I am going to teach you the WORST ways to learn English at home! Watch this class to learn exactly what you should not do when trying to learn a language by yourself. Learn important study skills and techniques that will help you remember what you learn.
Thanks… I always to do my best in the English Class.
Sorry… i would like to say: ” I always try to do my best…”
I like this lesson becaus its imporve my english very well ….I appraceition teacher who work this porgram ….thank very mach
Hi James,
I like your study style. awesome.
Thank you very much.
Thanks James,, I really appreciate yours videos, They all are good… Good luck and successful,
hi I am anas and I am 13 yeas old I want to help me becoues we donot Speak english we Speak arabic I want to help me
anas lotfi guedouar
Hi Anas, learning english grammar is very easy. Just read english books,watch english news like BBC and CNN and watch some english lessons so that your english grammar will improve. Good luck! By the way,I’m Krizel from Philippines
thankyou, i like this lesson
find a foreigner, a native speaker in your place. You can not learn any language by yourself
You right huyen, but unfortunately in my place there’s no native speaker, so i have problem when practice speaking in English.
5/5 Now, I know how not to learn English ;-)
when i listened i didnt understand well, because my english is not so well:(( but i m 5 out of 5 :)) i have one question..i heard that there is some course they teach English language in two–three months.. is it possible?
“Do NOT study in an area ‘free’ of distractions.” I think you’ve got something a little backwards. I think you really want to say, “Do NOT study in a room full of distractions” or ” Do study in a room ‘free’ of distractions.”
that is the evil warm who confused you. kindly watch again … regards
Dear teacher James, thank you so much, these are very good advices, I totally agree with you.
Greetings from Peru.
4 out of five.. yey
I got 4 out of 5 also
U r right James.
thank you so much. Now I love enlish.
Thomas from Poland
it is very nice lesson and i must take your advice because it helps me to improve my English Learning very quick.
greeting from South Africa
Thanks for all your helping for student studie !
That class is so good, I love this page and that teacher is really great !!
I have too much fun watching your videos. And I am improving faster… congratulations!
Leandro Garcia
Hi James
I got 4/5 without watching video because I have been doing this for a long time I have books, Audio & video cds, Watching Hollywood movies with subtitles (especially for accent), Listening English songs, make my own vocabulary, and I have been follow your website for one year but still I do mistakes.
I learn English in a way of Listening-Speaking-reading-writing (one of my English teacher said) but still SPEAKING part is missing because I haven’t any company for practicing that part and I haven’t any schedule for practicing all these stuff which I have collected and it increases day by day.
I wrote all this without watching your video hope it will guide me in a more specific way. I have a question how I know my sentence correct or not especially in Passive (passive causality)
Thanks, take care
u’re so funny :)) I can watch ur video without getting bored. I kept concerntrating most of the time.
The lesson is very clear. I wrote down all of this and i’ll try to apply it on my studying ;P
U’re doing great, keep working hard :)
doing great?
thank for you i have been undrstand your nice lesson
You are especially teacher, I like this.
I find it is interesting. I really appreciate the effort to teach english to non english speakers by very effective way. It is well organised and attractive presentation. Thank you very much for your good deed. Keep it up.
Md Hilmi Abdullah
Please teacher.. speak more slowly ^^
what a foo
sarravvar parney
he is a great teacher!!!! i’m from Argentina and i’m learning a lot!!!!
Jorge Mora
O, man, it’s the best styding video, I’ve ever saw. Thanks a lot for it. You’ll have one more students. You are the best
Don’t listen alexmelo please, because in real life, in movies, no one would speak slowly if you’d ask him.
5 out of 5 without watching the lesson!
it’s amazing!!!!
I am happy to study with you.
thanks james i got 4 out of 5 its ok so thanks
uzbekistan boy QOBILBEK
thankz a lot sir james for da advices on how to study effectvly. i got 4 over 5.
i got 4 out of 5 which is not a bad score…thanx james
thank you for help me
thank u reacher for this useful losson
it is useful. thanks for techer.
what a great advice …. thanks….
please change your photo it is very ugly
4 out of five
I ‘m Leila ,I’am twenty-eight years old ,I’m from algeria . i am not speaking english and my work have a ducumenents i english can you help me for speak and read english please
i got 4 out of five
HI all members I’m new member hope to gives me advise to improve my English
Thanks James
I got 3 out of 5 :D
God honored you by enabling
that´s a good idea…. but… could you speak more slowly? please
Could you tell me , how do you learn the new words?
