engVid quiz

Test your understanding of this English lesson

Test your understanding of the English lesson by answering these questions. You will get the answers and your score at the end of the quiz.



Dear Rebecca!

Thank you very much for this helpful information. It is very helpful resource for english learners. I did personally take advantage of these free advice you provide to learners. Along with learning a great number of valuable advice, it is a great opportunity to improve listening skills.

I just cant find words to express my huge gratitude to you for such a wonderful opportunity you provide us with.

Thank you very much dear Rebecca !
I adviced your website to more than 300 people among my students and people who want to learn english.

I will continue doing that.

You are a great teacher!


Fargani from Azerbaijan

    Dear Ms Robecca,
    How are you? are you okay? I hope so. I am from Pakistan.Is there a vido Lecture for english tenses, and how to use it in Dailly life & Plz Tell me about Different methods to learn English, Thank You.

    Your Faithfully,
    Muhammad Refaqat.

    Muhammad Refaqat

Fargani – Thank you very much for your kind words and for recommending our site to your students. Please let us know if there are particular topics you would like to see lessons on. We would be happy to produce those lessons which would be most beneficial to ESL students around the world. Keep checking back as we will be adding new lessons often. Thanks, again.


    Dear Rebecca!

    My name is Amir. I am student of Kazakh-British Technical University. I would like to pass IELTS exam, and now I am preparing. Your lesson is very good and everything is clear! I have one suggestion; it would be perfect if you will teach about modal verbs, “may”, “can”, “could”, “would”, “must”, “need”, “should”. Because sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish it.

    Thank you in advance.



    Dear Ms Rebecca,
    I have an english language exam in a couple of days and I am not sure what to revise?
    Please could you help?
    Yours faithfully,


    Thanks a lot for your fantastic lessons.

    I am looking for new lessons about how to improve our english vocabulary?

    sincerely Salem

    salem farhmand

    Dear Ms Rebecca,

    First of all I would like to say thank you very much for teaching us these wonderful lessons. It helps us to broaden our mind and knowledge to the next level. I just recently joined here in this website and you have have been teaching us hard lessons that is very easy to understand because of the way you teaching. I have never felt happy like this before since I have learned much because of you. I hope that you will still be teaching the way you have taught us. If only their is a measurement that could measure my gratitude, I will have done it. I wish you all the best.

    Yours Sincerely,

    P.S. I hope my letter is fine. And I’m hoping that you will correct me if i have any mistake to my letter. Thank you


Dear. Rebecca
I appreciate your assistance to new english learner.
Currently, I am preparing for me TOEFL exam and I find your site and videos VERY beneficial. I just wanted to thank you for your hard work and keep it up!!!!

-Ji Hoon Hong


Dear Rebecca,

I am writing to you to thank you for the useful information you published on the net for the public students.

fortunately, i was on of those student who get the benefits of using this information which i found it on uyube web site, currently i am preparing for the IELTS exam.

At the end, i would like to thank you again for this grate effort and keep it up.

Yours Sincerely.
Samih Rajab

Sami Rajab

Thanks Ji-Hoon and Samih for your comments. Glad I was able to help you.


Dear Rebecca ESL,
I really thankful to you as I was in search of great teacher like you.
Thanks God also. Kindly keep up it.

Your Sincerely,
G. N. Asif

Ghulam Nabi Asif

    Thank you kindly, Ghulam. Please let me know if there are any special areas in which you experience difficulties. Good luck with your English studies and your future.



      Dear Rebecca
      i am writting to congratulate you.
      anymay, i would like you to help in some particular field as LAW and also to E-teach how to write a report on formal meeting.
      yours sincerly.


Dear rebecca thank you for your advice , i“learning from your video classes, and i would like you to talk about “How to improve pronunciation in secondary students because i`m oing a project about that , and I want to know that .


    Hi Zoila

    I will be recording pronunciation videos in the future, so stay tuned.

    In the meantime, please do make use of the many fine books and CDs on the market which can help with pronunciation. Of course, there are different accents in English, but there are still guidelines that will help improve pronunciation of non-native English speakers.

    Are you a teacher or a student? All the best to you.



Dear Rebecca,

I am glad to see something very useful for free on your website, your way of teaching is great!
Currently i am preparing for my IELTS exam, i would be really greatful to you if you please help me in advising regarding my exam prepartion and could recommend some good practice and tips.

Thanks & Regards
Usman Butt


    Hi Usman

    Please have a look at my website Good Luck IELTS.

    It has a lot of information on the IELTS, and many tips for doing better on each part of the exam. I have also recently added some sample essays there and a list of essay topics.

    Please watch the video on How to Structure Your TOEFL Essay ( on this site) to help you write your IELTS essay with ease. The IELTS essay is shorter than the TOEFL essay but the principles of structuring it are the same.

    Which IELTS exam do you need to do? General or Academic?

    I wish you all the best,



    Dear how was your ielts and nowadays how you are doing, though it is too late, i just replied your message.

    Many thanks

    Agha Arshad

Really mem,you have great tip i need help for general reading tips in which i got only 4.5 band otherwise my overall band is 6 so pl could you help me

hetal pandya


    Hi Hetal

    You too could benefit from my website Good Luck IELTS. There is lots of information there about each section of the test, including reading.

    There are also specific practice books available to improve your General Reading skills. You should analyze which of the different types of questions you usually get wrong: true, false & not given, fill in the blank, multiple choice or something else. Each question type requires a different strategy. Learn the best strategies and do many practice questions to develop your ability to answer those kinds of questions. By understanding exactly which types of questions you get wrong, you can work in a more targeted way to improve your score. The IELTS reading section can be tricky so please try this approach.

    Also watch the video recommended to Usman above to help you score higher on the essay writing part of your exam.

    All the best to you,



dear Rebecca
i want to learn English very well .can you give me some advices and lessons please tks you so much


Thanks for this helpful website and the whole movies..Your phonetics also so clear that I almost catch every word you say..Thanks a lot.

Muhanad Jaff

    Thanks, glad I could help you, Muhanad.


Dear Rebecca,
This Nicolas from Mexico.
I just got this amazing site,and I am so thankful.
I’d like to know how to improve my English.
How to speak fluent,and fast too.
Can you give me some advice please?

Thank a lot.



    Hi Nico

    Please look at the response to faty above. That should give you some ideas.

    There are also so many great online learning options, such as Skype lessons, which some of our teachers offer too.

    Any chance of your traveling to Canada for some time? We have many warm and enthusiastic students from Mexico and around the world.


Dear Rebecca.

I just would like to thank you for such a clear and concise lesson. It was easy for me to understand as your pronunciation and speed was perfect for ESL learners. I’m also delighted to have found this web site. I’ll be here to explore more topics that would hepl me improve my speaking and writing skills.

Thanks a lot.

Yours truly,



    Hi Sheree

    Thanks for your feedback.

    I would like to compliment you on your English. You wrote an almost flawless letter! The only mistake was just a typing error, I believe. You have obviously invested a lot of effort in improving your English and it shows! Good for you.

    Please do tell others about our website so we can continue to produce more lessons.

    All the best to you, Sheree.


      my name is maikel i am from Iraq , i am very sad because i cannot speak english and i dont know what i should be do to improve my english, please could you tell me some advice!! i will wait for your answer ??

      Thank u


dear rebecca,
would you please write down the body parts of letter as well if possible.i checked your video in youtube.that was very helpful.
but if you can be able to show the body parts of the general writing too i would be grateful to you.thanks for your help.
yours faithfully


    Thanks for the suggestion, Umang.

    What I’ll do is add some sample letters to the goodluckielts website. Keep checking, and good luck with your exam.


mam i wanna english pronounciation…..


    Some of the other teachers on our website have recorded pronunciation lessons which may help you.


Dear Rebecca,

Please tell me whether I should use tab (Blank spaces) before starting each paragraph during my writing tasks on IELTS or not? Your feedback would be really helpful.

