Not sure what the difference is between “have to,” “have got to,” and “must”? In this lesson, you will learn how to use each of these very common English phrases effectively and fluently.
can we use ‘have’ with third person (he) ? as in first quiz
Yes, but you have to conjugate it. We say “He has to,” and NOT “He have to.”
thank you Alex …Thanks to you I can answer all questions correctly…..
No, we can not use have with third person, we use has with singular form….like he has, she has nut with plural pronoun we use have like..they have .we have
Onkar Singh
Does the use of get in your examples make them stronger?
There isn’t a very big difference in meaning. Both are strong.
can u tell me when to use was and were
he was playing
they were playing
what were u doing?
As I know, these sentence are “past continuous tense” WAS/WERE + to show CONTINUOUS ACTIVITY someone did in the past. For example, “Yesterday at 5 pm, they were playing football.”
About WAS and WERE, I/He/She/It/singular noun + WAS while You/We/They/plu+ were
Sorry if there r some mistakes.
Hope it can hope u some….
Good luck :)
Thak you so much ALEX
yusuf duzgun
It’s very useful. Thank you Alex
Thanks ALEX.
Great!! Thanks!!
but is there any difference between have and have got? Does “have got” give more emphasis?
this website is the best that i know for someone who wants to learn English.
Now only i know what is the meaning of have to, have got to, must to…… Really tanks to and teachers
thanks alex very good lesson
thanks sir u clear my concept
can tell me use of get
very useful and interesting lesson!!!
Thanks a lot,it’s interesting . Bravo!
kolade olurotimi
Thanks Alex
hi, sir, i’m irvan, just wanna say:
thanks a lot for your present about the matterial, i get it with fun.
Irvan Daud
This lesson is very useful but what about the
difference between don’t/doesn’t have to and
mustn’t . I think there is a difference .
If you answer me I’d be appreciated .
“He must not,” or “he mustn’t,” is much more formal than “I do not have to,” or “He does not have to.” It is also much stronger with a change in meaning.
“I don’t have to go to school,” states that there is a bit of a choice or an option.
“I must not go to school,” states that if I DO go to school, there will be negative consequences.
Very usefull clarification.
nice and useful lesson
when we use the the term will and would?
“Would” is for past habits that took place over a period of time, and for most conditionals.
“In high school, I would study every night.” (habit)
“If I had a million dollars, I would buy my parents a giant mansion.” (conditional)
Dear Alex,
I have a mistake at this exercise. Please explaint. Thanks
She _________ call after 10pm.
My answer is “have to” and your answer is “must not”
i did some mistake we were wrong because we can not say she have to call after 10pm we can say she has to call after 10pm.
Alex you are the man ;-)
Abdullah Hamza
Thanks a lot.
Thank you so much, but u speak not so fluently
Thu Hang
It’s very useful!!!!!
thank you so much it’s very useful
Amine casa
thank you so much
Alex, I really enjoy your lessons.Please, add me on your skype. (waldecy.jose.rodrigues). I would be grateful. if anyone from every part of the world,want to join me they can.
thanks a bundle! You are an excellent teacher!
thank u very much
Thankyou Mr.Alex
the most interesting thing is that my english teacher told about quite another difference between “must” and “have to”. so I’m confused…
Iam like lean at blue lebue
rosa m deoca
Iam like thit prongam because is bery good
rosa m deoca
As a native English speaker I question whether “I have got to” is correct – I think it would be better to say “I have to”, “I need to”, or “I must”. “I have got to” seems unnecessary to me.
Hi Lana,
as far as I know, HAVE GOT TO is quite informal. It can be used when talking about obligation and certainty: I HAVE (GOT) TO GO NOW; IT CAN’T BE 3 O’CLOCK; IT’S (GOT) TO BE MUCH LATER.
However, “GOT” can’t normally be used when you talk about obligation which is repeated: I HAVE TO BE AT SCHOOL AT EIGHT O’CLOCK EVERY DAY.
Anyway, I’m not a native English speaker. I’m Italian but I think English is the most beautiful and useful language in the world.
Good luck!
Ernesto Franzoso
Thankyou Mr.Alex
i am not from an english country but now i am in australia ,so this lesson & also others are very helpful to improve myself in front of english people,thnx
can i use MUST & HAVE TO together? for eg.
You cannot use both in the same sentence. Look at one of the comments posted above to see my explanation.
thankyou Mr. Alex
hi sir .i am not understanding few tips.please some tips send me in this lesson have to and must.i am waiting for answer.ok by sir
Alex you make a good job! Thx!
thanks for the lesson
thanks a lot, Sir Alex, its very useful.
may your all dreams come true.
Sami (Pakistan)
plz make us understand about non-progressive verbs, I am so confused, what also tell us that how to use non-progressive verbs.
1) Are you under5standing me. ( wrong )
*) Do u understand me. ( true )
plz tell me early about that.
thank you
Sami (Pakistan)
Hi Sami
some words are in English that we call them “state verbs” and they can’t be usually progressive. They mostly are used in simple forms.
thank you , i wand understand english
Hi Alex. in the fourth sentence it says: “You and I ________ make it to school on time!” and I got the right answer, but I believe it should say: “You and me ________ make it to school on time!”, please correct me if I’m wrong.
Thanks, your lessons are very useful!
usefull lesson, we must know this :)
thanks a lot sir alex, now i understand what is the uses of have to and i had got to. thanks again and more power
Hi Alex!I’ve important question about “when we use -have to-and-must-.I’ve read,that we use: have to-when the necessity authorization from another person to us.For example:”I HAVE TO go and talk to her”I mean,”SHE” decide that i must go and talk to her.And,when i say”I MUST go and talk to her”hear i mean,”I” decide to go to her-is it correct defination?
