Believe it or not, there is a specific order that adjectives follow when English speakers are describing something. In this lesson, I discuss this order, so you will never have to feel embarrassed about your word order again. This is helpful in writing, as well as speaking. Please take the quiz below the lesson and test your understanding.
I know the order of adjectives is important to learn english more fluenty, so I’m going to learn it. This lesson is very important.
Thank you very much.
reyito abramson
This class is very useful to all students who r listening yr class
hi, Alex
I have a question about a example that you had been raised.
” The old boring physic T-shrit” why do you put the word “old” first which is an age. Isn’t it come behind opinion which is a boring?
well, maybe I am worng!
By the way, your class is very interesting! thank you.
I mentioned in the video that these rules do not ALWAYS apply, but that they are a good guide to use. Usually, it depends on what you want to emphasize the most in your description.
good for me
I agree that it is not an easy task, but with more practice and exposure to the language, the order soon becomes second nature!
For me it works the following memory aid: Through it you can remember easier the order of adjectives in English.
Walter Mendes
It is a very good, small, new tip! Thanks!!
Actually I’ve learned this problem many times but I still feel confused ! I think the problem is how do we REMEMBER the order ?
Thank you anyway !
I realize that remembering the order is very difficult. Some native English speakers often get confused with it as well, so try not to worry too much. With more practice and exposure to the language, you will get it!
Dear Alex.
I found very useful this big your lesson! =) I think that it is very common mistake that people made in speaking. It would be very great to have a lesson from you more about ORDER in both English speaking and writing.
Thank you very much!
Amir from Kazakhstan!
Dear tuan_kkt.
The better way to be right in order is good reading skills; I mean you should read more. In this case it is automatically orders in your brain.
Kindly regards
your opinion about something can be justified by these orders.
Thank you very much.
This is a good, Canadian, learning lesson.
This is a good, Canadian, learning English lesson.
Could I say both of them?
Thank you.
One of the “rules” that you have discussed in your lecture on using commas is applicable here too: separating adjectives with commas. Apparently that rule is in contradiction with the one described here in Purdue:
6. Use commas to separate two or more coordinate adjectives that describe the same noun. Be sure never to add an extra comma between the final adjective and the noun itself or to use commas with non-coordinate adjectives.
Coordinate adjectives are adjectives with equal (“co”-ordinate) status in describing the noun; neither adjective is subordinate to the other. You can decide if two adjectives in a row are coordinate by asking the following questions:
* Does the sentence make sense if the adjectives are written in reverse order?
* Does the sentence make sense if the adjectives are written with and between them?
My guess is that you wanted to simplify the rule for learners, but, as it seems, that makes it go wrong.
Thanks in advance for your explanation.
Hi Victor,
Apologies for the very late reply. I have personally found the rule to be so inconsistently used, and have found both ways used in literature. I do think typing a sentence like “He is a tall, handsome man” looks better than “He is a tall, handsome, man,” but that in actual speech, the second sounds better.
Alex, it should be written as “He is tall AND handsome.”
Dear Alex.
I have a question. What do you mean when you say “opinion”? Can you show in example please?
kindly regards
An opinion is something that you believe about something else. For example, you might think dogs are cute. I might think they are ugly. These are our opinions. If you need more examples, please let me know. Thank you for commenting!
Alex, i need more questions for practice. If you can send me in some manner, I will be highly grateful to you.
Thasnks for this interesting,big,new,lesson!I hope to learn it so well as faster.
Excuseme it´s not thasnks it´s thanks,jejejejej.
Aren’t you awesome? i could only say,marvalleous,awesome,great,fantastic,intresting,addicting,flunt, unbeliveable
Dickson Neo Jia Xuan
I didn’t make any mistake, because I’m clever and, of course, because you are a great, young, English teacher! :-)
Should it be ‘The boring (Opinion), old (age), Physics (Purpose) teacher?
Anyway, very good. Thanks a lot.
thanks very mach alex
I memorize your adjectives in serial letters , O,S,A,S,C,M,O,P .
teacher Alex, is it sutible to memorize like that? or do you have any other ways to memorize easier way?
and in the lecture, 1st is the Opinion , can I have some examples about it?
I took the quiz and got only 75% this time, I used to get 100% in your other quizs after listening your great lectures.could you please explain me about “nice”, in which number should I put nice and the similar adjectives like good, bad and other words.
thank you so much teacher Alex. I’d learnt many from you indeed.
It depends which quality you want to emphasize. Words like good, bad, nice, ugly, pretty, beautiful, wonderful, and the like are all opinion words. If you want to use more than one opinion word, it is up to you to decide which one you want to place first.
That is a smelly, ugly car!
That is an ugly, smelly car!
I hope this helps.
It really was very useful for me. Thank you so much indeed. =D
Rogerio França
This is a great lesson thank you. but a little hard to remember the order
uhm… are so interesting thankz…
Caryl Grace
Thanks for providing such great lessons. I am non-native English writer who faces difficulty in writing English with pure native English style. There are some grammatical errors that my clients mention after reviewing my work. What Can I do? Please give me some plan to work on? I need some real good grammar book or something to help me writer better English. My ultimate aim is to write exactly like an English writer.
I would love if you can review one article of mine and point out where I am falling behind.
Hi AlexESLvid :
Thank u very much for useful website I really like. But I want to ask u I have done all the video but I don’t know how to get the new video can u plz Explain to me.
Thank u once again.
Hi Alex, I like your Video explaining about the order of adjectives because it helps me to apply the way you teach and explain the material in a classroom. Thx
where can i watch the video of pre-nominal modifiers?please reply asap!
Thank you from Romania. You have great pedagogic skills.
i’m so grateful to you for teaching us an useful lesson .But can you teach me some tips to remember it.I don’t have a good memory
thank you Alex!
Great lesson Alex thank you.
Thank you Alex
in fact this lissen realy hard to be understood
i didnt understand nothing….
seriously omg where did you go. but it is ok u will
Thanks , Your a perfect teacher.
In thefirst example in the quiz, the correct answer should have been:
The blue American metal car
Very great teacher, I understood the lesson, but some times i do not concenterate about adjectives order while speaking!!! don’t you?
abdulmalik alnoaman
Most of the time When I want to write something, I found it very difficult to put it together in head
Manny ledger
Sir Alex Can you please give me some examples about the origin in Adjective?
Akash Hans
You’re a clever, Canadian, English teacher.
I don’t know about this ordering adjectives before. It’s a bit hard,and confusing, but you made it simple, and easy to understand.
It’s a big help. Thanks.
Thank you very much that was a wonderful lesson,and it really helped me,please i have a problem which is when iam talkin usually i don’t use new words.and i also don’t remember the word i took like yesterday so what is your advice please thank you once again i really appretiate your kindness
Thanks for your very helpful lesson!
Linden Lee
dear sir Alex,i hav been takin ur classes n ur teaching style is awesum,u r a great teacher,thanx for such good classes
hi alex. i like your teaching. very interesting and very simple. i learn a lot from your lessons. thank you very much for the effort (is there any mistake in the above sentences? pls comment. i am a beginner english speaker)
Oh,God.. i really enjoy answering those questions.. i realy interested especially those question that i am not sure…
uhmm, i enjoy answering those questions you raise especially those questions i do not know..
hi alex, i’m very new to your site. Its very useful one. I think I’m ok with speaking but writing is little bit hard for me.
