When to use “it’s” and when to use “its”. Watch this lesson to eliminate one of the most common English errors made by native and non-native English speakers. Don’t miss this one!
Great lesson! Very helpful!
“It’s” and “its” are so much clearer to me know.
Thank you.
PS:I wrote the first comment! :)
do u know from where i have to start
Poonam, just click on the box that says “leave a comment” to add your message.
rebecca really i’m big fan of you. i wanna connected with you. plz my mail id for facebook or skype. fhs_cse@yahoo.comfhs.cse@gmail.com….fajlul.haque3 my skype id.
I would like to give you some advice. For you not to have confussions on where or what to start. It is much better to start anywhere rather than thinking on where or what to start. I hope that it will help you. :)
Thanks, Maksim. Good for you for being the first one! My best wishes to you.
Thanks a lot dear Teacher Rebecca each lesson you teach has new points to the students even if some and perhaps majority of us before of your teaching didn’t, know still need to consider those grammatical cases,I hope what You have taught in this lesson no to be forgotten!I got 100 of quize.Thanks so much of your outstanding teaching.
Mohammad mostaan
It’s and it’s help more different. When you use it’s that is possessive. And using it’s when it is subject of something
It’s excellent website
I really liked that lesson thanks alot.
Laila Al Hamid
Thanks a lot ma’am,now I know how could I use it. Hope that more lesson to come.
Rebecca thank u a lot it’s another useful lesson
Thanks Rebecca. Could you do video about phrases
Thanks. What kind of phrases did you have in mind, Othman?
Keep up the good work guys..
It’s cool, I like this lesson. Very helpful for me and I’m really clear now. Thanks alot. :)
thanks for this quiz
thanks Rebecca i have learned a lot of things from your lectures……………..thanks a lot you are really Good
thnk u.
it was a very effective lesson. Thanks
Ms. Rebecaa,
I use your website to learne English,so I am thankful for your kind efforts.
Just have a question:(Could you please let me know the difference between “Each & Every”, that, where should be used which of them?
Many thanks,
Abdul Samad
Thanks, Abdul. The words “each” and “every” are very similar and most of the time either one can be used, without worrying too much. There are very slight differences in usage which you can learn by consulting a good grammar book. Here are some of the main differences:
1) Each is used to talk about 2 or more items or things. Every is used when referring to 3 or more people or things.
2)Each is used to refer to individual members of a group; every is used to talk about the group as a whole.
3) Every is used with adverbs such as the following:
Almost every boy in class was intelligent.
Nearly every girl in class got high marks in the exam.
As I said, there are some other subtle differences, but the most important point to remember about these two words is that they need to be used in the singular.
Each student was intensely interested in the lecture for his or her own reasons.
Every guitar was expensive.
My bets wishes to you, Abdul.
Hello :)
Thanks for your efforts :D I loved your reply about “Each” and “Every” :D I was so confused about the differnece but not any more ^^ Thank you so much.
Johnny ABDO :)
Thank you I like it. it’s very good.
Excellent! Only start the new sentence with a capital letter.
It’s very good.
Best wishes to you, Madyo.
thans so much
sana osman
Thanks :)
Thanks Rebecca, good class
very good lesson rebecca. keep on making making good lessons like this one.
hi rebecca thanks
hi Rebecca
I’m loving this website :) hugs
Use gerund or infinitive for talking about the “interest and hobby”
I like to watch this video / I like watching this video
Not using “present continuous” :)
Dear Rebecca,
You are a good teacher. Your lesson was accessible and absorbing for me. Thank you very much.
Best regards, Ramil
It´s been a wonderful lesson !!!
thanks you teacher rebecca !!
I made a lot of mistakes but not anymore thanks to your new grammar lesson
HI it was a great lesson. i was confused about that. so thank you .if you can tell us about what is the DIFFERENCE between we`re and were both of them pronounce the same how i can discriminate and thank you.
Thanks for your comments.
The two words you have asked about are completely different from each other.
“We’re” is a contraction of the two words, we are, so you can use it as an informal way of saying we are.
We’re late.
We’re from Japan.
We’re going home now.
“Were” is the past tense of the verb to be, used in the following ways:
You were tired yesterday.
We were very hungry when we woke up this morning.
They were angry we didn’t call them last week.
Good luck with your English!
Thank you for these explanations and samples Rebecca. You’re such a great and amazing teacher i’ve ever had. I love watching your videos.
THank YOu very MuCh rebecca! This Lesson Is very HElpful! I HAd a doubt But right now it’s all clear…Thanks FOr your WOnderful LEssons :D
Thank you!!!
it was a very effective lesson. Thanks
This lesson did help me.
hi rebecca,i am not that good in english so that i want to learn more..you explained it very well,and keep on teaching so that more people like me could learn more..
thank u very much it’s been awonderful lesson
I love your teaching Rebecca.it is so intersting thank you.
Rebeca, Thank you very much for one more helpful lesson . I’d like to watch a class about how to use the word to and for after the verbs .
When I explain about it to my students I say :
I think we tend to use “for” with a verb.
Someone does something “for” someone else. The pronouns can change.
“I cook for you.” -Would be correct.
She (takes care) of you.
He (works) for him.
They (fight) for us.
We (made cookies) for you.
I (paid the rent) for them.
He (picked flowers) for her.
Now, for the word “to”…….
I think a noun needs to be with “to”
I gave (a gift) to you.
Give (it) to me.
He donated (money) to the school.
With a verb “to” seems to become more of a direction.
The dog (ran) to him.
She (walked) to the park.
Make yourself comfortable to correct me .
Hugs from Brazil darling .
ricardo alessandro
Ricardo, that sounds like a great explanation to me. Your students are really lucky to have such a talented and dedicated teacher. However, as you said, this is tricky because sometimes these prepositions are used differently from what you have explained, too. Your guidelines will help in some cases, certainly, but not all, unfortunately! The patterns are too detailed to get into here, but a good grammar book should help.
My best wishes to you, Ricardo, and to all your fortunate students in Brazil.
Rebeca, Thank you very much for the praises above, but I am still looking forward to developing my English and undoubtly with your cues I will . As a matter of fact , we in the whole world are lucky for having such a great teacher like you . I will try to find a grammar book about it .
ps: I am thinking about going to Canada to take English class with you . Do you teach there in a school or college ? If you do , please let me know .
this following e-mail is my private one . ricardinhoalessandro1 [ a t ] gmail [ d o t ] com
All the best to you .
ricardo alessandro
think you so much
Great lesson, it’s worth to watch it. ;)
It has been a pleasure this lesson, well done Rebecca. so long. by the way, I got great score.
Good for you! All the best to you.
thank you very much.
i am very clear now about it’s &its.
Hello Rebecca,
I just wanna ask you something…
• can you please post video about
• I’m in
• I’m off
• you’re on
and so on….
I can’t understand it very well.
Hey Darsu . It ‘s very easy. I will write some sentences in order to help you.
I am in the classroom now = I am inside . I am off can be I am wrong , it is a slang from the baseball .
There is another slang from the baseball , which is you are on the mark = you are right .
Dear friend , your doubt seems to be abot place prepositions . You should watch Alex’s class about this lesson .
I hope it will clear your doubt .
Hugs from Brazil .
ricardo alessandro
Thankx Ricardo,
It helps me, but still I’ve confusions about that,
I heard when someone gets tickets for you, you say “oh, I am IN”
When situation is weird you say “I am off” that means I am gonna get out of here.
And I am cleared about “you’re on” thanks alot for it..!!
I saw Alex’s video but still I need some more information for it..
I am seeking for a lesson… so please post a video..
Darsu, you are confused a little because there are many such slang expressions, where it is easier at times to learn the entire phrase by heart and review it often, instead of analyzing it.
All the best to you, Darsu.
