I am going to show you how to master your vocabulary using four simple steps. This is an important class for anyone learning a language. Learn how to never forget words again.
You are the world’s greatest teacher. And there’s a lot of stress on the word ‘Greatest’. Thanks, Man.
u do a good teacher.u make me laugh while learning
You… If James is the greatest, another teacher will better than him because no one in this world is the best! So before you say you are the best, you should think about it: “Another person will better than you” :P
thanks for engvid
i like you and your way of teaching ,and your jokes while teaching
Me too :)
Thanks for the great lesson and i like the way u teach Sir James..
Sir should i follow the same rule for Idioms and one word substitutes as well?
I scored 4/4
Aslam Hameed
It’s an interesting lesson….. Thanks.
Thanks fir this great lesson
Dear James!
Thank you so much!! You’re a great teacher. Your lessons so funny and interesting and I’m happy to find this site :D
Thank you so much Mr jame .
hello frainds i’m ibrahim i wanna know more frainds here and if anyone want to talk to practice in english language send me massage on my e mail gibrahim200@hotmail.com
yeah, bro good lesson. thanks to u n’ Mr E. 4 everything keep reading the newspaper.bye 4 now.
I don’t know how to thank you
just say thanks… so simple….
congratulations man you are such an excellent teacher bro keep on being it
James, thanks for your lessons. keep doing!
thank you so much .. a great efforts
Thanks alot, I appreciated, really its helpful.
you’re a wonderful teacher
Your tips are funny, helpful and useful. It really works…
thanks you,it helps lot..
Thanks alot,nice lesson
Thanks alot for your nice teaching.I have a suggestion,if you are speaking a bit slowly it will be nice.Thankssssssssssss
Hi, thank u for your hard working, providing us useful lessons, would u please provide us a video lesson on adjectives specifically describe thing such as food, for example someone invites u to dinner, a movie, a park in city, culture, things like these
Elyas Nayebkhill
This was one of my problem during learning English, but I hope later that I’ll keep new words in my memory better than before.
Thank you!!!
playing angry birds :D
Thank you very much. Engvid’s Jame.
I need to study more.
i wish i could meet you. :P
btw, thank you sooooooo much!
is it real to have you as a teacher? maybe school?
Thank you very much .. It is a wonderful course
You are a good teacher. The problem is that you kid a lot when you are teaching and it is not good for us. This hinders our learning.
Thank jame! i regret that i didn’t know this method sooner
Vu Uoc
it is a fascinatng topic and has good emphasis onto word to learn english.
Thank you for your lesson. It is realy usefull
i feel so happy to reach up to this website…all teachers are amazing..and james,its nice that u creates a friendly environment b4 teaching.u solved my problem of recognizing the words. alex, rebacca and others….i am so much thankful to all of you. really can’t express my feelings in words..
akanksha gupta(india)
James, you’re a amazing teacher. It’s very impressive how you can make my studies funnier. I’m from Brazil, and actually it’s very hard to find something good in english to study. Some people say that you kid a lot in your videos, I think that’s a atractive way of teaching and stimulates students on learnig english. Thank you very much. See you in the next video.
Martin Leme
Any step that is conducive to light is worth showing and you are doing it rightfully. A thousand thanks.
wonderful i like the u teach but the problem is u are to fast
Your right.thats another reason i hate is videos
James, when are you going to hold the lesson on SEAM Modals Part 4? If I’m not wrong you left that part out…
Hi James, I really like the way you teach. your teaching method is unique and very helpful. It helps us to understand tremendously. I think you are very talented in teaching English. I also think you are naturally humorous which makes your lesson more intereresting. I appreciate your great teaching!
ur a great teacher,don’t stop kidding…i think it’s a good method..n it’s also good when u talk a little bit fast ‘coz helps us to discern how our life is gonna be on a real english speaker country
I hate how James is always looking at something when the video starts.That is the reason i hate his videos. i just have to force myself to watch them.
Why don’t you try this: when the videos start, look at a wall. Then keep looking at the wall.
What do you mean
Get used to it, as James is a very good teacher.
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN?”=> ???!! Hey “I love pets”, we can’t say that you’re very bright! Engvid meant “don’t watch the video, just listen to it!” I personally will add: “Rather than criticize and insult people, go and look on internet for lessons which will teach you constructive criticisms and good manners…
you don’t have to by the way he is awesome
Everyone except me who posts on this site are assholes!!!!!!!
Hey, this website is destinated by english students be aware about the rules and conducts violations and also respect us, because … “Você provávelmente não entenderá oque eu estou lhe falando agora .. did you got?”
thanks for the lesson
You noticed that you wrote a comment, and everyone can read it. So I refer to who reads the comment, so here is a conflict. If you had used “You” instead of “I” it could have been better. PS. have fun with yours.
relax..take it easy!
thanks a lot
thanx with god blessing
Who would want to give stupid James a blessing?I know god wouldnt
Please don’t say it, James is a good teacher and if you don’t like his classes just don’t see them. All teachers here, in Engvid, do a great job. Well done guys!
