Your videos are always good, but I feel uncomfortable when I watch them. I have goosebumps because of the sound which you make while writing something on the board. Can you write more softly or do something to remove that sound?
Thank you a lot!
this was the our last problem
god one james. your teaching method is great .i am so happy to have found myself the first one to comment on.can you please clear the meaning of disgust.disgusting and frustrate. i hope you can explain them precisely
hi james
I am bored in this class
she was board in the class
plz exp it
can we use second form of verb after is are am was and were can you exp here bored is a verb
Hello professor James, thanks for this lesson,
Have a good day!!
Thanks James and Mr.E for lesson. This lesson will help me in essay writing. I’m also get rid of same word form my dictionary.
sir james
i,ve enjoyed lesson
gud job
way of teaching fantastic
Rizwan Riaz
it is so hard to take that quiz without seeing the video lesson b’coz its not available in my phone.. But fortunately i’ve got the score one out of two.. Not that bad right sir? Hehe anyway tnx for the lesson..
thanks handsome
nice quiz :)
hi dear teachers, I am kochar from Iraqi Kurdistan, I am student in English department ( college of basic education), we don’t have any English native speaker in our college and we need your help to improve our English, if any of your teacher has free time to teach us on-line by video conference,we will arrange everything just you teach us,we appreciate your help.
this is my e-mail if you want contact me.
I am waiting……….
with best regard
where is your country?
hey james i am haven a problem with my reading i live in Canada. i cant pronounce my words very well i was wondering if you can tell me my problem for some rreason i was looking on here to learn how to read then i seen these videos would like to hear from you my e-mail is there thanks james
we really need your help, please don’t disappoint us.
my understanding is not bad, thanks to you James
you lesson is more interesting!
Thank you!
By the way, body language will be great. Keep in mind that.
I think you are an excellent teacher.
I want more quiz
Hi, I liked the class so much! Congratulations, teacher!
Good .. I need a partner to improve my conversational skills r u intrested to help me ?
Hi James,
I like your class, you are funny and I love the worm in the board. You put worm in board every time, I think is very creative! Thank you for all your help.
Hi,James thank you very much for your lesson
have a nice evening
Hi James
thankx for this lesson
I’m stduying ESL in Ontario right now,It will be great if you are my teacher.
you´r a great teacher!!!!
thinks for this site because it help as much and i am sory for my horible languege. i asked you to explain more because i am beggining.
hello =]
im going to toronto soon
and i really like how you teach!
so i wanna ask.. i want to know where are you working at
i really want to listen ur class
quiz is not working::::
First that comes to my mind:
a)Greetingzz, Greetz, Ave, How’s life,
b)Farewell, and my Polish equivalent 3maj się!
Hope that helped!
Ohhh James…
WOW youre a really good teacher you wouldnt be a competition to the teachers over here. I would like you to teach our english group some day unfortunately you cant cause you are living in Canada , but man youre great keep it up and Ps ignore your bad critics
Sir how about “SUCH AS”??? …keep up the good work sir…GOD BLESS!!!
James, you are perfect as always!!!!! But there is something wrong with the video… and the class board)))))))Did you throц away previous? Bet, it was much more comfortable for you too!
Please tell me the way to speak and write perfect english. I know grammer but I cannot not us it perfectly.
Mohd Faiz
I love body lan too :) Great
This is great, I have just signed up and I’m amazed , teachers are great ALL of them
Thanks Sir James.
your teaching is very execellant and it is very useful for youths, those who are learning english effectively,
Thanks to you very much
very very useful method for english learners.
wow , I really learned from this lesson … thanks a lot , teacher
On your board, can you write “Example” please?
thanks for your site and teacher too.this is usefull and good site.i say to my friends that visit this site…..thanks alot ..fateme from afghanistan
Cool but honestly too long.. I got bored at the end. Could have been better introduced if shorter ;)
I’m very interesting for English. I’ going exam soon for PET. ….thanks a lot for all Free English Video lessons’s teachers.
sir james.. i really appreciate your lesson.. thanks!
thanks alot, i felt i’m in my class ^_^
i wanna be your student .
emample? example please check this words.