Thanks for helping out, Ricardo.
thanks so much rebeca you teach very well please keep up.
misgina tekie
It’s been very easy…:))
Thank you Rebecca for this lesson, it’s very helpful, but I think that the first example ‘it’s disappeared’ it’s not ‘it has’ because the word disappeared is an adjective,
it’s my opinion.
Thanks a lot.
it’s useful many thanks
how can i get from the begining…
i want to all vedio from the starting
do anyone know about it
Thanks Rebecca).
Wanted to say thanks your lessons and site have been very helpful to me. I live in Israel and grew up in Toronto. I started teaching english this year at a Junior High School where i live in the north. I teach Ethiopian and Russian children. We had a PHD Doctor of Psychology come in to talk to us about the testing she had done on 50 sample students etc. One of the main ideas i took out of her introductory lecture (there will be more) was how these children lack basic concepts. So thats what i did, typed in basic concepts in teaching english as a second language on youtube and you came up! Ofcourse, teaching english to students not surrounded by the language is different than if i were teaching back in Toronto. Inanaycase, iam not a teacher by profession, so these lessons will be very helpful to me. Bracha v’hatzlacha, Maskit.
Maskit Ben-Moshe
Thank you very much for the great lesson
I enjoyed the lesson.
It was a very useful lesson, I really enjoyed it
and I learnt grammer many thanks and keep the good work
This lesson really nice, thank you so much.
Another question I would like to make clear about the difference “lots of” and “a lot of”.
Could you help me?
Luckily, there isn’t too much difference there, William, so feel free to use either one confidently.
My best wishes to you.
thank you for this great lesson
Thank you very much for your excellent method of teaching.
thank you :)
heLLo!!! Ma’am Rebecca can a lesson about the difference between were and we’re…tnx a Lot! God bLess you!!!
heLLo!!! Ma’am Rebecca can you make a lesson about the difference between were and we’re…tnx a Lot! God bLess you!!!
Please see my reply to ghghso above.
Thanks, and all the best to you.
I got 7 into 8 in quiz and that is good to increase grammar
It’s a very good lesson & it is very useful to me..
Could you please help me with words “SOMEONE & SOMEBODY” and “SO & VERY”
Thank you
thank you so much Ma’am Rebecca,because watching this lesson only i came to know that there is a difference between it’s and its. thank you very much
Thanks to all for your kind feedback. This is really an important lesson because we use these two words quite often in English and it is a very common mistake to mix up the two. So good for all of you who watched and learned well.
My very best wishes to all of you.
It is very nice lesseson. I like it
so very helpfull material at this site for all kinds of students. thanks….
shahbaz faisal
Hi,engvid.com is a great site,i love it,i have been in usa,for 5 month and i need to learn english,i hope this site help me. i am from Iran
thank you for all lessons
Randa Awad
thanks i blieve its very nice and very important lesson ;thanks any way and i would like to continue …………
hello, Rebeca
thank you for the lesson.
Irving Chi
Great lesson. Thank you for helping us.
i like the way you are teaching the people
It s very interesting thank you so much
wow i was excellent in this quiz.
It’s really helpful, and i learned a lot of things from this website, i wish all the best Rebecca.
my first watched video and make a quiz
i got Thanks for taking this English quiz! Your score: 100.00 You got 8 correct out of 8.
Very nice lesson,,,thanks
8 OUT OF 8
Thanks for the vedio. it really helps..
i mean video.
Thanks for your help!!!
very useful lesson thankyou
Very helpful and good presentation. Once more a big thankyou
Binu Joseph
thanks teacher, this lesson was very helpful.
Thanks a lot I really like the lesson :)
hi miss
i m ali from pakistan Peshawar.plz tell me the uses of may and might in english grammar.it make me confused. i will be wait for replay .
how should i take a quiz
please rebecca send more tutorials. they are very helpful.could u please send some on modals and conjunctions, where to use which one.it’s really very confusing
i’ll be waiting for your reply
hi Veronica!i have just come accross this website by accident, and i have found it very interesting and valuable; with no doubt,this will be among my favourite site for learning and practecing the language.It’s been a great pleasure.
could u please reply a little more fast/????
actually faster
Thank you
It’s useful
its so great thanks to you effort i learn again god bless.
I’m 5o hrs old, and now I understand. It’s been great listening to you teach.
Larry T
it’s a good lesson thanks
i can’t understand English but i love English i like Hollywood movies and new york city u r learning me English language A to Z i copy any word on GOOGLE web site plz help me my name is nouman reply me on my EMAIL ads
noumaniphone [ a t ] gmail [ d o t ] com
i waiting for your reply me thank u…
very thanks
It’s a best explanation.
Thank you.
thanks Rebecca, I love your teaching…
Hi Rebecca. I love your lessons!!! Could you do the lesson about the difference in such words/phrases as “can”, “to be able to”, “to be capable to”. They quiet the same, but there is a difference in usage. I get confuse sometimes. Thanks an advance. It would help to a lot of your students on this website. Best regards. Natalie.
Thanks for your kind words, Natalie. I will try and put together a lesson on that. All the best to you.
me I’d like her…! good explanation.
This is a good explanation. Thank you Very much.
You’re an excelent teacher
They quiet the same, but there is a difference in usage. I get confuse sometimes. Thanks an advance. It would help to a lot of your students on this website. Best regards.
And if you can give me a correct form to use: Please, use this or Use this ,please.
Good day Ms. Rebecca, I just wanna ask what is the exact meaning of this sentence.
” Hey guys, I’m off to school now, see yah”
Is this means a person is just about to go inside the school or the person is about to go out of the school premises? Which is which? thanks in advance and more power. =)
Leonora ;)
It means that the person is going to school, not leaving school.
All the best to you, Leonora.
Rebecca, I got it, but I don’t understand… OFF does not mean CLOSED? Or I should remember this like an expression? I’m off to school= I’m going to school? Thank you dear Rebecca :)
thank you very much Rebecca, u r truly the best english teacher that I have ever had :)
Cristal! Eres la mejor !!!!!!!!!
I have 8\8 ^^ thank you engvid for that .
I have 8\8 thank you Ms. Rebecca ^^
It’s been very kind of you Rebecca to teach us so many particularities of english.
I would like to extend my thanks to you Rebecca, really it was useful lesson.
Thanks so much Rebecca and that was great>>!
what’s the vowel and consonant?
The following letters are vowels”
a,e, i, o, u and sometimes the letter y
All the other letters are consonants.
Hope this helps. Best wishes.
100% thanks!=D
It was great lesson, Thanks and God bless you
Pastor Asher Mansha
thank you for your lesson rebbeca mashallah
Thanks Rabecca, rest of the teachers and (specially) engvid.com
Dear Rebeca. Thank you for your Explanation!!
Thank you very much Teacher Rebecca! :)
Thank you teacher rebecca (:
I benefited a lot
You are clear (:
it’s a good lesson thanks
very helpfull
i got it all in quiz
its great..i learn a lot from it
i’ve got a perfect score…it’s very helpful..
Dear all
thank you
it’s a good lesson thanks Tech:Rebecca
muhammed Somali
Thank you :) you are a great teacher. Score 7/8
so awesome
It’s very good lesson.Thanks teacher Rebeca. Lily from Brazil
thanks rebacca, it’s very helpful to learn confused words.
Thank you
it was a very helpful lesson …. thank tou misss….!!!!
I don’t know how can i thank you.your lessons are so useful.thank again and again.
Hi Rebecca, All these days I was thinking that both It’s & Its are same didn’t pay much attention.Thank you very much for explaining very clearly.Great !!!!!!
Thank you
This is a good explanation
Hi Teacher Ronnie, how are you?
Well.. I’m from brazil and I have a question..
I want to know about this lesson in the video the difference Birth, Growing up and Born…
Could you help explain to me, please ?
I am more confident to use my its and it’s now.
