In this grammar lesson, you’ll learn when and how to use the past perfect. It’s much easier than you think. You may even start using the past perfect as soon as you finish watching the lesson. Try it, and see for yourself.
very good i like the way of teching by rebacca, thanks alot
Rebeca thank you a lot ,I always watch your videos ,is easy for me , to understand you.thank you again ¡¡¡
By the time I ended my lesssons i had graduated from my college
great lesson! thank you very much
hey mr lounis .. i wish you are wel .. just want to know some friends . and spicialy algeriens persons … so .. they told me that if i want improving my english , i should speak with people whos speak it very well .. so .. if you haven’t a problem to accept me as a friend .. and why not to learn it together … thank you !
Thanx a lot, its really v gd lessen
I had understood everything, thank u Rebecca 4 the free lesson. you are a great teacher. beside you have a wonderful smile.
Efrain Dominguez
‘I had understood everything’, is NOT past perfect, Efrain. Rebecca said it is simple but it is extremely difficult. If it were easy, you would not have written what you wrote. It is a very useful device but most grammar teachers cannot make it make sense. But keep trying, Efrain, you’ll get there.
‘I had understood everything’actually is a past perfect but Efrain didn’t use it properly.
thank you guys to let me know. so I have understood everything is right? so long n’ good bye.
Efrain Dominguez
Sorry Efrain maybe You have understood everything and not you had……. bye.
thanks Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca! As always your lessons are very clear and useful.
Thanks a lot madam,before this lesson i couldn’t distinguish between present perfect and pas perfect, i was often use past simple to show past but after this lesson all the confusion has over, Engvid doing a very well job for those who feels shy to go language center because they think people will laugh on them, some of them due to hesitation & mostly doesn’t afford their fees. so that’s a awesome work… I’m thankful to the owner or the teachers indeed, Engvid became my habit if i don’t watch videos i can’t feel better….
Rebecca i have just a slightly confusion between present or past perfect so would you please explain it briefly to make sure about these tenses that I’m using correct or not,
and check is i wrote correct what are my mistakes I’ll be happy if you find my mistakes because in future i want to become a english grammer teacher so you know teacher should have a complete specialization in his field I’ll be waiting for your answer
M.Arsalan latif
Arsalan latif
I feel the same I think it was a great explanation, because I never had understood the diference.
and I beleave that you Practice a lot your wrinting, because you did a good explanation.
thank you very much
Thank you for a very useful lesson.
Thanks very nice lesson
This is the easiest and the most clearly explanation I’ve ever met. Thank you very much.
In this case I’d say “I’ve ever seen”.
It’s just a tip!
See ya!
thanks a lot Rebecca i’ve got 6 out of 6
But to be honest I didn’t get this lesson well could you please tell us when could use past simple or PP
Thank you so much you’re a professional teacher.
Hi Rebecca
I liked this lesson very much as well the way you explained it
You really are a professional teacher just as is was said above
Could you please tell me if Valen will show up with her lessons?
I will wait for the answer.
Thank you
That’s just a curiosity of mine, okay?
Hi, Rebecca. Let me tell you that you are the best teacher at or, at least, you are the one that explains better. I’m not telling you that the other teachers are not good teachers – in fact, all they are great teachers, but you are excellent. It’s impossible for us not to understand the subject when you explain it. You are the best. Thank you so much.
Daniel C Herculano
Your teaching style is very understandable, Rebecca. Can you increase your teaching on advance lessons?
Your teaching approach is very good Rebecca. Can you increase your lessons on advance English ?
Really, Thank you Rebecca. I got the point now. keep it up!
Teacher Rebecca
I would like you to take a doubt:
Can I use the present perfect with the Past Perfect by writing or saying senteces like this:
“I had done a lot of homework when my sister has arrived today”?
Greeting from brazil and all the best.
no you couldn’t use past perfect with present perfect that setance is wrong you made that ok bye.
dsilva179, you better construct your sentence this way.
I have done a lot of homework when my sister has arrived.
Correct me if i’m wrong. ?
Thank you very much indeed.
I have a bachelors degree in computer and info. system engineering. Now, I want to live in Germany, so I applied for a Phd in German universities. Taha, my cousin had lived in Germany, so I called him to find out more about the culture and lifestyle there.
Correct me, if there is any mistake in the above sequence of sentences.
Skype: mursaleen_1
mursaleen your cousin is still in germany ?
My cousin no longer lived in Germany… He returned from there before I applied for…
I had done my homework, before I watched TV.
Thank you very much.
the best grammar teacher.
hi firsrt i am sorry about my english but i have to say this is agreat site and i am very happy to learn english thans a lot
Please post on my wall vallen teachers lessons please
Thank you for your lesson Rebecca. I’ve always had problems with past perfect tense, but your class was very clear. I think I won’t have more problems with that in the future. Thank you
Thank you Rebecca. You explianed very clearly.
great lesson. well-done.
Thank you Rebecca for the very good lesson! Could you make a video lesson about the causative? Thanks in advance :)
thank you rebecca the lesson is clear
kinan kutich
Thanks a lot Rebecca,But Ronnie said first we have to use past perfect in the sentence and then only we have to use simple past
she said like that in simple past vs past perfect lesson !!
Thank you Prof. Rebecca really i am always confused with the past perfect , but now it is okay.
Thank you my teacher Rebecca.A simple way to learn past perfect tense.
Madam, Your way of teaching is simple and excellent. Thanks from the core of my heart for the lesson. Kind regards, Nadeem
Thank you very much Rebecca. Your lesson was great as usual.
When I listened to the lesson, my kids had already gone to sleep.
We also use the past perfect tense when we use the reported speech like: he said he had gone to Canada last year.
appreciated job, thanks Rebecca.
Thank you very match Mr Rebecca that helps my a lot I like English language
The lesson was very helpful. Thanks.
sandy kaur
thanks my dear teacher rebbeca when i started lesson i had already taken my lunch
please answer my question
This is the best way to learn past perfect tense. Thank you very match Mr Rebecca.
This is Rebecca: always doing her best to help us improve our English! Thank you very much indeed!
thank you
its very imporant lesson
Thanks a ton
Thamks Miss Rebecca, Now I understand how to use past perfect, you are a great teacher!
Thanks Mr Rebecca that helps my a lot I like ur English language
this video is made me understand of an important part in English. I really like your Website. I am not a native speaker so I need to know how to speak and so on. Thank you so much that you create this program to halp the learners.
Darah Sum
Thank you very much Rebecca
thank you so much Rebecca
from Morocco, Thanks again xox
this the first time i understad past perfect ,thanks
the lessons are good and i want to have access to download the video file and have interesting to listen at home too. thanks
I want to thank you, so thank you so so so much for your helping other to learn English language for free.
My regard.
this lesson is really very helpful,
Very simple, thanks.
Hi Rebecca Thank s lottttttt.
Can I dowloder these videos? Is it possibly? thanks for your answer…..
thanks madam…. now i can understand…past perfect
Rebecca, you are great teacher. Thank you very much!!!!!
thanks very much……….
I loved this site and I always enjoy the lessons it’s helping me a lot. Very good job guys.
This is the easiest and the most clearly explanation I’ve ever met. Thank you very much.
nadja fawaz
Thanks Rebecca, while I was watching this video, my brother had done his homework…
thank you
Hi there!
I’ve just discovered this site & I enjoyed very much watching & learning from the topics that you discussed.
Thanks a lot!
What a great lesson, Rebecca!
Your explanation is easy to understand as well as very helpful everyone who is studying this topic! I would to say thanks a lot for all the lessons! Keep doing this amazing work!
Best Wishes
From Brazil,
yes! :D I got it
its very easy, thank you Rebecca.
Thank You Rebecca,this was good quiz.
Thanks a lot Rebecca, This lesson seemed too complicated for me, now it’s easier.
thanks rebeeca
zia ul hassan
Thank you for your perfect lessons.It’s very helpful and interesting to me.
Thank you rebecca. When I saw your video I hadn’t known past perfect tense yet.
thank yo very much that was helpful to me
Great Explanation, I clear understand!
Thank you for this lesson!
So “formula” of Past Perfect is: Past Simple + (,and, etc) + Past Perfect. Am I right?
Thanks, Rebecca I rely rely appreciate you. It was so useful.
Thanks Rebecca, this lesson is very helpful, i was afraid of usage of past perfect tense but after watching this video its nothing. again thanks to engvide site to upload such a informative video
thanks from kosovo
dardan jonuzaj
thank you
Thanks Rebecca. Your teaching is wonderful.
Thank You Rebecca, really I understand it and love it, Great Thanks
Mohd. Yassin
thnks mam..
After your lesson,
i had graduated in past perfect tense..
thanku rebecca…
Thank you very much Rebecca!
This lesson was very clear and helpful to me.
Thank you very much Rebecca.Your lessons are wonderful and very easy to understand.
You looks like my english teacher. If all U.S.A people were speaking like you I would avoid a lot of headache. Unfortunately it isn’t so.
great lesson, you are really professional at teaching, congratulation for your didatic. are you using your normal rythm speaking or are you slowly in order to give us time to undertand better you ?. for me it’s really good.
thank you rebecca for the free english video lesson you are a great teacher for me.
thanx 4 the lesson verey much but i wana ask u why you use had instead has
and thanx a lot
Thank you so much Rebecca.
Abhijeet Thakur
May be the best lesson that I’ve been, perfect.
Thanks for your lesson, Rebecca.
thanks a lot Rebeca it was very useful and I had understand every things
I have got 6 out of 6. Thanks you every much for teaching me.
Oh sorry, I made a mistake.
Thank you very much for teaching me.
Thank you so much
thanks I understand all topic from colombia ;)
thanks a lot
Thanks Rebbica for the lesson ,could you please make a video about future perfect tenses and thanks!!!
thanks Rebeca.
thank u very much
Thanks Rebeca,
lesson is extra understandable
thanks you for the lesson
This presentation was superbly and incandescently delivered! Thanks a zillion.
Madison Freeman
hi rebeca, i am an international student in australia and i would like to know how to use (AT ALL) sometimes the people use it but i dont undestand well.
thank you
Dear Mrs Rebecca, thank you so much for this lesson !
Best regards from Argentina. Javier
Thank you very much for this usefull lesson, I really appreciate all you teachers do for us, god bless you.
Thank you very much! So easy to understand! All teacher form engvid are great! I’ chemistry teacher and I know what I say. I try to teach enghlish, so don’t judge me harshly.
i hope that you have also an examination all english grammar, comprehension response. Combine all.
Dear Rebecca,
Wouldn’t you like to tell us regarding Objective & Subjective Infinitive Constructions in a new nearest lesson? Our language doesn’t include an any similar things, therefore i feel some misunderstanding when encountering these Constructions as result.
Best regards
thank you. your teacheing is very good
thank you Rebecca
thank you very mach
I scored 6 out of 6. Thank you.
it was great
I must say it’s a great effort. I have started learning English again and focusing on grammar.
Yah was great thank you my teacher
thank you so much ms. rebecca i didn’t expect that i got the perfect score in your quiz i quess its too hard but i got it thanks alot..
Thanx for clarifying it, it was a great lesson.
Ayaz Sheikh
thank’s for lesson rebecca. very clear and usefull
I can,t thank you enough , you are the best
pleas,If possible,help me about (further),this word(further) confuse me to much
u r d best teacher .Thanks mam .
