Learn how to master the meaning and usage of modals. This grammar lesson will teach you how to state your preferences as well as give your opinion, using would, would rather, would like to, and more.
I would like,you use it at the drugstore,clothing shop.your reply is certainly,sure.no way,I’m sorry but.let me check that later.
Great, thank you so much.
Good Lesson, James.
Your sentences are interesting because there are some doubts when I’m studying English’s Grammar and appear either these questions or we expose preferences and opinions. You’ve learned us how to think in English and I’m grateful.
I think you should have written “I MEANT” instead of “I want say”
Can we say “I would prefer to wait here than there” or “I would prefer waiting here…”?
the second one. babe.
For the second example I’m sure that you can say, but for the first I’m unsure. If anybody knows this 100%, just jump and help. . .
I’m not sure about the 2nd 1,
But in my book,grammatically the 1st 1 is absolutely true.
Goodluck with ur English!
2nd one
These multiple comments show a pleasurable reality that:
Most English S2dents from all over the world,would prefer Engvid 2 the other English sites!!!
Kind Regards!
Thank you for your lovely video lessons. I can fell that my English is being improved day by day.
your good teacher but you talk fast and sometimes i can’t follow what u said coz it hard to understand
I would rather learn english than watch soccer, have a good day James. another good lesson dude.
nice lesson! you make me laught james! go ahead!
You’re awesome, man. Thank you for another good lesson. Greetings from Rio de Janeiro.
thank you
I really enjoy and learn thanks.
Hi,your lessons are so difficul
Dear James/Engvid,
I am confused about this lesson.
According to my English Grammar In Use book by Raymond Murphy, units 56 and 64, “Would prefer” can not be followed by ING (gerund form).
So, when James says: “I would prefer running to sitting around here”, it’s not grammatically correct.
“I would prefer watching TV than cleaning the house” it’s not correct as well.
Note the correct structure: “I would prefer TO STAY at home tonight rather than go to the cinema”.
Now, after “Prefer” both are correct:
Prefer “to do” or Prefer “doing”.
Eg:I don’t like cities. I prefer to live (or I prefer living) in the country.
Could you please review these grammar points?
Thanks a lot!
Cristina Ribeiro
I’d like to do it. (ok)
I’d like doing it. (Not correct)
I prefer to do it. (ok)
I’d prefer doing it. (ok)
I prefer doing it. (correct)
I’ prefer to do it. (Not correct)
Sorry I made a mistake, but I can’t delete the previous comment.
To sum up, after “would” there is no gerund neither in “like” nor in “prefer”.
So, the correct one is “I’d prefer to do it”.
If you state your preference about an activity that you prefer you should use gerund version of the verb which states an activity :) but if you state your preference about what someone to do or your response about your preference, you should use the bare infinitive version of the verb.EX: ı’d prefer her to study abroad.EX- I would prefer to go by car EX: ı’d prefer watching tv, ı’d prefer jogging
sorry just infinitive
Now I can tell the different of using “would” in different situation. Thanks a million!
5/6 for the quizz. hmmm, not bad for me. thanks lot james
hi everybody :)
My Best Teacher is JamesESL
Thanks James
thats good way to learn.. ;)
Alvaro Santana
it’s difficult for intermediate.you would be slower than that.
youssef morrocco
Thanks for useful tips. The only thing I don’t agree is gerund after I would prefer. English grammar practice books state you must use to+ base verb. However, you can use Gerund after the verb prefer. For example: I’d prefer to write to him rather than call him. I prefer writing to calling.If someone has to take the test that will be the only right way to say.
excellent. now my English will improve a little more. this website is great!!!!
I would prefer being here learning English to washing dishes. (is that correct?)
it’s good..
easy to understand
Thank you very much for this lesson. I love this website!! It’s great!!
Hey, “I’d prefer to stay here ” and “I’d prefer staying here” both is right.
[Verb+ing] means like.. some situation is in progress or past, and [to+Verb] form in future. Although there are slightly different shade of meaning, both of them is right. I think.
i’m greatly confused.i have known that prefer as well as well as would prefer can be followed by a gerund,to and inf.or noun is that right?
azza ramzy
Congratulations! It’s definitely the best way to learn and practice English.
