Jokes can be difficult to understand in any language — especially if the language is not your native language. In this lesson I’ll teach you about the parts of a joke, and you’ll learn some new vocabulary and expressions that you wouldn’t normally hear in a classroom… and hopefully you laugh!
Very good!(Im not talking about the joke).
I started learning english listening some songs with this kind of word(Tenacious D).
Dear John, you should make more lessons with some texts ,like that about Clint Eastwood, but showing more pictures… would be FANTASTIC!
Hi Jon! Funny joke “….1-2-3 for?” HaHaHa. But, next time, do the joke before the lesson, then the explanation. I think, in that way, we are force to think in the meanings…
Luis Enrique
that’s correct!
I didn’t understand the Joke. Anyone tell me.
What did you say 1 2 3 for
hahahaha ^_^
Hi Jon:D I didn’t understand your joke from beginning so explanation was very helpful. By the way you suppose to make more similar lessons I’ll think. Thanks a lot for that. =D
Hi Jon, More jokes and more drawings, please! :)
You’ve made my day… It was amazing and very educational at same time :P
Thank you so much!:)
Funny, but not very polite!!
You have the talent to deliver information do not do this nonsense again, / We love you Jon
Extremly unusual way of teaching. But it works. As well as I know even Shakespeare used some dirty jokes.
thanks for sharing the post. it helps a lot……..
I like watching your lessons,I can get more information and also I enjoy while watching the lessons.
thank you knock’m dead ;)
bakhtiyar ali
Ha ha ha i very enjoy this lesson it is a good idea to learn english
bob rechman
yeah I laughed good joke Jon. poor guy a whole year without sex. holycows. keep joking with more dirty jokes.
Efrain Dominguez
It is very good lesson.
Poor thing! That man had no sex during a year!!!
It’s terrible! We must not laugh!
We ought to cry!
wild boar
HAHAHAHA. I understood all right! well done!
You are a great teacher in it short time I enjoyed with your classes, I would like receive more information and to be your pupil.
Sergio Ocampo
Jon, Please advise the difference between log in and log on as well.
Sorry, it is for Alex not Jon.
Hi Jon! I did the quiz but I was wrong the second question beacause I answered the 3th (“the number ‘4’ and the preposition ‘for'”) instead of the 2nd… could you explain me why? thanks
Hahahahahahaha… Very good one Jon!
I don’t understand. Why does magic powder is called pun
if u didn’t have the explan after telling the joke, i’d not understanded why u laughing. Nice joke! Hope u have more story like that
Vu Uoc
ahahahah funny joke…poor man! ;)
awww he`s so cute :D
I’m pretty sure that the answer for question number 2 should be “the number ‘4’ and the preposition ‘for'” and not “the magic powder”.
What do you think?
You’re right, Shay. Thanks for letting us know! The quiz is now fixed.
You performed better than the main role of the joke. (Ha~ha~)
hahaha, actually the punchline wasn’t that funny.
but it was useful thank you Jon :)
Dear Jon,
thank you for the excellent lesson.
I know, what I would like is a probably a bit too much. But could you write the joke in this section?
Thank you in advance.
Take care!
it’s pretty good joke
yeah, nice joke, i didn’t get it at the first time, but when you explained at the end the joke meak sense.
lol !!! good joke !!!
can you please give us the subtitles of the conversition ??
hello Rashid, To have not subtittles is good for improve the listening. But if you have to read for listening, you can have a look on the moovies whith subtittles in your language. It’s a good and funny way too for listening ! Have a good moment with series (that’s the best way for me) !
i agree with u.
I an down with you ganery the best way I think
Hi teachers, thanks a lot you’re wonderful, i really enjoyed the lessons very very much.
Henry Jembi
nice very good joke
jon i think this is better way for learning english because many people get bored to continues learning so this joke will relax of our mind.
A agree whith you ! Thank’s, John, for this dirty joke !
1,2,3 (is what) for??
that was interesting
thank you
Dear Mr. John!!!
