Want to know how to talk about things you have completed, and ones you have not yet completed? This grammar lesson will help you understand when to use ‘already,’ and when to use ‘yet.’
i wanna be to learn Enlish languase , i must to for a job in the future
naravit chaimontri
Thank you for this lesson in English I have been looking for a site that will help me to become better at understanding our English language. This site is a blessing to people such as myself. Do to the fact that I don’t have the money to pay someone to tutor me. I will be using your site allot because I really want to learn our English language. God bless you’ll for this sited for all its subjects.
Sign: Rickey
My name: Rickey
I’m so happy we can help, Rickey. The more people use our site, the more we will be able to add to the site.
thnk you so mach frome your usefull site i find this site new english is my secnd language i am sorry for my mistick i apriciat your this huge help for people
Hi alex thank you for your good lesson about the use of ALREADY and YET.,i have question regarding my grammar.i can’t write down by using should.could.would,i want to start as a beginner in english,although i know little bit in english.can you help me?thank you!
Hi Alex.how i improve my grammar?how i start,this is my problem always when i write in a sentence even simple sentence i made a mistake.can you give me some advice.please!
thank you..
Thanks for the video script.
I have a doubt, can I use this sentense?
“I already arrived at Seoul”
good for you
Mirth Morales
He has already done
its nice english , engvid .com . i like so much because i just found for two day ago
sincerely ,, naravit cahimontri
naravit chaimontri
dear Mr: Alix
thank you so much, could you explan to me what is the different between do and make as well as take because that is deficult for me
Thanks alot
but if you but more excample it’ll be better
I have already finished the quiz and I got 100%! But I haven’t watched some lessons yet. So, I’m going to do that! Thanks, Alex, for a good explanation!By the way, I’m from Russia. До скорых встреч! or in English see you soon))
Has she finished her homework yet?
I have a confusion in the sentence.
please can you Mr.Alex explicate why this is right and other is wrong ?
I’m waiting you ,,
thank you ..
You can use both sentences:
“Has she finished her homework yet?” means that she has likely not completed her homework, and you want to find out if she has completed it.
“Has she finished her homework already?” is used as an expression of surprise. It means that she finished it very quickly, and you are surprised at how quickly she did finish it.
I hope this helps.
Dear Alex
At the end of your answer you wrote…” and you are surprised at how quickly she did finish it.
Well, why “did finish it” and not “finished it”? Can you tell (explain) the difference?. I read many books and the use of “did” in the affermative sentence is very common.
Can you please give us a lesson about this form?
Thanks in advance
very clear explaining
Yeah! Eeng, I even dont understand how different between 3nd and 4nd question? also thank so much !
Thanks you very much. II prefer still on more difficultly passes tests, help me please. I am from Tadjikistan.
Best regards to everyone.
I usually use already when I want to ask questions, for example: Have you already taken your medicine? and I use yet in negative sentences, for example: I haven’t traveled to USA yet. Am I correct?
Sueli Cardoso Tavares
hi Eeng
because we did not know if she finished her homework or not we just ask
and the next qustion ” Which question do you use if you want to show that you are surprised that something has been finished?
Have they arrived at the party already?!
Have they arrived at the party yet?!
we know that they arrived to the party
howwe know that ” they arrive to the party ” because in the question said “you are surprised that something has been finished?”
already comes with somthing done active you did it and finished and you know that
yet-> comes with negative “not” in the sentence
and in the question if you did not know if somthing done or not
i hope you got it
girl full of hope
thanks a millions Alex. I love very much this websize. I hope Alex,Valen,James …. can upload video lesson” how to use WHO,WHOM,WHICH,THAT…..”
Thanks for the suggestion!
ALEX you ‘re the best thanks alot
Hey A lex my name is dany and i wanna know about GANNA okay you can help me ?
Heyyyy Alex you are the best!!!
hey i am from BHUTAN. your lecture is fab one. thanks y a.
Dear sir
Could you please tell me if this sentence has any faults.
dona shirani
hi alex
you are the best teacher frome who ever taught me. i m learning more and more good english.thanks
Its a useful program learning english online. i am too much glad to find video learning….
its very interesting and made me interested to learn english
once again thanks a lot
do you have lesson more on spoken English?
Thanks for the lesson. Really usefull especially for beginner like me. Thanks from Malaysia.
black rider
Thanks for the lesson
dear mr alex
your are great thank you so much for all your lessons really every thing you said is wonderful .
hello Alex, thank you for your lesson, but i have a question in this sentence. i don’t understand. Could you explane me please this sentence, I
sorry, I HAVE NOT YET SEEN AFRICA. thank you. i will wait for your answer please
hi, i have a difficulty yet in english.is it a correct sentences.i will wait for your reply.
noureen khurshedi
I enjod this lesson thank you Alex.
oh good lesson !
oh thanks alex !
Thanks for clarifying my doubts. Thanks for the lesson.
Hi Alex………
Thank you so much for this lessons.
thanks Alex
How are you? Alex good teacher. thank you very much.I am national Mongolia
Alex, you´re a great teacher. I hope you contact me by messenger(val-decy2008@hotmail.com)I watch your lessons everyday.I haven´t seen Canada. I wish I had seen it.( is this sentence correct?)
