Thanks Sir James,I’ve learned a lot :-)Please more lesson to come.
The same here. Thank you so much James.
hahahahahaha i laughed a lot when i saw your video thank you
Thank you very much for This lesson (^^)
Indeed, it was fun and useful lesson
And I Thank you sir and rest of the teachers for all the effort you making for us
I really have asked you something
In the next July I will travel in my honeymoon
So I need lessons let me know what to say at the airports and the hotels
plz helps my
ha ha))) very funny lesson)))) I appreciate you!)
its really amazing lesson it was so funny I wish it was longer than this…..any way I have a question I see this sentence in my book”at glance sentences for Lee brandon” (she had not eaten since the clock struck twelve ) is it right sentence ? because I think the first action is “the clock struck twelve” hence it must be”she did not eaten since the clock had stuck twelve” because as I think its past perfect sentence so why do they consider it like this?
Thank you very much
I enjoy watching your videos. Thank you! I wish to learn more! More success to
thank u teacher :) i hope the best for u
may God protect u
yemen's girl
i’m yemen’s girl i created an acount today in this site bec it’s the most wonderful site . thanks or all teacher work in this site . :)
i hope the best life for all :)
bec = because
thanks for all*
thanks a million for every lesson you’ve made !
Fun & Useful at the same time :D ..I really enjoyed watchin’ yours <3
Thanks for a great lesson I am learning from those videos :D
Bl@ck Leopard
You are so funny!!!hahahahhh…anyway, i Love it!!! :D thank you teacher…
Thank you James.I think No.5 is toughest thing in studying English.
James, you are such a great teacher. thank you and please keep teaching us.
I understand you have to mark the pitfalls students fall into while learning English, BUT:
1) What’s wrong with repeating phrases heard on TV, movies, music etc. if one wants to talk English as naturally as a TV reporter, an actor, a singer etc.?
2) There’s no such thing as translating one language to another but only adapting and for that you need a (bi-cultural) human being.
3) Isn’t this the way elementary English is taught all over the World? I feel that’s true only for learners that want to improve.
4) Travelling around the World I’ve always found people (particularly in shops) talking with fancy accents trying to serve customers, so I guess this point has to be related with situations.
5) Again that depends on what you want to use the English language for. Can’t an Italian tourist try to eat Pasta in a Canadian restaurant? ;-)
Mauro, calm down and relax, there is nothing you have to worry about :)
Hi James, I tested quiz, and it do not match with lesson, your lesson provide clear instructions about how to lern wrong english, and I have a fault by each answer of quiz. So as result I expected to have perfect score, but result is “0 out of 5”, I will try forn correct perpective of correct English.
ok, 5/5 using correct Englis as you teach, many thanks!
T_T English ‘s difficult. But I’ll try and try.
Hello teacher James I like the way you tech English, I´d like you to make a lesson about body language remember you promised sometime ago !
hi James!God,I love the way you teach and talk!You’re literally my hero))) everything you’re saying is totally true,that’s what I also say to my students. And, “obsequious” is one of my favorite words)))so thanks and keep on doing this!
Thank you very much, Mr. Jame
I like your lessons, they are very helpful.
Dear James! If you have the text of your lesson, could you send it on my e-mail – vadimchan[ a t ] mail [ d o t ] ru, if you want and please.
I wanted to know if you could clarify the correct usage of still and yet.
thank you sir
why you are so lovely teacher James…
teacher James I appreciate your help,thanks alot
thank alot
Thanks Mr. James
its bad :(
where are the bad things??
ummmm …. Realy it’s great!!!!
david avia
whats wrong if you dont like these lessons dont whatch it ok
Please more lesson to come
thxxxxxx so muchh
thanks all for this information
Thanks so much!!!
he has to had a window seat. is his correct?when we can use have had or has had in the same sentence?
Thank so much!!
Thank you a lot james for your teaching us how to learn english more.
Great tips, I love it. Thanks james.
Please come to France !
I’m studying english and spanish at university in Paris , and I really appreciate these lessons beacause I feel relax when I take my grammar exam !
I’rather prefer to have an english teacher then french one , because you make the things more understandable and easier for us !
Des bisous de France !! ( kisses from France)
… and always whith a good mood !
5/5 :D
Thank you James very very much. You realy helped me. I learned all your lessons.
your to fast i cant understand you
thank u Mr. James for the lesson.