That’s Nice Website Because I want to Learn English Lessons I Can Believe this Lesson Thats Really Good Work
Arsalan Hafeez Dayo
Who said that you can’t tell a joke? I laugh a lot….thanks teacher!
very good lesson
I will never say ‘4’ after ‘3’ after this time . And I am gonna be ready all the time as usual :) That was great joke , Thanks for that …
The punchline was for, allright this was better lol :)
Dear Jon, I am an English teacher from NY having 50 years of experience teaching E. First of all, the story with your joke – is it an introduction to the course? If so, I believe you have killed it right away. What intelligent person will go on listening to the rubbish you presented! I have read the comments before posting mine. How low you should go to please an audience of this sort! Before showing up before a class a teacher MUST prepare himself or herself by at least looking up the definitions of the vocabulary he or she intends to introduce. Then a teacher has to respect the audience by carefully choosing the material, but not present a gross joke. You are more than welcome to respond, I will gladly share with you my ideas. You seem like a nice person. J.T.
Julia Tsukerman
I agree with you
I want you to tell what’s the best way to learn English
Dear Mrs Tsukerman. I things it’s important for students in E.S.L. to learn other than words on books, to learn tne speaking english. I agree with you when you tell a teacher has to respect… but he or she has to learn different sorts of words, and not only the nice words. Don’t you think students would be more interested in learning with more joke and humor ?
cool.. I loved
Praise be to God I do not need shaman
it was great! thanks..
Thanks, it was great. Another example why we have to avoid ending sentences with prepositions.
Hi Jon,
it really interesting, i learnt a new expression ‘at a loss’.
thank you very much for ur help
thank U …it was nice of U
i like ur way john of teatching and i like the jock really the poor man but i’ll wait another more polite jock jhon tk u
hello mr jon i’m a new student if u accept me i liked this vid and the jock too but i’ll woit another one more polite u know and u’r just great and goodlooking ihope that won’t bother ur wife tk u so much jony
Very good. More jokes? (Sidney – Brazil)
that was funny. ha ha ha
funny and amazing way to learn ….
it is a good joke
Great teacher with a great joke!Your lesson reminded me of something I read somewhere about penis having seizures. Do penis have seizures sir? and, what kind of English expression is that?
i love u jon
what a awesome personality u have
plz add me in facebook
Hello it’s joke doesn’t make sense. It ‘s about man who wants
His penis to get down during intercourse . Sexologist says
It’s regular ,everybody does. He doesn’t worry.
Dan, I think you didin’t understand the joke!!!!!
A great joke.
Ha ha ha it is great
hi jon!! this kind of joke is not suitable for a standard website!!! sorry.
Who said this was a standard website? If this type of material bothers you, you can watch one of the other 375 videos.
Hi Jon,
first lesson a joke..ha ha thanks.
thank you for this lesson
hello, that’s a great joke, i’m waiting for another joke, thank you so much Mr., good luck, bye….
Hi jon, that was a great joke, i am waiting for another joke, jajajajajaja, ok, good luck, bye…
Hello Jon,
I love the way you teaching. Its truth when you said in Viet Nam, some woman said they go to pick up flower instead up im goinh to toilet. Its funny way. Im Vietnamese :)
Lien Hoang Le
It’s very funny. Thank you for making me laugh, hahaha. More than that, I can know more vocabulary that were new to me before. My vocabulary store is bigger a little bit now. I have a lesson after this story: tell your partner not to say or ask anything when performing, hahaha, that is not to waste the only time of the whole year.
It was a great and funny lesson or class.
Thanks for teaching us and give a wonder moment.
Go corinthians
rodrigo carlos dias
Jon,,I hope u could help me to understand this joke!
I was in Dubai. And there’s a lot of Indians who work in Dubai. And they don’t get paid that well. And I got it in my head that all the Indians there must be workers. And I forgot there’s obviously successful Indians in Dubai as well. I was doing a show, and they said, “We’re going to send a driver to pick you up.” So I went down to the lobby, and I saw this Indian guy. I go, “He’s got to be my driver.” Because he was standing there in like a cheap suit, thin mustache, staring at me. So I went over, “Excuse me, sir, are you my driver?” He goes, “No, sir. I own the hotel.” (Laughter) I go, “I’m sorry. Then why were you staring at me?” He goes, “I thought you were my driver.”
I still don’t get the last point “I thought you were my driver.”
just like you thought that he is your driver, He thought that you are his driver lol that’s a funny one
just like >> why six is afraid of seven ?
cause seven eight (ate) nine
Lol…Hahahahahahah…very good!!!!
