The most effective way to learn English grammar! In this lesson for all levels, I teach you a way to learn all tenses in English without getting complicated. A simple, clear way to learn each tense. You can use this method for other topics, too!
Learnt; is British and learned is American… it’s like the verb Dream, both are correct
lol learned and learnt are the same thing xd
Mr/James Is the best
Thank you, you guys are the best.
your lesson is so good. I like it.
i am intrested this lesson
abdul rafay
very interested thanks james
Good job MR. James.
Hi James and everybody! James, thank you for another great lession! None of my teachers have mentioned any trigger word while explaining grammar rules. Next week :), I’ll try to revise all the tenses, following your scheme :).
I like your teaching method.
All teachers of “EngVid” doing good job.
Love you All umaa……..
James you are really wonderful teacher.
it would be very useful if you can make video about how the tenses are shifting.
I mean that, to use different tenses in one sentence.
Also using if condition will be fine.
thanks again.
Hello James I love the way that you explan the lesson. I shall keep watching all the lesson.
one big embrace.
From Brazil !!!!!!!!!
i have a guestion please iwant learning english write and speak how can you help me
hi, i would like to ask what book were you reading before you start the lesson here in the video? thanks a lot
thanks mrs alex i m hafiz zia from pakistan.your teaching style is very much attractive.
Who here can help me with this test
5. I like _____ to the theatre.
to going
6. What time ________ work?
does he start
he start
he starts
does he starts
11. He ______ swim very well.
can’t to
not can
don’t can
12. Where _________ yesterday?
were you
you were
was you
you was
19. What did you _____ him?
tell to
said to
25. If I _____ shopping today, I’ll buy some apple juice for you.
will go
would go
28. If I ____ a lot of money, I would buy a house in the country.
would have
would had
29. When I woke up, everybody else _________.
had already left
would left
already left
already had left
30. They asked me if I ______ the dinner party.
was enjoying
would enjoy
would enjoyed
am enjoy
38. The children like doing things ________.
on their own
with themselves
on themselves
at their own
hi im happy to help you with your questions. Answer (5) I like going. 6 What time does he start work? 11 He can:t swim well,12 Where were you yesterday?.19 What did you tell him?25 If I go shopping.28 If I had a lot of money.29 When I woke up everybody had had already left. 30 They asked me if I was enjoying the dinner party. 38 The children enjoy doing things on theie own. Good luck hope this helps you,
the first answer just “go” because it’s a present tense.hope done..
Dear Jumat, the answer for the first (5) question is “going”. After like, you can not use go in that form. It must be going or to go. I hope that I could help.
thank you teacher for this lesson is very useful .
teacher please, you can tell me wath’s the deifference between (I can’t take it and I can’t stand it )
can’t take it
معناها لا يمكن ان احصل علية
I can’t stand it
لا يمكن الوقوف علية (مع الحشمة)وشكرا
I think i can help here are the right answers
2)does he start
4)were you
8)had already left
9)was enjoying
10)by themselves
For the last one i think it is more appropriate to say by themselves
.Did you really not know how to solve them?
Can anybody tell me what we call the sound produced when we ease our joints.
Excellent leson ;cups you tech us a leson in past perrfect with the same method?
Hi james nice lesson thanks for make english easier for us see us!!
Nice lesson indeed ,please do the same thing with other tenses it will be very hellpful ;)
Thank you abbas, where you from?
thanks!but I coudn’t undestand because u are teaching very fast and my english is not so good and your voice is not so clear so please teach me in a clear voice
For learning english grammar there are many sources,we can learn through books & can learn through internet also.for making grammar perfect there is a need to be strong in fields like adjective,noun,preposition,adverb,pronoun,verb.
learn English grammar
impressive doing good job keep it up. . .
Hello James,
I would like to know what is the differences between can and may, could and might, into and onto and finally between and among. I will appreciate if you can help me. Thanks a lot.
Tremendous lesson. I like to get rest of all same way
hello james . I’m ayman from Saudi Arabia u r goood in teching keep up .
James, your lessons are interesing. but you move so quickly and it prevents from concentrating on lesson. I feel giddy………. :\\\\\
thanks james, i like style your teaching, and it is so interesting. I hope engVID can teach us more about english, still a lot to us study in english, and thank you again i say to you.
style boy
James, every your lesson helps me prepare for the TOEFL test. i can understand everything perfectly. thanks a lot! and i am also very grateful to the other teachers! Keep it up! =)
All the best from Belarus =)
ok then u must help me ok please help me
hamid khan
mercii beaucoup pour la leçon =)
Hello James! I’m Florina from Romania. I’m interested in learning English and I started about two years ago, trying to learn alone. I can say it’s very hard to learn alone, so I see myself obliged to ask help. Now, I’m trying to undertand the deferences between present perfect simple and present perfect continuous with for and since. For exemple : ” I’ve been leaving in this town for many years/since I was a child”- and : “I’ve lived here for two years/since 2000”.
It’ true that we use simple present perfect with verbs that show a situation like: live, be, stay,k know ?
