Paraphrasing is expressing what you have read or heard in your own words. It’s a skill you need in academic and professional life. This video teaches six effective techniques to show you how to paraphrase successfully and easily.
Ma’am, I’m very much satisfied with you and your lesson made be able to understand English grammar.
Thank you.
Muhammad Babar
Hi Rebecca,
The lesson is perfect. Can you please explain about “How you write a summary of an article” ? Also, How do you introduction and conclusion for a summary of an article?
Najool ^_^
A good summary would include an introduction and conclusion, unless you have been asked to write a very short summary. In that case, you could just include an introductory line and a concluding line.
A summary should be shorter than the original and should cover the main points made in the article, while leaving out any examples and details.
Hope this helps.
thank you Ma’am . but i tried many time to learn about how to make a precis of a Paragraph.please help me about this.
dreamofmine1 [ a t ] yahoo [ d o t ] com
that is a very good way to learn better english.
Glad you enjoy the video lessons! My best wishes to you.
I really liked the lesson and will looking farward to the next one on that subject.
I love this video! I can’t wait to show it to my students this week.
Glad I could help you. What age / level are your students?
I really liked that lesson and will be looking farward for your next lesson.
Thanks Rebeca for all ur great lessons and ur marvellous explanation
i do thank u for ur concern and for ur efforts , but i have requests that i wish u can do it.
i love drama and literature, iam asking if u can explane some lessons related to that, besides i am a little bit confused in wat we call MODELS
please , if u r able to clarify that to me, i will really appreciate that.
by the way, my major is english , that is why i adore such beatiful language, i wish i could make some progress in that.
iam keeping watch ur lessons every day, also the other teachers , they all terrific, i love u rebeca, take care.
Sorry, I’m not sure what you mean by models.
I would need to know a little more information in order to help you.
I mean modals, sorry
besides, some literature if u can
very useful lesson
Terrific lesson
Glad I could help.
Was very instructive and the explanation was good.
Thanks a lot!
Paraphrasing is always challenging. Glad the lesson is able to help you all.
it is so helpful… your right, paraphrasing is challlenging…. hehe… i really love your lessons and your website….can u tell me how to make a website??? hehe…
thanks for your help!!
I have learned a lot with your lessons!!
once again, thank you
when to use wants vs. want; like vs. likes etc.. please help…thank you!
very useful!
thanks a lot!
I’ve been looking for this kind of on-line english classes for so long and i’m glad to find this web.
Thank u!
Thank you very much. It is really helpful.
this lesson is verry useful for me. thanks !
nguyen thi thu hien
Thanks to all for your feedback.
To emcee, the answer to your question is to review the present simple tense. I have a video lesson which can help you with this, on the difference between the present simple and present continuous tense.
Essentially, we add an extra “s” to the verb when we’re speaking in the third person singular form:
I want the job, but he wants the same job!
I like tea and he likes coffee.
I live in Canada. She lives in China.
Hope this helps! All the best to all with your English.
hi ,i learned a lot from your lesseons ,you know i’ll be a teacher hhh ,thank you so much ,these words aren’t enough to thank you ,you are really helpful , i have a problem about parafraph ,i can’t even write a good one ,and i can’t start write ,hope you will do a lesson for that ,about how to write a paragraph ,i’m stuck in here ,thanks before ,you are really amazing ,keep on !
One way to write a paragraph is to start with a topic sentence. This is a sentence which provides an overview of the main point of that paragraph. Don’t write too much information in your first sentence or you won’t know what to write in your paragraph. After that you could give an example. Then, explain the result or effect of that example. Lastly, end with a concluding sentence which summarizes what you have talked about.
Here is a sample paragraph from a sample essay of mine from the TOEFL website:
Personally, doing things we don’t enjoy builds character and helps us mature. For instance, when young people are in school, college and university, they need to spend a lot of time studying. In spite of being tempted to go out with friends and attend parties, those who have self-control and keep their priorities straight are the ones who get high grades. Through such life experiences people become stronger, wiser and more responsible.
All the best with your writing. There are also a number of great books to help you learn to write easily and well.
Very well, Rebeca, but I´d like to know how to improve my grammar in compositions, some rules to improve them. I have many mistakes.Can you help me?
Thanks a lot
There are a number of excellent grammar books you could consult such as Raymond Murphy’s Basic Grammmar in Use. There are also several excellent books which can help you improve your writing skills.
All the best to you, Mamen.
HI, thank a lot I am very excited in your lesson because my main problem is comes from this subject. Thank you
Thank you very much for the great video lesson.
It will be great if I could have a feedback for the wrong choices on the quiz, because I did not know why it was wrong.
thank you
rebeca, i honestly love your videos they have helped me a lot :D thank you so much!
from Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
maia ghersi
this lesson is perfect for me …. thank you mom..
antonio freitas
Hello ! Mom I’m juss, I’am so glad to write you and my gratiful push me to give you my thanks that why I have to write some ligne of message ’cause you are so kind if I know some things in english, however so if it will be possible to give me some advace ’cause my target is to speak english like mom, please if there is some mistake don’t esite to correct me.
all my best to you and God bless your family.
Thanks Rebecca, I really appreciate what you do.It really help me to forge ahead with my English.
A very well done presentation. Very good examples and very easy to understand.
Stellios Kaplanis
Hi,Thanks Rebecca this lesson is Good for me and I wouid laik how to I can improve my English .
Thanks a lot .
thank you so much!your lesson is very useful for me!
Hi Rebecca,
you’re really a great teacher. Your explanations are precise and clear, and I do enjoy watching your videos very much. Thank you for your wonderful work.
I’d like to ask you something that doesn’t have directly anything to do with the current lesson, but it’s a question that I’ve been asking myself for quite a long time now, and since I haven’t found anyone who could answer it, I thought maybe you could help me, and tell me your opinion on the matter.
I’m a Bulgarian (had English in high school, passed the TOEFL and the SATs after finishing high school) who is currently studying in Germany.
When I was in Bulgaria, I had no problems with the foreign languages. I studied English, Russian, French and Spanish, and I knew them pretty well; never confused the one with the other or mixed several languages in my sentences.
Now that I’ve been in Germany for about 10 years, and have shifted my everyday speech to German, I’ve started having problems with the foreign languages. When I focus on English, I notice that my German gets worse, and I can’t find the words to build my sentences, and vice versa. I almost don’t speak Bulgarian anymore.
My only explanation about this problem, is that my native language in my native country worked as a central server, coordinating all the foreign languages I learned, and now when I’m in Germany, the “server” is missing, and there are no direct links between the different words in German and English, if you know what I mean.
So, I wonder if you know what I’m talking about, and if you know a way to overcome this problem. What is your opinion? It feels as if both languages are fighting for dominance :), but since I don’t let the one or the other prevail, it’s making me crazy not being able to find the words to express my thoughts in the language I want. If I let the one win, then the other one gets so bad, that I feel even ashamed to say I knew it.
