Vocabulary is the key to effective expression in any language. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to expand your Business English vocabulary faster than before.
A pretty good lesson. I really appreciate these tips.
hi rebecca why you pronounce consume (conzume) and others pronounce consume with (s)
my professor
very very excelent I love you you are a best teacher good luck
You are too kind! My best wishes to you,Parvaneh.
Excellent! Could you try others words ?
I love it.
Rey - Brazil
thank you so much it is very words
i am sorry it is very good words
I feel very happy every time I watch your lessons, you are a grate teacher, thank you a lot.
Thank you kindly, Hafid. All the best to you.
you are a great teacher, thank you a lot.
Great idea. You can help me remember more vocabulary.
Thanks you so much.
Thank you Rebeca
i like your techniqe
appreciate it
best wished
everybody I’m happy with my firs participation and I hope I will get information & knowledge from you
Hi Rebecca!
Thanks for your lesson, it’s so helpful. I want to ask you about the difference between two expression “in the same boat”
and “in the ballpark”
Thanks, Fatmaa.
“In the same boat” means in the same difficult situation, or predicament.
For example, suppose we start talking to each other at an airport, after both our flights were cancelled. You can’t find another flight to your destination and I can’t find one to mine. We could say, “Oh, we’re in the same boat.” (or tough situation)
Or, if two people break up with their partners, and both feel sad about it, we could say they are in the same boat, or difficult situation.
“In the ballpark” is completely different. It means within an acceptable or approximate range.
For example, if you offer $250,000 to buy a house and your offer is refused because the accepted offer is $500,000, then your offer was not even in the ballpark. That means it wasn’t even close to what the real value of the house was.
If two companies are bidding on a contract, and one company’s bid is far away from what is accepted, or expected, then that company’s bid in not in the ballpark.
Hope this helps you. All the best to you.
Thanks a lot Ms. Rebecca! By this explanation I could understand a new expression!!!!! ^_^
….We (ESL Learner) are in the same boat!! (:
Binh Phan Thanh
thank you rebecca you are the best here
Hi Rebecca thank you very much for your help I have problme modal futuer and modal coculusions
bekele herego
Will keep this in mind when planning future lessons. Thanks and all the best to you.
Thank you
I am so sorry i could not get the lesson.
Best regards
it is so simple….
Thanks for this tips are very useful!!
Dear Rebeca!
I have so perfectly used u lessons for ESl learners..especially Grammar points..
Thanks a lot!!!
thanks it is really useful ^_^
WaW your Major is English literature
so we need your help sure u r perfect Waiting for u soon as a teacher in that Fabulous ٍSite :D hehehe I was hoped to study English literature but I didn’t so u r really lucky “,)
thank you
thank you all
Rebeca you are the “numero uno”
Hi Rebecca!
First I would like to compliment your lessons …. they are awesome!!! you’re an EXECELENT teacher!
Now, I would like to make a request / suggestion:
you could do a lesson about “financial terms”?
thx a lot!
Thanks for your feedback, Bruno and also for your suggestion. Will certainly keep your idea in mind when planning future lessons.
My best wishes to you.
Thank you Rebeca,it is really useful for me.
hi mam,
It’s a nice I can say ‘short cut’ to built vocabulary! thank you!
very very good lesson
Thank you Rebeca.
aslaam o alikum.how r u
dear sister r
i have doubts about ‘used to’ and my most difficult problem is i can understand English well but I cant speak it and write it well.
what should i do please help me
Thanks, Bunty.
We use “used to” to describe something that we did for some time in the past.
For example:
When I was young, I used to play the piano, but now I have not played in many years.
When I lived in France, I used to speak French every day, but now that I live in India,I hardly have any chance to speak it at all.
Hope this helps you. To feel comfortable speaking English you need to find someone to speak to, who can also correct your mistakes. To write better English, you really do need to practice and get feedback from a teacher.
Try to join a class, find a private teacher or make an English-speaking friend!
My best wishes to you, Bunty.
Hello Rebecca! Ireally liked your tips in how to improve our vocab. And I’d like to ask you for helping me to improve my listening and speaking skills, because I have problems in understand a native speaker and so in speak very well. Could you help me please?
Thank you very much and Congratulation you are a very nice teacher!
i like english.but i cant speach in english.
Everyone starts from somewhere. Make a beginning, as you have, keep watching, listening and learning and before long you will be able to speak too. You need to find someone to speak to, so you can get a lot of practice. Otherwise, all the knowledge stays in your head…try to get it out, even if you make mistakes. Keep trying.
Good luck to you.
saudi arabia
You can give me an information?
Can you can give me some information?
Bahtiyar from turkey
Good for you, Bahtiyar.
Actually,it should be:
Can you give me some information, please?
Could you please give me some information?
These options would be best.
the words change.; so plz miss rebecca write it down on the board during the explanation
and thank u for the tip(s)
very good lecture . i love to take miss vallen lecture
sajal zinash
Really apriciate ……God Bless u All
Sami Alvi
you are really a good teacher
it was good to learn but that too simple
thank you
very good lesson
thanks for your precious advise
One more great video! Tks Rebecca for sharing all your knowledge with us!
Mucio Batista
thank you Rebecca.keep goiong as it is.
thank you so much but how can i find the person noun or activity noun.
You need some English vocabulary books, or Business English books. Or else, you can also use an online dictionary; they often give these forms of the word as well.
My best wishes to you.
excuse me Ms. Can you give me some a good online dictionary ‘s site of address?
No word can express my feeling when I learn english on this web, over my expecting
So glad we could help you, Hoa.
All the best to you.
I do not know how to thank you….
Best of luck
Thanks for your help.I do appreciate it very much.
you will get more then u gave.
You are very kind. My best wishes to you, Herbow.
i love very much quiz thank you
Thanks to all of you for your kind and helpful feedback, comments and suggestions. We are listening, so please keep writing in. Do tell your friends if you feel the video lessons helped you, so we can continue to keep engvid growing. Thank you all very much.
Rebecca… You realy a good teacher… his explanations are excellent for me and help me a lot. I’ll go to Canada in June and its lessons are important to improve myself. thanks
Thank You Rebecca
I Have One Question
The People Who Speak English
what can i call them ??
good and nice teacher
Thank you! Your lessons are very useful.
I appreciate this lesson. Thank you.
Thank You very much
I just found this page and it’s amazing.
Thank you for your lessons. I have been following your virtual lessons for couple of days now and amazingly I have learned and better still, improved my Basic English Understanding far better than imagined. However, I am not sure if any other virtual teachers in Engvid have touched on this topic but if not, could you please show the right way to use apostrophe or apostrophe rules to indicate possessiveness, missing letters and so forth.
Once again, thank you for the patience and explicit teaching!
Added on my favorite ones on my blog as well as I told for friends on Facebook, thank you teacher for sharing.
you are great go ahead and do more and more for your student
a very practical way of increasing my vocabulary power…Rebecca, many thanks with appreciation!
Thanks Rebecca,
I have one question following:
How can i do for good learn vocabulary? How many words for one day?
hai mam
you are the best english teacher i have seen. thanks for this free service.
thank you very much my good teacher,in the fact i felt that you are the best teacher ,so if you do not mind please guide me how can i speak English fluently.
thank you once again .
Thanks a lot Rebeca and all teachers of this website. You help us so much!!! For the last couple days (this is how long i watch video lessons) i improved my English a little bit. But the most important, I start to remember almost everything you teach here. Huge respect to ENGVID teachers!!!!!
Hi Rebecca,
I really impress your teaching, you are my best teacher.
By the way, the “Quiz” link is not in this screen.
Thank you!!
Rebecca,I liked the way you teach.
thanks very much and wish you all the best.
Thanks so much Rebecca , you are truly a wonderful teacher , I just want to express my thanks and gratitude
wish you all the happiness & success
thanks a lot my teacher i want learning English but i want you help me how can , and where i can start sorry my English not good and thanks, Greetings
This is exactly I was looking for. Thanks !!!
Hi Rebecca
thx for this leason its was a very good tip xD
keep doing this good job from us hehe
thank u again
Marco Langer
Thank You verymuch for your Social exertion, God will help yo forever.
Hi Rebecca
Your lessons are great!
