Thank you Ronnie, one more great lesson. . . Could you explain me something, but this doesn’t have anything to do with your lesson. Why we say “PLEASE” when we are bagging someone for something? The word “PLEASE” means to like someone, and not to bag. What is the matter here?
One is a verb the other is an adverb.
The transitive verb PLEASE is similar to the verb LIKE (just swap object and subject):
“I like someone” – “Someone pleases me”.
The intransitive verb PLEASE is similar to the verb WISH:
“Do as you wish” – “Do as you please”.
The adverb PLEASE means:
“If you please” – “If you so wish” – “If it suits you”. Moreover, you can use the adverb PLEASE instead of (the adverb) YES when answering (politely) to an offer:
“May I help you?”,”Please”.
Lastly, it’s BEG not BAG :-)
Thank you Mauro for useful answer. Every day I learn a lot of things, so this day isn’t exception. . .
Why are you screaming?
Hi ronnie ma’am,
Thanks for wonderful lesson
Could you explain me difference between
1. Till/untill/unless
2. Meantime/meanwhile
Ronnie, you are awesome!! All your videos like me! Very interesting and useful lesson! Thankssssssssss
A grteat tutorial by you Maam,great work thanks!!
sir/madam plz tell me how to improve my writting
Hi Ronnie and everybody! Thank you for the lesson, Ronnie! Yeah, job interviews are challenging, especially if they are in English (for non-English speakers) :). I’m sure that your pieces of advice will help not only those who’re going to have a job interview in English, but everyone, preparing for it even in their native language.
U made me laught with ´´the police haven’t caught me yet n’not wash behind ears. u made my day.
dear Ronnie
i wanna tell you that lesson was so useful about me .if possible give us more question and answer about this subject .
tanks a lot.
Hi, Ronnie
I really enjoied with your lesson, your answered many questtions that made in my mind , thamk u very much, u r a good teatcher .
i realy do luv the way u acting thxcx ronnie
rizki charaf eddine
dear ronnie
actually i like to learn english in a professional way,plz help me out.because i am working food and beverage industry.i like to learn verbiage,i am really apreciate for you.
job interview skill give me both questions answer
Hi Madam,
Really Thanks for wonderful lesson.
love it
One of my negative traits?
I always lie at job interviews. :-D
I was born on the wrong side of the Atlantic Ocean.
I wish you good luck. :-)
n i’m trapped under this skin forever.. u’re luckier, mauro.. ;)
Why so?
Mauro, do you have an account on a facebook, or I will have to ask you here? Please, reply ASAP, I have a question for you, either here or on a facebook. Regards
Sorry, but I noticed your request today :-(
FaceBook is not fun anymore.
What question?
I want to study english by internet but i do,nt know, so please you show to me about system it
octavi degei
please explain about the “just”
Just has many meanings – I just want a few cookies = just means only.
Just as a verb has to do with justice…..He was just in his decision to kill the rabbit.
I think you should get a dictionary and just look at the work there! Just = to make something easy to do!
Good answer!
Thank you Ronnie
Bahar Khostai
Could you explain how to make the Key word transformations. pls :)
good teacher! thank u.
If you can write English,hmmm, speak as you write and let the listeners correct you
Hi Ronnie,
I think you are discarting me because I have been asking many things to you and You never answer me. I asked you if I could talk with you on skype and I did not receive your answer. I asked if I could have class with you on line and you do not answer me. Are you afraid me? No, Do not think it. I am a well-behaved and esay-going person. Bye bye!!
I do not offer classes anymore – sorry – and I don’t have skype.
Hi Ronnie, send al least a e-mail to me talking about you (
Don’t worry Ronnie, I can install you Skype without any problems :)
I’m going to write a Aptitude test.I’m afraiding about English Questions in the Exam.
So could you help me that how to attempt english questions and how to solve them??
hi ronnie i just want to ask you when i DO USE A befor things nams and when i don’t so please help me
You’re very funny ! I love your lesson Ronnie.
Hello Romie. I love your classes.
I have a question. Is there any rule about suffixes?? Do we have to memorize all of them?
There is no rule that I can think of I guess you just have to memorize them! However, once you understand a few, your English vocabulary will become so much better! Good luck!
hi ronnie u r very good and u r the best teacher
Do we can say , How many of USA President is Obama?
Yes! one of one!
Ronnie you give more detials about interview,and how you give good answer to manager or the person take you interveiw
you are very kind and nice i like study with you
i m a big fan of this site….u all r doing a great job…keep it up….
Chitra Tiwari
Hi! you guides in a good and easy manner.i want to ask you when MD ask me why should i hire you?What i have to say? please explain it?
This is a very difficult question but you can say because you are a very hard, worker and the company would benefit from your ideas!
Ronnie you are awesome :)
My first lesson.
I liked very much.
Thank you Teacher Ronnie
I’ve met your pages only today and I liked them very much.I wish I could use them in my lessons,at school. Sure,my little pupils will be very glad.But how can I loud your video? And if there were some texts… Thank you very much.
i love the way you teach! tanxs rony!!! really helps me :)
Hello Ronnie I love every lesson of you I think this lesson have usefull so much.
I saw you long time in engvid you funny and cute ^^
Good evening,Ronnie.Your lessons are splendid. But will you please explain us some short things as “coulda”,”musta”, “shoulda”, “lotta”, “sorta”,”gonna”, “gotta”, “wanna”, “hafta”,”kinda”,”outta” and so on.
Are you going to make a lesson about them? It’s rather difficult… and pronunciation,eh?
Thanks a lot.
I will try to make a lesson on this for you! Thanks for watching!
“coulda”,”musta”, “shoulda”, “lotta”, “sorta”,”kinda”,”outta are all just saying the word with have or of following it. I is how we speak quickly! I shoulda gone with you= I should have gone with you!
”gonna”, “gotta”, “wanna”, “hafta = all of these are verb + to. I’m gonna go = I’m going to go.
“To speak about a confrontation at the last job”’?!! I thought to have asked the stupiest questions it could during the interviews but this one, I’ve missed it!!! What does the company look after with this question?! Blood or gossip?! :-)I don’t either want to imagine the answers…!!! Maybe for a candid camera to make a video for YouTube…
i want your account at facebook please
Useful lesson for the unemployees and bad for the bosses…Good explanation
I have already started to listen your lessons and I have to say you that I tried many way till now to learn english very well but I never seen before like this I would like to thank you for produced this videos and hope to see more lesson on this website in future.
hi ronnie
thanks for your help i am beginner , i like your style of teatching because you speak slowly and i can undestand what you say ,i hope you can help me , i need lessons in conversation , thanks
Great lesson! Thanks for sharing.This is something that we should have learned long time ago. You’re awesome!
Hallo Ronnie, can i say I can not explain you. I’m gonna say I don’t know what you have to do.
Can you give me an advice related to answer following question>Why you want to change your job?By the way, can I say Why do you want to change your job or why you want to change your job? What shoul I answer? Thank you!
Why do you want to change your job = correct.
When someone asks you this you can say that you are looking to work in a new field/at a better company/you wanted to put your skills to work/your old job wasn’t challenging enough. As long as you say something positive that makes you sounds ambitious, it will be a good answer. NEVER say anything negative like you hate your boss!!! hahaha
Thank you very much!
Hello Miss Ronnie! Well, I had applied in a call center company, I did manage to pass through with the easy part of the exam but when i was in the final interview where I was also failed, the interviewer got me with her first question ” Tell me something really interesting about yourself?” so I was in a silence for a moment and I found really hard thinking on what could be really interesting to me. Could you please help to interpret her question to me and what good answers may I throw to her to gain or to get my wanted post. Tnx!
Have your traveled? Traveling is interesting and if you have been to different countries, it shows that you can adapt to different things! If you have only traveled in your country, that is ok too!
Do you play and sports/musical instruments?
Do you belong to any clubs/organizations?
It doesn’t really matter WHAT you did that was interesting – the interviewer was just trying to get you to talk! It is a difficult question to answer because it is so general.
Sometimes they just say “Tell me something about yourself”….In this situation you just have to think of your life story and tell a positive story about yourself!!
Good luck on your next interview!
Thank you for your idea Miss Ronnie
your knowledge help me to my interview..
your the best..
This is a tricky question too. I’m also applying in a call center company, but when i reach the final interview, I always failed. I don’t know how to answer such questions like, Why did you leave your last job? It’s like a negative to me.How can i turn the negative into positive? Thanks Ronnie.
Great, thank you for your answer;)
thanx it was great and very very help full for me to getting my new job.
hi mam good lesson! but some confusion,it is that what are you saying (they are looking for people who fit into …….)what is the word you said?plz write that word i’ll be gratefull to you! thanks
Ronnie, you are one more reason why I should love Canada. Excellent and funny way to explain, always keep me entertained and focused on your explanation. I’m English teacher in Monterrey Mexico and found a way to back up my classes with your teaching
hello ronnie
i love your teaching method and your personality.i am learning english about 5 can encourage me.
thank you very much ronnie.
good luck.
You are great teacher Ron,you done it well.
Hello my dear teacher!!! Thank you. You’re the best!!!
Sally S
Teacher thanks a lot for your way in teaching I want to become a good teacher lik you
Ronnie, you are super!
in interview one of the mam ask me What sort of challenges you love? plz help me
hi i’m imane from morrocco i love you ronnie so much you’re the best best
Hi Ronnie! Great lesson, as always. Love your lessons, by the way.But, To be accurate on my understanding of the video,I’d like to ask you to tell me what word you said , at the beginning, after saying “job interview skills”…was it “dreaded” ? Is this a correct form of using the verb/adjective “dread”? Please help me out?
kisses and hugs to ya!!!
Thank you
i am so happy to see that but can you help me to write my C.V if can help me just send me an email thank you lovely
Mohamed Ragab
this is lokesh studing mba all audiovisuals which you are providing are verygood spacal ronnis av’s ars livelly ifeal as if iwas in the class
nice lesson ,you are amazing ,but some times the employer keep focus in negative happened with me tell i told him some thing bad about me to make him relief ..then he feel that he won
hello ronnie…i liked your tutorial very much.i have a question for you.i have applied for defence services and i have been called for an interview.since defence is completely different from corporate organisations.what can i add to my answers which will help me to be seen in a better light than others
Thanks your lesson so much. I have studied enlish for a long time but i can not speak english well. maybe my memory is bad, so i don’t remember vocabulary more.
thank you Ronni
Taleb’am Ronnie! How’s your day? Ma’am,can you do me a favor? because I’m planing to apply for another job. I’m applying for a Sales Representative, but I don’t know how to answer if they ask me like…”Why do we hire you”? Ma’am, can you give me some tips to answer that question! Thank you very much Ma’am!!! Keep up the good work Ma’am!!!
