Fish or fishes? Men or mans? Childs or children? Learn about some common irregular plural nouns. Not everything ends with “s”! I’ll teach you what irregular plural nouns are, and how to pronounce some of the ones you will need to use.
hi there! When I was 18, I went to Miami Florida for vacation. When I was in the hotel with my cousin, I noticed that there was a sing about the pool’s rules. I don’t remember exactly what it said, what the thing is that instead of using the word people they used persons. With my cousin we weren’t sure if it was okay or was a grammar mistake.
Oh another thing, before watching the video I did the quiz and I scored 9 out of 10. My mistake was that I put fishes instead of fish. When I watched the video you said that fishes was allowed in some cases. I remember talking to a native speaker and I told her that bears eat fishes. Was that correct? Or Should I have said fish? I feel kind of embarrassed right now lol
nice quiz
People become smarter not watching the video and just take the Quiz.that’s they lost 1 mark , as I didn’t ..
I watched and scored full :)
ooh my score is 9 …
This quiz too easy >>> 0_o
Hi Alex, could you explain me or do a vid with repeated and double comparatives, like: the more he runs, the faster he gets- Please.
another nice lesson,thanks
nice lesson no more videos?
thanks alex very good lesson
Easy! F*ck yeah!!
thank u a lot teacher i’ve got 10/10
Hey Dear Nadia how you got it in hunderd how much tell true????
I cant finf the quiz
easy peasy lemon squeezy …
good, very interesting
I did not understand the jokey that he made about two feet, could someone explain it to me?
Rafael Dayon
Thnk u Alex nice lesson
My Score is:
You scored 10 out of 10.
I’m happy to be able to attend this video so I’m able to understand & speak the english language better.
its superb…
Thank you very much.
I think this is very helpful for me.
it’s very useful your lesson
thank soo much
wow ten of ten
thank you so much.
Great for charity.
i ‘ll learn for myself.
Bless you :)
good , very nice web
Good lesson. Thank you.
sir, i happened to hear ” persons ” can be used as plural of person , please explain on which context is that..
It was a piece of Cake!
Yes it was, but a new & useful information
oh amazing that was wonderfull thanks teacher i haven’t see before how i can understod this lesson have only one fail
Thanks Alex, you have a great ability to teach English, but not to draw ;) hehehe
Hello Please help me in next lesson ?
thank for your help :)
thaks for the lesson!
Great job,Its a little think, but it has been a long time confusion, now it has come to end. Now clear and more confident to speak English.
Great help Alex.
Thanks a lot.
Tamil Eelavan.
Tamil EElavan
Hi There,
Could you please do lesions on following topics/ topic that would cover the following matters?
1. Different between –
a. Alex worked in a company for 4 years (but he is no longer working in the company)
b. Alex had been working 4 years in a company (but he is no longer working in the company)
2. Different between – Need explanations.
a. Julian Assange urged Barak Obama to end “witch hunt” again his website, appearing in public Sunday –
i. Why we are not using On Sunday
ii. Can we write Julian Assange urged Barak Obama to end “witch hunt” again his website, appearing in public on Sunday
3. Which is the correct one & why?
a. Students who have question or
b. Students who has question –
4. Which are correct one & why?
a. Everyone have /Everyone has
b. No one have / No one has
c. Everybody have/ Everybody has
d. Everyone have / Everyone has
e. Dose everyone have ? / Is everyone have?
5. Writing Media’s heading / News heading – what rule they are following?
6. Confusing of using Passive voice – which one is correct & why?
a. Mentally disabled Pakistani girl arrested for blasphemy (from Toronto star news paper)
b. Mentally disable Pakistani girl (was / is / had been / has been) arrested for blasphemy
I would appreciate if you could do lessons to get clear on above confusions matter , it would be helpful for other viewers as well.
Thank You in advance,
Tamil EElavan
“Students who have question” is correct because “who” isn’t the subject here. Just write it without “who” — “Students has” or “Students have”
Everyone, No one, Everybody, Everyone — all of these are singular.
Dose everyone have ? / Is everyone have?
If you use Do/does in question you have to put base verb — have. If you start question with “is” you have to add -ing at the end of the verb -having.
Passiv = be + pp. Passive voice is used mostly in
— simple present
— simple past
— simple future
— preset perfect.