Have you ever thought about ENGVID could put some teachers to talk with us? No matter if we have to pay for it, I think It`ll be very useful to improve our speaking, and It`ll be good for you too, because of the money you`ll received. It`s just an idea, try to tell them there.
Best Regards,
In the video you said there was a quiz, but I don’t see one. It would be helpful.
Thank you, Rebecca, for teaching me to write and speak the correct English language. You are the best English teacher that I have ever had. Best regards.
could you explain how we can use …SO FAR i’m very confused about this
hope u ‘ll rply
thanx with regards
Hi Rebecca! This is an excellent way to learn English vocabulary quickly. Thanks very much!
Thanks for all your help Teacher Rebecca! :)
i really love the way u people are teaching
Hello mam, Your english teaching techniques are just amazing
thanks alot
you’re so helpful
Congrulaturations Rebecca!! Your lessons are excellent and very useful!! All the best for you
hi Rebecca i have a question i know it is a strange a little bit i was watching the serial of HOUSE and was translated in my language but i asked myself why i do not know a lot about the medical words but when i came across a medical dictionary i found it so hard to memorize my question is how my knowledge with the medical word should be although i am not studying the medicine
It is very good lesson.Thank you very much.
Dear rebecca.
thank you for your nice lesson .i have learned lot from you .so i need more lesson from you.
good luck.ajith srilanka.
Thank you so much ….it was realy very helpful:)
dear Rebbeca,
you are doind the nice job.keep going.
Thank you again. Great. I’ll follow you more:).
Have a nice day!
Hi rebecca
would like to thank you for clear accent, am keeping alot of words but still have problem with speking.
what is Ur advice please.
really thank you. kindly i need more vocabulary and lesson time be longer.thank’s for your time
Thank you, it´s really important for me, today i learn 30 words in 10.
Thank you kindly ms rebecca. nice topic
thank you very much teacher
thank you
oh nice.
God willing , I’ll use it .
thank u teacher for this useful lesson, i’ll try my best to follow your tips.
Rebecca, u r very great teacher, ur work is very great and u r doing right thing for humanity, i couldn’t believe it that anyone can learn english free ofcost, but u r doing it, God bless u all time, this is my first comment in ur website, i will ask to u if i will have a question
thanks again
Hammad Khalid
Ver nice programme/ Day by day yhe teacher is getting closer and can understand at once. Very helpful.
hellow people i’d like practising my English becouse i think the only way to learn english is speaking.if you want speak with me please i am by skype,so we shoud speak more to improve our English.
thanks you
could u give me your email? so i can add u as my friends in skype.. =)
please follow this Skype id bala.jj1
Hi, Rebecca!
I´m Ricardo Marques. I´m a Brazilian student. I study English degree in a Federal University (UFC- Universidade Fedal do Ceará)from Brazil. I like so much your classes. Congratulations!
Thank you for you classes.
Ricardo Marques
thank you Rebecca it’s helpful.
You are a very pretty and intelligent teacher. The way to exand vocabulary is great.
thank you very muche. It is very interesting
hi rebeca,i was wondering how can you expand your vocabulary useing the techniques you showed,but this time useing words with different meanings. i would like for you to show a video on that.
thank u very much
I wana say that it is similar word
but what is the easy way to learn the different words
great idea to increase vocabulary,excellent my teacher……..
thank you so much –
very helpful
Really interesting lesson I wish to see more in the future .
Thank you very much Rabika .
See uou leter ,
hi madam Rebecca…your website is very effective and i learned many things …can u tell me the another website where i can prove my speaking or i can speak well….
thanks a lot rebecca…but im confuse about
one, i can heared to much advertise-advertiser- then is that advertisement ->?how to pronoun coz i know only advertyzment but i heared from you not the same.
hi dear Rebbeca
i see this page for the first time and how can learn and use it i love very much.
thanks alot
hi rebecca, i was wondering if you can do a video about expanding your vocabulary but this time using techniques that involves the use of one word or words with many different definitions.
thanks a lot my wonderful teacher
nice tip……thank
thank you
thanks for this wonderful chance of learning…everything is useful for me to improve my grammar…thank u Rebecca
Wow. The video is very much helpful. Two thumbs up. =p
hi! i’m a new user of this site and im very happy cause it helps me a lot to improve my skills in all aspects in terms of speaking and using english as a second language.
thanks a lot and more power to all the teachers behind this site. God bless you all!
Hello teacher Rebecca ,
I’d be highly appreciated you.you did hardworking.
I like your way that makes everyone loves English,
especially when we heard your voice it’s very clear and more understanding anyway iam admired of you i mean, “your teaching style”
May i ask you one question please ?
I have a doubt about ungradable and gradable adjectives How can i use them please teacher Rebecca ?
Iam looking forward to seeing your reply,
Yours Student,
Rebecca no doubt that you are a fabuluas teacher. May God bless you dear. Rebecca can you eplan the use of “Could” because after more efforts I still could not understande the proper use of it, please.
Dear teacher profuse thanks.I am new in this web site and when I enter I saw some videos but initially this one attracted me and I am so happy for watching it.Thanks for your all labour.
It’s a wonderful lesson. I’d like to ask you something about the words between advertisement and advertising.I listened you pronounced a little differently. They’re different accent. Is that right?
hello teacher rebecca.please iam new student in australia .please help me about reading what the best way for reading
u tricked me at the last word but it was smart though. :D
roxanne quilala
you are the best teacher in the world .
thanks alot the bmost element amazing decide
decision maker
god be with u and wishing more success
that is good lesson
person noun for decide was a tough one, I haven’t thought of that word. thanks! It helped me..
The last one was tough.. Thanks! I learned something.. :D
Very impressive.
good luck to you.
Kim Hyun Su
thank you very much i wontd it becuse iwont spek english
Rebecca useful tips.
thanks a lot.. I like this presentations too much, especially yours. because your pronuncation is very comprehensible. These are not only fun, but also informative :) thanks a lot again..
nadide özkul from Turkey
thank u , your way is very good
Eng Moahemd
Thank you. It’s very professional and it can be understood very easily!
Thanks, very much.
your so importants for us.
Hi, Rebecca;
First off all, I like to say thank you for the lesson. I am from São Paulo – Brazil. Learning English becomes so easy with you. Congratulations! I am happy to find Engevid on the Internet. It has been helping me with the English´s difficulties.
Thank you so much!
aleir lucas
Thank you for this great strategy! this is a really helpful and simple way to learn new words.
Thanks again.
Stephane Labossiere
it’s a easy way to learn new word! Thanks !
It is very useful. Many thanks.
Hi Rebecca,
Matter is very clear,Thanks….
Thank you very much dear Rebecca. I just today found this website and i am so happy with this. I liked you very much. And I choose only your lessons to listen.
This was very usefull lesson for english learners. Thank you indeed. I hope with your lesson I will increase my vocabulary and general english skill faster.
Great lesson. Small point: It’s not con/Z/ume. It’s con/S/ume.
i really learnt so much.. i love the way you teach. i daily visit engvid.com and learn a lession in a day. thanks mam. i really appreciate it
Thank you, Teacher Rebecca, now I got a good way to expand my english vocabulary!
I would like to teacher Rebecca, I want to improve my speaking so much. But when I speak in English to my friends or my teachers, I always feel shy. So how can I do??
very thank I like your lesson than other teachers.
Thanks Rebecca! Very Nice tips to learn Vocabulary..May i get some set of vocabulary that is being used in daily conversation. Thanks in Adavnce!
super cool class!! you saved my time to pickup my vocabulary…….I will practice this method. Thanks allot.
I really really love ur lesson, and i love the way u teach english^^ I have a question i dont get it, what is the different between verb and activity noun?
I have a doubt aboout the use of “of” or apostrophe , why do you say Saint Patrick´s day instead the day of Saint Patrick? or why do you say Webminster Abbey instead the Abbey of Webminster? thanks
Hi Raquel
We use apostrohe or possesive S , when we want to show that these things belong to thise ,
for example
Requel’s dog
Requel’s room
well, you see in both example we want to show that the dog belonge to Requel and the room as well.
It just as Saint Patrick’s day
which means the day of Saint P , and both sentansese are correct . why we Use possesive S just to avoid long sentenses . Insted of saying the day of saint P ,the dog of Raquel
We can use the possesive S .
hope you got me.