Thank ya alottt Mr.James
Thank you so much James
Hi thank you for this instructions
i learned a lot from u……thank ya
if somebody speaks English good enough and want to improve communication skills, Skype me!My user name is tojemodel)Together we will achieve the best level)))
Any Russia
5 out 5)) Thanks a lot))
Any Russia
thank you so much you really do your best i’m from Saudi Arabia and i try to improve my english language and you really help me in lot thing :”)
5 out 5….. wow…evidently I have Understood the lesson. Thank you teach.
thank u… teacher
intelligibly and funny.well done. thanks James
Thank you for your advises. Now I know how not lo learn english as well as other topics of study.
i appreciate your efforts ^_^
I realy like every teacher in engvid espacialy sir James. I am from Saudi Arabia and I realy need a great teachers like you to show me the way. Sir James I realy admair you.
Thank you so much
you are very active tutor?
am still waiting your advice before i will write my toefel exam.tx
You are commendable, i like you better than all the teachers on this site, you are the
best man
Thank you so much, I really like all the editions of ‘How Not to learn English’.
I’m impressed! What a good website. The true is I found it accidentally, when I needed help with past tense of “should” and google sent me here, but definitively I’ll come back more often here :)
thanks so much dad
alnaji ismail
Proprio belo
Thank you
I am confused! you say study in area which is free of distraction,but you have written in red pen saying”Don’t”. With all due respect, you got it wrong. It’s a good advice if it’s presented it in another way.
Dear, He was talking about the thinks which we must not do
I find this website excellent…very well prepared teachers… i am very impressed.
hey guys hope u all fine i am loving these videos keep it up regards for all staff of eng vid.
zakir afridi
i like alll teaching staff of eng vid keep rocking eng vid
im zakir afridi.
zakir afridi
hi.. ur efforts are of great help.thanks a lot.
could we have a video explaining the use of…THOUGH,ALTHOUGH,EVEN THOUGH, IN TERMS OF, HOWEVER and some idioms like ON AN AVERAGE and other such idioms which are used in day to day conversation..
hey there carol i love the idea it self of your web site actually i love it keep up the good work by helping other pepole becuse of you iam working now in vodafone uk i was nothing with out eng vid it helped me alot to become who iam now so thanks eng vid i hope one day all the pepole can learn like i did just put your mind to it and u can do it thanks and best regarde
aka max
hassan mohamed
That’s great to hear. Congratulations on your job and please tell your friends about engVid if you think it would help them too.
sure sir i keep on telling them about your best out of the best side i.e. ENGVID ….
excellent advisory james?
Thank you for everything. You help me to be a better teacher.
Thanks James, How must I do to improve listening skill? When I hear, I dont recognize new word so I dont understand so much. Please help me
I totally agree with your tips. Thanks for sharing your experience…
Thanks James.You are professiona,artistic and KIND.
I fall in love with James and his lessons.How he explanes how to do something and how not to do,it is professional!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
youre the man!
im confused about the topic.
there is problem with this video I couln’t watch it
any way thank you alot
turn on the light please!!
i think You need to add subtitls =))
You have told -” When you listening always watch with subtitls”
yup he or she,z totaly wri8 that u must add subtitle plz so that we undstand eaisly????
Actually what he told you is that don’t watch the subtle when listening, because the topic is how NOT to learn English at home. I have to say that this also confused for a while…
Anyway, many thanks for the video James!~
thank you i learn english more with you
tnx i understand
thank you bro, you helped me a lot.
You speak very quickly it is difficult to understand you.
if you were here in Italy I would go to your english lessons! You’re so brilliant and I like your teaching education.
Thanks for all your support.
I will keep studying at home and assimilating as much information as possible.
