In this lesson, I look at some of the most common idioms related to the human body. What does it mean if someone tells you to keep your nose out of his or her business? Expand your idiomatic knowledge with this free English lesson.
Thank you! Very easy explanation to understanding and keeping in mind))
Thanks a lot.. Very good explanation, helped me a lot to understand these idioms…:)
thanks for the nice idiom lessons, would you please explain to me how much of idioms do i need to score high in TOEFL, I am really suffering reading for the TOEFL, OR any other advise will be appreciated.
Thank you so much for that information, specially because I’m learning english, and this is really useful, You all make it easy to understand and remember. Excellent work to you all, I’ve seen some of your videos.. They have helped me a lot. Thanks again, Keep on like this! :)
Natalie, Venezuela
it`s so interesting .
thanks alot.
hi Dear Alex.i listen your lessons with great explain everything very good.i think i have learnt much more important idioms thanks to you.
Hi Ugur. I am fond of his explanation. He is perfect, I think.
it was excellent!!!
Alex I would like to ask you, what´s the difference between idiom and slang?
thank you.
walter beda
Hi Walter,
That is an excellent question, and one that is not easy to answer.
Slang is usually used by young people, or within a certain group of people. For example, hockey players have their own slang. “Give me the biscuit” means “Pass me the hockey puck.” Slang changes the meanings of words, and is usually only understood by people who are in a particular group. Slang can also destroy proper grammatical structures.
Idioms are more universal in the English language. An idiom is an expression, word, or phrase whose literal meaning is different from its intended meaning. If I say “he has two left feet,” the literal meaning is much different than the intended meaning.
Can you please explain to me
the different btw slang-casual English ??
thank you very much!!))
i have a little question) in the test i have seen this sentence”You agree with my conclusion?” but i was learnt that the construction of the interrogative sentence must be like this “do you agree with my… ”
is it always allowed to ask in that way?(like you wrote)
thank you)))
Hi Lina,
I used “You agree with my conclusion?” not as interrogative, but as a clarifying statement/question. It’s like saying “So, you agree with me.”
Here is another example:
Alex: I thought that movie was terrible.
Lina: Yeah, I thought so too.
Alex: You agree with my opinion? Wonderful!
It would be silly to ask an interrogative question after you said “Yeah, I thought so too.” By saying/asking “you agree with my opinion?” I am not really asking if you agree with my opinion, but clarifying and re-stating that fact.
I hope this helps and makes sense!
thank u so much!
Thanks a lot)
Hello Alex,
Thank you for your clear lesson on some idioms related to some parts of our body.
I’ve got two left feet by the way. So the first idiom becomes me perfect. (Hope this sentence makes sense.)
Looking forward to your next lesson..
Bye for now.
I think you meant to say “the first sentence describes me perfectly,” or “the first sentence fits me perfectly.”
Thank you for watching.
Thank you so much Alex. You’ve been helping me a lot with the your clear and clarifying lessons.
Looking forward to your next video.
Thank you for all your suppport
Wellington Sousa
hey Alex,
thank you for this,
Anyway, could you please give the explanation/definition of each idioms? I just see the explanation for number 1: put your back into it = work harder.
Appreciate your reply.
Thank you very much for this lesson. Could you lend me a hand for more body idioms.
hamid haj
Hi everybody. Alex, thanks a lot. You are perfect! You explain everything well.
hi everyone ,
and thanks a lot for the explanation .
the lesson is awsome ..
please i want to know more idioms .
Thank you kindly Alex for these useful idioms . Iwait more and more
thank’s a lot for this explanation.
as a english student i have some dificult to understand this kind of sentence.
keep doing this job man….
denis silva
What’s up? Alex Thank you for this lesson. I’m learning little by little Thank You again.
Robert Estrada
really first time for looking your web ..oh destination for everybody that so interesting to learn english…thank you so much
pop much more
Thank you so much about these great lessons.
