre!
cah yogya kebriben kabare dab!
chakim hamzah
TO RAIN,if you are not interested to learn do not force urself.Don’t make a stupid comments about teacher Ronnie,She’s a great teacher.In fact,i always watched her video almost everyday,and i learned a lot.Look at urself first before u make a stupid comment.
so nice
thank you you’re a great teacher .
In your vidio you said that “will” and “going to” they are about the same but the exircice “going to “is stronger than will
grt job ronnie
really nice but i want more tenses to understand this lesson.
thank you very much ,reaiiy you are great teacher i hope all best for you.
Thanks a lot that’s what i say. they have same meaning, but you explin to me the right way when i use them.
thank you so much ms Ronnie
HI ronnie .. THank you honey ..
but i have some problem i keep my vocabulary but when i start to talk with anyone i forgot all of it .. i need someone to talk to me everyday but i didn’t found anyone !! what do you suggest
There are many engvid members on skype/facebook. Give them your skype name and you can find people to talk to!
ronni Wanna your facebook
chakim hamzah
Thank you for your teaching.
Let’s me introduce mysalf. My name is kyaw Sann and I’m an Arakaness from myanmar. It’s the first time i come to yuor website. Now i am in malaysia and i am a waiter, i worked in a restaurant. I have a lot of trouble with pronounciation in english lunguage. I always listened when chinese and Koreans speaking english it is very difficult to understand so i have a lot of trouble with it and now i start to study in your wabsite. Thanks you.
yes ti is a nice lesson. but i did not under stand it .
thank you
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha aha ha haa ha aha aha aha ha aha ah aha aha aha ah aha aha ahahaahaaha ahaahaahba aha aah aha aha ahava afjghdjkl;
thank you so much ronnie
Could you explain to me, i’m confuse when to use ‘be’ when after will? i mean what the difference ‘will’ and ‘will be’?
We use ‘will be’ if the next word is an adjective: “I will be tired.”
If the next word is a verb, you don’t need ‘be’: “I will eat.”
Hello Ms Ronnie you said we use “will be” if the next word is an adjective? how about “I will be working in Mexico”
Will + BE + verbing = future continuous! Your sentence is great!
I see,Thanks!
I can not very well english. I love to learn english but I do not know how. helpe me pealis
I do not very time. I must learn fast. I witing anly for english to going in the unyversity
befor that will i know is this lessen free or not
I read a bok and now I want tell that for you
hello, i think you should work on your spelling first.
thank you very much :)
i understand you more than my teacher in class :)
thanks Ronie, now i know…
hi ronie thanks alot for your lesson is very helpful and your advices there are so importante to me alot.yhnks again and iwich met you somo day
Hi Ronnie.
I enjoy a lot your lesson and thanks.
i realy enjoy
enas majed
I wanna ask u about what’s the difference between
I haven’t idea
I have no idea
thanks alot
I haven’t idea = wrong.
I have no idea = correct.
hi.! thanks for your teach on video.
God bless on you..
Judah fish
thank you
good job
i can use will and going to in the same sentence for ex.the boy will be going to the movies with a friend
Ronnie can explain this sentence
thnx a lot
but i think we use going to if we have plan and we are sure but will with out plan
Hi Ronnie.
Could you tell me what’s the difference between
I’m going to go home tomorrow
and I’m going to home tomorrow.
I’m going to go home tomorrow = correct.
I’m going to home tomorrow = incorrect.
thanks techer you help me alot
i want to ask you about writing do you have any advice for me to improve my writing skils?
Write a diary everyday!
Hi teacher thank u for your teaching
teacher my problem is how to speak english bcs when the person speak i understand very well but when i want to answer i can not teacher plz give me your advice my problem is speaking
thanks alot
thank you can i with you in facebook plw
Thank you Ronnie
hi how are you ?
You are the best teacher, Mrs. Ronnie.
Let me introduce by myself. My name is Muzanil Fikri from Indonesia. my house is located in the township
I was the only person interested in the English language in my area. I have an English Community and my members are 45 students. I always download your video and My students and I always watch your video together. they said that you are so beautiful and best teacher. WE can understand the lesson that you taught in the video.. WE LOVE YOU..
Muzanil Fikri
Great! Thanks so much for watching! If you and your group have any requests just email me!!!!
thank’s for your great job
hi Ronnie
thanks for everyrhing because this video very well I think I am from Turkey and I go to social sciences high school I am in prepeare class and we have got 20 times english lessons in a week so I need this video finally if I have got mistakes I am so sorry . again I want to say ” thanks “
Thank you. I liked your lesson.
thank you Ronnie. But why my last one is not correct? I want to now. please
hi, ms ronnie i really learn a lot from you. thanks so much!
many thanks for this such great job madame
hi guys why dont everyone write down his skype facebook name to talk online….i tgeuss it’s help too… u share my view madame
my skype name is hamid.ben96 and my facebook one is hamid benfakir…..add me and we are going to enjoy
That was so helpful thanks. Would you also please explain the difference between shall and will in future tense.
Thanks teacher this lesson that was very amangsin if u can give us some simple how to use shall or should by mr right
Mr Right
hi, I want to thank you for helping me out with English, and also i want to say that i like your way of being because i find it very funny to learn English
hello from Georgia. I came across this video by chance, I am very glad. I want to improve my English. Ronnie, you are very good teacher,I frankly speaking,I understand everything,what you explain us.your lessons are interesting too.well,I have some questions.which is correct I am going to go to the cinema, or I am going to the cinema.please explain me.thanks.
I am going to go to the cinema. This is a future sentence because you use to be + going to + base verb!
I am going to the cinema. Is present continuous = to be + verbing. We use this to talk about what we are doing NOW!!!
Hi i want a penfriend i want to improve my english please .can you give me ideas? :) please
I love this site… thanks a lot for this beautiful idea..!
Very good way of explaining. Thanks a lot.
Thank Ronnie , U are really a teacher.
Yadav India
It’s amazing to see an English Teacher, from a English Country, to teach grammar in a way that everybody can learn so easily. I’m writing all your advices just in case I need them when I become an English Teacher as well.
I am really happy to learn english in my life and ,I wanna Gracefull all of my teachers.Best wishes and especially,for english leaners.
you are a great teacher!!! you are very funny it’s fantastic!
May i know it should be :SHE WILL EAT
Will + base verb. You can only use the base verb with will!!! She will eat!
first of all i wanna thank you to teach in a simple way,I am very poor in english.i tried alot but i am not getting confident.Would you please tell me what should i do.
I have a video to help you!!
Watch this…
I really appreciate your help! Thank you
Hello Ronnie !I am really happy to learn from you so,i am going to learn and i will learn all the time your lesson as the others learner .By the way thank you so much .
thank you taecher ronnie
iam going to be your studant
very very very helpful!!
I don’t know how to thank you Ronnie!
your vollyball playing sound is attractive!!!!
thank very much!
Ronnie could you please tell me ‘going to’is a helping verb or not
Very nice. Thank you so much Ronnie.
The way you teaching I really like it also easily understand. Thank you so much
thanks for the explanations, it helped me a lot during my homework. Go ahead Ronnie!
Ronnie, I find out in grammar book that we use will when we decide to do smf at the time of speaking, about new things. And we use (be) going to when we already decided to do something.
will – decision now
going to – decision before
Is that true or like you said it doesnt matter what I will use?
hi ronni, expression(i get it) means i do .thanks
hi ronnie your lesson is so interesting.
as you told before i know that practice is very important to improve my speaking ability.
and i would like to make a conversation with anyone to improve my English speaking.
so i would like to invite somebody to make a conversation with me.if anyone likes to my invite please reply me.
Ms Ronnie..this is a very good job..just carry on..Nisha from India
Thanks a lot Ronnie! I like how you teach
Ronnie yau are a good teacher
It must be a fantastic to be able to speak at least twice languages. Ronnie this is a very good job. I really appreciate your help.Best wishes.
Your explanation about when to use will or going to, made it so much clear to me…thanks a lot!!!!!
I like u as a teacher =)
You’re really funny and easy to understand.
Now I know, when I have to use the will, and when the going to future!
Thanks a lot :)
I like u as a teacher :-)
You’re funny and easy to understand!
Thanks, you helped me a lot! =)
Thank youuuuuuuu so so so much . that was very interesting
Thank you ..
always understand you better you than my teacher
Hi Ronnie, thank you for all the lessons so far. I would like to request a lesson on correct usage of “assume and presume”.
Thank you in advance!
That’s a great idea! Actually, it looks like one of the teachers is already working on a lesson about it.
engVid Moderator
very good explanation
Thanks Ronnie!
Thanks Ronnie you are better than my teacher hahaha
thank ronnie.
greate lesson
vraj patel
hi, romnie thank you for help me.
ho, I just want to make sure.what is the correct answer for question 5?
Which one is NOT correct?
He’s going to school tomorrow.
She will have pizza for breakfast.
I going to the football game.
in this mam u said .. we must folle am with i. i am going to. isn’t it?
Yes I am going to..
the way of your teaching is excelent
Ronnie: I understood your lesson about GOING TO, but can I apply TO in the following sentence:
“Please, listen TO these conferences” or can I say “Please, listen these conferences”. Is there a transfer here as well.
Thank you
Listen TO is correct!
Thanks for your teaching
I can understand your class.
I will find more information in grammar books
and I have a question / when I have appointment
I’m going to see a movie with my friend or I will see a movie with my friend ?????
useful lessons thank a lot)
hi maam
can u plz help me in sentence formation and paragraph writing.i didnt find any of ur classes related to this plz am waiting for ur reply… plz help me out
tanks you roonie for your explications
thanks a lot Ronnie for such a good lesson
Thanks Ronnie,You’re a great teacher and teaching ,I will be practicing as much i can .I need more practice .God bless you.
dear teacher ronnie
i confuse in quiz no.5
5. Which one is NOT correct?
a.He’s going to school tomorrow.
b.She will have pizza for breakfast.
c.I going to the football game.
i think c. is correct in present con.
but a. incorrect because it should have go to after going to.
i love your
thank you
You are correct! C is wrong and A SHOULD BE going to GO TO school tomorrow if it is in proper future tense! But, we often drop the base verb when we talk about the future!
