Improve your ability to understand English when people are speaking. By following these simple suggestions, you will be able to understand native speakers as well as English movies and TV shows.
I could not catch the fifth idea. Not clear to me.
It means: Judge the content, but not the way of speaking people.
means: judge the content (the principal idea)but not the way of speaking the people who share with you that idea.
It was easy, that means you have to focus on the idea of the message and not the rithm, fluency or intonation the speaker has.
Julio Cesar
good lesson
thank you very much for your great effort
very good lesson
Hi, teacher, Could you explain me the second question in the quiz please what it means about the times. I don’t need to listen a faster speaker to understand the english but in a normal speech.I don’t know the speed but why the correct is three to four times.
Love ya James! I try to keep things all you said.
These are all such wonderful guidance.
I understand it as “listen even if you dont like how the speaker is talking”
Hello James. Excellent your class about how to improving English by listening.
I think it’s really important understanding the general idea and not understanding word by word. I do not know if this is a common worry for another countries English learners but it’s a very common behavior for the students in my country. Most of my students are letting this habit back and their English is improving on a daily basis. Result: they are more confident when communicating despite their mistakes or accents.
Thanks very much for your time and congratulations to EngVid for the amazing and impressive English video-classes quality.
Rodivaldo (Rod for short) - Brazil
Excellent I always have told my friends who study English and try to translate word by word that English is a language of interpretation, not translation and I’ve always advised them to try to capture the idea in the context.
Alejandro Amaya
I’ve tried to stundy english for a long time, but I’m not very well.
I can help you out of that. Trust me and give me a ‘knock at my door’. Nice to meet you, I’m Viet Hung, from Vietnam.
Viet Hung (fro' Vietnam)
Hello. I am very happy to find this web-side. I just to conect it and I am learning more. Your explanations I grasped very well this told me that I am improving, I’ve tried to get this kind of web-side but there aren’t to much. I hope forward watching you with English video classes amazing.
just to correct some spelling mistakes: coNect. web-siTe. toO much.
hello am very glad to find this web-side
i have got a lot to develop my speaking English
well thanks to the lecturers of this web but here i have one problem:
since i started learning English till now i’m like dictionary, when i start conversation with someone i can’t use the words i have, till i become the mid of the conversation so Mr. James please pay your advice i am going to follow it\
“I know you want me”
You got me ;-) Now you are me favorite teacher… You really do cool videos…. I still remember your great video “how to talk about looks”…..
Thank you for your very interesting lesson. I really enjoyed it and took a lot of benefit out of it! Go on buddy. Your are the cool teacher I always searched in school!
Greetings from Germany!
I have an exam coming up and i found this session awesom. More more more.
we need for the courses dealet and wrere is conutry
Sonam kelzang
I am Indonesia person. Now I am studying at the university in Indonesia… at the first time until now I am interested in Engvid… May you give me How to download the vidio or give me the advantages of this program.maybe sometimes I can study in the other country.. Thanks
thannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnk you for help us
you have a new method to learn .what i can say just you are a great teacher.
your student:sara
I can,t describe this video
it is very very very interesting
and good for me
thanks for your optimistic help james. You were a nice friend when you told us that the native speakers are also responsible if we don’t understand them. In fact this is the most difficult for us to improve because we learnt always the cleaner spoken english (books teachers …)
I do like it and and I am waiting for other ones
hi,thanks all my help.
noureen khurshedi
hi,sir thank you a lot for how to improve english by
hi,sir thank you a lot for how to improve english by listening.
Teacher : James, Your lesson is very nice and effectively with little of comedy moves I like.
*you’re breaking/expressing any new vocabulary for us during the lesson ,
you have not give us something to inquire/ask about
6 important points about listening is in mind from this moment.
Thanks a lot
i love you james… are the best !!!!thank you soooo much!!
I will be glad if you speak with me through the Skype to improve english ..
My Skype is xalilos2
hello james how are you ,my name is Ronald i d like to speak quicly english i need your help.listen the first i came on this web site i was see rhe video class now i can t so tell me what s the matter please. thank you.
thanks a lot for these english lessons and tips. you really help us quite a lot to know about various strategies in the field of teaching; esp teachers of english as ETL. i hope there will be more lessons boaddcast on soon. wish you the best.
really great teaching… i’ll spend more times to learn english here/… thanks 4 all tutors
thank u very much u r great teacher
you are the best one…….thank you so much ….
zulejka alexia
monday i have test…… me jamesssss im terrified!!!!!
zulejka alexia
Cuold you give me your skyp name
1st of all i want to great you with islamic greating salam how r u my dear teacher you are the wonderful teacher i learn alots of thing from you plz keep up it
thanks a lot, very useful lesson, it’s like when you read a book in English and try to understand every word, it becomes boring, but when you try to find out the ideas of what you are reading, you understand most everything and without the dictionary…
thanks alot james ,, you are a great teacher :>
Hello James,
congratulations on the Web, I discovered recently and is helping me a lot.
I have thought to go this summer, July-September (three months) to Canada, to improve my English but not which city and school choice. Could you recommend one please?
Do you have any english academy?
hello James you’ re woundarful to teach i am understand a lot so but i couldn’t speak can you help me how to speak THANKYOU SO MUCH GOOD BUY .
your studant
hello James
very clear your lesson also your Example very clear . Thanks a lot for you
but I have some problem with simple past and the Subject modale verbs > How i can take from you lesson about that please.
You are the best teacher in all the world!! thank you very much!
teacher! I have to join the exam in next 5 weeks, but now my listening skill is not good ,how much time i should spend to pratice a day .
manh nguyen
I feel very good to learn this language is very important.
Rosetta Stone
good jop
Idont understand anything, talk more slowly please.
Thanks for your help!
I just coming but I want to learn and I think the there´s a good teachers over here, so I´ll stay for a long.
nice to be here guys
Thank you. As usualy in your lessons it was comprehensible and persuasive. well done!
good boy! it’s very interesting to listen to him/
Liuba from Russia
I have many classmates like this, TEACHER I WAS, BECAUSE, WHEN I , BECAUSE GBHABAHBAH,BAH,BAH they never think before to say something . .lol
this is a good adviced.
Marcos Cesar
Great James you´re the man!!
thanks teacher, i like to listen your lesson,good luck !
hi mr james hope u r doing grt am planing to contest a toefel exam to win a adminstion for the course and i believe myself i have good english to demostrate to pass my exam.even though i have been out of the school for the last six years.but my problem is i dont understand the accent of the northern america english since i have been practicing a british english system.pliz i would like your and advice before i write my that i can achieve my goal waiting from u thanks,,,,
I love this teacher!
hi….this net page is very good…pleae heplp me!
Amazing, I liked very much. I wish that my Classes could be like this.
Andrea Melo
hey james am your fan…..everyday i am watching your video only..all your videos are so so interesting…
cool teacher………..
i can’t catch your lesson well
Thu Hang
thank you very much
i start stadying 2 manths ago , i need to better and better
but i’m boring
thaaaaaaanks alot
so great
i have made up my mind to be a teacher in future but now i have change it ,i have made up my mind to be teacher like james………
he is novel teacher.
kaka, i like your ending.
kaka lol r u from india
I’m very happy cause I find this site… here I can take part in good classes, with native teacher. I loved the progress and the opportunity the web came to us. You’re a very good teacher, thank you, James. With this tips I will can be less worried about my confusion with the word. Bye for now. Hugs.
Very good speech. So helpful no even for a language learning. Thanks
this is the best english video class I’ve ever had!congratz you are the man XD
I wanna thank this site couz it gives us a good oportunity to learn english with native teachers.
it’s so helpful the tips you’ve taught and now we’re less confused with the words
this lesson was very helpful
thank you
James thank so much for this great lessons !! Hugs man !! I m lookin’ forward for one another class!!
I really liked these lessons!
James you are amazing
please go a head many students like you in my country Saudi Arabia.
Hi James,
I have tried to learn by listen. I have a great difficultry to understand, and get a idea. Could you, please write or indicate any ways?
Thanks for your time.
Thank you, James! Your lessons are my favorite! Carry on, please. Best regards.
thank you james’ i love your lessons… it was good for me.. if i understand you than i can understand everyone…it may takes long time but it will’ i believe it. thank you again
I like your lessons you make it funny to lean english
I would like to have teacher as James is.
Thanks James nice presentation.
hi james.
what are the exceptions in grammar rule?
i just wanna know….thanks!
It’s so strange that you mentioned Croatian language. I thought no one has ever heard of it. There is a good reason for that, I guess, or you are good at Geographic.
It’s like the same as Serbian, Bosnian and Montenegrian (yeah, Montenegrian, the new language that has nearly nothing else different from Serbian one. They just decided to create their own language after independence) and they are all made by Serbian language.
Croatia did a good job of reforming their language and now it has the most difference, but practically is very, very similar to all of them.
It is like UK English and US English. There are differences in some of the words, spelling, dialect (ekavian and jekavian) and pronounce, but is clearly understandable.
I wrote this just to let you know more, since you mentioned it.
I think this lesson is very good, but I also think that without a rich vocabulary is not that as easy as you said.
P. S. Since I’m not a native speaker, it would be really helpful for me if you point me to mistakes I made in this writing. It will be a way to improve myself a little (little bit?) more.
Thank you in advance.
James is a bit busy, but I will correct your comment. Most of your mistakes are minor. Your English is very good!
