In this free English class, you’ll learn six new idioms and phrases. I will cover touch and go, hairy situation, the early bird gets the worm, it's about time, it's on me, and on the house.
hi James you are very good teacher because of you my English is improving.
and Iam getting some thing
As usual James, your lessons are just great!!! Although I have fallen behind, as you may have noticed, I’m still alive and kicking.
That’s the magic of online language courses, knowledge is always at your fingertips anytime.
All my best!!!
Totally, thank you. It is really useful lesson
Tu Nguyen
3 out of 4
Great lesson, thank you for it. But now I have to go cause one more minute and it’ll be touch and go whether I would catch the train :) by the way, I doubt that this lesson is of beginner level… your language is quite idiomatic, for example, this “you know, the early bird catches the worm and I thought if I got on top of it now…” was really a challenge :) good luck!
4 out 4 thanks alot. It’s wonderful.
Murad Ayasreh
Your lessons are really interesting ;) and being EngVid on house, thank you EngVid!
this was a freakin’ good lesson. have a good day too, english lessons it’s on engvid that’s cool. free is so much better LOL. see u soon 4 another lesson buddies, peace n’ love, keep smiling.
Beginner? Really? :)
I like all your lessons because they are lively and humour :). But I almost don’t understand because you are speaking very quickly :(
Hi Tahon, his talking fast is not for beginners, believe me.
As usual James, your lessons are just great!!! Although I have fallen behind, as you may have noticed, I’m still alive and kicking.
That’s the magic of online language courses, knowledge is always at your fingertips anytime.
All my best!!!
swe are waiting for your wonderful grammer lesson
Hi James,we r actually colleagues,I’m almost an english teacher.Such a good way of explanation.Keep up.Keep being POSITIVE!!!(^_^)
Great it was!
Four out of four is fine!!
Tnx sir.
Hey Mr. James,
Thank so much for your lesson.
Thanks EngVid.
Thank so much for your lesson
i Really enjoy
alnaji ismail
4 out of 4^^
thank ya for vid 8)
Perfect score, for a perfect lesson :)
thank you
2 OUT 4 Thank you mr.James
Thank you very much with out bend, Engvid it’s realy on the house.
4out of 4 just i heair your lesson 3time
you are a great teacher…I learnt new thing in English…
Thank you for the helpful idioms, you are the best.
James, please explain me briefly why do we say, for instance, let your face change the world, but don’t let the world change your face? I know this is completely correct, but I was wondering why we don’t say Let your face “CHANGES” the world? Why don’t we add “S” at the end of the verb here? Thank you in advance :)
The sentence is in the imperative .. if written normally . It goes like this ‘YOU should let your face change the world’ Another way to put this is ‘you should change the world with [using] your face’ .. Hope it helps.
Certainly! It helps a lot. Thank you Idris! James, where are you man? You shouldn’t let others to respond on questions sent to you!
Thank you for the helpful idioms, you are the best
Hi sir,
Good lesson.At the first time i din’t understand what your telling,after watching 3times i able to catch your lesson.may be my poor listening skill(your little bit fast.i like your creative teaching style,it helps us to rememmber long time.
My sincere thanks to all of you for doing a great job.
thank you teach real English I’m able to understand what it been saying.also I need you help with pronounce the s with o example sock.
thank. hope hear your video soon.
Thank you sir,its was truly informative.
thank you very much
4 OUT OF 4
4 out of 4. Now, can you make me learn little French so I can survive in Montréal? Les enfant terrible (isn’t it?)
Hey Mr. James,
Thank so much for your lesson.
so, “touch and go ” i s like a dilema, isn’tit?
Very useful video, thanks
Very, very useful, teacher. But are you sure this is a beginner lesson? ..kkkkkkk Anyway, who care? Was a great lesson, and thank you so much.
you forgot to write the idioms down….how does it write ….it’s all bound???
tkanks jemes am fatima your are the best
i have been having troubles with, (it’s and is ) and i am begining to forget, what is the difference between both, can you help me with that?