You are “numero uno”!!
you are good teacher.however I”am begning in english but i understand youe explaining ;)thanks sir
good jop
you misspelled example as emample
Plastic Injection mold design
Can you write the word “example” correctly please?
I love this guy! :D
That was something else!!!)))) I was laughing out of loud!!!!)))) James rules!!!!))) Bravo! You could be an actor!)))
This web site is really interesting and i am learning English easily and in my flexible time.
very very thank to teachers and organization.One of my friend is native of Arabic speaker he wants to learn English through Arabic, i wants to know is there any chance.please reply if something i can do for my friend.
Thanks a lot.
Thank you very match Mr.James you are Really great man.
Hi James!
Where does Mr E come from? He’s got a strong personality!! As you’re inseparable in all your lessons, send him my regards!!
Thanks james that was great.
Excellent, I really liked the way you are explaining all your lessons.Just continue, a lot of people will benefit from it.Thanks
Hi James, My name is Marina, Im from Russia, Far East, Vladivostok. Your lessons are amazing, and I like your teaching method, thanks a lot. I’m gonna go Canada soon to learn english and then take IELTS, therefore I’d like to ask what schools do you teach in? Maybe I’ll be lucky and I’ll be your future student)) Thanks, in advance.
I have emailed you this information.
you’re so funny and helpful buddy thanks a lot
you’re so funny and your subjects are useful buddy thanks a lot
good job mate really useful ///////////////
It`s very hard to lern english but one way or another I`m going to get my goal and I know with your help I can achieve it.Once again thank you very much
I have not beer! ….just wine! Ceers Mr.E!
Hi James thank you soo much for your help! you are just amazing :)
thanks man
It’s so good lessons
To all respected teachers.
These videos are very fantastic because even a new learner who do not have any idea about english language can learn a lot from the videos. I really appreciate it and these type of work should be continuing so that huge number of people may be benefited.
Good job!
Dear Sir,
Your videos are just what my students need, but China hates youtube. I’ve been trying different ways to download a hard copy of your video “2 Quick Ways to Improve Your English” and can’t. Is there another way?
Vaughn R.
Vaughn Rogesr
very useful lesson … plz correct the spelling of example on the title
Thank you very much indeed, the way you are teaching is very usefull manner. keep doing the hard work.
What did you say. I didnt get anything.
Hello, teacher. I have a question, about your spelling. Eample or Example? Please let me know which one is correct.
Thank you!
thanks teacher
you are an excellent!!!!!!!
I only join this site because of your lesson.
Good and quick to comprehend!
It would be great if your lessons were accompanied by cheat sheet containing the explained material.
Hello James if u have free time could u write me to my email because I need ur help
because of u i have been able to be a complete canadian
Now I am in 10th standard…..But I really like this,fantastic
kamini rana
My require.was a student of lagos state studing political very good of speaken english but i m not to good of reading reading of english is to slow and is not smoot.and it acfecting me.what are the help now.
Uyinme udombeke
Thank you,Sir!
I understood “for example”,”for instance”, “similar”, but I did not understand completely “same”.
Sorry,”example”. By the way, a cup of coffee is better for me. :)
How to pronounce
Each time I say year people think I said ear
So hard to say year
thnkz teacher am a new student am i want to learn this course
Mr. James
I saw your video and I was trying to follow you instructions on how to write an essay. I write an essay on how to give instructions. Can you please give me a hand and give me your opinion. It would help me a lot. Thank you,
Giving instructions should be clear, well organized, plan ahead and be fallow with a concept check questions.