Thank Ronnie!!! good job out there!!!
شكراً جزيلاً استاذه راني
thank you very much from Egypt. i engoy listening to you. you very clever teacher. please can you send me your videos .
Hello Ronnie. Thank you for this classes. God bless you toooooooooo much. I´m from Colombia.
I´m 60 years old….and I´m here too. I am confused: I am going to the football game is wrong. I going to the football game is ok. Why?
Luz Neyda Hernandez J
Thanks Ronnie
ronnie thank you
plz plz plz plz plz
upload a video showing us how to teach (who which whom whose)
i need it soooooooon
Thanks Ronnie. It helped me a lot.
I am going to fly to Rome on Monday. or I will fly to Rome on Monday.
I suppose both are possible?
Thanks for your good explanations about “will, going to”.
You’re the best..!! Thank you very much…!!
,the future tense i will eat.& i will eating what is correct ? the sentence will so ing is use
Good explanation,I am more confident to use future tence form by “will” & “going to”. Thank you. Ronnie
Commando 27/53
Hi Ronnie
thanks for you re lesson
HI ms Ronnie
Thanks for lesson i liked it but i have one confusion.i saw in lesson when we can use can,cant,will its fine can u help me to know about when we can use could,had,should.
thank you for lesson
thanks, Ronnie.
i’am going to watch all your video,, i like it.
i’m a beganer and i try speak english because, i’d like to go to ontario or alberta. i don’t like quebec any more.
sorry for some arong sentense :)
Hi, thank you Ronnie Madam
Could you tell me what´s the difference between there 2 sentences: What are you going to wear to the party? and What are you wearing to the party?
Hi Ronnie,
First of all I’d like to thank you for imparting such a valuable tutorial sessions with us.
I want myself to be looked more formal while speaking. The basic problem I face these days are the inter-mingling of the two forms of the language, i.e. Brit. Eng & Amer. Eng. along-with aggressive use of informal speech and slangs. This is aggravating.
Pls guide me, when & where’d I use the word ‘SHALL’ in place of ‘WILL’.
Thx n rgds. :)
Hi Ronnie,
I have been watching and learning your lessons everyday.
This lesson is also very useful and I could understand well different from ‘will’ and ‘going to’.
Thanks a lot !!
I got 4 …. thanks for this Ron. I am going to go home now .. tsk!
nice lesson… and nice teaching way ;)
I like this
I like his method of teaching, not boring :)
good lesson . I like this
Thank you :) I like this because so easy :) This is very helpful :) but a bit too speed speech :D
Hai Ronnie im from Indonesia,
The way you teach is really fun and easy to understand. I love it! You really make my day :)
yo’re good teacher ronnie , the lesson you give is easy to understand
good job ronnie, the way you teach ;)
Very nice exam .i have 80% LOL i regret for that.
Thank you very much runnie, i was confused with this grammar in especial, but now im not anymore. Thanks a lot and continue making great videos like this one.
Ohhh thanks, got it 100.
Thank you Ronnie :)
Dear Ronnie,
I like the way you explain this topic. The sudden sound, I love it
I like the you teach us…. thnxxx Ronnie… :)
somebody can tell me why I can’t upload avatar?
Excellent! Thanks.
Im going to speak English!
Hi Ronnie I can say for example : I’ll learn English and I’m going to be good speaker
Which one is Correct? Are you going to college tomorrow or Will you go to College tomorrow?
Hi samantha . I think first is true ,because the person don’t take his decision.until now. I’m new in English
You are so great, Ronnie. You teach well, and you are not boring. You always make me smile. :)
Thank you so much Ronny!
Thanks Ronnie, great videos.
Thank you Ronnie . for you’re great teaching style.
It helped me a lot. Thanks!
Thanks Thanks Ronnie!!
I will study your other lessons today and I’m going to be a
good student! :)
Thanks a lot! Our whole class loves your lessons…Ronnie said, and everything is clear…
what a great time learning with you ronnie.. I really love the way you teach. :)
Thank you my teacher, I like your style of teaching
Thank you a lot
Very nice lesson!
Thank you Ronnie.
Ronnie i have a question, when i say “i will…” it is not necessary write “be”? a mean, when i should write “be”?
good job
Ahmed Alex
2. What verb do we use with “going to”?
Ijust want to ask which sentences are right:
a)Obviusly, I’m going to your wedding
b) Obviously, I will go to your wedding?
please gelp me. thank you.
Miss Asyaz
Thanks a lot.
thank u vry much Ronnie
really I have fun when I learn your course thank u Ronnie
Thank you so much for the 14 videos of your lesson Ma’am Ronnie. You are a great teacher. Basic grammar is truly important to learn English language. I’m not confident to speak English because something wrong with my grammar and want to make it perfect through watching engvid videos for English lesson. I am going to watch all videos for beginner in grammar. So far, all teacher here is great in teaching. Thank You so much for free videos. May the good Lord shower his blessings upon you and more power to
What about shall where we can put it?
i got 100% thanks
Hello Ronnie! I love your lessons! You’re explaining very well and sometimes you make me laugh and teach me in the same time..How can you do that? Your a great teacher.. I wanted to ask you something..Can you do a video with all tenses and teach us how exacly can we use it and when? And at the end, can you sumarise the lesson in a few ideas how you usually does? Thank you!
sorry..I wanted to say “how you usually do” no “how you usually does”..I had a long day and I’m so tired..
and again sorry.. I should say “exactly”, no “exacly”
i like your style in teaching…….you are my favorite teacher……go on dear you are perfect
Ahmed Ghassan
how can i know the difference between will and be going to
when i use will and when i use be going to
hello roonie.. my tenses is very weak i mean i dont know where i use “shall,have been,be,…etc. so help me in tenses ! thnks.
u awsome
plz expressions apologise
You are a funny and intelligent teacher!
.. I agree :)
Ronnie is the best teacher I have ever seen
hi ronnie!! I am a filipina and that guy up there named rain, dont mind him please.He is also a filipino but I feel ashamed that he said that to you. I am really sorry for what he had done. You are a very good teacher and this site is one great help to most all of non english speakers around the globe!! I already subscribed at your youtube page and as well as to your co-teachers’ pages!! I like this site so much. Very informative! I also invited my friends about this site so expect to see more people hanging out here ^_^ more powers and God bless!!
Hi Ronnie,
thanks a lot for your lesson.
It’s helpful as usual
take care
hi for all,
I am new here i want to improve my english.thanks for your lesson
Roonie, I love your lessons!!! Thank you very much!
thank you so much
you`re great teacher
i like your teach vdo. thank you Ronnie
thank you Ronnie
Very nice video and lesson teacher Ronnie!
I got 5/5 = 100% !
Thanks a lot!
Marcelo Matos
Thanks a lot for the lesson and for answers of student’s question.
We like your style!
We are going to came back in Canada soon.
thank you Ronnie)
Dear Ronnie, how about the use of WILL for probability and GOING TO for plans? Does it actually make sense or is it just old school that we keep teaching our students? I’m kind of confused now…
Crs B
I’ve got 100! Thanks,Ronnie.:D
Aw i got 0 :( i can understand your lesson mam sorry
Jhon mark togano
is easy to easy :d to know that this lesson is going to up !!!
I’ll write a comprehensive comment just after the video. I am going to use complex and compaound sentences to improve my speaking.
Is it Write?
If I still here because of your teaching style Thank you
Thank you for this lesson
zaynab Rafiq
my english is very bad, but you learn me so well.. thanks!!!
Hi, what about willing where I can use?
Thank you my teacher. I like your style of teaching and explanation.
Thank you a lot.
thank you Rooni
Excellent Ronnie!
To be honest ,even I have watched the video.I don`t understand the difference between will and going to well.I think I should watch it again.
Thank you. I will learn Inglish better with this vídeos.
Thank you.I got 100 thanks!
thanks a lot ronnie
hussein sarwar
Tchin Shi
Hello Ronnie!
I am an online English Teacher but since teaching is a learning process there are some English grammar that I still need to master.
EngVid is very useful for me.
Hope I can talk with you soon on Skype.
Brenda Lee
Thanks Ronnie!,
I’m going to learn english as good as you. :-) . I have to, I will.
Thanks ronnie..
I’d love to have a teacher like Ronnie! She’s so good teaching english!
Hi Ronnie
My first time here. I have a question. Wich the correct sequence to watch videos for beginners
thank you Ronnie.
ann ann
Thank you very much
I want to ask a question about will with verb probably who comes first will or probably
ex : we say it will probably be cold tomorrow or it probably will be cold tomorrow
It won’t probably rain tomorrow or it probably won’t rain tomorrow
Ronnie could you please make a video about that
I always had doubts about it.. No anymore! Thanks a lot Ronnie, u helped me a lot
Thank you Ronnie.. you are awesome :)
Thank you Ronnie.. you are awesome :)
Thank you :)
Thank you so much, Ronnie. You are amazing!
like (:
Ronnie, I’ve learned that “going to” is used when
we have plans. They might happen or not.
“I’m going to travel to the Keys next week”
Now, when we are totally sure it will happen,
we say: “I’m travelling to the Keys tomorrow
It’s called “Present Continuous with a Future
I’d like to know your opinion,if possible.
Thanks in advance.
Thank you for this lesson,it’s helpful.
Hello Ronnie! You are great! I’m learning so much with you!! Now…”I will” watch more lessons!!!
My best regards!!
i liked of the class. thanks.
Thanks Ronnie
thanks Ronnie
Thank You Ronnie.
Kayk Carvalho
Ronnie I am trying to see your videos to get that special way so good that you have to teach, thank you very much!!!
Ronnie is the best of the best! Thank you so much!
I like your classes
your classes are the best
thanks ^^
Thank you!
Nao Tsuboya
thank you! gracias ronnie…
Thanks very much dear Ronnie It is very good lesson
abed al iraqi
Nice lessson Ronnie , You make me happy when I Get 100 points in the quiz
Incredible lesson Ronnie you´re so amazing.
With the “he’s going to school “,can i say “he will school ” ?
