I enjoyed? or I enjoyed myself? In this grammar lesson, I explain when and how to use words like myself, himself, itself, and yourself. We call these words reflexive pronouns.
i really enjoy how you teach english. Thanks a lot.
Very good
I did it n enjoyed it myself!!
Cheer up!
Hello Fatiima:congratulation you did great.
Hi there,
I’m keen on Spanish!
Bye 4 now.
Thank you, Rebecca! It was very helpful.
hi madam
thank you for wonderful lesson .
Hi rebeeca.first thank you very muchfor sharing this video with us,is really very interesting helpful and useful .you are an amzing teacher ,i am going to see all the videos had you maked.
my best wishes to you
thanks Mrs Rebeeca ,I have a grammar exam and the video really help me
wish me luck
Tks o lot REbecca. 90% correct my Quiz. I appreciate that. God blesses. Lily Diaz from Brazil
i’m interested in talking to you….my skype is borhanctg2011 & e-mail ID: rasho2010@gmail.com
Hello MR Tiago Queiroz I would like Brazil win the game against Holanda. I’m praying for Brazil’s victory.Good luck Brazi.
Thank you capricubana. Ufortunately Brazil lost this world cup. Maybe next we win.
glad to see u r answering some our questions Rebacca. we are not alone. thank u 4 the free lesson.
Learning a language is always very interesting!! When you are taught by experts is an excellent experience!!
Dina Toulaki
Hi Ms. Rebeca
Your teaching is very GREAT, I like it.
Thank you
Wow, awesome teaching. Learned so much from you.
Hi Rebeca, I want to say thank you because all of you are doing a great job. I have seen a lot of places in the internet and I must say this is the best of all. Thank you.
Thank you, Rebecca.
Love your teaching.!
I got 100% :) Thank you I love your teaching!
Thanks ,It was good lesson and I benefit from it.
Best regards to you.
Saad Alsubaie
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you for your lesson! I’ve been living in the US for 2 months, and I can say, that native speakers use reflexive pronouns a lot. Sometimes it might be very confusing, when someone asks you ‘Did you like it? Did you enjoy yourself’? The very first thing, that always came in my mind ‘How could I enjoy myself? I didn’t do anything with myself, I enjoyed the weather!’ but now I know this grammar, and I’m going to use it:)Thank you again!
I got 5/6
thank you so much Rebecca
This is awesome ! This will help me improve my writing skills. I may have lack some proper writing skills due to my deafness.
An awesome place to learn online!
Hmmm…. I wan to try apply it in the sentences, for example :
– I force myself to speak english every day.
– I ask my daughter to help herself for daily activity, like getting dressed,taking a bath, etc.
Dear Rebecca, what about those sentences? Is it correct? Please, give me your comment. Thank you for you attention.
Your first sentence is correct. The second sentence is not quite right. There are many ways to improve it, such as this below:
I asked my daughter to become more independent by doing daily activities, such as getting dressed,taking a bath, etc.
by herself.
All the best to you.
Hi Ms. Rebecca
I´ve been really enjoying myself the lesson. Perfect combination: video explanation and Quiz – very helpful!
Thank you very much indeed.
[I forced myself to wake up early in the morning.]
[Please helped yourself if you want something to drink]
Dear Rebecca, is my sentences correct? Please give your comment. Thank you for your attention.
The first one is correct:
I forced myself to wake up early in the morning.
The second one needs a small change:
Please help yourself if you want something to drink.
All the best to you, Diana.
thxs …nice lesson
thanks teacher;alas, I taught this lesson before watching your video :(
I’m sure you did a good job, too. Always nice to hear from a fellow teacher. My best wishes to you and your students.
(I prepared myself for this project.)
(He was responsible by himself for this mistake)
Dear, are the above sentences correct?
This one is fine:
I prepared myself for this project.
This one could do with some improvement:
He himself was responsible for this mistake.
or just
He was responsible for this mistake.
All the best to you.
Dear, are the above sentences correct?
Dear teacher Rebecca:Is first time a write you some comments, I love to read all your lessons your lovely voice meke me understand your explanations, the reflexives pronouns are very useful I got 100% I spend time reading the comments of your students . God bless your heart all the best to you.
Dear Rebecca
what’s the difference between
John and me are parteners and John and
I are partners?
thank you for your attention
John and me are parteners and John and
I are partners?
The correct sentence would be:
John and I are partners.
This is because the word “I” can be used as a subject, whereas the word “me” can only be used as an object.
Hi Rebecca,I enjoy myself each your video lesson.
This video I enjoyed myself too.
very good. robega. keep on
Mr.manit sribandit
Hi . Rebecca. Thank you very much. I enjoyed myself watching the video.
Rebecca,it is execellent to speak with you, Mashallah, may God take you under his preciouse Arms. thanks Rahat
Thank you so much,Dear Rebecca I Like your way of teaching.
Thank you, Rebecca! I did’t know this grammar. It was very useful.
it’s very useful.
Absolutely Best lesson
Dear Ma’am
Gajendra Andrew
Really I enjoyed myself.