Thanks a lot!
thank u rebecca for ur lesson u make understand how to us it’s and its
this are very good lessons 4 me because i have been improving o lot my english. thanx
hi rebecca thanks for yuor help. i like it that was my problem now I got bettr … see u
hi madam
u r too good every word u say it just adjust in me like my soul thank you soo much
Hi Rebecca!very much impressive lesson i seen ever.thanks………..
Very good!!! I understood well. Thanks
My thanks to all of you for your valuable feedback. It helps us here at engvid to know how the lessons help you. Please tell your friends so we can continue to grow.
hi Rebecca
thank you
your lessons are so useful.
Thanks for my tutat mrss Rebcca.
I haven”t words to say Thankful for this lesson.
But,i want to say this lesson is very helpful me.
So, thank a lots, Rebecca. There are many peoples was helping by You. And that is bless/ prouding for you. I support you in every time. good!
Rebecca, you are wonderful teacher. I love your clear approach in teaching. Thanks allot.
Osman Elmahadi
well i didn’t watch ur vid (sry 4 that) but ur doin a gr8 job Madam. U shld be proud of urslf. U r the very meaning of a true Teacher im my country we have mostly so called wanna-bes :) Cheers
Thanks a lot!
I’ve learned much from your videos.
That’s very good lesson. Thank you for all teachers
thank y0u a lot
Thanks Ms Rabicca, this is a very helpful lesson for me. Ms pleas give me a sugetion how can i improve very well my grammer?
Thank you. I love to learn from your lessons. You make the lessons simpler to understand and to remember. Also, your speaking speed makes it much easier for students too.
If there is “it’s” how should I know that is the shortened version of “it is” or “it has”?
Thanks again for your wonderful teaching.
Hi , many thanx , coulde you add the (Its’) to the differences , please?
Sesame Queen
thank you again for your wonderful teaching
i want to know about how to use in,on in transportation???I’m confused.in bus or on bus???in train or on train???taxi???plzzz help me
thanks Maam Rebecca. I got a perfect score=)
thanks a lot your the best teacher i ever know,
i am lerning english thanks fot this lesson. =)
thanks a lot your the best teacher i ever knew,i am lerning english thanks fot this lesson. =)
it’s a great lesson
Thank You for clarifying the difference.
fantastic lesson,Rebacca.You are simply great!!
Love you so much!!May god bless you @ your crew.
thanks alot
thank you Rebecca, it’s really very helpful for writers. i would like if you can make video about consular, counselor, and consul.
hi rebecca ur really amazing teacher.i always save ur videos on my pc because they r soo useful lessons.can i know when i can say did u see and when i say have u seen ? thanks for ur help.
This lesson really nice, thank you so much.
thank you rebecca it’s a good lesson god bless you
Hi Rebecca . Its the first time I approach u concerning/regarding English and I surely hope that u will help me with what I am facing with . I have a problem in knowing/understanding fast understanding and fast listening I daily face with incidents , races , cultures and different accents so I want you to help me with you guidence and kindly type me steps in boosting these both skills . I wish you will help . Bye
Jatz - le copain
i got 100% ,
that lesson very helpful for us
I got 100%
can you make anther one like that one
thank you so much
it is very help full for me i got 100% so i want to more learn thing.
Dear Ma`am,
You referred to the words ” My, its, your etc.” as possessive pronouns while I guess more precisely we must call them Possessive ADJECTIVES as they describe NOUNS! Tell me if I`m wrong PLEASE!
It’s very very understandable
I’ve allways problems with this!
Dear Madam
Thanks a lot. You are one of my teachers.
Wow, thanks Ms. Rebecca! That was one of the most commonly mistaken words in the English language, your lesson about this is great, it’s helped me a lot! ^_^
Keep up the good work guys. These lesson helps me a lot when I do have a doubt.
It’s really helpful for me !
Thanks !
thanks for your lesson.
that’s useful
in the next lesson.can you please show me the different from corporation and company?
thank you so much!^^
IT’S a pleasure to learn english with you Rebecca. You are my fisrt teacher and IT’S great!
* First… Im in a hurry. Sorry :)
very nice class thankyou very much
joseph xavier
Hi Rebbecca,It is a great lesson, but i have a doubt. for example, today’s deal. in this today has an apostrophe S. is this mean today is or today has. would you please help me to understand this. thanks.
Excellent explanation.. Thanks
hi rebedcca,
Hi Rebecca, this was a very nice video.However i am confused with some other words.For example, today’s menu. is this means today has/is menu. could you help me to to understand this issue. Thank you very much for you’re videos.
I always respect my teacher. But sometimes I made my test not good, and I am so upset about that. So,can you give some advice how to learn English better. I know after I see this program I am so glad because i made another good teacher who is rebecca.hihi
thanks rebecca! I got 100 on quiz! That’s because you explained it well.
it,s agood way for understanding
m. shahin
Why is ‘at’ used before ‘night’ not before ‘day’ ?
Abadhuta Bishi
I could not had scored 100% if I did not see your well prepared video lesson. Thanks.
Md Hilmi A
Thanks Rebeccal, your teaching skill is very good, i often used to watch your video, thanks a lot again!!!!!!!
well done teacher,your lesson is very useful.thank you for being tired. thank you again
thanks Rebecca,it was very nice class,difinitly it will helpful,thanks alot
mumtaj ahmed
hi Rebecca, how are you ,please i want to learn how to use more than one tense in the same sentence becuase i fall in dilemma when i want to use more than one tense in the one sentence .like how to use present with past ????????????
Your explain very clear to me
Thank you very much :)
Thanks Rebecca Teacher for explaining the grammar. Actually i had always confused on the above topics .
thank you …i lik you
ibrahim alanazi
thank u
lk khan
hi madam, plz differentiate between sitting or seating also explain about examination roll number are write in the class room are sitting or seating.
hi rebedcca,
It’s really helpful for me !
Thanks !
Thanks Rebeca for the lessons you are very didactic
Dear Rebecca! Thank you very match!
Hello :)
Thanks for your efforts :D I loved your reply about “Each” and “Every” :D i was confused about the differnece but not any more ^^ Thank you so much, it was a reply to Abdul Samad’s question ^^
Johnny ABDO :)
Hei Rebecca!
It´s been a good lesson
:-) Lene from Denmark
Hi teacher!
Thank you so much.
It’s been so great for me.
I’m so glad that i answer all the questions correctly.. It really give me confidence to continue studying english and to improve more my skills in english..
I appreciate Mrs Rebecca’s lessons. She is a talented teacher. Great!!
thank forrebecca
hi ms.rebecca
i just want to say thank you coz i really enjoy your lessons & i’ve learn a lot. have good day,godbless & your family always…:D
Thank you best teacher
my question is how I can use (So far)? because I heard those speakers used it many times!!!
Dear Rebecca!
I really like your lesson and it’s really useful. just a little thing, i want to ask teacher about the comma above in the word ” it’s” (is it right?). can you help me in typing that word, and can you explain a little about it with “comma”. Thank you so much!
it’s very nice lecture so that a good appreciation is its right :)
Thank you !!! :) :) :)
mam Rebecca!
you are my fav teacher ..your lessons always very useful it really helps …one day i will be able to talk in english becouse of you love u teacher <3
it is useful lesson thank you
Thanks a lot Rebecca. Now I understand the differences better.
madam ae these usages correct “i am cross with you ”
“light is out” (power failure) “you may be done for” (curse) pls help me
Thank you so much!
Thanks for the lesson, Before I was very confused.
Thanks Thanks Thanks.
Thank yo so much for the lesson teacher.
Jyoshee Dolly
Rebecca .. May God Bless you! you make grammer really easier, I speak and write english since I born, but never know why I use this or that! But now it’s good to understand the difference between both of them ;) …
Great lesson. it’s very useful. thank you very much Rebecca for your good performance. I like your way of speaking to students. very calm which make us understand quickly. Once again thanks for the class.
Best Wishes
East Timor.
Really thank you so much
thank u very much :)
thanks miss rebecca but i still confious about it and its.please help me
i got 7 out of8 thanks rebecca and wonderful lesson i like it.