S.Sameena Anjum
Hi Rebecca, Can you explain in what suitation and condition use shall, will, can, should, would and could.
tank a lot
u teach very nice
i tank a lot
Hi guys!! thanks so much for all those exercises, i think it’s the best way to learn fully any part of grammar, in this case the past perfect tense. Humbly, i say that i got 5 out of 5, byeee
Hai,REBECCA,you’r a real teacher inmy vision.when I watchedthis vedio I had’nt brushed my teeth,I had’n’t taken my bath,i had’n’ttaken exercise.Actuallyif I takethese will be over my free online time.
Hey Rebecca! Thank you very much for your lesson, it was so helpful for me indeed !
thanks alot mam…it was amazing..
hi rebecca thanks for this class and thanks Engvid to show us these videos 6 out 6 byee rebecca
its super
thanks i got 5 out of 5
thanks for your lesson rebecca…
Your way of teaching is very good and so understandable for Asian’s accent. Superb and so helpful.
Dear team!
What I observed in this site is you people are taking every comment as serious and all are responding. I request to you people is please place all the grammar classes in a good mannar. like
irrespective of the teacher. Then we can find all the related classes at one location. Please try to implement it. Thank you
Thank You Ms. Rebecca, Really your explication is very easy to be understood , helpful and useful.
very helpful thanks!!
mutaki awan
it was just a usefull lesson for me.
way of teaching as well as the lesson was so good.
I am studying English in west coast of Canada now. But it seems this video help me understand more than the teacher who i study with. Thank you very much.
thanks a lot you make it too simplified to me
hanks you a lot my teacher rebecca, but l have to ask you one question, can l say;l have got your message now? l hope you explain as well as l want. ok
Thanks a lot. Your explanation is wonderful. I could understand well. Thanks again and I wish you have a nice day. Bye^^
Thank you Rebecca. You are very good teacher. Your explanation is good so I could understand well. Thanks again and I wish you have a nice day.
This is really good for me! Clear pronunciation with good examples.
Thank You Ms. Rebecca, Really your explication is very easy to be understood , helpful and useful
I like that way you have for the explanations of the lessons.
Happy to be my teacher.
god bless you
Before I did quiz,I had already understood to get scores 6 out of 6.Because your explanations are very clear.Thanks a lot Rebecca
you are a good teacher.i love your way to teach the student.thanks to u for wonderful conception about past perfect tense……..
thank you mum
I love your pronouncation!
hehehe I really like whatch videos like this cause is like a game to me hehehe ps. my native language is portuguese not english.
thanks rebecca for ur nice teaching…:)
is this correct if i use, ‘had took’ in the sentence when jane arrived, her husband had ‘taken’. i used the word took instead of taken. help me . tq.
thank for lesson i like your pronouncation thanks
upul janaka
when i finished studying english in the school, i hadn’t understood how to use the past perfect jet, now, thanks to you, i will improve this weakness.
thanks a lot
Hi Rebecca !!! Thanks for video !!! You explained the lesson very clearly! I think everyone can get it easy! yeah I don’t have any problem with my perfect tense cause we have this tense in our native language too. Thanks again !!!
Hi Rebbecca , you are a excellent teacher Im very happy learning with you , Im writing from Chile.I love this channel in youtube. and all the teachers too.
Hi Rebecca, Thanks for your work on this and other lessons!
Can I ask for you?
Can you please create a lesson or lessons where to explain where we use first, second and third form of verb (in what cases, with examples (for example – first form of verb we use in Present [I go to home…] or third form of verb we use in Present Perfect […], Pasive Voice [….], etc ….)).
This lesson would add an understanding of what is the three forms of the verb and where each we can use.
I think this will very helpful for people which learn English and learn that in English there are 3 form of verb – people at a go would understand where this we can use and where this is used.
Thank you so much Rebeca
Thank so much and you can help us about gramma
Thank you very much Madam !
I am just confused between the present perfect and the past perfect. To my knowledge, the present perfect is used also to express an action that is performed before another one in the past. Thus, How can i guess which tense must be used in such situations.
Thank you in advance !
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you so much for the lesson. It’s very helpful.
Thank you for lessonn
thanks lot,i got 6 out ot 6
great lesson really a marvelous one
basit ali
hello !teacher ,I have been watching your video for couples of months so,I really love it and it is helpful for me to get by .thank you.
Thank you.♥
Very good class about past perfect. It helped me a lot. Congratulations.
Thank u very much
That was easy to understant
Very halpful,Thank you Rebecca
Finally I got it ! Thank you so much! It was so clear, any questions.
This explanation was quite clearly. would you mind explaining that you used to “by the time” instead of “when”? Thanks a lot Rebeca I appreciate you.
Best Regars from Turkey
‘by the time’ is only an expression implying the same meaning as ‘when’
Thanks a lot jaan to your explication.
Thaks a lot, Rebecca!
thanks for the perfect lesson, finally I know how to use it now:-)
hi Rebacca thanks for the free lessons, your such a grate help
Thanks a lot. It is very well explained. It is exciting to be listening to this.
Fantastica!!! thanks a lot from Italy
Hi Rebecca, it’s great. Easy to understand. Thanks!
thank teacher ! I love this video
i got perfect score on the quiz. Thanks a lot teacher Rebecca!
Perfect score you are a great Teacher Miss Becca
thanks alot……
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you very much!
thank you so much it was very nice
Great lesson
very explanation
I can understand everything
You a Great Teacher Rebeca
I love your lessons
thank you very much
Thanks so much ,now i can use past perfect .but before i could not unserstand .thanks for your nice explain . best regards to you and to engvid.
very very good. I could understand at last¡ thank you very mucho
great lesson
thanks dear it was really nice and simple easy to understand i had a problem on past perfect specially when i used it before i had watched your video thanks again
sometimes we can speak for practise if you want
DEAR. May I say when I reached the airport the flight was left.
Thanks a lot teacher.Your teaching is very good and your lessons are easy to understand.
hello sir,
good evening.This is AASH from INDIA.Now i am in beginners stage. I am very poor in VOCABULARY…Please help me.
thanks teacher
For the first time in my life,i underthand verry verry well the past perfect tense.
salomon pierre
that’s is very useful for me.
thank yo very much that was helpful to me
Thank you Rebecca, very easy to understand and helpful and enjoyable as always. Like your teaching!
it’s fantastics first time in my live I understood the verb (past of the past) well done.
I like lessons in pronunciation as I feel many difficults to ppronunce some long words especially the one with vouel letters or adverbs or adjectives… for instant realize,realabilty,recognize…thanks
tnx your lesson was verry helpful
Before I watched this video, I had`t understood Past Perfect. Thank`s. Keep it in same way guys.
Thanks Madam ,its very useful for us
i ove your way of teching thanks
you are my best teacher whithin all of the team
Very good website to learn English. Thanks!
Is it possible to get lessons on complete tenses in detail. I am not able to find lessons on each tenses here in the site. I am just able to find some on past simple and perfect or future tense.
Is it possible to have a detail session on all tenses please.
It was so easy to understand! Your explanation is perfect. Thank U, go on and don’t stop, cause U’re doin a great deal for foreign students!!!
thank you Rebbeca so much
Thanks a lot. Your lesson has been very clear and useful. A question please : could I write ” the flight had already gone, by the time I arrived at the airport” ? Thanks.
Thanks a lot.Your lesson has been very clear and useful. One question please : could I write ” the flight had already gone, by the time I arrived at the airport” ? Thanks
I’m very grateful to you
A very clarifying lesson.
Thanks a lot.
Thanks a lot.
So perfectly and clearly explained by the teacher.
Thank you so much for this lecture.
Hi Rebecca! I stopped the video just to say thanks, because you’re the first teacher that can make me understand this tense. Congratulations for this community. Keep teaching people like us. Bye!!
Your exposition was clear, recently I noticed that English is easy when i understand. I feel very thankful to you.
you smiled so sincerely after reading ” her husband had cooked dinner” that i want to cook you dinner! :D keep up the good work, it’s much appreciated :)
hi there
Lovely videos and helpful website!
Thank you so much Rebecca.
Great lesson on Past Perfect
Is it correct to say ’10 minutes left’ instead of ’10 minutes more’
little questions :
how can I e mail you or any other teachers?
should I use the participle form in special cases. if the reply was yes.what are these cases??
Thank You teacher Rebecca <3
Thanks a lot. This was a very instructive lesson. I am quite sure I finally I understand really how to use this tense.
Hi may you teach me grammar.
Rebecca ,you are really perfect teacher.Thanks engvid.
I had wished know about this place when I started to learn english, I still make a lot of mistakes but because of you I am getting better, so thanks.
I learn so much from u all
thank you so much! Because of u I understand clearly the use of past perfect^^ keep posting!
Thanks so much teacher :)
Best teaching <3
Jemmin becky
thank you. i GOT THIS LESSON VERY WELL. when i watched this video,I had done my homework
Thank u Rebecca for teaching english in a lucid manner. You have great teaching style.
Dear Rebecca,
a really, really great teaching again.
Take care of you, the world needs you!
Best wishes
i got it!!thanks rebecca~
thanks alot you great teacher
Thanks o lot for this lesson!!!
I had got 100 percent,when I wrote this comment in :)
You´re the best Rebeca never change, again i have my perfect score
thx thx thx .. god bless you
Wow ,you make it easy
Thanks Rebecca , I have never had such a useful class in this subject .You are great.I learnt yet.
\o/ I hit all questions!
thanks , now i understand the past perfect and i can use it. so i want to know what the future perfect and then how we can use it
thank you
Thank you so much for all lessons!!!!!
this is Tuan phan. in English, I could not figure out vowels differences between “t”, or “d”, or “s”, or “z” sounds. so I was usually in trouble while speaking English, likewise, I was never had “tolerated” on my English pronunciation.
good work, thank you..
Thanks a lot Rebecca. You eplained clearly.
Can you explain difference past perfect vs past perfect progressive please.
thank you so much , mis, rebecca , and god bless you.
Rebecca, thanks a lot for your very useful lessons! I like them very much and will try to attend your lessons every day..
Great Lession and exeperienced teachenr , I never seen before this types online tutor who clarify each points like live. many thank Teachear-Great.
THanks Rebecca for your time and effort .you’re always doing very well ,I like your way of teaching .Have a great day .
Dear Rebecca
I want to say “The flight ahd left when we arrived at the airport”. It’s correct or wrong?
Pls explian me in both situation, cuz I want to understand very well.
Tnx a lot and warm hugs,
Hi Rebacca,
Sometimes I get confused when to use past indefinite and when to use past perfect like. when when to use sentences like “I sent you a mail yesterday” and “I had mailed you yesterday”
If you could arrange a session on this this would be very helpful.
amazing…..I’ve learned very well
excellent working and good had such a great clarity on tenses :)
Thank Your very much/ This lesson is wonderfull
tnx rebecca. it really helps a lot to me
Thank rebecca I could understand very well all that you explain in this lesson.
Thank you very much.
Thanks Rebecca,
2day i cleared my all doubts which had in my mind..
finally i got it! i have understood past perfect tense! thanks a lot! i like your lessons Rebecca.
Thank you . you are great teacher .
thank you so much can you teach us how can we use past perfect and simple past with before,after,by,by the time.
Fabulous, thank you
David Gonçalves
thanks rebecca. you made it so loud and clear by those simple lecture and explanation on when and how we should this past participle form of the verb. The word HAD plus the PAST PARTICIPLE OF THE VERB gave all the clarity.
Hi Bek.
I got confused with “complete” and “had completed”.In Q3 and Q5 Its both “complete” form is the correct answer.But,isn’t it the participle form there meant to be “had + Participle ” form.
Your early response is much appreciated.
6/6 thank You verry much
6/6 Thank you! It was really quite easy how you said. :)
Thank you so much I like EngVid . :)
beautiful lesson :)
thnx mam very 2 beautiful lessom i understand past perfect tense
Thank you very much teacher rebecca
I like EngVid :):):):)
thank you alot rebbeca i understood it well <3
Very nice and useful .. thanks !
