If you’re asking “What’s IELTS?”, this lesson is for you. I give you all the information you need to know about this popular English proficiency exam, and answer common questions about it, such as what the difference between IELTS and TOEFL is.
Hai Rebecca,your class is usefull for me.
But i have one doubt,Im Persuing my bachelor degree in electronics stream.I have backlogs in my degree but i cleared all of them.Im taking IELTS this year to plan Australia or Canada.Is there any problems with my backlogs?please i need your help..!!
Can you advice me ,how can improve IELTS reading.I am waiting for your answer.
hello, Rebecca i want to continue my education abroad please help me here my email:faycal_med@hotmail.fr
rebecca u’re the best teaching english
Dear Rebecca, Hope you fine! I have watched your videos on IELTS and found them very helpful. I am preparing for GT and needs your advise regarding writing module specially task two which is essay writing. My exam is on 18th of April at Nagoya, Japan. So hope to hear from you soon.
Best wishes,
Hi Azam
You can definitely learn how to write an essay easily and without too much stress. Please watch my English lesson How to Structure your TOEFL Essay. I believe it will be very helpful to you for the IELTS essay as well, as it shows you how to write an intelligent and well-structured response to any essay topic.
Other tips:
Write many practice essays so you can do so within the time limit.
Start with the essay, and then write the letter, since the essay is worth more marks.
Use many dynamic verbs and try your best not to repeat any of the verbs.
Most important, plan for 4-5 minutes, so your ideas are logically and clearly presented.
Please check the following website for additional ideas:
Thanx Rebecca
Your speech was informative and useful
Your speech was informative and useful.
But i’ve another doubt regarding listening.
Would the idioms used by the english and
australian people come in exams
Balaji Chandrasekaran
Yes, such idioms and expressions can certainly appear on the IELTS exam at times. This cannot be avoided, so the best strategy is to work through as much of the practice IELTS materials as possible. There are specific books and CDs available that help train your ear for the accents and expose you to some of their expressions.
Also, have a look at the suggestions and tips on this website:
The IELTS is a challenging exam, but you can definitely improve your score through rigorous and regular practice.
All the best to you!
Anjani and Josh
Thanks for your feedback.
any online IELTS trial that we can print the score transcript?
chakim hamzah
very good orientation!!!
Hi,Teacher I´m glad to listening your classes.Every class from you are fantastic.
Can you to advise me something about a carrer that I want to start on internet.I´m from colombia and I want to study busisnes adminstration.
Thanks a lot.
Thanks for your feedback, Renaldo.
Your question about an Internet business is a little too complex to handle here, though. I do wish you the very best with your Business Administration studies and with any entrepreneurial activities you decide to pursue.
Dear Rebacca,
Your are a great teacher. If I have you to help me or If i live where you teach, my English would definitely get improved from you. I think your accent is English American. is it right?
Yeah, my purpose is to study to pass the IELTS but I live with the non native speaker and non-native teacher. So, I have no idea to find a good teacher like you to teach me. As I am still a student now, so I cannot go to the big city and get my English study there. So, do you have any idea to help me if I would like to study IELTS from this you, from website or from the website you have told me during your explanation from youtube?
Kind Regards,
The “Good Luck IELTS” website can give you lots of tips and strategies on how to do well on the IELTS.
Also at that site, there are reviews of a number of excellent IELTS exam preparation guidebooks which can help you a lot.
All the best to you.
i will come to your enestetution ples send y r mobil number to ni eimll
I have sent you an email with the contact info for our school.
HI mam
mi name is ahmed ,im frome ksa ,i whould like tock with y .
and how i can come to y r ienestetution in canada ?
ples mam help me in the short time
have a nice day.
Hello madam
My name is Raviteja.i want to take IELTS exam in january.i am not much fluent in english and the people around me is not english speakers.I want to get 6.5 band in IELTS exam.Please give guidance to me,how to get good score in IELTS?
dear Mrs. Rebecca:
How do you do? I hope you are fine and everthings being allright with you. realy I found your lessons very useful.
My name’s Ahmed Mustafa, and I am from Sudan.I am student in intermediate leve. and I am studing by Headway Books.
My question is how do you find this books. And one more question, if I’ll finish from this books can I start IELTS. and finaly could you advice me about english study.
A. Mustafa
Best Regards
A. Mustafa
Hi A. Mustafa
The Headway series can certainly help you to make good progress in English. There are two IELTS exams – general and academic – and the level is easier on the general exam. You could begin with a pre-IELTS guidebook, if you like, in order to proceed step by step. You could also try one of the IELTS preparation guidebooks such as Barron’s which also contains many exercises which develop the necessary skills to do well in the exam. Remember to check which IELTS you need to do first. It depends on the reason you are taking the exam.
All the best to you.
Hi Rebecca,
Can u guide me how to improve my reading, I want to get 6 in IELTS general test but I got 5.5 in reading. All other modules are fine with me; writing, listening and speaking. Can u please guide me how can I improve my Ielts general readnig, any good tips or video for me. I will be having my exam again in about a months time.
You really need to identify which type of questions you usually get wrong. You will know this only after doing a few practice tests from some books such as the Cambridge IELTS test papers. Then, concentrate on working through exercises that train you in answering those particular types of questions. There are many excellent books which can help you with this.
Dear Rebecca I wish to appear in IELTS exam plz advise how can I improve my writing. Thanks
Jamshed Ansari
I’m not sure if you need to do the academic or general IELTS. Both need essay writing, so first you should learn how to write good essays of 4 to 5 paragraphs within 40 minutes. Read through some of the sample essays and other advice on my website, goodluckielts. com
For Task 1 of the Academic IELTS, you must know a lot of vocabulary to describe charts, graphs, etc. For example, you need to know words like rise, fall, increase sharply, decrease dramatically, etc.
For Task 1 of the General IELTS you need to learn how to write a letter easily and quickly. Several of the IELTS guidebooks can help you with this.
All the best to you, Jamshed.
They say: There are some tactics for IELTS examination that thy have a essential role for passing IELTS exams. Is it true? and If your answer is positive, How can I learn them? I am looking forward to your answer. Thanks a lot.
Hi again
If it is possible, I would like to have some effective e Books about “tactics for IELTS”. How can I get them?
There are many IELTS guidebooks which give you tips to help you do well in the exam. These suggestions and strategies can certainly help you to do better.
The best way to do this is to complete a practice IELTS test from one of the books, and then analyze what types of questions you got wrong. Keep a record of this information and then read about how to improve in those particular types of questions.
That would be better than reviewing everything in general.
My best to you.
My dear teacher,
I would like to admire your teaching strategies for my English improvement so far.
However, my speaking and listening skills have been so weak my dear professor Rebecca.
Would you mind giving me some tactics for this problem?
Thanks a lot in advance my dear professor Rebecca.
Have a very happy day!!!
Thanh Tong TRUONG
How to improve listening skills
There are specific ILETS guidebooks which can give you additional practice with listening and speaking.
