Native English speakers talk very fast — so fast that they change words! Improve your listening comprehension and learn the correct pronunciation of gonna, haveta, and wanna. You’ll also learn when to use these slang pronunciations.
I’m much more interested in getting my ideas acrossed than talking like a native speaker.
In the end, communication is what matters.
What do you think about it?
Useful class to improve our listening skills.
Have a great day Ronnie!!!
I think it is useful if you want to speak in American English but not in British English.
Maybe I wrong.
Yes and i like her teach method
I love Ronnie. Her voice is so good
yeah! she’s cool , and I love the way she teaches. Awesome teachers in ENGVID.
;) :> :)
Yeah you’re right we all like this lovely teacher and the way she teaches . i have learnt a lot of with her i just need practice English because it is not our official language . Thank you Ms.Ronnie !
Yeah!!! She’s really cool!))
I Am fond of those kind of lessons
50 score ╥﹏╥
If i said “you gotta do some thing” it will be right ?
I think it’s not right
you must say “you’re gotta do something”
it’s right
you can’t say gotta after verb to be.
so You gotta … (without are )
i agree.gotta means going to but going to always go with gotta.because it is equal “WILL”
I think going to equals gonna not gotta
gotta means got to. If i’m not mistaken
Ahmed Nasser
actually you r wwong and kiro is right
you’re right !
yes you’re right
new but easy
I’d like you to tell something.I’ve been listening you and others teachers on engvd and watching the videos for past six months and I think that my english has improved much.Actually Ronnie you can’t believe that my morning starts off listening your’s and other teacher’s voice and night ends up with you too.I can feel that I am in a classroom and learning english with you.These videos and the explanation of everything you give is really awesome.I really appreciate your teaching..I wanna ask you one question-Is it possible to make a sentence in english without using a verb?And I wanna clarify another thing that is-Everything we think or do or say we must use a verb with a subject which actually causes that action and an object which receives the same.Doesn’t English work in this way?Because when I hear you ,I notice that whatever you describe or tell you use the action word alongwith the actiondoers.I’d like you to solve this problem because I can’t proceed ahead without clarifying it..plz I’m looking forward to your reply…
sona sharma
You cannot have a proper sentence without a verb!
Yes, you are correct~!
this is may be short comands like
Short response like: Yes!(without I do or it Is or somtehing else). But may be that is not sentence justy expression or phrase. May be there are some phrases without object only verb. Stay! Move! Down! Wrung Up! )))
Hi !
Ronnie isn’t it something wrong is this sentence please look up this paragraph again .
Dear ronnie,
i wanna ask you one thing shall i use wanna , gonna, gotta and hafta in my official mail.. pls advise me..pls
No – only in speaking or casual mail!
Hi Ronnie! I’m very happy to get chance to learn lotsa English lessons from you. I really like the way you teach us. I have heaps of questions to you. Some people told me when you sit for speaking and writing test of IELTS you can’t use wanna, gonna and gotta etc, Is that true? The another question is that English is my second language and I’ve been living in Australia more than one year and I love to watch English movies, For me which way actually is better to watch the movies, when I watch movie at home with the English subtitles or without. Can you suggest me please? I just wanna learn English because I wanna be a good English speaker, writer, reader and listener because It’s my dream.
When you do IETLS DO NOT use wanna, gonna, gotta!!! It is “slang”.
If you CAN understand the movies without subtitles, that is great but very difficult! I recommend watching them first with subtitles, then without!! Good luck!
what the meaning of (I am gonna have to sell car)
it means in near future i will sell my car
Nirav DJ
thank u
The way you write for a learner impressed me. Your attention would be a gift for a beginner like me. Congratulations.
“Lotsa” I think also derived from “lots of”… Maybe
Thank you Ronnie for lesson
thank u very much for your lesson , it was awesome
hi mem ronnia how r u i really like this video about gonna wanna
but lital bit confussion
can i how to use it
for example: i wanna gotsa pizza
that is crect increct
You can say ” I wanna get some pizza”! Or I want “lotsa” pizza. Listen to the video again! You must keep the grammar rules but just change the pronunciation!
can i say ?
i wanna lotsa pizza
hussein syd
I think you can’t because “wanna” is “want to” and you cannot say “I want to a lot of pizza”.
Hi Ronie…it’s the first time im here…how about if the subject is the third personal pronoun..for example, can I say “she wanna study with me”, and also in the past ” he wanna hit me yesterday”…
every video is very useful thanks lotsa :)
she is exactly a good teacher.
wahid rahman (noorzad)
thank you teacher Ronie..
it’s really usful information, i heard it today …
thanks Ronnie for your effort ^_^
I gotta say it’s been a great lesson, I don’t know why in institutes of English they are reluctant to teach these things.
juan manuel
hi dear best teacher i’m from Afghanistan-Bamyan, so i love your teaching way and i dont have any especial comment, just i wana thanks form you services, so could you say how to downlod the file for learning? so please please guide me, becouse i love to be your student for learning english, so please help me, thanks have anice time, bye
gulaqa yaqubi
good teaching
Thank you Ronie ,you can’t imagine how fast I’m learning ,you are a wonderful teacher you make me fell secure and comfortable in this process
Cool! I’m happy to hear this!
Your name like a song. I remember some words from it. “I alwayz said somethig ‘rong with little strange Ronnie Long”. It’s amazing song. You are amazing woman. Perphaps everyone love you.
correct you are amazing teacher!
Ronnie, can you elaborate on the negative pronunciation form of woulda, shoulda, coulda, and musta?
Thanks Ronnie.
thnks for dis wonderful lessons :)
Hi Ronnie, I really like your lessons and I’m happy that I’ve found this website :)
I have one question regarding this lesson … what’s the difference between gotta (have got to) and hafta (have to)?? I’m little bit confused :(
Thank you for your reply in advance.
Have a nice day
Gotta is quite slang, whereas have to is a little more formal!
Hi Ronnie, regarding to your answer just above, is “hafta” a quite slang compared to “have to”? And if yes, is it the same for all the others?
Yes, hafta= have to. It is not really slang, it is just how we say it when we speak really fast!
Ok, thank you for your answer I hafta train to speak fast English :)
Great lessone thank you so much ms.Ronnie ;)
hello hanody
are you working or home studing
i like this way of teaching
Thanks a lot ms.Ronnie :)
Thank you Ms.Ronnie it’s a great lesson
Thanks! It is very useful!
Hi Ronnie ; its a great vedio and helpful for communication.thanks a lot and i gonna apply thais….have a great day…
Thaanks! It is very good!
Dear Ms. Ronnie,
Thank you so much for your lesson.
In your lesson “How to talk about mistakes and regrets”, you have taught us for the modal “should” for example: I should have studied (Pronunciation part: I should of studied). Is it O.K if we pronunce “shoulda” instead of “should of”? or what is your recommendation if any?
Your reply is appreciated.
great lesson!!tank,s ronnie..regards me for all the tacher in engvid.
I gotta learn english, I musta practiced every single day,I hafta say u r great teacher. thanks a million lovely Ronnie.
I was wondering what happened with Ronnie. Long time since you have published a video. I missed you :( By the way, PLEASE do another video about pronunciation I love the way you teach it
could you pls make a video lesson about Subordinate Conjunctions? like although…
i enjoy to listen you English Lesson ^_^
your so good.
I’m from philippines ♥
Ronnie, you’re pretty funny. thanks!
Hi Ronnie!
Could You or any of engvid teachers make a lesson about “Questioning the subject”. I think that would be very interesting. Thank you!
Thanks Alot Teacher GOOD JOD
asad ak
madam very nice lecture on native words thinks for giving us knowledge
amazing ilove your way of teaching
hi rannie
thank you for lesson it,s great for me when i listen i learn more so i,m happy. i wish one day speak english same as you
modern style of speaking
thank you
Hi Ronnie,
Your lessons are useful not only for the students who want to learn or improve their English but also for the teachers of English(like me)from other countries(I’m from Romania).I’ve learnt from you how to teach,how to explain many things to my students…Thank you a lot ! You’re great teachers and I’ve enormously learnt from your experience…Best wishes,Adina
Ronni ‘ you are pretty funny teacher . T like your way to teach us and I’ve benefit a lot from that way . Thank you so sooooooooooooo much.
Hello teacher Ronnie, you really are a very loved teacher, congratulation.
Great Lesson, Thanks
thanks teacher , it’s very interesting
Thank you for this lesson
thanks Ronnie
you are really a good teacher ronnie…thanx 4 teaching with easily methods
Hi Rhonnie!I think this is the best website to learn how to speak English. Thank for giving more example.. Can you please correct my English if I type it wrong here.. I wanna learn more English.. Thank you again..
i don’t understant meaning sorta and kinda
Kinda = kind of
I don’t like this kind of food.
I know that kind of people.
El Shaka2006
I can’t listen your lessons without laughing!! Your lessons are very interesting and useful!!!
But, i wanna ask. Is that sentences correct?
I’m going to draw = I am gonna draw;
or i must say
I’m going to draw = I gonna draw. ?
You have to keep the verb “to be”, so you have to say I’m gonna draw!
Hi Miss Ronnie!…Just in a moment, I was searching in google information about passive causative, because that’s the topic that I’m learning in this month…well I saw this page and I really liked but I have a doubt, when I use “gotta”, you said that it is used with “I’ve” right? but I’d like to know if “got” is the of “go” or “get”, I’m very confused, please help me with some examples…
Thanks a lot!!!
very good explaination ronney you are great
i like the way You teach Ronnie, your lessons are useful for the students who want to learn or improve their English,i’m not a good learner i have very bad memory,and it haven’t be easy for me to learn English.but following you way i’m getting a little be better.thank you x x x x x
maia fernandes
tanks alotsa ^^
usefull bt simple. thank u so much.
hhhhhhhhhhhh i got 2/4
You mean song 2by4
This like that
I wanna make you
Shake you take you
I wanna be the one who brake you
hi!Ronnie i’m new in your site ,i’m studying in MADAGASCAR.
My writing is correct or no ? i wanna know to write and speck fluently,that i can ?
I’m Malagasy.
Teacher Ronnie is really cool.
Thank you Ronnie.
The way you have taught me was wonderful and i liked it. thanks
Sayed jan Q.Z
we really need a video lesson about “When to use (in,on and at)” or rather “prepositions”, I’ll appreciate that…
Thanks a lot, your lessons are very useful…
Hi , my name is gabriela ( 14 years ) and i’m from brazil . I’m loving your classes , its very cool . I study on CNA ( CULTURAL NORTH AMERICAN ) in my city Praia Grande.I’m in level pre – advanced 1 . I access this website and i’m loving . The explanations of the teachers are really great . I wait make a travel abroad soon . This website help a lot !
Xoxo , Gaby .
you guys are awesome! I really need to improve my english. coz this is the reason why im aloof to people. I’m not really good in speaking english, Hope i will learn here. More power!
U r funny thank U for the listen
Hi there,
Dear Ronnie,I’m really in2 English,particularly
video lessons but ever n never I’ve seen them,
actually it’s not possible 2 see them on line or even through donload,I just check the comments n learn some,,
Would u mind 2 lend a helping hand??!
Tnx in advance.
Thank’s for the lesson, Ronnie. For us, this kind of lessons is very important to improve the pronunciation.
Hello Ronnie, Thanks for your help. You really refreshed my memory. I’m going to start College 11-13. I know I’ll be ready for english. Thanks, Lori
hello my best teacher ronnie,thank you for all your lessons it is very usefule and nice too lik you. teacher i have a qustion for you i hope from you to answer .(HOW CANI IMPROVE MY SPEAKING(english language )?I really appreciate it. I hope YOU to help me because I write some QUASTIONS to other teacher and I need the answer but noone write to me any comment pleeese I need IT(necesary_)goodbye
Search on ENGVID for “conversation” – I have done 3 more videos to help you!!! Or you can just search my videos and you will find them!
hey ronnie!!i have a problem with my “s” words.i don’t know when i have to use “s” in a sentence and when i should not use “s”.for example :
you agree to be bound by the terms of license.
you agree to be bound by the term of license.
i have two cats?
i have two cat?
please include your easy example to make me more understand.tq for your help.
If you have more then one, you ALWAYS have to use “S” with uncountable nouns.
2 cats.
If the lease and only one term, you can say term of the lease. If the lease has many terms, you need the “s”!
tq for your reply ronnie =) …if u could make a video on how to use “s”,when to use “s” and when not to use “s” in the sentence that will be fantastic..
than not then teaaaaacheeeer!:-)
What the hell?!!Easy going!
Hi there,hope all’s well with u.,
By the way,did u pass IELTS?!If yes,how was it??In fact I’m gonna take part in too.
Goodluck with ur English!
yeap,i passed it and it was really difficult…!but i wish my best for u,
and now bcoz of moving i don’t have internet at home but after that u can have my boost with
hope to see uuu.
thank u so much …
Ronnie I’d like to ask you for a lesson about the vocabulary for “going to the hairdresser”. I need to have my hair cut but I’m very afraid about how to explain what I want. Thanks :)
thanks my teacher ronnie.
Hi miss Ronnie i like your teaching way.
thanks and regards,
Ronnie is a perfect teacher,how nicely and clearly she explains The lessons,I appreciate your contribution,Thank u.
ronnie i like ur way of teaching , and i wanna learn more lessen from you …
Really ur a nice teacher,please suggest me how to improve my English, listening skills, speaking skills , and vocabs .