Tushar P
Thank you very much for the lesson
respect from Morocco :)
thanks! it really help a lot!
When I watched this class, I hadn´t understood this subject.
I´m really grateful Rebeca.
thank you for your lessons ,but i wont understand when we used past perfect and when we used simple past .
thank you a lot .
Thank you very much for lessons, how you’re explaining it’s very easy to understand thanks a lot
hi thanks very much for losson
Your explanation is very helpful to improve my English skills
Thanks a lot
when i started study English, i hadn`t finished my high school.
* how can i make a question in past perfect?
thanks a lot
thank you so much.
Hi Rebecca. Thank you for the lesson. It’s very helpful. I’m confused in one case:
Ex: When Jane arrived home she saw that the chair in her room had broken/was broken/is broken. Which one is correct?
get dude according to this case the 3rd person is also involved who is taking about the past both cases are possible,means was broken and had broken are right.but i am not sure dude it is only my opinion i am also waiting for the reply of rebecca mam.pleasure to meet you .
we did a test when the lights went out
what is most suitable alternative for “did”
a)have been doing
b)were doing
c)had done
d)no improvement.
plz also give explanation for your answer/
my ans of above question is “had done” and my friends ans is were doing who is right???
Your friend is right.Becaue doing test takes time , during that the lights went out.
Thanks Rebecca very much when i watched this video now i learned perfect and the past perfect tense you are very good teacher
6 out of 6
Jaweed Amini
Thank you!
can you please explain to us the past perfect continuous
thanks indeed for this nice way of explainging the grammer .
I wish there is a lessons on all the tenses together and related to each other
thanks indeed again
i also want the same dude.please persuade the mam to make a lesson on the all tenses.
Good class! Past perfect is not dificult but I usually had doubts when I studied sentences with words AFTER and BEFORE. I suggest you explain this question in other video.
thank you very much.
Hello Rebecca, could you please shed some light on had had,and whether it is considered as a past perfect tense.
Many thanks.
Thank u so much! That helps me a lot!!
I got the 100 poınts:D
First of all thank for your lesson. Could you please upload Full complete Tense Lesson for us(Simple Present,Continuous,perfect,perfect continous,Past,Future). It would be great…
Thanks Rebecca :)
Thanks a lot
thank uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
These two tenses seemed very mixed up to me,but now it’s clear when and how to use it. Thanks a lot for the great lesson,Rebecca. It’s much easier to study with EngVid… :)
thank you so much mamdam
Thanks Rebeca
Thank you very much, Rebecca! My English has really improved since I begun to watch your lessons. They make me believe that I can speak fluently someday :)
Thank you.
Rebeca, it´s clear and easy to understand, thank a lot
Nice and easy on the one hand, extremely useful on the other.
Thank you!
Thanks a lot Rebecca.
Ali Ibrahim
Thank you so much teacher Rebecca for a very clear explanation..I got perfect score 6 on the quiz..Hooray!
thank you
Thanks, Rebecca!
Thank u very much :-)
thank you very much but i have a question please. can we use past perfect with out use past simple before it? and thnk you again
Hi rebeca, i like your lesson.
please i very confuse with Do- Does, Qwh
thank you
i mean i like you tecnic to teach . is easy understant.
Thank you Rebecca I got 100%from this lesson
thank you Rebecca.. =)
Thanks Rebecca,It’s clear now.
hey rebecca mam your lesson on past perf tense was awesome,my kindly request to you mam please make a grammar video on all the tenses.(that will really help me,because i am unable to understand the other teachers rather than you.) mam please help me,you are my teacher,,,
I got 6 out of 6 thanks amazing teacher
Thank you very much!
Thank you
Rebecca, thank you very much for your lesson.
Liliya Salavatovna
Can we say “I hadn’t made a lot of money yet ?” I thought yet is used only with present perfect.
Rebecca, Talking about past tense, I have a question.
I always mistake about these phrases below. Which phrase is correct?
“I didn´t talk” or “I didn´t talked”
Hi Andre. The correct sentence is “I didn’t talk”.
Andre, o verbo auxiliar “do” fica com a forma no passado e o verbo principal fica no infinitivo.Portanto a resposta certa é:
I didn’t talk
Thanks Rebecca for your help!
Hugs from Brazil!
Excellent lesson! Thank you.
It looks like a “piece of cake” now. :D
Keep up your great work.
can u show the difference between past perfect and present perfect. and can u say why they are important.
Thanks Rebecca, I appreciate all your support with all these topics which are very interesting for all the people who are wishing to speak a better english day by day. Thanks again!!
Hi Rebecca! Thank you for the lesson. I have a question. With your example “When I got married, I hadn’t bought a house”. Can I say “when I got married, I didn’t buy a house”. What is the main difference between these two sentences.
100 :)
when jhony came to my home, I had completed my homework
That was so easy to learn. Thanks Miss Rebecca,you are very helpful.
You are wonderfull! Thank you!!!!
Thank you Rebecca. You explianed very clearly.
Thank you my teacher.i totally understand~^^
it was very clear! thanks
appreciated!!! cheers
Thank you Rebecca. This lesson is very useful, before watching this, i hadn’t understood how to use this tence.
can we say that the tense that comes after (when)should be past simple ??
or it doesn’t matter, and it can also be past perfect???
thanks rebec, keep going like that
Yes! I understand this tense very well. Thank you Rebecca!!!
Even though I got 100 for the test, but I am still a bit confused. Mrs Rebecca (or anyone), so we have the past tense first then the past perfect. Can we only use the perfect tense in one sentence without the past tense in the beginning?
please explain it. Thanks in advance. :)
Perfect!!! :D
Hello teacher more than good
Thank you Rebecca, now I can use the past perfect
Really very helpful and your speaking is very Really very helpful. Regards from Mexico.
Thank you very much my good teacher
I kinda freaked out when I heard you say; “the past of the past”, but later on i got it. It’s easy once I practice it. Thank you so much Ms. Rebeca.
it was best lesson/explanation/teaching method i ever seen before in my entire school life…tenses (grammar) always troubled me in my school life. thank you for wonderful lesson. i scored 6/6.
Thank you it was very clear
Very useful this lesson!
Thank you so much Rebecca.
i got 100
laith raad
Thank you for this great lesson. It was very helpful. Can you please help me understand how to use : Have had and had had.
Thanks a lot, Ms Rebecca! Useful lesson!!!
Ip Man Lee
REBECCA i get 100/100 .thank u so much .important lesson……
Rebecaa .i get 100 thank u so much .it was an important lesson
Thank you for your lesson, it was helpful for me, you had been incredible.
As usual, another amazing explanation Rebecca. Thank you very much! You’re the best teacher ever!
Thank Rebecca I love your simply lesson
Very clearly explanation! Thank you a lot! :)
Thank you Rebecca, for the clear and simple explanation.
thank you))
Hi Yulia.I want to do some practise if you want too.
thank you))
thank you i was getting treble with past perfect till i saw your video thank you so much
Ali Alhamedy
Thanks very much Rebecca, I got 100%.
Abdul Qayum
Hello Rebecca,you`re such a diligent teacher.I have got 100. TOEFL is headed for trouble!
Thank you so much Rebecca.
Good explanation, I understood everything.
Thank you.
Hi Rebecca. By the time I watched this video, I had studied about this past perfect. But it was not informative. Now I understood it clearly.
As far as I know it should be “By the time I watched Past perfect video” instead of “By the time I watched this video”.
Please help me in evaluation.
Thank you, dear Rebecca. It’s so clear. 6 from 6.
Dear Rebecca, please, help to understand how I need to work with modal verbs.
Very clear, thanks!
I got 5 out of 6
thank you
farah alsharif
Thank you Rabecca.
I’ve got6of6. Thank’s
hehehe so useful , i got ten. thank you Ms :D
Before the saw this lesson I hadn´t understood the past perfect. Thank you !!!!
I accepted all them!!!! :) thank you for this lesson, it was so useful for me. And Before I didn’t see this lesson I didn’t know anything about that, And now I’ve understood everything about that. :D
Thank you very much for this very helpful website where we can learn or review English grammar at home.
I need a little help, just a clarification, if there is a possibility that can use past perfect without simple past. Thank you Ma’am.
Thank you!
Anyone knows if there is on the web page any other video about the Past Perfect Continuous??
Thank you Rabecca.
Your are the best teacher . But you haven’t explained usage “after and when” and specific time” in the past perfect.
A big thanks for you Rebecca, I got 100 % of the test. When I “followed” this lesson I “had known” a part of those.
thanks for this lessons it help me befor i found it i hadn’t knew how to use the past perfect tense
Rebecca, I did not like your video. It is unclear explain the topic. I’m upset. I think you will be able to help me.:(
Stanislav Vydro
Thank You.
Thank you very much. It’s very helpful. I like all your lessons.
Thank you very much for your valuable learning video. I got 6 out of 6. Your way of teaching is really very good. I understood completely. Again thanks for it.
Anjali sharma
hii maam now iunderstand abt simple past and past perfect.i hv one doubt…….here in last 2 sentences in the board. 1] I hadn’t bought a house. 2]I hadn’t made a lot of money.CAN U PLZ EXPLAIN THESE 2 SENTENCES.THE LESSON i wish i had/iwish ihadn’t . s confusing me.these 2 sentences hv any connctn with ds. thnk u
I watched this video as I had made mistakes quite sometimes regarding this tense.
thanks Rebeca, you’re amazing.
thnx thnx thnx a lot … i had found problem with this tense before you explained it for us
khadidja mehdadi
Thanks Rebecca very much!!! I like your lessons, because it s easier to understand!!
thank you! it is very helpful
Carol Oaen
Thank you it’s really helpfull
wow !! tank you I go 40/40 for my exam
Thank You very much i got 6\6 in that exam <3 all respect
Thans for the class
Thanks a lot for the class teacher. Finally Im able to understand
I had so many doubts about this subject before I watched this video, thanks for the help! =)
I don’t know how to thank you.
hey thank you so much, I enjoyed alot
rebbeca thank you so much , you helped a lot thank you, now i know how to use past perfect P.P
Great lesson! Thanks a lot Rebecca. This was the better lesson about past perfect tense that I already seen.
you are a perfect teacher Rebecca:)
Thank you, Rebecca it’s really helpful lesson, I like your way of teaching, it’s simple and clear.
When I’d watched your lesson, I knew how to use the past perfect.
mariam algsiseb
Great lesson! thank you very much….
In our country we say thanks you and we say god bless you am really thankfull for you you help me alot
thankyou so much :)
Thank you Rebecca, this class was very good!
Anthony Fc
Thank you Rebecca
two or more events happened in the past. If we want to connect them we use the past perfect tense except for the event that is closest to the present. Did I get it teacher Rebecca?
Thank Rebecca! This is a good Lesson!
I got 100marks!
This lesson helped me a lot, thank you, best regards from Slovakia.
Sasha J.
thanks for your help.
Hey Teacher, thank you so much for the help! I hope you continue publishing your classes :)
Dear Rebecca,
Royal lesson for understanding how to use the past perfect. Great thanks.
Best regards.
Big thx
my quiz:
You got 6 correct out of 6.
chakim hamzah
Thank you so much, I understood all you said :)
I’m so glad I got 6/6..
hello guys, by the way I’m a first time immigrant and always watching engVid to improve my english. Is there any native speaker their to help me improve my english on how I talk/communicate? And I’m also planning to take the TOEFL exam. Thank you :)
I prefer for a girl native speaker to help me. Thank you :)
By the time I started watching your video, I had not understood the paste perfect tense well.
