Job interview tips: what to do and what NOT to do to get your dream job! Some of the tips might seem obvious, and some are more subtle. Make sure you are prepared fully by watching this video.
I love to watch your teaching english vid, Becuz you’re teaching imformative stuff. And I also enjoying that when you’re teaching english you do some acts for student more understandable,that’s so cute tough. Anyway Thanks so much^-^
Expensive Tips
you’re right, she’s the best, also she’s very funny, that makes the class even more interesting!
It,s very useful,thanks.
Thank you Ronnie. I ‘m very happy to understand your lessons. you are very nice !
Hi Ronnie,
as usual your way of teaching is sympathetic and hits the target, in fact, I learnt a lot from your lessons so far, and this one, perhaps, is the most useful.
So, what shall I say? Oh, yes, keep to teach this way.
By the way, your way to describe slob people is very funny,I couldn’t help laughing.
Bye for now.
I now see why I failed my interview:)
really i would like to thank you very
much and i hope to learn
the soft skills :)
It’s really great , I like the part about asking THEM questions .
Ronnie, I’d be very grateful, if you told me why doesn’t anyone answer my questions.
thank you
Hello Ronnie, thank you for your lessons , you are a fantastic teacher . Could you suggest me a English book ? it shouldn’t be too hard for my intermediate level. Thank you
Hi Ronnie! I really love your lessons! They great. I have a question: Could you please explain me the difference between Tag Questions and Echo Questions. Thank you very much.
It’s so amazing this lesson!!! It’s a big problem the interviews sometimes..I had a little difficult on it!! thanks for your so helpfull!!!
thank you very much
Dear Ronnie,
Thank you very much for the instructions, Really, i enjoyed watching your lesson, and other lessons too. I love your way.
i realy like ur teaching style ,its makes me more understand in eng and more i listen its helps me can pronunciation correctly
Hi teacher! I am so thankful for all the effort and passion that all you set in your class… I am learning every day with you and Iam follower your… THANKS A LOT please give me a correction to this message if I am wrong ;P go ahead you are a inspiration to me… bye!
hello Jennifer.. I am not that good in English as it’s seems, but I would like to share with u a small thing, that u should use the “An” word with “vowel letters (i,u,y,e,o)” only and the letter “A” with the rest of the letters, so you can’t say “a inspiration” it should be “an inspiration”, thanks. and i would like to thanks Ronnie for her AMAZING lessons God Bless You, i knew this wonderful site because of her.
Thank you so much.
Hi Ronnie.when use hard or difficult? ask me please,…thanks
Hard and difficult are the same.
Hello Ronnie, really i love the way you teach us english, thank you very much.
Sorry to reply, but i would like to inform you that the “leave comment” button doesn’t work for me, I use Mozilla Firefox.
Hi Ronnie! I really love your lessons! They great.please teach us how to talk in meeting, video conference.
Dev Mhaske
thanks a lot my dear teacher for your kind cooperation. i have a question and pls clarify it. i have been waiting for a letter but still i didn’t receive it. i want to inform about it. what is the better way to say it.
01. I haven’t received the letter yet or
02. I have not been received the letter
please help me. thnx
“I haven’t received the letter yet” is correct. The other one is wrong!
Hallo Ronnie,
You have a good way to teach English.
Thank you very much for all videos.
“the letter has not been received.”
is this right??????????
I would like to know about the atical
i don’t know how to find this lesson
i like your style teaching! ^^ ! Thanks!
hallo Ronnie i am Diana form syria.. and really i love your lessons!!I realy like your teaching stayl.. i allways tray to speak English in a good way and u helped me =) thank for help teacher …=)
hi Ronnie.I’m a teacher of English in egypt and i want to be a friend of you
Hi Ronnie. I love the way you teach. You´re pretty and intelligent. Thank you very much!!!
Sally S
wow u help me alot thank u you have awondrful way in delvering the information
Hi Ronnie thank you for lessons it’s very will . goooooooood jab.
wow ur great
Hi Ronnie! I always love your lessons! As I’ve already myself organized some interviews, I’d like to add some tricks questions if I may: (same kind as “negative traits”)
– Question 1. Why do you want to work with us?
Even if the job is horrible, NEVER answer “For the money, I need to pay my rent!” (even if it’s true!) Try to find something positive in this job!
– Question 2 : Why should I hire you and not someone else?
NEVER answer “I don’t know” or “why not?”. Try to emphasize your qualities!
– Question 3: How do you see you within 5 years?
NEVER answer “somewhere very far from here!” Companies hate loosing time and money! You need to speak about your career in the company. But be carreful!Too much ambition and you’ll seem arrogant. Not enought ambitious, they’ll lose interest…!!!
– Question 4:How do you explain these long period without working?
NEVER answer “that’s not my fault, I haven’t found anything!! Try to find something! (travels, studies, associations… everything that don’t let them believe that you spent all your time in front of the TV and that you’re not able to find solutions to your problems. )
And please, during a job interview, SWICH OFF your mobile phone and if you forgot to do it, at least, DON’T answer !!!
These questions are often used so don’t panic and just be prepared!! Good luck!
Thanks for the helpful additions, Milly!
Hi Milly,
I really like your a vital comment it’s very useful and compelling as well .
anyway Good luck,
Thank you for your comment Ameen! I’m glad to have been useful!
I know that you thought WHO AM I? but
i am admired of your English language it’s a clear and more understanding, so that i wrote suddenly my comment.
finally, sorry if i bother you .
Yours truly always ,
No Ameen, the question mark wasn’t a question for you!!! :)I’ve just changed the picture!! I like forums because everyone can say what he wants. So please leave the comments you want!(positive and negative ones!)Don’t worry! You didn’t bother me, on the contrary, your comment was nice! So thank you for it!
Dear Milly,
that’s kind of you as i expected before that’ll come from an honest friend such as you.By the way i got your point and i respected too.
Yours Sincerely,
hi millly.
thnx for ur great comment . really its very helpful.thnx alot..
Thank you awan22! Glad you liked it!
thank you! Milly.your advice is very useful.
Hello Milly thanks a lot it was really nice good advice i was looking after some thing like that thank you again Milly thanks Ronnie
You’re welcome pinn! Good luck for your job search!
Hi Ronnie,
After reading all those comments above I see that there is no need to express how much I like the way you are teaching the Shakespeare’s language, you are beloved by everyone who watch your lessons. Keep it up
Hi Ronnie!
Thanks a lot for your learning. I really appreciate. I’ll search an english course to be more efficient, if you have informations, please, please, tell me!