Sirlei Barbosa
Amazing, ur way to teach is so great. We learn and lauh a little…xD
I like it your such great teacher of vocablury
Hi James,
Your lessons are wonderfull but please speak slower on beginner lessons :)
And dont look at anything when the video starts
I listen and watch the videos carefully but James is really fast :)
thats good teaching evrey time help me thanks alot bye
I really like EngVid, thanks everyone.
hey sissy @cadawac . If something had to be described as an ass that would be you , homo . We love the james way of teaching. If you as a dumb want to learn something stay or either way fuck off .
Your the big fat ass!!!! i hate his way of teaching
Dude , Stop trolling plz.
If you don’t like this way of James’s teaching, go away, We don’t need your commentary. So I remark you ‘re from USA and you don’t know speak English, it’s for that you are in this website for learners. Look at your ass before criticizing. Are you able to teach like James ? No, so shut up !!!
Hey man .. that’s enough .. James is a good teacher and I learned from him .. If you don’t like him leave us and don’t come here again .. bad one
Then stop watching it! This is the best way for you!
completely agree with u enis..
thanks J
Hey James, I’m an inspired student of you from Sri Lanka. My problem is that I can talk English abit but I’m having stage fear.I would be thankful if you make some videos on the topic “WAYS TO PREVENT STAGE FEAR”
Your student, Farazath..!!
hi i need to know english
tank u alot
You are the boss… James….
I want you to please help me by choosing that from where i should start taking lessons? I’m very nill in english :(, please help me
THanks james….!
Thanks a lot
it was good lesson
u r a gread teacher thank u
Hi james, thanks for this useful lesson, I have no problem with your spead cos this is how native speaks and we have to be familiar with. I face many new vocabularies while I read or listen, How many vocab.do you think is enough to learn for each day?
I like you comment about the wall it really made me laugh :))
Thanks for everything my buddy, God bless you.
Hii Mema, I predict that you must not be knowing me as we did not communicate with each other earlier.Being a member of this priceless as well as helping site ,I request you to be my friend to help either of us to enhance our english learning by exchanging our thoughts,fellings and also ups and downs in our life.Talking about vocab, I could suggest you to learn several usage of a single word in many different context when your repository of words is limited.It will definitely help you express your words easily without knowing the exact word.To establish my point,I have included a few instances to let you know 4 different usage of the verb “to run”.
First of all, to run literally means walking fast-e.x.-1.I ran to my home in the morning after partying all night yesterday.
2.Cell phones run on batteries.
3.My friend runs an eatery to support his family.
4.Every nation’s government must be run by educated youth.
5.The man who was arrested yesterday
,used to run a cyber cafe.
Likewise, you can use this verb in many different contexts in which you intend to use it.It is equally important to expand your vocab at the same time while concentrating on this matter.
I wish you all the best in your english learning.I also want you to correct my sentences if you find any mistakes in them.
Finally,I am loking forward to getting a positive interst about our friendship..Be safe,motivated and healthy..
sona sharma
Thank you, Sona for your kindness, I really appreciate your efforts. It’s my pleasure to be your friend :)
please add me to your facebook.I will wait for your request. Bakhti-yar Ali this is my user name on Facebook
bakhtiyar ali
Your manner of teaching caught my attention. After viewing you on youtube, I found myself registering to this site. You are an effective, talented and wonderful teacher. Don’t lose your humor. Keep it up! :-)
I subscribe !!!
Adda Orion
very nice .
Xara Nezer
good thank u so much
thank you soooooo much
noor ahmed
really i love u james .. u r sooo funny ,, u make me lugh all the time when i see ur lesson , but i’v problem with u about ur quick talking ..i’m always try 2 annex ur words lool nd thxxxxx so much this is useful lesson
Really helpful lectures by james…..thanks a ton……!
YOU ARE UNIQUE,SMART & lovely teacher
you are the best
Thanks alot master James
I love the way you teach<3333
Scored 4/4 ;Pp
Great lesson; thank
nice class…
Thank you james, i love your lesson…………
Thanks for the lession
good lesson,but I didn’t like your way of teaching because it’s so fast.just review that and everything will be done.thank you
Hi nady.
why you don’t understand? or is it your first time in english class?.
Good job James!!!
Cara você é demais, sou brasileira e quero aprender a falar seu idioma, este site tem me ajudado muito…
Obrigada ( thanks for all)
Andrea Guerra
can you speaks english Andrea Guerra
no offensive
Terrific tips…~
James is so funny that I can’t see the time goes by…
Thanks James u r great
i love engvid
Thanks for your lesson
It was awesome lecture.
I solved 4 out of 4.
what a nice lesson !!! thanks mr james :).
Thanx now iam fell happy
i am from Bangalore city if India. may be you know it. in my country, engvid moderator is consider like holy god and on moderator god’s birthday we all are celebrate in street with sweet and merrymint.
It’s a useful lesson by the right way. really,I have never enjoyed a lesson like it. great teacher.
Thank you very much
THanks sir
I looove you, Mister James !
I would love to be my teacher !
Adda Orion
I love the way you teach and explain. You are the best no doubt.
Engvid is doing great work for whole world. My all teachers on engvid are very good TEACHER. I am learning a lot from you all. Thank you ENGVID.
Prashant Hans
Thanks Engvid and Thanks James!!!
tnks. It was of great help
I don´t know how to thank you.Please just keeping make us stronger in english.