Giving clear instructions will help students to understand better the given instructions. In some cases some words may mean something else but when they are spoken those might translate with a different context and send a different message. For example, I remembering in one of my ESL classes I was teaching five year old kids and I gave instructions to my students. Today we going to color in a piece of paper, using only color pencils. The instructions were as follow, “first, start by color in the top part of the paper, after we finish color in the paper we can take a break and play a game”. For a moment I thought they understood my message and my instructions but the sad reality was that they were clueless, they did not understand my instructions. Right away I notice the look on their faces. Number one, my instructions were to long for a five year old kid, tow, there were too many words for them to understand. The concept of the word first, start, top, take a break and play a game” will not only were too many words but also too many concepts for a five year old to understand. The problem was that students wouldn’t be able to follow through successfully. So in this case the concepts of each word was important to understand so the students could follow instructions. In another case a student was confused by the word tree and three, the student thought we were talking about the number three but in reality we were talking about trees. In that particular case I have to stop the class show a picture of a tree and a picture of the number three so the students could have a clear picture of the topic. When giving instructions especially to kids it’s very important to speak slow, be as much clear as possible and be prepared with materials for the day’s topic.
Instructions should be plan ahead so there are no surprises or mistakes at time they are given. For example if one is going to talk about singular and plural and you want to use samples during the class, you may want to prepare your materials before going to class, it is also important to keep in mind that practicing with your materials before using them, is as important as prepare them to be use for your presentation. Instructions should always be well organised to avoid mistakes, confusion and chaos. The better you have your materials and your class plan organised the better and more successful your teaching will be.
After giving instructions it is also important to find out if the students understand your instructions. Most of the time the students will show whether or not they understand their given instructions. On the other hand this will not always apply because some students may not show it right away and be shy and will not say anything. Keep in mind that the questions “do you understand?” or “ok” are unlikely to receive a truthful answer from the learners and will not aim the student or teacher’s goal. It is alwas best to use simple questions that require simple yes or no answer, for example in the color in the paper exercise, I ask the students to tell me if their table classmate had finish color in the paper, so in this case they were able to answer yes or no to my question. I also ask “what color is this?” so the students would have to unswer a simple red, yellow, green etc.
In conclusion giving clear, organized and well plan instructions will allow your students to go on with their activities and begin the tasks efficiently with less mistakes and a better understanding. At the same time it will increase the productibility of the class and will keep student’s interest for learning.
Ramiro Vargas
Hi Jams,
My name is ANuarithe I am French speaking I am your student I want to improve my English pronunciiation,writing understanding and my dream is to write the books in English please advice me more.thanks
This is the better way to improve the english
Hi, I’m confused, watching the video clip on u tube – I spell example with an ‘x’, but James spells it with an ‘m’ – emample which is correct? I’m so sure it’s example.
Hello James,Plz help,How can i do If i need a TOEFL in english because now i’ll like to go to USA for studying there but i miss a TOEFL in my File.Take for your Help.Be blessed.
Hello JAMES I need your help Plz ,right now i wanna go to USA,for studying but in my file i still miss a document ‘TOEFL” how can I do for me to get it?Tank you for your soon Answer
Thank you james for your interesting lessons….
Did you purpously write ’emample’ instead of the word ‘example’?
Did you purpously write ’emample’ instead of the word ‘example?
thanks James,u speak too fast
great lesson!
Sometimes I don’t manage to follow your beautiful irony when you often jokes with funny sentences to underline a particular concept. So if it’s possible,could you explain every time the meaning of funny phrase?
Thank you so much!
As usual thank’s a lot, your lesson are always great ! I don’t know if my writing improves but I understand better movies and people. And this lesson can be very helful two days from now,…
will be very helpful* Sorry
Thanks Teacher James that was excellent.
I wanna to practice English speaking by voice chat. It’s better if you are a QA. Please enjoy to me. My skype is vtkimhieu.
Thanks alot , nice lesson
What Does It Mean? “Emample”
Thank you Mr. James for the great lesson!
Thank you James. John
Thanks a lot!
A little difficult to bear in mind but I have got to understand the meanings of the lesson, so when you understand the topic you should give example of it, showing the terms “for instance” or “to illustrate”, and, of course, proving with the terms “case in point” or “to prove my point” the topic, but when you use SAME, then you can add with “similar to”, “it looks like” or “Do they have the same meaning?”, besides the term “it seems…” obviously for things, and also you can express subtraction with questions as “How are they different?”, “When are they different?” and “How do they differ?”, easy to learn. As always a good performance and explanation. Thanks a lot, teacher James from Engvid.