Bye bye
You r so sweet and i like the way u explain things
zahid zafar
wow thanks for your awondrful way of teaching.
Rafi Noori
thank v much
Thank a lot…….
Hiii Ronnie, Can you please advise, how i improve my spoken english.
thank you teacher i am very happy to listen to you and you have away to be explain to us good louck
Could you give me class on line??
thank u u r vrey important;
Very good lesson
Thanks very much
hi james , you are the best teacher in this world and i adore you,i just wanna ask you one thing as i m not a native speaker , i just dont get approproate words while i speak ,give me certain tips. and i want to improove very fast as i want to score more than 6.5 bands in ielts
how to use might words..
u are rock in every lessons.pls keep this saying to this world
Thank you for the tips, it’s really helpful for me.
hi RONNIE,Oh! i love the way you teach explaining everything so well an in such a funny way i realy enjoy ur lessons.thank you so much.
Hi! Ronnie, i really love the way you express your self in teaching a very helpfull lesson and some funny style.hahah..keep up the good work..God Bless..from philippines..
Thanks! Good luck!
thanks so much for yours nice lesson
hi Ronnie its very usefull for me as english is not my native language i belongs to punjabi family pakistan. you are simply superb
Noreen Fatima
Today,it is my first day I have watched this English Lesson. I like it. So i will try it everyday.
you are very nice and good teacher ronne
I like Ronnie’s lesson! Her voice, gesture, and talking give me good impression. I want to speak like her Engish. :-)
It’s really usefull!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks it’s useful I like it …
thanks a lot.
the sun
Me ramu here…
I am eager to improve my communication .. i am perplexed what do .. I need to communicate without any gap in between..ofcourse, i need suggestions to improve up on my speaking skills , vocabulary and pronounciation..please help me…….
Love you teacher :)
hi teacher,
can you tell me the correct form:
i don’t have ore i haven’t.thank
Both are correct, but in North America we use “don’t have” more than “haven’t”!
Thank you so much teacher. I’m poor in English ,but yr videos make me brighter.
all teachers are sooooooooooooooooooo goooooooood ini engvid, thinks
hello ronnie i like your way f teaching .
i helps me alot. i have a question
it means or its mean …. which one is correct?
Hi all respected teachers, You may Live Long.
Today i see some videos, these are really good one. can you keep few videos about how to prepare andd present a good sales powerpoint presentation among audiances.
with regards
hi Ms. Ronnie, I really like the way you teach,can you tell me what are your secrets??? Ms. Ronnie my problem is,though I prepared for my job interview, and practice what I’m going to answers for the possible questions, but when I’m already in the actual situation, I can’t help myself to feel the butterfly in my stomach,:( ,,please help me how can I overcome this negative feeling?I’ll be very grateful for your response…GOD BLESS!
Just think that you are going to have a conversation with someone. DO NOT think that the person interviewing you is in any way “better” then you. You probably get nervous because you think that you are not as worthy or good as the person interviewing you. People in power usually abuse their power and try to intimidate people….DO NOT LET THEM DO THAT TO YOU. A job interview should just be like having a conversation with an equal = NEVER put yourself “under” someone.
i will remember your advice and apply this Ms. Ronnie..thank you so much enlightens my mind…I’m so glad that I’ve found this site…
I love your answer! you are right. We never should be under the interviewer but sometimes happens. But this is not my case. I don’t know why but some times my voice temble in that situations and I feel stupid. I try to be relaxed before, for example, drinking rooibos or with heavy breathing. And also, that happens to me when I have to do any presentation in front of a group. Like I tell you I feel studied, in another hand, I see people that they do presentation like if they were with friends, that awesome… why not me?
I love your way teaching
Hi Ms Ronnie!
You are wonderful!!!
Good luck for you!!!!
wild boar
ooo! Ronnie your lesson is so good i get so many new things coz of your lesson
Meshack Joseph
Yeah really helpful tips and it provides a guidance about how to handle questions in an organised way..
Hey thank your very much for this video lesson. I love the way you teach, it’s so cool!
Patrícia Maeli
You are Amazing teacher i have ever seen ,
and your explanation too much simple and clear.
i really do interest with listening you lessons
Thank You =)
if contents of lesson is provided together. It helps to students to understand the pronunciation. some pronunciations tones are ununderstandable for foreign students. slang and contraction tone are difficult. to understand for foreign students.
well done
ihope send me lisson in my mail
becouse the net is slowly and i cant wach ur lisson please
Hi there! Ronnie, could you please suggest me what to do. Every time, when I am being interviewed in English I have to think first in Russian, and then translate my thoughts into English. It causes a bit of pause in conversation. Meanwhile, where can be trick questions, which I must think over for a time. What can I do to shorten these pauses or make them more natural. Thanks for you advice in advance. And for your helpful engvid lessons
Look at the lesson on hesitation devices!
You can also repeat the interviewers question out loud to give you more thinking time!
Hi Ronnie,
I love your videos, I found them very useful and I like the way you teach…. so funny and easy to understand,,,, I am now seeking a native english tutor for helping me to improve my english speaking,I always feel nervous during job inetrview,I find it difficult to structure the sentences,,,,how can I overcome this problem?
If you live in Toronto, I can tutor you!
To overcome your fear of job interviews, just practice what you are going to say over and over again so you memorize the complete, correct sentences!
Hi Ms. Ronnie, Simply i liked it indeed.
actually I really love the way your teaching English. weldone….IOO% GOD bless you…! you do not do a job it’s really a service to the mankind thank you may triple jem bless you………………….!
Ronnie, you are a real amazing teacher. Your teaching way is witty, symphatetic and very interesting. I’d like to save your lessons on my computer because they suggest a lot of tips in my work as a no-native English teacher and to improve my listening in some period in which I don’t meet English people to train my English .Is it possible? Thanks again for your work! Marella
Hi Ms. Ronnie,
I’ve been watching all your video’s for almost a month now, it helps me a lot. thank you teacher ron. Godbless
How can make a download of your lessons on my computer? I want to save them and I don’t want to lost any. Saving them I can see your lesson when I haven’t a computer with me usin a key and follow them on a television set. Have a good work! Marella
wow..thanks teacher Ron, it’s amazing! i love your facial expressions…:D God bless you.
Please Ronnie make one lesson on may, might etc., how we can use it when we want to talk about pas, present and future tense.