Very nice tips..after this video it is very simple to learn vocabulary. thanks sir James
Prashant Hans
Thank u sir
Abdul Qayum
nice and new,,,, tnx man :)
everything is easy when the students are motivated – if they’re not – the process U’ve suggested will surely scare them off ;)
thank you for this lesson !!!
oh, i love the way you teach!!! thanks sir for great job! you’re the best here, hehe))))
thank you James sir.
Mr James is so funny so we pay more attention.. i think he could be a good actor, like Jim Carrey!!
I love engvid. But could you show us some new idoims?thanks
mek bean
Hi James. Thank you for the video. I like the way you teach and yes you’re a very funny teacher(in a good way of course). keep it up! :)
Thanks James you are great
Hi James, I am from Iran, and I learnt and am learning English by myself. I appreciate your creativity in lesson. I learned many English words by making stories. For instance, jealous: in Persian, jelez velez is the sound of burning something like frying. Therefore jealous is who is on flame of jealousy. Here is the problem, it is easy to learn words through stories, and relate them to first language. It is good for reading and listening, but for speaking I need to find the word. The only way I found was practice. Have you ever considered this? What is your idea?
you are awesome, i love your teaching. i have learn a lot.
Thank you like a million time >>
Thanks teacher I haven’t words to say thank you. You are awesome!!!
Three chairs for you.
Keep it up!!!
Imtiaz Ahmad
That’s what we rally need when studying
Thanks teacher, you are the best. I enjoyed your lesson.
what’s up bro how are you, can you sent to me a lot of example for fucking English I spent my life to learn this fucking language, so can you help me. you bro Aroof I am sorry I don’t know how to speak clearly.
I’m really enjoying this website and the teachers,and my native lang. is English. It’s helping me with improveing my vocabular and grammar. Thanks!
thank you very much sir
James you are a funny teacher ever I have seen I enjoy while listen u
love from Turkey :)
you’re a cool guy and I really enjoy your lessons
hello.i find it difficult stories,books.they are formal english.
about different context what kind of book are you reading?harry potter?holy bible?science fiction?time magazine?
James is one of teachers who makes lessons very interesting with the way he speaks i swear just watching him make me laugh but pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee sometimes u speak fast especially when u trying describe or make something clear 4 us “new vocabulary” u say, but its all good n allright . tyyyyyyyyyyyyy ver much
funny teacher! hope to see more eng….vid…from you! thank you
quite good :))
thanks James
you’re awesome, and SO friendly
Thank James. I love your humor. I think to improve pronounce skill, we have to pay attention to the word’s IPA (international phonetic alphabet). Is it right?
Hahaha!! Fast as you possibly can! Cheers James, you are the best!
I never get bored when you lecture :)
Helmer HB Helmusico
great ,
you deserve 9/10 points
hahahahah that worm makes you lose one point .
please accept my regards ,
you sincere / saad
The vocab. lesson was amazing! thank you!
anna marie
Hi, Jame your lesson is useful. I’m cleared after studying this lesson. thanks.
learning english has become fun for me now.. thanks to James and engvid.com.
Thanks a lots
i’m tellibly thankful for engvid,all ressons are well understood
prompt guy
you make learning English so much easier thanks keep up the good work bless
Your teaching is good, James, but I think it’ll be better if you should stand on the right or on the left of the board- instead in the middle- explaining the lesson because the words on the boards are not hidden by you. It’ll be easier for students to copy what you write.
Thank you.
Thank you James I go to Geenwich college in London .
I have two teachers every teacher has his method to teach to help students to understand easier.the man who complaint can go pay his own teacher .
But live James alone.
Some people are never happy even you give them Gold and Silver.
I didn’t understand idiom in the end. Can anybody write it?
So grateful for U teacher !
Oh my God! How come?! I’ve just got 3/4. Thanks James for your awesome video. I’m watching it every free time in my day. :D
Wow!!! I got a perfect score!!! Awesome..You are the best teacher..thank you very much!!!
hey J, ur lesson is always fantastic for me. vivid pics and fun presentation is good for me to understand what u want to delive in class. thax!!!
my course involves big words like epidemiology which is hard for me to master the understanding let alone writing sentences. do you have any advice.
Respected James you are a best teacher of world.
thank you…….. A Great Man
kikar singh
I cant understand this class Mr. James
Could you help me james via email ?
Great lesson, thanks.
Thanks, it’s a great lesson!
Thank You! This lesson is very helpful for me.
You are the best man , thanks
Do you like it ? I do (;
thnx a lot it will be useful for the general student
awsome lesson, thank you very much for your effort
Playing angry birds ?! Zehahahahaha
Master of English
Hi to averyone i would rather meet averyone who care about englesh language and i suggest to meet kind of personne cause averyone i think need to improove his language so lets start help each others. best regards
one mistake
thanks for you. It is a helpful lesson
you’re really my favourite teacher.
All the best
Thank you so much Dear.James. Everyone likes him please raise your hand?
need to work hard for it, ayos, which mean ok.
omg!!!!! I got the perfect score,,,:-)
Hey man your a great help in my way of teaching the four skills to my students.Happy to see this site any your great way of teaching , thanks a million.