U are the best , to prove my point , i am going to give you example , for instance i got 100%
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Your videos are always good, but I feel uncomfortable when I watch them. I have goosebumps because of the sound which you make while writing something on the board. Can you write more softly or do something to remove that sound?
Thank you a lot!
this was the our last problem
god one james. your teaching method is great .i am so happy to have found myself the first one to comment on.can you please clear the meaning of disgust.disgusting and frustrate. i hope you can explain them precisely
hi james
I am bored in this class
she was board in the class
plz exp it
can we use second form of verb after is are am was and were can you exp here bored is a verb
Hello professor James, thanks for this lesson,
Have a good day!!
Thanks James and Mr.E for lesson. This lesson will help me in essay writing. I’m also get rid of same word form my dictionary.
sir james
i,ve enjoyed lesson
gud job
way of teaching fantastic
it is so hard to take that quiz without seeing the video lesson b’coz its not available in my phone.. But fortunately i’ve got the score one out of two.. Not that bad right sir? Hehe anyway tnx for the lesson..
thanks handsome
nice quiz :)
hi dear teachers, I am kochar from Iraqi Kurdistan, I am student in English department ( college of basic education), we don’t have any English native speaker in our college and we need your help to improve our English, if any of your teacher has free time to teach us on-line by video conference,we will arrange everything just you teach us,we appreciate your help.
this is my e-mail if you want contact me.
I am waiting……….
with best regard
where is your country?
hey james i am haven a problem with my reading i live in Canada. i cant pronounce my words very well i was wondering if you can tell me my problem for some rreason i was looking on here to learn how to read then i seen these videos would like to hear from you my e-mail is there thanks james
we really need your help, please don’t disappoint us.
my understanding is not bad, thanks to you James
you lesson is more interesting!
Thank you!
By the way, body language will be great. Keep in mind that.
I think you are an excellent teacher.
I want more quiz
Hi, I liked the class so much! Congratulations, teacher!
Good .. I need a partner to improve my conversational skills r u intrested to help me ?
Hi James,
I like your class, you are funny and I love the worm in the board. You put worm in board every time, I think is very creative! Thank you for all your help.
Hi,James thank you very much for your lesson
have a nice evening
Hi James
thankx for this lesson
I’m stduying ESL in Ontario right now,It will be great if you are my teacher.
you´r a great teacher!!!!
thinks for this site because it help as much and i am sory for my horible languege. i asked you to explain more because i am beggining.
hello =]
im going to toronto soon
and i really like how you teach!
so i wanna ask.. i want to know where are you working at
i really want to listen ur class
quiz is not working::::
First that comes to my mind:
a)Greetingzz, Greetz, Ave, How’s life,
b)Farewell, and my Polish equivalent 3maj się!
Hope that helped!
Ohhh James…
WOW youre a really good teacher you wouldnt be a competition to the teachers over here. I would like you to teach our english group some day unfortunately you cant cause you are living in Canada , but man youre great keep it up and Ps ignore your bad critics
Sir how about “SUCH AS”??? …keep up the good work sir…GOD BLESS!!!
James, you are perfect as always!!!!! But there is something wrong with the video… and the class board)))))))Did you throц away previous? Bet, it was much more comfortable for you too!
Please tell me the way to speak and write perfect english. I know grammer but I cannot not us it perfectly.
I love body lan too :) Great
This is great, I have just signed up and I’m amazed , teachers are great ALL of them
Thanks Sir James.
your teaching is very execellant and it is very useful for youths, those who are learning english effectively,
Thanks to you very much
very very useful method for english learners.
wow , I really learned from this lesson … thanks a lot , teacher
On your board, can you write “Example” please?
thanks for your site and teacher too.this is usefull and good site.i say to my friends that visit this site…..thanks alot ..fateme from afghanistan
Cool but honestly too long.. I got bored at the end. Could have been better introduced if shorter ;)
I’m very interesting for English. I’ going exam soon for PET. ….thanks a lot for all Free English Video lessons’s teachers.
sir james.. i really appreciate your lesson.. thanks!
thanks alot, i felt i’m in my class ^_^
i wanna be your student .
emample? example please check this words.