It’s so strange that you mentioned THE Croatian language. I thought no one HAD ever heard of it. MAYBE there is a good reason for that, or you are good at GEOGRAPHY.
It’s the same as Serbian, Bosnian, and MontenegrIn (yeah, Montenegrin, the new language that has nearly nothing different from Serbian. They just decided to create their own language after independence.) They are all DERIVED FROM THE Serbian language.
Croatia did a good job of reforming their language and now it has many differences, but practically IT is very, very similar to all of them.
It is like UK English and US English. There are differences in some of the words, spelling, AND IN THE dialectS (ekavian and jekavian) and pronUNCIATION, but SPEAKERS OF EACH OF THE LANGUAGES ARE clearly understandable TO ONE ANOTHER.
I wrote this just to let you know more, since you mentioned it.
I think this lesson is very good, but I also think that without a rich vocabulary, IT is not that as easy as you said.
P.S. Since I’m not a native speaker, it would be really helpful for me if you point OUT TO me mistakes I made in writing THIS. It will be a way to improve myself a little (little bit?) (BOTH ARE FINE) more.
Thank you in advance.
Hi James!
Thank you so much! I found your lessons and this web-page and so happy! You are great teacher! Your lessons very useful for grammar, pronunciation and listening.
Could you prepare next lesson by topic “Job Interview Questions and Answers”? Best wishes for you!
Thank you so much for you teach
it so good this lesson
this is sawsan from egypt ,i just wanna say thank u for this interesting n helpful lessons
,the whole website is amazing!!!!!
this benefits me.
i think Mr. James is always use very interesting methods to deliver the listen. I think he is very successes in most videos I have seen for him. I appreciate his efforts and I wish him all the good things
Thank you very much. I have learned a lot from you guys.
Sir, Jammes Good after noon, I am from India , I wana to learn how to speak after listen to other. Please help me. How can i make me fluent in english.
Sarwar Jamal
I like you! So much!
You did a great job!
James teachs well. Easy to listen.
You don’t know where am I now??
I am in Longview and I am speak Indonesia Language !!! :)
You are awesome James !!!
AGHhhhh… WIIFM !!!
fantastic!! what a great lesson! I never understood listen as he explains it, what great tips! this guy has a natural talent for teaching!
James! You and Mr. E are the greatest teaches ever! I’m amazed with the content and ideas of your lesson! Thank you for the creativity of your method of approaching of an educational process! Keep up the good work!)))
you are best teacher Ive ever seen.
ThankS! I learned from it.
I love this teacher!
Hi, i appreciate the way you tech mr. james, most clearly couldnt be
i couldnt watch film so i cant answer right plz help me
Hi Sir,
Thank you so much…
Your the best teacher and I would like to learn more in your videos. my greatest dream is to be fluent in english language that’s why I’m trying my best to learn everyday.
You’re very kind person because you didn’t hesitate to share your knowledge with us.
God bless & more power to you.
I’m hoping that more blessings will come to your life.
Good job!
Good lesson!!
It was fun lesson. I have a question. There are many kinds of listenig books for listening practicing. Most books have dictation parts on workbooks. But you say we don’t have to listen each word. we try to catch the general idea. Then what kind of book is good for listening practice?
kyoung mi
you are N1 :)
I have problem with undersdanding somebody very often. My main mistakes are my EMOTIONS. When I talk with somebody I am very nervous and I forgot a lot of words and I don’t know what said…it’s frustrating. Day by day I watch Your lessons and i feel better. I believe that I can do this, like You.
Thanks for your lesson. It’s very fun. But i could not clearly get the four ideal “Open mind (emotion). Sometimes i hear someone speaking, I did not hear what they say. As you mention i should ignore what they say and then guess(idea) it later, right? and in the third “Longer” idea, it mean i have to practice ?
Thanks again!
Hi teacher, you are perfect teacher ,,
I like your teaching style, it’s interesting and useful at the same time. thank you very much ,,
ideal GirL
These are the best lessons for me…
Thank You so much…….(‘.’)
I don’t understand :(
what can i do ?!!!
I am so glad to have found this web site, you are a very good speaker. I am getting my GED and I need all the help I can get. I would like to say thank you.
Catherine Ferguson
Peace be upon you
I do not know how these videos revealed Ooohml ask you to explain my friends
thank you , bcause right now my english is better …
nanda coepz
hi James,
I would like to improve my grammer and english. I tried myself couple of time but i am getting frostration to not improving my grammer and writting so could u please help me…. i like your listening calss and grammer class.
Hi James,
Thank you very much for your wonderful video. I would say your are simply the best. All most all virtual classes are eye opener for me and now I am thinking why am didn’t search your video before. I am looking for your kind suggestion regarding my listening ability. According to your lecture that you said just grab the general ideas. But if you don’t know anything that the content, how do I detect which is most important and which are redundant. I would be more than happy if you suggestion that specific area for me.
Thank you very much.
I think i was a good manner to learn English
It’s a good English lessons.
oh my God i really love you style teaching it so great
hi James, you seems to be a coach in adition to teacher, the paths you gave are more important that the lernings, I agree 100% of key driver you broke down.
thanks your engvid day to day classrooms, see you soon in next one!!
Regards from Argentina
Hello James, You are so hilarious. I wish I can converse with you to practice my listening.LoL.
hiiii James , you are very amazing one , I hope to practice my english with you.
it is big dream to be fluent and attractive speaker like you,
best wishes for you .
Thanks James for good teach me, i hope will speak good english.
Thanks James for teaching me
Hi James I’m from Jordan I’ve a problem in listening English I cant understand
I want to test my abilities in listening English if there is any test please send it to me to Improve my listening ( thank you so much )
thanks james good job for us, u r great teachar, i think we met (hansa language centre) in toronto right?
anyway thanx again.
thank you and congratulations for you
I’m ukrainian girl and I think such lessons are really helpful for everyone, they develop our skills, we try to speak and listen better, to keep the information in our minds. I fond of English, and I want to know it perfectly. I would be happy to travel to the English speaking country! Thank you, James! It’s cool!
speechless, indeed you are a great teacher
thank you so much!
James, here’s Fabio from Italy.
Well, you must learn me what could I say when I do really appreciate someone very, very much.
Because I’m going to say that to you for your help in teaching us english !
You’re great.
You are a great teacher. I have no words to describe that. I have watched number of English classes on net. But your teaching is really great. Could you please teach me English.
God Bless you!
I am starting to learn today only,I think It is useful for me.Please teach me ..Thanks for all
i am glad to see this website little bit i am getting improvement i will try to watch daily
muhammad aqueel
you can really teach
Hello from Kosovo!
Thank you Jeams! It’s nice to have a teacher (in fact two teachers, you and Mr.E ) everyday in my home, and learn a lot of new words.
Thank you so much ! :)
James,I really like your lesson.your presentation is too good that helps us to catch and learn the lesson.Whenever I watch your lesson I feel m in real class room and enjoy a lot.Thank you so much!!!
Never come across a teacher who is so kool and knows how to make even the dumbest understand. I’ve always found it difficult to concentrate/ understand someone but after this i will try my hardest to listen LONGER and GIVE MY BRAIN A JOB listen out for IDEAS. Thank you.
The best ever lesson… thank you very much, you’ve encouraged me to go ahead studying English.
Help! I am trying to join but a message keeps saying there is an error on activating my account!
You are awasome :)
Dear James .. thanks a lot for your efforts
God bless you
Amany Saeid
You are a Dredger and it’s not good for you !!!
Your teaching about lesson is good but I want to say if it is possiable provide long conversation vedio, so this would be helpful for those that they desired to improve their communication skill.
u are a good teacher i think averyone are learning here are having fun thsnk u man u are the best in the world xD i hope u keep making more videos u and mr E are the best lmao i think i’m getting in love for mr E xD
you are the best teacher, thanks a lot.
I like the way you teach man great hell awesome \m/
It’s very good analysis,
thank you so much!
Hoang Liem
Mr. James you’re speak very quickly in your lessons :(
I am an Arabic
I have problem with listening in English , which is when I watch English movies , I feel myself very bad in English because I don’t understood only just a little
but here in EngVid I understood everything when I listen to the lessons :) maybe because I open my mind carefully :)
I’m delighted to see/hear something that worth! I loved it!
Man you have a gift
yes l get the idea believe my english skills will improve a lot thank so much
One of the best websites ever. Thank you for teaching us awesome ways to learn English as well. I wish you and everyone behind engvid all the best. God bless you.
Thank you very much! Very useful!
hi and thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu so so so much it is very useful for student have a great life byyyyyyyyyyyy
Great Lesson, great teacher!
I always knew that was the way (not getting the whole thing, but getting the idea)
Two new things for me: ignore my triggers and the WIIFM!
Thank you very much! Your lessons are awesome!
Thx a lot for this interesting videos provide on this website. It’s a good tool to improve my english. Keep it up Engvid! :)
Hi james, I find your vids very helpful… I need help on grammar and I tend to bounce my story around alot while writing essays. what vids can I watch for my bouncing around and grammar?
Thank you very much
Thanks so much >!!!
Thanks a lot! This particular lesson fits perfectly not only for foreign languages, but for native as well ))
thanks very much
Perhaps it’s just coincidence, but i have started to understand fast English speech during watching of the lesson. It’s amazing feeling! James thank you very much! :-)
This is exactly what we love to hear. Thank YOU!