Ronnie, which sentence is correct:
The faith is something that keep us alive, or,
The faith is something that keeps us alive. Please make this clear for me. Thank you in advance.
“The faith is something that keeps us alive”. Faith is singular so you need to put an “s” on the verb. He/she/it all need an “s”!
Hi Ronnie,
This lesson is quite well. Can make more videos like this?
Anand Devdhare
hi dear teacher
l really appreciate you tired for your videos.please Mrs Ronnie l need your help,l confused between pronoun (it) and(she/he-are used for animate) let me give you example
where is the cat? she is under the bed.
why we didn’t say ( it’s under the bed)??please help me.lam looking forward to your reply.thnks again
We can only call cats/pets by he or she if we know if it is male/female. We call animals “it”. However, when we have a pet, we think of it as part of the family so we call it “he or she”!
thanks a lot for your reply dear Ronnie,l appreciate it
I listened to song for Britney Spears : its name :” gimme more”
so: I wanna ask you and help me , please
“gimme more” like a meaning ” give me more”
I mean : ” gimme more” = ” give me more”
like :” wanna” =” want to” on this as.
the last thing , I wanna say it
in American English . the people say :” tryin” not “trying”
I mean: “V+ ing” in grammer but th American people say :”V+in” without “g”
I wanna thank you and James and Rebecca and all you.
for help and for learning. you are good woman.
Wow – please dont get your grammar or anything remotely to do with “English” from Britney.
Hi, I’m sorry but:
I say : I wanna or I’m wanna
that is in your questions
I know from ago : I wanna
thank you, the most wonderful teacher
You can only say I wanna. NOT I am wanna. You have to use “to be” verb with an adjective!
I love the way u saying must have like musta musta that’s cool u are a nice teacher Ronnie
Thank you very much. I am intersting.U are best teacher for me.
Thank you all very thing haved to show
Thanks Ms.Ronnie. I like the way you teach.Cool
hi i have problem with speaking English so what is your advice to me please nearly replay thanks for your lessons
thank you, it’s very useful, I’m not interesting to talk like native speakers in this way, but it’s useful to understand you. sometimes I watch movies and think what does that mean!
please make more videos about this, we want to know more about these, as [get out of here]
thank you
Very thanks teacher! It was so funny!
hey ronnie, i really like your lesson.. i hope i can speak english very soon.
I Wanna thank Ms. Ronnie so much and invite her to get lotsa pizza with drink before gonna my training and hafta tack my car
Dear Madam,
I really like your lession because of your method of teaching. i watched most of you lessions and i lerned lot better than school. i appriciate you and other teachers in Thank you very much.
i hope more to learn
Hello Ronnie. Thank you for this lesson. I think you are a great English teacher. I need a favor. Could you do a lesson about indirect questions. I don´t understand them. Thank you for everything.
Very useful expressions, thanks ;)
“I wanna be a native speaker.”
is it correct ?
Thank You very much for your response. I don’t know who ask you this question. But I have dejavu like it’s me ))
So Ronnie I wanna ask you also ’bout outta is that means Out to?
it means out of
Outta = out of… I ran outta gas.
Hello Ronnie I really like the way you teach could you please make video about grammars?
I know a lot of things that I learned long time ago but I don’t really know when or how to use them, For example like:
1- The mirror has been broken
2- The mirror had been broken
What’s the difference between these 2 sentences and how do I use the both of them?
Also: was or were + the past participle how do I use this particular grammar and what’s it called?
Please I need some help I got so many questions and I’m looking for answers :(..
1= present perfect
2= past perfect.
Present perfect we use for a past event that was not routine.
Pat perfect we usually use with another action that happened in the past. Ex. The mirror had been broken after I smashed it.
was/were + p.p. = passive. We use this when we are most concerned with the action than the person who did the action.
Well I think that and as far as I know that the first on
1- is not present perfect, We don’t include the word ”been” if we’re gonna use the present perfect
for example:
I’ve read that book once
is that true?
Hello Ronnie,
I wonder if the sentence I made below is correct in meanings and tenses:
When I woke up this morning, I said It was a long night that I had been dreaming about you or should I just use the past tense in that clause:
It was a long night that I dreamed about you, or It was a long night that I had dreamed about you. Because with the past perfect it happened when there are two actions, with one coming first before another action in the past. So in this sentence is the second verb ”dream” counted as the second action?
Could you give me the differences between which and what when asking questions?
Thank you very much indeed.
I was looking for English class at Youtube and I found You. I’m brazilian man, maybe the intermediate level. This is the first time I see so good english class.
every video is very useful thanks lotsa :)
ms, i cant not understand can you gave me more quizzes
Hi, Ronnie,I’ve confused between shoulda(should have) and should have (it was pronounce should of) example I should have studied. Or I shoulda studied.which is correct.
Both are correct, but when native speakers talk very fast, we say shoulda!
You’re great.I loved your explanation.
Thank you so much
lucia scheiner
i must thank you
ahmed abdulla
Beautiful Teacher
Really, , is the best website that i have visited to learn english, this website make me not visit other websites for leaning english, i wanna thank all people who work in this website
Moataz Fawzy
I don’t know what ” Clear the lulla!”means.
Can you help me , please?I found it in a lesson in an English book and I couldn’t find its sense.
Thank you in advance !
I have no idea, sorry!
ono problem
I know this this is slang word used for penis that’s the Urdu word….
Ronny is pretty cool. I like her really much. She explain the lessions very good.
hi bro i think you made a mistake didn’t you? cause you said: “Ronnie is pretty cool”. since pretty here is an adverb which means “quite”,”rather”, or “a little bit” i think you better shoulda said “extremely cool”.Am I right Ronnie?
by the way what I think is that there is a lot of mistakes made by people who translated english words and documented them in a formal way(dictionaries,translation programes..etc)..we should be aware for that.
finally thank you Ronnie for your leading information
Hi Ronnie!
I like you very much! You teach very nicely and I wanna tell you that I gotta haveta sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep!!! Haahahaha! :-)
hy, Ronnie,
such a good video for me.
You’re nice teacher cuz you know in which way you shoulda teached the student.
Thanks Ronne
Teacher Ronnie-thank u so much.
Thank you madam, you are so nice teacher. the way you are teaching us is very amazing and i really like it.
Thanks teacher
Thank you very much.
Please, give me more examples. Write down those modals and abreviations in some more examples.
thank you so much……..
Mrs. Ronni plz hoe I can use either and neither I send u alot but no answer
Mrs. Ronni plz how I can use either and neither I send u alot but no answer
Ronnie,please make a video about American,British, and Australia English…
Sorry I don’t know enough Australian English….look on the internet.
excuse me but i have one Q ..SOME TIMES People USE Sorta AND KINDA IN The Same Sentence .kinda n sorta have the same meaning when should i say them both like this one ”, it’s kinda sorta necessary” or this ”. I like you kinda, sorta a lot .” btw u’r awesome .tnk u very much
Thank you Ronnie.
Dear Ronnie, I’m glad I found …… I’m Sri Lankan, working as a teacher I get so many things from you , Thank you so much…
H.H.N. Premathunga
Ronnie,how i can improve my pronunciation problem.Reply me
What do you have problems with??
your website is cool. I luv it!
i know the old word how to pronounce it but i don’t know how to pronounce the new age word like
….cache,bullshit like this.
ahahha! If there are words you can’t say, look on-line at a dictionary, they usually give you the pronunciation of the word in both British and American!
how would be -if i say.i gotta read lotsa grammar.
I’ll begin to think that Japanese language is easier than english!!! Why the hell you have to change pronunciations? Why we cannot make it simple and pronounce it according to the grammar? Now I know why I cannot understand people while speaking, but I’m good at reading, writing and speaking. However, thank you Ronnie for your lesson, you did halp me a lot, love you!!!
You are really great. You just explain the lesson in a very easy way.Thanks
hello teacher
are haveta and hafta the alike
and do the american people use those expressions on the video or just canadian people
thank u a lot for your explanation
abdellatif benlalla
oh i made a mistake
alike not the alike
abdellatif benlalla
Very useful lesson,thanks a lot Ronnie!
that’s really great and i really feel more enlightn when i get here so lotsa thanx (lolz)for all of u
ma’am i would like to say this pls make a class how to explain recently watched movie to my friend and which tense should i use….
can we write “wanna” or “gonna” in a texte or an essay, or we just pronounce it like this when we talk??
As I said in the video, these are ONLY for speaking – NEVER for writing!
are hafta and haveta the same
both mean have to ???
you are great
This lesson was very helpfull for me. I had many problems with this words. Thx a lot Ronnie. This site is the best one. I want to know people from all world to talk in English. Send me an e-mail guys:
I have added you to my hotmail account and this is mine for you:
ı havent heard woulda coulda or musta before..ur way ot teaching us is awesome…thx
I’m from Kurdistan-Iraq i wanna say that u r the best teacher I have ever seen in my life in teaching English language. ur explanation is amazing everyone. hope I wl be ur student in the future. With regards.
Zhiar Taher Rashid
thank’s for this video is really helpful
Hi mam…ur teaching is excellent……GOODLUCK
Thanks a lot Ronnie
Thank you, Ronnie=)
how can we say adding negative verbs to that words?
We would say “don’t wanna, not gonna, don’t haveta”!!!
You’re great Ronnie!
Last day I thought “I not exacly know what wanna and gonna means” and today I looked on EngVid and what do I see!!!!?
Ronnie is teaching it :D:D
Thx again!
Hi Ronnie, you are the best one thanks you for everything here I am learn so much with you and I thought that this lesson is going to be so useful to me….I am so grateful for everything ,,Take care and God bless you and family…..Bye Byee
hey Ronnie, do you have skype or msn if you have, leave me your contact in my e-mail I´d like to be your friend…this is my e-mail lf_santos_@hotmail,com Thank you so much
Hey guys, if somebody here has skype or msn I wanna add you to practice and learn together..Please add me ….
hey yo what up? i´ve seen your add. where ya from, luiz? here´s my e-mail
I wish ,i can speake english like you
dude make it happen . i know you can do it. you just gotta be patient.
thank you ronnie
hey ronnie hey every one i have nothing to ask you about well for now but i wanna say ronnie you’r great teacher and i learned so much for you so thank you
hey ronnie you are too good.. i just listen your lesson, because your speaking style is much better than others…. thanks teacher.. keep it up..
it’s cool lesson
thank you so much for that lesson it was verry intersting ! I heard so many times these words but didn’t know what is that mean ! thank you
Thank you so much …
its really helpful i love the way thatch
Dear Teacher RONNIE
I’m your new student.I’m from Kazakhstan.I really like your lessons and i’m happy that i have found this website.I like this way of teaching.Thank you a lot.
Have a nice day
Why do British people don’t use such expressions?
I think that Americans are using them sorta distinguishing themselves. Anyway we havta get used to hear it. by the way, why don’t you do a lesson about the expression “used to” Ronnie? Maybe you did it yet. Thanks in advance.
Tnxs a lot Ronnie! I gonna faster my english
feel motivated understanding yr explanation.thanks a million!
Awesome vid :D thanks
Hello everyone! I’m new learner from Cambodia.
it was a nice lesson. i wanna ask a question how can i improve my vocabulary. plz tell me about this,
Best regards
i need ur help ronnie i hv many difficult in english i kove it and i want to learn it plz hlppppp
i’m wanna have to sell my car?!??! could someone explain it to me please :S !!
I wanna have to sell my car is not a proper sentence. You can say I”m gonna have to sell my car” or “I have to sell my car”, or I wanna sell my car”!
I wana to say thank you .
Ronnie, your lessons are useful and funny. You make pay attention to yours.
I have a question: there are many differences between American and Canadian english? If so, what are they?
Thanks a lot in advance
The differences are in accents and vocabulary.
*** correcting: you make me pay attention to yours.
Good!!! new Ideas for me…
You tube is filtered in my country .what shoud I do?
Sorry I don’t know! What country are you from?
I am from Iran .I am sure in China it is filtered too. so if it was a way…
Thanks Ronnie very much for your lesson I like your way of presenting lesson and your funny way and I will teach my students like you . please , please I want a lesson about connected speech or How can I speak like natives . Thanks Sameh Egypt
I´m gonna watch your videos, teacher ronnie. I wanna learn more englisg, so i shoulda been with lotsa confidence and I speak flunt. Thanks. grettings from monterrey, Mexico.
Thank for this site to allow us in this site and I pay thank for this whole group who created this site
just one inquiry,in the quiz,there are want a &want to..although the two of ’em are correct?!
Anyway,I loved your way of teaching,I gotta say it’s awesome
ı warmthly would like to gerat thanks all who created this site benefical for all of us…
all the bset…
thanks you for your lesson!
have a nice day.
Hi Ronnie
What should we say if we wanna say shoulda (in nagative) instead of (should’nt of )
thank u that lesson very interesting
That was a bad ass lesson.Keep up
isn’t lotsa closer to lots of than a lot of ? i look forward to your response. by the way, i’m a new, big fan of you.
dear ronnie do not think that i´m gone coo coo 4 cocoa puffs. ur da bum
dear ronnie please do not think that i´m gone coo coo 4 cocoa puffs. it just that u make people have self-reliance and that is so fawesome. xoxo
yo ronnie what´s cracking? i´m gonna have to find me a nice beautiful neither american or canidian gurlfrind to improve my english cuz i´ve tried everything such as read, watch tv shows, eventhough websits all in english and do not see any progress on my english skills i think i sucks on this subject. am i wrong? i almost forgot english musicians. just kidding about the gurlfriend yo ronnie, how am i doing?