I have a question:
How can I use the words: effect, affect and fluence?
Thanks so lot and have a good time.
Mary Hieu
lurvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv u soooo muchhhhhhhh
this helped a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to tell u da truth all ur vid dooooooo
once again love uuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi Alex , I would like to thank you very much.
Thanks for help
Your lesson is very undestandable!!!
Thank you for this lesson. It is perfect!
Thank you Alex.
I would like to ask you, what´s the difference between register and recorder?
Thank you
Hi, There Alex.
Just stopped by to give you A BIG THANKS, for your wonderful lesson ^^
And, I have questions, if you don’t mind ^^ :
1. Can you show me/tell me, how to teach students in the first meeting (well, basically they don’t really understand English, don’t they ? ) ? specially for students from the age of 3 to 12 ?
2. Do you have tips to teach students from other country (like Japan or Korea for examples ) ?
3. Can I have your e-mail (so I can ask you a lot of questions ^^) ?
Thank you Alex.
Keep a good Work ^^
Thanks. It was very very useful.
Thank you very much Alex for having wonderful and useful explanation……………
You are such wonderful insturctor
thank you Alex
Thanks your class is very important for my, its going to help me a lot.
excellent explanation thank’s alot Alex
You are the best!!! Thank you for you are !!!!
wow lol thanks Mr. Alex I enjoy yoiur lesson very much…
You are such great insturctor thank you for your insturction
sweet Alex;
sence tow day ago i joint your on line class .
it’s reaally fantastic . i 100% passd a quize but still now i am confuse abut how to use , put your back in to it . i think its mean need to hard work , or need to push by some one or sommthing eals ?????????
just help me for more clearifacation
thank you teahcer
Dear Alex
I am very appreciate your online teaching. it is very great chance for me to improve my english I really want to know more and more
Deeply thanks for your best work
Best regards,
H. Phanny
he phanny
fantasic and very beautifully explained
Hi, I like this video. Can I use it in my lessons? How can I download it?
Irene Starodubtseva
Thanks a lot Alex ^_^
Abdullah Hamza
Thanks a lot. It’a very helpful lesson. Good luck!!!
Very useful, cheers
thanks for the lesson it was easy to undertand
thank you for your examm.
thanks alot
Very useful.
thanx alot very nice i like it
I’m luckly for to find out this website is really helpfull thanks a lot teacher
thanx Ur work is really he is going to help us in large interest.
your a good teacher aswome..
It’s really very nice ……
Very good, thank you
Luis Miguel
That’s triff. Thanks a lot,the lesson is very clear to understand it.
I’m Really happy today finding
itcould improve n make a good progess of my english skill.
Thanks Alex, I learn alot from you.
Thank you sir
you really had lend me your hand for this lesson
your videos are very helpfull for me,sir i want to speak english but lack of confidance and spelling mistakes i feel anable to speak and write my viue plz help me if any one help me. plz tell me how can i speak english very fluently and write english correctly. plz riply me
your videos are very helpfull for me,sir i want to speak english but lack of confidance and spelling mistakes i feel anable to speak and write my view plz help me if any one help me. plz tell me how can i speak english very fluently and write english correctly. plz riply me
first i want to offer my thanks to you for your informative video lessons i love your teaching style.Apart from that i have a question to ask is that the sentence “keep your nose out of someone`s business” is a rude and impolite sentence? or it`s just a regular kind of telling someone that not to concern himself for others problems.
I`m looking forward to the answer.
i`m not patient enought. i`d be thankful if someone answers my question.
Hi samaneh,
It is a very strong statement, and it may sound rude depending on how you use it. I would not use it as a regular part of my speech, especially if you are in a formal situation. It is fine with close friends or it may be used if you are angry or if you WANT to be forceful with someone.
thanks for your concerns
really useful
thanks for the learning, it helps me a lot.