Yours faithfully


    You can either use the tab to indent each new paragraph, or else you need to leave a line space between each paragraph.

    Hope this helps.


Dear rebecca

Can you please help me with introduction in both letter and eassey writing for general module.I would like to know is it possible that u could score my writing and give me feed back.I need at least 6.5 band score so i know how is i am doing.I would be very greatful for your reply.Thank you.

yours faithfully


    I’ve sent you a separate email about your request.


Dear Rebecca,

I appreciate your great endeavour for providing free IELTS learning materials. I found you site when i was surfing the net. But unfortunately, my netwok link is slow that’s why i cann’t listen your vedio clip. I am trying to find out any download links but fail to download the vedio clip. Would you please give me some information about how can I save it in my local PC after then i can listen it smoothly.


Dear Rebecca,

First of all I want to say thank you very much for your very useful video lessons. Now I understand a little bit but I really want to improve my english because I got 70.00 your quiz it’s too bad. But I have to study well english with your website. Thanks all.

Yours sincerelly.


    Get hold of a good IELTS guidebook and you can improve your English skills. Stay positive!


Dear Rebecca

Thanx for such a usful information and all the best for such a deligent effort you are putting into to make people like us worth something.

Yours sincerelly
Nimit Jain


    My pleasure. Every single person has his or her unique potential. I wish you all the best with your English.


Dear Rebecca,

Thanks again for your great teaching. I really hope to get my English improve from you.

Yours Sincerely,



Glad I could help.


Dear Rebecca,

I’d like to thank you for the useful information that you have given us so far, and for your time and your great effort.


    Thanks a lot, Akram.


Dear Rebecca.

I would like to İELTS exam and I have to get 6.5 skore from the exam.
You should give me some advice regarding the İELTS exam. I will apply on 5th September 2009. I have limited time and I do not knom how to study well. Please send me a relating mail to me. I would like to thank you very much.

Yours faithfully.


    First, check which IELTS you need to take – Academic or General.

    Then, get hold of a copy of the Cambridge IELTS exam papers so you cna see samples of previous exams. Do a sample test and you will know what your strengths and weaknesses are. You will need an English teacher to check your writing.

    The best thing is to join the best IELTS preparation program you can find in your area or else to find a private teacher who can help you prepare for the exam. Make sure the teacher has experience in IELTS preparation and not just in general English.

    To do well on this exam, you need to learn specific strategies to get the highest marks.

    You could also check my website below for general tips on how to do well in each section and to read soem sample essays I have written:


    All the best to you!


    First, check which IELTS you need to take – Academic or General.

    Then, get hold of a copy of the Cambridge IELTS exam papers so you cna see samples of previous exams. Do a sample test and you will know what your strengths and weaknesses are. You will need an English teacher to check your writing.

    The best thing is to join the best IELTS preparation program you can find in your area or else to find a private teacher who can help you prepare for the exam. Make sure the teacher has experience in IELTS preparation and not just in general English.

    To do well on this exam, you need to learn specific strategies to get the highest marks.

    You could also check my website below for general tips on how to do well in each section and to read some sample essays I have written:


    All the best to you!


Dear Rebecca,
Thank you for such a nice work.Ms i have one problem in ielts and it is in Reading Section Ms Reading Section is very difficult for me.
Please Ms give me some special tips or strategies to improve my skill of reading.
Best Regards
Muhammad Tayyib


    Thanks, Muhammad. The IELTS reading section can be quite challenging, so don’t feel bad that you’re having some difficulty.

    You really need to study each type of question to understand the right strategies for answering that particular type of question. There are several IELTS guidebooks which can help you with this.

    Also, please look at the tips on http://www.goodluckielts.com under the reading section. I hope this helps you.

    Most of all, practice as much as you can and identify the type of questions that you usually get wrong. Then work on improving your skills for that particular type of question.

    I wish you all the best in your exam.


dear Rebecca
hope you doing well and happy

1.can u send me any sample how to write an application…..
2. how i will improve my english in writting any letter or any offical letters.

keep in touch


    Hi Omer

    You could look for various resources online that may help you to write such letters.

    One excellent resource for learning official writing is a book called Company to Company
    by Cambridge University Press. I have used it for several years and it really helps my students improve their writing.

    My best wishes to you.


Hi Rebecca While searching English Listening Videos I watched your precious videos. The way of teaching is the best. I think those who know alittle English can understand your way of Teaching. Further you are looking a nice lady teacher .Really appreciate your services in this regard. Plz Reply

Jamshed Ansari

Hello Rebecca please tell me something about Figures of speech,Are these important to undestand English poetry.
I am waiting for your kind reply.

Jamshed Ansari

    Hi Jamshed

    Thanks for your feedback. Glad you find the lessons beneficial. Figures of speech, or idioms, are used more in conversation. Poets usually try to be more original.

    If you enjoy the lessons, please do tell your friends about our website through facebook, twitter, etc. It will help us to continue this service.

    Thanks, again and all the best with your English!


this is one of the best site for learning english specially for student want to appear in ielets exam


Hello Rebecca ! I hope you are doing well !
I just wanted to show my gratitude to you for all that you’ve done for the English language through your videos! Very very beneficial !
Thank you !

Zait Polozani

zait polozani

    Thanks so much, Zait. So glad I could help you.


Dear Rebecca

First off all thank you for helping so many students like me.
I have recentlly visited your website and registered myself. I am preparing for IELTS exams(general),which i need for immigration purpose. I live in UK so listening and speaking is not that bad. I feel like i am not good at writing and my reading is bit slow.
I have not got much time for prepration as i need to sit for exam in next month. Please advice me what i am suppose to do?

Thanks again



Hi Ruksana

The IELTS is a challenging exam, even the general version, and you do need to prepare as much as possible to get a good score.

Please watch my video on How to Structure your TOEFL Essay. You can apply the same principles to your IELTS essay, except that your essay can be a little shorter on the IELTS (only 4 paragraphs in length). Try to write a little bit every day, and see if there is a teacher who can check your writing and offer you feedback.

Do as many practice tests as possible so you know clearly what kinds of questions to expect on the exam, and what kinds of questions you need to practice more.

I wish you all the best!


    Sorry, I wanted to write “Rukhsana”.


Dear Miss Rebecca,

I am Maha from Emirate and I am very happy because when I want to learn the IELTS I found this great website, I understand all the word I feel it’s very easy for me and I am quickly learn and understand thank you very very much.

I have one question

I want to know how I can get 5 in IELTS I want easy way pleas help me

I got in

listening 4.0
reading 2.0
writing 3.5
speaking 4.0
overall band score 3.5

and my college want 5 point

how i can get it I want the easy way ??

because my IELTS exam in 2/12/2009 and I have just 1 month to study the IELTS no time !!

I hope you are able to help me and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

yours sincerely,


sorry I wrote the date wrong, the IELTS Exam will be 9 January 2010



    Sorry for the delay in replying. The best way , if possible, is to join a good IELTS preparation class, as you can be given valuable feedback on your strengths and weaknesses.

    There are also many IELTS exam preparation guidebooks available which can give you lots of practice which will help you. Don’t just do practice tests, but also do skill building exercises.

    Try to get hold of a good IELTS teacher who can guide you specifically.
    Have you checked my IELTS website?

    My very best wishes to you.


Dear Rebecca

I am really happy after getting all this basic information about writting a latter to someone, i would like to say you thanks a lot. I am giving IELTS exam at next following saturday, i have been doing lot of preparation for that.
I have just seen your video on youtube , n i love it. You gave us very accurate detail about each topic in very easy format, so any kind of student can learn easily.I appriciate all your effort to make this for us.
If I had got your website before few weeks, I would have been felt more easier then now. I have left just 1 week now , so i need to get top up my preparation . I have still doubt about some preposition like of,for & from. If you can make such kind of video about it, it would be greatfull for me.
Once again , Thanks a lot to you & your other fellos.