10 out of 10! I like the “playing angry bird” answer XD Great lesson from a great teacher!! Bravo!!
Finally I got perfect. Thank you!
You are the man James…
i’ve found this website this morning. it’s really helpful. thank you so much :)
thank you,but the quiz was so hard????????!!!!!!!!!!
thanks you so much. your lesson is very fun. I think you are born to becomr talented teacher; you are so funny ^^
I’ve got 100 co0oo0l
nice guy, I like him ;-)
thank you for your lesson. i am happy to see your face and sound
thank you teacher it’s help me lot of by the way i’m satisfied all teachers to learn the best english lesson engvid
The quiz was hard for me to understand for me. But 3 of 4! Ya~y :D I enjoy studying English. Fun :D
Thank you, James :)
the way how the teach English language on your website very nice…Thanks a lot …..
Ozgul Gabbany
Great leason .thank you too much
i’ve found this website this morning. it’s really helpful. thank you so much :)
thank you
Hello, mayn!)))
Nice to see your vids and you too!
I just want to express my interest in your videos and add that you could describe more one thing – turn down. I heared that in track *Turnt Down (Feat. Cali Swag District)*.
The example: *baby, why u turnt down(x3) getcha ass up. dancefloor down (x3)*. turned down* means break up the relationship with somebody. For example, you were with your girlfriend and now she is ex girlfriend for you because she *turned you down*. Hope I helped!
Hmmm. Actually, I think that it’s supposed to be taken as the opposite of “turnt up” — “baby, why aren’t you turnt up”.
engVid Moderator
maybe))))) I just luv dat song xDD. It helps me keep all these words in mind. Forgot where is your video which describes *turn* verb =(
sorry for the way I described this meaning. of course it’s hard to mention every meaning)). I’ve got some useful info from this vid!
more one phrase I heared was ‘turn my knock up’ xDD. One guy told me that it sounds like ‘make me pregnant’. He thought I am pervert xDD
OKAY. MORE ONE!!! What does *turn my swag on* mean ? Think that the ‘Turn up the volume ‘ phrase meaning is not appropriate for this case xDDD.
Okay, so the Rapgenius notes were not super helpful here…but “swagger” or “swag” means a fashionable style or a confident attitude. So when you turn your swag on, you suddenly become really badass.
In general, Rapgenius is really good for explanations of song lyrics!
engVid Moderator
please teach to slowly..
Abdulumar p
2/4, I am sorry,i will work hard next time!
Thanks for reply! I use these portals too, but not always can find out the situation. Just wanted to hear explicitly your opinion)). Now I got the meaning of this phrase ^^.
Thanks a lot!))) My english teacher in school was angry women) Everyone had feared her… So, my english is not very well. But you are incredible person!!!))) thank you! I’m going to watch ALL of your lessons ;)
Pauline Bizarre
Thank you very much.
I like your teaching sir.. It’s really useful for me.
Genius Jose
Hi James!
I have been watching your videos for the last week and really like them. I would like to see videos on techniques to communicate more effectively in academic settings. I am an international student (graduate) at an American university and sometimes it is really hard for me to communicate complex ideas or be part of the conversation. This has made me extremely self-conscious and is affecting my performance at work and school. Like I am more fluent when I am almost drunk at a bar but not at work! It is embarrassing and people are not taking me seriously. What do you recommend? I love your videos that’s is why I am asking. Super funny and useful :)
hi, I’m new member, i can’t recieve and show the video,can you help me?
I’m in iran and youtube is filter in Iran, is there any way to recieve the video?
please help me.
I love you so much James!
I feel annoyed when i was studying or memorizing vocabulary.
But when i just apply yours method , it becomes interesting and more effective!
That’s amazing. Your lesson always teach me a lot. My English is improving gradually!
Thank you James ^O^.
Peter Gaelic
finally i can find how to memorized vocabulary :) this is more effective :) thank you James :) love you much :)
James,you are so good as a teacher,thank you so much.
Awsome teacher James
Playing Angry Birds … that’s funny!!!
Thanx you >)
I like James’ lessons a lot. He is very funny. Congratulation James.
Leandro Cleber
I think this is one of the best teachers that i heared.
thanks sir I got 4 out of 4
imtasal hayee
Nicholas Low
If I had to express my opinion of this lesson, then I would say that it has been the most difficult lesson to understand I have ever seen, because the questionary has few questions but very difficult for me, I couldn’t remember very well the meanings of all of them, but I doesn’t matter I you want to learn English, you will get some day. Thanks a lot, teacher James, a short but very difficult lesson for me.
Thank you James
thanks, Sir James, I’ve been learning a lot from your videos since my first watch you at this site. totally blow my mind how to use all different words on different sentences. thank you, Sir!.
Thank you. As always you did a great job.
You got 3 correct out of 4.
thank you so much.
M kartal
Yeaaaa I MASTER ind a got 100 %
Applause for me ! :)
Thank oyu for your advices. Inoticed that you have a good humour
Mr N
I love it, thanks Mr. E and James
Thanks.you speak very quickly and uclnclearly.