I’ve been learning English for two years.I’m in college now. One of my problems is to understand Idioms,I hear new ones every day sometimes you can guess their meanings yet, guessing doesn’t always work .I think you guys should focus on them a lot.Keep up the good work!!!
Thanks a lot.
very good Mr Alex thank you very much but i want some vocabulary about human body like “marrow” for example cause i am so bad in that kind of vocabularies and thank you so much
Thank you for the suggestion. I may give a biology lesson in the future!
wow thanks for your help
ahmed abdi
it was a nice lesson
i like it
this is cool!
What’s a helpful lesson !!!
It’s amazing as it always :)))
It really helped me!Thanks!
No better words to say! Thank you. Excellent job!
Thank you .I’ve been learning a lot
Fran Falcao
Tank you very much!
I’m french from Québec
You make the explication clear.
You are a great teacher.
It’s générous to share for free the advices.
Good day to you.
nathalie M
I’m from Ukraine,Ivano-Frankivsk. We use your lessons for our students every time. You really help us to improve English.Thank you very much.
Thanks a lot, Alex. This is very interesting and useful information.
hi alex,
This is really helpful,apart from that could you clarify the difference between ‘keep your nose out of my business’ and ‘Maintain your low profile’.which one of these are more polite?
To keep a low profile means to be inconspicuous, or not to be too obvious in a situation. You can hear this in many spy or action movies. :)
“Keep your nose out of my business” is not really polite, and is used if you are angry or annoyed with someone who will not leave you alone.
The two phrases are different. I would say that “keep a low profile” is more polite, because it is helpful advice. “Keep your nose out of my business” is a much stronger imperative, and shows that the speaker is upset.
it was really helpfull for me .
thank you so much sir!
i really like your lessons . thank very much .
your explaination is clear as a bell
I am from Pakistan facing difficulty to learn English but these videos are helping me a lot. A tremendous job is being done to help the students across the globe. Really, the teamwork is commendable. Hope to watch more latest videos!
Sania Qureshi
Hi Alex
Istared see your lesson sience three weaks and i love it It really help to improve my english. Could you tell me pleace,what do i need besides the program to improve my english or those lesson are enough for imfroving my english
I’m really greatful to watch thoese lesson. I learn lots of thing with in few weeks in thoese lesson.Could you tell me please what do i need to improve my english beside these lesson.i want to put my back to improve my english. Please help me to give your advice.
Hey alex, i need your help.
-Could you tell me what’s idioms and slang?
And where do i hear that?
I’m looking foraward to hearing you.
thank you.
Hi Marie, for you who is French (?):
IDIOMS= expressions
SLANG = argot
You’d probably found this words in “LESSON TOPICS” = sujets des leçons.
i want to learn spoken english pls give tip
thank you!!!
that’s great and very well, now i m going to make my English well and better, and i m very thankful to u and all teachers…
we can speak english on skype
Hi! Alex.
Very Clear Lesson.
Looking Forward to Your Next Lesson.
Thank You.
Dear sir.
I am Vietnamese.Would you mind explaining an action to celebrate victory: hi five or high five.I have searched in Oxford Dictionary ,it only has” high five” but sometimes in subtitle of videos for speaking English I saw ” hi five”
tri bui
I’m looking forward to more useful lessons from you :)
Teacher, thanks so much ^^
Thank you very much ! I really enjoyed it.
Best regards, Javier.
Hello Alex, thank you very much for your explanation. I really enjoyed !
Best regards.
jenel sanon
Dear Alex,
thanks for all! I’m very happy that I discovered :o) these lessons.
I have a little correction in spelling an adjective “embarassing”. It should be “embaRRassing”. Am I right?
Pa,pa :o)
we can speak english by by
good Thank you and good quiz
Hi, your lesson about Body Idioms is very interesting and benefit, thanks.