By, Alex! You´re the best!
Salam Alex How are you doing i hope you are fine and doing well I am from Afghanistan I love your lessons, you are great your lessons are great thanks a lot.
salam means Hello in Afghanistan language
I’m sorry I’m not an expert in English, but in the quiz has a mistake(in my opinion):
“My aunt has not gotten her driver’s license _______.
Is “gotten” right?If I am not right,I apologize
And thank you, Alex, for the excellent lessons.
“Gotten” is used in American English. In British English it is not used that much anymore.
Hi Alex!nice to see you!!Thank you for your giving us a big hand in our English!Take care!
Emil Ibragimov from Baku
and i’ve question)how can i change my photo hear?i wanna take my own photo!TIA
Emil Ibragimov from Baku
Yes, Emil. When you are signed in to your account, click the small “profile” link in the top right corner of the site. There are instructions there on how to add your picture to gravatar.
Thank you!
Emil Ibrahimov
that sentence is good to try us to understand that means.
paula riana
for the first time i learned how to use yet and already .thnk you very much. you colleage and you are fantastic. ilearned much from this web site .please revised my comment ,if possible .by
great lesson
i have so many times already sign up but you provider have not yet send any password . why ?
khem Raj(India)
A wonderfull webside. I would like to be a new user, I enter my username and my email. I logged in but how can I know my password.
Thanks alot, Sir Please clarify the use of “yet to be”.
AWESOME!!!I like your lessons.It is my routine work to watch your lessons atleast for one hour a day.Thank you ,I think Im getting better.THANKS once again
please help me..I just want learn how to use the word ‘yet’in different ways!!
Thank you sooooo much!!
Hi Alex…I’d like to know the difference between the use of YET and STILL because a few days ago I came up with the two options for a sentence and I wasn’t sure about the correct one…Cheers form Argentina…and THANKS
Thank you so much! I was preparing a lesson to teach the use of these two words, and I found this page… and It was so well explained! You are great! I’m your fan now! Bye the way, I teach spanish and sometimes English, like today. Thanks again. Paola
wonderful teacher. what i mostly liked is your quitness. thanks Alex
hassan hamza
Let’s support engvid.com by clicking the ads.
Aww… that’s sweet of you. :)
it is very nice thinku alex
meseret L D
I like this site very much.
thanks alex. I like your lessons very much. I think you and other English teachers are contributing knowledge to all people that are interested in English. And i hope in the future and right now English will make our world smaller.
Duy Lanh Nguyen
Duy Lanh Nguyen
thanks alex
Wow u are good teacher I like the way u teach tks!!
I like Alex, you’re really good… in just spending few minutes listening to your lessons, i can say “I’m Learning”
Dear Alex, nice website. I would like to know if the following is correct: “Please submit your form if you haven’t already done so.” Or should I use “yet” here….
Thanks beforehand for your reply
Excellent Alex!
Great Job !
Hi Alex your teaching is very well in this website. I like your teaching.I have one doubt ‘yet’ and ‘so far’ are same meaning or different.
Hello everybody is my first time in this page and think is very very nice and very necessary to learn more and more english
good job
Thanks a lot!
hi alex good lesson but I have a question for you can i answer in positive and negative way
has carmen arrived yet? please help me
ecuadorian teacher
You can answer with “Yes, she has,” or “No, she hasn’t.” Or “No, she hasn’t arrived yet.” :)
please can you explain me how to answer in a yet question
ecuadorian teacher
Alex hi you’re the best teacher
Thank you Alex. I have a question to ask you. I’ve heard someone said ” not yet”. What does it mean?
Alex, just to confirm..
In this lesson, the reason using past participle, like taken/seen is because got intention, right?
thanks mr alex very good lesson
thank you so much Alex ,now i can understood how to use ALREADY&YET ,THANKS
ı have already understood lesson thanks a lot
I say many thanks for the teacher Who prepared this lessons
ahmed nunow
yes ..is good
this lesson is just about two words but truly useful. I’m grateful to those who spent their precious time to prepare this wonderful lesson and prepared it for the people who are starving for education. Anyway, Ii don’t know how to thank you completely
This site is awesome. I find it very resourceful. Keep on going.
hey i just confiused about how to use the already and yet
Dear Alex, your lecture is excellent. Thanks a lot. In the quiz, I am little bit confused about the following question.
Which question do you use if you want to find out if the following action has taken place before now?
* Has she finished her homework already?
* Has she finished her homework yet?
Could you please explain why second one is correct?
Another question is that, Suppose, My team leader has assigned me a task. But I could not do the task in time. So, can I tell, “I could not complete my task yet.”
Great video. Thank you Alex and EngVid.
Thank you Alex for your video!
But I’ve a question about your example:
“I’ve not yet seen Africa”.
What is the difference between this statement and that: “I haven’t seen Africa yet”?
There is no difference, except that “I”ve not yet seen Africa” is more formal. The other form is more commonly used.
Thank very much for helping me to understand how
end when I can use the words already and yet.
This little grammar lesson was very useful to me.