You are “numero uno”!!
you are good teacher.however I”am begning in english but i understand youe explaining ;)thanks sir
good jop
you misspelled example as emample
Can you write the word “example” correctly please?
I love this guy! :D
That was something else!!!)))) I was laughing out of loud!!!!)))) James rules!!!!))) Bravo! You could be an actor!)))
This web site is really interesting and i am learning English easily and in my flexible time.
very very thank to teachers and organization.One of my friend is native of Arabic speaker he wants to learn English through Arabic, i wants to know is there any chance.please reply if something i can do for my friend.
Thanks a lot.
Thank you very match Mr.James you are Really great man.
Hi James!
Where does Mr E come from? He’s got a strong personality!! As you’re inseparable in all your lessons, send him my regards!!
Thanks james that was great.
Excellent, I really liked the way you are explaining all your lessons.Just continue, a lot of people will benefit from it.Thanks
Hi James, My name is Marina, Im from Russia, Far East, Vladivostok. Your lessons are amazing, and I like your teaching method, thanks a lot. I’m gonna go Canada soon to learn english and then take IELTS, therefore I’d like to ask what schools do you teach in? Maybe I’ll be lucky and I’ll be your future student)) Thanks, in advance.
I have emailed you this information.
you’re so funny and helpful buddy thanks a lot
you’re so funny and your subjects are useful buddy thanks a lot
good job mate really useful ///////////////
It`s very hard to lern english but one way or another I`m going to get my goal and I know with your help I can achieve it.Once again thank you very much
I have not beer! ….just wine! Ceers Mr.E!
Hi James thank you soo much for your help! you are just amazing :)
thanks man
It’s so good lessons
To all respected teachers.
These videos are very fantastic because even a new learner who do not have any idea about english language can learn a lot from the videos. I really appreciate it and these type of work should be continuing so that huge number of people may be benefited.
Good job!
Dear Sir,
Your videos are just what my students need, but China hates youtube. I’ve been trying different ways to download a hard copy of your video “2 Quick Ways to Improve Your English” and can’t. Is there another way?
Vaughn R.
very useful lesson … plz correct the spelling of example on the title
Thank you very much indeed, the way you are teaching is very usefull manner. keep doing the hard work.
What did you say. I didnt get anything.
Hello, teacher. I have a question, about your spelling. Eample or Example? Please let me know which one is correct.
Thank you!
thanks teacher
you are an excellent!!!!!!!
I only join this site because of your lesson.
Good and quick to comprehend!
It would be great if your lessons were accompanied by cheat sheet containing the explained material.
Hello James if u have free time could u write me to my email because I need ur help
because of u i have been able to be a complete canadian
Now I am in 10th standard…..But I really like this,fantastic
My require.was a student of lagos state studing political very good of speaken english but i m not to good of reading reading of english is to slow and is not smoot.and it acfecting me.what are the help now.
Thank you,Sir!
I understood “for example”,”for instance”, “similar”, but I did not understand completely “same”.
Sorry,”example”. By the way, a cup of coffee is better for me. :)
How to pronounce
Each time I say year people think I said ear
So hard to say year
thnkz teacher am a new student am i want to learn this course
Mr. James
I saw your video and I was trying to follow you instructions on how to write an essay. I write an essay on how to give instructions. Can you please give me a hand and give me your opinion. It would help me a lot. Thank you,
Giving instructions should be clear, well organized, plan ahead and be fallow with a concept check questions.
Giving clear instructions will help students to understand better the given instructions. In some cases some words may mean something else but when they are spoken those might translate with a different context and send a different message. For example, I remembering in one of my ESL classes I was teaching five year old kids and I gave instructions to my students. Today we going to color in a piece of paper, using only color pencils. The instructions were as follow, “first, start by color in the top part of the paper, after we finish color in the paper we can take a break and play a game”. For a moment I thought they understood my message and my instructions but the sad reality was that they were clueless, they did not understand my instructions. Right away I notice the look on their faces. Number one, my instructions were to long for a five year old kid, tow, there were too many words for them to understand. The concept of the word first, start, top, take a break and play a game” will not only were too many words but also too many concepts for a five year old to understand. The problem was that students wouldn’t be able to follow through successfully. So in this case the concepts of each word was important to understand so the students could follow instructions. In another case a student was confused by the word tree and three, the student thought we were talking about the number three but in reality we were talking about trees. In that particular case I have to stop the class show a picture of a tree and a picture of the number three so the students could have a clear picture of the topic. When giving instructions especially to kids it’s very important to speak slow, be as much clear as possible and be prepared with materials for the day’s topic.