Remember that you need to improve your spelling too to get a higher score in the IELTS listening. At the least, make sure you can spell all the days of the week and months of the year correctly – these are often mentioned in the first section of the listening test.
Also, try to listen to British TV stations so you get used to the accent.
You need to prepare for the speaking test with an English teacher who can point out all the mistakes you are making, so you can conquer those errors to get a higher score. That is the best way.
My best wishes to you.
Dear Rebecca,
I’m here in Thailand which is a non-native English speaking country. It’s really expensive for IELTS course here ,last time I’d spent a lot of money for that but I got only 6! Absolutely it’s not enough for passing the scholarship qualifications.
But now I found your website!!! Thanks God!
I’ll try to improve my IELTS skills and hope I’ll get a better score this time!!!
Thank you so much
Thanks for your feedback.
My best wishes to you for the IELTS. Don’t be hard on yourself; the IELTS is a challenging exam and many students appear a few times before they get the marks they require.
There are many IELTS websites which can help you. You can also work with some of the many different IELTS guidebooks which are available and do as many practice tests as you can to see where you stand. When you start getting a higher score on the practice tests, then attempt the exam again.
My best wishes to you.
Hi Rebecca
I wish i could have learnt English personally from you.you are the worlds best english tacher …..please help me in scoring band 7 in IELTS exam as i have applied for immigration……….how can i organise and learn things in a proper way …any tips….
thank u so much…..
Hi Rebecca!
This is Sopheap from Cambodia. I have found your website it’s really interesting for being a professional teacher. I’ve found out two questions in wich i still missunderstand… First, what is diferent bitween IELTS & TOEFLE? Second, what countries require IELTS & TOEFL? Would you give me for sure about this?… waiting to seeing your feedback!
Thank you very much.
SOPHEAP (Cambodia)
Hi Sopheap. Rebecca has already recorded a free English lesson on this topic. Watch it here:
hi, please tell me that how much days can be 1st and 2nd Ielts exam?
kaka kang
thank you so much, you are the best teacher in my heart
thnx for such a great informations about ielets
i like that ……..
may u live long
hi rebecca
i hope u are fine and in ur good health i already given ielts and get 5.5 band but i need 6.5 for admission so now a days i am trying again but feel too much diffculty in reading did not get the right answers i finf it where it located but do not do it in a proper way so plz help me in these regard ok
hi rebecca, i really appreciate this site, this web site.. thank you for giving us opportunity to used it….. hope that we could have a chance of speaking with you guys so that you cant evaluate whether we are good enough or ready to take the ielts..
Hi rebecca ,i am umar farooq from pakistan i really appreciated this websit. I just wanna ask you to tell me about iearn yesprograme test and also tell me some question ehich is ask in this test .
thanking you,
umar farooq
I have been looking for related blogs and websites lately I totally am in awe of this site :D gonna have to remember to add this to my bookmarks,and I Must admit you have a nice design and content. I have bookmarked your page and hope to mention your post in my potential blog
Roni Perza
thank you so much
it’s a grat job
this vedio contain many of information about ielts =)
wish me good luck i have exma on May 15th
Thanks alot
you dded alot to my information. I am a teacher of English but your efforts are fantastic.
abo yasmeen
i need to prepare for IELTS in 15 days…is it possible to prepare all modules in the time mentioned above.
please help.
Deepit Sharma
thanks alot :>
Hello Rebecca, I am very granteful, i was confused about the difference between TOEFl and IELTS, thank you for clarifying me the difference.I’m living now in USA for few months and i m studying ENglish in Adulte School to improve my English.The access test lead me to advance class.I will finish my class by the end of June, and as I’m planing to move to live in Canada I have to pass my IELTS exam.So,now i want to know where can I found, the nearest departement to my location(NY city),and responsable for this option.thank you very much
im veryvery thankfull you im alot of learn english esipaciall icrease speaking skill vicableary
Thank you very much Rebecca for everything in this site.
Please describe the difference between ILETS and TOFEL with respect to examination point of view and preparation? Which is easiest one?
hi my teacher Rebecca,
I am abdelfattah from MOROCCO (North africa), I am preparing my IELTS for immigration purposes to AUSTRALIA.
just would like to know if it is preferable to get training my ear on British accent or american accent or both?
2nd, what is the time required to do a good prepartion for GT IELTS.
thank you very much.
Hi,Respected Ma`m
how r u.hope you will be very well. i have seen your videos on ilts presentaion. i have learn much from it. i m living in PAKISTAN. I M A student and want to improve my speaking skill.please send me some tips and name of books.
muhammad shafiq
that’s nice. thanks all of english video group for ur free help. best of luck…
hi!rabeeca i am to much happy about your behaviour i think you are a role modle teacher not for all the teachers in the world but also for humainity because i saw that you provide the answer of every comments by all the students separately god bless you please guide me about this quistion ( i am trying to obtain a study visa to england my english on the stage where i can understand all the speakers but i find a troublle in speaking english can you help me)
tayyab ali
Thanks alot it was very effective for me …
Dear Rebecca,
thank you very much for your lessons.
I am thinking about studing English abroad. Is it possible to study at your school in Toronto? I did not find information about this at http://www.engvid.com. Thank you indvance for your answer
Maria Russia
Hi my teacher Rebecca thank you for your help ;;i can reading and writing but i can not speaking can you help me?
thanks alot for giving us how to pass this
rebecca i thank you from deep of my heart , you are the best keep it up… I LOVE HUMANIST.
Thanks Dear for these all valuable information. It would be very useful to provide more free IELTS tests on youe site. Could you please?
hi I hope you r fine where can I find lessons for conjunctions?
hi Ms Rebacca i can understand your speach very easily presently i am in pakistan and i have already finished my school so would you tell me should apply for IELTS or TOEL please select the easier one ok wish you live happily and successfully
Irfan khan
sorry i got a few mistake it is not toel it is TOEFL
Irfan khan
hi Rebecca,
i would like to have some sort of advice from you.
i live in sri lanka and hope to move to Australia for a job. at the same time im willing to follow an MBA in business administration.so what exam will be useful to achieve my future targets?
thank you.
hi Rebecca!
Abderemane Ahmed
Hi my name is safy, I am I need to pass academic IELTS and get score of 7 in every session. Can you help me to achieve this, my big problem is writing I can right in every topic the problem in content of sentence I always think it right but when someone else read it , say sentence not correct but is good in butting idea and organize
Dear Rebecca,
My name is Chuk Sarath who is learning English to get a pass of IELTS with the score of above 7 so that I can use it to apply for a scholarship to continue my Master Degree. So, please help me!
in listening part of IELTS can we have dictation mistake? it would be negative point or not?
tanx & best
Hi dear Teacher
iam ismail From Kabul.afghanistan i like to imporove my Englsih from which way i can to imporove my english and tell me that how i prepare for ILETS exam give me more informations and i like to contact u soon bye
than you…………………
Amir Ali
hi Rebecca , thank you very much for these useful videos. really it help me so much, cause i decided to study IELTS and immigrate. so i should take general IELTS,should i???..also i want you to tell me, if that will be helpful for me,cause i want to work in Australia as a physiotherapist.so you submit for me GENERAL IELTS??
bishoy raouf
hi Rebecca , thank you very much for these useful videos.I want to do my MS course in UK .I am a engineeing graduate in electronics & Communication engg.Please guide me how to crack the IELTS exam and what is minimum qualifying mark for it?
