This grammar point has been a big problem for years now. So many sleepless nights I spent thinking about it… I guess tonight I’ll have a better sleep.
Thank you Rebecca
ha … )
I am learning English now, It is very hard for me, I saw your class here, It is helpme a lot,thanks for your time teaching other.
how did you sleep ? )
how old are you?
Thank you
karim mohamed
haha me too :))
Thank you Rebecca! I wish I knew this simple truth 5-7 years ago…
Me too.I use your words to express how I fell.I learned Present Perfect today but I have taking this grammar for several years.
Rebecca you are the must!!!
I have been taking
Grammar is so exciting
Exactly. For example i’ve seen this tense for more than 4 months and i keep committing some mistakes sometimes. It’s confusing.
Dear Mrs.Rebecca,
Thank you very much for all your video lessons. They are really informative and very useful. Could you, please tell us rules that govern the maintenance of tenses and forms of speeches in academic essay writing. I requested you a couple of times in the past. I would be thankful, if you could go into depth of the details of essay writing.
Daya Rao
Whenever you write, for an essay or otherwise, the tense you choose depends on a wide variety of factors. If you’d like to read some sample essays, please have a look at my website, I believe this will help you. It would also be useful to watch my engvid lesson on How to Structure Your TOEFL Essay.
Thanks for your feedback, Daya Rao, and my best wishes to you.
hi ma’am.
thank you so much for your webinar classes ma’am. indeed! i have been learning a lot of troubleshooter problems in yours classes.
please help me out !
i have a few problem in tenses,still i can’t nail down distinguish between past simple and present perfect .
here my eg of the problem:1) i broke my leg yesterday(past simple= specified time)
2) i have broken my leg(present perfect= ?)
3) i have lived in london since2010( present perfect= i began start to live in 2010 to so for).
the first sentence i could understand clearly.
the third sentence i could understand clearly.
the second sentence i “couldn’t” understand clearly.
Hello, Rebecca.
Magnificent lesson. In fact, I have noted a lot of people usese the simple past.
Whether finished or unfinished. Thank you.
It’ ll great if you could teach us how to redornize that when verbe + To + verbe infinitif
or verbe + ING
Thank you
these course is excellent. I like it.
This grammar point has been a big problem with me so i need mor prcatse pls
alnaji ismail
Is it grammatical correct to say
“I have finished cooking.” without indicate the time?
It’s correct if you mean that you finished cooking at least today. Normally you can say this way if you finished action and right after it you report to someone about it.
Yes, that’s fine. It means that you started and finished in the past and that you are still in a state of having finished the cooking. You may also use this sentence if you finished cooking recently, as in, “Wow, at last, I’ve finished cooking!”
My best wishes to you, Ivan.
hi.teacher..i can write this sentence for example: i have just finished cooking for some minutes
thank you
Abdulwahid ali
need a quiz pls :D
I am Chaminda Kumara from Sri Lanka. I am 36 Years Old I Have Job Working As Metal Machinist Since Twelve Years. Now I am Going to Face IELTS Exam in [General] in 17th of Next Month and I Having Many Doubts and Confuse Writing,Reading for Get The Sufficient Marks in Exam Please Help Me As Possible.
Good luck!kumara
The IELTS General exam can be challenging. Do watch all our IELTS videos, they will help you. In addition, other video lessons on grammar, pronunciation, speaking, vocabulary and writing will all help you. All the best to you.
now i want to learn english well .what should i do ?teaher can show me.i am bad pronunciation.
u can help me.right?
Please Give me Ideas How to Write the Perfect IELTS Essay and Letter
9 out of 10!
thanks a lot
i kill the exam i got 10 out of 10
thanx for ur lesson teacher
thank you rebecca .it was useful for me.
8 out of 10
thnks a lot.. looking forward for some more lessons covering other tenses…
I must admit that this lesson is really helpful. Nevertheless there are other specific situations that are described in Simple Past or Present Perfect.
I remember that Present Perfect is used when we are talking about news, and Simple Past is used to give specific information about that event. Example:
The plane has fallen down. All passengers died.
In above example Present Perfect was used for describe the background and Past Simple for giving more specified information about this event.
Oh dear! i just got 5 out of 10! im sucks! lol
now i feel nervous about taking my ielts exam next month i can tell i am not a 100% percent ready yet. I hope this website can help me to improve my english skill.
You don’t suck. Just try to figure out what areas you make mistakes in again and again, and focus on improving those areas.
Exactly. Mistakes are only tools to make us aware and help us improve. Be cool, calm, and confident. Try to work with a teacher or join an IELTS preparation class before you take your exam.
All the best to you, jazz.
I got 10/10, before this lesson I’d rather write I have gotten 10/10.
Thank you Rebecca
thank you Mrs Rebecca for learing us about past simple and present perfect .
I got 10/10 at Quiz .
You’re very welcome. The proper word to use in this context is: Thank you for teaching us ….
My best to you, Abdulrahman.
Mrs Rebecca .
Could you give us more of Verbs 3 ‘ for present perfach
Dear Rebecca,
I have a question to you.
As you know
The present perfect is used for recent action when the time is not mentioned.
The simple present used to express habitual action.
1) I’ve lived in London.
2) I live in London.
Are these sentences equal?
Thank you.
Best regards,
The 2nd sentence is about ‘true or not’.
The 1st sentence is about ‘how long’.
You are confused because you are trying to see the difference in the ‘when’ aspect of the sentenses. And there is no difference here. They both are about ‘now’ (both tenses are present).
I’ve lived means you have a experience of living in London, it says that you may visit London at least one time in your life.
But I live in London means it is a fact, means my home town is London, and it is true in the past , present and also it will be true in the future.
Dear Rebecca, Correct me i i am wrong
hi miss Rebecca.i got 9 out of was becous of
question nr 8 that was littelbit difikult,can you pleas explain it for me?why should we use did insted for hav?
best regards.
You needed to use “did” in that question, because of the words “last Sunday”. This means we are talking about a finished time in the past, so we need to use the past simple.
My best wishes to you.
I have waited this lesson 4 so long, now I know much more better. hugs n’ kisses lovely Rebecca.
Hi jumat. The tense is called Past Perfect. You use it when you want to show clearly, that from two events in the past one happened before the other. For example, from your 3rd statement I know (besides all other things) that ‘trying hard’ was before ‘taking her duties seriously’. And from your 1st example (though it’s not mentioned) we know that Mrs Jumat was a successful clerk before smth else. Usually that ‘something else’ is clear from the context or the situation.
Actually the idea of this tense is quite simple.
Thanks for your feedback, Ajdabya, and glad to hear the lessons are helping you. Yes,you are right, once we really understand something we can come to enjoy it, which is the key to real learning.
My best wishes to you.
I feel your pain… My own poor vacabulary bothers me too. If you like reading I would advise two things that helped me lot.
1) Try to choose for your reading topics you are really interested in. You shouldn’t read in English any books you wouldn’t normally read in your own language.
2) The texts you choose to read should not too easy or too difficult for you. I personally prefer to buy books that are adapted for different levels ( and read them while on my way to work.
Hi Rebecca, Thanks for your video..thanks indeed!
Have a nice day!
shing mang tun
thanks for the lesson mam…..
Thank you very much plz can you send me some home wrok every day On my email
thank you Rebecca
Hello, Rebecca!
could you please help!
1) can we use Past simple with “today”? – at some time of day today is almost over and things we have been doing are over already, for ex.: TODAY I called my colleague. We discussed some questions. (if the time of speaking is about 9 p.m.)
2) can we say: THIS MORNING I called my colleague… (if time of speaking is at lunch time or later – morning is over, isn’t it?)
Yes, you can certainly say, “I called my colleague today/ this morning.”, because you are referring to an earlier part of the day. In fact, you can use the past simple to talk about any time that is over, including five minutes ago.
All the best to you.
thanx =)
Dear Rebecca, all my teachers till now tought me that I use present perfect if I have completed result of my action that I’m talking about. You sade something completely different. Can you help me please with it ?
thanking you in anticipation.
Thanks alot it was great teaching.
after I watched and heard this lesson I know the differcec between (simple past) and (Persent perfect) correctly and easyly, but befor I didn’t know.
Abdul Manan
Thanks For nice lesson but Where is Quiz???
hi rebecca! I found ur lessons very helpful and interesting.I have confusion between two verbs wake and awake.Could you please explain the difference with examples.
sometimes we use present perfect for a finished actions could you explain this please
Thank you very much! I was very confused about that! Now, I can say that I know! Thank you!!
Rebecca! Thank you very much!
I think you are a very clear teacher. thanks a lot!
Great! I’ve been yearning for such a lesson so long! Thank you!
10 out of 10! Yey! :)
Oh, and I’m pretty sure we can use both the tenses in the 8th sentence of the quiz… can’t we?
10 out of 10! Thank you Rebecca!
Thanks a lot.
Awesome, this is great!!!
U R the best
thanks a lot
Great!!! Good class!!!
Excellent! Thanx a lot
thanks allot I have got benefit from your lesson- could you just teach me what is the difference between these two sentences: I am in hospital./I am at hospital.
Thank you very much, Rebecca! Hope to find another interesting lessons.
excuse me what if i say “i have been to Niagara falls” isn’t it finished time?
When you say that sentence, it means the act of having visited Niagara Falls stays with you all your life.
However, you cannot say,
I have been to Niagara Falls last week.
You should say
I visited Niagara Falls last week.
In this case, when you mention a finished time, like last week, you have to use the Past Simple tense and not the Present Perfect tense.
All the best to you.
Rebecca score!!!!
I’m so happy..thank you so much Rebecca!!
Love you all!! :)))
Hi Rebecca, can you help me to pass FCE exam? :)
Thanku u
thanks so much Rebecca
Rebecca, many thanks for your cool lessons!!!! =)
9 out of 10..thanks!
thank you thank you so much our teacher Rebecca
so could you give us lesson about whatever ,however , whenever,how to use them
9 out of 10…Thanks Mrs Rebecca…
it was very iformative lesson but now im interested to know when `had` is used.and what is difference between `start & begin`.
omer anwar
Thank you, but I need to practice more and more.
Thanks! I understand now.
you are so awesome and so beautiful, Miss Rebecca.
I got many benefits from this media and lessons.
Thanks a lot for giving this lesson, hope you always in good health.
hi there guest what i need more practice some time im stroguling to make un santenses.
Thank you, good lesson
thanx,but when to use `had`.
omer anwar
thank you
I have learned a lot of good things since I am on this website :D
(yes, it is correct ;)
hi rebecca, congratulatiosn about this lesson,it was important tome because I had some doubts with present perfect, thank you so much.
teacher,, is the present perfect using only with unfinished time in present.??please i have little doubt with that.
You cannot use the present perfect with a finished time, like yesterday, last week,etc. For those situations, just use the simple past tense.
All the best to you, Manjula.
Hello Rebecca.It would be great if you give some lesson about conditional sentences with real and unreal condition.Its clear when its writing, but i have problem when i open my mouth to use this kind of sentences.Probably you can explain it short and simple way.Thank you in advance.
Thanks rebecca you have solved my confusion to use these sentence properly.i like your method of teaching a lot.God bless you.
Thank you very much. I am so glad the lesson helped you. My best wishes to you, Abdul.
Hi,Rebecca.You all in teachers great.
Thank you kindly, Zemuy. Glad we can help you. All the best to you.
10 out of 10
thanks alottttttttttttt rebecca
Hi Miss Rebecca,I want to say that,if you could teach-how to write Letter,Telegram,Notice,Resume and other writing skills.I would also like to say that i am having trouble to log in.
I have a lesson which may help you, in the IELTS section of our website, on how to start and finish a letter.
Please also check all the lessons in the writing and grammar sections.
My best wishes to you.
always I like learn English as fun
That’s the right way to approach all learning! Good for you! My best wishes to you.
Rebeca thank you so much por you lessons.
the way you talk is very understanding. I feel I learn more with you than with my own teacher at the school. thanks for sharing your talent with those who are learning a new language. regards.