Hi James, I´d like to ask you whether you teach at language school in Toronto?
ibrahim aly
It is great!
Good !
Very good lesson even if sometime it’s quite tricky to catch all words, ‘cos you speak very fast.
Anyway idioms were explained very good, well done ;)
two out of four, it was trabl for me. for my mean.
very good site…i scored 3 out of 4.
Hello, How are you? I like the way of your teaching system.
Very nice, thank you James
2 out of 4, my listening in english isnt very good
4 out of 4 : ))
As usual James, your lessons are just great!!! Although I have fallen behind, as you may have noticed, I’m still alive and kicking.
That’s the magic of online language courses, knowledge is always at your fingertips anytime.
All my best!!!
its interesting n am going to keep learning now that i have found you!
i’m quite amazed. just keep it up that way esp. when it’s on the house.
naki adil
Such a good boy james ! i really took very good english from you bud ! you and your lessons are so coooooooooooooooooooool … keep up man
Nacer Tidjani
Great 4 out of 4. Thanks a lot James for this lesson.
The teacher is funy but he speaks very fast.I couldn’t undestand this lesson.Thanks
A very good lesson! Thank you very much!
brilliant thanks alot.
thank u!
I love your website)
Great lesson, this website is awesome….thank you because it’s on the house for me =)
u r a great teacher
i got 4 out of 4
Hi James! Could I know your Email address?
As usual James, your lessons are just great!!! Although I have fallen behind, as you may have noticed, I’m still alive and kicking.
That’s the magic of online language courses, knowledge is always at your fingertips anytime.
All my best!!!
U r a gd teacher but i have to watch again.
really i don’t understand ur lesson i saw u re speaking so quikly and ur language not clear sorry but just my point view man :)
really i don’t understand ur lesson i saw u re speaking so quikly and ur language not clear sorry but just my point view man :)
I fully agree with saying above. James you speak too fast and so your pronunciation is not quite understandable, as it turned out, not only for me. Just speak please more slowly and all be fine. Your lessons are very funny and I love it. Go on! (Sorry for my English)
I think you teach not clear because you just give some reason on the board by the snake. Talk and talk it is nit helpful for everybody to learning . I think you need another method to teach everybody.
Mr. James hello! I love your Accent. I want to have that kind of Accent someday!
but I always confuse if how,when & where do I put the its & it’s in my sentence?
Would you Please! Show some more Examples.
r. James hello! I love your Accent. I want to have that kind of Accent someday!
but I always confuse if how,when & where do I usually put the its & it’s in my sentence?
Would you Please! Show some more Examples.
Hello James, Thank you for the learning. You’re really a best teacher. I got 4 out of 4.
Thanks again.
Hi James,Thanks for the learning.I’ve seen all the videos you and your colleagues. All are interesting and informative.I wish you always be successful
thanks james you are the best teatcher
Very useful lesson. Thank u James!
me ha ayudado mucho sus videos .. muchas gracias
1 out of 4 beginer!
Good lesson!
I understood perfectly this lesson, thank you James! I have been learning English for 15 years, and now I have my own pupils, I use some of your clues to explain them the grammer and idioms, thank you. Love the warm, the way you draw him is so great!
good sir, i really like uor lesson
it’s so difficult to hear your voice. You talk so fast and low
you’ve interesting lesson, what do you mean by it’s about time?
atif elamin
شكرا لك thank you,Mr,James
ظرف طارق
thanks a million time
Ziaulislam Zia
I really love Engvid, but most of lessons in here too fast. i don’t get anything…….
On the begining you said something like “go on top of it”
what does it mean?
Artur Pałczyński
Abdul Qayum
Thanks James!!!
thank you sir james 4 out of 4
Thank you sir James 4 of 4
Got it! thanx…..
4 out 4.It’s very good,thank you James.
a person who does not shave… somewhere haha That was a good one!!!Thanks a lot for the lessons… you’re a very good teacher.
You are the extraordinary teacher! Thank you a lot!!!