Thanks Mr. Jame for your lesson. I can get your some ideas but I don’t still understand clearly. You speak so fast…
hhhhhhh i love you Ms.James and you Ms.Evil
Very funny teacher….
nice lessons..thank you Mr James..
Hi James!
you are a good funny!
thank ypu very much mr james i like your way of teaching your funny and understable
You are awesome!
thanks uve a funny way 2 learn english
thank’s a lot 4 the lesson
i’ll keep going on !!!
very enjoyable lesson. thanks for the advice.
Hi, James! What are differences between
1) yours – your , my – mine and etc.
2) “etc.” and “so on”
Its a chance for us to learn English.Here are so many chapters and videos in every chapter which makes us easy to learn .Every chapter and video is useful for me, but i am confused which one should i learn at first?
Please let me to know if there is any better way to use this site.For example serial of study. Which one should learn at first and, then after…then after…
It would be a pleasure for me if i get some instruction at my email …
Thank you!
i’m so lucky ,,i really get benefit from this lesson ,thank u so much , i wish if i am one of ur student ,u really have a special way in teaching which i like it so much . thx a gain ^_^
Hi James, you are so funny !! but I like how you teach us.
In my job, I often give presentation to show some graph of work performance, could you teach also how to explain graph (such as bar chart, line chart, pie chart etc ) ? thanks in advance
I love it this video :)
I guess we can mix all this types of learning and speaking English on the same way. No matter e-translator or just a book, here plays your intellect!
Yernur Alseitov
Hi. I would like to tell you I love this website and your lessons as well. I like Rebeca’s clear and understandable speech, Ronnie’s crazy way of teaching but my favourite is James. I wish I had teachers like you folks:). Keep it going. Greetings from Poland.
Ghost of Grandpa
Sorry It was worst lesson I have seen
I love teacher James!
When I watch his classes, my mom asks me why I´m LOL!
Thanx all of your team EngVid
Someone can learn a lot from your lessons James. You are absolutely my favorite teacher! :)
Thank you.. You guyz are really nice at teaching things well..
M. L. Prince
hahaha. I am learning while having fun! This is so cool just like the Vocabulary Pyramid. You are so great Teacher James! It’s 2:00 am in our time but I’m still awake because I want to finish all of your videos. Thank you so much for a wonderful lesson! I enjoyed watching your videos! :)
You are an excellent teacher. I really like your all lessons and your lessons so enjoyable.
God bless you… Keep up.
I can’t understand every words, but I will try to listen again and again untill I understand.
Thank you. 555
Thank you for teaching English. I live in Japan.
I’ve never been to Canada.I’d like to go to Canada.
thank u
Great lesson sir.
James, hundred times thank you!!! It’s so real. I spent the last 7 months in B’Ham learning english. And I can recognise your 5 “rules not to use”. It’s up to ourself to decide between the easy way or the real way to learn. I chose the real way. thank you for your advices.
thanks for the test
How cold book that you hold! Cambodia!!!
Have you been to Cambodia my friend?
Mr. engVid has been to Cambodia :D
And he loves it.
I’m najo again. I just made a mistake for my comment above. i just want to correct the word cold to cool. thank
just want to make a correction: How cool the book that you have!
hehehe….. you’re funny…. hehehe….
it’s not as good as ronnie
you are stupid man
Everything you said in this lesson is true.
James, you’re so fun when copying german or indinan accent :). Thank you for the lesson!
Shokran for advice
i’m waiting for more lessons to come….i really enjoy learning from u
hi sir i luv watching ur videos bt i hav a questn tht wt do u mean by the sentence ”gotta go” wht is the meaning of word ”gotta” plz reply .
It’s an informal contraction of “got to”
Hi James! :)
I really enjoy watching your video, I love your sense of humour so so much :D I’m laughing a lot when I listen to you! :D well done! and never change! :D Regards from Poland!
James, you are the best teacher.
In yours class when I take quiz I do not score more than 50%????
how to use he dos not he do not
i like your style in teaching English. Thanks for your helps!
Thank you so much james. i from malaysia…thank you…thank you for this are the best teacher…
bundle of thanks my teachers and engvid team. i like this. it will really improve my English thanks once again.