Tell them that you are a very good worker and anything else positive you can think about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good luck!
Hi Ronnie,
I studied the possessive adjectives
And possessive pronouns please
Thank you… myma70
thank you for that tips Ronnie…I gained confident on what you’ve now i will not be nervous when I have my interview.
thank you Ronnie really i want to learning English but have not grammar what shall i do PLEASE help me
its a great site to learn English
thank you Ronnie , are really a great teacher
the bad thing is i`m going to interviewing with company i didn’t work in this field before :\
is that mean i must to lie for every thing
its hard to me if they are ask me any question
i don’t have any experiences in that domain :(
what should i do ?
You must ask yourself this question… If I have never worked in this field before, why is the company interviewing me?
You must think about WHY they would hire you if you have no experience.. are you good with computers? Do you have good people skills? Think about what qualities you have that the company is interested in and talk about those!
thank you my teacher
this is the best of best video ever I saw that is help me to understand the interview ,I prepare to the interview tomorrow :)
I wish if i close to you to hug you and kiss your head and hand
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Good luck!!!
thanks my teacher
let say the interviewing was good
god !! they just ask me one question in English :) thank god
but you know ! here the hard part
to sale products and negotiation customers and dealing with them
pleas my teacher I really need this lesson from you if you can.
every thing about this issue
because I didn’t had a chance to speaking and dealing in English
it’s about dead or live (X__#)
I’m waiting your reply :)
with my love <3 ^_^
Wow – dealing with customers in any language is difficult! You just have to be patient and listen to what the customer wants. You also have to be fair to yourself and the customer in negotiation….If you make an offer you have to be strong. Sorry I am not good with negotiations as I hate arguing with people.
Thank you so much for reply
ohh you just like me , I don’t like negotiation too -_-
i love this site n all the great enthusiasm radiated from it as well as all the good-will from all the teachers here.
in speaking, we have the art of conversation which you can’t learn from class but you will gain it through experience.
in sales, we have the art of marketing which is the same.
for mohammed, i would like to suggest you to watch the movie “wall street” where you can see some art of marketing there. i hope you could find it useful.
thanks ronie and keep going
abou ali
Thank you teacher.It’s really helpful.
thank for lesson! and could you tell me about women day !
thanks ronnie
Hi Ronnie you are the best teacher in the World I really like your teaching style. God Blessed you and your Family. I am trying to improve my English i hope i will do it. thankyou
God Blesssed you.
Good job Ronnie..
Hey mrs.ronnie, I love the way you teach us. !!
This lesson is very useful for me. Btw, i want to ask you something. Because job interview is similar to school interview, i want to ask you some question.
1. You suggest us to say how fantastic we are. What does college want for applicant student? I am confused to think about it.
2. Sometimes there are tricky questions such as ” what is the biggest advantage you have?” and “what is the biggest weakness you have?”
What should i say to the interviewer?
i hope that you could reply my comment. thanks before :)
In college, they are looking for people who have a goal (program) and are motivated to do it. Most university students drop out in the first year! You should tell them your 5 year plan and that education is very important!!!
Biggest advantage you have…tell them what you are good at (natural talents) Weakness – say something like your friends think you are too organized, but you are ok with it!
thank you Ronnie for a useful lesson to me.
one of the negative traits can told is that i can never say no to anyone to my co workers in my job periods
Thanks a lot Ronnie. This was an awesome lesson…will definitely help me with my job interviews. Long Live Ronnie!!!!
hi everyone, i learning english 3 years but my engish very bad, but i hope with help Ronnie my english improve more.
Hi I am very glad to join EngVid & your beautiful lessons thanks from you & EngVid
thank you very much
Really Thanks for wonderful lesson.
Ronnie, I love your classes. I’m an english teacher in Brazil and I’ve learned english by myself. Your classes have been helping me a lot!
In my opinion you’re the best, kisses!
Okay !! Ronnie I know that you DO NOT believe in miracles,but I’m really sorry I’m gonna have to say this : YOU!!! you’re freaky awesome !! YOU ARE A MIRACLE !! Love ya sweet Ronnie I wish if I had a teacher like you( =( )*sad face* .
have you ever visited Morocco ? just asking !!
OMG I’m a such curious boy !! Do you think that this is a good thing curiosity ? hahaa .
There’s no doubt that I’m going to see all your lessons ! …god bless you !
Hi Ronnie,i only wanna know what the different between find and search if these two word are same so where i can use these 2 word…guide me.
Thanks a lot
Thanks maam Your Just Awesome Teacher. may god bless you and your family. :)
i can’t speak english help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
thank you this is good job
thanks Ronnie
yuo are a good teacher god bless you
Hi Ronnie,I enjoyed watching your video lesson. Hope you can help me with this one. What if the interviewer ask me, “Why shouldn’t we hire you?”. What are the possible answers to that tricky question? Thanks!
If they ask you that say !”you shouldn’t hire me if you don’t want the best person for this job!!!
Thanks! :)
Good answer. Brainy…
hi , Ronnie .. i heared almost all your lesson and i’ve observed that you say ” if you will ” but i don’t know what’s the meaning .. could you tell me ??
If you will = If you can = if you are able to!
These videos help lot
Thanks lot
Abed khan
thank you very much & I’d like see you in next episode . good luck….
thank you a lot :)
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and enjoyable New Year!
Hello Ronnie,thanks for your video teaching It is very important for me because I search a JOB.
another THANKS YOU!!
thank you ronny
is I’m very touchy a good negative traits? Ronnie
No…touchy is bad – it means you cannot work with other people.
you are amazing teacher Good luck
Dear madam Ronnie, I really appreciate All your lessons. Thank you very much.
thANK you very much from kazakhstan!!
Thank you for advices , but Iexpected that you mention some things about afriend of high level , I mean .. you well get what imean
What is the difference between “whoever” and “whomever” ?
Thank you so much Ronnie for this lesson. I hope you´ll make others like this about the jobs.
Thanks a lot
now i am too young for this because i am 15 year so i am just making me a good speaker and a good listener so very very thank you and i teach as well to beginner students and i am getting to much from you and i want to come and meet with you in Canada so i hope we will meet very soon…
hello medam ,i am new user and i visit many side as possible but finaly i find your site this is like that i have a magicstick to solve my problem..thnx but plz help me to present a strong personal introduction for interviews……
Hi Mam,
I know to speak english.but i can’t speak english fluently.some times i can’t get words when i speak.mam,what practice i have to do for this?i waiting for your answer.thank u.
If their nothing much their in someones resume,will it help to say interviewer sir/mam i don’t know much about the subject?how to impress in such situation …..
mistakes in above comment actually it is :
if there is nothing much in some person resume,how to impress interviewer ?
Really helpful for me at the moment,because İ am searching for a good job. Thank you,you are so super)))
He, Ronnie:) It’s very useful. Greetings from Poland.
i have an interview after a hour o_O ,, gonna use your advices ,, wish me good luck
you are very kind and nice i like study with you
you are very kind and nice ilke study with you
Thanks Ronnie. I’ve a job interview next week. You have help me.
It’s great)) hah.. I have got my job)) thx)))
What is the best answer for the question “What will you do after you getting job from my company?”
“What will you do after you get a job from my company?” – Work. ahahah
You could say something like “work hard to obtain the company’s goals”.
Quite good lesson
hi ronnie, this is kailas from india.
i like your videos on conversational skill, do and don’t at interview. i want to know what i shall told them if they ask me ” why you want to increase in salary appx 50-*100%)
Tell them you want 100% because you are a great worker and have brought so much to the company!
hello >>>>>> what is the difference between :
what did the eat?
what they ate?
What did THEY eat? = correct.
What they eat?= wrong!
it’s so cool to watch your teach. I’m the foreigner in USA, I’m so screw-up for 2jobs interview,but very glade to found your webside. I can keep going to learn the english better.
I’m just like you had the same personality,happy go lucky but i hate to lie and talk to you later!
can some one help me learn any language
As long as it’s English you’ve come to the right place! :P
engVid Moderator
Hi,dear teacher
Thanks a lot, you are very nice, i have found your site just yesterday, i love your talking and teaching.
God Bless You
I would like to thank you about your great help to learn English
Hi, Ronnie, I`m preparing lessons on a job interview (I`m an English teacher) and your lessons are just great! May I use some of your tips?
Greetings from Poland :)
Of course! Good luck with your class!
Hi, I am new here and I am so much into this video about job interview…i really apreciate. My question is about “What are your positive and negative traits?” is the same question with “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” thanks Ronnie to tell me if these two questions are the same or if there are different.
Yeah, they are pretty much the same!
Thanks Ronnie, you are magic
Thank you so much !!
– I can learn with video class and with Your comments.
It is great.
Thank you so much Ma’am Ronnie. How about these questions: 1. Why do you want to work in our company? 2. What can you contribute in our company? 3. What are your expectations? Thank you so much :)
You tell me your answers!!!
I’m not sure with my answers :(
1. I’m compatible with your company wherein I can contribute my skills and potentials.
2. I will give my best in everything that I do.
3. Give me opportunity to develop and enhance my skills. And also good salary.
Please give me some suggestions to improve or correct my answers. Thank you Ma’am Ronnie :)
2. i would say I will DO my best.
3. Give me THE opportunity… And also A good salary!!!
Your points are very good!!!!
Excellent work!
in this video, at 6:03 you say “this is a duzy” ; i suppose “dusy” ( didn’t find this word, maybe slang ? ) means “tricky question” ?
thanks for your answer…
PS: great job !
The word’s “doozy”! And you’re right. A doozy is something unusual, usually something unusually difficult.
engVid Moderator
apinya is hear can you say wath a v.i.p is
V.I.P = very important person!
Hi ronnie, thank you for you lesson. I have some difficulties to understand american talking, not UK english. can you give me some prononciation words in us prononciation different to UK ?
(I watch american TV but 3 months here I couldn t understand what they say, talking too fast)
thank you so much
Ahmed tawfik
ahmed tawfik
hello everyone
lying is fine :D
Hey Ronnie hope that you are fine i wanted to ask that if after telling them about the work history if they ask why u left your previous job then what am i supposed to say then?
Tell them there was no space for advancement.
hello Ronnie, actually i have an interview on monday as a bank teller but the problem is that i really dont know what to say about my “NEGATIVE” points please help me :(
Tell them you are a perfectionist!
Thanx for helping me out
Hello Ronnie, I actually do consider myself a perfectionist. But what could I tell more to show that I am also eloquent? Eg. “I won’t consider the job done until it is really perfect”; “I’m spending too much time for final corections”. Please could you correct these sentences or give me one that sounds well?