Great! Thank You! Your way of teaching is really good and helpful!
hi james sir….!!! i lov d way u teach and its really vry helpful . thank you soooo much sir.and sir i hav a doubt, sir cn u upload a video which will tell how to use and where to use the modal auxilaries like would, could etc.
thanks a lot dear
happy to have you
When I watch the James videos, I understand how lousy were my english teachers…! Thank you and please continue!!
great lesson
thanks teacher
you’re good teacher
thank you
You were right, James. I usually listen to every word people speak and at the end of each sentence I don’t remember a thing. Again, thanks for great lesson.
Saak Sen
it’s a nice lesson…i really like your comedy…communication with comedy is really fantastic…
thank you very much James, it is very interesting lesson
Really nice..
thanks alot.its nice
iam from saudi arabia
thank you but you are talking fast
These are really great tips.
visit >>>>thank you very much..
Esa Jitosor
Thank you for the tips. I love love love Engvid! I´m learning how to study and my English is improving a lot!!!
Sally S
Thanks very much James , and really you help with that lesson because i used to have bad hear when people talk to me by english langauge , and i think with that lesson i will be able to speak and listen better than i am , and i will take your advice , i will do it :)
this lesson was very helpful for me and i am going well with English >>>> thank you jemes .
james can I say that u r an amazing teacher. it’s a goood listen specially for those who have a lack of confidence .
ayman from kingdom of Saudi Arabia
I just want to say thank you. Explaining the concept of listening made it much mor clearer. I needed the inspiration; thanks again
nice leson, J
Hi, a verry effective effort :) thanx the whole team for teaching in such an effective way, and providing such opportunity to learn english so easily.
Thank You.
hello James
i’ve been searching for some english lessons on youtube few days ago and found your video and i found them very effective,well i am not a very old viewer of your videos i have watched few videos of yours and as you can see that my english is not very good so could you please guide me that from where should i start my english learning process as in from which part…thanks and please if could tell me my mistakes in this..
i am bad in listening
I learned English so many years, about thirty years, not so hard of course, but I can’t understand TV, so frustrated.
I have to translate english to my language to understand it. I think the reason is that I listen few. Maybe it need 2000 hours to listen Engilsh to understand it, the real listening. By the way, I want to know that writing can help me improving.
hello. i’m glad when i found this website. i’ve studied English for a long time. But my skill’s still too bad. What should i do:((
thank you very much for your openness John!
you are the best for me
i like your lessons
Greetings from Croatia, thank you for excellent lesson and mentioning of the Croatian language.
Also I would like to say hello to my neighbor from Serbia who had interesting comment above. I know this isn’t the place for this kind of discussion but please don’t believe Serbians everything they wrote. Unfortunately for him, it’s true that Croatian and Serbian language have common roots and they are very similar, but Croatian isn’t product of Serbian language.
Sorry for this disputes, and please keep on going with great lessons.
ThanQ for teaching the listening skills.
I have a problem with my vocab would you please help me with it.
Wow! It’s a very good class, I can understand everything you say, word by word. Your accent is very easy to understand. I live in Brazil, and a few people from Brazil just can’t speak english because of their accents, but I think it’s normal to those people who are learning the english language. Thanks in advance.
Thanks for your suggestions :)
Very good lesson !
Mr James! You are great teacher. How interesting your lessons are ! My listening skill has improved quickly. Thanks.
Hanh from Viet Nam
Thanks its very good
kalsang nyima
ENGVID is great. Thank you very much!
I started learning English!
As Vietnam so I need to become a global citizen! I do not hear your video, and I understand the body language + photos!
We hope to get acquainted and communicate fluently with you!
Thank you all!
(I use google to translate and write you a sweater)!
you write by your left hand, and me too. i like that. hjhj. and i like this lesson
It’s not easy but i’ll try to be longer.
amazing class..You are such a talented teacher..I appreciate you… I am a medical teacher.I have got 3 times as “Good teacher” award in medical school.But after seeing your classes i got more inspired… YOUR CLASSES ARE BEYOND COMPARABLE……James keep it up guy…… All the best ..May GOD ALMIGHTY BLESS YOU LOT……
thank you a lot James , we have a pleasure if you give us the impassibility to really participate to some online conversation i think is glad for us this manner and can help to improve our level
ezzeddine essid
waooo that was awesome,catch the general idea and you can get the information that you need, or get the idea,thanks for you lessons james, you are the best teacher
OMG!! Really I understood!!! like you said, is so frecuent that we try to catch every word and if we put in practice this 6 rules or ideas i think we can do it hard work every day, though
i like this website, i just find this website and i’m studying here, i think that this is place where is very good for me to learn English,now i’m a student in university in Vietnam, i’m studying English department. I hope that i will be learnt many things from this website, i hope that everyone will help me to improve my English skills
love angel
I love this site
Linh Chu
i really love this site …thanks a lot…god bless you
i really lik this site… pls upload more and more videos… the teachers are well.
I lik valen mam’s teaching..
Hey! I watch lots of movies everyday and listen to musics, right? But I don’t understand half of what they are saying. I don’t get any benefits. Please help me, what cab I do to listen and understand the langueage better?
Wooooooooooow, this is the lesson I’ve been looking for a long time. James, you read my mind. Man, are you a doctor of language? I’m wondering. . .
nice to learn english with you, no problem )))
Thanks James!This is the best lesson ever. You did a really good job! Btw, i live in Toronto now, hope that i can see you someday :D Have a good day man!
Thank you teacher.It’s very useful.
I always be nervous when I speak English.
I need to limprove my listening faster and faster. I had good catches from you James, but one thing there are many more ways to improve English listening, so can we follow all these ways (headache!)? Please advise more…
Mustafa Shamali
Last 10 seconds was awesome and that conveyed a lot of emphasis on longer listening ….. u proved it in a flash man !!!
This is really really great. I love this. thanks alot
Thanks James!
Very interesting & positive lesson)
I understood everything & the main thing it wasn’t boring!Like it so much ))
Russian girl
hi, james you are really great i am thankful to you for this lesson. i have english listening problem.i don,t understand others what does they say to me.but from this lesson i get a ideas to improve my listening. once again thanks..could you plese correct my sentenses?
I opportunistically find your lessons. than you James!
I want some people to talk to them in English to practice ma language… ow can I get some??!!! through the web sure!!
James, you are, in my opinion the best teacher out there. :D Thanks for giving great tips on how to comprehend listening, and reading. two of the main fields I’m currently having difficulties in. I hope you upload more videos and continue to give your best for everyone struggling with english. Once again, Thank you James!
Thank for your teaching me . You have a good speaking skill . Your lesson is so attractive .
thank a lot James!
I have benefit more from you sir
charles Edward
awwwwwwwwww i like it u r a good teacher
James, thank you for everything! I’ve learned more during your lessons than anywhere! This is the best way to improve my skills!
P. from Hungary
dats gr8 lesson
thanx alot
Hey James, you’re awesome guy, thanks and congratulations! You work very well!
hi! james, im glad that ur sharing ur knowledge to us. personally im not really gud in english particularly on grammar so i keep on studying although sometimes i want 2 give up…bcoz i think i need 2 study many things and ive got confused…especially on tenses..i hope u continue sharing us about what we need to learn in english..KUDOS!
Hey james
Thank you for these lessons but sometimes I cant catch some ideas.I hope so I overcome this problem with engvid :)
İlkay Karagedik
Hi James I’m bad listening, You speak very very fast, and you never answer me. How should I do for Listen and answer the question?
agree 80%
i loved your video it will help me with my students a lot thanks a lot hope to see more !!!
you are a wonderful teacher iam from chile i like your classes they are very joyful and i learn a lot
I used to be suggested this web site by way of my cousin. I’m not sure whether this submit is written by means of him as nobody else recognise such distinctive about my trouble. You’re incredible! Thank you!
how can learn english
Hello James, just want to tell you that I think you are excellent teaching english and will try to take advantage of all the free material available in this page to improve listening and comprehension of this important language.
Salvador Garcia
Hi Mr Jame. Your video is really useful for me to improve speaking and listening skills. You know I can’t hear well so I don’t understand what foreigners say though I studied English long time. I am confused to speak English with them. I will try to do following your advice and I hope I will improve much than. Thanks a lot your lectures.
Amazingggggggggggggggggg :)))))
I am an English teacher in Brazil and Your classes are helping me to give better classes to my students. You are really wise and you show wisdom in your classes in a very simple and direct way. Thank you very much for helping me!
Davi Oak
Hey James thank you for your advice, I really find it easier now :) And I am also getting better now. :)
“awwwwwwwwww i like it u r a good teacher” Huda i think he is better than the word good.
You are very good….teacher….
i just want to throttle them and then kill all of their babies and eat them :)
Hi James, this is a good lesson for life, too!
Thank you! Very useful lesson, i’m was surprised that so boring them can be so interesting.
u r awsome……..verry verry special
Hey James, thank you so much for your courses, i found the first one in youtube then i watch some of your videos everyday, because i really like the way you teach and it help me to improve my skills.
great!! I really like the lessons on this site!
Thanks! It helped a lot! Do you have any other tricks? Because I’m going to be interviewed in front of my whole school (a thousand people) and I wouldn’t like it if I had to ask the interviewer to repeat in front of all of these people… English isn’t my native language.
I need your help fully I have that understand the English to work, give me some ideas please james.