Search engvid for “may, might”. There is already a video for you!
thank u ronnie
Hi Ronnie,
I would like to tell you that is your teaching skills are more than excellent.
my eng very bad,i tried my best to study but…
I realy love learning with you,,thanks a lot
I am very happy to find the site , that,s very usfel ,
Greate thank,s
Sayed Mohamed
Thank you, it’s very intersting site and day by day i got a lot of info and etc..I aperciate you..
farooq panjshiri
Thanks teacher for video lessons i really understanding
Have a nice day
thank you very much ronnie
i’ve Question , i’m in U.S. i know the english words and i understand when people talk to me but i can’t talk, idonno why can you answer me please??
Why can’t you talk? Are you shy? Afraid to make a mistake? Just TRY and talk!
yeah Afraid to make a mistake :(
very helpful information !!! thanks a lot!
Thank you alot top teacher Ronnie
This vedio back me ten year behind , when Igraduate from my college in acconting , my first interveiw was very bad , they made me fell Iam school child , I think that they ask me about accounting , but all question were out .
you are right they make you fell short , abuse their position , but Ithink first impression is important .
Thank you very much .
hey could you please tell me what did you mean by saying ” i usually get alone with everyone” is it alone or aline…your fedback will be highly appreciated
My dear teacher
thank you for all video lessons.
you have got a spcial way to teach thank you alot for what are you doing for us.
with best regards
your tips are very useful for my career….thanks a lot
ravi teja
good videos
Ronnie you are my favourite teacher, I really love your teaching style. I have an interview for Ph.D. scholarship & I am too worried.because i am a weak speaker,i am not confident about my self,& I lost my coincidental level all the time, please do a program about it, or kindly give me some tips about that,
so nice of you.
see u bye
Look up this lesson on the site! Conversation Skills – Speak with confidence
Thanks for answering Ronnie,you have suggested a wonderful lesson to me it will help me for a long time.Can you tell me that what is difference between a job interview & a Scholarship interview, & what type of questions they can ask me?
thanks again & see u. bye.
Sorry, I have no experience with Scholarship interviews. However, I imagine that they would ask you questions about your education and your future goals. Why should we give YOU this scholarship?/What are your future goals?/Tell us about your education.
A job interview would focus on your work skills and experience – not so much your education!
Good luck!
Thanks for replying Ronnie, its ok, your tips will help me in this situation, my interview will be in the mid of march, at this critical time. I need your prayers also.
Thanks again & take care. bye.
Thanks for replying Ronnie, its ok, your tips will help me in this situation, my interview will be in the mid of march, at this critical time. I need your prayers also.
Thanks again & take care. see you. bye.
would you elaborate for me skill & work experience sometimes which make me perplexed. please
thankyou…. this will help me to get a job……
thanks so much for you help.
interesting..keep it up:)
This lessons are very helpful for me. You are a good teacher. Best wishes from Romania Ronnie!I really appreciate your work!
great video thanks for the tips!
Hello, Ronnie, Thanks a lot for your great teaching of job interview. could you give a simulation of interview on special position needed by a company and teach us how or why should the applicant answer well? thanks a lot and may God bless you.
Ro Ediro
i like ur way of teaching….
i have a que: “what is correct “madam” or “mam”??????????
Both are correct. Madam is more polite and is a French word. Mam is more American!
Thank you so much .you are the best teacher that i have ever had .Thanks
When I’ll feel hesitate then I see your video’s and make a good conversations.
hi Ronnie,
I have some doubt regarding my interview part of work experience. When the recruiter tends to ask me about my job description, what i need to explain. KINDLY get back to me, Ronnie
Thanks for your assistance
Tell them what you did at your last job. Eg. Answer the phones/wash dishes/clean the floor.
Hi Ronnie,
I have a doubt regarding Have and had, i came some sentences like both have & had come it a sentences, like Have then followed by had. Could you make me understand more about that Ronnie…
really your teaching style is very attractive. i can understand without any difficulties. it’s possible only your teaching style
Ronnie I really like your classes, u r very funny! The way you teach is cool! :)
thank you ronnie.!
Hi Ronnie
Abdul Qayum
Hi Ronnie
Thanks… :)
Taimoor Aalam
Dear Ronnie,
I’d like to know the basic difference between Canadian & US English pronunciation features (if exist of course). Thanks for an answer!
since i don’t have any work experience how should i answer if they asked me tell me your previously experience and if not what were you doing all this time without a job?
Tell them the truth!
what i should use if i talk about it?
it do or did or does?
do, does and did confuces me alot..please help
It + does.
I have a video on do/did/does. Search the site for it! It will help you!
Hai Roonie thank you for your wonderful class about do’s and dont’s in interview session. Thank You
I adore Ronnie!!! Thx for your funny lessons! :)
i love you ronnie
ramesh ramee
I ussuly watch ur lession on this web.
I very like them
and i want to say “thanks” to everybody, makes this site
Love the way she expesses herself!
Rebecca, love u too!
Thanks :)
“NEVER put yourself “under” someone.”
this is amazing..!!
Ronnie i like so much your videos, i understood all the things that you said prefectly and clearly :)
thank you Ronnie, it’s not only help me in job interview, also can I use it in daily talking. by the way,I like the way you teach (sssssssssss, sometime I couldnot understand much, coz my little vocabulary). Thanks again
Hi Ronnie Thank you for the tips, it’s really helpful for me.
Hey Ronnie! I was watching your Job Interviews Dos and Don’ts and I had two questions. Since I’m new to getting a job and I don’t really have any previous experience in the food industry, do you have any tips on convincing the interviewer that despite your lack of skills, you really are a person to take into consideration to hire? Also, what do you say when they look at your resume and say, “I see you don’t have any previous experience.” Whenever somebody says that I feel like they’re already throwing my resume away in their heads… Anyway, thank you if you can answer these two questions.
I just realized it was the Job Interview Skills – Questions and Answers video. I’m starting to watch the other one just now.
Hi Ronnie,How you doing there?i just i wanna thank you for everything.and how easy to make Us understand very well…i hope if you were next to me to learn more from you…i hope someday i can to see you face to face and shaking hands…also thank you so much for everything.God bless you and the kind of people like you.see you soon…
It was GREAT listening to you.
GREAT teaching. GREAT advise. THANK YOU.
Hi Ronnie, Thank you for your lesson and it’s very very useful to me, As a Teacher I am Learning from to you how to TEACH…. Your teaching really attractive with your Expressions,…
hi roonie i like to speak english correctly,confidently and fluently give more tips to me but now only i started to learn english and im so nervous speak to infront of peoples helpme
Am waiting to attend scholarship interviews by next month am a refugee and scholarship in refugee camps is so competitive so i was told to write an assay to describe why should i be sponsored.What points can i raise to have this scholarship and this is the only chance in my life.Please assist.
