Politeness, formality, and necessity are all important parts of asking permission. In this lesson I explain how CAN, COULD, MAY, and DO YOU MIND can all be used to ask permission in English, with different effects. If you would like to learn more about how to be a polite English speaker, have a look.
Hi, very nice lesson, but I couldn’t understand what you said
at 1:37 of the video, Do you mind to write that sentence?
“maybe ???? pencil, who Knows”
Hi Marcos,
At 1:37, I said “Maybe they need their pencil. Who knows?”
Let me know if you have any other questions, or if you would like anything else clarified!
Thanks for watching. :)
hi Alex ^_^
I didn’t find the word who said
where is it ????
thank you :)
i said there is a mistake mr Alex in :do you mind if i borrow….the right form is :do you mind if i borrowed ;we put the vurb after if in past form ok can you correct please
jalili kmali
i think it’s if you’ve already borrowed it before you ask , then ” do you mind if i borrowed ” would be correct . you use borrowed because its in the past . you’ve already done it
hi Alex,, nice to know you,, i’m ega from indonesia,, may i ask you about english? because i want to improve my english,, and need your advice,
if you don’t mind,, please replay to my email.. thank you..
Hello Alex, could I say “Do you mind borrowing your pencil?” or for example “Would you mind turning the stereo down?”. If yes, when can I use this expression and how politely is it regarding the others presented? Thanks a lot!!!
thx mr/alex
That’s nice. Sometimes i have troubles to ask somethings using (can, could, may), now is clearly to me.
Hi Alex
Your video was very nice and intersting. I hope you could do some video with the usage of words “must”, “should” and “have to”. I always have problem how I should use those word.
Thank you for your lesson
Hello~~this is my first time to watch your video lesson, it’s very interesting it can help me to build my english, thank you….
2! what’s your name and where are you from. I am trying to improve my English so I want to be friends with others to practice English together. So may you be friend with me? I am waiting for your respond.hi
Could I be friend with you?
If you want, give me a e-mail.
My e-mail adress is sure-of @nate.com.
i would like to learn english so could you help me to build the sentences.
I would like to practice English with you
and me it’s a first time. its wonderful video. i need o continue beacause i want same.
Alex, Thanks alot for a nice lesson,
useful to understand english more.
Alex thanks a lot
Alex nice presentation, you can include other modul auxialaries, how does it help asking permission?
June 14,2009
Hello Mr Alex,
My best wishes for you, you realy teach good grammar and writing,
this is Enrique Gonzalez nice to meet you. I ‘m learning very much with you, I am actualy taking English clases at Santiago College in Orange California and you have helped me a lot thanks God bless you
Sincerely Enrique Gonzalez
Thankyou very helpful!!
Alex u doing great job,carryon….bes of lucks~
You are teaching us English very well. You are successful in teaching us English. I am interested in English. I am making attempts at new ways of learning English. It’s worth being able to speak English. You help us learn English. I am anxious to thank you. You are excellent.
Sujith Malavisooriya
Hi Alex I´m glad for your classes,do you mind continue teaching us,can we to learn faster?.
Thank you a lot.
hi Alex…nice job!
however, my student said that she learned from her studies that the most polite way to ask permission is …..do you mind if i borrow your pencil…..how do you think???
As mentioned in the lesson, “do you mind” is the most polite way to ask for permission, because you feel that your request might bother the other person. It is the most kind and gentle way to ask for something.
Thank you Alex! Good lesson. :)
This lesson was really interesting. I have a question,though.
Is it possible to answer: “Sure” to a question beginning by “Do you mind if I….?”
Hello, Alex
Can I borrow your pencil?(permission)
Can you sing?( request)
Is it true that we use the pronoun”I” to ask for permission and the pronoun”you” to ask for requaest with the modal verb ”can”.
i will be very grateful if you answer my question.
wassila younes
Hi, Alex ! It was a good lesson. This questions are very common, and you had clarified all the items. Thank you a lot 1
Hello, Alex!
The lesson is really great!!! The explanation is so simple and clear, that even a beginner will understand it easily!
yeah right! :D
How can I ask permission from the teacher to leave the class in the middle of the lecture, as I must arrive somewhere else?
Excellent class.
Hi Alex! Your lessons are very, very clear to understand. You are a fantastic teacher. Congratulations!
these lessons are very useful for me and my students. i would like to say thanks so much. umm..
you are very good
Alex.Thanks a lot.You did great job.But actally I cant see diferents between could or may.
Thanks. The lesson is great.
i want to learn english lesson but i dont know how do to learn
Hi i m Asif from Pakistan, i like your programme & teaching methods, thanks for this
Hi Alex. I’m confused here.
what is the most formal? is it can or may.
your lessons is very nice and we quickly understand everything from you
you are amazing teacher
thank you
best regards
Alex.Thanks a lot.You did great job.But actally I cant see diferents between could or may.
your lessons is very nice and we quickly understand everything from you,
Excellent class
hi sir i want to know abt would be how it use
nice lesson alex.
Thanks Alex, it’s helpfull
Its so helpful to me in Indian school scholar examination.Thank you very much.
Do you mind if i say thank you very much Alex…………
hello Alex, thank you for clarifying the difference and how ask permission politely instead of using canI…? all the time.
I’m confused concerning some verbs, how i use them( lie, lay, sit, set,rise,raise)
I will be very grateful if you help me in this case.
thank you once again.
Hi Alex,
I really like your lessons, definitely those that use in conversations. Actually I’m a newcomer to Canada and it is very vital for me to handle with English as soon as possible. Do you mind introducing some books to help me? And also I have another question. what is the deference between “Do you mind” and ” Would you mind”.
Thank you.
Thank you, Alex! Very good lesson. For me it was always difficult to understand “do you mind”, but now it`s clear.
you really good teacher and i like your methods
Thanks! I have been arguing with my friends the most polite way to ask for permission. They don’t believe me. Here you hit the nail on the head!!
Will watch more of your lessons and recommend them to others.
Dear Sir,
I have problem I can’t understand the word like when it is used in the starting of a sentence. For example, Like my father she gets up early in the morning. Please tell what is the word “like” in parts of speech in the above example?
I would be highly thankful to you if you kindly teach me about the word “like” with examples.
hi teatcher im very happy to send you and may allah to help us THANKS your saudi student
Hi Alex!Good job!
Alex,can i say”WOULD YOU MIND giving me PENCIL”?
Emil Ibrahimov
Would you mind giving me (YOUR) pencil? Don’t forget the article (YOUR).
nise lesson thank you very much.