I’ll be grateful for your answer,
Florina nu intaleg intrebarea ta . ,,lived ” nu e prezetnt e trecut .. ce ai vrut sa intrebi?
Your videos are so great, i am learning very quick with them. Can you please do a video on prepositions. I always get confused with those. Such as do i say “In the bus” or “on the bus?” i wish i had you as my english teacher, even if its only for one year.
It’s really good , but still here a little of Complications , i just should listen to the lesson more then one time
I have a problem this day… the video stoop when you start teaching! I would to learn this lesson.. I will try again.. thanks
its good and way of the teaching method also excellence.keep it up always.
Hi, beautiful lesson James. please can you give me a trigger to teach the present perfect and the conditional, very hard stuff for foreign students. thank you, connie.
hi. im beginner to learn english pls if u can learn me to speaking english and thanks iam from egypt.
you totaly good at teaching
arlette sanon
excusme teacher James could you tell me where are you from? oh thanks good lesson
you are so amazing teacher i like to be your student
I don’t get it.
I’ve been observing your previous lessons and they are all flipping nuts! This one is particularly awesome, but I’m wondering what words would you use in the trigger and definition parts for a past perfect progressive and future perfect tense. It would be great if you can reply my comment!
James I suggest that you prepare a lesson on CONDITIONALS, please make an overview including mix and exceptions. THNX
I love your way of teaching. Would you please make presentations of how to teach other tenses? I’m looking forward to, bye :)
I understand the tense you trying to teach. what about the comparison between present,past and future tense with the same situation.
very interesting, thank you
Hi james nice lesson thanks for make english easier for us see us!!
I know you are the one who’s better than all of the teachers teaching English, that’s why I tried to ask you. how can I download full video in a single click? or buy CDs? within Afghanistan it’s very difficult to find internet cafe and if you did, there is no enough bandwidth to download these clips.
I really appreciate your teaching style and your sister on white board.
please answer me one more thing, why there is police horn passing by on every session of this engvid? Sometimes it is exectly when the lession is near to end.
I wish I could be in your English classes live.
I realy like the style and confident you use to teach.
best regards,
Ahmad Wali
nice work
a perfect explanation too from teacher jaaamesss :=)))
your lesson is so helpful thanks a lot
fatma dini
this is the website were I’ve learned so much
Thanks a lot.
Thanks alot James
i don’t know how to thank you …. i am speechless
thank you for help me
we like all lessons of this website thank you
sahar and uroosa
hey james,
i live in germany and i would like learn the english grammar.i search in the internet and found on youtube this page.very good job you´ve helped me a lot.
Thank you very much James :D
i got it jamessss , gr8 tips n best trigger ,,, :)
good way to learn more english.thanks
wonderful! Thanks a lot!
Thanks a lot for your Great teaching method.
marvelous sir
thank you teacher
thank you teacher it is perfect.
thank you soo much ,
it is really effective …
no comment best ever
Very nice method
really awesome thank you :D
I can understand nothing wath do you say. I speak to fast. I am just a learner.
It was fantastic!
The exquisite one!!!
I super like your videos!! Keep it up!
Great lesson James. Congrats!
I’m wondering what would be the best triggers for the other verbal tenses? Could you give us a list to help us remember all of them?
Keep up the good work. You rock man!
hello thanks for your lesson teacher, i would like to know what is the page web that you said effectively english or something like that thanks
hello ,your lessons are very helpful,I enjoy them all.
by the way, using a trigger for each subject is a great idea,
thank you .
nice work
Good Job teacher!! i learned a lot from I understand my prepositions..hehe
u my favorite. and u did it at 8 min 31 sec- u cool lol
definitely, you must understand english very well to take these lessons… but I admit they are very helpful. And the teachers are excellent. Two thumbs up!!!
Thank a lot. Your teaching is very interesting.
Too complicated. Inapplicable for me( Anyway thank you for your job
hi will u talk wid m in english
my skype
id is babul.ray
thank you for the lessons, but, would you mind to add an script of what you say? Some parts are really difficult for me to understand.
thanks a lot mate…
I wish I understood what you were saying..
Thanks a lot, Gianni.
it would be good, when you make for every lesson a small quiz(7-9 question) thanks
thanks alot
please I need help , why I can not watch all the lessons ? I mean after few min. the lessons sotp so what I have to do pleassssssssssssssssssssssssssssse
Your connection might be too slow. If this is the problem, you can press play, then pause the video for a few minutes to let it load completely. Then press play and watch!
Respected tearchers!
you peoples are doing a wonderful job,i can’t reward you, because i am your student.. i have learnt alot..
bundle of thanks and keep it up
very good teaching I’learn a lot
jorge s.perez
Hello. Thank you for your lesson/ It’s useful.
Wat about other tenses? Can you tell for us?