Thanks Rebecca, great lesson.
i am colombian too…beautyful girl…
Hi Luloo,
Excuse-me but I’d like to ask you something: which kind of person did you meet that could think Colombia is a city of Mexico?!!! :))))
thank uuuuu
Thank you!!P.S. From Russia, Moscow …
Hi Rebecca,I love it.Can you please give us more questions.Thanks…More Power!
very very good lesson
thank you alot it was very helpful
I have fun.
I myself enjoy this lesson. Thanks a lot
it is very helpful method…yaar
sijo kanjirathingal
thank you I’m understan and enjoy myself by this lesson
this moment,I study english by myself
I got 6 out of 6 ,thanks alotttttttttt
I enjoyed myself doing Quiz:)
hi my name is andres and i’m peruvian I’m entering to this site 4 first time and i’m in advanced level of english can someone of u teachers help me to improve my listening and pronounciation i’d thank u a lot
Mrs Rebecca, I myself found you as the most favorite Teacher on Engvid.
thank you!
thank you very much
Hi Rebecca. Thanks for your lesson. I enjoyed myself. ks
Claudia Luisi
Thanks a lot! You are very good teacher! =)
that was very nice we learned alot thanks can u give a licture on (so) please.
Hy Rebecca,
You are great!
Thank you very much!
great teaching
Thank you!!! The lesson was good!
Thank you very much.
Dear Rebecca, I’m writing in connection to the above lesson.
Your teaching is really great. You make complicated things easy to understand.
Take care of you, the world needs you!
I just found this site thru YOUTUBE and i love it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HI thanks
it is sleeping time for me but I dont want to sleep.I want to listen to more lessons.I am 55 and it is 01.00am here
Safak Erman
Hi, Rebecca. It was a great video! I enjoyed myself. Thank you teacher.
i enjoyed myself when i watched english lessons.
Rebecca,You are the BEST TEACHER ever!!!
Hello from Russia
it was really good lesson but i want sth defficult then thois
i from iraq 30 yers old i eed help me
in your luguage i wat anyone take my mail ad talkig evry day pleas help me
its gooood
Thanks very much.
Thank you! I enjoyed myself.
i enjoyed myself in this lesson thanks
Thanks a million
I enjoy alot engvid thanks
Thank you for an interesting lesson. It’s a pitty, but my quiz doesn’t work(
Thank you for your vid. My question is, at the end of the vid. you said “I hope you enjoyed this lesson”, Shouldn’t be “I hope you enjoyed yourselves this lesson”?
Thank you for your answer
Thanks for your question. What I said was correct. Here are some other possibilities, all of which are correct:
I hope you enjoyed yourselves watching this lesson.
I hope you enjoyed yourself.
I hope you enjoyed the lesson.
My best wishes to you.
I enjoy engvid. It fun. Hi I’M 8 years old and live in South Korea.
Anyway, i hope you guys don’t learn much english! Nah, joking! If any of you are Brazillian, please tell me.I’m actually brazillian you know.
MAN UTD!!!!!!
Olá Man!! como está? I’m brasilian. Can i help you?
i really enjoyed my self, thank you very much
thank you so much
Hello dear Rebecca! Could you help me about my speaking skill? I have a big problem with my speaking skill, I study English very hard but I cannot speak very well. :(
To improve your speaking skill, you need to find opportunities to speak! You can do this by finding a private teacher or an English-speaking friend who will correct your errors, or else you could join a Conversational English class.
My best wishes to you, Farhad.
I love your teatching method
Hai Madam,
Thank you very much for your wonderful lesson. It is very helpful to me and your teaching method is excellent. Thank you once a gain.
It’s good and also I love your teatching
Hi, Teacher Rebecca. First over all, I would like to thank for this fantastic website. It is helpful, wonderful and so on. My doubt is on phrases that contain indefinite pronoun everybody and similar, with relfexive pronoun. For instance:
… I know that everybody here is just worried about ” itself” or “themselves”
as the indefinite pronoun is in singular mode, I cannot use itself, couse it is related to the pronoun IT. So, what is the answer? Thanks a lot, And I hope I will meet you personally. Kisses
I hope I will meet you in person.
Thanks for the question.
You cannot use itself with everybody. So,in this case, it would be best to say:
Everybody enjoyed themselves.
All the best, Ricardo.
i enjoyed myself with ur leassons.
oh yeah. . thank you for the free lessons..love yuh…mwaah…god bless teacher
It was a nice lesson on reflexive pronoun. Keep up the good work.
Thank you very much.
Thanks a lot from Russia !!!
I’m so glad that I’ve found that site. So interesting. I really like this lessons so much.
thank you very much
6/6 very good!!! :)
I really enjoyed myself to execute this quiz…. thanks from Italy
i take note …thanks for the lesson
Hi! Rebecca.
Thanks for your lesson.
I am studying english by myself.
Your help is very important to my learning.
