Save money by learning the most common English expressions related to money. Learn which words mean that something is free, and which mean that you have to pay. You’ll learn the meaning and usage of words like charge, fee, tax, premium, complimentary, and more! Never miss a free opportunity, and never be surprised by an unexpected bill again.
hi dear Rebecca;
thanks for a very nice and informative lecture.
Thank you Rebecca, for your help.
thanks rebecca for this lesson
Than you for improving my english! :)
these lessons are for free, thanks to engvid. cya lovely brunette teacher. all the best 2 u.
Thank you for improve my english as well… new words were add to my vocabulary…
Thank you for lesson.
Many thanks
Thank you Rebeccaji.
You thought a broad concept in a simple way.
But I feel something lacking in this lesson.
Please don’t misunderstand me, I just expressed my feeling.
Will you PLEASE… help us with some tips to improve english fluency.
Thank you Rebecca! It was very helpful for me!
you are very nice Rebecca
Hi Madam,
Thank you for this usefull lesson. Can you explain about some more words like rebat, reduction, discount, subsidy.
thanks my teacher for your lesson
eng Adam
thank you so much Madam rebacca your lessons are always useful and i learn alot from them !!
Hi, Rebecca
I have a question about preposition
i have read a sentence like this :
i am leaving the country , question is why we don’t use preposition here like leaving from the country. Sometimes we have to use preposition but here why we don’t use or are there verbs we don’t have to use preposition ? Can you explain or can you make a lesson on this topic ,please ? Thank you very much for this great lessons
I’ll try to answer your question.
Verbs can be transitive or intransitive; transitive verbs can take a direct object and don’t need a preposition; intransitive verbs (as travel) can’t take a direct object so you sometimes need to use a preposition to complete the phrase.
It was too usefully lesson.
thanks a lot Rebecca for this important lesson………..
odir blanco
Great!Awesome!Tnx a LoTTTTTTT!
I like your lessons! :)
Thanks a bunch Rebecca. Useful vocabulary!
Thanks a lot. I have got much knowledge for teaching “free, complimentary etc.
Samrid Komkhum
thank you very much
Thank you!! You make me clear
Excellent class!!!
Salvador Garcia
Thanks very much to improving our English and your effort is highly appreciate
Once again thank you very much
Appreciate for this lesson.
Leandro O.
I have gone through this lession, the teaching idea is so nice. Ihave learn so many good learning world.
Narendra Dev
Thanks a lot for your teaching! It gives me more sureness!)
thanks for lesson because lot of things take to learn
Great job! thanks.
Haaaai Rebecca,when Isee u and your video I FEEL VERY EASY. After some timeIcant use it.Iam fromkerala in India. kerala isGODs own country. Ialso invite to kerala.Thanks a lot.
Such an interesting lesson!
Thank you Teacher Rebecca, I got 6 out of 6 correct answer!
Thank you very much for your lesson.It is very clear.
I surfed many websites for learning and improving my english communication.
Among all engvid is the best i found so far.
For begginners it is very good website.
I am giving this comment from the bottom of my heart
“Thanks a lot to engvid”.
Thaks a lot. It’s very useful lesson. I like your lessons very much!
Thank you for the lesson it was so good .
useful lesson :P
Hi Rebecca, thx for a very useful lesson!
Hi Rebecca, Greetings from Brazil! Thank you for lesson! Jesus Christ bless you!
Vandeir Ribeiro
that was verry for me….tank you
Thank you very much, A Nice lesson indeed.
Rebecca you are the best. thank you very much!
Hi Rebecca,Iwatched all engvid lessons.Fantastic. But I preffered you.Bcoz ur explanations are slow.Im a beginner.So I can catch more know ledgefrom you.Sometime u ask questions between the class.It is more useful for me.If I get answer them I feel excitement.So I request to ask questions between the class.Ialso request to point my mistakes in writing.Iexpect ur kindly responds.Iwant to get a pen friend to improve my language efficiency.
It’s really clear and good lesson. Thank you, Rebecca..)