I like your way to explain difficult things simply!
james can u plz explain each n every tense…..where i can join u …..4 regular learning of tenses
James, I do apologize my comments about your teaching method. I think it better to stick on short and sweet subject matter rather than to explain un necessary explanation. you always talking too much out of subject matter, if you explain to the point it will make quite easy to understand and with in the time frame you c
My sggestion about your teaching method, always come to the fact, to the ponit no need to explain unnecessarly. you always talking out of subject and your examples doesn’t support to understand to the subject matter.It is better to stick on subject matter rather than to explain un necesarly because your long explanation makes quite puzzel to understand the main fact. so, It will better to go short and sweet to the points.
Thank you.
your lessons are so helpful for me. Thanks a lot. When I’m listening to you I discover english again. It slowly becomes a passion. Thanks again.
Dear teacher James, I am an english student, and i have a question, could you help me please, because this question will be in my examination in february, -Which is the difference between Time and Tense? Greetings from Albania
that was a very good lesson, I learned allot.
Very nice lessons.It is easy to under stand
hi friends,can u help why we have to add when is used 3rd person please response my question
thank you so much it is a very interesting website your videos are well done special thanks to teachers
nice job
majdy lama
thanks a lot
Thank You
improve your english plz
Hassan Qasim
i joint my voice to all these to realy thanks you for these lessons and for the time you and your staff take for teaching us.May God bless you all.
james u are quite good trust me bro
hello sir.Great job you are doing.
thank you sooo much.
Bye!!!!!Take Care.
yea is verri goud i yes lern an a lot theink for yur antention
help me much..awesome..thanks
Hi james ur teching method is very nc bt i think u wil giv us somthing lik test.
Thank You very much! You really help me and your lessons are SOOO intersting and funny.
Greetings from Croatia!
exellent.I learn alot fron it…:)
alia ahmad
Hello James.To speak the truth I like the way that you explan this lesson.Thank you
very intresting.
Manan Shahab
very intersting
Manan Shahab
Easy to learn tenses.Thanks so much!
You’re great teacher, and enthusiastic, thanx a lot for the lesson
thanks :)
u re a very gud teacher n i heard the word trigger first time not even one english teacher told me like this
Hi James ,
Are you a Philosophy professor ?
thanks for this vidio!!! You are a very good teacher.
Mirian Marocchio
thanks …its really useful ….but can you please tell me ….how can i get more videos
Basant yadav
Good job!!! What you think about triggers for other Tenses?
What about triggers for other tenses?!
PS wonderful approach!
Hi brothers many thanks for a precious lessons, God pleases you and especial thanks to Prince Alramadi for sharing this site (have a delightful life)
Ismaail Kinin
its not a helpful for me its a big stuff
Excuse me, where can I find the other tense lessons?
I love you engvid. You are good teachers I really like and love because I want to speak English well. Thank you for your lesson.
Kim Seng
nice teaching style
Very smart teacher.I loved the triggers!!!
Thanks a lot!!!
i like your lesson and i have one question for you can you send to me yor lessons by mail because it’s hard for me to learn english by videos thank you
hello guys i like this website i realy learnd a lot but i still have so writing problemes i need help
Hello James. My name is Lesya and I am the English instructor at LT English SCHOOL. We practice at school inviting teachers from all over the world to conduct a skype class with the students. I got interested in your way of explaining grammar and I’d like to invite you to join us. Email me if you’re interested. Thamks for the video. It was interesting. Hope to hear from you soon.
i need to learn more…
heyyy sir…u r excellent…..thanx 4 the lesson..
wow very good like the usual
the clumsy
Excellent. thanks you very much !!
Ahmed Faraz
Great idea – still try to put that way on my subjects
Thank you very much. I live in Thailand . befor from now I don understand about English language . And now my English it get better.Thanks again.
And thank you everybody in this website help me very much and I know This website help everybody who want to lean English.
very happy to look this website.
thank you very match james ,i’m very happy to listen your lesson,i wich to learn english with you tank you again
In fact, your manner is good, but I cannot understand much from you ! Could you talk more slowly please ? :(
Thank you for your classes.
1 question sir?
Which one is correct?
I skipped rope every morning.
I’ve skipped rope every morning.
I skip rope every mornig.
I’m waiting your answer…….
Good job. Thanks so much!
I don´t understand but …. thanks….
I play tennis.Today.It’s true.
Cats like milk. Always.It’s true.
Once a week, Tom cleans the car. Repeated.It’s true.
Mr. James i wanna ask where is the most correct between kind of hobbies or kinds of hobbies.
Thanks for your response, sir :)
Your teaching methods helped me to understand more quickly, and listening every word clearly.
Hi James thanks for lesson ..Could you explain all tenses ?
You cannot be an engineer because you have spent a lot of times but you are a very good teacher. Many thanks to you!
Thank you very much James!
excellent James.I have kearnrd a lot.
Mr Mahmoud Mohsen
thanks james. i have learned many things today
Thanks James I have learned a lot this morning. I know the difference between a farther and further, make and do, ect…
James, you are very good teacher.
It’s helpful thanks a lot
thanx James it very help full for me.
Thx u very much!
Love you James,you are the best and wonderful teacher in the world :*
thanx it’s so useful lesson I’ll keep watching u
Princess nosa
Thanks for this good lesson which is useful
Hi James,
thanks a lot. Your teaching style is fantastic
take care
you have the best method for teaching
Thanx james
Brilliante lesson! Thank you !)