Emil Ibrahimov
Great Alex!Ycu do teach very well and your pronunciation is clear as bell. Thus,we foreigners really appreciate very much your very useful explanations. Ilive in Brazil and Eng Vid has been watched and praised in my city(S.José dos Campos).
TAke care.
José Augusto
It’s a pity that you couldn’t answer on my question..
Emil Ibrahimov
thanks alex…
Thanks Alex
me too
thanks for your lessons
Dear Alex, I find your lessons very useful. I just wonder, speaking of necessity, is there any difference between these two and need. For example, is there any difference between:
“You need not come if you are busy” and “You don’t have to come if you are busy”
Yeah good lesson.It makes me more confindent after watching your videos.Hats off!!!Thanks.
Hi Alex, i would like to you explain the different use of Very. Too and So. I still confused to use this words. Thanks.
Phyo Phyo
Thank you Alex for helping us to understand better these modal verbs.
Thank you sir. it was good and helpfull.
what about “need(or needn’t)” as a modal?
Do you also use this when you show necessity of something?
can i say (Ilave been living here 7 mounths
Hi, Alex!
I passed this test. I have one mistake.
Why we can not say : She have to call after 10 pm.
Thank you:)
Hi Olga!
I passed the test, I had no mistake. I can answer your question.
Becuase we use “has” instead of “have” in singular third person
Hi Olga,
simply, after She you must use has and not have. She has to call his parents for example.
very nice have a good day
Hi Alex,
i’m an English teacher myself and i like your video lessons a lot.
I have a question regarding your lesson about ‘Necessity’.At uni i was taught that there’s a big difference between ‘must’ and ‘have to’. I was taught that ‘must’ is used when the authority comes from the speaker.For example:
You must drive carefully. ( I insist. )
We were told to use ‘have to’ when the authority comes from outside the speaker. For example:
You have to drive on the left in Britain. ( That is the law. )
What you say in this video (the only difference between ‘must’ and ‘have to’ is in the level of formality) was never mentioned by my tutors.
Did my uni professors get into too much unnecessary detail? :)
Thanks a lot.
Warm regards from Slovenia,
Tanja B.
HI Tanja B.
you can’t say “You have to drive on the left in Britain” because it’s not a choise or option. You have bad consequences if you don’t do it so you have to use “Must”.
My respects.
this is really useful sir. thanks a lot for this video…
thank you very much for your wonderful presentation and useful teaching.
could you let me know if can we use have to in the future tense with out will . examp. i have to go to dubai next week.
thanks for u that ‘ s really fantastic & useful i need all these lessons in my career GOD bless you all.a trainee teacher
this is very good english lesson and good question .this wetsite before ,i did not know .
now i can see good question everyday.your give me another question alot .thank
Alex, can i have one example of present continuous in the passive voice? please
Alex, can you tell me some words clue about time expression?
really you are ideal perfect teacher Alex. Thank you so much . but i actually have some problems if you do not mind please gives me some advice , my English is not so bad but i suffer from being shy during speaking when i attend speaking class i keep silent and this really hurts me so what should i so? i want to speak confidently in much better English .
i hope u will reply me
hi alex
very useful to me ur lesson ,10x a lot
Thanks for your lesson. can you clear me the uses of could be, would be and must be?
sir, i have a doubts in been(ex: would have been, had been, have been) verb… i have doubts in how and where to use the been verb… could u please clarify it..thank you sir
what is similar word for ‘diliget’ & ‘tapetoos’?
Great Job Alex , I like your lecture.
You Do All the best :)
Hi, Teacher!
you are the best thank you for your lessons
Hi, Alex.I have question for you.Can you use this way: He haven’t go to school or I must use Don’t have in this case?Thnx
Really sir you help us alot..
thank you…
what defferents between have to and must
thanx Alex ! you’re going very well , will u plz add one thing , where i can use ( come ) ?
as like come to know ,,,,,,,ETC…,
Thanks alot for this lesson.
In case of have we are using
” I have to go home ” – no ‘to’ after go.
but in case of negative ” I don’t have to go to school ” – here we are using ‘to’ after go.
Can you please explain why ?
Hi Krishna,
In English, the word “home” is a big exception. It does not need the preposition “to” before it in sentences like you mentioned above.
“I am going to school/the library” are both okay, but “I am going to home” is incorrect.
Simply put, it is an exception. I hope this helps!
sorry ,alex could you explain me if
I am going to school is right ..then why this one is incorrect ….I am going to home …& how we can in right sentence..thanx
Thanks,Alex for all these english lessons.They’re very useful in my english learnig.
I love this site! This is a very good! site for english lesson
Jeffrey ang
Thanks for this lesson I really understand it now.
Xx enjee
hi ,, I am a new student in your web ,, I am glade to join you all guys ,, thank you teachers for those useful lessons ,, I am from kurdistan/Iraq ::
I wonder if I use ” use to ” in place ” have to ” does it make a sense ..thanx again ,,
Welcome to the website, faro.
“Used to” and “have to” are very different. “Used to” is for talking about habits, ownership, locations, or states that existed in the past.
“I used to be a doctor.”
“I used to play tennis in high school.”
“I used to live in South Korea.”
“I used to have a goldfish.”
“Have to” is used for necessity, as it is mentioned in this lesson.