I enjoyed this lesson! Thanks!
nice lessons
Rebecca’s lessons are really interesting and dinamic
thank u very much rebecca
it’s useful for me, thank you so much for your help.
Chin Tola
Hello I watch American tv. Tv series about teens on Nikelodeon
Channel. Its hard to understand it. Without handwriting .
Street English includes slangs ,hesitating .what other phrases
Do they contain? Are you familiar with main street?
Emma, thanks for your great useful lesson, i like and i know that this kind of videos will improve my english skills… thanks a lot…
Sorry I had a mistake with your name, thanks Rebecca..
very nice lesson thank you teacher
you are the best teacher for me
Hii mam,
I am Sona,one of your online students from India.I have figured out something which I wish to share with you to acquire the correct conception.I have written some sentences below to get my conception corrected by you.
Imagine, I am going to draw a picture of a tree. To begin with, I take a few sketch pencils and I need to take some papers too.Next, I reflect my imagination and creativity along with my drawing skills in reality.Suppose, I finish drawing after some time.Now, I wanna say that I have drawn the thing
which I wanted to.If I make a sentence which reads like “It is drawn now”.Actually,What I know is that “drawn” is an adjective here.Would it be correct to say or not?
Some more examples:
1.I have collected some information related to (Expln:Related to is an adjective with appropriate preposition like “assigned to”,”requested to”,”expected to”)our term-end-exam.I will be circulating the collected(as an adjective)information to all my friends shortly.
Here, collected expresses that the information which I have collected will be circulated(passive sense of simple future) to all my friends shortly.
I request you to check these sentences written(adjective use) above..
sona sharma
Dear Rebecca, I love you and your lesson
Thank you for all your lessons. You are awesome
thanks Rebecca realy i feel my english improving every day you are excellent teacher
Fine = it is a punishment
it is interesting
it’s nice.
thanks a lot to all of this informations
hi..All..I really like this .This is better for all of us to know the real meaning of these words
free-u dont have to pay for anythig
freebie-it is a idem u receive free
for free-that is free.there is no charge.
complimentary-For example:At the hotel managment left a bascet of food for u in ur room when u come.It is a complimentary by hotel managment.It is on hotel.
on the house- it is the same with it is on hotel.for example: would u kile anythig for drinking?It is on the hotel or it is on the establishmenr or it is on the company.
Or u r going to stay in hotel.Your room payment is on the company,it means your room payment will paid by the company.But extras is on you.
Tax-free->You pay something for the idems, but u dont pay anything for axtra call tax.U pay for idems, but without tax
Tariff-free->It is between countries.When they trade they dont charge extra tax or tariffs.
no charge
no fee
noo cost -> All those mean that it is free
Fantastic it was!
Thank u kindly.
Thanks Rebecca! this video is my first ENGBID’s class. I enjoyed ! thanks!
wow mrs Rebecca!! as wonderful as always!! but, i m waiting for your feedbacks for my comments since i have started listening to you. you will reply.won’t you?
i guess very soon!
You scored 6 out of 6.
i like your lesson
Thanks the lesson was helpful to me
every good webside i like it very much
thank you to all techers
Hi teacher Rebecca! Thank you for this lesson. It really may help me when I travel abroad. You are very kind!
very thanks for the lesson that is really important when we eat in the restaurant , we will know how to compute exactly all of charge we have to pay.
A lot of thanks… for you …
A lot of thanks.. on the house.. :P
great! congratulations Rebecca! thanks a lot! 6/6 GOOD!
Thank you so much …
Hi Rebecca
In engVid I watched a lesson in which told that when u take money from bank the word ‘lend’ will used
and when u take money from a person the word ‘borrow’ will used. here u said that interest will be paid when u borrow money from bank. wat is correct.
Thank u.
Abdul Qayum
I think”lend” is used when someone receives money and “borrow”when someone gives money.
if you lend money, you give it; if you receive money you borrow it.
it’s very useful lesson
some i often see but never know or misunderstand such as “Drinks are on the house!” “a fine”
Thank you so much for online teaching, Rebecca.