4 out of 4 =P
James !!! I reckon so far we owe u more than 98 beers …so i hope u enjoy all of them cause they r gona be on us, even better, isn´t it?
Cheers …… u r legend
Ps … IDIOMS !! I do love them
Great lesson.
Dear James,
Thanks a lot for all your lessons
lovely teacher
4 out of 4… Great lesson, thank you!!! ^^
4 out of 4
hussein syd
I find it a hairy situation to understand idioms.
3 out of 4 :(
very nice idioms! but I haven’t understood the meaning of the last one (the earky bird….) thanks a lot ,anyway Maria
Only 4 questions. It’s sad
Only 4 questions. It’s so sad
I would say is more than enough!!!
As usual James, your lessons are just great!!! Although I have fallen behind, as you may have noticed, I’m still alive and kicking.
That’s the magic of online language courses, knowledge is always at your fingertips anytime.
All my best!!!
Correction: I would say IT is more than enough!!! Believe me Jesus.
Hi James,
nimisha here i like which way you teach us. i think my dream will be success soon. i will be speak fuently in few months.i start this class from yesterday and i learn a lot.Thank u very much.
Thanks a lot James! This video was really useful and generally I always appreciate your lessons because you use lots of idiomatic forms and make them enjoyable. I don’t think you speak too fast, I find it good myself. Congratulations and greetings from Italy :)
Thank you !!
can you give us a lesson in the type of phrases?
thank’s so much.
Thank you for all your lessons. Keep doing it!
All the best, EngVid.
It’s about result , I got 100 percent and I would like to say Thaaaank you James :)
Thank you James for all lesson ! You are the best teacher ;)
Hi James: you are a really good teacher. Thanks
It’s about time to figure out the disagreements between RU and West, it’s really hairy situation when such questions gets in the test :D
Thank you dude, your rate of speech already makes easier to me take the expressions that you are speaking out :)
Thank you. I got 4 correct out of 4!!!
Math catcher
Hi! James…thanks a lot, I’ve learned a new lesson, keep up!
I can’t understand WHY your site which is FANTASTIC and really helpfull is TOTALLY free, but other sites which are quite bad are expensive ! Great work guys !
Thanks sir . 4/4
Thank you, thank you. I got 4 out of 4 :D
I took test second time understand better
It is good to see such people here as you are.
it was nice lesson
perfect role play as a japanese english speaker :)
Emotional presentation of material.Very nice.
Nastya Kulyabina
the reason was that I didnt understand very well the explanatios, Ill try harder
mario veldom
Thank you James, you’re a good teacher. marvelous :)
Wish you were a teacher at my school!
Hi James! I like your way of teaching. It’s special! Thank you so much!
Also thank EngVid for doing this wonderful job! You are helping people enourmously!
What a lesson. Very interesting. Thank you.
4 Out 4. Thanks, James. I appreciate very much your way of teaching and really enjoy listening to you. Just a thing! Could you tell a bit slower please so that I can understand better without missing a word?
actually i don’t understand the meaning of all phrases.perhaps, you speak quickly.please explain for me. thanks
Thanks you so much.
Marta Lopez
Thank Jame for interesting on my country, Cambodia. Actually, my country is good place to visit because if you are one who like nature, coming to my country is a right decision. We have lots of natural tourist resorts including Angkor Wat Temple, Kos Rong Island, beautiful beach, Bokor Mountain, Koulan Mountain, Attractive Capital City, etc. Hope you stop by oneday for your vacation. :D
It has been an easy lesson to understand because they are basic concepts but we have to practice them a little more to get confidence with our English Idioms and vocabulary. Thanks a lot, teacher James Greer from EngVid, it was an interesting lesson.
Thank you James
I love your videos it is a great help thanks James
I’m mad now!!! Gugu Gaga! !@#$%^&&*()
You got 4 correct out of 4.
M kartal
I thought it’s on me, but it’s on the house, so I can just say thank you!
