Past or passed? Learn the very different meanings of these words and easy tricks to remember them. Watch this free lesson and these common mistakes will be a thing of the past.
I Am fan of reading about the past historical stories
Thank you very much for this lesson. Every day we learn something new…. You are a great teacher…
Juan Carlos
Great job Emma. Indeed these two words are pretty confusing because they are homonyms. I could differentiate them in the past, but after I passed your quiz on this site, now I’m 100% sure what the difference is. Keep up your great work! :)
Yes I gree it with you that she is a great teacher that I never fund anyone who better than her.
Thanks Emma! it’s useful to me. Now I Know the difference between those words
Thanks a lot Emma.
Eliane Maciel
8 out of 10
I think I passed it.
you’re great Emma
Hi, thanks for this lesson, I liked the new teacher!! Jesus loves you all!! bye everyone! this website is a really blessing for me!
I love your class.
himy dear best teacther Emma i like very much this lessons i need to leraing more Engish thank
really you are a great teacher!!!
How dy!
Hope all’s well with u,mam!
Keep ur job up.
Thanks Emma ,you aré an excelent teacher lord bless you ,this web site is very godo, I’am learning alto.
Thank you very much for this lesson
thanks a lot.
Thank You Emma for this lesson !!! Ireally got it. Beautiful teacher, beautiful lesson, great explanation !!!
Thanks Emma. i passed this test. 10/10
I’m glad to hear you guys have passed the test! Keep up the good work!
the difference between two word are quite difficult to me would you give more examples about that words teacher
my name is Abdirahman
Here are some more examples.
1) I passed my test.
2) I passed the park on my way home today.
3) You passed by me and didn’t even say ‘hi’?
Notice ‘passed’ is a verb.
4) I love old movies. Movies were better in the past.
5) Past Nobel Prize winners include Jimmy Carter, Al Gore and Barack Obama.
6) Not much has changed in the past five years.
Notice “past” is not a verb, but a noun or adjective. It means a period before now.
I hope that helps!
hi emma I get in trouble with “as” and “like” Example: I work as/ like doctor”
Please help me thanks
nha quyen
I am also having problem using as in sentences. please help us. thank you Emma.
I passed water just before having the online quiz.
marghoob newcomer..i would like help me in writing…and everytime i writing…correct it with correct grammer..thanks soooo much
I passed the test! :)
Thanks Emma!
Thank You Emma
you are very good teacher.I like your way..thanks a lot
Thks E
mma…. I’d like to inceraise my speaking up. Is there anyone who is interested in speaking with me on a regular basis? i m wiating for
My whatsapp number is +62 81912935573
Thank you. Amos
Amus Mauleky
Thanks so much, I studied the lesson very much.Try to teach more lessons there
Very interesting topic. Thanks.
Thumb Up for you.
Emma, welcome on board and you did very well as a teacher. Thank you very much and I am so glad to learn every day a litle more of english from this great team of engVid. THANK YOU ALL OF YOU ! Best regards,Javier. ( ARGENTINA !)
I passed the quiz test, and all my answer were correct!
Thank you Emma…!!!
Thanks Emma, you are a good teacher..
c`est facile
hi!emma thanks for this wonderful lesson.i really greatfull to all the teachers . i am learning a lot.keep it up and happy new year.(usa)
thank you somuch for this lesson, iam very happy to you, god bless you and i love you for comprenhention.
derlon santos sanchez
Thank you Emma
your way of presentig the differences between Past and Passed was lovely
Thanks again
Wow you’re a gr8 teacher.Waiting you’re next lesson XDDDDD
Thank you so much. But I have a small problem. Passed is a verb. Is it an infinitive verb? Or is it a past verb? If I want to say: “I passed the supermarket on my way to school everyday”. Is it right?
Thank you for your question Ana. The infinitive of the verb is ‘to pass’. In the past tense we add ‘ed’ to the verb, and it becomes ‘passed’.
For example:
Present tense: I pass the supermarket on my way to school everyday.
Past tense: I passed the supermarket on my way to school everyday.
Both sentences are correct.
thank u
amrouche sid ahmed
it’s worth for me..thank u so much in deed.
Hi Emma
the more I see you the more I like you
you’re great
Thnx a lot Emma, Ur way is so Simple, u’re an awesome Teacher :)
I passed the Quiz :D 10 out of 10
Well done! I’m glad that so many of you passed the test.
I have a question.
Can I say “I passed to you yesterday, but you didn’t see me?
You cannot say I passed to you, but you can say I passed beside, or by you yesterday. If I’m wrong, fortunately we have our teacher Emma who is going to correct me.
OK! Very good!
hi…i would like to find new friend for working english.would you like.too?
Thank you for your question Tom.
You can say “I passed by you yesterday, but you didn’t see me.”
“I passed to someone” refers to sports. It means that you give your teammate the ball.
For example, David Beckham passed to his teammate. I passed the ball to Michael Jordan.
I hope that helps!
Dear Emma,
i saw your reply for Bal555’s comment. i am very confused now.
Why the word’pass’ no a verb? I look it up in the dictionary. It’s also a verb except adj and noun like this example:
When will the ship pass the channel?
So, teacher, can u explain to me ? Your reply is appreciated.
With regards,
The dictionary writes ‘pass’ is intransitive verb. By the way, teacher Emma, would you make video about the difference between ‘transitive verb’ and ‘ intransitive verb’? I think that this video is quite useful for all of the learner.^_^
Thanks a lot, wonderful teacher.
Im sorry, teacher Emma. I just found my comment is wrong. My word” pass ” is istead of ” past “. I beg your pardon.
By the way, i look it up in the dictionary. The ” past ” is noun, adjective and adverb. Teacher Emma, I assumed that adverb and preposition are not same meaning. Is it correct? Like this example:
A car ran past at full speed.
Thanks a lot my favourite teacher.
Thank you so much Emma ma’am. I’ve scored 10 out of 10 in quiz with great confidence, because of you.
I don`t speak English and I don`t write English , too. But I understood the lesson.
Is the lesson correct?
Hi emma i was missing you
very good lesson now i know the diference between “past” and “passed” i am a esl estudent and i’ve improved my knoledge of english in your website GOD bless you.
Hi Emma . Thanks for your nice lesson. Would you please say me what I can apply first to improve my english especially speaking?
yusuf duzgun
Hi Yusuf, thank you for your question. Speaking is very difficult for many people. I would suggest watching the engvid videos on speaking. They have great tips on how to become a better speaker.
I passed the quiz by paying attention 2 u. thank u 4 your effort n’ 4 the free lesson, there aren’t doubts between past n’ passed. take care.
I passed the quiz…10 out of 10…hurrey!!!
Great lesson Emma. Thank you very much.
Emma Could you make a lesson about the pronunciation of s ( s, Z and IZ)?
You don’t know how much I would thank you.
Thank you for your lesson suggestions everyone. They really help me to plan my next videos.
Great thankful for u .very usefull
Great thank for you
Think you letal bit batter for me
Dear teacher Emma, please, please, please do one lesson on maths expressions for us. Nothing extensive, just briefly how we say when we want to multiply numbers an so forth, Please, I really cannot find it anywhere. Will you?
Nice lesson. I passed all the questions. In the past, I used to make mistake when I was using these words.
keep it up good job.
Thanks Abe for your great examples!
Thank you…
HAHA,man now i know ! it’s a miracle ! I hit Ten of Ten ! 8D
Bruno Peçanha
It is a great lesson. Thank you
Thanks Emma for this this lesson. it was very helpfull to understand Passed Vs Past.. ;)
ok, emma. i need more lesson
agus irsyad
i am new here,and i do like the way how you explane.thanks so much.
Great! It’s simple and useful
thanks .
Thanks Emma
Dear a super teacher Emma ,
I swear my God that you ‘re doing a wonderful job this is a vital lesson should be learnt .In addition , understood and be watch out as well.
Therefore , I don’t know how to thank you for all lessons that you did for us .
Would you do me a favor which tips can be taken to increase enormously my advanced vocabularies if that possible .
thank you very much indeed.
Yours a poor student as long as you accept me please ,
Thank you again everyone for your comments!
Ameen, I would recommend having a vocabulary goal. Try to learn 5-8 new words everyday. Additionally, we have some good videos in our vocabulary section.
Thanks Emma
you enthusiastic way of teaching is wonderful. greetings from Egypt.
Are you a new teacher?
I am a new teacher to this site. If you’re interested, check out my bio.
Hello Emma I am from Japan. Thank you for your class. And will you speak a little bit slowly if it is possible? Have a happy new year.
Thank you for the suggestion. I will try to speak slower next time. :)
Thank you emma I took 9 out of 10 so i thik i passed this test and your way of teaching is very good and i have understood very good so i will take your more classes
abdul hameed mahar
beatiful lessohn, thanks
jose osorio
Hi Emmy! you are good teacher! I understand it from first your explaining… thats why thanks a lot… Happy New Year!))
Whay don’t you answer me?
thanks for your class Emma
thank u very much and happy new year for all of u i
thank you sooooooooooooooooooo much
Emma An important lesson and usefull you are good teacher….and Thank you engvid for everything
very nice!, I congratulate you!, thanks you are doing a great job
thanks a lot
Thank you so much!
Wow, very interesting,
I have never learn about it. For me it was a big surprise this topic.
Hi Emma Why do you deleted my comment?? You should not do it? Why??
So Emma you won’t do a lesson on mathematical terms. Ok, but could you then tell me where can I find a lesson on it online?
Hi Mark,
Thank you for your suggestion. What sort of vocabulary are you looking for? The four main verbs we use for math are add, subtract, divide, and multiply. Are you looking for vocabulary for higher level math like calculus or more basic terminology?
Thank you Emma for your answer!
I know basic operations such as addition, multiplication, division and subtraction, in english of course, in my native language not to mention. I’m currently studying maths at the University of Belgrade, 2nd year.
I’d like you to do more advanced lesson on, for example: Which expressions we use when doing operations as ROOT, SQUARE, FRACTIONS, how we call the number above fraction line, and under line, and all those things.
Emma, as I said, nothing special and extensive, just, let’s say short overview of maths from primary school, nothing more. Whatever you make, I’ll be thankful to you.
Btw, you are an excellent teacher, keep up your tremendous work.
Hello, Emma. Firstly, thankyou for reading my comment. I like the examples that you said. I just want to ask what is the different of weather and cilmate? Thx~:)
I’ll try to clarify this to you.
When you talk about weather, you refer to weather conditions (rainy, snowy, sunny, cloudy, warm, cool, cold, foggy etc.) But when you talk about climate, you refer to a set of atmospheric conditions that govern the specific part of the Earth’s surface. The elements of a climate that are taken to determine one climate are latitude, relief, distribution of land and sea currents, elevation, rotation, revolution, the atmosphere, distance from the sea, lakes, soil, vegetation and so on. I think now you know the difference.
Thank you for your question Bonnie and Mark’s reply.
Mark is correct. The main difference between weather and climate is time. Weather refers to atmospheric conditions in a short period of time, while climate refers to longer periods of time.
Thankyou both of you~
Happy New Year everyone!!!
And Happy New Year to you too!!! Wish you all the best in your life, and to Rebecca, Alex, James, Ronnie, Valen, Jon likewise!!!
happy new year to you too ^_^
happy new year :)
Emma ? can you please help me to find out how to delete my account on ? do you maybe know if it’s actually possible to delete an account ? i would be happy if you could help me on that problem
You’re a very good teacher!!! Happy New Year!
Happy New Years , And Thank You So Much About Your ENGLISH Lesson
Thank you very much! I completely understood your lessen. than you!
Muhammad Rafaqat
Thank you very much!!
Hi guys. You should say only good things to Emma because I said some truth about her ability to teach only for help her and she deleted it. Think about it!