Hi rebeca you are the best, thanks for teaching me. God Bless you
Thnk u somich rebecca it was so good and u r the best
Thank you Rebecca for this free lesson!
Tks for your lesson,Rebecca:)
answer some shit rebecca
thank you so much Rebecca for this interesting lesson
Hi Rebecca,
Really I like the way you expain the leason because anybody can understand thank you for your teaching.
Hi Rebecca,
Really I like the way you explain the leason because anybody can understand thank you for your teaching.
Thanks Rebeca, I understood everything….
Many thanks.
Thank you ….
I thank EngVid for wonderful free English Lessons :) Shine On!
Rebeca are great teacher
Hello Rebecca, thank you very much for this lesson. I used this one twice in my lessons. I would like to get the quiz in a printable version, so I wouldn’t have to copy it. Would that be possible? Thank you.
We may make this option available in the future, acheron. Right now, you can copy-paste from the final screen of the quiz, where all the questions and answers are displayed at once.
That’s very kind of you. I love this site!
Sally S
Rebecca i like all the tutorials you´re great Teacher, just i have 1 mystake cool !
Thanks rebacca. I will remember all of those things. Especially drinks are on the house in the next drinking ^^
Merci encore une fois un enseignement parfait.
Congrulations !
I m so happy,i feel good when you help me to learn english online. haiti
salomon pierre
good lesson teacher. Thanks a lot
Thanks alot Rebecca, i realy got benefit from your useful knowledge. you gave an interesting and very beneficial lecture.
Thanks Rebecca you’re doing very well .your lessons are alwayes useful to lean .God bless you .take care. My best wishes.
Very useful. Thanks a lot.
thank you so Much ,,your teaching style are very simple but excellent
I got perfect score I’m just happy. Thanks Rebecca, I learned again :)
Helmer H.B.
Dear Rebecca,
Great and very helpfull lesson!
Thank you so much!!!!!!
Thank you
Thank you teacher for the wonderful lesson.
great job!
thanks you teacher
yeah, i have again my perfect score
kindly take a class on the usage of “for” and “to”
ali nawaz
Thank you so much
Thank so much Rebecca you saved my day!!!
With present perfect tenses
excellent explanation
Excellent Class Rebecca, thank you very much !!!
Juan Manuel
Thank you Rebecca for your excellent explanation as in all your lessons!!!!!!!
hello dear Rebecca
thank you for the excellent lesson i got 6 correct out of 6 :D 100 thanks
from AFG
Thank you very much Rebeca ;)
thank you so much, very useful lesson
6 out of 6
Jaweed Amini
I love all your lectures Robeca! I got 6 correct of 6! Jaweed from AFG
Jaweed Amini
Thank you so much, now I understand.
The way u gathered these terms and expressions is really i was learning them I felt it would be easier for me to save money. Thank u
What is a difference between upgrade and update?
This lesson is definitely useful! The word “premium” may be a little confused for Brazilian Students… It’s good to know the real meaning! Thank you Rebecca, you are amazing!
Sally S
hi dear Rebecca;
thanks for a very nice and informative lecture.
thanks Rebeca you are my favorite teacher
your voice is very good! :)
Thank you very much. Well, I am going to save money in some situation.
Rebecca, I got 100 % here. Thanks.
Thank you very very much Rebecca, your lessons are so great. I love
Rebecca, thanks a lot. This free english Video help us to grow in a conversations skills.
I wish follow your teachings forever.
See you.
Could you tell me about the word “outstanding amount” ? and when we use it ?
thanx in advance
Impressive lesson! I have learned a lot, thanks!
Thanks a los Rebecca for your free vids, they’re so useful!!!
I got 2 mistakes. Maybe I seldom to travel abroad? haha :D EngVid is free. I can review and reconfirm my understanding through the quiz. Thank you , Rebecca :)
thank you so much.
in Toronto we have one kind of market that there is no tax charge ,calls FLEA MARKET why ? I know FLEA is an insect
6 correct out of 6 ! I’m happy…I hope I’ll save my money. Thank you, Ms. Rebecca.
Thanks a lot, Ms Rebecca! Useful lesson!