But that time had long since gone.
I can not thank you enough Rebecca!
Thanks Rebecca, this was a very cool and useful lesson!!
When I started this lesson I had not known “past perfect tense”. Rebecca has a intelligible pronunciation. Her lessons are effective.
Another great lesson in tenses! Thank you Rebecca!
Now I know how to build a perfect past tense sentence :D
Thanks Miss. Rebecca I scored 6/6..the rule is similar at the italian grammar but you use the auxiliar ( have ) and we use the auxiliar (Be).
English grammar isn’t so easy as italian people think.
Thanks Rebecca. I got 100%
Gilvan Costa
Hi, Rebecca!
Thanks for a great lesson-)))
Is there a lesson about the past perfect continuous? Actually, I would be grateful if you could help with a piece of grammar. Does the sentense “In ten minutes’ time he realized that he had been going the wrong way” sounf natural?
Hi Becky! Thanks a lot for your satisfying class!
When I’ve begun your final homework I didn’t think to solve all quizzies in a right way at all!
Bye, enjoy your evening!
You got 6 correct out of 6.
I see that many people want to learn English ,but they refuse to write without grammatical mistakes !
Dear Rebecca,
In your presentation on the Past Perfect Tense you used the example “When we arrived at the airport at 6PM we discovered that the plane had left at 5PM”.
Shouldn’t the Past Simple have been used in the object clause “that the plane had left at 5PM” (a fact in the Past relative to “discovered” is stated)?
Please, kindly explain the difference.
Also, I should like to use this opportunity to compliment you on your excellent delivery of every presentation/lesson.
Best regards,
PS: How can the ugly mug / avatar on the left be replaced for something more appealing?
i love thanks a lot
wael debsi
wael debsi
6/6..Rebecca i have one question in my mind that if we use already with past perfect is it good to use or the tense itself covers that word e.g. “By the time i finished my essay, John had already completed writing his article” in this sentence i think past perfect covers the idea that the John completed his article before me so there is no use to write already? hope u understand my question
Thank you so much. Great lesson!!!!!
thanks a lot.
You got 6 correct out of 6.
Thanks Rebecca. Simple but useful ! I got 6 .
thanks for the lesson.
thank you very mach
I had seen the video and right now the topic is clear, thanks.
10/10. Thanks a lot dear teacher.
the second time 6/6 no 10/10.
Yeah! Thanks my professor. I must be honest, when i decided to watch this lesson, i had been so confused about it, no matter how old be these lessons. We always can find amazing lessons like these. Thanks again. Hugs from Venezuela.
It’s a very useful lesson now I can confidently use the past perfect tense
Sana 7
I understand very well this lessons ; thanks
thanks for your is very helpful!
Jose Chavez
very helpful,
thanks, Rebecca
Thanks for your video lesson,very helpful
Thank you Rebecca
Thanks for the video :-)
It was very helpful. Thank you!
Thank you!!!
you made my day , because i did not find someone to explain it like this until now
Thanks a lot engvid.
How i can know engvid is british or amirecan ?
Thanks you for this lesson, you are a very good teacher.
Thank you Rebecca, I finally understood this tip
Marta Mendes Valadades
Thank you Rebecca :)
Mirtha Suarez Grandez
the correct use of past tense is my nightmare. Thank you Rebecca, the lesson is very usefull
Rebeca Thank you so much for the classes.. You are very very good teacher
I’d to told thank you so much because you help me to improve myself and I understand everything do you say because you use simple way
thank you so much and God bless you
Hi thanks for teaching me, you the best *******
Berti @
Thanks Rebecca, your lesson was very helpful to me.
I into learn english I like the way of teaching by Rebecca thank you.
Thanks for sharing!!! :D
Poliana Almeida
Thanks, now for the first time I can say I know the past perfect.
again thanks a lot!
mo sanad
Thank you so much. That was such a perfect lesson on past perfect. I don’t need to use had everywhere.
please tell me the difference between
1) Had they visited a doctor?
2) Did they visited a doctor?
Thanks medam
Thank You , PERFECT
all what i can say ,thank you very muchfor ur lesson
Thanks miss Rebecca
After officials permission … why we don’t do chat rome on viber or watsup to tray speak English
Thank you mam
thanks a lot .it was so useful.i wanted to ask a question. (after he fell down,he started to crying). is this sentence correct?.or (after he had fallen down,he started to crying)/.would you please explain it that which one is correct and why? thank you
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you so much for this lesson.
Unbelievable, I was scared “When” and “How” to correct use “Past Perfect”.
Now, after your lesson, I find out – its very simple.
Thank you again, that you so Kind and very Wise Teacher that can explain easy, simple the way to understand English.
How to correct the “Unbelievable” one?
When to correct the “past perfect” after your lesson?
To, doubtful through TanyaSkokan
Respctd. Madam.
Thank you so much.
Thanks Teacher Rebecca It is really amazing.
Can you please make a video for “all usage of being”?
Thank you very much, great video
When a comentario in espanglish appears
Thanks for the lesson; however, I have the following questions:
As we may already know, there are two activities that happened in the past, one before the another. But, do we have to use just the simple past and past perfect or can we use other tenses but with the same logic. In other words, can I say:
I was going to buy a flower when I had realized I did not have money or even I remembered that I had to buy a flower when I had been smelling some roses.
When I understood this lesson I had seen your video
mohammad naji
I understood this lesson !
I understood this lesson
tomorrow test
thanks. it’s like I wait
Thank you Rebeca , your explanation is very clear. Now I am understand this tenes .
Huda alhajri
I have got 100, Tks! You lesson was amazing!
Carlos Martinho
Very useful lesson.Thank you
wow 6 out of 6. thank you.
thank you, Rebecca, after about 20 years (wasting time, age and resource), for learning English in schools and universities, this is the first time I think the English grammar does not boring. thank you again.
very nice
thank you rebbica great lesson i had taken the quiz after i watched the lesson :)
Allaeddine BEN
Thank you Rebecca
Rebecca, it’s becoming clearer!
Thank you for the lesson!
before i started watching this video i hadn’t remember about past perfect:)
thanks very much.
nice Rebecca
thank you so much, Mrs. Rebecca, you have a big talent in the explain lessons
Abdelhamed Abdin
hi thanks for the lesson was really useful anyway could you please explain about three actions or more happened in the past cos you just spoke about 2 actions
thank you so muth
when i completed to watch this lesson ,i had already understood the past perfect tense
Hi teacher Rebecca.
I love your lessons! Thank you very much to help me to learn a little bit more of the English language.You teach very well!
Sonia Maria Alves de Lima
thanks my best teacher Rebecca i goten 83%
oday david
Thank you so, ma’am, for this lesson, I got 100% in the quiz.
alfredo casanova
very nice! thank you.
Appreciated! really useful.
Shamsullah Yousafzai
Thank you so much for the lesson Rebecca! ??
Thanks, Rebeca, I got 100.
better if you talk about negative and questions.
Diego Varela
Hi Rebecca, I am really impressed of your teaching style and technique, would you mind telling me the phrase”in terms of”
Thank you so much.. later I hope I can use past perfect tenses naturally when I am speaking
You got 6 correct out of 6.
thanks a lot…
M kartal
It’s the best learn I got, thank you so much, now I’m not confusing and already to exam
Thank you teacher i got 6 correct of out 6.
Mubo farah
Thank you so much for useful lesson.
i got 100 ;)
Thank you for clarifying past perfect tense ;-)
Hi, Rebecca
Thank you , your explanation is very clear. I got 100.
I got 100.
Mahtab hamiya
Thank you for the great lesson!
Thank you so much such a good explanation .It was so easy <3
Thanks you very much! this lesson and the Past Simple and Past perfect by Ronnie can be complemented.
I recommend watching both.
Best regards!
thank you Rebecca
Rebecca I truly appreciate the way explain your lessons
Rebecca I truly appreciate the way you
explain your lessons
Thank you rebecca 10/10
my score is : 100/100 thanks my teacher
Thanks for useful lesson!
Thank you so much
Good samples, congractulations!
thank you Rebeca I have been learning a lot. God bless you.
Elida Padilla Mendoza
Very nich explained. Before I didn’t understand it right. Thank you!
Thank you very much
Steve @@343
Good examples, thank you!
Before this lesson, I was confused about past perfect.
What a great lesson!
Thank you so much, Rebecca!
By the way, in the quiz I got 6/6 :)
Abdullah Alshamiri
Rebecca you are the best!!! Thanks for all! I’m finally understanding the present perfect!
Suzana Reguse
AYAYY I RECEIVED 4/6 thanks alot lol.
i have gotten a 6/6 marks . thanks a lot of mam
Nice lesson. Thanks Rebbeca
Great lesson! Thank you very much!
Hi Rebecca.thanks. It is good but also I wish you taught how to make question form of past perfect.
Rebecca, You are the best teacher! Do you have video for other complicated tenses? Thanks
Hi, you had made this lesson so easy to understand. Thank you
Ricky V.
Thank you mam. your way of teaching is excellent and easy to understand.
Thanks a lot Rebecca, it seemed really hard but you made it so simple, now I feel confident to use it.
Mike Flores
Well, I use to get confused using this tense however now I understand much better. although sometimes is difficult to use it in a conversation because I use to forget how using the regular and irregular verbs in past participle.
thank you very much.such a useful lesson
Aml Mounier
thank you Rebecca! You have been helping me a lot to learn English.??
Thanks you very much Rebecca! all your lessons are great!
I got all of them. Thanks!
I got 5 correct out of 6 , thank you very much Rebecca
6/6. So simple!! Thank you, Rebecca!!
such a great explanation, Rebecca! Love your lessons so much.
She is a perfect teacher!
I am so glad i have found this engVid!
Hello Rebecca you were perfect
Thank, im very grateful with you teacher. Greetings from Ecuador
Hi, Rebecca thank you for this lesson past perfect is no to hard .I need more practice and exercise,and more example ,thanks for you wonderful job…..
Dear Rebecca, i love to hear your lessons. You explain the problems in a way so i am able to uderstand.
Would you please confirm or comment the following. Is It true that we can use past perfect only in comperison or cinnection with past simple sentences?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Thanks for your class rebecca.
Your explanation is more interest about Past Perfect Tense
Thanks Rebeca, got 6/6
kamar abbas
Thank u rebecca.. i love the way you teach.. is so marvelous!! Love from Indonesia,Southeast asia ❤️
Cheers Mam
Thank you, I really love my teacher, she explained good and her method is very clear.
thank you so much.
Thanks to Rebecca Ma’am. Thank u so much mam.
You should create a new playlist of vocab..on youtube.
Please! Please! I’m unable to find your vocabulary lesson.
Thank you mam.
Gangadhara Rao
Great class, thanks teacher Rebecca!
good job!
all very clear
the explanation is very good
Thank you Rebeca for your hard work. I really like your teaching style.I want to ask if it is correct the passed tense used in this tile, that made headlines for today:”Lindsey Boylan, a former aide to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, says she resigned in 2018 after he forcibly kissed her during a meeting”. What do you think?
Thanks I got 10.
Thank you!! I didn’t understood the past perfec since I had watched your amazing class.
Thank you!! I understood the past perfect Before I had never learned it. Your class was amazing
I’m completely fascinated with by your simple way to teach. After every lessons of yours i fell more confident in this grammar situations. Thanks teacher Rebecca.
Very well explained
Thanks Rebecca
Thanks for making the lesson easy to understand.
I watched this video twice on July 01, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got six correct out of 6.
Thank you for your lesson, Rebecca. Very helpful!
I got 6 correct out of 6, thank you very much.