This lesson is very useful and important.
Hi there, just became alert to your blog via Google, and found that it is truly informative. I’m gonna watch out for brussels. I’ll appreciate if you continue this in future. Lots of men and women will be benefited from your writing. Cheers!
phim 18+, phim online
You are by far the best teacher i ever had….
Hello James, today was the first time that I saw your video, I thought it wonderful, helped me a lot. I ve been studying English for 1 year and I can understand exactly you said about listen longer and dont try to understand each word.Your tips is very important. Thank very much. Luciane from Brazil
i have problem listening if somebody talking ,or taking class or lesson feel difficult to understand meaning word while conversation
I have problems trying to remember/narrate a movie, lessons, articles, events
Excellent !!!! I like this lesson very much. Thank you.
Excellent way to learn english. thanx
Hi jame I would like to thank u to get thise website. I always try to listening news but I couldn’t understand so can u tell me children movie website because may be to see with action to understand . I think u help me thank u very much continue
thank’s for all
Please upload videos on other site like daily motion.
If it’s because Youtube is blocked, try using a proxy?
engVid Moderator
i cant speak english. your lesson helps me a lot. i should had watched it every day.
i speak english correctly but i often take painss to understand native speaker i don not know why please give the way so that ….
good lesson teacher …i got what say ..perfect
It Is very good listen Mr,James
Thanks for lesson very much! ))) Your lesson is cool as always.
very good lesson in clear language with useful ideas. thank you very much for what your great lessons!
awesome ideas!! thanks alot ,, realy i liked this site alot :)
Hi, my name is Edinaldo. I am from Brazil (Rio de Janeiro). I have been trying to learn English a long time but as Brazil borders only countries that speak spanish not English my understanding gets hard to improve. We are the only country in South America THAT SPEAK portuguese and not spanish like everyone thinks so if I wanna learn it I have to pay for English classes. Engvid is another tool that is helping a lot. Thanks!
Edinaldo Pereira Dos Santos
hi , I’m italian and I’m trying to learn listening english… I’m watching english series tv and a lot of films … so in your opinion , I’ll be able to understand english when someone talks to me?
(i can understand you but i don’t get all words that you said)
thank you
But my brain just can work as half as fast I’m able to hear ;)
Fantastic Video, engvid help me so much to improve english skill. Thanks
Great video thanks so much
This the first time I see like this video … Thank you so much mr.james
James your lesson was awesome………Thank you and wish you luck
hello i am new here
very nice lesson
hussein syd
I like your lessons so much!
James fantastic!! I Will put it in to practice
thats wonderful lesson
pawan kumar
Thank you James! This lesson was really helpful! I appreciated that!
Thank you very much James..I am a university student the big challenge which i faced in my studies is this language..I Real need to be fluent in both spoken and written..English is my second language seems i am trying my level best to write because i understand what I heard and even i read but i can not speak well,I cannot i don know whether i lack confidence or not because all of my classmets are english native speakers please help me on what should I do.Best Regards
I blew the test :(
4 correct out of 4 – Thomas from Poland thx
thanks for everything man! I come from Italy and personally i found it very useful, i’ll try to improve my listening with your advice. by the way i got 3 correct out of 4 =)
Thank you very much for lesson and I want to ask if you can explain everything about “to get” because it is used instead almost of everything..
hi,you know you are speak very fast
this video is very good
nice talking to every one
thank you james, i like your syle :)
hi . i want to remind you we are beginner .we are not native. you are speaking very fast and incoherent.have u ever see your vids?but thanks.
Hello! I really aprecciated your class and a pay a lot attencion to listenig yours suggestion. I’m sorry by my bad english. Thank you so very match.
hi, excelent tips thank you
Hi! I am going to be taking my qts English exam and I am stuck in the comprehension section. I have to chose what section of the text is an ‘explicit contraction’ or an ‘implicit contradiction’ please help as I do not understand what these two phrases mean!! :)
Hi and thank you.
Thanks James :) You are good teacher!
well you are fantastyc..only my problem is my gramma, and my listenig… I know I need more practic… ufff…thnaks for your oportunity…
Thanks James..^^
Bravo James! :)
u speak toooooooooo much fast man
Thank you James. You’re a very good teacher and I’d like you to give me private English courses once or twice a week (30min, an hour or two, etc.)to improve my English (conversation skills and so on).
WIIIFY (from the “WIIIFM”)? Contact me via my email adress so that we can talk about that issue. If you’re not available, maybe Adam is? I have listened to several teachers here, they’re all good but, I would like to work with Mr E./James or Adam.
I hope that this will be possible. Looking forward your answer.
thanks JAMES
O, man! I discovered that EngVid is a awesome way to improve my English regarding to listening skills. I found out James’ lessons yesterday and I’ve simply fallen in love with the new and practical way to study English with his abilities. Thanks so much! Hugs from Nova Iguaçu in Rio de Janeiro state (Brazil!!!!)! \o/
Thank you James,
I really love your classes.
You are helping a lot to improve my english.
Greetings to Mr. E
3 of 4, Thank you James!!!
thanks for helping me in my difficult period :)
Good job!
Thank you.
James, great lesson ! Very clear concepts, truly useful suggestions. Thanks a lot! Bye
you did’nt mention any Arab countries
Ayad Saeed
This is very much useful, thank you James and EngVid. My English is improving and I’m getting less shyer in speaking English than before. Please do correct my writing if there is somewhere to be corrected
Thank you
Thank you, James!
I am from Brazil and I’m trying improve my english. I have much difficult with comprehension, but I should undestanding the general idea.
However, much words I did not understand. I have difficult when the talk is quick. I hope improve my comprehension soon!
I love so much find this website!
ps: Sorry for my errors in the text.
thank you james
I can’t understand what you said in 6:23. Can you or someone tells me please?
One of the best James’ videos I’ve seen. Thank you so much
Juan Avoy
thanks james really you are funny i like your way of explaining
Hi James, thanks a lot for another great video
You are excellent teacher
take care
HELLO James, i had 4/4 after the see twice the vid and make the quiz also(the first quiz I had 2/4 ).
thank you for the lesson and engvid.
You touch my heart.
Thanks James! I got 75% :)
Ho Tri Thuc
ow!! cool!!
thank for Mr. E asking him to teach me the important infomation
Hey guys i got a problem, i understand better when i got my headphones on, than listening the TV, what should i do
its so fast…. i could nt catch ur lesson ….
Afsana A bedin Khan
there is no magic in the hole world that is work.
thank you james :)
hakim za
that is nice lesson
Thank You JameS. Now i know the secret on how to listen effectively.
James! I have a question regarding english grammar. what is the best way to study english grammar?as you know I am in level 1, I decided to do the level 1 first then go to the next level, Is that a good idea?
thank you james.Its help me for improve my english.
Thanks James…good lesson!!! I’ve just started to improve my scholastic English by liste ing films and engvid…but i’m looking for someone to talk… I.e in skipe! (My skipe name is frartoloni)
thank you for the advices! It was a very good video
thanks a lot,you’re a good teacher
I’d like you to speak more slowly. I can’t follow you even…:(
Ana Paula Costa
4/4, thanks, James!
you’re a very good teacher
James! You’re my favorite teacher! Thanks for these gold suggestions!
Nice!You are very good theacher
Wellington Oliveira
Hi My name is Lakshman and I am still struggling to speak English fluently and I want to migrate to English speaking country (Australia, New Zealand…) and is it possible to come over there learn English so that I can learn English as soon as possible
excellent class, the teacher James incredibly facilitates understanding.
Heraclito Ferreira
hey teacher !!
This video its’nt working…
Hi! Is Youtube censored where you are? You may have to use a VPN in order to watch videos.
engVid Moderator
Thanks very much teacher!
As usual you are the best. :)
good..3/4 is ok? ja ja great MR james¡¡
It is reasonable
Thanks james
how much fast is the brain ??? where did you talk about it ? I’ha watched the video two times but i didn’t catch it ….
Thanks you so much. You always make me laugh. You are the best.
Marta Lopez
Perfect, Mr. James, your lessons are awesome.
Not easy ?
Thank you Games it’s very helpfull what you introuduse.
Thanks alot james ,you are a great teacher! <3
Very helpful rules for English speakers understanding. Thank you, James! Another one additional rule which I invented for myself. I’m trying to associate or imagine how would I perceive an information or particular phrase in my native laguage. On this wave it’s easy to transfer these sensations for better perception of ideas.
In English
Wow, speaking quickly my brain works so fast than I have to use all my senses to understand and I must also change my mind to a sharp one. I have to write the ideas and take note because it was difficult to follow and chain the topics. Thanks a lot teacher James from Engvid, optimistically, open minded and delivering oportunism.
Thank you James for this brilliant and inspiring lesson!
Thank you James. You’re very amazing teacher. Teach of your style make me remember and understand your lesson.
Thank you again :)
Mr. James, i like your lessons a lot, very focus on the target to enjoy/learn English…success
Thank you James
Great great lesson! Thanks!
It a very good lesson.
I watched this video in 2017
Who’s the same?
parnid nps
Thank you, James!
Thank you Mr.James for the lesson, it easy to understand and very fun. It very helpful for me ^^
as always great Mr James and your topic too
I got a wisdom from my teacher in secondary school says ( a good listener is a good leaner ) .
You got 2 correct out of 4.
M kartal
Thanks James! Your lesson is as great as others are.