Ip Man Lee
Your lessons are always very helpful and easy to understand Thanks! I won’t miss complimentary breakfast when I stay at a hotel which provides one.
Great lessons. I just lone because it’s free and has great education videos.
YOU gave an excellent lessson as always. Please help me, I work in an exchange house in my country and I am trying to make an ad in english, do YOU consider the expression “WE GIVE MORE PESOS FOR YOUR DOLLARS” correct??? (I WANT to mean that It is better to exchange your money in my business, because we give you more local currency for it), please Help!
Very useful lesson! Thank you very much! you are a good and the best teacher like me.Thank you veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy much
very clear
Thanks got 83%.
Abdul Qayum
thanks very much! Mrs. Rebecca that’s an useful lesson
Thank you Rebecca! I really appreciate this lesson! I am totally confident that this knowledge wiil help me in future!
Excellent :)
Thank you!
thank you my lecturer am very happy most of time for the lessons you provide to me it is really genuine may GOD bless you a lot
safari faustin
Thanks Rebecca
thanks for your useful lesson. I got 100 via your help
could we have a lesson about what if or type 3 conditional
thank you so much
nasteha mohamood
Thank you, it is very helpful
Dear Rebecca,
This is a major lesson for our purse or wallet. Thanks.
Best regards.
How about ++ & net rebecca
chakim hamzah
oh noooo! 50(
Thanks!!! You´re great!
Very practical. Thank you.
Thank you Ms. Rebeca ! you are a good teacher..!!
thank Rebecca for the interesting lesson see you next in another introduction
These lessons is not duty free, not just this it is on the house . We can teach english free
thankyou so much Rebecca.i am really passionate with your lesson.
i love you.
you got 6 correct out of 6.
thank you so much…
M kartal
Thanks for your help
Magdiou 28
Wow I got 100 percent markes
Thanks Rebecca for this free lesson !!!!
Tarek Elomda
That was a quite good lesson and what was the best – that was for free. You do not need to pay some charge for this. Questions from quiz were simple – I had 6/6 like always.
Thank you Ms. Rebecca!
Thanks Miss. Rebeca you are the best teacher !
You are great
thanks a lot Rebecca,hugs. (Kazakhstan, 28Sept2021)
I improved a lot by listening your explanation.
Thanks you too much teacher ?
Seyrak Sun Y
I watched this video twice on December 31, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got six correct out of 6.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
hi dear Rebecca;
thanks for a very nice and informative lecture.
Thank you Rebecca, for your help.
thanks rebecca for this lesson
Than you for improving my english! :)
these lessons are for free, thanks to engvid. cya lovely brunette teacher. all the best 2 u.
Thank you for improve my english as well… new words were add to my vocabulary…
Thank you for lesson.
Many thanks
Thank you Rebeccaji.
You thought a broad concept in a simple way.
But I feel something lacking in this lesson.
Please don’t misunderstand me, I just expressed my feeling.
Will you PLEASE… help us with some tips to improve english fluency.
Thank you Rebecca! It was very helpful for me!
you are very nice Rebecca
Hi Madam,
Thank you for this usefull lesson. Can you explain about some more words like rebat, reduction, discount, subsidy.
thanks my teacher for your lesson
thank you so much Madam rebacca your lessons are always useful and i learn alot from them !!
Hi, Rebecca
I have a question about preposition
i have read a sentence like this :
i am leaving the country , question is why we don’t use preposition here like leaving from the country. Sometimes we have to use preposition but here why we don’t use or are there verbs we don’t have to use preposition ? Can you explain or can you make a lesson on this topic ,please ? Thank you very much for this great lessons
I’ll try to answer your question.
Verbs can be transitive or intransitive; transitive verbs can take a direct object and don’t need a preposition; intransitive verbs (as travel) can’t take a direct object so you sometimes need to use a preposition to complete the phrase.
It was too usefully lesson.
thanks a lot Rebecca for this important lesson………..
Great!Awesome!Tnx a LoTTTTTTT!