Danay Garcia
My pleasure, Danay. So glad the engvid lessons help you. Please do tell your friends so we can continue adding more lessons. Thanks, and my best wishes to you.
nice lesson, accurate for me
I have never understand this lesson on my English studies tell today, thank you.
I am so glad I could help you understand this topic, Akil. Thanks for letting me know. My best wishes to you.
Thanks MAm,It would be for better, If you could have lesson on “past perfect tense” I’m little confused about this!
Thanks MAm,It would be more better, If you could have lesson on “past perfect tense” I’m little confused about this!
nice lessons..apreciatte them…very useful way to remind what we learnt years ago…enjoy watching ur videos…ty kindly…regards…lima, peru
carlos m l
Thanks, Carlos. All the best with your English.
Thank you, Rebecca:)
Thank you so much , its very useful for me
very nice and clear explanation
Hi teacher Rebecca. can I request to you? will you please discuss the different between simple tense and perfect tense? thanks.
thank you so much for this lesson now i know how to use this in a sentence.
Hello Miss Rebecca, i wanna ask you a question, is right that Past Simple emphasizes the use of “time” of something we did in the past and Present Perfect emphasizes the “work or the result of work” that we have done in the past? it will be an honor to me to get the answer from you and hope it will be helpful for my confusion in this case. Thank you
Yes, you are right, Anny. I wish you all the best with your English.
9 out of 10 , you are my Favorite teacher since last week , would you tell me that how can i improve my reading ?
thank you for you lesson.
abdul sattar
Reading well requires a variety of skills, but most of all regular practice. Vocabulary is also very important in order to read easily. So choose topics that interest you and make vocabulary cards that you review frequently. You don’t have to read long passages, sometimes even short passages have a lot of new vocabulary to master. Then, make questions from the material and try to answer the questions, using the new vocabulary.
Also,I have an engvid lesson on English in the News which should give you some useful strategies.
My best to you, Abdul.
thank you REBECA :) very very interssting lesson
I think this is the best way to understand
thanks you Te Re becca
how can I use the other pronounce like he she and you in the present perfect
what do you think of this sentence
he has visted us many time
thanks you Te Re becca
how can I use the other pronounce like he she and you in the present perfe
10 of 10,thanks teacher,i like more example.
its great and fun too
9 out of 10…..thanks madam…
Madam, Excellent explanation,.. I have been looking for this since years, finally I got the information when use have/has etc,..
hi ur lesson is very interesting and easy to understant…thanks a lot….my question is “i have sent you the mail”….is it correct???
thank you vrey much i can understand now and I hope to skep my level
ohh yesss, i’ve got 100 percent. This lesson very very interesting. I love it. Thank so much my lovely teacher :)
Please tell me how to use interesting and interested. And “interesting people or interested people”. Thanhks a lot
Very Nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Rebecaa,
Your lessons were well explained and clear for understanding.Keep-on going with more lessons like this.
Thank you for teaching us !
Hi Rebecaa
can you explain to me what is the different between present perfect and present continuous…?
thanks so much
my students and me like this course! Thank you very much for your interesting lessons.
Nice and useful lessons.I like it.
great job Rebecca! Thank you very much. I know how to use past simple and present perfect. I got 10 out of 10.
thanks a lot again.
why we always use have with verb”see” like :
I have not seen him before .
can we say instead of that:
I did not see him before > because it is already finished
could you explain it for me pls ?
thank you maam :)
Hello my best teacher .
Since I start study English language I have a problem with Present Perfect . you lesson was very helpful .
Thank you so much ….
thanks a lot of Rebecca for all your useful lessons
it is very good site to learn english
Hi my best teacher.Thanks a lot for all your lessons. I study English ESL in Ottawa I start 0 now I’m understand English I like to learn language.
thank you =)
i don’t lnow how to thank you miss rebecca !
i realy like your MoOd of teaching thank you very much for be my part of life
fazzy shah
ohh you are very good teacher …
10/10 wowowowow
can we say ? that
I didn’t worked hard last month . (AS a PAST SIMPLE)
It should be “I didn’t work hard last month”.
engVid Moderator
Thank you
9 out of 10…..thanks Teacher …
Could you please explain about despite and in spite of…thanks…
Yay ! i got 10/10 . Thank you Rebecca for da lesson.:)
profuse thanks. but what about questions? I mean, ” what did you do” or ” what have you done” , ”who have done it” or ”who did it” , ”why have you gone there” or ”why did you go there”…
it would be more satisfying if you explained them, please.
I have heard it many times .the lesson was good ^_^
thanks a lot it was really great and helpful
fantastic lesson
Oh for me it is fantastic
Thanks a lot Rebecca for this lesson.
Now my level is just upper intermediate, and i would like to improve it to advanced or confirmed.
My best wishes for this new year.
Miss Rebecca, the way you teach is superb, I just love your style of learning, keep it up!!! I hope we will get to learn some more from you…. best of luck for your future.
how do i know if to put past simple or past perfect??
hai rebecca,
i need more classes on past simple and present perfect.
can you please say where can i get these classes.
afreen sudheer
hey Mrs Rebecca ;Thank you very much for all your video lessons. really ai have bigg problem in passive voice and next week i have quiz i didn t what i may doing plzz help me
I got 2 WRONG in the Quiz can you explain the mistake please
Here is what I got Wrong:
Jason ____for work five minutes ago.
I _________ cooking at 7 o’colck. That was 2 hours ago, but the guests still haven’t arrived
For both I used Present Prefect how is it Wrong???
Wow, this is the simplest explanation i’ve ever listened!
Thanks for your job, Rebecca.
Thanks Rebecca for this lesson.
10 out of 10. Very easy after it!!!
wow ,great lesson ,a very simple and a good way to understand the present perfect and to use it . I’m a beginner and this lesson is very helful for me because i was very confused before watching your vidéo .Thanks REBECCA.
Hi Rebecca.
thank you for good teching. I hava littlie problom. Iam sure you can help me. Idon,t understand prasant perfact. you can help me?
thank you very much Mr.Rebecca.
thank you my favorite teacher. you have been very great. I am beginner but i have understood your lesson very well…. we are still waiting more from you
first of all i love this web site and my favorite teacher is rebbeca
i got 9 correct out of 10.
Tank you Please help me more and more because steel no confidence speaking English
Tank you Rebecca Please help me more and more because steel no confidence speaking English
I would like a video lesson about the past perfect =). Thank you very much
thank you a lot that lesson help me soo much
thank you for this lesson it has been enough for me to differentiate between the use of the present perfect and the simple past today , but i have a question , should we say : we have received this collection since 2 days ? or – we received this collection 2 days ago ?
thanking you in advance madame .
Thank you: I like your videos, it helps me a lot with grammar.
This lesson really amazing.Very easy and very understandable.I learnt when I will use these two grammer as clear after I watched your lesson Rebeca.Thanks a lot.Have great days for you…
Thanks a million Rebecca, i really appreciate.
dear mam can i use
i have completed my degree
very very clear!
thanks for this lesson. it is very easy and useful
Hi… Rebecca!
Thank you for this class.
Here is a question for you:
If said: I have worked hard since 6 am.
Could I say: I have been working hard since 6 am, instead of saying I have worked.
Thank you very much
East Timor.
Yes, you can say either of these sentences. My best to you!
Hi Rebecca. Thank you very much for the help you’re giving us.
I am also confused about how and when I should use, CAN,COULD,WOULD and WILL.
Thank u Sooooooooooooooooo Much !!!
:D :D :D (10/10) I am Good ! :D
Hi , thanx for this lesson
and I have one question. What different between ..
How long have you been smoking ? , and how long have you smoked ?
Thanx again.
In some cases, as in your example, there is not much difference. You could use either one without much change in meaning.
All the best to you.
Hello Rebecca
I have a question..
”I have already had a breakfast” Isnt that a finished time.Thats a problem for me please help me.
I have already had breakfast.
This sentence means that I had breakfast in the past, yes, and the breakfast is still with me / in me! Therefore, there is a connection between the past and the present, which allows us to use the Present Perfect tense.
Hope this helps! Please check out a grammar book for an in-depth explanation of this concept, which is quite detailed.
All the best to you.
Thank you very munch for all your video.
these course is excellent. I like it…Thanks,Rebecca !!!!!!
I would like to thank you for you presentation. It was really helpful. However, I was confused when you gave the example: “I have visited Niagara falls many times in my life” because you pointed out that we use the present perfect with unfinished time. However, in this case if I am not wrong, the time is finished in that example. I am not saying that your example was incorrect but I think that we can use the present perfect with finished times also. For example, I have already eaten lunch.I think this presentation will be more comprehensive if the you mention that we can use the present perfect with finished unspecified times. :)
“I have visited NF several times in my life.”
This is not an example of unfinished time as I am still alive when I say this sentence. Yes, the action is finished but the fact of the action remains with me. In any case, the point is that I did not use any words or expressions that indicate finished time in my sentence, such as yesterday, last week, in 1973, etc. That would be problematic in Present Perfect.
Thanks for all your interest and my best to you.
I love your lessons.
thank you a lot!
Thank you!
Thanks a lot Rebecca, the video lessons are excellent!
Thank you so much for your lesson, Rebecca. It is clearly to understand. I like learning English and I love Thanks you and all your colleagues.
The best wishes.
Dear Rebecca!
How shall i know, if I want to speak about something, wich was happening (or happend ?) in the past, but I don’t mention the time ( which as we know can be finished or unfinished ) Let me show you an example:
He haven’t listened, there have benn to much noise
He didn’t listen, there was ti much noise.
Thank you
Sometimes there isn’t so much difference and we can use either tense. Sometimes there is a big difference and we can only use one of the tenses. In your example, either one is fine. You could say:
He hasn’t heard because there was too much noise.
However, you could also say:
He didn’t hear because there was too much noise.
All the best to you.
thk u 4 ur excellent explanations !
Dear Mrs.Rebecca
I am planning to take the toefl ibt test on April and i want to ask you about how to take effective notes .. thank you for helping us
Mohammed Samir
thank you so much Rebbeca!!
Thank you for the lesson.
And what do we use if we have no time specification? Can we use Simple past in case, when we have no ‘last year’,’yesterday’,’on Monday’ in the sentence, or should we use Present Perfect in this case?
hello Rebecca
i am thankful to you for sharing your knowledge with us…… i am very bad in english but still love this language
can you explain more and more abt tense
mam rebecca that what i want exatly thank you
8 out of 10. I need practise a little bit more. :)
thanks mam
raseeth badusha
thanks rebecca, now I understand about simple past and present perfect. :)
Thank you very much ms Rebecca, Can we use present perfect to ask about somone’s experiences?
present perfect also uses to express an event finished in the past without mentioning the exact time for this event ,isn’t it?
Thank you very much miss Rebecca Can we use present perfect to ask about somone’s experiences?
present perfect also uses to express an event finished in the past without mentioning the exact time for this event isn’t it?
hello dear Mrs.Rebecca. You’re helpful for me so thank you very much but I don’t know. When I use have been or just have+Verb+ed ? Which one ? I am studying at university.This year I am learning English but I’m confused. Please help me dear Rebecca
Perfect! This lesson helped me a lot.
Geni Maria Hoss
thanks rebecca you and ronnie ae the best
Thanks, now the differents are more clear :)
thank you Ms Rebecca.
hi, Rebecca! Lessons from EngVid are very useful!
And what about the dead person? When we’re talking about someone who is dead already, somebody famous for instance?
1.”he visited NY several times”
2.”he has visited NY several times”
Can we use only the first example? Which one is correct? Or maybe both?
Could I say ” My brother has gone on vacation” without mentioning any adverb of time and by that I mean he’s still on vacation?
Another question:
We learned at school when there are adverbs like JUST,FOR,SINCE,YET,ALREADY we always use Present Perfect.
For example: “I have just eaten strawberries”. However, I also have seen “I just ate strawberries”.
Is something wrong?
All the best!