Thanks for your lesson
Hello everyone. I am a new member of this great group. Dear Rebecca i hope to improve my knowledge of english with the help of this great site.I just would like to ask to put more detailed lessons concerning tenses
Thanks in advance and one more time thank you for great job this team do
really, you are a very very good teacher , every time I listen to your lesson I get great benefits ,thank you
really , you are a very very good teacher and every time I listen to your lesson I get great benefits
thank you
Bravooo Thanks ENGVID :)
i enjoed myself while solving these question thanx alot rebecca
sarish khan
First,I would like to thanks for teaching useful lessons. I like all your videos.Thank you.
sandhya daggubati
John and me are parteners and John and
I are partners?
The correct sentence would be:
John and I are partners.
This is because the word “I” can be used as a subject, whereas the word “me” can only be used as an object.
thanks so much rebecca.good lesson and I like your way of teaching.May god bless you.you are a great teacher.
Thanks a lot :)
why do we need to repeat yourself again at the end of the sentence ‘myself’ since we already indicates ‘I’ in the beginning of the sentence. Please answer!
And ya!! thanks for the great lesson. keep it up!!!
Oyo Lhamo
sorry!! why do we need to repeat ‘ourself’ I typed it wrongly.
Oyo Lhamo
Thanks so much you are the beast teacher I this world.
Hello madam,
thank you but please in Hindi language lesson .
Hello mam,
Is this sentence correct?
myself is tanushree agrawal.
Thanx to u and all teachers of engvid
Abdul Qayum
I always enjoy your video by myself in my dark room.
I have a question, teacher.
I don’t know how to use the preposition in front of myself.
I’ve written some sentences.
Please check my grammar and fix them up.
I have some souls in myself.
I always have a meal by myself.
I pray for myself every morning.
I wrote my name on the Death Note by myself. l killed myself by Death Note.
Hi and thks for this lesson!
I have a question:
When do you use “by myself”?
Dear rebacca,
I love myself to watch your lesson.
You are dedicated to yourself while teaching a lesson. (It mean you are explaining well)
I thought the second one is grammatically correct. But I am not sure. Your teaching is really good.
Could you please tell me the above two sentences are correct?.
Hey Veera,
1’st is not correct. I love watching your lesson. is correct.
2’nd is correct just grammatically . It had been a pleasure. Bye Veera
Leo Burca
Thank you, Rebecca! It was very helpful.
You are the best.
Hello Rebecca. I had some knowledge about this subject but I didn’t handle it that good. Now I’m an “ace” because of you. Thank you a lot and keep the videos flowing. Thanks to the endvid team.
Leo Burca
I have question:
which is the correct sentence:
I’ve always set reasonable goals FOR myself.
I’ve always set reasonable goals BY myself
really i am very enjoyful with your accent dear teacher Rebecca …
cheers & regards
Fakhry Issa
engvid realy help me a lot to learn english. please add a full lession on ‘to’
somnath das
hi dear rebecca..
thank u for the lesson,i loved it very much, but im a little confused with the first question in the video why the sentence ‘i enjoyed at the party’ is wrong?
best regards.
hi dear rebecca..
thank u for the lesson,i loved it very much, but im a little confused with the first question in the video why the sentence ‘i enjoyed at the party’ is wrong?
best regards
Thanks a lot rebecca, u r an expert teacher, and I feel that my language is in improvement by these so beneficial lessons
hello rebecca,
which one is correct??
-I myself make a speech
-I make a speech by myself
hope you can guide me.
thanks mam
thank u for sharing of your knowledge, I’ll be the who benefit for that nice lesson. thank you so much.
Thanks Rebecca,Thanks again for your attention,always i put ( me ) but now ,I know to put my friend and I are enjoyed at the party.you ‘re a great teacher .God bless you.Big hug.
thank u rebecca :)
Thank you for this lesson. It is really very well.
Hi Rebecca.I am very appreciate to you. I have theresult 100%, 6/6.
Thanks rebecca for you help , it is a good way to teach reflexive pronouns
Hi Rebecca: How are You? I hope fine . I would like to thank you for the english class,its really help me a lot.
Jose A.
very clear explanation. rebecca, you are always so clear! thank you
I got again 6/6…
Thank u Rebecca you are a good teacher.
Hello Rebecca,
Let me tell you that your explanations are very clear and I´m very grateful, even though my doubt doesn´t has to be anything with this video I need clarification in which is the correct preposition that we have to use in: “speak to” or “speak with” yesterday I was watching an American movie and I heard that they said “speak with…” Is this correct? Thank you in advance, and sorry if I (made or did) any grammar or spelling mistake…
hi mama Rabecca i thank u so much for your lesson.
If my sentence is wrong please can you corret me
Dear Mam
really your class is helping too much and thanks a lot.. I want to study more about business letter writing please guide me.
salesh paul
can you teach us about indefinite pronoun thank please my teacher doesn’t explain it very well
Yeah Awesome!
“You got 6 correct out of 6.”
Dear Rabecca
I’d like to know is correct to say :
I enjoy singing , painting, and writing poems.
Is nessessarly to say I enjoy myself singing , painting, and writing poems .
I wish to hear your advice soom :)
*soon :) :)
I always enjoy your lesson.Thanks.