I Didn’t Think I could to laugh a lot today. Thanks for that way to teach
I want to practice my english
My skype is victormda1
Contact me! Greetings
I must confess your lesson caught me till the end. I wish all english teachers were so easy-going
juan manuel
I love the joke…was very funny the punchline…I laughed a lot. Thank you for your funny lesson. Please tell us more jokes. See you
I love the joke…was very funny the punchline…I laughed a lot. Thank you for your funny lesson. Please tell us more jokes. See you
Thanks JON ,I REALLY LIKE YOUR JOCK,AND YOUR WAY OF TEACHING .It’s work.Have a good one .I wanna go to pick up some flowers hahahaha.
Do funny
So funny
hahahhahah!!! good, nice one!
what’s the 1-3 for!!!
ha ha ha. good joke.
Please teach us more nice jokes.
Thanks Jon just ihave a mystake i like your class very fun
that’s ri8.
that’s great that u know 3 nice useful languages
hahahah firstly i didn’t understood the meaning of th joke,but later this made me laugh :)
I don’t see anything that is called dirty. I think its time to we have to get uninhibited thought about sex.
By the way, I like this joke although I heard it before ( in my language). :)
nice lesson and also nice Joke thaaaaaaaanx
I like you, thank you, greetings from Poland!:)
It is funny joke !Can you use other jokes ………..
Hi Jon,
by the way, why your name is writing Jon instead John. Sorry maybe my question is not so polite.
I am sure your lesson can not be possible without the dirty drawing which you created.
LMAO !!!
I really enjoyed this video and your funny joke! Since I knew this website I cannot stop watching it!
I got it first time.
I like this joke.
:D o0o0h it was wonderful lesson, And I still laughing for the joke :D :D
1,2,3 n 4……. now u wont laugh entire year.
Excellent One :)
Lol,that’s what you get when you don’t share everting with your wife first. :p
Here is one joke for the women problems at the doctor…
Woman got to the doctor for general examination. Doctor examines eyes, ears, hands, legs and at the end says:
“Now we need to check the small organ that puts women into a lot of trouble.”
Woman starts to undress and doctor says: “What ya doin’ I only want to see your tongue.”
This is a very good lesson to learn about the joke in English.
Great lesson, it was very funny and I learned some english at the same time..thanks so much Jon
ahahah,simply amazing Jon, I have learned a lot |)
Jon: That was a very smart and funny joke…
You did it pretty well
lmao!,thanks man,good looks
Very good concept to learn english. Better than a song. And you are quiet funny Jon. Thanks.
its interesting way to learn english…its fun and free
this joke more like anecdote :)))))))))))
LOL… love it!
I’ve enjoyed the story a lot. Jon, could you make a lesson about some cool sex idioms and expressions?
hahaha! I love dirt jokes like this! Tell us more!!
this man must have beaten his wife to death.
Very interesting point. Hard to understand to non native listeners.
Tank you
Marcio R Santos
Very funny):
Good.Tell us more!!
Atef Ibrahim
Thank you Jon!!!
1,2,3 greate!!!! why d… 1,2 3.. for? :-(
I afraid account # 4 after 3 at night
Ayad Saeed
Hi Jon, I really would like you make a video about gym vocabulary, you know, for example exercise routine, diet and so on, thanks!
One of the best lessons 1-2-3… º0º (Punch line)
Ivan David
Abdul Qayum
1,2,3,4 to much explanations, hhahahahahaa
You have come to Vietnam, haven’t you ? Do you enjoy it ? I’m a Vietnamese :3
thanks Jon good lesson and it was funny performance
It is funny. I think many were entertained.
6/6 Good lessons!.
Ha,ha,ha,nice joke!
anyone using LINE? invite my LINE :siregarhendra
Great leason Jon! Thank you!
Caroline Pires Ayala
Man, I understood. I’m so proud of that! ahahah
hahaha 100 %. He must call the whitch doctor and to change the “PASSWORD” immediately… hahaha
I would love to hear more jokes from you, it is really funny way to learn, especially the part with explanation of punchline.
Personally, I think you told the joke in a funny way.It’s a creative joke even if it’s simple.Such expressions are important to be learned, we’re always using them. As long as we’re not offending people, I think it’s ok. You did warn them. Thanks for the lesson!
Tiago de Souza da Silva
so pity …the man is….
Lol…I really enjoyed this lesson :D.