Thank you for everything.
So informative lesson
hello james,
i like the way you teach. I have seen many videos related to tenses(on engvid also) but no one has specified with trigger word i would be very thankful if you help me in this.
nikhil sharma
could you explain all the tenses in that way because i have so problem how i can distinguish past perfect and past perfect continuous and present perfect and present perfect continuous and the difference between these tenses
with all my respect
outside the box theching awmsome bro
Thanks James … the tenses are the soul of english … your explanation was cool you clarified good method :) we must practice it again and again to get moer strong in language .
Thank you
Thank you James u such a good teacher
I got diagrams about simple present in my mind…. thanks
thank you so much :))
thank you James!!
Thank you so much James for your help! I have been struggling with my english grammar for so many years. and now, I have found a great esl website and an excellent teacher like you!!
Hello Mr. James this video is outstanding.
I appreciated it if would create this triggerword for every single tense!
Please help us! Thanks man
Yes it is a great Idea, I support that.
Teacher James,
I like so much how you explain this topic!
Very ingenious.
Thanks you!
hello james I Want to ask you some questions about since and for so when we have mixed tenses ok and we have sentence with since and for ok either we use present perfect or present p.progrissive it’s correct to use one them or not ??? and the second question is when we have expression of “by the end of this year or week ” or so on in the sentence either we use future perfect or future.p.p is correct yes or no .that’s all and thank you so much james.
kawtar zanib
Thank you sir!
Jay Lim
Thank you for everything.
this is good thing.
Hi James.
I really like your lesson.It helps me a lot.
thank you for your lesson James
Gooood lesson
Goodness, I’m franky jercy from Brazil, I’m 23 years old and I’m here to practice my English with you guys.
Very helpful lesson, thanks
Thank you. Very goood! I love u teacher!
ur way of explaining is very good
Love u james. :*******. thank you for this lesson. If you travel Panama, let me know. XOXO
dear all! any body can help me in grammar, if you can help me please add my adds;
Skype: ahmadkomail
vibrer/whataapp: 0093782855426
Thank !!! You veru cool teacher! I wish u much health!
you r the best teacher in whole wrold the way u teach us we ove learning
you are amazing:)
Hi james,you are really a good teacher.can I contact on fb only for english
Seema yadav
Thanks James. I liked it a lot!Thanks for the hints.
i can’t understand what the video spoke
fitrah gendut
fantastic ! please can you do the same lesson, explaining the present-past-future perfect/continuos it’s so confuse for me. These metod seems me really good thanks a lot!
You’re the best James !!
wow!! good lesson for me ?
wala ko kasabot…
All I can say is WOW, I’m in love. It’s OK my husband loves you too. In the most platonic way. :)
Thanks james
Hi James. Great lesson. I am an ESL teacher in the San Francisco bay area. I was wondering, do you have a handout or a list of the ‘trigger’ words for all of the tenses? Or a recommended text that shows this? I like this method your demonstrating and want to use it. I’ll be teaching upper intermediate/advanced grammar this semester. Thanks!! Jane
An interesting grammar lesson but for my opinion a little quick because it’s difficult to assimilate all the tenses in several situations when you are speaking, that is the reason that we prefer to listen more than speaking in the majority of the chances that we learn in our lives, I believe so. Thanks a lot, teacher James Greer from EngVid, a great and funny lesson.
Hi, miss Valen and all my intelligent teachers please tell me about all types of NOUN! please. I am confused because “cow” is a noun. And if name given to that cow suppose “julie” that is also noun or not. Help me with these type of NOUN.
Dharmendra Prasad
GuyZ I Have A Question.. I was in school. i used to learn that we have 3 tenses . present past or future. but now adays recently i Have joined a new language center and they taught me that we have 2 tenses not 3 .. present and past is a tense but future is not a tense.. because tenses talks about surity and confirmed time. and future is not decided. we dont know what will happen in future. and future talks about prediction. and if we talk about will . so its also a model verb. and model verbs talks about chances or possibilty thats why future can not be a tense. john,s wood sydney green and oxford edition 8 or some of more books also have mensioned that .. so guyzz im getting confuse in this. plzz guyz remove my this confusion..
because these are the most famous and acceptable books in english grammer
Usman Minhas
it really helped me in my exams….thx for teaching..
Siddhant Chandra
mr jamas you are the good teachar
mr james can you tell me grammar
Thank you James
thanks i need to learn this before my test tomorrow
Fast and useful! Thanks James!
I wanna understande all tenses
where I can go
Dear James, its interesting class but a little advanced, because I don´t understand how to apply to another tense :), can you send us a diagrams to another tenses?. Thanks a lot :)
good lesson but no quiz .
great lesson ı will not forget thank you james teacher !
Very interesting lesson, Thank you James, you are so awesome tutor..
Thank u james ….
Kavita Patel
thank you but very mixed and I so so understand
there isnt quiz why
no quiz man! what the hell……….
pankaj singh negi
Where is the quiz. Damn :)
Thank u jame
Uzair umar
Thank you very much Mr. James.