Rebecca, nice to meet you! You speak wonderful and you look wonderful. It’s been a pleasur!
I didn’t expect that I have so “nice” face. How to change this smiley?
Sign up for an account on the site (there should be a link in the top right corner of the page) and you can change your picture to anything you want!
engVid Moderator
Alot of thanks teacher Rebacca
could you till me when we usge every and all . i have confusion.thanks
thanks for your benefit lessons .i have some tims confusion between (all,every). i hope to help
I have a few question relating to this lesson.
I understand: it’s and its. What is the correct writing of plural possessive nouns? For example: girls’ books, brothers’ cars, dollars’ value. Look plural possessives do not have s letter at the endings only apostrophe. How to be here?
Also in addition, I have to write formal letters. As I understand correct writing for singular possessive nouns is to do not use apostrophe in singular possessive nouns: Johns query, works samples. Is that correct for a formal letter or should I use: query of John, samples of work? Again what is about plural possessives in formal writing?
Thanks for this very helpful lesson. but a confusion has raised; if it’s mean it is / it has (e.g. It is raining/ it has been raining) and its mean someone belongings (e.g. yours book) then why we use today’s? is that mean today is/today has (e.g. in today’s modern world….) I suppose it should be todays….but why not?
hope I get my answer.
thanks once again for such important lesson.
Thanks 4 a nice lesson
What is the difference between ” in time” and “on time”
Adel Alcebai
Thanks a lot Rebecca
Hi Rebecca,
We believe that all the countries in the world are referred to a female. Can you make us sure about it? Your lesson is very useful and it made us sure about it.
thanks a lot
Thanks a very very this a
ibnu salaam
Thank you! for this lesson,It’s my pleasure to learn next step.
Thanks for your good lesson, Rebecca.
WOw! Thank you! IT’S really helpful. I realized that i’m using both it’s and it in a wrong way before.
Hello rebecca that lesson was very useful, please talk to me if the american don’t like of the brazilians is it truth ? ( cause I’m wanting go to united states of america,but if you don’t like of the brazilians I don’t go please talk the faster possible !!:) thanks a lot
Thanks. It’s really a good lesson. Now I think I will not make mistake.
it is very confusing for beginners but u explain very well thanks
I have got 8 correct out of 8
It’s really helpful for me
my score is 100,great lesson,thanks
I’m Haitian,I finally understand how to use it’s and its,so thank you very much for that. I can say that it’s very useful and and this video explain everybody the lesson on it’s own way…
thank you for this lesson, it’s very easy to understand and clear
Thank you!
it’s a very good lesson and it is a very useful to me.
could you please help me 2 sentences using “used to” and two sentences using “still”
Thank you……
thanks teacher rebecca. i got 7 correct out of 8
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you for your lesson. I am doing PhD in Computer Science (first year). I just wrote a paper for a conference and got confused during my writing about correct English usage.
This helps a lot. Keep up the great work.
Thank you very much!!! You are my favourite teacher!
Thank you very much
I’m grateful to you
Awesome lesson. I have always been having problems with that particular word myself. I still got one mistake, but I learned a lot from this video lesson. Thank you very much for teaching it to us all.
You are a great teacher.
waw I’m getting 8 correct out of 8 :D
Hi Rebecca, it’s a little difference between the words that change completely sense of the phrase. Great lesson for me. Thanks!!!
Thanks a lot Rebecca. You are a great teacher. But I have a doubt, my/ your/ his etc are adjectivs not pronouns. All my best. Ciao
100! Great lesson!
Thanks Rebecca!
Thank you Rebecca. :)
I got 100% in this lesson and I really enjoy your lessons. When ever i study English, I’m using only video lessons,it’s yours video lessons only .Thanks very much and can you teach about “only”?
Thanks my teacher! Great lesson..simple lesson it’s usually a common mistake we make! Now I do understand!
This lesson did help me.
thank you very much
Thank you Rebecca. It’s been very useful to me.
It’s a great lesson,you have done very well video lesson.It’s useful for me,THANK YOU
During the lesson, the “its” mind map, there is one sentence which goes like Each country has its own flag,but can we also write their instead of its?
Hope u understand!!
good job……..carry on.
It’s a beautiful for me to have full mark in this quiz.
Thanks a lot to my teacher Ms.Rebecca
Good lesson. Thank you…
Hi teacher Rebecca, I really enjoy your lessons. I am not good in English that is why I am here. I want to learn how to speak English correctly. I like the way you discuss the lessons because I could understand you. Thank you Teacher. God Bless.
Dear teacher Rebecca, thanks for your teaching!
Thak you Rebecca.
thanks Rebecca for the nice lesson, I got a score 8/8 …
thanks . now i know the differences between these 2.
San Win Tun
The lesson is very great **** Thanks rebecca
Earlier I did some errors with “it’s and its”. Rebecca has explained me this topic clearly.
Hi Rebecca. I took the quiz. However, I got one of the questions wrong.
Have you seen my rabbit? I think ___________ run away!
I answered its instead of it’s. This question confused me because I thought the rabbit was used as a possession noun. Please help me understand this one. Thanks
Dear Rebecca,
It’s true, each language has its own peculiarities.
Best regards.
Is this possible?
It is dog’s house.
It is its house.
It house is it.
Teixeira Alex
Is this possible?
It is dog’s house.
It is its house.
It house is its.
Teixeira Alex
I don’t know if it’s possible, but maybe I can try to help you out with it. Lol
It is dogs house: This may be possible.
– It’s a dogs house.
– It’s dog house (Not so sure)
– It’s a dog house.
It is its house: I’m not sure if this is possible.
– it’s her or his house.
– It’s their house.
It house is its: I can’t even understand what this sentence means. Lol
Thanks , it’s very helpful :D
Dina A.salam
many thanks to you Rebecca.
Great lesson. Thanks!
Nice got a 100.
I’m happy to understand difference between it’s & its. Thank you Rebecca.
Md. Ariful Hoque
i got 7 out of 8
Thank you very much mam. Now I can teach my kids.
Padmapriya Veerapan
Thank you
Thank you Rebecca for this very wonderful lesson. Now I know how to use and the difference of it’s and its. Because I don’t know how to use its in the sentence before. After I saw this very helpfull video of yours, I now know how to construct a sentence using its. Yeah I know that I sound funny but i do not care about it. Because I want learn. By the way i’m from the Philippines. :)
Thank you, Rebecca!!
Thank you , now i understood
thanks Rebecca for this lesson its completely cleared.
Mohd Areeb
thank you very much Rebecca you’re a great teacher, I already knew that but it’s my first time to know that (it has been became :it’s been)
thanks a lot for those information.
You got 8 correct out of 8.
M kartal
Thank you so much. You really help everone. I absolutly love you class.
Willian Galindo
Hi rebecca.I Have a question, could you tell me, how can I recognise defernce of a He’d (He had) and He would (He’d) in the sentece.
Thank you, Rebecca, good class
I am honestly very thankful to you for very useful and helping lessons. I can not take a single name, which is the best among you because you are all the best teachers. I love to learn more about how to write academic research papers. I am a newbie in the English domain. Although I knew English, now I am learning how to write. Please make some specific lessons concerning research papers.
TahseenB Bhutto
100% thanks ?
R malik
Thank you so much for the tutorial!
woooow so amazing i don’t know to separate its and it’s but right now i know it although i lost two answers so thank you rebecca
Ange benie
A very thankful for your great teaching mam!You are a great and amazing teacher.It’s very useful and so clear.such an interesting lesson.I love your lesson as always.
Hello . Thank you for your good site. I am weak in English grammar. Help me how to use your course materials.
Amazing lesson! Big Thank you, Rebecca!
Dear visitors, do not forget to click on ads on this site and Rebecca’s youtube channel while watching her videos, please! ✅ ? ?