Sometimes passive is used with continuous tenses — mostly in present continuous tense. This is my observation only. But in your example — “Mentally disable Pakistani girl was arrested for blasphemy”.
Nice lession
Hi Sir,
Thanks for the information about Irregular Plural Nouns. It is new for me
thanks sir,very usefull leeson.
thank you so much
Hi Sir Alex
please differentiate between regular plural nouns & irregular plural nouns with some example
Thank you so much (^_^)
Thanks a lot :)
thank you mr alex
ibrahim magale
thanks sir,very for the lesson!
Thank you Alex, very useful lesson.
Is there any lesson about GOOD and WELL? I’m really confused when I have to use them.
Thank you!
I Got 100% :)
I learned that people is the plural for person. Thank teacher-
@…Very Very Very Very easy…@
Please give us more exercises
thak you ser
peter franco
Tq sir..
Thank you ! I didn’t know the plural of mouse :)
It’s easy! I love it :))
thanks teacher ^_6
Thanks a lot
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thanks very much
Tia Maria
1 got 10 !!! thank you for teaching me alex^^
i have 9 nice
HI I am vannak , I very happy have learn on hear i want learn English and i want Liston and exercises for me and my email is and i want write and read and speaking English
HI I’m abdessamed , i’m very happy to learn english ,I study english at ALC in Marrakesh Its very nice center
thank u
:D Nice !
It’s a really good lesson. Thank you !!
Pretty Interesting!
good lesson! practice with me on skype adrian.cb
Thank sir!
I got 10 correct out of 10. Good job!!!
thanks for do this video, i hadlearned very much
Thank you sir.
I didn’t know the plural of Knife, Leaf and Mouse. I made note of them.
Thank you Alex.
Thank You sir,,,, I got 100% for the quiz. Please do more videos for improving our Language skills.
I got 100%
10 correct out of 10 – Thomas from Poland thx
thanks a lot sir i interest
Ahmed ibrahim
all of my answers are correct.thanks Alex.from Azerbaijan)
you help me.thanks
Hi Alex I have a question for you.I am a little curious on that matters. Please enlight me. For example: İf I have an apple I say normally I have an apple and İf I have more apples I say I have two or three apples.My question is : why Do we say three apples? I mean why do we add an (s) end of the apple word.I don’t understand this.Because the word three also does define it plural.Doesn’t it?
As always I*m grateful to you,Alex, for this useful lesson!
Thanks, Alex! I have been liking to learn the plural of the nouns!
Hi, I´d like if are there more irregular plural nouns in english?
Thanks sir i got it hunderd %
Sir i dont have passive voice methode if you can teach us thanks alot.
One wife Two wives
I got 100% love it .thanks teacher
Thank you Alex i’m ready for exam. If i was so good when i was young now i’ll was a famous scientist. Keep doing that excellent support to all of us.
Thank you teacher Alex
very good I can learn a lot
Thanks sir ! I got 100.
You are a very good teacher Alex.
I understood this lesson very well. And also I understood the rull of ‘f’, that is: when the noun ends with letter ‘f’ or ‘fe’ then plural makes with ‘ves’ in the end of the noun. Thank you Alex :)
Thanks very much Mr. Alex very interesting lesson I got 100% I think every lesson interesting in which I got 100%.
Abdul Qayum
thanks Alex I can do it!! :) 10/10
i make a mistake that is very easy . so next time ,i ‘wll be carefull
thanks man
Rohi Mpiana
congratulation from Dublin:)))
Many thanks!
Thanks alot
Awsome , thank you .
Amani Ines
about person://
People vs. persons
In modern English, people is the de facto plural of person. People and person have separate Latin origins, and they came to English at different times by different paths, but there are examples of people used as a plural of person from as early as the 14th century. Persons was the original plural, and it is possible to find examples of its use in all types of writing up to the present, but it prevails only in a few contexts, most notably law and law enforcement, and in a few common phrases (e.g., persons of interest, displaced persons, missing persons). Elsewhere, it usually gives way to people.