Santosh Singh
Rebecca u r the best teacher i have very less time my exams are on 10 january so can u tell me best way for perfect prepartion in a short time
thansk a lot for your details regarding IELTS
Thanks a lot my teacher.
hola mi nivel es intermedio.cracia ustedes hacen un trabajo genial!!!
Hi, Dear Rebecca,
I dont know IELTS system and i want to your help me because this exam very diffucult for me.! can you give me listening and writing tips? How long must I study on one day?
Dear,Rebecca, I want to know about ILETS. THANKS,
you are good teacher!
thanx Rebecca
Thank you very much from my bottom of my heart
Hi Rebecca,
I hope you are fine, and Thank you for your useful video, but teacher I have problem in the reading section I find it very hard and I can’t answer the question !, also in the listening I can’t write the words with the correct spelling. I need for your advice.
Plz Dear Rebecca give a lecture to use the “could”
hi rebecca.could you please tell me what score in ielts is necessary for canadian university?
Every university and department has different requirements. You can check the admission requirements on each university’s website.
Thank you so much, It was informative enough to solve all the confusions regarding basic information about IELTS.
hi my teacher rebcca ,very useful knowlge
salar m aziz
hello mam my name is Taranjeet singh i m from punjab i m prepare genral ielts and can u told me how many band are requred in canada for genral base???
Taranjeet singh
Hi Mam,i am very greatfull to you that you leave your lectures on website,,,Thank you so much
Noman Saeed
Hi Mam,i am very greatfull to you that you leave your lectures onebsite,,,Thank you so much
Noman Saeed
you are a good teacher Mam .
this is the awesome website . after my IELTS i want to apply for pg in Canada.
thanks to you
Hi, mam.
I am the luckiest guy who has got an opportunity to have training from you whose ways of teaching are easy to make me understand about Ielts and its different aspects.
I am so happy to listen your lecture on english , Respected Ms Rabicca. really i appriciate your style of teaching.
Nadeem Abbas Kayani
Hi, Miss Ronne , your all lessons are so intresting and appriciatable, i show it to my students. i also teach english to students. here in Paksitan.
Nadeem Abbas Kayani
pls i need lessons ielts preparation course send to my e-mail
my honorable teacher Rebecca. i hope you well. i am quiet new in this site. but i had watched many videos from you madam and it was really helpful for me. may i have a tips for how to improve my skill for ielts… i would like to say, i am going to appear in ilts exam soon. thanks……………
You area and excellente teacher, congragtulatios, your lesson are so helpfull, thaks, for your clases, and go on.
Thanks for Such Incredible Introduction ~~
Daniyal Ahmad
Thanks for your contribution to improve our English language.Some people need to learn English.But they haven’t spend more money.So I appreciate your grateful effort in this regard.
Darshana(Sri Lanka)
This is very helpful. I love it. It is better for IELTS students. IELTS students must listen this lesson. This lesson help them for IELTS test.
Umer Shahzad
thank u madam this lesson is very useful for me
I’m going to have my IELTS test soon, do you have any ways or ideas for me to improve writing skills? I’m extremely weak in writing skills. I’m looking forward for you and do really appreciate if you ca help!Thanks.
Thanx it is very helpful!
hello , i want to know what is ielts and whats a benefit for that course if i have prepare .. ??
Mohammad Ejaz
HI ,rebecca im adoctor from sudan now im inKSA iwant to attend exam as soon as bossible can Ihave some advise please about how to get higher degree and waht to do and does it differs according to job or it is the same thanks
Thank you very much. Your lessons are very interesting and easy to understand.
Thanks for a nice and crisp introduction and guidance.
requested mam i want to know how to prepare for IELTS exam to take 6.5 bands
jasbir singh
Hi mam,
I have seen many of your videos regarding english teaching.. I am trying to migrate to canada. So i have to attend the IELTS exam. Could you please help me out of it…I just need the videos you trained as wel as the format questions..
I, a Srilankan and i have been registered to a UK guy and now like to migrate to UK so, should i do IELTS?
Is the academic test enough for both academic and immigration purposes?
No Mr.Nawab IELTS Is two types
Acadamic for educational purpose and general for immigration purpose
HI ,rebecca im adoctor from sudan now im inKSA iwant to attend exam as soon as bossible can Ihave some advise please about how to get higher degree and waht to do and does it differs according to job or it is the same thanks
bikash bimbit
hi mam Rebbeca, i am really thankful to you for your these kind lessons, i really appreciat your teaching skills. I have start to learn from this site few days ago, Mam I want to do IELTS, can you guide me how can I play the videos by accurate sequance, i am facing problem so that I contact you here! PRegards! KHUBAIB SAEED BALOUCH
Hi Rebbeca,
How can I pass the speak section? :(
Thank you for the video :*
hi t want laern mor english ..
what is the advies..
Dear Mrs Rebecca,
I would like to enquire you that what is the advantage if i pass the ielts test?
best regards
Hi! I am planning to take the IELTS and i am just wondering what book can you recommend as my referrence for my review, thanks!
hi! dear Rebecca
i am living in pakistan i am in class 9th i was planning to take IELTS to join school in canada can you please tell me that how should i prepare my self for the EILTS exam i m so worried about that plz give me some tips that from where i should start?
thank you!
but i really can’t wait for the answer plz reply me
Hello, Rebecca
I am a non english native based in India and have to appear for the IELTS test in about a month’s time. As per your experience, can someone score 6.5 in all section with a month’s preparation with moderate proefficiency in language?
i have a lot of problems in writing what should i do for the improvement of my writing i spend many time to study different books news paper butt still I am not able to write some thing correct
i need your advice what should i do.
Khalid Auobi
Thanks very much Rebecca for your such a wonderful guiding.
im mona frm pak …. plz mam my ielts exam 25th feb pllzz help me plz give me suggestion for ielts plzz contact me .. how can i improve my english ? my big problem in reading and speaking plz contact me
Dear ms,
i’m vani and i’m from colombo.i hope you are well.i am going to take IELTS exam,i want more information about this exam.
I am taking IELTS exams.
Can you suggest me how to practice for all modules?
How to deal with Reading module?
Thank you, I got writing 6.0 and speaking 6.0 could you please tell me how can I improve to 6.5? in short period, I am going to sit the exam next week.
I look forward to hearing from you
thank you
helo friends i want to study and work in USA so i should face the IELTS but i don’t know about this regards so friends do make me understand about this from birgunj Nepal 9845190319
mukesh robert kumar chaudhary
Hello,Honourable Prof.Rebecca
I’ve Watched your video lesson about
“How to learn English with the News”.I tried these tips daily in listening to News and reading News paper and I improved my English.