I’m a bad joke teller myself, but I don’t think you are!. In fact, I would have totally understood the joke even without the explanation mentioned at first.
I want to kill his wife hahahahaha hahahahahah
Thanks dear john for your effort I have learned (or learnt) well … really great job
heydar Ali
That was a great lesson! Very funny! It’s interesting to notice that this jokes works only in English! In my language, Portuguese, for example, it wouldn’t work At all
I meant “joke works” and “at all” instead of “At all”.
Thanks. It’s really cool to know more about a foreign culture. ;-)
Hint in turn: for russian students you can use the magic word “LOPATA” instead of “punch line”. Be sure, all the russians will natively get it, and they will know exactly when to laugh :-)
The joke is OK, but the suvtitles are wrong. Just listen…
subtitles (just typing error, lol)
Excellent !!! . . . it was a good joke.
Thats really funny
Great lesson! Thanks Jon xD
funny joke
thanks jon !
i liked the Joke, thx
hahaha it was good joke , i read once that there is another euphemism for ´having sex ´.. eh ´rumpy pumpy ´ i think
Thank you Jon.
6 OUT 6 .. It did work … that’s the power of some arguments for learn real english!!
lol that was so funny XD
nice joke, thanks..
bad joke but very useful to learn some new dirthy words in english
jajajaja thanks jon!
T^T I 4/6 it not very good
hahahaha! Thank you, Jon!!
aaaw hahaha It cracks me up! but actually, that was sad. lol
Good lessons, but you are the teacher from Engivid that speaks more quickly. I am sorry but your joke is badly. Thanks for all.
Thank you Jon
Hey, Jon I really enjoy your teaching style. It’s very fun! Thank you for sharing the joke, and I do laugh at the end when the punchline comes!
Doris Pan
Thanks Jon for a good lesson!
Hey Jon, very cool and funny, thank you and have a great time
Hi Jon, thanx “4” the lesson, it made me laugh and learn. I o u 1. Best regards.
Hi Jon, great way to learn the language! ;p
Thank you Jon, a very creative way to learn English, indeed. Where do I find more jokes like this to learn English?
Very funny
Daniel Brazil Protasio
Hi, Jon! Thanks a lot for funny lesson. But I have one concern – Why the penis in erected & unerected position is almost the same? Supposed to be a difference in 2-3 times)))
Sunny Voyager
For me, it was a good educational way to present a lesson. I appreciated.
Thank you John.
well done,Jon
greetings from Kazakhstan 13 Dec2o21:)
Learn English for free with 2161 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Very good!(Im not talking about the joke).
I started learning english listening some songs with this kind of word(Tenacious D).
Dear John, you should make more lessons with some texts ,like that about Clint Eastwood, but showing more pictures… would be FANTASTIC!
Hi Jon! Funny joke “….1-2-3 for?” HaHaHa. But, next time, do the joke before the lesson, then the explanation. I think, in that way, we are force to think in the meanings…
that’s correct!
I didn’t understand the Joke. Anyone tell me.
What did you say 1 2 3 for
hahahaha ^_^
Hi Jon:D I didn’t understand your joke from beginning so explanation was very helpful. By the way you suppose to make more similar lessons I’ll think. Thanks a lot for that. =D
Hi Jon, More jokes and more drawings, please! :)
You’ve made my day… It was amazing and very educational at same time :P
Thank you so much!:)
Funny, but not very polite!!
You have the talent to deliver information do not do this nonsense again, / We love you Jon
Extremly unusual way of teaching. But it works. As well as I know even Shakespeare used some dirty jokes.
thanks for sharing the post. it helps a lot……..
I like watching your lessons,I can get more information and also I enjoy while watching the lessons.
thank you knock’m dead ;)
Ha ha ha i very enjoy this lesson it is a good idea to learn english
yeah I laughed good joke Jon. poor guy a whole year without sex. holycows. keep joking with more dirty jokes.
It is very good lesson.
Poor thing! That man had no sex during a year!!!
It’s terrible! We must not laugh!
We ought to cry!
HAHAHAHA. I understood all right! well done!
You are a great teacher in it short time I enjoyed with your classes, I would like receive more information and to be your pupil.
Jon, Please advise the difference between log in and log on as well.
Sorry, it is for Alex not Jon.