Always funny. I like your way to teach. Thanks.
HI RONNIE! I love your videos!!! Congratulations!!!
Hi Ronnie, I saw this lesson and I did not like your explanation about when we use Future Simple (will) or Future (be going to). I have looked some grammar books up and they show:
We use the Future Simple (will):
– For predictions about the future.
– For threats or warnings.
– For promises or on-the-spot decisions.
– With the verbs: hope, believe, expect.
And we use the be going to:
– for plans and intentions we have about the near future.
– when there is evidence that something is going to happen in the near future
I have another grammar book which shows a comparison between will and be going to. We use will when we decide what to do at the moment of speaking and we announce our decision. We use be going to when we have already decided what to do and we announce our decision. For instance:
A: Mary phoned while you were out.
B: OK, I’ll call her back.
Be going to
A: Mary phoned while you were out.
B: Yes, I know. I’m going to call her back.
In the first case B did not know that Mary had called him and he realize it when A said it to him. In the second one, B knew that Mary had phoned and he had already taken the decision of calling her back before A said it to him.
Thank you Ronnie I like you
ann ann
Very helpful! Thank you! 100 :) 5/5
Very good lesson Ron.I will learn a lot with you. Thanks….
It´s my first time in this web and it´s amazing! Thanks you, Ronnie! You rocks!!!!
Nguyen Van Hau
Thank you a lot for your lesson.
thanks teacher
Thanks very much dear Ronnie, It is very good lesson.
Thank you
Thank you
Astra Suryawan
Thank u
Amal Qaifa
thanks for the lesson, but now, i really want to have a taco
Thank you so much Ronnie =)
thank you Ronnie. The best!
Niceval Sales
Ronnie! learning English with you is really fun XD
Excuse me Ronnie.. which is correct ??
1- my brother will be a doctor. He is very clever.
2-me bro
sandy mamdouh
Thanks Ronnie
Jimi Reis
Thanks, I will study this lesson now. Bye.
Denes Maykon
I agree with you Ron I rid a grammar book and a commentary says that as long you understand the tought of what he or she say to you that the right grammar. Keep up the good lesson always.
Thanks mom :v
Hi Ronnie;
First of all, I thank you for your interesting lessons. Because of your excellent explanation, I kill the quiz easily. And what I want to ask you about is the difference between “will” and ” going to” in grammar. I think that ,both of them use for the future. But we use”will” when we intend to do something at the time of speaking ,and “going to” when we have a last intention to do something. Is this right or not. Thank you again for your time.
Ameen Alhomaidi
Thank you so much, Ronnie. You are a smart , cool and funny teacher. I like the way the you teach …^^
thank you very much.:)
The lesson was very nice,you is fantastic teacher.Thank you
Marcelo Leal Borges
Ronnie.. you’re very smart teatcher.. I am going to watch your class tomorrow.. I will learn English. Hhhhhh
Dina fekry123
Thanks Ronnie. the lesson was helpful.
I like you Ronnie! All lessons are interesting, funny and very helpful. Thank you!
Thank you Ronnie! You are Awesome!
ㅜㅜ I got 4 out of 5. Tense is very important. but it’s difficult.
Thank you very much, Ronnie =)
Very nice style,your lesson it’s funny and improve me a lot.Thank you so much.
Will/Going to. So simple on the video. I hate those boring and confusing English books 25 years ago.
You’re the best teacher Ronnie!Thank you very much.
I’m going to learn English.
Thank you lady Ronnie
thank you Ronnie!
Thank you .. I’m going to eat after 10 ms
I really love this lesson
Thank you for lesson. I really liked example about ball)
thanks for the lesson.
hi ronnie :) thank you
nur liyana
Hey, Ronnie! Thank you so much. You’re amazing :)
Thank you for the lesson. Everything is accessible and understandable.=)
Thank you so much. Until now I understand when I have to use will and going to….before It was very confuse to me. Thank for this kind of tips, very useful.
Marta Lopez
Thanks :) ıt’s very useful.
Congratulation….I am learning a lot!
Very nice class as always, thanks a lot, Ronnie
cleonir gomes
Thank’s a lot, Ronnie..
Hi everybody! my Facebook page is Eddye Albertoo Cruz Godoy.
We can talk online!
i’m so sorry miss Roony, i am still confused to use will and going to for the sentences in future tense.
do you mind to explain it?
Henri siregar
Thank you Roony are very good teacher :)
Hi Ronnie,
Thanks a tone for English tuition!!!!!
Thanks you Teacher :)
Ronnie, you’re the best teacher!!!
Thanks Ronnie..
I should say that she’s one of the best teachers here. I understood the way she speaks.
matt miona
very nice…thank you :)
Ronnie you are best english teacher i’ve seen ever .. different way to teach that makes you special
Hareth Ali
Hi u are best teacher
medo farrag
Thank you, Ronnie! I love your teaching method and your lessons!
thank you mrs ronnie it’s clair
it’s clear and you are funny
very good! thanks!
I like it!! Thank you!!
Alla Smart
Hello Ronnie I am a freshman from Indonesia.
That’s exactly what I think,it doesn’t matter which one we use “will” or “going to” in my opinion, the most important is you understand and I understand, so it called “communicate”. I study English because I want to communicate to others. I don’t need to follow the rules a lot ’cause I am still beginner if I think the rules too much maybe I cannot speak English because I am afraid to make mistakes.
Hadiarah Grande98
I knew ‘be going to’ is stronger than will
my skype name sudharma lambho 11
sudharma lambho
thank you
Thank you, Ronnie!
Arseniy Slemzin
Thanks ronnie
hai ronnie thank you
Diana Rose
thank you <3
suhaib ahmed
Ronnie, you teach very good, i will speak english very good
Thanks,Ronnie. ^o^√
Thank you! :)
very very very bad lesson!!!
Earthling from Outside
Hi! We always want to improve. What didn’t you like about it?
engVid Moderator
Hi!! teacher Ronnie I am Ray Wu.In my school exam I have a question that I wanted to ask you can I ?????
The question is : The police caught the criminal,____________? The correct answer is witch one A: didn’t he B: don’t they please help me!!
the best teacher (y)
gr 8 !!!
sergio campos burica
I got 4 correct out of 5….I still don’t understand about second question….
Thanks miss Ronnie for this useful lesson.
Thank you
Thank you, I loved leason
Thank you Ronnie
Thank you
Umesh Chandra
I dont quite understand the #2 question.
This so amazing. I did learn. Thank you so much.
Luiz Willian
Thanks a lot
thank’s so much
Thanks for the lesson
Salma taj
Salma taj
You are a great teacher
mahmoud rezika
I like the way you teach. Keep it up ronnie
Thank YOU.
Thanks Ronnie.very nice video.i am learning English with you.
That is very good I could understand vet well..
Shasika Rukmal
thanks for the lesson.
very useful for me. thanks
That information is very useful. Now, I’m going to practice.
4. What do we use for fast decision making?
going to
will & going to are both used for this
I choose going to because you want fast decision making
I Know when coming I,she,he,it,you,they,we should be put will and when coming verb to be I’m,she’s,he’s,it’s,you’re,they’re,we’re should be put going to
In the sentence we came without verb to be I know but you want fast
What is my mistake
Thank you for helping me
Thank you
I understand that now thank you
Thank you very much teacher for your good teaching.
you are crazy, but I like how you teach :)
You are amazing!!Great Teacher!
great teachings
Hey mam can you tell me what the exact difference between use will and would
Bhargav limbachiya
good and simple lesson, thank you
Thank you for your lessons.
Thank you Ronnie..
Great one, Ronnie ..
Reda Zaghloul
thank you teacher.i appreciate.
I think I watch all videos now… LOL
Pretty good!!!
Cassio Bernardo da Silva
Thank you for helping me
Thank you Ronnie ??
that’s great.
thank you very much
Aml Mounier
Great teacher …so cute
That Wonderful of Class Ronnie!!! thank you so much.
You are Beautiful and really really clever.
Awesome Teacher!!!
Thank you very much
Thanks Ronnie for this lesson!!!
Thank you Ronnie! Good lesson!
thank you
thank you Ronnie !!!
Thx for the lesson
Thanks for the lesson
Ronnie Can u please check the 5th number question? Option (d) is right? Why?
I am liking your videos teacher. After your video i will do some question about this lesson.
Thanks very much!
geovane ebertz
thanks Ronnie
this is god
i am using your video to learn engish and i found your work very well done
I am going to eat lunch with my wife this night
very nice this lesson ,thank you Ronnie
thanks for the video, it’s a funny and easy way to learn, regards
Thank you Ronnie. You´re lessons always is great…
Marcitu, RJ, Brazil. :-)
thanks madam.
I made few mistakes but I understood now.
Marize Mori
Thank you Teacher Ronnie, I love your lessons, they are really funny.
tnks :)
thank you a lot for the lessons
I think when you tell us I will eat tacco tomorrow this is like when u planning to do something in the future.
Abdulrhman Mohsen
aren’t they the same thing ?
Thank you
Wilber MachuPicchu
Hello, very Useful lesson… thanks for the lesson.
Abdul Salam Qaderi
hello how are yo thamk you ;rs ronnie i m didn’t study english i just learn on youtube and you god save you I need to learn English I have difficult when I speak I can reading but I can t understand just little please can yo give me an advince
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Hi, very nice lesson… thanks for the lesson.
thank you Ronnie.
How is Brazil nowdays ?
Ronnie you looklike crazy when you do a crazy sound while teaching…sorry,just saying the annoying..
You look like little girl!
But ronnie, it IS funny sound, distructing from the teaching.
hi Ronnie.. i like your freak personal style.. :´) bye.. kisses from Brazil..
don’t listen to them Ronnie,,,you teach so good and I’m always empress.