Ronnie plz why dont you answer my question ? I’m waiting
realy ilike u ronnie
Thank yooou very thoughtful and useful lesson
Thank you Ronnie!
musta?! haha ;)
I’m proud of you my best teachrt
Hassan Al Eid
Thank you, Ms. Ronnie! Your lessons are very useful for me. Now I can understand my english-speaking friends better! :)
Thanks a lot!))
i get it and it was easy
thanks ronnie
Hi Ronnie you have an special method to teach that is too easy to learn thank you
Ronnie, I like u, I like ur lessons!!!
HI RONNIE how r u doing ? i hope u r good, i’m also fn . I hv a question which about those u hv saked us up there it says “I’M_____ KICK UR ASS” and the right ansewr u said “I’M GONNA KICK UR ASS!” so my question is why u nt used wanna as u say “I’M WANNA KICK UR ASS!” or it’s wrong and bytheway which tesns is this i respect ur answer thank u my dear teacher.
I am going (gonna) to kick your ass= future tense.
You can say I wanna kick your ass – but NOT I am wanna kick your ass!
hi teacher Ronnie you are awesome! I’ve learned lotsa lessons from u, thank you. Well im kinda trying hard english teacher hehe from Philippines I didn’t like my profession coz i know it from the beginning, english is difficult but when i had observe the need of learning english in my country specially in rural areas i can’t help but to pursue this career can u give me some tips on how to be a successful english teacher. You would be my inspiration then and i would be glad to hear it from you! Thank You!
Hi Ronnie!
I´m from Brazil. I’m loving your lessons. Thank You so much!
Lucia Costa
hi lucia, how if we were learn together?
hello, this is really amazing most specially for those students and other people who are not able to understand English… thanks to teacher Ronnie for helping us to understand this lessons. -Jer
easy to understand…i wanna learned more!
Miss, Ronnie i wanna ask ya a question when we wanna use ”gonna for future” we hafta put am after the subject like this ”’ i gonna go” or ”’i’m gonna go”
YES – you must always use the to be verb!!!
I knew about that web from youtube
it help me a lot in my career to improve my English,Ronnie u r very cool & the best :)
it’s very useful to me. thanks for teaching. please send your teaching videos to my mail beacause some time i have not get internet connection.
aha thank u a lots
Thanks a lot!
thnx teacher Ronnie,it’s really a helfull lesson
i think that this lesson is quuite like assimilation no???
i really have a huge problem with assimilation lesson; would you please help me and explain it to me in just few words or give a link that can help
and i’ll be very very thankful
thnx again
hi there,im gonna say u r the best teatcher in the world,ur way to learn is very affective,
im realy very excited,by theway im new student.i love ur,im from libya
this is the best video to learn English I’ve ever seen.
Hey teacher Ronnie how are you doing;hope you are doing well
thnx so much for this wonderful lesson i think that it’s quite similar to the lesson of assimilation No!???
well i actually have a huge problem with assimilation lesson…would you please help me by telling me a little bit about it or giving me a link that can help me pleasssssssssse
have a great time
bye bye
thank you soooooooooooooooooooo much teacher Ronnie i really do appreciate
Thanks AJ Ronnie, it’s very informative.
Thanx teacher Ronnie
Can I write like
I’m gonna hafta sell my car.
You can only write it in informal situations! If you wrote in on a test, it would be wrong!
Your web page won’t render correctly on my iphone4 – you might want to try and repair that
learn violin
Thanks teacher I feel so confident when i use this common with the native speaker. I hope i can learn much more in your web site, to improve and develop my English speaking.
Hi Ms. Ronnie. I have a question about using the word “gonna” instead of going to. Last night I talked to my husband and i used the word “gonna” and he corrected me. He said “Never in my life I use the word gonna”. According to him, it is not proper to use that kind of word and we had a fight just because of this and I tried to explain it to him coz that is what I learned from this lesson.But he said in north America they didn’t usually use the word “gonna” instead of going to!!! I wanna hear your opinion. Thanks.
Whoa! That sucks you guys had a fight! I use gonna all the time – never written, always spoken.
Yeah, It really sucks. And I was not satisfied I asked my ESL teacher tonight about the word “gonna” and he said “people who use the word gonna is kind of lo-so or low society and not that smart or didn’t go to school”. And then I realized not to use the word “gonna” anymore instead of going to. lol
It is so cool. I wanna learn negative Sentences as below. Should not have – shouldn´t have – shouldnave..or might not have – mighnada..cos there are so many silent letters , d or t or h are gone..would, should, might, could , will, shall, or something, Can you tell me pronounciation of Linking of Modal Verb Nagative Sentences ? Thank you ,Dear Ronnie .
What you have written as examples are great!
cos I had so many problem..It´s kinda like Link of Modal Verb sounds
I knew all of words..might, should, would, whatever , But I can not recognize the words which I have already known or leanrt..This is Probelm..I can not catch the sound ” not “,, cos They do not say
” not ” but also na, or da,,wouldna, shouldna,, or shouldnave ( should not have ) wouldnave ( would not have ) Do you have any Rule about this negative sentences sounds ? It make me crazy.
Not really….sorry!
thank you for rave information
Ronnie you are very cool, I like learn english with you, thanks
César Brazil
Ronni you are a good teacher,your way of teaching is very good.Actually,today i have opend this site 1st time.i want to learn eng by you,pls guide me from where should i start?
Go to “All lessons”, then click on 1- beginner, 2-intermediate or 3-advance.
OR…go to “teachers” and click on the teacher you would like to learn from!
Now I understand how to speak informal r doing excellent job.apiceatable.
I like you very much. I am Brazilian and I would like to learning English.
Luiz Carlos de Sá
i like the way you teach madam! hahaha. maybe i am gonna be one of your fans :D
can i use wanna , gonna , gotta and ect in formal letters ?!
salah mahmoud
what about whatta? does that have meaning? Thanks
Yup! It means what do..
Ex. Whatta ya wanna drink? What do you want to drink?
Thank you lady or madam
thank you teacher Ronie
I’m Refaqat Bcs(hons) from Pakistan. I really like your method of teaching Ronnie. Make more Fun in class that we remember the class because of your fun. If there is fun in class then we also remember your class.
Muhammad Refaqat
Cool !!! i like the way that you teach us Ronnie !!!!!
Thanks guys,it’s so great to have teachers like you!!
thats lots but why did you say that gotta means “have got” not “have gotten”????
We rarely use proper English grammar “have gotten”. We ignore a lot of grammar rules when we speak!
i gotta be happy withe your explane
Ronnie, hi!I’m sorta confused. Should we say a verb to be before gonna?
e.g I’m gonna to watch this movie
I gonna watch this movie.
What’t correct?
Hi! I just wanna say thanks! I did really well at the qiuz and I am happy for that! :) I belive Ronnie is a lovely teacher! :D
thank u for ur help but i wonder if is it polite to talk like that
very nice … congrats Ronnie
hi.. very nice n thanks, like in english do u know any history teachers also?
Thank you from the depths.
I have a question isThe difference between of and off.
The second question:We have a problem in the pronunciation of the letters and write.Is there a program to help us
can’t you make us understand in hindi…………..i mean in our mother lanuguage……….hehehe just kidding dear
Thanx Ronnie
U r an adorable trainer
Abdul Qayum
Dear ronni thankyou foryourcool teaching methode and cute emotions while teaching.Please explane why the sentence”I,mgonna kick our ass”is correct and the sntence”I wanna kick your ass” iswrong?
best regards
I’m gonna/I wanna kick your ass are both correct!
How have we to use,those words in the negative form?
Not gonna
Don’t haveta
Don’t wanna
Hey teacher, Thanks a lot for your classes, I don’t know if the theme is closed, but, I need to know if in a job interview it’s better to use “gonna” “wanna”…for sound more anglo…or is much better to use “going to”, “want to”…or both of them are good?
Thanks for you time!
see you later…
Never use gonna/wanna/havta in a job interview! They are only for slang or when you talk very quickly!
In this video you could add part of films where use this expresions. :) bye.
Thank you very much.
hi Ronnie, i like the way you teach very much , thank you <3
you’re a kinda great teacher
hi Ronnie
very thanx for this lisons,but i have question; what about the words which has the sound (h) i hear this sound is omit with phrases or sentences in rapid speach such as words (had becomes /ad/ ,have -/av/ , has -/az/ etc are this corect?
Yes! You are correct!
“Ronnie” I thank you for all.I’m feeling happy with that explain.Ronnie in indirect questions a sentence says:
Where does James live ?the answer is :
I have no idea ……….Continue..
I wanted to know how does it do in INDIRECT. REPLY ME ?
Sorry, I do not understand your question.
A good lesson Ronnie,thumbs up.
thank u ^_^
very easy!
Thanks a lot!It was my question and now I know a little more. You lessons are very useful. Your way of giving us the grammar is simply a wonder. Thank you very,very much.
Teacher Ronnie i hafta inspire by ur teaching.did you have have Skype id for further knowledge plzzz?
Usman Bin Abdul Hafeez
Dear, Ronnie! Why we use there “have”?
“I’m gonna have to sell my car.”
I’m going to have to sell my car..
Why not – I’m going to sell my car? … What is difference?
Best regards. Thank you.
Alex from Prague
Dear, Ronnie i like your teaching style.and thanks to define our knowledge.
Hi, Ronnie…
Can you please explain how and where to use could have, would have and should have?
I wanna appreciate you.
Ronnie’s videos are really really amazing.. nd ur kinda teaching was great and so funny.. wow i love it Ronnie :D
heyy Ronnie i got a question can u suggest some other modals ??
thank you so much
Good evening,Ronnie… There are too many “likes” in English.For example,
What does he look like?
What does he like?
What is he like?
What would you like?
What was the weather like yesterday?
Do it like me…
Help,please.I know you can do the best.
Thank you very much.
hi thanks
Hi! Can we use these native contractions during formal occasions or interviews (in North American setting)? Thank you!
geez! in my language which is Turkish “hafta” means “week” . tyvm Ronnie
Keep it up Ronnie.
Hei Ronnie…. what is true of these words “I’m gonna” or “I gonna”? or anyone who knows please…
Thanks for your video Ronnie.Gbu
I wish that I have known Ronnie before spending too much for studying English.
I gonna ask you if you don’t mind about flapping in American and Canadian Accent.
Thanks Ronnie,
hey…is it a proper way to speak when we’re having an interview?
this is very easy to understand while watching movie,thank you so much ronnie……
It”s very nice
thank yo very mauch
im araby a undarstand for tha leson
It was nice watch to you.I don’t want to talk about it.You are so great teacher.Good luck in learn.
thank you ronnie for this lesson
thanks alot
hi guys
i wanna improve my accent >>anyane can help me add me in skype Amal707
thanks a lot for these amazing lessons
Yes, native speakers really speak fast and kind of «eat»some words. I have a channel about Foreign Languages, feel free to visit. Just search on youtube: Nelson Lino. Thank you!
Actually it”s not quite clear for me if “gotta” stands for “got to” or “have got to”. And so, do you say “I’ve gotta go” or just “I gotta go”?
And what about the 3d person singular? He gotta or He’s gotta?
Thank you!
It just stands for “got to”, but when you’re using informal English like this, you can leave out the “have” when you’re saying “I gotta go.” But you have to have “have” in third person singular: “He’s gotta go.”
engVid Moderator
great !
Hello Ronnie
Do you give privet lessons online ?
All the best
Dear Ronnie
Thanks so much for the lessons
You’re my best teacher:)
thanks ronnie for such usefull lessons.
thanks a lot i’am from Egypt i wanna say that’s ace and very useful for me
Ali Ismail
I wanna say that I’m only interested in this program. thanks a lot.
thanh trung
Ronnie the reason why lotsa is written with an s it’s because it’s replacing “lots of”. for example, I have lots of books on the table. I have lotsa books on the table.
it was really a good lesson..thanks a lot
Ronnie,can i say: i WANNA to sell my car???
Because i want to sell. It’s correct???
Yes! Correct!
Ronnie, in this case (I wanna TO sell my car), I have understood that you mustn’t use “to”. So we shoulda say “I wanna sell my car”, dont’t you?
Hi Ronnie,I wanna ask about the negative forms of model verbs like “wouldn’t” or “wounldna” are both correct can I say wouldna instead of wouldn’t or would not please help me out thanks
Muhammad Fahim
Sure! You can say wouldna!!!! Great!
thx respected teacher Ronnie,u teach me.or make me able to understand these kinda words,thx realy
Thanks!! Your all services are best thanks to be with us
Muhammad Fahim
” I gotta confess, teacher Ronnie is unique, very intelligente, spirited and full of fun”. The learning gets easy this way.
I am used to use this in my everyday language,, I mean with friends..
Thanks to Ronnie for teaching Enlish. My name is Abdiwali, my email is Thank you so much again
Abdiwali Mohamed
it was perfect
Hi… My best teacher Ronnie, I want to thank you about this way in teaching
Ms. Ronnie could you please explain as soon as, as still as, or as possible as why we repeat ” as ” two times please reply
As soon as = do it now!