See you soon! Tchau!
it’s very cool the way that you express your selft
Your voice is clear, your ideaas are clear, and you¨re funny, easy to follow. Thanks from Argentina
I dont think that you are too fast, because its clear enough, well vocalised. And it can be stopped -paused- and re started. Thanks again.
i agree with u
Like the way you teach, thanks a lot
Amel Lilly
thanks you
“His mother never loved him as a child.” It’s realy funny lesson
Hello the snake’s teacher today you teach this lesson not bad. But I still see something not clear in my mind. You told if somebody who study in a area with distraction that is attract and they can not study. How about if somebody study and they feel sleep but they have good place in learning.
Nice, it really helps..
I’m 17 years high school student and English isn’t my mother language, but I love this webside and thanks to you guys – I really enjoy learning English :) This is great you’re doing this for free.
Once again – thanks a lot!
hi james u r great teacher,do u know why cos ur teching english rules r very good,u motivate me to study english,god save u,INSHALLAH AND EVERY1
oh. Why did I took so long to find this site. If I found this earlier I should have saved precious time.
this video is very useful, I,m going to practice your advises in my study sessions. Greetings from Colombia!!!
Can you please, teach the americans teachers how teach English to no native speakers??? listening you, look like so easy. I almost give up, but with the Engvid I came back feel that is possible learn.
thanks a lot!
HI james you are really great
I am proud of the way you are teaching
hashim bakheet
I do love your lessons.Can you teach us something about intonation?
PS:think you.
hi James u are a great teacher
Very useful. Many thanks
Thank you for your lessons! I like it very much!Kind regards from Russia
Great lesson! TY!
But dedicated time for studying is a huuuge problem 4 me =)
Hello I have problem in listening skill. I watch tv shows about
Economy , investigation, biography understand a little 50%.
But children shows I understand very well. I didn’t get tired
Of listening to it. I repeat the phrases but I have no idea
How to spell them when I am listening.
James pls cut down the jokes
thanks mr james
please teacher speek slowly
majdy lama
I like this lesson becaus its imporve my english very well.
very useful
Very nice vid, as well as others videos on this site are very helpful
Thank You and appreciate You
Awesome technique and best ways of improving our vocabulary, thanks !
I think that this site is very helpful with all the people around the world,and you are excellent teacher.I can understand everything and can make differences.Thank you a lof for these lovely videos.
You are amazing! I learn English with you and, at the same time, take a great pleasure! Thank you)
Thank you! You’re the best! :)
Thanks ….
Thnx James
Abdul Qayum
adorable lesson!!! I’ve got 5 out of 5!!! I am proud of myself!!! James u are awesome!!! I love how u teach English and I like how u imitate different types of accents. hehhe so funny!!! escpecially Indian one!!! LOL Take care
really, thank youuu :D
you can be the teacher number one, but for the beginer would be very dificult to undertand the lessons because you speak very very very fast lol but anyway thank you
luis emil
Hi. It was a great lesson. I want to apply this advices in my learning process.
I like your style. thanks a lot.
A beautiful lesson as always, Jame. Moreover, I have a favor is how to use AS properly, please help me out. Thank you so much!
hi James i have got a problem in writing ,listing and speaking and when i learns some words i forget very soon i used in a sentence but when i talking to someone i can’t realize that words to use can you give me some advise to help me in my English. thanks a lot.
Dear, James. Thank you very much, you are very good teacher.
great !!
hello james. what is better , english dictionnairy or
merci de me repondre.
Thank you so much, excellent lesson…
Again thank you for your help
Thanks James
Thanks! I’ve been studying for a important test by myself in my home and this site have been helping too much! Excellent lessons!
Funny quiz:-):-):-)
BIG THANKS! very motivating!
you know?ive learned a lot from you,you are awesome and i like ur style,your lessons are great and your easy to understand,you make learning english fun and knowlegable at the same time,im expecting more videos from u bob,hehe,i mean james more power to you
hello dear all teacher the lessoning of ste is vanderfull I learned alot of things
Hi James,
I agree with you on these useful ideas.