Anyway, hope you have some ideas on the subject.
Thank you in advance, and thank you once again for the great video lessons.
I think you should consider:
1) Definition of language (from Britannica) as a “System of conventional spoken or written symbols used by people in a shared culture to communicate with each other. A language both reflects and affects a culture’s way of thinking, and changes in a culture influence the development of its language.”
2) knowledge of a language, in terms of ‘command’ and ‘use’.
3) the 4 basic abilities: comprehend/express a written/spoken language.
So, while the great part of one given language speakers could be proficient in the 4 basic abilities (see 3) for the most common *PHRASES*, not so many have a great ‘command’ and proper ‘use’ (see 2) of the same language (as defined at 1). Moreover, changing ways of thinking (see 1) is a slow process. There’s only one suggestion I can give you to “overcome this problem” (though I don’t think it’s a problem): try to acquire the same skills of language translators and interpreters.
I understand your frustration. I would say your analysis is an interesting one, though I do not know exactly what is causing the problem. It would be a good question to put to a neurologist, though. If you do manage to speak to one, do let me know what he or she has to say. Sorry I cannot be of more help.
My best to you in any case. By the way, your English is excellent.
but I see your english fluent enough.are you from Internasional school which using english as first language?
chakim hamzah
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for very good lesson……..I have seen your all videos and I like a lot……..I am waiting for your new video.
Thanks for your lessons
Hi Rebecc,
Thanks a lot foryour lessons.They are great indeed!!!
The way you teach is excellent because I learn immediately the lesson which is completely new and never heard about that topic, for example, paraphrasing. I would like to communicate by e-mail, if you don’t mind, for getting information regarding how to write English impressive and professionally. In English, there are many kinds of sentence structure, and we can write sentences in many different ways, for instance, (1)Subject verb object. (2)Object subject verb. However, I don’t have sound knowledge and when I am going to write, my sentences look like choppy, wordy and very simple. I am not satisfied with my writing because it is neither impressive nor interesting. Thank you very much for your excellent video lessons.
There are many good books that teach writing specifically. It seems like you are motivated enough to benefit from consulting one.
My best to you, Vraj.
You are a very good teacher. The way you teach is excellent. I sent you comment, but I don’t think you would get that because I forgot to fill up the name and mail field box, and I feel very sorry that. I am sorry. Thank you
Hi Rebecca.I saw your videos, you are really good. Thanks guys for teaching us. Now, here is my question,
1)I want to know how and when the words could, would, will and can are used.
2)Even the words like do, does, did, doesn’t and don’t confuse me a lot.
This question is not related to this video but plz,if possible, could you teach us when to use those words.
Hi Rebecca,Tanke you for your informition.
Rebecca, thank you for this lesson. I hope you let me do small remark. I think there is a mistake in the quiz. In the question 1 the best answer is “On the whole, the feathers of the male bird are more striking than its female counterpart.” But computer says that third answer is right. Maybe it’s a technical error.
You’re right, Val. We have now corrected the mistake! I’m happy you caught it.
thank u
than u very much
thanks a lot
for this videos
hi rebecca i identified my weak side by attending your good english lesson.i will try to improve more in future thanks.
hi, i can understand to read ur lesson that i can write. but i want to know my grammar. i have ask u one question if u r suggestion me…
All these lessons are just great. I’m advanced but it still helps me to improve my language skills.
Awesome lesson. Exactly what I needed. Thanks
Hey Rebeca!My name is Vanderlei, i’m from brazil. how’s it going? i’ve been enjoying your classes so much, you explain very well, i can say that your classes are awesome.
i intend to taka an exchange program, is it expensive to study there? thank you for all
It is really good.
Thanks alot for your helpful videos. I am learning more and more.
realy iam very interesting for about your presentation methodology ans realy iwas benfeted more and ihope to learn more about this languge.
well… I liked your lesson very much, things that you were telling about seems to be very simple, but at the same time, they’re helpful. Thanks a lot, I’m sure I’m looking forward for more.
Hello Rebecca
How are you? you are great a teachear your explaintion is very clear. I enjoyed your lessons.anyway I have problem in writing what I can do.
To improve your writing, you need to write often and have a teacher who can check your writing. This is one skill you cannot improve alone. Of course you can consult books on English writing, but the most effective way is to find a good teacher to work with.
My best wishes to you, Ad.
You are a naturally born teacher. Thanks for the lesson. Could you please give me some advices about the academic writing for the doctorate level. Some hint about writing a literature reviews and expressing a gap of knowledge.
Thank you kindly. Please consult some specialized books on Academic Writing, as you will need to follow very specific guidelines for your doctorate. Check with your university about which books they recommend to hone your writing style. Also check with your professors.
My best wishes to you, Kekoo.
Hi Rebecca I’m taking the toefel soon I’ve incredibly improved my English while revising for the toefel I have just something with the reading section is that it’s really the most difficult part, because they choose special subjects and academic words that seems to me unusual and even I’m not familiarized with that kind of texts do you any tips to understand better and get a better score on the reading section that will be great, by the way, you’re one of the best teachers i’ve ever seen I’m greatful ! thank you
What an amazing lecture & site is this! I’ve been looking for this kind of VODs. I happened to know this site two hours ago and listening all the time till now. But a little sorry that there’s few advanced lectures. For any sake, I greatly appreciate your kind efforts.
Hi Rebecca I watched all the engvid classes. I love them. I am immegrent. my pronusiation is not good sometime some people don’t understand.I like improve my English. I do’t know how do i improve. Please I need your help. Thanks
mam,that was a fantastic,crispy have shrunk my entire school lives english classes in just 8 mins.thank you immensely mam.
P.S: i hav seen that episode from “friends” & it was hilarious.
vijay sathyan
dis is verry boring idont like it is sukd
cherry ann
You are just amazing. You have offered me a wonderful time. I want to be a English Teacher
and you are my perfect paradigme.
Thanks.good lesson for me.
Hello dear teacher. I need preparing to Ielts or Tofel. But i didn’t find on your website any preparing lessons. Can you advise me something else?
I’ve passed the Quiz without any mistake! That’s unbelievable! Rebecca, you’re great teacher!
Hi Rebecca.Hope u are well. Your presentation is excellent. Basically, your presentation of how to structure an eassy easily and qucikly.How can I write full eassy after structuring the eassy? Please help me.
maya is my first day when i watch your vedio….i start wid presnt tene.i realy enjoy ur lecture.plz tell me how i pracitce of tenses….
good lesson!
great luck for you
Jacquelin Korby
Your way of teaching is very effective.
Hlaing Myoe
Dear Rebecca,
Luckily, I found your video on Youtube. All of your videos are really helpful and easy to understand! I’m looking forward to learning English more from your videos :) Thank you!
