A story about New Year’s Eve, full of slang, vocabulary, and expressions related to drinking, partying, clubs, bars, and other typical North American New Year’s Eve activities. After you’ve watched the class, take the free quiz at to test your understanding: https://www.engvid.com/happy-new-year-bar-club-party-vocabulary/
Jon::: at 0:50 you said “this around is on me”. Is “on me” means I will pay for it or I will bring it from the bar? I hope you understand my meaning. Thank you & happy new year to you in Canada.
“This round is on me” means that I WILL PAY FOR IT. For example, if you and I go to a bar and you want a beer then I’ll buy 2 beers: One for you and one for me – that is the round.
Hey Jon,
Again a cool vid – hope you’ll make some more?
I have a request, and I would like to know if you (or other teachers on the engVid-crew) could make a video about adverbs/adjectives. When to use adverbs and when to use adjectives and why?? I think many students are having difficulties with this subject, so I would really appreciate such videos. Thx ;)
I have a few examples if you don’t quite know what I’m talking about:
John eats his food extreme(ly) quick(ly).
PS: Could you make some more grammarly related vids?? Would be cool ;)
Interesting lesson,but I haven’t seen properly what you wrote on the board…
thanks very useful slang , go on mister but plz if u can enlarge your writting font
my greetings
One word.
Fullscreen ;)
Everything is quite visible!! And I like that at first goes the story and then the explanation.
Please write larger letters. My eyes hurt from trying to read what’s on the board!
To incress the size of everything shown in the web-browser (including the video) try CTRL + + (that means, press Control plus the plus key). To reduce the size, CTROL + – (Control plus less-key).
Hope that helps.
I can’t download the vigdo 100%.i didn’t liston oppereily.
i would like your cooking vigdo.
i like this king of lessons with many slang … i’m looking forward the next one !!!
thank you for your tutor for learning my english
Allen walker kwon
it should be “teaching me English”.. happy new year.
i like that………….very much cos of your presenting
I am a big fan of engvid but I didn’t like this lesson much bcoz it wasn’t a lesson at all. It was just a kind of speech.. I request u to plz keep the delivery pace slow to make it easy to understand… rest is excellent… Wish u all a progressive and joyful new year..
Yeah! Your team work is good but it will better with subtitles. )
Excellent way of teaching.
I’m Saleh Ashfeaah l like way to learn english
I just joined to engvid.com. I liked this video class a lot. Thank you Jon, Happy new year to everybody. =)
It’s very interesting and useful. I like this video class. Thank you so much. I’ll continue visiting here often.
it is really usefull
Thanks, nice video and nice quizz.
wow! i scored five out of five, thank you :)happy new year!
hello plz can you help me i want to download the vidoes but i don’t know how ? pls give me soon answers i m waiting
If you go to the site, you should be able to watch the videos. I don’t know what more to say about that. Sorry.
You cannot download the videos. You have to watch them on the site.
I want to learn how to use ed in writing english sentences. When I need to put ed ending verb.
Julie Lambert
There are many verbs that have -ed endings. These are sometimes referred to as “regular” past tense verbs. We often use these verbs to talk about a completed action in the past. Unfortunately you just have to know which verbs are “regular” past tense – memorize – or with time you will learn which ones are “regular past tense. For example, I taught a lesson about “New Year”. I am not doing it now, I did it in the past and it is finished.
I do love this video! keep it up bro!
thank you is very help for me
Hi Jon,
I like your english class. I would like to learn more about “WH-QUESTIONS”, I am very confuse about it. Thank you so much…and It is nice to hear you have been in Perú, I am from Perú…nice country uh?
Thanks again,
tanks teacher it was a good lesson
hello jon,i am from india,ur class is reall good,i have a doubt and little bit confusion in using “want” and “need”. can u pls clear it jon.bye..
To want something is to desire it, but to need something it can imply a greater necessity. For example, I want some ice cream, but i need to eat. However, sometimes people use need when they really mean want, but they use it to express a stronger desire.
Thanks Jon. You’re amazing. I liked the way you describe the whole thing step by step. I came to know few new words. Thanks.
hi please i want your help after 2 months i have toefl exam n i didnt start studying yet cuz i dont know how to start
I think there are other teachers that have a more experience with TOEFL than I do, so you might want to ask them. However, if you have any specifics about my lessons, etc I can help you.
thank u nice but u have enlarge your writing
Hi Jon I enjoy ur lesson.
kandiah rajendra
I enjoyed this lesson. A new teacher, with his own way of teaching, his accent, is a good way
to enhance our English.