Hi teacher,
My name is VIOLA , I am studing ENGLISH in BRITISH COUNCIL ,my level is intermediate .
I am very good in speaking and reading as well ,I usually get A in both and when it comes to gremmar I’m the best.
My problem is writing , honetly my writing is awful.
could you pleas help me teacher .
You are best in grammar, but you cannot spell it out correctly.
how come,Viola ?
I highly impressed from this lesson.Thanks ‘engvid’!
good lesson..thanx rebecca
hi Rebecca
your explanation is excellent.
Would you mind if I ask the difference between ‘TOO and VERY’
Rebeca Please Teach Me
Madam,Could you kindly explain me the difference in the use and usage and leak and leakage. Regards.
I like the teaching of Madam Rebecca,
She is expaling very well but the problem is we want to see the video for many time but the problem is we can not download Madam Rebecca video lectures, can you helps us how to download to my system.
Thanks in Advance.
A magic capsule to increase vocabulary.
congratulations for your website very nice teacher!!!
hi im pradeep from india im here to learn english i found this website be4 a month its really pretty cool thx to giving this website and im searching people for practice my English conversation so plz if anyone like to give me a accompany plz add me in u r skype this is my skype id: pradeep.raj40 we can make group discussion in skype so dont forget to add me in u r skype thx
Thanks for this lesson!
Teacher Rebecca,thank you for your excellent tips…It’s easy to follow what you have teached..I want to expand my vocabulary everyday like your tips but I hope you could give an idea on how I should choose a word to study with?
Reebeca Mam, I really appreciate this lesson!!! I didn’t have idea about it. Thank you very much. I would do my best to learn.
Dear Ms Rebecca,
I’m trying to get a good band in my IELTS exam. I find you videos and lessons interesting and very helpful.
I very thankful to find this site of yours.
We love you Rebeca
vous êtes fantastique!!!!
Thanks a lot for your time
Do you teach in school,colleges,or universities as though are a fabulous mentor…!!!
I really like your lessons, you make easy the english.. kisses congratulation ;)
Hi Rebecca ,
thanks for this discourse !
great job !
i really like your videos and other teachers videos as well thanks for your hard work your videos are gold mine for us
majid pakistan
Hi Rebecca ,your an excellent teacher thnks alot.
your way of teaching is extremely good……………i do like to watch your videos very often………….thanks a lot…..
Thanks a lot for this excellent video mam…
Thank you !! I understand everything.
Dear Rebecca
This method is useful but I wonder if it could be applied in any cases for example which words are there for verbs “tell” or “abide” as activities.
Whether can we use telling or abiding as adjectives?
best wishes
Dear Rebecca,
I really love the technique you share us, especially in the case decide – decision and decision maker.
I read some articles and try to use your method, it’s really useful.
Now, in my country, a person has shared us the way to good as English, And I want to tell you so that you could give me your opinion.
He said that “in English, we have about 3000 popular words which we usually use in daily communication. If we know it all, so we could communicate with other well.
The Method which we use to get these popular words is “free reading*”, when we do it, we will receive some repeated words, so this words are popular, this words would be store in our brain on the natural way so we will remember it longer.
*free reading means we try to read as fast as posible. when we see a strange word, just use dictionary to find its mean and continue to read.
In brief, he advise us to use dict to find whenever we don’t know. And if this word is commond, it will be repeat, and with each time each repeat we will keep use dictionary so we will remember it more naturally.
Hope to hear your opinion.
P/S: he share some techniques but I write here one first.
Hi, Rebecca,
Thank you for such an excellent and clear explanation! It really does good for my teaching EFL students. Thank you so much!
Thaks today learned some new words,
That’s very helpful tip :)
thanks a lot for your english learning method,its grate
Many tx.
My best!
Hi dear Rebecca you are the best teacher I have ever seen in whole my life just I am confusing between evil eye and selfish
awesome tips thank u so much rebecca ma’am
thank you rebecca I found your way in give us this lesson very amazing
thank you
yep actually I’M student . I’m doing english course ,I suffer about the new words and i get many words new but I want you to guide me to easy way for memories them Can you give all the commends words please replay me I’m extremely sad about this situation
ali saeed
hai rebecca iam very much impressed on your lesson it is so much helpful to my ielts exam plz give some information on the topic of the speaking skill in the ielts thank you very much madum
hi mam…
your lessons are really good and useful.i love to improve my language,mam.Though I had my schooling in English medium,I am not that good as expected.I could understand and follow anything being told or taught in English. but I can’t speak out or express what’s in my mind at the right time.my another drawback is I am shy speaking this language before others because I am afraid if others would tease me.Also when I put before my friends this suggestion,ie,to speak ENGLISH, they’d just ignore me.so kindly give me a good suggestion.I’d be greatful if you do the needful.
Awaiting the reply…
Thanking u in advance
good lessons
thanks a lot
best wishes
You’re very good dear teacher Triple jem bless to Dear teacher
I like soooooooooooo much this lesson.This lessons are very useful to me.thanks Dear Teacher
Sakuni from Sri lanka
Thank you! it’s really good idea to remember new words!
do u have any study centre in india
Sorry, we are only online right now. If you speak Hindi, I suggest you pick up Forward Press magazine in India — it is fully bilingual, in English and Hindi, so great for learning English.
I love listening your lessons teacher :)
you are great . iam an English teacher.
i loe your way of teaching. thanks a lot i want more about modals in English, please.
thanks very much.
I only could say: I love you so much Rebecca.
I want to work as a translator portuguese/english in a vessel and I need you so much to improve my english.
Your lessons are extremely helpful.
thank you evry much Mis rebacca actuly i have seen a lot of your cours and they were amizing you are a great techer. good luck and happy time
Good lesson .
Actually I don’t have any problem in speaking English but the only thing is ,I can’t speak for a long Length like 2-3 continuous minutes. So,What should i do to improve my fluency?
Hi mam,
I listened your classes it was very nice to learn…..But i want classes related to GRE… it will be really helpful to me.. Thx..:)
Thanks you very teacher.
Desormes Henri Claude
Teacher I’ve got a small problem with a sentence.(I was born in 1998)What kind of a sentence is this?Is this a passive voice tense?Could u tell me about the formation of this sentence
That’s so easy!!!
Thank you so much!!!
Dear sweet madam;
I am try to speak English but i don’t have vocabulary and no idea about that and i am make a good speaker in English now a day’s i am use in my laptop Etype software etype help me about my English spelling and mistake that i am use on laptop but in my real life i am not speak and also not written some think about any things i have no more words
but i need one full video CD or some like movie or film maybe i am make a good speaker
M.S.I daudzai from Pakistan
Muhammad saqib iqbal daudzai
Dear Rebecca,
You are one of my favorite teacher, when I listen your classes the words become clear and easy to understand. Thank you.
Dear Rebecca
I am thankful to you to teach me a good way.
imran ali
Aslamualikum mam,i also want to do quiz after the lesson but there is no option when i m log in.
You are the best teacher ever seen!!!
hello Rebeca I’m Writing you from Romania. Nobody writes you from Romania Thank You for your lesson!
l really like you classes because you technique its so clear and simple to learn.i would like to help us with common phrases please
Dear Professor,
It’s a very very useful lesson. Now I knew the tips to learn the vocabulary very easily. Thank you so much.
thank u , your technic is the best
Rebecca, your lecture is so useful.Thank you.
Thank you very much.
We have been in a wonderful class with splendid teacher as well.
I am pretty good ing writing but a fair in conversation. Any advice for strenghtening conversation and make it faster.
you are great teacher, Thank you so mutch
you are great teacher, Thank you very
First i want to say thank you very much to this website & My one of favourite teacher Ms. Rebecca who teach us very well lession through this website..
i hope you will get more than you want in your life..
Can you give me example for activity noun of play and drive ???
Thank You.
Nice teacher
anyone wants to make a conversation on skybe Abakar contact on this name
hi thanks a lot i m old , bold and tall man i want to learn very much thanks your videos you are perfect teachers
Good Morning teacher;
thanks for a new vocabulary, you make me laugh when you has guessed the last word I said ; was decider!! :) sometimes things are not as they seems don’t you think? speccially words in english. Thanks again I love this website.