Thanks a lot Rebecca,it was an excellent job keep it up. I do learned a lot from u today.
a very nice lesson
Jeff JB
Thanks a lot Rebecca, Beautiful style of teaching wow.
Maqsood Hussain
Is simple past means finished time with finished work or unfinished work? present perfect means unfinished time with finished work and unfinished work both? please explain me. thank you
Thanking,for the exercises, nicee
i am pavan from india.I have a doubt in simple past tense while using time to say one action done in past.shall i use sentence like below.
one month left purchasing this pen
Than q mam simple explanation and easy and useful example given Anke babu
anke babu
Thanks so much my English teacher, Just now clearly I can distinguish between past simple and present perfect sentences.
Ali Murad
thank u so much…..
(1) He told me to come 11pm to burj Al Arab Hotel and pik me up.
(2)He tell me to come 11pm to burj Al Arab Hotel and pik me up.
Pleas help me witch one is correct.
Arbab shah
hi there teacher, i just want to say thanks kindly. your lessons are very educational.
Hi Rebecca,
OK, but it is not quite so simple. Here are some examples of when you use Present Perfect for a FINISHED action:
We have just finished our lunch.
Look, that lady has just fallen over!
I have just sent you an email.
In these examples we use the Present Perfect because it is a completed (or finished) action but is nevertheless related to the present because it was completed just a very short time ago.
The key word here is “just”; so if you can use just in the sentence then you should use the Present Perfect.
I hope that helps as I noticed in the comments that somebody asked about this.
Best wishes and keep up the good work, this is a really great site!!!!
freddy19616 (Skype)
Very simple very clear .you are great,thank you
it’s really a good video , but i have an example please correct it if it’s wrong .
my example says :
i have not taken my exam yet .
i think it’s unfinished time
waiting ….
Mam, could you please tell me what is the difference between
1)we don’t have TV since i was born
2)we haven’t had TV since i was born
3)we haven’t been having TV since i was born
is they mean same? or not? if same what are the situations we use each of them?
I’m waiting for your answer…
Only (2) is actually correct. It means that before you were born, there was TV; but from when you were born to the present day, you didn’t have a TV.
engVid Moderator
wow! Really I wonder the way how you make the things simpler.
Thanks a lot madam..
thank you for the replay…could you please tell me
what is the difference between
1A)David has worked in Spain since 1996
1B)David has been working in Spain since 1996
2A)We have lived here for 15 years
2B)we have been living here for 15 years
i like your way of teaching mam because it makes me to understand very well..
i got 10 out of 10 thank rebecca watermelon
10 out of 10 !! thank you very much Madam !! you made my life easier with Grammar :)) I am really grateful !!
Hi Ronnie
I wanna ask a question
I have worked hard since last semester
I have been working hard since last semester
wich is correct & how
Abdul Qayum
God bless you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10 of 10 ,encredibly!Thx a lot!
hi thanks a lot.
Thank you so much Rebecca! Very helpul class.
Thanks a lot Rebecca. The use of the Present perfect has been a problem for me for years. I think from now on I’m ok with this subject because of your great explanation!
Rafael dos S.F.Barroso
Awesome! You’re are a great teacher!
its very useful to us
thanx Rebecca,,,,very helpful grammar is headch to me
whats the difference between regular and irregular verbs????
where do we use regular or irregular verb??
Thank you very much , Rebecca. Now I’m really understanding what the difference between two tenses. I learn English at shcool and university . But was so hard in the U. I think I’m not anough learn in school. I watching your lessons by one by now. Thanks a lot.
Thank you Rebecca. You are wonderful teacher! I’ve finally realized that tenses!
hello, rebecca
thank you very much, your presentation is really helpful. can you clarify how to use adverb in present perfect ?
10 out of 10 ..egyptians rock
i wanna ask a question , wt if we dun mention the time so when i could use the present perfect
thank’s for the lesson, mam. I tried my grammar test and luckily I got full score. can you send me for my students? I will be grateful if I can get it.
thanks maam rebecca for these wonderful video explanation of yours..
i never relaised haw to use past simpl und presnt perfect together.
thanks rebeka!
Is it correct if I say: “I’ve taken a shower’?
And you are The Best, Rebecca!! Thanks for sharing such wonderful classes with us!
Dear teacher,
I have seen some reporters saying the following: “Neil Armstrong has died at 82 age.” To according the rules of the Present Perfect, we use it for showing a fact happened in past and possibly is happening in the present. When I say “Neil Armstrong has died” I would be saying that Neil Armstrong died several times. Couldn’t say the reporter simply “Neil Armstrong died at 82 age”?
This is a very nice video. Thank you.
What if we say : i have work hard yesterday. is it wrong?
Thank you Rebbeca, I have worked hard since I started this lesson and I am experiencing the positive signals in me, the confidence to write and eager to converse in English with my peeps. Thank you again for this rare opportubity.
Now I understand =)… Thank you!
thxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx it is great
Now i have understood some point between past tense and prefect tense….i got 9 point out of 10…i am so happy…i realy grateful to you. you are such a good teacher…
Thank you Rebecca, so simple!! I can´t belive!
where is the past tense essay i want do my homework and tomorrow i want togive to my teacher
umar haddad muhammad
hi rebecca for your lessons they are very helpful but i have problem in using simple past and present perfect and past perfect when i use them together espicially when i use them in paragraphs i need alot of practise what you recommend me to do ?and do you have websites for grammer quizes so i can practise
thank youuuu
Thank you .. 10/10 U.U
All the best to you.
Unbelievable! I found this website four day ago and I fall in love it.
Since i have known this website I visit this website everyday also I told my friend this is the best class that we don’t need to pay for anything. And Thanks for Rebacca you made me understand about English more…
Can you check for me this comment i wrote it to you is correct or not?
I want to improve my writing skill please help.
Thanks alot again.
From Thailand..Mind
I didn’t get this one
7. Jason ____________ for work five minutes ago.
has left
Why isn’t it present perfect? It was 5 minutes ago but the day hasn’t end yet. Explain me pls. Thank you.
It’s wonderful!!!
I from Hungary. I’m studying English for 4 years.
This video helped me a lot. 10/10 Thank you :))
Natasha, because the “ago” time adverbs in simple past time characteristic.
Very very useful for a beginner like me .Before i watched your video it’s very hard but you have an magic to do easy to clear ^^ Thank you so much.
Dear Teacher please teach me about the perfect continues tense…
thanks could you help me to understand the english grammer becouse i have tofel test end of this year.
now i understand…thank u
Hi Mam Rebecca Thank you very much I learned how to to use past simple & present perfect.but my problem is how can i develop my confident to write & speak English during writing & talking to someone…I need your advise..thanks & more power
Dear Mrs.Rebecca,
Thank you very much for all your video lessons. They are really informative and very useful
Hamid Khandani
I have been in USA since 2002. I worked as an accountant more than seven years. I have the Master’s degree in the accounting. I have had problems with these two tenses. I watched your video several minutes ago. I am very happy now and very thankful to you for your help. Thank you, Rebecca, very much! 10/10 first time in my life! :)
hi you aru wonderful
Excellent Job, very well explained. 10/10 4 u
Kelwin Nunes
I got it, God bless you
Hi Rebecca,
Many thanks for your lesson, it very help me a lot. The quiz is 10/10
Hello Miss Rebecca:) I have never regretted that I have focused my life in my career. Is this correct? Is it not a redundancy?
wow I’m impressive myself, I don’t know how I did it but I Kill the quiz got ten corrects out of ten. I love Engvid. god bless the Teachers.
Hello Rebecca
I found this website several days ago, and now I’m your big fan :) Thanks a lot for your all helpfull lessons nad explanations. It really works :) Now I,ve got a question. Could you tell me please, is the sentence below correct?
“I started wondering: what did it mean? what was the problem?”
In whole my life,I haven`t studied grammar tenses like this way.
is this sentence correct?
you are great.
For me the different between past simple and present perfect is a wall! because in Italian sometimes we say the same things with both tenses! But I’ll study it! Thanks for the lesson :)
10/10 thanks Rebecca
thank you so much it was really great lesson
Emad Hassan
After I had finished this lesson, I said: “Thank you Rebecca!”
Thank you so much now I understand this tense <3
Hi Rebecca, I would like to say Thank you so much for a great explanation. Today we had a first QUIZ in our ESL class. I’m very disappointed because i am so confused to used simple past and present perfect in a sentence.
thank you a lot :)
Thank you very much Rebecca.You are a very good teacher!
Finished vs Unfinished
Quite simple.
Great advice!
Thanks Rebecca
Mam…you are really a great tutor !!! future contionious !!
Thank you for your lesseon. Exellent explaining.
Hi Rebecca,
Trust you’re doing well.
Actually I have a question. If I am driving & take a wrong turn so what is the right way to express it “I took a wrong turn” OR “I have taken a wrong turn”.
Hoping for your quick response.
Have a great day. Byee….. :-)
hi Rebecca
I really like this lesson
I studied altos of book to know the tenses specially past and present perfect tense but unfortunately I couldn’t understand when watched this video I achieved my target completely.
I am very thankful of and have a good and wonderful life .
Dear and respected Rebecca thank you for your explanation
dear sir can we say like
since 2005 some returnees come for foreign country
Hassan Kasim
i met debbie in the last week or
i have met debbie in the last week.
i think it should be the first one… because last week its refer to an action that completed in the past.. please help me!!!!
Dear Rebecca.Explane me pleas 7th and 9th sentences in quis.I didn’t understand why I should use Past Simple instead of Present Perfect.If somebody ask someone about anybody then that time when anybody left is not finished,so in my opinion here must be Present Perfect.I hope you’ll understand what I mean.Sorry,if I made some mistakes.
Your listen is to the point [KISS]; Keep It Short & Simple. Thank you very much for help not only me but all people over the world. :)
I got 80
I’ve just got familiarized with your explanations, so I got it! But I have a question about this video. Could you explain me please what I should do when I come across this: how many times have I told you\did I tell you to obey me? I’m just confused and need your help!
Beest wishes, gustav2
thank a lot teacher for your lesson. i got 10 by 10
thanks Rebeca for your experience and your performance and the most important it is because you shared your knowledge with we.
100% !! i have seen your videos since 2012 :p
useful lesson!thank you very much
Incredible! I think finnaly I have understood differences of those two tences…Thank you! :)
Dear Rebecca,
Here are questions about it:
The situation is,
he has lost his key.
We should ask” Did he lose his key?” or “has he lost his key?”
and which one should we reply?
“No,he has found it” or “No,he found it?”
What are the different between it?
I like your video! thank you very much.
thanks a lot Rebecca
Thanks for this excellent explanation. I’m very interested in more examples to “feel” the difference between Simple Past and Present Perfect.
I have confused fo the question number 7 & 9
but thanks anyway for the lesson :)
The quiz was easy , thnx for this lesson
i am satisfy now so thank you very much for your explain
pierre france ambeu
very helpful , I got 80%. Thanks Rebecca.
Dear Rebecca. You make the explanations of the best way and the classmates are happy. We see the dark side very clearly. Thanks a lot.
Dear Rebecca, thank you so much.
I like to know this sentence below is true or not.
I’ve ordered “Now magezine” by annual payment for five years.
Hai mam,Ilike to know this sentence below true or false
i have completed my M.E from CET
anna jose
am confusing about how to use has please teach me .. thank you
past simple,past perfect are confuse to me.
but i will learn it~!
thank you Rebecca~
I am writing this while most of the comments were finished.This topic gives me a good vision of past and present perfect sentence.Finished and unfinished time explained all.Thanks Rebecca
Waligaa wax baro
Hello,Rebecca madam i got some idea about the tenses.can you suggest how can i effectively improve my vocabulary and speaking skills without having shy.
venky reddy
i got 10 of 10. woohoo thank you Ms. Rebecca
aulia alawiyyiin
Dear Ms. Rebecca,
Yeayy I got 10 of 10 for your quiz. Since i am very slow in learning, i will come again and again just to listen to you. My husband said that I always make mistake in using past and present tense when am talking. I really really hope I will improve and I can better myself. I am so thankful I found your EngVid website.