Thanks in advance!
thank you Ronnie
you are a good teacher
Great lesson again!, I’m writing here only to say: in my opinion this website is fantastic! good lessons, good explanations, good teachers!!
Hi Ronnie…I loved your lesson. You are very funny.
I’m having problems to get a job. Last week a person call me asking if I was interested in the job that I had applied. I said yes, very interested. She didn’t say anything else. So I asked her some questions about the duties and after she responded she said ok…I’m going to see other canditates and I call you. What did I do wrong?
hello roonie.first thank you.
I’m a beginner in English language, when I show your lesson, i understand what you say, but when i hear to your sound only ,i don’t understand many sentences that you say.
please help me.
what can I do to solve this problem
You just have to practice listening! Keep on watching lessons and try to watch English movies with subtitles in your language!
Hi Ronnie,
It is awesome! I prepare for the 2 days ongoing job interview section. Wish me luck!
Thanks for your support here. Glad seeing your teaching performance
Abdul Qayum
how can i ask ronnie? does anybody tell me?
Anh Tu
You can ask me here!!! What is your question?
thank you Ronnie!
I love your active lesson;) Many thanks!
I can only say, thank you.
Hi Teacher Ronnie! You are so cute! your lessons are very helpful! Hopefully, i could pass my next interviews. hope to learn more from your other videos. i want to learn more and be confident in speaking in English! Thank you so much!
hey mam,
this is sauhil hea, i just want some tips to speak english without stammering i have tried a lot to come out of it but noting worked out but lookin at your videos i think im damm sure you will help me out sort out this and i hope you will reply i dont mind if you could elaborate about this issue and mail me to or you reply me below this comment itslf but plz do reply its urgent thnak you :) :)
yep i really agree with you i just liked the video to the core that was one awesome material thanx a ton mam :)now if you can could you please sujjest me where will i get some English listening materials for my iPod so that i will try to make my English more fluent thanx :)
Try the BBC website!
thanx a ton :)
do you have any lessons about PhD interview skills?
NO sorry.
hj ms.ronie how about the quetions wat are your strenght & weakness? what could be the best possible answer? thanks
Strengths are things you are good at – I cannot tell you your answer.
Weaknesses are things you are bad at…..just say something like to are a perfectionist. Watch the video again – I have explained what to use for examples.
“What are your weaknesses?”
“I tend to be a perfectionist.”
“WHY do you consider this a weakness?”
Do you see, Ronnie, why this is not a good answer? Even if you’re not a perfectionist, you’re forced to say WHY it’s a weakness for that employer.
A much better answer could be: “I don’t show up first off.”
You’re awesome Ronnie)) I would like to know I would be topic of your next lection. How prpnaunce some contractions for example “I’ll” pronaunced like ayl/ What pronanciation of “we’ll” should be?
Victor Adamenja
Ok! I’ll (“all”) make a video for you!
We’ll *wheel”
hi dear thanx alot for helpping us.Iwanna know how i can improve my conversation & pronounsation, plz help me
sanam khan
Search the site for “conversation”, and “pronunciation” – there are a lot of videos to help you!
plzzzzzz help me dear to improve my eng now ican speak eng just because of ur vidioes but I cant speak fluently &i want to speak fluently so plz tell me what can I do
sanam khan
hi Ronnie thanx a lot of helping us i have learned english ur website once again thanx
thank you
very good page and very good teachers
“abdulrahmannnn” my Skype
Thank You Ronnie
Junaid KhanRonnie
Thanks Ma’am… you are serving realy like a professionalist, GOD BLESS YOU
Syed Ejaz
ROnnie can u please make the video of school interview skills im very weak at that ur videos help me so much if u make that video it will really help me :)
Ronnie can u help me how to answer this question if a school interviewer ask me to describe my self i have no idea how to answer it ?
je dois mettre beaucoup de vidéos que po if anglais est plus la question, je dois beaucoup, et je vous demande s’il vous plaît à faire plus videos.le envoyer merci salutations pour tout.
Many thanks teacher I really appreciate it !
I liked very much.
Thank you Teacher Ronnie
Ronnie you are different; you are amazing and. Thanks for great teaching.
Nice Madam….
hi ronnie you are an excellent teacher i love your work ………and when it comes to negative traits about me can i say not a good listener ???
hi evrybody can i have someone’s id skype to talk witk in english plz
Thank you Ronnie. i’m following..
hi,Ronnie what should i say in a call center agent interview ?realy u r amazing
Oh Thank you Ronnie .It was wonderful .You are great actress hehehe
Wonderful teacher .
First of all, I have to say that you are the best!!!! I would love to have learnt english with you!!! Your sarcastic tone in amazing!!! By the way… All of you are doing an excelent job!!! Congratulation`s !! It`s just amazing the quality of the material!!!!
So… let me try to explain my situation and see if you can help me and other people who are facing this challenging situation… I have just finished my business degree here in Brazil. I`ve been participating in many selective process of a trainee position( here its kind of a junior manager position and It`s very hard to get into!!! So I`ve been thinking how would I introduce my self if they ask me to do this in English… I supose that im able to do that… but i would like to do a perfect presentation without mistakes( More and more they are requiring a very fluent english) DO you think it would be interesting to make a video pretending this situation???
I look forward to your answer! Regards from Brazill =)
many thanks ronny
hi ronnie, how r u ,
i have a request.
would u mind to tell me about guest (customer in the mall) complane,
can be any complane but not the big issue
how can i solve the complane, i mean with nice way and make a guest happy again u know something like that.
please give me advise.
Thank you very much
Kind regards,
Hello Ronny
Thank you so much for your tips in job interview.
I would like to ask you about tips for International Grad Student job interview.
Thanks keep going I like you never stope I weting your anothr lessen
is it important say positive things?
thank you Ronnie i like your teaching i want to improve my skills by talking with native as you can you help me in that.
Hi Ronnie…
I am sure your job interview topics will help me to improve my job interviews.One question. Most of the time interviewer ask us about our salary expectation. What would you suggested to answer?
Be honest and tell them how much you think you should get!
Thanks Ronnie!!!!
Hi Ronnie!
You are the best teacher :]
very good
Hi roni..wonderfull lesson… my problem is speak :( i can understand english but i can not speaking :( What should i do? any idea… thanks
i got an interview and i always fail i dont know why :(
always you are simply the best Ronnie
Hi Ronnie, i have an interview tomorrow and i am nerveous it kind of my first and i need the job.and its gona be my first job so please help me with some interview kestions they might ask me please please thank you <3
so i dont get a reply :(
I’ve thought there was cops on my street…
Thank u Ronnie for your explanation how to get a job,Im from panama and I love to pratcice my english with someone like u.
Thank you very much learned. Explanation I hope to meet you so thank you face to face.
Hi, I love your voice.
Jose Luis Villarreal Sotelo
Hello Ronnie. I love your are simply the best
helpfull lesson thank u lotsa ronnie!
Hello Ronnie , I was wondering if you can give me some tips obout interviews for business grad school applications. thanks
thank you it’s really a helpfull lesson :)
hi tunisa how are you
Thank you for this interesting lesson , I will follow all your next lessons in the same website
Amal Al Taweel
Very gud
I’ am going to the job interviews tomorow morning .for Certified nursing Assistant ( CNA) please can you tell me more about strentgh and weakness?
u please answe this question for me please: how do you handle pressure?
if they ask me :how do you react to a sense of being overwhelmed with unfinished work 10 mns past your schift deadline when you find a resident in need? what can I say?
thank u very much :*
Thank you very much teacher Ronnie, but ehmmm is it a good idea lying about ourselves? just asking .. :/ well I’d personally just focus on the good traits I’ve got and hide the bad ones xD
Thank you so much teacher Ronnie, it was really a wonderfuland helpful lesson, good explination, clear words,I will always follow your lessons.thank you once again
thnks ronnie
Thank you, Ronnie))
Even though I haven’t entered Uni. yet I watched this lesson because you’re BRILLIANT
Hope one day I’ll shake hands with you in order to express my gratitude
All the best)
Helpful lesson!
miss ronnie, I would like a sales video ,tank s
Ronnie is a great lesson. Thank you.
Hi Ronnie. If interviewer asks this question: Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
It’s correct the following answer:
“I hope to grow in grasping business opportunities with my company and have positions of greater responsibility”.
How can I control my speaking during the interviews?
Hi Ronnie, amazing Video!
Look, Is anxiety a Bad trait? I think it’s too common. I never know what I must speak.
What do you suggest?
John Paiva
i learned new words and phrase
have you ever had a confrontation at your past work ?
tell me about a confrontation at your last work ..
positive and negative trait s
Thanks Ronnie!!!!
wonderful lesson! I´d like to have taken it before my last job interview.
Salvador G
Hello Ronnie i am ateeq khan form Afghanistan i have some problem in grammar can you help me palce
Ateeq khan
Dear Ronnie I’m going to interview soon.
Is it okay if I would mention my weakness is English? Could you please tell me more about an interview job in office position?
I appreciated you,all of your lesson were very helpful for me, you are great. you and some of your colleagues are a part of my life in Canada
Ronnie, you are so funny !!!
Once I had to make a repport about the job skills of a coworker (I was her boss), that was not good (she was a very bad worker) and the CEO asked me to make a repport about myself. They fired me, hahaha.
You are true, sometimes you have to lie.
Dear Ronnie I’m going to interview soon.
Is it okay if I would mention my weakness is English? Could you please tell me more about an interview job in office position?
I appreciated you,all of your lesson were very helpful for me, you are great. you and some of your colleagues are a part of my life in Canada
could u tell me the answers of job interview skill please.think you so much.
my questions is -Could you tell me some thing about yourself?
How do you get on with people?
Why do you want this job?
Why do you think you can do this job?
What quality would you bring to this job?
Why should we employed you?
Thank you so much teache Ronnie.
Like it!
Aslamoalikum dear Ronnie
I am Bakhtawar from Pakistan.your job inteviews lesson will help me alot.its a great lesson.Thank you.
thank you ronnie, your a good teacher. its a big help for me on my job interview as a call center agent. by the way i have a question, what is the difference between straight, toward and forward. i hope u teach it as soon as you read this. thanks a lot.:)
I’m adding it to the list of lesson requests so a teacher can make a video about it!
engVid Moderator
Ronnie, I love you very very much!!! You are a perfect teacher!!! Your humor is wonderful!!!
Greetings from Russia))))
hey Ronnie, guess what!! i use your tips in my call center interview earlier and you know what happen, I pass the interview..I just want to thank helps me a lot..