I am very thankful to you.
hey dear i am about to start IELTS but i am abit worried about starting IELT plz give me some tips in order to satisfy my self.
,,,teacher rebecca.. I will take the IELTS exam next month. I have a problem,,honestly english subject is my weakness.. i don’t know where will I start to study?! I’m poor in vocabulary..i have no enough time to study..I am pressured! is the goodluckielts website will help me on this? are the topics in the exam mostly same as the sample in their? huhuhu! I need your advise Mam rebecca! Thank you and more power!
This webside is very helpful. I can learn with foreign teachers every. I have a question, How can I get 6.5 Ielts in two months’? Now I’m at 4.0
i likeand i learned alot from your lectures thanks ,but i have 1 problem in precis and compsition,and also in reading comprehensive ,how we can learn can you help me in this ?
m hasan here i wna going to uk plz
tel me some easy tips for pass the ilets test my tset cmin nxt week
brilliant info about ielts
I have given Ielts general exam , but i have done one mistake plz guide me,In reading section i have written T answer for True and F answer for False can i get score on this answer plz help
you are a wonderful teacher
thanks or the info. I am preparing for IELTS Exam.You know my aim is to score average 9 Bands. Wo Hoo!!
I am working hard on it.
Wish me Luck :)
thanksssssssssssssss so much for that
hi.. thanks a lot for this.
In fact, i’m seeking your help, my traget in ielts test is 7 in each section & should be in short time(within 1month), what’s the right website & book that can improve my ability, currently overall 5.0 only. pls help.. this really uregnt .
Hi! My name is Azamxon I need advice,I will start IELTS exam,How can I start this exam,please help me,I will study abroad!
Hey,after qualifying IELTS we get scholarship or not?
Hello Prof.
can you suggest me how to improve my writing skills?
Hey miss
can u tell that wheather ielts is applicable for usa o not or i have to give gre for studying in usa
shivangi verma
hi! u r vry good teacher :)
h r u?
very nice this is the way of teaching
Thanks Robecca ! :)
Dear Mrs. Robecca, thanks for your endless efforts toward guidance and teaching for people who want to enhance their English abilities..
thanks for your help
thanks so much for you great help to explain these lesson,
thanks so much
superior/I terribly like rebecca^s speaking/ she speak very cosily plainly and slowly
I would like to teacher English for non English speakers.
Do I have take TOEFL OR IELTS ,and can I do it online
Thank and best regards
thank you allot i’m really happy watching your videos thanks allot
hi Rebecca
u r such lovely teacher ,the way u explain each term its fantastic…
Hello dear Rebecca
my name is Ari Qader i want to take IELTS test
so i’d like many thanks you for all speech and answer question i am very useful when read your advice her it is very significant thanks a lot by the way i am from Kurdistan it is located in north Iraq student in here is really love you
Ari Qader
hi good english i’m so happy
Dear Rebecca,
I watched your few lessons. You are doing good job. Your lessons will not help a few but this free of cost matter will help millions. You even do not know, in Non English Speaking countries how students are facing English Accent problem. your lessons are shown in classrooms in schools, where only two modes of English are taught, Reading and Writing. But now students will cope up speaking and listening problems. Your lessons will help them out. Thanks a lot…
good lesson
hi rebecca , question : I am a bachelor degree holder from another country and I am getting ready for application for provincial nominee here in Manitoba . Do i need to take still ?
hey THE Rebecca,
pleasure to know about you by ielts instruction videos
i want to know that have you any list to use perticular list for use idiom phrase and proverb which can use in any essay for advantage, disadvantage, compare contrast, discuss essay, causes effect and suggestion??
in adv-disadv essay of any type we can use ALL THAT GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD for disadvantage
have you any perticular list which can be used in all essay in each type
plz reply me soon my exams are too soon
Ur student
Thanks Rebecca for such helpful information
my name is amirhamza i am from afghanistan my speaking is really good but i have same problem with reading
Hi Rebbeca
I am Mohamed fro algeria. I have watched your Eng videos and found them very useful. You really deserves The Queen of English Language! Actually, i am intending to take IELTS exam in thye next few months at Algiers and i probably need your support and advises on this.
I am more interesting in writinng tasks part which is a bit tricky in some points.
Hope hearing from you soon
Have a good day
Hi MISS Rebecca; hope you are upto the best of your health. i have just written to request you to help on how to teach each skill of IELTS either General or Academic. Infact i teach IELTS calsses but after watching your vidoes, i taught it is good to learn it even better from someone who is already an English. it would be a great help if you send me the guidelines or suggest me some other books via which i will teach IELTS in its most useful way.
Waiting for your response.
Thank you Rebecca useful information
Sanjay Prashath
thanks Rebecca
Thanks for explaining the basics of IELTS. :)
thanks sooo much!!
any tip of IELTS?
Very useful lesson. Thank you Rebecca!
thank you very much Mrs. Rebecca for the lesson, but where can i found the vocabulary about graphs, charts, diagrams and tables to study them? pleas recommend some websites for me I will be so thankful.
Thank for all. Im very funny because i can hear about 80% your lesson. Do you think can i have 5.5 ielts test. Actually, i dont have enough confident for ielts. Could you give some advice, madam?
Thank you very much.
thank you Rebecca .Please, does the specific time of each section include a period for transferring answers from scrap paper to answer sheet?
Please, do I write a question in above properly?
haider j touma
Thank you .
Dear Rebecca,
To learn more, I went to the site IELTS. This is very interesting.
Yours sincerely.
Hi,thanks for the great lesson,I was wondering do you know any website that i can submit my writings to be check out by an expert?
Thank You Rebecca, but I have one question for You. Which books do You think are the best for well IELTS general module self-study preparation?
Oh and I forgot to ask You for an advice of the best way to increase my speaking skills for the exam. Looking forward for an answer from You.
thanks Rebecaa for your useful way to give information.
Maryam Zaky
I enjoy your classes so much Rebecca, you are such a blessing. Since i met you online my english usage improved.
Thank you…I got points with 1 mistake!
Thank you so much, very useful information.
Marta Lopez
Excellent explanation!! Thank you Rebecca!!
Hi Rebecca,
I watched your ‘Introduction to the IELTS exam’ and found it very useful. I am currently in my final semester of Masters in Virology, from India. I wish to pursue PhD abroad (USA, Europe). however, I have a confusion as to which exam I should opt for? IELTS or TOEFL?I wish to keep my options open.I would like to know the difference between IELTS and TOEFL, and which one should I go for.
Also, I cannot afford to join any paid classes as I do not earn and thus, would be highly obliged if you can provide me with any online resources where I can get notes, practice tests and good lectures in addition to goodluckielts like the one delivered by your goodself.
Please help
Thank you Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca
Very useful info, in my contry exists a similar test to prove the real english level, and the content of it similar than IELTS exam
You got 8 correct out of 10.
thank you.