Thanks Emma…thank you very much
I m new one membre you’re very good teacher “emma” so your name, thank you very much we meet you in the next lesson
thank you very much Emma..
thank you for this useful topic and nice test that i have passed it successfully
thank you very much .
‘Alright’ and ‘all right’ mean the same thing. The problem with using ‘alright’ is that it is not grammatically correct. Some English speakers may use it, especially with friends or online, but it is never used in formal English.
Thanks Emma! Happy New year!
Thanks Emma!
Happy new year~!
thank u very much very this lesson
thanks a lot
Happy New Year! and thanks for answer me!
Emma, maybe you can help me, I undestand a good part of english, but when I’m listening a music I just undestand some phrases, at my work I have to speak in english, but I need to improve more my english, do you know a metod that can halp me to learn fast?
Hi Nascimento,
It’s very good you are so motivated. Your motivation to learn will definitely help you pick up English faster.
It’s normal to understand only some of the words in a song. The singer often sings the lyrics too quickly. Native speakers have trouble with this too, including myself.
There are great videos on this site that deal with speaking and listening. I suggest watching them.
Research shows that if someone is nervous, stressed out, or feels self conscious, their language abilities will go down, making speaking and listening more difficult. It’s important to try to be relaxed when you speak.
If you make a mistake while speaking, don’t worry about it too much. The most important thing is to get your ideas across and use your English as much as possible.
Organizing your points can also really improve your speaking. You can do this by using phrases like “First of all,” “In my opinion”, etc.”
I will be making more videos on listening and speaking soon. I’ll include some more tips and suggestions in them.
Emma, I am very glad you answered me and been so clear in his explanations, I agree with your point of view, when I’m off I try to watch movies in English so I can further improve my English, but my situation is worse because I have to deal with agendas of executives and can not fail to interpretation. We look forward to your new videos, Thanks!
thank you
hello,my dear Emma,you my congratulations and an excellent teacher
Thank you Emma. I passed my last vacations in Alaska, but in the past my english was so bad. Next time I will enjoy it more because of you (and other teachers of EngVid).
Great example!!!
thank you very much was very very useful…:)
thinks emma for this lesson your very good teacher, see you in the next lesson
Hello Emma Thanks for lesson, could you give me your email where can you send some doubts, Thanks ….
Thanks for the good lesson
Thank you so much
It’s really useful site for those who are learning English as a 2nd language
Thanks for this lesson, it was very interesting.
HI Emma
I’m seeing that you love teaching a lot, I can see it from the way that you always have to try to find right word. But why do we try to insert in the explanation a lot of grammar rules ?. when we speak we have no time to think about it, so by this way you never speak fluently but the universal method to teach (at school, courses, etc.) is: teach as mathematic operation. So, even after several years of study we will never speak at all. I ‘m listening you in order to understand american accent rather than your teaching because I need to figure out american people rather english people (I need for my work), so sorry for my sharp words that don’t want to teach anything to anyone but I want to ask you one question… how does a baby learn their native language before to go at school ? Sorry again , Gianni
Hi Gianni,
You raise excellent points! Language is more than just grammar. Language is also culture. It is important to learn about differences between formal and informal English, vocabulary, tone, rhythm, and the list goes on. For some people, learning grammar like a mathematical formula is easiest. Other people learn language differently. They have difficulty understanding grammar, but do well just by listening to the people around them talk. People learn language in different ways, and teachers need to teach in varied ways. Our videos try to keep in mind these different learning styles.
ESL teachers teach children and adults differently because they learn differently. Children’s brains are at different developmental stages. They tend to learn more intuitively, while adults learn more analytically.
Thanks a lot for your answer Emma. I agree with you when you say that there are different method of teaching but I think that all methods have to point at same outcome….for example… learn english as you have learned to drive your car. When you are driving your car you can talk with your friend or you can listen to music and meantime you can think what you will teach today just when you arrive at school . You have no to think about move your arms when you turn right or think about which gear to put in or when is time to break at the traffic light. This operation are done in automatically way, the brain areas involved aren’t those that you use for logical analysis so we have to learn language in the same way we learn to drive, trying, without reasoning. Clearly this is only my opinion.
Ciao and you still love your work (that is a beautiful work).
Hi Emma, I think you amazing. If you can do a lesson with some examples slang: ass.
Thank you.
Cleilson Brazil
11/10, I’m too smart, that’s what happens when you watch EngVig too much :DD
This story is for you Emma! You are new here, so I decided to share this with you :)
This is a story about 4 people named ANYBODY, EVERYBODY, SOMEBODY and NOBODY. There was an important job to be done and EVERYBODY was sure that SOMEBODY would do it. ANYBODY could have done it, but NOBODY did it. SOMEBODY got angry about that, because it was EVERYBODY’S job. EVERYBODY thought ANYBODY could do it, but NOBODY realized that EVERYBODY wouldn’t do it. It ended up that EVERYBODY blamed SOMEBODY when NOBODY did what ANYBODY could have done!!!
Thank you! I passed this lesson!)))
thank you,,,i like your way (great teacher)
Carlos Quizhpi
thanks !!
Thank so much Emma, your lessons it’s very interesting, see you soon
Is there a difference between ”strange” and ”weird” ?
They mean the same thing. There’s no difference.
I’ve been told the second one (weird) may be a bit more insulting in some occasions. Is that sound about right? Thanks for the response!
Thank you very much for the useful lesson.
Zacharie Sesumo
Thank you very much for this lesson
thanks a lot Emma
I passed the quiz test, and all my answer were correct!
Thanks,you are a great teacher!!!
Oh that great. Thank you so much.
Such a great teacher you are, Emma! =)
teacher did i passed the test? i got only 8 out of 10
You passed! Well done!
I got only 8 correct answer out of 10, did i passed the test?
Hi Emma,You are a teacher eased communication learn English!
I have ask? I used “past” with adjective and clock ok! For clock, use past ok If for example talk a on minute not clock also me too use past?
I passed a this a lesson with 8/10
Thank for learner English goodbye ;)
Marvio Rocha
what is the meaning of ameen .many of my frds used this word in front of me
hello, thanks teacher for informative lesson. could we use pass in different sentences as well like
he passed away.
could we use for countries as well as America is past Canada. is it correct thanks and regards for your struggle.
I’m glad you brought up this example. There are many meanings of the word “passed”. This lesson looked at some of the most common.
“He passed away” is a correct usage of the verb. Passed away is a nicer way of saying someone died.
For example,
Her grandfather passed away two weeks ago. I went to the funeral.
In terms of describing where a country is located on a map, we don’t use past to describe location, just like we don’t use after. Instead we use south, north, east, and west. For example, the United States is south of Canada.
Let me know if this answered your question on past and countries.
yes i got it thanks regards.
could you please do some lessons on English slang thanks
i like the way you think . you think always positive i really love your teaching this is my first lesson i really liked it thanks.
you’ll pass if you think positive.
I passed many difficult times in my life in past.
please tell me about these sentences are they correct.
Hi akmajs,
Your sentences correctly used the word pass and past. Here are some minor corrections:
You’ll pass if you think positively.
I passed many difficult times in my life in the past.
Bad lesson and bad teacher
Thank you for your valuable input. The person responsible has been sacked.
engVid Moderator
“The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don’t know anything about.”
Wayne Dyer
Great saying. This a true. This is a true.
hi yousef i think you are very mistaken
Hi there,
I wanna know what does it mean by
“freak me”,actually it was in a song.
Tx in advance.
Thank you so much you know the first time I learn very well , I have question what is the difference between most ,all most thanks
Hi Omar,
I plan to make a video on the difference between most and almost soon.
Almost means nearly. It is an adverb. Here are examples of almost:
Nowadays, almost everyone seems to have a tv. (“Everyone” would be 100% of people. “Almost everyone” might be 90% or 99% of the people, not 100%)
Almost every second of the movie was boring. Almost all of the explosions in the movie looked fake.
(Again it means maybe 90-99% of the movie was boring)
Notice that “almost” is before words like “all”, “everyone” and “every”.
“Most” is an adjective that means the majority. For example,
Most people have a tv.
Most teachers love to teach.
Notice that most is before a noun.
hi,emma h r u,im im new comer in uk n having so much troubles to speak n listening eng,can u give me some basic steps of eng,tc
thank you very much ;it’s really a good lesson.
but i have a question because i’ve learned Eenglish as second foreign lge but i’m still doing mistake especially in writting how could you help us if u want that’s the problem of many people ?
you should think that i dont knew what is verb adj and all that staff
I hate such exercises.
When you see bla bla ___ bla.
What will you remember? you will remember: bla bla ___ bla.
hi Emma nice to see your English Lessons.
i really enjoyed it.
Hi Emma. Thank very much for this lesson, you are a great teacher.
Thanks Emma, i passed this test 10/10.
Dear teachers,
We have to say special thanks to You for your teaching with the very useful lesson. As you knows, being the learners so it is not easy to listen in English, and so if you are able, please speak little slower.
Thank You so much for your kind help.
Best wishes to You all.
With my best regards
Tran Van
Tran Van
I would like to give my appreciates to Emma for this lesson.
hi emma thank for this lesson .execuse me but i notice that you pronounce the “t” in the word often i think it’s not correct .the same for alex .please answer me
Can you give an example of a word? You might be noticing slight differences in our accents.
i want lrean english but how this my skybe (azooooza9) who can help me add me
Thank you you for helping now it is clear
Emma i passed 9 out of 10 thanks
Dear Emma
I like you to teach clearly.I’ve got 10 out of 10.I’m from Thailand.My city is flooded in the past Oct.-Nov. I’m very tried cleaning my house and have no time to surf computer but now is O.K.
very good teacher…..I hope to improve my skils of English soon….tanks EMMA
Giday mate, Emma! My name is Joshua who live in Sydney. I’m not Australian. I’m Korean-Australian. I Was born in Seoul. I emmigraged in Australia since 2006. I’m still learning Auzie English. I can’t thank you enough. I ‘ve got 100% marks. I passed this lesson. Can I suggest one thing. I graduate IT()
Joshua Jung
Hello Joshua. I’m student like you and love this website. I’m gonna go to Sydney and would like to know some people who live there. Do you have facebook or some social net. My face is I’ll wait for your answer.
Thanks Emma :)) i really enjoyed your tutorials. it’s not that hard to understand. you know how to make it make it simple. ive had fun watching your videos. again thanks a lot!
In the PAST, I knew that there were only six teachers. Then, I haven’t visited this website for more than a month. Now, I’m glad because there has been a new teacher. So, It’s the first time I’ve watched your video. Well, I PASSED this lesson by answering them all correctly.
Thank you so much, Madam. I hope you’re going to teach us frequently.
hi Emma
can you give a lesson about clock when you use past and to
Helpful !!!
Hi , Teacher: Emma:
I want to ask you about” time” American people say: five , thirty. but British people say: half past five. that’s correct or not .
thank you very much techer :)
Half past five is used in both the United States and Britain. You can also say five thirty.
Hi Emma:.
thank you for good teching. I hava littlie problom. Iam sure you can help me. Idon,t understand prasant perfact. you can help me?
thank you very much Miss. Emma:.
Hi Ms. Emma,
I’m a new member of this site. I find it very helpful but It will help much if u reorganize it, I mean please organize it in order if possible
Hi Emma, I like all your lessons. They are very explained. I would like watch more lesson from you.
Hi Emma
you can give me same advice for learning english and how answer exsam or test aese…
thank you very much techer :)
thank u very very much emma
thank you very much teacher
Thanks Emma you’re so nice teacher and good teaching .thanks for your time to explaine to me (I live in the house just,meaning already have a verb(live)so ,now ,I know the answer cannot be passed .and I had a headache earlier,it passed,means to go away .wow it that too’re so great explanation.God bless you.happy New year.