Best Wishes

Kabir Nigam


Dear miss Rebecca.
I am duy from viet nam, and I am verry happy because I want to learn the ielts .general I found this geat website . I understand all the word I feel it’s easy for me and I am quickly learn and understand that you very much . fist time I am go to test on 12/12/2009 .
I hope you are able to help me . and i look forward to hearing from you soon .
yours sicerely .


    Sorry for the delay in replying.

    I hope your exam went well. The IELTS is a difficult exam, so don’t feel bad if you don’t get your desired score the first time.

    Please access the many useful exam preparation guidebooks which can be very useful in building your skills.

    My very best wishes to you, Duy.




    My pleasure. So glad I could help you.

    All the best to you, Sherif.


thanks for your advices, i found these resorces very helful, but i need you do me a favour, i am having problem in develop a essay could you upload a video about this plz. i would be glad if you do


It’s indeed a very good lesson. Thank you very much.

Rabin Hada

Dear Rebecca,

Good day!
First I would like to say THANK YOU very much for giving us some advices regarding how to begin and ending a letter. Secondly, I really appreciate ALL the efforts of the teachers of ESL. You guys are really really a BIG HELP for us especially for the beginners who would love to express their feelings through english language.

Shall I say I am so lucky to found this site. You did a great job! And I hope you could provide a lot of informations or lectures which is very useful for beginners.

With my prayers,


where i can take the quiz? help me


Dear Ms. ESL

First I would like to thanks for how to start and finished the letter , my IELTS General
Training Exam is on 20th March 2010. I will get surely good score after teach this clue.

Best Regards,



Dear Rebecca,

Thank you very much for your kind assistance. It is very useful information for preparation to IELTS. Might just try to listen audios in diverse environment – i.e. talks in buses, university corridors, outdoor etc. (listening part of IELTS), which is the most difficult for ESL learners (I’d bet even for a natives). Would be also very useful practice! Talking this way ’cause I’m kinda your colleague (worked for ECC English school as ESL teacher). Hope to join you in Canada once!

Good luck and thank you again!



dear rebecca
thank you very much for your kind assistance. i love you and your lesson. you are best teacher.


Dear Rebecca,

Thanks for teaching me how to start and finish a letter.
Though I made a careless miss, I won’t make a mistake from now on.



Thank you a lot for your good video.
By the way are you close to a police department? It sometimes happens that there are the sound of sirens in your videos….. But anyway continue like this. I really enjoy and appreciate your work.

Would be nice if you could also make some special TOEIC preparation videos.


Hi Rebecca, I’m Sahir from Malaysia.

Thank you very much for your lesson.
It helps me to improve my daily English.


Dear Rebecca, I am from Bangladesh, I want to study in Canada it is my ambition of life. I will be take the IELTS test in next month in British council. But I do not know that how I will get be band? If I get 5-5.5 then is it possible to admission PGDMS course? please reply me also is it possible to admission in CANADA without IELTS? give to some colleges names.

with best regards


dear rebecca, having a great knowledge is too good .but, sharing with the people who do not have any idea is great work. i thank you from bottom of my heart. and one more thing i need tips about interview to a multi national companies.


Dear Rebecca

I am jose form PA, USA, your classes are very interesting.
thank you, I had been learned a lot.
yours sincerely


Hello Rebecca,I like your clsses very much.You are a good teacher.


thank you very much about this excellent lesson . If you don’t mind I’d like to prepare a lesson about reported speech and I’ll be appreciated .
thanks again.




Dear Rebeca
hi thanks very much about u r lessons u have good way to explain
yours sincerlly


thanks our teatcher, video lesson is very usefull.Ihope to show more ,if you do not mind

halima mohmmed

Hi Rebecca, I´m from Chile, I´m 47. Fortunately I found your videos on the web, I must confess you that your explanations are very clear and apart of that you´re are very beautiful, and it´s a pleasure receive the lessons from you….regards.


Hi REBECCA,i m from pakistan.and my ielts exam is 26th june.plz give me tips as much u can give me.bcz my target band is 7.5.plz plzreply soon


I wanna tell you how much I enjoy your lessons.
Thank you kindly!
All your lessons have helped me alot.


Hi Miss Rebecca

I wanna ask you
If my IELTS result :

Listening 6.5
Reading 6.0
Writing 5.5
Speaking 4.5

How much would be my overall score?

Please reply me soon

Thank u :)


Meus parabéns! Você é uma excelente professora.

Paulo Balsimelli

Dear Sir/Madam,

Hari Nepal

Thank you very much dear Rebecca for the useful informations. I think there is a mistak in English quiz,the name of manager is Brown!

Kind Regards,

You’re writing to your bank manager, Tom Brown. How will you start and end your letter?
Dear Mr Smith, Yours faithfully
Dear Mr Smith, Your sincerely
Dear Mr Smith, Yours sincerely
Dear Mr Smith, Love


Dear rebecca

Can you please help me with introduction in both letter and esay writing for general module.I would like to know is it possible that u could score my writing and give me feed back.I need at least 6.5 band score so i know how is i am doing.I would be very greatful for your reply.Thank you.

yours faithfully

Rick Thomas

this is excellent way to learn english and espacially IELTS.I want to learn some technices of IELTS reading and listening.overhaull its a wonderfull site.thanks


Dear Rebecca:
Currently,I am preparing the exam of TOEFL and it should have be done in next month. Writing is my weakness and especially the topic: music is a kind of culture and what does the music of your country reveal about the culture of your country? For me ,this essay is so difficult that I can not come up with any point out and please give me some necessary hint just like what you do in your vidio with “Big City” And it may be possible for me to ask you about the same requirement for a few topoics. I am a immigrant who lives in Canada.
Thank you dear teacher


Dear Rebecca,

Thanks for this information.You are a great teacher.

i am preparing for my IELTS exam. I visited to your website -it help a lot to improve my English .

I’d like to ask one question- when we can use the sentence like :-

Please be advised ….

Kind regards



wow the quiz was super. excellent… am execpting more quizes


Dear Rebecca,

Thank you so much for this website and i am learning a lot from here.

i will be having my IELTS exam on October 30 2010 under General training version. i would like to ask some tips on how to write essays, i am well acquainted on letters but sucks in essays. i am so desperate to be good in writing essays but still i can’t stay on track. and i want to have a 9 score in writing. Please help!

Thank you..



    if want to help for other ,so type right now, tips in Bu lits…


Dear Rebeca your lessons are very helpful for me, as you explain very good. But what I can’t understand in this letter writing quiz “when name of the bank manager is Tom Brown then in option why he is smith”.


    You’re right! It was a mistake. We’ve fixed it now. Thanks.


      I don’t think it is fixed. At least in question 2(((


    where r u from????


Dear Rebeca,
If I know a person but I really do not sure the sex of this person. In that way how to start and close my letter?

Best wishes


Which one is the correct word to use when ending a formal letter, is it greatful or grateful?


Dear Rebeca,
Bundle of thanks for your kind cooperation to all English students.
How can I write to my professor (He has PhD.) can I write Dr. instead of Mr).


Dear Rebecca,

I happened to browse through ur site and i found it really interesting and useful. The language used is simple and understandable. I should say this is a great boon for english lovers and who wish to learn more.

Thank you once again.



really nice Lecture 4 us,its a biggest help 4 us


Dear Rebecca,

Kindly confirm me, what is right usage “Father’s name” or “Father name”…. especially in Resume.



Dear Rebecca,
I’m writing to thank you for yor kindly advices to student.I am so grateful with this site,but I would like to know how I can write letters and know about the mistakes.


Dear Rebecca!
Thank you very much for your lesson. It is very helpful.
Yours sincerely, Diana.

Diana Mykolaivna

Dear Rebecca!
Thank you very much for your lesson. It is very helpful.
Yours sincerely, Diana.