I hope this helps!
thank u very much..:)
thank u..:)
can i say I NEED TO GO AT HOME?
hello..!! this website is very helpful to me.. specially to my career.. thank so much!!!
Thanks Alex for your lesson. Could you explain please! We must use the word ‘yet’ only in negative sentences. Is it right?
You can use “yet” in questions and negative sentences. You are correct.
Can I use “you must have to do this” at the same time?
No, you can’t. You must use one or the other.
It was very useful for me. thanks
It was very useful,thanks
Hi Alex your lesson is very important to me because I have learn a lot of confusing grammar. But please allow me to ask you more questions.
Can you make a lessons If how to correct use of words PERHAPS, MAYBE…. your response is highly appreciated.. a million thanks to you… REYNALDO
Hi Reynaldo,
Both words have the same meaning. The difference is that “perhaps” is more formal, and “maybe” is more informal and casual. Basically, “perhaps” is more useful for writing, while “maybe” is more useful for conversation.
I hope this helps!
why can’t we use must in future or past?
The only way to use “must” in the past is if you use “must have,” but that is for past speculation. Otherwise, you can not use it for past necessity. Remember, when you talk about necessity in the present, like if you say “You must see this movie,” you are giving the advice in the present, but it is actually for the future. A person can not see the movie directly at the moment of speaking.
I hope this has been useful!
Hi Alex,
can we say, ” you must have done something wrong otherwise this won’t happen”
Many thanks
please , i wanna make sure that we can’t use have got to in the question , we only use have to .
Is that right ? (please answer me)
Ahmed elshater
You can use both in questions, but “have got to” is not really used in yes/no questions.
“What do you have to do tomorrow?”
“What have you got to do tomorrow?”
Both are okay, although the first one is more common.
“Do we have to come early?” (this is okay)
“Have we got to come early?” (not common at all)
My advice: if you’re not sure which one to use, just stick to “have to” for most questions.
Do you have any lesson for “have been” , “had been”? I have some problem on it.
ENGVID is very helpful.. Thank you very much you all.
im tray to lear thanks is fun thans
I’m from Hungary and I have to tell you, Alex, that you’are the most effective english teacher, whomever i have seen. (it was correct grammar?)
bourgeois financer
Thank you so much!!
omg! Because i’ve forgot to pay my debt, No doubt, i will have got to pay more interest. => ex. isn’t it correct sir? tq
lina winny
Thank Alex, you are a great teacher and funny one. I Don´t mean any disrespect. I do like yor classes.
jonathan hans
Thanks for your explanation Sir Alex! your the best keep up the good work, god bless you!
Reynaldo Q Paquingan
Hi….Alex! You are a good teacher. I really enjoyed Ur lesson and have learnt a lot. Thanks
Saima 4om Pakistan
Hi, mr.Alex
can i say: you must to write your homework
uffff ! Teacher could you give more examples from this lesson . can you ? thanks .
its good and very very nice that you people give the exercise to know how much we can understand……its really nice i really appriciate it and its commendable
HI Alex i want study English your lesson is much help me thank you
good luck.
Thank you for that lession. Great teaching.
Igor Miranda
It is a very good learning way in home. you should make it more and more for more learning. Vocabulary sentences should be included in it.
Saffeer Ahmed
it is a good learning way thanks for this kindness
Saffeer Ahmed
Hi Alex you are a wonderful instructer on my view,but I am sitll have big problem when
sorry about that I haven’t finshed yet my comment and now I am taking 0300 wirting class at houston community college.However, I am always strive to Improve my writing skill,but I am not able to improve my writing skill, so can I get some advise by chance. I need your help
Hi Alex,
I badly need your help.
When talking about school rules is it better to use MUST or HAVE TO?
For example:
Students must do their homework. / Students have to do their homework.
Students must be on time. / Students have to be on time.
Students must turn off their mobiles. / Students have to turn off their mobile.
Could you help me, please?
And what about speaking in the first person?
Should I use MUST or HAVE TO?
I must wear a uniform or I have to wear a uniform?
Thanks a lot.
It is very useful to learn english. Thanks a lot.
I dunno how to take the quiz could you please tell me how !!
and very thanks indeed
thank’s for this lesson !!!!!!!!!!!
I like Mr Alex Teacher
Hi, Alex I have got a problem . I couldn’t understand about this sentence . How can i use ” Would have” . Could you reply me please ?
ı have a exam tomorrow but I can’t understand anything. my teacher talk about have got to!?
nice explanation
thanks for your lessons
Thank you.
I have to study more EngVid lessons because there are awesome teachers here.
Very useful lesson.Now I know how to use them in the way.
Thanks Alex.
is it coorect say” I HAVE NOT IDEA”
Please Mr.Alex could you tell us the difference between only and just ? I listen alot but I can not find out differences in their terms of use. thanks.
It is usefull, nice lesson..
Thank you..
thank’s Alex.
hi Alex. i like your videos. Actually i am too bad at English. please correct my sentences if i made any mistakes.
thank you.
this lesson is very useful
hello alex.. will you please help me about the uses of these 2words.. “will,would” thank you in advance ;)
%100 percent is a useful website.For me watching a few times and repeat once a month are always better than reading and writing.
Safak Erman
thanks sir alxe,sure like u said as eg in this lessen i don’t have to go to school.this lesson is enouph
thanks u sir…h r u?
u are teaching very well.
Thanks sir Alxe!
Ahmet Pasha
Hi! Alex,
thanks for this lesson. I really understand your explanation, You are a great teacher.