Very useful.
Good lesson Rebecca! Thanks!
I watched the video about the the reflexive, but I felt funny hearing or saying I enjoyed myself, doesn’t it have like a sexual meaning too.
Dear Rebecca
When is not possible to identify the gender of the subject, for instance, “student” or ” visitor” , and this subject is singular, what is the suitable reflexive pronoun to be used?
The short answer: “himself or herself” or “themselves”. For more, check out Emma’s lesson.
engVid Moderator
Maybe I wasn’t clear. Sorry!
The point is whenever I have a subject in a sentence which gender can be both, what is the appropriate reflevive pronoun to be used. Emma’s lesson hasn’t helped me to clarify that question
Thanks Rebecca.
Hello Mam,
Why don’t you add the transcription to learn spoken language also.?
Hi Rebecca.Thank u very much for great lessons.Hugs from Azerbaijan
i want to know
is this sentence will right
i also will not go today
BiLaL ahmed
Thank you, I got 6 correct out of 6 :D
I pround of myself , haha
Edward st
So good teacher Rebecca :)
I got 67 , the learning path is long
Hi Rebecca,
If anyone want to talk in english for pratice, plese sendme an e-mail:
my email Is :inspection.alhoceima@gmail.com
thank you
best regards
Thanks a lot, MS Rebecca! Useful lesson!!!
Ip Man Lee
It’s really pretty simple, perfect explanation.
I was a bit confused about “enjoyed myself” but now I understand. Thanks Rebecca!
I really enjoyed myself on watching this video lesson,thank you.
Thanks nice teacher, I am excited because I got 100%.
Abdul Qayum
Thank you teacher I got a full mark .. Thank you so much
Hello .mam..Is the meaning of I enjoyed myself in the party is that,I have no friends there ,I am alone there so I enjoyed myself ??
I really like your explaination, Many thanks and have a great day.
4/6 :/
Djihad Mu slim
5/6 nice
Dear Rebecca, Kindly if you could specify the difference between them self and themselves.
Thanks in advance
Your sincerely
Muhsen Hadi
Thank you very much!
Yeahhh 100 % Rebecca, Thanks.
I got 100 thanks Ms. Rebecca..
Thanks a lot …I got 100%
I enjoyed myself..
Thanks Ms.Rebecca
Anjali sharma
Excellent lecture!
Thank you so much.
Vuk ff
excellent! thank you for this video.
Dear Rebecca,
I always read “Leave a comment”.
You bring a plus or you add value to your students.
This is very interesting.
Best regards.
Good explanation. it was easy to understand. thank you
Very useful. Thank you very much
ann ann
Thank you so much now I learn that me can only be used as an object and not as a subject? Ms Rebecca am I right? What about my sentence construction here? Please be patience of me.
Dear Rebecca
Thanks for the lesson,as tittle (reflexive pronoun)The instruction was clear, and I know that with you will gain the challenge in this field.
Thank you again
Angelo Massanga Cunfo
I really appreciate it!
thank you.
ann ann
thanks a lot for help me.
argenys antonio cinero.
I am learning english language myself by on engvid
Is it correct?
Thanks a lot! But why only a few questions ?!
thank youuuu!!!
I love your lessons!
thanks Rabecca. my score is 83.
Thanks teacher.
You got 6 correct out of 6.
M kartal
Really is helpful course thank you Mrs Rebbeca i will watch all of your vedioes ?
Hi, I really enjoyed it. The way you teach is really simple and helpful! Many thanks.
i enjoyed this video how to learn English better
Gede Arimbawa
Hi Rebecca! Could you please explain the difference between “by myself” and “by my own”. Thank a lot in advance.
thanks a lot once again Mam for the excellent presentation regarding Emphatic Pronouns.
Ripan Das
thanks for this
Thanks Rebecca for this good lesson ,but sometimes I see ( I told myself ) and
( I said to myself ) are they both good to use ? An anglophone told me that I should always say the second one ( I said to myself ) I’m a little bit lost :(
I realy appreciate you class, you are a great teacher
Thank you very much
Damene Molla
Thank you so much I got 100 :)
Rebecca…It’s not clear for me the pronuntiation in 5:14…when you say an example for the 3rd person of singular.
I really think that Rebecca’s accent is like the second best after Jade. But then where is part 2?
Jojo Ng
I am so proud of myself that I’ve made it this far. Keep making new lessons and we’ll keep learning. Thank you Rebecca.
I enjoyed myself when I am watching video as your explanation is Superb!
Aye Mya Phyu
I am very happy thankyou
niharika reddy
Thank you very much ma’am
I watched this video twice on June 25, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got six correct out of 6.
I watched this video one more time on July 01, 2021.
Hello Ms. Rebeca
Your teaching was very GREAT, I enjoyed this video how to learn English better and I got 5 correct out of 6.
Thank you
Abdul Salam Qaderi
Thank you
I am happy to study to strengthen my English, thank you
Thank you for the wonderful lesson.
youngsook Min
I learned myself how to cook a dinner
eid hassan warsame
Thank you very mich for this lesson! I enjoyed myself at this lesson!