Diana Mykolaivna

Can some1 help me with my IELTS writing PLZ

Contact me with me email f.11,05.89@hotmail.com


dear ms rebecca nice lecture


Dear Rebecca,
My name is Amira, femal 26 years old from palestine, I try to prepare my self to get good scoor in the general ILETS exam.

Thank you very much, your lessons are great, I depend on them to study now, I will prepare my self to make the exame and then i will apply to immigrat to canada.

Thank you again.

Best wishes


Dear Ms. Rebecca,
Thank you so much for all the help you have done. I would be very grateful if you send me the links of teaching videos about LETTER WRITING, or any other useful materials about writing letters. I need them for teaching my EFL students in Iran.
Thanks a billion!
Kind regards,

A. Behpour, MA
Petroleum University of Technology (PUT)
English Department


Thank you very much for your lessons..!!

Mukesh Gaur

Dear Rebecca
its amazing the way you presented this lesson. I hope to go all of these videos and this is the first one, I got a impression to do so.. All of them will be very help for me as i am not a native English speaker. I am gonna take IELTS in so future.. I am sure I will be taking the required bandwidth for it. I am already there on your http://www.goodluckielts.com, its first day visiting here.. i am so happy with this site and with the above. and waiting for new

so madam..its a New year.. wish you and your team very Happy Happy New Year .. May your dreams come true… :)

yours sincerely


thanks to my lord because i got a new teacher who helps me to improve my english.
and she is rebecca (god of english)


Dear Ms Rebecca,
I am Ho Cong Truc, i am Vietnamese. I have accidentally known the website http://www.engvid.com for several months since i visited the another website. Now, i am very interested in this website because all of your lectures are very useful to me. And I like you best beside Ms Valen – lovely teacher and she writes carefully, Ms Ronnie – a humorous teacher; you speak clearly, easy to understand. Actually, “www.engvid.com” is my good friend from now.
And i hope there will be have more lectures about skills in the IELTS test.
Thank you very much and I wish you have a great new year, 2011!
Yours faithfully,

Ho Cong Truc


Dear Rebecca,

Warm Greeting from Siem Reap Angkor-Cambodia

I am writing to you to thank you for your very useful English lesson. I just got your webside one month a go and now learn from it every day due to i don’t have the time to learn and school.I will inform to my friends and my colleague to know about your webside.

Oh! if you have the free time do not forget come to visit Angkor Wat it’s wonderful Temple in the world. Just let me know if you wish to.

Best regards,


Kolab Heng

Dear Rebeca, God bless you. Please, I really need your help. Since I was a child I have a dream, I wish to become an English teacher. I have studied English in a language school for four years and I also study at home by myself using the internet. The problem is: I am not fluent yet, I have no confidence in my English that’s why I feel so frustated. I am good at grammar, pronunciation, writing, reading, understanding but for my desperation I am not good at speaking. Please Rebeca, tell me what I can do to overcome this obstacle. I really want to teach but to teach


Dear Rebeca,

I really need your help.please,I want to know, How to write a confess letter to my teacher because my mobile ring in the class room. please help me how to write confess letter to my teacher

fahad khan

Hello Rebecca,
Thank you so much for explaining the letters writing formats.
I am working in an IT company, and we generally use “Hi” or “Hello” when writing an email to our manager /colleagues. Is this the write practice or we need to use the semi-formal letter typing.


Ankit Jain

Dear Ms. Rebecca,

This is Kanthi Kiran from India. I am preparing for the IELTS test. I just saw your lecture on Letter writing-which was of great help to me.

I wish to ask you few questions regarding the same – is it required to mention the date & subject in the format of the Letter ? Please expain.

Thank you very much.

Yours sincerely


Dear my teacher
Thanks a million i am 56 years old i would like learn english fulently and many think about it could you help me



super and wonderful site engvid.com, I teach a lot of thing. Thanks for the great ideas for improving English.

Ahmed Jawad

pleas am new student in English .can any one help me how i can write litters for friend or etc…
what are their formal

sir akram

Dear Ms Rebecca ,


abdu hakim

Dear Rebecca,
Thank you very much for this helpful information.It’s very big opportunity to learn English for learners of English language.They can get beneficial lessons oever here. I would like to know if you could explain ”Far, by far, so far, As,just as,as..as, e.t.c ” by a video lesson.
Thank you very much.
your sincerely.


First of all I would like to congratulate your side for giving us an opportunities to improve our understanding in English Language. I am from Malaysia but now studying in Philippines with the course of AB ENGLISH. I was so surprised when I discover this website. It is really outstanding and world class teaching trough Internet.I will start my lesson here and I am hope it will help me a lot. I will introduce this website to all my face book friend.



Dear Ms Rebecca

Thanks for your website, its useful for practice tests and tips.

I am due to appear for IELTS later this month and need to score 7 band in each and overall. I am enrolled for the General Training.

I have studied in English medium school and have a reasonable command. Do you suggest I need to go for any paid tutorial online/classrooms for preparing myself or practicing the free material on your website and the official exam papers in the Cambridge books is sufficient.

Kindly guide

Yours faithfully,

Mohan Iyer

Thanks very Much, Very helpful video

Mohamed Egypt

Dear Ms Rebecca

I am writing to you to ask some Ielts letter samples.I am going to take part in ielts examination less than 20 days.I worte some letters but i dont know how to correct them,please help me.
Thank you in advance


Thank you very much, Rebecca :), you are my great teacher.


Dearest Madam,
Thanks for your briliant guidences, I found your vidios so helpful, Thanks for your kind guides


Dear Ms Rebecca, All the lessons are very much effective. In near future, i will enroll for IELTS test. Could kindly send me some written materials for preparation.


    good luck to you! i just passed my IELTS EXAM! wohoooooooooo i got my certificate now!
    just remember when you are taking the test just be relax and calm your self but think faster!


Dear Ms Rebecca
I am grateful about your essential lessons about writing english essay.i found it so useful for myself to improve my skill to participate in next ielts exam.i want to have your help to prepare myself for other skills too if it would be possible for you…..please let me to send you some writings in near future to correct by you as my teacher.
sincerely yours


thank you very much it is really interseting and got more knowledge


Dear,Ms Rebecca
u are a fantastic teacher. i am very thankful for your endless and fruitful efforts. Go ahead,God watches over u.
yous sincerly


Thank u very much i want your all ielts preparation videos how can i get them??


Dear,Ms Rebecca
Your are such a wonderful teacher I really couldn`t appreciat you in my words. Your`s lessons is marvelous.
Your`s sincerly


Dear Rebecca
it’s my first day on this site and i found that it is wonderful site for learning english an you are such a gud teacher…thanks

priya sarna

I want to thank you so much Rebecca the lesson was very good and gave me more information to write a letter ,you are really amazing teacher ,i preparing to IELTS examination and I hope to pass it and your information will help me to do that.


Dear Ms.Rebecca,
It’s wounderful exercise. But I would like to know about online english learning courses,as here in your site as well You Tube have very short clips. I want to learn regularly from you.Please send me the details if possible.
Yours faithfully,


Hello, could you chech this letter please?

Dear Lucy,

Thanks a lot for your letter.

I want to say that I am very busy because I am going to
have biology exam. So I must study hard now.

Nevertheless I want to plan our holidays this summer.
I suggest that we can go to London together. If you do not mind.

At the end I want to know what time is best for you.

I am looking forward to hear from you soon

Best wishes,


Hi Rebica,

Really i loved youor teaching standerd and explanations to understanding, i am student in british concial in A2.3 as well pre intermedeiot level at kuwait. i fell very happy with your website is orginised and fit to understanding for new learners..
i fell a question of you! by this level i can pass my genral ITLS exam such i want to live in canada.
many thanks for all course creators

best wishes

zaid ahmad


Really you help me too much , i like your explanation .

thank’s a lot


Dear Rebecca! Thank you very much for this lesson, it’s very useful for me because now I know what mistakes I made in the past and will never make them in the future! Thanks a lot!