Sir your lesson is really interesting .But i think you are over smart.And over smartness isn’t good for you.
jeny sabu
thank you
god bless u
my teacher
sir it is really intrsting lssn but u should not be too over smart.
jeny sabu
James is great!!
i like your way of teaching.
Wow! I made a lot of mistakes by using that electronic dictionary ALL THE TIME.
Saak Sen
funny u are .made me laugh till cry ^_^
wish i was in your class :)
and i wish people talk English ,but they don’t care about it in our society :(
Shayma EL.
Ha! Ha! Its encourage me most to learn best English….
Dear Sir I ‘am new Student in this lessones Hope you provide me to I learn English More than this time ,for this Just I watched this video ,it was very useful for me
Thank you so much
sharafuddin Ghiacy
This man is crazy! Keep your good work!
Hello James (or Cptn Kirk?) hahahah so funny. You are a great teacher but, could you speak a bit slowly please? or you may put subtitles, no? Thank you very much. I like your lessons. XO
This one is hilarious, so good so true. Thanks James!
Thank you so much for this video, it’s amazingly funny and useful. You’ve made me think about spending more time with good paper dictionaries… on the other hand, using electronic dicts in trips could be still very good practice.
Thankssssssssssss James
david avia
Thank you very much
you are awesome..
I love your video, it is useful and funny. Thanks!
Thank you, very usefull lesson!
Many greetings from germany!
Hi James. I like your video, it´s rally useful for me, because English is very difficult. But, Can you Speak more slowly next time? Please. Thank you.
Sally S
i listen everyday your lessons but i ask a favour try to speak more slowly,,congratulations
good lesson I know now how not to learn english. So how to learn english then? For points 4 and 5 which one is really your favorite one mister James? By the way thank a lot.
Thanks very much, but it is difficult to understand all the information with details, only the main idea.
I’d like to ask you why can’t I begin the quizes. Pushing the button “Next” doesn’t change anything.
thank you MR james the lesson is funny and, yet useful thank u again
thank u all teachers
very interesting way of teaching. Excelent!
thank you James!!! Your lessons are very funny but thanks to this are really helpfull:))
your lessons are always helpful^^
thank you~
thank you alot teacher james . I love your lessons and I hope you could make more lessons in advanced levels.
hi james funny lesson you are a great teacher I love your lessons more lessons please
thank you, the lesson was very funy and interesting.
so funny ^^. thank you so much.
thank you super james and thx for both mr.evil E and mr.good E :)
That’s very helpful for me , sir James. And I hope you’ll always have good English lessons for us as English learners from many countries. So thanks a lot for now !!:D
Thanks for this lesson!!! (I go to part 2!)
Thanks for all the lesson,you people are very at teaching english,james is too funny
JAmes: Thanks for the lesson, and I think, probably I’m getting a little bit behind from all you just sayd, I got to listen very carefull, and by the way I practically don’t have any contact with native english speakers. Thanks for this opportunity.
اشكرك جدا
thanks to you sair
Hi teacher,
I’ve heard “I was on my plane leaving, because I was in hers breathe of being late” and “have a half the dog that bit you last night”
What do you mean by that, please?
its toooo funnny
James you are the Best
thank you james for all your lessons.they are all helpful.thanks again
Very useful lesson thanks man .
You are awsome !
I wonder if you have a script before …becouse it seems to be so fluent without eeeee….. yyyyyyyyyy…. an so on .
Greetings from POLAND .
i will replace money .
Waaaw! I like it.
This is what i need!
Thank you so mutch!
Thank you.
Now,I know why I am not good at English.
Hello there! I’m really interested in almost all of your lessons! I watched most of them and I can’t help but to register to this website because you mentioned my country “Cambodia”. Guess what? I’m the first Cambodian that gives you this comment not only for this lesson but also for this whole website! Feel free to contact me if you really visit Cambodia! Lolz
great teacher!
I’m really thankful with you, your lessons are fantastic and your explanations the clearest possible. I hope you can continue making videos for us, we really appreciate the great effort you make. Thank you, Mr. James.
Wonderful class, Carry on this way James,congratulations.
good information to learn english.
Thank yo so much!!! That’s like an outbreak throgh the mess in my head
thanx for this informative lesson i think u are the best in engvid
hi sir james, i like the way you teach it’s so inspiring and funny but im not fluent in english well, but i will try to watch more videos from you to learn a lot pls. send me an email for some tips here’s my email thank you sir james (from philippines)
This time the quiz was easy maybe next time can you do it harder.