This is my first time to watch engvid.com videos. It is really a wonderful and powerful webside.I would like to thank you Mr. Alex your video was easy and gave me a good idea about how to use the above auxiliaries. I have a little problem about how to use the present perfet and the present perfect continuous. Do you mind if you explain me what is the different between them? What is the different in the meaning between “I have been studying English for 8 years” and I have studied English for 8 years”
Like you!!!! :-*
I like your lesson very much. Thanks for your teaching.
Jean Wong
hello really now i undrstand which polite words use d for permission .Thank u and rest of engvid teachers.with best wishes to all
Ranj M
thanks teacher taht was really amaising and so simple.every thing is clear
ur student
Thank you sir, your lectures are very simple & easy to understand….
Thanks a lot, I never thought about,I used can I in every situation
Diego H.
thank you mr alex,very good lesson,god bless you
thank you alex. i learned something again.
Thanks teacher Alex,it’s very important lesson,.but it’s very short but it was well.i would like to explain next time what’s diffrence between can,could,would,will and etc.in diffrence situation i mean past tense or present tense and feture tense.
thank you very much.
What is difference between will and will be
hi sir.thanks for lessons plz how meet you on the skpe lessons thank you .
Thank you.
Hello, Alex
I am a beginner in English
I know a little about the English Language.
And I want you to guide me to the right as a way to learn ..
What is the first step to learn English?
hello Alex
i’m sure that once day i’ll have an accent like a native speaker
thank you
Very interesting lesson. Some students are having difficulties when asking for permission to go to the bathroom or to borrow a pencil (very common with teenagers). Thank you Alex.
hello my teacher
how are you ?
i hope to chat with you and be friends
my mail is sdjamir@gmail.com
Hi ,Alex
Can i say you are polite teacher .
Randa Awad
hi how are things please present new teach
kamal rahi
thank you very much i start stadying english and ilearn much with you you are a good teacher.
Hello teacher!! i just wanna tell u that u r an excellent teacher, i like ur teaching method. Well i have a question, what is the difference between can i borrow ur pencil? and can u lend me ur pencil? (borrow, lend) ,, i hope u can answer it .. take care ..
I like the way you teach and it seems to be very simple and easy to understand for everybody. Just wanna say it thank you.
I like the way you teach and it seems to be very simple and easy to understand for everybody. Just wanna say thank you.
Thanks Alex this way was very simple.
thank you very much
hi Alex. very nice lesson. i just wanna know if we can use the present continuous after ‘ do you mind…’ here is on example: do you mind staying home tonight? thank you
Nice vidio thanks for teaching us.
Nice explaine
ilike the way you teach and it seems to be very simple and easy to understand for everybody. Just wanna say it thank you.
hi how are you diong to cheach actualy when iam very happing to heart your study ,well i wanna say you thank you so much about any act and i tell you please continue on that way becouse you became for me good tcheacher,and i wish you have good luck with your life,i hope so , actualy when you are speaking ,iam undersand anything ,but sometime to be stuped ,when i speak with my someone i say ,that,in fact sometime i have some problem about prononted , i was learning enghlish in my coutry marroco ,but when i came to amreca ,i found some problem about it,but i wanna ask you about that ,how can i get enghlsh very quucly ? and when i speak ,i have to reaspect rules or not ,thank you so much,iam waiting for awnsrn me
kam lal
Thanks for the lesson Alex..
your video it’s very interensting but…
Can I say?
“No,I wouldn’t mind”
Thanks for your video!!I’m begginger,I have 1 months studying English.Excuse me if my grammar is bad.
“No, I wouldn’t mind.” is correct. :)
Hey Alex You teach better than my teacher and i really understood everything thank you Benny:)
nice and thnks
I have a question for you. How do I use “MIGHT” Could you help me? Thanks.
You are a good teacher and you have good method to explain something.
Saudi Arabia
You are a wonderful English teacher Alex. Now I know the difference between may, can and could. Remarkable video!!! take care.
hello everybody i want just tp say that there is a mistake in this lesson mr Alex could you check please in this “do you mind if you i borrowed not borrow ” and excuse me for this comment…
hey alex.. you are a good teacher.. but i dnt still get it what’s the difference among the three.. can u explaun it further?
how about when u say would u mind? wht does it mean?
hello! sir I Really want to watch this video lesson but their is an error cccured , what should i do now?
Thank you so much Alex for your kind teaching method and very clear sound with sweet example. please keep it up more video to help a as me guys..
Tek Gurung
Do you mind if i tell you that your lessons are great??
i love what you and your friend doing! Good luck
Hi Alex
Just wanted to say that you have a very good way of explaining things. I wish i could do that in my classes.
hi sir………..very good lesson but can you tell me use of could?…….
hey Alex I really like your videos cause I am on intermediate level but I didn’t know many phrases you used! so, I really want to keep in touch with you. do you have an email or something? msn ?
Hi Alex, very nicely explained lesson. The way you teach is awesome. I especially like your accent and clear voice. Are all these lessons downloadable too?
hi..teacher Alex ,ur lesson is very useful .and i’m so happy that i can do the test 100 % cause of your teaching…. thanks and in laos language if u ‘ll say thanks we say “khop chai”
Hi Alex, i have recently watch your videos and i found them wonderful and outstanding lessons. i wish you the best success and hope to have more lessons in the future. M. Munir, Afghanistan
Thank you
Hello Alex
Would you mind if I want to have your email?
that’s v nice and v help full for me
Such a good and funny lesson, especially when you are changing tone. Keep up the good work!
hi Mr. Alex thank you so much
good lesson sir .
i have question my question is can you more what is different may can and could ? i know it’s same with permission . but i need more action
ibrahim magale
thanks alex for the lesson im still waiting for for more videos thanks again from
Hi Alex,
Your lessons help me alot. I have a question regarding this lesson. If non english doctor is talking to any english tourist how can he ask about his problem? what should he use? `can´or `could´? For Example: Can u blink your eyes or Could you blink your eyes?
Pls reply soon
do you maind if i gave up absence in my class?
sie alex it correct or not tell me i am waiting.
I’m Italian. Suppose I’m just fairly good at English and I don’t know how to say something in the language, could I say, “Can I speak in Italian?” instead of “Can I speak Italian?”
(that is, can I use the Italian language?)?
I’m Italian. If I don’t know how to say or ask something in English, could I say, “Can I speak in Italian?” instead of “Can I speak Italian?” (that is, can I use the Italian language)?
Thanks a lot.