Thanks for your lesson, but I’m looking for all clauses, noun, adjective,adverb.
Great teacher, very, very
Thanks for your lesson!
thanks so much to teacher emma for that lesson
Hello Emma,
To begin with, thank you very much for your lessons!
They are very helpful and interesting and I would really like you to keep it on. :)
Could you please help me with an issue I heard in this movie?
At 2:59 (mm:ss) of the movie timeline you said: “… the leader of Germany is a woman, past it leaders have all been men…” (I hope I wrote it properly :) ).
So the question is why the Present Perfect was used there (“…past it leaders have all been men…”).
As I understand, we stated the fact from the past, german men are not the leaders of Germany now, so this is not the true now.
I mean that there is no connection to the present time and consequently we use the Past Tense in such cases.
I am not a native speaker and differences between the Past Simple and the Present Perfect have always confused me.
Could you please clarify this case from the video why the Present Perfect tense was used as I am really confused.
Thank you in advance, Emma, and thank you for your work!
Take care!
Hello Emma,
could you please find some time to answer?
I suppose the answer would be intereting for many people…
Hi EmmA plz read this
I like the way you teach you are a native speaker so your speaking English sounds really good. If possible I want you to add more videos on how to speak english like a native speaker ın my opinion these kind of videos will help us to improve our speaking skills because some of us already good at grammar on the other hand have difficulties in speaking the language.
thanks for your effort :)
This Video really help me.
Lovely teacher :-P , thanks for you lecture ^_^
Nguyen Vu Long
thank you for your great job
Hi, Emma.
You are number one !!!
mam your lesson is good
thank to you alot
you are a good aminent teacher also i would ask one question that
can i say 20 minutes past 7pm (7:20pm)
You could say it’s twenty past seven. This means 7:20.
I see this category lesson that excited and useful.
thank you for useful lesson, plz keep it on……..
you are nice teacher and you have a melting sound i do like it
thank you !
thanks your reply also plese explain about may have and might have
That’s great. I love it…. by the way, Emma… can you make a lesson about the difference between have/has to and need to.
Thanks so much.
Look forward hearing from you soon.
Good one ..God bless you team..
the best english teacher i have ever seen in my life
god bless you
thank you
You are a great teacher…than you
thanks guys , this is the best site to learn english!
Hi, what did you say at the end of this video? “… next time.” I didn’t hear it clearly. Can you write it down here for me? Thanks.
thank you so much. may i ask to put more and more exercises here for each topic so that we can test our level of understanding to the certain topic. again thank you so much and i like the way of teaching.
Hi miss emma, Thanks for the lesson. I learnt very well about the past and passed where to use. Really a Great job. Thanks a lot. Keep it up.
great! thanks ;)
Thanks for the lesson.Very interesting.
I passed this test, Emma, thank you))
Thanx a Lot emma. I got it all . like u.:)
I love u mum
Emma It’s very very help full for me ..I want to develop my English skills It is very need ………..
John Dilshan
Thank you Emma.
Thank you Emma You’re a great teacher….
Thank you;
Hello Emma,
I watched all your lessons and passed all in the past moment of tonight.
Best of luck
emma you are a dynamic teacher i ever saw
maybe it’s better to say:”most dynamic”?
Dear Emma,
Thank you so much, teacher. Your lesson is so fantastic and amazing.
Teacher, can i ask you why your videos is less than other teachers ? Because i have watched all of your lessons and perhaps you oould make more videos for us. ^_^
Teacher Emma,
What’s the difference between the words “just”, ” only”, “merely”. Can your give me some examples for my question.
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thanks in advance.
Hi Emma, thanks for the useful lesson.
thank you .
yusuf sheikh
hi emma im little confused abt the preposition after can u gve me sme mre examples in past i dnt get the example 20 min aft 5 wht does it realy means plzz can u xample
Thank Emma…. My ask you for a favor? may you record a vidio about anatomy, parts into the body or medicine vocabulary… I know that i could read about it but i feel sure when i hear You because I listen the pronunciation…. Thank for all Guys
Mario Alberto
hi emma ,
Please give me a hand
what do you mean ”on my way to school” and
I live in the house just ”past” the church
okay i understood these expressions and also i got 10 out of 10 but i don’t understand what both of sentences mean
Hi Emma,
Thank you Emma for this significant demonstration between passed (verb) and past (verb). I enjoyed this lesson. Ilook forward to hearing from you soon . sinserely Tahar
wow, very interesting class, i feel good and found world class teacher, thanks emma
thx so much for ur english lesson,it’s really great!!
You Are My Sunshine
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
When skies are grey.
You’ll never know, dear,
How much I love you.
Please don’t take my sunshine away…
Marcio de Moraes
Good job Emma,TALLL!
Dear Emma: Abundant thanks from the core of my heart
hi dear emma i am really thankful to u keep posting such videos
Nice class as always. Thanks Emma, you are a great teacher
10 out of 10 ;)
this is an easy one, I like it…
Ali, which country of Saudi are you from??
Thank you so much Emma! Blessings:)
Dear Emma, You are wonderful!!!
For the first time, I really love an English lesson!
You are a great teacher.
Thank you so much!
Thanx Emma
I scored 10/10
Abdul Qayum
I scored 10 out of 10. Thank you very much Emma!!!
And again success! I’v made 10 out of 10. Emma, Thank You so much :)
Thanks Emma for yuour lessons.
Thanks Emma, You are a good teacher.
Your valuable times are highly appreciated.
thanks a lot Emma .
Thank you very much.
thanks miss emma , for help .
and excuse me you’re very nice on the long the hair.
thanks so much .
Mnes Blue
I like this lesson and I love you best teacher “Emma” and I hope you tell me the difference between perhaps and maybe as soon as possible please
9 out of 10.. not bad. thanks for the lesson. it really made easy to understand.
Thank you so much Emma and the Engvid team. God bless you all!
Thanks Emma ,I love your teaching,Have a good one .
Emma, the best teacher of this channel…
Bruno Seulight
Hi Emma,
your way to teach is verry good. And beside of that, I am impressed how dedicated you are in dealing with your comments are.
It is nice to follow you.
Dear Emma
i watched it and took the quiz and scored 9,so sad.hope i passed the test although i made a silly here 40 past i am going review my past lesson.
I had a difficuly between diferences of past and passed in the past that by Emma teaching passed
Dear Emma,
i m very much impressed the way u r explain,thanks a lot.
i wanna to know where have have or have had use in the sentence please.
thank you
Hi Emma, I’m highly indebted to you that who have provided us with an opportunity to improve our English. I love your lecture videos the most and wish you long life for such precious lectures to produce. Thanks a lot Emma, once again.
I am Mr. Muhammad Tahir Qureshi From Pakistan, KPK Mohallah New Islamabad, Par Hoti Mardan
Muhammad Tahir Qureshi
Hi Emma, i’d like to say Thank you very much for this lesson. I just learnt this lesson. it very useful to improve my english. in the past i usually confused to use these words. but now i could pass your test with scored 10 out of 10
It’s excellent! Please do a lesson about Cross Vs Across and Cause vs Because
Excelente! Por favor haz uno con las palabras Cross Vs Across y Cause vs Because.
Helmer Helmusico H. hurtado Borrero
Please delete my past comment.
I have a new version:
I have difficulty to pronounce S letter at the end of a word when the past word ends with S letter too.
For example:
ArchaeologiSTS Study.
In a fact the plural “..STS” is difficult by itself.
Please could you Do a lesson about that.
You are helping me TOO MUCH.
In other hand, writing this comment I got a new question:
May I write “The past word” and “the passed word”?
Helmer Helmusico H. hurtado Borrero
Thanks a lot, Emma. Clearly undersood difference between past and passed. But I confuse their pronunciation. Are their pronunciation same?
Thanks a lot Emma, you are the best teacher.
Hy Emma. U seem nervous in this video and seem in a hurry. You could have a better lecture if u are Able to get your nervous well on videoing. I have to rethink of what U’re telling us, only then I could get your point. Tq…nervous hinders delivering process? D y agree? ;)
Thanks a lot~
thanks for the lesson. Now, it’s clear to me when to use past and passed.
Riva (Rivojiddin)
thank you so much Emma, great teacher perfect
lesson about “past” and ” Passed”
thank you so much
Thank you Emma, I enjoyed listening to your lesson and it helps me a lot. Could anyone help me to improve my English skills? here’s my skype id azodanes you can add me so that we can talk and practice our English skills. Thanks in advance Godbless :)
Great lesson! Thank you!
Greetings from Poland :)
Thank you Emma! All my answers were correct!
I passed the test I got 10\10
thank u Emma
Thanks Emma you are a great teacher!!!
Thank you very much. 10 out of 10. you are a wonderful teacher. Please accept my best greetings.
Excellent lesson!
Thanks for this lesson, it was very interesting.
Emma,it’s very useful.Thanks!^^
Thanks, Emma. I commence to understand English (listerning), a little ;-)
Thank you very much!
thanks emma your the best teacher i know alot lesson form your teaching.please teach new lesson.
I passed the test :D
Thanks Emma, you did a good job in teaching english.
Thank you for your wonderful class, I love you so much.
Thank you very much emma,Iike the way of your teaching.I eager to learn more & more to improve my grammer.
thanks Emma you are very good teacher.
Hi Emma,
Thanks for the lesson. I have noticed so many people in my place they are grammatically or the pronunciation is not correct but they don’t stop speaking and end of the day people assume that they spoke very well. My problem is during conversation with others if noticed that I have made any mistake I tried to correct that and then people take it negatively and start speaking in local language to give me a comfort however I feel very embarrass that time. Please suggest your view to fix this problem :(
nice hair!
tnx, it was so clear.
if u plz ,could you tell me more about “ain’t” ; can we use it in all negative forms.tnx again.
sorry 4 mistakes
Excellent Emma, thank you very much…..and Happy new year
Thank you Emma
I got 10/10
thank you emma :)
Thanks Emma
I have passed this quiz. Thanks Emma
thank you emma
I love you
hi Emma!
I have such question. Im 29 old. I have no any education and Im beginner. So is it possible for me to become as russion-english translator?
I’ve got 10 of ten.Thank for the useful vídeo.You have a good way to teach!
I wrote correctly?
Archaeologists study (PAST ) cultures.
Emma my ansver is passed. because archaeologists were study cultures lesson. can you explaın ?
Emma thank you very much for this brilliant explanation that helped me a lot.
I GOT 100 OUT OF 100.KS
Thanks a lot Emma. I got 10 correct out of 10 in this quiz, so in this case I passed the quiz successfully!!
very, good, interesting, well lesson!!!!!!thanks Emma
thanks ,I passed the quiz
Hi Emma, I’m a new studenti. Thanks a lot.
Brilliant, thanks a million Emma
Thank you very much for this lesson
thanks a lot.
Thanks Emma.
Actually do not speak any English. I’m learning.
Completely clear…!! Thank you.
Dear teacher you are really beautiful I love your hair and I can understand you perfectly
thanks for this lesson
robin hut
You are brilliant Emma! I love the way you teach us. You made English so simple. Thank you very much.. :)
thank you our teacher
Thank you Teacher Emma.
Thank you teacher Emma, I am so happy, I got 100 on my quiz.
Linh Thu Tran
very good lesson
Thanks Emma for doing this for us!!! Serbia say HI to you!!!
Wooahh *__* beautiful hair! :D
hi, I didn’t know about the difference in the past, but with the help of this video lecture I passed the test and got ten out of ten. :)
I just loved the way you teach.
Thanks a lot Madam.
your lesson was very helpful, good job, keep uploading, thanks Emma.
i got 10 correct out of 10 . thank you for all your help . i assure myself that someday i can fluently speak english as a native speaker .what a productive lesson!