My name is Abdelaziz i’m from Algeria my hope is i want to improve my accent English and to get good speaker at the end i say to you thank you so much i wait to answer in Email. good bay
king futur
Very clear and benefit
It`s really easy to understand!)
Hello azza ramzy! I agree with you that after the verb prefer we can use both gerund and inf as well as TO and a noun. But I have never seen in any grammar book that would prefer can be followed by GERUND. If someone could help and say the name of any reference book proving the fact I would be greatly obliged.
i know that you are busy engvid team.that’s why nobody answers us.we are either talking to each other or to ourselves.if you answer our questions the information will be complete and that is greatly appreciated.
azza ramzy
i love the quiz <3
Great! Thanks.
quiz done 100% :D
thanks : can isay ( i would like to go stor
thank you very much SEAM. actually i really interested with your lesson, but some time i couldn’t understand well because you speak too fast. but maybe this because of my listening skill is not good. thank you….
I love the way him expressed the lesson.—>It’s greating, thanks!
i really enjoy taking a quiz….thanks you so much!!
Hey James,
I just found this web site today and i loved it. The way that you use to teach is really good e easy in my opnion. Keep it on!! Thank you very much!! :-)
the website is very helpful.is it related to esl??thanks God i discovered engvid b4 wasting much tym on esl,video is much better,especially with ua jokes,the retention rate is superb!!trully loyal frm 2de onwards.
mmmmh,cant seem to find the last modal,m????
Hi James, I love your way of teaching English and I was wondering if there will be a Part 4 of the SEAM Method. I don’t know if everything is already explained.
Thanks a lot!!
No, there are just three parts. If you have more questions, ask here, noevarela!
nice sir.
Now I wanna know what “M” means in this method, give us the next lesson James ;) thanks, I love the way you teach, you’re the best teacher that I’ve ever studied.
thanks very much . i’m hunting for part 4 ” make loco sugesstins”
thanks ..it helps alot
thats awesome I understand it a lot more now that you taught it in that way.
I love your way to teaching teacher!
Thank you very much. I would prefer writing down some exaples to be more clear.
Hi James
I would like to say you are such a great teacher.
I got 83% and i would prefer watching Engvid.
PREFER no gerund in this forn: I prefer to xxx
I prefer xxing
However: I would prefer TO xxx
I would prefer xxing—WRONG
Hi there,
I really enjoy your grammar lessons.
Is there a Part 4 on the SEAM method for MODALS where you explain the M-> make loco suggestions?
thank you all my teacher this place is good place to i liove you all thank you 100 times
Can you help me with a question?
What is the different between the past perfect simple and the past perfect continuous?
thank you!
Thanks James! Nice lecture
Great James. Thanks
It is much better for me now. everything is clear. thank you James.
I would like to know English better. This method ( S.E.A.M) helped me a lot to understand modal verbs.
Thanks got 83%.
Abdul Qayum
Hey James! In my opinion you should copyright the SEAM Method :) This series of lessons was very useful for me! I sincerely appreciate your hard work on this!
Thank you very much!
Nice lesson.
Hey James,
I didn’t find the video about “make lo.co suggestions”. Did you recorder it? Thank you so much =D
I can’t find it too.
Thank you,sir.
thankkkkkkkkkkk youuuuuuuuuuuu
Thank you, enjoying the lessons .D
it was quite lesson ,,i’ve enjoyed it ,,thanks james
Thank you. The SEAM method is very very helpful. But, I can’t find the video for The M. “Make Lo.co Suggestions”. Where is it? I am LOCO. :)
I got 100% on the quiz. I would rather self study using EngVID.com than go back to school. Is my grammar right? Mr James?
Thanks very interesting, this is my new habit.
I got 100% correct. Thanks James.
tony wang
Wow! I got 100%. I would like to say, “Thank you James for this wonderful lesson.” Now, I would prefer to study English here in EngVid than playing video games after work. Lol:D
It is another great lesson, thanks a lot James.