By determing a specific time every day, anyone can achieve any goals in life including English profecincy. Also, she/he will have a great time because the learner is focused and determined.
It is quite effective, and it shows absolute determination.
I will always do it and thank you very much.
Hi, I do like your lessons. Great. Is there a lesson about ponctuation in English? you know ,.?!:… etc etc etc
thanks for great lesson.
ur funny
thank you!it is too hard to study alone!you are so funny but at the same time so capable like tutor!
Thanks u teacher!
im learning english with you (:
Thank you so much! :)
5/5 again \o/ I always like to learn during morning occasions.
Thanks James! You’ve improved my motivation :)
Hello! Would you like to learn english together through skype????
Thanks for your help James, I think you are one of the best teacher in the World. Greetings from Hungary!
good tips, thanks, James!!!
I love your lessons, you’re awesome teacher! :)
Thank you. I live in Africa, though not in a hut, and I learn at home. Thank you for your tips on home study. I have been looking for a lesson on how to write a good Narrative, is there one available?
Thanks James, yours suggestions are very useful!
thank you James, very much ;)
Thanxxxxxxxxx. A lot you are the best teacher ever , I learned a lot from you ..
Thank you one more time.
Hi James,
you are great and your lessons really helps me
thanks :)
hi james
thank you James, greats ideas
thank you
Lilian Cristina Zancoper
100% :p
Thank you. I’ve learned something interesting about subtitles.
I’m still very weak.
Genaro Bezerra
Hi James. I’m new hear. It’s very interesting and helping. I wasn’t good speak in english but I always study and taking notes some important things in this site. I’m also happy in a way that this helping me more to improve my knowledge in english. Thanks and more power. By the way I’m from Philippine.
Thank ya!
Thank you Mr. James I always to study English at home when it`s 4 pm o’clock thanks allot that you advice me !!!!!!!!
I really love your class, it is very useful. Thank very much for the excelent teacher you are.
Thank you teacher, I will follow your advices…
Thank you, again James.
But I’m a movie freak so I have a lot of dvds.
I’ve developed my own way to learn through movies.
Now, don’t get scaried of me: I collect Grammar
books. I do and redo all the exercises.
And I read a lot. Right now I’m reading ” The
English Patient.” and as I find it rather boring, I think one must be pacient enough to
get to the end of it.
Almost midnight. People are shouting at the
Copacabana beach.
Wow!!!!!!!!! It’s really beautiful.
Again, Happy New Year,James.
James, thank you! You are amazing teacher!
James!!!Thank you a lot!!!This lesson is excellent!!
Thank You, very good lesson.
Thank you ser its so helpful for me
thanks a million for your nots
Mayada Abdallah
Hello James! I know teachers who are doing their job with full responsibility for the students but only a few of them is so great as you are. You know we do not even know each other (of course) but you can get my attention easily and I can get the ideas what you teach easily as well. In “one” word I am really glad because I found this Engvid and your lessons on it, and after I went through all your lessons I will look the other teachers lessons too I am sure. Thanks again, John. Anyway, are you still teaching here or now we only have opportunity to watch your old lectures?
thank you,James! I m going to learn English at home, and this video encourages me! :)
Thanks james. I wish all of your video lessons had good video quality like the newer ones !
Mohsen Barati
James you are the best.
thank you so much i got 5/5 :D
Thank you James, your tips are always very helpful for us.
thanks very much
this is the lesson number 76 for me
and i wish complete the remainder until 168
Elsayed Abdelmaaboud
Thanks you so much.
Marta Lopez
I just found out that your subtitle is different of what you say in this video.
Thank you. I got 4 correct out of 5.
parichaya vutisear
It has been an interesting lesson, but I thought that you must maintain the rules of your learning as much time as possible, to improve your abilities and skills, but it isn’t the right way to learn easily, and then you must choose your method and time to learn a new language like English for me. Thanks a lot, teacher James Greer from EngVid, a very entertained lesson.
I learn a lot from my mistakes. Your tips are simply amazing.