Thanks Alot!
Thank You. It was very important lesson for me. Especially first point ;)
Hi James, I came back to Brazil, but continues here to learning more and more..tks
Paulo Bet
Thanks a lot :)
thank you.
JDavid Rome
Although I like you teaching, I used watch your lessons less than others teachers here in EngVid, because you talk faster than the others. But after this lesson, I intent watch your lessons more! Thank you for the tips!
Great lesson James!
This video certainly helped me when I am speaking or listening. I got 4/4 or 100% for the quiz :-)
These are fascinating ideas, Thank you a lot, go-ahead.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
I could not catch the fifth idea. Not clear to me.
It means: Judge the content, but not the way of speaking people.
means: judge the content (the principal idea)but not the way of speaking the people who share with you that idea.
It was easy, that means you have to focus on the idea of the message and not the rithm, fluency or intonation the speaker has.
good lesson
thank you very much for your great effort
very good lesson
Hi, teacher, Could you explain me the second question in the quiz please what it means about the times. I don’t need to listen a faster speaker to understand the english but in a normal speech.I don’t know the speed but why the correct is three to four times.
Love ya James! I try to keep things all you said.
These are all such wonderful guidance.
I understand it as “listen even if you dont like how the speaker is talking”
Hello James. Excellent your class about how to improving English by listening.
I think it’s really important understanding the general idea and not understanding word by word. I do not know if this is a common worry for another countries English learners but it’s a very common behavior for the students in my country. Most of my students are letting this habit back and their English is improving on a daily basis. Result: they are more confident when communicating despite their mistakes or accents.
Thanks very much for your time and congratulations to EngVid for the amazing and impressive English video-classes quality.
Excellent I always have told my friends who study English and try to translate word by word that English is a language of interpretation, not translation and I’ve always advised them to try to capture the idea in the context.
I’ve tried to stundy english for a long time, but I’m not very well.
I can help you out of that. Trust me and give me a ‘knock at my door’. Nice to meet you, I’m Viet Hung, from Vietnam.
Hello. I am very happy to find this web-side. I just to conect it and I am learning more. Your explanations I grasped very well this told me that I am improving, I’ve tried to get this kind of web-side but there aren’t to much. I hope forward watching you with English video classes amazing.
just to correct some spelling mistakes: coNect. web-siTe. toO much.
hello am very glad to find this web-side
i have got a lot to develop my speaking English
well thanks to the lecturers of this web but here i have one problem:
since i started learning English till now i’m like dictionary, when i start conversation with someone i can’t use the words i have, till i become the mid of the conversation so Mr. James please pay your advice i am going to follow it\
“I know you want me”
You got me ;-) Now you are me favorite teacher… You really do cool videos…. I still remember your great video “how to talk about looks”…..
Thank you for your very interesting lesson. I really enjoyed it and took a lot of benefit out of it! Go on buddy. Your are the cool teacher I always searched in school!
Greetings from Germany!
I have an exam coming up and i found this session awesom. More more more.
we need for the courses dealet and wrere is conutry
I am Indonesia person. Now I am studying at the university in Indonesia… at the first time until now I am interested in Engvid… May you give me How to download the vidio or give me the advantages of this program.maybe sometimes I can study in the other country.. Thanks
thannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnk you for help us
you have a new method to learn .what i can say just you are a great teacher.
your student:sara
I can,t describe this video
it is very very very interesting
and good for me
thanks for your optimistic help james. You were a nice friend when you told us that the native speakers are also responsible if we don’t understand them. In fact this is the most difficult for us to improve because we learnt always the cleaner spoken english (books teachers …)
I do like it and and I am waiting for other ones
hi,thanks all my help.
hi,sir thank you a lot for how to improve english by
hi,sir thank you a lot for how to improve english by listening.
Teacher : James, Your lesson is very nice and effectively with little of comedy moves I like.
*you’re breaking/expressing any new vocabulary for us during the lesson ,
you have not give us something to inquire/ask about
6 important points about listening is in mind from this moment.
Thanks a lot
i love you james… are the best !!!!thank you soooo much!!
I will be glad if you speak with me through the Skype to improve english ..
My Skype is xalilos2
hello james how are you ,my name is Ronald i d like to speak quicly english i need your help.listen the first i came on this web site i was see rhe video class now i can t so tell me what s the matter please. thank you.
thanks a lot for these english lessons and tips. you really help us quite a lot to know about various strategies in the field of teaching; esp teachers of english as ETL. i hope there will be more lessons boaddcast on soon. wish you the best.
really great teaching… i’ll spend more times to learn english here/… thanks 4 all tutors
thank u very much u r great teacher
you are the best one…….thank you so much ….
monday i have test…… me jamesssss im terrified!!!!!
Cuold you give me your skyp name
1st of all i want to great you with islamic greating salam how r u my dear teacher you are the wonderful teacher i learn alots of thing from you plz keep up it
thanks a lot, very useful lesson, it’s like when you read a book in English and try to understand every word, it becomes boring, but when you try to find out the ideas of what you are reading, you understand most everything and without the dictionary…
thanks alot james ,, you are a great teacher :>
Hello James,
congratulations on the Web, I discovered recently and is helping me a lot.
I have thought to go this summer, July-September (three months) to Canada, to improve my English but not which city and school choice. Could you recommend one please?
Do you have any english academy?
hello James you’ re woundarful to teach i am understand a lot so but i couldn’t speak can you help me how to speak THANKYOU SO MUCH GOOD BUY .
your studant
hello James
very clear your lesson also your Example very clear . Thanks a lot for you
but I have some problem with simple past and the Subject modale verbs > How i can take from you lesson about that please.
You are the best teacher in all the world!! thank you very much!
teacher! I have to join the exam in next 5 weeks, but now my listening skill is not good ,how much time i should spend to pratice a day .
I feel very good to learn this language is very important.
good jop
Idont understand anything, talk more slowly please.
Thanks for your help!
I just coming but I want to learn and I think the there´s a good teachers over here, so I´ll stay for a long.
nice to be here guys
Thank you. As usualy in your lessons it was comprehensible and persuasive. well done!
good boy! it’s very interesting to listen to him/
I have many classmates like this, TEACHER I WAS, BECAUSE, WHEN I , BECAUSE GBHABAHBAH,BAH,BAH they never think before to say something . .lol
this is a good adviced.
Great James you´re the man!!
thanks teacher, i like to listen your lesson,good luck !
hi mr james hope u r doing grt am planing to contest a toefel exam to win a adminstion for the course and i believe myself i have good english to demostrate to pass my exam.even though i have been out of the school for the last six years.but my problem is i dont understand the accent of the northern america english since i have been practicing a british english system.pliz i would like your and advice before i write my that i can achieve my goal waiting from u thanks,,,,
I love this teacher!
hi….this net page is very good…pleae heplp me!
Amazing, I liked very much. I wish that my Classes could be like this.
hey james am your fan…..everyday i am watching your video only..all your videos are so so interesting…
cool teacher………..
i can’t catch your lesson well
thank you very much
i start stadying 2 manths ago , i need to better and better
but i’m boring
thaaaaaaanks alot
so great
i have made up my mind to be a teacher in future but now i have change it ,i have made up my mind to be teacher like james………
he is novel teacher.
kaka, i like your ending.
kaka lol r u from india
I’m very happy cause I find this site… here I can take part in good classes, with native teacher. I loved the progress and the opportunity the web came to us. You’re a very good teacher, thank you, James. With this tips I will can be less worried about my confusion with the word. Bye for now. Hugs.
Very good speech. So helpful no even for a language learning. Thanks
this is the best english video class I’ve ever had!congratz you are the man XD
I wanna thank this site couz it gives us a good oportunity to learn english with native teachers.
it’s so helpful the tips you’ve taught and now we’re less confused with the words
this lesson was very helpful
thank you
James thank so much for this great lessons !! Hugs man !! I m lookin’ forward for one another class!!
I really liked these lessons!
James you are amazing
please go a head many students like you in my country Saudi Arabia.
Hi James,
I have tried to learn by listen. I have a great difficultry to understand, and get a idea. Could you, please write or indicate any ways?
Thanks for your time.
Thank you, James! Your lessons are my favorite! Carry on, please. Best regards.
thank you james’ i love your lessons… it was good for me.. if i understand you than i can understand everyone…it may takes long time but it will’ i believe it. thank you again
I like your lessons you make it funny to lean english
I would like to have teacher as James is.
Thanks James nice presentation.
hi james.
what are the exceptions in grammar rule?
i just wanna know….thanks!
It’s so strange that you mentioned Croatian language. I thought no one has ever heard of it. There is a good reason for that, I guess, or you are good at Geographic.
It’s like the same as Serbian, Bosnian and Montenegrian (yeah, Montenegrian, the new language that has nearly nothing else different from Serbian one. They just decided to create their own language after independence) and they are all made by Serbian language.
Croatia did a good job of reforming their language and now it has the most difference, but practically is very, very similar to all of them.
It is like UK English and US English. There are differences in some of the words, spelling, dialect (ekavian and jekavian) and pronounce, but is clearly understandable.
I wrote this just to let you know more, since you mentioned it.
I think this lesson is very good, but I also think that without a rich vocabulary is not that as easy as you said.
P. S. Since I’m not a native speaker, it would be really helpful for me if you point me to mistakes I made in this writing. It will be a way to improve myself a little (little bit?) more.