Hai Maam,
Good info by this video ,i like very much,
could please share video for resume preparation,which can help for getting more job calls.
hello ronnie, i enjoyed watching ur videos while at the same time I also learning from u. thank u
Hello Roonie.
Please share video for getting a visa.
Thank you.
Thanks, Ronnie!
I can practice with any one on skype my skype is
my name is Mahmoud soliman
from Egypt
Hi, Ronnie. I’m Jaime and I’m a brazilian guy. I’m preparing me for an opportunity to do an interview in english so I was searching in internet about some english lesson and I found your lessons and it served me as a glove! As I’m a visual learner, your lessons and way to teach (with jokes and grimaces) works successfully with me! Thanks for your tips!
hi ronnie i have a question.
is “What are you’re positive and negative traits”
and “Tell me about you’re strength and weakness” are the same?
You are very good teacher. I woul like to know about horseback riding. I know Canada is a green country. You country have many English cowboy and big cows and horses.
You English is very clear for foreigns.
Hello Ronnie,
I have learned a lot from your lesson today.
please, could you help me figure out the difference between might and may perhaps you could sight some great example as regarding my submission request…is been a pleasure.
Love it
ahmed nasser
thanks i enjoy all your lesson
thanks for your honest because I got many advantages from your lessons, and I request you to keep on teaching us.
thanks yours faithfully.
Dear ronnie
It’s my first time to write comment some reasons, and I wrote in a nice way as I think,and I am so happy, I thanks for your sincerely. Please I request to you if there is some errors in my comments please make a confirmation thanks
I can’t speak English fluently so much at first. But I can improve my speaking and good communication with people. I have used computer since I worked for the first company. I go for the PTA work (mainly computer work) of my daughter’s school now. My favorite proverb is “Practice makes perfect.”
What do you think about my introduction?
I usually a negative person. Perhaps I will be really nervous when I take an interview. How should I do for relaxing? Thank you, Ronnie :)
Hi Ronnie…
when i can use does / do with why question ?
give me Example pls.
Refaat 11
Thank you Ronnie
Can you help me what’s template that HR department that use it when they call us to make interview via phone
Hi Maam Ronnie
i’m a first year college student
i want to apply a call center agent
i don’t know if this will affecting my educational status during interview,
i really want to ask if i should be lie
to my interviewer that im a college level or something like im in 2nd year college or more than that? but im good in english and im a speaker person, what was should i suppose to tell to make them empress, like or im in a good answer?
They can always check with your school, so you should probably just tell them the truth!
engVid Moderator
yes i’ll going to tell the truth,
thank you for your concern ’bout teling me
that they check about school.. thank you
GOD bless…
hello again,
i have some few question about my status
i want to apply a call center agent
and as a first year college.
i feel trouble and and i have sense just getting a little bit under to my interviewer
i’m worry about the job that i want to apply so, i imagined that what if the interviewer watch and clearing my data about my school educational that i’m just only a 1st year college level not a graduated student w/ some kind of courses? do you think they feel dissent, take some kind of issue or disagree about my details? for you example you are the interviewer if you see my details that i’m just only a college level and only a 1st year do you think you going to like me or hire me? but i’m very good in English sense i was a kid until i grown up i’m always and sometimes in the top of intelligence students, i love doing communicating w/ everyone, i have a speaking skills, i have a passion to enhance and maximize my excellence, and as a college student i have a course i am a information technology so i know all about computers, how to program it and all that are close to computer, in summary do you think i am fit and standard w/ this kind of job?
Thank you Ronnie! very helpful
Would be great if you teach us how to use
I think is very important for a confident vocabulary, please, Ronnie! Do it for us!
Yuri Gadelha
Thank you.
Very funny and useful!! I loved it.
thank you, Ronnie! You’re the best! :)
I have so much fun with your lessons.
Renata Paiva
difference between confidence and overconfidence?
Plz reply ronnie
thank you Ronnie,
you are great and your lessons help me very much
take care
Thank you Ronnie
I have so much fun with your lessons
great lesson!
Hi Ronnie, Thank you so much for this lesson. and this is my first comment on your post. I hope, I shall learn so many new things from you.
yubraj sunar
hey guys i am new at engvid .my problem is i cant speak english speedily there is also some grammar mistake i am very frustated becouse i did not get job becouse of only i can not speak frequntly…. so plsss help me to solve this problem.thank you
Ronnie, like always, you’re so nice! thanks for this enjoyable class!
Thank you for shared your knowledge.
I love your videos! I can understand all that you say, you speak very clear.
Denisse Ivonne
thank you ma’am Ronnie. I have learn from you. about the job interview.
mylene bodanio
Thank you Teacher Ronnie :) I’m gonna have my interview next Saturday so wish me luck :)
Great, tutorial.
Thank you Ronnie,
i remenber, when my first interview they tell me , talk about myself, my answer was : i love people, i can talk to every one, i like the company, so now i remark that was a bad answer Ronnie, i wolg like to tell you: proud to learn english with you, and God Bless u all day for taht, have a good Day with Jesus. You have to keep Jesus in your live , this is a only Way.
best Regards!
Dear Ronnie,
I love your way of teaching. I would like to know your opinion about the next answer, maybe I had some grammatical mistakes, so I appreciate your help:
Have you ever had trouble with a boss? How did you handle it?
I never had a trouble with a boss. But in case that I have it in the future, I think the correct way to solve it is talking slow and with harmony, and let the boss talk first, and when he or she is calm and relaxed, In that moment is my turn to expose my reasons.
hi i love your way of teaching Ronnie. And we all need help from you i think . Thank you a loot
thank you
thank you
Ronnie ! You are totally awesome !!! lol
good lessons, cool videos, I love this website ! I can learn a lot !
Thanks !!
dear teacher rooni i am one of your funs and i thank you so much for the effort you do for your learners ,i like the way you teach,what i want is that i am going to pass a teaching job interview so please can you make us a resume about what to say and not to say in that interview ….thank you so mush
Hi Ronnie,
I would like to inquire you about the positive and negative traits that you have discussed about in this video.
Is the “Strengths and Weaknesses” question the same as “positive and negative traits” in an interview?
If there are any differences, how should I approach Strengths and Weaknesses? Can I say e.g. “One of my weaknesses is my lack of leadership experiences however, I’m confident of my capability to lead if the opportunity arises.”?
hai maam
thank you for very so much. very useful of your interview video. i will training to IELTS exam
so in future if you provide all engvid program i can see…
by veera
thank u so much
thanks! :)
very good
Excellent advice!!!
Thanks for the lesson Ronnie. I learned a lot from this. However, i wanna share my experience to you during my final interview because I’m always failed when i reach that point. They were asking me about, Why did you leave your previous job? I dont know what to say because for me, it’s negative. How to answer that question? or How can I turn negative into positive? Thanks for the answer Ronnie. This is a big help for me.
Thank you Ronnie. I subscribed to EngVid becuase of you. I accidentally found a video where you was the star and I liked it. Please keepo doing this, You are making so funny classes that I think I can learn everything. :D
About this lesson, I found some situations familiar to my life, I wish I could have seen the video before, but it is Ok, Now I can laught about me and rescue all possitve things.
great :-)
you are the best
henrique maciel
Thanks a lot Ronnie!
It was a very useful lesson not only because of the wise advice but also because of the positive attitude! Thank you very much for the positive! It helps a lot collect my thoughts and to remove anxiety before the interview.
I want to thank you, Ronnie a million times! You are giving a lesson in a wonderful way and you put so much energy for every lesson. I hope you are all right and happy, dear Ronnie!
God bless you!
dear Ronnie.thank you for this useful lesson.doesnt this lesson have quiz??
Thank you Ronnie, one more great lesson.
Hi,Ronnie you are best tnks lot.
hi ronnie , ı got reason why ı hadnt succesful in the and of all my interviews :)
Hi Ronnie,
Thank you your lesson was genius!!!
I really appreciate it, helps a lot.
hi ronnie can you help me? im incoming freshmen in this school year but i dont know what should i answer to their questions because im not good in english and im also nervous. haha thanks a lot
What are your positive and negative traits? and What are your strengths and weaknesses? are two sentences that express the same basic idea in slightly different ways.
hi Ronnie,
thanks for the useful lesson.
Hi Ronnie ,
it`s very useful lesson thank you.
i wanna ask about if i`m a fresh graduate and i have no experience about the job can i tell the interviewer that this is my negative trait ?
thanks advance :)
hi madam , i am looking for part time job,i’m struggling with how to speak,could you please help me how to speak fluently and confidently.
Anjaneyulu shaik
That was good video.It really helps us to to see the importance of proper skills on getting that job.
Roonie!!!! you are the best thank you very much!!! cuddles.;)
Thank you Ronnie for those wonderful and helpful tips on job interviews.
ann ann
I’m gonna cry , after one weeks I have exam , and I didn’t understand any thing in grammar ???????? what i should to do?
Thank, it was helpful.
This lesson is a valuable guidance!
Thank U!
All the best.
Del Carmen
thanks very much ronnie for your good advices i have benn puting them on practice so much thanks again for evrything
Thanks you so much.
Marta Lopez
Thanks Ronnie! Great lesson.
Hello, Could you please guide me how to answer this question.
Can you Give a Brief Hospitality Expected From ….(Name of company)?
Thank you.
Thanks one more time Ronnie!
Thank you Ronnie ,and i would like to watch more question and answer interview videos ,please?
Fayza Bahaa
i can’t watch ther video?
Hi Ronnie, I’ve watched a lot of your video and it really helps
Hi Ronnie, I’ve watched a lot of your video and it really helps, So I want to ask? Can I use your video for my English Club, without modification and keep your are as reference. Your video is very important for us because we live in the hinterland. I’m wait for your reply. Thank you
It is a very useful video for me. Thank you very much, ma’am. I will have an interview in a few days.
armaan kumar
Ronnie teaching lie on inteview :) good job. You are awesome! thx
I love your explanation! You teach very well
I like the way you explain the topic, love it!
Hey! thank you so much.
No quiz after the vedio ?!
Sara horiney
Hallo Ronnie
any difference beetween in the answers we should give in real and digital interview? th you
Ronnie I need your help?
I wacthed your classes, but when they ask to background how do I do my answer?
Background about personal or carrer?
HI Ronnie, im participant with your video. could you please add lecture with aviation english. all kinda aviation. thanks before.
Thank you Ronne, that was great lesson.
This is a very useful lesson. Thank you for your manner it is so interesting to conduct lessons.
great lesson . i want to practice english if anyone help with please add me on skype nobert alex.
nobert alex
I work with Recruitment and Selection and would like to leave a tip on the question – What are your positive and negative traits?