M kartal
Thank you very much mam
Your the best teacher, continuously watching your lessons from 3 days
My course requirement is 5.5 band, is it possible in one month for me , my English level is b1, iam appling all the engvid lessons plans when practice time. I have other quries any official email id for contacting teachers
Mery and suresh
mine date 27/10/21 from Kazakhstan
thank a lot Rebecca
your explanation was very clear
Thanks for more one great lesson teacher
that’s nice. thanks all of English video group for Ur free help. best of luck…
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
hi Rebecca ,U r a v.good teacher
Hai Rebecca,your class is usefull for me.
But i have one doubt,Im Persuing my bachelor degree in electronics stream.I have backlogs in my degree but i cleared all of them.Im taking IELTS this year to plan Australia or Canada.Is there any problems with my backlogs?please i need your help..!!
Can you advice me ,how can improve IELTS reading.I am waiting for your answer.
hello, Rebecca i want to continue my education abroad please help me here my email:faycal_med@hotmail.fr
rebecca u’re the best teaching english
Dear Rebecca, Hope you fine! I have watched your videos on IELTS and found them very helpful. I am preparing for GT and needs your advise regarding writing module specially task two which is essay writing. My exam is on 18th of April at Nagoya, Japan. So hope to hear from you soon.
Best wishes,
Hi Azam
You can definitely learn how to write an essay easily and without too much stress. Please watch my English lesson How to Structure your TOEFL Essay. I believe it will be very helpful to you for the IELTS essay as well, as it shows you how to write an intelligent and well-structured response to any essay topic.
Other tips:
Write many practice essays so you can do so within the time limit.
Start with the essay, and then write the letter, since the essay is worth more marks.
Use many dynamic verbs and try your best not to repeat any of the verbs.
Most important, plan for 4-5 minutes, so your ideas are logically and clearly presented.
Please check the following website for additional ideas:
Let me know how it goes! Stay positive.
Thanx Rebecca
Your speech was informative and useful
Your speech was informative and useful.
But i’ve another doubt regarding listening.
Would the idioms used by the english and
australian people come in exams
Yes, such idioms and expressions can certainly appear on the IELTS exam at times. This cannot be avoided, so the best strategy is to work through as much of the practice IELTS materials as possible. There are specific books and CDs available that help train your ear for the accents and expose you to some of their expressions.
Also, have a look at the suggestions and tips on this website:
The IELTS is a challenging exam, but you can definitely improve your score through rigorous and regular practice.
All the best to you!
Anjani and Josh
Thanks for your feedback.
any online IELTS trial that we can print the score transcript?
very good orientation!!!
Hi,Teacher I´m glad to listening your classes.Every class from you are fantastic.
Can you to advise me something about a carrer that I want to start on internet.I´m from colombia and I want to study busisnes adminstration.
Thanks a lot.
Thanks for your feedback, Renaldo.
Your question about an Internet business is a little too complex to handle here, though. I do wish you the very best with your Business Administration studies and with any entrepreneurial activities you decide to pursue.
Dear Rebacca,
Your are a great teacher. If I have you to help me or If i live where you teach, my English would definitely get improved from you. I think your accent is English American. is it right?
Yeah, my purpose is to study to pass the IELTS but I live with the non native speaker and non-native teacher. So, I have no idea to find a good teacher like you to teach me. As I am still a student now, so I cannot go to the big city and get my English study there. So, do you have any idea to help me if I would like to study IELTS from this you, from website or from the website you have told me during your explanation from youtube?
Kind Regards,
The “Good Luck IELTS” website can give you lots of tips and strategies on how to do well on the IELTS.
Also at that site, there are reviews of a number of excellent IELTS exam preparation guidebooks which can help you a lot.
All the best to you.
i will come to your enestetution ples send y r mobil number to ni eimll
I have sent you an email with the contact info for our school.
HI mam
mi name is ahmed ,im frome ksa ,i whould like tock with y .
and how i can come to y r ienestetution in canada ?
ples mam help me in the short time
have a nice day.
Hello madam
My name is Raviteja.i want to take IELTS exam in january.i am not much fluent in english and the people around me is not english speakers.I want to get 6.5 band in IELTS exam.Please give guidance to me,how to get good score in IELTS?
dear Mrs. Rebecca:
How do you do? I hope you are fine and everthings being allright with you. realy I found your lessons very useful.
My name’s Ahmed Mustafa, and I am from Sudan.I am student in intermediate leve. and I am studing by Headway Books.
My question is how do you find this books. And one more question, if I’ll finish from this books can I start IELTS. and finaly could you advice me about english study.
A. Mustafa
Best Regards
Hi A. Mustafa
The Headway series can certainly help you to make good progress in English. There are two IELTS exams – general and academic – and the level is easier on the general exam. You could begin with a pre-IELTS guidebook, if you like, in order to proceed step by step. You could also try one of the IELTS preparation guidebooks such as Barron’s which also contains many exercises which develop the necessary skills to do well in the exam. Remember to check which IELTS you need to do first. It depends on the reason you are taking the exam.
All the best to you.
Hi Rebecca,
Can u guide me how to improve my reading, I want to get 6 in IELTS general test but I got 5.5 in reading. All other modules are fine with me; writing, listening and speaking. Can u please guide me how can I improve my Ielts general readnig, any good tips or video for me. I will be having my exam again in about a months time.
You really need to identify which type of questions you usually get wrong. You will know this only after doing a few practice tests from some books such as the Cambridge IELTS test papers. Then, concentrate on working through exercises that train you in answering those particular types of questions. There are many excellent books which can help you with this.
You can also check the reading tips I have written about on my website, http://www.goodluckielts.com.
All the best in your exam.
I thank u
best regards with u sir,, :)
My best wishes to you too. Thanks for writing.
Dear Rebecca I wish to appear in IELTS exam plz advise how can I improve my writing. Thanks
I’m not sure if you need to do the academic or general IELTS. Both need essay writing, so first you should learn how to write good essays of 4 to 5 paragraphs within 40 minutes. Read through some of the sample essays and other advice on my website, goodluckielts. com
For Task 1 of the Academic IELTS, you must know a lot of vocabulary to describe charts, graphs, etc. For example, you need to know words like rise, fall, increase sharply, decrease dramatically, etc.
For Task 1 of the General IELTS you need to learn how to write a letter easily and quickly. Several of the IELTS guidebooks
can help you with this.
All the best to you, Jamshed.
They say: There are some tactics for IELTS examination that thy have a essential role for passing IELTS exams. Is it true? and If your answer is positive, How can I learn them? I am looking forward to your answer. Thanks a lot.
Hi again
If it is possible, I would like to have some effective e Books about “tactics for IELTS”. How can I get them?
There are many IELTS guidebooks which give you tips to help you do well in the exam. These suggestions and strategies can certainly help you to do better.
The best way to do this is to complete a practice IELTS test from one of the books, and then analyze what types of questions you got wrong. Keep a record of this information and then read about how to improve in those particular types of questions.
That would be better than reviewing everything in general.
My best to you.
My dear teacher,
I would like to admire your teaching strategies for my English improvement so far.