Tnx a lot. It was really helpful
thank Alex for explain to me about already and yet lesson, I love it very much, thanks
Your video very useful Thank you Alex and EngVid.
thank you m.Alex
thank you alex
hello alex,tnx a lot, i already understand it.
Thank you a lot Alex. But, I have YET questions about this difference.
hey Alex , could you please explain for me when we use got, getting,
I’ve seen a lot of people in American use it a lot like in these sentences:
today at school we got assigned to reading group.
he was the one that should be getting yelled at .
i got put in the gifted group
and so on
i would like to know if is correct the following sentence.
haven’t you finished yet?
thank you very much
such an excellent explanation!!! I got it so fast, especially the meaning of questions when using already and yet!!! Alex you’re the best!!!
María Angélica
Dear teacher, It was really wonderful education. I want to say thank you very much to all of you.
Thanks Alex ! It’s really simple, but highly helpful.
I’m so confused, in question should I use already or yet? like…Are we there yet or already? and Is Tuesday already or yet?? AAAA help me please…Thanks
thank you sir for sharing this. now i know how to use YET and ALREADY. Thanks and more POWER!!!
Hi teacher Alex! how can I to use “already” wiht “to have lunch” in the past?.
can I say “I had already lunched”.?
Aldo Miranda
thanks again sir alex…
thanks a lot alex , i like this web sit
You star, Alex! For people who haven’t master English yet like me, it’s very great to have such amiable teachers just like you. I think I’ve already learnt a lot from this video.
I understand it becuase this first time all correct test hahaha
Thank you so much Alex! You are the best teacher. Since i have studied from you my English is better
thanks for the lesson…keep coming back for more!
Alex, I am really confused of this sentence I solve it, but I am not quite sure about its correctness.
A- Why did not you come by bus ?
B- Because it already (leave) the station by the time I arrived there.
I solve it:
It has already left, I am I right?
And why we did not say:
It had already left. And why ? :(
waiting your splendid answer
thanks for the lesson …….keep coming back more
has the workshop started already or yet? pls sir help me.
You can use both, but it depends on what you want to say.
“Has the workshop started already?” (maybe you came late)
“Has the workshop started yet?”
(maybe you came early, and want to know if it will begin soon)
Thank you very much sir.
Thank you very much for those very well structured lessons, thus very understandable and useful. Definitely to be keeping safe. (Sorry for the mistakes, I’m only intermediate level).
hi alex thanks a lot
i’m confused..@_@
hey there. I’d like to ask you what is the difference between these two sentences :
1) Its a fixed decision
2) Its a fix decision
please explain explicitly.. thanks a lot
Hi Mimi: how I see that,fixed is an adjective means specific or constant,It’s a fixed decision means that decision can’t be changed.
fix can be noun or verb,means repairing.It’s a fix decision means that decision leads to repair something=find the solution.
I hope that’s clear and helpful :)
please explain whether these sentences are correct:
1) The girl has already finished her homework.
2) The girl already finished her homework
which one of these sentences is correct and please explain Sir..thanks
Thank you. I have already finished watching this lesson.
i wanted to learn english..this site can help me more..tnx
Thank you Alex very much for your help!
great… but i still confused.. can you help me about “has” and “have” , already and yet”… owwhh no
Alex ,this lesson was hard but You aré the best
Thanks alot Alex :)
Thanks Alex, You are good teacher and how to I can speak and I learn well
Please tell me more via my E_mail address (welcom.bounlom)
it’s so great. thanks alot, Alex
I have already finished my work. Is it correct?
I have not completed yet my work.
Sir Alex both sentences are correct?
you are an awesome teacher alex thanks for learning english :)
Hi teacher! You’re good teacher for us, but ain’t not sure to answe well. Could you give more exemples? Lily from Brazil
Thank you very much for your hilp I have 2 quition first 1 how can I use this is our family, when I have to use our or oar and second 1 in English use for one person how are you, how can I use 2 or 3 poeple I am relly Canfoise on these worlds thanks I am waiting for you response
I’m showing this site to my friends and relatives.Teachers are excellent!Thanks.
Alex, thanks for the info.
Your teaching style is easy to follow and remember too!!
thank you teacher
thanksssssss mr Alex
Dear sir,
I want to know the uses of “Let” and “Yet”
Thanks for everything, realy it is a nice site for learning english.
Thanks teacher. Have a nice weekend
hello,mr.Alex,thanks a lot for this lesson.Really more useful for us your teaching.Finally I found this site 3 days ago and i am very glad.may i disturb you sometimes when i have any questions?so long,have a nice day
Vusale from Baki
Hello! this is very useful. I’m gonna be graduate student!
Hope it can help me improve my English!
It is better to say:
Why didnt you take the bus?
Thanks for a good lesson. Appreciated.
Thanks for your lesson, Alex!
I have a question about yet. What is the meaning of the sentence “I have yet to meet anyone who can run as fast as him”?