Since we sometimes ask – Give me 03 positives and 03 negatives traits in your personality.
Suggest: when you talking about the negative points you highlight you have done to improve this point. Example – I’ve difficulty with time management, so using an “X” technique or “X” app that has helped me and is having an effect positive.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank you Ronnie, one more great lesson. . . Could you explain me something, but this doesn’t have anything to do with your lesson. Why we say “PLEASE” when we are bagging someone for something? The word “PLEASE” means to like someone, and not to bag. What is the matter here?
One is a verb the other is an adverb.
The transitive verb PLEASE is similar to the verb LIKE (just swap object and subject):
“I like someone” – “Someone pleases me”.
The intransitive verb PLEASE is similar to the verb WISH:
“Do as you wish” – “Do as you please”.
The adverb PLEASE means:
“If you please” – “If you so wish” – “If it suits you”. Moreover, you can use the adverb PLEASE instead of (the adverb) YES when answering (politely) to an offer:
“May I help you?”,”Please”.
Lastly, it’s BEG not BAG :-)
Thank you Mauro for useful answer. Every day I learn a lot of things, so this day isn’t exception. . .
Why are you screaming?
Hi ronnie ma’am,
Thanks for wonderful lesson
Could you explain me difference between
1. Till/untill/unless
2. Meantime/meanwhile
Ronnie, you are awesome!! All your videos like me! Very interesting and useful lesson! Thankssssssssss
A grteat tutorial by you Maam,great work thanks!!
sir/madam plz tell me how to improve my writting
Hi Ronnie and everybody! Thank you for the lesson, Ronnie! Yeah, job interviews are challenging, especially if they are in English (for non-English speakers) :). I’m sure that your pieces of advice will help not only those who’re going to have a job interview in English, but everyone, preparing for it even in their native language.
U made me laught with ´´the police haven’t caught me yet n’not wash behind ears. u made my day.
dear Ronnie
i wanna tell you that lesson was so useful about me .if possible give us more question and answer about this subject .
tanks a lot.
Hi, Ronnie
I really enjoied with your lesson, your answered many questtions that made in my mind , thamk u very much, u r a good teatcher .
i realy do luv the way u acting thxcx ronnie
dear ronnie
actually i like to learn english in a professional way,plz help me out.because i am working food and beverage industry.i like to learn verbiage,i am really apreciate for you.
job interview skill give me both questions answer
Hi Madam,
Really Thanks for wonderful lesson.
love it
One of my negative traits?
I always lie at job interviews. :-D
I was born on the wrong side of the Atlantic Ocean.
I wish you good luck. :-)
n i’m trapped under this skin forever.. u’re luckier, mauro.. ;)
Why so?
Mauro, do you have an account on a facebook, or I will have to ask you here? Please, reply ASAP, I have a question for you, either here or on a facebook. Regards
Sorry, but I noticed your request today :-(
FaceBook is not fun anymore.
What question?
I want to study english by internet but i do,nt know, so please you show to me about system it
please explain about the “just”
Just has many meanings – I just want a few cookies = just means only.
Just as a verb has to do with justice…..He was just in his decision to kill the rabbit.
I think you should get a dictionary and just look at the work there! Just = to make something easy to do!
Good answer!
Thank you Ronnie
Could you explain how to make the Key word transformations. pls :)
good teacher! thank u.
If you can write English,hmmm, speak as you write and let the listeners correct you
Hi Ronnie,
I think you are discarting me because I have been asking many things to you and You never answer me. I asked you if I could talk with you on skype and I did not receive your answer. I asked if I could have class with you on line and you do not answer me. Are you afraid me? No, Do not think it. I am a well-behaved and esay-going person. Bye bye!!
I do not offer classes anymore – sorry – and I don’t have skype.
Hi Ronnie, send al least a e-mail to me talking about you (
Don’t worry Ronnie, I can install you Skype without any problems :)
I’m going to write a Aptitude test.I’m afraiding about English Questions in the Exam.
So could you help me that how to attempt english questions and how to solve them??
hi ronnie i just want to ask you when i DO USE A befor things nams and when i don’t so please help me
You’re very funny ! I love your lesson Ronnie.
Hello Romie. I love your classes.
I have a question. Is there any rule about suffixes?? Do we have to memorize all of them?
There is no rule that I can think of I guess you just have to memorize them! However, once you understand a few, your English vocabulary will become so much better! Good luck!
hi ronnie u r very good and u r the best teacher
Do we can say , How many of USA President is Obama?
Yes! one of one!
Ronnie you give more detials about interview,and how you give good answer to manager or the person take you interveiw
you are very kind and nice i like study with you
i m a big fan of this site….u all r doing a great job…keep it up….
Hi! you guides in a good and easy manner.i want to ask you when MD ask me why should i hire you?What i have to say? please explain it?
This is a very difficult question but you can say because you are a very hard, worker and the company would benefit from your ideas!
Ronnie you are awesome :)
My first lesson.
I liked very much.
Thank you Teacher Ronnie
I’ve met your pages only today and I liked them very much.I wish I could use them in my lessons,at school. Sure,my little pupils will be very glad.But how can I loud your video? And if there were some texts… Thank you very much.
i love the way you teach! tanxs rony!!! really helps me :)
Hello Ronnie I love every lesson of you I think this lesson have usefull so much.
I saw you long time in engvid you funny and cute ^^
Good evening,Ronnie.Your lessons are splendid. But will you please explain us some short things as “coulda”,”musta”, “shoulda”, “lotta”, “sorta”,”gonna”, “gotta”, “wanna”, “hafta”,”kinda”,”outta” and so on.
Are you going to make a lesson about them? It’s rather difficult… and pronunciation,eh?
Thanks a lot.
I will try to make a lesson on this for you! Thanks for watching!
“coulda”,”musta”, “shoulda”, “lotta”, “sorta”,”kinda”,”outta are all just saying the word with have or of following it. I is how we speak quickly! I shoulda gone with you= I should have gone with you!
”gonna”, “gotta”, “wanna”, “hafta = all of these are verb + to. I’m gonna go = I’m going to go.
“To speak about a confrontation at the last job”’?!! I thought to have asked the stupiest questions it could during the interviews but this one, I’ve missed it!!! What does the company look after with this question?! Blood or gossip?! :-)I don’t either want to imagine the answers…!!! Maybe for a candid camera to make a video for YouTube…
i want your account at facebook please
Useful lesson for the unemployees and bad for the bosses…Good explanation
I have already started to listen your lessons and I have to say you that I tried many way till now to learn english very well but I never seen before like this I would like to thank you for produced this videos and hope to see more lesson on this website in future.
hi ronnie
thanks for your help i am beginner , i like your style of teatching because you speak slowly and i can undestand what you say ,i hope you can help me , i need lessons in conversation , thanks
Great lesson! Thanks for sharing.This is something that we should have learned long time ago. You’re awesome!
Hallo Ronnie, can i say I can not explain you. I’m gonna say I don’t know what you have to do.
Can you give me an advice related to answer following question>Why you want to change your job?By the way, can I say Why do you want to change your job or why you want to change your job? What shoul I answer? Thank you!
Why do you want to change your job = correct.
When someone asks you this you can say that you are looking to work in a new field/at a better company/you wanted to put your skills to work/your old job wasn’t challenging enough. As long as you say something positive that makes you sounds ambitious, it will be a good answer. NEVER say anything negative like you hate your boss!!! hahaha
Thank you very much!
Hello Miss Ronnie! Well, I had applied in a call center company, I did manage to pass through with the easy part of the exam but when i was in the final interview where I was also failed, the interviewer got me with her first question ” Tell me something really interesting about yourself?” so I was in a silence for a moment and I found really hard thinking on what could be really interesting to me. Could you please help to interpret her question to me and what good answers may I throw to her to gain or to get my wanted post. Tnx!
Have your traveled? Traveling is interesting and if you have been to different countries, it shows that you can adapt to different things! If you have only traveled in your country, that is ok too!
Do you play and sports/musical instruments?
Do you belong to any clubs/organizations?
It doesn’t really matter WHAT you did that was interesting – the interviewer was just trying to get you to talk! It is a difficult question to answer because it is so general.
Sometimes they just say “Tell me something about yourself”….In this situation you just have to think of your life story and tell a positive story about yourself!!
Good luck on your next interview!
Thank you for your idea Miss Ronnie
your knowledge help me to my interview..
your the best..
This is a tricky question too. I’m also applying in a call center company, but when i reach the final interview, I always failed. I don’t know how to answer such questions like, Why did you leave your last job? It’s like a negative to me.How can i turn the negative into positive? Thanks Ronnie.
Great, thank you for your answer;)
thanx it was great and very very help full for me to getting my new job.
hi mam good lesson! but some confusion,it is that what are you saying (they are looking for people who fit into …….)what is the word you said?plz write that word i’ll be gratefull to you! thanks
Ronnie, you are one more reason why I should love Canada. Excellent and funny way to explain, always keep me entertained and focused on your explanation. I’m English teacher in Monterrey Mexico and found a way to back up my classes with your teaching
hello ronnie
i love your teaching method and your personality.i am learning english about 5 can encourage me.
thank you very much ronnie.
good luck.
You are great teacher Ron,you done it well.
Hello my dear teacher!!! Thank you. You’re the best!!!
Teacher thanks a lot for your way in teaching I want to become a good teacher lik you
Ronnie, you are super!
in interview one of the mam ask me What sort of challenges you love? plz help me
hi i’m imane from morrocco i love you ronnie so much you’re the best best
Hi Ronnie! Great lesson, as always. Love your lessons, by the way.But, To be accurate on my understanding of the video,I’d like to ask you to tell me what word you said , at the beginning, after saying “job interview skills”…was it “dreaded” ? Is this a correct form of using the verb/adjective “dread”? Please help me out?
kisses and hugs to ya!!!
Thank you
i am so happy to see that but can you help me to write my C.V if can help me just send me an email thank you lovely
this is lokesh studing mba all audiovisuals which you are providing are verygood spacal ronnis av’s ars livelly ifeal as if iwas in the class
nice lesson ,you are amazing ,but some times the employer keep focus in negative happened with me tell i told him some thing bad about me to make him relief ..then he feel that he won
hello ronnie…i liked your tutorial very much.i have a question for you.i have applied for defence services and i have been called for an interview.since defence is completely different from corporate organisations.what can i add to my answers which will help me to be seen in a better light than others
Thanks your lesson so much. I have studied enlish for a long time but i can not speak english well. maybe my memory is bad, so i don’t remember vocabulary more.
thank you Ronni’am Ronnie! How’s your day? Ma’am,can you do me a favor? because I’m planing to apply for another job. I’m applying for a Sales Representative, but I don’t know how to answer if they ask me like…”Why do we hire you”? Ma’am, can you give me some tips to answer that question! Thank you very much Ma’am!!! Keep up the good work Ma’am!!!