Well, the lesson was very useful.
But,how many words do I have to write on the tofel eassy?
What such a great explanation, brief but quite so clear and also very practical. Many thanks for your contributions.
thank you so much for your lesson I’m morocco what can I do to be very good in english anything
you aer the best thank you very much .I have a big problem in writing i make Spelling errors a lot can you help me.pleas.
Hi Dear Robeca:
I appreciate you for your nice teaching ability.I am an iranian staying in Manila. I watched your video grammer presentations and they are really fantastic.
Especially you tried to present lessons in simple manner and this will be a great step which motivates bilingual students to learn english with less effort and easily. Finally you are a beautiful and gorgeous lady.
cyrous .s
It’s the good video ! Thanks teacher !
Ta Duc
Wow the quiz was a bit difficult, but I think the video was excellent though. This vid might even be the most important on engvid. Very good video, and a video you can use in other (all) languages as well.
its the good vidio,i want ask some question to rebacca plz help me i am new immigrate in canada,so i have a main problem in english. my backhome profasion was nursing, but now i want RN EXAM. my main problem is english, and pass the ielts exam, plz help me.
i’m in a good mood that i came across this site, and in a good mood that Rebecca is smiling, thank u Rebecca, keep ur position! good luck!
Thank you Rebecca , it is a very helpful lesson.
Hi Rebecca, I´m from Argentina and I have a doubt about paraphrasing. Some of them are in other tenses. Do we have to keep the same exact tense?
Hi,very good quiz.It would be not bad to understand what is “the best paraphrase”Does it mean most coincident or most non coincident?
I dont know what to say,I fail the quiz. I feel sad. holy cows.
Terrific lesson
Mohammed Bahidrah
the lesson was very goog, i’m a ged student so it was very helpful. I also would like you to helpe me with some debeloping idias for my ged essay thanks.
i learned a lot in this web thank you very much for helping us to be more easier to understand.To all the teacher in this website all of you are intelligent good teacher…now i know that in this web you can help not only but those like me to be a good teacher someday thanks a lot of knowledge you shared.. specially to me….thanks..:)))
I am pursuing Post Graduation with English Literature. Nevertheless, I am not a good conversationalist; but I can write well. Could you please suggest me any website that will help me out to improve my writing skills. Thanks a lot for free coaching.
Dear theacher Rebecca,
Thank you for your useful lesson. It is really important for me to learn. When I get citition from that some papers were written by others, I often used to copy and paste. Now I got some ideas from your this lesson.
Yours sincerely,
i really love your lessons and your website….can u tell me how to make a website??? hehe…
Hello Ms. Rebecca,
Can you help me in Stylistics?? I can’t understand my teacher when she explained it to us. Please give me some explanation how to deal with this. I’m kinda confuse. When analyzing a poem, all I can do is to analyzed it like doing a literary criticism. I hope you can help me. Thank you very much!
dear rebeca
thanks a lot.
excellent lesson Rebeca… thanks
very good thank you
but the lesson more difecal
this is not that easy for me LOL, I keep repeating the video :D
well thank you dear Rebecca
i failed the quiz exam=(. badly needed to master this lesson. Thank you Ms. Rebecca. It help me a lot of my writing skills=)
Dear rebeca,
I think i would do very well in this exam. But my score is depressing. Because I think I have misunderstood paraphrasing. Thanks a lot. Could you give tips to improve my English writing?
kamrul hasan
rebecca, thank you so much for your lesson. now i’m really prepared for my report in english. you’ve been a great help . more power !
i don’t understand about Paraphrasing…plz help me….
I would like to learn english for vocab enhancement and I am also doing PG in mass communication so I want to be good at writing What I need to do. Please advice
It’s a good way to learn english…thanks a lot
Amazing lesson! It will be very useful not only in English exams but in all the exams that I’ll do here in Brazil. Thank you!
This lesson is fantastic!
hey rebecca how are you doning first of all i want to thank you for your great lesson it’s very useful but i want you please if you don’t mind to help to overcome my problem for example i have problem with writing it takes me long time to write just a short one
Hi Ms.Thanks for your useful video.I really appreciate the following question I chose first one but the correct answer is the second one.why is it like this?I think the second one changed the meaning and I was told that it is not correct to change the meaning of the sentence in, the sentence didn’t mention that why we should not borrow money from a friend so I suppose we shouldn’t mention any reason for that from our side.Am I write?thanks for your helps and also I did enjoy your personal websites.Regards
Choose the best paraphrase of the following: You shouldn’t borrow money from a friend.
-Lending money to a friend can destroy the relationship.
-Borrowing money from a friend should not be done.
sorry.the correct answer is first one and I chose the second one because in first one there is a reason and ….
Dear Rebecca
All the teachers in the engVid are best in certain ways.But you have some extra characters of your teaching.You answer the important questions from students e-mails with clear explanation.This encourages them to learn more and like the laguage.
Also patient and relax when you are teaching as Alex. best wishes for more and more success in the future.
thank you so much Mrs.Rebecca. how awesome your lesson. by many ways, it is very useful. In fact, i tried to paraphrase many sentence but it was really difficult. for now, can can do it much more easier. thank you.
Hi Rebbeca :the lesson is very good but could you explain the present perfect tense ? and present continues
Wow I got 100, all right all green stars. Thanks I’ve definitely learnt this.
Hi Rebbeca
I watch your videos every day, you are so so great that i became addicted to your lessons , i am so keen to learn the English as i live in a spoken English country . You are talking very clear, soft and your samples are perfect to understand the lesson. I hope you will come out with more new lessons specially with grammar and confusing worlds.
I am straggling with sentences which contains the to worlds” have had ” or had have, so would like to get a lesson of how and when to use them.
Once again, thanks a lot.
You are one of the best teachers.
thanks you very much…it is the wonderful lesson for me………. and i will keep learning …….. so happy !!! god bless you (all teachers )
Thanks Our Dear Teacher Rebecca realy i get your lesson more usefully
In my opinion, you can do this when you know a lot of vocabulary and also grammar (phrasal verbs are terrible for me), althought it’s still a pretty good lesson. Keep it up.
Thank you!!
Isaias Costa
Isaias Costa
Thanks for video :)
the voice of miss rabica is “brilliant”. because i can easily catch the words. i want to ask weather miss rabica is from england or not?
syedullah khan
Awww This is very difficult lesson for me. :(
may you rebeca please teach us how to type a formal email to a company
thank you
Thanks !
កូនកំព្រា KonKamprea
thnx alot mam….your lecture is very helpful and i like your teaching style :)
Thanks madame for your lessons I find this lesson very helpful in my education at University (the first year)I am going to sit for the final exam of the first part of the year you explain more than our professor the lesson.I appreciate really you efforts thanks a lot.
Your faithful student Samar from Tunisia.