Hi Jon! I did the quiz but I was wrong the second question beacause I answered the 3th (“the number ‘4’ and the preposition ‘for'”) instead of the 2nd… could you explain me why? thanks
Hahahahahahaha… Very good one Jon!
I don’t understand. Why does magic powder is called pun
if u didn’t have the explan after telling the joke, i’d not understanded why u laughing. Nice joke! Hope u have more story like that
ahahahah funny joke…poor man! ;)
awww he`s so cute :D
I’m pretty sure that the answer for question number 2 should be “the number ‘4’ and the preposition ‘for'” and not “the magic powder”.
What do you think?
You’re right, Shay. Thanks for letting us know! The quiz is now fixed.
You performed better than the main role of the joke. (Ha~ha~)
hahaha, actually the punchline wasn’t that funny.
but it was useful thank you Jon :)
Dear Jon,
thank you for the excellent lesson.
I know, what I would like is a probably a bit too much. But could you write the joke in this section?
Thank you in advance.
Take care!
it’s pretty good joke
yeah, nice joke, i didn’t get it at the first time, but when you explained at the end the joke meak sense.
lol !!! good joke !!!
can you please give us the subtitles of the conversition ??
hello Rashid, To have not subtittles is good for improve the listening. But if you have to read for listening, you can have a look on the moovies whith subtittles in your language. It’s a good and funny way too for listening ! Have a good moment with series (that’s the best way for me) !
i agree with u.
I an down with you ganery the best way I think
Hi teachers, thanks a lot you’re wonderful, i really enjoyed the lessons very very much.
nice very good joke
jon i think this is better way for learning english because many people get bored to continues learning so this joke will relax of our mind.
A agree whith you ! Thank’s, John, for this dirty joke !
1,2,3 (is what) for??
that was interesting
thank you
Dear Mr. John!!!
That’s Nice Website Because I want to Learn English Lessons I Can Believe this Lesson Thats Really Good Work
Who said that you can’t tell a joke? I laugh a lot….thanks teacher!
very good lesson
I will never say ‘4’ after ‘3’ after this time . And I am gonna be ready all the time as usual :) That was great joke , Thanks for that …
The punchline was for, allright this was better lol :)
Dear Jon, I am an English teacher from NY having 50 years of experience teaching E. First of all, the story with your joke – is it an introduction to the course? If so, I believe you have killed it right away. What intelligent person will go on listening to the rubbish you presented! I have read the comments before posting mine. How low you should go to please an audience of this sort! Before showing up before a class a teacher MUST prepare himself or herself by at least looking up the definitions of the vocabulary he or she intends to introduce. Then a teacher has to respect the audience by carefully choosing the material, but not present a gross joke. You are more than welcome to respond, I will gladly share with you my ideas. You seem like a nice person. J.T.
I agree with you
I want you to tell what’s the best way to learn English
Dear Mrs Tsukerman. I things it’s important for students in E.S.L. to learn other than words on books, to learn tne speaking english. I agree with you when you tell a teacher has to respect… but he or she has to learn different sorts of words, and not only the nice words. Don’t you think students would be more interested in learning with more joke and humor ?
cool.. I loved
Praise be to God I do not need shaman
it was great! thanks..
Thanks, it was great. Another example why we have to avoid ending sentences with prepositions.
Hi Jon,
it really interesting, i learnt a new expression ‘at a loss’.
thank you very much for ur help
thank U …it was nice of U
i like ur way john of teatching and i like the jock really the poor man but i’ll wait another more polite jock jhon tk u
hello mr jon i’m a new student if u accept me i liked this vid and the jock too but i’ll woit another one more polite u know and u’r just great and goodlooking ihope that won’t bother ur wife tk u so much jony
Very good. More jokes? (Sidney – Brazil)
that was funny. ha ha ha
funny and amazing way to learn ….
it is a good joke
Great teacher with a great joke!Your lesson reminded me of something I read somewhere about penis having seizures. Do penis have seizures sir? and, what kind of English expression is that?
i love u jon
what a awesome personality u have
plz add me in facebook
Hello it’s joke doesn’t make sense. It ‘s about man who wants
His penis to get down during intercourse . Sexologist says
It’s regular ,everybody does. He doesn’t worry.
Dan, I think you didin’t understand the joke!!!!!
A great joke.
Ha ha ha it is great
hi jon!! this kind of joke is not suitable for a standard website!!! sorry.