Thank you Alex, great Lesson.
why don’t we say” we have get to go home”?
Thanks Alex for the lesson
thanks Alex it’s very very interessant :):) You are great teacher.
Hi Alex,
I am Amr from Egypt and i really enjoyed that lesson .. I have a question; What is the difference between when I say “I have no idea” & “i haven’t the slightest idea ” ?
Why do we have to use we must stop for the last example on the quiz??
Thank you very much
what is tag question for this sentence: we must have talked about this and that.
Teacher,I want to learn Modal verb (can,cold,may,might,must,should,ought to,used to ) when use please make a class about this thaks so much ! ( if you make of course ) ^^ please listen me will go help very people
Thankyou very much, that’s awesome class… I get it easily ^_^
i have question for you..
what a different between
“i have something to you” and “i’ve got something to you”
looking forward for the reply :)
hi Alex sir
I’m a little confused on {i have got to go and i have to go} please give a little explanation on the difference between these two sentences. do you find any grammatical mistakes in comment? if so please correct me.
thank you
Hi Alex: When we talk about Nessessity, we used have to. I have to go to school otherwise there would be a consequences (Nessessity). What if we say nessessity in the past by saying…I had to go to school. Notice the verb is in base form) or I must had gone to school(Verb convert to PP).which one is correct, when telling the past Nessessity using past perfect tense. Please help…..Thanks.
Hi Alex, the lesson was helpful for me. But I wanna ask you, can I use “I got to(gotta)” instead “I have got to”? Is it allowed in the conversation speaking?
Hi alex, Thank you. You are great.
nice but Little bit confused
I have a very big question.
Is it right to say ” I have to have it ( the book) “
Hello Alex
thanks for nice explanation .I have a question regarding the use of (have to) in past sentence.
can I say I HAVE TO HAD THAT.I AM CONFUSE BECAUSE according to my knowledge we must use first form of verb after to.
Dear teacher, If I understand, in the form “have got to”, got is used only in affermative sentences. For exmple I can say “Do you have to go to school?”, but I don’t say “Do you have got to school” or “I don’t have to go to school”, but not “I don’t got to go to school! It’s correct!?Thank you
The negative form is “you don’t have to,” which means you have a choice.
Wow 5/5. Thanks, Sir!
You look like a retarded nerd even more in this video, Alex. I want to fucking bully you!!
Sounds awesome!
Thanks Alex for giving me these wonderful lessons…you are good lecturer!!
Hi Alex,
I like too much your lessons. So I just wanna ask you a question regarding the difference between Verb to do vs to make.
Please can you explain me how and where to use these two verbs?
Thank you, I learned the difference between “Have to” and “Must”.
i have got to learn this lesson. Alex! is this claus right? do i can say that? please correct me .
and think you
oupse! i mean thank you
Dear Alex,
Great lesson! What about shouldn’t and musn’t? Example: My manager says we…. tke more then ten minutes for our break and, if we do, he will make us work extra hours.
I suppose it is mustn’t because you’ve explained that must goes with “if X…. then negative consequences”, but still I am not sure.
thank u Alex for your use ful lesson.
thank you very much!!!
thank you so much alex *-*
Thanks alot !
Thanks Alex!. Please let me know if I can use ‘since’ to give the meaning of ‘as’. Like, ” I can attend the function since I will be free on that day”. Is it correct?
I have to go home or I must go home.
Thanks Alex… It was interesting. I still looking for MUST vs MUST TO. Please tell me where to find it.
AFAIK there is no such thing as ‘must to’. As well as ‘can to’.
Wow. 100
Thanks Alex!
Obrigado( thank you)
I got 5 correct out of 5 :)
God bless
Thanks for your lesson and I have a request.
Would you mind mentioning my errors included in my comments?
Thank you for your lesson.
You’re such a great teacher, I can’t imagine a better one. Thanks.
Thaks for your lesson.
I don’t know if this is the correct place for this, but I would like to know the difference with “need to” and between “don’t need to or needn’t”
Thank yo
I need help! In sentences: “It’s more expensive to hire someone from abroad and we also ________ arrange visa for them. It’s the law in this country” which modal verb we use? I think its have to but I am not sure!
hi alex, well i want your help because i have a doubt about something for instance:
does he have to do that?
does he has to do that?
what`s the right to tell the first one or maybe the second one?
hi alex thanks alot for all ur great lessons it is so helpful .Ireally need ur help in transcription pls !?
haboosh adil
really good.but need more quizes!!
I have to study harder, because I must improve mi english skills!
it’s really nice to learn such lessons,they are refreshing.thanks
so how do prime ministers say must in future or in the past when they must? (by using ‘then’?)
I am a new student here and you are the best teacher to me Mr Alex ^^ I am from Saudi Arabia and i would be able to improve my English language ,,
may you tell me about the different between ( will and should )
thanks a lot , all my wishes to you Mr Alex
asmaa alotaibi
Hi Mr.alex thank you I realy enjoy with this lessons
gadir bushra
keona malcolm
Good lesson, thanks you.
Thank you!!!
I have got one question.
In the lesson you say that we use “must” only for present sentences, is this only affirmative?
thank you so much it’s very useful
Thank you!
Thanks Alex..
useful lesson
i got 100 percent
Very useful. Thank you Alex
Thanks Alex!
Jonathas Wilhem
hey Alex thanks for teachingو You are a great teacher.
so we can say : i mustn`t weak up early on weekend .what about the question with must?