Yes, “Can I speak in Italian?” is right! If you said, “Can I speak Italian?” you would be asking yourself whether you know Italian, which doesn’t make any sense!
engVid Moderator
Thank you very much for your quick reply (whoever you are). I’d like to add something to your answer. At school, students usually ask for permission saying (it’s just an example): can/could I drink, please? In this case, they’re just asking if they’re allowed to drink, not if they’re able to drink. If they say, Can we speak Italian/English, and so on, they usually ask for permission, in this case too. Well, according to your answer that seems wrong (they should say, can I speak in Italian?). Can you tell me why?
Thanks a lot again. It’s really nice to have an expert listening to you and dispelling your doubts (and, believe me sir, I’ve always got a lot of doubts. English is such a rich and ever changing language!)
Ernesto Franzoso
Mr. Alex,
which do you think is more correct for students at school:
“May I go out, please?”
“Can I go out, please?”
“Could I go out, please?”
Thanks a lot. You’re always most helpful.
May I get out,plz” is more suitable for students at school
Thank you teacher ,i learn a lot
thank you very much professor truth served me well thanks
luz angela sandoval
I like English’s classroom because the teacher is very amusing and she has a good dynamics.
José Alfredo Morales Motta
Mucho Gracias !!
I was hoping this would be a joke grammer vid about people who do what they like in the office and steal my blooming pens.
No offence Alex but if someone came up to you in the office and said “Alex, can I please borrow this pen quickly” and you replied “IT’S MAY I!!!!!” I hope they slap you.
sir Alex your lessons are really fruitful for me. and i am learning alot from your videos. your teaching is superbb! kindly tell me if i face any problem how i can ask you, sir will you reply at one for my question…..
Alex Can I say: Do you mind holding my bag for a minute? or I have to say : Do you mind to hold my bag for a minute?
Thanks I like This Video So mache <3
you ar
you are good teacher
Thank you !
this is very helpful to those people who wants to learn English…I’m so glad i found this site… Thanks a lot!
Excelent understandable
sir you are good teacher Thank you
great ;) sir., i am only new here.. in this website.. thank you for this free lessons sir.
Hi,could you give us explain about all of polite request plz such as : could i possibility or would you mind + ing
I would like to know more about,COMING and GOING.
Thank you Alex
hi alex , nice to know u .. im nurul from indonesia .. i want teach speak english very well for my study … thank you
Hi alex
My english is not very good. but i very much keen to learn English. i seek very sites to learn english but i could not sucess.can you help me about this????
i want to send a email to my Boss to go home early could you help me????
i need to request to my guide permission to go home can you pls help me
Nice post. I was watching continuously this site and I’m impressed! Extremely useful info specifically the last part I care for such info much. I was looking for this specific info for a long time. Thanks and best of luck.
adtran wan emulation kit
Excellent lesson. Thank you so much.
thanks for you mr
I know these words are for requesting for sth..but only by this lesson i have got actual differences between them..thanks Alex..
Thanks again Alex..these words also confused me before but now I already know the difference….God bless!!!
Many thanks to you! You a good teacher.
do you can explain to me about cause and effects?If this is possible.Many thanks to you.
thanks it is very important lessen keep it up
i have a proble with that :))))))) Thank youuuu :))
Sir, i’m 4m India(Kolkata) I’s osm…an Thanks to every pepole link wid engvid.com….
Thanks Sir
Manoj Barman
I had an issue with my boss woth regard to this topic. He said “Can I have this document?” and I answered ” yes you may”. He said I was being inapropriate because I should I answered “yes you can” and by saying may (which I most often use u=in this type of situation)I implied that I was not happy to give it to him.
Can you help with the various underlined meaning of the answers these respective permission questions?
Thank you.
Hi Alex
I ask you to give some tip for spelling, like how find that witch words end with (e)?
thank you teacher It was so clear lesson please would you mind taking about the relative clauses of time because I have very big problem in this grammer and please I have another request about how can I read the name of the persons in good why and without mistake in the pronunciation thanks again
Execllent. :D
Thank you my teacher, Alex.
I am a Korean English Teacher. This is a great lesson!!
Could someone tell me what is the teacher saying at 0:55 (how …… did you need the pencil?) and at 1:21 to 1:28 (I’m not really asking you if you can give it to me, I’m asking you …….(I can’t understand what’s he saying in this part))
Thank you for your teaching. I think it’s more interesting if you tell us how to answer these questions of asking for permission with YES and NO, especially the answers to the question ” Do you mind if I borrow your pencil?” . Do you mind giving your explanation in the next lesson, Alex? Thanks again.
this is my first time to watch your video lesson
Thank you !
thank you
Great job! I enjoyed your lesson.
thanks sir, I want to know more about English even thought a little…
I learned from one of the lessons in engvid after “Do you mind ” it should be in ing form ( say do you mind borrowing …)but in your lession you used if borrow. could you please clarify please.
I think you confused the verb. Here are the two possibilities:
Do you mind if I borrow your pen?
Do you mind lending me your pen?
They’re different because the first sentence uses “if I.” It would be strange to say “Do you mind if I borrowing your pen?”
I hope this helps!
mr. alex why it would be strange to say with ing would u clarify?
Hey Alex , I have really become your fan !!!!! Thanks a lot . I have started seeing the videos recently . The way you make learning English simple is really awesome . Can you please advise me how can I improve my reading speed ? Thanks
thx Alex
sajin rajan
Dear Alex ,
Do you mind if I ask a doubt?
If your reply is “No”, then I could go ahead.
I suppose it will be “No” because you are a pleasant teacher.
Please clarify on the below query.
A:Who can do this job?
B:I can do .
C:I could do that.
I understand from the above conversation that B is confidant to do that job whereas C is not sure (possibilities).
Could you clarify?
sajin rajan
Hi Alex it was really a very interesting and but it doesn’t include all information about asking permission I wonder if you could give more lessons?
Good job Alex.
Thank you for this awesome lesson,,i have a Question,what is the difference between “Would you Mind if i borrow your pencil” and “Would you mind allowing me to use your DVD player” as example,,,,,,,when i use the V.(The first Ex),and the Verb+ing,,,,which is more polite?
Alex. Thank you very much but I can’t distinguish ” Do you mind…” and ” would you mind ” Do they have the same usage ? Wait for your response ……Love you…..
Thank you, teacher Alex.
I have learned a lot of English from you.
Thank you, teacher
Syrian Safy
is it correct to ask “may i ask how should I do that?” I don’t know if this sentence is 100% grammatically correct. Thanks for your lesson!