However, my speaking and listening skills have been so weak my dear professor Rebecca.
Would you mind giving me some tactics for this problem?
Thanks a lot in advance my dear professor Rebecca.
Have a very happy day!!!
Thanh Tong TRUONG
There are specific ILETS guidebooks which can give you additional practice with listening and speaking.
Remember that you need to improve your spelling too to get a higher score in the IELTS listening. At the least, make sure you can spell all the days of the week and months of the year correctly – these are often mentioned in the first section of the listening test.
Also, try to listen to British TV stations so you get used to the accent.
You need to prepare for the speaking test with an English teacher who can point out all the mistakes you are making, so you can conquer those errors to get a higher score. That is the best way.
My best wishes to you.
Dear Rebecca,
I’m here in Thailand which is a non-native English speaking country. It’s really expensive for IELTS course here ,last time I’d spent a lot of money for that but I got only 6! Absolutely it’s not enough for passing the scholarship qualifications.
But now I found your website!!! Thanks God!
I’ll try to improve my IELTS skills and hope I’ll get a better score this time!!!
Thank you so much
Thanks for your feedback.
My best wishes to you for the IELTS. Don’t be hard on yourself; the IELTS is a challenging exam and many students appear a few times before they get the marks they require.
There are many IELTS websites which can help you. You can also work with some of the many different IELTS guidebooks which are available and do as many practice tests as you can to see where you stand. When you start getting a higher score on the practice tests, then attempt the exam again.
My best wishes to you.
Hi Rebecca
I wish i could have learnt English personally from you.you are the worlds best english tacher …..please help me in scoring band 7 in IELTS exam as i have applied for immigration……….how can i organise and learn things in a proper way …any tips….
thank u so much…..
Hi Rebecca!
This is Sopheap from Cambodia. I have found your website it’s really interesting for being a professional teacher. I’ve found out two questions in wich i still missunderstand… First, what is diferent bitween IELTS & TOEFLE? Second, what countries require IELTS & TOEFL? Would you give me for sure about this?… waiting to seeing your feedback!
Thank you very much.
Hi Sopheap. Rebecca has already recorded a free English lesson on this topic. Watch it here:
Differences between IELTS and TOEFL
hi, please tell me that how much days can be 1st and 2nd Ielts exam?
thank you so much, you are the best teacher in my heart
thnx for such a great informations about ielets
i like that ……..
may u live long
hi rebecca
i hope u are fine and in ur good health i already given ielts and get 5.5 band but i need 6.5 for admission so now a days i am trying again but feel too much diffculty in reading did not get the right answers i finf it where it located but do not do it in a proper way so plz help me in these regard ok
hi rebecca, i really appreciate this site, this web site.. thank you for giving us opportunity to used it….. hope that we could have a chance of speaking with you guys so that you cant evaluate whether we are good enough or ready to take the ielts..
Hi rebecca ,i am umar farooq from pakistan i really appreciated this websit. I just wanna ask you to tell me about iearn yesprograme test and also tell me some question ehich is ask in this test .
thanking you,
umar farooq
I have been looking for related blogs and websites lately I totally am in awe of this site :D gonna have to remember to add this to my bookmarks,and I Must admit you have a nice design and content. I have bookmarked your page and hope to mention your post in my potential blog
thank you so much
it’s a grat job
this vedio contain many of information about ielts =)
wish me good luck i have exma on May 15th
Thanks alot
you dded alot to my information. I am a teacher of English but your efforts are fantastic.
i need to prepare for IELTS in 15 days…is it possible to prepare all modules in the time mentioned above.
please help.
thanks alot :>
Hello Rebecca, I am very granteful, i was confused about the difference between TOEFl and IELTS, thank you for clarifying me the difference.I’m living now in USA for few months and i m studying ENglish in Adulte School to improve my English.The access test lead me to advance class.I will finish my class by the end of June, and as I’m planing to move to live in Canada I have to pass my IELTS exam.So,now i want to know where can I found, the nearest departement to my location(NY city),and responsable for this option.thank you very much
im veryvery thankfull you im alot of learn english esipaciall icrease speaking skill vicableary
Thank you very much Rebecca for everything in this site.
Please describe the difference between ILETS and TOFEL with respect to examination point of view and preparation? Which is easiest one?
hi my teacher Rebecca,
I am abdelfattah from MOROCCO (North africa), I am preparing my IELTS for immigration purposes to AUSTRALIA.
just would like to know if it is preferable to get training my ear on British accent or american accent or both?
2nd, what is the time required to do a good prepartion for GT IELTS.
thank you very much.
Hi,Respected Ma`m
how r u.hope you will be very well. i have seen your videos on ilts presentaion. i have learn much from it. i m living in PAKISTAN. I M A student and want to improve my speaking skill.please send me some tips and name of books.
that’s nice. thanks all of english video group for ur free help. best of luck…
hi!rabeeca i am to much happy about your behaviour i think you are a role modle teacher not for all the teachers in the world but also for humainity because i saw that you provide the answer of every comments by all the students separately god bless you please guide me about this quistion ( i am trying to obtain a study visa to england my english on the stage where i can understand all the speakers but i find a troublle in speaking english can you help me)
Thanks alot it was very effective for me …
Dear Rebecca,
thank you very much for your lessons.
I am thinking about studing English abroad. Is it possible to study at your school in Toronto? I did not find information about this at http://www.engvid.com. Thank you indvance for your answer
Hi my teacher Rebecca thank you for your help ;;i can reading and writing but i can not speaking can you help me?
thanks alot for giving us how to pass this
rebecca i thank you from deep of my heart , you are the best keep it up… I LOVE HUMANIST.
Thanks Dear for these all valuable information. It would be very useful to provide more free IELTS tests on youe site. Could you please?
hi I hope you r fine where can I find lessons for conjunctions?
hi Ms Rebacca i can understand your speach very easily presently i am in pakistan and i have already finished my school so would you tell me should apply for IELTS or TOEL please select the easier one ok wish you live happily and successfully
sorry i got a few mistake it is not toel it is TOEFL
hi Rebecca,
i would like to have some sort of advice from you.
i live in sri lanka and hope to move to Australia for a job. at the same time im willing to follow an MBA in business administration.so what exam will be useful to achieve my future targets?
thank you.
hi Rebecca!
Hi my name is safy, I am I need to pass academic IELTS and get score of 7 in every session. Can you help me to achieve this, my big problem is writing I can right in every topic the problem in content of sentence I always think it right but when someone else read it , say sentence not correct but is good in butting idea and organize
Dear Rebecca,
My name is Chuk Sarath who is learning English to get a pass of IELTS with the score of above 7 so that I can use it to apply for a scholarship to continue my Master Degree. So, please help me!
in listening part of IELTS can we have dictation mistake? it would be negative point or not?
tanx & best
Hi dear Teacher
iam ismail From Kabul.afghanistan i like to imporove my Englsih from which way i can to imporove my english and tell me that how i prepare for ILETS exam give me more informations and i like to contact u soon bye
than you…………………
hi Rebecca , thank you very much for these useful videos. really it help me so much, cause i decided to study IELTS and immigrate. so i should take general IELTS,should i???..also i want you to tell me, if that will be helpful for me,cause i want to work in Australia as a physiotherapist.so you submit for me GENERAL IELTS??
hi Rebecca , thank you very much for these useful videos.I want to do my MS course in UK .I am a engineeing graduate in electronics & Communication engg.Please guide me how to crack the IELTS exam and what is minimum qualifying mark for it?