Hi Alex,
You are an excellent teacher, I love all your subjects. Keep up the good work. i wasn’t aware of this website before, was browsing so many English learning websites and I found this is a good one. Keep adding more lessons and preferably writing e-mails for the corporate offices. Thank you once again. Give my regards to Emma, Rebecca, Jon and Valen.Let me know if anythings needs to be corrected on the sentences i have written here, i like to learn from the mistakes
Thank you very much Alex for your effort. Your videos help us a lot. More power to http://www.engvid.com!
Thanks a lot!
Thank you very much Alex, I’ve found it really useful. Hope to see more from you.
I’m still a bit confused for no.3&4….can you help me for this mate?thanks Jayr
I have been very interesting about your lessons and i would like to know how you help me to check about my letter writing and sentences. If it is possible, i would like to have the e-mail address.
Thank you for everything.
Mr. Myat Win Htun
hi! i´m argentina, and tomorrow i will have a test and i did not remeber about this, thanks for all
hi Alex! ”have they arrived at the party yet!?” why is this sentence uncorrect? thenk you!
Hi Alex, I have problem here with this question in the exam: 3. Which question do you use if you want to find out if the following action has taken place before now?
Has she finished her homework already?
Has she finished her homework yet?
I marked first one because u say that if an action has finished or happened before now, we use “already.”
but the second one was correct!! So I have misunderstood here…
Thanks again dear Alex ;)
Hi Alex, I like your lessons a lot. Are these questions correct? Am I not allowed to use yet in other tenses ?
Can we leave yet?
I do not know yet.
Both are perfect sentences. Nice work!
how can i fix my exam resald
I must be study english and i try alot evryday and i reqards yours for yours nice and use foul site.
Best Regards
Ahmad Mansoor
thanks so much, for such a helpful lesson
You will have already received….
Does this statement indicate future or past?
Does it imply that I will soon receive.. or I should have already received…
thank u very much..
Hi Alex,
I’ve learned a lot from your lessons!
Thank you so much.
Thank u sir :D
I got 6/6 :D:D
As always: very good. Thank you!
Thanks, Sir! I got 6/6.
Thank you to teach us in such details, including emotion conveyed.
Alex, just to confirm..
In this lesson, the reason using past participle, like taken/seen is because got intention, right?
Interesting lesson, thank you!
I got a perfect score :)
thank you so much,it was a great lesson.
I’m happy to take a quiz….i am also excited to get result out. i am so happy with this website. Thanks Alex :D
Pinky Phyo
are there more examples of ( yet and already )
such as : not yet or i already did it ?!
Very good way to learn and improve my English
Hi everyone
It’s kind of weird for me to use Yet with a positive auxiliary verb in a question.
Has she arrived at the party yet?
Can I say…
Hasn’t she arrived at the party yet?
Thank you for the lesson. :D
Hi Alex, I love the way you have been teaching us. You did explain very clearly and easy to understand. Could you give us some more lesson about how we use “Do” and the verb to be “Is, am, are ” when we want to ask a question?
Thank you very much!
Thank you ! It’s very good lesson !
I’ve already caught it!!! Thanks ;)
Patricia Godoy
i get 83 thanks
yet or already, it’s an idiom that we must to remaind
Thank you very much Alex.
I already understand the statement of the phrase!
They aren’t bought the wallet yet?
:D Thank You.
Thank You
Thank you sir, i got the perfect score… Which means, I have perfectly learned from your lesson sir. Thank you..
I’ve gotten the complete score in the quiz , and now I’m going to use it in my speaking , because I felt these grammar should be used to be in our mind .
Thank you so much for clarifying your lessons and make it crystal clear .
Thanks Alex, the way you are teaching the stuff is great and easy to grasp.
And by the way, thank you so much for offering this website.
I use it everyday in order to improve my english step by step and it works.
Its a great chance for people like me who dont have the time and financial resources to visit an additional english class.
Teacher, help-me please. I didn’t know the number 3 question, could you explaind me better.
3. Which question do you use if you want to find out if the following action has taken place before now?
Has she finished her homework already?
Has she finished her homework yet?
Moacir Silva
thanks alex!
It is a very important topic. I am always confused about when to use YET or ALREADY. Thanks Alex!
John B
thanks Alex. i got 6/6
Thanks Alex. I like your videos
thank Alex.I benefited from the study
mahmoud mena
Thank you for this lesson in English , Thanks alot Mr ALEX
Hussein Gabralla
I got 6 out of 6 !!! :D
Good for the Iranian like me.
Thank you again _Alex!!
useful lesson
i got 100%
Thanks for this lesson
Hi, Alex. Question 3 make me confused, I think ‘yet’ only used in negative format. Am I right?
my question is,how we could use has been finished? which type of tense is it? i have learned has been teaching or have been working
please explain me!
thanks! now the difference is more clear :)
Michele Vis.
thanks Mr Alex
I hope to give us more examples
in your lessons.
Confused in yey
Abdul Rafae
Abdul Rafae
Hi Mr. Alex,
First of all, thank you for your useful lesson. I’ve been learning a lot with you. But I’m confused with something in the test. In question 3 the correct answer is the second one with yet “3. Which question do you use if you want to find out if the following action has taken place before now?
Has she finished her homework already?