Tell them that you are a very good worker and anything else positive you can think about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good luck!
Hi Ronnie,
I studied the possessive adjectives
And possessive pronouns please
Thank you… myma70
thank you for that tips Ronnie…I gained confident on what you’ve now i will not be nervous when I have my interview.
thank you Ronnie really i want to learning English but have not grammar what shall i do PLEASE help me
its a great site to learn English
thank you Ronnie , are really a great teacher
the bad thing is i`m going to interviewing with company i didn’t work in this field before :\
is that mean i must to lie for every thing
its hard to me if they are ask me any question
i don’t have any experiences in that domain :(
what should i do ?
You must ask yourself this question… If I have never worked in this field before, why is the company interviewing me?
You must think about WHY they would hire you if you have no experience.. are you good with computers? Do you have good people skills? Think about what qualities you have that the company is interested in and talk about those!
thank you my teacher
this is the best of best video ever I saw that is help me to understand the interview ,I prepare to the interview tomorrow :)
I wish if i close to you to hug you and kiss your head and hand
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Good luck!!!
thanks my teacher
let say the interviewing was good
god !! they just ask me one question in English :) thank god
but you know ! here the hard part
to sale products and negotiation customers and dealing with them
pleas my teacher I really need this lesson from you if you can.
every thing about this issue
because I didn’t had a chance to speaking and dealing in English
it’s about dead or live (X__#)
I’m waiting your reply :)
with my love <3 ^_^
Wow – dealing with customers in any language is difficult! You just have to be patient and listen to what the customer wants. You also have to be fair to yourself and the customer in negotiation….If you make an offer you have to be strong. Sorry I am not good with negotiations as I hate arguing with people.
Thank you so much for reply
ohh you just like me , I don’t like negotiation too -_-
i love this site n all the great enthusiasm radiated from it as well as all the good-will from all the teachers here.
in speaking, we have the art of conversation which you can’t learn from class but you will gain it through experience.
in sales, we have the art of marketing which is the same.
for mohammed, i would like to suggest you to watch the movie “wall street” where you can see some art of marketing there. i hope you could find it useful.
thanks ronie and keep going
Thank you teacher.It’s really helpful.
thank for lesson! and could you tell me about women day !
thanks ronnie
Hi Ronnie you are the best teacher in the World I really like your teaching style. God Blessed you and your Family. I am trying to improve my English i hope i will do it. thankyou
God Blesssed you.
Good job Ronnie..
Hey mrs.ronnie, I love the way you teach us. !!
This lesson is very useful for me. Btw, i want to ask you something. Because job interview is similar to school interview, i want to ask you some question.
1. You suggest us to say how fantastic we are. What does college want for applicant student? I am confused to think about it.
2. Sometimes there are tricky questions such as ” what is the biggest advantage you have?” and “what is the biggest weakness you have?”
What should i say to the interviewer?
i hope that you could reply my comment. thanks before :)
In college, they are looking for people who have a goal (program) and are motivated to do it. Most university students drop out in the first year! You should tell them your 5 year plan and that education is very important!!!
Biggest advantage you have…tell them what you are good at (natural talents) Weakness – say something like your friends think you are too organized, but you are ok with it!
thank you Ronnie for a useful lesson to me.
one of the negative traits can told is that i can never say no to anyone to my co workers in my job periods
Thanks a lot Ronnie. This was an awesome lesson…will definitely help me with my job interviews. Long Live Ronnie!!!!
hi everyone, i learning english 3 years but my engish very bad, but i hope with help Ronnie my english improve more.
Hi I am very glad to join EngVid & your beautiful lessons thanks from you & EngVid
thank you very much
Really Thanks for wonderful lesson.
Ronnie, I love your classes. I’m an english teacher in Brazil and I’ve learned english by myself. Your classes have been helping me a lot!
In my opinion you’re the best, kisses!
Okay !! Ronnie I know that you DO NOT believe in miracles,but I’m really sorry I’m gonna have to say this : YOU!!! you’re freaky awesome !! YOU ARE A MIRACLE !! Love ya sweet Ronnie I wish if I had a teacher like you( =( )*sad face* .
have you ever visited Morocco ? just asking !!
OMG I’m a such curious boy !! Do you think that this is a good thing curiosity ? hahaa .
There’s no doubt that I’m going to see all your lessons ! …god bless you !
Hi Ronnie,i only wanna know what the different between find and search if these two word are same so where i can use these 2 word…guide me.
Thanks a lot
Thanks maam Your Just Awesome Teacher. may god bless you and your family. :)
i can’t speak english help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
thank you this is good job
thanks Ronnie
yuo are a good teacher god bless you
Hi Ronnie,I enjoyed watching your video lesson. Hope you can help me with this one. What if the interviewer ask me, “Why shouldn’t we hire you?”. What are the possible answers to that tricky question? Thanks!
If they ask you that say !”you shouldn’t hire me if you don’t want the best person for this job!!!
Thanks! :)
Good answer. Brainy…
hi , Ronnie .. i heared almost all your lesson and i’ve observed that you say ” if you will ” but i don’t know what’s the meaning .. could you tell me ??
If you will = If you can = if you are able to!
These videos help lot
Thanks lot
thank you very much & I’d like see you in next episode . good luck….
thank you a lot :)
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and enjoyable New Year!
Hello Ronnie,thanks for your video teaching It is very important for me because I search a JOB.
another THANKS YOU!!
thank you ronny
is I’m very touchy a good negative traits? Ronnie
No…touchy is bad – it means you cannot work with other people.
you are amazing teacher Good luck
Dear madam Ronnie, I really appreciate All your lessons. Thank you very much.
thANK you very much from kazakhstan!!
Thank you for advices , but Iexpected that you mention some things about afriend of high level , I mean .. you well get what imean
What is the difference between “whoever” and “whomever” ?
thank you
Thank you so much Ronnie for this lesson. I hope you´ll make others like this about the jobs.
Thanks a lot
now i am too young for this because i am 15 year so i am just making me a good speaker and a good listener so very very thank you and i teach as well to beginner students and i am getting to much from you and i want to come and meet with you in Canada so i hope we will meet very soon…
hello medam ,i am new user and i visit many side as possible but finaly i find your site this is like that i have a magicstick to solve my problem..thnx but plz help me to present a strong personal introduction for interviews……
Hi Mam,
I know to speak english.but i can’t speak english fluently.some times i can’t get words when i speak.mam,what practice i have to do for this?i waiting for your answer.thank u.
Check these lessons out:
Thank you Ronnie. ^^
If their nothing much their in someones resume,will it help to say interviewer sir/mam i don’t know much about the subject?how to impress in such situation …..
mistakes in above comment actually it is :
if there is nothing much in some person resume,how to impress interviewer ?
Really helpful for me at the moment,because İ am searching for a good job. Thank you,you are so super)))
He, Ronnie:) It’s very useful. Greetings from Poland.
i have an interview after a hour o_O ,, gonna use your advices ,, wish me good luck
you are very kind and nice i like study with you
you are very kind and nice ilke study with you
Thanks Ronnie. I’ve a job interview next week. You have help me.
It’s great)) hah.. I have got my job)) thx)))
What is the best answer for the question “What will you do after you getting job from my company?”
“What will you do after you get a job from my company?” – Work. ahahah
You could say something like “work hard to obtain the company’s goals”.
Quite good lesson
hi ronnie, this is kailas from india.
i like your videos on conversational skill, do and don’t at interview. i want to know what i shall told them if they ask me ” why you want to increase in salary appx 50-*100%)
Tell them you want 100% because you are a great worker and have brought so much to the company!
hello >>>>>> what is the difference between :
what did the eat?
what they ate?
What did THEY eat? = correct.
What they eat?= wrong!
it’s so cool to watch your teach. I’m the foreigner in USA, I’m so screw-up for 2jobs interview,but very glade to found your webside. I can keep going to learn the english better.
I’m just like you had the same personality,happy go lucky but i hate to lie and talk to you later!
can some one help me learn any language
As long as it’s English you’ve come to the right place! :P
Hi,dear teacher
Thanks a lot, you are very nice, i have found your site just yesterday, i love your talking and teaching.
God Bless You
I would like to thank you about your great help to learn English
Hi, Ronnie, I`m preparing lessons on a job interview (I`m an English teacher) and your lessons are just great! May I use some of your tips?
Greetings from Poland :)
Of course! Good luck with your class!
Hi, I am new here and I am so much into this video about job interview…i really apreciate. My question is about “What are your positive and negative traits?” is the same question with “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” thanks Ronnie to tell me if these two questions are the same or if there are different.
Yeah, they are pretty much the same!
Thanks Ronnie, you are magic
Thank you so much !!
– I can learn with video class and with Your comments.
It is great.
Thank you so much Ma’am Ronnie. How about these questions: 1. Why do you want to work in our company? 2. What can you contribute in our company? 3. What are your expectations? Thank you so much :)
You tell me your answers!!!
I’m not sure with my answers :(
1. I’m compatible with your company wherein I can contribute my skills and potentials.
2. I will give my best in everything that I do.
3. Give me opportunity to develop and enhance my skills. And also good salary.
Please give me some suggestions to improve or correct my answers. Thank you Ma’am Ronnie :)
2. i would say I will DO my best.
3. Give me THE opportunity… And also A good salary!!!
Your points are very good!!!!
Excellent work!
in this video, at 6:03 you say “this is a duzy” ; i suppose “dusy” ( didn’t find this word, maybe slang ? ) means “tricky question” ?
thanks for your answer…
PS: great job !
The word’s “doozy”! And you’re right. A doozy is something unusual, usually something unusually difficult.
apinya is hear can you say wath a v.i.p is
V.I.P = very important person!
Hi ronnie, thank you for you lesson. I have some difficulties to understand american talking, not UK english. can you give me some prononciation words in us prononciation different to UK ?
(I watch american TV but 3 months here I couldn t understand what they say, talking too fast)
thank you so much
Ahmed tawfik
hello everyone
lying is fine :D
Hey Ronnie hope that you are fine i wanted to ask that if after telling them about the work history if they ask why u left your previous job then what am i supposed to say then?
Tell them there was no space for advancement.
hello Ronnie, actually i have an interview on monday as a bank teller but the problem is that i really dont know what to say about my “NEGATIVE” points please help me :(
Tell them you are a perfectionist!