As still as = you are describing something that does not move.
as _____ as is a simile.
Hi teacher Ronnie. If you don’t mind I wanna ask something about this lesson. “gotta” and “gonna” are the same meaning or not? give me the explanation please.
Gotta = got to.
Gonna = going to. They are different!
hi madam my problem is i forget English words because it is the third language could you give any easy way please and thanks
Watch the new lesson on remembering vocabulary!
Hi Ronnie! Thank a lot of your help. I wanna study a lot from you. I have a confused that when say “Gotta” it means that “‘ve got to” but after “have” must be “gotten”. Pls advise me. Thank you
Gotta is slag so we can use it anyway!
Thanks Ronnie.
ronnie could you help me about this?
When he gets back, his father _____________ at home.
a) is being c) has been
b) will be d) was
and explain that for us
and this plz
The library ______________ during the holidays.
a) will redecorate c) will be redecorated
b) redecorates d) will be redecorating
I could not understand gotta. Would you please explain me wit
I could not understand gotta.Please explain me with other examples.
Best Regards
Thank you.
I like your lessonse.
thank you very much but can you teach us more English words please
sara swatchi
wowwwww i gotta 4in3 thank ronnie
Great teaching…..
I wanna study hard from you thank you so much
3 correct out of 4 – Thomas from Poland thx
tanks ronnie
what a nice teaching method,you are a good teacher.. thanks
rashmi sujith
it is a useful lesson, thanks!
Thank u Ronnie for ur lectures ,really awesome and intelligent teacher ,,,,,,
I am dara from kurdistan
Please tell me if we can use an article “THE” before the name of a firm such as Nestle of Siemens, Schnieider, Macdonalds etc…
Thank you Ronnie.
thanx ronnie :)……..its really a fun to learn from you
i like…..thanks you…
Hello Ronnie.really am gonne to ask you about the tense of have.because i found out my self i used alotsa present tenes and past and future but sorta the tenses have to.also is confused please if you have time Ronnie try to give me more detail about it how we can use it in the right way without any difficlties.because sometimes i really embarressed when i felt on mistakes like that fornta natives.i hope you gotta my message and you what i mean.always thank you so much for effort and cooperation.Mr Imad.
Wow Ronnie It’s so so helpful. I love it! 10Q I got so many things. I love u’r teaching way keep it up :) thank you very match!!!
So great ! Thx !
that’s so cool, Ms. Ronnie! ;) thx for the material.
Dear Ronnie.
Thank you a lot for your lessons. May I ask you?
If I can use “have got to” instead of “have to”, are they equal? What difference between “gotta” and “hafta” in the use?
4. “I’m _________ have to sell my car.”
I’m GONNA have to sell my car?
Is it correct? Maybe “I’m gonna sell my car”?
are we can use gonna and gotta …etc in writing
And Is it considered formal language
Hi teacher Ronnie
Can we use these three words in British English ?
Hi! Ronnie, well, I just wanna give you a congratulation, because you’re such an amazing teacher. I’ve saw all your videos and you look awesome lately. well and can I ask you a favor?… please tell what’s the difference between MAY and MIGHT. I think that those words can be use like CAN. Am I right?
thanks a lot
thanks a lot
Hi Ronnie.
your lessons are very helpful, I enjoy watching them. Thanks a lot.
I have a question.
in movies, I hear this sentences a lot, realy a lot. ” I gar it “.
it must be ” I got it “.
but i don’t know, it’s a slang or a prononciation thing, or I have to see a doctor for my ears. lol
Thank you very much, really so much.
This is difficult to me but this lesson were interesting.
Your teaching is not at all exhausting.You make learning english easy and funny.thank u Ronnie!
tnhx in my deep hearts.Ronnie….
I have just come across your website and I find your lesson, this particular one very interesting .
I would like you to prepare another one about the English liaison . I mean you do native speakers combine some letters. Like t,d,s,z+y
My teacher gave us and example like this. Don’t you like it is spoken’ don’t chew lye kit
Thank You for this lesson. It helped me to speak English better.
Oh my God! The English is so rare :s
Thanks Ronnie. Got 85 %.
Hey Ronnie, I just wanna ask you what the meaning of this word slang “dunna”
thank you so much for that lesson it was verry intresting ! I heard so many times these words but didn’t know what is that mean ! thank you
quetion 2: can i say i wanna kick ur ass or not?
what about
pronunciation of ” t” in ” gotta ” ?
I think i heared it “d” !:)
Thank you Ronnie,I enjoy learning with you :)
Hend mamdouh
Hi Ronnie, I have a problem here, I cant’ watch any videos of your lesson. Actually, As you might know that youtube is banned in Pakistan. I used to watch your lessons on the youtube but its speed is very slow on the youtube. Is it possible to watch videos on this website. Pl reply me
4 of 4
i shuolda see more videos :P
thanks Ronie
you are sooo cute
Thank you very much
Thank you Ronnie. A very useful lesson
Ronie, it ia clear! But is it academic?
Great Teacher Ronnie. I am English student and this is very important when yo wanna learn everything in english.. you’re a very good teacher… kisses
Eulises Esp.
It is soooooo nice Ronnie
i was “MDR” which means “dead of laugh” don’t know how to express this in english you’re a fantastic teacher and i’m stunning on your videos
can’t help myself laughing and learning
If you ever come to France let me know i’ll be please to assist the best i can
i meant pleased not plz well well …
Hey one question: is it “in tv ads or on t.v? ” Thnks A LOT¡¡ ur great¡
Dear Ronnie, please help make me clear using of “gotta”.
If I understand well, “I gotta do sg” = “I have to do sg” or “I must do sg”
I’m not sure, but it seems like “I have gotten to …” (“get to” in Present Perfect Tense) means something different. Am I wrong?
(In fact I didn’t find any examples in which after “get to” stands an infinitive. I found “get to” means to start doing sg, or to annoy/upset someone. )
somehow my listening skills are improving after watching this video. thanks ronnie, keep it up.
Thanks for the useful lesson, but there shoulda been much more quiz questions. 4 questions are not enough. :)
Ronnie ur fantastic, learning sometimes is tricky, u think you’ve learned it all, n then ur about to say I’m done u realize u didn’t learn or forgot a small detail back there,as I’m watching american series, I see the people say should have or anything like that really fast, but I thought like should’ve I could tell it was pp bc of the participle verb afterward, but now it makes much more sense lol, I’m blown away!
Mehran Sky
what a pretty and noisy teacher you are !
Ronnie, You’re an awesome teacher
Ebrahim Elafifi
you’re right
Great,I’ve been intrested to know these since years.
Hi! I love american english and i want to live in U.S. I’m giving lower on May but i’m not sire if I can speak English well. Could you please tell me a way to practise my self????? I luv u and your videos!!! Bye!!!!
Thank You so much Teacher.
Fabio Soares
What is the meaning of “Dafuq” ??
Mario Alxandro
Thanks a lot ! I took the test and I got a 100 :D ! So proud of myself and I’m really thankful to you ❤️
you help me a lot of in vocabulary
thank you so much teacher Ronnie
I wanna say ‘thank you’
Think you very much ronnie
Dear Ronnie
I do not understand a sentence please help me.
“I figured he might’ve called”
I think it is present perfect
Why not used ‘has’ : he might has called ?
I think it is sustainable construction in this situation. Past tense + might + have +V3.
Oleg-St. Petersburg
Because if we have construction maked by 2 verbs, (would have, could have, may have…) we change jast first verb: might (1)(it was may) have (2) – stay unchenged.
Oleg-St. Petersburg
I’m wanna see you in my city.bye ronnie
ronnie i wanna know what’s the difference between woulda and would off cuz at the end both wanna say …. would have, right? and the same with the other words, by the way, thank u, ur lessons have been really helpful
she’s great.i like the way she explains the lessons.
Why I can’t say
“I’m wanna have to sell my car.” ?????
Oleg-St. Petersburg
Is it sound right to you? So you should say I wanna sell my car or I’m gonna have to sell my car.
because it isn´t correct you have to say i am gonna sell my car
wonderful lesson….have introduced myself to some new slang……thanks ronnie.
Hi rooney, I Aced the quiz. is that correct?
By the way I have a question ,why in the sentence who did he want to kick the ball I can’t use wanna?
Mahdi English
hello ,i want to improve my english so i need a friend to practice through social site like google+,line .
I also want to learn right grammar and speaking in American English more better and deep English.
Thanks for taught me.i gonna learn English in every day for the best result for me.You are one of inspiration to learn English language.
Thanks to RONNIE.
I like teacher Ronnie. She is so hilarious :) She makes me laugh.
Quize is very funny. Thank you,Ronnie. You are fab!
Winter is coming
Great and awesome video, mr.Ronnie. Let me ask you question. Can we use two of these words in the same sentence. for example : I’m gonna hafta sell my car ?? Reply me plz :)
4/4 ^^.
Khiem An
i’m gonna like it here :)
ann ann
i had lots of questionss about it and you answered them. i got 4 out of 4! thanks ronnie!
Thank you for your wonderful lessons, Ronnie! I gotta a question. Tell me please about writing these contractions.I often see it in text of songs and mails, and I don’t understand may I write it in? (especially “wanna” and “gonna”).Thanks In Advance. p.s. Are there lessons to improve pronunciation? Also lessons about the end of the plural and in 3rd person (seems so)))? (the ugly “s” or “es”)
I just wanna say,thank you for being sucks an amazing teacher you are!…..
thanks Ronnie XX :*
Very useful and informative lesson, Ronnie!)))
Thank you Ronnie
thanks teacher
Very clean in her explanation.nice teacher. Thanks
GR8…the way of ur teachin’ is excellent
Has Group whatsApp?
Hi Emma, it was very useful video.I’m thankful to you…
hurrey! Achieved 100%. thanks Runnie.
Hi teacher ronnie! Please make a video about the purposes of ‘had had’, ‘has had’ and ‘have had’. I’m really confused about that part. Thank you teacher! youre a great teacher!
Thank you Ronnie
Why looks like I don’t understand songs but I can understand a conversation between two men.
i wanna connect to a partener who is interested in practicing english speaking
asmaa hm
If u teach me all langugeges i will be jenous hahah molto molto grazie
Ali mohamed5
wow, awesome! Ronnie, u’re great!
Aisha Sultanova
thank u about inf
It’s VERY useful video for me. It’s hard for me most of time to follow native english speaker because of these slangs.
The firs 4 expressions are very popular in modern english, so you GONNA listen them every day.
Plz mam Ronnie remove my confusion about 4th example in quiz.(I’m gonna have to sell my car.) I’m really confused that what is actual meaning of that sentence. I hope you help me.
Seemi siddiqui
Ronnie, you are an amazing mentor.
Hay Ronne , Can i have your e-mail to contact with you? , please … and thank you for your lessons.
Omar Elzeini
u r really good
hi, ronnie,i hafta learn english so, i watch lotsa video on your channel and, i wanna thank you as i believe i gonna learn lotsa from you.this verbs not change with pronounce (he, she , it ……) ?
mohamad abdelwahab
Hey teacher, you are really a good teacher… one of the best English teacher..
Kazi Sefat
This class, turned me hungry.. So, I wanna eat lotsa margarita Pizza. Such as be possible
Awesome teaching. Thanks Ronnie. God bless you. I gonna learn.
“I’m _________ have to sell my car.”
My answer is been “wanna”, because in my mind
“I’m going to have to sell my car!” sound bad.
1 error here for me :(
I could not understand the last question.
I’m _________ have to sell my car.”
My answer is been “wanna”, because in my mind
“I’m going to have to sell my car!” sound bad and not match properly.
can anyone help me for this?
Nirav DJ
i got 100%
pretty techer
Thanks Ronnie.
I really like your way to explain short words.
I’m always thinking where that word come from.
Ronnie, can you please answer me? As I understood gotta and hafta have nearly similar meaning?Is it right?
thank u very much for your lesson , it was awesome
Hi Ronnie, thanks a lot for your great lessons, I wanna ask you how can I improve my English, I’m intermediate English level and I don’t know how to start, there are many lessons and sources and I really very confused, can you suggest me a daily study plan ? thanks a lot
Thank you, Ronnie! Four out of 4.
Thank you so much, you are a excellent teacher I am learning a lot of new things with you keep doing it please.
Thanks, the lesson is great. You’re always give us the best lessons.
I Have a question:
Can I add like in this sentence
I Gonna make this cake!
Jenifer Tran
Thank you, Ronnie I really appreciate your teaching especially this lesson but I don’t understand exactly about how to use it.
I love so much.
Ronnie, please extend the samples in the explanation of each expression. It’s not clear
Hey, Ronnie. You are a great English teacher. Thank you for one more nice video! Keep it up. Thanks again for everything :)
today I have felt my video call with a friend because I wrong answered them when they asked me a question that embarrassed me in front of my sister her friend obviously I have a problem with listening how I can improve that
Anna amal
Hey Ronnie, I love your videos. I’ve learnt a lot with them. Can I ask a question? What does “imma” mean? Thanks a lot
Chai Mend
I wanna tell you your class was great. I’m gonna go. It’s kinda old joke
Get it… got it!
I’m gonna say:
Thank You teacher ^_^
yeah!!! she’s really cool
and i like her teach method :D
suheib alabed
Why I’m not able to hit quiz button?
mariya bhaila
Love ur teaching method ..?
mariya bhaila
you are a great teacher
This is very very useful. Awesome.