Thank you. Maybe a little offtopic, but what about ‘to be to ..’? Can it be used to express obligation or necessity (like ‘I am to go right now’)? I can swear, I’ve seen this in some texts, but I cannot find any explanations.
Thank you Mr. Alex. One must be careful while doing exercises.
Thank you very much Alex!!
i have to learn more with ALEX
Hi, Alex. Can we say I ve to ? is it formal or not?
I watched this video twice on June 08, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got eight three out of 5.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
useful lesson !!
Thanks for your lesson about “necessity”.
u r completely right
can we use ‘have’ with third person (he) ? as in first quiz
Yes, but you have to conjugate it. We say “He has to,” and NOT “He have to.”
thank you Alex …Thanks to you I can answer all questions correctly…..
No, we can not use have with third person, we use has with singular form….like he has, she has nut with plural pronoun we use have like..they have .we have
Does the use of get in your examples make them stronger?
There isn’t a very big difference in meaning. Both are strong.
can u tell me when to use was and were
he was playing
they were playing
what were u doing?
As I know, these sentence are “past continuous tense” WAS/WERE + to show CONTINUOUS ACTIVITY someone did in the past. For example, “Yesterday at 5 pm, they were playing football.”
About WAS and WERE, I/He/She/It/singular noun + WAS while You/We/They/plu+ were
Sorry if there r some mistakes.
Hope it can hope u some….
Good luck :)
Thak you so much ALEX
It’s very useful. Thank you Alex
Thanks ALEX.
Great!! Thanks!!
but is there any difference between have and have got? Does “have got” give more emphasis?
this website is the best that i know for someone who wants to learn English.
Now only i know what is the meaning of have to, have got to, must to…… Really tanks to and teachers
thanks alex very good lesson
thanks sir u clear my concept
can tell me use of get
very useful and interesting lesson!!!
Thanks a lot,it’s interesting . Bravo!
Thanks Alex
hi, sir, i’m irvan, just wanna say:
thanks a lot for your present about the matterial, i get it with fun.
This lesson is very useful but what about the
difference between don’t/doesn’t have to and
mustn’t . I think there is a difference .
If you answer me I’d be appreciated .
“He must not,” or “he mustn’t,” is much more formal than “I do not have to,” or “He does not have to.” It is also much stronger with a change in meaning.
“I don’t have to go to school,” states that there is a bit of a choice or an option.
“I must not go to school,” states that if I DO go to school, there will be negative consequences.
Very usefull clarification.
nice and useful lesson
when we use the the term will and would?
“Would” is for past habits that took place over a period of time, and for most conditionals.
“In high school, I would study every night.” (habit)
“If I had a million dollars, I would buy my parents a giant mansion.” (conditional)
Dear Alex,
I have a mistake at this exercise. Please explaint. Thanks
She _________ call after 10pm.
My answer is “have to” and your answer is “must not”
i did some mistake we were wrong because we can not say she have to call after 10pm we can say she has to call after 10pm.
Alex you are the man ;-)
Thanks a lot.
Thank you so much, but u speak not so fluently
It’s very useful!!!!!
thank you so much it’s very useful
thank you so much
Alex, I really enjoy your lessons.Please, add me on your skype. (waldecy.jose.rodrigues). I would be grateful. if anyone from every part of the world,want to join me they can.
thanks a bundle! You are an excellent teacher!
thank u very much
Thankyou Mr.Alex
the most interesting thing is that my english teacher told about quite another difference between “must” and “have to”. so I’m confused…
Iam like lean at blue lebue
Iam like thit prongam because is bery good
As a native English speaker I question whether “I have got to” is correct – I think it would be better to say “I have to”, “I need to”, or “I must”. “I have got to” seems unnecessary to me.
Hi Lana,
as far as I know, HAVE GOT TO is quite informal. It can be used when talking about obligation and certainty: I HAVE (GOT) TO GO NOW; IT CAN’T BE 3 O’CLOCK; IT’S (GOT) TO BE MUCH LATER.
However, “GOT” can’t normally be used when you talk about obligation which is repeated: I HAVE TO BE AT SCHOOL AT EIGHT O’CLOCK EVERY DAY.
Anyway, I’m not a native English speaker. I’m Italian but I think English is the most beautiful and useful language in the world.
Good luck!
Thankyou Mr.Alex
i am not from an english country but now i am in australia ,so this lesson & also others are very helpful to improve myself in front of english people,thnx
can i use MUST & HAVE TO together? for eg.
You cannot use both in the same sentence. Look at one of the comments posted above to see my explanation.
thankyou Mr. Alex
hi sir .i am not understanding few tips.please some tips send me in this lesson have to and must.i am waiting for answer.ok by sir
Alex you make a good job! Thx!
thanks for the lesson
thanks a lot, Sir Alex, its very useful.
may your all dreams come true.
plz make us understand about non-progressive verbs, I am so confused, what also tell us that how to use non-progressive verbs.
1) Are you under5standing me. ( wrong )
*) Do u understand me. ( true )
plz tell me early about that.
thank you
Hi Sami
some words are in English that we call them “state verbs” and they can’t be usually progressive. They mostly are used in simple forms.
thank you , i wand understand english
Hi Alex. in the fourth sentence it says: “You and I ________ make it to school on time!” and I got the right answer, but I believe it should say: “You and me ________ make it to school on time!”, please correct me if I’m wrong.