Thanx for helping me out
Hello Ronnie, I actually do consider myself a perfectionist. But what could I tell more to show that I am also eloquent? Eg. “I won’t consider the job done until it is really perfect”; “I’m spending too much time for final corections”. Please could you correct these sentences or give me one that sounds well?
Thanks in advance!
thank you Ronnie
you are a good teacher
Great lesson again!, I’m writing here only to say: in my opinion this website is fantastic! good lessons, good explanations, good teachers!!
Hi Ronnie…I loved your lesson. You are very funny.
I’m having problems to get a job. Last week a person call me asking if I was interested in the job that I had applied. I said yes, very interested. She didn’t say anything else. So I asked her some questions about the duties and after she responded she said ok…I’m going to see other canditates and I call you. What did I do wrong?
hello roonie.first thank you.
I’m a beginner in English language, when I show your lesson, i understand what you say, but when i hear to your sound only ,i don’t understand many sentences that you say.
please help me.
what can I do to solve this problem
You just have to practice listening! Keep on watching lessons and try to watch English movies with subtitles in your language!
Hi Ronnie,
It is awesome! I prepare for the 2 days ongoing job interview section. Wish me luck!
Thanks for your support here. Glad seeing your teaching performance
how can i ask ronnie? does anybody tell me?
You can ask me here!!! What is your question?
thank you Ronnie!
I love your active lesson;) Many thanks!
I can only say, thank you.
Hi Teacher Ronnie! You are so cute! your lessons are very helpful! Hopefully, i could pass my next interviews. hope to learn more from your other videos. i want to learn more and be confident in speaking in English! Thank you so much!
hey mam,
this is sauhil hea, i just want some tips to speak english without stammering i have tried a lot to come out of it but noting worked out but lookin at your videos i think im damm sure you will help me out sort out this and i hope you will reply i dont mind if you could elaborate about this issue and mail me to or you reply me below this comment itslf but plz do reply its urgent thnak you :) :)
To help with stammering……watch my video “hesitation devices”. This will help you 100%!!!
yep i really agree with you i just liked the video to the core that was one awesome material thanx a ton mam :)now if you can could you please sujjest me where will i get some English listening materials for my iPod so that i will try to make my English more fluent thanx :)
Try the BBC website!
thanx a ton :)
do you have any lessons about PhD interview skills?
NO sorry.
hj ms.ronie how about the quetions wat are your strenght & weakness? what could be the best possible answer? thanks
Strengths are things you are good at – I cannot tell you your answer.
Weaknesses are things you are bad at…..just say something like to are a perfectionist. Watch the video again – I have explained what to use for examples.
“What are your weaknesses?”
“I tend to be a perfectionist.”
“WHY do you consider this a weakness?”
Do you see, Ronnie, why this is not a good answer? Even if you’re not a perfectionist, you’re forced to say WHY it’s a weakness for that employer.
A much better answer could be: “I don’t show up first off.”
You’re awesome Ronnie)) I would like to know I would be topic of your next lection. How prpnaunce some contractions for example “I’ll” pronaunced like ayl/ What pronanciation of “we’ll” should be?
Ok! I’ll (“all”) make a video for you!
We’ll *wheel”
hi dear thanx alot for helpping us.Iwanna know how i can improve my conversation & pronounsation, plz help me
Search the site for “conversation”, and “pronunciation” – there are a lot of videos to help you!
plzzzzzz help me dear to improve my eng now ican speak eng just because of ur vidioes but I cant speak fluently &i want to speak fluently so plz tell me what can I do
hi Ronnie thanx a lot of helping us i have learned english ur website once again thanx
thank you
very good page and very good teachers
“abdulrahmannnn” my Skype
Thank You Ronnie
Thanks Ma’am… you are serving realy like a professionalist, GOD BLESS YOU
ROnnie can u please make the video of school interview skills im very weak at that ur videos help me so much if u make that video it will really help me :)
Ronnie can u help me how to answer this question if a school interviewer ask me to describe my self i have no idea how to answer it ?
je dois mettre beaucoup de vidéos que po if anglais est plus la question, je dois beaucoup, et je vous demande s’il vous plaît à faire plus videos.le envoyer merci salutations pour tout.
Many thanks teacher I really appreciate it !
I liked very much.
Thank you Teacher Ronnie
Ronnie you are different; you are amazing and. Thanks for great teaching.
Nice Madam….
hi ronnie you are an excellent teacher i love your work ………and when it comes to negative traits about me can i say not a good listener ???
hi evrybody can i have someone’s id skype to talk witk in english plz
Thank you Ronnie. i’m following..
hi,Ronnie what should i say in a call center agent interview ?realy u r amazing
Oh Thank you Ronnie .It was wonderful .You are great actress hehehe
Wonderful teacher .
First of all, I have to say that you are the best!!!! I would love to have learnt english with you!!! Your sarcastic tone in amazing!!! By the way… All of you are doing an excelent job!!! Congratulation`s !! It`s just amazing the quality of the material!!!!
So… let me try to explain my situation and see if you can help me and other people who are facing this challenging situation… I have just finished my business degree here in Brazil. I`ve been participating in many selective process of a trainee position( here its kind of a junior manager position and It`s very hard to get into!!! So I`ve been thinking how would I introduce my self if they ask me to do this in English… I supose that im able to do that… but i would like to do a perfect presentation without mistakes( More and more they are requiring a very fluent english) DO you think it would be interesting to make a video pretending this situation???
I look forward to your answer! Regards from Brazill =)
many thanks ronny
hi ronnie, how r u ,
i have a request.
would u mind to tell me about guest (customer in the mall) complane,
can be any complane but not the big issue
how can i solve the complane, i mean with nice way and make a guest happy again u know something like that.
please give me advise.
Thank you very much
Kind regards,
Hello Ronny
Thank you so much for your tips in job interview.
I would like to ask you about tips for International Grad Student job interview.
Thanks keep going I like you never stope I weting your anothr lessen
is it important say positive things?
thank you Ronnie i like your teaching i want to improve my skills by talking with native as you can you help me in that.
Hi Ronnie…
I am sure your job interview topics will help me to improve my job interviews.One question. Most of the time interviewer ask us about our salary expectation. What would you suggested to answer?
Be honest and tell them how much you think you should get!
Thanks Ronnie!!!!
Hi Ronnie!
You are the best teacher :]
very good
Hi roni..wonderfull lesson… my problem is speak :( i can understand english but i can not speaking :( What should i do? any idea… thanks
i got an interview and i always fail i dont know why :(
always you are simply the best Ronnie
Hi Ronnie, i have an interview tomorrow and i am nerveous it kind of my first and i need the job.and its gona be my first job so please help me with some interview kestions they might ask me please please thank you <3
so i dont get a reply :(
I’ve thought there was cops on my street…
Thank u Ronnie for your explanation how to get a job,Im from panama and I love to pratcice my english with someone like u.
Thank you very much learned. Explanation I hope to meet you so thank you face to face.
Hi, I love your voice.
Hello Ronnie. I love your are simply the best
helpfull lesson thank u lotsa ronnie!
Hello Ronnie , I was wondering if you can give me some tips obout interviews for business grad school applications. thanks
thank you it’s really a helpfull lesson :)
hi tunisa how are you
Thank you for this interesting lesson , I will follow all your next lessons in the same website
Very gud
I’ am going to the job interviews tomorow morning .for Certified nursing Assistant ( CNA) please can you tell me more about strentgh and weakness?
u please answe this question for me please: how do you handle pressure?
if they ask me :how do you react to a sense of being overwhelmed with unfinished work 10 mns past your schift deadline when you find a resident in need? what can I say?
thank u very much :*
Thank you very much teacher Ronnie, but ehmmm is it a good idea lying about ourselves? just asking .. :/ well I’d personally just focus on the good traits I’ve got and hide the bad ones xD
Thank you so much teacher Ronnie, it was really a wonderfuland helpful lesson, good explination, clear words,I will always follow your lessons.thank you once again
thnks ronnie
Thank you, Ronnie))
Even though I haven’t entered Uni. yet I watched this lesson because you’re BRILLIANT
Hope one day I’ll shake hands with you in order to express my gratitude
All the best)
Helpful lesson!
miss ronnie, I would like a sales video ,tank s
Ronnie is a great lesson. Thank you.
Hi Ronnie. If interviewer asks this question: Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
It’s correct the following answer:
“I hope to grow in grasping business opportunities with my company and have positions of greater responsibility”.
How can I control my speaking during the interviews?
Hi Ronnie, amazing Video!
Look, Is anxiety a Bad trait? I think it’s too common. I never know what I must speak.
What do you suggest?
i learned new words and phrase
have you ever had a confrontation at your past work ?
tell me about a confrontation at your last work ..
positive and negative trait s
Thanks Ronnie!!!!
wonderful lesson! I´d like to have taken it before my last job interview.
Hello Ronnie i am ateeq khan form Afghanistan i have some problem in grammar can you help me palce
Dear Ronnie I’m going to interview soon.
Is it okay if I would mention my weakness is English? Could you please tell me more about an interview job in office position?
I appreciated you,all of your lesson were very helpful for me, you are great. you and some of your colleagues are a part of my life in Canada
Ronnie, you are so funny !!!
Once I had to make a repport about the job skills of a coworker (I was her boss), that was not good (she was a very bad worker) and the CEO asked me to make a repport about myself. They fired me, hahaha.
You are true, sometimes you have to lie.
Dear Ronnie I’m going to interview soon.
Is it okay if I would mention my weakness is English? Could you please tell me more about an interview job in office position?
I appreciated you,all of your lesson were very helpful for me, you are great. you and some of your colleagues are a part of my life in Canada
could u tell me the answers of job interview skill please.think you so much.
my questions is -Could you tell me some thing about yourself?
How do you get on with people?
Why do you want this job?
Why do you think you can do this job?
What quality would you bring to this job?
Why should we employed you?
Thank you so much teache Ronnie.
Like it!
Aslamoalikum dear Ronnie
I am Bakhtawar from Pakistan.your job inteviews lesson will help me alot.its a great lesson.Thank you.
thank you ronnie, your a good teacher. its a big help for me on my job interview as a call center agent. by the way i have a question, what is the difference between straight, toward and forward. i hope u teach it as soon as you read this. thanks a lot.:)
I’m adding it to the list of lesson requests so a teacher can make a video about it!
Ronnie, I love you very very much!!! You are a perfect teacher!!! Your humor is wonderful!!!
Greetings from Russia))))
hey Ronnie, guess what!! i use your tips in my call center interview earlier and you know what happen, I pass the interview..I just want to thank helps me a lot..