Really ur teaching very impressive,I regularly stydy english through ur vedio,
hey guy .you don’t deserve to give your bad remarks about the personality of people who have dedicated their life to teaching us english language . i just read it now or i would have said it to you very early . sha just tries to teach us in a new method to catch our attention and also make dome fun so please you do think about what you write and do not be haughty if you have something special
typed properly bro ;)
From your spelling and grammar, it seems like you are a guy who really needs a good teacher like Ronnie
you make me think that you believe that you are “muy fregon” stupid boy
let me tell you that she is a very good teacher,she is funy and cool great job Ms.
just to tell you something Teacher Ronnie is not annoying!if you finds her annoying then DONT watch her video!that crazy sound is what we love about HER!i am a filipino but i dont think you are!for me i am so thankful that there are people like Ronnie! it’s FREE…She’s teaching us for FREE!you dont have the right to dislike her or call her crazy/annoying etc..!Just be thankful.
Hey, boy, respect those who have studied a lot and tried to make learning easier and funnier! Go ahead, Ronnie, don’t pay attention to such sillies!
that is very insulting.its not easy, If your in her situation to do like that. i am sure u can’t, can you? but me im tried to understand more english and im very thankful of them.
You are a disgrace to our country. Filipinos are very humble people and very respectful. Take that flag down, you don’t deserve it.
I´m pretty sure only you think this way.
I love Ronnie just the way she is U_U
If you don’t have something good to say, you shouldn’t say it…you can choose other teachers if you don’t like the way she teach…
I really like her very much..she’s very cool…
hoy rain kung mag comment ka rin lng nmn ayusin mo na..moron! marami akong natutunan sa kanya kaya idepensa ko sya sa kabadingan mo!!!
Well,we have different personality and i think Ronnie has a good sense of humor and i like it. But if you are getting annoyed on ronnie dont watch her video,thats it.
Well,we have different personality and i think Ronnie has a good sense of humor and i like it. But if you are getting annoyed on ronnie dont watch her video,thats it. – from PH
we use “Going to” to describe about the plan or we have arranged the plan for along time.
EX: I am going to visit London when i graduate university.That’s right?
Don’t hear this guy, you are an amazing teacher.
It was foolish of you. We have the most wonderful teacher, Ronnie is very funny and smart. Ronnie thank you for that)))
Hahaha.. you’ve got nothing to say dude!
i really like it ‘-‘ don’t complain, she wanna distract us… if you wanna sleep watching the lessons, good luck
It is reason why I like her most from all teachers. She is funny and I am not feel like in school.
Hey, let’s all take a moment to step back and relax. ?
Come on rain man, she’s good
And that makes the lesson very enjoyable !
i like this crazy
thank you for the lesson ^^… I’ll never confuse ’bout them anymore ^^
Great Lessons and a real nice teacher!!!
Itz really wonderfull lessons.and helpful me a lot.and all dificulties are clear in my mind now…wow feeling so relax..thank you once again..
Hi, I have a teacher who says.
“Use will when you aren’t sure about something”
Example: I will travel on my vacation if everything happens all right.
“Use going to when you are sure abou something”
Example: I am going to travel on my vacation”
Is this way right too, as the way you taught?
Hello! Good question!
You can say “I will travel” or “I am going to travel” – it does not matter. What DOES matter is that in your sentence with will, you used the conditional “if”. The “if” part makes it different. I can say I am going to travel if everything happens all right.
Like I said in the video, grammar books and teachers all have different opinions about if you should use “will” or “going to”. And they are all correct!
What I’m saying is it really doesn’t matter which one you use – I can say “I will travel on my vacation” and it is equal to saying “I’m going to travel on my vacation”.
This is an example of how grammar books are not REAL LIFE. As soon as we step out into the “real world”, or you have a conversation with a native speaker, a lot of the grammar rules don’t exist. AS LONG AS YOU ARE UNDERSTOOD — that’s what matters!
Will can used when you don’t have a plan.
Ex: I will go to the beach. (maybe you won’t, you don’t have any arrangement)
Going to can be used when you DO have plans.
Ex: I am going to the beach. (In this case the speaker has a plan, maybe he has invited his/her friend, or something else.)
>I hope this will help
No, mate… we usually use “will” when we HAVE made plans. “Going to” we use when we have casual plans. HOWEVER, the entire point of the lesson is that IT DOESN’T REALLY MATTER which one we use.
I think thou r right about the real life. Rules were made for books in most cases. Very Good
the grammar rule will make my conversation limited..thanks with this lesson..
ronnie you mean that most grammar rules is not useful in real life or with natives and can you tell me the important parts of grammar that natives use it can you recommend a book or website concentrate on this points please
I do not see instructions on how to start the lessons. I’m not very computer literate but I clicked on everything and subscribed but can not get the video on this computer for my student.
Ann — You don’t need to subscribe or sign up to see the lessons. You should see a large video at the top of this page, with a “play” arrow button in the middle of it. Just click play to watch the lesson. If you don’t see it, you may be using an old browser, or might not have Flash installed.
OK, it’s not easy and not hard, I going to read it again ! thanks
Dear Rani,
Hope you are fine! This is Azam from Japan preparing for IELTS, can you guide me how to improve my speaking to get maximum band… i have listened to your videos and found these very helpful… awaiting your response!
I like the kind of teachings. She is funny and I got very much in this way. I hope to continue in this page and learn a lot.
Thanks a lot.
good teaching…. making them active throughout class….
Dear Rani,
With Best Wishes, this is venkat from India. Please help me in developing my English, i mean how to improve my speaking. Kindly help he in this regard. Thanking you
Very nice lesson!!!
Thank you!
So helpful im never got it that Different When i read gm books also confused =/ i would like to say BIG THXXXX =]
its too confusing ….. she is mixing present contin, future contin , and future tense…..
Hey Lara-
Present continuous = be + verb + ing: “I am eating.”
Future continuous = will + be + verb+ing: “I will be eating.”
Simple future= will + base verb or going to + base verb: “I will eat.” or “I’m going to eat.”
thanks your lesson
and asking questions with going to
I had some poblem with this issue.
I would like to know some examples
with going to
Thanks Ms Ronnie for providing something to think. At 6:08 you talked about future tense and gave example “We are going to the park.” Does we consider it future tense without a base verb. I mean to say is that isn’t it proper that “We are going to go to the park.” is future tense. I have expressed my confusion in your video lesson of “future and Present Continuous tense”.
what else can we use Will ,could we say for discribe about spontanious activity,making promise,speculating,predicting and what else.please give me your hand.thank you
I like you Rony!
that good, thanks your lesson
I really loved it! It’s amuzing!!!
ok !
it’s fun,but i don’t know about “will” & “going to”?
i thingk “going to is stronger than will! for certainly aspect!
that all just folow the my experience!
thanks for the lessons it was fun and so cool.
thanks Ronnie!
Hello! Im from Russia. Thanks for youre time and the right method of approach
good lessons
Hi Ronnie,,good lesson ! But you said at first that Simple future is ; to be+going to+base verb. I think thats okay ! Thank you for all !
miss ronnie i love u very by self is astudent 22 years old and ur teaching method made me to keep u in my heart thank u miss ronnie i need ur personal email adress i want to tell u somthing special ,okay???????
thanks for good lesson
Thank you for this lesson
i like your style in teaching
you’re a great teacher
Thank you
Thanks for this lesson
By the way, Congratulation for the website.
tks (gracias son buenas tu claces
tks ( gracias son buenas tus clases
thx your classes are pretty good
good work
lesson is great .. but !! when i write sentce – where i can use ‘ will ‘ or ‘ going to ‘ !!?
plz help me .. I can’t understand what diffrent !!
horny bitch
i can easy to learn , your lesson
thank you
Hey teacher,I am going to ask a quastion.When I was answering the quiz,I got mistake on number five. What I am going to do? I answered “He’s going to school tomorrow.”But I got”x”. Why I want to know? And also you said ” I going to the fool game.Is that make sense with out verb to be? Thank you Ronnie, I appritaite your help. Have a good one.
A good male. Thanks.
Sorry. I mean: A good meal.
Very useful lesson.
Thank you very much!
Thanks for this site, you are best teacher… I m from Croatia(that is little place in Europe), and may English is very bad, but sun I have one examine from English, some test for study teleology… And I hope so I m going to pass that test! And I will be a Chatolik priest! Thanks a lot!
Hello you are the best and your all of video teaching is good and useful.
Your kind
Please add my email add and to learn English I hope you will help me.
Hello, you are a great teacher. your lesson is helpful. I like how you teach.
Thank you very mach for you help.
thank you teacher ..
you are cute .. :)
Thank you!
Hehehehhehehe ¡ I like the way you say HAMBURGUERS ¡¡ love you ronnie, will you marry me? (just kidding) you make me laugh with your classes, that’s the way I LEARN ¡ thank you so much ;)
Hamburgers*** sorry I made a mistake
i liked you teaching teacher
Realy I like you so much teacher , thank you for all
wow! I like the way you deliver your lessons, I hope you will continue the style of teaching because in that way you were able to get the attention of those who are really good in terms of listening ability.. (: thanks Ronnie..
I am a teacher of English and I like watching your videos.You are great.Thank you for you time
very simple lesson thank u very much Ronny
can use show us the different uses of the present continuous, will and going to
Hello Ronnie,
What do you think about these sentences?
“I’m going to GO to the party.”
“I’m going to COME home.”
In the grammar books these are incorrect examples.
Hi bynorty,
Unfortunately nobody could answare your question. It’s a secret.
Would you guys help me on (future continuous,future perfect, and future perfect continuous)please a really appreciate for your help.. Thank you.
Okay… future perfect = will have + past participle. We use it when there is a time limit, such as “by 2015”, or “Within 10 years…”
Future continuous = will be + verb+ing. We use this usually with the verbs work, learn, study, teach, and live. Eg. “I will be working in Mexico.” These actions take a long time to complete (years usually).
Future Perfect Continuous = will have been + verb+ing. We use this for actions that we began in the past and we are still doing now. Eg. “When I was 8, I started playing the piano.” So I can say “By the time I’m 18, I will have been playing the piano for 10 years.”
Hope that helps!
Hello Mam Ronnie
ma’am i have a question why you did not discuss the shall in future tense..
thank you.. ^_^
Hello Ryan!