100 %!)
hi Alex!you are really the best teacher which I ever seen!You help me every day put my back into it!And it’s very difficult for me to learn English because I have 2 left feet…You lend me a hand in my English way!Thanks a lot)
with best regards Anna from Russia
Any Russia
thanks a lot alex i never knew that i have much to learn
hy ALEX how r u?ALEX can u help me to describe in easy way the use of has ,have and had .bcoz i cannt use these words easily in spoken english.i know my grammar is so week my english is not too good but i hope u will understand my problm.
thank you so much mr alex
i got 5 out 5 i am glad .
i have a question my question is if i say someone who is daddy ? or Don’t believe the hype? is that right sir
ibrahim magale
Greeting from Romania!!Great work!
Very good and helpful lessons. I’m going to improve my English with this lessons. I need English every day for my work. It is possible to do a video about CV and cover letter example?
Pretty good!
Thanks Alex. You are a perfect teacher
Hi Alex,
Many thanks,i really appreciate your teaching and could you lend me your hend that i have no grip on spelling sometime i know the words but always fail to write good words due to spelling problem.
I will appreciate your patronge.
thnxxxx that was my first video and i admired u
but i face a problem that when i listen i can understand what people say in english but i can’t say it or when i start talkin i forget many words plz tell me what should i do
thanks Alex!
I like the way you teach Alex !!! I have just a question about pronunciation: How is it possible that the word “read” has 2 kind of sounds ? I mean when it means past I’ve to read “read” (red) when it means present i have to read “read” (reed)
i learn a lot,thanks
Adhikary Pushpa
thank you Alex you are very good teacher.
Hmmm…I decided to put my back into learning English and you,Mr.Alex lent me a hand…And …even if you have two left feet and always try to solve smb’s problems…I am really glad we see eye to eye!!!)))
thanks a lot for your quiz…
i can know more about idioms…..
Thank you very much. Alex.
it’s great!! I’m perfect… thank you alex
emerelyn pairat castro
Hi! Alex this is sunil kumar,
how can i improve my english so that i can speak in front of anybody very easily
your a great teacher Alex. the way you explain and use body language helps us easy to understand the problem. thank you so much ! watching ur videos everyday and really enjoy them
thanks alex, very useful for me
thank u SIR.
Abdul mateen
perfect… learning from your lessons alex…thanks..
Thank you very much, Alex. You help me to improve my English.
amazing lesson!
Thank you Alex…
Hello Alex,
What a difference between thus and hence?
I have seen and exercised it. Thank you so much for delivering it by nice way
nice idioms
i have enjoyed this lesson
omg….a lot of comments. It´s a great page. Thanks.
100You got 5 correct out of 5.
Very good lesson! Thanks Alex!
Can you make a lesson about how to use would ، I am absoIutly flommuxed when I have to use it and thank you for this nice lesson .
very interesting thanksssssssssssssss
mr james and Alex
a very nice lesson . thank you
Thanks Alex, very good lesson.
Jacek 79
very good. explaint
than you : )
that is the best thing I’ve found on the internet.
fadel ghazy
It’s very interesing. Thanks for the lesson.
It’s really interesting. Thanks a lot, teacher Alex. My English is improving more.
thaks u Alex,
ann ann
Good one. Thank you.
Thanks a bunch Alex for all lesssons that I have recieved, I love your accent and it´s very significant that you are showing differents examples in every class a big hug from Colombia
5/5, i got 100% nearly in all lessons – it becames a good tradition
hi,nice glacces
Thank you
The reply of the first question was wrong, so test gave me an explanation, now i got it. Thank you, Alex!
Hi Alex,
I am learning a lot with your free English videos. I am looking these videos since last week. I am improving a lot.Thanks for helping us.
Alex! Thank you so much :) I’m clear as a bell. Nowadays I watch the your video. It’s exactly helped my English skill. I’m so happy.
Thanks Alex, it is very helpful
Thanks Alex I really learnt a lot.
Kemar Pounall
You guys are very wonderful!!!!