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you very much for your lesson. Your voice are really lovely and extremely clear to me. Among the teachers here, I can understand each word you are saying. Perhaps my listening skill is still poor.
My question is Could you please tell me in which case we should use a modal perfect tense, especially in this example:
– A: Do you think she is coming to the party? She is very late.
– B: Yes, she is. She might have forgotten about it. Shall I call her to remind her?
Why don’t B just say: ”Perhaps she forgot about it”
If so, are there any differences between them? People tend to use simple sentences right?
Thank you very much indeed.
All the best to you.
Thank you :)
thank you so much,it s a very helpful way to lrarn English,the language i love most
I am immigrant from Nepal and have problem in English in united states.Now iam going college and finally i got your good website to improve my English and success on it.
Thank you very much
thanks Rebecca
It’s a little bit difficult but we can progress by paraphrasing again and again.
I need some help on how to write better a so do you know how can I make my writing better so please let me know on how to
I would like to improve on my English and also on my writing so can you guys help me improve on my writing and also on my English a please and thank you
Thanks for your video.
How can i differentiate phrasal verb and general verb?
Hi Rebecca,
why i can’t access or click for quiz.
I would like some help on how to write better and also I would like to improve on my writing a so do you know on how I can make my writing better
All of your lectures is of great help to my studies. But I need to know the difference between DURING and WHILE. Looking forward for your immediate reply. Thanks and God bless.
Robert Jones
I failed the quiz 1 out 10!the first worst score I’ve ever had in my whoel engvid’s learning.
Merci à nouveau pour cette excellente lesson.
Hi Rebecca,
You are an amazing teacher. You go very slow and I am able to follow each of your words and sentences. Thank you so much.
hi Rebecca,
you are a very nice teacher. In this video i can understand everything.thanks
Hi Rebecca,
this video is great and it really helps me to understand how to paraphrasing a little bit more. i’m from germany and i have the task to paraphrase some terms like “frpm rags to riches” or “civil rights”. could you help me? it would be very nice :-) thank you
Beside being an excellent teacher, Rebecca has an excellent taste in Sitcoms too. Love FRIENDS.
Hi, anyone can help me paraphrase this story?
*** Brian Connell felt the first pains of a heart attack while shoveling snow a year ago. But he was only 38, so he shrugged it off.
“At 38, you’re not 21–you’re not bulletproof,” Connell said. “But you certainly don’t feel you are susceptible to a heart attack at that young age.”
A few weeks later, his neck and shoulders started throbbing, and he felt a strange rawness in his throat. This time, he went straight to the emergency room of the nearest hospital. “I asked the doctor, ‘Am I having a heart attack?’ She said, ‘Yes, you are.’
Your video is very well organized, I hope you could give examples for all the points as you did in the first few points >> Thank you
Wao…well done Rebecca.
Rebecca thanks a lot for all the assistance but please draw more light about paraphrasing. thank you
I like this lesson as the others of this teacher. But (always We have a but). I can’t understand the 3 point, about phrasal verbs; neither I couldn’t understand the prhrase proposed. If you can help me, I apreciated.
Im confident now to paraphrase! thanks a lot rebeca! youre such a great teacher!
We are not allowed to copy others’ ideas word by word , but acceptable using different words and or structure to convey similar ideas, aren’t we ?
What is the best one among the three given? I prefer to select the very different, clear and precise one. I got 87, obviously , my teacher, Rebecca did not think so.
How about new ideas or theory from scientists ? Is this true that we need to quot them , or would tell the source after getting the permission if they are elicited ?
Thank you Miss Rebecca.
Thanks! Very good!
The correct answer of question number 5 of the quiz,Though somewhat boring, his position earned him a handsome income. I know it is mean his position is boring but I can not see the verb! The sentence has one verb which earned! Can you explain please? Thank you!
thnk you mam for guiding us a right path to write good english but mam please give me some more idea so dat i can write well my grammer and way of writing is bad.
salman mohammad
sorry, I got only 2 marks, so I sh’d understand and improve more and i can improve myself.Thank u mam.
please encourage me.
It very tuff to write English report in good way our acceptable for the reader, please we really in bad situation for improve so can you give us good guides line to follow
Hello Ms Rebecca, i still confused. 5 and 6 to me still looks uncertain.can you clarify them for me?you are doing a great job and i hope i can join you too when i hit my band 9 and migrate to Canada.cheers
hi Rebecca your videos are so good, but I want to ask that if I can write an essay and you can correct it or score it. Because I am a SAT student and I need someone to guide me how to write an essay correctly.
THANK YOU,Rebecca I do need a lot of help on my writing..!!
Hi Rebecca,
Your lessons are very informative and effective. I would like to request if you could do some lessons regarding writing task 1 and 2.
Thank you!
THank you Rebecca ,I’m student at university but your way of teaching is very simple i never seen like your explanation you were good,I hop you the best
Thank you so much Rebecca,The score was 83 %. I think this is the last lesson that we got by you. You was wonderful teacher. I appreciate.
Thank you very much for providing this useful lesson. It would be helpful to me not only to write English,but also speak English.
Iam really thankful to you
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you accept this quotation:
One who loves to learn is very close knowledge.”
Best Regards.
I’ve just seen the first example, then I’ve the quiz done and got 6 out 6. later on, I’ve continued watching the video. (Thanks Rebecca)
PS. Is my sentence correct, Rebecca?
bilingual is a person who speaks two languages!
if a person speaks three languages or more, we call him- polyglot. ^)
I am shocked that I got only 50% correct. I am studying at university and the result worries me….
this is very awesome even thought I got 0/6 to six but I have learned. my question is how do you know what is the best when you are doing paragraphing because, all the answers looked the some.
Bizimana emmanuel
Thank you very much -)
Hi Rebecca
Congratulations for this great and usefull lesson.
I like to listen you, because you speak slowly and I understand you easyly.Other important thing: you always respond our doubts.
Thanks a lot :)
Fabio Skywalker
Thank you Rebecca
Great lesson, thank you
Thanks so much! I really love the exercise.
Rebecca, your videos are of a great help to me alots. I have understood many things that I never knew before and today, I have some knowledge and control over it.
You got 0 correct out of 6.
so interesting.
M kartal
Kindly share best application where i can check my sentence grammar.
Asghar Saqi
That’s bad for me
Mohammed Go1
Thanks Ma’am! very useful lesson.
thank you rebeca I really like the way you explain the lessons, so that now i have no any question to ask you but only to thank you for your excellence support.
thank teacher
I love your lessons. I will be happier if you prepare lessons about the academic language used in research papers.
TahseenB Bhutto
thank you for the lesson
i have got 17 so i guess i am very bad in paraphrasing
Thank you,it is very useful. AT,IN , and ON LESSON IS EASY TO LEARN
I loved the way you teach Rebecca.