Hey guys,, any intermediate or above wants to practice English through calls, please email me ahmed.majdi316@gmail.com
Thank you James
Thank you James.I like your teachig and follow you on EngVid.
You got 4 correct out of 5.
M kartal
James you’re a really good teacher!
Good film.In quiz I have 100
Thanks a lot James :)
Really watching with subtitles is good only in the begin , but as we improve our english is better to watching without subtitles to construct a strong comprehension
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank you.
you are very very good.
Thanks… I always to do my best in the English Class.
Sorry… i would like to say: ” I always try to do my best…”
I like this lesson becaus its imporve my english very well ….I appraceition teacher who work this porgram ….thank very mach
Hi James,
I like your study style. awesome.
Thank you very much.
Thanks James,, I really appreciate yours videos, They all are good… Good luck and successful,
hi I am anas and I am 13 yeas old I want to help me becoues we donot Speak english we Speak arabic I want to help me
Hi Anas, learning english grammar is very easy. Just read english books,watch english news like BBC and CNN and watch some english lessons so that your english grammar will improve. Good luck! By the way,I’m Krizel from Philippines
thankyou, i like this lesson
find a foreigner, a native speaker in your place. You can not learn any language by yourself
You right huyen, but unfortunately in my place there’s no native speaker, so i have problem when practice speaking in English.
5/5 Now, I know how not to learn English ;-)
when i listened i didnt understand well, because my english is not so well:(( but i m 5 out of 5 :)) i have one question..i heard that there is some course they teach English language in two–three months.. is it possible?
“Do NOT study in an area ‘free’ of distractions.” I think you’ve got something a little backwards. I think you really want to say, “Do NOT study in a room full of distractions” or ” Do study in a room ‘free’ of distractions.”
that is the evil warm who confused you. kindly watch again … regards
Dear teacher James, thank you so much, these are very good advices, I totally agree with you.
Greetings from Peru.
4 out of five.. yey
I got 4 out of 5 also
U r right James.
thank you so much. Now I love enlish.
Thomas from Poland
it is very nice lesson and i must take your advice because it helps me to improve my English Learning very quick.
greeting from South Africa
Thanks for all your helping for student studie !
That class is so good, I love this page and that teacher is really great !!
I have too much fun watching your videos. And I am improving faster… congratulations!
Hi James
I got 4/5 without watching video because I have been doing this for a long time I have books, Audio & video cds, Watching Hollywood movies with subtitles (especially for accent), Listening English songs, make my own vocabulary, and I have been follow your website for one year but still I do mistakes.
I learn English in a way of Listening-Speaking-reading-writing (one of my English teacher said) but still SPEAKING part is missing because I haven’t any company for practicing that part and I haven’t any schedule for practicing all these stuff which I have collected and it increases day by day.
I wrote all this without watching your video hope it will guide me in a more specific way. I have a question how I know my sentence correct or not especially in Passive (passive causality)
Thanks, take care
u’re so funny :)) I can watch ur video without getting bored. I kept concerntrating most of the time.
The lesson is very clear. I wrote down all of this and i’ll try to apply it on my studying ;P
U’re doing great, keep working hard :)
doing great?
thank for you i have been undrstand your nice lesson
You are especially teacher, I like this.
I find it is interesting. I really appreciate the effort to teach english to non english speakers by very effective way. It is well organised and attractive presentation. Thank you very much for your good deed. Keep it up.
Please teacher.. speak more slowly ^^
what a foo
he is a great teacher!!!! i’m from Argentina and i’m learning a lot!!!!
O, man, it’s the best styding video, I’ve ever saw. Thanks a lot for it. You’ll have one more students. You are the best
Don’t listen alexmelo please, because in real life, in movies, no one would speak slowly if you’d ask him.
5 out of 5 without watching the lesson!
it’s amazing!!!!