Tell me mam if i am going to write a letter to Vice Chancellor of any university, then should i go for formal or semi formal and how i start that letter….Should i write Dear Vice Chancellor or Dear Sir/Madam…….please answer this……..thanks


Dear Rebecca,
thank u so much for such info, i have some problem in listening and speaking especially. kindly guide me.

Muhammad Shameel

    Hi Muhammad,

    You have raised very interesting point here. Well, I would say both Speaking and Listening are interlinked.
    You have to speak correctly if you want to listen properly therefore you should try to listen English channels like BBC, Animal Planet, Discovery etc as much as you can because that will surely enhance your listening.
    Simultaneously, try to read newspaper or magazine loudly and if possible record yourself so that you can refer your own audio next time to correct your mistakes. You should also try to hone your pronunciation which will further help you in listening and your speaking will also improve.

    Wish you good luck…



Hi Rebecca Howz U?. I really like ur Teaching m going to give IELTS Academic i searched academic video on ur site bt i couldnt find kind pls help me I shall b very Thankful To U


Dear Ms.Rebecca,
You are best teacher in the world.
thank you very much for your valuable information.


Dear Rebecca , thank u very much for these important informations about letter writting , tnak u very much again


Dear Ms Rebeca
I really enjoyed with your useful lessons
your sincerely


Dear Rebecca,
thanks for this this will very useful to me .thanks


Thanks a lot ma’am…….this video gives much information which i needed previously….!!!!


10 out of 10



TREASAJOSE treasajose

Hi teacher
Thanks 4 that web i liked so much i am new student of learn English and i hope i will learn more nice English from there, i am happy some one help me, please told me that can i send you and questions about learn English because i want IELTS .


muhammad asif aziz

Dear Ms Rebecca,
Thanks you very much for this lesson.
I learnt from there a lot.
Yours Sincerely


i want more expriece


Very well said Rebecca. Thanks for the information you’ve shared.


Hi Rebeca
Im a new comer here and Im looking someone who likes to talk to me in English in Yahoo messenger
Thank you for all your efforts to this site


Dear Rebecca,

I adore your advices and guidance. Most importantly, you are helping lots of people in their learning and proactively helping them to clear the doubts or queries raised through this portal.
I am preparing for IELTS General with Cambridge IELTS books (From volume 5 to 8) and satisfactory scores in test. I am also taking help of professionals for the verification of writing and speaking sections and they are quite convinced with output.
My question is, do I need to practice with other books also for real exam scenario or practicing with Cambridge books are alone sufficient? In practice tests, I usually get 8 to 8.5 in Reading, 7.5 to 8.5 in Writing, 7 to 8 in Listening, 7.5 to 8 in Speaking and I am targeting 7 bands in each sections.

I would really appreciate if you could help me with your valuable feedback.

Yours Sincerely,

Narendra Shukla

Thanks Rebecca madam, i hope if we keep continue ur All Teacher’s friendly teaching lesson’s.. IELTS score 8.5 is not matter to get anyway…

Thanks Madam REBECCA :-)

Polash Rahman

Dear Rebecca,
I would like to thank you for all the hard worked you’ve done just to help people to learned and improve their speaking english ability. I admit that i am not really good in english, Sometimes i am having a hard time by understanding my friends when they speak english. Tonight when i saw your video on youtube i decided to joined here on your website hoping to improve my english and learn more.Also, i will be taking IELTS next month. Oh dear! i feel nervous now as i know i am not really prepare yet and need to do more review and practice. May the GOD BLESS YOU Always and more power to you.

Yours Sincerely,


    Thanks for joining us, Jazz. We have lots of lessons for you to watch. Your English is quite good already, though! Since you are taking IELTS, you might be interested in this free IELTS guide that Rebecca has written.




        That’s great! What score did you get, jazz?


    hi, i would like to practice the english with you


Hi Madam,
Thanx for giving fantastiq lecture.
when I write a meeting invitation to my Managers, I am starting with “Dear All” ( addressing more than 15 people) and closing with ‘Thanks & Best Regards”. Is this is correct? This I am using for internal communication within our company.
Kindly Advice me.


Dear Rebecca
In the quiz of the “Letters-woh to start and finish” lesson, the second question is about a bank manager named Tom Brown, but the answers are about a “Mr Smith”.
Thank you for you lesson, and for reading my comment.
Yours sincerely
Carlos Torner

Carlos Torner

Dear Rebecca,

Thank you so much for being mentor and a teacher.I adore your advices and guidance. Great to see that you are helping lots of people through this website in their learning.

I am preparing for IELTS General with Cambridge IELTS books (From volume 5 to 8) apart from EngVid.com portal and getting satisfactory scores in test. I am also taking help of professionals for the verification of writing and speaking sections and they are quite convinced with my progress, but suggesting me to go further for real IELTS exam.

My question is, do I need to practice with other books also for real exam scenario or practicing with Cambridge books alone are sufficient? In practice tests, I score between 7 to 8 in each group, but sometime i lose my track in listining test. I am targeting minimum of 7 band in each sections for my Imigration.

I would really appreciate if you could help me with your valuable feedback.

Yours Sincerely,

Narendra Shukla

What remarkable words


Hi Rebecca,
Nice to read ur IELTS online preparation.
Good effort u’ve done


Dear Ms Rebecca
Thanks For your Help.God bless you.
Yours faithfully,
Luxor – Egypt


hi rebecca
i am sumaiya from bangladesh.
i saw ur online preparation. it was awesome. but theres a problem. here it is:
i study in a bangla cultured school. but i love english. in future i want to study in ielts. so how can i prepar myself for the future. pls tell me. i beg u. suma


    Dear Sumaya,
    I am also taking preparation for final IELTS Exam from Dhaka.Would wou pls share your preparation?


Dear Rebecca
I would like to thank you for excellent and simple way of teaching, really I enjoyed watching the lessons.

Yours Sincerely


Dear rebecca
thanks for ur all lectures, please make a video for IELTS preparation.. plz plz in sequence wize what we should have learn 1st for ielts..



Dear Rebecca,
Thanks alot for your clarification and preparation,please make sure the foloowing Q has the right choices:
You’re writing to your bank manager, Tom Brown. How will you start and end your letter?
Dear Mr Smith, Yours faithfully
Dear Mr Smith, Your sincerely
Dear Mr Smith, Yours sincerely
Dear Mr Smith, Love

best regards,


Dear Madam Rebecca,thank you for giving as some idea about how to write a letter.
really that was very helpful, and also I would like to know if you added a pancuation


i hav my english exam 2moz on writing formal letter to a frind xplaining why i have commited a crimee:/ god help me


Dear Ms Rebecca, I’m from sri lanka and I enjoyed very much of watching and listening to your teaching methods.But I still have a lot of question to ask about English language,especially when speaking. Tell me which of these sentences is correct. ” have this pack of biscuit when you go on the trip next week” or “have this pack of biscuit when you are going on the trip next week”. I know this kind of question may seem nonsense to people who already know the language well, but to a person like me it’s pretty confusable.There is more to ask and I’m sure that you wouldn’t ignore me and my confusion and would help me to clear it up without any hesitation.In keeping with your teaching I would close my very first letter to you saying, Yours sincerely, Vajira.

Vajira Perera

Dear Madam,
Thanks a lot for your site as well as helping us as new user.I wish your best wishes and better way to help us.
Yours sincerely,


rebeca hello, thank you for all your classes are excellent, my English is much better now


Dear Rebecca
u are really good teacher and u had good way to learn student , i will recommend all people to watch your website

Yours Sincerely,
Marwan akrae


Hi Ms.Rebecca,Happy holidays,Is there a vido clip for the four shapes of the english alphabet? thank you in advance


wonderful Rebecca.
thank you very much.
best wishes.
waiting for more……..


Thank a lot for web lessons.
I’ve seen many videos and They help me so much.