Nelson Mungole
James has some lessons (here and here) on writing essays.
The short version:
Introduction: Write a few sentences talking about yourself.
Body (main part):Think of 2 or 3 reasons you think you should get the scholarship, and write a few sentences on each one.
Conclusion: Sum up the important points you made, and tell them what you would do if you had the scholarship.
Good luck!
engVid Moderator
Nice, Useful teaching part,
hi Ronnie you are a very good teacher.
Ma’am your teaching style is very good, you teach as looks like you are teaching to your child.. love you and God bless you always.
Babar Siddiq
Thank you very much….
mam ron,thanks alot. i really appreciate it.i sleep late at night to watch your video.i am a slow learner but i can easily undertand your teaching.i hope that you gave me more ideas and techniques how to learn a correct english. im very worried to my interview because of my english.God bless u always.
I like Ronnie’s lesson! thank you very much.
Excellent Madam Ronnie, I love the way you teach., I have some questions regarding job interview, As a banker, what I have to reply, if someone ask me why should we hire you? your neg
Danish Khan
I’m from El Salvador and I have been studying english in Guatemala for three months and half. My goal is to get a job at a call center in my country.
Thank you for all your videos Ronnie, you helped me a lot with my English.
Hi everybody,
Last week I had an interview for an administrative intership in Mc donals. During the interview I was considered as the best candidate. And then they hired me immediately by telling me the time and date for my first day at work and what I should dress to work and why…
One day before that first day I was called and told that they had a new policy and that’s why they didn’t accept any interns.
I was in shock and thought how it could be when they all said yes. Unbelievable.
Have someone here experienced this before?
thank you:) iam giving over expression while speaking in english to reduce it??
hi teacher Ronnie,u r my favorite teacher n thank u so much….im from Philippine n work now in Malaysia..i speak english a bit..i want improve my english….GOD BLESS U
Thanks aloot.
Thank you Ronnie :D
Thank you, Ronnie!!!
Thank you Ronnie..<3
thank you..Ronnie
Estou aprendendo ingles.
Thank you for being such as special
Very good tips, thamks a lot!!
Ronniy tell me please that how can we use “haveta” kindly give me a example? and tell me what do “shouldna” and “shouldave” mean ?i am gonna wait for your reply… thankyou..:)
now i have connected with ronnie……….
today i m glad alot…..:)
Hello Mam,
I am so thankful to you for this very useful Dos and Donts in an Interviews. My curiosity is about first question in an interview “Explain yourself”. We generally explain about the educational and professional background. Is this the correct way?
Thanks alot.
I’d like to request to upload job interview videos if possible.
Hi Ronnie ,you are such a great teacher , thank you very much. I like your very usefull and funny lessons .
hie … i am new in english world. AND i am trying to get knowledge about english as much as from ur teaching .thanks Ronnie for this . please tell me what a beginner should do to be familiar with speaking as well as listening skills? … please please please reply waiting eagerly
not understand much English
That’s very helpful. Thanks a lot, Ronnie!
Thank you Ronnie
Thank you very much
Hi Ronnie
Please tell about slang which use alot in conversation in university/ I need so much. PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Thank you.
Hi Ronnie
I will be your student honor all Hydroceles warm order from Egypt and I hope I see you in Egypt .. if my idea’re visiting Egypt for tourism, I greet you in
walid zaki
Hi Ronnie
I will be your student honor all Hydroceles warm order from Egypt and I hope I see you in Egypt .. if my idea’re visiting Egypt for tourism, I greet you in
walid zaki
Thanks a lots,
Hi Ronnie,please help me…My english is poor and i want to improve…
Hi nie :)
I wish I could work with you…
You’re funny (and I love it!) and your classes are amazing. Congrats.
Hi Ronnie . Thank alot,God bless and best regards.
great lesson!
hello dear Ronnie
whilst appreciating and thanking for your lessens, could you plz do my favor.
I would like to know more than about air travel such as; boarding , check in, arriving customs, cargo , security gate , flight schedule , refreshment and meals and entitled to compensation if flights delay ,duty free goods, information desk at the airport , and other things when will be boarding
thanks alot
excuse me : plz do me a favor
in my opinion it needs to have a lesson about that(flight).
accept my request plz and extract this lesson
hello Ronnie, Can I ask you some questions personally?
yubraj sunar
Is it ok to ask about salary?
thanks Ronnie!! good advices!
Like it ….
But where is the quiz?
I’ll give you a job: write me a quiz for this lesson.
And get Ronnie’s job without interview :D
Thank you.
Hy Ronnie my name is filipa i really love the way you teaching us.
every your lessons we can see that you enjoying and the way you teaching us give us motivation to don’t give up to learn english
proud to learn english langage with you Ronny,
i know everything about job interview skills now.
God Bless U !
hi ronnie the true is you are amazing teacher i love the way that you teaching english you are very exiting and focusing when are making the videos i love that,I try to watch all videos of you,how can I watch your videos recently… go ahead and don’t stop thanks a lot,your videos are very useful
Oh it is wonderful lesson for getting interviewed tips.
hi thanks a lot teacher
thankyou ronnie it helps me a lottttt.
Ronnie you shocked me with your easy way
thank you
Hi I have experience but still I am being rejected due to poor communication. Suggest me some basic tips to improve my english.
what you saying at ‘5.49’? is it confrontational person what does it mean? i also didn’t get around around at ‘5.00’ minute “put a pen over it” ? Thanks for the lessons you are cool
Thank you
No jest fajne
First time herer and i like it thanks for this big help
good teacher
issam aza
Good teacher.
Thank you Ronnie for great lesson as usual! I have a feeling that I am in your class, real not virtual.
dear Ronnie
Thanks for the wonderful interview skills.
I will go to an English languge school in Ireland in the end of June 2015,and looking for parttime job in my free time. I will apply the skills that you teach then.
Dear Ronny,
you`re rock. Love your manner of teaching/ All the topicks you teach are actual, interesting and fresh. millions of thanks.
thank you Ronnie for this very wonderful tips.
ann ann
wafa bn
Hi Ronnie, how to use “to be verb / do” to ask question ?
felix yap
thank you
Romel Mekhaiel
Thank you
Thanks a lot Ronnie,very interesting lesson.
amazing Ronnie!!!
hello Ronnie
Thanks you once again Ronnie!
Hi Rinnie, It has been very very important to me watch your videos.
thanks a lot.
Israel Andrade
“Ronnie” I´m sorry.