I am also very happy with all the quiz provided. I wish you have more quizzes.
I have 1 specific questions.
Please take a look at these 2 sentences
1)The movie released on Friday (Past Simple)
2)The movie has released on Friday (Present perfect)
Can u please tell me the difference between these 2 sentences?
I got 10/10 :D
Jhon Edison
Thanks rebecca it was a nice lesson and useful to me.
Thank you for your lesson.
Can you explain different among “last week”, “in the last week” and “for the last week” to me?
Thank you so much :)
Hi Rebecca.
could I say: ” i visited niagra falls many times in my life?” if yes, what is the diference?
easy, usefull and so accurate…
Very clear your lesson. Thank you. I have a question, so you say I WAS IN SCOTLAND and not I HAVE BEEN IN SCOTLAND ?
I am from Indonesia where quite few of people speak English, however before 1998 there were many text books, TV programs, Electronics devices, foods, cosmetics and many more used English. But since 1999 due to The National Policy they have been gradually replaced by Bahasa Indonesia, Except for English movies and Computer Operating System which are still maintained in English. Fortunately, now we have internet access which is useful for those who are interested to learn English. I consider all of your lessons are the easiest one for me and others to digest. You are definitely a perfect teacher. Everything you explains can be easily understand even by those who do not speak English. I am an example, my English is poor but I got 100 score for all of your lessons. Thanks you Rebecca.
I’m sorry I made some mistakes in my previous comment. I wish I could edit but I couldn’t.
Thank you for this lesson! It’s clearly explained!
OMG! I understood it! This topic was very useful for me! Rebecca, you interpret very clear! Thank a million! ;-)
simple,clear and made easy lesson.Thank you
Narendiran Dhanapalan
Thank you Rebecca. I got 9/10!!!
Dear Rebecca!Thank you so much for your lessons and your great manner to teach! With you I get understanding of things that I didnt understood long time before.
I will appreciate if you answer my question. I understand the use of Present Perfect Tense in time frames as you explain in this lesson, but as I know, this Tense is also used when we want to show RESULT of process, that something IS DONE, right? As “I read the book” doesnt mean I read it completely, I could read but stop and not to finish it. So when I want to show that I have reading done I can say “I have read the book”? it will be correct?
Being russian-speaker I can understand common mistake of many russian students as you said. Probably, they mistakenly use Pr.Perf.tense meaning it as result of something where it should be just about time frames.
Thank you again and look forward for your replay!
P.S. oh, one more! what difference is between to be thankful and to be grateful?
Natalia 06
Hello, teacher Rebecca help help here pleas look at this example hi Adam long time no see the answer is i have been to Canada , my big question here is where is the connection between the past and the present in i have been to Canada and why he didn’t say i was in Canada as you told as the present perfect has connection between the past and present and thank you very much sorry for the long comment here ^_^
I got 9 out of 10!
Thank you
I got 10 out of 10 :))))
Thank you a lot
Thank you.
I got 8 out of 10
thank you
farah alsharif
Thank you
Can someone tell me pleaseee what’s the differences between these sentences “I have worked hard this week” and “I have been working hard this week.” Thanks in advance :)
Thank you.
10 of 10!!! Yes!))) thank you Rebecca!!)
Hello Rebecca, will you help me to clarify a question, closely connected with this lesson?
Which of the sentences written below is better grammatically?
Why didn`t you consult me on this matter or
why haven`t you consulted me on this matter?
P.S. there is no reference in the context as to the time when this event happened.
I`d rather prefer to use Past Simple in this context. Thanks in advance.
If present perfect is used for unfinished time, why Gmail – Google show us “Your message has been sent” when We send a message.
Nice lesson! Nine out of ten!
This video make me clear to use past simple and present perfect
thanks a lot.
I got 9 thank a lot
short and explicit. I got 10 out of 10.
Thank you Ma’am Rebecca, I wish that I knew this website before.. Muah muah..
Thank you engVID..
Cherry Ann
very good!
hi Rebecca
thanks for your lesson.could u explain me what the difference between:
if i had seen her i would have spoken to her.
i would have completed my phd if i was not sick.
and what’s structure of the 2nd part of the sentence to express past regret.
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you so much for your help ;)
Salmane 09
thank you
hey whats up guys how are you doing?
this tens was very difficult for me but now I think easier than before… thank you
Thank you very much.
hello mam..could you please help me …
Have u take your lunch ?
Did you take your lunch?
which one is right????
Thank you Rebecca for teaching us.
the result of the quiz is 10 correct out of 10.
i love this video it`s really useful
Thank you so much Rebecca! you are a great teacher! I learned a lot from you and want to learn more from you. :)
Can you please explain when to use had had and had been? I am having confusion of those tenses. Hope to hear from you. Maraming salamat, again! :)
Is this grammatically correct? —> I have been too busy this week.
ago is past simple?
miss penguin
That was great. I love it. And I have watched several lessons since last week.
Nikki Jwx
Dear Rebecca,
I love the way you teach, you explained clearly with some samples. There are a lot of video on youtube explaining English grammar, but you and Adam can deliver the lessons that make us understand what all lessons about. Once again thank you so much, may you guys blessed.
thanks so muche i get avery thing
thank very much Rebbeca
hahaha.. i almost got a perfect score.. thanks for another fruitful lesson Ms. Rebecca
abraham richard
Dear Rebecca,
It’s very clear. Now I hope I should not confusing in English tenses.
Best regards.
thank you, Rebecca, good lesson
thank you very much,Rebecca
Thank you so much
I got 10/10 thanks
Thank you Rebecca, I have learned many subjects with your classes, i hope to improve my english each day.
Thank you Teacher Rebecca for the wonderful lesson!
I have a question regarding Q. 3 & 4 on why do you need to add “since” in the sentence as the structure seems to be leaning on a past simple tense.
Imperial Chicken
10 out of 10
waw :)
safa mohammed
10 out f 10 thank you
I got 10 of 10. i think it’s time to give me an A.
Thank You, teacher.
ibrahim muhammad amin
Thanks Miss. Rebecca I’m studying English now but I still is doing many mistakes but I will try again
best regards
Thanks Rebecca!!! Very good lesson. You are helped me too!! God bless you!!
Fernando Mateus
Thank you! Very useful lesson!
Jesse L White
Finally, I understood!
Very Useful Thank You Very Much.
Hi Rebecca ! I’m sorry but I don understand 3 Question-WHAT it’s miens – “Sandra has worked late since Monday.”? What’s that means – she late at the job or … I didn’t understanding ????????
It means she has being working until late since Monday
Kharenn Hi ! Thanks a lot for your answer ! )
I have gone through many video lessons until now on this topic. I could say, this is one of the best! Thanks Mrs.Rebacca, I love your classes.
After 2 hours has passed time after viewing video I don’t remember the rule bilding of sentence. (
thank you
wided kaaniche
Thank you Rebecca!
I love all your lessons Rebecca. You’re an excellent teacher and help us a lot.
Thank you for all.
Leandro Cleber
Hi Alex. I really need in your explanation. Is the next sentence correct?
‘(ever) Since i own the coffee shop I have been very busy.’
‘Since i own the coffee shop’ (here i mean i still have the coffee shop)
Thanks a lot.
thank you so much,blessings.
Marcela Ramirez
Oh thank you
You’re great
Hi M’m, how r u doing. I’m zaheer. I’m wondering for the difference between an interrogative adjective and an interrogative pronoun, though they mean the same but they h’ve different positions to use, As “Whose coat is this?” and “Whose is this coat?” i know the basic difference b/w two, but i just want to know that if they are placed at different positions then certainly there would be some difference… i’ve asked lots of people but none gave me an appropriate answer pertaining to the question… hope u’ve got my point…
thank you very much Rebecca for this lesson.
Thank you very much for your lesson.
Thank you, dear Rebecca! I repeated again.
Thank you a lot! your video really helped me with the confusion I had, you’re great!
Hello there! Could you tell me, if the question is: have you ever taken part in a competition? Which answer is correct: I have taken part in competition. Or, l took part in competition.
As usual your lessons are amazing, the way you are teaching is perfect.
Thanks a lot Rebecca
Thanks Redecca, that was so useful.
But may I ask what the difference between these two sentences
I am working hard this week.
I have worked hard this week.
I feel present perfect make a little confusion with continuous tense
Excellent lesson Miss Rebecca.. Thanks a lot..
Hi Rebecca ,
I just only asking in writing email how can i differentiate to use past simple or present simple .for instance if I would say I sent the order to client or I have sent the order to client .
I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you
Abdullah @123
Thank you for the lesson. I need to practise because seems a little confuse for me.
can anybody help me with this?
Present perfect / simple past.
She (catch) the next train but it (not get) in till 9.00, so she (arrive) at her office ten minutes late. Her boss (look) up as she (come) in. “You (be) late every morning this week,” he (growl).
Thanks for all advices! :)
Hello , I have some problems with Present perfect and past perfect I can’t difference between them
when using past tense why present verb is used followed by past tense verb ? Is this correct can you please explain I forgot to bring my book here forgot is past but bring which is present is used, why not brought ? I forgot to brought my book
Hi Rebecca,
Exactly this is what I wanted.
Yesterday I posted a question else where to you on this topic. Today I found the clarification already existing. How stupid of me to have raised a question on pre existing answer.
Thank you very much.
i got 10 out of 10
very good teacher
i hope happiness for you
100% I think it`s good for me and thanks teacher for a very understood lesson.
Thank you teacher . It is a good lesson .
i’ve got 100/100
Dear Teacher,
Thank you for the lesson, I feel comfortable when/how to use the two tenses now.
Hello. Thanks for good lesson. But I have such a question. Could you explain what the difference between that you’ve just told «I have worked hard since January» and «I have been working hard since January». Till now I thought that second variant is correct. Thanks a lot.
Thank you so much Rebecca :)
Thank you very much for your lessons Rebecca!
Tnx dude
Is it right if I say “I have been to Canada once.”?
Maria Jessica
hi rebeca, a question please… in the tense: I ___________________ cooking at seven o’clock. That was two hours ago, but the guests still haven’t arrived.
have finished
I chose ‘have finished’ becouse i understand that the day doesn`t finish yet. why is incorrect?
thank you
thank you very much for your wonderful lectures. it’s such a pleasure to recover my forgotten English with you and all the teachers from that excellent group
10/10 I Have learned much subjective about grammar this site:)
nice thankyou
I got 9 correct out of 10 because I skip 1 item
Thank you Rebecca
I got 100% thx for you teaching
kang limpichrothanak
Thank you Rebecca!
Rebecca, you clarified this concept perfectly!Thank you!
Rebecca! you do simplify things!
I have lernt english language since last year
Since I have joined with and watching tutorial videos there was’t any videos teaching about direct and indirect speech.
Ms Rebecca would you like give us a videos which contains the matterial.
Bibin Sudrajat
Precious tips! Thank you, Rebecca!
I’ve got 9 out of 10.. The wrong answer was number 9.
Thank you for this useful lesson :)
Thanks Teacher
Hasitha Shasheen
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you..
M kartal
Great, Rebecca! At last I understood such verb tenses. Thanks a lot! I passed the test easily: my result – 100!
Thanks for all your lessons are helpful for us
Thank you for the great lesson. You are amazing.
Amazing, highly qualified teacher
thanks a lot
You are an exccelent teacher. Your pronunciation is clear and perfect. Thank you very much for yor lessons.
Teacher you are so good, I’m learn in this web a lot thank you for your efforts
I appreciate the lessons, Thanks you for the great class
“…means the act of having visited Niagara Falls stays with you all your life…”
now, that’s put nicely! I will ever remember this!
I know, I have to say:
“I’ve never been to Sweden.”
Then again, if I talk about a person who always wanted to go to Sweden but is dead now… should I say “Sadly, he never went to Sweden”? Because he cant’t go anymore?
Thanks Rebecca, your lessons are fantastic!!!!
wow, I got 10 out of 10, I´m so happy and thank you teacher Rebecca
Thanks a lot Ms. Rebecca.