Thanks, Alex. I got 100%! Great!!
i got it all correct , thank you.
ann ann
I really excited to learn these new idioms and I scored 100% of your test :)
Good job.
Please more idioms.
5/5 Thank you
Sunny Muffin
Jonathas Wilhem
I need to push my back into finishing my minithesis.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thanks for your good work!!
It helps me with English idioms a lot!
what beautiful that was ?
i think that student want to learn
thank you too much
Thank you! Very easy explanation to understanding and keeping in mind))
Thanks a lot.. Very good explanation, helped me a lot to understand these idioms…:)
thanks for the nice idiom lessons, would you please explain to me how much of idioms do i need to score high in TOEFL, I am really suffering reading for the TOEFL, OR any other advise will be appreciated.
Thank you so much for that information, specially because I’m learning english, and this is really useful, You all make it easy to understand and remember. Excellent work to you all, I’ve seen some of your videos.. They have helped me a lot. Thanks again, Keep on like this! :)
it`s so interesting .
thanks alot.
hi Dear Alex.i listen your lessons with great explain everything very good.i think i have learnt much more important idioms thanks to you.
Hi Ugur. I am fond of his explanation. He is perfect, I think.
it was excellent!!!
Alex I would like to ask you, what´s the difference between idiom and slang?
thank you.
Hi Walter,
That is an excellent question, and one that is not easy to answer.
Slang is usually used by young people, or within a certain group of people. For example, hockey players have their own slang. “Give me the biscuit” means “Pass me the hockey puck.” Slang changes the meanings of words, and is usually only understood by people who are in a particular group. Slang can also destroy proper grammatical structures.
Idioms are more universal in the English language. An idiom is an expression, word, or phrase whose literal meaning is different from its intended meaning. If I say “he has two left feet,” the literal meaning is much different than the intended meaning.
For more information, you can consult wikipedia:
Can you please explain to me
the different btw slang-casual English ??
thank you very much!!))
i have a little question) in the test i have seen this sentence”You agree with my conclusion?” but i was learnt that the construction of the interrogative sentence must be like this “do you agree with my… ”
is it always allowed to ask in that way?(like you wrote)
thank you)))
Hi Lina,
I used “You agree with my conclusion?” not as interrogative, but as a clarifying statement/question. It’s like saying “So, you agree with me.”
Here is another example:
Alex: I thought that movie was terrible.
Lina: Yeah, I thought so too.
Alex: You agree with my opinion? Wonderful!
It would be silly to ask an interrogative question after you said “Yeah, I thought so too.” By saying/asking “you agree with my opinion?” I am not really asking if you agree with my opinion, but clarifying and re-stating that fact.
I hope this helps and makes sense!
thank u so much!
Thanks a lot)
Hello Alex,
Thank you for your clear lesson on some idioms related to some parts of our body.
I’ve got two left feet by the way. So the first idiom becomes me perfect. (Hope this sentence makes sense.)
Looking forward to your next lesson..
Bye for now.
I think you meant to say “the first sentence describes me perfectly,” or “the first sentence fits me perfectly.”
Thank you for watching.
Thank you so much Alex. You’ve been helping me a lot with the your clear and clarifying lessons.
Looking forward to your next video.
Thank you for all your suppport
hey Alex,
thank you for this,
Anyway, could you please give the explanation/definition of each idioms? I just see the explanation for number 1: put your back into it = work harder.
Appreciate your reply.
Thank you very much for this lesson. Could you lend me a hand for more body idioms.
Hi everybody. Alex, thanks a lot. You are perfect! You explain everything well.
hi everyone ,
and thanks a lot for the explanation .
the lesson is awsome ..
please i want to know more idioms .
Thank you kindly Alex for these useful idioms . Iwait more and more
thank’s a lot for this explanation.
as a english student i have some dificult to understand this kind of sentence.
keep doing this job man….