Israel Andrade
Tomorrow is my first job interview and I’ll use this tips! Thanks :D
you are agoooood teacher
Thanks Ronnie
margaret kleinhenz
Thanks ronni really I love your attitude so much
Thank you Ronnie ;)
Hi Ronnie, your lesson and clarify were bitchin!!! I liked that, but I’ve a question. would you please explain what is the meaning of negative Nancy?
thank you.
you are the best thanks
Thank you Ms. Ronnie.
Informative tips. Thanks Ms Roonie :)
It’s so interesting video! Thanks for your teaching!
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
I love to watch your teaching english vid, Becuz you’re teaching imformative stuff. And I also enjoying that when you’re teaching english you do some acts for student more understandable,that’s so cute tough. Anyway Thanks so much^-^
Expensive Tips
you’re right, she’s the best, also she’s very funny, that makes the class even more interesting!
It,s very useful,thanks.
Thank you Ronnie. I ‘m very happy to understand your lessons. you are very nice !
Hi Ronnie,
as usual your way of teaching is sympathetic and hits the target, in fact, I learnt a lot from your lessons so far, and this one, perhaps, is the most useful.
So, what shall I say? Oh, yes, keep to teach this way.
By the way, your way to describe slob people is very funny,I couldn’t help laughing.
Bye for now.
I now see why I failed my interview:)
really i would like to thank you very
much and i hope to learn
the soft skills :)
It’s really great , I like the part about asking THEM questions .
Ronnie, I’d be very grateful, if you told me why doesn’t anyone answer my questions.
thank you
Hello Ronnie, thank you for your lessons , you are a fantastic teacher . Could you suggest me a English book ? it shouldn’t be too hard for my intermediate level. Thank you
Hi Ronnie! I really love your lessons! They great. I have a question: Could you please explain me the difference between Tag Questions and Echo Questions. Thank you very much.
It’s so amazing this lesson!!! It’s a big problem the interviews sometimes..I had a little difficult on it!! thanks for your so helpfull!!!
thank you very much
Dear Ronnie,
Thank you very much for the instructions, Really, i enjoyed watching your lesson, and other lessons too. I love your way.
i realy like ur teaching style ,its makes me more understand in eng and more i listen its helps me can pronunciation correctly
Hi teacher! I am so thankful for all the effort and passion that all you set in your class… I am learning every day with you and Iam follower your… THANKS A LOT please give me a correction to this message if I am wrong ;P go ahead you are a inspiration to me… bye!
hello Jennifer.. I am not that good in English as it’s seems, but I would like to share with u a small thing, that u should use the “An” word with “vowel letters (i,u,y,e,o)” only and the letter “A” with the rest of the letters, so you can’t say “a inspiration” it should be “an inspiration”, thanks. and i would like to thanks Ronnie for her AMAZING lessons God Bless You, i knew this wonderful site because of her.
Thank you so much.
Hi Ronnie.when use hard or difficult? ask me please,…thanks
Hard and difficult are the same.
Hello Ronnie, really i love the way you teach us english, thank you very much.
Sorry to reply, but i would like to inform you that the “leave comment” button doesn’t work for me, I use Mozilla Firefox.
Hi Ronnie! I really love your lessons! They great.please teach us how to talk in meeting, video conference.
thanks a lot my dear teacher for your kind cooperation. i have a question and pls clarify it. i have been waiting for a letter but still i didn’t receive it. i want to inform about it. what is the better way to say it.
01. I haven’t received the letter yet or
02. I have not been received the letter
please help me. thnx
“I haven’t received the letter yet” is correct. The other one is wrong!
Hallo Ronnie,
You have a good way to teach English.
Thank you very much for all videos.
“the letter has not been received.”
is this right??????????
I would like to know about the atical
i don’t know how to find this lesson
i like your style teaching! ^^ ! Thanks!
hallo Ronnie i am Diana form syria.. and really i love your lessons!!I realy like your teaching stayl.. i allways tray to speak English in a good way and u helped me =) thank for help teacher …=)
hi Ronnie.I’m a teacher of English in egypt and i want to be a friend of you
Hi Ronnie. I love the way you teach. You´re pretty and intelligent. Thank you very much!!!
wow u help me alot thank u you have awondrful way in delvering the information
Hi Ronnie thank you for lessons it’s very will . goooooooood jab.
wow ur great
Hi Ronnie! I always love your lessons! As I’ve already myself organized some interviews, I’d like to add some tricks questions if I may: (same kind as “negative traits”)
– Question 1. Why do you want to work with us?
Even if the job is horrible, NEVER answer “For the money, I need to pay my rent!” (even if it’s true!) Try to find something positive in this job!
– Question 2 : Why should I hire you and not someone else?
NEVER answer “I don’t know” or “why not?”. Try to emphasize your qualities!
– Question 3: How do you see you within 5 years?
NEVER answer “somewhere very far from here!” Companies hate loosing time and money! You need to speak about your career in the company. But be carreful!Too much ambition and you’ll seem arrogant. Not enought ambitious, they’ll lose interest…!!!
– Question 4:How do you explain these long period without working?
NEVER answer “that’s not my fault, I haven’t found anything!! Try to find something! (travels, studies, associations… everything that don’t let them believe that you spent all your time in front of the TV and that you’re not able to find solutions to your problems. )
And please, during a job interview, SWICH OFF your mobile phone and if you forgot to do it, at least, DON’T answer !!!
These questions are often used so don’t panic and just be prepared!! Good luck!
Thanks for the helpful additions, Milly!
Hi Milly,
I really like your a vital comment it’s very useful and compelling as well .
anyway Good luck,
Thank you for your comment Ameen! I’m glad to have been useful!
I know that you thought WHO AM I? but
i am admired of your English language it’s a clear and more understanding, so that i wrote suddenly my comment.
finally, sorry if i bother you .
Yours truly always ,
No Ameen, the question mark wasn’t a question for you!!! :)I’ve just changed the picture!! I like forums because everyone can say what he wants. So please leave the comments you want!(positive and negative ones!)Don’t worry! You didn’t bother me, on the contrary, your comment was nice! So thank you for it!
Dear Milly,
that’s kind of you as i expected before that’ll come from an honest friend such as you.By the way i got your point and i respected too.
Yours Sincerely,
hi millly.
thnx for ur great comment . really its very helpful.thnx alot..
Thank you awan22! Glad you liked it!
thank you! Milly.your advice is very useful.
Hello Milly thanks a lot it was really nice good advice i was looking after some thing like that thank you again Milly thanks Ronnie
You’re welcome pinn! Good luck for your job search!