Thank you very much for these lessons about modal verbs. I would like to watch the one about the last part of the SEAM method. I am referring to the so-called “making LO.CO. suggestions”. Are you going to publish it? Thanks again.
Pablo Alberto
It is very actual topic for ESL. Thank you very much.
I want to clarify one more thing.
Can we say:
I would prefer Japanese car rather than Korean.
Step by step you´re helping me improving my level.Thank you for being such a good teacher.
:) Love it.
James, can we use WOULD instead of MAY?
WOULD YOU SHUT THE WINDOW, PLEASE? ( one passenger to another on the train for example ).
Thank you. I like very much your way of teaching. I think you would be a good actor.
thank you so much
Really a great method but sometimes a little difficult to identify the preference and the opinion with “would”. Very useful to remember the verb “to like” because if you don’t use “would” I think you can write the verb base or the gerund indistinctly, e.g, “I like to write” or “I like writing”. Also “I’d rather write” is grateful to review this form. Anyway, thanks a lot, teacher James Greer from EngVid, it was a very useful lesson.
could anyone help me with suggestions for more exercises or quizes on modals in general, thank you.
thanks James !!!! your lessons are very clear !!!
someone knows where is thes last part of SEAM ? I can´t find M: LO.CO Suggestions.
i would like to say thankyou to you james, it is always fun to see your video and also improved my english ability
modals and phrasal verbs are my big problem in grammar but now I understand well modals from your lessons thank you
thank you!
Thank you James.
You got 4 correct out of 6.
thank you….
M kartal
Where is the part 4? The M for SEAM?
Hi James,
what do you think? When should you make video about Part 4. That is last letter in “SEAM”. Such a lesson would be useful. So please keep this in mind.
Have a nice day for all reading this comment. ;)
I got 4 thanks James
Hi James
I can’t thank enough. You’re great after years of learning enlish I’m getting the meaning of modal verbs. Unfortunately I cuoldn’t find part4 of seam method I search your channel in youtube too. Could you tell me where I can find it?
I’m waiting and thanks for your consideration
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
I would like,you use it at the drugstore,clothing shop.your reply is certainly,sure.no way,I’m sorry but.let me check that later.
Great, thank you so much.
Good Lesson, James.
Your sentences are interesting because there are some doubts when I’m studying English’s Grammar and appear either these questions or we expose preferences and opinions. You’ve learned us how to think in English and I’m grateful.
I want say: “You’ve taught us”. No: You’ve learned!
I’m sorry!
I think you should have written “I MEANT” instead of “I want say”
Can we say “I would prefer to wait here than there” or “I would prefer waiting here…”?
the second one. babe.
For the second example I’m sure that you can say, but for the first I’m unsure. If anybody knows this 100%, just jump and help. . .
I’m not sure about the 2nd 1,
But in my book,grammatically the 1st 1 is absolutely true.
Goodluck with ur English!
2nd one
These multiple comments show a pleasurable reality that:
Most English S2dents from all over the world,would prefer Engvid 2 the other English sites!!!
Kind Regards!
Thank you for your lovely video lessons. I can fell that my English is being improved day by day.
your good teacher but you talk fast and sometimes i can’t follow what u said coz it hard to understand
I would rather learn english than watch soccer, have a good day James. another good lesson dude.
nice lesson! you make me laught james! go ahead!
You’re awesome, man. Thank you for another good lesson. Greetings from Rio de Janeiro.
thank you
I really enjoy and learn thanks.
Hi,your lessons are so difficul
Dear James/Engvid,
I am confused about this lesson.
According to my English Grammar In Use book by Raymond Murphy, units 56 and 64, “Would prefer” can not be followed by ING (gerund form).
So, when James says: “I would prefer running to sitting around here”, it’s not grammatically correct.
“I would prefer watching TV than cleaning the house” it’s not correct as well.
Note the correct structure: “I would prefer TO STAY at home tonight rather than go to the cinema”.
Now, after “Prefer” both are correct:
Prefer “to do” or Prefer “doing”.