Abdul Salam Qaderi
Thank you. You made the lesson easy.
thank u dear teacher Rebecca
I got 6 correct out of 6.
Radwan Moh'd
Thanks Rebecca I liked her explanation 10/10
I’ve killed 10 out of 10
Maggie Chen
I score 6/6
Thanks ma’m Rebecca
Jack Gangte
Rebecca, thank you very much! My result is good😊 I I
Natalya Malginova
rebecca what a fun explaination I hope you can come to camping De paal this summer to meet up
Thank you, Rebecca.
Your lessons are very easy to follow, and they are very helpful.
Finally, I feel confident that I can now learn English grammar. Before I started listening to your YouTube videos, I had doubted myself that I would be able to learn English. But now, I have already started noticing the difference.
Again, thank you!
Thanks a lot, Rebecca. I hadn’t understood this even after having taken some lessons.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thanks for your lesson, Rebecca. Very helpful!
Thank you
hi thanks very much for losson
very good i like the way of teching by rebacca, thanks alot
Rebeca thank you a lot ,I always watch your videos ,is easy for me , to understand you.thank you again ¡¡¡
By the time I ended my lesssons i had graduated from my college
great lesson! thank you very much
hey mr lounis .. i wish you are wel .. just want to know some friends . and spicialy algeriens persons … so .. they told me that if i want improving my english , i should speak with people whos speak it very well .. so .. if you haven’t a problem to accept me as a friend .. and why not to learn it together … thank you !
Thanx a lot, its really v gd lessen
I had understood everything, thank u Rebecca 4 the free lesson. you are a great teacher. beside you have a wonderful smile.
‘I had understood everything’, is NOT past perfect, Efrain. Rebecca said it is simple but it is extremely difficult. If it were easy, you would not have written what you wrote. It is a very useful device but most grammar teachers cannot make it make sense. But keep trying, Efrain, you’ll get there.
‘I had understood everything’actually is a past perfect but Efrain didn’t use it properly.
thank you guys to let me know. so I have understood everything is right? so long n’ good bye.
Sorry Efrain maybe You have understood everything and not you had……. bye.
thanks Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca! As always your lessons are very clear and useful.
Thanks a lot madam,before this lesson i couldn’t distinguish between present perfect and pas perfect, i was often use past simple to show past but after this lesson all the confusion has over, Engvid doing a very well job for those who feels shy to go language center because they think people will laugh on them, some of them due to hesitation & mostly doesn’t afford their fees. so that’s a awesome work… I’m thankful to the owner or the teachers indeed, Engvid became my habit if i don’t watch videos i can’t feel better….
Rebecca i have just a slightly confusion between present or past perfect so would you please explain it briefly to make sure about these tenses that I’m using correct or not,
and check is i wrote correct what are my mistakes I’ll be happy if you find my mistakes because in future i want to become a english grammer teacher so you know teacher should have a complete specialization in his field I’ll be waiting for your answer
M.Arsalan latif
I feel the same I think it was a great explanation, because I never had understood the diference.
and I beleave that you Practice a lot your wrinting, because you did a good explanation.
thank you very much
Thank you for a very useful lesson.
Thanks very nice lesson
This is the easiest and the most clearly explanation I’ve ever met. Thank you very much.
In this case I’d say “I’ve ever seen”.
It’s just a tip!
See ya!
thanks a lot Rebecca i’ve got 6 out of 6
But to be honest I didn’t get this lesson well could you please tell us when could use past simple or PP
Thank you so much you’re a professional teacher.
Hi Rebecca
I liked this lesson very much as well the way you explained it
You really are a professional teacher just as is was said above
Could you please tell me if Valen will show up with her lessons?
I will wait for the answer.
Thank you
That’s just a curiosity of mine, okay?
Hi, Rebecca. Let me tell you that you are the best teacher at or, at least, you are the one that explains better. I’m not telling you that the other teachers are not good teachers – in fact, all they are great teachers, but you are excellent. It’s impossible for us not to understand the subject when you explain it. You are the best. Thank you so much.
Your teaching style is very understandable, Rebecca. Can you increase your teaching on advance lessons?
Your teaching approach is very good Rebecca. Can you increase your lessons on advance English ?
Really, Thank you Rebecca. I got the point now. keep it up!
Teacher Rebecca
I would like you to take a doubt:
Can I use the present perfect with the Past Perfect by writing or saying senteces like this:
“I had done a lot of homework when my sister has arrived today”?
Greeting from brazil and all the best.
no you couldn’t use past perfect with present perfect that setance is wrong you made that ok bye.
dsilva179, you better construct your sentence this way.
I have done a lot of homework when my sister has arrived.
Correct me if i’m wrong. ?
Thank you very much indeed.
I have a bachelors degree in computer and info. system engineering. Now, I want to live in Germany, so I applied for a Phd in German universities. Taha, my cousin had lived in Germany, so I called him to find out more about the culture and lifestyle there.
Correct me, if there is any mistake in the above sequence of sentences.
Skype: mursaleen_1
mursaleen your cousin is still in germany ?
My cousin no longer lived in Germany… He returned from there before I applied for…
I had done my homework, before I watched TV.
Thank you very much.
the best grammar teacher.
hi firsrt i am sorry about my english but i have to say this is agreat site and i am very happy to learn english thans a lot
Please post on my wall vallen teachers lessons please
Thank you for your lesson Rebecca. I’ve always had problems with past perfect tense, but your class was very clear. I think I won’t have more problems with that in the future. Thank you
Thank you Rebecca. You explianed very clearly.
great lesson. well-done.
Thank you Rebecca for the very good lesson! Could you make a video lesson about the causative? Thanks in advance :)
thank you rebecca the lesson is clear
Thanks a lot Rebecca,But Ronnie said first we have to use past perfect in the sentence and then only we have to use simple past
she said like that in simple past vs past perfect lesson !!
Thank you Prof. Rebecca really i am always confused with the past perfect , but now it is okay.
Thank you my teacher Rebecca.A simple way to learn past perfect tense.
Madam, Your way of teaching is simple and excellent. Thanks from the core of my heart for the lesson. Kind regards, Nadeem
Thank you very much Rebecca. Your lesson was great as usual.
When I listened to the lesson, my kids had already gone to sleep.
We also use the past perfect tense when we use the reported speech like: he said he had gone to Canada last year.
appreciated job, thanks Rebecca.
Thank you very match Mr Rebecca that helps my a lot I like English language
The lesson was very helpful. Thanks.
thanks my dear teacher rebbeca when i started lesson i had already taken my lunch
please answer my question
This is the best way to learn past perfect tense. Thank you very match Mr Rebecca.
This is Rebecca: always doing her best to help us improve our English! Thank you very much indeed!
thank you
its very imporant lesson
Thanks a ton
Thamks Miss Rebecca, Now I understand how to use past perfect, you are a great teacher!
Thanks Mr Rebecca that helps my a lot I like ur English language
this video is made me understand of an important part in English. I really like your Website. I am not a native speaker so I need to know how to speak and so on. Thank you so much that you create this program to halp the learners.
Thank you very much Rebecca
thank you so much Rebecca
from Morocco, Thanks again xox
this the first time i understad past perfect ,thanks
the lessons are good and i want to have access to download the video file and have interesting to listen at home too. thanks
I want to thank you, so thank you so so so much for your helping other to learn English language for free.
My regard.
this lesson is really very helpful,
Very simple, thanks.
Hi Rebecca Thank s lottttttt.
Can I dowloder these videos? Is it possibly? thanks for your answer…..
thanks madam…. now i can understand…past perfect
Rebecca, you are great teacher. Thank you very much!!!!!
thanks very much……….
I loved this site and I always enjoy the lessons it’s helping me a lot. Very good job guys.
This is the easiest and the most clearly explanation I’ve ever met. Thank you very much.
Thanks Rebecca, while I was watching this video, my brother had done his homework…
thank you
Hi there!
I’ve just discovered this site & I enjoyed very much watching & learning from the topics that you discussed.
Thanks a lot!
What a great lesson, Rebecca!
Your explanation is easy to understand as well as very helpful everyone who is studying this topic! I would to say thanks a lot for all the lessons! Keep doing this amazing work!
Best Wishes
From Brazil,
yes! :D I got it
its very easy, thank you Rebecca.
Thank You Rebecca,this was good quiz.
Thanks a lot Rebecca, This lesson seemed too complicated for me, now it’s easier.
thanks rebeeca
Thank you for your perfect lessons.It’s very helpful and interesting to me.
Thank you rebecca. When I saw your video I hadn’t known past perfect tense yet.
thank yo very much that was helpful to me
Great Explanation, I clear understand!
Thank you for this lesson!
So “formula” of Past Perfect is: Past Simple + (,and, etc) + Past Perfect. Am I right?
Thanks, Rebecca I rely rely appreciate you. It was so useful.
Thanks Rebecca, this lesson is very helpful, i was afraid of usage of past perfect tense but after watching this video its nothing. again thanks to engvide site to upload such a informative video
thanks from kosovo
thank you
Thanks Rebecca. Your teaching is wonderful.
Thank You Rebecca, really I understand it and love it, Great Thanks
thnks mam..
After your lesson,
i had graduated in past perfect tense..
thanku rebecca…
Thank you very much Rebecca!
This lesson was very clear and helpful to me.
Thank you very much Rebecca.Your lessons are wonderful and very easy to understand.
You looks like my english teacher. If all U.S.A people were speaking like you I would avoid a lot of headache. Unfortunately it isn’t so.
great lesson, you are really professional at teaching, congratulation for your didatic. are you using your normal rythm speaking or are you slowly in order to give us time to undertand better you ?. for me it’s really good.
thank you rebecca for the free english video lesson you are a great teacher for me.
thanx 4 the lesson verey much but i wana ask u why you use had instead has
and thanx a lot
Thank you so much Rebecca.
May be the best lesson that I’ve been, perfect.
Thanks for your lesson, Rebecca.
thanks a lot Rebeca it was very useful and I had understand every things
I have got 6 out of 6. Thanks you every much for teaching me.
Oh sorry, I made a mistake.
Thank you very much for teaching me.
Thank you so much
thanks I understand all topic from colombia ;)
thanks a lot
Thanks Rebbica for the lesson ,could you please make a video about future perfect tenses and thanks!!!
thanks Rebeca.
thank u very much
Thanks Rebeca,
lesson is extra understandable
thanks you for the lesson
This presentation was superbly and incandescently delivered! Thanks a zillion.
hi rebeca, i am an international student in australia and i would like to know how to use (AT ALL) sometimes the people use it but i dont undestand well.
thank you
Dear Mrs Rebecca, thank you so much for this lesson !
Best regards from Argentina. Javier
Thank you very much for this usefull lesson, I really appreciate all you teachers do for us, god bless you.
Thank you very much! So easy to understand! All teacher form engvid are great! I’ chemistry teacher and I know what I say. I try to teach enghlish, so don’t judge me harshly.
i hope that you have also an examination all english grammar, comprehension response. Combine all.
Dear Rebecca,
Wouldn’t you like to tell us regarding Objective & Subjective Infinitive Constructions in a new nearest lesson? Our language doesn’t include an any similar things, therefore i feel some misunderstanding when encountering these Constructions as result.
Best regards
thank you. your teacheing is very good
thank you Rebecca
thank you very mach
I scored 6 out of 6. Thank you.
it was great
I must say it’s a great effort. I have started learning English again and focusing on grammar.
Yah was great thank you my teacher
thank you so much ms. rebecca i didn’t expect that i got the perfect score in your quiz i quess its too hard but i got it thanks alot..