Hi! Thanks for one more lesson, Professor Rebbeca. I’d like to be more polite,like not asking many questions, but i have two: Can we use the possessive its at the end of a sentence? I haven’t seen such a thing yet. Could you make a video explaining the peculiarities of Present Peferct and Present Perfect Continuous? It makes me nervous when and how to use them. Thank you.
I watched this video twice on July 28, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got eight out of 8.
guys please suport my instagram account it is jihadguerian, i put fetness informations
It’s been a pleasure to watch your lesson teacher Rabecca.
I pointed out 100%. May I accept by Canadian University? 🤣🤣🤣
Learn English for free with 2158 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Great lesson! Very helpful!
“It’s” and “its” are so much clearer to me know.
Thank you.
PS:I wrote the first comment! :)
do u know from where i have to start
Poonam, just click on the box that says “leave a comment” to add your message.
rebecca really i’m big fan of you. i wanna connected with you. plz my mail id for facebook or skype. fhs_cse@yahoo.com fhs.cse@gmail.com….fajlul.haque3 my skype id.
I would like to give you some advice. For you not to have confussions on where or what to start. It is much better to start anywhere rather than thinking on where or what to start. I hope that it will help you. :)
Thanks, Maksim. Good for you for being the first one! My best wishes to you.
Thanks a lot dear Teacher Rebecca each lesson you teach has new points to the students even if some and perhaps majority of us before of your teaching didn’t, know still need to consider those grammatical cases,I hope what You have taught in this lesson no to be forgotten!I got 100 of quize.Thanks so much of your outstanding teaching.
It’s and it’s help more different. When you use it’s that is possessive. And using it’s when it is subject of something
It’s excellent website
I really liked that lesson thanks alot.
Thanks a lot ma’am,now I know how could I use it. Hope that more lesson to come.
Rebecca thank u a lot it’s another useful lesson
Thanks Rebecca. Could you do video about phrases
Thanks. What kind of phrases did you have in mind, Othman?
Keep up the good work guys..
It’s cool, I like this lesson. Very helpful for me and I’m really clear now. Thanks alot. :)
thanks for this quiz
thanks Rebecca i have learned a lot of things from your lectures……………..thanks a lot you are really Good
thnk u.
it was a very effective lesson. Thanks
Ms. Rebecaa,
I use your website to learne English,so I am thankful for your kind efforts.
Just have a question:(Could you please let me know the difference between “Each & Every”, that, where should be used which of them?
Many thanks,
Thanks, Abdul. The words “each” and “every” are very similar and most of the time either one can be used, without worrying too much. There are very slight differences in usage which you can learn by consulting a good grammar book. Here are some of the main differences:
1) Each is used to talk about 2 or more items or things. Every is used when referring to 3 or more people or things.
2)Each is used to refer to individual members of a group; every is used to talk about the group as a whole.
3) Every is used with adverbs such as the following:
Almost every boy in class was intelligent.
Nearly every girl in class got high marks in the exam.
As I said, there are some other subtle differences, but the most important point to remember about these two words is that they need to be used in the singular.
Each student was intensely interested in the lecture for his or her own reasons.
Every guitar was expensive.
My bets wishes to you, Abdul.
Hello :)
Thanks for your efforts :D I loved your reply about “Each” and “Every” :D I was so confused about the differnece but not any more ^^ Thank you so much.
Johnny ABDO :)
Thank you I like it. it’s very good.
Excellent! Only start the new sentence with a capital letter.
It’s very good.
Best wishes to you, Madyo.
thans so much
Thanks :)
Thanks Rebecca, good class
very good lesson rebecca. keep on making making good lessons like this one.
hi rebecca thanks
I’m loving this website :) hugs
Use gerund or infinitive for talking about the “interest and hobby”
I like to watch this video / I like watching this video
Not using “present continuous” :)
Dear Rebecca,
You are a good teacher. Your lesson was accessible and absorbing for me. Thank you very much.
Best regards, Ramil
It´s been a wonderful lesson !!!
thanks you teacher rebecca !!
I made a lot of mistakes but not anymore thanks to your new grammar lesson
HI it was a great lesson. i was confused about that. so thank you .if you can tell us about what is the DIFFERENCE between we`re and were both of them pronounce the same how i can discriminate and thank you.
Thanks for your comments.
The two words you have asked about are completely different from each other.
“We’re” is a contraction of the two words, we are, so you can use it as an informal way of saying we are.
We’re late.
We’re from Japan.
We’re going home now.
“Were” is the past tense of the verb to be, used in the following ways:
You were tired yesterday.
We were very hungry when we woke up this morning.
They were angry we didn’t call them last week.
Good luck with your English!
Thank you for these explanations and samples Rebecca. You’re such a great and amazing teacher i’ve ever had. I love watching your videos.
THank YOu very MuCh rebecca! This Lesson Is very HElpful! I HAd a doubt But right now it’s all clear…Thanks FOr your WOnderful LEssons :D
Thank you!!!
it was a very effective lesson. Thanks
This lesson did help me.
hi rebecca,i am not that good in english so that i want to learn more..you explained it very well,and keep on teaching so that more people like me could learn more..
thank u very much it’s been awonderful lesson
I love your teaching Rebecca.it is so intersting thank you.
Rebeca, Thank you very much for one more helpful lesson . I’d like to watch a class about how to use the word to and for after the verbs .
When I explain about it to my students I say :
I think we tend to use “for” with a verb.
Someone does something “for” someone else. The pronouns can change.
“I cook for you.” -Would be correct.
She (takes care) of you.
He (works) for him.
They (fight) for us.
We (made cookies) for you.
I (paid the rent) for them.
He (picked flowers) for her.
Now, for the word “to”…….
I think a noun needs to be with “to”
I gave (a gift) to you.
Give (it) to me.
He donated (money) to the school.
With a verb “to” seems to become more of a direction.
The dog (ran) to him.
She (walked) to the park.
Make yourself comfortable to correct me .
Hugs from Brazil darling .
Ricardo, that sounds like a great explanation to me. Your students are really lucky to have such a talented and dedicated teacher. However, as you said, this is tricky because sometimes these prepositions are used differently from what you have explained, too. Your guidelines will help in some cases, certainly, but not all, unfortunately! The patterns are too detailed to get into here, but a good grammar book should help.
My best wishes to you, Ricardo, and to all your fortunate students in Brazil.
Rebeca, Thank you very much for the praises above, but I am still looking forward to developing my English and undoubtly with your cues I will . As a matter of fact , we in the whole world are lucky for having such a great teacher like you . I will try to find a grammar book about it .
ps: I am thinking about going to Canada to take English class with you . Do you teach there in a school or college ? If you do , please let me know .
this following e-mail is my private one . ricardinhoalessandro1 [ a t ] gmail [ d o t ] com
All the best to you .
think you so much
Great lesson, it’s worth to watch it. ;)
It has been a pleasure this lesson, well done Rebecca. so long. by the way, I got great score.
Good for you! All the best to you.
thank you very much.
i am very clear now about it’s &its.
Hello Rebecca,
I just wanna ask you something…
• can you please post video about
• I’m in
• I’m off
• you’re on
and so on….
I can’t understand it very well.
Hey Darsu . It ‘s very easy. I will write some sentences in order to help you.
I am in the classroom now = I am inside . I am off can be I am wrong , it is a slang from the baseball .
There is another slang from the baseball , which is you are on the mark = you are right .
Dear friend , your doubt seems to be abot place prepositions . You should watch Alex’s class about this lesson .
I hope it will clear your doubt .
Hugs from Brazil .
Thankx Ricardo,
It helps me, but still I’ve confusions about that,
I heard when someone gets tickets for you, you say “oh, I am IN”
When situation is weird you say “I am off” that means I am gonna get out of here.
And I am cleared about “you’re on” thanks alot for it..!!
I saw Alex’s video but still I need some more information for it..
I am seeking for a lesson… so please post a video..
Darsu, you are confused a little because there are many such slang expressions, where it is easier at times to learn the entire phrase by heart and review it often, instead of analyzing it.