I like your lessons! :)
Thanks a bunch Rebecca. Useful vocabulary!
Thanks a lot. I have got much knowledge for teaching “free, complimentary etc.
thank you very much
Thank you!! You make me clear
Excellent class!!!
Thanks very much to improving our English and your effort is highly appreciate
Once again thank you very much
Appreciate for this lesson.
I have gone through this lession, the teaching idea is so nice. Ihave learn so many good learning world.
Thanks a lot for your teaching! It gives me more sureness!)
thanks for lesson because lot of things take to learn
Great job! thanks.
Haaaai Rebecca,when Isee u and your video I FEEL VERY EASY. After some timeIcant use it.Iam fromkerala in India. kerala isGODs own country. Ialso invite to kerala.Thanks a lot.
Such an interesting lesson!
Thank you Teacher Rebecca, I got 6 out of 6 correct answer!
Thank you very much for your lesson.It is very clear.
I surfed many websites for learning and improving my english communication.
Among all engvid is the best i found so far.
For begginners it is very good website.
I am giving this comment from the bottom of my heart
“Thanks a lot to engvid”.
Thaks a lot. It’s very useful lesson. I like your lessons very much!
Thank you for the lesson it was so good .
useful lesson :P
Hi Rebecca, thx for a very useful lesson!
Hi Rebecca, Greetings from Brazil! Thank you for lesson! Jesus Christ bless you!
that was verry for me….tank you
Thank you very much, A Nice lesson indeed.
Rebecca you are the best. thank you very much!
Hi Rebecca,Iwatched all engvid lessons.Fantastic. But I preffered you.Bcoz ur explanations are slow.Im a beginner.So I can catch more know ledgefrom you.Sometime u ask questions between the class.It is more useful for me.If I get answer them I feel excitement.So I request to ask questions between the class.Ialso request to point my mistakes in writing.Iexpect ur kindly responds.Iwant to get a pen friend to improve my language efficiency.
It’s really clear and good lesson. Thank you, Rebecca..)
I enjoyed this lesson! Thanks!
nice lessons
Rebecca’s lessons are really interesting and dinamic
thank u very much rebecca
it’s useful for me, thank you so much for your help.
Hello I watch American tv. Tv series about teens on Nikelodeon
Channel. Its hard to understand it. Without handwriting .
Street English includes slangs ,hesitating .what other phrases
Do they contain? Are you familiar with main street?
Emma, thanks for your great useful lesson, i like and i know that this kind of videos will improve my english skills… thanks a lot…
Sorry I had a mistake with your name, thanks Rebecca..
very nice lesson thank you teacher
you are the best teacher for me
Hii mam,
I am Sona,one of your online students from India.I have figured out something which I wish to share with you to acquire the correct conception.I have written some sentences below to get my conception corrected by you.
Imagine, I am going to draw a picture of a tree. To begin with, I take a few sketch pencils and I need to take some papers too.Next, I reflect my imagination and creativity along with my drawing skills in reality.Suppose, I finish drawing after some time.Now, I wanna say that I have drawn the thing
which I wanted to.If I make a sentence which reads like “It is drawn now”.Actually,What I know is that “drawn” is an adjective here.Would it be correct to say or not?
Some more examples:
1.I have collected some information related to (Expln:Related to is an adjective with appropriate preposition like “assigned to”,”requested to”,”expected to”)our term-end-exam.I will be circulating the collected(as an adjective)information to all my friends shortly.
Here, collected expresses that the information which I have collected will be circulated(passive sense of simple future) to all my friends shortly.
I request you to check these sentences written(adjective use) above..
Dear Rebecca, I love you and your lesson
Thank you for all your lessons. You are awesome
thanks Rebecca realy i feel my english improving every day you are excellent teacher
Fine = it is a punishment
it is interesting
it’s nice.
thanks a lot to all of this informations
hi..All..I really like this .This is better for all of us to know the real meaning of these words
free-u dont have to pay for anythig
freebie-it is a idem u receive free
for free-that is free.there is no charge.
complimentary-For example:At the hotel managment left a bascet of food for u in ur room when u come.It is a complimentary by hotel managment.It is on hotel.
on the house- it is the same with it is on hotel.for example: would u kile anythig for drinking?It is on the hotel or it is on the establishmenr or it is on the company.