Thanx for clarifying it, it was a great lesson.
thank’s for lesson rebecca. very clear and usefull
I can,t thank you enough , you are the best
pleas,If possible,help me about (further),this word(further) confuse me to much
u r d best teacher .Thanks mam .
Hi Rebecca, Can you explain in what suitation and condition use shall, will, can, should, would and could.
tank a lot
u teach very nice
i tank a lot
Hi guys!! thanks so much for all those exercises, i think it’s the best way to learn fully any part of grammar, in this case the past perfect tense. Humbly, i say that i got 5 out of 5, byeee
Hai,REBECCA,you’r a real teacher inmy vision.when I watchedthis vedio I had’nt brushed my teeth,I had’n’t taken my bath,i had’n’ttaken exercise.Actuallyif I takethese will be over my free online time.
Hey Rebecca! Thank you very much for your lesson, it was so helpful for me indeed !
thanks alot mam…it was amazing..
hi rebecca thanks for this class and thanks Engvid to show us these videos 6 out 6 byee rebecca
its super
thanks i got 5 out of 5
thanks for your lesson rebecca…
Your way of teaching is very good and so understandable for Asian’s accent. Superb and so helpful.
Dear team!
What I observed in this site is you people are taking every comment as serious and all are responding. I request to you people is please place all the grammar classes in a good mannar. like
irrespective of the teacher. Then we can find all the related classes at one location. Please try to implement it. Thank you
Thank You Ms. Rebecca, Really your explication is very easy to be understood , helpful and useful.
very helpful thanks!!
it was just a usefull lesson for me.
way of teaching as well as the lesson was so good.
I am studying English in west coast of Canada now. But it seems this video help me understand more than the teacher who i study with. Thank you very much.
thanks a lot you make it too simplified to me
hanks you a lot my teacher rebecca, but l have to ask you one question, can l say;l have got your message now? l hope you explain as well as l want. ok
Thanks a lot. Your explanation is wonderful. I could understand well. Thanks again and I wish you have a nice day. Bye^^
Thank you Rebecca. You are very good teacher. Your explanation is good so I could understand well. Thanks again and I wish you have a nice day.
This is really good for me! Clear pronunciation with good examples.
Thank You Ms. Rebecca, Really your explication is very easy to be understood , helpful and useful
I like that way you have for the explanations of the lessons.
Happy to be my teacher.
god bless you
Before I did quiz,I had already understood to get scores 6 out of 6.Because your explanations are very clear.Thanks a lot Rebecca
you are a good teacher.i love your way to teach the student.thanks to u for wonderful conception about past perfect tense……..
thank you mum
I love your pronouncation!
hehehe I really like whatch videos like this cause is like a game to me hehehe ps. my native language is portuguese not english.
thanks rebecca for ur nice teaching…:)
is this correct if i use, ‘had took’ in the sentence when jane arrived, her husband had ‘taken’. i used the word took instead of taken. help me . tq.
thank for lesson i like your pronouncation thanks
when i finished studying english in the school, i hadn’t understood how to use the past perfect jet, now, thanks to you, i will improve this weakness.
thanks a lot
Hi Rebecca !!! Thanks for video !!! You explained the lesson very clearly! I think everyone can get it easy! yeah I don’t have any problem with my perfect tense cause we have this tense in our native language too. Thanks again !!!
Hi Rebbecca , you are a excellent teacher Im very happy learning with you , Im writing from Chile.I love this channel in youtube. and all the teachers too.
Hi Rebecca, Thanks for your work on this and other lessons!
Can I ask for you?
Can you please create a lesson or lessons where to explain where we use first, second and third form of verb (in what cases, with examples (for example – first form of verb we use in Present [I go to home…] or third form of verb we use in Present Perfect […], Pasive Voice [….], etc ….)).
This lesson would add an understanding of what is the three forms of the verb and where each we can use.
I think this will very helpful for people which learn English and learn that in English there are 3 form of verb – people at a go would understand where this we can use and where this is used.
Thank you so much Rebeca
Thank so much and you can help us about gramma
Thank you very much Madam !
I am just confused between the present perfect and the past perfect. To my knowledge, the present perfect is used also to express an action that is performed before another one in the past. Thus, How can i guess which tense must be used in such situations.
Thank you in advance !
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you so much for the lesson. It’s very helpful.
Thank you for lessonn
thanks lot,i got 6 out ot 6
great lesson really a marvelous one
hello !teacher ,I have been watching your video for couples of months so,I really love it and it is helpful for me to get by .thank you.
Thank you.♥
Very good class about past perfect. It helped me a lot. Congratulations.
Thank u very much
That was easy to understant
Very halpful,Thank you Rebecca
Finally I got it ! Thank you so much! It was so clear, any questions.
This explanation was quite clearly. would you mind explaining that you used to “by the time” instead of “when”? Thanks a lot Rebeca I appreciate you.
Best Regars from Turkey
‘by the time’ is only an expression implying the same meaning as ‘when’
Thanks a lot jaan to your explication.
Thaks a lot, Rebecca!
thanks for the perfect lesson, finally I know how to use it now:-)
hi Rebacca thanks for the free lessons, your such a grate help
Thanks a lot. It is very well explained. It is exciting to be listening to this.
Fantastica!!! thanks a lot from Italy
Hi Rebecca, it’s great. Easy to understand. Thanks!
thank teacher ! I love this video
i got perfect score on the quiz. Thanks a lot teacher Rebecca!
Perfect score you are a great Teacher Miss Becca
thanks alot……
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you very much!
thank you so much it was very nice
Great lesson
very explanation
I can understand everything
You a Great Teacher Rebeca
I love your lessons
thank you very much
Thanks so much ,now i can use past perfect .but before i could not unserstand .thanks for your nice explain . best regards to you and to engvid.
very very good. I could understand at last¡ thank you very mucho
great lesson
thanks dear it was really nice and simple easy to understand i had a problem on past perfect specially when i used it before i had watched your video thanks again
sometimes we can speak for practise if you want
DEAR. May I say when I reached the airport the flight was left.
Thanks a lot teacher.Your teaching is very good and your lessons are easy to understand.
hello sir,
good evening.This is AASH from INDIA.Now i am in beginners stage. I am very poor in VOCABULARY…Please help me.
thanks teacher
For the first time in my life,i underthand verry verry well the past perfect tense.
that’s is very useful for me.
thank yo very much that was helpful to me
Thank you Rebecca, very easy to understand and helpful and enjoyable as always. Like your teaching!
it’s fantastics first time in my live I understood the verb (past of the past) well done.
I like lessons in pronunciation as I feel many difficults to ppronunce some long words especially the one with vouel letters or adverbs or adjectives… for instant realize,realabilty,recognize…thanks
tnx your lesson was verry helpful
Before I watched this video, I had`t understood Past Perfect. Thank`s. Keep it in same way guys.
Thanks Madam ,its very useful for us
i ove your way of teching thanks
you are my best teacher whithin all of the team
Very good website to learn English. Thanks!
Is it possible to get lessons on complete tenses in detail. I am not able to find lessons on each tenses here in the site. I am just able to find some on past simple and perfect or future tense.
Is it possible to have a detail session on all tenses please.
It was so easy to understand! Your explanation is perfect. Thank U, go on and don’t stop, cause U’re doin a great deal for foreign students!!!
thank you Rebbeca so much
Thanks a lot. Your lesson has been very clear and useful. A question please : could I write ” the flight had already gone, by the time I arrived at the airport” ? Thanks.
Thanks a lot.Your lesson has been very clear and useful. One question please : could I write ” the flight had already gone, by the time I arrived at the airport” ? Thanks
I’m very grateful to you
A very clarifying lesson.
Thanks a lot.
Thanks a lot.
So perfectly and clearly explained by the teacher.
Thank you so much for this lecture.
Hi Rebecca! I stopped the video just to say thanks, because you’re the first teacher that can make me understand this tense. Congratulations for this community. Keep teaching people like us. Bye!!
Your exposition was clear, recently I noticed that English is easy when i understand. I feel very thankful to you.
you smiled so sincerely after reading ” her husband had cooked dinner” that i want to cook you dinner! :D keep up the good work, it’s much appreciated :)
Lovely videos and helpful website!
Thank you so much Rebecca.
Great lesson on Past Perfect
Is it correct to say ’10 minutes left’ instead of ’10 minutes more’
little questions :
how can I e mail you or any other teachers?
should I use the participle form in special cases. if the reply was yes.what are these cases??
Thank You teacher Rebecca <3
Thanks a lot. This was a very instructive lesson. I am quite sure I finally I understand really how to use this tense.
Hi may you teach me grammar.
Rebecca ,you are really perfect teacher.Thanks engvid.
I had wished know about this place when I started to learn english, I still make a lot of mistakes but because of you I am getting better, so thanks.
I learn so much from u all
thank you so much! Because of u I understand clearly the use of past perfect^^ keep posting!
Thanks so much teacher :)
Best teaching <3
thank you. i GOT THIS LESSON VERY WELL. when i watched this video,I had done my homework
Thank u Rebecca for teaching english in a lucid manner. You have great teaching style.
Dear Rebecca,
a really, really great teaching again.
Take care of you, the world needs you!
Best wishes
i got it!!thanks rebecca~
thanks alot you great teacher
Thanks o lot for this lesson!!!
I had got 100 percent,when I wrote this comment in :)
You´re the best Rebeca never change, again i have my perfect score
thx thx thx .. god bless you
Wow ,you make it easy
Thanks Rebecca , I have never had such a useful class in this subject .You are great.I learnt yet.
\o/ I hit all questions!
thanks , now i understand the past perfect and i can use it. so i want to know what the future perfect and then how we can use it
thank you
Thank you so much for all lessons!!!!!
this is Tuan phan. in English, I could not figure out vowels differences between “t”, or “d”, or “s”, or “z” sounds. so I was usually in trouble while speaking English, likewise, I was never had “tolerated” on my English pronunciation.
good work, thank you..
Thanks a lot Rebecca. You eplained clearly.
Can you explain difference past perfect vs past perfect progressive please.
thank you so much , mis, rebecca , and god bless you.
Rebecca, thanks a lot for your very useful lessons! I like them very much and will try to attend your lessons every day..
Great Lession and exeperienced teachenr , I never seen before this types online tutor who clarify each points like live. many thank Teachear-Great.
THanks Rebecca for your time and effort .you’re always doing very well ,I like your way of teaching .Have a great day .
Dear Rebecca
I want to say “The flight ahd left when we arrived at the airport”. It’s correct or wrong?
Pls explian me in both situation, cuz I want to understand very well.
Tnx a lot and warm hugs,
Hi Rebacca,
Sometimes I get confused when to use past indefinite and when to use past perfect like. when when to use sentences like “I sent you a mail yesterday” and “I had mailed you yesterday”
If you could arrange a session on this this would be very helpful.
amazing…..I’ve learned very well
excellent working and good had such a great clarity on tenses :)
Thank Your very much/ This lesson is wonderfull
tnx rebecca. it really helps a lot to me
Thank rebecca I could understand very well all that you explain in this lesson.
Thank you very much.
Thanks Rebecca,
2day i cleared my all doubts which had in my mind..
finally i got it! i have understood past perfect tense! thanks a lot! i like your lessons Rebecca.
Thank you . you are great teacher .
thank you so much can you teach us how can we use past perfect and simple past with before,after,by,by the time.
Fabulous, thank you
thanks rebecca. you made it so loud and clear by those simple lecture and explanation on when and how we should this past participle form of the verb. The word HAD plus the PAST PARTICIPLE OF THE VERB gave all the clarity.
Hi Bek.
I got confused with “complete” and “had completed”.In Q3 and Q5 Its both “complete” form is the correct answer.But,isn’t it the participle form there meant to be “had + Participle ” form.