Thanks, your lessons are very useful!
usefull lesson, we must know this :)
thanks a lot sir alex, now i understand what is the uses of have to and i had got to. thanks again and more power
Hi Alex!I’ve important question about “when we use -have to-and-must-.I’ve read,that we use: have to-when the necessity authorization from another person to us.For example:”I HAVE TO go and talk to her”I mean,”SHE” decide that i must go and talk to her.And,when i say”I MUST go and talk to her”hear i mean,”I” decide to go to her-is it correct defination?
Great Alex!Ycu do teach very well and your pronunciation is clear as bell. Thus,we foreigners really appreciate very much your very useful explanations. Ilive in Brazil and Eng Vid has been watched and praised in my city(S.José dos Campos).
TAke care.
It’s a pity that you couldn’t answer on my question..
thanks alex…
Thanks Alex
me too
thanks for your lessons
Dear Alex, I find your lessons very useful. I just wonder, speaking of necessity, is there any difference between these two and need. For example, is there any difference between:
“You need not come if you are busy” and “You don’t have to come if you are busy”
Yeah good lesson.It makes me more confindent after watching your videos.Hats off!!!Thanks.
Hi Alex, i would like to you explain the different use of Very. Too and So. I still confused to use this words. Thanks.
Thank you Alex for helping us to understand better these modal verbs.
Thank you sir. it was good and helpfull.
what about “need(or needn’t)” as a modal?
Do you also use this when you show necessity of something?
can i say (Ilave been living here 7 mounths
Hi, Alex!
I passed this test. I have one mistake.
Why we can not say : She have to call after 10 pm.
Thank you:)
Hi Olga!
I passed the test, I had no mistake. I can answer your question.
Becuase we use “has” instead of “have” in singular third person
Hi Olga,
simply, after She you must use has and not have. She has to call his parents for example.
very nice have a good day
Hi Alex,
i’m an English teacher myself and i like your video lessons a lot.
I have a question regarding your lesson about ‘Necessity’.At uni i was taught that there’s a big difference between ‘must’ and ‘have to’. I was taught that ‘must’ is used when the authority comes from the speaker.For example:
You must drive carefully. ( I insist. )
We were told to use ‘have to’ when the authority comes from outside the speaker. For example:
You have to drive on the left in Britain. ( That is the law. )
What you say in this video (the only difference between ‘must’ and ‘have to’ is in the level of formality) was never mentioned by my tutors.
Did my uni professors get into too much unnecessary detail? :)
Thanks a lot.
Warm regards from Slovenia,
HI Tanja B.
you can’t say “You have to drive on the left in Britain” because it’s not a choise or option. You have bad consequences if you don’t do it so you have to use “Must”.
My respects.
this is really useful sir. thanks a lot for this video…
thank you very much for your wonderful presentation and useful teaching.
could you let me know if can we use have to in the future tense with out will . examp. i have to go to dubai next week.
thanks for u that ‘ s really fantastic & useful i need all these lessons in my career GOD bless you all.a trainee teacher
this is very good english lesson and good question .this wetsite before ,i did not know .
now i can see good question everyday.your give me another question alot .thank
Alex, can i have one example of present continuous in the passive voice? please
Alex, can you tell me some words clue about time expression?
really you are ideal perfect teacher Alex. Thank you so much . but i actually have some problems if you do not mind please gives me some advice , my English is not so bad but i suffer from being shy during speaking when i attend speaking class i keep silent and this really hurts me so what should i so? i want to speak confidently in much better English .
i hope u will reply me
hi alex
very useful to me ur lesson ,10x a lot
Thanks for your lesson. can you clear me the uses of could be, would be and must be?
sir, i have a doubts in been(ex: would have been, had been, have been) verb… i have doubts in how and where to use the been verb… could u please clarify it..thank you sir
what is similar word for ‘diliget’ & ‘tapetoos’?
Great Job Alex , I like your lecture.
You Do All the best :)
Hi, Teacher!
you are the best thank you for your lessons
Hi, Alex.I have question for you.Can you use this way: He haven’t go to school or I must use Don’t have in this case?Thnx
Really sir you help us alot..
thank you…
what defferents between have to and must
thanx Alex ! you’re going very well , will u plz add one thing , where i can use ( come ) ?
as like come to know ,,,,,,,ETC…,
Thanks alot for this lesson.
In case of have we are using
” I have to go home ” – no ‘to’ after go.
but in case of negative ” I don’t have to go to school ” – here we are using ‘to’ after go.
Can you please explain why ?
Hi Krishna,
In English, the word “home” is a big exception. It does not need the preposition “to” before it in sentences like you mentioned above.
“I am going to school/the library” are both okay, but “I am going to home” is incorrect.
Simply put, it is an exception. I hope this helps!
sorry ,alex could you explain me if
I am going to school is right ..then why this one is incorrect ….I am going to home …& how we can in right sentence..thanx
Thanks,Alex for all these english lessons.They’re very useful in my english learnig.
I love this site! This is a very good! site for english lesson
Thanks for this lesson I really understand it now.
Xx enjee
hi ,, I am a new student in your web ,, I am glade to join you all guys ,, thank you teachers for those useful lessons ,, I am from kurdistan/Iraq ::
I wonder if I use ” use to ” in place ” have to ” does it make a sense ..thanx again ,,
Welcome to the website, faro.
“Used to” and “have to” are very different. “Used to” is for talking about habits, ownership, locations, or states that existed in the past.
“I used to be a doctor.”
“I used to play tennis in high school.”
“I used to live in South Korea.”
“I used to have a goldfish.”
“Have to” is used for necessity, as it is mentioned in this lesson.
I hope this helps!
thank u very much..:)
thank u..:)
can i say I NEED TO GO AT HOME?
hello..!! this website is very helpful to me.. specially to my career.. thank so much!!!