I’ve made a mistake….you’ve made me laugh I’m very sorry…
But…what’s the difference between you made me and you’ve made me?…there is another lesson about this topic?
thank you very much.
Thanks rebecca you are excellent teacher…I love you
If you’re easy to yourself, life will be difficult.If you’re difficult to yourself, life will be easy!
Rebecca you are awesome. Your teaching methods are wonderful and I can learn a lot of things from your classes. Thank you
Why are the other teachers and Rebecca so good?
You are bestowing a great favour for english learners.. Nobody can do this easily.
Thank you
thanks very much teacher for your performance and dedication in the classes
thanks a lot miss rebecca
Thank you.
wwll done
HSE Advisor
hi Rebecca
it was very performance method for developing & memorizing vocabulary,I wish more success for you
thanks for your help
Thank you very much for you clear and lesion and go ahead
it’s really a great way to expand your vocabulary , thank u so much Rebecca ! i appreciate your efforts to make us understand the lessons . may God bless you !
Great lesson!!
Useful lesson!
Thank you very much for your lessen, but don’t you have exercise after it???
Good day, Rebecca.
(Forgive me pls., I do not know your Sername).
Thank you for your video “Business English – How to expand your vocabulary” . I just wathed it (some minutes ago.). As you see I discovered your site today.
I have one question after reading your comments:
Why do you use “in many years” (not for)
in this sentence to Bunty “When I was young, I used to play the piano, but now I have not played in many years.” ?
Thank you.
Expanding vocabulary is my greatest struggle. I have a good comprehention, but in many cases I find out several words that I had never heard before, especially in movies. This clue will be so helpfull henceforth. Thank you rebecca.
Victor Carvalho
Thank you very much, I undertstand you very clearly and that is great feealing…. to learn in this way is much more comfortable and easier. You are great teacher!
Hi, nice to see here another Czech student.
take care
helpful lesson!!
i like it. ^”^
Ted Lee
Helpful tips.I liked this lesson very much!
Hi Rebecca,
thanks for your lesson a helpful tip.
I thing it is great method like expand my vocabulary
take care
Very good strategy to learn new words..Thanks
Hats Off to Team ‘engvid’… awesome portal to enhance english. I registered today only, and I am highly impressed the way you explain and answer queries. It is as same as a classroom training. I am regretting that I got to know about your portal too late. Will surely come back to you with my questions. Appreciate your your efforts greatly.
Pooja Rekhi
Hello Rebeca,
You have given us a great tip, i will put it in pracice
Thank you Rebeca, you are the best .
Claudia Ramirez
Rebecca I love this lesson. You are a great and fantastic tearcher! Thanks for the lesson. I’m learning a lot!
Cibelle Marques
teacher!!! sorry!
Cibelle Marques
Really useful…thank you very much :-)
These videos help me a lot. Thank you very much!
very helpful thanks alot.
hello rebbaca!
how could i prepare for interview give me some tips?
Thank you very much
mam Can you please give us word list as per the lesson i;e as per verb,person noun,activity noun.It would be really grateful. Thank you.
mohammed waseem
Very helpful video!
Many thanks.
Marcolino da Silva
“Decision – maker”
Thank you for this wonderful topic Rebecca. It is really helpful, learning the word not only as a verb,person noun and also as an activity noun. Thank you and more power to your team!
Hi MissKay23, would you mind if I add you as my contact in skype? Just want to practice my English with you.
Thank you so much Rebbeca. I’m so happy to watch your video.
my third score for today. 8 out of 8 correct answers- and without watching the video.! well, I guess I am going to buy a lottery now)))))
Hi Rebecca.
I’m learning so much with your videos!
Your pronounciation is very easy to understand and their lessons also!
Thank you!
I am back. Thanks!!
Adriano Celin
It is so good to have lessons from a native English speaker! And a great way to learn new words by the way. Thanks a lot!
Dear Rebecca,
I get on: Every little bit helps.
Best regards.
hello dear Rebecca
could you please explain difference between shall and should.
A valuable lesson. Thank you and ask for more useful tips :-)
Nice job, Rebecca.
tony wang
hi Rebecca
thanks for the useful lesson to expand my vacabulary.
You are great. I love your lessons ;-)
Thanks a lot!!
it’s good way to learn vocabulary!
thank you!
thanks again and again , i like your method of learning introduction.
Hi Rebecca! I’ve started to use engvid to improve my English there is a week, but I am so excited with its lessons. Particularly, I’d like to thank you for your simple approach to teach English. You’re an excellent teacher and the way you transmit the content is very easy to the foreigner learner understand and assimilate it. Thanks a lot!!!
Hi Rebecca , I never paid attention to the “family” of words as I think there is a natural assimilation as part of the learning process. Thanks for your class that opened my eyes to practice it. By the way, your english pronunciation is so clear that lead us to imagine that listening is not a problem at all.
Finally I pround to share with you that I got 100% of the questions.
Thanks a lot Rebecca
Zé Geraldo
Thank you very much, Rebecca.
Rachelle Thaint
Thank you so much.
What is the difference between employer and employee?
Thank you Rebecca.
It was really helpful.
gabriel alogo
Thanks you so much, you are my favorite teacher.
Marta Lopez
Before you teach the word decide,I realize the difference between decide and others.it’s cool!
Amazing courses!!! I am impressed, I keep my fingers crossed for you (I mean your team). You really help us. Everything is explained very carefully. Thanks a lot
Great lesson!
I love your lesson, thank you Rebecca
Thank you, Rebeca, for all the lessons.
Thaise Victoria
Interesting class.
Adriano Becker
Hi,please i want to know some information obout gradable and nongradable verbs .thank you
Hi mam, this is Husnain from Islamabad, Pakistan. I Like you lessons so much. I WILL just say, GOD BLESS YOU. MAY YOU LIVE LONG AND KEEP DOING THIS GREAT JOB FOR MANKIND. LOVE YOU
You are so sweet , i love the way you you teach.
commendable job done by you.
Thank you so much :)
Thank you Rebecca
Thank you , your the best
I got 8/8!! Thanks very much for the lesson!!
Good lesson, thank you.
Dear Rebecca,
I am a business mean and the place I work mostly the communication is via email.
So i would like to contact you in special way so that I learn from you many lessons.
Waiting for your respond.
thank you i need to study this vocabulary ;)
Thanks! These lessons are really useful for me.
I got a score of 10 points! Thanks, Ms. Rebecca!
Minette Suan
You got 6 correct out of 8.
M kartal
Hi Rebecca. Thank you very much. You lessons are so powerful that one will want to participate more.
You got 8 correct out of 8
Thank you
thank you
Hi rebacca I have the challenges in email Etiquette in replying emails and can you please suggest me.
Quite a good teaching approach Rebecca. Thank you very much.
8/8 Great!!
I got 100 thank you rebecca
you’re the best
Very useful, thanks
belayachi mounir
Thank you so much teacher Rebecca. It´s an excellent lesson. A so usefull one for the people who are going to take the FCE Exam at the part “Transformation Words”.
On the other hand I would like to know if there is another noun for a person who has the authority to decide apart from “decision maker”. I ask this because there is other verb that can be used with the word “decision” too.
moreover of “make”. The verb is “take”.
I wait for an answer to this as soon as possible.
Thank you so much again.
Have a good one
Thank you
Eye sight issue?
hello my teacher ,thank you very much.
i would like to say you are the best teacher in the world…
i feel you are with me in a classroom, so thank you again and again
Abdessamad Hoummadi
Thanks miss Rebecca
this class was very practical thanks a lot rebecca
I like your sessions, this session is very useful. Thanks a lot.
Anu Shetty
Thanks for this big thumps-up Lesson. I got 10/10 cool.
Shahroz ch
Great lesson….I love the way you teach. Many thanks!
Madam, Rebecca is really good in teaching. So simple to understand
Wuyemor Robert
Thanks Rebecca for simplified session.
Got 10/10
Zishan Saudagar
Thank you ma’am Rebecca I got it. 8/8 :)
I watched this video twice on March 19, 2022, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got eight correct out of 8.
Hi Rebecca, hope this comment finds you fine. Thank you so much for the effective technique to expand vocabulary building. This is very useful to me for increasing capacity.
ratan manik sarker
I got 8/8.