4/4 Thanks James
Thank you James, I was a little confused when you started the lesson with a surprising story with many expressions but after the explanation it was easy to understand
What about this one The bird landed on my shoulder
which means (It’s mine time now i have a chance to prove myself)
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
4 out of 4….
hi James you are very good teacher because of you my English is improving.
and Iam getting some thing
As usual James, your lessons are just great!!! Although I have fallen behind, as you may have noticed, I’m still alive and kicking.
That’s the magic of online language courses, knowledge is always at your fingertips anytime.
All my best!!!
Totally, thank you. It is really useful lesson
3 out of 4
Great lesson, thank you for it. But now I have to go cause one more minute and it’ll be touch and go whether I would catch the train :) by the way, I doubt that this lesson is of beginner level… your language is quite idiomatic, for example, this “you know, the early bird catches the worm and I thought if I got on top of it now…” was really a challenge :) good luck!
4 out 4 thanks alot. It’s wonderful.
Your lessons are really interesting ;) and being EngVid on house, thank you EngVid!
this was a freakin’ good lesson. have a good day too, english lessons it’s on engvid that’s cool. free is so much better LOL. see u soon 4 another lesson buddies, peace n’ love, keep smiling.
Beginner? Really? :)
I like all your lessons because they are lively and humour :). But I almost don’t understand because you are speaking very quickly :(
Hi Tahon, his talking fast is not for beginners, believe me.
As usual James, your lessons are just great!!! Although I have fallen behind, as you may have noticed, I’m still alive and kicking.
That’s the magic of online language courses, knowledge is always at your fingertips anytime.
All my best!!!
swe are waiting for your wonderful grammer lesson
Hi James,we r actually colleagues,I’m almost an english teacher.Such a good way of explanation.Keep up.Keep being POSITIVE!!!(^_^)
Great it was!
Four out of four is fine!!
Tnx sir.
Hey Mr. James,
Thank so much for your lesson.
Thanks EngVid.
Thank so much for your lesson
i Really enjoy
4 out of 4^^
thank ya for vid 8)
Perfect score, for a perfect lesson :)
thank you
2 OUT 4 Thank you mr.James
Thank you very much with out bend, Engvid it’s realy on the house.
4out of 4 just i heair your lesson 3time
you are a great teacher…I learnt new thing in English…
Thank you for the helpful idioms, you are the best.
James, please explain me briefly why do we say, for instance, let your face change the world, but don’t let the world change your face? I know this is completely correct, but I was wondering why we don’t say Let your face “CHANGES” the world? Why don’t we add “S” at the end of the verb here? Thank you in advance :)
The sentence is in the imperative .. if written normally . It goes like this ‘YOU should let your face change the world’ Another way to put this is ‘you should change the world with [using] your face’ .. Hope it helps.
Certainly! It helps a lot. Thank you Idris! James, where are you man? You shouldn’t let others to respond on questions sent to you!
Thank you for the helpful idioms, you are the best
Hi sir,
Good lesson.At the first time i din’t understand what your telling,after watching 3times i able to catch your lesson.may be my poor listening skill(your little bit fast.i like your creative teaching style,it helps us to rememmber long time.
My sincere thanks to all of you for doing a great job.
thank you teach real English I’m able to understand what it been saying.also I need you help with pronounce the s with o example sock.
thank. hope hear your video soon.
Thank you sir,its was truly informative.
thank you very much
4 OUT OF 4
4 out of 4. Now, can you make me learn little French so I can survive in Montréal? Les enfant terrible (isn’t it?)
Hey Mr. James,
Thank so much for your lesson.
so, “touch and go ” i s like a dilema, isn’tit?
Very useful video, thanks
Very, very useful, teacher. But are you sure this is a beginner lesson? ..kkkkkkk Anyway, who care? Was a great lesson, and thank you so much.
you forgot to write the idioms down….how does it write ….it’s all bound???
tkanks jemes am fatima your are the best
i have been having troubles with, (it’s and is ) and i am begining to forget, what is the difference between both, can you help me with that?