Best wishes to you for the New Year
and a lot of new lessons for us.
thanx i like your way
i feel that it was like a store lool about new year keep going
Thanks…Ton.your way of teaching is amazing and your voice is very clear.
Thanks…JON.your way of teaching is amazing and your voice is very clear.
I am so happy to find this site to improve my English!! Thank you for all of your work.
God Bless You Guys.
hehe they’ll work while watching “how i met your mother”, thanks buddy :)
Nice class, thank you so much Jon!!!
Really interesting sir…i realy enjoyed it…
I just found this site, and… I love it! I’ll work hard to improve my english with you guys! thanks for the video
i am so happy to find this site “improve your English.Thank you from your strugle.best wishes for you and alot of lesson for us.
basically, this program is very good n worthy for non-native English people, like me. So, through this box comment, I’d like to thank so much n I do hope in the future time could make more various parts or kinds of the English lesson, especially how to understand American dialect/accent n building vocabulary.
thank a lot.
Thanks for the lesson! You’re really cool!
One little maybe stupid question) What does “on ice” mean?
oh, oh and one more question about party! what does the verb “to party” mean?
On ice simply means that the drink will be served in a class with ice (frozen water). To party is a verb that describes…celebrating. It usually involves social interaction, sometimes drinks, dancing and games, etc.
i found the way to softening when you are drank!!In example: when someone say to you: you are dranked..you can say, sorry, just plastered baby!! , i take note of everything…
Say…he is drunk, not drank. Drunk is the adjective. But you are absolutely correct about suing the word plastered.
Love your series mate. Can you teach more colloquial expression? I’ve been spending 2 years on working on it.
I will, thanks.
that was great i would like more class with interesting topics like these…
hi jon,,,
where’s the jhon around here???
crack a joke bro,,
Thanks Jon,
For good method of teaching.
Exciting, when you hit your head to the whitebourd while teaching the slong”fool of yourself”.
Abdul Samad Amin
Thanks Jon, for good method of teaching.
Exciting, when you hit your head to the whitebourd while teaching the slang”fool of yourself”.
Abdul Samad Amin
Thankx Jon,
Could you please give me some more examples which are used with “this round” and “buzzed” Please post it in reply
I liked this way to learn slang and vocabulary related to everyday situations, usually we learn very formal English but is difficult to find about the typical way the language is spoken nowadays, thanks so much Jon
hi dear teacher
does ”this round on me” have the same meaning as ”my treat” has ?
Essentially yes. However, this round is on me refers to drinks, usually.
hi dear teacher
does ”this round on me” have the same meaning as ”my treat”?
I like it
thanks a lot Jon
got new words
hi! i need to learn english both in written and spoken so would you help me out please !
i’ll be waiting for your reply ..
Thanx for great lesson, Jon. I have one small question for you. Are “elsewhere” and “somewhere else” have the same meaning? Or not?
i have a question.
Why is that every single question on the quizzes have a grammar mistake. It just confuses me, !
i.e. Can you do me a favour ? really ?
isn’t favor? can you guys answer that. I’m learning english and that is jusy confusing me !
As far as I know, “favor” is American spelling, and “favour” is British. But meaning of both words the same.:-)
I hope it helped. Best regards.
Yes, that is correct.
Hi man, i start to enjoy your classes… this is my first time in EngVid and i am haing a good time… learning yo much!!
Rafael A. Blanco P.
Thank you for this useful lesson.
i enjoyed this ~!! :)
fu wei
thank you engVid..
Thank you Jon.
I have benefited a lot from this lesson.
Thank you again.
Hi everybody! As I couldn’t understand the expression “3 sheets to the wind” I looked up the origin on internet. ( “sheet” in this specific case is not a “a piece of paper” but a rope for a boat!) As the explanation I found is according to me very nice, I’d like to share it with you: “sheets actually refer to the ropes that are used to secure a ship’s sail. If the 3 ropes used were loose in the wind, the sail would flop around, causing the ship to wobble around, much like a drunk.”
Great explanation! Thanks for looking this up and sharing, Milly!
Yo! My birthday is December 31,that’s why I love this lesson!
thank you jon :)
Very nice teacher Jon, thanks. Lily from Brazil.
Thanks Jon, i learn a bit more about like this class.