I’m gonna to be a native speaker soon. Yay!
Acaua Galmarine
Thank you Ms. Ronnie.
Thank you very much Ronnie!!
Thank you Ronnie, you’re the best.
Thanks so much!!!
Ronnie can i ask a question.what is the wrong with” i am not have to sell my car”
wow I hanks and
2/4! Crazy! I have to go over the lesson. Not totally understand.
Jerry Gu
thank you so much, just a quick qustion. this offten used in talking and it’s conseder as a slang wright ?
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Teacher Ronnie is really cool.
Thank you Ronnie.
yes she is cool and i like the she teach
I’m much more interested in getting my ideas acrossed than talking like a native speaker.
In the end, communication is what matters.
What do you think about it?
Useful class to improve our listening skills.
Have a great day Ronnie!!!
I think it is useful if you want to speak in American English but not in British English.
Maybe I wrong.
Yes and i like her teach method
I love Ronnie. Her voice is so good
yeah! she’s cool , and I love the way she teaches. Awesome teachers in ENGVID.
;) :> :)
Yeah you’re right we all like this lovely teacher and the way she teaches . i have learnt a lot of with her i just need practice English because it is not our official language . Thank you Ms.Ronnie !
Yeah!!! She’s really cool!))
I Am fond of those kind of lessons
50 score ╥﹏╥
If i said “you gotta do some thing” it will be right ?
I think it’s not right
you must say “you’re gotta do something”
it’s right
you can’t say gotta after verb to be.
so You gotta … (without are )
i agree.gotta means going to but going to always go with gotta.because it is equal “WILL”
I think going to equals gonna not gotta
gotta means got to. If i’m not mistaken
actually you r wwong and kiro is right
you’re right !
yes you’re right
new but easy
I’d like you to tell something.I’ve been listening you and others teachers on engvd and watching the videos for past six months and I think that my english has improved much.Actually Ronnie you can’t believe that my morning starts off listening your’s and other teacher’s voice and night ends up with you too.I can feel that I am in a classroom and learning english with you.These videos and the explanation of everything you give is really awesome.I really appreciate your teaching..I wanna ask you one question-Is it possible to make a sentence in english without using a verb?And I wanna clarify another thing that is-Everything we think or do or say we must use a verb with a subject which actually causes that action and an object which receives the same.Doesn’t English work in this way?Because when I hear you ,I notice that whatever you describe or tell you use the action word alongwith the actiondoers.I’d like you to solve this problem because I can’t proceed ahead without clarifying it..plz I’m looking forward to your reply…
You cannot have a proper sentence without a verb!
Yes, you are correct~!
this is may be short comands like
Short response like: Yes!(without I do or it Is or somtehing else). But may be that is not sentence justy expression or phrase. May be there are some phrases without object only verb. Stay! Move! Down! Wrung Up! )))
Hi !
Ronnie isn’t it something wrong is this sentence please look up this paragraph again .
Dear ronnie,
i wanna ask you one thing shall i use wanna , gonna, gotta and hafta in my official mail.. pls advise me..pls
No – only in speaking or casual mail!
Hi Ronnie! I’m very happy to get chance to learn lotsa English lessons from you. I really like the way you teach us. I have heaps of questions to you. Some people told me when you sit for speaking and writing test of IELTS you can’t use wanna, gonna and gotta etc, Is that true? The another question is that English is my second language and I’ve been living in Australia more than one year and I love to watch English movies, For me which way actually is better to watch the movies, when I watch movie at home with the English subtitles or without. Can you suggest me please? I just wanna learn English because I wanna be a good English speaker, writer, reader and listener because It’s my dream.
When you do IETLS DO NOT use wanna, gonna, gotta!!! It is “slang”.
If you CAN understand the movies without subtitles, that is great but very difficult! I recommend watching them first with subtitles, then without!! Good luck!
what the meaning of (I am gonna have to sell car)
it means in near future i will sell my car
thank u
The way you write for a learner impressed me. Your attention would be a gift for a beginner like me. Congratulations.
“Lotsa” I think also derived from “lots of”… Maybe
Thank you Ronnie for lesson
thank u very much for your lesson , it was awesome
hi mem ronnia how r u i really like this video about gonna wanna
but lital bit confussion
can i how to use it
for example: i wanna gotsa pizza
that is crect increct
You can say ” I wanna get some pizza”! Or I want “lotsa” pizza. Listen to the video again! You must keep the grammar rules but just change the pronunciation!
can i say ?
i wanna lotsa pizza
I think you can’t because “wanna” is “want to” and you cannot say “I want to a lot of pizza”.
Hi Ronie…it’s the first time im here…how about if the subject is the third personal pronoun..for example, can I say “she wanna study with me”, and also in the past ” he wanna hit me yesterday”…
every video is very useful thanks lotsa :)
she is exactly a good teacher.
thank you teacher Ronie..
it’s really usful information, i heard it today …
thanks Ronnie for your effort ^_^
I gotta say it’s been a great lesson, I don’t know why in institutes of English they are reluctant to teach these things.
hi dear best teacher i’m from Afghanistan-Bamyan, so i love your teaching way and i dont have any especial comment, just i wana thanks form you services, so could you say how to downlod the file for learning? so please please guide me, becouse i love to be your student for learning english, so please help me, thanks have anice time, bye
good teaching
Thank you Ronie ,you can’t imagine how fast I’m learning ,you are a wonderful teacher you make me fell secure and comfortable in this process
Cool! I’m happy to hear this!
Your name like a song. I remember some words from it. “I alwayz said somethig ‘rong with little strange Ronnie Long”. It’s amazing song. You are amazing woman. Perphaps everyone love you.
correct you are amazing teacher!
Ronnie, can you elaborate on the negative pronunciation form of woulda, shoulda, coulda, and musta?
Thanks Ronnie.
thnks for dis wonderful lessons :)
Hi Ronnie, I really like your lessons and I’m happy that I’ve found this website :)
I have one question regarding this lesson … what’s the difference between gotta (have got to) and hafta (have to)?? I’m little bit confused :(
Thank you for your reply in advance.
Have a nice day
Gotta is quite slang, whereas have to is a little more formal!
Hi Ronnie, regarding to your answer just above, is “hafta” a quite slang compared to “have to”? And if yes, is it the same for all the others?
Yes, hafta= have to. It is not really slang, it is just how we say it when we speak really fast!
Ok, thank you for your answer I hafta train to speak fast English :)
Great lessone thank you so much ms.Ronnie ;)
hello hanody
are you working or home studing
i like this way of teaching
Thanks a lot ms.Ronnie :)
Thank you Ms.Ronnie it’s a great lesson
Thanks! It is very useful!
Hi Ronnie ; its a great vedio and helpful for communication.thanks a lot and i gonna apply thais….have a great day…
Thaanks! It is very good!
Dear Ms. Ronnie,
Thank you so much for your lesson.
In your lesson “How to talk about mistakes and regrets”, you have taught us for the modal “should” for example: I should have studied (Pronunciation part: I should of studied). Is it O.K if we pronunce “shoulda” instead of “should of”? or what is your recommendation if any?
Your reply is appreciated.
great lesson!!tank,s ronnie..regards me for all the tacher in engvid.
I gotta learn english, I musta practiced every single day,I hafta say u r great teacher. thanks a million lovely Ronnie.
I was wondering what happened with Ronnie. Long time since you have published a video. I missed you :( By the way, PLEASE do another video about pronunciation I love the way you teach it
Thanks Ronnie! Yours lessons are so great!
Hi Ronnie, Your way of Teaching is just awesome
Could you help me any of these
1. Phrasal Verb (Transitive/Intransitive/Separable/Inseparable)
2. Embedded Question
3. Sentences ends with Preposition.
I really appreciate it.
Search on engvid for these lessons!
could you pls make a video lesson about Subordinate Conjunctions? like although…
i enjoy to listen you English Lesson ^_^
your so good.
I’m from philippines ♥
Ronnie, you’re pretty funny. thanks!
Hi Ronnie!
Could You or any of engvid teachers make a lesson about “Questioning the subject”. I think that would be very interesting. Thank you!
Thanks Alot Teacher GOOD JOD
madam very nice lecture on native words thinks for giving us knowledge
amazing ilove your way of teaching
hi rannie
thank you for lesson it,s great for me when i listen i learn more so i,m happy. i wish one day speak english same as you
modern style of speaking
thank you
Hi Ronnie,
Your lessons are useful not only for the students who want to learn or improve their English but also for the teachers of English(like me)from other countries(I’m from Romania).I’ve learnt from you how to teach,how to explain many things to my students…Thank you a lot ! You’re great teachers and I’ve enormously learnt from your experience…Best wishes,Adina
Ronni ‘ you are pretty funny teacher . T like your way to teach us and I’ve benefit a lot from that way . Thank you so sooooooooooooo much.
Hello teacher Ronnie, you really are a very loved teacher, congratulation.
Great Lesson, Thanks
thanks teacher , it’s very interesting
Thank you for this lesson
thanks Ronnie
you are really a good teacher ronnie…thanx 4 teaching with easily methods
Hi Rhonnie!I think this is the best website to learn how to speak English. Thank for giving more example.. Can you please correct my English if I type it wrong here.. I wanna learn more English.. Thank you again..
i don’t understant meaning sorta and kinda
Kinda = kind of
I don’t like this kind of food.
I know that kind of people.
I can’t listen your lessons without laughing!! Your lessons are very interesting and useful!!!
But, i wanna ask. Is that sentences correct?
I’m going to draw = I am gonna draw;
or i must say
I’m going to draw = I gonna draw. ?
You have to keep the verb “to be”, so you have to say I’m gonna draw!
Hi Miss Ronnie!…Just in a moment, I was searching in google information about passive causative, because that’s the topic that I’m learning in this month…well I saw this page and I really liked but I have a doubt, when I use “gotta”, you said that it is used with “I’ve” right? but I’d like to know if “got” is the of “go” or “get”, I’m very confused, please help me with some examples…
Thanks a lot!!!
very good explaination ronney you are great
i like the way You teach Ronnie, your lessons are useful for the students who want to learn or improve their English,i’m not a good learner i have very bad memory,and it haven’t be easy for me to learn English.but following you way i’m getting a little be better.thank you x x x x x
tanks alotsa ^^
usefull bt simple. thank u so much.
hhhhhhhhhhhh i got 2/4
You mean song 2by4
This like that
I wanna make you
Shake you take you
I wanna be the one who brake you
hi!Ronnie i’m new in your site ,i’m studying in MADAGASCAR.
My writing is correct or no ? i wanna know to write and speck fluently,that i can ?
I’m Malagasy.
Teacher Ronnie is really cool.
Thank you Ronnie.
The way you have taught me was wonderful and i liked it. thanks
we really need a video lesson about “When to use (in,on and at)” or rather “prepositions”, I’ll appreciate that…
Thanks a lot, your lessons are very useful…
that is wonderfull….great…..excellent………..:)
Interesting lesson Ronnie :) thank You
Hi , my name is gabriela ( 14 years ) and i’m from brazil . I’m loving your classes , its very cool . I study on CNA ( CULTURAL NORTH AMERICAN ) in my city Praia Grande.I’m in level pre – advanced 1 . I access this website and i’m loving . The explanations of the teachers are really great . I wait make a travel abroad soon . This website help a lot !
Xoxo , Gaby .
you guys are awesome! I really need to improve my english. coz this is the reason why im aloof to people. I’m not really good in speaking english, Hope i will learn here. More power!
U r funny thank U for the listen
Hi there,
Dear Ronnie,I’m really in2 English,particularly
video lessons but ever n never I’ve seen them,
actually it’s not possible 2 see them on line or even through donload,I just check the comments n learn some,,
Would u mind 2 lend a helping hand??!
Tnx in advance.
Thank’s for the lesson, Ronnie. For us, this kind of lessons is very important to improve the pronunciation.
Hello Ronnie, Thanks for your help. You really refreshed my memory. I’m going to start College 11-13. I know I’ll be ready for english. Thanks, Lori
hello my best teacher ronnie,thank you for all your lessons it is very usefule and nice too lik you. teacher i have a qustion for you i hope from you to answer .(HOW CANI IMPROVE MY SPEAKING(english language )?I really appreciate it. I hope YOU to help me because I write some QUASTIONS to other teacher and I need the answer but noone write to me any comment pleeese I need IT(necesary_)goodbye
Search on ENGVID for “conversation” – I have done 3 more videos to help you!!! Or you can just search my videos and you will find them!
hey ronnie!!i have a problem with my “s” words.i don’t know when i have to use “s” in a sentence and when i should not use “s”.for example :
you agree to be bound by the terms of license.
you agree to be bound by the term of license.
i have two cats?
i have two cat?
please include your easy example to make me more understand.tq for your help.
If you have more then one, you ALWAYS have to use “S” with uncountable nouns.
2 cats.
If the lease and only one term, you can say term of the lease. If the lease has many terms, you need the “s”!
tq for your reply ronnie =) …if u could make a video on how to use “s”,when to use “s” and when not to use “s” in the sentence that will be fantastic..
than not then teaaaaacheeeer!:-)
What the hell?!!Easy going!
Hi there,hope all’s well with u.,
By the way,did u pass IELTS?!If yes,how was it??In fact I’m gonna take part in too.