What’s up? Alex Thank you for this lesson. I’m learning little by little Thank You again.
really first time for looking your web ..oh destination for everybody that so interesting to learn english…thank you so much
Thank you so much about these great lessons.
I have a question:
How can I use the words: effect, affect and fluence?
Thanks so lot and have a good time.
lurvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv u soooo muchhhhhhhh
this helped a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to tell u da truth all ur vid dooooooo
once again love uuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi Alex , I would like to thank you very much.
Thanks for help
Your lesson is very undestandable!!!
Thank you for this lesson. It is perfect!
Thank you Alex.
I would like to ask you, what´s the difference between register and recorder?
Thank you
Hi, There Alex.
Just stopped by to give you A BIG THANKS, for your wonderful lesson ^^
And, I have questions, if you don’t mind ^^ :
1. Can you show me/tell me, how to teach students in the first meeting (well, basically they don’t really understand English, don’t they ? ) ? specially for students from the age of 3 to 12 ?
2. Do you have tips to teach students from other country (like Japan or Korea for examples ) ?
3. Can I have your e-mail (so I can ask you a lot of questions ^^) ?
Thank you Alex.
Keep a good Work ^^
Thanks. It was very very useful.
Thank you very much Alex for having wonderful and useful explanation……………
You are such wonderful insturctor
thank you Alex
Thanks your class is very important for my, its going to help me a lot.
excellent explanation thank’s alot Alex
You are the best!!! Thank you for you are !!!!
wow lol thanks Mr. Alex I enjoy yoiur lesson very much…
You are such great insturctor thank you for your insturction
sweet Alex;
sence tow day ago i joint your on line class .
it’s reaally fantastic . i 100% passd a quize but still now i am confuse abut how to use , put your back in to it . i think its mean need to hard work , or need to push by some one or sommthing eals ?????????
just help me for more clearifacation
thank you teahcer
Dear Alex
I am very appreciate your online teaching. it is very great chance for me to improve my english I really want to know more and more
Deeply thanks for your best work
Best regards,
H. Phanny
fantasic and very beautifully explained
Hi, I like this video. Can I use it in my lessons? How can I download it?
Thanks a lot Alex ^_^
Thanks a lot. It’a very helpful lesson. Good luck!!!
Very useful, cheers
thanks for the lesson it was easy to undertand
thank you for your examm.
thanks alot
Very useful.
thanx alot very nice i like it
I’m luckly for to find out this website is really helpfull thanks a lot teacher
thanx Ur work is really he is going to help us in large interest.
your a good teacher aswome..
It’s really very nice ……
Very good, thank you
That’s triff. Thanks a lot,the lesson is very clear to understand it.
I’m Really happy today finding
itcould improve n make a good progess of my english skill.
Thanks Alex, I learn alot from you.
Thank you sir
you really had lend me your hand for this lesson
your videos are very helpfull for me,sir i want to speak english but lack of confidance and spelling mistakes i feel anable to speak and write my viue plz help me if any one help me. plz tell me how can i speak english very fluently and write english correctly. plz riply me
your videos are very helpfull for me,sir i want to speak english but lack of confidance and spelling mistakes i feel anable to speak and write my view plz help me if any one help me. plz tell me how can i speak english very fluently and write english correctly. plz riply me
first i want to offer my thanks to you for your informative video lessons i love your teaching style.Apart from that i have a question to ask is that the sentence “keep your nose out of someone`s business” is a rude and impolite sentence? or it`s just a regular kind of telling someone that not to concern himself for others problems.
I`m looking forward to the answer.
i`m not patient enought. i`d be thankful if someone answers my question.
Hi samaneh,
It is a very strong statement, and it may sound rude depending on how you use it. I would not use it as a regular part of my speech, especially if you are in a formal situation. It is fine with close friends or it may be used if you are angry or if you WANT to be forceful with someone.
thanks for your concerns
really useful
thanks for the learning, it helps me a lot.