I got 10/10. Thanks
San Niang
nice realy nice
Oun abusharar
I got 10 out of 10
Oun abusharar
Thank you.
thank you very much teacher
I have worked much better today!!
Thank you mam.
Thanks a lot, I love your videos!
I don’t know what to say except thank you, Rebecca?
I watched this video twice on July 25, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten out of 10.
Hi dear Rebbeca . Thanks for your great lessons. Could you please answer my question ? Thank you in advance.
Is this sentence passive or not?
” The glass is broken”
I’m sorry I misspelled your name. I’m gonna correct it now:
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
This grammar point has been a big problem for years now. So many sleepless nights I spent thinking about it… I guess tonight I’ll have a better sleep.
Thank you Rebecca
ha … )
I am learning English now, It is very hard for me, I saw your class here, It is helpme a lot,thanks for your time teaching other.
how did you sleep ? )
how old are you?
Thank you
haha me too :))
Thank you Rebecca! I wish I knew this simple truth 5-7 years ago…
Me too.I use your words to express how I fell.I learned Present Perfect today but I have taking this grammar for several years.
Rebecca you are the must!!!
I have been taking
Grammar is so exciting
Exactly. For example i’ve seen this tense for more than 4 months and i keep committing some mistakes sometimes. It’s confusing.
Dear Mrs.Rebecca,
Thank you very much for all your video lessons. They are really informative and very useful. Could you, please tell us rules that govern the maintenance of tenses and forms of speeches in academic essay writing. I requested you a couple of times in the past. I would be thankful, if you could go into depth of the details of essay writing.
Whenever you write, for an essay or otherwise, the tense you choose depends on a wide variety of factors. If you’d like to read some sample essays, please have a look at my website, I believe this will help you. It would also be useful to watch my engvid lesson on How to Structure Your TOEFL Essay.
Thanks for your feedback, Daya Rao, and my best wishes to you.
hi ma’am.
thank you so much for your webinar classes ma’am. indeed! i have been learning a lot of troubleshooter problems in yours classes.
please help me out !
i have a few problem in tenses,still i can’t nail down distinguish between past simple and present perfect .
here my eg of the problem:1) i broke my leg yesterday(past simple= specified time)
2) i have broken my leg(present perfect= ?)
3) i have lived in london since2010( present perfect= i began start to live in 2010 to so for).
the first sentence i could understand clearly.
the third sentence i could understand clearly.
the second sentence i “couldn’t” understand clearly.
Hello, Rebecca.
Magnificent lesson. In fact, I have noted a lot of people usese the simple past.
Whether finished or unfinished. Thank you.
It’ ll great if you could teach us how to redornize that when verbe + To + verbe infinitif
or verbe + ING
Thank you
these course is excellent. I like it.
This grammar point has been a big problem with me so i need mor prcatse pls
Is it grammatical correct to say
“I have finished cooking.” without indicate the time?
It’s correct if you mean that you finished cooking at least today. Normally you can say this way if you finished action and right after it you report to someone about it.
Yes, that’s fine. It means that you started and finished in the past and that you are still in a state of having finished the cooking. You may also use this sentence if you finished cooking recently, as in, “Wow, at last, I’ve finished cooking!”
My best wishes to you, Ivan.
hi.teacher..i can write this sentence for example: i have just finished cooking for some minutes
thank you
need a quiz pls :D
I am Chaminda Kumara from Sri Lanka. I am 36 Years Old I Have Job Working As Metal Machinist Since Twelve Years. Now I am Going to Face IELTS Exam in [General] in 17th of Next Month and I Having Many Doubts and Confuse Writing,Reading for Get The Sufficient Marks in Exam Please Help Me As Possible.
Good luck!kumara
The IELTS General exam can be challenging. Do watch all our IELTS videos, they will help you. In addition, other video lessons on grammar, pronunciation, speaking, vocabulary and writing will all help you. All the best to you.
now i want to learn english well .what should i do ?teaher can show me.i am bad pronunciation.
u can help me.right?
Please Give me Ideas How to Write the Perfect IELTS Essay and Letter
9 out of 10!
thanks a lot
i kill the exam i got 10 out of 10
thanx for ur lesson teacher
thank you rebecca .it was useful for me.
8 out of 10
thnks a lot.. looking forward for some more lessons covering other tenses…
I must admit that this lesson is really helpful. Nevertheless there are other specific situations that are described in Simple Past or Present Perfect.
I remember that Present Perfect is used when we are talking about news, and Simple Past is used to give specific information about that event. Example:
The plane has fallen down. All passengers died.
In above example Present Perfect was used for describe the background and Past Simple for giving more specified information about this event.
Oh dear! i just got 5 out of 10! im sucks! lol
now i feel nervous about taking my ielts exam next month i can tell i am not a 100% percent ready yet. I hope this website can help me to improve my english skill.
You don’t suck. Just try to figure out what areas you make mistakes in again and again, and focus on improving those areas.
Exactly. Mistakes are only tools to make us aware and help us improve. Be cool, calm, and confident. Try to work with a teacher or join an IELTS preparation class before you take your exam.
All the best to you, jazz.
I got 10/10, before this lesson I’d rather write I have gotten 10/10.
Thank you Rebecca
thank you Mrs Rebecca for learing us about past simple and present perfect .
I got 10/10 at Quiz .
You’re very welcome. The proper word to use in this context is: Thank you for teaching us ….
My best to you, Abdulrahman.
Mrs Rebecca .
Could you give us more of Verbs 3 ‘ for present perfach
Dear Rebecca,
I have a question to you.
As you know
The present perfect is used for recent action when the time is not mentioned.
The simple present used to express habitual action.
1) I’ve lived in London.
2) I live in London.
Are these sentences equal?
Thank you.
Best regards,
The 2nd sentence is about ‘true or not’.
The 1st sentence is about ‘how long’.
You are confused because you are trying to see the difference in the ‘when’ aspect of the sentenses. And there is no difference here. They both are about ‘now’ (both tenses are present).
I’ve lived means you have a experience of living in London, it says that you may visit London at least one time in your life.
But I live in London means it is a fact, means my home town is London, and it is true in the past , present and also it will be true in the future.
Dear Rebecca, Correct me i i am wrong
hi miss Rebecca.i got 9 out of was becous of
question nr 8 that was littelbit difikult,can you pleas explain it for me?why should we use did insted for hav?
best regards.
You needed to use “did” in that question, because of the words “last Sunday”. This means we are talking about a finished time in the past, so we need to use the past simple.
My best wishes to you.
I have waited this lesson 4 so long, now I know much more better. hugs n’ kisses lovely Rebecca.
Hi jumat. The tense is called Past Perfect. You use it when you want to show clearly, that from two events in the past one happened before the other. For example, from your 3rd statement I know (besides all other things) that ‘trying hard’ was before ‘taking her duties seriously’. And from your 1st example (though it’s not mentioned) we know that Mrs Jumat was a successful clerk before smth else. Usually that ‘something else’ is clear from the context or the situation.
Actually the idea of this tense is quite simple.
Thanks for your feedback, Ajdabya, and glad to hear the lessons are helping you. Yes,you are right, once we really understand something we can come to enjoy it, which is the key to real learning.
My best wishes to you.
I feel your pain… My own poor vacabulary bothers me too. If you like reading I would advise two things that helped me lot.
1) Try to choose for your reading topics you are really interested in. You shouldn’t read in English any books you wouldn’t normally read in your own language.
2) The texts you choose to read should not too easy or too difficult for you. I personally prefer to buy books that are adapted for different levels ( and read them while on my way to work.
Hi Rebecca, Thanks for your video..thanks indeed!
Have a nice day!
thanks for the lesson mam…..
Thank you very much plz can you send me some home wrok every day On my email
thank you Rebecca
Hello, Rebecca!
could you please help!
1) can we use Past simple with “today”? – at some time of day today is almost over and things we have been doing are over already, for ex.: TODAY I called my colleague. We discussed some questions. (if the time of speaking is about 9 p.m.)
2) can we say: THIS MORNING I called my colleague… (if time of speaking is at lunch time or later – morning is over, isn’t it?)
Yes, you can certainly say, “I called my colleague today/ this morning.”, because you are referring to an earlier part of the day. In fact, you can use the past simple to talk about any time that is over, including five minutes ago.
All the best to you.
thanx =)
Dear Rebecca, all my teachers till now tought me that I use present perfect if I have completed result of my action that I’m talking about. You sade something completely different. Can you help me please with it ?
thanking you in anticipation.
Thanks alot it was great teaching.
after I watched and heard this lesson I know the differcec between (simple past) and (Persent perfect) correctly and easyly, but befor I didn’t know.
Thanks For nice lesson but Where is Quiz???
hi rebecca! I found ur lessons very helpful and interesting.I have confusion between two verbs wake and awake.Could you please explain the difference with examples.
sometimes we use present perfect for a finished actions could you explain this please
Thank you very much! I was very confused about that! Now, I can say that I know! Thank you!!
Rebecca! Thank you very much!
I think you are a very clear teacher. thanks a lot!
Great! I’ve been yearning for such a lesson so long! Thank you!
10 out of 10! Yey! :)
Oh, and I’m pretty sure we can use both the tenses in the 8th sentence of the quiz… can’t we?
10 out of 10! Thank you Rebecca!
Thanks a lot.
Awesome, this is great!!!
U R the best
thanks a lot
Great!!! Good class!!!
Excellent! Thanx a lot
thanks allot I have got benefit from your lesson- could you just teach me what is the difference between these two sentences: I am in hospital./I am at hospital.
Thank you very much, Rebecca! Hope to find another interesting lessons.
excuse me what if i say “i have been to Niagara falls” isn’t it finished time?
When you say that sentence, it means the act of having visited Niagara Falls stays with you all your life.
However, you cannot say,
I have been to Niagara Falls last week.
You should say
I visited Niagara Falls last week.
In this case, when you mention a finished time, like last week, you have to use the Past Simple tense and not the Present Perfect tense.
All the best to you. score!!!!
I’m so happy..thank you so much Rebecca!!
Love you all!! :)))
Hi Rebecca, can you help me to pass FCE exam? :)
Thanku u
thanks so much Rebecca
Rebecca, many thanks for your cool lessons!!!! =)
9 out of 10..thanks!
thank you thank you so much our teacher Rebecca
so could you give us lesson about whatever ,however , whenever,how to use them
9 out of 10…Thanks Mrs Rebecca…
it was very iformative lesson but now im interested to know when `had` is used.and what is difference between `start & begin`.
Thank you, but I need to practice more and more.
Thanks! I understand now.
you are so awesome and so beautiful, Miss Rebecca.
I got many benefits from this media and lessons.
Thanks a lot for giving this lesson, hope you always in good health.
hi there guest what i need more practice some time im stroguling to make un santenses.
Thank you, good lesson
thanx,but when to use `had`.
thank you
I have learned a lot of good things since I am on this website :D
(yes, it is correct ;)
hi rebecca, congratulatiosn about this lesson,it was important tome because I had some doubts with present perfect, thank you so much.
teacher,, is the present perfect using only with unfinished time in present.??please i have little doubt with that.
You cannot use the present perfect with a finished time, like yesterday, last week,etc. For those situations, just use the simple past tense.
All the best to you, Manjula.
Hello Rebecca.It would be great if you give some lesson about conditional sentences with real and unreal condition.Its clear when its writing, but i have problem when i open my mouth to use this kind of sentences.Probably you can explain it short and simple way.Thank you in advance.
Thanks rebecca you have solved my confusion to use these sentence properly.i like your method of teaching a lot.God bless you.
Thank you very much. I am so glad the lesson helped you. My best wishes to you, Abdul.
Hi,Rebecca.You all in teachers great.
Thank you kindly, Zemuy. Glad we can help you. All the best to you.
10 out of 10
thanks alottttttttttttt rebecca
Hi Miss Rebecca,I want to say that,if you could teach-how to write Letter,Telegram,Notice,Resume and other writing skills.I would also like to say that i am having trouble to log in.
