Some English words have many uses. In this lesson we look at the usage of the word OVER, especially when talking about ages and speeds. I will talk about the word ABOVE in my next lesson.
His reaction was over my expectation when he lost his job again.
his reaction was above my exception
Thnx Jon…
great lesson. I liked your way of teaching. Thank you Jon.
Over = Speed or Age
Please correct above sentence if any incorrect.
you were born to be a teacher! great methodology! i guess i ll use it when i begin working with kids :)
Thanks for your little class, Jon. I appreciate your help, because I am a new English student. I have started to study English only three months ago.
Could you say one example with “above”?
Jon, I am sorry for my English.
Kind regards!
I think this is a good example for above: As I have written above, I got my degree in Economics in 2008.
thanks Jon:)
Hello You have a good methodology!!! I like it
Thank you, Jon!, your explanation was excellent.
thanks its very clear
It’s an impression.
Samrid Komkhum
helo sir thnx for ur help…could you tell us about “above”…this word u forget to explane.
love the man for sky.
me too
Thank you so much teachers
Thank you so much
Hello friends if anyone want to talk
In English to practice you welcome
This is my E mail Id
My name is Aysel ,ı am learning english in this webside ,it is very useful for us,you can write me ,ı am from Turkey ,regards
Hello sir
Hii James,
I am actually sorry not to keep your suggestion for writing out a short dialogue.To be honest,I truly wrote one but my fingers pressed the refresh button mistakenly and the total content got vanished from my reach.I promise you to rewrite later as an interesting story is revolving around my brain and I am looking forward to penning down that soon.However, Here I have written five sentences using “over” according to my understanding.
1.The cabie was running the taxi over 120 kilometer when he lost his control and hit a nearby eatery eventually.
2.The well-known wicket keeper cum batsman from Australia,named Gilchrist hit three consecutive sixes over the mid -off.(i.e. Over the fielders head as the ball was not rechable to them-it was out of their reach).
3.The famous Howrah-bridge is over the holy river the Ganges.
4.Imagine,I was standing in front of a drain and I wanted to go to the opposite site.On that context,I could have easily said that I jumped over the drain to get to the opposite end.
5.Last year,Over 10000 devotees visited the Golden temple in Amritshawar in India.
I urge you to correct my sentences if some are found incorrect to help me improve my English..looking forward to having reply soon..
sona sharma
Who’s James?????????!!!!!!!!
He’s Jon!
thanks Jon . I always wonder Canada espacially Toronto hello from Turkiye !!
I am over 21 so I probably can buy alcohol in the world.
thanks for your lesson and effinciacy
Your video was fine, but you forgot to tell about THE DIFFERENT OF ABOVE?
Jonathan Hans
very useful lessons..thank u..
I enjoy your class,because you explain very well and you have fun. I am portuguese and I hope to learn more with your lessons.
Hi Jon! It’s a good lesson! But, I have some doubts with “above”. Can I say “you’re over the clouds” or I should say “…above the clouds” Thank U
Thank you Jon. You’re such a cool teacher !!
hey stacey. how about if we communicate and make our skills more perfect.
yes, why not
do u have a facebook i.d..??
my email address is
add me up then we will talk .. it will be a great thing for both of us..
i tried it. but your account is not opening on facebook.. i have given you my e.mail address.. add me up on facebook.. we will talk then.. and let me know that do u have facebook i.d… ??
i am waiting for you now..
stacey. where are you.
satcey. where are you..
hey.. satcey.. where are you vanished..
the facebook in russia isn’t allowed.
its really awesome jon. you helped me allot by giving this lesson. but i have some difficulties in my conversation and i wanna share it with you. how could i.??
do let me know please. i’ll be waiting.
hey jon. its really awesome and your lesson helped me allot.
i am actually having some difficulties in my conversation and i wanna discuss it with you. how could i.?
do let me know.
i’ll be waiting.
thank you very much
hey toontoday..
how are you.. well i am learning english too.. how about if we both start coummunicating and it will help both of us alloot..
sure same, we are learning together nice to met you my name is toonly ^ ^
do u have a facebook i.d.. if then add me up there we will communicate then..
teach me thai and i will teach you english.kidding.if you want to improve your english skills first you ought to have confidence in you and dont think about mystakes,thie is the first rule.self confidence.if i can help you i would be glad to do something useful even tough my english is not enough good:D
thank you very much
thank teacher for usefull lesson. I admit that I’ve made some mistake using OVER before this lesson. I am eager to see lesson about ABOVE
thank teacher for usefull lesson. I admit that I’ve made some mistake using OVER before this lesson. I am eager to see lesson about ABOVE. greetings fom Belarus
thank you very much, it’s very useful
It was impressive especially Ur gesture
Nasir Buledi
Hi, Jon.