I love this lesson!
Where’s the quiz…..?
Thank you I learnt a lot
Mohammad Farhadd
Thank you!
not interesting, thank you
It is another way of learning. Sounds interesting. It makes it easy to figure out the picture in the brain. Thank you very much.
Learn English for free with 2158 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
good lesson i leant a lot
Good lesson I learnt a lot.
Learnt; is British and learned is American… it’s like the verb Dream, both are correct
lol learned and learnt are the same thing xd
Mr/James Is the best
Thank you, you guys are the best.
your lesson is so good. I like it.
i am intrested this lesson
very interested thanks james
Good job MR. James.
Hi James and everybody! James, thank you for another great lession! None of my teachers have mentioned any trigger word while explaining grammar rules. Next week :), I’ll try to revise all the tenses, following your scheme :).
I like your teaching method.
All teachers of “EngVid” doing good job.
Love you All umaa……..
James you are really wonderful teacher.
it would be very useful if you can make video about how the tenses are shifting.
I mean that, to use different tenses in one sentence.
Also using if condition will be fine.
thanks again.
Hello James I love the way that you explan the lesson. I shall keep watching all the lesson.
one big embrace.
From Brazil !!!!!!!!!
i have a guestion please iwant learning english write and speak how can you help me
hi, i would like to ask what book were you reading before you start the lesson here in the video? thanks a lot
thanks mrs alex i m hafiz zia from pakistan.your teaching style is very much attractive.
Who here can help me with this test
5. I like _____ to the theatre.
to going
6. What time ________ work?
does he start
he start
he starts
does he starts
11. He ______ swim very well.
can’t to
not can
don’t can
12. Where _________ yesterday?
were you
you were
was you
you was
19. What did you _____ him?
tell to
said to
25. If I _____ shopping today, I’ll buy some apple juice for you.
will go
would go
28. If I ____ a lot of money, I would buy a house in the country.
would have
would had
29. When I woke up, everybody else _________.
had already left
would left
already left
already had left
30. They asked me if I ______ the dinner party.
was enjoying
would enjoy
would enjoyed
am enjoy
38. The children like doing things ________.
on their own
with themselves
on themselves
at their own
hi im happy to help you with your questions. Answer (5) I like going. 6 What time does he start work? 11 He can:t swim well,12 Where were you yesterday?.19 What did you tell him?25 If I go shopping.28 If I had a lot of money.29 When I woke up everybody had had already left. 30 They asked me if I was enjoying the dinner party. 38 The children enjoy doing things on theie own. Good luck hope this helps you,
the first answer just “go” because it’s a present tense.hope done..
Dear Jumat, the answer for the first (5) question is “going”. After like, you can not use go in that form. It must be going or to go. I hope that I could help.
thank you teacher for this lesson is very useful .
teacher please, you can tell me wath’s the deifference between (I can’t take it and I can’t stand it )
can’t take it
معناها لا يمكن ان احصل علية
I can’t stand it
لا يمكن الوقوف علية (مع الحشمة)وشكرا
I think i can help here are the right answers
2)does he start
4)were you
8)had already left
9)was enjoying
10)by themselves
For the last one i think it is more appropriate to say by themselves
.Did you really not know how to solve them?
Can anybody tell me what we call the sound produced when we ease our joints.
Excellent leson ;cups you tech us a leson in past perrfect with the same method?
Hi james nice lesson thanks for make english easier for us see us!!
Nice lesson indeed ,please do the same thing with other tenses it will be very hellpful ;)
Thank you abbas, where you from?
thanks!but I coudn’t undestand because u are teaching very fast and my english is not so good and your voice is not so clear so please teach me in a clear voice
For learning english grammar there are many sources,we can learn through books & can learn through internet also.for making grammar perfect there is a need to be strong in fields like adjective,noun,preposition,adverb,pronoun,verb.
impressive doing good job keep it up. . .
Hello James,
I would like to know what is the differences between can and may, could and might, into and onto and finally between and among. I will appreciate if you can help me. Thanks a lot.
Tremendous lesson. I like to get rest of all same way
hello james . I’m ayman from Saudi Arabia u r goood in teching keep up .
James, your lessons are interesing. but you move so quickly and it prevents from concentrating on lesson. I feel giddy………. :\\\\\
thanks james, i like style your teaching, and it is so interesting. I hope engVID can teach us more about english, still a lot to us study in english, and thank you again i say to you.
James, every your lesson helps me prepare for the TOEFL test. i can understand everything perfectly. thanks a lot! and i am also very grateful to the other teachers! Keep it up! =)
All the best from Belarus =)
ok then u must help me ok please help me
mercii beaucoup pour la leçon =)
Hello James! I’m Florina from Romania. I’m interested in learning English and I started about two years ago, trying to learn alone. I can say it’s very hard to learn alone, so I see myself obliged to ask help. Now, I’m trying to undertand the deferences between present perfect simple and present perfect continuous with for and since. For exemple : ” I’ve been leaving in this town for many years/since I was a child”- and : “I’ve lived here for two years/since 2000”.