I really enjoy your teaching don’t get me wrong I learnt lot from you all.
James is the funniest one of them all. When he says something at camera for listeners it make me accually smile.
All of your team members are doing a good job.
thanks again
from Qatar
hi,taecher alex.
I am m.edris raouf from afghanistan,student of kabul medical university.
have no fear, that I am an afghan.
acually you efforts are much valueable to me,and i am thank you for all this.
this is all yours and your colleages efforts, that made us a whole man.
in fact it is very strange that we are a generation in war,but thinking about peace and how we should make ourselves standard.
wish you nice moments.
stay out of trouble.
kabul afghanistan.
mohammad edris raouf
really i found this site very useful for me. because i don’t know the rules of english properly. thanks for teaching us.
It helped me a lot. thanks much
John Merchant
Hello; I’ve been following this web page since I knew of it and It’s been of great help. My question is the following; which adjective goes first; the origin or the material because many books show that origin goes first and your explanation says material goes first. thank a lot.
John Merchant
great ..
ideal GirL
Thanks Alex, very nice and useful lesson!
I have a question for you.Do you know if exist any order to use for descriptions? for example when describes people or things?
I’ll appreciate your answer.
Thanks Alex,very nice and useful lesson!
I’d like to know if exist any order to describe people and things in the same way that “orgering adjectives”.
I’ll apreciate your soon answer.
Alex, you are my hero. you’ve transformed my English language ability.I HAVE GOT serious problems with my prepositions and pronunciations respectively.PLEASE help me in these regards by profering lasting solutions to them(either by recomending books,cd or anything)
thank you Alex a loooot!it was great!!!
Evgenia A
Hi Alex!
Thanks for the lesson! I still don’t understand about 3.quantity
For example : The parents left (young, their, two) children with the granparents. Their – is it origin? Two – it is qunttity , and I don’t understand its order. Can you please explain about it?
you are the best.
Hi! Alex.
I would like know How can i get answer from you?
I left a question to you on last October 19th, would you please give me your e-mail addres?
Thanks in advance!
Hi frazalez,
We get a lot of messages on Engvid every day, so it’s sometimes difficult to respond to everyone.
You can contact me on Facebook (Alex Engvid) if you would like to send me a private message.
can i hire you as my personal butler?…just kidding..your so nice when you’re teaching……i want to learn more so please upload more of you’re videos….
thanks for teaching but if you put some more question in the quiz it will be great
Thank you
Hello everybody
I found this helpful bracket on the internet which might help us all:
Value/opinion: delicious, lovely, charming
Size: small, huge, tiny
Age/Temperature: old, hot, young
Shape: round, square, rectangular
Colour: red, blonde, black
Origin: Swedish, Victorian, Chinese
Material: plastic, wooden, silver
Ohh my dear thanks alot , it really helped me to undestand the lesson well , thanks again
just wonderful, it is perfect that is what i try to find. It is really really good work. I just wanna give great big thanks to guys who provide us this chance.
ahmed nunow
more than thanks
good job & great teacher
dear, alex thank’s at your infromation,but i hope to give us more idea in what consorn grammar,and writing paragraphs.
hi….Alex, l’m galuh from indonesia
l just want to ask, how can l increase my ability in english, while my teacher in my school is not fix to me about how is she tought to me….can you give me some suggestion???
galuh sekartadji
Hi galuh,
The best way to improve your English is to practice it. It helps if you have a native speaker that you can talk to. I know this is not always possible, though. In your case, watching videos like this one is a good idea, and then you can start doing more complex tasks, like reading books or watching movies.
hi alex, l’m galuh sekartadji from indonesia
l just want to say that you’re a great teacher,
galuh sekartadji
hi! is there a way to save the quiz in my profile? just to keep track of my improvement…:-)
Hmm, I don’t think there is a way to do this. Sorry! Maybe in the future.
Alex, you are doing a faboulous job for also those people who want to improve their english. But, we want more quiz questions. In this lecture, I believe you should more practice questions so we can master all these rules.
Hi Alex it is just what the doctor ordered.:>
Hi Alex!
This is my first day in Engvid.So far I’m loving it.It refreshes my stored memory, if there’s any:))Thanks to you….Bye for now….Have a Good day!
Thank you very much! I really wished to know that!
thank u elena78
all best to u
You’re a great teacher!
You are such a brilliant teacher! Your job on this site is priceless. Even the most difficult grammar espects seem to be simple with your explanatoins. Thanks and good luck!
Hi! I’m an English teacher and in one of my coursebook exercises I have a phrase “a very beautiful, handmade Japanese silk kimono”. The task tells the students to write the examples in a table of adjective’s word order. The question is, in which category does the word “handmade” go? Beautiful is opinion and Japanese is origin… between those I have categories size, age, shape, colour… and it doesn’t seem to fit in any of these.
thanks u are helping mee alot thnks
What about the big bad wolf? it doesn’t follow the order and it is not the size that we want to emphasize first. However, a bad big wolf sounds weird.
i am very happy while i saw this web and i am saying to all teachers thanks and appreciate how you are giving us the lessons daily
thanks again
I just would like to say that this site is really great! It really helps me a lot. I discovered certain rules like this that I really don’t know. Thanks to the teachers, you are doing great! keep it up and more power ^_^…
Hi sir! How’re you. You’re one of a great teacher I learned a lot from your’s lecture, and I am very happy to met such a great teacher. I have a question for you. what is the possessive pronoun and possessive adjective, and what’s the difference between both of it. please sir reply me soon. Sir would you like to tell me that at which time do you watch the messages, because sir I sent you a lot messages but still you didn’t reply. Thank you sir.
Dear Mr. Alex.
After watching this video, I found something which really bothering me. I learned about the order of adjectives in many English books in my country. The order is according to abbreviation of OSSACOM. Which stands for Opinion, size,shape, age, color, origin and material. This is a contradiction of your lesson. So, would you be kind enough to erase my confusion, please? I am waiting for your answer. Thank you, Sir.
T. Gantika
Hi.I’m from Romania…you healped me a lot and i want to thank you…so i hope i’a take a good mark tomorrow…tnx again.
that’s great lesson , really I’ve learned a lot
why do you spell color (colour)? are you from american or canadian???
** are you from america or canada?? ups :(
Hi Alex,
This is really awesome job that you guys are doing.
Thanks for taking this English quiz! Your score: 100.00 You got 4 correct out of 4.’
Hi Alex, thanks for such a nice lesson I’ve getten perfect but, we still need more to be like a Native English Speaker.
Wish you all the best
gotten** sorry I should have write this.
Great job! Could someone explains about the differences between nouns and adjectives(happy/happiness)used in sentences?
Hi teacher Alex. what comes first in the correct order of adjectives? is it the (size and shape) or (kind and quality)?
hy every one i’m from morocco ,i want to thank you for this intresting web site and i want to ask you about some exemple of toefl tes because i have to pass it in the june 25th at alakhawayn university and i want to know more about it please help me thannk you
i forget about the toefl i ask about pbt toefl not ibt thank u so much
well sir ….i must say that you’re really a good teacher….2 thumbs up
Hi teacher.
Thanks for your explanation on this video. you are an excelent teacher, congratulations from Venezuela.
Thank you very much for your lots of help, for the entire world.