Who said this was a standard website? If this type of material bothers you, you can watch one of the other 375 videos.
Hi Jon,
first lesson a joke..ha ha thanks.
thank you for this lesson
hello, that’s a great joke, i’m waiting for another joke, thank you so much Mr., good luck, bye….
Hi jon, that was a great joke, i am waiting for another joke, jajajajajaja, ok, good luck, bye…
Hello Jon,
I love the way you teaching. Its truth when you said in Viet Nam, some woman said they go to pick up flower instead up im goinh to toilet. Its funny way. Im Vietnamese :)
It’s very funny. Thank you for making me laugh, hahaha. More than that, I can know more vocabulary that were new to me before. My vocabulary store is bigger a little bit now. I have a lesson after this story: tell your partner not to say or ask anything when performing, hahaha, that is not to waste the only time of the whole year.
It was a great and funny lesson or class.
Thanks for teaching us and give a wonder moment.
Go corinthians
Jon,,I hope u could help me to understand this joke!
I was in Dubai. And there’s a lot of Indians who work in Dubai. And they don’t get paid that well. And I got it in my head that all the Indians there must be workers. And I forgot there’s obviously successful Indians in Dubai as well. I was doing a show, and they said, “We’re going to send a driver to pick you up.” So I went down to the lobby, and I saw this Indian guy. I go, “He’s got to be my driver.” Because he was standing there in like a cheap suit, thin mustache, staring at me. So I went over, “Excuse me, sir, are you my driver?” He goes, “No, sir. I own the hotel.” (Laughter) I go, “I’m sorry. Then why were you staring at me?” He goes, “I thought you were my driver.”
I still don’t get the last point “I thought you were my driver.”
could u explain what does he exactly means??
here is the link to watch so u could better understand it [^_^]
just like you thought that he is your driver, He thought that you are his driver lol that’s a funny one
just like >> why six is afraid of seven ?
cause seven eight (ate) nine
Lol…Hahahahahahah…very good!!!!
I Didn’t Think I could to laugh a lot today. Thanks for that way to teach
I want to practice my english
My skype is victormda1
Contact me! Greetings
I must confess your lesson caught me till the end. I wish all english teachers were so easy-going
I love the joke…was very funny the punchline…I laughed a lot. Thank you for your funny lesson. Please tell us more jokes. See you
I love the joke…was very funny the punchline…I laughed a lot. Thank you for your funny lesson. Please tell us more jokes. See you
Thanks JON ,I REALLY LIKE YOUR JOCK,AND YOUR WAY OF TEACHING .It’s work.Have a good one .I wanna go to pick up some flowers hahahaha.
Do funny
So funny
hahahhahah!!! good, nice one!
what’s the 1-3 for!!!
ha ha ha. good joke.
Please teach us more nice jokes.
Thanks Jon just ihave a mystake i like your class very fun
that’s ri8.
that’s great that u know 3 nice useful languages
hahahah firstly i didn’t understood the meaning of th joke,but later this made me laugh :)
I don’t see anything that is called dirty. I think its time to we have to get uninhibited thought about sex.
By the way, I like this joke although I heard it before ( in my language). :)
nice lesson and also nice Joke thaaaaaaaanx
I like you, thank you, greetings from Poland!:)
It is funny joke !Can you use other jokes ………..
Hi Jon,
by the way, why your name is writing Jon instead John. Sorry maybe my question is not so polite.
I am sure your lesson can not be possible without the dirty drawing which you created.
LMAO !!!
I really enjoyed this video and your funny joke! Since I knew this website I cannot stop watching it!
I got it first time.
I like this joke.
:D o0o0h it was wonderful lesson, And I still laughing for the joke :D :D
1,2,3 n 4……. now u wont laugh entire year.
Excellent One :)
Lol,that’s what you get when you don’t share everting with your wife first. :p
Here is one joke for the women problems at the doctor…
Woman got to the doctor for general examination. Doctor examines eyes, ears, hands, legs and at the end says:
“Now we need to check the small organ that puts women into a lot of trouble.”
Woman starts to undress and doctor says: “What ya doin’ I only want to see your tongue.”
This is a very good lesson to learn about the joke in English.