It’ true that we use simple present perfect with verbs that show a situation like: live, be, stay,k know ?
I’ll be grateful for your answer,
Florina nu intaleg intrebarea ta . ,,lived ” nu e prezetnt e trecut .. ce ai vrut sa intrebi?
Your videos are so great, i am learning very quick with them. Can you please do a video on prepositions. I always get confused with those. Such as do i say “In the bus” or “on the bus?” i wish i had you as my english teacher, even if its only for one year.
It’s really good , but still here a little of Complications , i just should listen to the lesson more then one time
I have a problem this day… the video stoop when you start teaching! I would to learn this lesson.. I will try again.. thanks
its good and way of the teaching method also excellence.keep it up always.
Hi, beautiful lesson James. please can you give me a trigger to teach the present perfect and the conditional, very hard stuff for foreign students. thank you, connie.
hi. im beginner to learn english pls if u can learn me to speaking english and thanks iam from egypt.
you totaly good at teaching
excusme teacher James could you tell me where are you from? oh thanks good lesson
you are so amazing teacher i like to be your student
I don’t get it.
I’ve been observing your previous lessons and they are all flipping nuts! This one is particularly awesome, but I’m wondering what words would you use in the trigger and definition parts for a past perfect progressive and future perfect tense. It would be great if you can reply my comment!
James I suggest that you prepare a lesson on CONDITIONALS, please make an overview including mix and exceptions. THNX
I love your way of teaching. Would you please make presentations of how to teach other tenses? I’m looking forward to, bye :)
I understand the tense you trying to teach. what about the comparison between present,past and future tense with the same situation.
very interesting, thank you
Hi james nice lesson thanks for make english easier for us see us!!
I know you are the one who’s better than all of the teachers teaching English, that’s why I tried to ask you. how can I download full video in a single click? or buy CDs? within Afghanistan it’s very difficult to find internet cafe and if you did, there is no enough bandwidth to download these clips.
I really appreciate your teaching style and your sister on white board.
please answer me one more thing, why there is police horn passing by on every session of this engvid? Sometimes it is exectly when the lession is near to end.
I wish I could be in your English classes live.
I realy like the style and confident you use to teach.
best regards,
Ahmad Wali
nice work
a perfect explanation too from teacher jaaamesss :=)))
your lesson is so helpful thanks a lot
this is the website were I’ve learned so much
Thanks a lot.
Thanks alot James
i don’t know how to thank you …. i am speechless
thank you for help me
we like all lessons of this website thank you
hey james,
i live in germany and i would like learn the english grammar.i search in the internet and found on youtube this page.very good job you´ve helped me a lot.
Thank you very much James :D
i got it jamessss , gr8 tips n best trigger ,,, :)
good way to learn more english.thanks
wonderful! Thanks a lot!
Thanks a lot for your Great teaching method.
marvelous sir
thank you teacher
thank you teacher it is perfect.
thank you soo much ,
it is really effective …
no comment best ever
Very nice method
really awesome thank you :D
I can understand nothing wath do you say. I speak to fast. I am just a learner.
It was fantastic!
The exquisite one!!!
I super like your videos!! Keep it up!
Great lesson James. Congrats!
I’m wondering what would be the best triggers for the other verbal tenses? Could you give us a list to help us remember all of them?
Keep up the good work. You rock man!
hello thanks for your lesson teacher, i would like to know what is the page web that you said effectively english or something like that thanks
hello ,your lessons are very helpful,I enjoy them all.
by the way, using a trigger for each subject is a great idea,
thank you .
nice work
Good Job teacher!! i learned a lot from I understand my prepositions..hehe
u my favorite. and u did it at 8 min 31 sec- u cool lol
definitely, you must understand english very well to take these lessons… but I admit they are very helpful. And the teachers are excellent. Two thumbs up!!!
Thank a lot. Your teaching is very interesting.
Too complicated. Inapplicable for me( Anyway thank you for your job
hi will u talk wid m in english
my skype
id is babul.ray
thank you for the lessons, but, would you mind to add an script of what you say? Some parts are really difficult for me to understand.
thanks a lot mate…
I wish I understood what you were saying..
Thanks a lot, Gianni.
it would be good, when you make for every lesson a small quiz(7-9 question) thanks
thanks alot
please I need help , why I can not watch all the lessons ? I mean after few min. the lessons sotp so what I have to do pleassssssssssssssssssssssssssssse
Your connection might be too slow. If this is the problem, you can press play, then pause the video for a few minutes to let it load completely. Then press play and watch!
Respected tearchers!
you peoples are doing a wonderful job,i can’t reward you, because i am your student.. i have learnt alot..
bundle of thanks and keep it up
very good teaching I’learn a lot
Hello. Thank you for your lesson/ It’s useful.
Wat about other tenses? Can you tell for us?