I have a lesson which may help you, in the IELTS section of our website, on how to start and finish a letter.
Please also check all the lessons in the writing and grammar sections.
My best wishes to you.
always I like learn English as fun
That’s the right way to approach all learning! Good for you! My best wishes to you.
Rebeca thank you so much por you lessons.
the way you talk is very understanding. I feel I learn more with you than with my own teacher at the school. thanks for sharing your talent with those who are learning a new language. regards.
My pleasure, Danay. So glad the engvid lessons help you. Please do tell your friends so we can continue adding more lessons. Thanks, and my best wishes to you.
nice lesson, accurate for me
I have never understand this lesson on my English studies tell today, thank you.
I am so glad I could help you understand this topic, Akil. Thanks for letting me know. My best wishes to you.
Thanks MAm,It would be for better, If you could have lesson on “past perfect tense” I’m little confused about this!
Thanks MAm,It would be more better, If you could have lesson on “past perfect tense” I’m little confused about this!
nice lessons..apreciatte them…very useful way to remind what we learnt years ago…enjoy watching ur videos…ty kindly…regards…lima, peru
Thanks, Carlos. All the best with your English.
Thank you, Rebecca:)
Thank you so much , its very useful for me
very nice and clear explanation
Hi teacher Rebecca. can I request to you? will you please discuss the different between simple tense and perfect tense? thanks.
thank you so much for this lesson now i know how to use this in a sentence.
Hello Miss Rebecca, i wanna ask you a question, is right that Past Simple emphasizes the use of “time” of something we did in the past and Present Perfect emphasizes the “work or the result of work” that we have done in the past? it will be an honor to me to get the answer from you and hope it will be helpful for my confusion in this case. Thank you
Yes, you are right, Anny. I wish you all the best with your English.
9 out of 10 , you are my Favorite teacher since last week , would you tell me that how can i improve my reading ?
thank you for you lesson.
Reading well requires a variety of skills, but most of all regular practice. Vocabulary is also very important in order to read easily. So choose topics that interest you and make vocabulary cards that you review frequently. You don’t have to read long passages, sometimes even short passages have a lot of new vocabulary to master. Then, make questions from the material and try to answer the questions, using the new vocabulary.
Also,I have an engvid lesson on English in the News which should give you some useful strategies.
My best to you, Abdul.
thank you REBECA :) very very interssting lesson
I think this is the best way to understand
thanks you Te Re becca
how can I use the other pronounce like he she and you in the present perfect
what do you think of this sentence
he has visted us many time
thanks you Te Re becca
how can I use the other pronounce like he she and you in the present perfe
10 of 10,thanks teacher,i like more example.
its great and fun too
9 out of 10…..thanks madam…
Madam, Excellent explanation,.. I have been looking for this since years, finally I got the information when use have/has etc,..
hi ur lesson is very interesting and easy to understant…thanks a lot….my question is “i have sent you the mail”….is it correct???
thank you vrey much i can understand now and I hope to skep my level
ohh yesss, i’ve got 100 percent. This lesson very very interesting. I love it. Thank so much my lovely teacher :)
Please tell me how to use interesting and interested. And “interesting people or interested people”. Thanhks a lot
Very Nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Rebecaa,
Your lessons were well explained and clear for understanding.Keep-on going with more lessons like this.
Thank you for teaching us !
Hi Rebecaa
can you explain to me what is the different between present perfect and present continuous…?
thanks so much
my students and me like this course! Thank you very much for your interesting lessons.
Nice and useful lessons.I like it.
great job Rebecca! Thank you very much. I know how to use past simple and present perfect. I got 10 out of 10.
thanks a lot again.
why we always use have with verb”see” like :
I have not seen him before .
can we say instead of that:
I did not see him before > because it is already finished
could you explain it for me pls ?
thank you maam :)
Hello my best teacher .
Since I start study English language I have a problem with Present Perfect . you lesson was very helpful .
Thank you so much ….
thanks a lot of Rebecca for all your useful lessons
it is very good site to learn english
Hi my best teacher.Thanks a lot for all your lessons. I study English ESL in Ottawa I start 0 now I’m understand English I like to learn language.
thank you =)
i don’t lnow how to thank you miss rebecca !
i realy like your MoOd of teaching thank you very much for be my part of life
ohh you are very good teacher …
10/10 wowowowow
can we say ? that
I didn’t worked hard last month . (AS a PAST SIMPLE)
It should be “I didn’t work hard last month”.
Thank you
9 out of 10…..thanks Teacher …
Could you please explain about despite and in spite of…thanks…
Yay ! i got 10/10 . Thank you Rebecca for da lesson.:)
profuse thanks. but what about questions? I mean, ” what did you do” or ” what have you done” , ”who have done it” or ”who did it” , ”why have you gone there” or ”why did you go there”…
it would be more satisfying if you explained them, please.
I have heard it many times .the lesson was good ^_^
thanks a lot it was really great and helpful
fantastic lesson
Oh for me it is fantastic
Thanks a lot Rebecca for this lesson.
Now my level is just upper intermediate, and i would like to improve it to advanced or confirmed.
My best wishes for this new year.
Miss Rebecca, the way you teach is superb, I just love your style of learning, keep it up!!! I hope we will get to learn some more from you…. best of luck for your future.
how do i know if to put past simple or past perfect??
hai rebecca,
i need more classes on past simple and present perfect.
can you please say where can i get these classes.
hey Mrs Rebecca ;Thank you very much for all your video lessons. really ai have bigg problem in passive voice and next week i have quiz i didn t what i may doing plzz help me
I got 2 WRONG in the Quiz can you explain the mistake please
Here is what I got Wrong:
Jason ____for work five minutes ago.
I _________ cooking at 7 o’colck. That was 2 hours ago, but the guests still haven’t arrived
For both I used Present Prefect how is it Wrong???
Wow, this is the simplest explanation i’ve ever listened!
Thanks for your job, Rebecca.
Thanks Rebecca for this lesson.
10 out of 10. Very easy after it!!!
wow ,great lesson ,a very simple and a good way to understand the present perfect and to use it . I’m a beginner and this lesson is very helful for me because i was very confused before watching your vidéo .Thanks REBECCA.
Hi Rebecca.
thank you for good teching. I hava littlie problom. Iam sure you can help me. Idon,t understand prasant perfact. you can help me?
thank you very much Mr.Rebecca.
thank you my favorite teacher. you have been very great. I am beginner but i have understood your lesson very well…. we are still waiting more from you
first of all i love this web site and my favorite teacher is rebbeca
i got 9 correct out of 10.
Tank you Please help me more and more because steel no confidence speaking English
Tank you Rebecca Please help me more and more because steel no confidence speaking English
I would like a video lesson about the past perfect =). Thank you very much
thank you a lot that lesson help me soo much
thank you for this lesson it has been enough for me to differentiate between the use of the present perfect and the simple past today , but i have a question , should we say : we have received this collection since 2 days ? or – we received this collection 2 days ago ?
thanking you in advance madame .
Thank you: I like your videos, it helps me a lot with grammar.
This lesson really amazing.Very easy and very understandable.I learnt when I will use these two grammer as clear after I watched your lesson Rebeca.Thanks a lot.Have great days for you…
Thanks a million Rebecca, i really appreciate.
dear mam can i use
i have completed my degree
very very clear!
thanks for this lesson. it is very easy and useful
Hi… Rebecca!
Thank you for this class.
Here is a question for you:
If said: I have worked hard since 6 am.
Could I say: I have been working hard since 6 am, instead of saying I have worked.
Thank you very much
East Timor.
Yes, you can say either of these sentences. My best to you!
Hi Rebecca. Thank you very much for the help you’re giving us.
I am also confused about how and when I should use, CAN,COULD,WOULD and WILL.
Thank u Sooooooooooooooooo Much !!!
:D :D :D (10/10) I am Good ! :D
Hi , thanx for this lesson
and I have one question. What different between ..
How long have you been smoking ? , and how long have you smoked ?
Thanx again.
In some cases, as in your example, there is not much difference. You could use either one without much change in meaning.
All the best to you.
Hello Rebecca
I have a question..
”I have already had a breakfast” Isnt that a finished time.Thats a problem for me please help me.
I have already had breakfast.
This sentence means that I had breakfast in the past, yes, and the breakfast is still with me / in me! Therefore, there is a connection between the past and the present, which allows us to use the Present Perfect tense.
Hope this helps! Please check out a grammar book for an in-depth explanation of this concept, which is quite detailed.
All the best to you.
Thank you very munch for all your video.
these course is excellent. I like it…Thanks,Rebecca !!!!!!
I would like to thank you for you presentation. It was really helpful. However, I was confused when you gave the example: “I have visited Niagara falls many times in my life” because you pointed out that we use the present perfect with unfinished time. However, in this case if I am not wrong, the time is finished in that example. I am not saying that your example was incorrect but I think that we can use the present perfect with finished times also. For example, I have already eaten lunch.I think this presentation will be more comprehensive if the you mention that we can use the present perfect with finished unspecified times. :)
“I have visited NF several times in my life.”
This is not an example of unfinished time as I am still alive when I say this sentence. Yes, the action is finished but the fact of the action remains with me. In any case, the point is that I did not use any words or expressions that indicate finished time in my sentence, such as yesterday, last week, in 1973, etc. That would be problematic in Present Perfect.
Thanks for all your interest and my best to you.
I love your lessons.
thank you a lot!
Thank you!
Thanks a lot Rebecca, the video lessons are excellent!
Thank you so much for your lesson, Rebecca. It is clearly to understand. I like learning English and I love Thanks you and all your colleagues.
The best wishes.
Dear Rebecca!
How shall i know, if I want to speak about something, wich was happening (or happend ?) in the past, but I don’t mention the time ( which as we know can be finished or unfinished ) Let me show you an example:
He haven’t listened, there have benn to much noise
He didn’t listen, there was ti much noise.
Thank you
Sometimes there isn’t so much difference and we can use either tense. Sometimes there is a big difference and we can only use one of the tenses. In your example, either one is fine. You could say:
He hasn’t heard because there was too much noise.
However, you could also say:
He didn’t hear because there was too much noise.
All the best to you.
thk u 4 ur excellent explanations !
Dear Mrs.Rebecca
I am planning to take the toefl ibt test on April and i want to ask you about how to take effective notes .. thank you for helping us
thank you so much Rebbeca!!
Thank you for the lesson.
And what do we use if we have no time specification? Can we use Simple past in case, when we have no ‘last year’,’yesterday’,’on Monday’ in the sentence, or should we use Present Perfect in this case?
hello Rebecca
i am thankful to you for sharing your knowledge with us…… i am very bad in english but still love this language
can you explain more and more abt tense
mam rebecca that what i want exatly thank you
8 out of 10. I need practise a little bit more. :)
thanks mam
thanks rebecca, now I understand about simple past and present perfect. :)
Thank you very much ms Rebecca, Can we use present perfect to ask about somone’s experiences?
present perfect also uses to express an event finished in the past without mentioning the exact time for this event ,isn’t it?
Thank you very much miss Rebecca Can we use present perfect to ask about somone’s experiences?
present perfect also uses to express an event finished in the past without mentioning the exact time for this event isn’t it?
hello dear Mrs.Rebecca. You’re helpful for me so thank you very much but I don’t know. When I use have been or just have+Verb+ed ? Which one ? I am studying at university.This year I am learning English but I’m confused. Please help me dear Rebecca
Perfect! This lesson helped me a lot.
thanks rebecca you and ronnie ae the best
Thanks, now the differents are more clear :)
thank you Ms Rebecca.
hi, Rebecca! Lessons from EngVid are very useful!
And what about the dead person? When we’re talking about someone who is dead already, somebody famous for instance?
1.”he visited NY several times”
2.”he has visited NY several times”
Can we use only the first example? Which one is correct? Or maybe both?
Could I say ” My brother has gone on vacation” without mentioning any adverb of time and by that I mean he’s still on vacation?
Another question:
We learned at school when there are adverbs like JUST,FOR,SINCE,YET,ALREADY we always use Present Perfect.