I don’t understand the difference between should have, may have, must have , could have . can you help me please .
hello alex nice job
but i would like to ask u if i said would u give me your pencil what do u think it should be more polite than others or not?
Great lesson..it’s very helpful…thanks so much
Hi allex ,I not understand The 1question ,could you answer me?
Can I say Thanks :)
ready for practice this is my email aadam063@hotmail.com please contact me thank you.
do you mind if I said you are the perfect teacher for me, Alex.?
Thanks Alex….♥☺
I am a new student its my first time to watch Mr Alex n very satisfy how to expression the lesson. Mr Alex is my teacher that had been searching for a long time. I love my teacher Alex
thanks Mr.Alex for your explanation, tomorrow is my final exam :0 in school
Great lesson, thank you :)
thx alex u r the best
Thank you Alax. its helpful.
Alex, thank you so much, I have to say that I didn’t know that CAN was the least polite way to ask something.
I got 4 correct out of 4! Ya~y :D I didn’t know that MAY was the most polite, and CAN was the least polite and urgent. I seldom to use “Do you mind if~.” So I was glad to learn how to answer the question. Thank you, Alex :D
Thanks …it’s very helpful …
Is it right to ask: “Wouldn’t (don’t) you mind if I borrow your pen?”;
“Do you mind me taking your pen?”
Thank you in advance.
very helpful. Thanks, Alex. In order to contribute with the lesson, I suggest including “Would you mind …” as another formal way to ask permission. What do you think?
thks u verry much i hope i will have a good grade to the control :)
hi teacher alex … i am just wondering if there is a big difference in meaning between ( would you mind ) and ( do you mind ) ?
and i have another question it’s about the form of the verb that follows ( do you mind and would you mind ) it can be followed by two types of tenses ( simple past , simple present ) how could i know when to use each form and is there a difference in the degree of formality , politeness,necessity ?
mohammad Alqudah
thanks a lot for this video sir.I really enjoyed it
Hi Alex,
Thanks a lot for this lesson.
Hi Alex,
Such a practical lesson!
Thank you.
Hi Alex,
thank you for helpful lesson.
You’re a great teacher
take care
thanks so much for lesson ..
mohamed Al alwany
I like this staff is good to help me learn
Thanks a lot.
thanks alot ^_^
Mohamed Z
Thank you Alex! Good lesson.
This lesson is useful, thanks a lot
Hi! Alex, You did a good job at making your videos interesting. Thanks!
Thank You Alex!!
Thank You Alex!!
thnank you a lot Alex (:
Hello sir Alext, I have questions [ do you mind close the gate for me?] [ may you close the gate for me please? Are they correct sir? Thank you such amazing teacher .
Great Lesson alex ;)
Usman Ghani
Thanks Alex!It’s nice.
I was taught in secondary school in the late 1970s that the word “can” ONLY denotes physical ability while may ONLY denotes permission. If someone said “Can I have a piece of candy?” the teacher would say “I don’t know. Are you physically able to receive candy? You should say ‘May I have a piece of candy?'” If someone said “Can I drive to the store for you” the teacher would say “I don’t know if you are physically able to drive to the store. You should say “May I drive to the store for you?”
Can I borrow your pencil? sounds wrong to me. It should be “May I borrow your pencil?”
I can swim means I am physically able to swim.
I can drive means I am physically able to drive.
Don’t say “Can I borrow your car?” Say “May I borrow your car?”
Dear Bammie:
The correct phrase is “Do you mind CLOSING the gate for me?” or “Will you please close the gate for me?”
How to respond politely in the question “Do you mind if I borrow your pencil ?” when you don’t want to lend the pencil ?
on video you said just “yes”
Hi Amir,
The answer would be ” I am afraid I need it”
yes sir!!! 10/10 thanks again Alex! nice lesson
Thank you very much …
Your class is amazing <3
thanks again Alex
thanx so much Mr Alex ..
may you tell me what about ” would you … etc ” in asking permission case ?
Hi Alex,
What’s the use of ‘would you mind’, is it used in the same way as ‘do you mind’??
thanks for this lesson, it was new for me
The lesson was very clear. Thank you very much.
Good one, thanks(:
Thanks for given your lesson mr Alex
Husen 12
Thanks mr Alex
Husen 12
Hi teacher! Can we say: «Do you mind borrowing your pencil?
That’s mostly correct. You would say “Do you mind lending me your pencil?”
“Lend” and “borrow” are common words for English learners to mix up — here’s a lesson by Ronnie about it.
engVid Moderator
Or :«would you mind borrowing your pencil?».
Thank u Alex. Now I aunderstand how can I say politely in english.
Lovely Ruby
I totally got it.
Thanks to your lesson.
Young Kyung Lee
Thank you Alex :)
Good lesson. Thanks Alex !
Leandro Souza
3/4. I got it wrong at the first question. A little confusing but i do understand it now.
ann ann
hello,I’ve a question..it’s correct “mind you give me a pencil?”many thanks
Hi Alex you are an amazing teacher I want to do a travel for see you and learn a lot things
I got 1/4. :) I’m going to watch the lesson again!
Thanks for this lesson Alex…
Thank you Alex
i’m not understanding question number one of the quiz !!!
Oooh its difficult
A very nice lession! I can’t understand what you said at 1:20 of the video: “I’m ??? asking you if you …” and at 1:23 “I’m asking in a more ??? formality …”
Could anyone help me figure our the missing words in the two sentences?
Many thanks!!
I hope this is not too late :D,
1:20 –> I’m really not asking you if you can give it to me
1:23 –> I’m asking it more so as a formality you’re going to give me your pencil
FYI, for another way, because this is youtube video, you can activate video’s subtitle, by clicking “CC” icon (near gear icon) located in right bottom of the video screen, so you can read what the person in the video says.
Thanks a lot Alex!
Jonathas Wilhem
nice lesson alex, I´ve always used “may” but now I can use the lastone “do you mind” thanks.
It’s very nice and useful lesson , thanks my teacher ALEX
Thank you teacher
Thanks Alex for this video.
Novak Dean
Thank you Alex.
Through the video, I learned much more than how to ask permission in English!
I watched this video twice for practicing English listening.
And the third time I opened caption to learn more vocabulary and sentences.
It’s really helpful.
Thank you :)
Many thanks
Alex don’t worry, I understand all your lesson ;)
Thank you
Alex teacher i am new here and your website but i have no speaking engglish no writting no vecubrory please help me i am pakistani
Haseen ullah
Great Class!!! thank you!!!!