Dear Rebecca!
i need you’r help plss add me on skype


Dear Ms Rebecca,

This lesson has helped me a lot as coming 21st Jan 2012 I am giving my IELTS General Training.

Its quite obvious that as a second language user we will have to face lots of obstruction on vocabulary or pronunciation.

Here I am writing to ask you what circumstances makes you feel like this is a Semi-formal letter from examination point of view?

Sanjaya Acharya

Respected Ms Rebecca,

I have recently started my journey towards English literature. The information you provided are very helpful for every professional as well as student. I say thanks to you on great efforts you make.

May Allah blessed you with all the wishes in your great mind.


salam dear Ms Rebecca my name is mehdi i lovee u’rteaching would u like to tell me how improve my english thanks


thank you so much ,you great teacher


really useful, thank a lot

tien do

Thanks a lot..From Azerbaijan,l follow your lessons all day..


this site is fantastic.i love this site.


Great effort dear, wonderful


please i want a teacher who can teach me py internet so i wnt to improve my english and i can to transfire any tuition to him


Dear Rebecca;

Thank you for all of the lessons you share on engvid.com. you’re a great teacher.

best wishes


Rebecka you are the most most most and most better teacher while elaborating something.


i’m currently ESL student in a college ,i saw your videos online , personally i enjoyed it very much of watching and listening your teaching methods.you helped me a lot to improve my English and i benefited very important things from your great lessons.however your lessons is very helpful for all student whose want to learn English .
finally i appreciate you a lot , hope you continue like this and keep it up more



Hi my dear teachers
I am very happy to joined with you and I hope you accept me as your weakest student. now, I have a demond from you. if be possible that you should put up many mobile vedios because my internet is very slowly or low but unfortuntely I could not use from your vedios. please help me therefore, I am from backwarded country (Afghanistan).
Your weakest student Rabani

Rabani Falakzada

    That’s a great idea! I’ll pass it on to the boss.

    engVid Moderator

Dear femi,thank for your adivse

Salami lukmon

Hi Rebecca, I am indonesian.Thank you so much for your great teaching. i think you are great teacher. i think when you have time, you need to relax in Togian island in central Sulawesi Indonesia. it’s very beatiful island.Many tourist have visited this island all over the world until now. i live near by. when you come please contact your student.

many thanks

best regard

Edy Lami


Thanks Rebecca; i want you to explain to how to write a cover lettre and a cv please.


Dear Rebecca!
Thank you very much for useful and interesting lessons!
I`ll be waiting for the next IELTS lessons.
Yours faithfully ))




Dear Rebecca ! hey i’m nabil from morocco ; so
Thank you very much for this helpful information. It is very helpful resource for english learners. I did personally take advantage of these free advice you provide to learners. Along with learning a great number of valuable advice, it is a great opportunity to improve listening skills.
I just cant find words to express my huge gratitude to you for such a wonderful opportunity you provide us with.
Thank you very much dear Rebecca !
I adviced your website to more than 300 people among my students and people who want to learn english.
I will continue doing that.
You are a great teacher! and ask allah that lead me and guide you to the straight path.


Dear Rebecca
I really want to say special thanks to you and all those who are involved in this effort, it is really very helpfull for us who’s first language is not English bless you and all your team

Best Regards


Dear Ms Rebecca,
I’m writing to you to thank you for the useful information you published in your site for all the people in the world.
I’m from Albania and I get the benefits of using this information.
Thank You.
Yours sincerely
L Hoxha


It’s actually a cool and useful piece of information. I’m satisfied that you just shared this useful info with us. Please keep us up to date like this. Thank you for sharing.

comprar ordenador

Dear Rebecca,
Please, tell me that how i arrange if i would like to learn about lettering, and grammar.
What is the format of you lesson arrange?

Thanking you.
Mohammad Ashraf Khan


Thank you rebecca. This lesson was very useful to me


Dear Rebecca,
Thank you so much for such perfect explaining!!!I am from Ukraine and my English is awful(((Sometimes I think I have never learned this language…I want ask you about finishing of informal letter.Can I use something like:”With love,___”?


Thank you so much Mrs Rebecca for this help .I really appreciate this .


I m very thankful to you.Its very helpful video i learn a lot to see your IELTS video.I will join you inshallah i will keep in tuch.
Ali Haider

Ali Haider

wow i scored 10 out of 10


Bundle of thanks for these benefitial tips. i am feeling too much difference now before ago.thanks again


hello dear rebecca:
i like the way you teach and explain i have learn lot how to speak fluently thank you so much.
your’s sincerly: Elias Ahmadzai kabul Afghanistan


dear rebecca,
i have ielts test on 30jun so iam studying hard, it will be better if you tell me how to get the high score, iam very happy to have this site thanks from all of you.


Dear Rebecca,

Thanks a lot for this useful information. Im very glad that you have so many lessons. I have a small doubt, How should we end the letter by writing our name? I mean should we write our complete name or just a name?

Thanks a lot,


Dear professors,

I would like to let you know that I recently found out this interesting website: http://www.engvid.com. The lessons are very helpful consequently I do thank you for all of them. Congratulations and may God bless you all for this useful work.

Thanks once again,


Hi Rebecca,

Thank you very much for your useful tips about the writing section in preparation for the IELTS exam.

Could you please help me in correcting my letter writing and essay to gain more confidence before taking the exam?

Thank you so much for your support,



HD videos, please! =]


Dear Rebecca,

My brother wants to write something at the blank letter of an art-book that is donating at an american professor which has known in his/our country during a conference and now is going to meet in the USA.

For the fact that he is not too sure about what has to write, I though asking you a favor about this.

Personally I would consider the type of this situation between semi-formal and informal.

Thanks in advance,

P.S. Sorry about my english errors!


I really like yout lesson, very helpful..


Dear Ms Rebecca.
I am Romeo one of the Congolese student who really love and adore the English language,I left my family and friends back home to Ghana Accra just to know much about the language.But unfortunately I came to realize than Ghana is not a pure English country ,they have their mother tongue too.So I really want to change my destination to Canada,so what can do to attend your English school? I need all possible information which will help me to be part of your students .your sincerely .


Two Questions :

How to address a group of people in a formal and friendly letter? Dear ….,

How to start and end a thank you letter? Do I need to thank in the beginning and end.


dear rebecca.

Thank you very much for useful this lesson.
Like this video.


Thank you for this video. I want to improve my english langauge more. I am glad if there is anybody also to chat in english to improve the speaking and writing. My email is kassemshehadi@hotmail.com
and on skype kassem.shehadi.


Dear Ms Rebecca

I am glad to see you ,and your way of teaching remembering my school teachers.This website giving lots of information to pursue my career .I would like to improve my through this way.Please correct me If I did any grammatical mistakes ..
Thanks lot

Yours Sincerely


You’re writing to your bank manager, Tom Brown. How will you start and end your letter?

Dear Mr Smith, Yours faithfully
Dear Mr Smith, Your sincerely
Dear Mr Smith, Yours sincerely
Dear Mr Smith, Love

where is Tom Brown?????????


Dear Ms Rebecca,

thank you very much of your good explaination on IELTS writing and its wonderful! These would help me a lot in preparation for the IELTS test, as a usual requirement for applying immigrant to other nations. Keep further teaching about this topic and assuring you that I myself following with you always,god bless.

Yours sincerely,


thank you very much for all those perfect explanation. But I am going to take an ILETS test can you upload more lessons about this kind of test.


thanks a lot for providing all those examples. Now I am going to take an ILETS test next weak, can you upload more lessons about this kind of test.


Dear Ms Rebecca,
Thank you for your great lesson regarding letters. I just want to ask you that when we are ending the letter with your sincerely and faithfully do we write our full name and when we are closing with best wishes and regards do we mention just the first name. I hope you wil be answering my confusion soon.
Yours sincerely,
Biso Limbu

Biso Limbu

Dear Rebeca
I hope you are doing fine. I would like to ask you what about the usage of the phrase “To Whom It May Concern”. As far as I know, It means ‘this communication is intended for anyone that it has importance for.’ It is used to start a letter to someone whom you do not know, it is right or it is better to use dear Mr/Ms. Thanks in advance for your class :D

Best Regards,

you are writing to a person whose name you know, but instead you begin in this way, it sounds very rude and very aggressive.