Thanks sir
Thank you so much
thanks James, one and a thousand times
Hi Mr James, i have a question for you. Do i wrong, if i want learn some vocabularies, but i should know what is the meaning of the word ? Example, word “tenancy” which is mean is “penyewaaan” in Indonesian
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
You are the world’s greatest teacher. And there’s a lot of stress on the word ‘Greatest’. Thanks, Man.
u do a good teacher.u make me laugh while learning
You… If James is the greatest, another teacher will better than him because no one in this world is the best! So before you say you are the best, you should think about it: “Another person will better than you” :P
thanks for engvid
i like you and your way of teaching ,and your jokes while teaching
Me too :)
Thanks for the great lesson and i like the way u teach Sir James..
Sir should i follow the same rule for Idioms and one word substitutes as well?
I scored 4/4
It’s an interesting lesson….. Thanks.
Thanks fir this great lesson
Dear James!
Thank you so much!! You’re a great teacher. Your lessons so funny and interesting and I’m happy to find this site :D
Thank you so much Mr jame .
hello frainds i’m ibrahim i wanna know more frainds here and if anyone want to talk to practice in english language send me massage on my e mail gibrahim200@hotmail.com
yeah, bro good lesson. thanks to u n’ Mr E. 4 everything keep reading the newspaper.bye 4 now.
I don’t know how to thank you
just say thanks… so simple….
congratulations man you are such an excellent teacher bro keep on being it
James, thanks for your lessons. keep doing!
thank you so much .. a great efforts
Thanks alot, I appreciated, really its helpful.
you’re a wonderful teacher
Your tips are funny, helpful and useful. It really works…
thanks you,it helps lot..
Thanks alot,nice lesson
Thanks alot for your nice teaching.I have a suggestion,if you are speaking a bit slowly it will be nice.Thankssssssssssss
Hi, thank u for your hard working, providing us useful lessons, would u please provide us a video lesson on adjectives specifically describe thing such as food, for example someone invites u to dinner, a movie, a park in city, culture, things like these
This was one of my problem during learning English, but I hope later that I’ll keep new words in my memory better than before.
Thank you!!!
playing angry birds :D
Thank you very much. Engvid’s Jame.
I need to study more.
i wish i could meet you. :P
btw, thank you sooooooo much!
is it real to have you as a teacher? maybe school?
Thank you very much .. It is a wonderful course
You are a good teacher. The problem is that you kid a lot when you are teaching and it is not good for us. This hinders our learning.
Thank jame! i regret that i didn’t know this method sooner
it is a fascinatng topic and has good emphasis onto word to learn english.
Thank you for your lesson. It is realy usefull
i feel so happy to reach up to this website…all teachers are amazing..and james,its nice that u creates a friendly environment b4 teaching.u solved my problem of recognizing the words. alex, rebacca and others….i am so much thankful to all of you. really can’t express my feelings in words..
James, you’re a amazing teacher. It’s very impressive how you can make my studies funnier. I’m from Brazil, and actually it’s very hard to find something good in english to study. Some people say that you kid a lot in your videos, I think that’s a atractive way of teaching and stimulates students on learnig english. Thank you very much. See you in the next video.
Any step that is conducive to light is worth showing and you are doing it rightfully. A thousand thanks.
wonderful i like the u teach but the problem is u are to fast
Your right.thats another reason i hate is videos
James, when are you going to hold the lesson on SEAM Modals Part 4? If I’m not wrong you left that part out…
Hi James, I really like the way you teach. your teaching method is unique and very helpful. It helps us to understand tremendously. I think you are very talented in teaching English. I also think you are naturally humorous which makes your lesson more intereresting. I appreciate your great teaching!
ur a great teacher,don’t stop kidding…i think it’s a good method..n it’s also good when u talk a little bit fast ‘coz helps us to discern how our life is gonna be on a real english speaker country
I hate how James is always looking at something when the video starts.That is the reason i hate his videos. i just have to force myself to watch them.
Why don’t you try this: when the videos start, look at a wall. Then keep looking at the wall.
What do you mean
Get used to it, as James is a very good teacher.
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN?”=> ???!! Hey “I love pets”, we can’t say that you’re very bright! Engvid meant “don’t watch the video, just listen to it!” I personally will add: “Rather than criticize and insult people, go and look on internet for lessons which will teach you constructive criticisms and good manners…
you don’t have to by the way he is awesome
Everyone except me who posts on this site are assholes!!!!!!!
Hey, this website is destinated by english students be aware about the rules and conducts violations and also respect us, because … “Você provávelmente não entenderá oque eu estou lhe falando agora .. did you got?”
thanks for the lesson
You noticed that you wrote a comment, and everyone can read it. So I refer to who reads the comment, so here is a conflict. If you had used “You” instead of “I” it could have been better. PS. have fun with yours.
relax..take it easy!
thanks a lot
thanx with god blessing
Who would want to give stupid James a blessing?I know god wouldnt
Please don’t say it, James is a good teacher and if you don’t like his classes just don’t see them. All teachers here, in Engvid, do a great job. Well done guys!