I’ve been learning English for two years.I’m in college now. One of my problems is to understand Idioms,I hear new ones every day sometimes you can guess their meanings yet, guessing doesn’t always work .I think you guys should focus on them a lot.Keep up the good work!!!
Thanks a lot.
very good Mr Alex thank you very much but i want some vocabulary about human body like “marrow” for example cause i am so bad in that kind of vocabularies and thank you so much
Thank you for the suggestion. I may give a biology lesson in the future!
wow thanks for your help
it was a nice lesson
i like it
this is cool!
What’s a helpful lesson !!!
It’s amazing as it always :)))
It really helped me!Thanks!
No better words to say! Thank you. Excellent job!
Thank you .I’ve been learning a lot
Tank you very much!
I’m french from Québec
You make the explication clear.
You are a great teacher.
It’s générous to share for free the advices.
Good day to you.
I’m from Ukraine,Ivano-Frankivsk. We use your lessons for our students every time. You really help us to improve English.Thank you very much.
Thanks a lot, Alex. This is very interesting and useful information.
hi alex,
This is really helpful,apart from that could you clarify the difference between ‘keep your nose out of my business’ and ‘Maintain your low profile’.which one of these are more polite?
To keep a low profile means to be inconspicuous, or not to be too obvious in a situation. You can hear this in many spy or action movies. :)
“Keep your nose out of my business” is not really polite, and is used if you are angry or annoyed with someone who will not leave you alone.
The two phrases are different. I would say that “keep a low profile” is more polite, because it is helpful advice. “Keep your nose out of my business” is a much stronger imperative, and shows that the speaker is upset.
it was really helpfull for me .
thank you so much sir!
i really like your lessons . thank very much .
your explaination is clear as a bell
I am from Pakistan facing difficulty to learn English but these videos are helping me a lot. A tremendous job is being done to help the students across the globe. Really, the teamwork is commendable. Hope to watch more latest videos!
Hi Alex
Istared see your lesson sience three weaks and i love it It really help to improve my english. Could you tell me pleace,what do i need besides the program to improve my english or those lesson are enough for imfroving my english
I’m really greatful to watch thoese lesson. I learn lots of thing with in few weeks in thoese lesson.Could you tell me please what do i need to improve my english beside these lesson.i want to put my back to improve my english. Please help me to give your advice.
Hey alex, i need your help.
-Could you tell me what’s idioms and slang?
And where do i hear that?
I’m looking foraward to hearing you.
thank you.
Hi Marie, for you who is French (?):
IDIOMS= expressions
SLANG = argot
You’d probably found this words in “LESSON TOPICS” = sujets des leçons.
i want to learn spoken english pls give tip
thank you!!!
that’s great and very well, now i m going to make my English well and better, and i m very thankful to u and all teachers…
we can speak english on skype
Hi! Alex.
Very Clear Lesson.
Looking Forward to Your Next Lesson.
Thank You.
Dear sir.
I am Vietnamese.Would you mind explaining an action to celebrate victory: hi five or high five.I have searched in Oxford Dictionary ,it only has” high five” but sometimes in subtitle of videos for speaking English I saw ” hi five”
I’m looking forward to more useful lessons from you :)
Teacher, thanks so much ^^
Thank you very much ! I really enjoyed it.
Best regards, Javier.
Hello Alex, thank you very much for your explanation. I really enjoyed !
Best regards.
Dear Alex,
thanks for all! I’m very happy that I discovered :o) these lessons.
I have a little correction in spelling an adjective “embarassing”. It should be “embaRRassing”. Am I right?
Pa,pa :o)
we can speak english by by
good Thank you and good quiz
Hi, your lesson about Body Idioms is very interesting and benefit, thanks.