Eg:I don’t like cities. I prefer to live (or I prefer living) in the country.
Could you please review these grammar points?
Thanks a lot!
I’d like to do it. (ok)
I’d like doing it. (Not correct)
I prefer to do it. (ok)
I’d prefer doing it. (ok)
I prefer doing it. (correct)
I’ prefer to do it. (Not correct)
Sorry I made a mistake, but I can’t delete the previous comment.
It seems “I’d prefer doing it” is wrong according to this link.
To sum up, after “would” there is no gerund neither in “like” nor in “prefer”.
So, the correct one is “I’d prefer to do it”.
If you state your preference about an activity that you prefer you should use gerund version of the verb which states an activity :) but if you state your preference about what someone to do or your response about your preference, you should use the bare infinitive version of the verb.EX: ı’d prefer her to study abroad.EX- I would prefer to go by car EX: ı’d prefer watching tv, ı’d prefer jogging
sorry just infinitive
Now I can tell the different of using “would” in different situation. Thanks a million!
5/6 for the quizz. hmmm, not bad for me. thanks lot james
hi everybody :)
My Best Teacher is JamesESL
Thanks James
thats good way to learn.. ;)
it’s difficult for intermediate.you would be slower than that.
Thanks for useful tips. The only thing I don’t agree is gerund after I would prefer. English grammar practice books state you must use to+ base verb. However, you can use Gerund after the verb prefer. For example: I’d prefer to write to him rather than call him. I prefer writing to calling.If someone has to take the test that will be the only right way to say.
excellent. now my English will improve a little more. this website is great!!!!
I would prefer being here learning English to washing dishes. (is that correct?)
it’s good..
easy to understand
Thank you very much for this lesson. I love this website!! It’s great!!
Hey, “I’d prefer to stay here ” and “I’d prefer staying here” both is right.
[Verb+ing] means like.. some situation is in progress or past, and [to+Verb] form in future. Although there are slightly different shade of meaning, both of them is right. I think.
i’m greatly confused.i have known that prefer as well as well as would prefer can be followed by a gerund,to and inf.or noun is that right?
Congratulations! It’s definitely the best way to learn and practice English.
My name is Abdelaziz i’m from Algeria my hope is i want to improve my accent English and to get good speaker at the end i say to you thank you so much i wait to answer in Email. good bay
Very clear and benefit
It`s really easy to understand!)
Hello azza ramzy! I agree with you that after the verb prefer we can use both gerund and inf as well as TO and a noun. But I have never seen in any grammar book that would prefer can be followed by GERUND. If someone could help and say the name of any reference book proving the fact I would be greatly obliged.
i know that you are busy engvid team.that’s why nobody answers us.we are either talking to each other or to ourselves.if you answer our questions the information will be complete and that is greatly appreciated.
i love the quiz <3
Great! Thanks.
quiz done 100% :D
thanks : can isay ( i would like to go stor
thank you very much SEAM. actually i really interested with your lesson, but some time i couldn’t understand well because you speak too fast. but maybe this because of my listening skill is not good. thank you….
I love the way him expressed the lesson.—>It’s greating, thanks!
i really enjoy taking a quiz….thanks you so much!!
Hey James,
I just found this web site today and i loved it. The way that you use to teach is really good e easy in my opnion. Keep it on!! Thank you very much!! :-)
the website is very helpful.is it related to esl??thanks God i discovered engvid b4 wasting much tym on esl,video is much better,especially with ua jokes,the retention rate is superb!!trully loyal frm 2de onwards.
mmmmh,cant seem to find the last modal,m????
Hi James, I love your way of teaching English and I was wondering if there will be a Part 4 of the SEAM Method. I don’t know if everything is already explained.
Thanks a lot!!
No, there are just three parts. If you have more questions, ask here, noevarela!
nice sir.
Now I wanna know what “M” means in this method, give us the next lesson James ;) thanks, I love the way you teach, you’re the best teacher that I’ve ever studied.
thanks very much . i’m hunting for part 4 ” make loco sugesstins”
thanks ..it helps alot
thats awesome I understand it a lot more now that you taught it in that way.