Thank you in advance.
James is a bit busy, but I will correct your comment. Most of your mistakes are minor. Your English is very good!
It’s so strange that you mentioned THE Croatian language. I thought no one HAD ever heard of it. MAYBE there is a good reason for that, or you are good at GEOGRAPHY.
It’s the same as Serbian, Bosnian, and MontenegrIn (yeah, Montenegrin, the new language that has nearly nothing different from Serbian. They just decided to create their own language after independence.) They are all DERIVED FROM THE Serbian language.
Croatia did a good job of reforming their language and now it has many differences, but practically IT is very, very similar to all of them.
It is like UK English and US English. There are differences in some of the words, spelling, AND IN THE dialectS (ekavian and jekavian) and pronUNCIATION, but SPEAKERS OF EACH OF THE LANGUAGES ARE clearly understandable TO ONE ANOTHER.
I wrote this just to let you know more, since you mentioned it.
I think this lesson is very good, but I also think that without a rich vocabulary, IT is not that as easy as you said.
P.S. Since I’m not a native speaker, it would be really helpful for me if you point OUT TO me mistakes I made in writing THIS. It will be a way to improve myself a little (little bit?) (BOTH ARE FINE) more.
Thank you in advance.
Hi James!
Thank you so much! I found your lessons and this web-page and so happy! You are great teacher! Your lessons very useful for grammar, pronunciation and listening.
Could you prepare next lesson by topic “Job Interview Questions and Answers”? Best wishes for you!
Thank you so much for you teach
it so good this lesson
this is sawsan from egypt ,i just wanna say thank u for this interesting n helpful lessons
,the whole website is amazing!!!!!
this benefits me.
i think Mr. James is always use very interesting methods to deliver the listen. I think he is very successes in most videos I have seen for him. I appreciate his efforts and I wish him all the good things
Thank you very much. I have learned a lot from you guys.
Sir, Jammes Good after noon, I am from India , I wana to learn how to speak after listen to other. Please help me. How can i make me fluent in english.
I like you! So much!
You did a great job!
James teachs well. Easy to listen.
You don’t know where am I now??
I am in Longview and I am speak Indonesia Language !!! :)
You are awesome James !!!
AGHhhhh… WIIFM !!!
fantastic!! what a great lesson! I never understood listen as he explains it, what great tips! this guy has a natural talent for teaching!
James! You and Mr. E are the greatest teaches ever! I’m amazed with the content and ideas of your lesson! Thank you for the creativity of your method of approaching of an educational process! Keep up the good work!)))
you are best teacher Ive ever seen.
ThankS! I learned from it.
I love this teacher!
Hi, i appreciate the way you tech mr. james, most clearly couldnt be
i couldnt watch film so i cant answer right plz help me
Hi Sir,
Thank you so much…
Your the best teacher and I would like to learn more in your videos. my greatest dream is to be fluent in english language that’s why I’m trying my best to learn everyday.
You’re very kind person because you didn’t hesitate to share your knowledge with us.
God bless & more power to you.
I’m hoping that more blessings will come to your life.
Good job!
Good lesson!!
It was fun lesson. I have a question. There are many kinds of listenig books for listening practicing. Most books have dictation parts on workbooks. But you say we don’t have to listen each word. we try to catch the general idea. Then what kind of book is good for listening practice?
you are N1 :)
I have problem with undersdanding somebody very often. My main mistakes are my EMOTIONS. When I talk with somebody I am very nervous and I forgot a lot of words and I don’t know what said…it’s frustrating. Day by day I watch Your lessons and i feel better. I believe that I can do this, like You.
Thanks for your lesson. It’s very fun. But i could not clearly get the four ideal “Open mind (emotion). Sometimes i hear someone speaking, I did not hear what they say. As you mention i should ignore what they say and then guess(idea) it later, right? and in the third “Longer” idea, it mean i have to practice ?
Thanks again!
Hi teacher, you are perfect teacher ,,
I like your teaching style, it’s interesting and useful at the same time. thank you very much ,,
These are the best lessons for me…
Thank You so much…….(‘.’)
I don’t understand :(
what can i do ?!!!
I am so glad to have found this web site, you are a very good speaker. I am getting my GED and I need all the help I can get. I would like to say thank you.
Peace be upon you
I do not know how these videos revealed Ooohml ask you to explain my friends
thank you , bcause right now my english is better …
hi James,
I would like to improve my grammer and english. I tried myself couple of time but i am getting frostration to not improving my grammer and writting so could u please help me…. i like your listening calss and grammer class.
Hi James,
Thank you very much for your wonderful video. I would say your are simply the best. All most all virtual classes are eye opener for me and now I am thinking why am didn’t search your video before. I am looking for your kind suggestion regarding my listening ability. According to your lecture that you said just grab the general ideas. But if you don’t know anything that the content, how do I detect which is most important and which are redundant. I would be more than happy if you suggestion that specific area for me.
Thank you very much.
I think i was a good manner to learn English
It’s a good English lessons.
oh my God i really love you style teaching it so great
hi James, you seems to be a coach in adition to teacher, the paths you gave are more important that the lernings, I agree 100% of key driver you broke down.
thanks your engvid day to day classrooms, see you soon in next one!!
Regards from Argentina
Hello James, You are so hilarious. I wish I can converse with you to practice my listening.LoL.
hiiii James , you are very amazing one , I hope to practice my english with you.
it is big dream to be fluent and attractive speaker like you,
best wishes for you .
Thanks James for good teach me, i hope will speak good english.
Thanks James for teaching me
Hi James I’m from Jordan I’ve a problem in listening English I cant understand
I want to test my abilities in listening English if there is any test please send it to me to Improve my listening ( thank you so much )
thanks james good job for us, u r great teachar, i think we met (hansa language centre) in toronto right?
anyway thanx again.
thank you and congratulations for you
I’m ukrainian girl and I think such lessons are really helpful for everyone, they develop our skills, we try to speak and listen better, to keep the information in our minds. I fond of English, and I want to know it perfectly. I would be happy to travel to the English speaking country! Thank you, James! It’s cool!
speechless, indeed you are a great teacher
thank you so much!
James, here’s Fabio from Italy.
Well, you must learn me what could I say when I do really appreciate someone very, very much.
Because I’m going to say that to you for your help in teaching us english !
You’re great.
You are a great teacher. I have no words to describe that. I have watched number of English classes on net. But your teaching is really great. Could you please teach me English.
God Bless you!
I am starting to learn today only,I think It is useful for me.Please teach me ..Thanks for all
i am glad to see this website little bit i am getting improvement i will try to watch daily
you can really teach
Hello from Kosovo!
Thank you Jeams! It’s nice to have a teacher (in fact two teachers, you and Mr.E ) everyday in my home, and learn a lot of new words.
Thank you so much ! :)
James,I really like your lesson.your presentation is too good that helps us to catch and learn the lesson.Whenever I watch your lesson I feel m in real class room and enjoy a lot.Thank you so much!!!
Never come across a teacher who is so kool and knows how to make even the dumbest understand. I’ve always found it difficult to concentrate/ understand someone but after this i will try my hardest to listen LONGER and GIVE MY BRAIN A JOB listen out for IDEAS. Thank you.
The best ever lesson… thank you very much, you’ve encouraged me to go ahead studying English.
Help! I am trying to join but a message keeps saying there is an error on activating my account!
You are awasome :)
Dear James .. thanks a lot for your efforts
God bless you
You are a Dredger and it’s not good for you !!!
Your teaching about lesson is good but I want to say if it is possiable provide long conversation vedio, so this would be helpful for those that they desired to improve their communication skill.
u are a good teacher i think averyone are learning here are having fun thsnk u man u are the best in the world xD i hope u keep making more videos u and mr E are the best lmao i think i’m getting in love for mr E xD
you are the best teacher, thanks a lot.
I like the way you teach man great hell awesome \m/
It’s very good analysis,
thank you so much!
Mr. James you’re speak very quickly in your lessons :(
I am an Arabic
I have problem with listening in English , which is when I watch English movies , I feel myself very bad in English because I don’t understood only just a little
but here in EngVid I understood everything when I listen to the lessons :) maybe because I open my mind carefully :)
I’m delighted to see/hear something that worth! I loved it!
Man you have a gift
yes l get the idea believe my english skills will improve a lot thank so much
One of the best websites ever. Thank you for teaching us awesome ways to learn English as well. I wish you and everyone behind engvid all the best. God bless you.
Thank you very much! Very useful!
hi and thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu so so so much it is very useful for student have a great life byyyyyyyyyyyy
Great Lesson, great teacher!
I always knew that was the way (not getting the whole thing, but getting the idea)
Two new things for me: ignore my triggers and the WIIFM!
Thank you very much! Your lessons are awesome!
Thx a lot for this interesting videos provide on this website. It’s a good tool to improve my english. Keep it up Engvid! :)
Hi james, I find your vids very helpful… I need help on grammar and I tend to bounce my story around alot while writing essays. what vids can I watch for my bouncing around and grammar?
Thank you very much
Thanks so much >!!!
Thanks a lot! This particular lesson fits perfectly not only for foreign languages, but for native as well ))
thanks very much
Perhaps it’s just coincidence, but i have started to understand fast English speech during watching of the lesson. It’s amazing feeling! James thank you very much! :-)
This is exactly what we love to hear. Thank YOU!