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
i really enjoy how you teach english. Thanks a lot.
Very good
I did it n enjoyed it myself!!
Cheer up!
Hello Fatiima:congratulation you did great.
Hi there,
I’m keen on Spanish!
Bye 4 now.
Thank you, Rebecca! It was very helpful.
hi madam
thank you for wonderful lesson .
Hi rebeeca.first thank you very muchfor sharing this video with us,is really very interesting helpful and useful .you are an amzing teacher ,i am going to see all the videos had you maked.
my best wishes to you
thanks Mrs Rebeeca ,I have a grammar exam and the video really help me
wish me luck
Tks o lot REbecca. 90% correct my Quiz. I appreciate that. God blesses. Lily Diaz from Brazil
Thanks Rebecca! You are always awesome =D
Good lesson! Congratulations, Rebecca!
If anyone want to talk in english for pratice, plese sendme an e-mail: tiago_queiroz18@hotmail.com
Good luck for all!
i’m interested in talking to you….my skype is borhanctg2011 & e-mail ID: rasho2010@gmail.com
Hello MR Tiago Queiroz I would like Brazil win the game against Holanda. I’m praying for Brazil’s victory.Good luck Brazi.
Thank you capricubana. Ufortunately Brazil lost this world cup. Maybe next we win.
glad to see u r answering some our questions Rebacca. we are not alone. thank u 4 the free lesson.
Learning a language is always very interesting!! When you are taught by experts is an excellent experience!!
Hi Ms. Rebeca
Your teaching is very GREAT, I like it.
Thank you
Wow, awesome teaching. Learned so much from you.
Hi Rebeca, I want to say thank you because all of you are doing a great job. I have seen a lot of places in the internet and I must say this is the best of all. Thank you.
Thank you, Rebecca.
Love your teaching.!
I got 100% :) Thank you I love your teaching!
Thanks ,It was good lesson and I benefit from it.
Best regards to you.
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you for your lesson! I’ve been living in the US for 2 months, and I can say, that native speakers use reflexive pronouns a lot. Sometimes it might be very confusing, when someone asks you ‘Did you like it? Did you enjoy yourself’? The very first thing, that always came in my mind ‘How could I enjoy myself? I didn’t do anything with myself, I enjoyed the weather!’ but now I know this grammar, and I’m going to use it:)Thank you again!
I got 5/6
thank you so much Rebecca
This is awesome ! This will help me improve my writing skills. I may have lack some proper writing skills due to my deafness.
An awesome place to learn online!
Hmmm…. I wan to try apply it in the sentences, for example :
– I force myself to speak english every day.
– I ask my daughter to help herself for daily activity, like getting dressed,taking a bath, etc.
Dear Rebecca, what about those sentences? Is it correct? Please, give me your comment. Thank you for you attention.
Your first sentence is correct. The second sentence is not quite right. There are many ways to improve it, such as this below:
I asked my daughter to become more independent by doing daily activities, such as getting dressed,taking a bath, etc.
by herself.
All the best to you.
Hi Ms. Rebecca
I´ve been really enjoying myself the lesson. Perfect combination: video explanation and Quiz – very helpful!
Thank you very much indeed.
[I forced myself to wake up early in the morning.]
[Please helped yourself if you want something to drink]
Dear Rebecca, is my sentences correct? Please give your comment. Thank you for your attention.
The first one is correct:
I forced myself to wake up early in the morning.
The second one needs a small change:
Please help yourself if you want something to drink.
All the best to you, Diana.
thxs …nice lesson
thanks teacher;alas, I taught this lesson before watching your video :(
I’m sure you did a good job, too. Always nice to hear from a fellow teacher. My best wishes to you and your students.
(I prepared myself for this project.)
(He was responsible by himself for this mistake)
Dear, are the above sentences correct?
This one is fine:
I prepared myself for this project.
This one could do with some improvement:
He himself was responsible for this mistake.
or just
He was responsible for this mistake.
All the best to you.
Dear, are the above sentences correct?
Dear teacher Rebecca:Is first time a write you some comments, I love to read all your lessons your lovely voice meke me understand your explanations, the reflexives pronouns are very useful I got 100% I spend time reading the comments of your students . God bless your heart all the best to you.
Dear Rebecca
what’s the difference between
John and me are parteners and John and
I are partners?
thank you for your attention
John and me are parteners and John and
I are partners?
The correct sentence would be:
John and I are partners.
This is because the word “I” can be used as a subject, whereas the word “me” can only be used as an object.
For example,
He gave me a gift.
They lent me their car.
More on this point in this lesson of mine:
All the best to you, Tarek.
Hi Rebecca,I enjoy myself each your video lesson.
This video I enjoyed myself too.
very good. robega. keep on
Hi . Rebecca. Thank you very much. I enjoyed myself watching the video.
Rebecca,it is execellent to speak with you, Mashallah, may God take you under his preciouse Arms. thanks Rahat
Thank you so much,Dear Rebecca I Like your way of teaching.