We have a lesson on the difference between “its” and “it’s”!
hi~nice meet you^^
Hi James, I´d like to ask you whether you teach at language school in Toronto?
It is great!
Good !
Very good lesson even if sometime it’s quite tricky to catch all words, ‘cos you speak very fast.
Anyway idioms were explained very good, well done ;)
two out of four, it was trabl for me. for my mean.
very good site…i scored 3 out of 4.
Hello, How are you? I like the way of your teaching system.
Very nice, thank you James
2 out of 4, my listening in english isnt very good
4 out of 4 : ))
As usual James, your lessons are just great!!! Although I have fallen behind, as you may have noticed, I’m still alive and kicking.
That’s the magic of online language courses, knowledge is always at your fingertips anytime.
All my best!!!
its interesting n am going to keep learning now that i have found you!
i’m quite amazed. just keep it up that way esp. when it’s on the house.
Such a good boy james ! i really took very good english from you bud ! you and your lessons are so coooooooooooooooooooool … keep up man
Great 4 out of 4. Thanks a lot James for this lesson.
The teacher is funy but he speaks very fast.I couldn’t undestand this lesson.Thanks
A very good lesson! Thank you very much!
brilliant thanks alot.
thank u!
I love your website)
Great lesson, this website is awesome….thank you because it’s on the house for me =)
u r a great teacher
i got 4 out of 4
Hi James! Could I know your Email address?
As usual James, your lessons are just great!!! Although I have fallen behind, as you may have noticed, I’m still alive and kicking.
That’s the magic of online language courses, knowledge is always at your fingertips anytime.
All my best!!!
U r a gd teacher but i have to watch again.
really i don’t understand ur lesson i saw u re speaking so quikly and ur language not clear sorry but just my point view man :)
really i don’t understand ur lesson i saw u re speaking so quikly and ur language not clear sorry but just my point view man :)
I fully agree with saying above. James you speak too fast and so your pronunciation is not quite understandable, as it turned out, not only for me. Just speak please more slowly and all be fine. Your lessons are very funny and I love it. Go on! (Sorry for my English)
I think you teach not clear because you just give some reason on the board by the snake. Talk and talk it is nit helpful for everybody to learning . I think you need another method to teach everybody.
Mr. James hello! I love your Accent. I want to have that kind of Accent someday!
but I always confuse if how,when & where do I put the its & it’s in my sentence?
Would you Please! Show some more Examples.
r. James hello! I love your Accent. I want to have that kind of Accent someday!
but I always confuse if how,when & where do I usually put the its & it’s in my sentence?
Would you Please! Show some more Examples.
Hello James, Thank you for the learning. You’re really a best teacher. I got 4 out of 4.
Thanks again.
Hi James,Thanks for the learning.I’ve seen all the videos you and your colleagues. All are interesting and informative.I wish you always be successful
thanks james you are the best teatcher
Very useful lesson. Thank u James!
me ha ayudado mucho sus videos .. muchas gracias
1 out of 4 beginer!
Good lesson!
I understood perfectly this lesson, thank you James! I have been learning English for 15 years, and now I have my own pupils, I use some of your clues to explain them the grammer and idioms, thank you. Love the warm, the way you draw him is so great!
good sir, i really like uor lesson
it’s so difficult to hear your voice. You talk so fast and low
you’ve interesting lesson, what do you mean by it’s about time?
شكرا لك thank you,Mr,James
thanks a million time
I really love Engvid, but most of lessons in here too fast. i don’t get anything…….
On the begining you said something like “go on top of it”
what does it mean?
Thanks James!!!
thank you sir james 4 out of 4
Thank you sir James 4 of 4
Got it! thanx…..
4 out 4.It’s very good,thank you James.
a person who does not shave… somewhere haha That was a good one!!!Thanks a lot for the lessons… you’re a very good teacher.
You are the extraordinary teacher! Thank you a lot!!!
4 out of 4 =P
James !!! I reckon so far we owe u more than 98 beers …so i hope u enjoy all of them cause they r gona be on us, even better, isn´t it?