I am happy to study with you.
thanks james i got 4 out of 5 its ok so thanks
uzbekistan boy QOBILBEK
thankz a lot sir james for da advices on how to study effectvly. i got 4 over 5.
i got 4 out of 5 which is not a bad score…thanx james
thank you for help me
thank u reacher for this useful losson
it is useful. thanks for techer.
what a great advice …. thanks….
please change your photo it is very ugly
4 out of five
I ‘m Leila ,I’am twenty-eight years old ,I’m from algeria . i am not speaking english and my work have a ducumenents i english can you help me for speak and read english please
i got 4 out of five
HI all members I’m new member hope to gives me advise to improve my English
Thanks James
I got 3 out of 5 :D
God honored you by enabling
that´s a good idea…. but… could you speak more slowly? please
Could you tell me , how do you learn the new words?
Thank ya alottt Mr.James
Thank you so much James
Hi thank you for this instructions
i learned a lot from u……thank ya
if somebody speaks English good enough and want to improve communication skills, Skype me!My user name is tojemodel)Together we will achieve the best level)))
5 out 5)) Thanks a lot))
thank you so much you really do your best i’m from Saudi Arabia and i try to improve my english language and you really help me in lot thing :”)
5 out 5….. wow…evidently I have Understood the lesson. Thank you teach.
thank u… teacher
intelligibly and funny.well done. thanks James
Thank you for your advises. Now I know how not lo learn english as well as other topics of study.
i appreciate your efforts ^_^
I realy like every teacher in engvid espacialy sir James. I am from Saudi Arabia and I realy need a great teachers like you to show me the way. Sir James I realy admair you.
Thank you so much
you are very active tutor?
am still waiting your advice before i will write my toefel exam.tx
You are commendable, i like you better than all the teachers on this site, you are the
best man
Thank you so much, I really like all the editions of ‘How Not to learn English’.
I’m impressed! What a good website. The true is I found it accidentally, when I needed help with past tense of “should” and google sent me here, but definitively I’ll come back more often here :)
thanks so much dad
Proprio belo
Thank you
I am confused! you say study in area which is free of distraction,but you have written in red pen saying”Don’t”. With all due respect, you got it wrong. It’s a good advice if it’s presented it in another way.
Dear, He was talking about the thinks which we must not do
I find this website excellent…very well prepared teachers… i am very impressed.
hey guys hope u all fine i am loving these videos keep it up regards for all staff of eng vid.
i like alll teaching staff of eng vid keep rocking eng vid
im zakir afridi.
hi.. ur efforts are of great help.thanks a lot.
could we have a video explaining the use of…THOUGH,ALTHOUGH,EVEN THOUGH, IN TERMS OF, HOWEVER and some idioms like ON AN AVERAGE and other such idioms which are used in day to day conversation..
hey there carol i love the idea it self of your web site actually i love it keep up the good work by helping other pepole becuse of you iam working now in vodafone uk i was nothing with out eng vid it helped me alot to become who iam now so thanks eng vid i hope one day all the pepole can learn like i did just put your mind to it and u can do it thanks and best regarde
aka max
That’s great to hear. Congratulations on your job and please tell your friends about engVid if you think it would help them too.
sure sir i keep on telling them about your best out of the best side i.e. ENGVID ….
excellent advisory james?
Thank you for everything. You help me to be a better teacher.
Thanks James, How must I do to improve listening skill? When I hear, I dont recognize new word so I dont understand so much. Please help me
I totally agree with your tips. Thanks for sharing your experience…
Thanks James.You are professiona,artistic and KIND.
I fall in love with James and his lessons.How he explanes how to do something and how not to do,it is professional!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
youre the man!
im confused about the topic.
there is problem with this video I couln’t watch it
any way thank you alot
turn on the light please!!
i think You need to add subtitls =))
You have told -” When you listening always watch with subtitls”
yup he or she,z totaly wri8 that u must add subtitle plz so that we undstand eaisly????
Actually what he told you is that don’t watch the subtle when listening, because the topic is how NOT to learn English at home. I have to say that this also confused for a while…
Anyway, many thanks for the video James!~
thank you i learn english more with you
tnx i understand
thank you bro, you helped me a lot.
You speak very quickly it is difficult to understand you.
if you were here in Italy I would go to your english lessons! You’re so brilliant and I like your teaching education.
Thanks for all your support.
I will keep studying at home and assimilating as much information as possible.