Or u r going to stay in hotel.Your room payment is on the company,it means your room payment will paid by the company.But extras is on you.
Tax-free->You pay something for the idems, but u dont pay anything for axtra call tax.U pay for idems, but without tax
Tariff-free->It is between countries.When they trade they dont charge extra tax or tariffs.
no charge
no fee
noo cost -> All those mean that it is free
Fantastic it was!
Thank u kindly.
Thanks Rebecca! this video is my first ENGBID’s class. I enjoyed ! thanks!
wow mrs Rebecca!! as wonderful as always!! but, i m waiting for your feedbacks for my comments since i have started listening to you. you will reply.won’t you?
i guess very soon!
You scored 6 out of 6.
i like your lesson
Thanks the lesson was helpful to me
every good webside i like it very much
thank you to all techers
Hi teacher Rebecca! Thank you for this lesson. It really may help me when I travel abroad. You are very kind!
very thanks for the lesson that is really important when we eat in the restaurant , we will know how to compute exactly all of charge we have to pay.
A lot of thanks… for you …
A lot of thanks.. on the house.. :P
great! congratulations Rebecca! thanks a lot! 6/6 GOOD!
Thank you so much …
Hi Rebecca
In engVid I watched a lesson in which told that when u take money from bank the word ‘lend’ will used
and when u take money from a person the word ‘borrow’ will used. here u said that interest will be paid when u borrow money from bank. wat is correct.
Thank u.
I think”lend” is used when someone receives money and “borrow”when someone gives money.
if you lend money, you give it; if you receive money you borrow it.
it’s very useful lesson
some i often see but never know or misunderstand such as “Drinks are on the house!” “a fine”
Thank you so much for online teaching, Rebecca.
Hi rebeca you are the best, thanks for teaching me. God Bless you
Thnk u somich rebecca it was so good and u r the best
Thank you Rebecca for this free lesson!
Tks for your lesson,Rebecca:)
answer some shit rebecca
thank you so much Rebecca for this interesting lesson
Hi Rebecca,
Really I like the way you expain the leason because anybody can understand thank you for your teaching.
Hi Rebecca,
Really I like the way you explain the leason because anybody can understand thank you for your teaching.
Thanks Rebeca, I understood everything….
Many thanks.
Thank you ….
I thank EngVid for wonderful free English Lessons :) Shine On!
Rebeca are great teacher
Hello Rebecca, thank you very much for this lesson. I used this one twice in my lessons. I would like to get the quiz in a printable version, so I wouldn’t have to copy it. Would that be possible? Thank you.
We may make this option available in the future, acheron. Right now, you can copy-paste from the final screen of the quiz, where all the questions and answers are displayed at once.
That’s very kind of you. I love this site!
Rebecca i like all the tutorials you´re great Teacher, just i have 1 mystake cool !
Thanks rebacca. I will remember all of those things. Especially drinks are on the house in the next drinking ^^
Merci encore une fois un enseignement parfait.
Congrulations !
I m so happy,i feel good when you help me to learn english online. haiti
good lesson teacher. Thanks a lot
Thanks alot Rebecca, i realy got benefit from your useful knowledge. you gave an interesting and very beneficial lecture.
Thanks Rebecca you’re doing very well .your lessons are alwayes useful to lean .God bless you .take care. My best wishes.
Very useful. Thanks a lot.
thank you so Much ,,your teaching style are very simple but excellent
I got perfect score I’m just happy. Thanks Rebecca, I learned again :)
Dear Rebecca,
Great and very helpfull lesson!
Thank you so much!!!!!!
Thank you
Thank you teacher for the wonderful lesson.
great job!
thanks you teacher
yeah, i have again my perfect score
kindly take a class on the usage of “for” and “to”
Thank you so much
Thank so much Rebecca you saved my day!!!
With present perfect tenses
excellent explanation
Excellent Class Rebecca, thank you very much !!!