Thanks a lot Mr. Alex.
Hi Alex this is a good leason
Tks Alex
edi wilson
thank you
Bohdan Zhylavskyi
I watched this video twice on April 26, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got 4 correct out of 4.
thanks alex
thank you sir,let me know more clearly about how to use these words.
Renxin Zhang
thank you Alex
teacher this is a excelent explain.
it´s more easy when you explain something.
it´s more little easy.
for example: May I borrow your book, please?
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Hi, very nice lesson, but I couldn’t understand what you said
at 1:37 of the video, Do you mind to write that sentence?
“maybe ???? pencil, who Knows”
Hi Marcos,
At 1:37, I said “Maybe they need their pencil. Who knows?”
Let me know if you have any other questions, or if you would like anything else clarified!
Thanks for watching. :)
hi Alex ^_^
I didn’t find the word who said
where is it ????
thank you :)
i said there is a mistake mr Alex in :do you mind if i borrow….the right form is :do you mind if i borrowed ;we put the vurb after if in past form ok can you correct please
i think it’s if you’ve already borrowed it before you ask , then ” do you mind if i borrowed ” would be correct . you use borrowed because its in the past . you’ve already done it
hi Alex,, nice to know you,, i’m ega from indonesia,, may i ask you about english? because i want to improve my english,, and need your advice,
if you don’t mind,, please replay to my email.. thank you..
Hello Alex, could I say “Do you mind borrowing your pencil?” or for example “Would you mind turning the stereo down?”. If yes, when can I use this expression and how politely is it regarding the others presented? Thanks a lot!!!
thx mr/alex
That’s nice. Sometimes i have troubles to ask somethings using (can, could, may), now is clearly to me.
Hi Alex
Your video was very nice and intersting. I hope you could do some video with the usage of words “must”, “should” and “have to”. I always have problem how I should use those word.
Thank you for your lesson
Hello~~this is my first time to watch your video lesson, it’s very interesting it can help me to build my english, thank you….
2! what’s your name and where are you from. I am trying to improve my English so I want to be friends with others to practice English together. So may you be friend with me? I am waiting for your respond.hi
Could I be friend with you?
If you want, give me a e-mail.
My e-mail adress is sure-of @nate.com.
i would like to learn english so could you help me to build the sentences.
I would like to practice English with you
and me it’s a first time. its wonderful video. i need o continue beacause i want same.
Alex, Thanks alot for a nice lesson,
useful to understand english more.
Alex thanks a lot
Alex nice presentation, you can include other modul auxialaries, how does it help asking permission?
June 14,2009
Hello Mr Alex,
My best wishes for you, you realy teach good grammar and writing,
this is Enrique Gonzalez nice to meet you. I ‘m learning very much with you, I am actualy taking English clases at Santiago College in Orange California and you have helped me a lot thanks God bless you
Sincerely Enrique Gonzalez
Thankyou very helpful!!
Alex u doing great job,carryon….bes of lucks~
You are teaching us English very well. You are successful in teaching us English. I am interested in English. I am making attempts at new ways of learning English. It’s worth being able to speak English. You help us learn English. I am anxious to thank you. You are excellent.
Hi Alex I´m glad for your classes,do you mind continue teaching us,can we to learn faster?.
Thank you a lot.
hi Alex…nice job!
however, my student said that she learned from her studies that the most polite way to ask permission is …..do you mind if i borrow your pencil…..how do you think???
As mentioned in the lesson, “do you mind” is the most polite way to ask for permission, because you feel that your request might bother the other person. It is the most kind and gentle way to ask for something.
Thank you Alex! Good lesson. :)
This lesson was really interesting. I have a question,though.
Is it possible to answer: “Sure” to a question beginning by “Do you mind if I….?”
Hello, Alex
Can I borrow your pencil?(permission)
Can you sing?( request)
Is it true that we use the pronoun”I” to ask for permission and the pronoun”you” to ask for requaest with the modal verb ”can”.
i will be very grateful if you answer my question.
Hi, Alex ! It was a good lesson. This questions are very common, and you had clarified all the items. Thank you a lot 1
Hello, Alex!
The lesson is really great!!! The explanation is so simple and clear, that even a beginner will understand it easily!
yeah right! :D
How can I ask permission from the teacher to leave the class in the middle of the lecture, as I must arrive somewhere else?
Excellent class.
Hi Alex! Your lessons are very, very clear to understand. You are a fantastic teacher. Congratulations!
these lessons are very useful for me and my students. i would like to say thanks so much. umm..
you are very good
Alex.Thanks a lot.You did great job.But actally I cant see diferents between could or may.
Thanks. The lesson is great.
i want to learn english lesson but i dont know how do to learn
Hi i m Asif from Pakistan, i like your programme & teaching methods, thanks for this
Hi Alex. I’m confused here.
what is the most formal? is it can or may.
your lessons is very nice and we quickly understand everything from you
you are amazing teacher
thank you
best regards
Alex.Thanks a lot.You did great job.But actally I cant see diferents between could or may.
your lessons is very nice and we quickly understand everything from you,
Excellent class
hi sir i want to know abt would be how it use
nice lesson alex.
Thanks Alex, it’s helpfull
Its so helpful to me in Indian school scholar examination.Thank you very much.
Do you mind if i say thank you very much Alex…………
hello Alex, thank you for clarifying the difference and how ask permission politely instead of using canI…? all the time.
I’m confused concerning some verbs, how i use them( lie, lay, sit, set,rise,raise)
I will be very grateful if you help me in this case.
thank you once again.
Hi Alex,
I really like your lessons, definitely those that use in conversations. Actually I’m a newcomer to Canada and it is very vital for me to handle with English as soon as possible. Do you mind introducing some books to help me? And also I have another question. what is the deference between “Do you mind” and ” Would you mind”.
Thank you.
Thank you, Alex! Very good lesson. For me it was always difficult to understand “do you mind”, but now it`s clear.
you really good teacher and i like your methods
Thanks! I have been arguing with my friends the most polite way to ask for permission. They don’t believe me. Here you hit the nail on the head!!
Will watch more of your lessons and recommend them to others.
Dear Sir,
I have problem I can’t understand the word like when it is used in the starting of a sentence. For example, Like my father she gets up early in the morning. Please tell what is the word “like” in parts of speech in the above example?
I would be highly thankful to you if you kindly teach me about the word “like” with examples.
hi teatcher im very happy to send you and may allah to help us THANKS your saudi student
Hi Alex!Good job!