Thank you so much
Is there a platform where i could write the paraphrasing of a passage and then somebody can correct it and prompt out the mistakes?
Sarah. 77
Hi teacher Rebecca. God bless you.
If I say: he said tomorrow we Will go.
Am I citing, pharafrasing, or quoting?
In addition, I wish you Good new year.
I watched this video twice on October 03, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got four correct out of 6.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
thank you soooooo much sir :)
All the best to you,
Eeng :)
Ma’am, I’m very much satisfied with you and your lesson made be able to understand English grammar.
Thank you.
Hi Rebecca,
The lesson is perfect. Can you please explain about “How you write a summary of an article” ? Also, How do you introduction and conclusion for a summary of an article?
Najool ^_^
A good summary would include an introduction and conclusion, unless you have been asked to write a very short summary. In that case, you could just include an introductory line and a concluding line.
A summary should be shorter than the original and should cover the main points made in the article, while leaving out any examples and details.
Hope this helps.
thank you Ma’am . but i tried many time to learn about how to make a precis of a Paragraph.please help me about this.
dreamofmine1 [ a t ] yahoo [ d o t ] com
that is a very good way to learn better english.
Glad you enjoy the video lessons! My best wishes to you.
I really liked the lesson and will looking farward to the next one on that subject.
I love this video! I can’t wait to show it to my students this week.
Glad I could help you. What age / level are your students?
I really liked that lesson and will be looking farward for your next lesson.
Thanks Rebeca for all ur great lessons and ur marvellous explanation
i do thank u for ur concern and for ur efforts , but i have requests that i wish u can do it.
i love drama and literature, iam asking if u can explane some lessons related to that, besides i am a little bit confused in wat we call MODELS
please , if u r able to clarify that to me, i will really appreciate that.
by the way, my major is english , that is why i adore such beatiful language, i wish i could make some progress in that.
iam keeping watch ur lessons every day, also the other teachers , they all terrific, i love u rebeca, take care.
Sorry, I’m not sure what you mean by models.
I would need to know a little more information in order to help you.
I mean modals, sorry
besides, some literature if u can
very useful lesson
Terrific lesson
Glad I could help.
Was very instructive and the explanation was good.
Thanks a lot!
Paraphrasing is always challenging. Glad the lesson is able to help you all.
it is so helpful… your right, paraphrasing is challlenging…. hehe… i really love your lessons and your website….can u tell me how to make a website??? hehe…
thanks for your help!!
I have learned a lot with your lessons!!
once again, thank you
when to use wants vs. want; like vs. likes etc.. please help…thank you!
very useful!
thanks a lot!
I’ve been looking for this kind of on-line english classes for so long and i’m glad to find this web.
Thank u!
Thank you very much. It is really helpful.
this lesson is verry useful for me. thanks !
Thanks to all for your feedback.
To emcee, the answer to your question is to review the present simple tense. I have a video lesson which can help you with this, on the difference between the present simple and present continuous tense.
Essentially, we add an extra “s” to the verb when we’re speaking in the third person singular form:
I want the job, but he wants the same job!
I like tea and he likes coffee.
I live in Canada. She lives in China.
Hope this helps! All the best to all with your English.
hi ,i learned a lot from your lesseons ,you know i’ll be a teacher hhh ,thank you so much ,these words aren’t enough to thank you ,you are really helpful , i have a problem about parafraph ,i can’t even write a good one ,and i can’t start write ,hope you will do a lesson for that ,about how to write a paragraph ,i’m stuck in here ,thanks before ,you are really amazing ,keep on !
One way to write a paragraph is to start with a topic sentence. This is a sentence which provides an overview of the main point of that paragraph. Don’t write too much information in your first sentence or you won’t know what to write in your paragraph. After that you could give an example. Then, explain the result or effect of that example. Lastly, end with a concluding sentence which summarizes what you have talked about.
Here is a sample paragraph from a sample essay of mine from the TOEFL website:
Personally, doing things we don’t enjoy builds character and helps us mature. For instance, when young people are in school, college and university, they need to spend a lot of time studying. In spite of being tempted to go out with friends and attend parties, those who have self-control and keep their priorities straight are the ones who get high grades. Through such life experiences people become stronger, wiser and more responsible.
All the best with your writing. There are also a number of great books to help you learn to write easily and well.
Very well, Rebeca, but I´d like to know how to improve my grammar in compositions, some rules to improve them. I have many mistakes.Can you help me?
Thanks a lot
There are a number of excellent grammar books you could consult such as Raymond Murphy’s Basic Grammmar in Use. There are also several excellent books which can help you improve your writing skills.
All the best to you, Mamen.
HI, thank a lot I am very excited in your lesson because my main problem is comes from this subject. Thank you
Thank you very much for the great video lesson.
It will be great if I could have a feedback for the wrong choices on the quiz, because I did not know why it was wrong.
thank you
rebeca, i honestly love your videos they have helped me a lot :D thank you so much!
from Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
this lesson is perfect for me …. thank you mom..
Hello ! Mom I’m juss, I’am so glad to write you and my gratiful push me to give you my thanks that why I have to write some ligne of message ’cause you are so kind if I know some things in english, however so if it will be possible to give me some advace ’cause my target is to speak english like mom, please if there is some mistake don’t esite to correct me.
all my best to you and God bless your family.
Thanks Rebecca, I really appreciate what you do.It really help me to forge ahead with my English.
A very well done presentation. Very good examples and very easy to understand.
Hi,Thanks Rebecca this lesson is Good for me and I wouid laik how to I can improve my English .
Thanks a lot .
thank you so much!your lesson is very useful for me!
Hi Rebecca,
you’re really a great teacher. Your explanations are precise and clear, and I do enjoy watching your videos very much. Thank you for your wonderful work.
I’d like to ask you something that doesn’t have directly anything to do with the current lesson, but it’s a question that I’ve been asking myself for quite a long time now, and since I haven’t found anyone who could answer it, I thought maybe you could help me, and tell me your opinion on the matter.
I’m a Bulgarian (had English in high school, passed the TOEFL and the SATs after finishing high school) who is currently studying in Germany.
When I was in Bulgaria, I had no problems with the foreign languages. I studied English, Russian, French and Spanish, and I knew them pretty well; never confused the one with the other or mixed several languages in my sentences.
Now that I’ve been in Germany for about 10 years, and have shifted my everyday speech to German, I’ve started having problems with the foreign languages. When I focus on English, I notice that my German gets worse, and I can’t find the words to build my sentences, and vice versa. I almost don’t speak Bulgarian anymore.
My only explanation about this problem, is that my native language in my native country worked as a central server, coordinating all the foreign languages I learned, and now when I’m in Germany, the “server” is missing, and there are no direct links between the different words in German and English, if you know what I mean.