I learn a lot today, thank you Emma.
Hi! Emma,
I have a facing problems in tenses, will you help me, if you have prepared any lectures on tenses please provide me the link so that i may learn from there.
Rizwan Arif
I passed the quiz :D
Thank you very much Emma and I think I passed it, 90
Ibrahim Alhendi
Thanks got 90%.
Abdul Qayum
Your lesson has useful Emma.
Thank you so much
Thankyou very much; I really love your lesson!
God bless you Emma !!!!! And thanks for your help !!!!
Abelard Georges
thanks emma.realla its was useful lesson about passe and past
Dear Professor Emma,
Diffrent topic – definit and indefinit article. IT IS NOT AN EASY TASK FOR NON NATIVE SPEAKERS.
I cannot find clear and practical feedback concerning “the” or “a” before nouns ending in -ing.
The only practical observation is that often the article is omitted.
I belive that you are a right person to make a proper and useful explanation.
Thank you in advance.
All the best to you and your family.
It serems to me that it is better to say ” I belive that you are the right person ( actual talented teacher)to form a lesson and provide necessary examples.
This lesson was very interesting because I got the abstract idea and I could separate between verb , noun, adjective and preposition.
I go 10 of 10 yupi!, i ´m very happy.
Thanks Emma, you´re a very good teacher.
Yes, again I got 100 in scale of 100 that indicates dear Emma made me understand the lecture and I am appreciated by the power of Emma.
Dear Emma, would you like give some difference between ‘Game’ and ‘Sports’?
thanks Emma ..i got 100 ^^
Good video. Thank you Emma
Thank you!
thanks a lot emma ,that was very useful , iam really love this site
amal elsayed
Thanks Emma …I got 100%
Thanks Emma!
you are good teacher emma . tank you
SUPER helpful, Thanks Emma!
It’s so great.Thanks alot
I got 10/10…many thanks to Emma !
Thanks a lot Emma.
i enjoy the lesson so much
i passed the test i got 100% thanks my best instructor emma
Thanks, Emma.
Iam new here, I just played one quiz of ur lesson. it is great instrumental for me & I hope that it will be good for me to learn english.
Wahid Bhatti
dear Emma I passed All beginner lessons.thank you
thank you very much
osama osama
Thanks Emma you rock’s
thank y very much Miss Emma
Thank you Emma , Your lessons are very usefull to me and I like your way of teaching, Thank you very much.
sharath lingala
Thank so much, Emma.
thank u so much emma ur the best teacher ….
Thank you Emma.
Thank you, Emma. I enjoyed today’s lesson, too.
I love Emma
Thanks so much I enjoyed and see you in another video
Thank u very much!
Hello Teacher
can you give a lesson about Anyone and no one
Thank you again, it was my third lesson with you in one hour, Teacher, … for this one I passed its test with 100% of succeed …
Tnks a lot)))
Hello! Maybe intuition helped me (I said 7/10), but the lesson I was not very clear. Unfortunately, a lesson I can put only 6/10, no more.
Emma, you really enjoy teaching English. You are a great teacher!!!
Thanks a lot.
Emma my quiz:
You got 10 correct out of 10.
chakim hamzah
Score 80 :D
I can do it better. Thank you.
Yes I have 8 out of 10 ! Ok GOt it !
I’m passionate about your teaching and i got 9 out of 10. Thank you Emma
Good work
vaany 7
Can you explain to me what is the difference between have, and have to please
vaany 7
Thanks teacher, the lesson is useful to me. i got 9 out of 10.
Hi emma. Thank your lession. It’s great for me. But I wonder about ” ago” and “past” . I can use “in the ago” by ” in the past”. Because Past in the Noun and Ajd mean before as same as ago. I hope you undersant my question. I can not speak english well.thanks
kate bui
It is great, thanks very much T Emma
Navab Boozhan
I need passed my English test 15 of june! Can you help me? (I don’t know English very well)
thanx emma
Hi thanks to let me know!
but I am confused to figure it out differences between adjective and preposition of past. Because they both modify noun. Anyone can please explain it with examples?
Thanks Emma, I’ve just passed your English test.
I passed the test…thank for your lesson Emma.
Thanks Emma. I love your class
9/10 :'( in 15 seconds
Rafik ER-Rabit
thank you emma. I will subscribe your lecture step by step.
Thanks Emma
Thanks a lot, Emma.
I love your lessons.
nice one! thanks alots
I passed your quiz successfully, Emma. Thank you a lot.
Roya Seferova
Perfect lesson! Thank you, Emma!!!
Today’s lesson was also useful to me.Thanks, Emma!
”watch the lesson → do the test” , which is very important
to understand the contents deeply.
Take care until next time. ha,ha!
Your lessons very useful .Thank you so much.
9 out of 10, not bad. :)
I passed the test 100%….
You are very good teacher
see you soon
thank you for all amma
Thanks Emma i really like it
Thanks Emma i really like it
I got a perfect score, easy to understand this video. Thanks again :)
In my opinion,it is a very useful lesson.
Thanks a lot Emma!
thaaaaaaaaaaaanks you emma
OMerr abdallh
i passed the test i got 9/10 not bad
Thanks you so much.
Marta Lopez
Hi, I passed the test i got 10 out of 10. Thanks a lot :)
Nando Rodrigues
It’s very helpful. Thank you! Be healthy and happy!
Chuan Guo
First of all, I haven’t known difference between words. Thank you for explaining difference about between weather and climate.
By the way, You have tought very well with examples alot. Also, I agree with you, because you said learning grammar like a mathematic formula is easiest.
Thank U, very helpfull. :)
wow thank you so much
I passed the test 9/10
All the questions in the quiz were easy,so i passed them.
I got 9out of 10. thank’s Emma, you’re my favorite teacher.
Thanks Emma .
Thanks a lot
Thank u so much!!
Would you let me know methods of listening well?
I am studying everyday and hardly(^^ Just I thought…) but the listening and speaking skills are not go well. Pls let me know your secret methods. ㅠㅠ
thank you Emma you are doing great
keep it up
Mohammed Aly
thank you teacher~~~~
I got 100 ?
Aisha m
It was very useful lesson for me. In the past I lived in better country then now. All past presidents in my country were men as well. I live in apartment just past the stadium. If somebody ask me now, what time is it?I would say eleven past eleven 11:11 p.m. I passed the factory on my way to work every day. I had a backache in the morning but it passed. The training course was hard but I passed it smoothly!Usually I drive slowly and yesterday I was driving slow and all the other drivers on the road passed me – same as allways:)
Jon Snow
I got 10 out of 10, thank you very much teacher Emma!
7/10 is well for me i wanna thank you my teacher emma you are great teacher that lesson wenderful thank’s teacher emma good blessin for you
Marouane Faraa
Thank you Miss Emma.
its real great for Us, Than you ma’am.
Syed Izhar Baqir
i passed the emma’s test :) even though in the past i didnt take any test jajaja
I passed to leave a comment, thanks Miss Emma.
Oh my god! 10/10 Very great :))
thank you for Emma.
thank you so munch!
Thanks a lot Emma, You are an amazing teacher
Mohsen Tatoo
Thank you Emma!
I got 10 thank you very much teacher
Thank you very much Emma
Darunee Phaka
Realy. Thank you :))
Moad lah
thanks a lot,, my regards
Arwa Dajah
Thank you really >>>
my regards for you
Mohammad Jawhar
Hi Emma,
I passed the test also (10/10) hehe.
Thanks for help.
Thanks Emma for all of this videos. But in this video there is some mistakes in subtitles. For example when you give the website name, it gives another websites.
King Regards..
Thanks a lot! I also passed the quiz! Emma, you are great!
I passed my GED test when I was in community college. I don’t remember my past driving test.
Thanks Emma!
Understand more well about how to use these two words.
and your examples let me more clear. :)))
Thanks, Emma. Good lesson. I got 100
thans, Emma your lessons are very clear and I hope to learning quikly.
10/10. When I watch your videos I understand everything ’cause the way that you teach is great.
Thank you so much, Emma
The best regards from Mexico.
Noel Urbina
I got 10/10!! Thanks!! Great lesson Emma!
l got 9/10 .
15th June 2017,
Thank you Ms Emma, Im really keen on your voice, I watch your vedio everyday.
Now I got 100 points for this lesson because of you ^^
Merida Huyen
Thank you Emma!I really like your class.
thank u …
Roozbeh Pirabbasi
its good i have 9 thanks for learning miss emma
I PASSED your test! And I want to watch your PAST lesson, too. ;)
I’d like to thank you for lesson. Although my driving license test was difficult I succeded in passing my exam.
Well done Emma
Thank you Emma, very clear :)
thank you Emma, another useful video again:)
thank you M.Emma ..
I hope that I passed this topic “past&passed”.
Tayseer Murad
Thank you Emma :)
Cindy Venisia
Thank u!
I learn so much with engvid!
i passed the test 7/10
Thank you
Thank you very much teacher Emma.Your lesson is great.I’m very happy because passed the test.
Zainuddin Abdul Hadi
I have done my test exam and i succeed 90% i am very glad to be here, our teacher emma is very exciting
i’m so happy to learn with emma and passed afraid of english rules
Thank u emma
Bert spay
If you ask me, you’re my favorite teacher ?
Thanks Emma. You’re an amazing teacher.
thank you so much
10 correct:)with your help
You got 9 correct out of 10.
thank you
M kartal
Loved this lesson, scored 10/10. Thanks Emma..
Hi thanks a lot
thank u Emma i passed this exam and scored 10/10
Well Done
White flowe
Emma, thank you! You explain very clearly.
thank you very much
thank you very much,Emma
Khalil alzobiry
thank you
i think i passed the test. Thanks Emma for nice lesson
Hi, Emma! Wow! Yeah! This lesson was really informative and useful! So, thank you so much! See ya!
Marcos Paulo Ventura
Thank you Emma you have helped me out a lot THANK YOU
Ty Cahill
By the way I passed the test 10/10 :)
Ty Cahill
that very intresting
Thank you very much !!
Parul Jindal
Very cool lesson… The past lesson I got 88, now I’ve got 100, so I passed :D
i got 100% it’s superb .Thankx EMMA!
I got 10/10.
Thank you so much~
thank you Emma I understand this lesson.
Thank you
Thank you Emma?
Thank you!
well I passed this test already “))
Obrigado Emma, fiquei em dúvida apenas na frase que fala da igreja…” EU VIVO NA CASA DEPOIS DA IGREJA”, fiquei um pouco confuso, pois past…passado, mas a aula muito boa. Obrigado.
edi wilson
Em português falamos algo parecido, obvio que depende de qual estado mora, mas no geral falamos: “Ele mora passando aquela igreja/casa/mercado”. Espero ter ajudado.
Enjoyable. Thanks!
thank you!
I got 10 correct out of 10 !
I passed this lesson.
Thank you Ma’am Emma your lesson.
Agnes Cadampog
I passed the Quiz right now. Thank you so much, Emma.
Very useful for me!
Yafan Cai
Thank you very very much :)
Just started learning, thanks much emma ! You ‘re just an awesome.
Karthik Pazhamalai
In the past, his teaching skills were not as developed. But time has passed and you have become one of YouTube’s best English teachers. Congratulations and thanks for the lessons!
Evandro Calixto
Thank you very much.
Just a 100 again. Thank you Miss Emma.
Thank you!
Thanks. Very informative and simple
Mahmoud Abdellatif
9/10! If I learned English with Emma in the past when I studied at university, the English test would be passed by one time.
Jerry Gu
thank you.
thank you for your lesson.10/10
Thanks for all your endeavors and devotion.
Mauricio Loyola
thank you very much. I am enjying
10/10 Emma you are an awesome teacher…thank you so much
A great lesson!
do you have extention in this lesson?
i studied your lesson about hairdresser.