God bless you.
what is meant in ordering adjective or what is ordering adjective
what is ordering of
i’m asking about comma in my grammer book book we don’t use comma between the order of adjectives
for example : the handsome young French man gave us a smile.
so here in your example you didn’t use comma
ali sami
this is he most important class in all my entire life THANK YOUUUUU, WOW GREAT, FANTASTIC, EXCELLENT ETC, ETC ETC
nice lesson ,, thanks
thank you for all your videos.
I’m confused, I don’t know the order for
Feeling adjectives(Angry/ klomsy)
Condition adjectives (Alive/ Better)
Sound adjectives (loud/Noisy)
taste adjectives (Bitter/ Hot)
Touch adjectives (Boiling/Damage)
Hi, I am a teacher by profession and I like your material. Thanks
Sir….u r great teacher….very useful to me all your lessons…god bless you sir..
Thank you very much, Alex. I had doubts on this. I had forgotten adject. order :)
I don’t like that face! Gonna see what happens now…
Hi Alex,Thank you so much for the useful videos.I was trying to take the quiz.But it won’t let me do it at all. So can you please help me.Thanks again:)
Hi sir Alex! I was wondering if there are 10 orders of adjectives all I can see in the board is 1-8?
thank you for the teaching and for the info!
the young interesting english teacher.
hahah I did understand this lesson,didn’t I?
dear Alex
in what lesson can i improve my english in my work?
Hey Alex, Since you’re my favorite among all the instructors, what about I’ll treat you dinner if you come out here in LA as way of thanking you for all the free lessons you guys are giving us so generously. You want Asian food? I’m serious.
I meant *as a way.
hi that was help me to my english
tanks it is very usefull please continue doing this
Thank you Sir Alex, that was very useful! i am getting more nervous now thinking my ielts exam on November. i wish before that time i am well ready enough to take it.huhuh i dont wanna failed my i will continuely watching all your video’s as many as i can before the day of my exam! i actually have 2 weeks left to review my self. more power to you Sir.
where do you plan to go after you passed the exam?
Thank you Mr Alex! You are very skilled teacher. I am pleasure to learn from your lessons.
thanks alot
thanks a lot, you did a great job and i like your lesson very much, thank you again.
Thank you very much. it’s very nice lesson.
Thank’s Alex, you are a nice teacher.
Dear Alex,
Just wanna share some thought..
It’ll be easier for students to remember this order as opinion/s + SASCOM (Size-Age-Shape-Color-Origin-Material)–> I found it somewhere in Cambridge book, but I don’t remember which one.
– rather than SASCMO
In my opinion, if the adj is embedded to the Noun, then it will not follow the order. It is also applied to which adj you want to emphasize, as you said above.
Here’s an example :
My friend drives an American car.
I can say as my opinion :
He drives a shiny, huge, modern, blue, metal, American car.
But if we’re only talking about a car, then it will be like this :
He drives a shiny, huge, modern, blue, American, metal, car.
Another example :
– It’s an Indian wooden basket. –> we’re talking about a basket.
– It’s a wooden, Indian basket. –> we’re talking about a specific Indian basket.
I hope this could help..
Hi Henny. Thanks .
Hello Alex
I really enjoy your lessons. could you please assign a class to differences between seem, sound & look?
thanks a lot
Hi Alex,
I really enjoy your lessons. Could you please assign a class to explain what are differences between seem,sound and look on their common meanings.
Thank you for your informations did you teach us and I really enjoy you lessons.
hi alex,
Hi Alex
this lesson iz really very helpul….
thnx sir ALEX!
I have been saving a lot of videos from Engvid. I have found everything useful to improve my English. But I got a question : Is it Okay if we still use ” Simple Present ” when talking about the past ? I watched tv and saw someone telling the past but not using “Past Tense” I’ll be waiting 4 your answer…Thanks you very much Sir!
Ambar Riyadi
Want to thank you Alex and all of you guys. You’re great and it’s a huge pleasure to watch your lessons :)
Your lesson will support my lesson.
Thank you for the inspiration, Alex!
Thank you so much Alex for this wonderful lesson.
dont thank just donate money
keep up the good work because of you i was accepted in one of the best schools in my country
Hi,Colleague!!I was teaching the order of adjactives during a course when I was asked ‘Where shall we put the word “wet”?’ and adjectives like dirty,dry,etc.???thanks in advance.
These videos are really fantastic, thank you for the persons that give us a new form of learn English, and for all the people that make these kind of videos.
thanks dear u will be a greater godwilling
Thanks sir Alex. You a great teacher.
Wonderful Teaching Alex.
Hi, Alex. Thank you for your lesson. I have a question for you. Could you tell me what part of speech the word “gone” is? Could it be used not only as a PastParticiple but also as an adjective? I`ve seen some sentences recently, which this word was used in. And it has been unclear for me since, how to use “gone” in this case. For example: “Wow, this ice-cream is gone! It`s really gone!” Or: “The robber have been gone.” Can I use the auxiliary verb “to be” with “gone” in Present Perfect tense? Sorry, my english is not very well. I hope you understand my question.
Best regards.
Sorry for wrong example in previous comment. ” The robber had been gone”
So could you teach me some adjective of Age field, please?
and more, i am taught by a teacher that: Opinion-Size-Quality-Shape-Age-Particeple Adj-Origin-Material-Type-Purpose. Is it right?
Thank you for your wonderful lesson. :D
do adjectives follow the same order in questions?
I think OSASh.COM is a good way to remember the order
Thank you very much for your speech!!!
thanks Alex
It might be tricky but it’s helpful :)
thanks alot……….
vahid sheikhloie
Actually you are the best. I prefer to learn from you because of two things the first you have charisma and the second you remind me of the most preferred teacher who taught me English.
thank you so much
Hello teacher,
Could you explain me why we have to put comma for the end of adjective?
Chh karino
thank you teacher
I would like to thank you Alex your tips helped me alot in my studies
thanks teacher you helped me a lot
Hi Alex!
In your lesson you gave the example ” Old boring physics teacher”. According to order of adjectives it should have ” Boring old physics teacher”, as opinion comes first than age. Could u Please explain. Thanks for another good lesson.
The first three or four categories are pretty flexible, depending on which one you want to emphasize more. It’s possible to say “boring old” and “old boring.” It just depends which one you want to focus on more.
Hello Alex,
Nice rendition of the adjective word order. There are differences in the use of the comma, but when it comes to using adjectives in the real world, we do see the use in both ways. Strict adherence to certain rules is fine for examination classes, but when we want to use the English Langauge in a native settings, I’d agree with your assumption that it depends on what you are using it for and there are both uses in literature from around the English speaking world.
Nice to see your commitment on this site. Good work and I read what your readers and followers have been saying and I think that should be enough to satisfy the most stubbourn English teacher.
Take care from another English practitionare…sorry about any spelling mistakes THEY ARE ALL FROM ME..loooool
thanks Alex for such a helpful lesson
HOW DO WE ORDER wonder and beautiful when they come together since both are opinion
thanks alex. :)
Hai, Alex….
It has been a semester that I am using engvid videos in delivering grammar lessons to my Primary 4 students. “Alex is our e-teacher” – this is what my students say about you. I wonder how to “like” you on facebook ??
Hai Alex………
I am still confused in:
– Opinion – S A S C O M P
– Opinion – S A S C M O P
Another is, what is “Purpose?”