Alex,can i say”WOULD YOU MIND giving me PENCIL”?
Would you mind giving me (YOUR) pencil? Don’t forget the article (YOUR).
nise lesson thank you very much.
This is my first time to watch engvid.com videos. It is really a wonderful and powerful webside.I would like to thank you Mr. Alex your video was easy and gave me a good idea about how to use the above auxiliaries. I have a little problem about how to use the present perfet and the present perfect continuous. Do you mind if you explain me what is the different between them? What is the different in the meaning between “I have been studying English for 8 years” and I have studied English for 8 years”
Like you!!!! :-*
I like your lesson very much. Thanks for your teaching.
hello really now i undrstand which polite words use d for permission .Thank u and rest of engvid teachers.with best wishes to all
thanks teacher taht was really amaising and so simple.every thing is clear
Thank you sir, your lectures are very simple & easy to understand….
Thanks a lot, I never thought about,I used can I in every situation
thank you mr alex,very good lesson,god bless you
thank you alex. i learned something again.
Thanks teacher Alex,it’s very important lesson,.but it’s very short but it was well.i would like to explain next time what’s diffrence between can,could,would,will and etc.in diffrence situation i mean past tense or present tense and feture tense.
thank you very much.
What is difference between will and will be
hi sir.thanks for lessons plz how meet you on the skpe lessons thank you .
Thank you.
Hello, Alex
I am a beginner in English
I know a little about the English Language.
And I want you to guide me to the right as a way to learn ..
What is the first step to learn English?
hello Alex
i’m sure that once day i’ll have an accent like a native speaker
thank you
Very interesting lesson. Some students are having difficulties when asking for permission to go to the bathroom or to borrow a pencil (very common with teenagers). Thank you Alex.
hello my teacher
how are you ?
i hope to chat with you and be friends
my mail is sdjamir@gmail.com
Hi ,Alex
Can i say you are polite teacher .
hi how are things please present new teach
thank you very much i start stadying english and ilearn much with you you are a good teacher.
Hello teacher!! i just wanna tell u that u r an excellent teacher, i like ur teaching method. Well i have a question, what is the difference between can i borrow ur pencil? and can u lend me ur pencil? (borrow, lend) ,, i hope u can answer it .. take care ..
I like the way you teach and it seems to be very simple and easy to understand for everybody. Just wanna say it thank you.
I like the way you teach and it seems to be very simple and easy to understand for everybody. Just wanna say thank you.
Thanks Alex this way was very simple.
thank you very much
hi Alex. very nice lesson. i just wanna know if we can use the present continuous after ‘ do you mind…’ here is on example: do you mind staying home tonight? thank you
Nice vidio thanks for teaching us.
Nice explaine
ilike the way you teach and it seems to be very simple and easy to understand for everybody. Just wanna say it thank you.
hi how are you diong to cheach actualy when iam very happing to heart your study ,well i wanna say you thank you so much about any act and i tell you please continue on that way becouse you became for me good tcheacher,and i wish you have good luck with your life,i hope so , actualy when you are speaking ,iam undersand anything ,but sometime to be stuped ,when i speak with my someone i say ,that,in fact sometime i have some problem about prononted , i was learning enghlish in my coutry marroco ,but when i came to amreca ,i found some problem about it,but i wanna ask you about that ,how can i get enghlsh very quucly ? and when i speak ,i have to reaspect rules or not ,thank you so much,iam waiting for awnsrn me
Thanks for the lesson Alex..
your video it’s very interensting but…
Can I say?
“No,I wouldn’t mind”
Thanks for your video!!I’m begginger,I have 1 months studying English.Excuse me if my grammar is bad.
“No, I wouldn’t mind.” is correct. :)
Hey Alex You teach better than my teacher and i really understood everything thank you Benny:)
nice and thnks
I have a question for you. How do I use “MIGHT” Could you help me? Thanks.
You are a good teacher and you have good method to explain something.
Saudi Arabia
You are a wonderful English teacher Alex. Now I know the difference between may, can and could. Remarkable video!!! take care.
hello everybody i want just tp say that there is a mistake in this lesson mr Alex could you check please in this “do you mind if you i borrowed not borrow ” and excuse me for this comment…
hey alex.. you are a good teacher.. but i dnt still get it what’s the difference among the three.. can u explaun it further?
how about when u say would u mind? wht does it mean?
hello! sir I Really want to watch this video lesson but their is an error cccured , what should i do now?
Thank you so much Alex for your kind teaching method and very clear sound with sweet example. please keep it up more video to help a as me guys..
Do you mind if i tell you that your lessons are great??
i love what you and your friend doing! Good luck
Hi Alex
Just wanted to say that you have a very good way of explaining things. I wish i could do that in my classes.
hi sir………..very good lesson but can you tell me use of could?…….
hey Alex I really like your videos cause I am on intermediate level but I didn’t know many phrases you used! so, I really want to keep in touch with you. do you have an email or something? msn ?
Hi Alex, very nicely explained lesson. The way you teach is awesome. I especially like your accent and clear voice. Are all these lessons downloadable too?
hi..teacher Alex ,ur lesson is very useful .and i’m so happy that i can do the test 100 % cause of your teaching…. thanks and in laos language if u ‘ll say thanks we say “khop chai”
Hi Alex, i have recently watch your videos and i found them wonderful and outstanding lessons. i wish you the best success and hope to have more lessons in the future. M. Munir, Afghanistan
Thank you
Hello Alex
Would you mind if I want to have your email?
that’s v nice and v help full for me
Such a good and funny lesson, especially when you are changing tone. Keep up the good work!
hi Mr. Alex thank you so much
good lesson sir .
i have question my question is can you more what is different may can and could ? i know it’s same with permission . but i need more action
thanks alex for the lesson im still waiting for for more videos thanks again from
Hi Alex,
Your lessons help me alot. I have a question regarding this lesson. If non english doctor is talking to any english tourist how can he ask about his problem? what should he use? `can´or `could´? For Example: Can u blink your eyes or Could you blink your eyes?
Pls reply soon
do you maind if i gave up absence in my class?
sie alex it correct or not tell me i am waiting.
I’m Italian. Suppose I’m just fairly good at English and I don’t know how to say something in the language, could I say, “Can I speak in Italian?” instead of “Can I speak Italian?”
(that is, can I use the Italian language?)?
I’m Italian. If I don’t know how to say or ask something in English, could I say, “Can I speak in Italian?” instead of “Can I speak Italian?” (that is, can I use the Italian language)?