Amazing, ur way to teach is so great. We learn and lauh a little…xD
I like it your such great teacher of vocablury
Hi James,
Your lessons are wonderfull but please speak slower on beginner lessons :)
And dont look at anything when the video starts
I listen and watch the videos carefully but James is really fast :)
thats good teaching evrey time help me thanks alot bye
I really like EngVid, thanks everyone.
hey sissy @cadawac . If something had to be described as an ass that would be you , homo . We love the james way of teaching. If you as a dumb want to learn something stay or either way fuck off .
Your the big fat ass!!!! i hate his way of teaching
Dude , Stop trolling plz.
If you don’t like this way of James’s teaching, go away, We don’t need your commentary. So I remark you ‘re from USA and you don’t know speak English, it’s for that you are in this website for learners. Look at your ass before criticizing. Are you able to teach like James ? No, so shut up !!!
Hey man .. that’s enough .. James is a good teacher and I learned from him .. If you don’t like him leave us and don’t come here again .. bad one
Then stop watching it! This is the best way for you!
completely agree with u enis..
thanks J
Hey James, I’m an inspired student of you from Sri Lanka. My problem is that I can talk English abit but I’m having stage fear.I would be thankful if you make some videos on the topic “WAYS TO PREVENT STAGE FEAR”
Your student, Farazath..!!
hi i need to know english
tank u alot
You are the boss… James….
I want you to please help me by choosing that from where i should start taking lessons? I’m very nill in english :(, please help me
THanks james….!
Thanks a lot
it was good lesson
u r a gread teacher thank u
Hi james, thanks for this useful lesson, I have no problem with your spead cos this is how native speaks and we have to be familiar with. I face many new vocabularies while I read or listen, How many vocab.do you think is enough to learn for each day?
I like you comment about the wall it really made me laugh :))
Thanks for everything my buddy, God bless you.
Hii Mema, I predict that you must not be knowing me as we did not communicate with each other earlier.Being a member of this priceless as well as helping site ,I request you to be my friend to help either of us to enhance our english learning by exchanging our thoughts,fellings and also ups and downs in our life.Talking about vocab, I could suggest you to learn several usage of a single word in many different context when your repository of words is limited.It will definitely help you express your words easily without knowing the exact word.To establish my point,I have included a few instances to let you know 4 different usage of the verb “to run”.
First of all, to run literally means walking fast-e.x.-1.I ran to my home in the morning after partying all night yesterday.
2.Cell phones run on batteries.
3.My friend runs an eatery to support his family.
4.Every nation’s government must be run by educated youth.
5.The man who was arrested yesterday
,used to run a cyber cafe.
Likewise, you can use this verb in many different contexts in which you intend to use it.It is equally important to expand your vocab at the same time while concentrating on this matter.
I wish you all the best in your english learning.I also want you to correct my sentences if you find any mistakes in them.
Finally,I am loking forward to getting a positive interst about our friendship..Be safe,motivated and healthy..
Thank you, Sona for your kindness, I really appreciate your efforts. It’s my pleasure to be your friend :)
please add me to your facebook.I will wait for your request. Bakhti-yar Ali this is my user name on Facebook
Your manner of teaching caught my attention. After viewing you on youtube, I found myself registering to this site. You are an effective, talented and wonderful teacher. Don’t lose your humor. Keep it up! :-)
I subscribe !!!
very nice .
good thank u so much
thank you soooooo much
really i love u james .. u r sooo funny ,, u make me lugh all the time when i see ur lesson , but i’v problem with u about ur quick talking ..i’m always try 2 annex ur words lool nd thxxxxx so much this is useful lesson
Really helpful lectures by james…..thanks a ton……!
YOU ARE UNIQUE,SMART & lovely teacher
you are the best
Thanks alot master James
I love the way you teach<3333
Scored 4/4 ;Pp
Great lesson; thank
nice class…
Thank you james, i love your lesson…………
Thanks for the lession
good lesson,but I didn’t like your way of teaching because it’s so fast.just review that and everything will be done.thank you
Hi nady.
why you don’t understand? or is it your first time in english class?.
Good job James!!!
Cara você é demais, sou brasileira e quero aprender a falar seu idioma, este site tem me ajudado muito…
Obrigada ( thanks for all)
can you speaks english Andrea Guerra
no offensive
Terrific tips…~
James is so funny that I can’t see the time goes by…
Thanks James u r great
i love engvid
Thanks for your lesson
It was awesome lecture.
I solved 4 out of 4.
what a nice lesson !!! thanks mr james :).
Thanx now iam fell happy
i am from Bangalore city if India. may be you know it. in my country, engvid moderator is consider like holy god and on moderator god’s birthday we all are celebrate in street with sweet and merrymint.
I’m going to take that with a grain of salt…
I like your teaching style.i hope i learnt so much things by u
thank you james , and i wanna says your teaching way is great and I love it, thank you again
great teacher
thanks for https://www.engvid.com
It’s a useful lesson by the right way. really,I have never enjoyed a lesson like it. great teacher.
Thank you very much
THanks sir
I looove you, Mister James !
I would love to be my teacher !
I love the way you teach and explain. You are the best no doubt.
Engvid is doing great work for whole world. My all teachers on engvid are very good TEACHER. I am learning a lot from you all. Thank you ENGVID.
Prashant Hans
Thanks Engvid and Thanks James!!!
tnks. It was of great help
I don´t know how to thank you.Please just keeping make us stronger in english.