Which sound better “an angry wet cat” or “a wet angry cat” ?
Thanks for the reply.
Thanks for replying
Alex, I do hope that you are available to answer my questions. I am going to teach about this topic to my students next week. So wish to confirm and equip myself about several things before delivering lessons to my students.
Thanks for your concern
THANK YOU (Alex) useful lesson , but there is something difficult ><'you speak very fast that's make me doesn't understand all your speak !
Thank you sir alex.yiiii im 4/4.
Thanks a lot Alex for this lesson. A very important one to have in mind when writing.
Thanks a lot Alex. You are good young American English teacher.
Alex,I wish everybody spoke the same language.What do so many different languages exist?While we are learning a language , we waste a lot of time and energy.You are always useful.Thanks by heart.Have a nice and happy day.
Offf I’m sorry.Instead of writing ‘why ‘, I’ve written ‘What’.I’m confused.Sorry.I’m sometimes careless.
Dear Alex,
First of all thanks a lot for the video. As usual, very helpful. But I’d like to make one comment. I read in an English book that numbers also can be adjectives. And numbers are always first in line if it comes to describe something. Example: five different small yellow flowers.
Second, I missed in your video the English rule that we usually put maximum four adjectives before a noun.
Thanks Alex
Hi, I have heard that Adjectives order is like-
1-Determiner.A, the my and so….
2-Opinion.Pretty, Nice and so…
3-Size.Big, Large and so….
4-Shape.Circle, Tall, squire and so…
5-Age.New, Old and so….
6-Color.Yellow, and so…
7-Origin.American, China and so..
8-Material.Cotton, wood, metal and so…
9-Purpose.Desk, chair, Computer and so….
Hi, Alex!
Thanks for your lesson. but I got confusion. I’ve read in the book that cumulative adjectives are not separated by commas, we just write them in a specific order , for ex. – a beautiful white silk wedding dress. But we must use commas with coordinate adjectives, for ex.a smart, independent, honest leader. I got TOEFL quiz for practice and I am really confused…. Can you give more details for explaination? Thank you!
Thank you sir .
I’m a Korean Tutorial teacher here in the Philippines. This topic is one of the most confusing ones that students have a hard time understanding. Thank you for the clear and easy to understand explanation. I’ll surely use it for my next class. Have a nice day!
Another good lesson,Thanks a lot !
Roohallah Ahmadi
Hey Alex.
First of all, you’re such an amazing teacher. I’ve been watching engvid videos since the last six months, but I hadn’t been able to subscribe. Good news, as you say in the video, I’m in. Now here are the questions, Are adjectives related to temperature within the opinion category? What about adjectives like fast, slow, etc.? Thank you in advance.
This is an old video (it is from 2009) I think you should ask Alex in a recent lesson, maybe the last one, so he can see that. I am using this site for ages, and it s the way it works :) Good bye!
Sally S
Thank you for this lesson,in the test i got 4 out of 4!!!!!
Thank you very much Alex. You’re an excellent teacher, practical and didactic.
Hi I would like to asn a question even if it’s been a few years since this lesson was posted. At the tutorial 6 is material and 7 is origin. But I was teached ( and I ahve checked on by books too) that materail comes after Origin. But when I compare it with my monther tongue (turkish) I get the impression that neighter is false but it causes a difference in the meaning. If we use the sentences 1) German steel Knife and 2) Steel, German Knive I get impression that the 1. knife is made of steel from Germany and the 2. knife is made in germany of steel. I mean the first could have been produced in Turkey and the second produced of Turkish Steel. Am I right or have I got it totaly wrong?
Thanks for great lesson! Before I don’t care about order of objects
thank you
zahra salman
this fantastic, big lesson helped me to bring my mind back and get started again. so thanks for being right there for us hilping every one
Thanks for the class!!
Just one thing, in my book it listed first origin and after the material??
is it opcional??
I don’t like this lesson, because I can’t understand about the meaning. :'(
Dinda Shabrina
Because you are from Indonesia like my homemate
Hi Alex
IN my nice language (Persian ) ,Actually we don’t have such this rule.May I ask you what the reason about this rule is?
All the best
Hi Kami . In our language the adjective we want to emphasis more comes first.
thank you it has been a great way to learn and to help my students to learn the correct order to write
You are the best Alex!!! Thanks four your valuable time for this lessons
hmmh still not satisfied about my 4/4 but i keep in mind the 4 essentials order the OSAS, and because of watching english movies and reading comments and books sometimes,your ears can help you, try to repeat the words you need to say, and soon you’ll find out whether the order is kinda odd to listen.
While i was taking the quiz(8 rules of commas) i saw a question asking,”which of the following is correct” and the answer was Jhon is tall, dark,and handsome.why thw word HANDSOME came at the end of the end of the sentanceif it’s opinion
the royal order of adjectives has a little different order… 1 opinion 2 size 3 shape 4 age 5 colour 6 origin 7 material 8 qualifier…Which is correct?
Yes!!!! You are a super, great,young,gold english teacher.
Cam you make Determiners video plzzzzzzzz?..??.?.
thanks ….
hello Alex, this is Phong from Saigon, Vietnam. You are my favorite teacher who I can follow all the time, hope to see you in person as soon as possible.
Thanks Alex!
You are a good, big, young, stout, white, kind-hearted, Canadian, English teacher.
Fabio Cicerre
The last question, I left thinking, but are good tips
that was a great short class. thanks.
thank you
denis bauta
thank you.It is useful
Thanks You Alex for explaining adjective order. In some sources there are some discrepancies but now I’ve understood everything :)
It’s amazing!
Thanks. Very easy to follow and remember. Why don’t you make a word that makes sense to memorize.
thank for helping me
tell me if is this example well established:
“The most joyful star of the Tropical Colombian Music”
“The most joyful Tropical Colombian Music-star”
Which does make more sense according to your lessons?
El Paisa
Thank you for being such a nice teacher.
Thanks for this lesson
Thank you for the great and helpful lesson.
Great! Thank you very much Alex, your so nice.
Hi , I think there is problem with the quiz,
Hi , I think there is problem with the quiz,it is stuck in the 1st question and doesn’t move to the other questions.
Thank you, Alex. Your explanation helped me to understand the rule.
Tetyana Solyanyk
You’re an awesome teacher. Thanks for sharing this video with us.
Sir you are very good teacher, I want one more video over noun phrase to make it much clear
anurag tiwari
It is a very useful lesson, but hard to remember. Thanks, Alex.
Hi, Alex. I had read another explanation that order:
1. General opinion
2. Specific opinion
3. Size
4. Shape
5. Age
6. Colour
7. Nationality
8. Material
I’m confusing.
Ivan Solonovich
Jonathas Wilhem
hi Alex,thank you for all these wonderful videos,I’d like to ask if there are many approaches for ordering the adjectives in a sentence,because I found differences in videos I’ve watched,for example some put “shape” before “age”?
science lover
This is a never ending English language. James from engVid has given the following adjetive order list (1.Quantity 2.quality 3.Size 4.Age 5.Shape 6.Colour 7.Origin 8.Material) in his video ( Different, right?
Pablo E
it’s the first time to be aware of this subject
thank you
Aml Mounier
Good lesson
Mohamed Sellai
Thank you Mr. Adam.
Thank you very much!
2:09 Could anyone explain it to me when he says ‘the old boring physics teacher’ , isn’t it going against the rule? Age bofore opinion? Thank you.