I think, you didn`t explain about “above”. Could you explain when I use? Thank you!!
Great lesson Jon!!!
I think use above when: not age and speedy.
Great Lesson.
I think he doesn’t forget ,if i understand we use (over)in these mentioned cases and (above) in others cases .
Thanks to correct me John
Hey Jon,
This video was hilarious. love your videos. keep’em coming.thank you
Excellent lesson,thanks
Hi, Jon.
well done Jone.thank you.
Thank you teacher Jon. Like that. Lily Diaz from Brazil
Thanks Jon for thats good lesson.
Thanks Jon ^_^
hey jon, thanks 4 the lesson…but when to use “above” .I mean whats the difference b/w above n over.
john, thnx your lesson was very helpful. greetings from mexico
Can I use over with degrees? E.g:
That day the temperature was over 10ºC
That day the temperature was above 10ºC
Which one is it correct?
I am new member, and feel interesting with your lesson, thank you so much Jon.
in this video u r not say clearly about above..
The next lesson will be on “above”!
engVid Moderator
Dear engVid Moderator,
I’m so grateful 2 u 4 ur nice preparations n if it’s possible plz give us more example 4 better understanding about the differences between such these words.
tx in advance,
Hi, Jon!
Why, you don`t ask the questions?
Thank you
Hii jhon ,
would you say one example with “above” please ?
Hello and think you for these good lessons
My question is how I can make notes ?
what are the main steps of that?
yeay !! I got 4 score from 4 question :D
wow really it is very good jop
Thank you so much, from Argentina I am going to recomend this website :)
good job , keep it up
thanks a lot
Thank you teach all your lessons are use full .but still we need more .
I want to learn how to write the essay and news thank you teachers .
oh that is good
it was a good lesson ^^ think you so much
First, thanks for the great video.
You were explaining about over and above. But how about ‘more’? When do we use that word?
Regards, Alisyah.
Thank you very much, Jon, but could you explain some examples about ‘ above ‘?
Thank’s again
Thanks Jan!
You are awsom in this Short video!
thanks jon.
thank for info.
OH very good english practice there this is my first time i m reading eingvid adn realy this is very good and helpfull for me
LOOOL I felt so sorry for him when he had to explain 18 and over for films LOL and seriously ” I have conversations with myself all the time” LOOOOOL
Jon, you use really good and simple way for explanations.
I’m really appreciated!
Thank you very much.
thanks John
Great Lesson.
thank teacher for usefull lesson
Thank u sir
Abdul Qayum
Sir..Thankyou so Much for this wonderful lesson..I am your old student..Watched yourr video After a Long is really helpful..Sir i wanna ask that Oftenly above and over seem to be very similar but not always:
I am really wondering is there any difference for the usage of over and above? Is there any situation that one can not be used in the place of the other?
If I make it more comprehensible, can I use; I like watching the planes fly over me or above me. Which one is correct grammatically?
I am waiting for your reply sir
hello simran. how are you.. i hope you would like to learn english with me as i am also learning it from engvid.. how about if we both talk to each other so that will be very helpful for both of us to make our skills better that much.. ???
Thanks you prof Jon!
helpful .. thank you
Loda Alkurdy
ha be esh
thanks you! good lesson
Thanks Jon.
Nice so nice
Thank you very much you are a good teacher.
Thank u Jon for ur’ll be very usefull for me. I also like the funny way u give lessons.
Take care!!!!
Thanx Jon
I am new in this forum and need to help to improve my comm skils. could you please help me?
Merci pour cette excellente lesson.
Thanks a lot
Thanks jonh for about your lesson but i think it is very short lesson
Hi, Jon
Great lessons! I have a suggestion for you…
When you finished your lessons you can leave flying, what you think? don’t forget, the elevator is broken!
See you!
spice up ,see you soon
I enjoy watching this lesson!
Thank you teacher!
Thank you so much Jon! And you taught very clear(for me) right now i’m studying in HK and your video I can usefully
when do we use IT”S OVER
thanks Mr Jon
wow 3:50, do you know what, September 7th, 1994 is my date of birth ^v^
Linh PS
Thanks, Jon!!