Instructions should be plan ahead so there are no surprises or mistakes at time they are given. For example if one is going to talk about singular and plural and you want to use samples during the class, you may want to prepare your materials before going to class, it is also important to keep in mind that practicing with your materials before using them, is as important as prepare them to be use for your presentation. Instructions should always be well organised to avoid mistakes, confusion and chaos. The better you have your materials and your class plan organised the better and more successful your teaching will be.
After giving instructions it is also important to find out if the students understand your instructions. Most of the time the students will show whether or not they understand their given instructions. On the other hand this will not always apply because some students may not show it right away and be shy and will not say anything. Keep in mind that the questions “do you understand?” or “ok” are unlikely to receive a truthful answer from the learners and will not aim the student or teacher’s goal. It is alwas best to use simple questions that require simple yes or no answer, for example in the color in the paper exercise, I ask the students to tell me if their table classmate had finish color in the paper, so in this case they were able to answer yes or no to my question. I also ask “what color is this?” so the students would have to unswer a simple red, yellow, green etc.
In conclusion giving clear, organized and well plan instructions will allow your students to go on with their activities and begin the tasks efficiently with less mistakes and a better understanding. At the same time it will increase the productibility of the class and will keep student’s interest for learning.
Hi Jams,
My name is ANuarithe I am French speaking I am your student I want to improve my English pronunciiation,writing understanding and my dream is to write the books in English please advice me more.thanks
This is the better way to improve the english
Hi, I’m confused, watching the video clip on u tube – I spell example with an ‘x’, but James spells it with an ‘m’ – emample which is correct? I’m so sure it’s example.
Hello James,Plz help,How can i do If i need a TOEFL in english because now i’ll like to go to USA for studying there but i miss a TOEFL in my File.Take for your Help.Be blessed.
Hello JAMES I need your help Plz ,right now i wanna go to USA,for studying but in my file i still miss a document ‘TOEFL” how can I do for me to get it?Tank you for your soon Answer
Thank you james for your interesting lessons….
Did you purpously write ’emample’ instead of the word ‘example’?
Did you purpously write ’emample’ instead of the word ‘example?
thanks James,u speak too fast
great lesson!
Sometimes I don’t manage to follow your beautiful irony when you often jokes with funny sentences to underline a particular concept. So if it’s possible,could you explain every time the meaning of funny phrase?
Thank you so much!
As usual thank’s a lot, your lesson are always great ! I don’t know if my writing improves but I understand better movies and people. And this lesson can be very helful two days from now,…
will be very helpful* Sorry
Thanks Teacher James that was excellent.
I wanna to practice English speaking by voice chat. It’s better if you are a QA. Please enjoy to me. My skype is vtkimhieu.
Thanks alot , nice lesson
What Does It Mean? “Emample”
Thank you Mr. James for the great lesson!
Thank you James. John
Thanks a lot!
A little difficult to bear in mind but I have got to understand the meanings of the lesson, so when you understand the topic you should give example of it, showing the terms “for instance” or “to illustrate”, and, of course, proving with the terms “case in point” or “to prove my point” the topic, but when you use SAME, then you can add with “similar to”, “it looks like” or “Do they have the same meaning?”, besides the term “it seems…” obviously for things, and also you can express subtraction with questions as “How are they different?”, “When are they different?” and “How do they differ?”, easy to learn. As always a good performance and explanation. Thanks a lot, teacher James from Engvid.
U are the best , to prove my point , i am going to give you example , for instance i got 100%
You got 2 correct out of 2.