Has she finished her homework yet?” But at the end of the quiz, you wrote a reminder saying that when an action has finished or happened before now, we use “already”. So, that is my problem. I’ve chosen the one with already and it was the wrong answer. Can you explain it to me, if it’s possible? I don’t know if my English is good enough to explain my doubt. However, I hope to hear from you soon. Thanks!
Thank you Mr. Alex, everything is clear.
thank u Alex :)
Maria seri
Thank you Alex! Your lessons are always short and clear.
I watched this video twice on June 10, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got six correct out of 6.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
i wanna be to learn Enlish languase , i must to for a job in the future
Thank you for this lesson in English I have been looking for a site that will help me to become better at understanding our English language. This site is a blessing to people such as myself. Do to the fact that I don’t have the money to pay someone to tutor me. I will be using your site allot because I really want to learn our English language. God bless you’ll for this sited for all its subjects.
Sign: Rickey
I’m so happy we can help, Rickey. The more people use our site, the more we will be able to add to the site.
thnk you so mach frome your usefull site i find this site new english is my secnd language i am sorry for my mistick i apriciat your this huge help for people
Hi alex thank you for your good lesson about the use of ALREADY and YET.,i have question regarding my grammar.i can’t write down by using should.could.would,i want to start as a beginner in english,although i know little bit in english.can you help me?thank you!
Hi Alex.how i improve my grammar?how i start,this is my problem always when i write in a sentence even simple sentence i made a mistake.can you give me some advice.please!
thank you..
Thanks for the video script.
I have a doubt, can I use this sentense?
“I already arrived at Seoul”
good for you
He has already done
its nice english , engvid .com . i like so much because i just found for two day ago
sincerely ,, naravit cahimontri
dear Mr: Alix
thank you so much, could you explan to me what is the different between do and make as well as take because that is deficult for me
Thanks alot
but if you but more excample it’ll be better
I have already finished the quiz and I got 100%! But I haven’t watched some lessons yet. So, I’m going to do that! Thanks, Alex, for a good explanation!By the way, I’m from Russia. До скорых встреч! or in English see you soon))
Has she finished her homework yet?
I have a confusion in the sentence.
please can you Mr.Alex explicate why this is right and other is wrong ?
I’m waiting you ,,
thank you ..
You can use both sentences:
“Has she finished her homework yet?” means that she has likely not completed her homework, and you want to find out if she has completed it.
“Has she finished her homework already?” is used as an expression of surprise. It means that she finished it very quickly, and you are surprised at how quickly she did finish it.
I hope this helps.
Dear Alex
At the end of your answer you wrote…” and you are surprised at how quickly she did finish it.
Well, why “did finish it” and not “finished it”? Can you tell (explain) the difference?. I read many books and the use of “did” in the affermative sentence is very common.
Can you please give us a lesson about this form?
Thanks in advance
very clear explaining
Yeah! Eeng, I even dont understand how different between 3nd and 4nd question? also thank so much !
Thanks you very much. II prefer still on more difficultly passes tests, help me please. I am from Tadjikistan.
Best regards to everyone.
I usually use already when I want to ask questions, for example: Have you already taken your medicine? and I use yet in negative sentences, for example: I haven’t traveled to USA yet. Am I correct?
hi Eeng
because we did not know if she finished her homework or not we just ask
and the next qustion ” Which question do you use if you want to show that you are surprised that something has been finished?
Have they arrived at the party already?!
Have they arrived at the party yet?!
we know that they arrived to the party
howwe know that ” they arrive to the party ” because in the question said “you are surprised that something has been finished?”
already comes with somthing done active you did it and finished and you know that
yet-> comes with negative “not” in the sentence
and in the question if you did not know if somthing done or not
i hope you got it
thanks a millions Alex. I love very much this websize. I hope Alex,Valen,James …. can upload video lesson” how to use WHO,WHOM,WHICH,THAT…..”
Thanks for the suggestion!
ALEX you ‘re the best thanks alot
Hey A lex my name is dany and i wanna know about GANNA okay you can help me ?
Heyyyy Alex you are the best!!!
hey i am from BHUTAN. your lecture is fab one. thanks y a.
Dear sir
Could you please tell me if this sentence has any faults.
hi alex
you are the best teacher frome who ever taught me. i m learning more and more good english.thanks
Its a useful program learning english online. i am too much glad to find video learning….
its very interesting and made me interested to learn english
once again thanks a lot
do you have lesson more on spoken English?
Thanks for the lesson. Really usefull especially for beginner like me. Thanks from Malaysia.
Thanks for the lesson
dear mr alex
your are great thank you so much for all your lessons really every thing you said is wonderful .
hello Alex, thank you for your lesson, but i have a question in this sentence. i don’t understand. Could you explane me please this sentence, I
sorry, I HAVE NOT YET SEEN AFRICA. thank you. i will wait for your answer please
hi, i have a difficulty yet in english.is it a correct sentences.i will wait for your reply.
I enjod this lesson thank you Alex.
oh good lesson !
oh thanks alex !
Thanks for clarifying my doubts. Thanks for the lesson.