Thank you! :)
so Advertisement or advertising is the activity noun ?
nehal atef
thank yoooooooooooooooooooooooooou
Thank you Dear for this lesson it’s has verry useful
thank you
Thank you
Thank you!
Great class
what are other methods to expand our vocabulary ? Where to learn ? Thanks in advance .
Hello dear teacher, your teaching methods are very interesting and engaging.
Thank you so much
Thank you Ms Rebecca
You produce very important lessons.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
A pretty good lesson. I really appreciate these tips.
hi rebecca why you pronounce consume (conzume) and others pronounce consume with (s)
my professor
very very excelent I love you you are a best teacher good luck
You are too kind! My best wishes to you,Parvaneh.
Excellent! Could you try others words ?
I love it.
thank you so much it is very words
i am sorry it is very good words
I feel very happy every time I watch your lessons, you are a grate teacher, thank you a lot.
Thank you kindly, Hafid. All the best to you.
you are a great teacher, thank you a lot.
Great idea. You can help me remember more vocabulary.
Thanks you so much.
Thank you Rebeca
i like your techniqe
appreciate it
best wished
everybody I’m happy with my firs participation and I hope I will get information & knowledge from you
Hi Rebecca!
Thanks for your lesson, it’s so helpful. I want to ask you about the difference between two expression “in the same boat”
and “in the ballpark”
Thanks, Fatmaa.
“In the same boat” means in the same difficult situation, or predicament.
For example, suppose we start talking to each other at an airport, after both our flights were cancelled. You can’t find another flight to your destination and I can’t find one to mine. We could say, “Oh, we’re in the same boat.” (or tough situation)
Or, if two people break up with their partners, and both feel sad about it, we could say they are in the same boat, or difficult situation.
“In the ballpark” is completely different. It means within an acceptable or approximate range.
For example, if you offer $250,000 to buy a house and your offer is refused because the accepted offer is $500,000, then your offer was not even in the ballpark. That means it wasn’t even close to what the real value of the house was.
If two companies are bidding on a contract, and one company’s bid is far away from what is accepted, or expected, then that company’s bid in not in the ballpark.
Hope this helps you. All the best to you.
Thanks a lot Ms. Rebecca! By this explanation I could understand a new expression!!!!! ^_^
….We (ESL Learner) are in the same boat!! (:
thank you rebecca you are the best here
Hi Rebecca thank you very much for your help I have problme modal futuer and modal coculusions
Will keep this in mind when planning future lessons. Thanks and all the best to you.
Thank you
I am so sorry i could not get the lesson.
Best regards
it is so simple….
Thanks for this tips are very useful!!
Dear Rebeca!
I have so perfectly used u lessons for ESl learners..especially Grammar points..
Thanks a lot!!!
thanks it is really useful ^_^
WaW your Major is English literature
so we need your help sure u r perfect Waiting for u soon as a teacher in that Fabulous ٍSite :D hehehe I was hoped to study English literature but I didn’t so u r really lucky “,)
thank you
thank you all
Rebeca you are the “numero uno”
Hi Rebecca!
First I would like to compliment your lessons …. they are awesome!!! you’re an EXECELENT teacher!
Now, I would like to make a request / suggestion:
you could do a lesson about “financial terms”?
thx a lot!
Thanks for your feedback, Bruno and also for your suggestion. Will certainly keep your idea in mind when planning future lessons.
My best wishes to you.
Thank you Rebeca,it is really useful for me.
hi mam,
It’s a nice I can say ‘short cut’ to built vocabulary! thank you!
very very good lesson
Thank you Rebeca.
aslaam o alikum.how r u
dear sister r
i have doubts about ‘used to’ and my most difficult problem is i can understand English well but I cant speak it and write it well.
what should i do please help me
Thanks, Bunty.
We use “used to” to describe something that we did for some time in the past.
For example:
When I was young, I used to play the piano, but now I have not played in many years.
When I lived in France, I used to speak French every day, but now that I live in India,I hardly have any chance to speak it at all.
Hope this helps you. To feel comfortable speaking English you need to find someone to speak to, who can also correct your mistakes. To write better English, you really do need to practice and get feedback from a teacher.
Try to join a class, find a private teacher or make an English-speaking friend!
My best wishes to you, Bunty.
Hello Rebecca! Ireally liked your tips in how to improve our vocab. And I’d like to ask you for helping me to improve my listening and speaking skills, because I have problems in understand a native speaker and so in speak very well. Could you help me please?
Thank you very much and Congratulation you are a very nice teacher!
i like english.but i cant speach in english.
Everyone starts from somewhere. Make a beginning, as you have, keep watching, listening and learning and before long you will be able to speak too. You need to find someone to speak to, so you can get a lot of practice. Otherwise, all the knowledge stays in your head…try to get it out, even if you make mistakes. Keep trying.
Good luck to you.
saudi arabia
You can give me an information?
Can you can give me some information?
Good for you, Bahtiyar.
Actually,it should be:
Can you give me some information, please?
Could you please give me some information?
These options would be best.
the words change.; so plz miss rebecca write it down on the board during the explanation
and thank u for the tip(s)
very good lecture . i love to take miss vallen lecture
Really apriciate ……God Bless u All
you are really a good teacher
it was good to learn but that too simple
thank you
very good lesson
thanks for your precious advise
One more great video! Tks Rebecca for sharing all your knowledge with us!
thank you Rebecca.keep goiong as it is.
thank you so much but how can i find the person noun or activity noun.
You need some English vocabulary books, or Business English books. Or else, you can also use an online dictionary; they often give these forms of the word as well.
My best wishes to you.
excuse me Ms. Can you give me some a good online dictionary ‘s site of address?
I found that Lingoes is a good dictionary.
You could get it at http://www.lingoes.net.
No word can express my feeling when I learn english on this web, over my expecting
So glad we could help you, Hoa.
All the best to you.
I do not know how to thank you….
Best of luck
Thanks for your help.I do appreciate it very much.
you will get more then u gave.
You are very kind. My best wishes to you, Herbow.
i love very much quiz thank you
Thanks to all of you for your kind and helpful feedback, comments and suggestions. We are listening, so please keep writing in. Do tell your friends if you feel the video lessons helped you, so we can continue to keep engvid growing. Thank you all very much.
Rebecca… You realy a good teacher… his explanations are excellent for me and help me a lot. I’ll go to Canada in June and its lessons are important to improve myself. thanks
Thank You Rebecca
I Have One Question
The People Who Speak English
what can i call them ??
good and nice teacher
Thank you! Your lessons are very useful.
I appreciate this lesson. Thank you.
Thank You very much
I just found this page and it’s amazing.
Thank you for your lessons. I have been following your virtual lessons for couple of days now and amazingly I have learned and better still, improved my Basic English Understanding far better than imagined. However, I am not sure if any other virtual teachers in Engvid have touched on this topic but if not, could you please show the right way to use apostrophe or apostrophe rules to indicate possessiveness, missing letters and so forth.
Once again, thank you for the patience and explicit teaching!
Added on my favorite ones on my blog as well as I told for friends on Facebook, thank you teacher for sharing.
you are great go ahead and do more and more for your student
a very practical way of increasing my vocabulary power…Rebecca, many thanks with appreciation!
Thanks Rebecca,
I have one question following:
How can i do for good learn vocabulary? How many words for one day?
hai mam
you are the best english teacher i have seen. thanks for this free service.
thank you very much my good teacher,in the fact i felt that you are the best teacher ,so if you do not mind please guide me how can i speak English fluently.
thank you once again .
Thanks a lot Rebeca and all teachers of this website. You help us so much!!! For the last couple days (this is how long i watch video lessons) i improved my English a little bit. But the most important, I start to remember almost everything you teach here. Huge respect to ENGVID teachers!!!!!
Hi Rebecca,
I really impress your teaching, you are my best teacher.
By the way, the “Quiz” link is not in this screen.
Thank you!!
Rebecca,I liked the way you teach.
thanks very much and wish you all the best.
Thanks so much Rebecca , you are truly a wonderful teacher , I just want to express my thanks and gratitude
wish you all the happiness & success
thanks a lot my teacher i want learning English but i want you help me how can , and where i can start sorry my English not good and thanks, Greetings
This is exactly I was looking for. Thanks !!!