Thank you Sir Alex!
Short and sweet, I like it. Thanks Alex.
Thanks teacher. We don’t often use more than two or three adjectives.
Very realistic.Thanks Alex and engVid.
AKM Mostafa
Thank you so much
What kind of adjective is the word”loose”?
I watched this video twice on June 11, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got four correct out of 4.
Thanks a lot Alex,hugs. (Kazakhstan, 16Sept2021);
This lesson makes my English skills better
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
u r great teacher
I know the order of adjectives is important to learn english more fluenty, so I’m going to learn it. This lesson is very important.
Thank you very much.
This class is very useful to all students who r listening yr class
hi, Alex
I have a question about a example that you had been raised.
” The old boring physic T-shrit” why do you put the word “old” first which is an age. Isn’t it come behind opinion which is a boring?
well, maybe I am worng!
By the way, your class is very interesting! thank you.
I mentioned in the video that these rules do not ALWAYS apply, but that they are a good guide to use. Usually, it depends on what you want to emphasize the most in your description.
good for me
I agree that it is not an easy task, but with more practice and exposure to the language, the order soon becomes second nature!
For me it works the following memory aid: Through it you can remember easier the order of adjectives in English.
It is a very good, small, new tip! Thanks!!
Actually I’ve learned this problem many times but I still feel confused ! I think the problem is how do we REMEMBER the order ?
Thank you anyway !
I realize that remembering the order is very difficult. Some native English speakers often get confused with it as well, so try not to worry too much. With more practice and exposure to the language, you will get it!
Dear Alex.
I found very useful this big your lesson! =) I think that it is very common mistake that people made in speaking. It would be very great to have a lesson from you more about ORDER in both English speaking and writing.
Thank you very much!
Amir from Kazakhstan!
Dear tuan_kkt.
The better way to be right in order is good reading skills; I mean you should read more. In this case it is automatically orders in your brain.
Kindly regards
your opinion about something can be justified by these orders.
Thank you very much.
This is a good, Canadian, learning lesson.
This is a good, Canadian, learning English lesson.
Could I say both of them?
Thank you.
One of the “rules” that you have discussed in your lecture on using commas is applicable here too: separating adjectives with commas. Apparently that rule is in contradiction with the one described here in Purdue:
6. Use commas to separate two or more coordinate adjectives that describe the same noun. Be sure never to add an extra comma between the final adjective and the noun itself or to use commas with non-coordinate adjectives.
Coordinate adjectives are adjectives with equal (“co”-ordinate) status in describing the noun; neither adjective is subordinate to the other. You can decide if two adjectives in a row are coordinate by asking the following questions:
* Does the sentence make sense if the adjectives are written in reverse order?
* Does the sentence make sense if the adjectives are written with and between them?
My guess is that you wanted to simplify the rule for learners, but, as it seems, that makes it go wrong.
Thanks in advance for your explanation.
Hi Victor,
Apologies for the very late reply. I have personally found the rule to be so inconsistently used, and have found both ways used in literature. I do think typing a sentence like “He is a tall, handsome man” looks better than “He is a tall, handsome, man,” but that in actual speech, the second sounds better.
Alex, it should be written as “He is tall AND handsome.”
Dear Alex.
I have a question. What do you mean when you say “opinion”? Can you show in example please?
kindly regards
An opinion is something that you believe about something else. For example, you might think dogs are cute. I might think they are ugly. These are our opinions. If you need more examples, please let me know. Thank you for commenting!
Alex, i need more questions for practice. If you can send me in some manner, I will be highly grateful to you.
Thasnks for this interesting,big,new,lesson!I hope to learn it so well as faster.
Excuseme it´s not thasnks it´s thanks,jejejejej.
Aren’t you awesome? i could only say,marvalleous,awesome,great,fantastic,intresting,addicting,flunt, unbeliveable
I didn’t make any mistake, because I’m clever and, of course, because you are a great, young, English teacher! :-)
Should it be ‘The boring (Opinion), old (age), Physics (Purpose) teacher?
Anyway, very good. Thanks a lot.
thanks very mach alex
I memorize your adjectives in serial letters , O,S,A,S,C,M,O,P .
teacher Alex, is it sutible to memorize like that? or do you have any other ways to memorize easier way?
and in the lecture, 1st is the Opinion , can I have some examples about it?
I took the quiz and got only 75% this time, I used to get 100% in your other quizs after listening your great lectures.could you please explain me about “nice”, in which number should I put nice and the similar adjectives like good, bad and other words.
thank you so much teacher Alex. I’d learnt many from you indeed.
It depends which quality you want to emphasize. Words like good, bad, nice, ugly, pretty, beautiful, wonderful, and the like are all opinion words. If you want to use more than one opinion word, it is up to you to decide which one you want to place first.
That is a smelly, ugly car!
That is an ugly, smelly car!
I hope this helps.
It really was very useful for me. Thank you so much indeed. =D
This is a great lesson thank you. but a little hard to remember the order
uhm… are so interesting thankz…
Thanks for providing such great lessons. I am non-native English writer who faces difficulty in writing English with pure native English style. There are some grammatical errors that my clients mention after reviewing my work. What Can I do? Please give me some plan to work on? I need some real good grammar book or something to help me writer better English. My ultimate aim is to write exactly like an English writer.
I would love if you can review one article of mine and point out where I am falling behind.
Hi AlexESLvid :
Thank u very much for useful website I really like. But I want to ask u I have done all the video but I don’t know how to get the new video can u plz Explain to me.
Thank u once again.
Hi Alex, I like your Video explaining about the order of adjectives because it helps me to apply the way you teach and explain the material in a classroom. Thx
where can i watch the video of pre-nominal modifiers?please reply asap!
Thank you from Romania. You have great pedagogic skills.
i’m so grateful to you for teaching us an useful lesson .But can you teach me some tips to remember it.I don’t have a good memory
thank you Alex!
Great lesson Alex thank you.
Thank you Alex
in fact this lissen realy hard to be understood
i didnt understand nothing….
seriously omg where did you go. but it is ok u will
Thanks , Your a perfect teacher.
In thefirst example in the quiz, the correct answer should have been:
The blue American metal car
Very great teacher, I understood the lesson, but some times i do not concenterate about adjectives order while speaking!!! don’t you?
Most of the time When I want to write something, I found it very difficult to put it together in head
Sir Alex Can you please give me some examples about the origin in Adjective?
You’re a clever, Canadian, English teacher.
I don’t know about this ordering adjectives before. It’s a bit hard,and confusing, but you made it simple, and easy to understand.
It’s a big help. Thanks.
Thank you very much that was a wonderful lesson,and it really helped me,please i have a problem which is when iam talkin usually i don’t use new words.and i also don’t remember the word i took like yesterday so what is your advice please thank you once again i really appretiate your kindness
Thanks for your very helpful lesson!
dear sir Alex,i hav been takin ur classes n ur teaching style is awesum,u r a great teacher,thanx for such good classes
hi alex. i like your teaching. very interesting and very simple. i learn a lot from your lessons. thank you very much for the effort (is there any mistake in the above sentences? pls comment. i am a beginner english speaker)
Oh,God.. i really enjoy answering those questions.. i realy interested especially those question that i am not sure…
uhmm, i enjoy answering those questions you raise especially those questions i do not know..
hi alex, i’m very new to your site. Its very useful one. I think I’m ok with speaking but writing is little bit hard for me.