Your explanations are excellent. Thank you!
thank you Emma , such a good teacher you are !!!
thank a lot Emma (Kazakstan, 17oct2021)
I got 10/10 thank you Emma!
Thank you so much Emma. I got 10 correct out of 10.
Although this video was first produced 10 years ago , you have been marvelous teacher since your early start . Your simple easy explaination and clear accent have been the same.God bless you .
thank you Emma
I got 9/10 thank you Emma!
I find it’s excited to learn English,especially When I try to use it correctly. A new world is coming to me.
Thank you again for your lessons.
Jacke Alex
Thanks dear Emma i’m very happy that i got 10/10 i really like the way you speak you are awesome😘
Rose sahito
I watched this video while looking up the dictionary.
I was able to understand the difference in meaning and parts of speech.
thank you.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank u very much!
Well done Emma. Many thanks. Keep it up.
I Am fan of reading about the past historical stories
Thank you very much for this lesson. Every day we learn something new…. You are a great teacher…
Great job Emma. Indeed these two words are pretty confusing because they are homonyms. I could differentiate them in the past, but after I passed your quiz on this site, now I’m 100% sure what the difference is. Keep up your great work! :)
Yes I gree it with you that she is a great teacher that I never fund anyone who better than her.
Thanks Emma! it’s useful to me. Now I Know the difference between those words
Thanks a lot Emma.
8 out of 10
I think I passed it.
you’re great Emma
Hi, thanks for this lesson, I liked the new teacher!! Jesus loves you all!! bye everyone! this website is a really blessing for me!
I love your class.
himy dear best teacther Emma i like very much this lessons i need to leraing more Engish thank
really you are a great teacher!!!
How dy!
Hope all’s well with u,mam!
Keep ur job up.
Thanks Emma ,you aré an excelent teacher lord bless you ,this web site is very godo, I’am learning alto.
Thank you very much for this lesson
thanks a lot.
Thank You Emma for this lesson !!! Ireally got it. Beautiful teacher, beautiful lesson, great explanation !!!
Thanks Emma. i passed this test. 10/10
I’m glad to hear you guys have passed the test! Keep up the good work!
the difference between two word are quite difficult to me would you give more examples about that words teacher
my name is Abdirahman
Here are some more examples.
1) I passed my test.
2) I passed the park on my way home today.
3) You passed by me and didn’t even say ‘hi’?
Notice ‘passed’ is a verb.
4) I love old movies. Movies were better in the past.
5) Past Nobel Prize winners include Jimmy Carter, Al Gore and Barack Obama.
6) Not much has changed in the past five years.
Notice “past” is not a verb, but a noun or adjective. It means a period before now.
I hope that helps!
hi emma I get in trouble with “as” and “like” Example: I work as/ like doctor”
Please help me thanks
I am also having problem using as in sentences. please help us. thank you Emma.
I passed water just before having the online quiz. newcomer..i would like help me in writing…and everytime i writing…correct it with correct grammer..thanks soooo much
I passed the test! :)
Thanks Emma!
Thank You Emma
you are very good teacher.I like your way..thanks a lot
Thks E
mma…. I’d like to inceraise my speaking up. Is there anyone who is interested in speaking with me on a regular basis? i m wiating for
My whatsapp number is +62 81912935573
Thank you. Amos
Thanks so much, I studied the lesson very much.Try to teach more lessons there
Very interesting topic. Thanks.
Thumb Up for you.
Emma, welcome on board and you did very well as a teacher. Thank you very much and I am so glad to learn every day a litle more of english from this great team of engVid. THANK YOU ALL OF YOU ! Best regards,Javier. ( ARGENTINA !)
I passed the quiz test, and all my answer were correct!
Thank you Emma…!!!
Thanks Emma, you are a good teacher..
c`est facile
hi!emma thanks for this wonderful lesson.i really greatfull to all the teachers . i am learning a lot.keep it up and happy new year.(usa)
thank you somuch for this lesson, iam very happy to you, god bless you and i love you for comprenhention.
Thank you Emma
your way of presentig the differences between Past and Passed was lovely
Thanks again
Wow you’re a gr8 teacher.Waiting you’re next lesson XDDDDD
Thank you so much. But I have a small problem. Passed is a verb. Is it an infinitive verb? Or is it a past verb? If I want to say: “I passed the supermarket on my way to school everyday”. Is it right?
Thank you for your question Ana. The infinitive of the verb is ‘to pass’. In the past tense we add ‘ed’ to the verb, and it becomes ‘passed’.
For example:
Present tense: I pass the supermarket on my way to school everyday.
Past tense: I passed the supermarket on my way to school everyday.
Both sentences are correct.
thank u
it’s worth for me..thank u so much in deed.
Hi Emma
the more I see you the more I like you
you’re great
Thnx a lot Emma, Ur way is so Simple, u’re an awesome Teacher :)
I passed the Quiz :D 10 out of 10
Well done! I’m glad that so many of you passed the test.
I have a question.
Can I say “I passed to you yesterday, but you didn’t see me?
You cannot say I passed to you, but you can say I passed beside, or by you yesterday. If I’m wrong, fortunately we have our teacher Emma who is going to correct me.
OK! Very good!
hi…i would like to find new friend for working english.would you like.too?
Thank you for your question Tom.
You can say “I passed by you yesterday, but you didn’t see me.”
“I passed to someone” refers to sports. It means that you give your teammate the ball.
For example, David Beckham passed to his teammate. I passed the ball to Michael Jordan.
I hope that helps!
Dear Emma,
i saw your reply for Bal555’s comment. i am very confused now.
Why the word’pass’ no a verb? I look it up in the dictionary. It’s also a verb except adj and noun like this example:
When will the ship pass the channel?
So, teacher, can u explain to me ? Your reply is appreciated.
With regards,
The dictionary writes ‘pass’ is intransitive verb. By the way, teacher Emma, would you make video about the difference between ‘transitive verb’ and ‘ intransitive verb’? I think that this video is quite useful for all of the learner.^_^
Thanks a lot, wonderful teacher.
Im sorry, teacher Emma. I just found my comment is wrong. My word” pass ” is istead of ” past “. I beg your pardon.
By the way, i look it up in the dictionary. The ” past ” is noun, adjective and adverb. Teacher Emma, I assumed that adverb and preposition are not same meaning. Is it correct? Like this example:
A car ran past at full speed.
Thanks a lot my favourite teacher.
Thank you so much Emma ma’am. I’ve scored 10 out of 10 in quiz with great confidence, because of you.
I don`t speak English and I don`t write English , too. But I understood the lesson.
Is the lesson correct?
Hi emma i was missing you
very good lesson now i know the diference between “past” and “passed” i am a esl estudent and i’ve improved my knoledge of english in your website GOD bless you.
Hi Emma . Thanks for your nice lesson. Would you please say me what I can apply first to improve my english especially speaking?
Hi Yusuf, thank you for your question. Speaking is very difficult for many people. I would suggest watching the engvid videos on speaking. They have great tips on how to become a better speaker.
I passed the quiz by paying attention 2 u. thank u 4 your effort n’ 4 the free lesson, there aren’t doubts between past n’ passed. take care.
I passed the quiz…10 out of 10…hurrey!!!
Great lesson Emma. Thank you very much.
Emma Could you make a lesson about the pronunciation of s ( s, Z and IZ)?
You don’t know how much I would thank you.
Thank you for your lesson suggestions everyone. They really help me to plan my next videos.
Great thankful for u .very usefull
Great thank for you
Think you letal bit batter for me
Dear teacher Emma, please, please, please do one lesson on maths expressions for us. Nothing extensive, just briefly how we say when we want to multiply numbers an so forth, Please, I really cannot find it anywhere. Will you?
Nice lesson. I passed all the questions. In the past, I used to make mistake when I was using these words.
keep it up good job.
Thanks Abe for your great examples!
Thank you…
HAHA,man now i know ! it’s a miracle ! I hit Ten of Ten ! 8D
It is a great lesson. Thank you
Thanks Emma for this this lesson. it was very helpfull to understand Passed Vs Past.. ;)
ok, emma. i need more lesson
i am new here,and i do like the way how you explane.thanks so much.
Great! It’s simple and useful
thanks .
Thanks Emma
Dear a super teacher Emma ,
I swear my God that you ‘re doing a wonderful job this is a vital lesson should be learnt .In addition , understood and be watch out as well.
Therefore , I don’t know how to thank you for all lessons that you did for us .
Would you do me a favor which tips can be taken to increase enormously my advanced vocabularies if that possible .
thank you very much indeed.
Yours a poor student as long as you accept me please ,
Thank you again everyone for your comments!
Ameen, I would recommend having a vocabulary goal. Try to learn 5-8 new words everyday. Additionally, we have some good videos in our vocabulary section.
Thanks Emma
you enthusiastic way of teaching is wonderful. greetings from Egypt.
Are you a new teacher?
I am a new teacher to this site. If you’re interested, check out my bio.
Hello Emma I am from Japan. Thank you for your class. And will you speak a little bit slowly if it is possible? Have a happy new year.
Thank you for the suggestion. I will try to speak slower next time. :)
Thank you emma I took 9 out of 10 so i thik i passed this test and your way of teaching is very good and i have understood very good so i will take your more classes
beatiful lessohn, thanks
Hi Emmy! you are good teacher! I understand it from first your explaining… thats why thanks a lot… Happy New Year!))
Whay don’t you answer me?
thanks for your class Emma
thank u very much and happy new year for all of u i
thank you sooooooooooooooooooo much
Emma An important lesson and usefull you are good teacher….and Thank you engvid for everything
very nice!, I congratulate you!, thanks you are doing a great job
thanks a lot
Thank you so much!
Wow, very interesting,
I have never learn about it. For me it was a big surprise this topic.
Hi Emma Why do you deleted my comment?? You should not do it? Why??
So Emma you won’t do a lesson on mathematical terms. Ok, but could you then tell me where can I find a lesson on it online?
Hi Mark,
Thank you for your suggestion. What sort of vocabulary are you looking for? The four main verbs we use for math are add, subtract, divide, and multiply. Are you looking for vocabulary for higher level math like calculus or more basic terminology?
Thank you Emma for your answer!
I know basic operations such as addition, multiplication, division and subtraction, in english of course, in my native language not to mention. I’m currently studying maths at the University of Belgrade, 2nd year.
I’d like you to do more advanced lesson on, for example: Which expressions we use when doing operations as ROOT, SQUARE, FRACTIONS, how we call the number above fraction line, and under line, and all those things.
Emma, as I said, nothing special and extensive, just, let’s say short overview of maths from primary school, nothing more. Whatever you make, I’ll be thankful to you.
Btw, you are an excellent teacher, keep up your tremendous work.
Hello, Emma. Firstly, thankyou for reading my comment. I like the examples that you said. I just want to ask what is the different of weather and cilmate? Thx~:)
I’ll try to clarify this to you.
When you talk about weather, you refer to weather conditions (rainy, snowy, sunny, cloudy, warm, cool, cold, foggy etc.) But when you talk about climate, you refer to a set of atmospheric conditions that govern the specific part of the Earth’s surface. The elements of a climate that are taken to determine one climate are latitude, relief, distribution of land and sea currents, elevation, rotation, revolution, the atmosphere, distance from the sea, lakes, soil, vegetation and so on. I think now you know the difference.
Thank you for your question Bonnie and Mark’s reply.
Mark is correct. The main difference between weather and climate is time. Weather refers to atmospheric conditions in a short period of time, while climate refers to longer periods of time.
Thankyou both of you~
Happy New Year everyone!!!