Rebecca u r the best teacher i have very less time my exams are on 10 january so can u tell me best way for perfect prepartion in a short time
thansk a lot for your details regarding IELTS
Thanks a lot my teacher.
hola mi nivel es intermedio.cracia ustedes hacen un trabajo genial!!!
Hi, Dear Rebecca,
I dont know IELTS system and i want to your help me because this exam very diffucult for me.! can you give me listening and writing tips? How long must I study on one day?
Dear,Rebecca, I want to know about ILETS. THANKS,
you are good teacher!
thanx Rebecca
Thank you very much from my bottom of my heart
Hi Rebecca,
I hope you are fine, and Thank you for your useful video, but teacher I have problem in the reading section I find it very hard and I can’t answer the question !, also in the listening I can’t write the words with the correct spelling. I need for your advice.
Plz Dear Rebecca give a lecture to use the “could”
hi rebecca.could you please tell me what score in ielts is necessary for canadian university?
Every university and department has different requirements. You can check the admission requirements on each university’s website.
Thank you so much, It was informative enough to solve all the confusions regarding basic information about IELTS.
hi my teacher rebcca ,very useful knowlge
hello mam my name is Taranjeet singh i m from punjab i m prepare genral ielts and can u told me how many band are requred in canada for genral base???
Hi Mam,i am very greatfull to you that you leave your lectures on website,,,Thank you so much
Hi Mam,i am very greatfull to you that you leave your lectures onebsite,,,Thank you so much
you are a good teacher Mam .
this is the awesome website . after my IELTS i want to apply for pg in Canada.
thanks to you
Hi, mam.
I am the luckiest guy who has got an opportunity to have training from you whose ways of teaching are easy to make me understand about Ielts and its different aspects.
I am so happy to listen your lecture on english , Respected Ms Rabicca. really i appriciate your style of teaching.
Hi, Miss Ronne , your all lessons are so intresting and appriciatable, i show it to my students. i also teach english to students. here in Paksitan.
pls i need lessons ielts preparation course send to my e-mail
my honorable teacher Rebecca. i hope you well. i am quiet new in this site. but i had watched many videos from you madam and it was really helpful for me. may i have a tips for how to improve my skill for ielts… i would like to say, i am going to appear in ilts exam soon. thanks……………
You area and excellente teacher, congragtulatios, your lesson are so helpfull, thaks, for your clases, and go on.
Thanks for Such Incredible Introduction ~~
Thanks for your contribution to improve our English language.Some people need to learn English.But they haven’t spend more money.So I appreciate your grateful effort in this regard.
This is very helpful. I love it. It is better for IELTS students. IELTS students must listen this lesson. This lesson help them for IELTS test.
thank u madam this lesson is very useful for me
I’m going to have my IELTS test soon, do you have any ways or ideas for me to improve writing skills? I’m extremely weak in writing skills. I’m looking forward for you and do really appreciate if you ca help!Thanks.
Thanx it is very helpful!
hello , i want to know what is ielts and whats a benefit for that course if i have prepare .. ??
HI ,rebecca im adoctor from sudan now im inKSA iwant to attend exam as soon as bossible can Ihave some advise please about how to get higher degree and waht to do and does it differs according to job or it is the same thanks
Thank you very much. Your lessons are very interesting and easy to understand.
Thanks for a nice and crisp introduction and guidance.
requested mam i want to know how to prepare for IELTS exam to take 6.5 bands
Hi mam,
I have seen many of your videos regarding english teaching.. I am trying to migrate to canada. So i have to attend the IELTS exam. Could you please help me out of it…I just need the videos you trained as wel as the format questions..
I, a Srilankan and i have been registered to a UK guy and now like to migrate to UK so, should i do IELTS?
Is the academic test enough for both academic and immigration purposes?
No Mr.Nawab IELTS Is two types
Acadamic for educational purpose and general for immigration purpose
HI ,rebecca im adoctor from sudan now im inKSA iwant to attend exam as soon as bossible can Ihave some advise please about how to get higher degree and waht to do and does it differs according to job or it is the same thanks
hi mam Rebbeca, i am really thankful to you for your these kind lessons, i really appreciat your teaching skills. I have start to learn from this site few days ago, Mam I want to do IELTS, can you guide me how can I play the videos by accurate sequance, i am facing problem so that I contact you here! PRegards! KHUBAIB SAEED BALOUCH
Hi Rebbeca,
How can I pass the speak section? :(
Thank you for the video :*
hi t want laern mor english ..
what is the advies..
Dear Mrs Rebecca,
I would like to enquire you that what is the advantage if i pass the ielts test?
best regards
Hi! I am planning to take the IELTS and i am just wondering what book can you recommend as my referrence for my review, thanks!
hi! dear Rebecca
i am living in pakistan i am in class 9th i was planning to take IELTS to join school in canada can you please tell me that how should i prepare my self for the EILTS exam i m so worried about that plz give me some tips that from where i should start?
thank you!
but i really can’t wait for the answer plz reply me
Hello, Rebecca
I am a non english native based in India and have to appear for the IELTS test in about a month’s time. As per your experience, can someone score 6.5 in all section with a month’s preparation with moderate proefficiency in language?
i have a lot of problems in writing what should i do for the improvement of my writing i spend many time to study different books news paper butt still I am not able to write some thing correct
i need your advice what should i do.
Thanks very much Rebecca for your such a wonderful guiding.
im mona frm pak …. plz mam my ielts exam 25th feb pllzz help me plz give me suggestion for ielts plzz contact me .. how can i improve my english ? my big problem in reading and speaking plz contact me
Dear ms,
i’m vani and i’m from colombo.i hope you are well.i am going to take IELTS exam,i want more information about this exam.
I am taking IELTS exams.
Can you suggest me how to practice for all modules?
How to deal with Reading module?
Thank you, I got writing 6.0 and speaking 6.0 could you please tell me how can I improve to 6.5? in short period, I am going to sit the exam next week.
I look forward to hearing from you
thank you
helo friends i want to study and work in USA so i should face the IELTS but i don’t know about this regards so friends do make me understand about this from birgunj Nepal 9845190319
Hello,Honourable Prof.Rebecca
I’ve Watched your video lesson about
“How to learn English with the News”.I tried these tips daily in listening to News and reading News paper and I improved my English.
I am very thankful to you.
hey dear i am about to start IELTS but i am abit worried about starting IELT plz give me some tips in order to satisfy my self.