I like your way to explain difficult things simply!
james can u plz explain each n every tense…..where i can join u …..4 regular learning of tenses
James, I do apologize my comments about your teaching method. I think it better to stick on short and sweet subject matter rather than to explain un necessary explanation. you always talking too much out of subject matter, if you explain to the point it will make quite easy to understand and with in the time frame you c
My sggestion about your teaching method, always come to the fact, to the ponit no need to explain unnecessarly. you always talking out of subject and your examples doesn’t support to understand to the subject matter.It is better to stick on subject matter rather than to explain un necesarly because your long explanation makes quite puzzel to understand the main fact. so, It will better to go short and sweet to the points.
Thank you.
your lessons are so helpful for me. Thanks a lot. When I’m listening to you I discover english again. It slowly becomes a passion. Thanks again.
Dear teacher James, I am an english student, and i have a question, could you help me please, because this question will be in my examination in february, -Which is the difference between Time and Tense? Greetings from Albania
that was a very good lesson, I learned allot.
Very nice lessons.It is easy to under stand
hi friends,can u help why we have to add when is used 3rd person please response my question
thank you so much it is a very interesting website your videos are well done special thanks to teachers
nice job
thanks a lot
Thank You
improve your english plz
i joint my voice to all these to realy thanks you for these lessons and for the time you and your staff take for teaching us.May God bless you all.
james u are quite good trust me bro
hello sir.Great job you are doing.
thank you sooo much.
Bye!!!!!Take Care.
yea is verri goud i yes lern an a lot theink for yur antention
help me much..awesome..thanks
Hi james ur teching method is very nc bt i think u wil giv us somthing lik test.
Thank You very much! You really help me and your lessons are SOOO intersting and funny.
Greetings from Croatia!
exellent.I learn alot fron it…:)
Hello James.To speak the truth I like the way that you explan this lesson.Thank you
very intresting.
very intersting
Easy to learn tenses.Thanks so much!
You’re great teacher, and enthusiastic, thanx a lot for the lesson
thanks :)
u re a very gud teacher n i heard the word trigger first time not even one english teacher told me like this
Hi James ,
Are you a Philosophy professor ?
thanks for this vidio!!! You are a very good teacher.
thanks …its really useful ….but can you please tell me ….how can i get more videos
Good job!!! What you think about triggers for other Tenses?
What about triggers for other tenses?!
PS wonderful approach!
Hi brothers many thanks for a precious lessons, God pleases you and especial thanks to Prince Alramadi for sharing this site (have a delightful life)
its not a helpful for me its a big stuff
Excuse me, where can I find the other tense lessons?
We’ve got quite a lot—browse through them here!
I love you engvid. You are good teachers I really like and love because I want to speak English well. Thank you for your lesson.
nice teaching style
Very smart teacher.I loved the triggers!!!
Thanks a lot!!!
i like your lesson and i have one question for you can you send to me yor lessons by mail because it’s hard for me to learn english by videos thank you
hello guys i like this website i realy learnd a lot but i still have so writing problemes i need help
Hello James. My name is Lesya and I am the English instructor at LT English SCHOOL. We practice at school inviting teachers from all over the world to conduct a skype class with the students. I got interested in your way of explaining grammar and I’d like to invite you to join us. Email me if you’re interested. Thamks for the video. It was interesting. Hope to hear from you soon.
i need to learn more…
heyyy sir…u r excellent…..thanx 4 the lesson..
wow very good like the usual
Excellent. thanks you very much !!
Great idea – still try to put that way on my subjects
Thank you very much. I live in Thailand . befor from now I don understand about English language . And now my English it get better.Thanks again.
And thank you everybody in this website help me very much and I know This website help everybody who want to lean English.
very happy to look this website.
thank you very match james ,i’m very happy to listen your lesson,i wich to learn english with you tank you again
In fact, your manner is good, but I cannot understand much from you ! Could you talk more slowly please ? :(
Thank you for your classes.
1 question sir?
Which one is correct?
I skipped rope every morning.
I’ve skipped rope every morning.
I skip rope every mornig.
I’m waiting your answer…….
Good job. Thanks so much!
I don´t understand but …. thanks….
I play tennis.Today.It’s true.
Cats like milk. Always.It’s true.
Once a week, Tom cleans the car. Repeated.It’s true.
Mr. James i wanna ask where is the most correct between kind of hobbies or kinds of hobbies.
Thanks for your response, sir :)
Your teaching methods helped me to understand more quickly, and listening every word clearly.
Hi James thanks for lesson ..Could you explain all tenses ?
You cannot be an engineer because you have spent a lot of times but you are a very good teacher. Many thanks to you!
Thank you very much James!
excellent James.I have kearnrd a lot.
thanks james. i have learned many things today
Thanks James I have learned a lot this morning. I know the difference between a farther and further, make and do, ect…
James, you are very good teacher.
It’s helpful thanks a lot
thanx James it very help full for me.
Thx u very much!
Love you James,you are the best and wonderful teacher in the world :*
thanx it’s so useful lesson I’ll keep watching u
Thanks for this good lesson which is useful
Hi James,
thanks a lot. Your teaching style is fantastic
take care
you have the best method for teaching
Thanx james
Brilliante lesson! Thank you !)