See you soon! Tchau!
it’s very cool the way that you express your selft
Your voice is clear, your ideaas are clear, and you¨re funny, easy to follow. Thanks from Argentina
I dont think that you are too fast, because its clear enough, well vocalised. And it can be stopped -paused- and re started. Thanks again.
i agree with u
Like the way you teach, thanks a lot
thanks you
“His mother never loved him as a child.” It’s realy funny lesson
Hello the snake’s teacher today you teach this lesson not bad. But I still see something not clear in my mind. You told if somebody who study in a area with distraction that is attract and they can not study. How about if somebody study and they feel sleep but they have good place in learning.
Nice, it really helps..
I’m 17 years high school student and English isn’t my mother language, but I love this webside and thanks to you guys – I really enjoy learning English :) This is great you’re doing this for free.
Once again – thanks a lot!
hi james u r great teacher,do u know why cos ur teching english rules r very good,u motivate me to study english,god save u,INSHALLAH AND EVERY1
oh. Why did I took so long to find this site. If I found this earlier I should have saved precious time.
this video is very useful, I,m going to practice your advises in my study sessions. Greetings from Colombia!!!
Can you please, teach the americans teachers how teach English to no native speakers??? listening you, look like so easy. I almost give up, but with the Engvid I came back feel that is possible learn.
thanks a lot!
HI james you are really great
I am proud of the way you are teaching
I do love your lessons.Can you teach us something about intonation?
PS:think you.
hi James u are a great teacher
Very useful. Many thanks
Thank you for your lessons! I like it very much!Kind regards from Russia
Great lesson! TY!
But dedicated time for studying is a huuuge problem 4 me =)
Hello I have problem in listening skill. I watch tv shows about
Economy , investigation, biography understand a little 50%.
But children shows I understand very well. I didn’t get tired
Of listening to it. I repeat the phrases but I have no idea
How to spell them when I am listening.
James pls cut down the jokes
thanks mr james
please teacher speek slowly
I like this lesson becaus its imporve my english very well.
very useful
Very nice vid, as well as others videos on this site are very helpful
Thank You and appreciate You
Awesome technique and best ways of improving our vocabulary, thanks !
I think that this site is very helpful with all the people around the world,and you are excellent teacher.I can understand everything and can make differences.Thank you a lof for these lovely videos.
You are amazing! I learn English with you and, at the same time, take a great pleasure! Thank you)
Thank you! You’re the best! :)
Thanks ….
Thnx James
adorable lesson!!! I’ve got 5 out of 5!!! I am proud of myself!!! James u are awesome!!! I love how u teach English and I like how u imitate different types of accents. hehhe so funny!!! escpecially Indian one!!! LOL Take care
really, thank youuu :D
you can be the teacher number one, but for the beginer would be very dificult to undertand the lessons because you speak very very very fast lol but anyway thank you
Hi. It was a great lesson. I want to apply this advices in my learning process.
I like your style. thanks a lot.
A beautiful lesson as always, Jame. Moreover, I have a favor is how to use AS properly, please help me out. Thank you so much!
hi James i have got a problem in writing ,listing and speaking and when i learns some words i forget very soon i used in a sentence but when i talking to someone i can’t realize that words to use can you give me some advise to help me in my English. thanks a lot.
Dear, James. Thank you very much, you are very good teacher.
great !!
hello james. what is better , english dictionnairy or
merci de me repondre.
Thank you so much, excellent lesson…
Again thank you for your help
Thanks James
Thanks! I’ve been studying for a important test by myself in my home and this site have been helping too much! Excellent lessons!
Funny quiz:-):-):-)
BIG THANKS! very motivating!
you know?ive learned a lot from you,you are awesome and i like ur style,your lessons are great and your easy to understand,you make learning english fun and knowlegable at the same time,im expecting more videos from u bob,hehe,i mean james more power to you
hello dear all teacher the lessoning of ste is vanderfull I learned alot of things
Hi James,
I agree with you on these useful ideas.
By determing a specific time every day, anyone can achieve any goals in life including English profecincy. Also, she/he will have a great time because the learner is focused and determined.