I did not discuss “shall” in this lesson because we (in Canada) hardly ever use “shall”. It is more British English or old people who would use this. Simply, “shall” is outdated!
ronnie can u explain/comment on the difference b/w canadian english and british english.there is any major diff. because in this video u use “will” with “I” but in u.k english
I,WE = shall
please answer because this confusing a lot.
thank you very much…
_________________such a inteligent woman…^_^
thank you very much all teachers help me a lot
thank you very much for help
You´re the best than other teacher ^^! I´ll study that.. thank u.
Hi, I am an ESL teacher and found this website REALLY interesting and take my hat off to you guys. I would like to state my difference between the use of Will and going to. Here it goes:
1-When you are making predictions about the future that are based on general beliefs, opinions, or attitudes, you use `will’.
The weather tomorrow will be warm and sunny.
I’m sure you will enjoy your visit to the zoo.
BUT When you are using facts or events in the present situation as evidence for a prediction, you can use `going to’.
It’s going to rain . (I can see black clouds)
I’m going to be late. (I have missed my train)
2- When you are saying what someone has decided to do, you use `going to’.
They’re going to have a party.
I’m going to stay at home today.
When you are announcing a decision you have just made or are about to make, you use `will’.
I’m tired. I think I’ll go to bed.
3- In promises and offers relating to the future, you often use `will’ with the meaning `be willing to’.
I’ll do what I can.
I’ll help with the washing-up.
That is all for now, It has been just an additional explanation.
Thanks again Ronnnie.
Hi, where are you from?I agree with you, it is written in all grammars i have gone through.
I am from Ontario, Canada!
Thanks for watching!
thanks a ton.
nice to see you in action while teaching. i learnt a lot from ur jovial actions. Nice way to teach with fun
Wow!!! Excellent. Thanks
Thank you
Hi, Ronnie you are a good and lovely teacher…. Thanks for lesson… :-)
Thank you
thank you it is greet laseon
thank you for a good lessen …
I want to be speak English very well but I have problem with grammar it’s make me like that > :(
I need some advice from you >>> sorry maybe I have mistakes *_*
thanks for your lesson ….
Ronie your lessons are good but you should avoid noise with your
nasty mouth(CHASQUIDOS) you are a teacher, and place more emphasis on the wii because they are used or not goint to and pronouns
Everything is wonderful! Lessons should not be boring. Thank you Ronnie! ;;))
Hi ma’am Ronnie,Thanks to your topic,it’s really great.But there is something bothering on my mind…Could you explain to us about the difference of yours,your,and you’re.And how could we use in a sentence?
YOURS (pronoun)the possessive form of you
1. The larger boots are yours.
2. If I can’t find my book, I’ll take yours.
YOUR (adjective) The possessive form of you.
Used as a modifier before a noun
1.I will take your ballpen.
2.Your accomplishments.
YOU’RE-CONTRACTION OF “YOU ARE”. 1.You’re (You are) so sweet.
2.You’re (you are) so strong.
YOUR- Adjective
YOU’RE- Contraction.
I am YOUR friend.
YOU’RE (You are) my friend.
YOU can take my things and I’ll take YOURS.
Please correct me if Im wrong. I just want to help you guys.
joneru- I hope this will help you. I am also from Philippines.
YOURS (pronoun)the possessive form of you
1. The larger boots are yours.
2. If I can’t find my book, I’ll take yours.
YOUR (adjective) The possessive form of you.
Used as a modifier before a noun
1.I will take your ballpen.
2.Your accomplishments.
YOU’RE-CONTRACTION OF “YOU ARE”. 1.You’re (You are) so sweet.
2.You’re (you are) so strong.
YOUR- Adjective
YOU’RE- Contraction.
I am YOUR friend.
YOU’RE (You are) my friend.
YOU can take my things and I’ll take YOURS.
Please correct me if Im wrong. I just want to help you guys.
joneru- I hope this will help you. I am also from Philippines.
Thank You EngVid and Ronnie.
My examples are very simple, sorry for that.
ı want to practice english. could tell me please how to do it
how to use have been and have being
thank ronie and james and rebecca for this ideas but i’ve probleme with writing how to improve my writhing ansenr me quickly
Write a diary everyday.
1000 thank you
excelent class and test too
good job guys I really apreciate the help of those who really wants to help others
Hi Ronnie how r u ur this lesson is very helpful for me in my exam……….I got that where i have to use WILL and GOING TO.thanks
I am Gul_zaib thanks for lesson
thanks for lesson!
I thinks Quiz English for lesson have more questions. It is better!
Thank you so much , Teacher
really nice lesson, I loved the quiz as well but can you make more questions 4 the quiz??
Thanks a lot for your lesson.It’s very useful.
thanks a lot ronnie.. i love engvid.. godbless
You are good teacher
hi i have one question about tense can you tell me that which tense will be shown and condition..
i am going to eat a meal..
once time my friend said me that this is an immediate future tense, is it correct
I am going to….. is future tense. There is no such thing in English grammar as “immediate future tense”.
Hope that helps, thanks for watching and good luck!
thank you
Sorry I don’t have any notes. I do everything on the spot!
thanks. i was perfect
your not a perfect person. heehe
i appreciate all your help Ronnie
keep going
thanks a lot,
Dear Ronnie, when it happens to give students a test concerning(will,be going to or present continuous as future), I remind them the moment of planning with (going to). What do you think about multiple choice tests?
I think multiple choice tests are good if you are a student who doesn’t study! As far as from a teaching P.O.V multiple guess tests are useless as they do not test the students ability to use the learned grammar in a real life situation.
I think these lessons were so easy…and practicals. I learned quickly
thanks ronny for the lesson i can’t comeent a lot bicouse i have problem with write englis i can speak bat i can’t write can u half me pleas
Writing English just takes practice! I suggest you write a diary each day – write down what you did or how you felt or where you went.
thank you techare see you son
Misleading and not clear at all. Just a tip but “will” is used to express decisions (often called spontaneous decisions) and “be going to” is generally used for intentions. This doesn’t mean that they aren’t used for other things too. The relevance of the comparison in itself between “will” and “going to” is questionable.
You are very welcome.
very interesting; thanks a lot
Tanks teacher ronnie (:
Hi Ronnie,
Thanks so much. Your lesson it’s was good for me.
When I lived in USA, I never understood this verbs in the future, but now I understood.Tks
hi Ronnie
i related from a deprived area of after ten years i have learned ABC in english languages. but i still try to my best because i want to be appear in IELTS for education. my speaking pronunciation is not strong as well as writing. so plz advise me. because i have learned , 05 languages English, Urdu , Sindhi , balochi and other local languages.
i appreciate you and your team who has been served in international language free of cost.
The best way to improve your writing is to write a diary every day or write about something you are interested in!
The more you write the better you become!
As far as pronunciation goes, the best way to improve is to listen to native speakers and repeat. If you can find some kind of recorder — tape or digital (I know there are some free websites you use also) and record your voice. Listen to it and try to improve by actually listening to yourself!
How can you often use Future Continuous,Future Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous. Because it’s hard to me.Can I use only verbs will or be going? Thank you for all.It’s interesting to listen you!
Hi Ronnie you are the best thank
its very good teaching roonie
Can I contact you by skype, msn or e-mail??
Can I talk to you on skype ou msn??
No, sorry, I do not have enough time!
I’m brazilian and I love you teacher. Thanks and take care.
Simply easy to learn with you!!
Thank you for you explaination :)
Thank you! Your explanetions are realy good! I’ve been learning many things! I like how you show entusiastic!
thank you a lot ms
I really want to know about how to use shall..some people said that shall still use it with I and We. He asked me ” do you think that we can use shall with He/she/it?” I told him that I think we can’t. He replied me that no you can use “shall” with he she it when you really want to do or have planed to do it already. It makes me confused a lot, please answer to make me understand clearly.
Thank you
Hi ronnie
Can you post a video on how and where to use all punctuation marks
Hi~ Ronnie.
Thank you for lessons.
I Like this .it’s can make me improve my skill in English TQ….
hi teacher Ronnie,could you help me this common problem a wrong grammar??…i understand English when somebody is talking to me but i can’t deliver my English very well…thank you & more power
please reply..
The best thing to do is just TRY and talk – I know it is difficult but don’t be afraid to make a mistake and just talk!!! You need to practice speaking to improve!
hi ronnie thanks for your interesting lessons i am algerian and biginning in english language I have a big problem with the pronounciation what can I do????
There are many videos on the site to help with pronunciation! Try them and repeat into a voice recorder to practice!
thank you very much you are sweet teacher I have another question concerning will and be going to
my teacher said that the going to express the near future we use it when we have this morning , this night ..etc but when we have next month ,next year .. we use will
is this right ??
NO, you can use both for anytime – it does not matter!
thank you very very much you’re the best teacher i’ve seen in my life and i hope i’ll meet you oneday I have another question about the form negative of the auxilary to have
we say I do not have ,I did not have or i have not , i had not ????
We write I do not have…..but we say I don’t have!
we can’t write I have not and say I haven’t ???
hi ronnie,
your the best teacher and your teaching is very different from other it help me allot .
could you answer my question please???????
I think you are a great teacher.
thank you
nice and very informative lesson.
hai! good lesson thank u very much
and can u pls replay what it differs with “supposed to and expected to”
‘Supposed to’ and ‘expected to’ are very similar… the ONLY difference is that ‘expected to’ is something that you should instinctively know to do (and not be told to do). Supposed to is more like a written rule.
hi ronny
what’s the diffrence between have and have got
Your clever ronnie I like all your videos thank you so much .
I appreciate you thank you too much. Shimaa from Egypt.
Thanks for your class, I undestand all better with your excellent explanation.
I’m really having a great time watching your videos,i like your way of teaching:)
thanks teacher Ronnie.
certanlly you are awesome one and thank you very much for enthusiasm
Thanks a lot. You are a good and funny teacher.
i like Ronnie teacher,her lessons are too good.
I love your teaching style.And nice expressions, these may help us to remember things you taught.
hy ronnie, that is another great demonstration of ur excellency.
dear tell me about the uses of BEEN ,because i am very confuse to use it. thanx
Been is the past participle(p.p) of `be“, So if you use an adjective in a sentence that needs a p.p, you have to use been.