And Happy New Year to you too!!! Wish you all the best in your life, and to Rebecca, Alex, James, Ronnie, Valen, Jon likewise!!!
happy new year to you too ^_^
happy new year :)
Emma ? can you please help me to find out how to delete my account on ? do you maybe know if it’s actually possible to delete an account ? i would be happy if you could help me on that problem
You’re a very good teacher!!! Happy New Year!
Happy New Years , And Thank You So Much About Your ENGLISH Lesson
Thank you very much! I completely understood your lessen. than you!
Thank you very much!!
Hi guys. You should say only good things to Emma because I said some truth about her ability to teach only for help her and she deleted it. Think about it!
Thanks Emma…thank you very much
I m new one membre you’re very good teacher “emma” so your name, thank you very much we meet you in the next lesson
thank you very much Emma..
thank you for this useful topic and nice test that i have passed it successfully
thank you very much .
‘Alright’ and ‘all right’ mean the same thing. The problem with using ‘alright’ is that it is not grammatically correct. Some English speakers may use it, especially with friends or online, but it is never used in formal English.
Thanks Emma! Happy New year!
Thanks Emma!
Happy new year~!
thank u very much very this lesson
thanks a lot
Happy New Year! and thanks for answer me!
Emma, maybe you can help me, I undestand a good part of english, but when I’m listening a music I just undestand some phrases, at my work I have to speak in english, but I need to improve more my english, do you know a metod that can halp me to learn fast?
Hi Nascimento,
It’s very good you are so motivated. Your motivation to learn will definitely help you pick up English faster.
It’s normal to understand only some of the words in a song. The singer often sings the lyrics too quickly. Native speakers have trouble with this too, including myself.
There are great videos on this site that deal with speaking and listening. I suggest watching them.
Research shows that if someone is nervous, stressed out, or feels self conscious, their language abilities will go down, making speaking and listening more difficult. It’s important to try to be relaxed when you speak.
If you make a mistake while speaking, don’t worry about it too much. The most important thing is to get your ideas across and use your English as much as possible.
Organizing your points can also really improve your speaking. You can do this by using phrases like “First of all,” “In my opinion”, etc.”
I will be making more videos on listening and speaking soon. I’ll include some more tips and suggestions in them.
Emma, I am very glad you answered me and been so clear in his explanations, I agree with your point of view, when I’m off I try to watch movies in English so I can further improve my English, but my situation is worse because I have to deal with agendas of executives and can not fail to interpretation. We look forward to your new videos, Thanks!
thank you
hello,my dear Emma,you my congratulations and an excellent teacher
Thank you Emma. I passed my last vacations in Alaska, but in the past my english was so bad. Next time I will enjoy it more because of you (and other teachers of EngVid).
Great example!!!
thank you very much was very very useful…:)
thinks emma for this lesson your very good teacher, see you in the next lesson
Hello Emma Thanks for lesson, could you give me your email where can you send some doubts, Thanks ….
Thanks for the good lesson
Thank you so much
It’s really useful site for those who are learning English as a 2nd language
Thanks for this lesson, it was very interesting.
HI Emma
I’m seeing that you love teaching a lot, I can see it from the way that you always have to try to find right word. But why do we try to insert in the explanation a lot of grammar rules ?. when we speak we have no time to think about it, so by this way you never speak fluently but the universal method to teach (at school, courses, etc.) is: teach as mathematic operation. So, even after several years of study we will never speak at all. I ‘m listening you in order to understand american accent rather than your teaching because I need to figure out american people rather english people (I need for my work), so sorry for my sharp words that don’t want to teach anything to anyone but I want to ask you one question… how does a baby learn their native language before to go at school ? Sorry again , Gianni
Hi Gianni,
You raise excellent points! Language is more than just grammar. Language is also culture. It is important to learn about differences between formal and informal English, vocabulary, tone, rhythm, and the list goes on. For some people, learning grammar like a mathematical formula is easiest. Other people learn language differently. They have difficulty understanding grammar, but do well just by listening to the people around them talk. People learn language in different ways, and teachers need to teach in varied ways. Our videos try to keep in mind these different learning styles.
ESL teachers teach children and adults differently because they learn differently. Children’s brains are at different developmental stages. They tend to learn more intuitively, while adults learn more analytically.
Thanks a lot for your answer Emma. I agree with you when you say that there are different method of teaching but I think that all methods have to point at same outcome….for example… learn english as you have learned to drive your car. When you are driving your car you can talk with your friend or you can listen to music and meantime you can think what you will teach today just when you arrive at school . You have no to think about move your arms when you turn right or think about which gear to put in or when is time to break at the traffic light. This operation are done in automatically way, the brain areas involved aren’t those that you use for logical analysis so we have to learn language in the same way we learn to drive, trying, without reasoning. Clearly this is only my opinion.
Ciao and you still love your work (that is a beautiful work).
Hi Emma, I think you amazing. If you can do a lesson with some examples slang: ass.
Thank you.
11/10, I’m too smart, that’s what happens when you watch EngVig too much :DD
This story is for you Emma! You are new here, so I decided to share this with you :)
This is a story about 4 people named ANYBODY, EVERYBODY, SOMEBODY and NOBODY. There was an important job to be done and EVERYBODY was sure that SOMEBODY would do it. ANYBODY could have done it, but NOBODY did it. SOMEBODY got angry about that, because it was EVERYBODY’S job. EVERYBODY thought ANYBODY could do it, but NOBODY realized that EVERYBODY wouldn’t do it. It ended up that EVERYBODY blamed SOMEBODY when NOBODY did what ANYBODY could have done!!!
Thank you! I passed this lesson!)))
thank you,,,i like your way (great teacher)
thanks !!
Thank so much Emma, your lessons it’s very interesting, see you soon
Is there a difference between ”strange” and ”weird” ?
They mean the same thing. There’s no difference.
I’ve been told the second one (weird) may be a bit more insulting in some occasions. Is that sound about right? Thanks for the response!
Thank you very much for the useful lesson.
Thank you very much for this lesson
thanks a lot Emma
I passed the quiz test, and all my answer were correct!
Thanks,you are a great teacher!!!
Oh that great. Thank you so much.
Such a great teacher you are, Emma! =)
teacher did i passed the test? i got only 8 out of 10
You passed! Well done!
I got only 8 correct answer out of 10, did i passed the test?
Hi Emma,You are a teacher eased communication learn English!
I have ask? I used “past” with adjective and clock ok! For clock, use past ok If for example talk a on minute not clock also me too use past?
I passed a this a lesson with 8/10
Thank for learner English goodbye ;)
what is the meaning of ameen .many of my frds used this word in front of me
hello, thanks teacher for informative lesson. could we use pass in different sentences as well like
he passed away.
could we use for countries as well as America is past Canada. is it correct thanks and regards for your struggle.
I’m glad you brought up this example. There are many meanings of the word “passed”. This lesson looked at some of the most common.
“He passed away” is a correct usage of the verb. Passed away is a nicer way of saying someone died.
For example,
Her grandfather passed away two weeks ago. I went to the funeral.
In terms of describing where a country is located on a map, we don’t use past to describe location, just like we don’t use after. Instead we use south, north, east, and west. For example, the United States is south of Canada.
Let me know if this answered your question on past and countries.
yes i got it thanks regards.
could you please do some lessons on English slang thanks
i like the way you think . you think always positive i really love your teaching this is my first lesson i really liked it thanks.
you’ll pass if you think positive.
I passed many difficult times in my life in past.
please tell me about these sentences are they correct.
Hi akmajs,
Your sentences correctly used the word pass and past. Here are some minor corrections:
You’ll pass if you think positively.
I passed many difficult times in my life in the past.
Bad lesson and bad teacher
Thank you for your valuable input. The person responsible has been sacked.
“The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don’t know anything about.”
Wayne Dyer
Great saying. This a true. This is a true.
hi yousef i think you are very mistaken
Hi there,
I wanna know what does it mean by
“freak me”,actually it was in a song.
Tx in advance.
Thank you so much you know the first time I learn very well , I have question what is the difference between most ,all most thanks
Hi Omar,
I plan to make a video on the difference between most and almost soon.
Almost means nearly. It is an adverb. Here are examples of almost:
Nowadays, almost everyone seems to have a tv. (“Everyone” would be 100% of people. “Almost everyone” might be 90% or 99% of the people, not 100%)
Almost every second of the movie was boring. Almost all of the explosions in the movie looked fake.
(Again it means maybe 90-99% of the movie was boring)
Notice that “almost” is before words like “all”, “everyone” and “every”.
“Most” is an adjective that means the majority. For example,
Most people have a tv.
Most teachers love to teach.
Notice that most is before a noun.
hi,emma h r u,im im new comer in uk n having so much troubles to speak n listening eng,can u give me some basic steps of eng,tc
thank you very much ;it’s really a good lesson.
but i have a question because i’ve learned Eenglish as second foreign lge but i’m still doing mistake especially in writting how could you help us if u want that’s the problem of many people ?
you should think that i dont knew what is verb adj and all that staff
I hate such exercises.
When you see bla bla ___ bla.
What will you remember? you will remember: bla bla ___ bla.
hi Emma nice to see your English Lessons.
i really enjoyed it.
Hi Emma. Thank very much for this lesson, you are a great teacher.
Thanks Emma, i passed this test 10/10.
Dear teachers,
We have to say special thanks to You for your teaching with the very useful lesson. As you knows, being the learners so it is not easy to listen in English, and so if you are able, please speak little slower.
Thank You so much for your kind help.
Best wishes to You all.
With my best regards
Tran Van
I would like to give my appreciates to Emma for this lesson.
hi emma thank for this lesson .execuse me but i notice that you pronounce the “t” in the word often i think it’s not correct .the same for alex .please answer me
Can you give an example of a word? You might be noticing slight differences in our accents.
i want lrean english but how this my skybe (azooooza9) who can help me add me
Thank you you for helping now it is clear
Emma i passed 9 out of 10 thanks
Dear Emma
I like you to teach clearly.I’ve got 10 out of 10.I’m from Thailand.My city is flooded in the past Oct.-Nov. I’m very tried cleaning my house and have no time to surf computer but now is O.K.
very good teacher…..I hope to improve my skils of English soon….tanks EMMA
Giday mate, Emma! My name is Joshua who live in Sydney. I’m not Australian. I’m Korean-Australian. I Was born in Seoul. I emmigraged in Australia since 2006. I’m still learning Auzie English. I can’t thank you enough. I ‘ve got 100% marks. I passed this lesson. Can I suggest one thing. I graduate IT()
Hello Joshua. I’m student like you and love this website. I’m gonna go to Sydney and would like to know some people who live there. Do you have facebook or some social net. My face is I’ll wait for your answer.
Thanks Emma :)) i really enjoyed your tutorials. it’s not that hard to understand. you know how to make it make it simple. ive had fun watching your videos. again thanks a lot!
In the PAST, I knew that there were only six teachers. Then, I haven’t visited this website for more than a month. Now, I’m glad because there has been a new teacher. So, It’s the first time I’ve watched your video. Well, I PASSED this lesson by answering them all correctly.
Thank you so much, Madam. I hope you’re going to teach us frequently.
hi Emma
can you give a lesson about clock when you use past and to
Helpful !!!
Hi , Teacher: Emma:
I want to ask you about” time” American people say: five , thirty. but British people say: half past five. that’s correct or not .
thank you very much techer :)
Half past five is used in both the United States and Britain. You can also say five thirty.
Hi Emma:.
thank you for good teching. I hava littlie problom. Iam sure you can help me. Idon,t understand prasant perfact. you can help me?
thank you very much Miss. Emma:.
Hi Ms. Emma,
I’m a new member of this site. I find it very helpful but It will help much if u reorganize it, I mean please organize it in order if possible
Hi Emma, I like all your lessons. They are very explained. I would like watch more lesson from you.