Thank you for everything.
So informative lesson
hello james,
i like the way you teach. I have seen many videos related to tenses(on engvid also) but no one has specified with trigger word i would be very thankful if you help me in this.
could you explain all the tenses in that way because i have so problem how i can distinguish past perfect and past perfect continuous and present perfect and present perfect continuous and the difference between these tenses
with all my respect
outside the box theching awmsome bro
Thanks James … the tenses are the soul of english … your explanation was cool you clarified good method :) we must practice it again and again to get moer strong in language .
Thank you
Thank you James u such a good teacher
I got diagrams about simple present in my mind…. thanks
thank you so much :))
thank you James!!
Thank you so much James for your help! I have been struggling with my english grammar for so many years. and now, I have found a great esl website and an excellent teacher like you!!
Hello Mr. James this video is outstanding.
I appreciated it if would create this triggerword for every single tense!
Please help us! Thanks man
Yes it is a great Idea, I support that.
Teacher James,
I like so much how you explain this topic!
Very ingenious.
Thanks you!
hello james I Want to ask you some questions about since and for so when we have mixed tenses ok and we have sentence with since and for ok either we use present perfect or present p.progrissive it’s correct to use one them or not ??? and the second question is when we have expression of “by the end of this year or week ” or so on in the sentence either we use future perfect or future.p.p is correct yes or no .that’s all and thank you so much james.
Thank you sir!
Thank you for everything.
this is good thing.
Hi James.
I really like your lesson.It helps me a lot.
thank you for your lesson James
Gooood lesson
Goodness, I’m franky jercy from Brazil, I’m 23 years old and I’m here to practice my English with you guys.
Very helpful lesson, thanks
Thank you. Very goood! I love u teacher!
ur way of explaining is very good
Love u james. :*******. thank you for this lesson. If you travel Panama, let me know. XOXO
dear all! any body can help me in grammar, if you can help me please add my adds;
Skype: ahmadkomail
vibrer/whataapp: 0093782855426
Thank !!! You veru cool teacher! I wish u much health!
you r the best teacher in whole wrold the way u teach us we ove learning
you are amazing:)
Hi james,you are really a good teacher.can I contact on fb only for english
Thanks James. I liked it a lot!Thanks for the hints.
i can’t understand what the video spoke
fantastic ! please can you do the same lesson, explaining the present-past-future perfect/continuos it’s so confuse for me. These metod seems me really good thanks a lot!
You’re the best James !!
wow!! good lesson for me ?
wala ko kasabot…
All I can say is WOW, I’m in love. It’s OK my husband loves you too. In the most platonic way. :)
Thanks james
Hi James. Great lesson. I am an ESL teacher in the San Francisco bay area. I was wondering, do you have a handout or a list of the ‘trigger’ words for all of the tenses? Or a recommended text that shows this? I like this method your demonstrating and want to use it. I’ll be teaching upper intermediate/advanced grammar this semester. Thanks!! Jane
An interesting grammar lesson but for my opinion a little quick because it’s difficult to assimilate all the tenses in several situations when you are speaking, that is the reason that we prefer to listen more than speaking in the majority of the chances that we learn in our lives, I believe so. Thanks a lot, teacher James Greer from EngVid, a great and funny lesson.
Hi, miss Valen and all my intelligent teachers please tell me about all types of NOUN! please. I am confused because “cow” is a noun. And if name given to that cow suppose “julie” that is also noun or not. Help me with these type of NOUN.
GuyZ I Have A Question.. I was in school. i used to learn that we have 3 tenses . present past or future. but now adays recently i Have joined a new language center and they taught me that we have 2 tenses not 3 .. present and past is a tense but future is not a tense.. because tenses talks about surity and confirmed time. and future is not decided. we dont know what will happen in future. and future talks about prediction. and if we talk about will . so its also a model verb. and model verbs talks about chances or possibilty thats why future can not be a tense. john,s wood sydney green and oxford edition 8 or some of more books also have mensioned that .. so guyzz im getting confuse in this. plzz guyz remove my this confusion..
because these are the most famous and acceptable books in english grammer
it really helped me in my exams….thx for teaching..
mr jamas you are the good teachar
mr james can you tell me grammar
Thank you James
thanks i need to learn this before my test tomorrow
Fast and useful! Thanks James!
I wanna understande all tenses
where I can go
Dear James, its interesting class but a little advanced, because I don´t understand how to apply to another tense :), can you send us a diagrams to another tenses?. Thanks a lot :)
good lesson but no quiz .
great lesson ı will not forget thank you james teacher !
Very interesting lesson, Thank you James, you are so awesome tutor..
Thank u james ….
thank you but very mixed and I so so understand
there isnt quiz why
no quiz man! what the hell……….
Where is the quiz. Damn :)
Thank u jame
Thank you very much Mr. James.
I love this lesson!
Where’s the quiz…..?
Thank you I learnt a lot
Thank you!
not interesting, thank you
It is another way of learning. Sounds interesting. It makes it easy to figure out the picture in the brain. Thank you very much.