Thanks Jon. great teacher. I am very happy to know that you have been in Vietnam.
hi sir,,, when we’ll get the new one?’
excellent lessons
co0o0o0o0o0l :) thanx jon
Thank you much Jon, it helps me a lot
Lhundup Gyatso
hey jon,,,so this round same mening like on the haouse? thank u
I like your class. It’s very much informative and such type of words, we don’t found in the dictionary as. I would like you to do more videos on such topics, which will enhance our understanding on slangs. I am very much thankful to you and wish you all the best for new year. I am looking forward for your videos.
tank you
HI Jon,
I’m going to write an Aptitude test in Next Month.I’m afraiding about English Questions in that exam.
So could you guide me in how to Attempting English questions and how to solve them with in a Certain time? Please Jon Help Me
Vidyadhar Raju
thanks for this another exciting lesson sir jon.. im working from mon-fri and during my rest days i always watch your lessons and shared what i have learned to my friends ;)
hmmm, nice but none of ma type!
I mean, nice coz i didn’t knew these slang before and none of ma use coz i don’t wana use this sort of language!
Mazhar Khattak
that happened 2 u Jon, u know what u told, don’t u, keep teaching us pal.
Hi All,
You guys rock.I am indebted for all free learning.All your lectures are so meaningful for all of us who are not native users and want to improve their communication skills.All these words that you describe in these lectures are really helpful..thank you all ..you guys are my favorites
Hi all,
you guys rock .i am indebted to all of you for all these valuable lectures that you provide…most of the words which I find difficult or don’t know their meanings, you guys make them clear to me..thank you all for your lectures.
it was what i really wanted to see! thanx~
Not Good But Awesome.
I like the lesson. thank you
so much
when can i use these slangs?
i am now in Iran But 12 week i am in england please teach me ok?
It was really helpfull
thank you pall
ok jon This round’s on me, guys i like it
only one time ok
alnaji ismail
Hi teacher
how do u do?
I just wana ask u about your name
why some people write
which one is correct?
thank you a lot ^_^
thanks Jon! I learned so much from this lesson.
thanks teacher new vocabulary for me
for use in Bar o club
Nice quiz
I lIKe YOUR TEaching . please i WANT to know how improve my converstion
Thank you for all your lessons, I seem i am on a correct way in listining
Thank you for all your lessons
ismail alnaji
can you tell me how to use “go in circles”
?and how often should we use slangs in our languages?
Great lesson Jon! I didn’t know buzzed was somehow the first step to be wasted! Neither did I know a bouncer is a security guard!!. Thank you
I love learning slang, I am an English teacher in Argentina, we learn and teach formal English, so a bit of this is really funny! Thanks!!
I liked very much of this lesson. I have a question about slangs: Could you say me what means “you turn me on” please? Thx
Jon, thanks a lot! Your lessons are really handy, specially this one lol
Question: what is the connotation of words buzzed, wasted, plastered, inebriated and i believe there is another one, tipsy (right?). Which are more polite and official, which are useful for friends only? Thanks in advance!
I think inebriated and intoxicated are more polite then wasted or buzzed !!!
Q: is there is something even more polite then that ??
Q2: how you going to say politely when you are stoned ??
you said already the polite way of saying it. now if you stoned the best thing you to do is to watered them! LOL
thank you sir
Dear Jone:
The pleasure is all mine. I live in the USA, and I am wandering about are American using these slang words? or just Canadian use them.
Amir Irhayyim
It’s great.
i really love watching you Jon
you are intelligent. i love the way that you explain with.
Thank you for all your lessons
how do we order a beer in a bar? How do we express the desired quantity in a glass? If we want a 250ml or a 500ml glass beer, what do we normally say? Thanks!
Hi, John!
I’m from Kazakhstan! This lesson is very interesting and usefull. I’ve discovered e[pressions which are new for me. at school and university I learnt only formal english, so could you submit more lessons with slangs? Thank you!
very useful to me
thanks so much for you
Iam so inresting with your,s video
I look forward to meet you one day
plase reply for me
Hi Jon, it’s great, I love this lesson, very good time. Sent to you from Colombia S.A.
Ana Lucia Shrader
hello sir, thank you so much about ur kind and beneficial teaching. i like the way of ur teaching a lot sir. i want to b like u… but how sir?????????