Hi Rebecca
thx for this leason its was a very good tip xD
keep doing this good job from us hehe
thank u again
Thank You verymuch for your Social exertion, God will help yo forever.
Hi Rebecca
Your lessons are great!
Have you ever thought about ENGVID could put some teachers to talk with us? No matter if we have to pay for it, I think It`ll be very useful to improve our speaking, and It`ll be good for you too, because of the money you`ll received. It`s just an idea, try to tell them there.
Best Regards,
In the video you said there was a quiz, but I don’t see one. It would be helpful.
Thank you, Rebecca, for teaching me to write and speak the correct English language. You are the best English teacher that I have ever had. Best regards.
I love improving my English
http://www.engvid.com the BEST WEBSITE EVER!!!! =)
could you explain how we can use …SO FAR i’m very confused about this
hope u ‘ll rply
thanx with regards
Hi Rebecca! This is an excellent way to learn English vocabulary quickly. Thanks very much!
Thanks for all your help Teacher Rebecca! :)
i really love the way u people are teaching
Hello mam, Your english teaching techniques are just amazing
thanks alot
you’re so helpful
Congrulaturations Rebecca!! Your lessons are excellent and very useful!! All the best for you
hi Rebecca i have a question i know it is a strange a little bit i was watching the serial of HOUSE and was translated in my language but i asked myself why i do not know a lot about the medical words but when i came across a medical dictionary i found it so hard to memorize my question is how my knowledge with the medical word should be although i am not studying the medicine
It is very good lesson.Thank you very much.
Dear rebecca.
thank you for your nice lesson .i have learned lot from you .so i need more lesson from you.
good luck.ajith srilanka.
Thank you so much ….it was realy very helpful:)
dear Rebbeca,
you are doind the nice job.keep going.
Thank you again. Great. I’ll follow you more:).
Have a nice day!
Hi rebecca
would like to thank you for clear accent, am keeping alot of words but still have problem with speking.
what is Ur advice please.
really thank you. kindly i need more vocabulary and lesson time be longer.thank’s for your time
Thank you, it´s really important for me, today i learn 30 words in 10.
Thank you kindly ms rebecca. nice topic
thank you very much teacher
thank you
oh nice.
God willing , I’ll use it .
thank u teacher for this useful lesson, i’ll try my best to follow your tips.
Rebecca, u r very great teacher, ur work is very great and u r doing right thing for humanity, i couldn’t believe it that anyone can learn english free ofcost, but u r doing it, God bless u all time, this is my first comment in ur website, i will ask to u if i will have a question
thanks again
Ver nice programme/ Day by day yhe teacher is getting closer and can understand at once. Very helpful.
hellow people i’d like practising my English becouse i think the only way to learn english is speaking.if you want speak with me please i am by skype,so we shoud speak more to improve our English.
thanks you
could u give me your email? so i can add u as my friends in skype.. =)
please follow this Skype id bala.jj1
Hi, Rebecca!
I´m Ricardo Marques. I´m a Brazilian student. I study English degree in a Federal University (UFC- Universidade Fedal do Ceará)from Brazil. I like so much your classes. Congratulations!
Thank you for you classes.
thank you Rebecca it’s helpful.
You are a very pretty and intelligent teacher. The way to exand vocabulary is great.
thank you very muche. It is very interesting
hi rebeca,i was wondering how can you expand your vocabulary useing the techniques you showed,but this time useing words with different meanings. i would like for you to show a video on that.
thank u very much
I wana say that it is similar word
but what is the easy way to learn the different words
great idea to increase vocabulary,excellent my teacher……..
thank you so much –
very helpful
Really interesting lesson I wish to see more in the future .
Thank you very much Rabika .
See uou leter ,
hi madam Rebecca…your website is very effective and i learned many things …can u tell me the another website where i can prove my speaking or i can speak well….
thanks a lot rebecca…but im confuse about
one, i can heared to much advertise-advertiser- then is that advertisement ->?how to pronoun coz i know only advertyzment but i heared from you not the same.
hi dear Rebbeca
i see this page for the first time and how can learn and use it i love very much.
thanks alot
hi rebecca, i was wondering if you can do a video about expanding your vocabulary but this time using techniques that involves the use of one word or words with many different definitions.
thanks a lot my wonderful teacher
nice tip……thank
thank you
thanks for this wonderful chance of learning…everything is useful for me to improve my grammar…thank u Rebecca
Wow. The video is very much helpful. Two thumbs up. =p
hi! i’m a new user of this site and im very happy cause it helps me a lot to improve my skills in all aspects in terms of speaking and using english as a second language.
thanks a lot and more power to all the teachers behind this site. God bless you all!
Hello teacher Rebecca ,
I’d be highly appreciated you.you did hardworking.
I like your way that makes everyone loves English,
especially when we heard your voice it’s very clear and more understanding anyway iam admired of you i mean, “your teaching style”
May i ask you one question please ?
I have a doubt about ungradable and gradable adjectives How can i use them please teacher Rebecca ?
Iam looking forward to seeing your reply,
Yours Student,
Rebecca no doubt that you are a fabuluas teacher. May God bless you dear. Rebecca can you eplan the use of “Could” because after more efforts I still could not understande the proper use of it, please.
Dear teacher profuse thanks.I am new in this web site and when I enter I saw some videos but initially this one attracted me and I am so happy for watching it.Thanks for your all labour.
It’s a wonderful lesson. I’d like to ask you something about the words between advertisement and advertising.I listened you pronounced a little differently. They’re different accent. Is that right?
hello teacher rebecca.please iam new student in australia .please help me about reading what the best way for reading
u tricked me at the last word but it was smart though. :D
you are the best teacher in the world .
thanks alot the bmost element amazing decide
decision maker
god be with u and wishing more success
that is good lesson
person noun for decide was a tough one, I haven’t thought of that word. thanks! It helped me..
The last one was tough.. Thanks! I learned something.. :D
Very impressive.
good luck to you.
thank you very much i wontd it becuse iwont spek english
Rebecca useful tips.
thanks a lot.. I like this presentations too much, especially yours. because your pronuncation is very comprehensible. These are not only fun, but also informative :) thanks a lot again..
thank u , your way is very good
Thank you. It’s very professional and it can be understood very easily!
Thanks, very much.
your so importants for us.
Hi, Rebecca;
First off all, I like to say thank you for the lesson. I am from São Paulo – Brazil. Learning English becomes so easy with you. Congratulations! I am happy to find Engevid on the Internet. It has been helping me with the English´s difficulties.
Thank you so much!
Thank you for this great strategy! this is a really helpful and simple way to learn new words.
Thanks again.
it’s a easy way to learn new word! Thanks !
It is very useful. Many thanks.
Hi Rebecca,
Matter is very clear,Thanks….
Thank you very much dear Rebecca. I just today found this website and i am so happy with this. I liked you very much. And I choose only your lessons to listen.
This was very usefull lesson for english learners. Thank you indeed. I hope with your lesson I will increase my vocabulary and general english skill faster.
Great lesson. Small point: It’s not con/Z/ume. It’s con/S/ume.
i really learnt so much.. i love the way you teach. i daily visit engvid.com and learn a lession in a day. thanks mam. i really appreciate it
Thank you, Teacher Rebecca, now I got a good way to expand my english vocabulary!
I would like to teacher Rebecca, I want to improve my speaking so much. But when I speak in English to my friends or my teachers, I always feel shy. So how can I do??
very thank I like your lesson than other teachers.
Thanks Rebecca! Very Nice tips to learn Vocabulary..May i get some set of vocabulary that is being used in daily conversation. Thanks in Adavnce!
super cool class!! you saved my time to pickup my vocabulary…….I will practice this method. Thanks allot.
I really really love ur lesson, and i love the way u teach english^^ I have a question i dont get it, what is the different between verb and activity noun?
I have a doubt aboout the use of “of” or apostrophe , why do you say Saint Patrick´s day instead the day of Saint Patrick? or why do you say Webminster Abbey instead the Abbey of Webminster? thanks
Hi Raquel
We use apostrohe or possesive S , when we want to show that these things belong to thise ,
for example
Requel’s dog
Requel’s room
well, you see in both example we want to show that the dog belonge to Requel and the room as well.