EG I have been sad. Sad is an adjective. YOu cannot say I have sadded.
Im abdlilah I live in moroco thanks for oll teacher i need to lerant eng
I need to lerant eng in you scooll but im not livig in your contr
Cool girl and cool lesson :)
Hello Ronnie, what is wrong, can you please correct me What do you going to do on the weekend or what are you going to do on the weekend?
YOu have to say “What are you going to do this weekend”. or on the weekend
or “What are you doing this weekend” or on the weekend!
Hey dear,In pakistan we have tought THt we should always use SHALLL WITH word I,but if for something we r sure to do,then we will use will with I!IS IT CORRECT DEAR
WE USULLLAY SAY i shall be thankful to u,,y can”t we say i will be thankful to you?plz explain me dear
Thank you Ronnie, I hope to get a good grade tomorrow!!!
Hi Ronnie, you make learning fun and interesting. Your personality shows it. Thank you for all your hard work. You are great!!
you are the best teacher.
yes i’m whit you awsloyal she’s the best yeah
Hai Ronnie,
You are doing a good job…It helping me a lot…Thank You So Much Ronnie..You are a good Teacher
thank you very much for this nice lesson..
Thanks teacher Ronnie…….
Hi Ronnie teacher.
thank you very much i m enjoying you lesson thank you so much. by bye.
Hi Ronnie,I’m a good student,I think so, because,I learn a lot of English from your lesson.Thanks Ronnie so much
Hi how are you my name is ted iam a teacher too but for children and i’ve been teaching english for 1 month
orang makasar
Very good lesson !!!
really good explanation! =)
why you are wink?
How to use a verb? you always use the verb 1!
Good teaching mistress! Bon mestre!
cah yogya kebriben kabare dab!
TO RAIN,if you are not interested to learn do not force urself.Don’t make a stupid comments about teacher Ronnie,She’s a great teacher.In fact,i always watched her video almost everyday,and i learned a lot.Look at urself first before u make a stupid comment.
so nice
thank you you’re a great teacher .
In your vidio you said that “will” and “going to” they are about the same but the exircice “going to “is stronger than will
grt job ronnie
really nice but i want more tenses to understand this lesson.
thank you very much ,reaiiy you are great teacher i hope all best for you.
Thanks a lot that’s what i say. they have same meaning, but you explin to me the right way when i use them.
thank you so much ms Ronnie
HI ronnie .. THank you honey ..
but i have some problem i keep my vocabulary but when i start to talk with anyone i forgot all of it .. i need someone to talk to me everyday but i didn’t found anyone !! what do you suggest
There are many engvid members on skype/facebook. Give them your skype name and you can find people to talk to!
ronni Wanna your facebook
Thank you for your teaching.
Let’s me introduce mysalf. My name is kyaw Sann and I’m an Arakaness from myanmar. It’s the first time i come to yuor website. Now i am in malaysia and i am a waiter, i worked in a restaurant. I have a lot of trouble with pronounciation in english lunguage. I always listened when chinese and Koreans speaking english it is very difficult to understand so i have a lot of trouble with it and now i start to study in your wabsite. Thanks you.
yes ti is a nice lesson. but i did not under stand it .
thank you
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha aha ha haa ha aha aha aha ha aha ah aha aha aha ah aha aha ahahaahaaha ahaahaahba aha aah aha aha ahava afjghdjkl;
thank you so much ronnie
Could you explain to me, i’m confuse when to use ‘be’ when after will? i mean what the difference ‘will’ and ‘will be’?
We use ‘will be’ if the next word is an adjective: “I will be tired.”
If the next word is a verb, you don’t need ‘be’: “I will eat.”
Hello Ms Ronnie you said we use “will be” if the next word is an adjective? how about “I will be working in Mexico”
Will + BE + verbing = future continuous! Your sentence is great!
I see,Thanks!
I can not very well english. I love to learn english but I do not know how. helpe me pealis
I do not very time. I must learn fast. I witing anly for english to going in the unyversity
befor that will i know is this lessen free or not
I read a bok and now I want tell that for you
hello, i think you should work on your spelling first.
thank you very much :)
i understand you more than my teacher in class :)
thanks Ronie, now i know…
hi ronie thanks alot for your lesson is very helpful and your advices there are so importante to me alot.yhnks again and iwich met you somo day
Hi Ronnie.
I enjoy a lot your lesson and thanks.
i realy enjoy
I wanna ask u about what’s the difference between
I haven’t idea
I have no idea
thanks alot
I haven’t idea = wrong.
I have no idea = correct.
hi.! thanks for your teach on video.
God bless on you..
thank you
good job
i can use will and going to in the same sentence for ex.the boy will be going to the movies with a friend
Ronnie can explain this sentence
thnx a lot
but i think we use going to if we have plan and we are sure but will with out plan
Hi Ronnie.
Could you tell me what’s the difference between
I’m going to go home tomorrow
and I’m going to home tomorrow.
I’m going to go home tomorrow = correct.
I’m going to home tomorrow = incorrect.
thanks techer you help me alot
i want to ask you about writing do you have any advice for me to improve my writing skils?
Write a diary everyday!
Hi teacher thank u for your teaching
teacher my problem is how to speak english bcs when the person speak i understand very well but when i want to answer i can not teacher plz give me your advice my problem is speaking
thanks alot
thank you can i with you in facebook plw
Thank you Ronnie
hi how are you ?
You are the best teacher, Mrs. Ronnie.
Let me introduce by myself. My name is Muzanil Fikri from Indonesia. my house is located in the township
I was the only person interested in the English language in my area. I have an English Community and my members are 45 students. I always download your video and My students and I always watch your video together. they said that you are so beautiful and best teacher. WE can understand the lesson that you taught in the video.. WE LOVE YOU..
Great! Thanks so much for watching! If you and your group have any requests just email me!!!!
thank’s for your great job
hi Ronnie
thanks for everyrhing because this video very well I think I am from Turkey and I go to social sciences high school I am in prepeare class and we have got 20 times english lessons in a week so I need this video finally if I have got mistakes I am so sorry . again I want to say ” thanks “
Thank you. I liked your lesson.
thank you Ronnie. But why my last one is not correct? I want to now. please
hi, ms ronnie i really learn a lot from you. thanks so much!
many thanks for this such great job madame
hi guys why dont everyone write down his skype facebook name to talk online….i tgeuss it’s help too… u share my view madame
my skype name is hamid.ben96 and my facebook one is hamid benfakir…..add me and we are going to enjoy
That was so helpful thanks. Would you also please explain the difference between shall and will in future tense.
Thanks teacher this lesson that was very amangsin if u can give us some simple how to use shall or should by mr right
hi, I want to thank you for helping me out with English, and also i want to say that i like your way of being because i find it very funny to learn English
hello from Georgia. I came across this video by chance, I am very glad. I want to improve my English. Ronnie, you are very good teacher,I frankly speaking,I understand everything,what you explain us.your lessons are interesting too.well,I have some questions.which is correct I am going to go to the cinema, or I am going to the cinema.please explain me.thanks.
I am going to go to the cinema. This is a future sentence because you use to be + going to + base verb!
I am going to the cinema. Is present continuous = to be + verbing. We use this to talk about what we are doing NOW!!!
Hi i want a penfriend i want to improve my english please .can you give me ideas? :) please
Ask the other people on the site!
thanks,now I see.
Ur best Ronnie! +1
Hi Ronnie! I think you’re the greatest and most humorous teacher i’ve ever had. Could you please tell me the difference between “its” and “thats.”
you are making things easy. thank you.
thanks a lot for your lesson.^_^
Thank tou a lot Ronni.
You’re the best teacher^^
nice teacher and good accent
I love this site… thanks a lot for this beautiful idea..!
Very good way of explaining. Thanks a lot.
Thank Ronnie , U are really a teacher.
It’s amazing to see an English Teacher, from a English Country, to teach grammar in a way that everybody can learn so easily. I’m writing all your advices just in case I need them when I become an English Teacher as well.
I am really happy to learn english in my life and ,I wanna Gracefull all of my teachers.Best wishes and especially,for english leaners.
you are a great teacher!!! you are very funny it’s fantastic!
May i know it should be :SHE WILL EAT
Will + base verb. You can only use the base verb with will!!! She will eat!
first of all i wanna thank you to teach in a simple way,I am very poor in english.i tried alot but i am not getting confident.Would you please tell me what should i do.
I have a video to help you!!
Watch this…
I really appreciate your help! Thank you
Hello Ronnie !I am really happy to learn from you so,i am going to learn and i will learn all the time your lesson as the others learner .By the way thank you so much .
thank you taecher ronnie
iam going to be your studant
very very very helpful!!
I don’t know how to thank you Ronnie!
your vollyball playing sound is attractive!!!!
thank very much!
Ronnie could you please tell me ‘going to’is a helping verb or not
Very nice. Thank you so much Ronnie.
The way you teaching I really like it also easily understand. Thank you so much
thanks for the explanations, it helped me a lot during my homework. Go ahead Ronnie!
Ronnie, I find out in grammar book that we use will when we decide to do smf at the time of speaking, about new things. And we use (be) going to when we already decided to do something.
will – decision now
going to – decision before
Is that true or like you said it doesnt matter what I will use?
hi ronni, expression(i get it) means i do .thanks
hi ronnie your lesson is so interesting.
as you told before i know that practice is very important to improve my speaking ability.
and i would like to make a conversation with anyone to improve my English speaking.
so i would like to invite somebody to make a conversation with me.if anyone likes to my invite please reply me.
Ms Ronnie..this is a very good job..just carry on..Nisha from India
Thanks a lot Ronnie! I like how you teach
Ronnie yau are a good teacher
It must be a fantastic to be able to speak at least twice languages. Ronnie this is a very good job. I really appreciate your help.Best wishes.
Your explanation about when to use will or going to, made it so much clear to me…thanks a lot!!!!!
I like u as a teacher =)
You’re really funny and easy to understand.
Now I know, when I have to use the will, and when the going to future!
Thanks a lot :)
I like u as a teacher :-)
You’re funny and easy to understand!