Hi Emma
you can give me same advice for learning english and how answer exsam or test aese…
thank you very much techer :)
thank u very very much emma
thank you very much teacher
Thanks Emma you’re so nice teacher and good teaching .thanks for your time to explaine to me (I live in the house just,meaning already have a verb(live)so ,now ,I know the answer cannot be passed .and I had a headache earlier,it passed,means to go away .wow it that too’re so great explanation.God bless you.happy New year.
Thanks for your lesson, but I’m looking for all clauses, noun, adjective,adverb.
Great teacher, very, very
Thanks for your lesson!
thanks so much to teacher emma for that lesson
Hello Emma,
To begin with, thank you very much for your lessons!
They are very helpful and interesting and I would really like you to keep it on. :)
Could you please help me with an issue I heard in this movie?
At 2:59 (mm:ss) of the movie timeline you said: “… the leader of Germany is a woman, past it leaders have all been men…” (I hope I wrote it properly :) ).
So the question is why the Present Perfect was used there (“…past it leaders have all been men…”).
As I understand, we stated the fact from the past, german men are not the leaders of Germany now, so this is not the true now.
I mean that there is no connection to the present time and consequently we use the Past Tense in such cases.
I am not a native speaker and differences between the Past Simple and the Present Perfect have always confused me.
Could you please clarify this case from the video why the Present Perfect tense was used as I am really confused.
Thank you in advance, Emma, and thank you for your work!
Take care!
Hello Emma,
could you please find some time to answer?
I suppose the answer would be intereting for many people…
Hi EmmA plz read this
I like the way you teach you are a native speaker so your speaking English sounds really good. If possible I want you to add more videos on how to speak english like a native speaker ın my opinion these kind of videos will help us to improve our speaking skills because some of us already good at grammar on the other hand have difficulties in speaking the language.
thanks for your effort :)
This Video really help me.
Lovely teacher :-P , thanks for you lecture ^_^
thank you for your great job
Hi, Emma.
You are number one !!!
mam your lesson is good
thank to you alot
you are a good aminent teacher also i would ask one question that
can i say 20 minutes past 7pm (7:20pm)
You could say it’s twenty past seven. This means 7:20.
I see this category lesson that excited and useful.
thank you for useful lesson, plz keep it on……..
you are nice teacher and you have a melting sound i do like it
thank you !
thanks your reply also plese explain about may have and might have
That’s great. I love it…. by the way, Emma… can you make a lesson about the difference between have/has to and need to.
Thanks so much.
Look forward hearing from you soon.
Good one ..God bless you team..
the best english teacher i have ever seen in my life
god bless you
thank you
You are a great teacher…than you
thanks guys , this is the best site to learn english!
Hi, what did you say at the end of this video? “… next time.” I didn’t hear it clearly. Can you write it down here for me? Thanks.
thank you so much. may i ask to put more and more exercises here for each topic so that we can test our level of understanding to the certain topic. again thank you so much and i like the way of teaching.
Hi miss emma, Thanks for the lesson. I learnt very well about the past and passed where to use. Really a Great job. Thanks a lot. Keep it up.
great! thanks ;)
Thanks for the lesson.Very interesting.
I passed this test, Emma, thank you))
Thanx a Lot emma. I got it all . like u.:)
I love u mum
Emma It’s very very help full for me ..I want to develop my English skills It is very need ………..
Thank you Emma.
Thank you Emma You’re a great teacher….
Thank you;
Hello Emma,
I watched all your lessons and passed all in the past moment of tonight.
Best of luck
emma you are a dynamic teacher i ever saw
maybe it’s better to say:”most dynamic”?
Dear Emma,
Thank you so much, teacher. Your lesson is so fantastic and amazing.
Teacher, can i ask you why your videos is less than other teachers ? Because i have watched all of your lessons and perhaps you oould make more videos for us. ^_^
Teacher Emma,
What’s the difference between the words “just”, ” only”, “merely”. Can your give me some examples for my question.
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thanks in advance.
Hi Emma, thanks for the useful lesson.
thank you .
hi emma im little confused abt the preposition after can u gve me sme mre examples in past i dnt get the example 20 min aft 5 wht does it realy means plzz can u xample
Thank Emma…. My ask you for a favor? may you record a vidio about anatomy, parts into the body or medicine vocabulary… I know that i could read about it but i feel sure when i hear You because I listen the pronunciation…. Thank for all Guys
hi emma ,
Please give me a hand
what do you mean ”on my way to school” and
I live in the house just ”past” the church
okay i understood these expressions and also i got 10 out of 10 but i don’t understand what both of sentences mean
Hi Emma,
Thank you Emma for this significant demonstration between passed (verb) and past (verb). I enjoyed this lesson. Ilook forward to hearing from you soon . sinserely Tahar
wow, very interesting class, i feel good and found world class teacher, thanks emma
thx so much for ur english lesson,it’s really great!!
You Are My Sunshine
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
When skies are grey.
You’ll never know, dear,
How much I love you.
Please don’t take my sunshine away…
Good job Emma,TALLL!
Dear Emma: Abundant thanks from the core of my heart
hi dear emma i am really thankful to u keep posting such videos
Nice class as always. Thanks Emma, you are a great teacher
10 out of 10 ;)
this is an easy one, I like it…
Ali, which country of Saudi are you from??
Thank you so much Emma! Blessings:)
Dear Emma, You are wonderful!!!
For the first time, I really love an English lesson!
You are a great teacher.
Thank you so much!
Thanx Emma
I scored 10/10
I scored 10 out of 10. Thank you very much Emma!!!
And again success! I’v made 10 out of 10. Emma, Thank You so much :)
Thanks Emma for yuour lessons.
Thanks Emma, You are a good teacher.
Your valuable times are highly appreciated.
thanks a lot Emma .
Thank you very much.
thanks miss emma , for help .
and excuse me you’re very nice on the long the hair.
thanks so much .
I like this lesson and I love you best teacher “Emma” and I hope you tell me the difference between perhaps and maybe as soon as possible please
9 out of 10.. not bad. thanks for the lesson. it really made easy to understand.
Thank you so much Emma and the Engvid team. God bless you all!
Thanks Emma ,I love your teaching,Have a good one .
Emma, the best teacher of this channel…
Hi Emma,
your way to teach is verry good. And beside of that, I am impressed how dedicated you are in dealing with your comments are.
It is nice to follow you.
Dear Emma
i watched it and took the quiz and scored 9,so sad.hope i passed the test although i made a silly here 40 past i am going review my past lesson.
I had a difficuly between diferences of past and passed in the past that by Emma teaching passed
Dear Emma,
i m very much impressed the way u r explain,thanks a lot.
i wanna to know where have have or have had use in the sentence please.
thank you
Hi Emma, I’m highly indebted to you that who have provided us with an opportunity to improve our English. I love your lecture videos the most and wish you long life for such precious lectures to produce. Thanks a lot Emma, once again.
I am Mr. Muhammad Tahir Qureshi From Pakistan, KPK Mohallah New Islamabad, Par Hoti Mardan
Hi Emma, i’d like to say Thank you very much for this lesson. I just learnt this lesson. it very useful to improve my english. in the past i usually confused to use these words. but now i could pass your test with scored 10 out of 10
It’s excellent! Please do a lesson about Cross Vs Across and Cause vs Because
Excelente! Por favor haz uno con las palabras Cross Vs Across y Cause vs Because.
Please delete my past comment.
I have a new version:
I have difficulty to pronounce S letter at the end of a word when the past word ends with S letter too.
For example:
ArchaeologiSTS Study.
In a fact the plural “..STS” is difficult by itself.
Please could you Do a lesson about that.
You are helping me TOO MUCH.
In other hand, writing this comment I got a new question:
May I write “The past word” and “the passed word”?
Thanks a lot, Emma. Clearly undersood difference between past and passed. But I confuse their pronunciation. Are their pronunciation same?
Thanks a lot Emma, you are the best teacher.
Hy Emma. U seem nervous in this video and seem in a hurry. You could have a better lecture if u are Able to get your nervous well on videoing. I have to rethink of what U’re telling us, only then I could get your point. Tq…nervous hinders delivering process? D y agree? ;)
Thanks a lot~
thanks for the lesson. Now, it’s clear to me when to use past and passed.
thank you so much Emma, great teacher perfect
lesson about “past” and ” Passed”
thank you so much
Thank you Emma, I enjoyed listening to your lesson and it helps me a lot. Could anyone help me to improve my English skills? here’s my skype id azodanes you can add me so that we can talk and practice our English skills. Thanks in advance Godbless :)
Great lesson! Thank you!
Greetings from Poland :)
Thank you Emma! All my answers were correct!
I passed the test I got 10\10
thank u Emma
Thanks Emma you are a great teacher!!!
Thank you very much. 10 out of 10. you are a wonderful teacher. Please accept my best greetings.
Excellent lesson!
Thanks for this lesson, it was very interesting.
Emma,it’s very useful.Thanks!^^
Thanks, Emma. I commence to understand English (listerning), a little ;-)
Thank you very much!
thanks emma your the best teacher i know alot lesson form your teaching.please teach new lesson.
I passed the test :D
Thanks Emma, you did a good job in teaching english.
Thank you for your wonderful class, I love you so much.
Thank you very much emma,Iike the way of your teaching.I eager to learn more & more to improve my grammer.
thanks Emma you are very good teacher.
Hi Emma,
Thanks for the lesson. I have noticed so many people in my place they are grammatically or the pronunciation is not correct but they don’t stop speaking and end of the day people assume that they spoke very well. My problem is during conversation with others if noticed that I have made any mistake I tried to correct that and then people take it negatively and start speaking in local language to give me a comfort however I feel very embarrass that time. Please suggest your view to fix this problem :(
nice hair!
tnx, it was so clear.
if u plz ,could you tell me more about “ain’t” ; can we use it in all negative forms.tnx again.
sorry 4 mistakes
Excellent Emma, thank you very much…..and Happy new year
Thank you Emma
I got 10/10
thank you emma :)
Thanks Emma
I have passed this quiz. Thanks Emma
thank you emma
I love you
hi Emma!
I have such question. Im 29 old. I have no any education and Im beginner. So is it possible for me to become as russion-english translator?
I’ve got 10 of ten.Thank for the useful vídeo.You have a good way to teach!
I wrote correctly?
9 correct out of 10 – Thomas from Poland thx
emma: ihave got a 7 collecuto out of 10. do you think this is pass the quize?
i got 100 %
you are a pretty woman and a exellent theacher
thanks a lot for your time :)
I love you….
Hi. Emma this is my first day.
hello Emma ! I passed your quız. 10/10
thankyou very much indeed Emma.
Emma , ı have a qouestion this example.
Archaeologists study (PAST ) cultures.
Emma my ansver is passed. because archaeologists were study cultures lesson. can you explaın ?
Emma thank you very much for this brilliant explanation that helped me a lot.
I GOT 100 OUT OF 100.KS
Thanks a lot Emma. I got 10 correct out of 10 in this quiz, so in this case I passed the quiz successfully!!
very, good, interesting, well lesson!!!!!!thanks Emma
thanks ,I passed the quiz
Hi Emma, I’m a new studenti. Thanks a lot.
Brilliant, thanks a million Emma
Thank you very much for this lesson
thanks a lot.
Thanks Emma.
Actually do not speak any English. I’m learning.
Completely clear…!! Thank you.
Dear teacher you are really beautiful I love your hair and I can understand you perfectly
thanks for this lesson
You are brilliant Emma! I love the way you teach us. You made English so simple. Thank you very much.. :)
thank you our teacher
Thank you Teacher Emma.
Thank you teacher Emma, I am so happy, I got 100 on my quiz.
very good lesson
Thanks Emma for doing this for us!!! Serbia say HI to you!!!
Wooahh *__* beautiful hair! :D
hi, I didn’t know about the difference in the past, but with the help of this video lecture I passed the test and got ten out of ten. :)
I just loved the way you teach.