Great lesson, it was very funny and I learned some english at the same time..thanks so much Jon
ahahah,simply amazing Jon, I have learned a lot |)
Jon: That was a very smart and funny joke…
You did it pretty well
lmao!,thanks man,good looks
Very good concept to learn english. Better than a song. And you are quiet funny Jon. Thanks.
its interesting way to learn english…its fun and free
this joke more like anecdote :)))))))))))
LOL… love it!
I’ve enjoyed the story a lot. Jon, could you make a lesson about some cool sex idioms and expressions?
hahaha! I love dirt jokes like this! Tell us more!!
this man must have beaten his wife to death.
Very interesting point. Hard to understand to non native listeners.
Tank you
Very funny):
Good.Tell us more!!
Thank you Jon!!!
1,2,3 greate!!!! why d… 1,2 3.. for? :-(
I afraid account # 4 after 3 at night
Hi Jon, I really would like you make a video about gym vocabulary, you know, for example exercise routine, diet and so on, thanks!
One of the best lessons 1-2-3… º0º (Punch line)
1,2,3,4 to much explanations, hhahahahahaa
You have come to Vietnam, haven’t you ? Do you enjoy it ? I’m a Vietnamese :3
thanks Jon good lesson and it was funny performance
It is funny. I think many were entertained.
6/6 Good lessons!.
Ha,ha,ha,nice joke!
anyone using LINE? invite my LINE :siregarhendra
Great leason Jon! Thank you!
Man, I understood. I’m so proud of that! ahahah
hahaha 100 %. He must call the whitch doctor and to change the “PASSWORD” immediately… hahaha
I would love to hear more jokes from you, it is really funny way to learn, especially the part with explanation of punchline.
Personally, I think you told the joke in a funny way.It’s a creative joke even if it’s simple.Such expressions are important to be learned, we’re always using them. As long as we’re not offending people, I think it’s ok. You did warn them. Thanks for the lesson!
so pity …the man is….
Lol…I really enjoyed this lesson :D.
I’m a bad joke teller myself, but I don’t think you are!. In fact, I would have totally understood the joke even without the explanation mentioned at first.
I want to kill his wife hahahahaha hahahahahah
Thanks dear john for your effort I have learned (or learnt) well … really great job
That was a great lesson! Very funny! It’s interesting to notice that this jokes works only in English! In my language, Portuguese, for example, it wouldn’t work At all
I meant “joke works” and “at all” instead of “At all”.
Thanks. It’s really cool to know more about a foreign culture. ;-)
Hint in turn: for russian students you can use the magic word “LOPATA” instead of “punch line”. Be sure, all the russians will natively get it, and they will know exactly when to laugh :-)
The joke is OK, but the suvtitles are wrong. Just listen…
subtitles (just typing error, lol)
Excellent !!! . . . it was a good joke.
Thats really funny
Great lesson! Thanks Jon xD
funny joke
thanks jon !
i liked the Joke, thx
hahaha it was good joke , i read once that there is another euphemism for ´having sex ´.. eh ´rumpy pumpy ´ i think
Thank you Jon.
6 OUT 6 .. It did work … that’s the power of some arguments for learn real english!!
lol that was so funny XD
nice joke, thanks..
bad joke but very useful to learn some new dirthy words in english
jajajaja thanks jon!
T^T I 4/6 it not very good
hahahaha! Thank you, Jon!!
aaaw hahaha It cracks me up! but actually, that was sad. lol
Good lessons, but you are the teacher from Engivid that speaks more quickly. I am sorry but your joke is badly. Thanks for all.
Thank you Jon
Hey, Jon I really enjoy your teaching style. It’s very fun! Thank you for sharing the joke, and I do laugh at the end when the punchline comes!
Thanks Jon for a good lesson!
Hey Jon, very cool and funny, thank you and have a great time
Hi Jon, thanx “4” the lesson, it made me laugh and learn. I o u 1. Best regards.
Hi Jon, great way to learn the language! ;p
Thank you Jon, a very creative way to learn English, indeed. Where do I find more jokes like this to learn English?
Very funny
Hi, Jon! Thanks a lot for funny lesson. But I have one concern – Why the penis in erected & unerected position is almost the same? Supposed to be a difference in 2-3 times)))
For me, it was a good educational way to present a lesson. I appreciated.
Thank you John.
well done,Jon
greetings from Kazakhstan 13 Dec2o21:)
done 5 out of 6