You are a good example of being a great teacher.
Thank you so much for this lesson Teacher James.
I love your lesson…^^…
Quynh Le
thank you sir james for give me these tip and ideas. i really improve my hear thank you very much. i like it your videos
Great in one word
Liam payne
Thanks for this amazing lesson, James, in the second question there is a mistake, i read: practise and it’s practice
there are…
James, you’re a great teacher.
I love your lessons very much!
You’re spending more important things than money… James, you’re right! But I get result!(When I watch EngVid.)
Dear James,
First of all, thank you for so interesting and useful lessons.
One question has appeared by my side after watching the video. It is about “I am loving it”. So, I have heard, that in advanced grammar this case can exist, for example, “While she is skating here, she is loving it”, something like that. I am sorry about the example was stupid, but I hope the idea was clear. Please, could you explain this case?
Thank you in advance!
P.S. Another common mistake with “I saying” is “I’m say” :)
thank u james u r the best
Hahah! James, you have a great sense of humour! Thanks for your fabulous lessons. They are easy and very useful.
useful for me and i just wanna ask how can i find the”best ways” to study Eng. ??
thanks a lot james sir.
thanks you,
i went to talk some people .. who know good english .. but did’t know how to find a man who can talk with me. if have any good people please add me on Skype : rashel_khan
Good way to attract an attention of students and made them concentrating on your lesson.Thanks
i am pleased to learn from you.
thank you for funny lessons
thank you so mush for these lessons it really helps me a lot…
ho thanks …
excellent lesson, don’t forget uploading more videos
Great!!! Thanks a lot from Russia
Great information. Thank you for teaching us.
Thanks for the lesson,i love it,i like it,and i will always remember it
*a brofist from indonesia*(if you dont know brofist,dont read everything between the stars).
*returns brofist*
engVid Moderator
Ummm,james i want to ask you a question,what does county mean*thanks*
You know how countries are divided into states, provinces or districts? Well, in some places states/provinces/districts are divided into counties. A county usually has several towns or cities in it.
engVid Moderator
From Athens….Hi teacher!! you are awesome.
Hi James
I invite you to visit me in Saudi Arabia to see the beauty of the state and its their customs , I wait you
You said a lot of things that are the same i thought about. We, that we aren’t native speaking english, did a lot of mistakes. You point out the problem.
This lesson may be useful the presentation way bored me a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
It is very easay and funy,thank you!
Well done! Really a good lesson! Thank you!
Thank you very much. I like your speed and you look happy while teaching.
Thank you
this lesson will help me so much. thank you
Thank you very much you are the best.
My skype :
Hi James,
thanks a lot. You are fabulous teacher :)
take care
best teaching vid i’ve seen for ages. very entertaining
I can’t thank you enough.
you make me watch videos 2 hs , thank you a lot!!!!
do you have student from Syria :) Like me :)
Thank you for the lesson)
Excellent lesson, thank you
There are so much fun in your lesson!It was verry useful and funny,thank you so much!
As usual, this is a nice and useful lesson… Thanks James :)
I would bet with you, James, about e-dictionary. When I am typing the word I memorize it better. So I can learn it later, because my e-dictionary has the such option. I do exersises with words I need to remember. And e-dictionary remember all my searchings. So it force me to memorize all of them.
Thanks for your advices
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this lesson
how cool are you. Ronnie and you are my favorite..
Super lesson
I am not gangsta, I am a Russian emigrant :D
Thanks you so much, you are the best.
Marta Lopez
this is awesome
Nicholas Low
I have to review the lesson again because I am a little confuse. Thanks a lot, teacher James Greer from EngVid, we are learning step by step.
We don’t have to do the five steps that you have written, now I have a little more conscious about the situation and about the questionary, it’s healthy to know the answer to a problem like a quiz, we are more relaxed after passing this small exam. Thanks teacher James.
Sir help me to apprise about reporter’s reporting ways like I’m here standing near the dead body the man is found dead ….something like that…
Thanks you so much. I’m an old man (60) german native and learning englisch.
Your lessons the best. Believe it or not since i found your lessons on the Internet Progress !!!!!
Thank you James
thanks a lot .you are a creative teacher ,love you sooooo much .