Goodluck with ur English!
yeap,i passed it and it was really difficult…!but i wish my best for u,
and now bcoz of moving i don’t have internet at home but after that u can have my boost with
hope to see uuu.
thank u so much …
Ronnie I’d like to ask you for a lesson about the vocabulary for “going to the hairdresser”. I need to have my hair cut but I’m very afraid about how to explain what I want. Thanks :)
thanks my teacher ronnie.
Hi miss Ronnie i like your teaching way.
thanks and regards,
Ronnie is a perfect teacher,how nicely and clearly she explains The lessons,I appreciate your contribution,Thank u.
ronnie i like ur way of teaching , and i wanna learn more lessen from you …
Really ur a nice teacher,please suggest me how to improve my English, listening skills, speaking skills , and vocabs .
Ronnie, which sentence is correct:
The faith is something that keep us alive, or,
The faith is something that keeps us alive. Please make this clear for me. Thank you in advance.
“The faith is something that keeps us alive”. Faith is singular so you need to put an “s” on the verb. He/she/it all need an “s”!
Hi Ronnie,
This lesson is quite well. Can make more videos like this?
hi dear teacher
l really appreciate you tired for your videos.please Mrs Ronnie l need your help,l confused between pronoun (it) and(she/he-are used for animate) let me give you example
where is the cat? she is under the bed.
why we didn’t say ( it’s under the bed)??please help me.lam looking forward to your reply.thnks again
We can only call cats/pets by he or she if we know if it is male/female. We call animals “it”. However, when we have a pet, we think of it as part of the family so we call it “he or she”!
thanks a lot for your reply dear Ronnie,l appreciate it
I listened to song for Britney Spears : its name :” gimme more”
so: I wanna ask you and help me , please
“gimme more” like a meaning ” give me more”
I mean : ” gimme more” = ” give me more”
like :” wanna” =” want to” on this as.
the last thing , I wanna say it
in American English . the people say :” tryin” not “trying”
I mean: “V+ ing” in grammer but th American people say :”V+in” without “g”
I wanna thank you and James and Rebecca and all you.
for help and for learning. you are good woman.
Wow – please dont get your grammar or anything remotely to do with “English” from Britney.
Hi, I’m sorry but:
I say : I wanna or I’m wanna
that is in your questions
I know from ago : I wanna
thank you, the most wonderful teacher
You can only say I wanna. NOT I am wanna. You have to use “to be” verb with an adjective!
I love the way u saying must have like musta musta that’s cool u are a nice teacher Ronnie
Thank you very much. I am intersting.U are best teacher for me.
Thank you all very thing haved to show
Thanks Ms.Ronnie. I like the way you teach.Cool
hi i have problem with speaking English so what is your advice to me please nearly replay thanks for your lessons
thank you, it’s very useful, I’m not interesting to talk like native speakers in this way, but it’s useful to understand you. sometimes I watch movies and think what does that mean!
please make more videos about this, we want to know more about these, as [get out of here]
thank you
Very thanks teacher! It was so funny!
hey ronnie, i really like your lesson.. i hope i can speak english very soon.
I Wanna thank Ms. Ronnie so much and invite her to get lotsa pizza with drink before gonna my training and hafta tack my car
Dear Madam,
I really like your lession because of your method of teaching. i watched most of you lessions and i lerned lot better than school. i appriciate you and other teachers in Thank you very much.
i hope more to learn
Hello Ronnie. Thank you for this lesson. I think you are a great English teacher. I need a favor. Could you do a lesson about indirect questions. I don´t understand them. Thank you for everything.
Very useful expressions, thanks ;)
“I wanna be a native speaker.”
is it correct ?
Thank You very much for your response. I don’t know who ask you this question. But I have dejavu like it’s me ))
So Ronnie I wanna ask you also ’bout outta is that means Out to?
it means out of
Outta = out of… I ran outta gas.
Hello Ronnie I really like the way you teach could you please make video about grammars?
I know a lot of things that I learned long time ago but I don’t really know when or how to use them, For example like:
1- The mirror has been broken
2- The mirror had been broken
What’s the difference between these 2 sentences and how do I use the both of them?
Also: was or were + the past participle how do I use this particular grammar and what’s it called?
Please I need some help I got so many questions and I’m looking for answers :(..
1= present perfect
2= past perfect.
Present perfect we use for a past event that was not routine.
Pat perfect we usually use with another action that happened in the past. Ex. The mirror had been broken after I smashed it.
was/were + p.p. = passive. We use this when we are most concerned with the action than the person who did the action.
Well I think that and as far as I know that the first on
1- is not present perfect, We don’t include the word ”been” if we’re gonna use the present perfect
for example:
I’ve read that book once
is that true?
Hello Ronnie,
I wonder if the sentence I made below is correct in meanings and tenses:
When I woke up this morning, I said It was a long night that I had been dreaming about you or should I just use the past tense in that clause:
It was a long night that I dreamed about you, or It was a long night that I had dreamed about you. Because with the past perfect it happened when there are two actions, with one coming first before another action in the past. So in this sentence is the second verb ”dream” counted as the second action?
Could you give me the differences between which and what when asking questions?
Thank you very much indeed.
I was looking for English class at Youtube and I found You. I’m brazilian man, maybe the intermediate level. This is the first time I see so good english class.
every video is very useful thanks lotsa :)
ms, i cant not understand can you gave me more quizzes
Hi, Ronnie,I’ve confused between shoulda(should have) and should have (it was pronounce should of) example I should have studied. Or I shoulda studied.which is correct.
Both are correct, but when native speakers talk very fast, we say shoulda!
You’re great.I loved your explanation.
Thank you so much
i must thank you
Beautiful Teacher
Really, , is the best website that i have visited to learn english, this website make me not visit other websites for leaning english, i wanna thank all people who work in this website
I don’t know what ” Clear the lulla!”means.
Can you help me , please?I found it in a lesson in an English book and I couldn’t find its sense.
Thank you in advance !
I have no idea, sorry!
ono problem
I know this this is slang word used for penis that’s the Urdu word….
Ronny is pretty cool. I like her really much. She explain the lessions very good.
hi bro i think you made a mistake didn’t you? cause you said: “Ronnie is pretty cool”. since pretty here is an adverb which means “quite”,”rather”, or “a little bit” i think you better shoulda said “extremely cool”.Am I right Ronnie?
by the way what I think is that there is a lot of mistakes made by people who translated english words and documented them in a formal way(dictionaries,translation programes..etc)..we should be aware for that.
finally thank you Ronnie for your leading information
Hi Ronnie!
I like you very much! You teach very nicely and I wanna tell you that I gotta haveta sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep!!! Haahahaha! :-)
hy, Ronnie,
such a good video for me.
You’re nice teacher cuz you know in which way you shoulda teached the student.
Thanks Ronne
Teacher Ronnie-thank u so much.
Thank you madam, you are so nice teacher. the way you are teaching us is very amazing and i really like it.
Thanks teacher
Thank you very much.
Please, give me more examples. Write down those modals and abreviations in some more examples.
thank you so much……..
Mrs. Ronni plz hoe I can use either and neither I send u alot but no answer
Mrs. Ronni plz how I can use either and neither I send u alot but no answer
Ronnie,please make a video about American,British, and Australia English…
Sorry I don’t know enough Australian English….look on the internet.
excuse me but i have one Q ..SOME TIMES People USE Sorta AND KINDA IN The Same Sentence .kinda n sorta have the same meaning when should i say them both like this one ”, it’s kinda sorta necessary” or this ”. I like you kinda, sorta a lot .” btw u’r awesome .tnk u very much
Thank you Ronnie.
Dear Ronnie, I’m glad I found …… I’m Sri Lankan, working as a teacher I get so many things from you , Thank you so much…
Ronnie,how i can improve my pronunciation problem.Reply me
What do you have problems with??
your website is cool. I luv it!
i know the old word how to pronounce it but i don’t know how to pronounce the new age word like
….cache,bullshit like this.
ahahha! If there are words you can’t say, look on-line at a dictionary, they usually give you the pronunciation of the word in both British and American!
how would be -if i say.i gotta read lotsa grammar.
I’ll begin to think that Japanese language is easier than english!!! Why the hell you have to change pronunciations? Why we cannot make it simple and pronounce it according to the grammar? Now I know why I cannot understand people while speaking, but I’m good at reading, writing and speaking. However, thank you Ronnie for your lesson, you did halp me a lot, love you!!!
You are really great. You just explain the lesson in a very easy way.Thanks
hello teacher
are haveta and hafta the alike
and do the american people use those expressions on the video or just canadian people
thank u a lot for your explanation
oh i made a mistake
alike not the alike
Very useful lesson,thanks a lot Ronnie!
that’s really great and i really feel more enlightn when i get here so lotsa thanx (lolz)for all of u
ma’am i would like to say this pls make a class how to explain recently watched movie to my friend and which tense should i use….
can we write “wanna” or “gonna” in a texte or an essay, or we just pronounce it like this when we talk??
As I said in the video, these are ONLY for speaking – NEVER for writing!
are hafta and haveta the same
both mean have to ???
you are great
This lesson was very helpfull for me. I had many problems with this words. Thx a lot Ronnie. This site is the best one. I want to know people from all world to talk in English. Send me an e-mail guys:
I have added you to my hotmail account and this is mine for you:
ı havent heard woulda coulda or musta before..ur way ot teaching us is awesome…thx
I’m from Kurdistan-Iraq i wanna say that u r the best teacher I have ever seen in my life in teaching English language. ur explanation is amazing everyone. hope I wl be ur student in the future. With regards.
thank’s for this video is really helpful
Hi mam…ur teaching is excellent……GOODLUCK
Thanks a lot Ronnie
Thank you, Ronnie=)
how can we say adding negative verbs to that words?
We would say “don’t wanna, not gonna, don’t haveta”!!!
You’re great Ronnie!
Last day I thought “I not exacly know what wanna and gonna means” and today I looked on EngVid and what do I see!!!!?
Ronnie is teaching it :D:D
Thx again!
Hi Ronnie, you are the best one thanks you for everything here I am learn so much with you and I thought that this lesson is going to be so useful to me….I am so grateful for everything ,,Take care and God bless you and family…..Bye Byee
hey Ronnie, do you have skype or msn if you have, leave me your contact in my e-mail I´d like to be your friend…this is my e-mail lf_santos_@hotmail,com Thank you so much
Hey guys, if somebody here has skype or msn I wanna add you to practice and learn together..Please add me ….
My skype name and my Msn name. luiz.fernando.castanha
hey yo what up? i´ve seen your add. where ya from, luiz? here´s my e-mail
I wish ,i can speake english like you
dude make it happen . i know you can do it. you just gotta be patient.
thank you ronnie
hey ronnie hey every one i have nothing to ask you about well for now but i wanna say ronnie you’r great teacher and i learned so much for you so thank you
hey ronnie you are too good.. i just listen your lesson, because your speaking style is much better than others…. thanks teacher.. keep it up..
it’s cool lesson
thank you so much for that lesson it was verry intersting ! I heard so many times these words but didn’t know what is that mean ! thank you
Thank you so much …
its really helpful i love the way thatch
Dear Teacher RONNIE
I’m your new student.I’m from Kazakhstan.I really like your lessons and i’m happy that i have found this website.I like this way of teaching.Thank you a lot.
Have a nice day
Why do British people don’t use such expressions?
I think that Americans are using them sorta distinguishing themselves. Anyway we havta get used to hear it. by the way, why don’t you do a lesson about the expression “used to” Ronnie? Maybe you did it yet. Thanks in advance.
Tnxs a lot Ronnie! I gonna faster my english
feel motivated understanding yr explanation.thanks a million!
Awesome vid :D thanks
Hello everyone! I’m new learner from Cambodia.
it was a nice lesson. i wanna ask a question how can i improve my vocabulary. plz tell me about this,
Best regards
i need ur help ronnie i hv many difficult in english i kove it and i want to learn it plz hlppppp
i’m wanna have to sell my car?!??! could someone explain it to me please :S !!
I wanna have to sell my car is not a proper sentence. You can say I”m gonna have to sell my car” or “I have to sell my car”, or I wanna sell my car”!
I wana to say thank you .
Ronnie, your lessons are useful and funny. You make pay attention to yours.
I have a question: there are many differences between American and Canadian english? If so, what are they?
Thanks a lot in advance
The differences are in accents and vocabulary.
*** correcting: you make me pay attention to yours.
Good!!! new Ideas for me…
You tube is filtered in my country .what shoud I do?
Sorry I don’t know! What country are you from?
I am from Iran .I am sure in China it is filtered too. so if it was a way…
Thanks Ronnie very much for your lesson I like your way of presenting lesson and your funny way and I will teach my students like you . please , please I want a lesson about connected speech or How can I speak like natives . Thanks Sameh Egypt
I´m gonna watch your videos, teacher ronnie. I wanna learn more englisg, so i shoulda been with lotsa confidence and I speak flunt. Thanks. grettings from monterrey, Mexico.
Thank for this site to allow us in this site and I pay thank for this whole group who created this site
just one inquiry,in the quiz,there are want a &want to..although the two of ’em are correct?!
Anyway,I loved your way of teaching,I gotta say it’s awesome
ı warmthly would like to gerat thanks all who created this site benefical for all of us…
all the bset…
thanks you for your lesson!
have a nice day.