There is an old usage prescription holding that people applies to uncountable groups of individuals (e.g., Times Square was packed with people) while persons applies to groups that are easily counted (e.g., there were four persons on the balcony). But there is no good reason for this distinction, and in any case it is not consistently borne out in real-world usage
i got 10 ….thanks
yossef abdo
alex it’d be very informating to see ya going over ALL the nouns that have an irregular plural form
Hi Alex, I really appreciate your help with Eng. 3/8/2015, I sent an appreciate token ($50..00 US) “PayPal” “LANGVID” To Donation Coordinator:, I’m just wondering you got it??
Please help me, which sentenses is correct? Let me know.
1) What I want to do what I am about to do today? OR
2) Would I want to to what I am about to do today?
Thank You!
thank you very much
Lam Thi Hang
Thank you
Mrs Zubair
I got 10 thank you teacher
thank you mr.alex igot 10
thank you mr.
well I answered the quiz before watching the video? to be honest I didn’t knew that the plural of person is people hahahah
very good teaching
You are a nice teacher
Thank You Sir :)
Thank you Alex!
100 thank you :)
For those who asked, I think the ‘booooooo’, after the wrongful “leafs” answer, has something to do with his reference to the “maple leafs” team. Do you recall he said something like… “This is wrong in so many different levels”? I don’t think he’s a fan, plus… the team’s name should be ‘the maple leaves’, since leaves is the correct plural form of leaf.
Thank u.
Feriha Feriha
Thank you!
I’ll keep learning.
Thank you, Alex!
Young Kyung Lee
I got 10 …
Thank you so much
it is piece of cake !!
I got 10/10!! Thanks! Perfect lesson!
Thank you so much
Anii latukau
Good! Thank’u!
Thank you Alex
Thanks teacher
Wagner Marques
Thank you Alex.
ann ann
Nice Alex… Now I understand that people have 2 feet and we kick the ball with a foot
thank you Alex
this is wonderful class, teacher Alex
this class is necessary when people speak english
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
oooh i got 10 .. so great i love it .. than teatcher Alex =)
thank you sir.
You scored 9 out of 10 … not Bad !!!
leaf ==> Leafs (Boooooo) .. :'(
and I didn’t watch the Video .. ! :D
same I didn’t watch the Video
:D i scored it 9/10
hahaha i also answer the leaf = Leafs (boooo)
what is the mean of (boooo)???
Do you remember the beautiful song: “autumn leaves”?
ha ha,easy as a b c…..
heyy !! what is the mean of (Leafs (boooo)
booooo means that he is don’t bleave he made just a mastake hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
What about “two persons”? I have to say “two people”?
Yes, friend. You must say: Two people. Person is a singular word.
Here there’s a difference btw American English n British one,
“Two persons” is acceptable in British English.
Have a good 1!
I’ve found this:
hi there! When I was 18, I went to Miami Florida for vacation. When I was in the hotel with my cousin, I noticed that there was a sing about the pool’s rules. I don’t remember exactly what it said, what the thing is that instead of using the word people they used persons. With my cousin we weren’t sure if it was okay or was a grammar mistake.
Oh another thing, before watching the video I did the quiz and I scored 9 out of 10. My mistake was that I put fishes instead of fish. When I watched the video you said that fishes was allowed in some cases. I remember talking to a native speaker and I told her that bears eat fishes. Was that correct? Or Should I have said fish? I feel kind of embarrassed right now lol
nice quiz
People become smarter not watching the video and just take the Quiz.that’s they lost 1 mark , as I didn’t ..
I watched and scored full :)
ooh my score is 9 …
This quiz too easy >>> 0_o
Hi Alex, could you explain me or do a vid with repeated and double comparatives, like: the more he runs, the faster he gets- Please.
another nice lesson,thanks
nice lesson no more videos?
thanks alex very good lesson
Easy! F*ck yeah!!
thank u a lot teacher i’ve got 10/10
Hey Dear Nadia how you got it in hunderd how much tell true????
I cant finf the quiz
easy peasy lemon squeezy …
good, very interesting
I did not understand the jokey that he made about two feet, could someone explain it to me?
Thnk u Alex nice lesson
My Score is:
You scored 10 out of 10.
I’m happy to be able to attend this video so I’m able to understand & speak the english language better.
its superb…
Thank you very much.
I think this is very helpful for me.
it’s very useful your lesson
thank soo much
wow ten of ten
thank you so much.
Great for charity.
i ‘ll learn for myself.