Thanks a lot. I was confused with this word “over” because I have seen it a lot in many different meaning. However, after this lesson I am able to know the way that it comes with.
thank you so much
Thank you Mr.John. I like your lessons!!
useful lesson !
Hi:) Thanks for the video. One question, Does “over” works as a verb too? For example, in the sentence: I’m over you, what’s the meaning of over? (I hear it in a tv show and for the context I guess it’s something like she forgot him, but I’m not sure)
that all of the people loved to learn English but 18 and over that they missed our chance , am I right?
Yeahhh 100 %. Thanks…
Why in the sentence Mount Everest ….over the sea level is incorrect and correct the sentence , you have to be 18 and over….Thank you.
eeeyy… what happened with above?
Thanks you!!! Good lesson
Andrea Pires
I just have learned this lesson.
I was going over the speed limit sometimes. Thank you Jon.
Thanks Jon Very lesson
great video!!!
I Thank you for the Lesson, Sir.
I have a question, would you please explain which one is the correct sentence,
“The class is over” or “The class is finish”?
“The class is over” is correct, but “the class is finish” is almost right — you could also say “class is finished”.
engVid Moderator
Thanks for your reply. EngVid!
Thanks a lot, very helpful lesson
Thanks a lot, Mr Jon very useful lesson! :)
Ip Man Lee
Thanks got 100%.
Abdul Qayum
The funniest and the best explanation I’ve heard about ‘over 18’…
Ivan David
Hi Jon,where the hell are you?Anyway thank you!
Hi Jon,
I practice with conversations with myself :-). This is a good idea for introvert persons as me.
just chat with me.
Febria Rahmi
Thank you Jon!
Thanks a lot for your time sir.
Oh my.. I got 3 score
Hi, Jon! Nice class! Is it common to say “I forgot my ID at home.”? I learned that the correct way to say it was “I left my ID at home.” I am confused, could you explain that, please? Thank you!
Júlio César L Sousa
thank you jon
anidh loora
Great Jon!
Benny Dilson
precise explanation about over 18
Thanks, it was excellent
i love the way he talks :)
Febria Rahmi
The truck must be above three meters in height,to pass under the bridge.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
His reaction was over my expectation when he lost his job again.
his reaction was above my exception
Thnx Jon…
great lesson. I liked your way of teaching. Thank you Jon.
Over = Speed or Age
Please correct above sentence if any incorrect.
you were born to be a teacher! great methodology! i guess i ll use it when i begin working with kids :)
Thanks for your little class, Jon. I appreciate your help, because I am a new English student. I have started to study English only three months ago.
Could you say one example with “above”?
Jon, I am sorry for my English.
Kind regards!
I think this is a good example for above: As I have written above, I got my degree in Economics in 2008.
thanks Jon:)
Hello You have a good methodology!!! I like it
Thank you, Jon!, your explanation was excellent.
thanks its very clear
It’s an impression.
helo sir thnx for ur help…could you tell us about “above”…this word u forget to explane.
love the man for sky.
me too
Thank you so much teachers
Thank you so much
Hello friends if anyone want to talk
In English to practice you welcome
This is my E mail Id
My name is Aysel ,ı am learning english in this webside ,it is very useful for us,you can write me ,ı am from Turkey ,regards
Hii James,
I am actually sorry not to keep your suggestion for writing out a short dialogue.To be honest,I truly wrote one but my fingers pressed the refresh button mistakenly and the total content got vanished from my reach.I promise you to rewrite later as an interesting story is revolving around my brain and I am looking forward to penning down that soon.However, Here I have written five sentences using “over” according to my understanding.
1.The cabie was running the taxi over 120 kilometer when he lost his control and hit a nearby eatery eventually.
2.The well-known wicket keeper cum batsman from Australia,named Gilchrist hit three consecutive sixes over the mid -off.(i.e. Over the fielders head as the ball was not rechable to them-it was out of their reach).
3.The famous Howrah-bridge is over the holy river the Ganges.
4.Imagine,I was standing in front of a drain and I wanted to go to the opposite site.On that context,I could have easily said that I jumped over the drain to get to the opposite end.
5.Last year,Over 10000 devotees visited the Golden temple in Amritshawar in India.
I urge you to correct my sentences if some are found incorrect to help me improve my English..looking forward to having reply soon..