For example: “I have just eaten strawberries”. However, I also have seen “I just ate strawberries”.
Is something wrong?
All the best!
Thanks a lot Rebecca,it was an excellent job keep it up. I do learned a lot from u today.
a very nice lesson
Thanks a lot Rebecca, Beautiful style of teaching wow.
Is simple past means finished time with finished work or unfinished work? present perfect means unfinished time with finished work and unfinished work both? please explain me. thank you
Thanking,for the exercises, nicee
i am pavan from india.I have a doubt in simple past tense while using time to say one action done in past.shall i use sentence like below.
one month left purchasing this pen
Than q mam simple explanation and easy and useful example given Anke babu
Thanks so much my English teacher, Just now clearly I can distinguish between past simple and present perfect sentences.
thank u so much…..
(1) He told me to come 11pm to burj Al Arab Hotel and pik me up.
(2)He tell me to come 11pm to burj Al Arab Hotel and pik me up.
Pleas help me witch one is correct.
hi there teacher, i just want to say thanks kindly. your lessons are very educational.
Hi Rebecca,
OK, but it is not quite so simple. Here are some examples of when you use Present Perfect for a FINISHED action:
We have just finished our lunch.
Look, that lady has just fallen over!
I have just sent you an email.
In these examples we use the Present Perfect because it is a completed (or finished) action but is nevertheless related to the present because it was completed just a very short time ago.
The key word here is “just”; so if you can use just in the sentence then you should use the Present Perfect.
I hope that helps as I noticed in the comments that somebody asked about this.
Best wishes and keep up the good work, this is a really great site!!!!
Very simple very clear .you are great,thank you
it’s really a good video , but i have an example please correct it if it’s wrong .
my example says :
i have not taken my exam yet .
i think it’s unfinished time
waiting ….
Mam, could you please tell me what is the difference between
1)we don’t have TV since i was born
2)we haven’t had TV since i was born
3)we haven’t been having TV since i was born
is they mean same? or not? if same what are the situations we use each of them?
I’m waiting for your answer…
Only (2) is actually correct. It means that before you were born, there was TV; but from when you were born to the present day, you didn’t have a TV.
wow! Really I wonder the way how you make the things simpler.
Thanks a lot madam..
thank you for the replay…could you please tell me
what is the difference between
1A)David has worked in Spain since 1996
1B)David has been working in Spain since 1996
2A)We have lived here for 15 years
2B)we have been living here for 15 years
i like your way of teaching mam because it makes me to understand very well..
i got 10 out of 10 thank rebecca watermelon
10 out of 10 !! thank you very much Madam !! you made my life easier with Grammar :)) I am really grateful !!
Hi Ronnie
I wanna ask a question
I have worked hard since last semester
I have been working hard since last semester
wich is correct & how
God bless you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10 of 10 ,encredibly!Thx a lot!
hi thanks a lot.
Thank you so much Rebecca! Very helpul class.
Thanks a lot Rebecca. The use of the Present perfect has been a problem for me for years. I think from now on I’m ok with this subject because of your great explanation!
Rafael dos S.F.Barroso
Awesome! You’re are a great teacher!
its very useful to us
thanx Rebecca,,,,very helpful grammar is headch to me
whats the difference between regular and irregular verbs????
where do we use regular or irregular verb??
Thank you very much , Rebecca. Now I’m really understanding what the difference between two tenses. I learn English at shcool and university . But was so hard in the U. I think I’m not anough learn in school. I watching your lessons by one by now. Thanks a lot.
Thank you Rebecca. You are wonderful teacher! I’ve finally realized that tenses!
hello, rebecca
thank you very much, your presentation is really helpful. can you clarify how to use adverb in present perfect ?
10 out of 10 ..egyptians rock
i wanna ask a question , wt if we dun mention the time so when i could use the present perfect
thank’s for the lesson, mam. I tried my grammar test and luckily I got full score. can you send me for my students? I will be grateful if I can get it.
thanks maam rebecca for these wonderful video explanation of yours..
i never relaised haw to use past simpl und presnt perfect together.
thanks rebeka!
Is it correct if I say: “I’ve taken a shower’?
And you are The Best, Rebecca!! Thanks for sharing such wonderful classes with us!
Dear teacher,
I have seen some reporters saying the following: “Neil Armstrong has died at 82 age.” To according the rules of the Present Perfect, we use it for showing a fact happened in past and possibly is happening in the present. When I say “Neil Armstrong has died” I would be saying that Neil Armstrong died several times. Couldn’t say the reporter simply “Neil Armstrong died at 82 age”?
This is a very nice video. Thank you.
What if we say : i have work hard yesterday. is it wrong?
Thank you Rebbeca, I have worked hard since I started this lesson and I am experiencing the positive signals in me, the confidence to write and eager to converse in English with my peeps. Thank you again for this rare opportubity.
Now I understand =)… Thank you!
thxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx it is great
Now i have understood some point between past tense and prefect tense….i got 9 point out of 10…i am so happy…i realy grateful to you. you are such a good teacher…
Thank you Rebecca, so simple!! I can´t belive!
where is the past tense essay i want do my homework and tomorrow i want togive to my teacher
hi rebecca for your lessons they are very helpful but i have problem in using simple past and present perfect and past perfect when i use them together espicially when i use them in paragraphs i need alot of practise what you recommend me to do ?and do you have websites for grammer quizes so i can practise
thank youuuu
Thank you .. 10/10 U.U
All the best to you.
Unbelievable! I found this website four day ago and I fall in love it.
Since i have known this website I visit this website everyday also I told my friend this is the best class that we don’t need to pay for anything. And Thanks for Rebacca you made me understand about English more…
Can you check for me this comment i wrote it to you is correct or not?
I want to improve my writing skill please help.
Thanks alot again.
From Thailand..Mind
I didn’t get this one
7. Jason ____________ for work five minutes ago.
has left
Why isn’t it present perfect? It was 5 minutes ago but the day hasn’t end yet. Explain me pls. Thank you.
It’s wonderful!!!
I from Hungary. I’m studying English for 4 years.
This video helped me a lot. 10/10 Thank you :))
Natasha, because the “ago” time adverbs in simple past time characteristic.
Very very useful for a beginner like me .Before i watched your video it’s very hard but you have an magic to do easy to clear ^^ Thank you so much.
Dear Teacher please teach me about the perfect continues tense…
thanks could you help me to understand the english grammer becouse i have tofel test end of this year.
now i understand…thank u
Hi Mam Rebecca Thank you very much I learned how to to use past simple & present perfect.but my problem is how can i develop my confident to write & speak English during writing & talking to someone…I need your advise..thanks & more power
Dear Mrs.Rebecca,
Thank you very much for all your video lessons. They are really informative and very useful
I have been in USA since 2002. I worked as an accountant more than seven years. I have the Master’s degree in the accounting. I have had problems with these two tenses. I watched your video several minutes ago. I am very happy now and very thankful to you for your help. Thank you, Rebecca, very much! 10/10 first time in my life! :)
hi you aru wonderful
Excellent Job, very well explained. 10/10 4 u
I got it, God bless you
Hi Rebecca,
Many thanks for your lesson, it very help me a lot. The quiz is 10/10
Hello Miss Rebecca:) I have never regretted that I have focused my life in my career. Is this correct? Is it not a redundancy?
wow I’m impressive myself, I don’t know how I did it but I Kill the quiz got ten corrects out of ten. I love Engvid. god bless the Teachers.
Hello Rebecca
I found this website several days ago, and now I’m your big fan :) Thanks a lot for your all helpfull lessons nad explanations. It really works :) Now I,ve got a question. Could you tell me please, is the sentence below correct?
“I started wondering: what did it mean? what was the problem?”
In whole my life,I haven`t studied grammar tenses like this way.
is this sentence correct?
you are great.
For me the different between past simple and present perfect is a wall! because in Italian sometimes we say the same things with both tenses! But I’ll study it! Thanks for the lesson :)
10/10 thanks Rebecca
thank you so much it was really great lesson
After I had finished this lesson, I said: “Thank you Rebecca!”
Thank you so much now I understand this tense <3
Hi Rebecca, I would like to say Thank you so much for a great explanation. Today we had a first QUIZ in our ESL class. I’m very disappointed because i am so confused to used simple past and present perfect in a sentence.
thank you a lot :)
Thank you very much Rebecca.You are a very good teacher!
Finished vs Unfinished
Quite simple.
Great advice!
Thanks Rebecca
Mam…you are really a great tutor !!! future contionious !!
Thank you for your lesseon. Exellent explaining.
Hi Rebecca,
Trust you’re doing well.
Actually I have a question. If I am driving & take a wrong turn so what is the right way to express it “I took a wrong turn” OR “I have taken a wrong turn”.
Hoping for your quick response.
Have a great day. Byee….. :-)
hi Rebecca
I really like this lesson
I studied altos of book to know the tenses specially past and present perfect tense but unfortunately I couldn’t understand when watched this video I achieved my target completely.
I am very thankful of and have a good and wonderful life .
Dear and respected Rebecca thank you for your explanation
dear sir can we say like
since 2005 some returnees come for foreign country
i met debbie in the last week or
i have met debbie in the last week.
i think it should be the first one… because last week its refer to an action that completed in the past.. please help me!!!!
Dear Rebecca.Explane me pleas 7th and 9th sentences in quis.I didn’t understand why I should use Past Simple instead of Present Perfect.If somebody ask someone about anybody then that time when anybody left is not finished,so in my opinion here must be Present Perfect.I hope you’ll understand what I mean.Sorry,if I made some mistakes.
Your listen is to the point [KISS]; Keep It Short & Simple. Thank you very much for help not only me but all people over the world. :)
I got 80
I’ve just got familiarized with your explanations, so I got it! But I have a question about this video. Could you explain me please what I should do when I come across this: how many times have I told you\did I tell you to obey me? I’m just confused and need your help!
Beest wishes, gustav2
thank a lot teacher for your lesson. i got 10 by 10
thanks Rebeca for your experience and your performance and the most important it is because you shared your knowledge with we.
100% !! i have seen your videos since 2012 :p
useful lesson!thank you very much
Incredible! I think finnaly I have understood differences of those two tences…Thank you! :)
Dear Rebecca,
Here are questions about it:
The situation is,
he has lost his key.
We should ask” Did he lose his key?” or “has he lost his key?”
and which one should we reply?
“No,he has found it” or “No,he found it?”
What are the different between it?
I like your video! thank you very much.
thanks a lot Rebecca
Thanks for this excellent explanation. I’m very interested in more examples to “feel” the difference between Simple Past and Present Perfect.
I have confused fo the question number 7 & 9
but thanks anyway for the lesson :)
The quiz was easy , thnx for this lesson
i am satisfy now so thank you very much for your explain
very helpful , I got 80%. Thanks Rebecca.
Dear Rebecca. You make the explanations of the best way and the classmates are happy. We see the dark side very clearly. Thanks a lot.
Dear Rebecca, thank you so much.
I like to know this sentence below is true or not.
I’ve ordered “Now magezine” by annual payment for five years.
Hai mam,Ilike to know this sentence below true or false
i have completed my M.E from CET
am confusing about how to use has please teach me .. thank you
past simple,past perfect are confuse to me.
but i will learn it~!
thank you Rebecca~
I am writing this while most of the comments were finished.This topic gives me a good vision of past and present perfect sentence.Finished and unfinished time explained all.Thanks Rebecca
Hello,Rebecca madam i got some idea about the tenses.can you suggest how can i effectively improve my vocabulary and speaking skills without having shy.
i got 10 of 10. woohoo thank you Ms. Rebecca
Dear Ms. Rebecca,
Yeayy I got 10 of 10 for your quiz. Since i am very slow in learning, i will come again and again just to listen to you. My husband said that I always make mistake in using past and present tense when am talking. I really really hope I will improve and I can better myself. I am so thankful I found your EngVid website.
I am also very happy with all the quiz provided. I wish you have more quizzes.
I have 1 specific questions.