Great! Thank You! Your way of teaching is really good and helpful!
hi james sir….!!! i lov d way u teach and its really vry helpful . thank you soooo much sir.and sir i hav a doubt, sir cn u upload a video which will tell how to use and where to use the modal auxilaries like would, could etc.
thanks a lot dear
happy to have you
When I watch the James videos, I understand how lousy were my english teachers…! Thank you and please continue!!
great lesson
thanks teacher
you’re good teacher
thank you
You were right, James. I usually listen to every word people speak and at the end of each sentence I don’t remember a thing. Again, thanks for great lesson.
it’s a nice lesson…i really like your comedy…communication with comedy is really fantastic…
thank you very much James, it is very interesting lesson
Really nice..
thanks alot.its nice
iam from saudi arabia
thank you but you are talking fast
These are really great tips.
visit >>>>thank you very much..
Thank you for the tips. I love love love Engvid! I´m learning how to study and my English is improving a lot!!!
Thanks very much James , and really you help with that lesson because i used to have bad hear when people talk to me by english langauge , and i think with that lesson i will be able to speak and listen better than i am , and i will take your advice , i will do it :)
this lesson was very helpful for me and i am going well with English >>>> thank you jemes .
james can I say that u r an amazing teacher. it’s a goood listen specially for those who have a lack of confidence .
ayman from kingdom of Saudi Arabia
I just want to say thank you. Explaining the concept of listening made it much mor clearer. I needed the inspiration; thanks again
nice leson, J
Hi, a verry effective effort :) thanx the whole team for teaching in such an effective way, and providing such opportunity to learn english so easily.
Thank You.
hello James
i’ve been searching for some english lessons on youtube few days ago and found your video and i found them very effective,well i am not a very old viewer of your videos i have watched few videos of yours and as you can see that my english is not very good so could you please guide me that from where should i start my english learning process as in from which part…thanks and please if could tell me my mistakes in this..
i am bad in listening
I learned English so many years, about thirty years, not so hard of course, but I can’t understand TV, so frustrated.
I have to translate english to my language to understand it. I think the reason is that I listen few. Maybe it need 2000 hours to listen Engilsh to understand it, the real listening. By the way, I want to know that writing can help me improving.
hello. i’m glad when i found this website. i’ve studied English for a long time. But my skill’s still too bad. What should i do:((
thank you very much for your openness John!
you are the best for me
i like your lessons
Greetings from Croatia, thank you for excellent lesson and mentioning of the Croatian language.
Also I would like to say hello to my neighbor from Serbia who had interesting comment above. I know this isn’t the place for this kind of discussion but please don’t believe Serbians everything they wrote. Unfortunately for him, it’s true that Croatian and Serbian language have common roots and they are very similar, but Croatian isn’t product of Serbian language.
Sorry for this disputes, and please keep on going with great lessons.
ThanQ for teaching the listening skills.
I have a problem with my vocab would you please help me with it.
Wow! It’s a very good class, I can understand everything you say, word by word. Your accent is very easy to understand. I live in Brazil, and a few people from Brazil just can’t speak english because of their accents, but I think it’s normal to those people who are learning the english language. Thanks in advance.
Thanks for your suggestions :)
Very good lesson !
Mr James! You are great teacher. How interesting your lessons are ! My listening skill has improved quickly. Thanks.
Thanks its very good
ENGVID is great. Thank you very much!
I started learning English!
As Vietnam so I need to become a global citizen! I do not hear your video, and I understand the body language + photos!
We hope to get acquainted and communicate fluently with you!
Thank you all!
(I use google to translate and write you a sweater)!
you write by your left hand, and me too. i like that. hjhj. and i like this lesson
It’s not easy but i’ll try to be longer.
amazing class..You are such a talented teacher..I appreciate you… I am a medical teacher.I have got 3 times as “Good teacher” award in medical school.But after seeing your classes i got more inspired… YOUR CLASSES ARE BEYOND COMPARABLE……James keep it up guy…… All the best ..May GOD ALMIGHTY BLESS YOU LOT……
thank you a lot James , we have a pleasure if you give us the impassibility to really participate to some online conversation i think is glad for us this manner and can help to improve our level
waooo that was awesome,catch the general idea and you can get the information that you need, or get the idea,thanks for you lessons james, you are the best teacher
OMG!! Really I understood!!! like you said, is so frecuent that we try to catch every word and if we put in practice this 6 rules or ideas i think we can do it hard work every day, though
i like this website, i just find this website and i’m studying here, i think that this is place where is very good for me to learn English,now i’m a student in university in Vietnam, i’m studying English department. I hope that i will be learnt many things from this website, i hope that everyone will help me to improve my English skills
I love this site
i really love this site …thanks a lot…god bless you
i really lik this site… pls upload more and more videos… the teachers are well.
I lik valen mam’s teaching..
Hey! I watch lots of movies everyday and listen to musics, right? But I don’t understand half of what they are saying. I don’t get any benefits. Please help me, what cab I do to listen and understand the langueage better?
Wooooooooooow, this is the lesson I’ve been looking for a long time. James, you read my mind. Man, are you a doctor of language? I’m wondering. . .
nice to learn english with you, no problem )))
Thanks James!This is the best lesson ever. You did a really good job! Btw, i live in Toronto now, hope that i can see you someday :D Have a good day man!
Thank you teacher.It’s very useful.
I always be nervous when I speak English.
I need to limprove my listening faster and faster. I had good catches from you James, but one thing there are many more ways to improve English listening, so can we follow all these ways (headache!)? Please advise more…
Last 10 seconds was awesome and that conveyed a lot of emphasis on longer listening ….. u proved it in a flash man !!!
This is really really great. I love this. thanks alot
Thanks James!
Very interesting & positive lesson)
I understood everything & the main thing it wasn’t boring!Like it so much ))
hi, james you are really great i am thankful to you for this lesson. i have english listening problem.i don,t understand others what does they say to me.but from this lesson i get a ideas to improve my listening. once again thanks..could you plese correct my sentenses?
I opportunistically find your lessons. than you James!
I want some people to talk to them in English to practice ma language… ow can I get some??!!! through the web sure!!
Try our Facebook page!
James, you are, in my opinion the best teacher out there. :D Thanks for giving great tips on how to comprehend listening, and reading. two of the main fields I’m currently having difficulties in. I hope you upload more videos and continue to give your best for everyone struggling with english. Once again, Thank you James!
Thank for your teaching me . You have a good speaking skill . Your lesson is so attractive .
thank a lot James!
I have benefit more from you sir
awwwwwwwwww i like it u r a good teacher
James, thank you for everything! I’ve learned more during your lessons than anywhere! This is the best way to improve my skills!
P. from Hungary
dats gr8 lesson
thanx alot
Hey James, you’re awesome guy, thanks and congratulations! You work very well!
hi! james, im glad that ur sharing ur knowledge to us. personally im not really gud in english particularly on grammar so i keep on studying although sometimes i want 2 give up…bcoz i think i need 2 study many things and ive got confused…especially on tenses..i hope u continue sharing us about what we need to learn in english..KUDOS!
Hey james
Thank you for these lessons but sometimes I cant catch some ideas.I hope so I overcome this problem with engvid :)
Hi James I’m bad listening, You speak very very fast, and you never answer me. How should I do for Listen and answer the question?
agree 80%
i loved your video it will help me with my students a lot thanks a lot hope to see more !!!
you are a wonderful teacher iam from chile i like your classes they are very joyful and i learn a lot
I used to be suggested this web site by way of my cousin. I’m not sure whether this submit is written by means of him as nobody else recognise such distinctive about my trouble. You’re incredible! Thank you!
Hello James, just want to tell you that I think you are excellent teaching english and will try to take advantage of all the free material available in this page to improve listening and comprehension of this important language.
Hi Mr Jame. Your video is really useful for me to improve speaking and listening skills. You know I can’t hear well so I don’t understand what foreigners say though I studied English long time. I am confused to speak English with them. I will try to do following your advice and I hope I will improve much than. Thanks a lot your lectures.
Amazingggggggggggggggggg :)))))
I am an English teacher in Brazil and Your classes are helping me to give better classes to my students. You are really wise and you show wisdom in your classes in a very simple and direct way. Thank you very much for helping me!
Hey James thank you for your advice, I really find it easier now :) And I am also getting better now. :)
“awwwwwwwwww i like it u r a good teacher” Huda i think he is better than the word good.
You are very good….teacher….
i just want to throttle them and then kill all of their babies and eat them :)
Hi James, this is a good lesson for life, too!
Thank you! Very useful lesson, i’m was surprised that so boring them can be so interesting.
u r awsome……..verry verry special
Hey James, thank you so much for your courses, i found the first one in youtube then i watch some of your videos everyday, because i really like the way you teach and it help me to improve my skills.
great!! I really like the lessons on this site!
Thanks! It helped a lot! Do you have any other tricks? Because I’m going to be interviewed in front of my whole school (a thousand people) and I wouldn’t like it if I had to ask the interviewer to repeat in front of all of these people… English isn’t my native language.
I need your help fully I have that understand the English to work, give me some ideas please james.
This lesson is very useful and important.
Hi there, just became alert to your blog via Google, and found that it is truly informative. I’m gonna watch out for brussels. I’ll appreciate if you continue this in future. Lots of men and women will be benefited from your writing. Cheers!
You are by far the best teacher i ever had….