All the best to you, Darsu.
Thanks for helping out, Ricardo.
thanks so much rebeca you teach very well please keep up.
It’s been very easy…:))
Thank you Rebecca for this lesson, it’s very helpful, but I think that the first example ‘it’s disappeared’ it’s not ‘it has’ because the word disappeared is an adjective,
it’s my opinion.
Thanks a lot.
it’s useful many thanks
how can i get from the begining…
i want to all vedio from the starting
do anyone know about it
Thanks Rebecca).
Wanted to say thanks your lessons and site have been very helpful to me. I live in Israel and grew up in Toronto. I started teaching english this year at a Junior High School where i live in the north. I teach Ethiopian and Russian children. We had a PHD Doctor of Psychology come in to talk to us about the testing she had done on 50 sample students etc. One of the main ideas i took out of her introductory lecture (there will be more) was how these children lack basic concepts. So thats what i did, typed in basic concepts in teaching english as a second language on youtube and you came up! Ofcourse, teaching english to students not surrounded by the language is different than if i were teaching back in Toronto. Inanaycase, iam not a teacher by profession, so these lessons will be very helpful to me. Bracha v’hatzlacha, Maskit.
Thank you very much for the great lesson
I enjoyed the lesson.
It was a very useful lesson, I really enjoyed it
and I learnt grammer many thanks and keep the good work
This lesson really nice, thank you so much.
Another question I would like to make clear about the difference “lots of” and “a lot of”.
Could you help me?
Luckily, there isn’t too much difference there, William, so feel free to use either one confidently.
My best wishes to you.
thank you for this great lesson
Thank you very much for your excellent method of teaching.
thank you :)
heLLo!!! Ma’am Rebecca can a lesson about the difference between were and we’re…tnx a Lot! God bLess you!!!
heLLo!!! Ma’am Rebecca can you make a lesson about the difference between were and we’re…tnx a Lot! God bLess you!!!
Please see my reply to ghghso above.
Thanks, and all the best to you.
I got 7 into 8 in quiz and that is good to increase grammar
It’s a very good lesson & it is very useful to me..
Could you please help me with words “SOMEONE & SOMEBODY” and “SO & VERY”
Thank you
thank you so much Ma’am Rebecca,because watching this lesson only i came to know that there is a difference between it’s and its. thank you very much
Thanks to all for your kind feedback. This is really an important lesson because we use these two words quite often in English and it is a very common mistake to mix up the two. So good for all of you who watched and learned well.
My very best wishes to all of you.
It is very nice lesseson. I like it
so very helpfull material at this site for all kinds of students. thanks….
Hi,engvid.com is a great site,i love it,i have been in usa,for 5 month and i need to learn english,i hope this site help me. i am from Iran
thank you for all lessons
thanks i blieve its very nice and very important lesson ;thanks any way and i would like to continue …………
hello, Rebeca
thank you for the lesson.
Great lesson. Thank you for helping us.
i like the way you are teaching the people
It s very interesting thank you so much
wow i was excellent in this quiz.
It’s really helpful, and i learned a lot of things from this website, i wish all the best Rebecca.
my first watched video and make a quiz
i got Thanks for taking this English quiz! Your score: 100.00 You got 8 correct out of 8.
Very nice lesson,,,thanks
8 OUT OF 8
Thanks for the vedio. it really helps..
i mean video.
Thanks for your help!!!
very useful lesson thankyou
Very helpful and good presentation. Once more a big thankyou
thanks teacher, this lesson was very helpful.
Thanks a lot I really like the lesson :)
hi miss
i m ali from pakistan Peshawar.plz tell me the uses of may and might in english grammar.it make me confused. i will be wait for replay .
how should i take a quiz
please rebecca send more tutorials. they are very helpful.could u please send some on modals and conjunctions, where to use which one.it’s really very confusing
i’ll be waiting for your reply
hi Veronica!i have just come accross this website by accident, and i have found it very interesting and valuable; with no doubt,this will be among my favourite site for learning and practecing the language.It’s been a great pleasure.
could u please reply a little more fast/????
actually faster
Thank you
It’s useful
its so great thanks to you effort i learn again god bless.
I’m 5o hrs old, and now I understand. It’s been great listening to you teach.
it’s a good lesson thanks
i can’t understand English but i love English i like Hollywood movies and new york city u r learning me English language A to Z i copy any word on GOOGLE web site plz help me my name is nouman reply me on my EMAIL ads
noumaniphone [ a t ] gmail [ d o t ] com
i waiting for your reply me thank u…
very thanks
It’s a best explanation.
Thank you.
thanks Rebecca, I love your teaching…
Hi Rebecca. I love your lessons!!! Could you do the lesson about the difference in such words/phrases as “can”, “to be able to”, “to be capable to”. They quiet the same, but there is a difference in usage. I get confuse sometimes. Thanks an advance. It would help to a lot of your students on this website. Best regards. Natalie.
Thanks for your kind words, Natalie. I will try and put together a lesson on that. All the best to you.
me I’d like her…! good explanation.
This is a good explanation. Thank you Very much.
You’re an excelent teacher
They quiet the same, but there is a difference in usage. I get confuse sometimes. Thanks an advance. It would help to a lot of your students on this website. Best regards.
And if you can give me a correct form to use: Please, use this or Use this ,please.
Good day Ms. Rebecca, I just wanna ask what is the exact meaning of this sentence.
” Hey guys, I’m off to school now, see yah”
Is this means a person is just about to go inside the school or the person is about to go out of the school premises? Which is which? thanks in advance and more power. =)
Leonora ;)
It means that the person is going to school, not leaving school.
All the best to you, Leonora.
Rebecca, I got it, but I don’t understand… OFF does not mean CLOSED? Or I should remember this like an expression? I’m off to school= I’m going to school? Thank you dear Rebecca :)
thank you very much Rebecca, u r truly the best english teacher that I have ever had :)
Cristal! Eres la mejor !!!!!!!!!
I have 8\8 ^^ thank you engvid for that .
I have 8\8 thank you Ms. Rebecca ^^
It’s been very kind of you Rebecca to teach us so many particularities of english.
I would like to extend my thanks to you Rebecca, really it was useful lesson.
Thanks so much Rebecca and that was great>>!
what’s the vowel and consonant?
The following letters are vowels”
a,e, i, o, u and sometimes the letter y
All the other letters are consonants.
Hope this helps. Best wishes.
100% thanks!=D
It was great lesson, Thanks and God bless you
thank you for your lesson rebbeca mashallah
Thanks Rabecca, rest of the teachers and (specially) engvid.com
Dear Rebeca. Thank you for your Explanation!!
Thank you very much Teacher Rebecca! :)
Thank you teacher rebecca (:
I benefited a lot
You are clear (:
it’s a good lesson thanks
very helpfull
i got it all in quiz
its great..i learn a lot from it
i’ve got a perfect score…it’s very helpful..
Dear all
thank you
it’s a good lesson thanks Tech:Rebecca
Thank you :) you are a great teacher. Score 7/8
so awesome
It’s very good lesson.Thanks teacher Rebeca. Lily from Brazil
thanks rebacca, it’s very helpful to learn confused words.
Thank you
it was a very helpful lesson …. thank tou misss….!!!!
I don’t know how can i thank you.your lessons are so useful.thank again and again.
Hi Rebecca, All these days I was thinking that both It’s & Its are same didn’t pay much attention.Thank you very much for explaining very clearly.Great !!!!!!
Thank you
This is a good explanation
Hi Teacher Ronnie, how are you?
Well.. I’m from brazil and I have a question..
I want to know about this lesson in the video the difference Birth, Growing up and Born…
Could you help explain to me, please ?
I am more confident to use my its and it’s now.