Thanks, you helped me a lot! =)
Thank youuuuuuuu so so so much . that was very interesting
Thank you ..
always understand you better you than my teacher
Hi Ronnie, thank you for all the lessons so far. I would like to request a lesson on correct usage of “assume and presume”.
Thank you in advance!
That’s a great idea! Actually, it looks like one of the teachers is already working on a lesson about it.
very good explanation
Thanks Ronnie!
Thanks Ronnie you are better than my teacher hahaha
thank ronnie.
greate lesson
hi, romnie thank you for help me.
ho, I just want to make sure.what is the correct answer for question 5?
Which one is NOT correct?
He’s going to school tomorrow.
She will have pizza for breakfast.
I going to the football game.
in this mam u said .. we must folle am with i. i am going to. isn’t it?
Yes I am going to..
the way of your teaching is excelent
Ronnie: I understood your lesson about GOING TO, but can I apply TO in the following sentence:
“Please, listen TO these conferences” or can I say “Please, listen these conferences”. Is there a transfer here as well.
Thank you
Listen TO is correct!
Thanks for your teaching
I can understand your class.
I will find more information in grammar books
and I have a question / when I have appointment
I’m going to see a movie with my friend or I will see a movie with my friend ?????
useful lessons thank a lot)
hi maam
can u plz help me in sentence formation and paragraph writing.i didnt find any of ur classes related to this plz am waiting for ur reply… plz help me out
tanks you roonie for your explications
thanks a lot Ronnie for such a good lesson
Thanks Ronnie,You’re a great teacher and teaching ,I will be practicing as much i can .I need more practice .God bless you.
dear teacher ronnie
i confuse in quiz no.5
5. Which one is NOT correct?
a.He’s going to school tomorrow.
b.She will have pizza for breakfast.
c.I going to the football game.
i think c. is correct in present con.
but a. incorrect because it should have go to after going to.
i love your
thank you
You are correct! C is wrong and A SHOULD BE going to GO TO school tomorrow if it is in proper future tense! But, we often drop the base verb when we talk about the future!
Thank Ronnie!!! good job out there!!!
شكراً جزيلاً استاذه راني
thank you very much from Egypt. i engoy listening to you. you very clever teacher. please can you send me your videos .
Hello Ronnie. Thank you for this classes. God bless you toooooooooo much. I´m from Colombia.
I´m 60 years old….and I´m here too. I am confused: I am going to the football game is wrong. I going to the football game is ok. Why?
Thanks Ronnie
ronnie thank you
plz plz plz plz plz
upload a video showing us how to teach (who which whom whose)
i need it soooooooon
Thanks Ronnie. It helped me a lot.
I am going to fly to Rome on Monday. or I will fly to Rome on Monday.
I suppose both are possible?
Thanks for your good explanations about “will, going to”.
You’re the best..!! Thank you very much…!!
,the future tense i will eat.& i will eating what is correct ? the sentence will so ing is use
Good explanation,I am more confident to use future tence form by “will” & “going to”. Thank you. Ronnie
Hi Ronnie
thanks for you re lesson
HI ms Ronnie
Thanks for lesson i liked it but i have one confusion.i saw in lesson when we can use can,cant,will its fine can u help me to know about when we can use could,had,should.
thank you for lesson
thanks, Ronnie.
i’am going to watch all your video,, i like it.
i’m a beganer and i try speak english because, i’d like to go to ontario or alberta. i don’t like quebec any more.
sorry for some arong sentense :)
Hi, thank you Ronnie Madam
Could you tell me what´s the difference between there 2 sentences: What are you going to wear to the party? and What are you wearing to the party?
Hi Ronnie,
First of all I’d like to thank you for imparting such a valuable tutorial sessions with us.
I want myself to be looked more formal while speaking. The basic problem I face these days are the inter-mingling of the two forms of the language, i.e. Brit. Eng & Amer. Eng. along-with aggressive use of informal speech and slangs. This is aggravating.
Pls guide me, when & where’d I use the word ‘SHALL’ in place of ‘WILL’.
Thx n rgds. :)
Hi Ronnie,
I have been watching and learning your lessons everyday.
This lesson is also very useful and I could understand well different from ‘will’ and ‘going to’.
Thanks a lot !!
I got 4 …. thanks for this Ron. I am going to go home now .. tsk!
nice lesson… and nice teaching way ;)
I like this
I like his method of teaching, not boring :)
good lesson . I like this
Thank you :) I like this because so easy :) This is very helpful :) but a bit too speed speech :D
Hai Ronnie im from Indonesia,
The way you teach is really fun and easy to understand. I love it! You really make my day :)
yo’re good teacher ronnie , the lesson you give is easy to understand
good job ronnie, the way you teach ;)
Very nice exam .i have 80% LOL i regret for that.
Thank you very much runnie, i was confused with this grammar in especial, but now im not anymore. Thanks a lot and continue making great videos like this one.
Ohhh thanks, got it 100.
Thank you Ronnie :)
Dear Ronnie,
I like the way you explain this topic. The sudden sound, I love it
I like the you teach us…. thnxxx Ronnie… :)
somebody can tell me why I can’t upload avatar?
Excellent! Thanks.
Im going to speak English!
Hi Ronnie I can say for example : I’ll learn English and I’m going to be good speaker
Which one is Correct? Are you going to college tomorrow or Will you go to College tomorrow?
Hi samantha . I think first is true ,because the person don’t take his decision.until now. I’m new in English
You are so great, Ronnie. You teach well, and you are not boring. You always make me smile. :)
Thank you so much Ronny!
Thanks Ronnie, great videos.
Thank you Ronnie . for you’re great teaching style.
It helped me a lot. Thanks!
Thanks Thanks Ronnie!!
I will study your other lessons today and I’m going to be a
good student! :)
Thanks a lot! Our whole class loves your lessons…Ronnie said, and everything is clear…
what a great time learning with you ronnie.. I really love the way you teach. :)
Thank you my teacher, I like your style of teaching
Thank you a lot
Very nice lesson!
Thank you Ronnie.
Ronnie i have a question, when i say “i will…” it is not necessary write “be”? a mean, when i should write “be”?
good job
2. What verb do we use with “going to”?
Ijust want to ask which sentences are right:
a)Obviusly, I’m going to your wedding
b) Obviously, I will go to your wedding?
please gelp me. thank you.
Thanks a lot.
thank u vry much Ronnie
really I have fun when I learn your course thank u Ronnie
Thank you so much for the 14 videos of your lesson Ma’am Ronnie. You are a great teacher. Basic grammar is truly important to learn English language. I’m not confident to speak English because something wrong with my grammar and want to make it perfect through watching engvid videos for English lesson. I am going to watch all videos for beginner in grammar. So far, all teacher here is great in teaching. Thank You so much for free videos. May the good Lord shower his blessings upon you and more power to
What about shall where we can put it?
i got 100% thanks
Hello Ronnie! I love your lessons! You’re explaining very well and sometimes you make me laugh and teach me in the same time..How can you do that? Your a great teacher.. I wanted to ask you something..Can you do a video with all tenses and teach us how exacly can we use it and when? And at the end, can you sumarise the lesson in a few ideas how you usually does? Thank you!
sorry..I wanted to say “how you usually do” no “how you usually does”..I had a long day and I’m so tired..
and again sorry.. I should say “exactly”, no “exacly”
i like your style in teaching…….you are my favorite teacher……go on dear you are perfect
how can i know the difference between will and be going to
when i use will and when i use be going to
hello roonie.. my tenses is very weak i mean i dont know where i use “shall,have been,be,…etc. so help me in tenses ! thnks.
u awsome
plz expressions apologise
You are a funny and intelligent teacher!
.. I agree :)
Ronnie is the best teacher I have ever seen
hi ronnie!! I am a filipina and that guy up there named rain, dont mind him please.He is also a filipino but I feel ashamed that he said that to you. I am really sorry for what he had done. You are a very good teacher and this site is one great help to most all of non english speakers around the globe!! I already subscribed at your youtube page and as well as to your co-teachers’ pages!! I like this site so much. Very informative! I also invited my friends about this site so expect to see more people hanging out here ^_^ more powers and God bless!!
Hi Ronnie,
thanks a lot for your lesson.
It’s helpful as usual
take care
hi for all,
I am new here i want to improve my english.thanks for your lesson
Roonie, I love your lessons!!! Thank you very much!
thank you so much
you`re great teacher
i like your teach vdo. thank you Ronnie
thank you Ronnie
Very nice video and lesson teacher Ronnie!
I got 5/5 = 100% !
Thanks a lot!
Thanks a lot for the lesson and for answers of student’s question.
We like your style!
We are going to came back in Canada soon.
thank you Ronnie)
Dear Ronnie, how about the use of WILL for probability and GOING TO for plans? Does it actually make sense or is it just old school that we keep teaching our students? I’m kind of confused now…
I’ve got 100! Thanks,Ronnie.:D
Aw i got 0 :( i can understand your lesson mam sorry
is easy to easy :d to know that this lesson is going to up !!!
I’ll write a comprehensive comment just after the video. I am going to use complex and compaound sentences to improve my speaking.
Is it Write?
If I still here because of your teaching style Thank you
Thank you for this lesson
my english is very bad, but you learn me so well.. thanks!!!
Hi, what about willing where I can use?
Thank you my teacher. I like your style of teaching and explanation.
Thank you a lot.
thank you Rooni
Excellent Ronnie!
To be honest ,even I have watched the video.I don`t understand the difference between will and going to well.I think I should watch it again.
Thank you. I will learn Inglish better with this vídeos.
Thank you.I got 100 thanks!
thanks a lot ronnie
Hello Ronnie!
I am an online English Teacher but since teaching is a learning process there are some English grammar that I still need to master.
EngVid is very useful for me.
Hope I can talk with you soon on Skype.
Thanks Ronnie!,
I’m going to learn english as good as you. :-) . I have to, I will.
Thanks ronnie..
I’d love to have a teacher like Ronnie! She’s so good teaching english!
Hi Ronnie
My first time here. I have a question. Wich the correct sequence to watch videos for beginners
thank you Ronnie.