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
thank you for this lesson! :)
I like these videos
Very precious Tips
thumbs up
Thanks Sir James,I’ve learned a lot :-)Please more lesson to come.
The same here. Thank you so much James.
hahahahahaha i laughed a lot when i saw your video thank you
Thank you very much for This lesson (^^)
Indeed, it was fun and useful lesson
And I Thank you sir and rest of the teachers for all the effort you making for us
I really have asked you something
In the next July I will travel in my honeymoon
So I need lessons let me know what to say at the airports and the hotels
plz helps my
ha ha))) very funny lesson)))) I appreciate you!)
its really amazing lesson it was so funny I wish it was longer than this…..any way I have a question I see this sentence in my book”at glance sentences for Lee brandon” (she had not eaten since the clock struck twelve ) is it right sentence ? because I think the first action is “the clock struck twelve” hence it must be”she did not eaten since the clock had stuck twelve” because as I think its past perfect sentence so why do they consider it like this?
Thank you very much
I enjoy watching your videos. Thank you! I wish to learn more! More success to
thank u teacher :) i hope the best for u
may God protect u
i’m yemen’s girl i created an acount today in this site bec it’s the most wonderful site . thanks or all teacher work in this site . :)
i hope the best life for all :)
bec = because
thanks for all*
thanks a million for every lesson you’ve made !
Fun & Useful at the same time :D ..I really enjoyed watchin’ yours <3
Thanks for a great lesson I am learning from those videos :D
You are so funny!!!hahahahhh…anyway, i Love it!!! :D thank you teacher…
Thank you James.I think No.5 is toughest thing in studying English.
James, you are such a great teacher. thank you and please keep teaching us.
I understand you have to mark the pitfalls students fall into while learning English, BUT:
1) What’s wrong with repeating phrases heard on TV, movies, music etc. if one wants to talk English as naturally as a TV reporter, an actor, a singer etc.?
2) There’s no such thing as translating one language to another but only adapting and for that you need a (bi-cultural) human being.
3) Isn’t this the way elementary English is taught all over the World? I feel that’s true only for learners that want to improve.
4) Travelling around the World I’ve always found people (particularly in shops) talking with fancy accents trying to serve customers, so I guess this point has to be related with situations.
5) Again that depends on what you want to use the English language for. Can’t an Italian tourist try to eat Pasta in a Canadian restaurant? ;-)
Mauro, calm down and relax, there is nothing you have to worry about :)
Hi James, I tested quiz, and it do not match with lesson, your lesson provide clear instructions about how to lern wrong english, and I have a fault by each answer of quiz. So as result I expected to have perfect score, but result is “0 out of 5”, I will try forn correct perpective of correct English.
ok, 5/5 using correct Englis as you teach, many thanks!
T_T English ‘s difficult. But I’ll try and try.
Hello teacher James I like the way you tech English, I´d like you to make a lesson about body language remember you promised sometime ago !
hi James!God,I love the way you teach and talk!You’re literally my hero))) everything you’re saying is totally true,that’s what I also say to my students. And, “obsequious” is one of my favorite words)))so thanks and keep on doing this!
Thank you very much, Mr. Jame
I like your lessons, they are very helpful.
Dear James! If you have the text of your lesson, could you send it on my e-mail – vadimchan[ a t ] mail [ d o t ] ru, if you want and please.
I wanted to know if you could clarify the correct usage of still and yet.
thank you sir
why you are so lovely teacher James…
teacher James I appreciate your help,thanks alot
thank alot
Thanks Mr. James
its bad :(
where are the bad things??
ummmm …. Realy it’s great!!!!
whats wrong if you dont like these lessons dont whatch it ok
Please more lesson to come
thxxxxxx so muchh
thanks all for this information
Thanks so much!!!
he has to had a window seat. is his correct?when we can use have had or has had in the same sentence?
Thank so much!!
Thank you a lot james for your teaching us how to learn english more.
Great tips, I love it. Thanks james.
Please come to France !
I’m studying english and spanish at university in Paris , and I really appreciate these lessons beacause I feel relax when I take my grammar exam !
I’rather prefer to have an english teacher then french one , because you make the things more understandable and easier for us !
Des bisous de France !! ( kisses from France)
… and always whith a good mood !