Thank you, Rebecca! I did’t know this grammar. It was very useful.
it’s very useful.
Absolutely Best lesson
Dear Ma’am
Really I enjoyed myself.
Thanks Rebecca, great lesson.
i am colombian too…beautyful girl…
Hi Luloo,
Excuse-me but I’d like to ask you something: which kind of person did you meet that could think Colombia is a city of Mexico?!!! :))))
thank uuuuu
Thank you!!P.S. From Russia, Moscow …
Hi Rebecca,I love it.Can you please give us more questions.Thanks…More Power!
very very good lesson
thank you alot it was very helpful
I have fun.
I myself enjoy this lesson. Thanks a lot
it is very helpful method…yaar
thank you I’m understan and enjoy myself by this lesson
this moment,I study english by myself
I got 6 out of 6 ,thanks alotttttttttt
I enjoyed myself doing Quiz:)
hi my name is andres and i’m peruvian I’m entering to this site 4 first time and i’m in advanced level of english can someone of u teachers help me to improve my listening and pronounciation i’d thank u a lot
Mrs Rebecca, I myself found you as the most favorite Teacher on Engvid.
thank you!
thank you very much
Hi Rebecca. Thanks for your lesson. I enjoyed myself. ks
Thanks a lot! You are very good teacher! =)
that was very nice we learned alot thanks can u give a licture on (so) please.
Hy Rebecca,
You are great!
Thank you very much!
great teaching
Thank you!!! The lesson was good!
Thank you very much.
Dear Rebecca, I’m writing in connection to the above lesson.
Your teaching is really great. You make complicated things easy to understand.
Take care of you, the world needs you!
I just found this site thru YOUTUBE and i love it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HI thanks
it is sleeping time for me but I dont want to sleep.I want to listen to more lessons.I am 55 and it is 01.00am here
Hi, Rebecca. It was a great video! I enjoyed myself. Thank you teacher.
i enjoyed myself when i watched english lessons.
Rebecca,You are the BEST TEACHER ever!!!
Hello from Russia
it was really good lesson but i want sth defficult then thois
i from iraq 30 yers old i eed help me
in your luguage i wat anyone take my mail ad talkig evry day pleas help me
its gooood
Thanks very much.
Thank you! I enjoyed myself.
i enjoyed myself in this lesson thanks
Thanks a million
I enjoy alot engvid thanks
Thank you for an interesting lesson. It’s a pitty, but my quiz doesn’t work(
Thank you for your vid. My question is, at the end of the vid. you said “I hope you enjoyed this lesson”, Shouldn’t be “I hope you enjoyed yourselves this lesson”?
Thank you for your answer
Thanks for your question. What I said was correct. Here are some other possibilities, all of which are correct:
I hope you enjoyed yourselves watching this lesson.
I hope you enjoyed yourself.
I hope you enjoyed the lesson.
My best wishes to you.
I enjoy engvid. It fun. Hi I’M 8 years old and live in South Korea.
Anyway, i hope you guys don’t learn much english! Nah, joking! If any of you are Brazillian, please tell me.I’m actually brazillian you know.
Olá Man!! como está? I’m brasilian. Can i help you?
i really enjoyed my self, thank you very much
thank you so much
Hello dear Rebecca! Could you help me about my speaking skill? I have a big problem with my speaking skill, I study English very hard but I cannot speak very well. :(
To improve your speaking skill, you need to find opportunities to speak! You can do this by finding a private teacher or an English-speaking friend who will correct your errors, or else you could join a Conversational English class.
My best wishes to you, Farhad.
I love your teatching method
Hai Madam,
Thank you very much for your wonderful lesson. It is very helpful to me and your teaching method is excellent. Thank you once a gain.
It’s good and also I love your teatching
Hi, Teacher Rebecca. First over all, I would like to thank for this fantastic website. It is helpful, wonderful and so on. My doubt is on phrases that contain indefinite pronoun everybody and similar, with relfexive pronoun. For instance:
… I know that everybody here is just worried about ” itself” or “themselves”
as the indefinite pronoun is in singular mode, I cannot use itself, couse it is related to the pronoun IT. So, what is the answer? Thanks a lot, And I hope I will meet you personally. Kisses
I hope I will meet you in person.
Thanks for the question.
You cannot use itself with everybody. So,in this case, it would be best to say:
Everybody enjoyed themselves.
All the best, Ricardo.
i enjoyed myself with ur leassons.
oh yeah. . thank you for the free lessons..love yuh…mwaah…god bless teacher
It was a nice lesson on reflexive pronoun. Keep up the good work.
Thank you very much.
Thanks a lot from Russia !!!
I’m so glad that I’ve found that site. So interesting. I really like this lessons so much.
thank you very much
6/6 very good!!! :)
I really enjoyed myself to execute this quiz…. thanks from Italy
i take note …thanks for the lesson
Hi! Rebecca.
Thanks for your lesson.
I am studying english by myself.
Your help is very important to my learning.