Very nice tips..after this video it is very simple to learn vocabulary. thanks sir James
Thank u sir
nice and new,,,, tnx man :)
everything is easy when the students are motivated – if they’re not – the process U’ve suggested will surely scare them off ;)
thank you for this lesson !!!
oh, i love the way you teach!!! thanks sir for great job! you’re the best here, hehe))))
thank you James sir.
Mr James is so funny so we pay more attention.. i think he could be a good actor, like Jim Carrey!!
I love engvid. But could you show us some new idoims?thanks
Hi James. Thank you for the video. I like the way you teach and yes you’re a very funny teacher(in a good way of course). keep it up! :)
Thanks James you are great
Hi James, I am from Iran, and I learnt and am learning English by myself. I appreciate your creativity in lesson. I learned many English words by making stories. For instance, jealous: in Persian, jelez velez is the sound of burning something like frying. Therefore jealous is who is on flame of jealousy. Here is the problem, it is easy to learn words through stories, and relate them to first language. It is good for reading and listening, but for speaking I need to find the word. The only way I found was practice. Have you ever considered this? What is your idea?
you are awesome, i love your teaching. i have learn a lot.
Thank you like a million time >>
Thanks teacher I haven’t words to say thank you. You are awesome!!!
Three chairs for you.
Keep it up!!!
That’s what we rally need when studying
Thanks teacher, you are the best. I enjoyed your lesson.
what’s up bro how are you, can you sent to me a lot of example for fucking English I spent my life to learn this fucking language, so can you help me. you bro Aroof I am sorry I don’t know how to speak clearly.
I’m really enjoying this website and the teachers,and my native lang. is English. It’s helping me with improveing my vocabular and grammar. Thanks!
thank you very much sir
James you are a funny teacher ever I have seen I enjoy while listen u
love from Turkey :)
you’re a cool guy and I really enjoy your lessons
hello.i find it difficult stories,books.they are formal english.
about different context what kind of book are you reading?harry potter?holy bible?science fiction?time magazine?
James is one of teachers who makes lessons very interesting with the way he speaks i swear just watching him make me laugh but pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee sometimes u speak fast especially when u trying describe or make something clear 4 us “new vocabulary” u say, but its all good n allright . tyyyyyyyyyyyyy ver much
funny teacher! hope to see more eng….vid…from you! thank you
quite good :))
thanks James
you’re awesome, and SO friendly
Thank James. I love your humor. I think to improve pronounce skill, we have to pay attention to the word’s IPA (international phonetic alphabet). Is it right?
Hahaha!! Fast as you possibly can! Cheers James, you are the best!
I never get bored when you lecture :)
great ,
you deserve 9/10 points
hahahahah that worm makes you lose one point .
please accept my regards ,
you sincere / saad
The vocab. lesson was amazing! thank you!
Hi, Jame your lesson is useful. I’m cleared after studying this lesson. thanks.
learning english has become fun for me now.. thanks to James and engvid.com.
Thanks a lots
i’m tellibly thankful for engvid,all ressons are well understood
you make learning English so much easier thanks keep up the good work bless
Your teaching is good, James, but I think it’ll be better if you should stand on the right or on the left of the board- instead in the middle- explaining the lesson because the words on the boards are not hidden by you. It’ll be easier for students to copy what you write.
Thank you.
Thank you James I go to Geenwich college in London .
I have two teachers every teacher has his method to teach to help students to understand easier.the man who complaint can go pay his own teacher .
But live James alone.
Some people are never happy even you give them Gold and Silver.
I didn’t understand idiom in the end. Can anybody write it?
So grateful for U teacher !
Oh my God! How come?! I’ve just got 3/4. Thanks James for your awesome video. I’m watching it every free time in my day. :D
Wow!!! I got a perfect score!!! Awesome..You are the best teacher..thank you very much!!!
hey J, ur lesson is always fantastic for me. vivid pics and fun presentation is good for me to understand what u want to delive in class. thax!!!
my course involves big words like epidemiology which is hard for me to master the understanding let alone writing sentences. do you have any advice.
Respected James you are a best teacher of world.
thank you…….. A Great Man
I cant understand this class Mr. James
Could you help me james via email ?
Great lesson, thanks.
Thanks, it’s a great lesson!
Thank You! This lesson is very helpful for me.
You are the best man , thanks
Do you like it ? I do (;
thnx a lot it will be useful for the general student
awsome lesson, thank you very much for your effort
Playing angry birds ?! Zehahahahaha
Hi to averyone i would rather meet averyone who care about englesh language and i suggest to meet kind of personne cause averyone i think need to improove his language so lets start help each others. best regards
one mistake
thanks for you. It is a helpful lesson
you’re really my favourite teacher.
All the best
Thank you so much Dear.James. Everyone likes him please raise your hand?
need to work hard for it, ayos, which mean ok.
omg!!!!! I got the perfect score,,,:-)
Hey man your a great help in my way of teaching the four skills to my students.Happy to see this site any your great way of teaching , thanks a million.
10 out of 10! I like the “playing angry bird” answer XD Great lesson from a great teacher!! Bravo!!
Finally I got perfect. Thank you!