You were visited with a remarkable idea

P.S. What do you think about Windows 2012?


Dear Ms Rebeca ;
i would like to thank you for your nice presentation ,please keep it up your hard work and i was wondering if you upload more videos that may help us for more IELTS exam preparation .
yours sincerely !


HI Rebbecca
Thank you s much for the lesson!! :)


hi,i think actually this engvid lessons are very good and understandable ….if there more listening and speaking sessions in ingvid.com then students can learn easily ,but the whole programme is so good :)


Dear Mrs Rebeca,
My name is Souhil oumeziane from Algeria. I have been teaching English since 1993. But As you know English remains a foreign language that is rarely used outside university or school since Algeria is a French speaking country. A colleague of mine guided me to this amazing link and by chance I came accross your presentations. They are really of utility to teachers. I often meet obstacles mainly confusions in different areas of grammar mainly. I would be grateful if I could receive some help from you. Thanks in advance. Good continuation


Dear REBECCA,I am from Madagascar, thanks so much for your lessons, but I have difficulties to practise it because I do not have internet access at home. I Wonder what should I do?


In a formal letter, Can I use the word ‘truly’ instead of ‘ faithfully’.


This web site is very useful. i will try to learn english. all the best


Dear Rebecca,
thank you a lot.
your sincerely.


Ma’am i m one of your student and little confused hope you will hwlp me,.. what is the difference between i do read newspaper and i read newspaper… pls help me out in this prblm..are they mean same or different. if they are different then explain it plss

majid bilal

I have a question, I have seen your video.You had told us in formal letter we have to start with Dear Sir/Madam or finish with Yours faithfully Abc. In your quiz
Q2. You’re writing to your bank manager, Tom Brown. How will you start and end your letter?
I selected Dear Mr Smith, Yours faithfully but right answer is shown by you is Dear Mr Smith, Yours sincerely.

You had told if we are writing letter to bank, we use Formal style letter. but in question you are using informal structure.


Thank you ma’am. From today on I will be your new student:) Your lessons are very clear to understand for me.


Thank you Rebbeca, very helpful lesson…thanks again


There is something with number 2 (quiz )?


Dear Ms Rebecca,

Thank you very much for offering free lessons through online.All your efforts and the skills you all have definitely to be praised/appreciated. I had registered myself few days back only and i find some useful lessons which will help me to learn and understand the English even better.

These kind of lessons will help the students like me who preparing for competitive exams and i refer this link to some of my friends and to my elder brother. We are all very gratitude to everyone made this successful.

Thanking You,
Yours Sincerely,
Vidhya Sagar.R




Hiii Ms. Rebecca….
Great Job. Next month i have general ielts exam. I have a doubt. In letter writing do we need to address on left hand side without name. Below that date. Right hand side the address of receiver. below that Dear Sir/Madam, is correct or we can start direct Dear Sir/Madam.

Pls reply. tq


Dear Ms rebecca thank you.
yours sincerely


Dear Ms Rebeca!I like ur teaching English.before I didn’t know how to write formal or informal letters and especially end of the letter.Now I have known perfectly.Thanks for ur lessons.I’m very glad to find this site.
yours sincerely


thanks alot ms Rebecca for the lesson
is there adifference between (dear madame\sir) and (dear sir\madame) arenot they the same!!!??


dear all teacher, could u help me with ielts tests?


Dear ms,Rebecca
I would like to ask u, what is the diffrant bettwen (yours faithfully) and (yours sincerely)
thank you


    Dear ms Rebecca,
    I would like to ask u, what is the difference between (yours faithfully) and (yours sincerely)
    thank you


Again, mistake appeared in # 2 . A semi-informal letter written to the manager , Tom Brown should have been written in this way : Dear Mr Brown ( not Dear Mr Smith ) –wrong opening .
Any way, I thank Rubecca for her excellent lessons . I had no clear concept about the formal , semi-formal , and informal , thus my closing might wrong.


Dear Ms Rebecca,…Is this”,” after the name needed or not needed?
Also is there any different rule from writing email?


Oh I forgot to tell you.I think that the second question should be “Mr.Brown” instead of “Mr.Smith”?


Dear Rebecca,
I’m Rabie Bendjeda from Algeria.First of all thank you so much for your helpful lessons.I would like to know the tense that should be used when writing a report after attending a class session.
yours sincerly


Great advices for novices. Keep up the good work. Wish you all the best and success.


Dear Rebbica your website, GOOD LUCK IELTS is awesome.


Dear Rebecca,
Is it appropriate to wite ” Should you reqire further information, please do not hesitate to contact me” on the FORMAL LETTERS?


Good lesson, thanks!


thanks alot nice lesson


I could learn more from this video. Easy to understand. This video help me to prepare my IELTS test. Im so thanksfull for the teacher.


dear ms Rebecca,
i’am really thankful for your help, my english improved by watching your videos and i advised your website to many friends of mine .I am really happy that i found this useful website and i will try to advice every one i know to check this website i am sure they will like it
yours sincerely


Dear Rebecca,

I really love the way of your teaching.mam i m preparing for the IELTS please give me some tips to get high score…

MAM, I have problem with modals plz upload some video of modals….like COULD,WOULD,SHOULD,,ETC

Thank you so much for your great way to teaching


zakria usmani

zakria usmani

hi miss Rebecca,
h r u ? i hope u r fine with grace of GOD. i want to ask something about writing letter in IELTS .On which side of the paper we have to write Dear …. on the wright side of the page our left side of the page.Tell me as soon as you can….
your effect is doing great for new learners,
thank you so much i will be waiting,,


Thanks Rebecca! I won’t take the IELTS exam but the lesson was helpful for me. Great topic!


Thank you very much Rebecca.


Hi ms Rebeca,
H r u? are u fine…since long
time you are not replying to anyone. Is every thing fine?-;( …. We hope so….


I want to learn from the beginning of the letters and numbers.


I want from the beginning I do not know of the site.


I am now translate from the Google site


Dear MS Rebecca,
Thanks a lot for your useful lessons
Your sincerely


Dear Ms Rebecca
I am writing to inquire about the 2nd question ,we have Tom Brown and Dear Mr Smith is this true.

2nd question
You’re writing to your bank manager, Tom Brown. How will you start and end your letter?

Dear Mr Smith, Yours faithfully
Dear Mr Smith, Your sincerely
Dear Mr Smith, Yours sincerely
Dear Mr Smith, Love

Your sincerely
Khalid Subhi

khalid subhi

Thank you very much Rebbeca. I can understand you weel.

best regards from Spain


Dear Rebecca:
I have a question, I got many semi-formal letters that used “Kind Regards” instead of “Your sincerely” is it correct?

Tank you very much for your help.

Yours sincerely

Lakshmi Regnier

Lakshmi Regnier

Dear Ms Rebecca,

Thank you very much for that lesson,please check the name in question no. 2

Kind regards

Eng. Ali Soltan


hi dear Rebecca
i am preparing for the occupational English test do u have any guideline or other material for the preparation of oet


Dear,Ms Rebecca,just today I found your this video on youtube and I spent almost whole day and I learned a lot …like idioms,preposition,and I took the quiz after watched the video mostly I got 10,90,80,70 …but I am not good in pronounciation too…I came from the Philippines…I just got here in America two months ago….and when I speak English here they can’t understand the way I pronounce the words….anyway
Best wishes to you ,you did a great job…Thanks Ms Rebicca


Very helpful tips…thanks Rebecca


Dear Ms Rebecca,

The information which you have provided on letter writing is very well articulated. Before this session I was unclear between formal and semi-formal starting and ending. Distinction between them I understood clearly now.