Hi Alex………
Thank you so much for this lessons.
thanks Alex
How are you? Alex good teacher. thank you very much.I am national Mongolia
Alex, you´re a great teacher. I hope you contact me by messenger(val-decy2008@hotmail.com)I watch your lessons everyday.I haven´t seen Canada. I wish I had seen it.( is this sentence correct?)
By, Alex! You´re the best!
Salam Alex How are you doing i hope you are fine and doing well I am from Afghanistan I love your lessons, you are great your lessons are great thanks a lot.
salam means Hello in Afghanistan language
I’m sorry I’m not an expert in English, but in the quiz has a mistake(in my opinion):
“My aunt has not gotten her driver’s license _______.
Is “gotten” right?If I am not right,I apologize
And thank you, Alex, for the excellent lessons.
“Gotten” is used in American English. In British English it is not used that much anymore.
Hi Alex!nice to see you!!Thank you for your giving us a big hand in our English!Take care!
and i’ve question)how can i change my photo hear?i wanna take my own photo!TIA
Yes, Emil. When you are signed in to your account, click the small “profile” link in the top right corner of the site. There are instructions there on how to add your picture to gravatar.
Thank you!
that sentence is good to try us to understand that means.
for the first time i learned how to use yet and already .thnk you very much. you colleage and you are fantastic. ilearned much from this web site .please revised my comment ,if possible .by
great lesson
i have so many times already sign up but you provider have not yet send any password . why ?
A wonderfull webside. I would like to be a new user, I enter my username and my email. I logged in but how can I know my password.
Thanks alot, Sir Please clarify the use of “yet to be”.
AWESOME!!!I like your lessons.It is my routine work to watch your lessons atleast for one hour a day.Thank you ,I think Im getting better.THANKS once again
please help me..I just want learn how to use the word ‘yet’in different ways!!
Thank you sooooo much!!
Hi Alex…I’d like to know the difference between the use of YET and STILL because a few days ago I came up with the two options for a sentence and I wasn’t sure about the correct one…Cheers form Argentina…and THANKS
Thank you so much! I was preparing a lesson to teach the use of these two words, and I found this page… and It was so well explained! You are great! I’m your fan now! Bye the way, I teach spanish and sometimes English, like today. Thanks again. Paola
wonderful teacher. what i mostly liked is your quitness. thanks Alex
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Aww… that’s sweet of you. :)
it is very nice thinku alex
I like this site very much.
thanks alex. I like your lessons very much. I think you and other English teachers are contributing knowledge to all people that are interested in English. And i hope in the future and right now English will make our world smaller.
Duy Lanh Nguyen
thanks alex
Wow u are good teacher I like the way u teach tks!!
I like Alex, you’re really good… in just spending few minutes listening to your lessons, i can say “I’m Learning”
Dear Alex, nice website. I would like to know if the following is correct: “Please submit your form if you haven’t already done so.” Or should I use “yet” here….
Thanks beforehand for your reply
Excellent Alex!
Great Job !
Hi Alex your teaching is very well in this website. I like your teaching.I have one doubt ‘yet’ and ‘so far’ are same meaning or different.
Hello everybody is my first time in this page and think is very very nice and very necessary to learn more and more english
good job
Thanks a lot!
hi alex good lesson but I have a question for you can i answer in positive and negative way
has carmen arrived yet? please help me
You can answer with “Yes, she has,” or “No, she hasn’t.” Or “No, she hasn’t arrived yet.” :)
please can you explain me how to answer in a yet question
Alex hi you’re the best teacher
Thank you Alex. I have a question to ask you. I’ve heard someone said ” not yet”. What does it mean?
Alex, just to confirm..
In this lesson, the reason using past participle, like taken/seen is because got intention, right?
thanks mr alex very good lesson
thank you so much Alex ,now i can understood how to use ALREADY&YET ,THANKS
ı have already understood lesson thanks a lot
I say many thanks for the teacher Who prepared this lessons
yes ..is good
this lesson is just about two words but truly useful. I’m grateful to those who spent their precious time to prepare this wonderful lesson and prepared it for the people who are starving for education. Anyway, Ii don’t know how to thank you completely
This site is awesome. I find it very resourceful. Keep on going.
hey i just confiused about how to use the already and yet
Dear Alex, your lecture is excellent. Thanks a lot. In the quiz, I am little bit confused about the following question.
Which question do you use if you want to find out if the following action has taken place before now?
* Has she finished her homework already?
* Has she finished her homework yet?
Could you please explain why second one is correct?
Another question is that, Suppose, My team leader has assigned me a task. But I could not do the task in time. So, can I tell, “I could not complete my task yet.”
Great video. Thank you Alex and EngVid.
Thank you Alex for your video!
But I’ve a question about your example:
“I’ve not yet seen Africa”.
What is the difference between this statement and that: “I haven’t seen Africa yet”?
There is no difference, except that “I”ve not yet seen Africa” is more formal. The other form is more commonly used.
Thank very much for helping me to understand how
end when I can use the words already and yet.
This little grammar lesson was very useful to me.
Tnx a lot. It was really helpful
thank Alex for explain to me about already and yet lesson, I love it very much, thanks
Your video very useful Thank you Alex and EngVid.
thank you m.Alex
thank you alex
hello alex,tnx a lot, i already understand it.