I really enjoy your teaching don’t get me wrong I learnt lot from you all.
James is the funniest one of them all. When he says something at camera for listeners it make me accually smile.
All of your team members are doing a good job.
thanks again
from Qatar
hi,taecher alex.
I am m.edris raouf from afghanistan,student of kabul medical university.
have no fear, that I am an afghan.
acually you efforts are much valueable to me,and i am thank you for all this.
this is all yours and your colleages efforts, that made us a whole man.
in fact it is very strange that we are a generation in war,but thinking about peace and how we should make ourselves standard.
wish you nice moments.
stay out of trouble.
kabul afghanistan.
really i found this site very useful for me. because i don’t know the rules of english properly. thanks for teaching us.
It helped me a lot. thanks much
Hello; I’ve been following this web page since I knew of it and It’s been of great help. My question is the following; which adjective goes first; the origin or the material because many books show that origin goes first and your explanation says material goes first. thank a lot.
great ..
Thanks Alex, very nice and useful lesson!
I have a question for you.Do you know if exist any order to use for descriptions? for example when describes people or things?
I’ll appreciate your answer.
Thanks Alex,very nice and useful lesson!
I’d like to know if exist any order to describe people and things in the same way that “orgering adjectives”.
I’ll apreciate your soon answer.
Alex, you are my hero. you’ve transformed my English language ability.I HAVE GOT serious problems with my prepositions and pronunciations respectively.PLEASE help me in these regards by profering lasting solutions to them(either by recomending books,cd or anything)
thank you Alex a loooot!it was great!!!
Hi Alex!
Thanks for the lesson! I still don’t understand about 3.quantity
For example : The parents left (young, their, two) children with the granparents. Their – is it origin? Two – it is qunttity , and I don’t understand its order. Can you please explain about it?
you are the best.
Hi! Alex.
I would like know How can i get answer from you?
I left a question to you on last October 19th, would you please give me your e-mail addres?
Thanks in advance!
Hi frazalez,
We get a lot of messages on Engvid every day, so it’s sometimes difficult to respond to everyone.
You can contact me on Facebook (Alex Engvid) if you would like to send me a private message.
can i hire you as my personal butler?…just kidding..your so nice when you’re teaching……i want to learn more so please upload more of you’re videos….
thanks for teaching but if you put some more question in the quiz it will be great
Thank you
Hello everybody
I found this helpful bracket on the internet which might help us all:
Value/opinion: delicious, lovely, charming
Size: small, huge, tiny
Age/Temperature: old, hot, young
Shape: round, square, rectangular
Colour: red, blonde, black
Origin: Swedish, Victorian, Chinese
Material: plastic, wooden, silver
Ohh my dear thanks alot , it really helped me to undestand the lesson well , thanks again
just wonderful, it is perfect that is what i try to find. It is really really good work. I just wanna give great big thanks to guys who provide us this chance.
more than thanks
good job & great teacher
dear, alex thank’s at your infromation,but i hope to give us more idea in what consorn grammar,and writing paragraphs.
hi….Alex, l’m galuh from indonesia
l just want to ask, how can l increase my ability in english, while my teacher in my school is not fix to me about how is she tought to me….can you give me some suggestion???
Hi galuh,
The best way to improve your English is to practice it. It helps if you have a native speaker that you can talk to. I know this is not always possible, though. In your case, watching videos like this one is a good idea, and then you can start doing more complex tasks, like reading books or watching movies.
hi alex, l’m galuh sekartadji from indonesia
l just want to say that you’re a great teacher,
hi! is there a way to save the quiz in my profile? just to keep track of my improvement…:-)
Hmm, I don’t think there is a way to do this. Sorry! Maybe in the future.
Alex, you are doing a faboulous job for also those people who want to improve their english. But, we want more quiz questions. In this lecture, I believe you should more practice questions so we can master all these rules.
Hi Alex it is just what the doctor ordered.:>
Hi Alex!
This is my first day in Engvid.So far I’m loving it.It refreshes my stored memory, if there’s any:))Thanks to you….Bye for now….Have a Good day!
Thank you very much! I really wished to know that!
thank u elena78
all best to u
You’re a great teacher!
You are such a brilliant teacher! Your job on this site is priceless. Even the most difficult grammar espects seem to be simple with your explanatoins. Thanks and good luck!
Hi! I’m an English teacher and in one of my coursebook exercises I have a phrase “a very beautiful, handmade Japanese silk kimono”. The task tells the students to write the examples in a table of adjective’s word order. The question is, in which category does the word “handmade” go? Beautiful is opinion and Japanese is origin… between those I have categories size, age, shape, colour… and it doesn’t seem to fit in any of these.
thanks u are helping mee alot thnks
What about the big bad wolf? it doesn’t follow the order and it is not the size that we want to emphasize first. However, a bad big wolf sounds weird.
i am very happy while i saw this web and i am saying to all teachers thanks and appreciate how you are giving us the lessons daily
thanks again
I just would like to say that this site is really great! It really helps me a lot. I discovered certain rules like this that I really don’t know. Thanks to the teachers, you are doing great! keep it up and more power ^_^…
Hi sir! How’re you. You’re one of a great teacher I learned a lot from your’s lecture, and I am very happy to met such a great teacher. I have a question for you. what is the possessive pronoun and possessive adjective, and what’s the difference between both of it. please sir reply me soon. Sir would you like to tell me that at which time do you watch the messages, because sir I sent you a lot messages but still you didn’t reply. Thank you sir.
Dear Mr. Alex.
After watching this video, I found something which really bothering me. I learned about the order of adjectives in many English books in my country. The order is according to abbreviation of OSSACOM. Which stands for Opinion, size,shape, age, color, origin and material. This is a contradiction of your lesson. So, would you be kind enough to erase my confusion, please? I am waiting for your answer. Thank you, Sir.
Hi.I’m from Romania…you healped me a lot and i want to thank you…so i hope i’a take a good mark tomorrow…tnx again.
that’s great lesson , really I’ve learned a lot
why do you spell color (colour)? are you from american or canadian???
** are you from america or canada?? ups :(
Hi Alex,
This is really awesome job that you guys are doing.
Thanks for taking this English quiz! Your score: 100.00 You got 4 correct out of 4.’
Hi Alex, thanks for such a nice lesson I’ve getten perfect but, we still need more to be like a Native English Speaker.
Wish you all the best
gotten** sorry I should have write this.
Great job! Could someone explains about the differences between nouns and adjectives(happy/happiness)used in sentences?
Hi teacher Alex. what comes first in the correct order of adjectives? is it the (size and shape) or (kind and quality)?
hy every one i’m from morocco ,i want to thank you for this intresting web site and i want to ask you about some exemple of toefl tes because i have to pass it in the june 25th at alakhawayn university and i want to know more about it please help me thannk you
i forget about the toefl i ask about pbt toefl not ibt thank u so much
well sir ….i must say that you’re really a good teacher….2 thumbs up
Hi teacher.
Thanks for your explanation on this video. you are an excelent teacher, congratulations from Venezuela.
Thank you very much for your lots of help, for the entire world.