Hi sir. I like your lesson it’s really helpful.
hi Jon, thanks for this lesson. could u please answer what does “here we go ” means. this i hear from native speakers.but i dont know where to use it.
i don’t understand some words! However, thanks Jon
Excellent videos. They’ve helped a great deal. Unfortunately not all of them are available for download. It’s worth watching them, though.
this round on me means i will pay for this bell for all friends on table Right ?!
Do you marry me?
Sorry, no.
engVid Moderator
I got 100 % right in my first Quiz! I’m happy.
Perfect videos ! I think, some guizes should be a little bit more difficult :)
Thanks a lot ! and I´m sorry for my bad English :)
hi Jon thank you so much. your video is useful . i am preparing myself for IELTS exam so i ussed your classroom in this video virtually.
Well done and keep up the good work.
Rowa Douglas
I hate people when manipulating languages !!
As far as English is concerned, some are seriously corrupting Shakespearean beautiful language :/
Gonna, wanna, gotta ? What is that ?
However, thanks for the lesson and happy new year.
Thanks for your lesson. Very helpful your way to introduce the vocabulary in a short and funny story.
Thank You. Correct my Quiz. I’m so glad about you teacher JON. Have excelent 2013 with Family. Peace and lov. Eliete Diaz from Brazil
Thank’s jon so much for this lesson
I did learn some new words from your lesson. Many thanks Jon.
thanks so much Jon and Happy New year…….
That was a great idea of introducing the vocabulary with a story.Thanks for your lesson. Very useful!
Sally S
thank You Jon, your ” story”is very practical and useful, especially when I have problems traying to understand people in such situations even though I am able to read books. Nobody lerns us students common language to say nothing of slang
hi everyone i am new user of this site… even though i think you are the teachers who i was looking for and i can say thanks to god i could find you…
I must say that these vocabulary lessons are my favorite. There are always new words that I didn’t know about. Thanks a ton, Jon! :D
Thank you very much
thank you sir
Gibson Tambunan
Thanks , very goog
do not understand your lesson
thanks for the lesson it was good but I think it’s not useful for me until I travel to Canada or USA :)
so, would you Jon head to the bar with me, get some drink (its on me, don’t worry), get buzzed, maybe punch a bouncer and get really wasted? hahahah
Hi, where’s Jon?
He hasn’t posted his videos anymore….
Enilson B@tist@
Great lesson John! Thank you!
Isaias Menezes Silva
The word for the entrance fee to a bar or club is “cover”, I failed it then I will have to listen again and take a little more attention and practice. It was a little weird your explanation at the beginning but when you have finished it, I have got to learn the topics, a great number of them. Thanks a lot, teacher Jon, interesting explanation and I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year all of you.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Jon::: at 0:50 you said “this around is on me”. Is “on me” means I will pay for it or I will bring it from the bar? I hope you understand my meaning. Thank you & happy new year to you in Canada.
“This round is on me” means that I WILL PAY FOR IT. For example, if you and I go to a bar and you want a beer then I’ll buy 2 beers: One for you and one for me – that is the round.
Hey Jon,
Again a cool vid – hope you’ll make some more?
I have a request, and I would like to know if you (or other teachers on the engVid-crew) could make a video about adverbs/adjectives. When to use adverbs and when to use adjectives and why?? I think many students are having difficulties with this subject, so I would really appreciate such videos. Thx ;)
I have a few examples if you don’t quite know what I’m talking about:
John eats his food extreme(ly) quick(ly).
PS: Could you make some more grammarly related vids?? Would be cool ;)
Interesting lesson,but I haven’t seen properly what you wrote on the board…
thanks very useful slang , go on mister but plz if u can enlarge your writting font
my greetings
One word.
Fullscreen ;)
Everything is quite visible!! And I like that at first goes the story and then the explanation.
Please write larger letters. My eyes hurt from trying to read what’s on the board!
To incress the size of everything shown in the web-browser (including the video) try CTRL + + (that means, press Control plus the plus key). To reduce the size, CTROL + – (Control plus less-key).
Hope that helps.
I can’t download the vigdo 100%.i didn’t liston oppereily.
i would like your cooking vigdo.
i like this king of lessons with many slang … i’m looking forward the next one !!!
thank you for your tutor for learning my english
it should be “teaching me English”.. happy new year.
i like that………….very much cos of your presenting
I am a big fan of engvid but I didn’t like this lesson much bcoz it wasn’t a lesson at all. It was just a kind of speech.. I request u to plz keep the delivery pace slow to make it easy to understand… rest is excellent… Wish u all a progressive and joyful new year..