It is quite effective, and it shows absolute determination.
I will always do it and thank you very much.
Hi, I do like your lessons. Great. Is there a lesson about ponctuation in English? you know ,.?!:… etc etc etc
thanks for great lesson.
ur funny
thank you!it is too hard to study alone!you are so funny but at the same time so capable like tutor!
Thanks u teacher!
im learning english with you (:
Thank you so much! :)
5/5 again \o/ I always like to learn during morning occasions.
Thanks James! You’ve improved my motivation :)
Hello! Would you like to learn english together through skype????
Thanks for your help James, I think you are one of the best teacher in the World. Greetings from Hungary!
good tips, thanks, James!!!
I love your lessons, you’re awesome teacher! :)
Thank you. I live in Africa, though not in a hut, and I learn at home. Thank you for your tips on home study. I have been looking for a lesson on how to write a good Narrative, is there one available?
Thanks James, yours suggestions are very useful!
thank you James, very much ;)
Thanxxxxxxxxx. A lot you are the best teacher ever , I learned a lot from you ..
Thank you one more time.
Hi James,
you are great and your lessons really helps me
thanks :)
hi james
thank you James, greats ideas
thank you
100% :p
Thank you. I’ve learned something interesting about subtitles.
I’m still very weak.
Hi James. I’m new hear. It’s very interesting and helping. I wasn’t good speak in english but I always study and taking notes some important things in this site. I’m also happy in a way that this helping me more to improve my knowledge in english. Thanks and more power. By the way I’m from Philippine.
Thank ya!
Thank you Mr. James I always to study English at home when it`s 4 pm o’clock thanks allot that you advice me !!!!!!!!
I really love your class, it is very useful. Thank very much for the excelent teacher you are.
Thank you teacher, I will follow your advices…
Thank you, again James.
But I’m a movie freak so I have a lot of dvds.
I’ve developed my own way to learn through movies.
Now, don’t get scaried of me: I collect Grammar
books. I do and redo all the exercises.
And I read a lot. Right now I’m reading ” The
English Patient.” and as I find it rather boring, I think one must be pacient enough to
get to the end of it.
Almost midnight. People are shouting at the
Copacabana beach.
Wow!!!!!!!!! It’s really beautiful.
Again, Happy New Year,James.
James, thank you! You are amazing teacher!
James!!!Thank you a lot!!!This lesson is excellent!!
Thank You, very good lesson.
Thank you ser its so helpful for me
thanks a million for your nots
Hello James! I know teachers who are doing their job with full responsibility for the students but only a few of them is so great as you are. You know we do not even know each other (of course) but you can get my attention easily and I can get the ideas what you teach easily as well. In “one” word I am really glad because I found this Engvid and your lessons on it, and after I went through all your lessons I will look the other teachers lessons too I am sure. Thanks again, John. Anyway, are you still teaching here or now we only have opportunity to watch your old lectures?
thank you,James! I m going to learn English at home, and this video encourages me! :)
Thanks james. I wish all of your video lessons had good video quality like the newer ones !
James you are the best.
thank you so much i got 5/5 :D
Thank you James, your tips are always very helpful for us.
thanks very much
this is the lesson number 76 for me
and i wish complete the remainder until 168
Thanks you so much.
I just found out that your subtitle is different of what you say in this video.
Thank you. I got 4 correct out of 5.
It has been an interesting lesson, but I thought that you must maintain the rules of your learning as much time as possible, to improve your abilities and skills, but it isn’t the right way to learn easily, and then you must choose your method and time to learn a new language like English for me. Thanks a lot, teacher James Greer from EngVid, a very entertained lesson.
I learn a lot from my mistakes. Your tips are simply amazing.
Hey guys,, any intermediate or above wants to practice English through calls, please email me
Thank you James
Thank you James.I like your teachig and follow you on EngVid.
You got 4 correct out of 5.
James you’re a really good teacher!
Good film.In quiz I have 100
Thanks a lot James :)
Really watching with subtitles is good only in the begin , but as we improve our english is better to watching without subtitles to construct a strong comprehension