Hi Ronnie,
After reading all those comments above I see that there is no need to express how much I like the way you are teaching the Shakespeare’s language, you are beloved by everyone who watch your lessons. Keep it up
Hi Ronnie!
Thanks a lot for your learning. I really appreciate. I’ll search an english course to be more efficient, if you have informations, please, please, tell me!
Bye bye
You r so sweet and i like the way u explain things
wow thanks for your awondrful way of teaching.
thank v much
Thank a lot…….
Hiii Ronnie, Can you please advise, how i improve my spoken english.
thank you teacher i am very happy to listen to you and you have away to be explain to us good louck
Could you give me class on line??
thank u u r vrey important;
Very good lesson
Thanks very much
hi james , you are the best teacher in this world and i adore you,i just wanna ask you one thing as i m not a native speaker , i just dont get approproate words while i speak ,give me certain tips. and i want to improove very fast as i want to score more than 6.5 bands in ielts
how to use might words..
u are rock in every lessons.pls keep this saying to this world
Thank you for the tips, it’s really helpful for me.
hi RONNIE,Oh! i love the way you teach explaining everything so well an in such a funny way i realy enjoy ur lessons.thank you so much.
Hi! Ronnie, i really love the way you express your self in teaching a very helpfull lesson and some funny style.hahah..keep up the good work..God Bless..from philippines..
Thanks! Good luck!
thanks so much for yours nice lesson
hi Ronnie its very usefull for me as english is not my native language i belongs to punjabi family pakistan. you are simply superb
Today,it is my first day I have watched this English Lesson. I like it. So i will try it everyday.
you are very nice and good teacher ronne
I like Ronnie’s lesson! Her voice, gesture, and talking give me good impression. I want to speak like her Engish. :-)
It’s really usefull!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks it’s useful I like it …
thanks a lot.
Me ramu here…
I am eager to improve my communication .. i am perplexed what do .. I need to communicate without any gap in between..ofcourse, i need suggestions to improve up on my speaking skills , vocabulary and pronounciation..please help me…….
Love you teacher :)
hi teacher,
can you tell me the correct form:
i don’t have ore i haven’t.thank
Both are correct, but in North America we use “don’t have” more than “haven’t”!
Thank you so much teacher. I’m poor in English ,but yr videos make me brighter.
all teachers are sooooooooooooooooooo goooooooood ini engvid, thinks
hello ronnie i like your way f teaching .
i helps me alot. i have a question
it means or its mean …. which one is correct?
Hi all respected teachers, You may Live Long.
Today i see some videos, these are really good one. can you keep few videos about how to prepare andd present a good sales powerpoint presentation among audiances.
with regards
hi Ms. Ronnie, I really like the way you teach,can you tell me what are your secrets??? Ms. Ronnie my problem is,though I prepared for my job interview, and practice what I’m going to answers for the possible questions, but when I’m already in the actual situation, I can’t help myself to feel the butterfly in my stomach,:( ,,please help me how can I overcome this negative feeling?I’ll be very grateful for your response…GOD BLESS!
Just think that you are going to have a conversation with someone. DO NOT think that the person interviewing you is in any way “better” then you. You probably get nervous because you think that you are not as worthy or good as the person interviewing you. People in power usually abuse their power and try to intimidate people….DO NOT LET THEM DO THAT TO YOU. A job interview should just be like having a conversation with an equal = NEVER put yourself “under” someone.
i will remember your advice and apply this Ms. Ronnie..thank you so much enlightens my mind…I’m so glad that I’ve found this site…
I love your answer! you are right. We never should be under the interviewer but sometimes happens. But this is not my case. I don’t know why but some times my voice temble in that situations and I feel stupid. I try to be relaxed before, for example, drinking rooibos or with heavy breathing. And also, that happens to me when I have to do any presentation in front of a group. Like I tell you I feel studied, in another hand, I see people that they do presentation like if they were with friends, that awesome… why not me?
I love your way teaching
Hi Ms Ronnie!
You are wonderful!!!
Good luck for you!!!!
ooo! Ronnie your lesson is so good i get so many new things coz of your lesson
Yeah really helpful tips and it provides a guidance about how to handle questions in an organised way..
Hey thank your very much for this video lesson. I love the way you teach, it’s so cool!
You are Amazing teacher i have ever seen ,
and your explanation too much simple and clear.
i really do interest with listening you lessons
Thank You =)
if contents of lesson is provided together. It helps to students to understand the pronunciation. some pronunciations tones are ununderstandable for foreign students. slang and contraction tone are difficult. to understand for foreign students.
well done
ihope send me lisson in my mail
becouse the net is slowly and i cant wach ur lisson please
Hi there! Ronnie, could you please suggest me what to do. Every time, when I am being interviewed in English I have to think first in Russian, and then translate my thoughts into English. It causes a bit of pause in conversation. Meanwhile, where can be trick questions, which I must think over for a time. What can I do to shorten these pauses or make them more natural. Thanks for you advice in advance. And for your helpful engvid lessons
Look at the lesson on hesitation devices!
You can also repeat the interviewers question out loud to give you more thinking time!
Hi Ronnie,
I love your videos, I found them very useful and I like the way you teach…. so funny and easy to understand,,,, I am now seeking a native english tutor for helping me to improve my english speaking,I always feel nervous during job inetrview,I find it difficult to structure the sentences,,,,how can I overcome this problem?
If you live in Toronto, I can tutor you!
To overcome your fear of job interviews, just practice what you are going to say over and over again so you memorize the complete, correct sentences!
Hi Ms. Ronnie, Simply i liked it indeed.
actually I really love the way your teaching English. weldone….IOO% GOD bless you…! you do not do a job it’s really a service to the mankind thank you may triple jem bless you………………….!
Ronnie, you are a real amazing teacher. Your teaching way is witty, symphatetic and very interesting. I’d like to save your lessons on my computer because they suggest a lot of tips in my work as a no-native English teacher and to improve my listening in some period in which I don’t meet English people to train my English .Is it possible? Thanks again for your work! Marella
Hi Ms. Ronnie,
I’ve been watching all your video’s for almost a month now, it helps me a lot. thank you teacher ron. Godbless
How can make a download of your lessons on my computer? I want to save them and I don’t want to lost any. Saving them I can see your lesson when I haven’t a computer with me usin a key and follow them on a television set. Have a good work! Marella
wow..thanks teacher Ron, it’s amazing! i love your facial expressions…:D God bless you.
Please Ronnie make one lesson on may, might etc., how we can use it when we want to talk about pas, present and future tense.