Yeah! Your team work is good but it will better with subtitles. )
Excellent way of teaching.
I’m Saleh Ashfeaah l like way to learn english
I just joined to engvid.com. I liked this video class a lot. Thank you Jon, Happy new year to everybody. =)
It’s very interesting and useful. I like this video class. Thank you so much. I’ll continue visiting here often.
it is really usefull
Thanks, nice video and nice quizz.
wow! i scored five out of five, thank you :)happy new year!
hello plz can you help me i want to download the vidoes but i don’t know how ? pls give me soon answers i m waiting
If you go to the site, you should be able to watch the videos. I don’t know what more to say about that. Sorry.
You cannot download the videos. You have to watch them on the site.
I want to learn how to use ed in writing english sentences. When I need to put ed ending verb.
There are many verbs that have -ed endings. These are sometimes referred to as “regular” past tense verbs. We often use these verbs to talk about a completed action in the past. Unfortunately you just have to know which verbs are “regular” past tense – memorize – or with time you will learn which ones are “regular past tense. For example, I taught a lesson about “New Year”. I am not doing it now, I did it in the past and it is finished.
I do love this video! keep it up bro!
thank you is very help for me
Hi Jon,
I like your english class. I would like to learn more about “WH-QUESTIONS”, I am very confuse about it. Thank you so much…and It is nice to hear you have been in Perú, I am from Perú…nice country uh?
Thanks again,
tanks teacher it was a good lesson
hello jon,i am from india,ur class is reall good,i have a doubt and little bit confusion in using “want” and “need”. can u pls clear it jon.bye..
To want something is to desire it, but to need something it can imply a greater necessity. For example, I want some ice cream, but i need to eat. However, sometimes people use need when they really mean want, but they use it to express a stronger desire.
Thanks Jon. You’re amazing. I liked the way you describe the whole thing step by step. I came to know few new words. Thanks.
hi please i want your help after 2 months i have toefl exam n i didnt start studying yet cuz i dont know how to start
I think there are other teachers that have a more experience with TOEFL than I do, so you might want to ask them. However, if you have any specifics about my lessons, etc I can help you.
thank u nice but u have enlarge your writing
Hi Jon I enjoy ur lesson.
I enjoyed this lesson. A new teacher, with his own way of teaching, his accent, is a good way
to enhance our English.
Best wishes to you for the New Year
and a lot of new lessons for us.
thanx i like your way
i feel that it was like a store lool about new year keep going
Thanks…Ton.your way of teaching is amazing and your voice is very clear.
Thanks…JON.your way of teaching is amazing and your voice is very clear.
I am so happy to find this site to improve my English!! Thank you for all of your work.
God Bless You Guys.
hehe they’ll work while watching “how i met your mother”, thanks buddy :)
Nice class, thank you so much Jon!!!
Really interesting sir…i realy enjoyed it…
I just found this site, and… I love it! I’ll work hard to improve my english with you guys! thanks for the video
i am so happy to find this site “improve your English.Thank you from your strugle.best wishes for you and alot of lesson for us.
basically, this program is very good n worthy for non-native English people, like me. So, through this box comment, I’d like to thank so much n I do hope in the future time could make more various parts or kinds of the English lesson, especially how to understand American dialect/accent n building vocabulary.
thank a lot.
Thanks for the lesson! You’re really cool!
One little maybe stupid question) What does “on ice” mean?
oh, oh and one more question about party! what does the verb “to party” mean?
On ice simply means that the drink will be served in a class with ice (frozen water). To party is a verb that describes…celebrating. It usually involves social interaction, sometimes drinks, dancing and games, etc.
i found the way to softening when you are drank!!In example: when someone say to you: you are dranked..you can say, sorry, just plastered baby!! , i take note of everything…
Say…he is drunk, not drank. Drunk is the adjective. But you are absolutely correct about suing the word plastered.
Love your series mate. Can you teach more colloquial expression? I’ve been spending 2 years on working on it.
I will, thanks.
that was great i would like more class with interesting topics like these…
hi jon,,,
where’s the jhon around here???
crack a joke bro,,
Thanks Jon,
For good method of teaching.
Exciting, when you hit your head to the whitebourd while teaching the slong”fool of yourself”.
Thanks Jon, for good method of teaching.
Exciting, when you hit your head to the whitebourd while teaching the slang”fool of yourself”.