Thanks a lot!
thank u rebecca for ur lesson u make understand how to us it’s and its
this are very good lessons 4 me because i have been improving o lot my english. thanx
hi rebecca thanks for yuor help. i like it that was my problem now I got bettr … see u
hi madam
u r too good every word u say it just adjust in me like my soul thank you soo much
Hi Rebecca!very much impressive lesson i seen ever.thanks………..
Very good!!! I understood well. Thanks
My thanks to all of you for your valuable feedback. It helps us here at engvid to know how the lessons help you. Please tell your friends so we can continue to grow.
hi Rebecca
thank you
your lessons are so useful.
Thanks for my tutat mrss Rebcca.
I haven”t words to say Thankful for this lesson.
But,i want to say this lesson is very helpful me.
So, thank a lots, Rebecca. There are many peoples was helping by You. And that is bless/ prouding for you. I support you in every time. good!
Rebecca, you are wonderful teacher. I love your clear approach in teaching. Thanks allot.
well i didn’t watch ur vid (sry 4 that) but ur doin a gr8 job Madam. U shld be proud of urslf. U r the very meaning of a true Teacher im my country we have mostly so called wanna-bes :) Cheers
Thanks a lot!
I’ve learned much from your videos.
That’s very good lesson. Thank you for all teachers
thank y0u a lot
Thanks Ms Rabicca, this is a very helpful lesson for me. Ms pleas give me a sugetion how can i improve very well my grammer?
Thank you. I love to learn from your lessons. You make the lessons simpler to understand and to remember. Also, your speaking speed makes it much easier for students too.
If there is “it’s” how should I know that is the shortened version of “it is” or “it has”?
Thanks again for your wonderful teaching.
Hi , many thanx , coulde you add the (Its’) to the differences , please?
thank you again for your wonderful teaching
i want to know about how to use in,on in transportation???I’m confused.in bus or on bus???in train or on train???taxi???plzzz help me
thanks Maam Rebecca. I got a perfect score=)
thanks a lot your the best teacher i ever know,
i am lerning english thanks fot this lesson. =)
thanks a lot your the best teacher i ever knew,i am lerning english thanks fot this lesson. =)
it’s a great lesson
Thank You for clarifying the difference.
fantastic lesson,Rebacca.You are simply great!!
Love you so much!!May god bless you @ your crew.
thanks alot
thank you Rebecca, it’s really very helpful for writers. i would like if you can make video about consular, counselor, and consul.
hi rebecca ur really amazing teacher.i always save ur videos on my pc because they r soo useful lessons.can i know when i can say did u see and when i say have u seen ? thanks for ur help.
This lesson really nice, thank you so much.
thank you rebecca it’s a good lesson god bless you
Hi Rebecca . Its the first time I approach u concerning/regarding English and I surely hope that u will help me with what I am facing with . I have a problem in knowing/understanding fast understanding and fast listening I daily face with incidents , races , cultures and different accents so I want you to help me with you guidence and kindly type me steps in boosting these both skills . I wish you will help . Bye
i got 100% ,
that lesson very helpful for us
I got 100%
can you make anther one like that one
thank you so much
it is very help full for me i got 100% so i want to more learn thing.
Dear Ma`am,
You referred to the words ” My, its, your etc.” as possessive pronouns while I guess more precisely we must call them Possessive ADJECTIVES as they describe NOUNS! Tell me if I`m wrong PLEASE!
It’s very very understandable
I’ve allways problems with this!
Dear Madam
Thanks a lot. You are one of my teachers.
Wow, thanks Ms. Rebecca! That was one of the most commonly mistaken words in the English language, your lesson about this is great, it’s helped me a lot! ^_^
Keep up the good work guys. These lesson helps me a lot when I do have a doubt.
It’s really helpful for me !
Thanks !
thanks for your lesson.
that’s useful
in the next lesson.can you please show me the different from corporation and company?
thank you so much!^^
IT’S a pleasure to learn english with you Rebecca. You are my fisrt teacher and IT’S great!
* First… Im in a hurry. Sorry :)
very nice class thankyou very much
Hi Rebbecca,It is a great lesson, but i have a doubt. for example, today’s deal. in this today has an apostrophe S. is this mean today is or today has. would you please help me to understand this. thanks.
Excellent explanation.. Thanks
hi rebedcca,
Hi Rebecca, this was a very nice video.However i am confused with some other words.For example, today’s menu. is this means today has/is menu. could you help me to to understand this issue. Thank you very much for you’re videos.
I always respect my teacher. But sometimes I made my test not good, and I am so upset about that. So,can you give some advice how to learn English better. I know after I see this program I am so glad because i made another good teacher who is rebecca.hihi
thanks rebecca! I got 100 on quiz! That’s because you explained it well.
it,s agood way for understanding
Why is ‘at’ used before ‘night’ not before ‘day’ ?
I could not had scored 100% if I did not see your well prepared video lesson. Thanks.
Thanks Rebeccal, your teaching skill is very good, i often used to watch your video, thanks a lot again!!!!!!!
well done teacher,your lesson is very useful.thank you for being tired. thank you again
thanks Rebecca,it was very nice class,difinitly it will helpful,thanks alot
hi Rebecca, how are you ,please i want to learn how to use more than one tense in the same sentence becuase i fall in dilemma when i want to use more than one tense in the one sentence .like how to use present with past ????????????
Your explain very clear to me
Thank you very much :)
Thanks Rebecca Teacher for explaining the grammar. Actually i had always confused on the above topics .
thank you …i lik you
thank u
hi madam, plz differentiate between sitting or seating also explain about examination roll number are write in the class room are sitting or seating.
hi rebedcca,
It’s really helpful for me !
Thanks !
Thanks Rebeca for the lessons you are very didactic
Dear Rebecca! Thank you very match!
Hello :)
Thanks for your efforts :D I loved your reply about “Each” and “Every” :D i was confused about the differnece but not any more ^^ Thank you so much, it was a reply to Abdul Samad’s question ^^
Johnny ABDO :)
Hei Rebecca!
It´s been a good lesson
:-) Lene from Denmark
Hi teacher!
Thank you so much.
It’s been so great for me.
I’m so glad that i answer all the questions correctly.. It really give me confidence to continue studying english and to improve more my skills in english..
I appreciate Mrs Rebecca’s lessons. She is a talented teacher. Great!!
thank forrebecca
hi ms.rebecca
i just want to say thank you coz i really enjoy your lessons & i’ve learn a lot. have good day,godbless & your family always…:D
Thank you best teacher
my question is how I can use (So far)? because I heard those speakers used it many times!!!
Dear Rebecca!
I really like your lesson and it’s really useful. just a little thing, i want to ask teacher about the comma above in the word ” it’s” (is it right?). can you help me in typing that word, and can you explain a little about it with “comma”. Thank you so much!
it’s very nice lecture so that a good appreciation is its right :)
Thank you !!! :) :) :)
mam Rebecca!
you are my fav teacher ..your lessons always very useful it really helps …one day i will be able to talk in english becouse of you love u teacher <3
it is useful lesson thank you
Thanks a lot Rebecca. Now I understand the differences better.
madam ae these usages correct “i am cross with you ”
“light is out” (power failure) “you may be done for” (curse) pls help me
Thank you so much!
Thanks for the lesson, Before I was very confused.
Thanks Thanks Thanks.
Thank yo so much for the lesson teacher.
Rebecca .. May God Bless you! you make grammer really easier, I speak and write english since I born, but never know why I use this or that! But now it’s good to understand the difference between both of them ;) …
Great lesson. it’s very useful. thank you very much Rebecca for your good performance. I like your way of speaking to students. very calm which make us understand quickly. Once again thanks for the class.
Best Wishes
East Timor.
Really thank you so much
thank u very much :)
thanks miss rebecca but i still confious about it and its.please help me
i got 7 out of8 thanks rebecca and wonderful lesson i like it.
Rebecca, nice to meet you! You speak wonderful and you look wonderful. It’s been a pleasur!
I didn’t expect that I have so “nice” face. How to change this smiley?