Hi Ronnie
What should we say if we wanna say shoulda (in nagative) instead of (should’nt of )
thank u that lesson very interesting
That was a bad ass lesson.Keep up
isn’t lotsa closer to lots of than a lot of ? i look forward to your response. by the way, i’m a new, big fan of you.
dear ronnie do not think that i´m gone coo coo 4 cocoa puffs. ur da bum
dear ronnie please do not think that i´m gone coo coo 4 cocoa puffs. it just that u make people have self-reliance and that is so fawesome. xoxo
yo ronnie what´s cracking? i´m gonna have to find me a nice beautiful neither american or canidian gurlfrind to improve my english cuz i´ve tried everything such as read, watch tv shows, eventhough websits all in english and do not see any progress on my english skills i think i sucks on this subject. am i wrong? i almost forgot english musicians. just kidding about the gurlfriend yo ronnie, how am i doing?
Ronnie plz why dont you answer my question ? I’m waiting
realy ilike u ronnie
Thank yooou very thoughtful and useful lesson
Thank you Ronnie!
musta?! haha ;)
I’m proud of you my best teachrt
Thank you, Ms. Ronnie! Your lessons are very useful for me. Now I can understand my english-speaking friends better! :)
Thanks a lot!))
i get it and it was easy
thanks ronnie
Hi Ronnie you have an special method to teach that is too easy to learn thank you
Ronnie, I like u, I like ur lessons!!!
HI RONNIE how r u doing ? i hope u r good, i’m also fn . I hv a question which about those u hv saked us up there it says “I’M_____ KICK UR ASS” and the right ansewr u said “I’M GONNA KICK UR ASS!” so my question is why u nt used wanna as u say “I’M WANNA KICK UR ASS!” or it’s wrong and bytheway which tesns is this i respect ur answer thank u my dear teacher.
I am going (gonna) to kick your ass= future tense.
You can say I wanna kick your ass – but NOT I am wanna kick your ass!
hi teacher Ronnie you are awesome! I’ve learned lotsa lessons from u, thank you. Well im kinda trying hard english teacher hehe from Philippines I didn’t like my profession coz i know it from the beginning, english is difficult but when i had observe the need of learning english in my country specially in rural areas i can’t help but to pursue this career can u give me some tips on how to be a successful english teacher. You would be my inspiration then and i would be glad to hear it from you! Thank You!
Hi Ronnie!
I´m from Brazil. I’m loving your lessons. Thank You so much!
hi lucia, how if we were learn together?
hello, this is really amazing most specially for those students and other people who are not able to understand English… thanks to teacher Ronnie for helping us to understand this lessons. -Jer
easy to understand…i wanna learned more!
Miss, Ronnie i wanna ask ya a question when we wanna use ”gonna for future” we hafta put am after the subject like this ”’ i gonna go” or ”’i’m gonna go”
YES – you must always use the to be verb!!!
I knew about that web from youtube
it help me a lot in my career to improve my English,Ronnie u r very cool & the best :)
it’s very useful to me. thanks for teaching. please send your teaching videos to my mail beacause some time i have not get internet connection.
aha thank u a lots
Thanks a lot!
thnx teacher Ronnie,it’s really a helfull lesson
i think that this lesson is quuite like assimilation no???
i really have a huge problem with assimilation lesson; would you please help me and explain it to me in just few words or give a link that can help
and i’ll be very very thankful
thnx again
hi there,im gonna say u r the best teatcher in the world,ur way to learn is very affective,
im realy very excited,by theway im new student.i love ur,im from libya
this is the best video to learn English I’ve ever seen.
Hey teacher Ronnie how are you doing;hope you are doing well
thnx so much for this wonderful lesson i think that it’s quite similar to the lesson of assimilation No!???
well i actually have a huge problem with assimilation lesson…would you please help me by telling me a little bit about it or giving me a link that can help me pleasssssssssse
have a great time
bye bye
Yes, this is assimilation!
Here is a link.
thank you soooooooooooooooooooo much teacher Ronnie i really do appreciate
Thanks AJ Ronnie, it’s very informative.
Thanx teacher Ronnie
Can I write like
I’m gonna hafta sell my car.
You can only write it in informal situations! If you wrote in on a test, it would be wrong!
Your web page won’t render correctly on my iphone4 – you might want to try and repair that
Thanks teacher I feel so confident when i use this common with the native speaker. I hope i can learn much more in your web site, to improve and develop my English speaking.
Hi Ms. Ronnie. I have a question about using the word “gonna” instead of going to. Last night I talked to my husband and i used the word “gonna” and he corrected me. He said “Never in my life I use the word gonna”. According to him, it is not proper to use that kind of word and we had a fight just because of this and I tried to explain it to him coz that is what I learned from this lesson.But he said in north America they didn’t usually use the word “gonna” instead of going to!!! I wanna hear your opinion. Thanks.
Whoa! That sucks you guys had a fight! I use gonna all the time – never written, always spoken.
Yeah, It really sucks. And I was not satisfied I asked my ESL teacher tonight about the word “gonna” and he said “people who use the word gonna is kind of lo-so or low society and not that smart or didn’t go to school”. And then I realized not to use the word “gonna” anymore instead of going to. lol
It is so cool. I wanna learn negative Sentences as below. Should not have – shouldn´t have – shouldnave..or might not have – mighnada..cos there are so many silent letters , d or t or h are gone..would, should, might, could , will, shall, or something, Can you tell me pronounciation of Linking of Modal Verb Nagative Sentences ? Thank you ,Dear Ronnie .
What you have written as examples are great!
cos I had so many problem..It´s kinda like Link of Modal Verb sounds
I knew all of words..might, should, would, whatever , But I can not recognize the words which I have already known or leanrt..This is Probelm..I can not catch the sound ” not “,, cos They do not say
” not ” but also na, or da,,wouldna, shouldna,, or shouldnave ( should not have ) wouldnave ( would not have ) Do you have any Rule about this negative sentences sounds ? It make me crazy.
Not really….sorry!
thank you for rave information
Ronnie you are very cool, I like learn english with you, thanks
Ronni you are a good teacher,your way of teaching is very good.Actually,today i have opend this site 1st time.i want to learn eng by you,pls guide me from where should i start?
Go to “All lessons”, then click on 1- beginner, 2-intermediate or 3-advance.
OR…go to “teachers” and click on the teacher you would like to learn from!
Now I understand how to speak informal r doing excellent job.apiceatable.
I like you very much. I am Brazilian and I would like to learning English.
i like the way you teach madam! hahaha. maybe i am gonna be one of your fans :D
can i use wanna , gonna , gotta and ect in formal letters ?!
what about whatta? does that have meaning? Thanks
Yup! It means what do..
Ex. Whatta ya wanna drink? What do you want to drink?
Thank you lady or madam
thank you teacher Ronie
I’m Refaqat Bcs(hons) from Pakistan. I really like your method of teaching Ronnie. Make more Fun in class that we remember the class because of your fun. If there is fun in class then we also remember your class.
Cool !!! i like the way that you teach us Ronnie !!!!!
Thanks guys,it’s so great to have teachers like you!!
thats lots but why did you say that gotta means “have got” not “have gotten”????
We rarely use proper English grammar “have gotten”. We ignore a lot of grammar rules when we speak!
i gotta be happy withe your explane
Ronnie, hi!I’m sorta confused. Should we say a verb to be before gonna?
e.g I’m gonna to watch this movie
I gonna watch this movie.
What’t correct?
Hi! I just wanna say thanks! I did really well at the qiuz and I am happy for that! :) I belive Ronnie is a lovely teacher! :D
thank u for ur help but i wonder if is it polite to talk like that
very nice … congrats Ronnie
hi.. very nice n thanks, like in english do u know any history teachers also?
Thank you from the depths.
I have a question isThe difference between of and off.
The second question:We have a problem in the pronunciation of the letters and write.Is there a program to help us
can’t you make us understand in hindi…………..i mean in our mother lanuguage……….hehehe just kidding dear
Thanx Ronnie
U r an adorable trainer
Dear ronni thankyou foryourcool teaching methode and cute emotions while teaching.Please explane why the sentence”I,mgonna kick our ass”is correct and the sntence”I wanna kick your ass” iswrong?
best regards
I’m gonna/I wanna kick your ass are both correct!
How have we to use,those words in the negative form?
Not gonna
Don’t haveta
Don’t wanna
Hey teacher, Thanks a lot for your classes, I don’t know if the theme is closed, but, I need to know if in a job interview it’s better to use “gonna” “wanna”…for sound more anglo…or is much better to use “going to”, “want to”…or both of them are good?
Thanks for you time!
see you later…
Never use gonna/wanna/havta in a job interview! They are only for slang or when you talk very quickly!
In this video you could add part of films where use this expresions. :) bye.
Thank you very much.
hi Ronnie, i like the way you teach very much , thank you <3
you’re a kinda great teacher
hi Ronnie
very thanx for this lisons,but i have question; what about the words which has the sound (h) i hear this sound is omit with phrases or sentences in rapid speach such as words (had becomes /ad/ ,have -/av/ , has -/az/ etc are this corect?
Yes! You are correct!
“Ronnie” I thank you for all.I’m feeling happy with that explain.Ronnie in indirect questions a sentence says:
Where does James live ?the answer is :
I have no idea ……….Continue..
I wanted to know how does it do in INDIRECT. REPLY ME ?
Sorry, I do not understand your question.
A good lesson Ronnie,thumbs up.
thank u ^_^
very easy!
Thanks a lot!It was my question and now I know a little more. You lessons are very useful. Your way of giving us the grammar is simply a wonder. Thank you very,very much.
Teacher Ronnie i hafta inspire by ur teaching.did you have have Skype id for further knowledge plzzz?
Dear, Ronnie! Why we use there “have”?
“I’m gonna have to sell my car.”
I’m going to have to sell my car..
Why not – I’m going to sell my car? … What is difference?
Best regards. Thank you.
Dear, Ronnie i like your teaching style.and thanks to define our knowledge.
Hi, Ronnie…
Can you please explain how and where to use could have, would have and should have?
I wanna appreciate you.
Ronnie’s videos are really really amazing.. nd ur kinda teaching was great and so funny.. wow i love it Ronnie :D
heyy Ronnie i got a question can u suggest some other modals ??
thank you so much
Good evening,Ronnie… There are too many “likes” in English.For example,
What does he look like?
What does he like?
What is he like?
What would you like?
What was the weather like yesterday?
Do it like me…
Help,please.I know you can do the best.
Thank you very much.
hi thanks
Hi! Can we use these native contractions during formal occasions or interviews (in North American setting)? Thank you!
geez! in my language which is Turkish “hafta” means “week” . tyvm Ronnie
Keep it up Ronnie.
Hei Ronnie…. what is true of these words “I’m gonna” or “I gonna”? or anyone who knows please…
Thanks for your video Ronnie.Gbu
I wish that I have known Ronnie before spending too much for studying English.
I gonna ask you if you don’t mind about flapping in American and Canadian Accent.
Thanks Ronnie,
hey…is it a proper way to speak when we’re having an interview?
this is very easy to understand while watching movie,thank you so much ronnie……
It”s very nice
thank yo very mauch
im araby a undarstand for tha leson
It was nice watch to you.I don’t want to talk about it.You are so great teacher.Good luck in learn.
thank you ronnie for this lesson
thanks alot
hi guys
i wanna improve my accent >>anyane can help me add me in skype Amal707
thanks a lot for these amazing lessons
Yes, native speakers really speak fast and kind of «eat»some words. I have a channel about Foreign Languages, feel free to visit. Just search on youtube: Nelson Lino. Thank you!
Actually it”s not quite clear for me if “gotta” stands for “got to” or “have got to”. And so, do you say “I’ve gotta go” or just “I gotta go”?
And what about the 3d person singular? He gotta or He’s gotta?
Thank you!
It just stands for “got to”, but when you’re using informal English like this, you can leave out the “have” when you’re saying “I gotta go.” But you have to have “have” in third person singular: “He’s gotta go.”
great !
Hello Ronnie
Do you give privet lessons online ?
All the best
Dear Ronnie
Thanks so much for the lessons
You’re my best teacher:)
thanks ronnie for such usefull lessons.
thanks a lot i’am from Egypt i wanna say that’s ace and very useful for me
I wanna say that I’m only interested in this program. thanks a lot.
Ronnie the reason why lotsa is written with an s it’s because it’s replacing “lots of”. for example, I have lots of books on the table. I have lotsa books on the table.
it was really a good lesson..thanks a lot
Ronnie,can i say: i WANNA to sell my car???
Because i want to sell. It’s correct???
Yes! Correct!
Ronnie, in this case (I wanna TO sell my car), I have understood that you mustn’t use “to”. So we shoulda say “I wanna sell my car”, dont’t you?
Hi Ronnie,I wanna ask about the negative forms of model verbs like “wouldn’t” or “wounldna” are both correct can I say wouldna instead of wouldn’t or would not please help me out thanks
Sure! You can say wouldna!!!! Great!
thx respected teacher Ronnie,u teach me.or make me able to understand these kinda words,thx realy
Thanks!! Your all services are best thanks to be with us
” I gotta confess, teacher Ronnie is unique, very intelligente, spirited and full of fun”. The learning gets easy this way.
I am used to use this in my everyday language,, I mean with friends..
Thanks to Ronnie for teaching Enlish. My name is Abdiwali, my email is Thank you so much again
it was perfect
Hi… My best teacher Ronnie, I want to thank you about this way in teaching
Ms. Ronnie could you please explain as soon as, as still as, or as possible as why we repeat ” as ” two times please reply
As soon as = do it now!