I love your way to teaching teacher!
Thank you very much. I would prefer writing down some exaples to be more clear.
Hi James
I would like to say you are such a great teacher.
I got 83% and i would prefer watching Engvid.
PREFER no gerund in this forn: I prefer to xxx
I prefer xxing
However: I would prefer TO xxx
I would prefer xxing—WRONG
Hi there,
I really enjoy your grammar lessons.
Is there a Part 4 on the SEAM method for MODALS where you explain the M-> make loco suggestions?
thank you all my teacher this place is good place to i liove you all thank you 100 times
Can you help me with a question?
What is the different between the past perfect simple and the past perfect continuous?
thank you!
Thanks James! Nice lecture
Great James. Thanks
It is much better for me now. everything is clear. thank you James.
I would like to know English better. This method ( S.E.A.M) helped me a lot to understand modal verbs.
Thanks got 83%.
Hey James! In my opinion you should copyright the SEAM Method :) This series of lessons was very useful for me! I sincerely appreciate your hard work on this!
Thank you very much!
Nice lesson.
Hey James,
I didn’t find the video about “make lo.co suggestions”. Did you recorder it? Thank you so much =D
I can’t find it too.
Thank you,sir.
thankkkkkkkkkkk youuuuuuuuuuuu
Thank you, enjoying the lessons .D
it was quite lesson ,,i’ve enjoyed it ,,thanks james
Thank you. The SEAM method is very very helpful. But, I can’t find the video for The M. “Make Lo.co Suggestions”. Where is it? I am LOCO. :)
I got 100% on the quiz. I would rather self study using EngVID.com than go back to school. Is my grammar right? Mr James?
Thanks very interesting, this is my new habit.
I got 100% correct. Thanks James.
Wow! I got 100%. I would like to say, “Thank you James for this wonderful lesson.” Now, I would prefer to study English here in EngVid than playing video games after work. Lol:D
It is another great lesson, thanks a lot James.
Thank you very much for these lessons about modal verbs. I would like to watch the one about the last part of the SEAM method. I am referring to the so-called “making LO.CO. suggestions”. Are you going to publish it? Thanks again.
It is very actual topic for ESL. Thank you very much.
I want to clarify one more thing.
Can we say:
I would prefer Japanese car rather than Korean.
Step by step you´re helping me improving my level.Thank you for being such a good teacher.
:) Love it.
James, can we use WOULD instead of MAY?
WOULD YOU SHUT THE WINDOW, PLEASE? ( one passenger to another on the train for example ).
Thank you. I like very much your way of teaching. I think you would be a good actor.
thank you so much
Really a great method but sometimes a little difficult to identify the preference and the opinion with “would”. Very useful to remember the verb “to like” because if you don’t use “would” I think you can write the verb base or the gerund indistinctly, e.g, “I like to write” or “I like writing”. Also “I’d rather write” is grateful to review this form. Anyway, thanks a lot, teacher James Greer from EngVid, it was a very useful lesson.
could anyone help me with suggestions for more exercises or quizes on modals in general, thank you.
thanks James !!!! your lessons are very clear !!!
someone knows where is thes last part of SEAM ? I can´t find M: LO.CO Suggestions.
i would like to say thankyou to you james, it is always fun to see your video and also improved my english ability
modals and phrasal verbs are my big problem in grammar but now I understand well modals from your lessons thank you
thank you!
Thank you James.
You got 4 correct out of 6.
thank you….
Where is the part 4? The M for SEAM?
Hi James,
what do you think? When should you make video about Part 4. That is last letter in “SEAM”. Such a lesson would be useful. So please keep this in mind.
Have a nice day for all reading this comment. ;)
I got 4 thanks James
Hi James
I can’t thank enough. You’re great after years of learning enlish I’m getting the meaning of modal verbs. Unfortunately I cuoldn’t find part4 of seam method I search your channel in youtube too. Could you tell me where I can find it?
I’m waiting and thanks for your consideration