Thanks a lot.
Yes, “Can I speak in Italian?” is right! If you said, “Can I speak Italian?” you would be asking yourself whether you know Italian, which doesn’t make any sense!
Thank you very much for your quick reply (whoever you are). I’d like to add something to your answer. At school, students usually ask for permission saying (it’s just an example): can/could I drink, please? In this case, they’re just asking if they’re allowed to drink, not if they’re able to drink. If they say, Can we speak Italian/English, and so on, they usually ask for permission, in this case too. Well, according to your answer that seems wrong (they should say, can I speak in Italian?). Can you tell me why?
Thanks a lot again. It’s really nice to have an expert listening to you and dispelling your doubts (and, believe me sir, I’ve always got a lot of doubts. English is such a rich and ever changing language!)
Mr. Alex,
which do you think is more correct for students at school:
“May I go out, please?”
“Can I go out, please?”
“Could I go out, please?”
Thanks a lot. You’re always most helpful.
May I get out,plz” is more suitable for students at school
Thank you teacher ,i learn a lot
thank you very much professor truth served me well thanks
I like English’s classroom because the teacher is very amusing and she has a good dynamics.
Mucho Gracias !!
I was hoping this would be a joke grammer vid about people who do what they like in the office and steal my blooming pens.
No offence Alex but if someone came up to you in the office and said “Alex, can I please borrow this pen quickly” and you replied “IT’S MAY I!!!!!” I hope they slap you.
sir Alex your lessons are really fruitful for me. and i am learning alot from your videos. your teaching is superbb! kindly tell me if i face any problem how i can ask you, sir will you reply at one for my question…..
Alex Can I say: Do you mind holding my bag for a minute? or I have to say : Do you mind to hold my bag for a minute?
Thanks I like This Video So mache <3
you ar
you are good teacher
Thank you !
this is very helpful to those people who wants to learn English…I’m so glad i found this site… Thanks a lot!
Excelent understandable
sir you are good teacher Thank you
great ;) sir., i am only new here.. in this website.. thank you for this free lessons sir.
Hi,could you give us explain about all of polite request plz such as : could i possibility or would you mind + ing
I would like to know more about,COMING and GOING.
Thank you Alex
hi alex , nice to know u .. im nurul from indonesia .. i want teach speak english very well for my study … thank you
Hi alex
My english is not very good. but i very much keen to learn English. i seek very sites to learn english but i could not sucess.can you help me about this????
i want to send a email to my Boss to go home early could you help me????
i need to request to my guide permission to go home can you pls help me
Nice post. I was watching continuously this site and I’m impressed! Extremely useful info specifically the last part I care for such info much. I was looking for this specific info for a long time. Thanks and best of luck.
Excellent lesson. Thank you so much.
thanks for you mr
I know these words are for requesting for sth..but only by this lesson i have got actual differences between them..thanks Alex..
Thanks again Alex..these words also confused me before but now I already know the difference….God bless!!!
Many thanks to you! You a good teacher.
do you can explain to me about cause and effects?If this is possible.Many thanks to you.
thanks it is very important lessen keep it up
i have a proble with that :))))))) Thank youuuu :))
Sir, i’m 4m India(Kolkata) I’s osm…an Thanks to every pepole link wid engvid.com….
Thanks Sir
I had an issue with my boss woth regard to this topic. He said “Can I have this document?” and I answered ” yes you may”. He said I was being inapropriate because I should I answered “yes you can” and by saying may (which I most often use u=in this type of situation)I implied that I was not happy to give it to him.
Can you help with the various underlined meaning of the answers these respective permission questions?
Thank you.
Hi Alex
I ask you to give some tip for spelling, like how find that witch words end with (e)?
thank you teacher It was so clear lesson please would you mind taking about the relative clauses of time because I have very big problem in this grammer and please I have another request about how can I read the name of the persons in good why and without mistake in the pronunciation thanks again
Execllent. :D
Thank you my teacher, Alex.
I am a Korean English Teacher. This is a great lesson!!
Could someone tell me what is the teacher saying at 0:55 (how …… did you need the pencil?) and at 1:21 to 1:28 (I’m not really asking you if you can give it to me, I’m asking you …….(I can’t understand what’s he saying in this part))
Thank you for your teaching. I think it’s more interesting if you tell us how to answer these questions of asking for permission with YES and NO, especially the answers to the question ” Do you mind if I borrow your pencil?” . Do you mind giving your explanation in the next lesson, Alex? Thanks again.
this is my first time to watch your video lesson
Thank you !
thank you
Great job! I enjoyed your lesson.
thanks sir, I want to know more about English even thought a little…
I learned from one of the lessons in engvid after “Do you mind ” it should be in ing form ( say do you mind borrowing …)but in your lession you used if borrow. could you please clarify please.
I think you confused the verb. Here are the two possibilities:
Do you mind if I borrow your pen?
Do you mind lending me your pen?
They’re different because the first sentence uses “if I.” It would be strange to say “Do you mind if I borrowing your pen?”
I hope this helps!
mr. alex why it would be strange to say with ing would u clarify?
Hey Alex , I have really become your fan !!!!! Thanks a lot . I have started seeing the videos recently . The way you make learning English simple is really awesome . Can you please advise me how can I improve my reading speed ? Thanks
thx Alex
Dear Alex ,
Do you mind if I ask a doubt?
If your reply is “No”, then I could go ahead.
I suppose it will be “No” because you are a pleasant teacher.
Please clarify on the below query.
A:Who can do this job?
B:I can do .
C:I could do that.
I understand from the above conversation that B is confidant to do that job whereas C is not sure (possibilities).
Could you clarify?
Hi Alex it was really a very interesting and but it doesn’t include all information about asking permission I wonder if you could give more lessons?
Good job Alex.
Thank you for this awesome lesson,,i have a Question,what is the difference between “Would you Mind if i borrow your pencil” and “Would you mind allowing me to use your DVD player” as example,,,,,,,when i use the V.(The first Ex),and the Verb+ing,,,,which is more polite?
Alex. Thank you very much but I can’t distinguish ” Do you mind…” and ” would you mind ” Do they have the same usage ? Wait for your response ……Love you…..
Thank you, teacher Alex.
I have learned a lot of English from you.
Thank you, teacher
is it correct to ask “may i ask how should I do that?” I don’t know if this sentence is 100% grammatically correct. Thanks for your lesson!
I don’t understand the difference between should have, may have, must have , could have . can you help me please .
hello alex nice job
but i would like to ask u if i said would u give me your pencil what do u think it should be more polite than others or not?