It just as Saint Patrick’s day
which means the day of Saint P , and both sentansese are correct . why we Use possesive S just to avoid long sentenses . Insted of saying the day of saint P ,the dog of Raquel
We can use the possesive S .
hope you got me.
Hi teacher,
My name is VIOLA , I am studing ENGLISH in BRITISH COUNCIL ,my level is intermediate .
I am very good in speaking and reading as well ,I usually get A in both and when it comes to gremmar I’m the best.
My problem is writing , honetly my writing is awful.
could you pleas help me teacher .
You are best in grammar, but you cannot spell it out correctly.
how come,Viola ?
I highly impressed from this lesson.Thanks ‘engvid’!
good lesson..thanx rebecca
hi Rebecca
your explanation is excellent.
Would you mind if I ask the difference between ‘TOO and VERY’
Rebeca Please Teach Me
Madam,Could you kindly explain me the difference in the use and usage and leak and leakage. Regards.
I like the teaching of Madam Rebecca,
She is expaling very well but the problem is we want to see the video for many time but the problem is we can not download Madam Rebecca video lectures, can you helps us how to download to my system.
Thanks in Advance.
A magic capsule to increase vocabulary.
congratulations for your website very nice teacher!!!
hi im pradeep from india im here to learn english i found this website be4 a month its really pretty cool thx to giving this website and im searching people for practice my English conversation so plz if anyone like to give me a accompany plz add me in u r skype this is my skype id: pradeep.raj40 we can make group discussion in skype so dont forget to add me in u r skype thx
Thanks for this lesson!
Teacher Rebecca,thank you for your excellent tips…It’s easy to follow what you have teached..I want to expand my vocabulary everyday like your tips but I hope you could give an idea on how I should choose a word to study with?
Reebeca Mam, I really appreciate this lesson!!! I didn’t have idea about it. Thank you very much. I would do my best to learn.
Dear Ms Rebecca,
I’m trying to get a good band in my IELTS exam. I find you videos and lessons interesting and very helpful.
I very thankful to find this site of yours.
We love you Rebeca
vous êtes fantastique!!!!
Thanks a lot for your time
Do you teach in school,colleges,or universities as though are a fabulous mentor…!!!
I really like your lessons, you make easy the english.. kisses congratulation ;)
Hi Rebecca ,
thanks for this discourse !
great job !
i really like your videos and other teachers videos as well thanks for your hard work your videos are gold mine for us
Hi Rebecca ,your an excellent teacher thnks alot.
your way of teaching is extremely good……………i do like to watch your videos very often………….thanks a lot…..
Thanks a lot for this excellent video mam…
Thank you !! I understand everything.
Dear Rebecca
This method is useful but I wonder if it could be applied in any cases for example which words are there for verbs “tell” or “abide” as activities.
Whether can we use telling or abiding as adjectives?
best wishes
Dear Rebecca,
I really love the technique you share us, especially in the case decide – decision and decision maker.
I read some articles and try to use your method, it’s really useful.
Now, in my country, a person has shared us the way to good as English, And I want to tell you so that you could give me your opinion.
He said that “in English, we have about 3000 popular words which we usually use in daily communication. If we know it all, so we could communicate with other well.
The Method which we use to get these popular words is “free reading*”, when we do it, we will receive some repeated words, so this words are popular, this words would be store in our brain on the natural way so we will remember it longer.
*free reading means we try to read as fast as posible. when we see a strange word, just use dictionary to find its mean and continue to read.
In brief, he advise us to use dict to find whenever we don’t know. And if this word is commond, it will be repeat, and with each time each repeat we will keep use dictionary so we will remember it more naturally.
Hope to hear your opinion.
P/S: he share some techniques but I write here one first.
Hi, Rebecca,
Thank you for such an excellent and clear explanation! It really does good for my teaching EFL students. Thank you so much!
Thaks today learned some new words,
That’s very helpful tip :)
thanks a lot for your english learning method,its grate
Many tx.
My best!
Hi dear Rebecca you are the best teacher I have ever seen in whole my life just I am confusing between evil eye and selfish
awesome tips thank u so much rebecca ma’am
thank you rebecca I found your way in give us this lesson very amazing
thank you
yep actually I’M student . I’m doing english course ,I suffer about the new words and i get many words new but I want you to guide me to easy way for memories them Can you give all the commends words please replay me I’m extremely sad about this situation
hai rebecca iam very much impressed on your lesson it is so much helpful to my ielts exam plz give some information on the topic of the speaking skill in the ielts thank you very much madum
hi mam…
your lessons are really good and useful.i love to improve my language,mam.Though I had my schooling in English medium,I am not that good as expected.I could understand and follow anything being told or taught in English. but I can’t speak out or express what’s in my mind at the right time.my another drawback is I am shy speaking this language before others because I am afraid if others would tease me.Also when I put before my friends this suggestion,ie,to speak ENGLISH, they’d just ignore me.so kindly give me a good suggestion.I’d be greatful if you do the needful.
Awaiting the reply…
Thanking u in advance
good lessons
thanks a lot
best wishes
You’re very good dear teacher Triple jem bless to Dear teacher
I like soooooooooooo much this lesson.This lessons are very useful to me.thanks Dear Teacher
Thank you! it’s really good idea to remember new words!
do u have any study centre in india
Sorry, we are only online right now. If you speak Hindi, I suggest you pick up Forward Press magazine in India — it is fully bilingual, in English and Hindi, so great for learning English.
I love listening your lessons teacher :)
you are great . iam an English teacher.
i loe your way of teaching. thanks a lot i want more about modals in English, please.
thanks very much.
I only could say: I love you so much Rebecca.
I want to work as a translator portuguese/english in a vessel and I need you so much to improve my english.
Your lessons are extremely helpful.
thank you evry much Mis rebacca actuly i have seen a lot of your cours and they were amizing you are a great techer. good luck and happy time
Good lesson .
Actually I don’t have any problem in speaking English but the only thing is ,I can’t speak for a long Length like 2-3 continuous minutes. So,What should i do to improve my fluency?
Hi mam,
I listened your classes it was very nice to learn…..But i want classes related to GRE… it will be really helpful to me.. Thx..:)
Thanks you very teacher.
Teacher I’ve got a small problem with a sentence.(I was born in 1998)What kind of a sentence is this?Is this a passive voice tense?Could u tell me about the formation of this sentence
That’s so easy!!!
Thank you so much!!!
Dear sweet madam;
I am try to speak English but i don’t have vocabulary and no idea about that and i am make a good speaker in English now a day’s i am use in my laptop Etype software etype help me about my English spelling and mistake that i am use on laptop but in my real life i am not speak and also not written some think about any things i have no more words
but i need one full video CD or some like movie or film maybe i am make a good speaker
M.S.I daudzai from Pakistan
Dear Rebecca,
You are one of my favorite teacher, when I listen your classes the words become clear and easy to understand. Thank you.
Dear Rebecca
I am thankful to you to teach me a good way.
Aslamualikum mam,i also want to do quiz after the lesson but there is no option when i m log in.
You are the best teacher ever seen!!!
hello Rebeca I’m Writing you from Romania. Nobody writes you from Romania Thank You for your lesson!
l really like you classes because you technique its so clear and simple to learn.i would like to help us with common phrases please
Dear Professor,
It’s a very very useful lesson. Now I knew the tips to learn the vocabulary very easily. Thank you so much.
thank u , your technic is the best
Rebecca, your lecture is so useful.Thank you.
Thank you very much.
We have been in a wonderful class with splendid teacher as well.
I am pretty good ing writing but a fair in conversation. Any advice for strenghtening conversation and make it faster.
you are great teacher, Thank you so mutch
you are great teacher, Thank you very
First i want to say thank you very much to this website & My one of favourite teacher Ms. Rebecca who teach us very well lession through this website..
i hope you will get more than you want in your life..
Can you give me example for activity noun of play and drive ???
Thank You.
Nice teacher
anyone wants to make a conversation on skybe Abakar contact on this name
hi thanks a lot i m old , bold and tall man i want to learn very much thanks your videos you are perfect teachers
Good Morning teacher;
thanks for a new vocabulary, you make me laugh when you has guessed the last word I said ; was decider!! :) sometimes things are not as they seems don’t you think? speccially words in english. Thanks again I love this website.