Bless you :)
good , very nice web
Good lesson. Thank you.
sir, i happened to hear ” persons ” can be used as plural of person , please explain on which context is that..
It was a piece of Cake!
Yes it was, but a new & useful information
oh amazing that was wonderfull thanks teacher i haven’t see before how i can understod this lesson have only one fail
Thanks Alex, you have a great ability to teach English, but not to draw ;) hehehe
Hello Please help me in next lesson ?
thank for your help :)
thaks for the lesson!
Great job,Its a little think, but it has been a long time confusion, now it has come to end. Now clear and more confident to speak English.
Great help Alex.
Thanks a lot.
Tamil Eelavan.
Hi There,
Could you please do lesions on following topics/ topic that would cover the following matters?
1. Different between –
a. Alex worked in a company for 4 years (but he is no longer working in the company)
b. Alex had been working 4 years in a company (but he is no longer working in the company)
2. Different between – Need explanations.
a. Julian Assange urged Barak Obama to end “witch hunt” again his website, appearing in public Sunday –
i. Why we are not using On Sunday
ii. Can we write Julian Assange urged Barak Obama to end “witch hunt” again his website, appearing in public on Sunday
3. Which is the correct one & why?
a. Students who have question or
b. Students who has question –
4. Which are correct one & why?
a. Everyone have /Everyone has
b. No one have / No one has
c. Everybody have/ Everybody has
d. Everyone have / Everyone has
e. Dose everyone have ? / Is everyone have?
5. Writing Media’s heading / News heading – what rule they are following?
6. Confusing of using Passive voice – which one is correct & why?
a. Mentally disabled Pakistani girl arrested for blasphemy (from Toronto star news paper)
b. Mentally disable Pakistani girl (was / is / had been / has been) arrested for blasphemy
I would appreciate if you could do lessons to get clear on above confusions matter , it would be helpful for other viewers as well.
Thank You in advance,
“Students who have question” is correct because “who” isn’t the subject here. Just write it without “who” — “Students has” or “Students have”
Everyone, No one, Everybody, Everyone — all of these are singular.
Dose everyone have ? / Is everyone have?
If you use Do/does in question you have to put base verb — have. If you start question with “is” you have to add -ing at the end of the verb -having.
Passiv = be + pp. Passive voice is used mostly in
— simple present
— simple past
— simple future
— preset perfect.
Sometimes passive is used with continuous tenses — mostly in present continuous tense. This is my observation only. But in your example — “Mentally disable Pakistani girl was arrested for blasphemy”.
Nice lession
Hi Sir,
Thanks for the information about Irregular Plural Nouns. It is new for me
thanks sir,very usefull leeson.
thank you so much
Hi Sir Alex
please differentiate between regular plural nouns & irregular plural nouns with some example
Thank you so much (^_^)
Thanks a lot :)
thank you mr alex
thanks sir,very for the lesson!
Thank you Alex, very useful lesson.
Is there any lesson about GOOD and WELL? I’m really confused when I have to use them.
Thank you!
I Got 100% :)
I learned that people is the plural for person. Thank teacher-
@…Very Very Very Very easy…@
Please give us more exercises
thak you ser
Tq sir..
Thank you ! I didn’t know the plural of mouse :)
It’s easy! I love it :))
thanks teacher ^_6
Thanks a lot
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thanks very much
1 got 10 !!! thank you for teaching me alex^^
i have 9 nice
HI I am vannak , I very happy have learn on hear i want learn English and i want Liston and exercises for me and my email is and i want write and read and speaking English
HI I’m abdessamed , i’m very happy to learn english ,I study english at ALC in Marrakesh Its very nice center
thank u
:D Nice !
It’s a really good lesson. Thank you !!
Pretty Interesting!
good lesson! practice with me on skype adrian.cb
Thank sir!
I got 10 correct out of 10. Good job!!!
thanks for do this video, i hadlearned very much
Thank you sir.
I didn’t know the plural of Knife, Leaf and Mouse. I made note of them.
Thank you Alex.
Thank You sir,,,, I got 100% for the quiz. Please do more videos for improving our Language skills.