Thanks for your lesson
Hello everyone. I am a new member of this great group. Dear Rebecca i hope to improve my knowledge of english with the help of this great site.I just would like to ask to put more detailed lessons concerning tenses
Thanks in advance and one more time thank you for great job this team do
really, you are a very very good teacher , every time I listen to your lesson I get great benefits ,thank you
really , you are a very very good teacher and every time I listen to your lesson I get great benefits
thank you
Bravooo Thanks ENGVID :)
i enjoed myself while solving these question thanx alot rebecca
First,I would like to thanks for teaching useful lessons. I like all your videos.Thank you.
John and me are parteners and John and
I are partners?
The correct sentence would be:
John and I are partners.
This is because the word “I” can be used as a subject, whereas the word “me” can only be used as an object.
For example,
He gave me a gift.
They lent me their car.
More on this point in this lesson of mine:
All the best to you!
Thanks to all of you for your feedback and comments. Please tell your friends about engvid so we can continue to add new lessons. Thank you!
Hi my dear friendly Rebecca…
So long,no see!
Hope everything goes well around you.
Kind Regards,
my brother and myself always follow your lessons, thank you Rebecca ! :)
Nice Igot 100% Perfect Score Thanks Ms. Rebecca :))
thanks so much rebecca.good lesson and I like your way of teaching.May god bless you.you are a great teacher.
Thanks a lot :)
why do we need to repeat yourself again at the end of the sentence ‘myself’ since we already indicates ‘I’ in the beginning of the sentence. Please answer!
And ya!! thanks for the great lesson. keep it up!!!
sorry!! why do we need to repeat ‘ourself’ I typed it wrongly.
Thanks so much you are the beast teacher I this world.
Hello madam,
thank you but please in Hindi language lesson .
Hello mam,
Is this sentence correct?
myself is tanushree agrawal.
Thanx to u and all teachers of engvid
I always enjoy your video by myself in my dark room.
I have a question, teacher.
I don’t know how to use the preposition in front of myself.
I’ve written some sentences.
Please check my grammar and fix them up.
I have some souls in myself.
I always have a meal by myself.
I pray for myself every morning.
I wrote my name on the Death Note by myself. l killed myself by Death Note.
Hi and thks for this lesson!
I have a question:
When do you use “by myself”?
Dear rebacca,
I love myself to watch your lesson.
You are dedicated to yourself while teaching a lesson. (It mean you are explaining well)
I thought the second one is grammatically correct. But I am not sure. Your teaching is really good.
Could you please tell me the above two sentences are correct?.
Hey Veera,
1’st is not correct. I love watching your lesson. is correct.
2’nd is correct just grammatically . It had been a pleasure. Bye Veera
Thank you, Rebecca! It was very helpful.
You are the best.
Hello Rebecca. I had some knowledge about this subject but I didn’t handle it that good. Now I’m an “ace” because of you. Thank you a lot and keep the videos flowing. Thanks to the endvid team.
I have question:
which is the correct sentence:
I’ve always set reasonable goals FOR myself.
I’ve always set reasonable goals BY myself
really i am very enjoyful with your accent dear teacher Rebecca …
cheers & regards
engvid realy help me a lot to learn english. please add a full lession on ‘to’
hi dear rebecca..
thank u for the lesson,i loved it very much, but im a little confused with the first question in the video why the sentence ‘i enjoyed at the party’ is wrong?
best regards.
hi dear rebecca..
thank u for the lesson,i loved it very much, but im a little confused with the first question in the video why the sentence ‘i enjoyed at the party’ is wrong?
best regards
Thanks a lot rebecca, u r an expert teacher, and I feel that my language is in improvement by these so beneficial lessons
hello rebecca,
which one is correct??
-I myself make a speech
-I make a speech by myself
hope you can guide me.
thanks mam
thank u for sharing of your knowledge, I’ll be the who benefit for that nice lesson. thank you so much.
Thanks Rebecca,Thanks again for your attention,always i put ( me ) but now ,I know to put my friend and I are enjoyed at the party.you ‘re a great teacher .God bless you.Big hug.
thank u rebecca :)
Thank you for this lesson. It is really very well.
Hi Rebecca.I am very appreciate to you. I have theresult 100%, 6/6.
Thanks rebecca for you help , it is a good way to teach reflexive pronouns
Hi Rebecca: How are You? I hope fine . I would like to thank you for the english class,its really help me a lot.
Jose A.
very clear explanation. rebecca, you are always so clear! thank you
I got again 6/6…
Thank u Rebecca you are a good teacher.
Hello Rebecca,
Let me tell you that your explanations are very clear and I´m very grateful, even though my doubt doesn´t has to be anything with this video I need clarification in which is the correct preposition that we have to use in: “speak to” or “speak with” yesterday I was watching an American movie and I heard that they said “speak with…” Is this correct? Thank you in advance, and sorry if I (made or did) any grammar or spelling mistake…
hi mama Rabecca i thank u so much for your lesson.
If my sentence is wrong please can you corret me
Dear Mam
really your class is helping too much and thanks a lot.. I want to study more about business letter writing please guide me.
can you teach us about indefinite pronoun thank please my teacher doesn’t explain it very well
Yeah Awesome!