Hello James, today was the first time that I saw your video, I thought it wonderful, helped me a lot. I ve been studying English for 1 year and I can understand exactly you said about listen longer and dont try to understand each word.Your tips is very important. Thank very much. Luciane from Brazil
i have problem listening if somebody talking ,or taking class or lesson feel difficult to understand meaning word while conversation
I have problems trying to remember/narrate a movie, lessons, articles, events
Excellent !!!! I like this lesson very much. Thank you.
Excellent way to learn english. thanx
Hi jame I would like to thank u to get thise website. I always try to listening news but I couldn’t understand so can u tell me children movie website because may be to see with action to understand . I think u help me thank u very much continue
thank’s for all
Please upload videos on other site like daily motion.
If it’s because Youtube is blocked, try using a proxy?
i cant speak english. your lesson helps me a lot. i should had watched it every day.
i speak english correctly but i often take painss to understand native speaker i don not know why please give the way so that ….
good lesson teacher …i got what say ..perfect
It Is very good listen Mr,James
Thanks for lesson very much! ))) Your lesson is cool as always.
very good lesson in clear language with useful ideas. thank you very much for what your great lessons!
awesome ideas!! thanks alot ,, realy i liked this site alot :)
Hi, my name is Edinaldo. I am from Brazil (Rio de Janeiro). I have been trying to learn English a long time but as Brazil borders only countries that speak spanish not English my understanding gets hard to improve. We are the only country in South America THAT SPEAK portuguese and not spanish like everyone thinks so if I wanna learn it I have to pay for English classes. Engvid is another tool that is helping a lot. Thanks!
hi , I’m italian and I’m trying to learn listening english… I’m watching english series tv and a lot of films … so in your opinion , I’ll be able to understand english when someone talks to me?
(i can understand you but i don’t get all words that you said)
thank you
But my brain just can work as half as fast I’m able to hear ;)
Fantastic Video, engvid help me so much to improve english skill. Thanks
Great video thanks so much
This the first time I see like this video … Thank you so much mr.james
James your lesson was awesome………Thank you and wish you luck
hello i am new here
very nice lesson
I like your lessons so much!
James fantastic!! I Will put it in to practice
thats wonderful lesson
Thank you James! This lesson was really helpful! I appreciated that!
Thank you very much James..I am a university student the big challenge which i faced in my studies is this language..I Real need to be fluent in both spoken and written..English is my second language seems i am trying my level best to write because i understand what I heard and even i read but i can not speak well,I cannot i don know whether i lack confidence or not because all of my classmets are english native speakers please help me on what should I do.Best Regards
I blew the test :(
4 correct out of 4 – Thomas from Poland thx
thanks for everything man! I come from Italy and personally i found it very useful, i’ll try to improve my listening with your advice. by the way i got 3 correct out of 4 =)
Thank you very much for lesson and I want to ask if you can explain everything about “to get” because it is used instead almost of everything..
hi,you know you are speak very fast
this video is very good
nice talking to every one
thank you james, i like your syle :)
hi . i want to remind you we are beginner .we are not native. you are speaking very fast and incoherent.have u ever see your vids?but thanks.
Hello! I really aprecciated your class and a pay a lot attencion to listenig yours suggestion. I’m sorry by my bad english. Thank you so very match.
hi, excelent tips thank you
Hi! I am going to be taking my qts English exam and I am stuck in the comprehension section. I have to chose what section of the text is an ‘explicit contraction’ or an ‘implicit contradiction’ please help as I do not understand what these two phrases mean!! :)
Hi and thank you.
Thanks James :) You are good teacher!
well you are fantastyc..only my problem is my gramma, and my listenig… I know I need more practic… ufff…thnaks for your oportunity…
Thanks James..^^
Bravo James! :)
u speak toooooooooo much fast man
Thank you James. You’re a very good teacher and I’d like you to give me private English courses once or twice a week (30min, an hour or two, etc.)to improve my English (conversation skills and so on).
WIIIFY (from the “WIIIFM”)? Contact me via my email adress so that we can talk about that issue. If you’re not available, maybe Adam is? I have listened to several teachers here, they’re all good but, I would like to work with Mr E./James or Adam.
I hope that this will be possible. Looking forward your answer.
thanks JAMES
O, man! I discovered that EngVid is a awesome way to improve my English regarding to listening skills. I found out James’ lessons yesterday and I’ve simply fallen in love with the new and practical way to study English with his abilities. Thanks so much! Hugs from Nova Iguaçu in Rio de Janeiro state (Brazil!!!!)! \o/
Thank you James,
I really love your classes.
You are helping a lot to improve my english.
Greetings to Mr. E
3 of 4, Thank you James!!!
thanks for helping me in my difficult period :)
Good job!
Thank you.
James, great lesson ! Very clear concepts, truly useful suggestions. Thanks a lot! Bye
you did’nt mention any Arab countries
This is very much useful, thank you James and EngVid. My English is improving and I’m getting less shyer in speaking English than before. Please do correct my writing if there is somewhere to be corrected
Thank you
Thank you, James!
I am from Brazil and I’m trying improve my english. I have much difficult with comprehension, but I should undestanding the general idea.
However, much words I did not understand. I have difficult when the talk is quick. I hope improve my comprehension soon!
I love so much find this website!
ps: Sorry for my errors in the text.
thank you james
I can’t understand what you said in 6:23. Can you or someone tells me please?
One of the best James’ videos I’ve seen. Thank you so much
thanks james really you are funny i like your way of explaining
Hi James, thanks a lot for another great video
You are excellent teacher
take care
HELLO James, i had 4/4 after the see twice the vid and make the quiz also(the first quiz I had 2/4 ).
thank you for the lesson and engvid.
You touch my heart.
Thanks James! I got 75% :)
ow!! cool!!
thank for Mr. E asking him to teach me the important infomation
Hey guys i got a problem, i understand better when i got my headphones on, than listening the TV, what should i do
its so fast…. i could nt catch ur lesson ….
there is no magic in the hole world that is work.
thank you james :)
that is nice lesson
Thank You JameS. Now i know the secret on how to listen effectively.
James! I have a question regarding english grammar. what is the best way to study english grammar?as you know I am in level 1, I decided to do the level 1 first then go to the next level, Is that a good idea?
thank you james.Its help me for improve my english.
Thanks James…good lesson!!! I’ve just started to improve my scholastic English by liste ing films and engvid…but i’m looking for someone to talk… I.e in skipe! (My skipe name is frartoloni)
thank you for the advices! It was a very good video
thanks a lot,you’re a good teacher
I’d like you to speak more slowly. I can’t follow you even…:(
4/4, thanks, James!
you’re a very good teacher
James! You’re my favorite teacher! Thanks for these gold suggestions!
Nice!You are very good theacher
Hi My name is Lakshman and I am still struggling to speak English fluently and I want to migrate to English speaking country (Australia, New Zealand…) and is it possible to come over there learn English so that I can learn English as soon as possible
excellent class, the teacher James incredibly facilitates understanding.
hey teacher !!
This video its’nt working…
Hi! Is Youtube censored where you are? You may have to use a VPN in order to watch videos.
Thanks very much teacher!
As usual you are the best. :)
good..3/4 is ok? ja ja great MR james¡¡
It is reasonable
Thanks james
how much fast is the brain ??? where did you talk about it ? I’ha watched the video two times but i didn’t catch it ….
Thanks you so much. You always make me laugh. You are the best.
Perfect, Mr. James, your lessons are awesome.
Not easy ?
Thank you Games it’s very helpfull what you introuduse.
Thanks alot james ,you are a great teacher! <3
Very helpful rules for English speakers understanding. Thank you, James! Another one additional rule which I invented for myself. I’m trying to associate or imagine how would I perceive an information or particular phrase in my native laguage. On this wave it’s easy to transfer these sensations for better perception of ideas.
In English
Wow, speaking quickly my brain works so fast than I have to use all my senses to understand and I must also change my mind to a sharp one. I have to write the ideas and take note because it was difficult to follow and chain the topics. Thanks a lot teacher James from Engvid, optimistically, open minded and delivering oportunism.
Thank you James for this brilliant and inspiring lesson!
Thank you James. You’re very amazing teacher. Teach of your style make me remember and understand your lesson.
Thank you again :)
Mr. James, i like your lessons a lot, very focus on the target to enjoy/learn English…success
Thank you James
Great great lesson! Thanks!
It a very good lesson.
I watched this video in 2017
Who’s the same?
Thank you, James!
Thank you Mr.James for the lesson, it easy to understand and very fun. It very helpful for me ^^
as always great Mr James and your topic too
I got a wisdom from my teacher in secondary school says ( a good listener is a good leaner ) .
You got 2 correct out of 4.
Thanks James! Your lesson is as great as others are.
Thanks Alot!
Thank You. It was very important lesson for me. Especially first point ;)
Hi James, I came back to Brazil, but continues here to learning more and more..tks
Thanks a lot :)
thank you.
Although I like you teaching, I used watch your lessons less than others teachers here in EngVid, because you talk faster than the others. But after this lesson, I intent watch your lessons more! Thank you for the tips!
Great lesson James!
This video certainly helped me when I am speaking or listening. I got 4/4 or 100% for the quiz :-)
These are fascinating ideas, Thank you a lot, go-ahead.
You are very skillful teacher I your talking.
Thank you Mr. James.
Thank you sir,James 4/4
thanks James for your teachings