Thank you very much
I want to ask a question about will with verb probably who comes first will or probably
ex : we say it will probably be cold tomorrow or it probably will be cold tomorrow
It won’t probably rain tomorrow or it probably won’t rain tomorrow
Ronnie could you please make a video about that
I always had doubts about it.. No anymore! Thanks a lot Ronnie, u helped me a lot
Thank you Ronnie.. you are awesome :)
Thank you Ronnie.. you are awesome :)
Thank you :)
Thank you so much, Ronnie. You are amazing!
like (:
Ronnie, I’ve learned that “going to” is used when
we have plans. They might happen or not.
“I’m going to travel to the Keys next week”
Now, when we are totally sure it will happen,
we say: “I’m travelling to the Keys tomorrow
It’s called “Present Continuous with a Future
I’d like to know your opinion,if possible.
Thanks in advance.
Thank you for this lesson,it’s helpful.
Hello Ronnie! You are great! I’m learning so much with you!! Now…”I will” watch more lessons!!!
My best regards!!
i liked of the class. thanks.
Thanks Ronnie
thanks Ronnie
Thank You Ronnie.
Ronnie I am trying to see your videos to get that special way so good that you have to teach, thank you very much!!!
Ronnie is the best of the best! Thank you so much!
I like your classes
your classes are the best
thanks ^^
Thank you!
thank you! gracias ronnie…
Thanks very much dear Ronnie It is very good lesson
Nice lessson Ronnie , You make me happy when I Get 100 points in the quiz
Incredible lesson Ronnie you´re so amazing.
With the “he’s going to school “,can i say “he will school ” ?
Always funny. I like your way to teach. Thanks.
HI RONNIE! I love your videos!!! Congratulations!!!
Hi Ronnie, I saw this lesson and I did not like your explanation about when we use Future Simple (will) or Future (be going to). I have looked some grammar books up and they show:
We use the Future Simple (will):
– For predictions about the future.
– For threats or warnings.
– For promises or on-the-spot decisions.
– With the verbs: hope, believe, expect.
And we use the be going to:
– for plans and intentions we have about the near future.
– when there is evidence that something is going to happen in the near future
I have another grammar book which shows a comparison between will and be going to. We use will when we decide what to do at the moment of speaking and we announce our decision. We use be going to when we have already decided what to do and we announce our decision. For instance:
A: Mary phoned while you were out.
B: OK, I’ll call her back.
Be going to
A: Mary phoned while you were out.
B: Yes, I know. I’m going to call her back.
In the first case B did not know that Mary had called him and he realize it when A said it to him. In the second one, B knew that Mary had phoned and he had already taken the decision of calling her back before A said it to him.
Thank you Ronnie I like you
Very helpful! Thank you! 100 :) 5/5
Very good lesson Ron.I will learn a lot with you. Thanks….
It´s my first time in this web and it´s amazing! Thanks you, Ronnie! You rocks!!!!
Thank you a lot for your lesson.
thanks teacher
Thanks very much dear Ronnie, It is very good lesson.
Thank you
Thank you
Thank u
thanks for the lesson, but now, i really want to have a taco
Thank you so much Ronnie =)
thank you Ronnie. The best!
Ronnie! learning English with you is really fun XD
Excuse me Ronnie.. which is correct ??
1- my brother will be a doctor. He is very clever.
2-me bro
Thanks Ronnie
Thanks, I will study this lesson now. Bye.
I agree with you Ron I rid a grammar book and a commentary says that as long you understand the tought of what he or she say to you that the right grammar. Keep up the good lesson always.
Thanks mom :v
Hi Ronnie;
First of all, I thank you for your interesting lessons. Because of your excellent explanation, I kill the quiz easily. And what I want to ask you about is the difference between “will” and ” going to” in grammar. I think that ,both of them use for the future. But we use”will” when we intend to do something at the time of speaking ,and “going to” when we have a last intention to do something. Is this right or not. Thank you again for your time.
Thank you so much, Ronnie. You are a smart , cool and funny teacher. I like the way the you teach …^^
thank you very much.:)
The lesson was very nice,you is fantastic teacher.Thank you
Ronnie.. you’re very smart teatcher.. I am going to watch your class tomorrow.. I will learn English. Hhhhhh
Thanks Ronnie. the lesson was helpful.
I like you Ronnie! All lessons are interesting, funny and very helpful. Thank you!
Thank you Ronnie! You are Awesome!
ㅜㅜ I got 4 out of 5. Tense is very important. but it’s difficult.
Thank you very much, Ronnie =)
Very nice style,your lesson it’s funny and improve me a lot.Thank you so much.
Will/Going to. So simple on the video. I hate those boring and confusing English books 25 years ago.
You’re the best teacher Ronnie!Thank you very much.
I’m going to learn English.
Thank you lady Ronnie
thank you Ronnie!
Thank you .. I’m going to eat after 10 ms
I really love this lesson
Thank you for lesson. I really liked example about ball)
thanks for the lesson.
hi ronnie :) thank you
Hey, Ronnie! Thank you so much. You’re amazing :)
Thank you for the lesson. Everything is accessible and understandable.=)
Thank you so much. Until now I understand when I have to use will and going to….before It was very confuse to me. Thank for this kind of tips, very useful.
Thanks :) ıt’s very useful.
Congratulation….I am learning a lot!
Very nice class as always, thanks a lot, Ronnie
Thank’s a lot, Ronnie..
Hi everybody! my Facebook page is Eddye Albertoo Cruz Godoy.
We can talk online!
i’m so sorry miss Roony, i am still confused to use will and going to for the sentences in future tense.
do you mind to explain it?
Thank you Roony are very good teacher :)
Hi Ronnie,
Thanks a tone for English tuition!!!!!
Thanks you Teacher :)
Ronnie, you’re the best teacher!!!
Thanks Ronnie..
I should say that she’s one of the best teachers here. I understood the way she speaks.
very nice…thank you :)
Ronnie you are best english teacher i’ve seen ever .. different way to teach that makes you special
Hi u are best teacher
Thank you, Ronnie! I love your teaching method and your lessons!
thank you mrs ronnie it’s clair
it’s clear and you are funny
very good! thanks!
I like it!! Thank you!!
Hello Ronnie I am a freshman from Indonesia.
That’s exactly what I think,it doesn’t matter which one we use “will” or “going to” in my opinion, the most important is you understand and I understand, so it called “communicate”. I study English because I want to communicate to others. I don’t need to follow the rules a lot ’cause I am still beginner if I think the rules too much maybe I cannot speak English because I am afraid to make mistakes.
I knew ‘be going to’ is stronger than will
my skype name sudharma lambho 11
thank you
Thank you, Ronnie!
Thanks ronnie
hai ronnie thank you
thank you <3
Ronnie, you teach very good, i will speak english very good
Thanks,Ronnie. ^o^√
Thank you! :)
very very very bad lesson!!!
Hi! We always want to improve. What didn’t you like about it?
Hi!! teacher Ronnie I am Ray Wu.In my school exam I have a question that I wanted to ask you can I ?????
The question is : The police caught the criminal,____________? The correct answer is witch one A: didn’t he B: don’t they please help me!!
the best teacher (y)
gr 8 !!!
I got 4 correct out of 5….I still don’t understand about second question….
Thanks miss Ronnie for this useful lesson.
Thank you
Thank you, I loved leason
Thank you Ronnie
Thank you
I dont quite understand the #2 question.
This so amazing. I did learn. Thank you so much.
Thanks a lot
thank’s so much
Thanks for the lesson
You are a great teacher
I like the way you teach. Keep it up ronnie
Thank YOU.
Thanks Ronnie.very nice video.i am learning English with you.
That is very good I could understand vet well..
thanks for the lesson.
very useful for me. thanks
That information is very useful. Now, I’m going to practice.
4. What do we use for fast decision making?
going to
will & going to are both used for this
I choose going to because you want fast decision making
I Know when coming I,she,he,it,you,they,we should be put will and when coming verb to be I’m,she’s,he’s,it’s,you’re,they’re,we’re should be put going to
In the sentence we came without verb to be I know but you want fast
What is my mistake
Thank you for helping me
Thank you
I understand that now thank you
Thank you very much teacher for your good teaching.
you are crazy, but I like how you teach :)
You are amazing!!Great Teacher!
great teachings
Hey mam can you tell me what the exact difference between use will and would
good and simple lesson, thank you
Thank you for your lessons.
Thank you Ronnie..
Great one, Ronnie ..
thank you teacher.i appreciate.
I think I watch all videos now… LOL
Pretty good!!!
Thank you for helping me
Thank you Ronnie ??
that’s great.
thank you very much
Great teacher …so cute
That Wonderful of Class Ronnie!!! thank you so much.
You are Beautiful and really really clever.
Awesome Teacher!!!
Thank you very much
Thanks Ronnie for this lesson!!!
Thank you Ronnie! Good lesson!
thank you
thank you Ronnie !!!
Thx for the lesson
Thanks for the lesson
Ronnie Can u please check the 5th number question? Option (d) is right? Why?
I am liking your videos teacher. After your video i will do some question about this lesson.
Thanks very much!
thanks Ronnie
this is god
i am using your video to learn engish and i found your work very well done
I am going to eat lunch with my wife this night
very nice this lesson ,thank you Ronnie
thanks for the video, it’s a funny and easy way to learn, regards
Thank you Ronnie. You´re lessons always is great…
Marcitu, RJ, Brazil. :-)
thanks madam.
I made few mistakes but I understood now.
Thank you Teacher Ronnie, I love your lessons, they are really funny.
tnks :)
thank you a lot for the lessons
I think when you tell us I will eat tacco tomorrow this is like when u planning to do something in the future.
aren’t they the same thing ?
Thank you
Hello, very Useful lesson… thanks for the lesson.
hello how are yo thamk you ;rs ronnie i m didn’t study english i just learn on youtube and you god save you I need to learn English I have difficult when I speak I can reading but I can t understand just little please can yo give me an advince
Thank you, Ms Ronnie. It’s a very useful lesson.
Thanks you
5/5 thanks dear teacher
Thank you
Thank you Ronnie
Thank you!
Thank you, I love your classes!!
one hundread percent of match!