So, I wonder if you know what I’m talking about, and if you know a way to overcome this problem. What is your opinion? It feels as if both languages are fighting for dominance :), but since I don’t let the one or the other prevail, it’s making me crazy not being able to find the words to express my thoughts in the language I want. If I let the one win, then the other one gets so bad, that I feel even ashamed to say I knew it.
Anyway, hope you have some ideas on the subject.
Thank you in advance, and thank you once again for the great video lessons.
I think you should consider:
1) Definition of language (from Britannica) as a “System of conventional spoken or written symbols used by people in a shared culture to communicate with each other. A language both reflects and affects a culture’s way of thinking, and changes in a culture influence the development of its language.”
2) knowledge of a language, in terms of ‘command’ and ‘use’.
3) the 4 basic abilities: comprehend/express a written/spoken language.
So, while the great part of one given language speakers could be proficient in the 4 basic abilities (see 3) for the most common *PHRASES*, not so many have a great ‘command’ and proper ‘use’ (see 2) of the same language (as defined at 1). Moreover, changing ways of thinking (see 1) is a slow process. There’s only one suggestion I can give you to “overcome this problem” (though I don’t think it’s a problem): try to acquire the same skills of language translators and interpreters.
I understand your frustration. I would say your analysis is an interesting one, though I do not know exactly what is causing the problem. It would be a good question to put to a neurologist, though. If you do manage to speak to one, do let me know what he or she has to say. Sorry I cannot be of more help.
My best to you in any case. By the way, your English is excellent.
but I see your english fluent enough.are you from Internasional school which using english as first language?
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for very good lesson……..I have seen your all videos and I like a lot……..I am waiting for your new video.
Thanks for your lessons
Hi Rebecc,
Thanks a lot foryour lessons.They are great indeed!!!
The way you teach is excellent because I learn immediately the lesson which is completely new and never heard about that topic, for example, paraphrasing. I would like to communicate by e-mail, if you don’t mind, for getting information regarding how to write English impressive and professionally. In English, there are many kinds of sentence structure, and we can write sentences in many different ways, for instance, (1)Subject verb object. (2)Object subject verb. However, I don’t have sound knowledge and when I am going to write, my sentences look like choppy, wordy and very simple. I am not satisfied with my writing because it is neither impressive nor interesting. Thank you very much for your excellent video lessons.
There are many good books that teach writing specifically. It seems like you are motivated enough to benefit from consulting one.
My best to you, Vraj.
You are a very good teacher. The way you teach is excellent. I sent you comment, but I don’t think you would get that because I forgot to fill up the name and mail field box, and I feel very sorry that. I am sorry. Thank you
Hi Rebecca.I saw your videos, you are really good. Thanks guys for teaching us. Now, here is my question,
1)I want to know how and when the words could, would, will and can are used.
2)Even the words like do, does, did, doesn’t and don’t confuse me a lot.
This question is not related to this video but plz,if possible, could you teach us when to use those words.
Hi Rebecca,Tanke you for your informition.
Rebecca, thank you for this lesson. I hope you let me do small remark. I think there is a mistake in the quiz. In the question 1 the best answer is “On the whole, the feathers of the male bird are more striking than its female counterpart.” But computer says that third answer is right. Maybe it’s a technical error.
You’re right, Val. We have now corrected the mistake! I’m happy you caught it.
thank u
than u very much
thanks a lot
for this videos
hi rebecca i identified my weak side by attending your good english lesson.i will try to improve more in future thanks.
hi, i can understand to read ur lesson that i can write. but i want to know my grammar. i have ask u one question if u r suggestion me…
All these lessons are just great. I’m advanced but it still helps me to improve my language skills.
Awesome lesson. Exactly what I needed. Thanks
Hey Rebeca!My name is Vanderlei, i’m from brazil. how’s it going? i’ve been enjoying your classes so much, you explain very well, i can say that your classes are awesome.
i intend to taka an exchange program, is it expensive to study there? thank you for all
It is really good.
Thanks alot for your helpful videos. I am learning more and more.
realy iam very interesting for about your presentation methodology ans realy iwas benfeted more and ihope to learn more about this languge.
well… I liked your lesson very much, things that you were telling about seems to be very simple, but at the same time, they’re helpful. Thanks a lot, I’m sure I’m looking forward for more.
Hello Rebecca
How are you? you are great a teachear your explaintion is very clear. I enjoyed your lessons.anyway I have problem in writing what I can do.
To improve your writing, you need to write often and have a teacher who can check your writing. This is one skill you cannot improve alone. Of course you can consult books on English writing, but the most effective way is to find a good teacher to work with.
My best wishes to you, Ad.
You are a naturally born teacher. Thanks for the lesson. Could you please give me some advices about the academic writing for the doctorate level. Some hint about writing a literature reviews and expressing a gap of knowledge.
Thank you kindly. Please consult some specialized books on Academic Writing, as you will need to follow very specific guidelines for your doctorate. Check with your university about which books they recommend to hone your writing style. Also check with your professors.
My best wishes to you, Kekoo.
Hi Rebecca I’m taking the toefel soon I’ve incredibly improved my English while revising for the toefel I have just something with the reading section is that it’s really the most difficult part, because they choose special subjects and academic words that seems to me unusual and even I’m not familiarized with that kind of texts do you any tips to understand better and get a better score on the reading section that will be great, by the way, you’re one of the best teachers i’ve ever seen I’m greatful ! thank you
What an amazing lecture & site is this! I’ve been looking for this kind of VODs. I happened to know this site two hours ago and listening all the time till now. But a little sorry that there’s few advanced lectures. For any sake, I greatly appreciate your kind efforts.
Hi Rebecca I watched all the engvid classes. I love them. I am immegrent. my pronusiation is not good sometime some people don’t understand.I like improve my English. I do’t know how do i improve. Please I need your help. Thanks
mam,that was a fantastic,crispy have shrunk my entire school lives english classes in just 8 mins.thank you immensely mam.
P.S: i hav seen that episode from “friends” & it was hilarious.
dis is verry boring idont like it is sukd
You are just amazing. You have offered me a wonderful time. I want to be a English Teacher
and you are my perfect paradigme.
Thanks.good lesson for me.
Hello dear teacher. I need preparing to Ielts or Tofel. But i didn’t find on your website any preparing lessons. Can you advise me something else?
I’ve passed the Quiz without any mistake! That’s unbelievable! Rebecca, you’re great teacher!
Hi Rebecca.Hope u are well. Your presentation is excellent. Basically, your presentation of how to structure an eassy easily and qucikly.How can I write full eassy after structuring the eassy? Please help me. is my first day when i watch your vedio….i start wid presnt tene.i realy enjoy ur lecture.plz tell me how i pracitce of tenses….
good lesson!
great luck for you
Your way of teaching is very effective.
Dear Rebecca,
Luckily, I found your video on Youtube. All of your videos are really helpful and easy to understand! I’m looking forward to learning English more from your videos :) Thank you!