Thank you a lot Alex. But, I have YET questions about this difference.
hey Alex , could you please explain for me when we use got, getting,
I’ve seen a lot of people in American use it a lot like in these sentences:
today at school we got assigned to reading group.
he was the one that should be getting yelled at .
i got put in the gifted group
and so on
i would like to know if is correct the following sentence.
haven’t you finished yet?
thank you very much
such an excellent explanation!!! I got it so fast, especially the meaning of questions when using already and yet!!! Alex you’re the best!!!
Dear teacher, It was really wonderful education. I want to say thank you very much to all of you.
Thanks Alex ! It’s really simple, but highly helpful.
I’m so confused, in question should I use already or yet? like…Are we there yet or already? and Is Tuesday already or yet?? AAAA help me please…Thanks
thank you sir for sharing this. now i know how to use YET and ALREADY. Thanks and more POWER!!!
Hi teacher Alex! how can I to use “already” wiht “to have lunch” in the past?.
can I say “I had already lunched”.?
thanks again sir alex…
thanks a lot alex , i like this web sit
You star, Alex! For people who haven’t master English yet like me, it’s very great to have such amiable teachers just like you. I think I’ve already learnt a lot from this video.
I understand it becuase this first time all correct test hahaha
Thank you so much Alex! You are the best teacher. Since i have studied from you my English is better
thanks for the lesson…keep coming back for more!
Alex, I am really confused of this sentence I solve it, but I am not quite sure about its correctness.
A- Why did not you come by bus ?
B- Because it already (leave) the station by the time I arrived there.
I solve it:
It has already left, I am I right?
And why we did not say:
It had already left. And why ? :(
waiting your splendid answer
thanks for the lesson …….keep coming back more
has the workshop started already or yet? pls sir help me.
You can use both, but it depends on what you want to say.
“Has the workshop started already?” (maybe you came late)
“Has the workshop started yet?”
(maybe you came early, and want to know if it will begin soon)
Thank you very much sir.
Thank you very much for those very well structured lessons, thus very understandable and useful. Definitely to be keeping safe. (Sorry for the mistakes, I’m only intermediate level).
hi alex thanks a lot
i’m confused..@_@
hey there. I’d like to ask you what is the difference between these two sentences :
1) Its a fixed decision
2) Its a fix decision
please explain explicitly.. thanks a lot
Hi Mimi: how I see that,fixed is an adjective means specific or constant,It’s a fixed decision means that decision can’t be changed.
fix can be noun or verb,means repairing.It’s a fix decision means that decision leads to repair something=find the solution.
I hope that’s clear and helpful :)
please explain whether these sentences are correct:
1) The girl has already finished her homework.
2) The girl already finished her homework
which one of these sentences is correct and please explain Sir..thanks
Thank you. I have already finished watching this lesson.
i wanted to learn english..this site can help me more..tnx
Thank you Alex very much for your help!
great… but i still confused.. can you help me about “has” and “have” , already and yet”… owwhh no
Alex ,this lesson was hard but You aré the best
Thanks alot Alex :)
Thanks Alex, You are good teacher and how to I can speak and I learn well
Please tell me more via my E_mail address (welcom.bounlom)
it’s so great. thanks alot, Alex
I have already finished my work. Is it correct?
I have not completed yet my work.
Sir Alex both sentences are correct?
you are an awesome teacher alex thanks for learning english :)
Hi teacher! You’re good teacher for us, but ain’t not sure to answe well. Could you give more exemples? Lily from Brazil
Thank you very much for your hilp I have 2 quition first 1 how can I use this is our family, when I have to use our or oar and second 1 in English use for one person how are you, how can I use 2 or 3 poeple I am relly Canfoise on these worlds thanks I am waiting for you response
I’m showing this site to my friends and relatives.Teachers are excellent!Thanks.
Alex, thanks for the info.
Your teaching style is easy to follow and remember too!!
thank you teacher
thanksssssss mr Alex
Dear sir,
I want to know the uses of “Let” and “Yet”
Thanks for everything, realy it is a nice site for learning english.
Thanks teacher. Have a nice weekend
hello,mr.Alex,thanks a lot for this lesson.Really more useful for us your teaching.Finally I found this site 3 days ago and i am very glad.may i disturb you sometimes when i have any questions?so long,have a nice day
Hello! this is very useful. I’m gonna be graduate student!
Hope it can help me improve my English!
It is better to say:
Why didnt you take the bus?
Thanks for a good lesson. Appreciated.
Thanks for your lesson, Alex!
I have a question about yet. What is the meaning of the sentence “I have yet to meet anyone who can run as fast as him”?
Hi Alex,
You are an excellent teacher, I love all your subjects. Keep up the good work. i wasn’t aware of this website before, was browsing so many English learning websites and I found this is a good one. Keep adding more lessons and preferably writing e-mails for the corporate offices. Thank you once again. Give my regards to Emma, Rebecca, Jon and Valen.Let me know if anythings needs to be corrected on the sentences i have written here, i like to learn from the mistakes
Thank you very much Alex for your effort. Your videos help us a lot. More power to http://www.engvid.com!