Yours sincerely,


I still don’t know how to address a man whom I know, formally.


It’s a good and very useful lesson and I never miss this opportunity. Thanks a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot.


your lessons are always insightful, inspiring and captivating!(power of 3).Ms Rebecca, will you be willing to check my writing for me for the next 7days as my IELTS resit date fast approaches.
I commend you all for doing a great job here.cheers


I omitted please after the second sentence!
pardon me.


Dear Rebecca,
I would like to thank you and all engvid team for giving us a daily dose of english, and i believe we all are improving day by day. I really appretiate your efforts in arranging lessons for student all over the world. This lesson you taught is really great and helped me alot. However,when it comes to putting addresses of sender and receiver, i am little in dubious state whether to put comma after each address line or not. I would be grateful if you could help me out on that.

yours sincerely,


it is an excellent lecturer


thank it was a great lesson!

zainullah Payghami

Thanks got 50%.

Abdul Qayum

Thanks a lot for your fantastic lessons.
I am looking for new lessons about how to improve our english vocabulary?
sincerely Salem

salem farhmand

Dear Ms Rebecca,
I don’t know how to thank you,
I have learned a lot from your lesson and u have taught skillfully therefor I got it with ease.
your sincerely.


A very helpful lesson indeed. Now I have a clear picture of how I am supposed to structure my IELTS writing task. Thanks, have a blessed day!


Thank you very much.


I have got 9/10.Thank you for you help.


Dear rebbacca

This is an amazing lecture that you give ..from 2 months i have been concentrating to improve my english.


the lesson was great i raelly love it

karlos adel wahep

thanks rebecca.this lesson increased my confidence to write letters.

jeffson gomez

Which one is true(Dear Sir/Madam)or(Dear Madam/Sir)?why?
this was a question on your quiz, I replied (Dear Sir/Madam) but you say the right answer is the second one…why?(the 9th Question)


    Madame is incorrect! check spell! :D


Dear Madam,

I am not sure who comes under formal letter .I thought letter to bank manager is formal but in your quiz it was not.Please let me know whom comes under formal .


Dear mrs Rebecca
Thanks for your teaching
yours sincerely


Dear Rebecca
You have great quiz. thank you for your huge experience.
best wishes


Crystal Clear,
For me, about letter writing,i was in Middle of nowhere.
Anyway lots of thanks.


Dear Rebecca,

first of all, thank’s for your lessons. I admire your work and it has been amazing using your videos as preparation for IELTS exam. I’d would like to know if there’s difference between “yours sincerely” and “sincerely yours”. Is one of them more formal than the other?

Felipe Sousa

Thank you so much it’s very helpful


I got 90 correct out of 10 , That was amazing thx.

Zainab Awni

Thanks a lot.


i am very happy that i got 100% in my quiz, so thank you very much teacher Rebecca


Dear Rebecca,
Know how to write a letter correctly is very important, thank you.
Yours Sincerely.


Thanks , it was very useful


Dear Rebecca,
I was wondering if you might be able to explain which type of letter should be chosen, if in the task said: “Write a letter to the acquaintance…”
Is it Semi-formal or Informal style?

Many thanks,


Dear Rebecca,

this is amazing mam the lesson which you took, starting a letter & ending a letter really it helped me much to clear my doubts.once again i thank you very much mam.

abdul baqhi

Dear Ms Rebecca,
How to differentiate between formal and semi formal letter. I thought a letter to the bank manager is formal but in your quiz it was not.
yours sincerely


Kindly check the question below (Tom Brown)
Options should be Brown and not Smith

You’re writing to your bank manager, Tom Brown. How will you start and end your letter?

Dear Mr Smith, Yours faithfully
Dear Mr Smith, Your sincerely
Dear Mr Smith, Yours sincerely
Dear Mr Smith, Love


I understood this lesson was more much but I got value of it just 5 to 10.. . But It’s not shame to me I got confused with the sentences that I marked as wrong…
Thanks Dear Ms Rebecca Nice explanation the lesson was That I loved much..


Great. This lesson was so helpful.


Dear Ms.Rebecca,

Thank you for this lesson, it very helpful and I’m interested to learning English, therefore, can proved us a Video with using sentence key for writing.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours Sincerely,


Dear Rebecca,
Thank you for this lesson! I’ve never heard about the title Ms and its origin.
I have a question about endings. As I understand, I should add my first name in informal letters. But what about semi-formal and formal letters? Should I write my title and last name? Or should I write my title and full name? Or should I write my full name? Is there a rule?
Thank you in advance!
Best regards,


dear Ms Rebecca Thank you for your lesson that is useful for me


Thank you very much Ms Rebecca. You’re the best teacher in the World!


please make sure you using a good pen, I could not see what were written on the board


Who can help me with a letter .. topic: Where a friend of mine is interested to do a course in my country .. we would include free time plans


Thanks a lot Rebecca. After one month I am going to attend IELTS test here in Pakistan. Your lecture is very useful for me. Plz keep it up.




Hi Rebecca and engVid team, I’m very surprised.

Your videos are amazing. Every single day after my classes I’ll study in your website and youtube channel.

It’s hard to understand how a very good team, with very good content, could be free. I’m happy with this of course.

You are doing a very important job, thank-you for that!



Dear Ms Rebecca
I am writing to tell my gratitude to you for this amazing video. It helped me a lot for preparing my IELTS writing.Thank you for that

Yours sincerely


Hello Rebecca,

Firstly, I like to thank you for being such a great teacher. I am from India, I have been following your videos for just 3 days and am very much impressed. I am preparing for I IELTS general but sadly got only 15 days to prepare. Do you think I will be able to do it. Also, I got another query. Could you please help me with use of

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with…
I am writing to express my annoyance with…

Is it correct to write “I am writing to express my dissatisfaction staying at your hotel room 451 from 7/7 – 7/9.

And in want context can I use express my annoyance.

Sorry for a long query.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best Regards,


Thank you Rebecca


Dear Ms Rebecca,

Amazing and helpful video classes! However, the second question is addressed to Mr. Brown and not to Mr. Smith. Am I wrong?

Yours Sincerely,


Anderson Parreira

Thank you Rebecca


Thank you, Rebecca.


Interesting topic and very useful, a thing so small like this can help everyone to do something simple like a letter


Thankx :D


That was useful, thanks!




Thanks a lot for sensitizing my knowledge on how to avoid useless mistakes in the areas of addressing my letters to both formal, semi-formal and informal ways.

You are really gifted in your profession .

justin okpalaobi

Ms Rebecca, I have a question with regard in writing MS, MRS and MR because in the Philippines we usually put a period after “s” in Ms., Mrs. and Mr. Is this correct?

Minette Suan

You got 8 correct out of 10.


M kartal

Oh thank you! I am studying this topic in my English course. It was extremely useful.


Thank you Rebecca!

very precious this lesson :-)

Have a nice day!


thank you


Where can I get sample leter


Thank you so much for the lesson.


Thank you dear Ms. Rebecca!


9 out 10.
Sincerely Iva!:-)

Iva Albania

so, lets say thank you for training. Actually its useful for Every level of learning.


Thank you very much


Thankyou very much for the test really helped me a lot.


such a useful lesson

thank you very much

Aml Mounier

hi Rebecca,

I have subscribed you on U-tube and have registered here on this website as seen one of your utube videos on IELTS writing Task one to get evaluated Letters and Essays for
free. I have booked my IELts exam and need your help to check my letters and provide me feedback.


Please help me as where shall I send the letter I wrote for evaluation.




I watched the video twice on September 26, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.


mine date 27/10/21 from Kazakhstan
thank a lot, Rebecca


thank you ma’am Rebecca


In the second question, the name of the bank manager is Brown. However, in the answers his name is Smith

Aleksei Sidorin

question num 9 anclude 2 answer true 2 and 4 not only 4 “les femmes n’ai pas tourjours d’abord dans toute les cultures”



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