Well, the lesson was very useful.
But,how many words do I have to write on the tofel eassy?
What such a great explanation, brief but quite so clear and also very practical. Many thanks for your contributions.
thank you so much for your lesson I’m morocco what can I do to be very good in english anything
you aer the best thank you very much .I have a big problem in writing i make Spelling errors a lot can you help me.pleas.
Hi Dear Robeca:
I appreciate you for your nice teaching ability.I am an iranian staying in Manila. I watched your video grammer presentations and they are really fantastic.
Especially you tried to present lessons in simple manner and this will be a great step which motivates bilingual students to learn english with less effort and easily. Finally you are a beautiful and gorgeous lady.
It’s the good video ! Thanks teacher !
Wow the quiz was a bit difficult, but I think the video was excellent though. This vid might even be the most important on engvid. Very good video, and a video you can use in other (all) languages as well.
its the good vidio,i want ask some question to rebacca plz help me i am new immigrate in canada,so i have a main problem in english. my backhome profasion was nursing, but now i want RN EXAM. my main problem is english, and pass the ielts exam, plz help me.
i’m in a good mood that i came across this site, and in a good mood that Rebecca is smiling, thank u Rebecca, keep ur position! good luck!
Thank you Rebecca , it is a very helpful lesson.
Hi Rebecca, I´m from Argentina and I have a doubt about paraphrasing. Some of them are in other tenses. Do we have to keep the same exact tense?
Hi,very good quiz.It would be not bad to understand what is “the best paraphrase”Does it mean most coincident or most non coincident?
I dont know what to say,I fail the quiz. I feel sad. holy cows.
Terrific lesson
the lesson was very goog, i’m a ged student so it was very helpful. I also would like you to helpe me with some debeloping idias for my ged essay thanks.
i learned a lot in this web thank you very much for helping us to be more easier to understand.To all the teacher in this website all of you are intelligent good teacher…now i know that in this web you can help not only but those like me to be a good teacher someday thanks a lot of knowledge you shared.. specially to me….thanks..:)))
I am pursuing Post Graduation with English Literature. Nevertheless, I am not a good conversationalist; but I can write well. Could you please suggest me any website that will help me out to improve my writing skills. Thanks a lot for free coaching.
Dear theacher Rebecca,
Thank you for your useful lesson. It is really important for me to learn. When I get citition from that some papers were written by others, I often used to copy and paste. Now I got some ideas from your this lesson.
Yours sincerely,
i really love your lessons and your website….can u tell me how to make a website??? hehe…
Hello Ms. Rebecca,
Can you help me in Stylistics?? I can’t understand my teacher when she explained it to us. Please give me some explanation how to deal with this. I’m kinda confuse. When analyzing a poem, all I can do is to analyzed it like doing a literary criticism. I hope you can help me. Thank you very much!
dear rebeca
thanks a lot.
excellent lesson Rebeca… thanks
very good thank you
but the lesson more difecal
this is not that easy for me LOL, I keep repeating the video :D
well thank you dear Rebecca
i failed the quiz exam=(. badly needed to master this lesson. Thank you Ms. Rebecca. It help me a lot of my writing skills=)
Dear rebeca,
I think i would do very well in this exam. But my score is depressing. Because I think I have misunderstood paraphrasing. Thanks a lot. Could you give tips to improve my English writing?
rebecca, thank you so much for your lesson. now i’m really prepared for my report in english. you’ve been a great help . more power !
i don’t understand about Paraphrasing…plz help me….
I would like to learn english for vocab enhancement and I am also doing PG in mass communication so I want to be good at writing What I need to do. Please advice
It’s a good way to learn english…thanks a lot
Amazing lesson! It will be very useful not only in English exams but in all the exams that I’ll do here in Brazil. Thank you!
This lesson is fantastic!
hey rebecca how are you doning first of all i want to thank you for your great lesson it’s very useful but i want you please if you don’t mind to help to overcome my problem for example i have problem with writing it takes me long time to write just a short one
Hi Ms.Thanks for your useful video.I really appreciate the following question I chose first one but the correct answer is the second one.why is it like this?I think the second one changed the meaning and I was told that it is not correct to change the meaning of the sentence in, the sentence didn’t mention that why we should not borrow money from a friend so I suppose we shouldn’t mention any reason for that from our side.Am I write?thanks for your helps and also I did enjoy your personal websites.Regards
Choose the best paraphrase of the following: You shouldn’t borrow money from a friend.
-Lending money to a friend can destroy the relationship.
-Borrowing money from a friend should not be done.
sorry.the correct answer is first one and I chose the second one because in first one there is a reason and ….
Dear Rebecca
All the teachers in the engVid are best in certain ways.But you have some extra characters of your teaching.You answer the important questions from students e-mails with clear explanation.This encourages them to learn more and like the laguage.
Also patient and relax when you are teaching as Alex. best wishes for more and more success in the future.
thank you so much Mrs.Rebecca. how awesome your lesson. by many ways, it is very useful. In fact, i tried to paraphrase many sentence but it was really difficult. for now, can can do it much more easier. thank you.
Hi Rebbeca :the lesson is very good but could you explain the present perfect tense ? and present continues
Wow I got 100, all right all green stars. Thanks I’ve definitely learnt this.
Hi Rebbeca
I watch your videos every day, you are so so great that i became addicted to your lessons , i am so keen to learn the English as i live in a spoken English country . You are talking very clear, soft and your samples are perfect to understand the lesson. I hope you will come out with more new lessons specially with grammar and confusing worlds.
I am straggling with sentences which contains the to worlds” have had ” or had have, so would like to get a lesson of how and when to use them.
Once again, thanks a lot.
You are one of the best teachers.
thanks you very much…it is the wonderful lesson for me………. and i will keep learning …….. so happy !!! god bless you (all teachers )
Thanks Our Dear Teacher Rebecca realy i get your lesson more usefully
In my opinion, you can do this when you know a lot of vocabulary and also grammar (phrasal verbs are terrible for me), althought it’s still a pretty good lesson. Keep it up.
Thank you!!
Isaias Costa
Thanks for video :)
the voice of miss rabica is “brilliant”. because i can easily catch the words. i want to ask weather miss rabica is from england or not?
Awww This is very difficult lesson for me. :(
may you rebeca please teach us how to type a formal email to a company
thank you
Thanks !
thnx alot mam….your lecture is very helpful and i like your teaching style :)
Thanks madame for your lessons I find this lesson very helpful in my education at University (the first year)I am going to sit for the final exam of the first part of the year you explain more than our professor the lesson.I appreciate really you efforts thanks a lot.
Your faithful student Samar from Tunisia.
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you very much for your lesson. Your voice are really lovely and extremely clear to me. Among the teachers here, I can understand each word you are saying. Perhaps my listening skill is still poor.