Who’s James?????????!!!!!!!!
He’s Jon!
thanks Jon . I always wonder Canada espacially Toronto hello from Turkiye !!
I am over 21 so I probably can buy alcohol in the world.
thanks for your lesson and effinciacy
Your video was fine, but you forgot to tell about THE DIFFERENT OF ABOVE?
very useful lessons..thank u..
I enjoy your class,because you explain very well and you have fun. I am portuguese and I hope to learn more with your lessons.
Hi Jon! It’s a good lesson! But, I have some doubts with “above”. Can I say “you’re over the clouds” or I should say “…above the clouds” Thank U
Thank you Jon. You’re such a cool teacher !!
hey stacey. how about if we communicate and make our skills more perfect.
yes, why not
do u have a facebook i.d..??
my email address is
add me up then we will talk .. it will be a great thing for both of us..
my email
i tried it. but your account is not opening on facebook.. i have given you my e.mail address.. add me up on facebook.. we will talk then.. and let me know that do u have facebook i.d… ??
i am waiting for you now..
stacey. where are you.
satcey. where are you..
hey.. satcey.. where are you vanished..
the facebook in russia isn’t allowed.
its really awesome jon. you helped me allot by giving this lesson. but i have some difficulties in my conversation and i wanna share it with you. how could i.??
do let me know please. i’ll be waiting.
hey jon. its really awesome and your lesson helped me allot.
i am actually having some difficulties in my conversation and i wanna discuss it with you. how could i.?
do let me know.
i’ll be waiting.
thank you very much
hey toontoday..
how are you.. well i am learning english too.. how about if we both start coummunicating and it will help both of us alloot..
sure same, we are learning together nice to met you my name is toonly ^ ^
do u have a facebook i.d.. if then add me up there we will communicate then..
teach me thai and i will teach you english.kidding.if you want to improve your english skills first you ought to have confidence in you and dont think about mystakes,thie is the first rule.self confidence.if i can help you i would be glad to do something useful even tough my english is not enough good:D
thank you very much
thank teacher for usefull lesson. I admit that I’ve made some mistake using OVER before this lesson. I am eager to see lesson about ABOVE
thank teacher for usefull lesson. I admit that I’ve made some mistake using OVER before this lesson. I am eager to see lesson about ABOVE. greetings fom Belarus
thank you very much, it’s very useful
It was impressive especially Ur gesture
Hi, Jon.
I think, you didn`t explain about “above”. Could you explain when I use? Thank you!!
Great lesson Jon!!!
I think use above when: not age and speedy.
Great Lesson.
I think he doesn’t forget ,if i understand we use (over)in these mentioned cases and (above) in others cases .
Thanks to correct me John
Hey Jon,
This video was hilarious. love your videos. keep’em coming.thank you
Excellent lesson,thanks
Hi, Jon.
well done Jone.thank you.
Thank you teacher Jon. Like that. Lily Diaz from Brazil
Thanks Jon for thats good lesson.
Thanks Jon ^_^
hey jon, thanks 4 the lesson…but when to use “above” .I mean whats the difference b/w above n over.
john, thnx your lesson was very helpful. greetings from mexico
Can I use over with degrees? E.g:
That day the temperature was over 10ºC
That day the temperature was above 10ºC
Which one is it correct?
I am new member, and feel interesting with your lesson, thank you so much Jon.
in this video u r not say clearly about above..
The next lesson will be on “above”!
Dear engVid Moderator,
I’m so grateful 2 u 4 ur nice preparations n if it’s possible plz give us more example 4 better understanding about the differences between such these words.
tx in advance,
Hi, Jon!
Why, you don`t ask the questions?
Thank you
Hii jhon ,
would you say one example with “above” please ?
Hello and think you for these good lessons
My question is how I can make notes ?
what are the main steps of that?
yeay !! I got 4 score from 4 question :D
wow really it is very good jop
Thank you so much, from Argentina I am going to recomend this website :)
good job , keep it up
thanks a lot
Thank you teach all your lessons are use full .but still we need more .
I want to learn how to write the essay and news thank you teachers .
oh that is good
it was a good lesson ^^ think you so much
First, thanks for the great video.
You were explaining about over and above. But how about ‘more’? When do we use that word?
Regards, Alisyah.
Thank you very much, Jon, but could you explain some examples about ‘ above ‘?
Thank’s again
Thanks Jan!
You are awsom in this Short video!
thanks jon.
thank for info.