5/5 :D
Thank you James very very much. You realy helped me. I learned all your lessons.
your to fast i cant understand you
thank u Mr. James for the lesson.
Thanks Mr. Jame for your lesson. I can get your some ideas but I don’t still understand clearly. You speak so fast…
hhhhhhh i love you Ms.James and you Ms.Evil
Very funny teacher….
nice lessons..thank you Mr James..
Hi James!
you are a good funny!
thank ypu very much mr james i like your way of teaching your funny and understable
You are awesome!
thanks uve a funny way 2 learn english
thank’s a lot 4 the lesson
i’ll keep going on !!!
very enjoyable lesson. thanks for the advice.
Hi, James! What are differences between
1) yours – your , my – mine and etc.
2) “etc.” and “so on”
Its a chance for us to learn English.Here are so many chapters and videos in every chapter which makes us easy to learn .Every chapter and video is useful for me, but i am confused which one should i learn at first?
Please let me to know if there is any better way to use this site.For example serial of study. Which one should learn at first and, then after…then after…
It would be a pleasure for me if i get some instruction at my email …
Thank you!
i’m so lucky ,,i really get benefit from this lesson ,thank u so much , i wish if i am one of ur student ,u really have a special way in teaching which i like it so much . thx a gain ^_^
Hi James, you are so funny !! but I like how you teach us.
In my job, I often give presentation to show some graph of work performance, could you teach also how to explain graph (such as bar chart, line chart, pie chart etc ) ? thanks in advance
I love it this video :)
I guess we can mix all this types of learning and speaking English on the same way. No matter e-translator or just a book, here plays your intellect!
Hi. I would like to tell you I love this website and your lessons as well. I like Rebeca’s clear and understandable speech, Ronnie’s crazy way of teaching but my favourite is James. I wish I had teachers like you folks:). Keep it going. Greetings from Poland.
Sorry It was worst lesson I have seen
I love teacher James!
When I watch his classes, my mom asks me why I´m LOL!
Thanx all of your team EngVid
Someone can learn a lot from your lessons James. You are absolutely my favorite teacher! :)
Thank you.. You guyz are really nice at teaching things well..
hahaha. I am learning while having fun! This is so cool just like the Vocabulary Pyramid. You are so great Teacher James! It’s 2:00 am in our time but I’m still awake because I want to finish all of your videos. Thank you so much for a wonderful lesson! I enjoyed watching your videos! :)
You are an excellent teacher. I really like your all lessons and your lessons so enjoyable.
God bless you… Keep up.
I can’t understand every words, but I will try to listen again and again untill I understand.
Thank you. 555
Thank you for teaching English. I live in Japan.
I’ve never been to Canada.I’d like to go to Canada.
thank u
Great lesson sir.
James, hundred times thank you!!! It’s so real. I spent the last 7 months in B’Ham learning english. And I can recognise your 5 “rules not to use”. It’s up to ourself to decide between the easy way or the real way to learn. I chose the real way. thank you for your advices.
thanks for the test
How cold book that you hold! Cambodia!!!
Have you been to Cambodia my friend?
Mr. engVid has been to Cambodia :D
And he loves it.
I’m najo again. I just made a mistake for my comment above. i just want to correct the word cold to cool. thank
just want to make a correction: How cool the book that you have!
hehehe….. you’re funny…. hehehe….
it’s not as good as ronnie
you are stupid man
Everything you said in this lesson is true.
James, you’re so fun when copying german or indinan accent :). Thank you for the lesson!
Shokran for advice
i’m waiting for more lessons to come….i really enjoy learning from u
hi sir i luv watching ur videos bt i hav a questn tht wt do u mean by the sentence ”gotta go” wht is the meaning of word ”gotta” plz reply .
It’s an informal contraction of “got to”
Hi James! :)
I really enjoy watching your video, I love your sense of humour so so much :D I’m laughing a lot when I listen to you! :D well done! and never change! :D Regards from Poland!
James, you are the best teacher.
In yours class when I take quiz I do not score more than 50%????
how to use he dos not he do not
i like your style in teaching English. Thanks for your helps!
Thank you so much james. i from malaysia…thank you…thank you for this are the best teacher…
bundle of thanks my teachers and engvid team. i like this. it will really improve my English thanks once again.