Search engvid for “may, might”. There is already a video for you!
thank u ronnie
Hi Ronnie,
I would like to tell you that is your teaching skills are more than excellent.
my eng very bad,i tried my best to study but…
I realy love learning with you,,thanks a lot
I am very happy to find the site , that,s very usfel ,
Greate thank,s
Thank you, it’s very intersting site and day by day i got a lot of info and etc..I aperciate you..
Thanks teacher for video lessons i really understanding
Have a nice day
thank you very much ronnie
i’ve Question , i’m in U.S. i know the english words and i understand when people talk to me but i can’t talk, idonno why can you answer me please??
Why can’t you talk? Are you shy? Afraid to make a mistake? Just TRY and talk!
yeah Afraid to make a mistake :(
very helpful information !!! thanks a lot!
Thank you alot top teacher Ronnie
This vedio back me ten year behind , when Igraduate from my college in acconting , my first interveiw was very bad , they made me fell Iam school child , I think that they ask me about accounting , but all question were out .
you are right they make you fell short , abuse their position , but Ithink first impression is important .
Thank you very much .
hey could you please tell me what did you mean by saying ” i usually get alone with everyone” is it alone or aline…your fedback will be highly appreciated
My dear teacher
thank you for all video lessons.
you have got a spcial way to teach thank you alot for what are you doing for us.
with best regards
your tips are very useful for my career….thanks a lot
good videos
Ronnie you are my favourite teacher, I really love your teaching style. I have an interview for Ph.D. scholarship & I am too worried.because i am a weak speaker,i am not confident about my self,& I lost my coincidental level all the time, please do a program about it, or kindly give me some tips about that,
so nice of you.
see u bye
Look up this lesson on the site! Conversation Skills – Speak with confidence
Thanks for answering Ronnie,you have suggested a wonderful lesson to me it will help me for a long time.Can you tell me that what is difference between a job interview & a Scholarship interview, & what type of questions they can ask me?
thanks again & see u. bye.
Sorry, I have no experience with Scholarship interviews. However, I imagine that they would ask you questions about your education and your future goals. Why should we give YOU this scholarship?/What are your future goals?/Tell us about your education.
A job interview would focus on your work skills and experience – not so much your education!
Good luck!
Thanks for replying Ronnie, its ok, your tips will help me in this situation, my interview will be in the mid of march, at this critical time. I need your prayers also.
Thanks again & take care. bye.
Thanks for replying Ronnie, its ok, your tips will help me in this situation, my interview will be in the mid of march, at this critical time. I need your prayers also.
Thanks again & take care. see you. bye.
would you elaborate for me skill & work experience sometimes which make me perplexed. please
thankyou…. this will help me to get a job……
thanks so much for you help.
interesting..keep it up:)
This lessons are very helpful for me. You are a good teacher. Best wishes from Romania Ronnie!I really appreciate your work!
great video thanks for the tips!
Hello, Ronnie, Thanks a lot for your great teaching of job interview. could you give a simulation of interview on special position needed by a company and teach us how or why should the applicant answer well? thanks a lot and may God bless you.
i like ur way of teaching….
i have a que: “what is correct “madam” or “mam”??????????
Both are correct. Madam is more polite and is a French word. Mam is more American!
Thank you so much .you are the best teacher that i have ever had .Thanks
When I’ll feel hesitate then I see your video’s and make a good conversations.
hi Ronnie,
I have some doubt regarding my interview part of work experience. When the recruiter tends to ask me about my job description, what i need to explain. KINDLY get back to me, Ronnie
Thanks for your assistance
Tell them what you did at your last job. Eg. Answer the phones/wash dishes/clean the floor.
Hi Ronnie,
I have a doubt regarding Have and had, i came some sentences like both have & had come it a sentences, like Have then followed by had. Could you make me understand more about that Ronnie…
really your teaching style is very attractive. i can understand without any difficulties. it’s possible only your teaching style
Ronnie I really like your classes, u r very funny! The way you teach is cool! :)
thank you ronnie.!
Hi Ronnie
Hi Ronnie
Thanks… :)
Dear Ronnie,
I’d like to know the basic difference between Canadian & US English pronunciation features (if exist of course). Thanks for an answer!
since i don’t have any work experience how should i answer if they asked me tell me your previously experience and if not what were you doing all this time without a job?
Tell them the truth!
what i should use if i talk about it?
it do or did or does?
do, does and did confuces me alot..please help
It + does.
I have a video on do/did/does. Search the site for it! It will help you!
Hai Roonie thank you for your wonderful class about do’s and dont’s in interview session. Thank You
I adore Ronnie!!! Thx for your funny lessons! :)
i love you ronnie
I ussuly watch ur lession on this web.
I very like them
and i want to say “thanks” to everybody, makes this site
Love the way she expesses herself!
Rebecca, love u too!
Thanks :)
“NEVER put yourself “under” someone.”
this is amazing..!!
Ronnie i like so much your videos, i understood all the things that you said prefectly and clearly :)
thank you Ronnie, it’s not only help me in job interview, also can I use it in daily talking. by the way,I like the way you teach (sssssssssss, sometime I couldnot understand much, coz my little vocabulary). Thanks again
Hi Ronnie Thank you for the tips, it’s really helpful for me.
Hey Ronnie! I was watching your Job Interviews Dos and Don’ts and I had two questions. Since I’m new to getting a job and I don’t really have any previous experience in the food industry, do you have any tips on convincing the interviewer that despite your lack of skills, you really are a person to take into consideration to hire? Also, what do you say when they look at your resume and say, “I see you don’t have any previous experience.” Whenever somebody says that I feel like they’re already throwing my resume away in their heads… Anyway, thank you if you can answer these two questions.
I just realized it was the Job Interview Skills – Questions and Answers video. I’m starting to watch the other one just now.
Hi Ronnie,How you doing there?i just i wanna thank you for everything.and how easy to make Us understand very well…i hope if you were next to me to learn more from you…i hope someday i can to see you face to face and shaking hands…also thank you so much for everything.God bless you and the kind of people like you.see you soon…
It was GREAT listening to you.
GREAT teaching. GREAT advise. THANK YOU.
Hi Ronnie, Thank you for your lesson and it’s very very useful to me, As a Teacher I am Learning from to you how to TEACH…. Your teaching really attractive with your Expressions,…
hi roonie i like to speak english correctly,confidently and fluently give more tips to me but now only i started to learn english and im so nervous speak to infront of peoples helpme
Am waiting to attend scholarship interviews by next month am a refugee and scholarship in refugee camps is so competitive so i was told to write an assay to describe why should i be sponsored.What points can i raise to have this scholarship and this is the only chance in my life.Please assist.