,,,teacher rebecca.. I will take the IELTS exam next month. I have a problem,,honestly english subject is my weakness.. i don’t know where will I start to study?! I’m poor in vocabulary..i have no enough time to study..I am pressured! is the goodluckielts website will help me on this? are the topics in the exam mostly same as the sample in their? huhuhu! I need your advise Mam rebecca! Thank you and more power!
This webside is very helpful. I can learn with foreign teachers every. I have a question, How can I get 6.5 Ielts in two months’? Now I’m at 4.0
i likeand i learned alot from your lectures thanks ,but i have 1 problem in precis and compsition,and also in reading comprehensive ,how we can learn can you help me in this ?
m hasan here i wna going to uk plz
tel me some easy tips for pass the ilets test my tset cmin nxt week
brilliant info about ielts
I have given Ielts general exam , but i have done one mistake plz guide me,In reading section i have written T answer for True and F answer for False can i get score on this answer plz help
you are a wonderful teacher
thanks or the info. I am preparing for IELTS Exam.You know my aim is to score average 9 Bands. Wo Hoo!!
I am working hard on it.
Wish me Luck :)
thanksssssssssssssss so much for that
hi.. thanks a lot for this.
In fact, i’m seeking your help, my traget in ielts test is 7 in each section & should be in short time(within 1month), what’s the right website & book that can improve my ability, currently overall 5.0 only. pls help.. this really uregnt .
Hi! My name is Azamxon I need advice,I will start IELTS exam,How can I start this exam,please help me,I will study abroad!
Hey,after qualifying IELTS we get scholarship or not?
Hello Prof.
can you suggest me how to improve my writing skills?
Hey miss
can u tell that wheather ielts is applicable for usa o not or i have to give gre for studying in usa
hi! u r vry good teacher :)
h r u?
very nice this is the way of teaching
Thanks Robecca ! :)
Dear Mrs. Robecca, thanks for your endless efforts toward guidance and teaching for people who want to enhance their English abilities..
thanks for your help
thanks so much for you great help to explain these lesson,
thanks so much
superior/I terribly like rebecca^s speaking/ she speak very cosily plainly and slowly
I would like to teacher English for non English speakers.
Do I have take TOEFL OR IELTS ,and can I do it online
Thank and best regards
thank you allot i’m really happy watching your videos thanks allot
hi Rebecca
u r such lovely teacher ,the way u explain each term its fantastic…
Hello dear Rebecca
my name is Ari Qader i want to take IELTS test
so i’d like many thanks you for all speech and answer question i am very useful when read your advice her it is very significant thanks a lot by the way i am from Kurdistan it is located in north Iraq student in here is really love you
hi good english i’m so happy
Dear Rebecca,
I watched your few lessons. You are doing good job. Your lessons will not help a few but this free of cost matter will help millions. You even do not know, in Non English Speaking countries how students are facing English Accent problem. your lessons are shown in classrooms in schools, where only two modes of English are taught, Reading and Writing. But now students will cope up speaking and listening problems. Your lessons will help them out. Thanks a lot…
good lesson
hi rebecca , question : I am a bachelor degree holder from another country and I am getting ready for application for provincial nominee here in Manitoba . Do i need to take still ?
hey THE Rebecca,
pleasure to know about you by ielts instruction videos
i want to know that have you any list to use perticular list for use idiom phrase and proverb which can use in any essay for advantage, disadvantage, compare contrast, discuss essay, causes effect and suggestion??
in adv-disadv essay of any type we can use ALL THAT GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD for disadvantage
have you any perticular list which can be used in all essay in each type
plz reply me soon my exams are too soon
Ur student
Thanks Rebecca for such helpful information
my name is amirhamza i am from afghanistan my speaking is really good but i have same problem with reading
Hi Rebbeca
I am Mohamed fro algeria. I have watched your Eng videos and found them very useful. You really deserves The Queen of English Language! Actually, i am intending to take IELTS exam in thye next few months at Algiers and i probably need your support and advises on this.
I am more interesting in writinng tasks part which is a bit tricky in some points.
Hope hearing from you soon
Have a good day
Hi MISS Rebecca; hope you are upto the best of your health. i have just written to request you to help on how to teach each skill of IELTS either General or Academic. Infact i teach IELTS calsses but after watching your vidoes, i taught it is good to learn it even better from someone who is already an English. it would be a great help if you send me the guidelines or suggest me some other books via which i will teach IELTS in its most useful way.
Waiting for your response.
Thank you Rebecca useful information
thanks Rebecca
Thanks for explaining the basics of IELTS. :)
thanks sooo much!!
any tip of IELTS?
Very useful lesson. Thank you Rebecca!
thank you very much Mrs. Rebecca for the lesson, but where can i found the vocabulary about graphs, charts, diagrams and tables to study them? pleas recommend some websites for me I will be so thankful.
Thank for all. Im very funny because i can hear about 80% your lesson. Do you think can i have 5.5 ielts test. Actually, i dont have enough confident for ielts. Could you give some advice, madam?
Thank you very much.
thank you Rebecca .Please, does the specific time of each section include a period for transferring answers from scrap paper to answer sheet?
Please, do I write a question in above properly?
Thank you .
Dear Rebecca,
To learn more, I went to the site IELTS. This is very interesting.
Yours sincerely.
Hi,thanks for the great lesson,I was wondering do you know any website that i can submit my writings to be check out by an expert?
Thank You Rebecca, but I have one question for You. Which books do You think are the best for well IELTS general module self-study preparation?
Oh and I forgot to ask You for an advice of the best way to increase my speaking skills for the exam. Looking forward for an answer from You.
thanks Rebecaa for your useful way to give information.
I enjoy your classes so much Rebecca, you are such a blessing. Since i met you online my english usage improved.
Thank you…I got points with 1 mistake!
Thank you so much, very useful information.
Excellent explanation!! Thank you Rebecca!!
Hi Rebecca,
I watched your ‘Introduction to the IELTS exam’ and found it very useful. I am currently in my final semester of Masters in Virology, from India. I wish to pursue PhD abroad (USA, Europe). however, I have a confusion as to which exam I should opt for? IELTS or TOEFL?I wish to keep my options open.I would like to know the difference between IELTS and TOEFL, and which one should I go for.
Also, I cannot afford to join any paid classes as I do not earn and thus, would be highly obliged if you can provide me with any online resources where I can get notes, practice tests and good lectures in addition to goodluckielts like the one delivered by your goodself.
Please help
Thank you Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca
Very useful info, in my contry exists a similar test to prove the real english level, and the content of it similar than IELTS exam
You got 8 correct out of 10.
thank you.
Thank you very much mam
Your the best teacher, continuously watching your lessons from 3 days
My course requirement is 5.5 band, is it possible in one month for me , my English level is b1, iam appling all the engvid lessons plans when practice time. I have other quries any official email id for contacting teachers
mine date 27/10/21 from Kazakhstan
thank a lot Rebecca
your explanation was very clear
Thanks for more one great lesson teacher
that’s nice. thanks all of English video group for Ur free help. best of luck…
Yes, great video material. Thanks