Your early response is much appreciated.
6/6 thank You verry much
6/6 Thank you! It was really quite easy how you said. :)
Thank you so much I like EngVid . :)
beautiful lesson :)
thnx mam very 2 beautiful lessom i understand past perfect tense
Thank you very much teacher rebecca
I like EngVid :):):):)
thank you alot rebbeca i understood it well <3
Very nice and useful .. thanks !
Thank you very much for the lesson
respect from Morocco :)
thanks! it really help a lot!
When I watched this class, I hadn´t understood this subject.
I´m really grateful Rebeca.
thank you for your lessons ,but i wont understand when we used past perfect and when we used simple past .
thank you a lot .
Thank you very much for lessons, how you’re explaining it’s very easy to understand thanks a lot
hi thanks very much for losson
Your explanation is very helpful to improve my English skills
Thanks a lot
when i started study English, i hadn`t finished my high school.
* how can i make a question in past perfect?
thanks a lot
thank you so much.
Hi Rebecca. Thank you for the lesson. It’s very helpful. I’m confused in one case:
Ex: When Jane arrived home she saw that the chair in her room had broken/was broken/is broken. Which one is correct?
get dude according to this case the 3rd person is also involved who is taking about the past both cases are possible,means was broken and had broken are right.but i am not sure dude it is only my opinion i am also waiting for the reply of rebecca mam.pleasure to meet you .
we did a test when the lights went out
what is most suitable alternative for “did”
a)have been doing
b)were doing
c)had done
d)no improvement.
plz also give explanation for your answer/
my ans of above question is “had done” and my friends ans is were doing who is right???
Your friend is right.Becaue doing test takes time , during that the lights went out.
Thanks Rebecca very much when i watched this video now i learned perfect and the past perfect tense you are very good teacher
6 out of 6
Thank you!
can you please explain to us the past perfect continuous
thanks indeed for this nice way of explainging the grammer .
I wish there is a lessons on all the tenses together and related to each other
thanks indeed again
i also want the same dude.please persuade the mam to make a lesson on the all tenses.
Good class! Past perfect is not dificult but I usually had doubts when I studied sentences with words AFTER and BEFORE. I suggest you explain this question in other video.
thank you very much.
Hello Rebecca, could you please shed some light on had had,and whether it is considered as a past perfect tense.
Many thanks.
Thank u so much! That helps me a lot!!
I got the 100 poınts:D
First of all thank for your lesson. Could you please upload Full complete Tense Lesson for us(Simple Present,Continuous,perfect,perfect continous,Past,Future). It would be great…
Thanks Rebecca :)
Thanks a lot
thank uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
These two tenses seemed very mixed up to me,but now it’s clear when and how to use it. Thanks a lot for the great lesson,Rebecca. It’s much easier to study with EngVid… :)
thank you so much mamdam
Thanks Rebeca
Thank you very much, Rebecca! My English has really improved since I begun to watch your lessons. They make me believe that I can speak fluently someday :)
Thank you.
Rebeca, it´s clear and easy to understand, thank a lot
Nice and easy on the one hand, extremely useful on the other.
Thank you!
Thanks a lot Rebecca.
Thank you so much teacher Rebecca for a very clear explanation..I got perfect score 6 on the quiz..Hooray!
thank you
Thanks, Rebecca!
Thank u very much :-)
thank you very much but i have a question please. can we use past perfect with out use past simple before it? and thnk you again
Hi rebeca, i like your lesson.
please i very confuse with Do- Does, Qwh
thank you
i mean i like you tecnic to teach . is easy understant.
Thank you Rebecca I got 100%from this lesson
thank you Rebecca.. =)
Thanks Rebecca,It’s clear now.
hey rebecca mam your lesson on past perf tense was awesome,my kindly request to you mam please make a grammar video on all the tenses.(that will really help me,because i am unable to understand the other teachers rather than you.) mam please help me,you are my teacher,,,
I got 6 out of 6 thanks amazing teacher
Thank you very much!
Thank you
Rebecca, thank you very much for your lesson.
Can we say “I hadn’t made a lot of money yet ?” I thought yet is used only with present perfect.
Rebecca, Talking about past tense, I have a question.
I always mistake about these phrases below. Which phrase is correct?
“I didn´t talk” or “I didn´t talked”
Hi Andre. The correct sentence is “I didn’t talk”.
Andre, o verbo auxiliar “do” fica com a forma no passado e o verbo principal fica no infinitivo.Portanto a resposta certa é:
I didn’t talk
Thanks Rebecca for your help!
Hugs from Brazil!
Excellent lesson! Thank you.
It looks like a “piece of cake” now. :D
Keep up your great work.
can u show the difference between past perfect and present perfect. and can u say why they are important.
Thanks Rebecca, I appreciate all your support with all these topics which are very interesting for all the people who are wishing to speak a better english day by day. Thanks again!!
Hi Rebecca! Thank you for the lesson. I have a question. With your example “When I got married, I hadn’t bought a house”. Can I say “when I got married, I didn’t buy a house”. What is the main difference between these two sentences.
100 :)
when jhony came to my home, I had completed my homework
That was so easy to learn. Thanks Miss Rebecca,you are very helpful.
You are wonderfull! Thank you!!!!
Thank you Rebecca. You explianed very clearly.
Thank you my teacher.i totally understand~^^
it was very clear! thanks
appreciated!!! cheers
Thank you Rebecca. This lesson is very useful, before watching this, i hadn’t understood how to use this tence.
can we say that the tense that comes after (when)should be past simple ??
or it doesn’t matter, and it can also be past perfect???
thanks rebec, keep going like that
Yes! I understand this tense very well. Thank you Rebecca!!!
Even though I got 100 for the test, but I am still a bit confused. Mrs Rebecca (or anyone), so we have the past tense first then the past perfect. Can we only use the perfect tense in one sentence without the past tense in the beginning?
please explain it. Thanks in advance. :)
Perfect!!! :D
Hello teacher more than good
Thank you Rebecca, now I can use the past perfect
Really very helpful and your speaking is very Really very helpful. Regards from Mexico.
Thank you very much my good teacher
I kinda freaked out when I heard you say; “the past of the past”, but later on i got it. It’s easy once I practice it. Thank you so much Ms. Rebeca.
it was best lesson/explanation/teaching method i ever seen before in my entire school life…tenses (grammar) always troubled me in my school life. thank you for wonderful lesson. i scored 6/6.
Thank you it was very clear
Very useful this lesson!
Thank you so much Rebecca.
i got 100
Thank you for this great lesson. It was very helpful. Can you please help me understand how to use : Have had and had had.
Thanks a lot, Ms Rebecca! Useful lesson!!!
REBECCA i get 100/100 .thank u so much .important lesson……
Rebecaa .i get 100 thank u so much .it was an important lesson
Thank you for your lesson, it was helpful for me, you had been incredible.
As usual, another amazing explanation Rebecca. Thank you very much! You’re the best teacher ever!
Thank Rebecca I love your simply lesson
Very clearly explanation! Thank you a lot! :)
Thank you Rebecca, for the clear and simple explanation.
thank you))
Hi Yulia.I want to do some practise if you want too.
thank you))
thank you i was getting treble with past perfect till i saw your video thank you so much
Thanks very much Rebecca, I got 100%.
Hello Rebecca,you`re such a diligent teacher.I have got 100. TOEFL is headed for trouble!
Thank you so much Rebecca.
Good explanation, I understood everything.
Thank you.
Hi Rebecca. By the time I watched this video, I had studied about this past perfect. But it was not informative. Now I understood it clearly.
As far as I know it should be “By the time I watched Past perfect video” instead of “By the time I watched this video”.
Please help me in evaluation.
Thank you, dear Rebecca. It’s so clear. 6 from 6.
Dear Rebecca, please, help to understand how I need to work with modal verbs.
Very clear, thanks!
I got 5 out of 6
thank you
Thank you Rabecca.
I’ve got6of6. Thank’s
hehehe so useful , i got ten. thank you Ms :D
Before the saw this lesson I hadn´t understood the past perfect. Thank you !!!!
I accepted all them!!!! :) thank you for this lesson, it was so useful for me. And Before I didn’t see this lesson I didn’t know anything about that, And now I’ve understood everything about that. :D
Thank you very much for this very helpful website where we can learn or review English grammar at home.
I need a little help, just a clarification, if there is a possibility that can use past perfect without simple past. Thank you Ma’am.
Thank you!
Anyone knows if there is on the web page any other video about the Past Perfect Continuous??
Thank you Rabecca.
Your are the best teacher . But you haven’t explained usage “after and when” and specific time” in the past perfect.
A big thanks for you Rebecca, I got 100 % of the test. When I “followed” this lesson I “had known” a part of those.
thanks for this lessons it help me befor i found it i hadn’t knew how to use the past perfect tense
Rebecca, I did not like your video. It is unclear explain the topic. I’m upset. I think you will be able to help me.:(
Thank You.
Thank you very much. It’s very helpful. I like all your lessons.
Thank you very much for your valuable learning video. I got 6 out of 6. Your way of teaching is really very good. I understood completely. Again thanks for it.
hii maam now iunderstand abt simple past and past perfect.i hv one doubt…….here in last 2 sentences in the board. 1] I hadn’t bought a house. 2]I hadn’t made a lot of money.CAN U PLZ EXPLAIN THESE 2 SENTENCES.THE LESSON i wish i had/iwish ihadn’t . s confusing me.these 2 sentences hv any connctn with ds. thnk u
I watched this video as I had made mistakes quite sometimes regarding this tense.
thanks Rebeca, you’re amazing.
thnx thnx thnx a lot … i had found problem with this tense before you explained it for us
Thanks Rebecca very much!!! I like your lessons, because it s easier to understand!!
thank you! it is very helpful
Thank you it’s really helpfull
wow !! tank you I go 40/40 for my exam
Thank You very much i got 6\6 in that exam <3 all respect
Thans for the class
Thanks a lot for the class teacher. Finally Im able to understand
I had so many doubts about this subject before I watched this video, thanks for the help! =)
I don’t know how to thank you.
hey thank you so much, I enjoyed alot
rebbeca thank you so much , you helped a lot thank you, now i know how to use past perfect P.P
Great lesson! Thanks a lot Rebecca. This was the better lesson about past perfect tense that I already seen.
you are a perfect teacher Rebecca:)
Thank you, Rebecca it’s really helpful lesson, I like your way of teaching, it’s simple and clear.
When I’d watched your lesson, I knew how to use the past perfect.
Great lesson! thank you very much….
In our country we say thanks you and we say god bless you am really thankfull for you you help me alot
thankyou so much :)
Thank you Rebecca, this class was very good!
Thank you Rebecca
two or more events happened in the past. If we want to connect them we use the past perfect tense except for the event that is closest to the present. Did I get it teacher Rebecca?
Thank Rebecca! This is a good Lesson!
I got 100marks!
This lesson helped me a lot, thank you, best regards from Slovakia.
thanks for your help.
Hey Teacher, thank you so much for the help! I hope you continue publishing your classes :)
Dear Rebecca,
Royal lesson for understanding how to use the past perfect. Great thanks.
Best regards.
Big thx
my quiz:
You got 6 correct out of 6.
Thank you so much, I understood all you said :)
I’m so glad I got 6/6..
hello guys, by the way I’m a first time immigrant and always watching engVid to improve my english. Is there any native speaker their to help me improve my english on how I talk/communicate? And I’m also planning to take the TOEFL exam. Thank you :)
I prefer for a girl native speaker to help me. Thank you :)
By the time I started watching your video, I had not understood the paste perfect tense well.
But that time had long since gone.