Sir your lesson is really interesting .But i think you are over smart.And over smartness isn’t good for you.
thank you
god bless u
my teacher
sir it is really intrsting lssn but u should not be too over smart.
James is great!!
i like your way of teaching.
Wow! I made a lot of mistakes by using that electronic dictionary ALL THE TIME.
funny u are .made me laugh till cry ^_^
wish i was in your class :)
and i wish people talk English ,but they don’t care about it in our society :(
Ha! Ha! Its encourage me most to learn best English….
Dear Sir I ‘am new Student in this lessones Hope you provide me to I learn English More than this time ,for this Just I watched this video ,it was very useful for me
Thank you so much
sharafuddin Ghiacy
This man is crazy! Keep your good work!
Hello James (or Cptn Kirk?) hahahah so funny. You are a great teacher but, could you speak a bit slowly please? or you may put subtitles, no? Thank you very much. I like your lessons. XO
This one is hilarious, so good so true. Thanks James!
Thank you so much for this video, it’s amazingly funny and useful. You’ve made me think about spending more time with good paper dictionaries… on the other hand, using electronic dicts in trips could be still very good practice.
Thankssssssssssss James
Thank you very much
you are awesome..
I love your video, it is useful and funny. Thanks!
Thank you, very usefull lesson!
Many greetings from germany!
Hi James. I like your video, it´s rally useful for me, because English is very difficult. But, Can you Speak more slowly next time? Please. Thank you.
i listen everyday your lessons but i ask a favour try to speak more slowly,,congratulations
good lesson I know now how not to learn english. So how to learn english then? For points 4 and 5 which one is really your favorite one mister James? By the way thank a lot.
Thanks very much, but it is difficult to understand all the information with details, only the main idea.
I’d like to ask you why can’t I begin the quizes. Pushing the button “Next” doesn’t change anything.
thank you MR james the lesson is funny and, yet useful thank u again
thank u all teachers
very interesting way of teaching. Excelent!
thank you James!!! Your lessons are very funny but thanks to this are really helpfull:))
your lessons are always helpful^^
thank you~
thank you alot teacher james . I love your lessons and I hope you could make more lessons in advanced levels.
hi james funny lesson you are a great teacher I love your lessons more lessons please
thank you, the lesson was very funy and interesting.
so funny ^^. thank you so much.
thank you super james and thx for both mr.evil E and mr.good E :)
That’s very helpful for me , sir James. And I hope you’ll always have good English lessons for us as English learners from many countries. So thanks a lot for now !!:D
Thanks for this lesson!!! (I go to part 2!)
Thanks for all the lesson,you people are very at teaching english,james is too funny
JAmes: Thanks for the lesson, and I think, probably I’m getting a little bit behind from all you just sayd, I got to listen very carefull, and by the way I practically don’t have any contact with native english speakers. Thanks for this opportunity.
اشكرك جدا
thanks to you sair
Hi teacher,
I’ve heard “I was on my plane leaving, because I was in hers breathe of being late” and “have a half the dog that bit you last night”
What do you mean by that, please?
its toooo funnny
James you are the Best
thank you james for all your lessons.they are all helpful.thanks again
Very useful lesson thanks man .
You are awsome !
I wonder if you have a script before …becouse it seems to be so fluent without eeeee….. yyyyyyyyyy…. an so on .
Greetings from POLAND .
i will replace money .
Waaaw! I like it.
This is what i need!
Thank you so mutch!
Thank you.
Now,I know why I am not good at English.
Hello there! I’m really interested in almost all of your lessons! I watched most of them and I can’t help but to register to this website because you mentioned my country “Cambodia”. Guess what? I’m the first Cambodian that gives you this comment not only for this lesson but also for this whole website! Feel free to contact me if you really visit Cambodia! Lolz
great teacher!
I’m really thankful with you, your lessons are fantastic and your explanations the clearest possible. I hope you can continue making videos for us, we really appreciate the great effort you make. Thank you, Mr. James.
Wonderful class, Carry on this way James,congratulations.
good information to learn english.
Thank yo so much!!! That’s like an outbreak throgh the mess in my head
thanx for this informative lesson i think u are the best in engvid
hi sir james, i like the way you teach it’s so inspiring and funny but im not fluent in english well, but i will try to watch more videos from you to learn a lot pls. send me an email for some tips here’s my email thank you sir james (from philippines)
This time the quiz was easy maybe next time can you do it harder.