God bless you.
what is meant in ordering adjective or what is ordering adjective
what is ordering of
i’m asking about comma in my grammer book book we don’t use comma between the order of adjectives
for example : the handsome young French man gave us a smile.
so here in your example you didn’t use comma
this is he most important class in all my entire life THANK YOUUUUU, WOW GREAT, FANTASTIC, EXCELLENT ETC, ETC ETC
nice lesson ,, thanks
thank you for all your videos.
I’m confused, I don’t know the order for
Feeling adjectives(Angry/ klomsy)
Condition adjectives (Alive/ Better)
Sound adjectives (loud/Noisy)
taste adjectives (Bitter/ Hot)
Touch adjectives (Boiling/Damage)
Hi, I am a teacher by profession and I like your material. Thanks
Sir….u r great teacher….very useful to me all your lessons…god bless you sir..
Thank you very much, Alex. I had doubts on this. I had forgotten adject. order :)
I don’t like that face! Gonna see what happens now…
Hi Alex,Thank you so much for the useful videos.I was trying to take the quiz.But it won’t let me do it at all. So can you please help me.Thanks again:)
Hi sir Alex! I was wondering if there are 10 orders of adjectives all I can see in the board is 1-8?
thank you for the teaching and for the info!
the young interesting english teacher.
hahah I did understand this lesson,didn’t I?
dear Alex
in what lesson can i improve my english in my work?
Hey Alex, Since you’re my favorite among all the instructors, what about I’ll treat you dinner if you come out here in LA as way of thanking you for all the free lessons you guys are giving us so generously. You want Asian food? I’m serious.
I meant *as a way.
hi that was help me to my english
tanks it is very usefull please continue doing this
Thank you Sir Alex, that was very useful! i am getting more nervous now thinking my ielts exam on November. i wish before that time i am well ready enough to take it.huhuh i dont wanna failed my i will continuely watching all your video’s as many as i can before the day of my exam! i actually have 2 weeks left to review my self. more power to you Sir.
where do you plan to go after you passed the exam?
Thank you Mr Alex! You are very skilled teacher. I am pleasure to learn from your lessons.
thanks alot
thanks a lot, you did a great job and i like your lesson very much, thank you again.
Thank you very much. it’s very nice lesson.
Thank’s Alex, you are a nice teacher.
Dear Alex,
Just wanna share some thought..
It’ll be easier for students to remember this order as opinion/s + SASCOM (Size-Age-Shape-Color-Origin-Material)–> I found it somewhere in Cambridge book, but I don’t remember which one.
– rather than SASCMO
In my opinion, if the adj is embedded to the Noun, then it will not follow the order. It is also applied to which adj you want to emphasize, as you said above.
Here’s an example :
My friend drives an American car.
I can say as my opinion :
He drives a shiny, huge, modern, blue, metal, American car.
But if we’re only talking about a car, then it will be like this :
He drives a shiny, huge, modern, blue, American, metal, car.
Another example :
– It’s an Indian wooden basket. –> we’re talking about a basket.
– It’s a wooden, Indian basket. –> we’re talking about a specific Indian basket.
I hope this could help..
Hi Henny. Thanks .
Hello Alex
I really enjoy your lessons. could you please assign a class to differences between seem, sound & look?
thanks a lot
Hi Alex,
I really enjoy your lessons. Could you please assign a class to explain what are differences between seem,sound and look on their common meanings.
Thank you for your informations did you teach us and I really enjoy you lessons.
Hi Alex
this lesson iz really very helpul….
thnx sir ALEX!
I have been saving a lot of videos from Engvid. I have found everything useful to improve my English. But I got a question : Is it Okay if we still use ” Simple Present ” when talking about the past ? I watched tv and saw someone telling the past but not using “Past Tense” I’ll be waiting 4 your answer…Thanks you very much Sir!
Want to thank you Alex and all of you guys. You’re great and it’s a huge pleasure to watch your lessons :)
Your lesson will support my lesson.
Thank you for the inspiration, Alex!
Thank you so much Alex for this wonderful lesson.
dont thank just donate money
keep up the good work because of you i was accepted in one of the best schools in my country
Hi,Colleague!!I was teaching the order of adjactives during a course when I was asked ‘Where shall we put the word “wet”?’ and adjectives like dirty,dry,etc.???thanks in advance.
These videos are really fantastic, thank you for the persons that give us a new form of learn English, and for all the people that make these kind of videos.
thanks dear u will be a greater godwilling
Thanks sir Alex. You a great teacher.
Wonderful Teaching Alex.
Hi, Alex. Thank you for your lesson. I have a question for you. Could you tell me what part of speech the word “gone” is? Could it be used not only as a PastParticiple but also as an adjective? I`ve seen some sentences recently, which this word was used in. And it has been unclear for me since, how to use “gone” in this case. For example: “Wow, this ice-cream is gone! It`s really gone!” Or: “The robber have been gone.” Can I use the auxiliary verb “to be” with “gone” in Present Perfect tense? Sorry, my english is not very well. I hope you understand my question.
Best regards.
Sorry for wrong example in previous comment. ” The robber had been gone”
So could you teach me some adjective of Age field, please?
and more, i am taught by a teacher that: Opinion-Size-Quality-Shape-Age-Particeple Adj-Origin-Material-Type-Purpose. Is it right?
Thank you for your wonderful lesson. :D
do adjectives follow the same order in questions?
I think OSASh.COM is a good way to remember the order
Thank you very much for your speech!!!
thanks Alex
It might be tricky but it’s helpful :)
thanks alot……….
Actually you are the best. I prefer to learn from you because of two things the first you have charisma and the second you remind me of the most preferred teacher who taught me English.
thank you so much
Hello teacher,
Could you explain me why we have to put comma for the end of adjective?
thank you teacher
I would like to thank you Alex your tips helped me alot in my studies
thanks teacher you helped me a lot
Hi Alex!
In your lesson you gave the example ” Old boring physics teacher”. According to order of adjectives it should have ” Boring old physics teacher”, as opinion comes first than age. Could u Please explain. Thanks for another good lesson.
The first three or four categories are pretty flexible, depending on which one you want to emphasize more. It’s possible to say “boring old” and “old boring.” It just depends which one you want to focus on more.
Hello Alex,
Nice rendition of the adjective word order. There are differences in the use of the comma, but when it comes to using adjectives in the real world, we do see the use in both ways. Strict adherence to certain rules is fine for examination classes, but when we want to use the English Langauge in a native settings, I’d agree with your assumption that it depends on what you are using it for and there are both uses in literature from around the English speaking world.
Nice to see your commitment on this site. Good work and I read what your readers and followers have been saying and I think that should be enough to satisfy the most stubbourn English teacher.
Take care from another English practitionare…sorry about any spelling mistakes THEY ARE ALL FROM ME..loooool
thanks Alex for such a helpful lesson
HOW DO WE ORDER wonder and beautiful when they come together since both are opinion
thanks alex. :)
Hai, Alex….
It has been a semester that I am using engvid videos in delivering grammar lessons to my Primary 4 students. “Alex is our e-teacher” – this is what my students say about you. I wonder how to “like” you on facebook ??
Hai Alex………
I am still confused in:
– Opinion – S A S C O M P
– Opinion – S A S C M O P
Another is, what is “Purpose?”
Which sound better “an angry wet cat” or “a wet angry cat” ?
Thanks for the reply.
Thanks for replying
Alex, I do hope that you are available to answer my questions. I am going to teach about this topic to my students next week. So wish to confirm and equip myself about several things before delivering lessons to my students.