Hai Maam,
Good info by this video ,i like very much,
could please share video for resume preparation,which can help for getting more job calls.
hello ronnie, i enjoyed watching ur videos while at the same time I also learning from u. thank u
Hello Roonie.
Please share video for getting a visa.
Thank you.
Thanks, Ronnie!
I can practice with any one on skype my skype is
my name is Mahmoud soliman
from Egypt
Hi, Ronnie. I’m Jaime and I’m a brazilian guy. I’m preparing me for an opportunity to do an interview in english so I was searching in internet about some english lesson and I found your lessons and it served me as a glove! As I’m a visual learner, your lessons and way to teach (with jokes and grimaces) works successfully with me! Thanks for your tips!
hi ronnie i have a question.
is “What are you’re positive and negative traits”
and “Tell me about you’re strength and weakness” are the same?
You are very good teacher. I woul like to know about horseback riding. I know Canada is a green country. You country have many English cowboy and big cows and horses.
You English is very clear for foreigns.
Hello Ronnie,
I have learned a lot from your lesson today.
please, could you help me figure out the difference between might and may perhaps you could sight some great example as regarding my submission request…is been a pleasure.
Love it
thanks i enjoy all your lesson
thanks for your honest because I got many advantages from your lessons, and I request you to keep on teaching us.
thanks yours faithfully.
Dear ronnie
It’s my first time to write comment some reasons, and I wrote in a nice way as I think,and I am so happy, I thanks for your sincerely. Please I request to you if there is some errors in my comments please make a confirmation thanks
I can’t speak English fluently so much at first. But I can improve my speaking and good communication with people. I have used computer since I worked for the first company. I go for the PTA work (mainly computer work) of my daughter’s school now. My favorite proverb is “Practice makes perfect.”
What do you think about my introduction?
I usually a negative person. Perhaps I will be really nervous when I take an interview. How should I do for relaxing? Thank you, Ronnie :)
Hi Ronnie…
when i can use does / do with why question ?
give me Example pls.
Thank you Ronnie
Can you help me what’s template that HR department that use it when they call us to make interview via phone
Hi Maam Ronnie
i’m a first year college student
i want to apply a call center agent
i don’t know if this will affecting my educational status during interview,
i really want to ask if i should be lie
to my interviewer that im a college level or something like im in 2nd year college or more than that? but im good in english and im a speaker person, what was should i suppose to tell to make them empress, like or im in a good answer?
They can always check with your school, so you should probably just tell them the truth!
yes i’ll going to tell the truth,
thank you for your concern ’bout teling me
that they check about school.. thank you
GOD bless…
hello again,
i have some few question about my status
i want to apply a call center agent
and as a first year college.
i feel trouble and and i have sense just getting a little bit under to my interviewer
i’m worry about the job that i want to apply so, i imagined that what if the interviewer watch and clearing my data about my school educational that i’m just only a 1st year college level not a graduated student w/ some kind of courses? do you think they feel dissent, take some kind of issue or disagree about my details? for you example you are the interviewer if you see my details that i’m just only a college level and only a 1st year do you think you going to like me or hire me? but i’m very good in English sense i was a kid until i grown up i’m always and sometimes in the top of intelligence students, i love doing communicating w/ everyone, i have a speaking skills, i have a passion to enhance and maximize my excellence, and as a college student i have a course i am a information technology so i know all about computers, how to program it and all that are close to computer, in summary do you think i am fit and standard w/ this kind of job?
Thank you Ronnie! very helpful
Would be great if you teach us how to use
I think is very important for a confident vocabulary, please, Ronnie! Do it for us!
Thank you.
Very funny and useful!! I loved it.
thank you, Ronnie! You’re the best! :)
I have so much fun with your lessons.
difference between confidence and overconfidence?
Plz reply ronnie
thank you Ronnie,
you are great and your lessons help me very much
take care
Thank you Ronnie
I have so much fun with your lessons
great lesson!
Hi Ronnie, Thank you so much for this lesson. and this is my first comment on your post. I hope, I shall learn so many new things from you.
hey guys i am new at engvid .my problem is i cant speak english speedily there is also some grammar mistake i am very frustated becouse i did not get job becouse of only i can not speak frequntly…. so plsss help me to solve this problem.thank you
Ronnie, like always, you’re so nice! thanks for this enjoyable class!
Thank you for shared your knowledge.
I love your videos! I can understand all that you say, you speak very clear.
thank you ma’am Ronnie. I have learn from you. about the job interview.
Thank you Teacher Ronnie :) I’m gonna have my interview next Saturday so wish me luck :)
Great, tutorial.
Thank you Ronnie,
i remenber, when my first interview they tell me , talk about myself, my answer was : i love people, i can talk to every one, i like the company, so now i remark that was a bad answer Ronnie, i wolg like to tell you: proud to learn english with you, and God Bless u all day for taht, have a good Day with Jesus. You have to keep Jesus in your live , this is a only Way.
best Regards!
Dear Ronnie,
I love your way of teaching. I would like to know your opinion about the next answer, maybe I had some grammatical mistakes, so I appreciate your help:
Have you ever had trouble with a boss? How did you handle it?
I never had a trouble with a boss. But in case that I have it in the future, I think the correct way to solve it is talking slow and with harmony, and let the boss talk first, and when he or she is calm and relaxed, In that moment is my turn to expose my reasons.
hi i love your way of teaching Ronnie. And we all need help from you i think . Thank you a loot
thank you
thank you
Ronnie ! You are totally awesome !!! lol
good lessons, cool videos, I love this website ! I can learn a lot !
Thanks !!
dear teacher rooni i am one of your funs and i thank you so much for the effort you do for your learners ,i like the way you teach,what i want is that i am going to pass a teaching job interview so please can you make us a resume about what to say and not to say in that interview ….thank you so mush
Hi Ronnie,
I would like to inquire you about the positive and negative traits that you have discussed about in this video.
Is the “Strengths and Weaknesses” question the same as “positive and negative traits” in an interview?
If there are any differences, how should I approach Strengths and Weaknesses? Can I say e.g. “One of my weaknesses is my lack of leadership experiences however, I’m confident of my capability to lead if the opportunity arises.”?
hai maam
thank you for very so much. very useful of your interview video. i will training to IELTS exam
so in future if you provide all engvid program i can see…
by veera
thank u so much
thanks! :)
very good
Excellent advice!!!
Thanks for the lesson Ronnie. I learned a lot from this. However, i wanna share my experience to you during my final interview because I’m always failed when i reach that point. They were asking me about, Why did you leave your previous job? I dont know what to say because for me, it’s negative. How to answer that question? or How can I turn negative into positive? Thanks for the answer Ronnie. This is a big help for me.
Thank you Ronnie. I subscribed to EngVid becuase of you. I accidentally found a video where you was the star and I liked it. Please keepo doing this, You are making so funny classes that I think I can learn everything. :D
About this lesson, I found some situations familiar to my life, I wish I could have seen the video before, but it is Ok, Now I can laught about me and rescue all possitve things.
great :-)
you are the best
Thanks a lot Ronnie!
It was a very useful lesson not only because of the wise advice but also because of the positive attitude! Thank you very much for the positive! It helps a lot collect my thoughts and to remove anxiety before the interview.
I want to thank you, Ronnie a million times! You are giving a lesson in a wonderful way and you put so much energy for every lesson. I hope you are all right and happy, dear Ronnie!
God bless you!
dear Ronnie.thank you for this useful lesson.doesnt this lesson have quiz??
Thank you Ronnie, one more great lesson.
Hi,Ronnie you are best tnks lot.
hi ronnie , ı got reason why ı hadnt succesful in the and of all my interviews :)
Hi Ronnie,
Thank you your lesson was genius!!!
I really appreciate it, helps a lot.
hi ronnie can you help me? im incoming freshmen in this school year but i dont know what should i answer to their questions because im not good in english and im also nervous. haha thanks a lot
What are your positive and negative traits? and What are your strengths and weaknesses? are two sentences that express the same basic idea in slightly different ways.
hi Ronnie,
thanks for the useful lesson.
Hi Ronnie ,
it`s very useful lesson thank you.
i wanna ask about if i`m a fresh graduate and i have no experience about the job can i tell the interviewer that this is my negative trait ?
thanks advance :)
hi madam , i am looking for part time job,i’m struggling with how to speak,could you please help me how to speak fluently and confidently.
That was good video.It really helps us to to see the importance of proper skills on getting that job.
Roonie!!!! you are the best thank you very much!!! cuddles.;)
Thank you Ronnie for those wonderful and helpful tips on job interviews.
I’m gonna cry , after one weeks I have exam , and I didn’t understand any thing in grammar ???????? what i should to do?
Thank, it was helpful.
This lesson is a valuable guidance!
Thank U!
All the best.
thanks very much ronnie for your good advices i have benn puting them on practice so much thanks again for evrything
Thanks you so much.
Thanks Ronnie! Great lesson.
Hello, Could you please guide me how to answer this question.
Can you Give a Brief Hospitality Expected From ….(Name of company)?
Thank you.
Thanks one more time Ronnie!
Thank you Ronnie ,and i would like to watch more question and answer interview videos ,please?
i can’t watch ther video?
Hi Ronnie, I’ve watched a lot of your video and it really helps
Hi Ronnie, I’ve watched a lot of your video and it really helps, So I want to ask? Can I use your video for my English Club, without modification and keep your are as reference. Your video is very important for us because we live in the hinterland. I’m wait for your reply. Thank you
It is a very useful video for me. Thank you very much, ma’am. I will have an interview in a few days.
Ronnie teaching lie on inteview :) good job. You are awesome! thx
I love your explanation! You teach very well
I like the way you explain the topic, love it!
Hey! thank you so much.
No quiz after the vedio ?!
Hallo Ronnie
any difference beetween in the answers we should give in real and digital interview? th you
Ronnie I need your help?
I wacthed your classes, but when they ask to background how do I do my answer?
Background about personal or carrer?
HI Ronnie, im participant with your video. could you please add lecture with aviation english. all kinda aviation. thanks before.
Thank you Ronne, that was great lesson.
This is a very useful lesson. Thank you for your manner it is so interesting to conduct lessons.
great lesson . i want to practice english if anyone help with please add me on skype nobert alex.
I work with Recruitment and Selection and would like to leave a tip on the question – What are your positive and negative traits?
Since we sometimes ask – Give me 03 positives and 03 negatives traits in your personality.
Suggest: when you talking about the negative points you highlight you have done to improve this point. Example – I’ve difficulty with time management, so using an “X” technique or “X” app that has helped me and is having an effect positive.
Thank’s Ronnie!
That’s great advice, thank you!
awsome advice, very useful
Thank you
Thanks! Negative traits: procrastination, forgetfulness.