You are the man James…
i’ve found this website this morning. it’s really helpful. thank you so much :)
thank you,but the quiz was so hard????????!!!!!!!!!!
thanks you so much. your lesson is very fun. I think you are born to becomr talented teacher; you are so funny ^^
I’ve got 100 co0oo0l
nice guy, I like him ;-)
thank you for your lesson. i am happy to see your face and sound
thank you teacher it’s help me lot of by the way i’m satisfied all teachers to learn the best english lesson engvid
The quiz was hard for me to understand for me. But 3 of 4! Ya~y :D I enjoy studying English. Fun :D
Thank you, James :)
the way how the teach English language on your website very nice…Thanks a lot …..
Great leason .thank you too much
i’ve found this website this morning. it’s really helpful. thank you so much :)
thank you
Hello, mayn!)))
Nice to see your vids and you too!
I just want to express my interest in your videos and add that you could describe more one thing – turn down. I heared that in track *Turnt Down (Feat. Cali Swag District)*.
The example: *baby, why u turnt down(x3) getcha ass up. dancefloor down (x3)*. turned down* means break up the relationship with somebody. For example, you were with your girlfriend and now she is ex girlfriend for you because she *turned you down*. Hope I helped!
Hmmm. Actually, I think that it’s supposed to be taken as the opposite of “turnt up” — “baby, why aren’t you turnt up”.
maybe))))) I just luv dat song xDD. It helps me keep all these words in mind. Forgot where is your video which describes *turn* verb =(
sorry for the way I described this meaning. of course it’s hard to mention every meaning)). I’ve got some useful info from this vid!
more one phrase I heared was ‘turn my knock up’ xDD. One guy told me that it sounds like ‘make me pregnant’. He thought I am pervert xDD
OKAY. MORE ONE!!! What does *turn my swag on* mean ? Think that the ‘Turn up the volume ‘ phrase meaning is not appropriate for this case xDDD.
Okay, so the Rapgenius notes were not super helpful here…but “swagger” or “swag” means a fashionable style or a confident attitude. So when you turn your swag on, you suddenly become really badass.
In general, Rapgenius is really good for explanations of song lyrics!
please teach to slowly..
2/4, I am sorry,i will work hard next time!
Thanks for reply! I use these portals too, but not always can find out the situation. Just wanted to hear explicitly your opinion)). Now I got the meaning of this phrase ^^.
4/4 :D
You are the best teacher ever James, Thank you.
Thanks a lot, Mr James! Useful lesson!
as usual you are the best
Very nice James, Thank you! :D
OMG!, Playing Angry Birds!?
PS:thanks for the lesson, see you!.
Where can I find part 4 of master of modals?
Thanks a lot!))) My english teacher in school was angry women) Everyone had feared her… So, my english is not very well. But you are incredible person!!!))) thank you! I’m going to watch ALL of your lessons ;)
Thank you very much.
I like your teaching sir.. It’s really useful for me.
Hi James!
I have been watching your videos for the last week and really like them. I would like to see videos on techniques to communicate more effectively in academic settings. I am an international student (graduate) at an American university and sometimes it is really hard for me to communicate complex ideas or be part of the conversation. This has made me extremely self-conscious and is affecting my performance at work and school. Like I am more fluent when I am almost drunk at a bar but not at work! It is embarrassing and people are not taking me seriously. What do you recommend? I love your videos that’s is why I am asking. Super funny and useful :)
hi, I’m new member, i can’t recieve and show the video,can you help me?
I’m in iran and youtube is filter in Iran, is there any way to recieve the video?
please help me.
I love you so much James!
I feel annoyed when i was studying or memorizing vocabulary.
But when i just apply yours method , it becomes interesting and more effective!
That’s amazing. Your lesson always teach me a lot. My English is improving gradually!
Thank you James ^O^.
finally i can find how to memorized vocabulary :) this is more effective :) thank you James :) love you much :)
James,you are so good as a teacher,thank you so much.
Awsome teacher James
Playing Angry Birds … that’s funny!!!
Thanx you >)
I like James’ lessons a lot. He is very funny. Congratulation James.
I think this is one of the best teachers that i heared.
thanks sir I got 4 out of 4
If I had to express my opinion of this lesson, then I would say that it has been the most difficult lesson to understand I have ever seen, because the questionary has few questions but very difficult for me, I couldn’t remember very well the meanings of all of them, but I doesn’t matter I you want to learn English, you will get some day. Thanks a lot, teacher James, a short but very difficult lesson for me.
Thank you James
thanks, Sir James, I’ve been learning a lot from your videos since my first watch you at this site. totally blow my mind how to use all different words on different sentences. thank you, Sir!.
Thank you. As always you did a great job.
You got 3 correct out of 4.
thank you so much.
Yeaaaa I MASTER ind a got 100 %
Applause for me ! :)
Thank oyu for your advices. Inoticed that you have a good humour
I love it, thanks Mr. E and James
Thanks.you speak very quickly and uclnclearly.
Thanks sir
Thank you so much
thanks James, one and a thousand times
Hi Mr James, i have a question for you. Do i wrong, if i want learn some vocabularies, but i should know what is the meaning of the word ? Example, word “tenancy” which is mean is “penyewaaan” in Indonesian