100 %!)
hi Alex!you are really the best teacher which I ever seen!You help me every day put my back into it!And it’s very difficult for me to learn English because I have 2 left feet…You lend me a hand in my English way!Thanks a lot)
with best regards Anna from Russia
thanks a lot alex i never knew that i have much to learn
hy ALEX how r u?ALEX can u help me to describe in easy way the use of has ,have and had .bcoz i cannt use these words easily in spoken english.i know my grammar is so week my english is not too good but i hope u will understand my problm.
thank you so much mr alex
i got 5 out 5 i am glad .
i have a question my question is if i say someone who is daddy ? or Don’t believe the hype? is that right sir
Greeting from Romania!!Great work!
Very good and helpful lessons. I’m going to improve my English with this lessons. I need English every day for my work. It is possible to do a video about CV and cover letter example?
Pretty good!
Thanks Alex. You are a perfect teacher
Hi Alex,
Many thanks,i really appreciate your teaching and could you lend me your hend that i have no grip on spelling sometime i know the words but always fail to write good words due to spelling problem.
I will appreciate your patronge.
thnxxxx that was my first video and i admired u
but i face a problem that when i listen i can understand what people say in english but i can’t say it or when i start talkin i forget many words plz tell me what should i do
thanks Alex!
I like the way you teach Alex !!! I have just a question about pronunciation: How is it possible that the word “read” has 2 kind of sounds ? I mean when it means past I’ve to read “read” (red) when it means present i have to read “read” (reed)
i learn a lot,thanks
thank you Alex you are very good teacher.
Hmmm…I decided to put my back into learning English and you,Mr.Alex lent me a hand…And …even if you have two left feet and always try to solve smb’s problems…I am really glad we see eye to eye!!!)))
thanks a lot for your quiz…
i can know more about idioms…..
Thank you very much. Alex.
it’s great!! I’m perfect… thank you alex
Hi! Alex this is sunil kumar,
how can i improve my english so that i can speak in front of anybody very easily
your a great teacher Alex. the way you explain and use body language helps us easy to understand the problem. thank you so much ! watching ur videos everyday and really enjoy them
thanks alex, very useful for me
thank u SIR.
perfect… learning from your lessons alex…thanks..
Thank you very much, Alex. You help me to improve my English.
amazing lesson!
Thank you Alex…
Hello Alex,
What a difference between thus and hence?
I have seen and exercised it. Thank you so much for delivering it by nice way
nice idioms
i have enjoyed this lesson
omg….a lot of comments. It´s a great page. Thanks.
100You got 5 correct out of 5.
Very good lesson! Thanks Alex!
Can you make a lesson about how to use would ، I am absoIutly flommuxed when I have to use it and thank you for this nice lesson .
very interesting thanksssssssssssssss
mr james and Alex
a very nice lesson . thank you
Thanks Alex, very good lesson.
very good. explaint
than you : )
that is the best thing I’ve found on the internet.
It’s very interesing. Thanks for the lesson.
It’s really interesting. Thanks a lot, teacher Alex. My English is improving more.
thaks u Alex,
Good one. Thank you.
Thanks a bunch Alex for all lesssons that I have recieved, I love your accent and it´s very significant that you are showing differents examples in every class a big hug from Colombia
5/5, i got 100% nearly in all lessons – it becames a good tradition
hi,nice glacces
Thank you
The reply of the first question was wrong, so test gave me an explanation, now i got it. Thank you, Alex!
Hi Alex,
I am learning a lot with your free English videos. I am looking these videos since last week. I am improving a lot.Thanks for helping us.
Alex! Thank you so much :) I’m clear as a bell. Nowadays I watch the your video. It’s exactly helped my English skill. I’m so happy.
Thanks Alex, it is very helpful
Thanks Alex I really learnt a lot.
You guys are very wonderful!!!!
Thanks, Alex. I got 100%! Great!!
i got it all correct , thank you.
I really excited to learn these new idioms and I scored 100% of your test :)
Good job.
Please more idioms.
5/5 Thank you
I need to push my back into finishing my minithesis.
Thank you very much Mr. Alex.