James has some lessons (here and here) on writing essays.
The short version:
Good luck!
Nice, Useful teaching part,
hi Ronnie you are a very good teacher.
Ma’am your teaching style is very good, you teach as looks like you are teaching to your child.. love you and God bless you always.
Thank you very much….
mam ron,thanks alot. i really appreciate it.i sleep late at night to watch your video.i am a slow learner but i can easily undertand your teaching.i hope that you gave me more ideas and techniques how to learn a correct english. im very worried to my interview because of my english.God bless u always.
I like Ronnie’s lesson! thank you very much.
Excellent Madam Ronnie, I love the way you teach., I have some questions regarding job interview, As a banker, what I have to reply, if someone ask me why should we hire you? your neg
I’m from El Salvador and I have been studying english in Guatemala for three months and half. My goal is to get a job at a call center in my country.
Thank you for all your videos Ronnie, you helped me a lot with my English.
Hi everybody,
Last week I had an interview for an administrative intership in Mc donals. During the interview I was considered as the best candidate. And then they hired me immediately by telling me the time and date for my first day at work and what I should dress to work and why…
One day before that first day I was called and told that they had a new policy and that’s why they didn’t accept any interns.
I was in shock and thought how it could be when they all said yes. Unbelievable.
Have someone here experienced this before?
thank you:) iam giving over expression while speaking in english to reduce it??
hi teacher Ronnie,u r my favorite teacher n thank u so much….im from Philippine n work now in Malaysia..i speak english a bit..i want improve my english….GOD BLESS U
Thanks aloot.
Thank you Ronnie :D
Thank you, Ronnie!!!
Thank you Ronnie..<3
thank you..Ronnie
Estou aprendendo ingles.
Thank you for being such as special
Very good tips, thamks a lot!!
Ronniy tell me please that how can we use “haveta” kindly give me a example? and tell me what do “shouldna” and “shouldave” mean ?i am gonna wait for your reply… thankyou..:)
now i have connected with ronnie……….
today i m glad alot…..:)
Hello Mam,
I am so thankful to you for this very useful Dos and Donts in an Interviews. My curiosity is about first question in an interview “Explain yourself”. We generally explain about the educational and professional background. Is this the correct way?
Thanks alot.
I’d like to request to upload job interview videos if possible.
Hi Ronnie ,you are such a great teacher , thank you very much. I like your very usefull and funny lessons .
hie … i am new in english world. AND i am trying to get knowledge about english as much as from ur teaching .thanks Ronnie for this . please tell me what a beginner should do to be familiar with speaking as well as listening skills? … please please please reply waiting eagerly
not understand much English
That’s very helpful. Thanks a lot, Ronnie!
Thank you Ronnie
Thank you very much
Hi Ronnie
Please tell about slang which use alot in conversation in university/ I need so much. PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Thank you.
Hi Ronnie
I will be your student honor all Hydroceles warm order from Egypt and I hope I see you in Egypt .. if my idea’re visiting Egypt for tourism, I greet you in
Hi Ronnie
I will be your student honor all Hydroceles warm order from Egypt and I hope I see you in Egypt .. if my idea’re visiting Egypt for tourism, I greet you in
Thanks a lots,
Hi Ronnie,please help me…My english is poor and i want to improve…
Hi nie :)
I wish I could work with you…
You’re funny (and I love it!) and your classes are amazing. Congrats.
Hi Ronnie . Thank alot,God bless and best regards.
great lesson!
hello dear Ronnie
whilst appreciating and thanking for your lessens, could you plz do my favor.
I would like to know more than about air travel such as; boarding , check in, arriving customs, cargo , security gate , flight schedule , refreshment and meals and entitled to compensation if flights delay ,duty free goods, information desk at the airport , and other things when will be boarding
thanks alot
excuse me : plz do me a favor
in my opinion it needs to have a lesson about that(flight).
accept my request plz and extract this lesson
hello Ronnie, Can I ask you some questions personally?
Is it ok to ask about salary?
thanks Ronnie!! good advices!
Like it ….
But where is the quiz?
I’ll give you a job: write me a quiz for this lesson.
And get Ronnie’s job without interview :D
Thank you.
Hy Ronnie my name is filipa i really love the way you teaching us.
every your lessons we can see that you enjoying and the way you teaching us give us motivation to don’t give up to learn english
proud to learn english langage with you Ronny,
i know everything about job interview skills now.
God Bless U !
hi ronnie the true is you are amazing teacher i love the way that you teaching english you are very exiting and focusing when are making the videos i love that,I try to watch all videos of you,how can I watch your videos recently… go ahead and don’t stop thanks a lot,your videos are very useful
Oh it is wonderful lesson for getting interviewed tips.
hi thanks a lot teacher
thankyou ronnie it helps me a lottttt.
Ronnie you shocked me with your easy way
thank you
Hi I have experience but still I am being rejected due to poor communication. Suggest me some basic tips to improve my english.
what you saying at ‘5.49’? is it confrontational person what does it mean? i also didn’t get around around at ‘5.00’ minute “put a pen over it” ? Thanks for the lessons you are cool
Thank you
No jest fajne
First time herer and i like it thanks for this big help
good teacher
Good teacher.
Thank you Ronnie for great lesson as usual! I have a feeling that I am in your class, real not virtual.
dear Ronnie
Thanks for the wonderful interview skills.
I will go to an English languge school in Ireland in the end of June 2015,and looking for parttime job in my free time. I will apply the skills that you teach then.
Dear Ronny,
you`re rock. Love your manner of teaching/ All the topicks you teach are actual, interesting and fresh. millions of thanks.
thank you Ronnie for this very wonderful tips.
Hi Ronnie, how to use “to be verb / do” to ask question ?
thank you
Thank you
Thanks a lot Ronnie,very interesting lesson.
amazing Ronnie!!!
hello Ronnie
Thanks you once again Ronnie!
Hi Rinnie, It has been very very important to me watch your videos.
thanks a lot.
“Ronnie” I´m sorry.
Tomorrow is my first job interview and I’ll use this tips! Thanks :D
you are agoooood teacher
Thanks Ronnie
Thanks ronni really I love your attitude so much
Thank you Ronnie ;)
Hi Ronnie, your lesson and clarify were bitchin!!! I liked that, but I’ve a question. would you please explain what is the meaning of negative Nancy?
thank you.
you are the best thanks
Thank you Ms. Ronnie.
Informative tips. Thanks Ms Roonie :)
It’s so interesting video! Thanks for your teaching!
Good! Thanks, Ronnie!