I’ve made a mistake….you’ve made me laugh I’m very sorry…
But…what’s the difference between you made me and you’ve made me?…there is another lesson about this topic?
thank you very much.
Thanks rebecca you are excellent teacher…I love you
If you’re easy to yourself, life will be difficult.If you’re difficult to yourself, life will be easy!
Rebecca you are awesome. Your teaching methods are wonderful and I can learn a lot of things from your classes. Thank you
Why are the other teachers and Rebecca so good?
You are bestowing a great favour for english learners.. Nobody can do this easily.
Thank you
thanks very much teacher for your performance and dedication in the classes
thanks a lot miss rebecca
Thank you.
wwll done
hi Rebecca
it was very performance method for developing & memorizing vocabulary,I wish more success for you
thanks for your help
Thank you very much for you clear and lesion and go ahead
it’s really a great way to expand your vocabulary , thank u so much Rebecca ! i appreciate your efforts to make us understand the lessons . may God bless you !
Great lesson!!
Useful lesson!
Thank you very much for your lessen, but don’t you have exercise after it???
Good day, Rebecca.
(Forgive me pls., I do not know your Sername).
Thank you for your video “Business English – How to expand your vocabulary” . I just wathed it (some minutes ago.). As you see I discovered your site today.
I have one question after reading your comments:
Why do you use “in many years” (not for)
in this sentence to Bunty “When I was young, I used to play the piano, but now I have not played in many years.” ?
Thank you.
Expanding vocabulary is my greatest struggle. I have a good comprehention, but in many cases I find out several words that I had never heard before, especially in movies. This clue will be so helpfull henceforth. Thank you rebecca.
Thank you very much, I undertstand you very clearly and that is great feealing…. to learn in this way is much more comfortable and easier. You are great teacher!
Hi, nice to see here another Czech student.
take care
helpful lesson!!
i like it. ^”^
Helpful tips.I liked this lesson very much!
Hi Rebecca,
thanks for your lesson a helpful tip.
I thing it is great method like expand my vocabulary
take care
Very good strategy to learn new words..Thanks
Hats Off to Team ‘engvid’… awesome portal to enhance english. I registered today only, and I am highly impressed the way you explain and answer queries. It is as same as a classroom training. I am regretting that I got to know about your portal too late. Will surely come back to you with my questions. Appreciate your your efforts greatly.
Hello Rebeca,
You have given us a great tip, i will put it in pracice
Thank you Rebeca, you are the best .
Rebecca I love this lesson. You are a great and fantastic tearcher! Thanks for the lesson. I’m learning a lot!
teacher!!! sorry!
Really useful…thank you very much :-)
These videos help me a lot. Thank you very much!
very helpful thanks alot.
hello rebbaca!
how could i prepare for interview give me some tips?
Thank you very much
mam Can you please give us word list as per the lesson i;e as per verb,person noun,activity noun.It would be really grateful. Thank you.
Very helpful video!
Many thanks.
“Decision – maker”
Thank you for this wonderful topic Rebecca. It is really helpful, learning the word not only as a verb,person noun and also as an activity noun. Thank you and more power to your team!
Hi MissKay23, would you mind if I add you as my contact in skype? Just want to practice my English with you.
Thank you so much Rebbeca. I’m so happy to watch your video.
my third score for today. 8 out of 8 correct answers- and without watching the video.! well, I guess I am going to buy a lottery now)))))
Hi Rebecca.
I’m learning so much with your videos!
Your pronounciation is very easy to understand and their lessons also!
Thank you!
I am back. Thanks!!
It is so good to have lessons from a native English speaker! And a great way to learn new words by the way. Thanks a lot!
Dear Rebecca,
I get on: Every little bit helps.
Best regards.
hello dear Rebecca
could you please explain difference between shall and should.
A valuable lesson. Thank you and ask for more useful tips :-)
Nice job, Rebecca.
hi Rebecca
thanks for the useful lesson to expand my vacabulary.
You are great. I love your lessons ;-)
Thanks a lot!!
it’s good way to learn vocabulary!
thank you!
thanks again and again , i like your method of learning introduction.
Hi Rebecca! I’ve started to use engvid to improve my English there is a week, but I am so excited with its lessons. Particularly, I’d like to thank you for your simple approach to teach English. You’re an excellent teacher and the way you transmit the content is very easy to the foreigner learner understand and assimilate it. Thanks a lot!!!
Hi Rebecca , I never paid attention to the “family” of words as I think there is a natural assimilation as part of the learning process. Thanks for your class that opened my eyes to practice it. By the way, your english pronunciation is so clear that lead us to imagine that listening is not a problem at all.
Finally I pround to share with you that I got 100% of the questions.
Thanks a lot Rebecca
Thank you very much, Rebecca.
Thank you so much.
What is the difference between employer and employee?
Thank you Rebecca.
It was really helpful.
Thanks you so much, you are my favorite teacher.
Before you teach the word decide,I realize the difference between decide and others.it’s cool!
Amazing courses!!! I am impressed, I keep my fingers crossed for you (I mean your team). You really help us. Everything is explained very carefully. Thanks a lot
Great lesson!
I love your lesson, thank you Rebecca
Thank you, Rebeca, for all the lessons.
Interesting class.
Hi,please i want to know some information obout gradable and nongradable verbs .thank you
Hi mam, this is Husnain from Islamabad, Pakistan. I Like you lessons so much. I WILL just say, GOD BLESS YOU. MAY YOU LIVE LONG AND KEEP DOING THIS GREAT JOB FOR MANKIND. LOVE YOU
You are so sweet , i love the way you you teach.
commendable job done by you.
Thank you so much :)
Thank you Rebecca
Thank you , your the best
I got 8/8!! Thanks very much for the lesson!!
Good lesson, thank you.
Dear Rebecca,
I am a business mean and the place I work mostly the communication is via email.
So i would like to contact you in special way so that I learn from you many lessons.
Waiting for your respond.
thank you i need to study this vocabulary ;)
Thanks! These lessons are really useful for me.
I got a score of 10 points! Thanks, Ms. Rebecca!
You got 6 correct out of 8.
Hi Rebecca. Thank you very much. You lessons are so powerful that one will want to participate more.
You got 8 correct out of 8
Thank you
thank you
Hi rebacca I have the challenges in email Etiquette in replying emails and can you please suggest me.
Quite a good teaching approach Rebecca. Thank you very much.
8/8 Great!!
I got 100 thank you rebecca
you’re the best
Very useful, thanks
Thank you so much teacher Rebecca. It´s an excellent lesson. A so usefull one for the people who are going to take the FCE Exam at the part “Transformation Words”.
On the other hand I would like to know if there is another noun for a person who has the authority to decide apart from “decision maker”. I ask this because there is other verb that can be used with the word “decision” too.
moreover of “make”. The verb is “take”.
I wait for an answer to this as soon as possible.
Thank you so much again.
Have a good one
Thank you
Eye sight issue?
hello my teacher ,thank you very much.
i would like to say you are the best teacher in the world…
i feel you are with me in a classroom, so thank you again and again
Thanks miss Rebecca
this class was very practical thanks a lot rebecca
I like your sessions, this session is very useful. Thanks a lot.
Thanks for this big thumps-up Lesson. I got 10/10 cool.
Great lesson….I love the way you teach. Many thanks!
Madam, Rebecca is really good in teaching. So simple to understand
Thanks Rebecca for simplified session.
Got 10/10
Thank you ma’am Rebecca I got it. 8/8 :)
I watched this video twice on March 19, 2022, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got eight correct out of 8.
Hi Rebecca, hope this comment finds you fine. Thank you so much for the effective technique to expand vocabulary building. This is very useful to me for increasing capacity.
I got 8/8.
Thank you! :)
so Advertisement or advertising is the activity noun ?
thank yoooooooooooooooooooooooooou
Thank you Dear for this lesson it’s has verry useful
thank you
Thank you
Thank you!
Great class
what are other methods to expand our vocabulary ? Where to learn ? Thanks in advance .
Hello dear teacher, your teaching methods are very interesting and engaging.
Thank you so much
Thank you Ms Rebecca
You produce very important lessons.