I can not thank you enough Rebecca!
Thanks Rebecca, this was a very cool and useful lesson!!
When I started this lesson I had not known “past perfect tense”. Rebecca has a intelligible pronunciation. Her lessons are effective.
Another great lesson in tenses! Thank you Rebecca!
Now I know how to build a perfect past tense sentence :D
Thanks Miss. Rebecca I scored 6/6..the rule is similar at the italian grammar but you use the auxiliar ( have ) and we use the auxiliar (Be).
English grammar isn’t so easy as italian people think.
Thanks Rebecca. I got 100%
Hi, Rebecca!
Thanks for a great lesson-)))
Is there a lesson about the past perfect continuous? Actually, I would be grateful if you could help with a piece of grammar. Does the sentense “In ten minutes’ time he realized that he had been going the wrong way” sounf natural?
Hi Becky! Thanks a lot for your satisfying class!
When I’ve begun your final homework I didn’t think to solve all quizzies in a right way at all!
Bye, enjoy your evening!
You got 6 correct out of 6.
I see that many people want to learn English ,but they refuse to write without grammatical mistakes !
Dear Rebecca,
In your presentation on the Past Perfect Tense you used the example “When we arrived at the airport at 6PM we discovered that the plane had left at 5PM”.
Shouldn’t the Past Simple have been used in the object clause “that the plane had left at 5PM” (a fact in the Past relative to “discovered” is stated)?
Please, kindly explain the difference.
Also, I should like to use this opportunity to compliment you on your excellent delivery of every presentation/lesson.
Best regards,
PS: How can the ugly mug / avatar on the left be replaced for something more appealing?
i love thanks a lot
6/6..Rebecca i have one question in my mind that if we use already with past perfect is it good to use or the tense itself covers that word e.g. “By the time i finished my essay, John had already completed writing his article” in this sentence i think past perfect covers the idea that the John completed his article before me so there is no use to write already? hope u understand my question
Thank you so much. Great lesson!!!!!
thanks a lot.
You got 6 correct out of 6.
Thanks Rebecca. Simple but useful ! I got 6 .
thanks for the lesson.
thank you very mach
I had seen the video and right now the topic is clear, thanks.
10/10. Thanks a lot dear teacher.
the second time 6/6 no 10/10.
Yeah! Thanks my professor. I must be honest, when i decided to watch this lesson, i had been so confused about it, no matter how old be these lessons. We always can find amazing lessons like these. Thanks again. Hugs from Venezuela.
It’s a very useful lesson now I can confidently use the past perfect tense
I understand very well this lessons ; thanks
thanks for your is very helpful!
very helpful,
thanks, Rebecca
Thanks for your video lesson,very helpful
Thank you Rebecca
Thanks for the video :-)
It was very helpful. Thank you!
Thank you!!!
you made my day , because i did not find someone to explain it like this until now
Thanks a lot engvid.
How i can know engvid is british or amirecan ?
Thanks you for this lesson, you are a very good teacher.
Thank you Rebecca, I finally understood this tip
Thank you Rebecca :)
the correct use of past tense is my nightmare. Thank you Rebecca, the lesson is very usefull
Rebeca Thank you so much for the classes.. You are very very good teacher
I’d to told thank you so much because you help me to improve myself and I understand everything do you say because you use simple way
thank you so much and God bless you
Hi thanks for teaching me, you the best *******
Thanks Rebecca, your lesson was very helpful to me.
I into learn english I like the way of teaching by Rebecca thank you.
Thanks for sharing!!! :D
Thanks, now for the first time I can say I know the past perfect.
again thanks a lot!
Thank you so much. That was such a perfect lesson on past perfect. I don’t need to use had everywhere.
please tell me the difference between
1) Had they visited a doctor?
2) Did they visited a doctor?
Thanks medam
Thank You , PERFECT
all what i can say ,thank you very muchfor ur lesson
Thanks miss Rebecca
After officials permission … why we don’t do chat rome on viber or watsup to tray speak English
Thank you mam
thanks a lot .it was so useful.i wanted to ask a question. (after he fell down,he started to crying). is this sentence correct?.or (after he had fallen down,he started to crying)/.would you please explain it that which one is correct and why? thank you
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you so much for this lesson.
Unbelievable, I was scared “When” and “How” to correct use “Past Perfect”.
Now, after your lesson, I find out – its very simple.
Thank you again, that you so Kind and very Wise Teacher that can explain easy, simple the way to understand English.
How to correct the “Unbelievable” one?
When to correct the “past perfect” after your lesson?
To, doubtful through TanyaSkokan
Respctd. Madam.
Thank you so much.
Thanks Teacher Rebecca It is really amazing.
Can you please make a video for “all usage of being”?
Thank you very much, great video
When a comentario in espanglish appears
Thanks for the lesson; however, I have the following questions:
As we may already know, there are two activities that happened in the past, one before the another. But, do we have to use just the simple past and past perfect or can we use other tenses but with the same logic. In other words, can I say:
I was going to buy a flower when I had realized I did not have money or even I remembered that I had to buy a flower when I had been smelling some roses.
When I understood this lesson I had seen your video
I understood this lesson !
I understood this lesson
tomorrow test
thanks. it’s like I wait
Thank you Rebeca , your explanation is very clear. Now I am understand this tenes .
I have got 100, Tks! You lesson was amazing!
Very useful lesson.Thank you
wow 6 out of 6. thank you.
thank you, Rebecca, after about 20 years (wasting time, age and resource), for learning English in schools and universities, this is the first time I think the English grammar does not boring. thank you again.
very nice
thank you rebbica great lesson i had taken the quiz after i watched the lesson :)
Thank you Rebecca
Rebecca, it’s becoming clearer!
Thank you for the lesson!
before i started watching this video i hadn’t remember about past perfect:)
thanks very much.
nice Rebecca
thank you so much, Mrs. Rebecca, you have a big talent in the explain lessons
hi thanks for the lesson was really useful anyway could you please explain about three actions or more happened in the past cos you just spoke about 2 actions
thank you so muth
when i completed to watch this lesson ,i had already understood the past perfect tense
Hi teacher Rebecca.
I love your lessons! Thank you very much to help me to learn a little bit more of the English language.You teach very well!
thanks my best teacher Rebecca i goten 83%
Thank you so, ma’am, for this lesson, I got 100% in the quiz.
very nice! thank you.
Appreciated! really useful.
Thank you so much for the lesson Rebecca! ??
Thanks, Rebeca, I got 100.
better if you talk about negative and questions.
Hi Rebecca, I am really impressed of your teaching style and technique, would you mind telling me the phrase”in terms of”
Thank you so much.. later I hope I can use past perfect tenses naturally when I am speaking
You got 6 correct out of 6.
thanks a lot…
It’s the best learn I got, thank you so much, now I’m not confusing and already to exam
Thank you teacher i got 6 correct of out 6.
Thank you so much for useful lesson.
i got 100 ;)
Thank you for clarifying past perfect tense ;-)
Hi, Rebecca
Thank you , your explanation is very clear. I got 100.
I got 100.
Thank you for the great lesson!
Thank you so much such a good explanation .It was so easy <3
Thanks you very much! this lesson and the Past Simple and Past perfect by Ronnie can be complemented.
I recommend watching both.
Best regards!
thank you Rebecca
Rebecca I truly appreciate the way explain your lessons
Rebecca I truly appreciate the way you
explain your lessons
Thank you rebecca 10/10
my score is : 100/100 thanks my teacher
Thanks for useful lesson!
Thank you so much
Good samples, congractulations!
thank you Rebeca I have been learning a lot. God bless you.
Very nich explained. Before I didn’t understand it right. Thank you!
Thank you very much
Good examples, thank you!
Before this lesson, I was confused about past perfect.
What a great lesson!
Thank you so much, Rebecca!
By the way, in the quiz I got 6/6 :)
Rebecca you are the best!!! Thanks for all! I’m finally understanding the present perfect!
AYAYY I RECEIVED 4/6 thanks alot lol.
i have gotten a 6/6 marks . thanks a lot of mam
Nice lesson. Thanks Rebbeca
Great lesson! Thank you very much!
Hi Rebecca.thanks. It is good but also I wish you taught how to make question form of past perfect.
Rebecca, You are the best teacher! Do you have video for other complicated tenses? Thanks
Hi, you had made this lesson so easy to understand. Thank you
Thank you mam. your way of teaching is excellent and easy to understand.
Thanks a lot Rebecca, it seemed really hard but you made it so simple, now I feel confident to use it.
Well, I use to get confused using this tense however now I understand much better. although sometimes is difficult to use it in a conversation because I use to forget how using the regular and irregular verbs in past participle.
thank you very much.such a useful lesson
thank you Rebecca! You have been helping me a lot to learn English.??
Thanks you very much Rebecca! all your lessons are great!
I got all of them. Thanks!
I got 5 correct out of 6 , thank you very much Rebecca
6/6. So simple!! Thank you, Rebecca!!
such a great explanation, Rebecca! Love your lessons so much.
She is a perfect teacher!
I am so glad i have found this engVid!
Hello Rebecca you were perfect
Thank, im very grateful with you teacher. Greetings from Ecuador
Hi, Rebecca thank you for this lesson past perfect is no to hard .I need more practice and exercise,and more example ,thanks for you wonderful job…..
Dear Rebecca, i love to hear your lessons. You explain the problems in a way so i am able to uderstand.
Would you please confirm or comment the following. Is It true that we can use past perfect only in comperison or cinnection with past simple sentences?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Thanks for your class rebecca.
Your explanation is more interest about Past Perfect Tense
Thanks Rebeca, got 6/6
Thank u rebecca.. i love the way you teach.. is so marvelous!! Love from Indonesia,Southeast asia ❤️
Cheers Mam
Thank you, I really love my teacher, she explained good and her method is very clear.
thank you so much.
Thanks to Rebecca Ma’am. Thank u so much mam.
You should create a new playlist of vocab..on youtube.
Please! Please! I’m unable to find your vocabulary lesson.
Thank you mam.
Great class, thanks teacher Rebecca!
good job!
all very clear
the explanation is very good
Thank you Rebeca for your hard work. I really like your teaching style.I want to ask if it is correct the passed tense used in this tile, that made headlines for today:”Lindsey Boylan, a former aide to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, says she resigned in 2018 after he forcibly kissed her during a meeting”. What do you think?
Thanks I got 10.
Thank you!! I didn’t understood the past perfec since I had watched your amazing class.
Thank you!! I understood the past perfect Before I had never learned it. Your class was amazing
I’m completely fascinated with by your simple way to teach. After every lessons of yours i fell more confident in this grammar situations. Thanks teacher Rebecca.
Very well explained
Thanks Rebecca
Thanks for making the lesson easy to understand.
I watched this video twice on July 01, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got six correct out of 6.
Thank you for your lesson, Rebecca. Very helpful!
I got 6 correct out of 6, thank you very much.
Thank you. You made the lesson easy.
thank u dear teacher Rebecca
I got 6 correct out of 6.
Thanks Rebecca I liked her explanation 10/10
I’ve killed 10 out of 10
I score 6/6
Thanks ma’m Rebecca
Rebecca, thank you very much! My result is good😊 I I
rebecca what a fun explaination I hope you can come to camping De paal this summer to meet up
Thank you, Rebecca.
Your lessons are very easy to follow, and they are very helpful.
Finally, I feel confident that I can now learn English grammar. Before I started listening to your YouTube videos, I had doubted myself that I would be able to learn English. But now, I have already started noticing the difference.
Again, thank you!
Thanks a lot, Rebecca. I hadn’t understood this even after having taken some lessons.
Thank you Ms. Rebecca!