Great lesson..it’s very helpful…thanks so much
Hi allex ,I not understand The 1question ,could you answer me?
Can I say Thanks :)
ready for practice this is my email aadam063@hotmail.com please contact me thank you.
do you mind if I said you are the perfect teacher for me, Alex.?
Thanks Alex….♥☺
I am a new student its my first time to watch Mr Alex n very satisfy how to expression the lesson. Mr Alex is my teacher that had been searching for a long time. I love my teacher Alex
thanks Mr.Alex for your explanation, tomorrow is my final exam :0 in school
Great lesson, thank you :)
thx alex u r the best
Thank you Alax. its helpful.
Alex, thank you so much, I have to say that I didn’t know that CAN was the least polite way to ask something.
I got 4 correct out of 4! Ya~y :D I didn’t know that MAY was the most polite, and CAN was the least polite and urgent. I seldom to use “Do you mind if~.” So I was glad to learn how to answer the question. Thank you, Alex :D
Thanks …it’s very helpful …
Is it right to ask: “Wouldn’t (don’t) you mind if I borrow your pen?”;
“Do you mind me taking your pen?”
Thank you in advance.
very helpful. Thanks, Alex. In order to contribute with the lesson, I suggest including “Would you mind …” as another formal way to ask permission. What do you think?
thks u verry much i hope i will have a good grade to the control :)
hi teacher alex … i am just wondering if there is a big difference in meaning between ( would you mind ) and ( do you mind ) ?
and i have another question it’s about the form of the verb that follows ( do you mind and would you mind ) it can be followed by two types of tenses ( simple past , simple present ) how could i know when to use each form and is there a difference in the degree of formality , politeness,necessity ?
thanks a lot for this video sir.I really enjoyed it
Hi Alex,
Thanks a lot for this lesson.
Hi Alex,
Such a practical lesson!
Thank you.
Hi Alex,
thank you for helpful lesson.
You’re a great teacher
take care
thanks so much for lesson ..
I like this staff is good to help me learn
Thanks a lot.
thanks alot ^_^
Thank you Alex! Good lesson.
This lesson is useful, thanks a lot
Hi! Alex, You did a good job at making your videos interesting. Thanks!
Thank You Alex!!
Thank You Alex!!
thnank you a lot Alex (:
Hello sir Alext, I have questions [ do you mind close the gate for me?] [ may you close the gate for me please? Are they correct sir? Thank you such amazing teacher .
Great Lesson alex ;)
Thanks Alex!It’s nice.
I was taught in secondary school in the late 1970s that the word “can” ONLY denotes physical ability while may ONLY denotes permission. If someone said “Can I have a piece of candy?” the teacher would say “I don’t know. Are you physically able to receive candy? You should say ‘May I have a piece of candy?'” If someone said “Can I drive to the store for you” the teacher would say “I don’t know if you are physically able to drive to the store. You should say “May I drive to the store for you?”
Can I borrow your pencil? sounds wrong to me. It should be “May I borrow your pencil?”
I can swim means I am physically able to swim.
I can drive means I am physically able to drive.
Don’t say “Can I borrow your car?” Say “May I borrow your car?”
Dear Bammie:
The correct phrase is “Do you mind CLOSING the gate for me?” or “Will you please close the gate for me?”
How to respond politely in the question “Do you mind if I borrow your pencil ?” when you don’t want to lend the pencil ?
on video you said just “yes”
Hi Amir,
The answer would be ” I am afraid I need it”
yes sir!!! 10/10 thanks again Alex! nice lesson
Thank you very much …
Your class is amazing <3
thanks again Alex
thanx so much Mr Alex ..
may you tell me what about ” would you … etc ” in asking permission case ?
Hi Alex,
What’s the use of ‘would you mind’, is it used in the same way as ‘do you mind’??
thanks for this lesson, it was new for me
The lesson was very clear. Thank you very much.
Good one, thanks(:
Thanks for given your lesson mr Alex
Thanks mr Alex
Hi teacher! Can we say: «Do you mind borrowing your pencil?
That’s mostly correct. You would say “Do you mind lending me your pencil?”
“Lend” and “borrow” are common words for English learners to mix up — here’s a lesson by Ronnie about it.
Or :«would you mind borrowing your pencil?».
Thank u Alex. Now I aunderstand how can I say politely in english.
I totally got it.
Thanks to your lesson.
Thank you Alex :)
Good lesson. Thanks Alex !
3/4. I got it wrong at the first question. A little confusing but i do understand it now.
hello,I’ve a question..it’s correct “mind you give me a pencil?”many thanks
Hi Alex you are an amazing teacher I want to do a travel for see you and learn a lot things
I got 1/4. :) I’m going to watch the lesson again!
Thanks for this lesson Alex…
Thank you Alex
i’m not understanding question number one of the quiz !!!
Oooh its difficult
A very nice lession! I can’t understand what you said at 1:20 of the video: “I’m ??? asking you if you …” and at 1:23 “I’m asking in a more ??? formality …”
Could anyone help me figure our the missing words in the two sentences?
Many thanks!!
I hope this is not too late :D,
1:20 –> I’m really not asking you if you can give it to me
1:23 –> I’m asking it more so as a formality you’re going to give me your pencil
FYI, for another way, because this is youtube video, you can activate video’s subtitle, by clicking “CC” icon (near gear icon) located in right bottom of the video screen, so you can read what the person in the video says.
Thanks a lot Alex!
nice lesson alex, I´ve always used “may” but now I can use the lastone “do you mind” thanks.
It’s very nice and useful lesson , thanks my teacher ALEX
Thank you teacher
Thanks Alex for this video.
Thank you Alex.
Through the video, I learned much more than how to ask permission in English!
I watched this video twice for practicing English listening.
And the third time I opened caption to learn more vocabulary and sentences.
It’s really helpful.
Thank you :)
Many thanks
Alex don’t worry, I understand all your lesson ;)
Thank you
Alex teacher i am new here and your website but i have no speaking engglish no writting no vecubrory please help me i am pakistani
Great Class!!! thank you!!!!
Thanks a lot Mr. Alex.
Hi Alex this is a good leason
Tks Alex
thank you
I watched this video twice on April 26, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got 4 correct out of 4.
thanks alex
thank you sir,let me know more clearly about how to use these words.
thank you Alex
teacher this is a excelent explain.
it´s more easy when you explain something.
it´s more little easy.
for example: May I borrow your book, please?
thank you Alex