Sign up for an account on the site (there should be a link in the top right corner of the page) and you can change your picture to anything you want!
Alot of thanks teacher Rebacca
could you till me when we usge every and all . i have confusion.thanks
thanks for your benefit lessons .i have some tims confusion between (all,every). i hope to help
I have a few question relating to this lesson.
I understand: it’s and its. What is the correct writing of plural possessive nouns? For example: girls’ books, brothers’ cars, dollars’ value. Look plural possessives do not have s letter at the endings only apostrophe. How to be here?
Also in addition, I have to write formal letters. As I understand correct writing for singular possessive nouns is to do not use apostrophe in singular possessive nouns: Johns query, works samples. Is that correct for a formal letter or should I use: query of John, samples of work? Again what is about plural possessives in formal writing?
Thanks for this very helpful lesson. but a confusion has raised; if it’s mean it is / it has (e.g. It is raining/ it has been raining) and its mean someone belongings (e.g. yours book) then why we use today’s? is that mean today is/today has (e.g. in today’s modern world….) I suppose it should be todays….but why not?
hope I get my answer.
thanks once again for such important lesson.
Thanks 4 a nice lesson
What is the difference between ” in time” and “on time”
Thanks a lot Rebecca
Hi Rebecca,
We believe that all the countries in the world are referred to a female. Can you make us sure about it? Your lesson is very useful and it made us sure about it.
thanks a lot
Thanks a very very this a
Thank you! for this lesson,It’s my pleasure to learn next step.
Thanks for your good lesson, Rebecca.
WOw! Thank you! IT’S really helpful. I realized that i’m using both it’s and it in a wrong way before.
Hello rebecca that lesson was very useful, please talk to me if the american don’t like of the brazilians is it truth ? ( cause I’m wanting go to united states of america,but if you don’t like of the brazilians I don’t go please talk the faster possible !!:) thanks a lot
Thanks. It’s really a good lesson. Now I think I will not make mistake.
it is very confusing for beginners but u explain very well thanks
I have got 8 correct out of 8
It’s really helpful for me
my score is 100,great lesson,thanks
I’m Haitian,I finally understand how to use it’s and its,so thank you very much for that. I can say that it’s very useful and and this video explain everybody the lesson on it’s own way…
thank you for this lesson, it’s very easy to understand and clear
Thank you!
it’s a very good lesson and it is a very useful to me.
could you please help me 2 sentences using “used to” and two sentences using “still”
Thank you……
thanks teacher rebecca. i got 7 correct out of 8
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you for your lesson. I am doing PhD in Computer Science (first year). I just wrote a paper for a conference and got confused during my writing about correct English usage.
This helps a lot. Keep up the great work.
Thank you very much!!! You are my favourite teacher!
Thank you very much
I’m grateful to you
Awesome lesson. I have always been having problems with that particular word myself. I still got one mistake, but I learned a lot from this video lesson. Thank you very much for teaching it to us all.
You are a great teacher.
waw I’m getting 8 correct out of 8 :D
Hi Rebecca, it’s a little difference between the words that change completely sense of the phrase. Great lesson for me. Thanks!!!
Thanks a lot Rebecca. You are a great teacher. But I have a doubt, my/ your/ his etc are adjectivs not pronouns. All my best. Ciao
100! Great lesson!
Thanks Rebecca!
Thank you Rebecca. :)
I got 100% in this lesson and I really enjoy your lessons. When ever i study English, I’m using only video lessons,it’s yours video lessons only .Thanks very much and can you teach about “only”?
Thanks my teacher! Great lesson..simple lesson it’s usually a common mistake we make! Now I do understand!
This lesson did help me.
thank you very much
Thank you Rebecca. It’s been very useful to me.
It’s a great lesson,you have done very well video lesson.It’s useful for me,THANK YOU
During the lesson, the “its” mind map, there is one sentence which goes like Each country has its own flag,but can we also write their instead of its?
Hope u understand!!
good job……..carry on.
It’s a beautiful for me to have full mark in this quiz.
Thanks a lot to my teacher Ms.Rebecca
Good lesson. Thank you…
Hi teacher Rebecca, I really enjoy your lessons. I am not good in English that is why I am here. I want to learn how to speak English correctly. I like the way you discuss the lessons because I could understand you. Thank you Teacher. God Bless.
Dear teacher Rebecca, thanks for your teaching!
Thak you Rebecca.
thanks Rebecca for the nice lesson, I got a score 8/8 …
thanks . now i know the differences between these 2.
The lesson is very great **** Thanks rebecca
Earlier I did some errors with “it’s and its”. Rebecca has explained me this topic clearly.
Hi Rebecca. I took the quiz. However, I got one of the questions wrong.
Have you seen my rabbit? I think ___________ run away!
I answered its instead of it’s. This question confused me because I thought the rabbit was used as a possession noun. Please help me understand this one. Thanks
Dear Rebecca,
It’s true, each language has its own peculiarities.
Best regards.
Is this possible?
It is dog’s house.
It is its house.
It house is it.
Is this possible?
It is dog’s house.
It is its house.
It house is its.
I don’t know if it’s possible, but maybe I can try to help you out with it. Lol
It is dogs house: This may be possible.
– It’s a dogs house.
– It’s dog house (Not so sure)
– It’s a dog house.
It is its house: I’m not sure if this is possible.
– it’s her or his house.
– It’s their house.
It house is its: I can’t even understand what this sentence means. Lol
Thanks , it’s very helpful :D
many thanks to you Rebecca.
Great lesson. Thanks!
Nice got a 100.
I’m happy to understand difference between it’s & its. Thank you Rebecca.
i got 7 out of 8
Thank you very much mam. Now I can teach my kids.
Thank you
Thank you Rebecca for this very wonderful lesson. Now I know how to use and the difference of it’s and its. Because I don’t know how to use its in the sentence before. After I saw this very helpfull video of yours, I now know how to construct a sentence using its. Yeah I know that I sound funny but i do not care about it. Because I want learn. By the way i’m from the Philippines. :)
Thank you, Rebecca!!
Thank you , now i understood
thanks Rebecca for this lesson its completely cleared.
thank you very much Rebecca you’re a great teacher, I already knew that but it’s my first time to know that (it has been became :it’s been)
thanks a lot for those information.
You got 8 correct out of 8.
Thank you so much. You really help everone. I absolutly love you class.
Hi rebecca.I Have a question, could you tell me, how can I recognise defernce of a He’d (He had) and He would (He’d) in the sentece.
Thank you, Rebecca, good class
I am honestly very thankful to you for very useful and helping lessons. I can not take a single name, which is the best among you because you are all the best teachers. I love to learn more about how to write academic research papers. I am a newbie in the English domain. Although I knew English, now I am learning how to write. Please make some specific lessons concerning research papers.
100% thanks ?
Thank you so much for the tutorial!
woooow so amazing i don’t know to separate its and it’s but right now i know it although i lost two answers so thank you rebecca
A very thankful for your great teaching mam!You are a great and amazing teacher.It’s very useful and so clear.such an interesting lesson.I love your lesson as always.
Hello . Thank you for your good site. I am weak in English grammar. Help me how to use your course materials.
Amazing lesson! Big Thank you, Rebecca!
Dear visitors, do not forget to click on ads on this site and Rebecca’s youtube channel while watching her videos, please! ✅ ? ?
Hi! Thanks for one more lesson, Professor Rebbeca. I’d like to be more polite,like not asking many questions, but i have two: Can we use the possessive its at the end of a sentence? I haven’t seen such a thing yet. Could you make a video explaining the peculiarities of Present Peferct and Present Perfect Continuous? It makes me nervous when and how to use them. Thank you.
I watched this video twice on July 28, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got eight out of 8.
guys please suport my instagram account it is jihadguerian, i put fetness informations
It’s been a pleasure to watch your lesson teacher Rabecca.
I pointed out 100%. May I accept by Canadian University? 🤣🤣🤣