I got 100%
10 correct out of 10 – Thomas from Poland thx
thanks a lot sir i interest
all of my answers are correct.thanks Alex.from Azerbaijan)
you help me.thanks
Hi Alex I have a question for you.I am a little curious on that matters. Please enlight me. For example: İf I have an apple I say normally I have an apple and İf I have more apples I say I have two or three apples.My question is : why Do we say three apples? I mean why do we add an (s) end of the apple word.I don’t understand this.Because the word three also does define it plural.Doesn’t it?
As always I*m grateful to you,Alex, for this useful lesson!
Thanks, Alex! I have been liking to learn the plural of the nouns!
stomach – stomachs
ox – oxen
louse – lice
die – dice
dwarf – dwarfs/dwarves
aircraft – aircraft
deer – deer
seasons – seasons
goose – geese
hypothesis – hypotheses
radius – radii
vertebra – vertebrae
phenomenon – phenomena
shelf – shelves
chief – chiefs
Hi, I´d like if are there more irregular plural nouns in english?
Thanks sir i got it hunderd %
Sir i dont have passive voice methode if you can teach us thanks alot.
One wife Two wives
I got 100% love it .thanks teacher
Thank you Alex i’m ready for exam. If i was so good when i was young now i’ll was a famous scientist. Keep doing that excellent support to all of us.
Thank you teacher Alex
very good I can learn a lot
Thanks sir ! I got 100.
You are a very good teacher Alex.
I understood this lesson very well. And also I understood the rull of ‘f’, that is: when the noun ends with letter ‘f’ or ‘fe’ then plural makes with ‘ves’ in the end of the noun. Thank you Alex :)
Thanks very much Mr. Alex very interesting lesson I got 100% I think every lesson interesting in which I got 100%.
thanks Alex I can do it!! :) 10/10
i make a mistake that is very easy . so next time ,i ‘wll be carefull
thanks man
congratulation from Dublin:)))
Many thanks!
Thanks alot
Awsome , thank you .
about person://
People vs. persons
In modern English, people is the de facto plural of person. People and person have separate Latin origins, and they came to English at different times by different paths, but there are examples of people used as a plural of person from as early as the 14th century. Persons was the original plural, and it is possible to find examples of its use in all types of writing up to the present, but it prevails only in a few contexts, most notably law and law enforcement, and in a few common phrases (e.g., persons of interest, displaced persons, missing persons). Elsewhere, it usually gives way to people.
There is an old usage prescription holding that people applies to uncountable groups of individuals (e.g., Times Square was packed with people) while persons applies to groups that are easily counted (e.g., there were four persons on the balcony). But there is no good reason for this distinction, and in any case it is not consistently borne out in real-world usage
i got 10 ….thanks
alex it’d be very informating to see ya going over ALL the nouns that have an irregular plural form
Hi Alex, I really appreciate your help with Eng. 3/8/2015, I sent an appreciate token ($50..00 US) “PayPal” “LANGVID” To Donation Coordinator:, I’m just wondering you got it??
Please help me, which sentenses is correct? Let me know.
1) What I want to do what I am about to do today? OR
2) Would I want to to what I am about to do today?
Thank You!
thank you very much
Thank you
I got 10 thank you teacher
thank you mr.alex igot 10
thank you mr.
well I answered the quiz before watching the video? to be honest I didn’t knew that the plural of person is people hahahah
very good teaching
You are a nice teacher
Thank You Sir :)
Thank you Alex!
100 thank you :)
For those who asked, I think the ‘booooooo’, after the wrongful “leafs” answer, has something to do with his reference to the “maple leafs” team. Do you recall he said something like… “This is wrong in so many different levels”? I don’t think he’s a fan, plus… the team’s name should be ‘the maple leaves’, since leaves is the correct plural form of leaf.
Thank u.
Thank you!
I’ll keep learning.
Thank you, Alex!
I got 10 …
Thank you so much
it is piece of cake !!
I got 10/10!! Thanks! Perfect lesson!
Thank you so much
Good! Thank’u!
Thank you Alex
Thanks teacher
Thank you Alex.
Nice Alex… Now I understand that people have 2 feet and we kick the ball with a foot
thank you Alex
this is wonderful class, teacher Alex
this class is necessary when people speak english
I got 10/10
I got 10 outoff 10
I got 10/10
Thank you a lot
thank you teacher for you guiding
thank a lot