You are a good example of being a great teacher.
Thank you so much for this lesson Teacher James.
I love your lesson…^^…
thank you sir james for give me these tip and ideas. i really improve my hear thank you very much. i like it your videos
Great in one word
Thanks for this amazing lesson, James, in the second question there is a mistake, i read: practise and it’s practice
there are…
James, you’re a great teacher.
I love your lessons very much!
You’re spending more important things than money… James, you’re right! But I get result!(When I watch EngVid.)
Dear James,
First of all, thank you for so interesting and useful lessons.
One question has appeared by my side after watching the video. It is about “I am loving it”. So, I have heard, that in advanced grammar this case can exist, for example, “While she is skating here, she is loving it”, something like that. I am sorry about the example was stupid, but I hope the idea was clear. Please, could you explain this case?
Thank you in advance!
P.S. Another common mistake with “I saying” is “I’m say” :)
thank u james u r the best
Hahah! James, you have a great sense of humour! Thanks for your fabulous lessons. They are easy and very useful.
useful for me and i just wanna ask how can i find the”best ways” to study Eng. ??
thanks a lot james sir.
thanks you,
i went to talk some people .. who know good english .. but did’t know how to find a man who can talk with me. if have any good people please add me on Skype : rashel_khan
Good way to attract an attention of students and made them concentrating on your lesson.Thanks
i am pleased to learn from you.
thank you for funny lessons
thank you so mush for these lessons it really helps me a lot…
ho thanks …
excellent lesson, don’t forget uploading more videos
Great!!! Thanks a lot from Russia
Great information. Thank you for teaching us.
Thanks for the lesson,i love it,i like it,and i will always remember it
*a brofist from indonesia*(if you dont know brofist,dont read everything between the stars).
*returns brofist*
Ummm,james i want to ask you a question,what does county mean*thanks*
You know how countries are divided into states, provinces or districts? Well, in some places states/provinces/districts are divided into counties. A county usually has several towns or cities in it.
From Athens….Hi teacher!! you are awesome.
Hi James
I invite you to visit me in Saudi Arabia to see the beauty of the state and its their customs , I wait you
You said a lot of things that are the same i thought about. We, that we aren’t native speaking english, did a lot of mistakes. You point out the problem.
This lesson may be useful the presentation way bored me a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
It is very easay and funy,thank you!
Well done! Really a good lesson! Thank you!
Thank you very much. I like your speed and you look happy while teaching.
Thank you
this lesson will help me so much. thank you
Thank you very much you are the best.
My skype :
Hi James,
thanks a lot. You are fabulous teacher :)
take care
best teaching vid i’ve seen for ages. very entertaining
I can’t thank you enough.
you make me watch videos 2 hs , thank you a lot!!!!
do you have student from Syria :) Like me :)
Thank you for the lesson)
Excellent lesson, thank you
There are so much fun in your lesson!It was verry useful and funny,thank you so much!
As usual, this is a nice and useful lesson… Thanks James :)
I would bet with you, James, about e-dictionary. When I am typing the word I memorize it better. So I can learn it later, because my e-dictionary has the such option. I do exersises with words I need to remember. And e-dictionary remember all my searchings. So it force me to memorize all of them.
Thanks for your advices
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this lesson
how cool are you. Ronnie and you are my favorite..
Super lesson
I am not gangsta, I am a Russian emigrant :D
Thanks you so much, you are the best.
this is awesome
I have to review the lesson again because I am a little confuse. Thanks a lot, teacher James Greer from EngVid, we are learning step by step.
We don’t have to do the five steps that you have written, now I have a little more conscious about the situation and about the questionary, it’s healthy to know the answer to a problem like a quiz, we are more relaxed after passing this small exam. Thanks teacher James.
Sir help me to apprise about reporter’s reporting ways like I’m here standing near the dead body the man is found dead ….something like that…
Thanks you so much. I’m an old man (60) german native and learning englisch.
Your lessons the best. Believe it or not since i found your lessons on the Internet Progress !!!!!
Thank you James
thanks a lot .you are a creative teacher ,love you sooooo much .
Thanks, it’s the best lessons on Youtube :)
Thank you!:)
Classes of english with James. I’m lovin it!!!!
James,best regards from Kazakhstan 20 Nov2021