Thanks a lot Madam.
your lesson was very helpful, good job, keep uploading, thanks Emma.
i got 10 correct out of 10 . thank you for all your help . i assure myself that someday i can fluently speak english as a native speaker .what a productive lesson!
I learn a lot today, thank you Emma.
Hi! Emma,
I have a facing problems in tenses, will you help me, if you have prepared any lectures on tenses please provide me the link so that i may learn from there.
I passed the quiz :D
Thank you very much Emma and I think I passed it, 90
Thanks got 90%.
Your lesson has useful Emma.
Thank you so much
Thankyou very much; I really love your lesson!
God bless you Emma !!!!! And thanks for your help !!!!
thanks emma.realla its was useful lesson about passe and past
Dear Professor Emma,
Diffrent topic – definit and indefinit article. IT IS NOT AN EASY TASK FOR NON NATIVE SPEAKERS.
I cannot find clear and practical feedback concerning “the” or “a” before nouns ending in -ing.
The only practical observation is that often the article is omitted.
I belive that you are a right person to make a proper and useful explanation.
Thank you in advance.
All the best to you and your family.
It serems to me that it is better to say ” I belive that you are the right person ( actual talented teacher)to form a lesson and provide necessary examples.
This lesson was very interesting because I got the abstract idea and I could separate between verb , noun, adjective and preposition.
I go 10 of 10 yupi!, i ´m very happy.
Thanks Emma, you´re a very good teacher.
Yes, again I got 100 in scale of 100 that indicates dear Emma made me understand the lecture and I am appreciated by the power of Emma.
Dear Emma, would you like give some difference between ‘Game’ and ‘Sports’?
thanks Emma ..i got 100 ^^
Good video. Thank you Emma
Thank you!
thanks a lot emma ,that was very useful , iam really love this site
Thanks Emma …I got 100%
Thanks Emma!
you are good teacher emma . tank you
SUPER helpful, Thanks Emma!
It’s so great.Thanks alot
I got 10/10…many thanks to Emma !
Thanks a lot Emma.
i enjoy the lesson so much
i passed the test i got 100% thanks my best instructor emma
Thanks, Emma.
Iam new here, I just played one quiz of ur lesson. it is great instrumental for me & I hope that it will be good for me to learn english.
dear Emma I passed All beginner lessons.thank you
thank you very much
Thanks Emma you rock’s
thank y very much Miss Emma
Thank you Emma , Your lessons are very usefull to me and I like your way of teaching, Thank you very much.
Thank so much, Emma.
thank u so much emma ur the best teacher ….
Thank you Emma.
Thank you, Emma. I enjoyed today’s lesson, too.
I love Emma
Thanks so much I enjoyed and see you in another video
Thank u very much!
Hello Teacher
can you give a lesson about Anyone and no one
Thank you again, it was my third lesson with you in one hour, Teacher, … for this one I passed its test with 100% of succeed …
Tnks a lot)))
Hello! Maybe intuition helped me (I said 7/10), but the lesson I was not very clear. Unfortunately, a lesson I can put only 6/10, no more.
Emma, you really enjoy teaching English. You are a great teacher!!!
Thanks a lot.
Emma my quiz:
You got 10 correct out of 10.
Score 80 :D
I can do it better. Thank you.
Yes I have 8 out of 10 ! Ok GOt it !
I’m passionate about your teaching and i got 9 out of 10. Thank you Emma
Good work
Can you explain to me what is the difference between have, and have to please
Thanks teacher, the lesson is useful to me. i got 9 out of 10.
Hi emma. Thank your lession. It’s great for me. But I wonder about ” ago” and “past” . I can use “in the ago” by ” in the past”. Because Past in the Noun and Ajd mean before as same as ago. I hope you undersant my question. I can not speak english well.thanks
It is great, thanks very much T Emma
I need passed my English test 15 of june! Can you help me? (I don’t know English very well)
thanx emma
Hi thanks to let me know!
but I am confused to figure it out differences between adjective and preposition of past. Because they both modify noun. Anyone can please explain it with examples?
Thanks Emma, I’ve just passed your English test.
I passed the test…thank for your lesson Emma.
Thanks Emma. I love your class
9/10 :'( in 15 seconds
thank you emma. I will subscribe your lecture step by step.
Thanks Emma
Thanks a lot, Emma.
I love your lessons.
nice one! thanks alots
I passed your quiz successfully, Emma. Thank you a lot.
Perfect lesson! Thank you, Emma!!!
Today’s lesson was also useful to me.Thanks, Emma!
”watch the lesson → do the test” , which is very important
to understand the contents deeply.
Take care until next time. ha,ha!
Your lessons very useful .Thank you so much.
9 out of 10, not bad. :)
I passed the test 100%….
You are very good teacher
see you soon
thank you for all amma
Thanks Emma i really like it
Thanks Emma i really like it
I got a perfect score, easy to understand this video. Thanks again :)
In my opinion,it is a very useful lesson.
Thanks a lot Emma!
thaaaaaaaaaaaanks you emma
i passed the test i got 9/10 not bad
Thanks you so much.
Hi, I passed the test i got 10 out of 10. Thanks a lot :)
It’s very helpful. Thank you! Be healthy and happy!
First of all, I haven’t known difference between words. Thank you for explaining difference about between weather and climate.
By the way, You have tought very well with examples alot. Also, I agree with you, because you said learning grammar like a mathematic formula is easiest.
Thank U, very helpfull. :)
wow thank you so much
I passed the test 9/10
All the questions in the quiz were easy,so i passed them.
I got 9out of 10. thank’s Emma, you’re my favorite teacher.
Thanks Emma .
Thanks a lot
Thank u so much!!
Would you let me know methods of listening well?
I am studying everyday and hardly(^^ Just I thought…) but the listening and speaking skills are not go well. Pls let me know your secret methods. ㅠㅠ
thank you Emma you are doing great
keep it up
thank you teacher~~~~
I got 100 ?
It was very useful lesson for me. In the past I lived in better country then now. All past presidents in my country were men as well. I live in apartment just past the stadium. If somebody ask me now, what time is it?I would say eleven past eleven 11:11 p.m. I passed the factory on my way to work every day. I had a backache in the morning but it passed. The training course was hard but I passed it smoothly!Usually I drive slowly and yesterday I was driving slow and all the other drivers on the road passed me – same as allways:)
I got 10 out of 10, thank you very much teacher Emma!
7/10 is well for me i wanna thank you my teacher emma you are great teacher that lesson wenderful thank’s teacher emma good blessin for you
Thank you Miss Emma.
its real great for Us, Than you ma’am.
i passed the emma’s test :) even though in the past i didnt take any test jajaja
I passed to leave a comment, thanks Miss Emma.
Oh my god! 10/10 Very great :))
thank you for Emma.
thank you so munch!
Thanks a lot Emma, You are an amazing teacher
Thank you Emma!
I got 10 thank you very much teacher
Thank you very much Emma
Realy. Thank you :))
thanks a lot,, my regards
Thank you really >>>
my regards for you
Hi Emma,
I passed the test also (10/10) hehe.
Thanks for help.
Thanks Emma for all of this videos. But in this video there is some mistakes in subtitles. For example when you give the website name, it gives another websites.
King Regards..
Thanks a lot! I also passed the quiz! Emma, you are great!
I passed my GED test when I was in community college. I don’t remember my past driving test.
Thanks Emma!
Understand more well about how to use these two words.
and your examples let me more clear. :)))
Thanks, Emma. Good lesson. I got 100
thans, Emma your lessons are very clear and I hope to learning quikly.
10/10. When I watch your videos I understand everything ’cause the way that you teach is great.
Thank you so much, Emma
The best regards from Mexico.
I got 10/10!! Thanks!! Great lesson Emma!
l got 9/10 .
15th June 2017,
Thank you Ms Emma, Im really keen on your voice, I watch your vedio everyday.
Now I got 100 points for this lesson because of you ^^
Thank you Emma!I really like your class.
thank u …
its good i have 9 thanks for learning miss emma
I PASSED your test! And I want to watch your PAST lesson, too. ;)
I’d like to thank you for lesson. Although my driving license test was difficult I succeded in passing my exam.
Well done Emma
Thank you Emma, very clear :)
thank you Emma, another useful video again:)
thank you M.Emma ..
I hope that I passed this topic “past&passed”.
Thank you Emma :)
Thank u!
I learn so much with engvid!
i passed the test 7/10
Thank you
Thank you very much teacher Emma.Your lesson is great.I’m very happy because passed the test.
I have done my test exam and i succeed 90% i am very glad to be here, our teacher emma is very exciting
i’m so happy to learn with emma and passed afraid of english rules
Thank u emma
If you ask me, you’re my favorite teacher ?
Thanks Emma. You’re an amazing teacher.
thank you so much
10 correct:)with your help
You got 9 correct out of 10.
thank you
Loved this lesson, scored 10/10. Thanks Emma..
Hi thanks a lot
thank u Emma i passed this exam and scored 10/10
Well Done
Emma, thank you! You explain very clearly.
thank you very much
thank you very much,Emma
thank you
i think i passed the test. Thanks Emma for nice lesson
Hi, Emma! Wow! Yeah! This lesson was really informative and useful! So, thank you so much! See ya!
Thank you Emma you have helped me out a lot THANK YOU
By the way I passed the test 10/10 :)
that very intresting
Thank you very much !!
Very cool lesson… The past lesson I got 88, now I’ve got 100, so I passed :D
i got 100% it’s superb .Thankx EMMA!
I got 10/10.
Thank you so much~
thank you Emma I understand this lesson.
Thank you
Thank you Emma?
Thank you!
well I passed this test already “))
Obrigado Emma, fiquei em dúvida apenas na frase que fala da igreja…” EU VIVO NA CASA DEPOIS DA IGREJA”, fiquei um pouco confuso, pois past…passado, mas a aula muito boa. Obrigado.
Em português falamos algo parecido, obvio que depende de qual estado mora, mas no geral falamos: “Ele mora passando aquela igreja/casa/mercado”. Espero ter ajudado.
Enjoyable. Thanks!
thank you!
I got 10 correct out of 10 !
I passed this lesson.
Thank you Ma’am Emma your lesson.
I passed the Quiz right now. Thank you so much, Emma.
Very useful for me!
Thank you very very much :)
Just started learning, thanks much emma ! You ‘re just an awesome.
In the past, his teaching skills were not as developed. But time has passed and you have become one of YouTube’s best English teachers. Congratulations and thanks for the lessons!
Thank you very much.
Just a 100 again. Thank you Miss Emma.
Thank you!
Thanks. Very informative and simple
9/10! If I learned English with Emma in the past when I studied at university, the English test would be passed by one time.
thank you.
thank you for your lesson.10/10
Thanks for all your endeavors and devotion.
thank you very much. I am enjying
10/10 Emma you are an awesome teacher…thank you so much
A great lesson!
do you have extention in this lesson?
i studied your lesson about hairdresser.
Your explanations are excellent. Thank you!
thank you Emma , such a good teacher you are !!!
thank a lot Emma (Kazakstan, 17oct2021)
I got 10/10 thank you Emma!
Thank you so much Emma. I got 10 correct out of 10.
Although this video was first produced 10 years ago , you have been marvelous teacher since your early start . Your simple easy explaination and clear accent have been the same.God bless you .
thank you Emma
I got 9/10 thank you Emma!
I find it’s excited to learn English,especially When I try to use it correctly. A new world is coming to me.
Thank you again for your lessons.
Thanks dear Emma i’m very happy that i got 10/10 i really like the way you speak you are awesome😘
I watched this video while looking up the dictionary.
I was able to understand the difference in meaning and parts of speech.
thank you.
thank you a lot
Bunch of thanks