Thank you Rebecca for your excellent explanation as in all your lessons!!!!!!!
hello dear Rebecca
thank you for the excellent lesson i got 6 correct out of 6 :D 100 thanks
from AFG
Thank you very much Rebeca ;)
thank you so much, very useful lesson
6 out of 6
I love all your lectures Robeca! I got 6 correct of 6! Jaweed from AFG
Thank you so much, now I understand.
The way u gathered these terms and expressions is really i was learning them I felt it would be easier for me to save money. Thank u
What is a difference between upgrade and update?
This lesson is definitely useful! The word “premium” may be a little confused for Brazilian Students… It’s good to know the real meaning! Thank you Rebecca, you are amazing!
hi dear Rebecca;
thanks for a very nice and informative lecture.
thanks Rebeca you are my favorite teacher
your voice is very good! :)
Thank you very much. Well, I am going to save money in some situation.
Rebecca, I got 100 % here. Thanks.
Thank you very very much Rebecca, your lessons are so great. I love
Rebecca, thanks a lot. This free english Video help us to grow in a conversations skills.
I wish follow your teachings forever.
See you.
Could you tell me about the word “outstanding amount” ? and when we use it ?
thanx in advance
Impressive lesson! I have learned a lot, thanks!
Thanks a los Rebecca for your free vids, they’re so useful!!!
I got 2 mistakes. Maybe I seldom to travel abroad? haha :D EngVid is free. I can review and reconfirm my understanding through the quiz. Thank you , Rebecca :)
thank you so much.
in Toronto we have one kind of market that there is no tax charge ,calls FLEA MARKET why ? I know FLEA is an insect
6 correct out of 6 ! I’m happy…I hope I’ll save my money. Thank you, Ms. Rebecca.
Thanks a lot, Ms Rebecca! Useful lesson!
Your lessons are always very helpful and easy to understand Thanks! I won’t miss complimentary breakfast when I stay at a hotel which provides one.
Great lessons. I just lone because it’s free and has great education videos.
YOU gave an excellent lessson as always. Please help me, I work in an exchange house in my country and I am trying to make an ad in english, do YOU consider the expression “WE GIVE MORE PESOS FOR YOUR DOLLARS” correct??? (I WANT to mean that It is better to exchange your money in my business, because we give you more local currency for it), please Help!
Very useful lesson! Thank you very much! you are a good and the best teacher like me.Thank you veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy much
very clear
Thanks got 83%.
thanks very much! Mrs. Rebecca that’s an useful lesson
Thank you Rebecca! I really appreciate this lesson! I am totally confident that this knowledge wiil help me in future!
Excellent :)
Thank you!
thank you my lecturer am very happy most of time for the lessons you provide to me it is really genuine may GOD bless you a lot
Thanks Rebecca
thanks for your useful lesson. I got 100 via your help
could we have a lesson about what if or type 3 conditional
thank you so much
Thank you, it is very helpful
Dear Rebecca,
This is a major lesson for our purse or wallet. Thanks.
Best regards.
How about ++ & net rebecca
oh noooo! 50(
Thanks!!! You´re great!
Very practical. Thank you.
Thank you Ms. Rebeca ! you are a good teacher..!!
thank Rebecca for the interesting lesson see you next in another introduction
These lessons is not duty free, not just this it is on the house . We can teach english free
thankyou so much Rebecca.i am really passionate with your lesson.
i love you.
you got 6 correct out of 6.
thank you so much…
Thanks for your help
Wow I got 100 percent markes
Thanks Rebecca for this free lesson !!!!
That was a quite good lesson and what was the best – that was for free. You do not need to pay some charge for this. Questions from quiz were simple – I had 6/6 like always.
Thank you Ms. Rebecca!
Thanks Miss. Rebeca you are the best teacher !
You are great
thanks a lot Rebecca,hugs. (Kazakhstan, 28Sept2021)
I improved a lot by listening your explanation.
Thanks you too much teacher ?
I watched this video twice on December 31, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got six correct out of 6.
I got 5/6.
Thank you!