Thanks Alex for your lesson. Could you explain please! We must use the word ‘yet’ only in negative sentences. Is it right?
You can use “yet” in questions and negative sentences. You are correct.
Can I use “you must have to do this” at the same time?
No, you can’t. You must use one or the other.
It was very useful for me. thanks
It was very useful,thanks
Hi Alex your lesson is very important to me because I have learn a lot of confusing grammar. But please allow me to ask you more questions.
Can you make a lessons If how to correct use of words PERHAPS, MAYBE…. your response is highly appreciated.. a million thanks to you… REYNALDO
Hi Reynaldo,
Both words have the same meaning. The difference is that “perhaps” is more formal, and “maybe” is more informal and casual. Basically, “perhaps” is more useful for writing, while “maybe” is more useful for conversation.
I hope this helps!
why can’t we use must in future or past?
The only way to use “must” in the past is if you use “must have,” but that is for past speculation. Otherwise, you can not use it for past necessity. Remember, when you talk about necessity in the present, like if you say “You must see this movie,” you are giving the advice in the present, but it is actually for the future. A person can not see the movie directly at the moment of speaking.
I hope this has been useful!
Hi Alex,
can we say, ” you must have done something wrong otherwise this won’t happen”
Many thanks
please , i wanna make sure that we can’t use have got to in the question , we only use have to .
Is that right ? (please answer me)
You can use both in questions, but “have got to” is not really used in yes/no questions.
“What do you have to do tomorrow?”
“What have you got to do tomorrow?”
Both are okay, although the first one is more common.
“Do we have to come early?” (this is okay)
“Have we got to come early?” (not common at all)
My advice: if you’re not sure which one to use, just stick to “have to” for most questions.
Do you have any lesson for “have been” , “had been”? I have some problem on it.
ENGVID is very helpful.. Thank you very much you all.
im tray to lear thanks is fun thans
I’m from Hungary and I have to tell you, Alex, that you’are the most effective english teacher, whomever i have seen. (it was correct grammar?)
Thank you so much!!
omg! Because i’ve forgot to pay my debt, No doubt, i will have got to pay more interest. => ex. isn’t it correct sir? tq
Thank Alex, you are a great teacher and funny one. I Don´t mean any disrespect. I do like yor classes.
Thanks for your explanation Sir Alex! your the best keep up the good work, god bless you!
Hi….Alex! You are a good teacher. I really enjoyed Ur lesson and have learnt a lot. Thanks
Hi, mr.Alex
can i say: you must to write your homework
uffff ! Teacher could you give more examples from this lesson . can you ? thanks .
its good and very very nice that you people give the exercise to know how much we can understand……its really nice i really appriciate it and its commendable
HI Alex i want study English your lesson is much help me thank you
good luck.
Thank you for that lession. Great teaching.
It is a very good learning way in home. you should make it more and more for more learning. Vocabulary sentences should be included in it.
it is a good learning way thanks for this kindness
Hi Alex you are a wonderful instructer on my view,but I am sitll have big problem when
sorry about that I haven’t finshed yet my comment and now I am taking 0300 wirting class at houston community college.However, I am always strive to Improve my writing skill,but I am not able to improve my writing skill, so can I get some advise by chance. I need your help
Hi Alex,
I badly need your help.
When talking about school rules is it better to use MUST or HAVE TO?
For example:
Students must do their homework. / Students have to do their homework.
Students must be on time. / Students have to be on time.
Students must turn off their mobiles. / Students have to turn off their mobile.
Could you help me, please?
And what about speaking in the first person?
Should I use MUST or HAVE TO?
I must wear a uniform or I have to wear a uniform?
Thanks a lot.
It is very useful to learn english. Thanks a lot.
I dunno how to take the quiz could you please tell me how !!
and very thanks indeed
thank’s for this lesson !!!!!!!!!!!
I like Mr Alex Teacher
Hi, Alex I have got a problem . I couldn’t understand about this sentence . How can i use ” Would have” . Could you reply me please ?
ı have a exam tomorrow but I can’t understand anything. my teacher talk about have got to!?
nice explanation
thanks for your lessons
Thank you.
I have to study more EngVid lessons because there are awesome teachers here.
Very useful lesson.Now I know how to use them in the way.
Thanks Alex.
is it coorect say” I HAVE NOT IDEA”
Please Mr.Alex could you tell us the difference between only and just ? I listen alot but I can not find out differences in their terms of use. thanks.
It is usefull, nice lesson..
Thank you..
thank’s Alex.
hi Alex. i like your videos. Actually i am too bad at English. please correct my sentences if i made any mistakes.
thank you.
this lesson is very useful
hello alex.. will you please help me about the uses of these 2words.. “will,would” thank you in advance ;)
%100 percent is a useful website.For me watching a few times and repeat once a month are always better than reading and writing.
thanks sir alxe,sure like u said as eg in this lessen i don’t have to go to school.this lesson is enouph
thanks u sir…h r u?
u are teaching very well.
Thanks sir Alxe!
Hi! Alex,
thanks for this lesson. I really understand your explanation, You are a great teacher.
Thank you Alex, great Lesson.
why don’t we say” we have get to go home”?
Thanks Alex for the lesson
thanks Alex it’s very very interessant :):) You are great teacher.
Hi Alex,
I am Amr from Egypt and i really enjoyed that lesson .. I have a question; What is the difference between when I say “I have no idea” & “i haven’t the slightest idea ” ?