Thankx Jon,
Could you please give me some more examples which are used with “this round” and “buzzed” Please post it in reply
I liked this way to learn slang and vocabulary related to everyday situations, usually we learn very formal English but is difficult to find about the typical way the language is spoken nowadays, thanks so much Jon
hi dear teacher
does ”this round on me” have the same meaning as ”my treat” has ?
Essentially yes. However, this round is on me refers to drinks, usually.
hi dear teacher
does ”this round on me” have the same meaning as ”my treat”?
I like it
thanks a lot Jon
got new words
hi! i need to learn english both in written and spoken so would you help me out please !
i’ll be waiting for your reply ..
Thanx for great lesson, Jon. I have one small question for you. Are “elsewhere” and “somewhere else” have the same meaning? Or not?
i have a question.
Why is that every single question on the quizzes have a grammar mistake. It just confuses me, !
i.e. Can you do me a favour ? really ?
isn’t favor? can you guys answer that. I’m learning english and that is jusy confusing me !
As far as I know, “favor” is American spelling, and “favour” is British. But meaning of both words the same.:-)
I hope it helped. Best regards.
Yes, that is correct.
Hi man, i start to enjoy your classes… this is my first time in EngVid and i am haing a good time… learning yo much!!
Thank you for this useful lesson.
i enjoyed this ~!! :)
thank you engVid..
Thank you Jon.
I have benefited a lot from this lesson.
Thank you again.
Hi everybody! As I couldn’t understand the expression “3 sheets to the wind” I looked up the origin on internet. ( “sheet” in this specific case is not a “a piece of paper” but a rope for a boat!) As the explanation I found is according to me very nice, I’d like to share it with you: “sheets actually refer to the ropes that are used to secure a ship’s sail. If the 3 ropes used were loose in the wind, the sail would flop around, causing the ship to wobble around, much like a drunk.”
Great explanation! Thanks for looking this up and sharing, Milly!
Yo! My birthday is December 31,that’s why I love this lesson!
thank you jon :)
Very nice teacher Jon, thanks. Lily from Brazil.
Thanks Jon, i learn a bit more about like this class.
Thanks Jon. great teacher. I am very happy to know that you have been in Vietnam.
hi sir,,, when we’ll get the new one?’
excellent lessons
co0o0o0o0o0l :) thanx jon
Thank you much Jon, it helps me a lot
hey jon,,,so this round same mening like on the haouse? thank u
I like your class. It’s very much informative and such type of words, we don’t found in the dictionary as. I would like you to do more videos on such topics, which will enhance our understanding on slangs. I am very much thankful to you and wish you all the best for new year. I am looking forward for your videos.
tank you
HI Jon,
I’m going to write an Aptitude test in Next Month.I’m afraiding about English Questions in that exam.
So could you guide me in how to Attempting English questions and how to solve them with in a Certain time? Please Jon Help Me
thanks for this another exciting lesson sir jon.. im working from mon-fri and during my rest days i always watch your lessons and shared what i have learned to my friends ;)
hmmm, nice but none of ma type!
I mean, nice coz i didn’t knew these slang before and none of ma use coz i don’t wana use this sort of language!
that happened 2 u Jon, u know what u told, don’t u, keep teaching us pal.
Hi All,
You guys rock.I am indebted for all free learning.All your lectures are so meaningful for all of us who are not native users and want to improve their communication skills.All these words that you describe in these lectures are really helpful..thank you all ..you guys are my favorites
Hi all,
you guys rock .i am indebted to all of you for all these valuable lectures that you provide…most of the words which I find difficult or don’t know their meanings, you guys make them clear to me..thank you all for your lectures.
it was what i really wanted to see! thanx~
Not Good But Awesome.
I like the lesson. thank you
so much
when can i use these slangs?
i am now in Iran But 12 week i am in england please teach me ok?
It was really helpfull
thank you pall
ok jon This round’s on me, guys i like it
only one time ok
Hi teacher
how do u do?
I just wana ask u about your name
why some people write
which one is correct?
thank you a lot ^_^
thanks Jon! I learned so much from this lesson.
thanks teacher new vocabulary for me
for use in Bar o club
Nice quiz
I lIKe YOUR TEaching . please i WANT to know how improve my converstion
Thank you for all your lessons, I seem i am on a correct way in listining
Thank you for all your lessons
can you tell me how to use “go in circles”
?and how often should we use slangs in our languages?