As still as = you are describing something that does not move.
as _____ as is a simile.
Hi teacher Ronnie. If you don’t mind I wanna ask something about this lesson. “gotta” and “gonna” are the same meaning or not? give me the explanation please.
Gotta = got to.
Gonna = going to. They are different!
hi madam my problem is i forget English words because it is the third language could you give any easy way please and thanks
Watch the new lesson on remembering vocabulary!
Hi Ronnie! Thank a lot of your help. I wanna study a lot from you. I have a confused that when say “Gotta” it means that “‘ve got to” but after “have” must be “gotten”. Pls advise me. Thank you
Gotta is slag so we can use it anyway!
Thanks Ronnie.
ronnie could you help me about this?
When he gets back, his father _____________ at home.
a) is being c) has been
b) will be d) was
and explain that for us
and this plz
The library ______________ during the holidays.
a) will redecorate c) will be redecorated
b) redecorates d) will be redecorating
I could not understand gotta. Would you please explain me wit
I could not understand gotta.Please explain me with other examples.
Best Regards
Thank you.
I like your lessonse.
thank you very much but can you teach us more English words please
wowwwww i gotta 4in3 thank ronnie
Great teaching…..
I wanna study hard from you thank you so much
3 correct out of 4 – Thomas from Poland thx
tanks ronnie
what a nice teaching method,you are a good teacher.. thanks
it is a useful lesson, thanks!
Thank u Ronnie for ur lectures ,really awesome and intelligent teacher ,,,,,,
I am dara from kurdistan
Please tell me if we can use an article “THE” before the name of a firm such as Nestle of Siemens, Schnieider, Macdonalds etc…
Thank you Ronnie.
thanx ronnie :)……..its really a fun to learn from you
i like…..thanks you…
Hello Ronnie.really am gonne to ask you about the tense of have.because i found out my self i used alotsa present tenes and past and future but sorta the tenses have to.also is confused please if you have time Ronnie try to give me more detail about it how we can use it in the right way without any difficlties.because sometimes i really embarressed when i felt on mistakes like that fornta natives.i hope you gotta my message and you what i mean.always thank you so much for effort and cooperation.Mr Imad.
Wow Ronnie It’s so so helpful. I love it! 10Q I got so many things. I love u’r teaching way keep it up :) thank you very match!!!
So great ! Thx !
that’s so cool, Ms. Ronnie! ;) thx for the material.
Dear Ronnie.
Thank you a lot for your lessons. May I ask you?
If I can use “have got to” instead of “have to”, are they equal? What difference between “gotta” and “hafta” in the use?
4. “I’m _________ have to sell my car.”
I’m GONNA have to sell my car?
Is it correct? Maybe “I’m gonna sell my car”?
are we can use gonna and gotta …etc in writing
And Is it considered formal language
Hi teacher Ronnie
Can we use these three words in British English ?
Hi! Ronnie, well, I just wanna give you a congratulation, because you’re such an amazing teacher. I’ve saw all your videos and you look awesome lately. well and can I ask you a favor?… please tell what’s the difference between MAY and MIGHT. I think that those words can be use like CAN. Am I right?
thanks a lot
thanks a lot
Hi Ronnie.
your lessons are very helpful, I enjoy watching them. Thanks a lot.
I have a question.
in movies, I hear this sentences a lot, realy a lot. ” I gar it “.
it must be ” I got it “.
but i don’t know, it’s a slang or a prononciation thing, or I have to see a doctor for my ears. lol
Thank you very much, really so much.
This is difficult to me but this lesson were interesting.
Your teaching is not at all exhausting.You make learning english easy and funny.thank u Ronnie!
tnhx in my deep hearts.Ronnie….
I have just come across your website and I find your lesson, this particular one very interesting .
I would like you to prepare another one about the English liaison . I mean you do native speakers combine some letters. Like t,d,s,z+y
My teacher gave us and example like this. Don’t you like it is spoken’ don’t chew lye kit
Thank You for this lesson. It helped me to speak English better.
Oh my God! The English is so rare :s
Thanks Ronnie. Got 85 %.
Hey Ronnie, I just wanna ask you what the meaning of this word slang “dunna”
thank you so much for that lesson it was verry intresting ! I heard so many times these words but didn’t know what is that mean ! thank you
quetion 2: can i say i wanna kick ur ass or not?
what about
pronunciation of ” t” in ” gotta ” ?
I think i heared it “d” !:)
Thank you Ronnie,I enjoy learning with you :)
Hi Ronnie, I have a problem here, I cant’ watch any videos of your lesson. Actually, As you might know that youtube is banned in Pakistan. I used to watch your lessons on the youtube but its speed is very slow on the youtube. Is it possible to watch videos on this website. Pl reply me
4 of 4
i shuolda see more videos :P
thanks Ronie
you are sooo cute
Thank you very much
Thank you Ronnie. A very useful lesson
Ronie, it ia clear! But is it academic?
Great Teacher Ronnie. I am English student and this is very important when yo wanna learn everything in english.. you’re a very good teacher… kisses
It is soooooo nice Ronnie
i was “MDR” which means “dead of laugh” don’t know how to express this in english you’re a fantastic teacher and i’m stunning on your videos
can’t help myself laughing and learning
If you ever come to France let me know i’ll be please to assist the best i can
i meant pleased not plz well well …
Hey one question: is it “in tv ads or on t.v? ” Thnks A LOT¡¡ ur great¡
Dear Ronnie, please help make me clear using of “gotta”.
If I understand well, “I gotta do sg” = “I have to do sg” or “I must do sg”
I’m not sure, but it seems like “I have gotten to …” (“get to” in Present Perfect Tense) means something different. Am I wrong?
(In fact I didn’t find any examples in which after “get to” stands an infinitive. I found “get to” means to start doing sg, or to annoy/upset someone. )
somehow my listening skills are improving after watching this video. thanks ronnie, keep it up.
Thanks for the useful lesson, but there shoulda been much more quiz questions. 4 questions are not enough. :)
Ronnie ur fantastic, learning sometimes is tricky, u think you’ve learned it all, n then ur about to say I’m done u realize u didn’t learn or forgot a small detail back there,as I’m watching american series, I see the people say should have or anything like that really fast, but I thought like should’ve I could tell it was pp bc of the participle verb afterward, but now it makes much more sense lol, I’m blown away!
what a pretty and noisy teacher you are !
Ronnie, You’re an awesome teacher
you’re right
Great,I’ve been intrested to know these since years.
Hi! I love american english and i want to live in U.S. I’m giving lower on May but i’m not sire if I can speak English well. Could you please tell me a way to practise my self????? I luv u and your videos!!! Bye!!!!
Thank You so much Teacher.
What is the meaning of “Dafuq” ??
Thanks a lot ! I took the test and I got a 100 :D ! So proud of myself and I’m really thankful to you ❤️
you help me a lot of in vocabulary
thank you so much teacher Ronnie
I wanna say ‘thank you’
Think you very much ronnie
Dear Ronnie
I do not understand a sentence please help me.
“I figured he might’ve called”
I think it is present perfect
Why not used ‘has’ : he might has called ?
I think it is sustainable construction in this situation. Past tense + might + have +V3.
Because if we have construction maked by 2 verbs, (would have, could have, may have…) we change jast first verb: might (1)(it was may) have (2) – stay unchenged.
I’m wanna see you in my city.bye ronnie
ronnie i wanna know what’s the difference between woulda and would off cuz at the end both wanna say …. would have, right? and the same with the other words, by the way, thank u, ur lessons have been really helpful
she’s great.i like the way she explains the lessons.
Why I can’t say
“I’m wanna have to sell my car.” ?????
Is it sound right to you? So you should say I wanna sell my car or I’m gonna have to sell my car.
because it isn´t correct you have to say i am gonna sell my car
wonderful lesson….have introduced myself to some new slang……thanks ronnie.
Hi rooney, I Aced the quiz. is that correct?
By the way I have a question ,why in the sentence who did he want to kick the ball I can’t use wanna?
hello ,i want to improve my english so i need a friend to practice through social site like google+,line .
I also want to learn right grammar and speaking in American English more better and deep English.
Thanks for taught me.i gonna learn English in every day for the best result for me.You are one of inspiration to learn English language.
Thanks to RONNIE.
I like teacher Ronnie. She is so hilarious :) She makes me laugh.
Quize is very funny. Thank you,Ronnie. You are fab!
Great and awesome video, mr.Ronnie. Let me ask you question. Can we use two of these words in the same sentence. for example : I’m gonna hafta sell my car ?? Reply me plz :)
4/4 ^^.
i’m gonna like it here :)
i had lots of questionss about it and you answered them. i got 4 out of 4! thanks ronnie!
Thank you for your wonderful lessons, Ronnie! I gotta a question. Tell me please about writing these contractions.I often see it in text of songs and mails, and I don’t understand may I write it in? (especially “wanna” and “gonna”).Thanks In Advance. p.s. Are there lessons to improve pronunciation? Also lessons about the end of the plural and in 3rd person (seems so)))? (the ugly “s” or “es”)
I just wanna say,thank you for being sucks an amazing teacher you are!…..
thanks Ronnie XX :*
Very useful and informative lesson, Ronnie!)))
Thank you Ronnie
thanks teacher
Very clean in her explanation.nice teacher. Thanks
GR8…the way of ur teachin’ is excellent
Has Group whatsApp?
Hi Emma, it was very useful video.I’m thankful to you…
hurrey! Achieved 100%. thanks Runnie.
Hi teacher ronnie! Please make a video about the purposes of ‘had had’, ‘has had’ and ‘have had’. I’m really confused about that part. Thank you teacher! youre a great teacher!
Thank you Ronnie
Why looks like I don’t understand songs but I can understand a conversation between two men.
i wanna connect to a partener who is interested in practicing english speaking
If u teach me all langugeges i will be jenous hahah molto molto grazie
wow, awesome! Ronnie, u’re great!
thank u about inf
It’s VERY useful video for me. It’s hard for me most of time to follow native english speaker because of these slangs.
The firs 4 expressions are very popular in modern english, so you GONNA listen them every day.
Plz mam Ronnie remove my confusion about 4th example in quiz.(I’m gonna have to sell my car.) I’m really confused that what is actual meaning of that sentence. I hope you help me.
Ronnie, you are an amazing mentor.
Hay Ronne , Can i have your e-mail to contact with you? , please … and thank you for your lessons.
u r really good
hi, ronnie,i hafta learn english so, i watch lotsa video on your channel and, i wanna thank you as i believe i gonna learn lotsa from you.this verbs not change with pronounce (he, she , it ……) ?
Hey teacher, you are really a good teacher… one of the best English teacher..
This class, turned me hungry.. So, I wanna eat lotsa margarita Pizza. Such as be possible
Awesome teaching. Thanks Ronnie. God bless you. I gonna learn.
“I’m _________ have to sell my car.”
My answer is been “wanna”, because in my mind
“I’m going to have to sell my car!” sound bad.
1 error here for me :(
I could not understand the last question.
I’m _________ have to sell my car.”
My answer is been “wanna”, because in my mind
“I’m going to have to sell my car!” sound bad and not match properly.
can anyone help me for this?
i got 100%
pretty techer
Thanks Ronnie.
I really like your way to explain short words.
I’m always thinking where that word come from.
Ronnie, can you please answer me? As I understood gotta and hafta have nearly similar meaning?Is it right?
thank u very much for your lesson , it was awesome
Hi Ronnie, thanks a lot for your great lessons, I wanna ask you how can I improve my English, I’m intermediate English level and I don’t know how to start, there are many lessons and sources and I really very confused, can you suggest me a daily study plan ? thanks a lot
Thank you, Ronnie! Four out of 4.
Thank you so much, you are a excellent teacher I am learning a lot of new things with you keep doing it please.
Thanks, the lesson is great. You’re always give us the best lessons.
I Have a question:
Can I add like in this sentence
I Gonna make this cake!
Thank you, Ronnie I really appreciate your teaching especially this lesson but I don’t understand exactly about how to use it.
I love so much.
Ronnie, please extend the samples in the explanation of each expression. It’s not clear
Hey, Ronnie. You are a great English teacher. Thank you for one more nice video! Keep it up. Thanks again for everything :)
today I have felt my video call with a friend because I wrong answered them when they asked me a question that embarrassed me in front of my sister her friend obviously I have a problem with listening how I can improve that
Hey Ronnie, I love your videos. I’ve learnt a lot with them. Can I ask a question? What does “imma” mean? Thanks a lot
I wanna tell you your class was great. I’m gonna go. It’s kinda old joke
Get it… got it!
I’m gonna say:
Thank You teacher ^_^
yeah!!! she’s really cool
and i like her teach method :D
Why I’m not able to hit quiz button?
Love ur teaching method ..?
you are a great teacher
This is very very useful. Awesome.
I’m gonna to be a native speaker soon. Yay!
Thank you Ms. Ronnie.
Thank you very much Ronnie!!
Thank you Ronnie, you’re the best.
Thanks so much!!!
Ronnie can i ask a question.what is the wrong with” i am not have to sell my car”
wow I hanks and
2/4! Crazy! I have to go over the lesson. Not totally understand.
thank you so much, just a quick qustion. this offten used in talking and it’s conseder as a slang wright ?