“You got 6 correct out of 6.”
Dear Rabecca
I’d like to know is correct to say :
I enjoy singing , painting, and writing poems.
Is nessessarly to say I enjoy myself singing , painting, and writing poems .
I wish to hear your advice soom :)
*soon :) :)
I always enjoy your lesson.Thanks.
Very useful.
Good lesson Rebecca! Thanks!
I watched the video about the the reflexive, but I felt funny hearing or saying I enjoyed myself, doesn’t it have like a sexual meaning too.
Dear Rebecca
When is not possible to identify the gender of the subject, for instance, “student” or ” visitor” , and this subject is singular, what is the suitable reflexive pronoun to be used?
The short answer: “himself or herself” or “themselves”. For more, check out Emma’s lesson.
Maybe I wasn’t clear. Sorry!
The point is whenever I have a subject in a sentence which gender can be both, what is the appropriate reflevive pronoun to be used. Emma’s lesson hasn’t helped me to clarify that question
Thanks Rebecca.
Hello Mam,
Why don’t you add the transcription to learn spoken language also.?
Hi Rebecca.Thank u very much for great lessons.Hugs from Azerbaijan
i want to know
is this sentence will right
i also will not go today
Thank you, I got 6 correct out of 6 :D
I pround of myself , haha
So good teacher Rebecca :)
I got 67 , the learning path is long
Hi Rebecca,
If anyone want to talk in english for pratice, plese sendme an e-mail:
my email Is :inspection.alhoceima@gmail.com
thank you
best regards
Thanks a lot, MS Rebecca! Useful lesson!!!
It’s really pretty simple, perfect explanation.
I was a bit confused about “enjoyed myself” but now I understand. Thanks Rebecca!
I really enjoyed myself on watching this video lesson,thank you.
Thanks nice teacher, I am excited because I got 100%.
Thank you teacher I got a full mark .. Thank you so much
Hello .mam..Is the meaning of I enjoyed myself in the party is that,I have no friends there ,I am alone there so I enjoyed myself ??
I really like your explaination, Many thanks and have a great day.
4/6 :/
5/6 nice
Dear Rebecca, Kindly if you could specify the difference between them self and themselves.
Thanks in advance
Your sincerely
Thank you very much!
Yeahhh 100 % Rebecca, Thanks.
I got 100 thanks Ms. Rebecca..
Thanks a lot …I got 100%
I enjoyed myself..
Thanks Ms.Rebecca
Excellent lecture!
Thank you so much.
excellent! thank you for this video.
Dear Rebecca,
I always read “Leave a comment”.
You bring a plus or you add value to your students.
This is very interesting.
Best regards.
Good explanation. it was easy to understand. thank you
Very useful. Thank you very much
Thank you so much now I learn that me can only be used as an object and not as a subject? Ms Rebecca am I right? What about my sentence construction here? Please be patience of me.
Dear Rebecca
Thanks for the lesson,as tittle (reflexive pronoun)The instruction was clear, and I know that with you will gain the challenge in this field.
Thank you again
I really appreciate it!
thank you.
thanks a lot for help me.
I am learning english language myself by on engvid
Is it correct?
Thanks a lot! But why only a few questions ?!
thank youuuu!!!
I love your lessons!
thanks Rabecca. my score is 83.
Thanks teacher.
You got 6 correct out of 6.
Really is helpful course thank you Mrs Rebbeca i will watch all of your vedioes ?
Hi, I really enjoyed it. The way you teach is really simple and helpful! Many thanks.
i enjoyed this video how to learn English better
Hi Rebecca! Could you please explain the difference between “by myself” and “by my own”. Thank a lot in advance.
thanks a lot once again Mam for the excellent presentation regarding Emphatic Pronouns.
thanks for this
Thanks Rebecca for this good lesson ,but sometimes I see ( I told myself ) and
( I said to myself ) are they both good to use ? An anglophone told me that I should always say the second one ( I said to myself ) I’m a little bit lost :(
I realy appreciate you class, you are a great teacher
Thank you very much
Thank you so much I got 100 :)
Rebecca…It’s not clear for me the pronuntiation in 5:14…when you say an example for the 3rd person of singular.
I really think that Rebecca’s accent is like the second best after Jade. But then where is part 2?
I am so proud of myself that I’ve made it this far. Keep making new lessons and we’ll keep learning. Thank you Rebecca.
I enjoyed myself when I am watching video as your explanation is Superb!
I am very happy thankyou
Thank you very much ma’am
I watched this video twice on June 25, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got six correct out of 6.
I watched this video one more time on July 01, 2021.
Hello Ms. Rebeca
Your teaching was very GREAT, I enjoyed this video how to learn English better and I got 5 correct out of 6.
Thank you
Thank you
I am happy to study to strengthen my English, thank you
Thank you for the wonderful lesson.
I learned myself how to cook a dinner
Thank you very mich for this lesson! I enjoyed myself at this lesson!
I got 6/6.
Thank you! :)
Thanks teacher Rabecca.
Thank you teacher REBECCA . I GOT 6/6