Great lesson Jon! I didn’t know buzzed was somehow the first step to be wasted! Neither did I know a bouncer is a security guard!!. Thank you
I love learning slang, I am an English teacher in Argentina, we learn and teach formal English, so a bit of this is really funny! Thanks!!
I liked very much of this lesson. I have a question about slangs: Could you say me what means “you turn me on” please? Thx
Jon, thanks a lot! Your lessons are really handy, specially this one lol
Question: what is the connotation of words buzzed, wasted, plastered, inebriated and i believe there is another one, tipsy (right?). Which are more polite and official, which are useful for friends only? Thanks in advance!
I think inebriated and intoxicated are more polite then wasted or buzzed !!!
Q: is there is something even more polite then that ??
Q2: how you going to say politely when you are stoned ??
you said already the polite way of saying it. now if you stoned the best thing you to do is to watered them! LOL
thank you sir
Dear Jone:
The pleasure is all mine. I live in the USA, and I am wandering about are American using these slang words? or just Canadian use them.
It’s great.
i really love watching you Jon
you are intelligent. i love the way that you explain with.
Thank you for all your lessons
how do we order a beer in a bar? How do we express the desired quantity in a glass? If we want a 250ml or a 500ml glass beer, what do we normally say? Thanks!
Hi, John!
I’m from Kazakhstan! This lesson is very interesting and usefull. I’ve discovered e[pressions which are new for me. at school and university I learnt only formal english, so could you submit more lessons with slangs? Thank you!
very useful to me
thanks so much for you
Iam so inresting with your,s video
I look forward to meet you one day
plase reply for me
Hi Jon, it’s great, I love this lesson, very good time. Sent to you from Colombia S.A.
hello sir, thank you so much about ur kind and beneficial teaching. i like the way of ur teaching a lot sir. i want to b like u… but how sir?????????
Hi sir. I like your lesson it’s really helpful.
hi Jon, thanks for this lesson. could u please answer what does “here we go ” means. this i hear from native speakers.but i dont know where to use it.
i don’t understand some words! However, thanks Jon
Excellent videos. They’ve helped a great deal. Unfortunately not all of them are available for download. It’s worth watching them, though.
this round on me means i will pay for this bell for all friends on table Right ?!
Do you marry me?
Sorry, no.
I got 100 % right in my first Quiz! I’m happy.
Perfect videos ! I think, some guizes should be a little bit more difficult :)
Thanks a lot ! and I´m sorry for my bad English :)
hi Jon thank you so much. your video is useful . i am preparing myself for IELTS exam so i ussed your classroom in this video virtually.
Well done and keep up the good work.
I hate people when manipulating languages !!
As far as English is concerned, some are seriously corrupting Shakespearean beautiful language :/
Gonna, wanna, gotta ? What is that ?
However, thanks for the lesson and happy new year.
Thanks for your lesson. Very helpful your way to introduce the vocabulary in a short and funny story.
Thank You. Correct my Quiz. I’m so glad about you teacher JON. Have excelent 2013 with Family. Peace and lov. Eliete Diaz from Brazil
Thank’s jon so much for this lesson
I did learn some new words from your lesson. Many thanks Jon.
thanks so much Jon and Happy New year…….
That was a great idea of introducing the vocabulary with a story.Thanks for your lesson. Very useful!
thank You Jon, your ” story”is very practical and useful, especially when I have problems traying to understand people in such situations even though I am able to read books. Nobody lerns us students common language to say nothing of slang
hi everyone i am new user of this site… even though i think you are the teachers who i was looking for and i can say thanks to god i could find you…
I must say that these vocabulary lessons are my favorite. There are always new words that I didn’t know about. Thanks a ton, Jon! :D
Thank you very much
thank you sir
Thanks , very goog
do not understand your lesson
thanks for the lesson it was good but I think it’s not useful for me until I travel to Canada or USA :)
so, would you Jon head to the bar with me, get some drink (its on me, don’t worry), get buzzed, maybe punch a bouncer and get really wasted? hahahah
Hi, where’s Jon?
He hasn’t posted his videos anymore….
Great lesson John! Thank you!
The word for the entrance fee to a bar or club is “cover”, I failed it then I will have to listen again and take a little more attention and practice. It was a little weird your explanation at the beginning but when you have finished it, I have got to learn the topics, a great number of them. Thanks a lot, teacher Jon, interesting explanation and I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year all of you.
Love it
Thanks Jon.