OH very good english practice there this is my first time i m reading eingvid adn realy this is very good and helpfull for me
LOOOL I felt so sorry for him when he had to explain 18 and over for films LOL and seriously ” I have conversations with myself all the time” LOOOOOL
Jon, you use really good and simple way for explanations.
I’m really appreciated!
Thank you very much.
thanks John
Great Lesson.
thank teacher for usefull lesson
Thank u sir
Sir..Thankyou so Much for this wonderful lesson..I am your old student..Watched yourr video After a Long is really helpful..Sir i wanna ask that Oftenly above and over seem to be very similar but not always:
I am really wondering is there any difference for the usage of over and above? Is there any situation that one can not be used in the place of the other?
If I make it more comprehensible, can I use; I like watching the planes fly over me or above me. Which one is correct grammatically?
I am waiting for your reply sir
hello simran. how are you.. i hope you would like to learn english with me as i am also learning it from engvid.. how about if we both talk to each other so that will be very helpful for both of us to make our skills better that much.. ???
Thanks you prof Jon!
helpful .. thank you
ha be esh
thanks you! good lesson
Thanks Jon.
Nice so nice
Thank you very much you are a good teacher.
Thank u Jon for ur’ll be very usefull for me. I also like the funny way u give lessons.
Take care!!!!
Thanx Jon
I am new in this forum and need to help to improve my comm skils. could you please help me?
Merci pour cette excellente lesson.
Thanks a lot
Thanks jonh for about your lesson but i think it is very short lesson
Hi, Jon
Great lessons! I have a suggestion for you…
When you finished your lessons you can leave flying, what you think? don’t forget, the elevator is broken!
See you!
spice up ,see you soon
I enjoy watching this lesson!
Thank you teacher!
Thank you so much Jon! And you taught very clear(for me) right now i’m studying in HK and your video I can usefully
when do we use IT”S OVER
thanks Mr Jon
wow 3:50, do you know what, September 7th, 1994 is my date of birth ^v^
Thanks, Jon!!
Thanks a lot. I was confused with this word “over” because I have seen it a lot in many different meaning. However, after this lesson I am able to know the way that it comes with.
thank you so much
Thank you Mr.John. I like your lessons!!
useful lesson !
Hi:) Thanks for the video. One question, Does “over” works as a verb too? For example, in the sentence: I’m over you, what’s the meaning of over? (I hear it in a tv show and for the context I guess it’s something like she forgot him, but I’m not sure)
that all of the people loved to learn English but 18 and over that they missed our chance , am I right?
Yeahhh 100 %. Thanks…
Why in the sentence Mount Everest ….over the sea level is incorrect and correct the sentence , you have to be 18 and over….Thank you.
eeeyy… what happened with above?
Thanks you!!! Good lesson
I just have learned this lesson.
I was going over the speed limit sometimes. Thank you Jon.
Thanks Jon Very lesson
great video!!!
I Thank you for the Lesson, Sir.
I have a question, would you please explain which one is the correct sentence,
“The class is over” or “The class is finish”?
“The class is over” is correct, but “the class is finish” is almost right — you could also say “class is finished”.
Thanks for your reply. EngVid!
Thanks a lot, very helpful lesson
Thanks a lot, Mr Jon very useful lesson! :)
Thanks got 100%.
The funniest and the best explanation I’ve heard about ‘over 18’…
Hi Jon,where the hell are you?Anyway thank you!
Hi Jon,
I practice with conversations with myself :-). This is a good idea for introvert persons as me.
just chat with me.
Thank you Jon!
Thanks a lot for your time sir.
Oh my.. I got 3 score
Hi, Jon! Nice class! Is it common to say “I forgot my ID at home.”? I learned that the correct way to say it was “I left my ID at home.” I am confused, could you explain that, please? Thank you!
thank you jon
Great Jon!
precise explanation about over 18
Thanks, it was excellent
i love the way he talks :)
The truck must be above three meters in height,to pass under the bridge.
You may be entertained by this famous bridge in North Carolina, USA, which is just a little too low for modern trucks.
I think itsn’t correct,i would say : below….
Thanks, Jon
Very good lesson!!!
Thanks a lot!
100%. His behavior was over my expectation. Is the sentence above correct?
thank a lot,Jon
So, what about “above”? The teacher is easy-going, told only bout 2 cases of using the “over” word and that’s all. Not liked
Great lesson and thank you Jon.