Cheers …… u r legend
Ps … IDIOMS !! I do love them
Great lesson.
Dear James,
Thanks a lot for all your lessons
lovely teacher
4 out of 4… Great lesson, thank you!!! ^^
4 out of 4
I find it a hairy situation to understand idioms.
3 out of 4 :(
very nice idioms! but I haven’t understood the meaning of the last one (the earky bird….) thanks a lot ,anyway Maria
Only 4 questions. It’s sad
Only 4 questions. It’s so sad
I would say is more than enough!!!
As usual James, your lessons are just great!!! Although I have fallen behind, as you may have noticed, I’m still alive and kicking.
That’s the magic of online language courses, knowledge is always at your fingertips anytime.
All my best!!!
Correction: I would say IT is more than enough!!! Believe me Jesus.
Hi James,
nimisha here i like which way you teach us. i think my dream will be success soon. i will be speak fuently in few months.i start this class from yesterday and i learn a lot.Thank u very much.
Thanks a lot James! This video was really useful and generally I always appreciate your lessons because you use lots of idiomatic forms and make them enjoyable. I don’t think you speak too fast, I find it good myself. Congratulations and greetings from Italy :)
Thank you !!
can you give us a lesson in the type of phrases?
thank’s so much.
Thank you for all your lessons. Keep doing it!
All the best, EngVid.
It’s about result , I got 100 percent and I would like to say Thaaaank you James :)
Thank you James for all lesson ! You are the best teacher ;)
Hi James: you are a really good teacher. Thanks
It’s about time to figure out the disagreements between RU and West, it’s really hairy situation when such questions gets in the test :D
Thank you dude, your rate of speech already makes easier to me take the expressions that you are speaking out :)
Thank you. I got 4 correct out of 4!!!
Hi! James…thanks a lot, I’ve learned a new lesson, keep up!
I can’t understand WHY your site which is FANTASTIC and really helpfull is TOTALLY free, but other sites which are quite bad are expensive ! Great work guys !
Thanks sir . 4/4
Thank you, thank you. I got 4 out of 4 :D
I took test second time understand better
It is good to see such people here as you are.
it was nice lesson
perfect role play as a japanese english speaker :)
Emotional presentation of material.Very nice.
the reason was that I didnt understand very well the explanatios, Ill try harder
Thank you James, you’re a good teacher. marvelous :)
Wish you were a teacher at my school!
Hi James! I like your way of teaching. It’s special! Thank you so much!
Also thank EngVid for doing this wonderful job! You are helping people enourmously!
What a lesson. Very interesting. Thank you.
4 Out 4. Thanks, James. I appreciate very much your way of teaching and really enjoy listening to you. Just a thing! Could you tell a bit slower please so that I can understand better without missing a word?
actually i don’t understand the meaning of all phrases.perhaps, you speak quickly.please explain for me. thanks
Thanks you so much.
Thank Jame for interesting on my country, Cambodia. Actually, my country is good place to visit because if you are one who like nature, coming to my country is a right decision. We have lots of natural tourist resorts including Angkor Wat Temple, Kos Rong Island, beautiful beach, Bokor Mountain, Koulan Mountain, Attractive Capital City, etc. Hope you stop by oneday for your vacation. :D
It has been an easy lesson to understand because they are basic concepts but we have to practice them a little more to get confidence with our English Idioms and vocabulary. Thanks a lot, teacher James Greer from EngVid, it was an interesting lesson.
Thank you James
I love your videos it is a great help thanks James
I’m mad now!!! Gugu Gaga! !@#$%^&&*()
You got 4 correct out of 4.
I thought it’s on me, but it’s on the house, so I can just say thank you!
4/4 Thanks James
Thank you James, I was a little confused when you started the lesson with a surprising story with many expressions but after the explanation it was easy to understand
What about this one The bird landed on my shoulder
which means (It’s mine time now i have a chance to prove myself)
Thank you James…