My question is Could you please tell me in which case we should use a modal perfect tense, especially in this example:
– A: Do you think she is coming to the party? She is very late.
– B: Yes, she is. She might have forgotten about it. Shall I call her to remind her?
Why don’t B just say: ”Perhaps she forgot about it”
If so, are there any differences between them? People tend to use simple sentences right?
Thank you very much indeed.
All the best to you.
Thank you :)
thank you so much,it s a very helpful way to lrarn English,the language i love most
I am immigrant from Nepal and have problem in English in united states.Now iam going college and finally i got your good website to improve my English and success on it.
Thank you very much
thanks Rebecca
It’s a little bit difficult but we can progress by paraphrasing again and again.
I need some help on how to write better a so do you know how can I make my writing better so please let me know on how to
I would like to improve on my English and also on my writing so can you guys help me improve on my writing and also on my English a please and thank you
Thanks for your video.
How can i differentiate phrasal verb and general verb?
Hi Rebecca,
why i can’t access or click for quiz.
I would like some help on how to write better and also I would like to improve on my writing a so do you know on how I can make my writing better
All of your lectures is of great help to my studies. But I need to know the difference between DURING and WHILE. Looking forward for your immediate reply. Thanks and God bless.
I failed the quiz 1 out 10!the first worst score I’ve ever had in my whoel engvid’s learning.
Merci à nouveau pour cette excellente lesson.
Hi Rebecca,
You are an amazing teacher. You go very slow and I am able to follow each of your words and sentences. Thank you so much.
hi Rebecca,
you are a very nice teacher. In this video i can understand everything.thanks
Hi Rebecca,
this video is great and it really helps me to understand how to paraphrasing a little bit more. i’m from germany and i have the task to paraphrase some terms like “frpm rags to riches” or “civil rights”. could you help me? it would be very nice :-) thank you
Beside being an excellent teacher, Rebecca has an excellent taste in Sitcoms too. Love FRIENDS.
Hi, anyone can help me paraphrase this story?
*** Brian Connell felt the first pains of a heart attack while shoveling snow a year ago. But he was only 38, so he shrugged it off.
“At 38, you’re not 21–you’re not bulletproof,” Connell said. “But you certainly don’t feel you are susceptible to a heart attack at that young age.”
A few weeks later, his neck and shoulders started throbbing, and he felt a strange rawness in his throat. This time, he went straight to the emergency room of the nearest hospital. “I asked the doctor, ‘Am I having a heart attack?’ She said, ‘Yes, you are.’
Your video is very well organized, I hope you could give examples for all the points as you did in the first few points >> Thank you
Wao…well done Rebecca.
Rebecca thanks a lot for all the assistance but please draw more light about paraphrasing. thank you
I like this lesson as the others of this teacher. But (always We have a but). I can’t understand the 3 point, about phrasal verbs; neither I couldn’t understand the prhrase proposed. If you can help me, I apreciated.
Im confident now to paraphrase! thanks a lot rebeca! youre such a great teacher!
We are not allowed to copy others’ ideas word by word , but acceptable using different words and or structure to convey similar ideas, aren’t we ?
What is the best one among the three given? I prefer to select the very different, clear and precise one. I got 87, obviously , my teacher, Rebecca did not think so.
How about new ideas or theory from scientists ? Is this true that we need to quot them , or would tell the source after getting the permission if they are elicited ?
Thank you Miss Rebecca.
Thanks! Very good!
The correct answer of question number 5 of the quiz,Though somewhat boring, his position earned him a handsome income. I know it is mean his position is boring but I can not see the verb! The sentence has one verb which earned! Can you explain please? Thank you!
thnk you mam for guiding us a right path to write good english but mam please give me some more idea so dat i can write well my grammer and way of writing is bad.
sorry, I got only 2 marks, so I sh’d understand and improve more and i can improve myself.Thank u mam.
please encourage me.
It very tuff to write English report in good way our acceptable for the reader, please we really in bad situation for improve so can you give us good guides line to follow
Hello Ms Rebecca, i still confused. 5 and 6 to me still looks uncertain.can you clarify them for me?you are doing a great job and i hope i can join you too when i hit my band 9 and migrate to Canada.cheers
hi Rebecca your videos are so good, but I want to ask that if I can write an essay and you can correct it or score it. Because I am a SAT student and I need someone to guide me how to write an essay correctly.
THANK YOU,Rebecca I do need a lot of help on my writing..!!
Hi Rebecca,
Your lessons are very informative and effective. I would like to request if you could do some lessons regarding writing task 1 and 2.
Thank you!
THank you Rebecca ,I’m student at university but your way of teaching is very simple i never seen like your explanation you were good,I hop you the best
Thank you so much Rebecca,The score was 83 %. I think this is the last lesson that we got by you. You was wonderful teacher. I appreciate.
Thank you very much for providing this useful lesson. It would be helpful to me not only to write English,but also speak English.
Iam really thankful to you
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you accept this quotation:
One who loves to learn is very close knowledge.”
Best Regards.
I’ve just seen the first example, then I’ve the quiz done and got 6 out 6. later on, I’ve continued watching the video. (Thanks Rebecca)
PS. Is my sentence correct, Rebecca?
bilingual is a person who speaks two languages!
if a person speaks three languages or more, we call him- polyglot. ^)
I am shocked that I got only 50% correct. I am studying at university and the result worries me….
this is very awesome even thought I got 0/6 to six but I have learned. my question is how do you know what is the best when you are doing paragraphing because, all the answers looked the some.
Thank you very much -)
Hi Rebecca
Congratulations for this great and usefull lesson.
I like to listen you, because you speak slowly and I understand you easyly.Other important thing: you always respond our doubts.
Thanks a lot :)
Thank you Rebecca
Great lesson, thank you
Thanks so much! I really love the exercise.
Rebecca, your videos are of a great help to me alots. I have understood many things that I never knew before and today, I have some knowledge and control over it.
You got 0 correct out of 6.
so interesting.
Kindly share best application where i can check my sentence grammar.
That’s bad for me
Thanks Ma’am! very useful lesson.
thank you rebeca I really like the way you explain the lessons, so that now i have no any question to ask you but only to thank you for your excellence support.
thank teacher
I love your lessons. I will be happier if you prepare lessons about the academic language used in research papers.
thank you for the lesson
i have got 17 so i guess i am very bad in paraphrasing
Thank you,it is very useful. AT,IN , and ON LESSON IS EASY TO LEARN
I loved the way you teach Rebecca.
Thank you so much
Is there a platform where i could write the paraphrasing of a passage and then somebody can correct it and prompt out the mistakes?
Hi teacher Rebecca. God bless you.
If I say: he said tomorrow we Will go.
Am I citing, pharafrasing, or quoting?
In addition, I wish you Good new year.
I watched this video twice on October 03, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got four correct out of 6.