Please take a look at these 2 sentences
1)The movie released on Friday (Past Simple)
2)The movie has released on Friday (Present perfect)
Can u please tell me the difference between these 2 sentences?
I got 10/10 :D
Thanks rebecca it was a nice lesson and useful to me.
Thank you for your lesson.
Can you explain different among “last week”, “in the last week” and “for the last week” to me?
Thank you so much :)
Hi Rebecca.
could I say: ” i visited niagra falls many times in my life?” if yes, what is the diference?
easy, usefull and so accurate…
Very clear your lesson. Thank you. I have a question, so you say I WAS IN SCOTLAND and not I HAVE BEEN IN SCOTLAND ?
I am from Indonesia where quite few of people speak English, however before 1998 there were many text books, TV programs, Electronics devices, foods, cosmetics and many more used English. But since 1999 due to The National Policy they have been gradually replaced by Bahasa Indonesia, Except for English movies and Computer Operating System which are still maintained in English. Fortunately, now we have internet access which is useful for those who are interested to learn English. I consider all of your lessons are the easiest one for me and others to digest. You are definitely a perfect teacher. Everything you explains can be easily understand even by those who do not speak English. I am an example, my English is poor but I got 100 score for all of your lessons. Thanks you Rebecca.
I’m sorry I made some mistakes in my previous comment. I wish I could edit but I couldn’t.
Thank you for this lesson! It’s clearly explained!
OMG! I understood it! This topic was very useful for me! Rebecca, you interpret very clear! Thank a million! ;-)
simple,clear and made easy lesson.Thank you
Thank you Rebecca. I got 9/10!!!
Dear Rebecca!Thank you so much for your lessons and your great manner to teach! With you I get understanding of things that I didnt understood long time before.
I will appreciate if you answer my question. I understand the use of Present Perfect Tense in time frames as you explain in this lesson, but as I know, this Tense is also used when we want to show RESULT of process, that something IS DONE, right? As “I read the book” doesnt mean I read it completely, I could read but stop and not to finish it. So when I want to show that I have reading done I can say “I have read the book”? it will be correct?
Being russian-speaker I can understand common mistake of many russian students as you said. Probably, they mistakenly use Pr.Perf.tense meaning it as result of something where it should be just about time frames.
Thank you again and look forward for your replay!
P.S. oh, one more! what difference is between to be thankful and to be grateful?
Hello, teacher Rebecca help help here pleas look at this example hi Adam long time no see the answer is i have been to Canada , my big question here is where is the connection between the past and the present in i have been to Canada and why he didn’t say i was in Canada as you told as the present perfect has connection between the past and present and thank you very much sorry for the long comment here ^_^
I got 9 out of 10!
Thank you
I got 10 out of 10 :))))
Thank you a lot
Thank you.
I got 8 out of 10
thank you
Thank you
Can someone tell me pleaseee what’s the differences between these sentences “I have worked hard this week” and “I have been working hard this week.” Thanks in advance :)
Thank you.
10 of 10!!! Yes!))) thank you Rebecca!!)
Hello Rebecca, will you help me to clarify a question, closely connected with this lesson?
Which of the sentences written below is better grammatically?
Why didn`t you consult me on this matter or
why haven`t you consulted me on this matter?
P.S. there is no reference in the context as to the time when this event happened.
I`d rather prefer to use Past Simple in this context. Thanks in advance.
If present perfect is used for unfinished time, why Gmail – Google show us “Your message has been sent” when We send a message.
Nice lesson! Nine out of ten!
This video make me clear to use past simple and present perfect
thanks a lot.
I got 9 thank a lot
short and explicit. I got 10 out of 10.
Thank you Ma’am Rebecca, I wish that I knew this website before.. Muah muah..
Thank you engVID..
very good!
hi Rebecca
thanks for your lesson.could u explain me what the difference between:
if i had seen her i would have spoken to her.
i would have completed my phd if i was not sick.
and what’s structure of the 2nd part of the sentence to express past regret.
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you so much for your help ;)
thank you
hey whats up guys how are you doing?
this tens was very difficult for me but now I think easier than before… thank you
Thank you very much.
hello mam..could you please help me …
Have u take your lunch ?
Did you take your lunch?
which one is right????
Thank you Rebecca for teaching us.
the result of the quiz is 10 correct out of 10.
i love this video it`s really useful
Thank you so much Rebecca! you are a great teacher! I learned a lot from you and want to learn more from you. :)
Can you please explain when to use had had and had been? I am having confusion of those tenses. Hope to hear from you. Maraming salamat, again! :)
Is this grammatically correct? —> I have been too busy this week.
ago is past simple?
That was great. I love it. And I have watched several lessons since last week.
Dear Rebecca,
I love the way you teach, you explained clearly with some samples. There are a lot of video on youtube explaining English grammar, but you and Adam can deliver the lessons that make us understand what all lessons about. Once again thank you so much, may you guys blessed.
thanks so muche i get avery thing
thank very much Rebbeca
hahaha.. i almost got a perfect score.. thanks for another fruitful lesson Ms. Rebecca
Dear Rebecca,
It’s very clear. Now I hope I should not confusing in English tenses.
Best regards.
thank you, Rebecca, good lesson
thank you very much,Rebecca
Thank you so much
I got 10/10 thanks
Thank you Rebecca, I have learned many subjects with your classes, i hope to improve my english each day.
Thank you Teacher Rebecca for the wonderful lesson!
I have a question regarding Q. 3 & 4 on why do you need to add “since” in the sentence as the structure seems to be leaning on a past simple tense.
10 out of 10
waw :)
10 out f 10 thank you
I got 10 of 10. i think it’s time to give me an A.
Thank You, teacher.
Thanks Miss. Rebecca I’m studying English now but I still is doing many mistakes but I will try again
best regards
Thanks Rebecca!!! Very good lesson. You are helped me too!! God bless you!!
Thank you! Very useful lesson!
Finally, I understood!
Very Useful Thank You Very Much.
Hi Rebecca ! I’m sorry but I don understand 3 Question-WHAT it’s miens – “Sandra has worked late since Monday.”? What’s that means – she late at the job or … I didn’t understanding ????????
It means she has being working until late since Monday
Kharenn Hi ! Thanks a lot for your answer ! )
I have gone through many video lessons until now on this topic. I could say, this is one of the best! Thanks Mrs.Rebacca, I love your classes.
After 2 hours has passed time after viewing video I don’t remember the rule bilding of sentence. (
thank you
Thank you Rebecca!
I love all your lessons Rebecca. You’re an excellent teacher and help us a lot.
Thank you for all.
Hi Alex. I really need in your explanation. Is the next sentence correct?
‘(ever) Since i own the coffee shop I have been very busy.’
‘Since i own the coffee shop’ (here i mean i still have the coffee shop)
Thanks a lot.
thank you so much,blessings.
Oh thank you
You’re great
Hi M’m, how r u doing. I’m zaheer. I’m wondering for the difference between an interrogative adjective and an interrogative pronoun, though they mean the same but they h’ve different positions to use, As “Whose coat is this?” and “Whose is this coat?” i know the basic difference b/w two, but i just want to know that if they are placed at different positions then certainly there would be some difference… i’ve asked lots of people but none gave me an appropriate answer pertaining to the question… hope u’ve got my point…
thank you very much Rebecca for this lesson.
Thank you very much for your lesson.
Thank you, dear Rebecca! I repeated again.
Thank you a lot! your video really helped me with the confusion I had, you’re great!
Hello there! Could you tell me, if the question is: have you ever taken part in a competition? Which answer is correct: I have taken part in competition. Or, l took part in competition.
As usual your lessons are amazing, the way you are teaching is perfect.
Thanks a lot Rebecca
Thanks Redecca, that was so useful.
But may I ask what the difference between these two sentences
I am working hard this week.
I have worked hard this week.
I feel present perfect make a little confusion with continuous tense
Excellent lesson Miss Rebecca.. Thanks a lot..
Hi Rebecca ,
I just only asking in writing email how can i differentiate to use past simple or present simple .for instance if I would say I sent the order to client or I have sent the order to client .
I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you
Thank you for the lesson. I need to practise because seems a little confuse for me.
can anybody help me with this?
Present perfect / simple past.
She (catch) the next train but it (not get) in till 9.00, so she (arrive) at her office ten minutes late. Her boss (look) up as she (come) in. “You (be) late every morning this week,” he (growl).
Thanks for all advices! :)
Hello , I have some problems with Present perfect and past perfect I can’t difference between them
when using past tense why present verb is used followed by past tense verb ? Is this correct can you please explain I forgot to bring my book here forgot is past but bring which is present is used, why not brought ? I forgot to brought my book
Hi Rebecca,
Exactly this is what I wanted.
Yesterday I posted a question else where to you on this topic. Today I found the clarification already existing. How stupid of me to have raised a question on pre existing answer.
Thank you very much.
i got 10 out of 10
very good teacher
i hope happiness for you
100% I think it`s good for me and thanks teacher for a very understood lesson.
Thank you teacher . It is a good lesson .
i’ve got 100/100
Dear Teacher,
Thank you for the lesson, I feel comfortable when/how to use the two tenses now.
Hello. Thanks for good lesson. But I have such a question. Could you explain what the difference between that you’ve just told «I have worked hard since January» and «I have been working hard since January». Till now I thought that second variant is correct. Thanks a lot.
Thank you so much Rebecca :)
Thank you very much for your lessons Rebecca!
Tnx dude
Is it right if I say “I have been to Canada once.”?
hi rebeca, a question please… in the tense: I ___________________ cooking at seven o’clock. That was two hours ago, but the guests still haven’t arrived.
have finished
I chose ‘have finished’ becouse i understand that the day doesn`t finish yet. why is incorrect?
thank you
thank you very much for your wonderful lectures. it’s such a pleasure to recover my forgotten English with you and all the teachers from that excellent group
10/10 I Have learned much subjective about grammar this site:)
nice thankyou
I got 9 correct out of 10 because I skip 1 item
Thank you Rebecca
I got 100% thx for you teaching
Thank you Rebecca!
Rebecca, you clarified this concept perfectly!Thank you!
Rebecca! you do simplify things!
I have lernt english language since last year
Since I have joined with and watching tutorial videos there was’t any videos teaching about direct and indirect speech.
Ms Rebecca would you like give us a videos which contains the matterial.
Precious tips! Thank you, Rebecca!
I’ve got 9 out of 10.. The wrong answer was number 9.
Thank you for this useful lesson :)
Thanks Teacher
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you..
Great, Rebecca! At last I understood such verb tenses. Thanks a lot! I passed the test easily: my result – 100!
Thanks for all your lessons are helpful for us
Thank you for the great lesson. You are amazing.
Amazing, highly qualified teacher
thanks a lot
You are an exccelent teacher. Your pronunciation is clear and perfect. Thank you very much for yor lessons.
Teacher you are so good, I’m learn in this web a lot thank you for your efforts
I appreciate the lessons, Thanks you for the great class
“…means the act of having visited Niagara Falls stays with you all your life…”
now, that’s put nicely! I will ever remember this!
I know, I have to say:
“I’ve never been to Sweden.”
Then again, if I talk about a person who always wanted to go to Sweden but is dead now… should I say “Sadly, he never went to Sweden”? Because he cant’t go anymore?
Thanks Rebecca, your lessons are fantastic!!!!
wow, I got 10 out of 10, I´m so happy and thank you teacher Rebecca
Thanks a lot Ms. Rebecca.
I got 10/10. Thanks
nice realy nice
I got 10 out of 10
Thank you.
thank you very much teacher
I have worked much better today!!
Thank you mam.
Thanks a lot, I love your videos!
I don’t know what to say except thank you, Rebecca?
I watched this video twice on July 25, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten out of 10.
Hi dear Rebbeca . Thanks for your great lessons. Could you please answer my question ? Thank you in advance.
Is this sentence passive or not?
” The glass is broken”
I’m sorry I misspelled your name. I’m gonna correct it now:
gotta work hard in this one
Rebecca, thank you very much!