Thanks a lot!
Thank you very much Alex, I’ve found it really useful. Hope to see more from you.
I’m still a bit confused for no.3&4….can you help me for this mate?thanks Jayr
I have been very interesting about your lessons and i would like to know how you help me to check about my letter writing and sentences. If it is possible, i would like to have the e-mail address.
Thank you for everything.
hi! i´m argentina, and tomorrow i will have a test and i did not remeber about this, thanks for all
hi Alex! ”have they arrived at the party yet!?” why is this sentence uncorrect? thenk you!
Hi Alex, I have problem here with this question in the exam: 3. Which question do you use if you want to find out if the following action has taken place before now?
Has she finished her homework already?
Has she finished her homework yet?
I marked first one because u say that if an action has finished or happened before now, we use “already.”
but the second one was correct!! So I have misunderstood here…
Thanks again dear Alex ;)
Hi Alex, I like your lessons a lot. Are these questions correct? Am I not allowed to use yet in other tenses ?
Can we leave yet?
I do not know yet.
Both are perfect sentences. Nice work!
how can i fix my exam resald
I must be study english and i try alot evryday and i reqards yours for yours nice and use foul site.
Best Regards
thanks so much, for such a helpful lesson
You will have already received….
Does this statement indicate future or past?
Does it imply that I will soon receive.. or I should have already received…
thank u very much..
Hi Alex,
I’ve learned a lot from your lessons!
Thank you so much.
Thank u sir :D
I got 6/6 :D:D
As always: very good. Thank you!
Thanks, Sir! I got 6/6.
Thank you to teach us in such details, including emotion conveyed.
Alex, just to confirm..
In this lesson, the reason using past participle, like taken/seen is because got intention, right?
Interesting lesson, thank you!
I got a perfect score :)
thank you so much,it was a great lesson.
I’m happy to take a quiz….i am also excited to get result out. i am so happy with this website. Thanks Alex :D
are there more examples of ( yet and already )
such as : not yet or i already did it ?!
Very good way to learn and improve my English
Hi everyone
It’s kind of weird for me to use Yet with a positive auxiliary verb in a question.
Has she arrived at the party yet?
Can I say…
Hasn’t she arrived at the party yet?
Thank you for the lesson. :D
Hi Alex, I love the way you have been teaching us. You did explain very clearly and easy to understand. Could you give us some more lesson about how we use “Do” and the verb to be “Is, am, are ” when we want to ask a question?
Thank you very much!
Thank you ! It’s very good lesson !
I’ve already caught it!!! Thanks ;)
i get 83 thanks
yet or already, it’s an idiom that we must to remaind
Thank you very much Alex.
I already understand the statement of the phrase!
They aren’t bought the wallet yet?
:D Thank You.
Thank You
Thank you sir, i got the perfect score… Which means, I have perfectly learned from your lesson sir. Thank you..
I’ve gotten the complete score in the quiz , and now I’m going to use it in my speaking , because I felt these grammar should be used to be in our mind .
Thank you so much for clarifying your lessons and make it crystal clear .
Thanks Alex, the way you are teaching the stuff is great and easy to grasp.
And by the way, thank you so much for offering this website.
I use it everyday in order to improve my english step by step and it works.
Its a great chance for people like me who dont have the time and financial resources to visit an additional english class.
Teacher, help-me please. I didn’t know the number 3 question, could you explaind me better.
3. Which question do you use if you want to find out if the following action has taken place before now?
Has she finished her homework already?
Has she finished her homework yet?
thanks alex!
It is a very important topic. I am always confused about when to use YET or ALREADY. Thanks Alex!
thanks Alex. i got 6/6
Thanks Alex. I like your videos
thank Alex.I benefited from the study
Thank you for this lesson in English , Thanks alot Mr ALEX
I got 6 out of 6 !!! :D
Good for the Iranian like me.
Thank you again _Alex!!
useful lesson
i got 100%
Thanks for this lesson
Hi, Alex. Question 3 make me confused, I think ‘yet’ only used in negative format. Am I right?
my question is,how we could use has been finished? which type of tense is it? i have learned has been teaching or have been working
please explain me!
thanks! now the difference is more clear :)
thanks Mr Alex
I hope to give us more examples
in your lessons.
Confused in yey
Hi Mr. Alex,
First of all, thank you for your useful lesson. I’ve been learning a lot with you. But I’m confused with something in the test. In question 3 the correct answer is the second one with yet “3. Which question do you use if you want to find out if the following action has taken place before now?
Has she finished her homework already?
Has she finished her homework yet?” But at the end of the quiz, you wrote a reminder saying that when an action has finished or happened before now, we use “already”. So, that is my problem. I’ve chosen the one with already and it was the wrong answer. Can you explain it to me, if it’s possible? I don’t know if my English is good enough to explain my doubt. However, I hope to hear from you soon. Thanks!
Thank you Mr. Alex, everything is clear.
thank u Alex :)
Thank you Alex! Your lessons are always short and clear.
I watched this video twice on June 10, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got six correct out of 6.