Why do we have to use we must stop for the last example on the quiz??
Thank you very much
what is tag question for this sentence: we must have talked about this and that.
Teacher,I want to learn Modal verb (can,cold,may,might,must,should,ought to,used to ) when use please make a class about this thaks so much ! ( if you make of course ) ^^ please listen me will go help very people
Thankyou very much, that’s awesome class… I get it easily ^_^
i have question for you..
what a different between
“i have something to you” and “i’ve got something to you”
looking forward for the reply :)
hi Alex sir
I’m a little confused on {i have got to go and i have to go} please give a little explanation on the difference between these two sentences. do you find any grammatical mistakes in comment? if so please correct me.
thank you
Hi Alex: When we talk about Nessessity, we used have to. I have to go to school otherwise there would be a consequences (Nessessity). What if we say nessessity in the past by saying…I had to go to school. Notice the verb is in base form) or I must had gone to school(Verb convert to PP).which one is correct, when telling the past Nessessity using past perfect tense. Please help…..Thanks.
Hi Alex, the lesson was helpful for me. But I wanna ask you, can I use “I got to(gotta)” instead “I have got to”? Is it allowed in the conversation speaking?
Hi alex, Thank you. You are great.
nice but Little bit confused
I have a very big question.
Is it right to say ” I have to have it ( the book) “
Hello Alex
thanks for nice explanation .I have a question regarding the use of (have to) in past sentence.
can I say I HAVE TO HAD THAT.I AM CONFUSE BECAUSE according to my knowledge we must use first form of verb after to.
Dear teacher, If I understand, in the form “have got to”, got is used only in affermative sentences. For exmple I can say “Do you have to go to school?”, but I don’t say “Do you have got to school” or “I don’t have to go to school”, but not “I don’t got to go to school! It’s correct!?Thank you
The negative form is “you don’t have to,” which means you have a choice.
Wow 5/5. Thanks, Sir!
You look like a retarded nerd even more in this video, Alex. I want to fucking bully you!!
Sounds awesome!
Thanks Alex for giving me these wonderful lessons…you are good lecturer!!
Hi Alex,
I like too much your lessons. So I just wanna ask you a question regarding the difference between Verb to do vs to make.
Please can you explain me how and where to use these two verbs?
Thank you, I learned the difference between “Have to” and “Must”.
i have got to learn this lesson. Alex! is this claus right? do i can say that? please correct me .
and think you
oupse! i mean thank you
Dear Alex,
Great lesson! What about shouldn’t and musn’t? Example: My manager says we…. tke more then ten minutes for our break and, if we do, he will make us work extra hours.
I suppose it is mustn’t because you’ve explained that must goes with “if X…. then negative consequences”, but still I am not sure.
thank u Alex for your use ful lesson.
thank you very much!!!
thank you so much alex *-*
Thanks alot !
Thanks Alex!. Please let me know if I can use ‘since’ to give the meaning of ‘as’. Like, ” I can attend the function since I will be free on that day”. Is it correct?
I have to go home or I must go home.
Thanks Alex… It was interesting. I still looking for MUST vs MUST TO. Please tell me where to find it.
AFAIK there is no such thing as ‘must to’. As well as ‘can to’.
Wow. 100
Thanks Alex!
Obrigado( thank you)
I got 5 correct out of 5 :)
God bless
Thanks for your lesson and I have a request.
Would you mind mentioning my errors included in my comments?
Thank you for your lesson.
You’re such a great teacher, I can’t imagine a better one. Thanks.
Thaks for your lesson.
I don’t know if this is the correct place for this, but I would like to know the difference with “need to” and between “don’t need to or needn’t”
Thank yo
I need help! In sentences: “It’s more expensive to hire someone from abroad and we also ________ arrange visa for them. It’s the law in this country” which modal verb we use? I think its have to but I am not sure!
Hey,I got a 100!
Thank, also this article helped me
hi alex, well i want your help because i have a doubt about something for instance:
does he have to do that?
does he has to do that?
what`s the right to tell the first one or maybe the second one?
hi alex thanks alot for all ur great lessons it is so helpful .Ireally need ur help in transcription pls !?
really good.but need more quizes!!
I have to study harder, because I must improve mi english skills!
it’s really nice to learn such lessons,they are refreshing.thanks
so how do prime ministers say must in future or in the past when they must? (by using ‘then’?)
I am a new student here and you are the best teacher to me Mr Alex ^^ I am from Saudi Arabia and i would be able to improve my English language ,,
may you tell me about the different between ( will and should )
thanks a lot , all my wishes to you Mr Alex
Hi Mr.alex thank you I realy enjoy with this lessons
Good lesson, thanks you.
Thank you!!!
I have got one question.
In the lesson you say that we use “must” only for present sentences, is this only affirmative?
thank you so much it’s very useful
Thank you!
Thanks Alex..
useful lesson
i got 100 percent
Very useful. Thank you Alex
Thanks Alex!
hey Alex thanks for teachingو You are a great teacher.
so we can say : i mustn`t weak up early on weekend .what about the question with must?
Thank you. Maybe a little offtopic, but what about ‘to be to ..’? Can it be used to express obligation or necessity (like ‘I am to go right now’)? I can swear, I’ve seen this in some texts, but I cannot find any explanations.
Thank you Mr. Alex. One must be careful while doing exercises.
Thank you very much Alex!!
i have to learn more with ALEX
Hi, Alex. Can we say I ve to ? is it formal or not?
I watched this video twice on June 08, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got eight three out of 5.
good. thanks so much.