Thanks for your concern
THANK YOU (Alex) useful lesson , but there is something difficult ><'you speak very fast that's make me doesn't understand all your speak !
Thank you sir alex.yiiii im 4/4.
Thanks a lot Alex for this lesson. A very important one to have in mind when writing.
Thanks a lot Alex. You are good young American English teacher.
Alex,I wish everybody spoke the same language.What do so many different languages exist?While we are learning a language , we waste a lot of time and energy.You are always useful.Thanks by heart.Have a nice and happy day.
Offf I’m sorry.Instead of writing ‘why ‘, I’ve written ‘What’.I’m confused.Sorry.I’m sometimes careless.
Dear Alex,
First of all thanks a lot for the video. As usual, very helpful. But I’d like to make one comment. I read in an English book that numbers also can be adjectives. And numbers are always first in line if it comes to describe something. Example: five different small yellow flowers.
Second, I missed in your video the English rule that we usually put maximum four adjectives before a noun.
Thanks Alex
Hi, I have heard that Adjectives order is like-
1-Determiner.A, the my and so….
2-Opinion.Pretty, Nice and so…
3-Size.Big, Large and so….
4-Shape.Circle, Tall, squire and so…
5-Age.New, Old and so….
6-Color.Yellow, and so…
7-Origin.American, China and so..
8-Material.Cotton, wood, metal and so…
9-Purpose.Desk, chair, Computer and so….
Hi, Alex!
Thanks for your lesson. but I got confusion. I’ve read in the book that cumulative adjectives are not separated by commas, we just write them in a specific order , for ex. – a beautiful white silk wedding dress. But we must use commas with coordinate adjectives, for ex.a smart, independent, honest leader. I got TOEFL quiz for practice and I am really confused…. Can you give more details for explaination? Thank you!
Thank you sir .
I’m a Korean Tutorial teacher here in the Philippines. This topic is one of the most confusing ones that students have a hard time understanding. Thank you for the clear and easy to understand explanation. I’ll surely use it for my next class. Have a nice day!
Another good lesson,Thanks a lot !
Hey Alex.
First of all, you’re such an amazing teacher. I’ve been watching engvid videos since the last six months, but I hadn’t been able to subscribe. Good news, as you say in the video, I’m in. Now here are the questions, Are adjectives related to temperature within the opinion category? What about adjectives like fast, slow, etc.? Thank you in advance.
This is an old video (it is from 2009) I think you should ask Alex in a recent lesson, maybe the last one, so he can see that. I am using this site for ages, and it s the way it works :) Good bye!
Thank you for this lesson,in the test i got 4 out of 4!!!!!
Thank you very much Alex. You’re an excellent teacher, practical and didactic.
Hi I would like to asn a question even if it’s been a few years since this lesson was posted. At the tutorial 6 is material and 7 is origin. But I was teached ( and I ahve checked on by books too) that materail comes after Origin. But when I compare it with my monther tongue (turkish) I get the impression that neighter is false but it causes a difference in the meaning. If we use the sentences 1) German steel Knife and 2) Steel, German Knive I get impression that the 1. knife is made of steel from Germany and the 2. knife is made in germany of steel. I mean the first could have been produced in Turkey and the second produced of Turkish Steel. Am I right or have I got it totaly wrong?
Thanks for great lesson! Before I don’t care about order of objects
thank you
this fantastic, big lesson helped me to bring my mind back and get started again. so thanks for being right there for us hilping every one
Thanks for the class!!
Just one thing, in my book it listed first origin and after the material??
is it opcional??
I don’t like this lesson, because I can’t understand about the meaning. :'(
Because you are from Indonesia like my homemate
Hi Alex
IN my nice language (Persian ) ,Actually we don’t have such this rule.May I ask you what the reason about this rule is?
All the best
Hi Kami . In our language the adjective we want to emphasis more comes first.
thank you it has been a great way to learn and to help my students to learn the correct order to write
You are the best Alex!!! Thanks four your valuable time for this lessons
hmmh still not satisfied about my 4/4 but i keep in mind the 4 essentials order the OSAS, and because of watching english movies and reading comments and books sometimes,your ears can help you, try to repeat the words you need to say, and soon you’ll find out whether the order is kinda odd to listen.
While i was taking the quiz(8 rules of commas) i saw a question asking,”which of the following is correct” and the answer was Jhon is tall, dark,and handsome.why thw word HANDSOME came at the end of the end of the sentanceif it’s opinion
the royal order of adjectives has a little different order… 1 opinion 2 size 3 shape 4 age 5 colour 6 origin 7 material 8 qualifier…Which is correct?
Yes!!!! You are a super, great,young,gold english teacher.
Cam you make Determiners video plzzzzzzzz?..??.?.
thanks ….
hello Alex, this is Phong from Saigon, Vietnam. You are my favorite teacher who I can follow all the time, hope to see you in person as soon as possible.
Thanks Alex!
You are a good, big, young, stout, white, kind-hearted, Canadian, English teacher.
The last question, I left thinking, but are good tips
that was a great short class. thanks.
thank you
thank you.It is useful
Thanks You Alex for explaining adjective order. In some sources there are some discrepancies but now I’ve understood everything :)
It’s amazing!
Thanks. Very easy to follow and remember. Why don’t you make a word that makes sense to memorize.
thank for helping me
tell me if is this example well established:
“The most joyful star of the Tropical Colombian Music”
“The most joyful Tropical Colombian Music-star”
Which does make more sense according to your lessons?
Thank you for being such a nice teacher.
Thanks for this lesson
Thank you for the great and helpful lesson.
Great! Thank you very much Alex, your so nice.
Hi , I think there is problem with the quiz,
Hi , I think there is problem with the quiz,it is stuck in the 1st question and doesn’t move to the other questions.
Thank you, Alex. Your explanation helped me to understand the rule.
You’re an awesome teacher. Thanks for sharing this video with us.
Sir you are very good teacher, I want one more video over noun phrase to make it much clear
It is a very useful lesson, but hard to remember. Thanks, Alex.
Hi, Alex. I had read another explanation that order:
1. General opinion
2. Specific opinion
3. Size
4. Shape
5. Age
6. Colour
7. Nationality
8. Material
I’m confusing.
hi Alex,thank you for all these wonderful videos,I’d like to ask if there are many approaches for ordering the adjectives in a sentence,because I found differences in videos I’ve watched,for example some put “shape” before “age”?
This is a never ending English language. James from engVid has given the following adjetive order list (1.Quantity 2.quality 3.Size 4.Age 5.Shape 6.Colour 7.Origin 8.Material) in his video ( Different, right?
it’s the first time to be aware of this subject
thank you
Good lesson
Thank you Mr. Adam.
Thank you very much!
2:09 Could anyone explain it to me when he says ‘the old boring physics teacher’ , isn’t it going against the rule? Age bofore opinion? Thank you.
Thank you Sir Alex!
Short and sweet, I like it. Thanks Alex.
Thanks teacher. We don’t often use more than two or three adjectives.
Very realistic.Thanks Alex and engVid.
Thank you so much
What kind of adjective is the word”loose”?
I watched this video twice on June 11, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got four correct out of 4.
Thanks a lot Alex,hugs. (Kazakhstan, 16Sept2021);
This lesson makes my English skills better